ML030700197 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Cook |
Issue date: | 01/02/2003 |
From: | Lanksbury R NRC/RGN-III/DRS/OLB |
To: | Bakken A American Electric Power Co |
References | |
50-315/02-301, 50-316/02-301 50-315/02-301, 50-316/02-301 | |
Download: ML030700197 (145) | |
A1a TITLE Determine Ultimate Heat Sink Temperature REVISION 0
[ROGRM NRC License Exam 15 Minutes DATE:
DEVELOPING Name: S. Pettinger 9/7/0 2 rNSTRUCTQR: Signature:
OPERATIONS REVIEW: Name: T. Werk Signature:
Page 1 of 3 Revision 0
COURSE NUMBER N02-Ala REVISION:s o AND TITLE: Determine Ultimate Heat Sink Temperature
[References I 02-OHP-4030-STP-030 Daily and Shiftly Surveillance Checks Data Sheet 5 pages 81 & 82 OP-2-5119A, Flow Diagram Circulating Water, Priming System & Screen Wash (P&ID)
Task: STP0390201 Perform Shiftly Surveillance Checks for Modes 5 & 6 K/A CROSS
2.1.7 K/A IMPORTANCE: RO 3.7 SRO 4.4 Evaluation Setting Simulator IHandouts I Task Briefing for N02-Ala 02-OHP-4030-STP-030 Daily and Shiftly Surveillance Checks Data Sheet 5 pages 81 & 82 If requested then provide candidate with OP-2-5119A, CW System (P&ID)
IAttachments None Simulator Setup Reset to Mode 6 IC Close CW Condenser Inlet and Outlet valves:
", A Condenser South 2-WMO-103 & 104
", C Condenser North 2-WMO-301 & 302 Shutdown 2 CW Pumps (2 CW Pumps left running)
Page 2 of 3 Revision 0
COURSE NUMBER N02-Ala tREVISION: 0 AND TTLE: Determine Ultimate Heat Sink Temperature Task Objectives/Standards The Candidate correctly identifies that the South Waterbox for "A" condenser and the North Waterbox for the "C" condenser are Isolated and does not use the associated temperatures. The Candidate Identifies that CW Temperature is > 76.8 F And Fuel Movement must be stopped until the reactor has been shutdown for >148 hours.
[ Task Briefing Given the following:
- Unit 2 is in Mode 6.
- The reactor was shutdown 130 hours0.0015 days <br />0.0361 hours <br />2.149471e-4 weeks <br />4.9465e-5 months <br /> ago.
, Fuel Movement is in Progress.
MTI reports CW temperature transmitters are not functioning properly, due to a power supply problem, therefore SG-21, Circ Water Temp Recorder and PPC address U0200 are Out Of Service (OOS).
The Unit Supervisor directs you to perform step 14.2 of 02-OHP-4030-STP-030 Daily and Shiftly Surveillance Checks Data Sheet 5 (pages 81 & 82) and to ensure all Acceptance Criteria are met for the current Circulating Water System configuration.
An AEO has already recorded the following temperature readings from the Unit 2 CW Inlets:
Cond.enserA Condenser R CondnPnsr C WTX-106 = 71.8 WTX-206 = 77.2 WTX-306 = 77.1 WTX-107 = 71.8 WTX-207 = 77.1 WTX-307 = 77.0 WTX-108 = 72.2 WTX-208 77.3 WTX-308 = 77.0 WTX-102 = 77.1 WTX-202 = 76.9 WTX-302 = 71.2 W'TX-103 = 77.4 WTX-203 76.9 WTX-303 = 70.9 WTX-104 = 76.8 WTX-204 = 77.0 WTX-304 = 71.3 Temperature readings were obtained using Instrument ID CNP-147, Make/Model ELUKE12.5 with Calibration Current (Last Cal. Performed on 05/07/2002)
Page 3 of 3 Revision 0
- AND 1:: TITLE-: Di
': ::*i*::::i::][Determine n Ultimate akt Heat Sink Temperature Continuous I 02-OHP-4030-STP-030 I Rev. 39 1 Page 81 of 145 DAILY AND Surv iL Y SURVEILLANCE CHECKS General CUES:
Data Sheet 5 Shift Surveilance Checks Modes 5, 6 and Defiele~d P'ages:
If requested then provide OP-2-5119A, CW System (P&ID)
Instrument Title & No. Value Value Value C&00081 08-16 16-24 1 Acceptance Criterion
""*The temperature monitoring in Step 14.0 is N/A when TS 3.9.3 does not apply, i.e., after the NOTE: 148 hour0.00171 days <br />0.0411 hours <br />2.44709e-4 weeks <br />5.6314e-5 months <br /> decay time has been met or when not moving irradiated fuel in the reactor vessel. This monitoring is to validate temperature limits in TS Bases.
Decay Times - at least 100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br /> from September 15 through June 8¶ or at least 148 hours0.00171 days <br />0.0411 hours <br />2.44709e-4 weeks <br />5.6314e-5 months <br /> from June 9* through September 14. MrS3.9.3)
- The June dates were changed to be more conservative than the TS applicability to support the TS 3/4.9.3 Bases discussion to ensure sufficient decay time for June outages,
+Circulating Water Temperature from either unit may be used, indicate unit used.
14.0 14.1 Circ Wtr Temp÷: "I 3.9.3** for Decay Time: C4
. Take reading from SG-21 UI0 U20 S , 14.1 Leasthanor Point 1, Circ Water Temp "F Fp -F Io I - Step is N/A due to Temperature Indicator Problems Recorder. Point 1, (i.e., 77.8 :,3.2ýF
- IF recorder is energized and Instrument uncertainty) the printer is inoperable, -OR THEN take readings from Step 14.2 - less than or THENt ake U rea , s equal to 76.8' the PPC, U0200. (i.e., 77.8 +/- 1F instrument unoertainty for M&TE
- OR- calibrated Pluke-52 with a C8
. 12 probe, or equivalent).
14.2 EF Circ Water Temp is greater than or equal to 72F OR IFtheUnitMODE6 C8 measurement cannot be obtained in Step 14.1 OR a more with monert ofhradi accurate value is desired, THEN obtain an M&TE calibrated fael in the vesel in prouaesa temperature measurement instrument and perform the following: between epmber 15 and June 8* with:
Record instrument ID . Decay ,ta.,
=t-= ý= Enters Instrument ID & Make/Model from briefing Sheet Instrument make/model: -AND Current calibration YIN
- cite
>._Wir Tepr Take one inlet temperature measurement of each Condenser in Step 14.1 ) OR
-- Marks "Y" for Calibration is Current
> 76.,F (tuing service using the M&TE calibrated instrument with +/-:*F Step 14.2) uncertainty and calculate the average.
Ul Q U20 4 -TiNSTOPmovesnst of
-- 4-Checks "U2" Box Condenser A Circ Water Inlet: irradiated fuel until either of the following ronditions are Check box for inlet measured:
- Cis WtrTemp . .
- CT:Checks one of these boxes and O WTX-106 or O WrTX-107 or
- 174*
p 14.1 )OR !V6 C4
-enters corresponding temperature.
0 WTX-108 or T
(usin WTX-102 z 771 0 W X-102 2"r O W7x-103 or*
- Decay Time Isgreater than 148 hrs.
WTX-103 = 774 O WTX-104 --
WTX-104 z 76.8 Page 1 of 2 Revision 0
COURSE NUMBER;% N02-AlaREION0 AND TTLE: Determine Ultimate Heat Sink Temperature DAILY AND SHIFMLY SURVEILLANCE CHECKS DataShee 5 Sift Surveillance Checks Modes 5, 6 and Defueled
- CT: Checks one of these boxes and Intuent Title & No. .,enters corresponding temperature.
14.0 WTX-206 = 772 l0U Coat Condenser B Clrc Water Inlet:*
%on WTX-207= 771 Check box for inlet mn WTX-208 z 773 03 WTX-206 or E3WTX-207 sr 0
WTX-202 = 76.9 "O WTX-208 or F "O WTX-202 or 0
WTX-203 = 76.9 O WTX-203 or O WTX-204 WTX-204 = 770 Condenser C Circ Water Inlet:*
- CT: Checks one of these boxes and Check box for inlet zeasured:
O WDC-306 Ror I
-enters corresponding temperature.
o3 WTX-307 or WTX-306 = 771 O WTX-308 orT IJFI o WTX-302 or WTX-307= 770 C1WTX-303 or 0 WTX-304 WTX-308 = 770 (Cond. A+B3+C -F) 13- 1~ -F 4-4;~F 1 Pý - CT: Enters average of the three temperatures entered in boxes above in first Box (value should be between 76.9 oF - 77.3 oF) 15.0 Record current MODE* [ ~ ~ l SPer Technical Specification Table 1.1. Operational Modes:
CT: Operator Informs SRO that the Temrnerature is greater than 76.8 oF and fuel movement must be stopped since the reactor has been shutdown less than 148 hours0.00171 days <br />0.0411 hours <br />2.44709e-4 weeks <br />5.6314e-5 months <br />. Per Tech Spec 3.9.3 Reports task completed.
Page 2 of 2 Revision 0
COURSE NUMBER N02-Ala REVISION: 0 AND. TITLE: Determine Ultimate Heat Sink Temperature B Condenser South Inlet Temp WTX-206 77.2 T P B Condenser South Inlet Temp WTX-207 77.1
\ MB Condenser South Inlet Temp WTX-208 77.3 B Condenser North Inlet Temp WTX-202 76.9 B Condenser North Inlet Temp WTX-203 76.9 B Condenser North Inlet Temp WTX-204 77.0 All Temperatures are valid 101 tL'I 403 V3 E6 Al 20
~~~~~~ IEfEJcL*?A* (j DPI* '
A. L OP Opi R A ri U DP B DP r" DP
-24rI 40 . W A. r0, Circulating ;;'ater pumps should nc* bi 6 L !reia 'AýAef Dump A Condenser South Inlet Temp WTX-1 06 71.8 C Condenser South Inlet Temp WTX-306 77.1 A Condenser South Inlet Temp WTX-107 71.8 C Condenser South Inlet Temp WTX-307 77.0 A Condenser South Inlet Temp WTX-108 72.2 C Condenser South Inlet Temp WTX-308 77.0 A Condenser North Inlet Temp WTX-102 77.1 C Condenser North Inlet Temp WTX-302 71.2 A Condenser North Inlet Temp WTX-103 77.4 C Condenser North Inlet Temp WTX-303 70.9 A Condenser North Inlet Temp WTX-104 76.8 C Condenser North Inlet Temp WTX-304 71.3 North Temperatures are valid South Temperatures are valid Page 1 of I Revision 0
Task Briefing Given the following:
- Unit 2 is in Mode 6.
- The reactor was shutdown 130 hours0.0015 days <br />0.0361 hours <br />2.149471e-4 weeks <br />4.9465e-5 months <br /> ago.
- Fuel Movement is in Progress.
MTI reports CW temperature transmitters are not functioning properly, due to a power supply problem, therefore SG-21, Circ Water Temp Recorder and PPC address U0200 are Out Of Service (oos).
The Unit Supervisor directs you to perform step 14.2 of 02-OHP-4030-STP-030 Daily and Shiftly Surveillance Checks Data Sheet 5 (pages 81 & 82) and to ensure all Acceptance Criteria are met for the current Circulating Water System configuration.
An AEO has already recorded the following temperature readings from the Unit 2 CW Inlets:
Wond0nse=A Condpnspe*
WTX-106 = 71.8 WTX-206 = 77.2 WTX-306 = 77.1 WTX-107 =71.8 WTX-207 = 77.1 WTX-307 = 77.0 WTX-108 = 72.2 WTX-208 = 77,3 WTX-308 = 77.0 WTX-102 = 77.1 WTX-202 = 76.9 WTX-302 = 71.2 WTX-103 = 77.4 WTX-203 = 76.9 WTX-303 = 70.9 WTX-104 = 76.8 WTX-204 = 77.0 WTX-304 = 71.3 Temperature readings were obtained using Instrument ID CNP-147, Make/Model ,ELUKFL21Z5 with Calibration Current (Last Cal. Performed on 05/07/2002)
N02-Ala.doc Page 1 of 1 Revision 0
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JEA I TITLE Setup SR & Audio Count Rate for Fuel Movement REVISION0 PRO A INRC License Exam TIMEi 15 Minutes DATE:
DEVELOPING Name: S. Pettinger 91710 2 INSTRUCTOR:. Signature:
T. Werkx~
Page 1 of 3 Revision 0
.COURSE NUMBER N02-Al b - Setup SR & Audio Count Rate for Fuel REVISION: 0 AND TITLE: Movement References 02-OHP-4021-013-005, Visual Audio Count Rate Channel Task: 0130030101: Setup the Audio Count Rate Channel for Mode 6 operation 0130040101: Set up the Scaler Timer for 1/M plotting.
2.2.30 K/A IMPORTANCE: RO 3.5 SEvaluation Setting Simulator Handouts Task Briefing for N02-Al b Field Copy of 02-OHP-4021-013-005, Visual Audio Count Rate Channel Attachments None simulatoraSetup Mode 6 conditions with snap # IC Set Channel selector to OFF Set Sampling Selector to SEC on Display Side and COUNT on the Preset side Set thumbwheels to 03000 Set Audio Multiplier to 1000 Page 2 of 3
COURSE NUMBER N02-Al b - Setup SR & Audio Count Rate for Fuel REVISION: 0 AND TITLE: Movement Task Objectives/Standards When directed by the Unit Supervisor, Setup SR & Audio Count Rate for Fuel Movement observing all applicable precautions and limitations and procedure steps.
Task Briefing I MTI has just finished repairs on the Scaler Timer & Audio Count Rate Channel.
The US directs you to setup SR & Audio Count Rate for Fuel Movement.
"* Source Range Channel N32 should be the selected channel for audio indication.
"* The Audio Count rate should be setup to beep approximately once every 30 seconds.
Page 3 of 3
COURSE NUMBER:.- N02-Alb - Setup SR & Audio Count Rate for Fuel Movement REVISION: 0
Reference 02-O-P-4021-013-005 Rev. 6 P e 4 of 16 VISUAL AUDIO COUNT RATE CHANNEL (NIS)
General CUES:
Attachment I Setup of Audio Count Rate Channel Pages:
I [ 4-5 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1.1 This attachment provides direction for setting up Audio Count Rate Channel. Upon completion there will be visual/audible indication in the control room and audible indication in containment.
3 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 3.1 Source assembly movement during core alterations may reduce audible count rate' suddenly. Adjustment of audio multiplier setting may be needed to maintain audio count rate signal.
4 DETAILS 4.1 Place scaler timer POWER switch in ON position.
Operator checks the scaler timer "POWER" toggle switch in the "UP" position 4.2 Check the following lights are lit on AUDIO COUNT RATE CHANNEL drawer:
Operator checks lights lit
- SCALER POWER ON 4.3 Place CHANNEL SELECTOR switch to desired source range channel.
I CT: Operator places Channel Selector switch in "SRN32" position 4.4 Place SAMPLING MODE selector switch in the following positions:
- COUNT position on DISPLAY side -CT: Operator places sampling mode switch in "COUNT/SEC" position
- SEC position on PRESET side 4.5 Volume control may be adjusted during sampling to any position that Operator checks "VOLUME" switch in any position results in a comfortable volume for the audible count rate.
Page 1 of 2 Revision 0
I. I COURSE NUMBER N-Alb - Setup SR & Audio Count Rate for Fuel Movement J REVISION: 0 NOTE In the current configuration, the thumbwheels enter time values to the nearest tenth of a second. CUE: If asked, as US request time value of 60 seconds.
4.6 Position thum.bwheels to 00600 or other value as desired.
CT: Operator sets thumbwheels to 00600 4.7 Place SAMPLING MODE toggle switch in AUTO.
4.8 Press the following pushbuttons:
Operator checks sampling mode toggle switch in "AUTO" position 4.8.1 STOP 4.8.2 RESET Operator depresses the pushbuttons 4.8.3 START CT: the "START" is the critical portion of this step 4.9 Check GATE light is lit. '
Operator checks gate light lit
]IF GATE light is NOT lit, THEN notify I&C.
4.10 Place AUDIO MULTIPLIER switch in a position that results in a distinguishable gap between counts. (This step N/A if source range Operator adjusts audio multiplier switch to produce a detectors are deenergized) distinguishable gap in audio output of about 30 seconds 4.11 Verify count rate indication is audible in the following [Ref. 7.2.1a]:
Operator determines Containment Counts are audible by
- Control Room (This step N/A if source range detectors are requesting report from operator in Containment.
- Containment (Mode 6 only) CUE : A Beeping sound is heard in Containment.
Reports task completed.
Page 2 of 2 Revision 0
Task Briefing MTI has just finished repairs on the Scaler Timer &Audio Count Rate Channel.
The US directs you to setup SR & Audio Count Rate for Fuel Movement.
"* Source Range Channel N32 should be the selected channel for audio indication.
"* The Audio Count rate should be setup to beep approximately once every 30 seconds.
N02-Al b.doc .Page, 1 of 1
koý-A2 TITL Determine the Requirements for Isolating a PAC REVISION Cooler NESW Leak NRC License Exam TIME 15 Minutes DATE:
DEVELOPING Name: S.Pettinger 9/7/02 Signature:
T.WerL 9/e)To?-
Page 1 of 2
COURSE NUMBER N02-A2 - Determine the Requirements for REVISION:
ANDTITLE:........ Isolating a PAC Cooler NESW Leak References OP-1-5114-84 NESW Flow Diagram (P&ID)
2.1.24 K/A IMPORTANCE: SRO 3.1 RO 2.8 I Evaluation Setting Classroom / Simulator Handouts I Task Briefing for N02-A2 HAttachments II None 1 Simulator Setup H N/A Task Objectives/Standards II The candidate identifies the valves that must be closed to isolate the safety valve SV-88.
Task Briefing The Unit AEO reports that the Unit I NESW Supply to the Plant Air Compressor (PAC) Aftercooler Safety Valve SV-88 has been broken off and NESW water is spraying out. The Unit Supervisor directs you to identify the valves closest to the leak that will isolate the safety valve (leak) from the rest of the NESW system.
Page 2 of 2
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COURSE NUMBER N02-A2 - Determine the Requirements for Isolating a PAC Cooler NESW Leak REVISION:, 0 AND TITLE:.
The candidate should locate OP-1-5114-84 Flow Diagram for Non Essential Service Water Unit No. 1 CUE: Provide copy of OP-1-5114-84 when candidate correctly locates micro fiche.
Locates SV-88 (@L-1)
Determines that the AEO must isolate the following Valves:
"* CT: NSW-1 19 - Strainer Isolation Valve
"* CT: NSW-120 - Strainer Isolation Valve
"* CT: NSW-405 - NESW from PAC Strainer to Chem Room A/C
"* CT: NSW-1 26 - Air After Cooler outlet
"* CT: NSW-127 - 1 st Stage Cooler Outlet Isolation
"* NSW-129 - 1 st Stage Cooler Outlet Bypass
"* CT: NSW-1 30 - 2nd Stage Cooler Outlet Isolation
"* NSW-132 - 2nd Stage Cooler Outlet Bypass
"* CT: NSW-1 33 - Oil Cooler Outlet Isolation
"* NSW-1 35 - Oil Cooler Outlet Bypass Reports task completed.
Task Briefing The Unit AEO reports that the Unit 1 NESW Supply to the Plant Air Compressor (PAC) Aftercooler Safety Valve SV-88 has been broken off and NESW water is spraying out.
The Unit Supervisor directs you to identify the valves closest to the leak that will isolate the safety valve (leak) from the rest of the NESW system.
N02-A2.doc Page 1 of 1
11_ N0A3ý 2:
TITLE Terminate a Liquid Release 0 PNRC License Exam 20 Minutes DATE:
DEVELOPING Name: S. Pettinger 9/7102 INSTRUCTOR: Signature:
OPERATIONS EVIEW: Name: T. Werk Signature:
"7 Page 1 of 3
CO*URSE NUMBER N02-A3 - Terminate a Liquid Release RII ON: 0 AND TITLE:
flReferences 12-OHP-4021-006-004, Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks 12-OHP-4024.139 #16 Annuciator Response Task: 0060230104 Respond to an automatic termination of a liquid release.
0060170104 Release a Monitor Tank to the Ciculating Water System.
2.3.11 K/A IMPORTANCE: SRO 3.2 RO 2.7 Evaluation Setting In-Plant (RCA)
I Handouts Task Briefing Pages 52 & 53 of 12-OHP-4024.139 #16 Annuciator Response Prepared Release Package:
"* 12-OHP-4021-006-004, Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks:
Attachment 3, Monitor Tank Release To The Circ. Water System Data Sheets 1, Monitor Tank Release Permit Lineup Sheet 3, Monitor Tank No. 3 Recirc Valve Lineup Line up Sheet 7, Monitor Tank No. 3 Release Valve Lineup
"* Liquid Release Worksheet (1)
[Attachments None Simulator Setup N/A Page 2 of 3
ITask Objectives/Standards Terminates liquid release in accordance with:
, 12-OHP-4024.139 #16 Annuciator Response
, 12-OHP-4021-006-004, Attachment 3 Task Briefing A Liquid release from Monitor Tank # 3 is in progress. The release is being directed to U2 Circ Water Discharge using the South Monitor Tank Pump. You have been given a turnover and the associated release package for completion once the release is completed. The current level in Monitor Tank # 3 is 43% and lowering.
The Control Room informs you that RRS-1001 has just went into High Radiation alarm. They request that you verify/perform actions per 12-OHP-4024.139 #16 Annunciator Response procedure.
Page 3 of 3
COURSE NUMBER N02-A3 AND TITLE: Terminate a Liquid Release REVISION:
RRS-1001 High Radiation No cues on this page - operator actions start on next page.
(Channel I Monitor) Channel Failure RRR-1002 Low sample or effluent flow RRS-1000 (Channel 2 Monitor) (If initialized)
Monitor Alarm Set by RP RRA-1003 Channel Failure (Area Monitor) High Radiation RFS-1010 High flow (90% increasing)
__ (Sample Flow) Low Flow (20 % decreasing) 1 PROBABLE CAUSE(S):
1.1 RED:
Movement of radioactive material in specified area.
- [Low effluent flow.
- High/low sample flow.
- Channel failure.
q Any channel is in Calibrate, Maintenance, or Check Source status.
Any channel is in Standby or Flush mode.
ip Any monitor is in local control.
It Any channel is in POLL OFF at RMS CT.
Any channel is in Fail External, Fail High, or Fail Low status.
Any monitor fails communications program or Unit's CT is Off-Line.
It Sample flow is out of normal range by flow fail sensor.
Page 52 of 95 Rev. 10a Page 1 of 4
!ANDTITLE: iTerminate a Liquid Release REVISION: 0 12-014P-4024-139 L.evel of Use: REFERUENCE
- 16 Candidate may approach DAM and verify that the Red Light on top 2 AUTOMATIC ACTION(S);
is flashing.
2.1 Any of the following will trip selected WECT Punp and Monitor Tank Pump:
- Hilh Alarm on RRS-.1001 trips closed RRV-2&5.* ._ Cue: 12-RRV-285, red light lit and green light is dark
- Chaanel Failure on RRS-1001, RRRh1002.
, Hi h/Low Flow on RFS-1010,
-CT Student should simulate taking switch for 12-RRV-285 to the 3 OPERAT'OR ACTION(S):
Close position.
3,1 Cue: "Switch clicks into place, red light is dark and green light is lit" 3.1..1 Verify required automatic actions occur. "Candidate should place Control Switch for South Monitor Tank 3.1.2 XIFHig Alarm exists on RAS-10OI, THEN perform the following: Pump in Trip
- a. Verify tank being discharge has bee, sa Cue: "Switch clicks into place, red light is-dark and green light is lit and approved for release, "
Verify tank being discharged is not beig filled.
-Checks Data Sheet 1 for Correct Tank Number and Approvals.
c, Notify RP AND reqyest Chemistry sample tank.
Reviews Lineup Sheet 7 to ensure tank is not being filled.
- d. IF necessary, TIEEN repeat process. Cue: "Valves are in positions as indicated by lineup sheet 7" 3.1.3 IF Channel Failure exists, THEN isolate tank, Notify RP & request another tank sample from Chemistry.
3.1.4 IF Sample Flow h-ligh/Low, THEN readjust flow to within limits per.
12-OIIP-4021-O06-0014, '1"rr ferring Distillate froom Monitor Tanks, Cue : "Control Room has performed required notifications &
requests that you close out release paperwork Attachment 3, Steps 4.13 through 4.16."
3.2.1 Ideantify failed channelts) AND refer to TS Tables 3,3-3 andfor 3.3-6 or TS for appropriate Action Statement.
3.2.2 Attempt to restore affecewd channel(s) to Normal.
3.2,3 IF chamuel is inoperable, THEN refer to PMP-.4030.-EIS-OO1, Event-Initiated Surveillance Testing, for appropriate actions and surveilances, Page 53 of 95 Rev. 10a Page 2 of 4
COURSE NUMBER N02-A3 ASN....D T IT L::,:::*;*.*-
E: T e r mi n at e aa Liquid
((Terminate us Release REVISION: 0 II "*:-::"=::""::::>:*'*"'.. .: . . . . II:::::::::::::::
Reference 12-OiiP4021-006-004 F M Rev. 25 Page 25 of 58 Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks
- This section is N/A
L Attachment 3 A m Monito r Tank Release MONITOR TANK NO.
To The Circ Water System- I RELEASE NO.
4.13 IF release monitor trips off due to external failure, THEN perform following:
4.13.1 Press ALM ACK button on front of RRS-1000 DAM to enable start of release with low sample flow.
4.13.2 Verify amber FAILURE light on RRS-1000 DAM - NOT LIT.
4.13.3 Open 12-RRV-284, Liquid Waste Disposal Effluent Header Control Valve.
4.13.4 Restart Monitor Tank Pump.
4.13.5 Perform Steps 4.10.6, 4.10.7, 4.11.3 through 4.12.
NOTE: In order to open 12-RRV-285 after high alarm on RRS-1001, monitor must be flushed to reduce radioactivity below alarm point. Notifies Radiation Protection 4.14 IF 12-RRV-285 closes because of high radiation detected by RRS Cue: "Radiation Protection has been notified" THEN perform the following:
"4.14.1 Notify Radiation Protection.
4.14.2 Close AND seal 12-WD-166, Rad Liquid W Obtains seal and closes 12-WD-1 66. Places seal on the valve.
Control Valve 12-RRV-285 Inlet Valve.
4.14.3 Close the applicable valve: Cue: Handwheel has stopped moving.
- a. 1-RRV-287
- b. 2-RRV-286 CT Student should simulate taking switch for 2-RRV-286 to the Close position.
4.14.4 N/A step 4.15 of this attachment.
Cue: "Switch clicks into place, red light is dark and green light is lit" 4.15 IF desired, THEN request Control Room perform the following WHEN at approximately 5 %prior to expetted release termination level:
N/A - This will be performed in step 4.16.3 4.15.1 Print release history of RFS-1010 and RFA-1011.
4.15.2 Place RFS-1010 and RFA-1011 in POLL OFF at RMS-CT.
Page 3 of 4
AND Terminate a Liquid Release Reference 12-OHP-4021-006-004 I Rev. 25. Page 26 of 58 Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks Attachment 3 Monitor Tank Release To The Circ Water I Pages:
Attchmnt ank System- ae 14-28 MONITOR TANK NO. - RELEASE NO. Monitor tank pump should have been stopped earlier, if not:
4.16 WHEN desired tank level is reached OR Monitor Tank pump has tripped Cue: "Red light goes out and green light illuminates" on low level or high rad, THEN perform the following:
When Candidate places South Monitor Tank Pump switch to Stop.
4.16.1 Verify Monitor Tank'Pump - STOPPED.
4.16.2 Verify following valves - CLOSED: 12-RRV-285 1 and 2-RRV-286 should already be closed with green
- a. 12-RRV-285 lights illuminated and red lights out.
- b. One of the following: (N/A valve not used)
" I-RRV-287 Student may check 1-RRV-287 closed.
"* 2-RRV-286 Cue: "Red light out and green light lit."
4:16.3 Request Control Room perform the following:
Candidate should have Control Room perform steps 4.16.3
- a. IF available, THEN print release averages for the fo wing RRS-1000 channels to attach to Data Sheet I: CUE: "The Control room has printed the release history and placed
- RRS-1001 RFS-1010 & RFA-1011 in POLL OFF at RMS-CT."
- RFS-1010 (N/A.if already performed)
- RFA-101I1 (N/A if already performed)
- b. Place RFS-1010 and RFA-1011 in POLL OFF at RMS-CT (NIA if already performed).
Places South Monitor Tank Pump Mode Selector Switch to Recirc 4.16.4 Place Monitor Tank Pump Mode Selector Switch used for release to - RECIRC.
4.16.5 Press ALM ACK button on front of DAM to reset local flashing - Presses ALM ACK button on DAM blue light.
4.16.6 Mark flow recorder 12-MR-57 with time and date of release - Marks Flow Recorder completion. -
- Enters Time & Date & Level - CUE: "Monitor Tank 3 level is 42%"
4.16.7 Record the following information:
- N/A - Already Performed Time: _ Date: / / of release completion Final Tank Volume: --
Reports task completed.
4.16.8 Close AND seal 12-WD-166 (N/A if previously performed).
Page 4 of 4
Task Briefing A Liquid release from Monitor Tank # 3 is in progress. The release is being directed to U2 Circ Water Discharge using the South Monitor Tank Pump. You have been given a turnover and the associated release package for completion once the release is completed. The current level in Monitor Tank # 3 is 43% and lowering.
The Control Room informs you that RRS-1001 has just went into High Radiation alarm.
They request that you verify/perform actions per 12-OHP-4024.139 #16 Annunciator Response procedure.
N02-A3.doc Page 1 of 1
TITLE Complete EMD-32a Nuclear Plant Notification Form REI~~SION 0 NRC License Exam TIME 10 Minutes Revision 0: Initial Issue DEVELOPING, Name: Dale Tidwell 9/7/02 INSTRUCTOR: Signature:
OPERATIONS REVIEW: Name: I T. Werk Signature:
kcýýý Page 1 of 3
11 COURSE NUMBER N02-A4 AND TITLE: Complete EMD-32a Nuclear Plant References Procedure: PMP-2080-EPP-107 revision 16, Notification Task: EPP 0030701 Perform Initial Offsite Notification K/A CROSS
2.4.39 K/A IMPORTANCE: SRO 3.1 RO 3.3 Evaluation Setting Classroom IHandouts I Task Briefing & MIDAS Summary EMD-32a Nuclear Plant Event Notification (blank form) lAttachments None 11Simulator Setup None Page 2 of 3
N02A4 Complete EMD-32a Nuclear Plant Event Notification 1 REVISION: 0 iTask Objectives/Standards Complete the EMD-32a, Nuclear Plant Event Notification for notification of state agencies.
Task Briefing You are an extra Control Room Operator on Unit 1. At the beginning of your shift, Unit 1 is operating at 100% rated power with the turbine-driven auxiliary feed water pump tagged out for maintenance.
During your shift, a severe electrical storm causes a total loss of offsite power when lightning strikes the 345 KV Switchyard.
Although both emergency diesel generators start, a total loss of AC power occurs on Unit 1 when neither emergency diesel generator successfully energizes their associated busses.
The crew successfully restores power to the T11 C and T11 D safety related busses from the 1CD Diesel within 8 minutes of the loss of AC power.
Although the plant is stable, efforts to restore power from the lAB Diesel as well as offsite power have not been successful and are expected to take at least one hour.
The Shift Manager has just declared an Alert per initiating condition S-2, Loss of AC. Classification Time is (Use Current Time & have candidate enter on briefing handout)
After classifying the Alert condition The Shift Manager appoints you as the Plant Communicator and instructs you to complete EMD-32a, Nuclear Plant Event Notification form for approval.
All radiation monitors are indicating normal activity / expected levels. There are NO radiation alarms.
Meteorological Data - MIDAS Summary is provided.
Page 3 of 3
Complete EMD-32a Nuclear Plant Event Notification Reference PMP-2080-EPP-107 Rev. 16 Page 4 of 13 Notification FOR AN ALERT:
"Attention all personnel. Attention all personnel. An Alert has been declared due to -(brief description) .
Activate the Operations Support Center, Technical Support Center, Emergency Operations Facility and the Emergency News Center. All other personnel stand by for further announcement."
Sound the Nuclear Emergency Alarm from the Control Room and broadcast the following:
"Attention all personnel. Attention all personnel. A_ (S Area Emergencv or General Emergency) has been declared due to (brief description) . Activate the Technical Support Center, Operations Support Center, Emergency Operations Facility, and Joint Public Information Center.
All other personnel report for accountability."
3.2.4 On any touch-tone telephone, dial 1646 to access the Training Center and Buchanan Office Building PA and repeat the announcement that was made in step 3.2.3 twice.
3.2.5 Within 15 minutes of the classification of any emergency perform the following:
- a. Complete Nuclear Plant Accident Notification form, EMD-slty 32a, (from Emergency Kit or DAP printout). EMD-32a must be completed and the state and county notifications made within 15 minutes of the Alert classification.
- b.
. Michigan State Police (MSP) at 8-1-517-336-6250 using the MSP bridge phone (extension 1088) in the back of the Control Room.
- Berrien County Sheriff's Department at 8-1-616-983-3911.
- c. Document phone calls on Data Sheet 1, Shift Manager Initial Notification List.*
Page 1 of 3
I I.
StComplete C E EMD-32a Nuclear Plant Event Notification EVISION: 0I eference PMP-200-.EPP-107 Rev. 16 j page 5 of 1 Notification
- d. Provide the information from Nuclear Plant Accident Notification form, verbally to the MSP and the Berrien County Sheriff's Department.
- e. Request a call back front the MSP and Berrien County Sheriffs Department.
- f. Inform the MSP that Nuclear Plant Accident Notification form will be faxed.
3.2.6 Fax Nuclear Plant Accident Notification form, to the MSP: Fax number 8-1-517-336-6257.
N E: If BROADCAST is pushed on the fax machine all of the locations listed in step 3.2.7 will receive the fax. If BROADCAST is NOT used then each of the locations will have to be individually faxed at the numbers listed in step 3.2.7.
3.2.7 IF an Alert, Site Area Emergency or General Emergency exists, THEN make follow-up notifications to the below listed facilities by faxing:
. EMD-32a, Nuclear Plant Accident Notification, within 15 minutes of a change of classification or Protective Action Recommendation
. EMD-32b, Nuclear Plant Event Technical Data, every 30 minutes there after until relieved by the EOF.
Michigan State Police 8-1-517-336-6257 State Emergency Operations Center 8-1-517-333-4987 Emergency Operations Facility 8-284-2942 Emergency News Center/JPIC 8-284-5892 Visitors' Center 2906 or 2907 3.2.8 For all classifications, including classification upgrades, the Shift Manager or designee shall:
- a. Provide the information on Data Sheet 2, Plant Status, to the NRC as soon as possible after the State and County have been notified, and within one hour of classification.
Make the notification in accordance with the instructions in PMP 7030-001-001, Prompt NRC Notification.
Page 2 of 3
AND Complete EMD-32a Nuclear Plant Event Notification REVISION: 0 All items should be completed on the form prior to submitting to the Site Emergency Coordinator for approval.
'::No -0'r Plant Evnt::Not*ticn.o
... :i : " - -. .. .. X AcW I Sv r .t + E Dil . ... . -,- *. "Actual Event" box marked (for purposes of this JPM "Drill" is also acceptable)
C~~U~rig Plant Contact Information.. .. CT: - "D. C. Cook" the plant MUST be identified "1" entered since this is the initial notification (CR1 is a~ii rm CofnIrnl Hocm Q T$C 0 EOF- 0 Otýr .... tMes~ Ni~a also acceptable)
Cm BcTtzlephane Ntumbri-: (2ýA) q 5-1? 1 ae. "Control Room" box marked C u ent Classfication:: Plant number given, however other control room Su.n.u..vent : .... ,, S. e . . . . . . : .0*. ner.. I ,,(Y 9: q .. .., .:.. ::: : : telephone numbers are acceptable ThU.clausf*a*tlon .was dedýý.d as a. Daie T
!__:P_ aivenLurlna Bri:i. n
- 0:.Thne
.... .. Re.son for
. "la...**icti. CT: - "Alert" box MUST be marked
- 0 Abrrcimi 'ad Le~IeH Rini IIo nuei : X s CT: - Today's date and time of Classification (Given
- 0. Fns~rOP Prndyict Barriler Dgaa~n0HznsaItirCiilaAf
..: .... . .. .... . l Iot, 1:14 tuattet~~ePop A,.. n P a~d~
during the briefing) MUST be filled in
,cooR.1 No ur.i
- a. - . . ... .. "er:
A *T: "System Malfunction" box marked
- PntStatus CT: - "S-2" MUST be filled in StabI 0 DereIing tmlrvIig o
- 1 R,40Q1091tca IR0aa W iseIn4prr~ oar $ 1_ C:"-"Stable" box MUST be marked
.: 0 4 wx .. .,
Protetive.Avtion. RIcomrn*rndation 3 :- "No" box MUST be marked si*.P !l uef or. . *3l) -Q1: : 2 r3 _04. ... * " :
CT: - "None" box MUST be marked PA~ tmsdon.; oeCu~o~(o ~ ~ j~~i 0P!i aI P mt ent0OU.
Wind from "2620" to "820" filled in Dr~ikn 11.1(tt~reas) From~~,~ ZW~ pe t1H,/ Wind speed "10" mph filled in t~bilty CIs. * . :Precipt- fion: -Yýs 0: to "StabilityClass "E" filled in Precipitation "Yes" box marked
- 4rafl Student reports form complete and ready for SEC approval.
a pvard' ,64;,& .'. ,, ....... .. Thr :______ ._ . JPM IS COMPLETE.
Page 3 of 3
Task Briefing You are an extra Control Room Operator on Unit 1. At the beginning of your shift, Unit I is operating at 100% rated power with the turbine-driven auxiliary feed water pump tagged out for maintenance.
During your shift, a severe electrical storm causes a total loss of offsite power when lightning strikes the 345 KV Switchyard.
Although both emergency diesel generators start, a total loss of AC power occurs on Unit 1 when neither emergency diesel generator successfully energizes their associated busses.
The crew successfully restores power to the T11 C and T11 D safety related busses from the 1CD Diesel within 8 minutes of the loss of AC power.
Although the plant is stable, efforts to restore power from the lAB Diesel as well as offsite power have not been successful and are expected to take at least one hour.
The Shift Manager has just declared an Alert per initiating condition S-2, Loss of AC. Classification Time is After classifying the Alert condition The Shift Manager appoints you as the Plant Communicator and instructs you to complete EMD-32a, Nuclear Plant Event Notification form for approval.
All radiation monitors are indicating normal activity / expected levels. There are NO radiation alarms.
Meteorological Data - MIDAS Summary is provided.
N02-A4.doc Page 1 of 2
Meteorological Data - MIDAS Summary Delta Temperature - Main Tower -0.3oF Wind Direction 1OM - Main Tower 2620 Wind Speed 1OM - Main Tower 10 mph Precipitation - Main Tower Rain Wind Direction 1 OM - Backup Tower 2680 Wind Speed 10M - Backup Tower 12 mph Wind Direction 60M - Main Tower 2710 Wind Speed 60M - Main Tower 13 mph Standard Deviation 10M Main 00 Standard Deviation 10M Backup 00 Standard Deviation 10M Main 00 Pasquill Category E Outside Temperature 60.8oF Lake Breeze NA N02-A4.doc Page 2 of 2
EMD-32a (01- 02)
MICHIGAN STATE POLICE Nuclear Plant Event Notification El Actuarl Event Drill Plant Contact Information Nuclear Power Plant Plant Communicator, Calling From: C Control Room 0 TSC Q EOF Q Other:
Call Back Telephone Number -----
Plant Message Number Current Classification 0 Unusual Event 0l Alert 0 Site Area Emergency CI General Emergency 0 Termination This classification was declared as of Date
_ Time Reason for Classification o- Abnormal Rad Level / Radiological Effluents El System Malfunction Q Fission Product Barrier Degradation 0 Hazards and Other Condition Affecting Plant Safety or Natural/Destructive Phenomena Cook IC Number Plant Status Q Stable 'Cl Degrading C Improving C3Recovery Radiological Release in Progress Due to Event Q Yes
- 1No Protective Action Recommendations ol Non.e vau o--------------------------------------------------------
Evacuation ----------------------------
of Area(s). 0.1 0.2 03 04 n-P1aceShelterofArea3s) 0..5 El 2 03 0l4 Q5--
PAR based on: El Dose Calculations (technical data required) Q Plant Status 0 Security Event 0l Other Meteorological Data Wind Direction (degrees): From To ------- Wind Speed (MPH):.
S'tability Class:_________
0 Yes 13 No Aulhorily Plant Approval: _________________Date: Compliance NUREG 0654 Voluntary
N0A,5a Verify Ultimate Heat Sink Temperature REVISION 0 Determination (SRO review)
NRC License Exam TI E ýM 15 Minutes DEVýELIOPIN 7G Name: R. Niedzielski 9/7/02 INSTRUCTOR: Signature:
919 16Z Page 1 of 3 Revision 0
COURSE NUMBER iN02-A5a - Verify Ultimate Heat Sink Temperatu REVISION: 0 SAND TITLE: fIDetermination References 02-OHP-4030-STP-030 Daily and Shiftly Surveillance Checks Data Sheet 5 pages 81 & 82 OP-2-5119A, Flow Diagram Circulating Water, Priming System & Screen Wash (P&ID)
Task: STP0390201 Perform Shiftly Surveillance Checks for Modes 5 & 6 K/A CROSS
2.1.7 K/A IMPORTANCE: RO 3.7 SRO 4.4 Evaluation Setting Simulator flHandouts Task Briefing of N02-A5a Completed Data Sheet 5, step 14.0 If requested then provide candidate with OP-2-5119A, CW System (P&ID) j Attachments None Simulator Setup Reset to Mode 6 IC Close CW Condenser Inlet and Outlet valves:
- A Condenser South 2-WMO-103 & 104
- C Condenser North 2-WMO-301 & 302 Shutdown 2 CW Pumps (2 CW Pumps left running)
Page 2 of 3
COURSE NUMBER N02-A5a - Verify Ultimate Heat Sink Temperature REVIS I 0
.- AND TITLE:. Determination "
REVISO: 0 Task Objectives/Standards The Candidate performs a review of a complete surveillance, identifies that the South Waterbox for "A" condenser and the North Waterbox for the "C" condenser are Isolated and the associated temperatures are not used for the calculations. The Candidate identifies that CW Temperature is >
76.8 F And Fuel Movement must be stopped until the reactor has been shutdown for >148 hours.
Task Briefing Given the following:
"* You are the Unit 2 Unit Supervisor
"* Unit 2 is currently in MODE 6.
"* The reactor was shutdown 130 hours0.0015 days <br />0.0361 hours <br />2.149471e-4 weeks <br />4.9465e-5 months <br /> ago.
"* Fuel Movement is currently in progress.
MTI reports CW temperature transmitters are not functioning properly, due to a power supply problem, therefore SG-21, Circ Water Temp Recorder and PPC address U0200 are Out Of Service (OOS).
The RO has just performed step 14.2 of 02-OHP-4030-STP-030 Daily and Shiftly Surveillance Checks Data Sheet 5 (pages 81 & 82) based on the following local circ. Water inlet temperature readings obtained by the AEO:
Condenser A Condenser B Condenser C WTX-106 = 71.8 WTX-206 = 77.2 WTX-306 = 77.1 WTX-107 = 71.8 WTX-207 = 77.1 WTX-307 = 77.0 WTX-108 = 72.2 WTX-208 = 77.3 WTX-308 = 77.0 WTX-102 = 77.1 WTX-202 = 76.9 WTX-302 = 71.2 WTX-103 = 77.4 WTX-203 = 76.9 WTX-303 = 70.9 WTX-104 = 76.8 WTX-204 = 77.0 WTX-304 = 71.3 Temperature readings were obtained using Instrument ID CNP-147, Make/Model FLUKE/2175 with Calibration Current (Last Cal. Performed on 05/07/2002)
Review step 14.2 of 02-OHP-4030-STP-030 (pages 81 & 82) for accuracy and to ensure all Acceptance Criteria are met for the current Circulating Water System configuration. Be sure to mark any and all errors identified Page 3 of 3
COURSE S AND TITLE: NUMBER:.. N02-A5a - Verify Ultimate Heat Sink Temperature Determination IREVISION: 0 I
General CUES:
Continuous I 02-OuiPa030-STP-030 I aagd Rev. 39 e 81 of 145 DAILY AND SHIFrLY SURVEILLANCE CHECKS If requested then provide OP-2-5119A, CW System (P&ID)
Data Sheet 5 Shift Surveillance Checks Modes 5, 6 and Defeled Pages:
1 70- 83 The SRO review of the data should identify the following errors:
Instrument Title & No. O0-08 108-16 116-24 Acceptance Criterion
- 1. Temperature readings were averaged vice specific temperature IValue Value Value
"*Thetemperature monitoring in Step 14.0 is N/A when TS 3.9.3 does not apply, i.e., after the selected and recorder NOTE: 148 hour0.00171 days <br />0.0411 hours <br />2.44709e-4 weeks <br />5.6314e-5 months <br /> decay time has been met or when not moving irradiated fuel in the reactor vessel. This 2. Temperature readings for isolated waterboxes should be monitoring is to validate temperature limits in TS Baaes.
Decay Times - at least 100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br /> from September 15 through June 8", or at least 148 hours0.00171 days <br />0.0411 hours <br />2.44709e-4 weeks <br />5.6314e-5 months <br /> excluded (WTX-106,107,108, 302,.303 and 304) from June 9* through September 14. (MS 3.9.3)
- The June dates were changed to be more conservative than the TS applicability to support the "TS 3/4.9.3 Bases discussion to ensure sufficient decay time for June outages.
+ Circulating Water Temperature from either unit may be used, indicate unit used.
114.0 14.1 Circ Wtr Temps : "S 3.9.3** for Decay.Tis=e: :4
.' Take reading from SG-21 Ulu U20 sop14.1-Lss thanor Point 1, Circ Water Temp -F *F *F iequal to 74.6°7 on SG-21 Recorder. o. I(i.e.. 77.8+/-3.rF
- IF recorder is energized and the printer is inoperable, -OR.
Step is N/A due to Temperature Indicator Problems Step 14.2 - less than or THIEN take readings from equal to 76.8'F the PPC, U0200. 0.e., 77.8 + 1' instrument uncertainty for M&TE
- OR - calibrated Fluke-52 with a CS 12' probe, or equivalent). I 14.2 IF Circ Water Temp is greater than or equal to 72"F OR IF the Unit is In MODE 6 C8 measurement cannot be obtained in Step 14.1 OR a more with movement of irradiated accurate value is desired, THEN obtain an M&TE calibrated fuel in the vessel in progress temaperature measurement instrument and perform the following: between September 15 and June 8* with:
Record instrument ID ." Decy Time from
_ _ _to 148 hrs Instrument make/model: _
Current calibration YIN _ Circ Wtr Temp Reviews instrument data for accuracy.
>74.61t (using Take one inlet temperature measurement of each Condenser in Step 14.1 ) OR
>76.8F (using service using the M&TE calibrated instrument with +/-1lF Step 14.2) usncerainty and cailcu late the average.
Ul 0 U2 0-
- T WO ovmetof
--j-Identifies that "U2" Box is not checked.
Condenser A Circ W ater Inlet:' irradiated fsel until either of the following conditions are met:
Check box for inlet t neasured:
- Cirt Wtr Temp is
-CT: Determines a box is not checked and that the temperature O WTX-106 or "O WTX-107 or 1,74
- te R5s76.S*F C4 logged (74.5oF, averaged temperature was used instead of 1 "oWTX-108 or ing Step 14.2)
-OR temperature) is in error and should be one of the following:
"O WTX-102 or Decay Time is greater W7X-102 = 771 o WTX-103 or than 148 his.
o3WTX-104 F OF -F WTX-103 = 774 WTX-104 = 76.8 Page 1 of 2 Revision 0
..CT: Determines a box is not checked and that the temperature p!gged (77.07oF, averaged temperature was used instead of 1 temperature) is in error and should be one of the following:
WTX-206 = 772 WTX-207= 771 WTX-208 = 773 WTX-202 = 76.9 WTX-203 = 76.9 WTX-204 = 770
-CT: Determines a box is not checked and that the temperature logged (74.08oF, averaged temperature was used instead of 1 temperature) is in error and should be one of the following:
WTX-306 = 771 WTX-307 = 770 WTX-308 = 770 CT: Determines average temperature logged (75.22 oF) is in error (should be between 76.9 oF - 77.3 oF).
CT: SRO review of Acceptance Criteria has identified that the average temperature is greater than 76.8 oF and fuel movement must be stopped since the reactor has been shutdown less than 148 hours0.00171 days <br />0.0411 hours <br />2.44709e-4 weeks <br />5.6314e-5 months <br />. Per Tech Spec 3.9.3 Reports task completed.
Page 2 of 2 Revision 0
I I B Condenser South Inlet Temp WTX-206 77.2 r P "rr F. ri o B Condenser South Inlet Temp WTX-207 77.1 8 Condenser South Inlet Temnp WTX-208 77.1 B Condenser South Inlet Temp WTX-208 77.3 F-.- B Condenser B
B Condenser Condenser North Inlet Temp North Inlet Temp WTX-202 WTX-203 76.9 76.9 WTX-204 77.0 All Temperatures are valid p
t94.4 4~'1 4'~3101 193 T
P O~ -P R'~ AL Dp T T T-~ ~ i OP Tr C 1.Cnt'.
-P DOr P O ttZ;
-; T
- - -' T PP l Ilt:illr* ,*Jl*
II MAI t/rh1.xq iI.!L-Iri
\AFry.RnR 77 4 C Condenser South Inlet Timm p XAI-3Y 07 77 A Condenser South Inlet Temp WTX-106 71.8 C Condenser South Inlet Temp WTX-307 77.0 A Condenser South Inlet Temp WTX-107 C Condenser South Inlet Temp WTX-308 77.0 71.8 A Condenser South Inlet Temp WTX-108 72.2 C Condenser North Inlet Temp WTX-302 71.2 A Condenser North Inlet Temp WTX-102 C Condenser North Inlet Temp WTX-303 70.9 77.1 A Condenser North Inlet Temp WTX-103 77.4 C Condenser North Inlet Temp WTX-304 71.3 A Condenser North Inlet Temp WTX-104 76.8 South Temperatures are valid North Temperatures are valid Page 1 of 1 Revision 0
Task Briefing Given the following:
"* You are the Unit 2 Unit Supervisor
"* Unit 2 is currently in MODE 6.
"* The reactor was shutdown 130 hours0.0015 days <br />0.0361 hours <br />2.149471e-4 weeks <br />4.9465e-5 months <br /> ago.
"* Fuel Movement is currently in progress.
MTI reports CW temperature transmitters are not functioning properly, due to a power supply problem, therefore SG-21, Circ Water Temp Recorder and PPC address U0200 are Out Of Service (OOS).
The RO has just performed step 14.2 of 02-OHP-4030-STP-030 Daily and Shiftly Surveillance Checks Data Sheet 5 (pages 81 & 82) based on the following local circ. Water inlet temperature readings obtained by the AEO:
Condenser A Condenser B Condenser C WTX-106 = 71.8 WTX-206 = 77.2 WTX-306 = 77.1 WTX-107 = 71.8 WTX-207 = 77.1 WTX-307 = 77.0 WTX-108 = 72.2 WTX-208 = 77.3 WTX-308 = 77.0 WTX-102 = 77.1 WTX-202 = 76.9 WTX-302 = 71.2 WTX-103 = 77.4 WTX-203 = 76.9 WTX-303 = 70.9 WTX-104 = 76.8 WTX-204 = 77.0 WTX-304 = 71.3 Temperature readings were obtained using Instrument ID CNP-147, Make/Model FLUKE/2175 with Calibration Current (Last Cal. Performed on 05/07/2002)
Review step 14.2 of 02-OHP-4030-STP-030 (pages 81 & 82) for accuracy and to ensure all Acceptance Criteria are met for the current Circulating Water System configuration. Be sure to mark any and all errors identified N02-A5a.doc Page 1 of I
Continuous 02-OHP-4030-STP-030 Rev. 39 Page 81 of 145 DAILY AND SHIFTLY SURVEILLANCE CHECKS Data Sheet 5 Shift Surveillance Checks Modes 5, 6 and Defueled Pages:
70-83 Instrument n Title & No. 00-08 Value 08-16 Value 16-24 Value Acceptance Criterion
- The temperature monitoring in Step 14.0 is N/A when TS 3.9.3 does not apply, i.e., after the NOTE: 148 hour0.00171 days <br />0.0411 hours <br />2.44709e-4 weeks <br />5.6314e-5 months <br /> decay time has been met or when not moving irradiated fuel in the reactor vessel. This monitoring is to validate temperature limits in TS Bases.
Decay Times - at least 100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br /> from September 15 through June 8*, or at least 148 hours0.00171 days <br />0.0411 hours <br />2.44709e-4 weeks <br />5.6314e-5 months <br /> from June 9* through September 14. (TS 3.9.3)
- The June dates were changed to be more conservative than the TS applicability to support the TS 3/4.9.3 Bases discussion to ensure sufficient decay time for June outages.
+ Circulating Water Temperature from either unit may be used, indicate unit used.
14.U 14.1 Cire Wtr Temp*: TS 3.9.3** for Decay Time: C
- Take reading from SG-21 U10J U20J Step 14.1 - Less than or Point 1, Circ Water Temp W/A OF OFI OF equal to 74.6°F on SG-21 Recorder. Point 1, (i.e., 77.8 +/- 3.20F
- IF recorder is energized and instrument uncertainty) the printer is inoperable, -OR THEN take readings from Step 14.2 - less than or equal to 76.87F the PPC, U0200. (i.e., 77.8 +/- I°F instrument uncertainty for M&TE
- OR calibrated Fluke-52 with a A 12" probe, or equivalent).
14.2 IF Circ Water Temp is greater than or equal to 72°F OR measurement cannot be obtained in Step 14.1 OR a more IF the Unit is in MODE 6 IC'I with movement of irradiated accurate value is desired, THEN obtain an M&TE calibrated fuel in the vessel in progress temperature measurement instrument and perform the following: between September 15 and June 8* with:
"* Decay Time from Record instrument ID CN P 147 100 hrs to 148 hrs Instrument make/model: FLUKE.1/ Z17 -AND Current calibration Y/N 'Fr "* Circ Wtr Temp
> 74.6°F (using Take one inlet temperature measurement of each Condenser in Step 14.1 ) OR
> 76.8 0F (using service using the M&:TE calibrated instrument with +/-1+F Step 14.2) uncertainty and calculate the average.
Ul[] U2 0 THEN STOP movement of Condenser A Circ Water Inlet: + irradiated fuel until either of the following conditions are met:
Check box for inlet measured:
- Circ Wtr Temp is
[] WTX-106 or _<74.6 0 F (using
[] WTX-107 or Step 14.1 ) OR <76.8"F
[] WTX-108 or (using Step 14.2)
-OR 12 WTX-102 or
- Decay Time is greater 12 WTX-103 or than 148 hrs.
C3 WTX-104 F74. 0 F I °F I °F
Continuous 02-OHP-4030-STP-030 Rev. 39 Page 82 of 145 DAILY AND SHIFTLY SURVEILLANCE CHECKS Data Sheet 5 Shift Surveillance Checks Modes 5, 6 and Defueled Pages:
70 - 83 T,+...,........... 'r':...i.. fl I . I -- - I J.+/- L uiinnLt I MlLe a INO. Va-0u 08-16 16-24 Acceptance Criterion 14 () I.. . ...
Ccont UIl J U2 Q Condenser B Circ Water Inlet:+
Check box for inlet measured:
C)WTX-206 or Qi WTX-207 or El WTX-208 or 1-1.o0F °F C3 WTX-202 or C3 WTX-203 or Q WTX-204 Condenser C Circ Water Inlet:+
Check box for inlet measured:
C)WTX-306 or 0i WTX-307 or C)WTX-308 or [74.O9'°F 7F OFI ci WTX-302 or C] WTX-303 or 0i WTX-304 (Cond. A+B+C OF) / 3 T75.2ZF °F I FI I
15.0 Record current MODE*
- Per Technical Specification Table 1.1, Operational Modes:
A5 Perform Control Room actions for Fuel 0 Handling Accident in Containment NRC License Exam 15 Minutes Name: R. Niedzielski 9/7/02
Page 1 of 3
N02-A5b Perform Control Room actions for Fuel Handling Accident in Containment I 0 References 12-OHP-4022-018-004, Irradiated Fuel Handling Accident in Containment Building-CR Actions Task: AOP0640414 Respond to a Fuel Handling Accident in the Containment K/A CROSS
2.2.29 K/A IMPORTANCE: RO 1.6 SRO 3.8 Evaluation Setting Simulator Handouts Task Briefing Attachments None Simulator Setup Simulator in Mode 5/6 IC with Containment Purge Supply and Exhaust System operating:
RMS CT reset and all RMS status lights green Operable RMS with Trip Block switches in NORMAL: 2-VRS-2101, 2201 2-ERS-2300, 2400 OPEN Cntmt Purge valves: 2-VCR-105, 205, 103, 104, 106, 203, 204, 206 START Cntmt Purge Supply and exhaust Fans: 2-HV-CPX-1 & 2, 2-HV-CPS-1 & 2 Verify Instrument Room Purge Supply And Exhaust fans are STOPPED and Dampers are CLOSED Verify Containment Pressure Relief Dampers are CLOSED and Fan is STOPPED Verify Control Room Ventilation Fans 2-HV-ACRF-1 & 2 STOPPED, Dampers 2-HV-ACR-DA 1, DA-1A, & DA-3 are OPEN, Dampers 2-HV-ACR-DA-2 & DA-2A are CLOSED (Normal Lineup)
Page 2 of 3
N02-A5b Perform Control Room actions for Fuel Handling Accident in Containment RII REION0 ON: 0 Task Objectives/Standards Respond to an Irradiated Fuel Handling Accident in the Containment per 12-OHP-4022-018-004, observing applicable precautions and limitations and procedural steps.
Task Briefing The SRO-CA reports to the Control Room that during fuel movements on Unit 2, a top nozzle has failed on an irradiated fuel assembly while moving the manipulator Crane. The fuel assembly has fallen to the bottom of the Reactor Cavity.
The US directs you to implement 12-OHP-4022-018-004, Irradiated Fuel Handling Accident in the Containment Building-Control Room Actions.
Page 3 of 3
N02-A5b Perform Control Room actions for Fuel Handling Accident in Containment Tidc Niwmba General CUES:
IRRADIATED FUEL NDLING ACCIDENT IN 4..4 CONTAINMENT BUILDING'- CONTROL ROOM ACTIONS The SRO-CA reports that the top nozzle on an irradiated fuel STEPI ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED assembly has failed during movement of the manipulator crane and the fuel assembly fell to the bottom of the reactor cavity.
- 1. Actuate Containment Evacuation Alarm CT: Operator actuates the containment evacuation alarm on the
- 2. Notify All Non-essential Personnel To Flux Panel Evacuate Containment
-CT: Operator notifies evacuation of non-essential personnel from
- 3. Notify All Personnel Listed On Containment Penetration Breach List To containment using the paging system Set Containment Closure.
(01/02-OHP-4030-STP-041) For Any Open Containment Penetrations CUE: "There are NO open containment penetrations"
- 4. Notify Shift Manager Operator notifies SM
- 5. Verify All Containment Purge Supply CUE: "Shift Manager acknowledges notification of fuel handling And Exhaust Fans - STOPPED accident."
-Operator STOPS the following fans:
CT: Containment Purge Supply 2-HV-CPS STOPPED CT: Containment Purge Supply 2-HV-CPS STOPPED CT: Containment Purge Exhaust 2-HV-CPX STOPPED CT: Containment Purge Exhaust 2-HV-CPX STOPPED Page 1 of 8
COURSE NUMBER I[N02-A5b Perform Control Room actions for Fuel Handling Accident in AND TITLE: Containment -REVISION: 0 I
12-OHHP 4022.018.004 [
- 6. Verify Containment Purge in the affected Unit - ISOLATED:
Unit 1:
"° Supply Air Valves - CLOSED.
"* I-VCR-103
"* 1-VCR-203
"* 1-VCR-105
"* 1-VCR-205
"* Exhaust Air Valves - CLOSED.
. 1-VCR-104
- I-VCR-204
- 1-VCR-106
. I-VCR-206 OR Operator Closes Unit 2 supply air valves (at least 1 per Unit 2: penetration):
"* Supply Air Valves - CLOSED.
CT: Lower Cntmt Supply Air 2-VCR-103
"* 2-VCR-203 lLower Cntmt Supply Air 2-VCR-203
"* 2-VCR-203
"* 2-VCR-105 CT.: Upper Cntmt Supply Air 2-VCR-105
- Upper Cntmt Supply Air 2-VCR-205
"* 2-VCR-205
"* Exhaust Air Valves - CLOSED.
. 2-VCR-1041V_ .
.2-VCR-204" Operator Closes Unit 2 exhaust air valves (at least 1 per
. 2-VCR-106 penetration):
. 2-VCR-206 .. CT_.f_Lower Cntmt Exhaust Air 2-VCR-104 L Lower Cntmt Exhaust Air 2-VCR-204
- CT*f Upper Cntmt Exhaust Air 2-VCR-1 06 L Upper Cntmt Exhaust Air 2-VCR-206 Page 2 of 8 1
COURSE NUMBER N02-A5b Perform Control Room actions for Fuel Handling Accident in
- 7. Verify Instrument Room Purge in the affected Unit - ISOLATED.
Unit 1:
"* Supply Air Valves - CLOSED.
. 1-VCR-101
. I-VCR-201
"* Exhaust Air Valves - CLOSED
- 1-VCR-102
- I-VCR-202 OR Unit 2:
"* Supply Air Valves - CLOSED.
S-Operator verifies Unit 2 supply (2) and exhaust (2) valves closed
- 2-VCR-101 4
"* 2-VCR-201
"* Exhaust Air Valves - CLOSED
"* 2-VCR-102
"* 2-VCR-202 I Page 3 of 8
- 8. Verify Containment Pressure Relief Fan in the affected Unit - STOPPED.
Unit 1:
. I-HV-CPR-1 OR Unit 2:
- 2-HV-CPR-1 .4
- 9. Verify Containment Pressure Relief Operator verifies Unit 2 Containment Pressure Relief fan Valves in the affected Unit- CLOSED: stopped Unit I:
"* 1-VCR-107
"* I-VCR-207 OR Unit 2:
"* 2-VCR-107
"* 2-VCR-201 Operator verifies Unit 2 Containment Pressure Relief Valves (2) closed Page 4 of 8
- 10. Isolate Control Room Ventilation To BOTH Units:
CT: Operator notifies Unit I to isolate Unit 1 CR Ventilation due to
- a. Unit I:
- 1) System dampers - ALIGNED:
Unit 2 fuel handling accident
- 1) Manually align damper(s) as necessary per 01-OHP 4021.028.014, Operation of the Control Room Air Conditioning and Prerssurization/Cleanup Filter CUE "A Unit 1 Operator will align Unit 1 Control Room Ventilation System, Attachment 12, Corrective per 12-OHP-4022-018-004 Step 10a" Measures.
. Close l-HV-ACR-DA-1, Control Room Vent Intake Damper
. Close 1-HV-ACR-DA-1A, control room vent intake damper
. Align the following Intake Dampers one Partial Open AND one Closed:
I1-HV-ACR-DA-2, Control Room Pressurization Intake Damper
- 1-HV-ACR-DA-2A, Control Room Pressurization Intake Damper
- Open 1-HV-ACR-DA-3, Control Room Pressurization Clean-up Recirc Damper
- 2) START Control Room Pressurization/Cleanup Filter Unit Ventilation Fan 1-HV-ACRF-1 OR 1-HV-ACRF-2.
Page 5 of8 1
- b. Unit 2: - I
- 1) System dampers - ALIGNED 1) Manually align damper(s) as necessary per 02-OHP 4021.028.014, Operation Operator performs Unit 2 CR Ventilation line up of the Control Room Air Conditioning and Prerssurization/Cleanup Filter System, Attachment 13, Corrective Measures.
- Close 2-HV-ACR-DA-1, Control Room Vent Intake Damper CT: Operator closes DA-1
- Close 2-HV-ACR-DA-IA, control room vent intake damper CT: Operator closes DA-1A
- Align the following Intake Dampers one Partial Open AND one Closed:
"* 2-HV-ACR-DA-2, Control Room Pressurization Intake Damper
"* 2-HV-ACR-DA-2A,.
4 CT: Operator places one damper to partial open Control Room Operator verifies other damper is closed Pressurization Intake Damper
- Open 2-HV-ACR-DA-3, Control Room Pressurization 14-Clean-up Recirc Damper
- 2) START Control Room Operator verifies open DA-3 Pressurization/Cleanup Filter Unit Ventilation Fan 2-HV-ACRF-1 p OR 2-HV-ACRF-2. CT: Operator starts 1 fan
- 11. Verify Instrument Room Purge Supply And Exhaust Fans - STOPPED Operator verifies Inst. RM Purge supply and exhaust fans stopped Page 6 of 8
COURSE NUMBER 11N02-A5b Perform Control Room actions for Fuel Handling Accident in
.AND TITLE: Containment REVISION: 0 II II Titic Nu b.,
- 12. Check Additional Auxiliary Building. 11. Go to Step 13 Supply Fan In Service With Containment Operator determines airlock doors are closed and containment Airlock Doors Open AND Containment Purge In Service: purge is off, goes to RNO and proceeds to step 13
- a. Remove Auxiliary Building Supply Fan from service IAW 12-OHP 4021.028.011, Auxiliary Building Ventilation
- 13. Locally Verify 12-RRV-306, GDT Release Header To Aux. Bldg. Vent Stack Shutoff Valve at the waste gas Operator directs AEO to verify 12-RRV-306 is closed system panel - CLOSED CUE: 12-RRV-306 has been verified closed locally
- 14. Notify Radiation Protection To Perform The Following:
4 r-CUE: US will notify RP to perform surveys and verify all
- a. Survey Containment evacuated personnel are assembled at the control point
- b. Establish necessary boundaries
- c. Dispatch monitoring team to check for any releases external. to the containment AND report results to the Shift Manager
- 15. Verify All Evacuated Personnel ASSEMBLED AT THE AUXILIARY BUILDING CONTROL POINT Page 7 of 8
COURSE NUMBER N02-A5b Perform Control Room actions for Fuel Handling Accident in REVISION: 0 AND TITLE: Containment T i d ." N um IRRADIATED FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENT IN 12-OHP 4022.018.004 CONTAINMENT BUILDING - CONTROL ROOM ACTIONS STEP ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED SNOTE: Recovery and work procedure a recovery will commence after an investigation has been conducted established.
- 16. Return to Procedure And Step In Effect. "
KReports task completed.
Page 8 of 8
Task Briefing The SRO-CA reports to the Control Room that during fuel movements on Unit 2, a top nozzle has failed on an irradiated fuel assembly while moving the manipulator Crane. The fuel assembly has fallen to the bottom of the Reactor Cavity.
The US directs you to implement 12-OHP-4022-018-004, Irradiated Fuel Handling Accident in the Containment Building-Control Room Actions.
N02-A5b.doc Page 1 of 1
6=1 TPerform an Initial Dose Assessment REVISION 0
[PROGRA NRC License Exam TIME 10 Minutes Revision 0: Initial Issue DEVELOPING Name: Dale Tidwell 9/7/02 I RUCTOR: Signature:
REVIEW: Name: T. Werk Signature: q)/q /Oz Page 1 of 3
1- REFERENCES Procedure: PMP-2080-EPP-1 08 revision 4, Initial Dose Assessment Task: EPP0070701, Perform and Initial Dose Assessment K/A CROSS
2.4.38 K/A IMPORTANCE: SRO 4.0 RO 2.2 E - EVALUATION SETTING Computer terminal with Dose Assessment Program (DAP) installed.
HANDOUTS Task Briefing
'ATTACHMENTS None B ~SIMULATOR SETUP None Page 2 of 3 Revision 0
COURSE NUMBER N02A6 REVISION: 0 AND TITLE: Perform an Initial Dose Assessment TASK OBJECTIVES/STANDARDS Terminal Obiectives:
- 1. Perform an Initial Dose Assessment Enabling Objectives
- 1. Given a scenario of plant conditions including specific instrumentation values, a computer with DAP installed and procedure PMP-2080-EPP-1 08, perform a dose assessment for the site boundary with protective action recommendations.
TASK BRIEFING Given the following:
"* At 06:50 Unit 2 tripped due to a large Steam Generator tube rupture on the Loop 1 Steam Generator.
"* The break flow is estimated at 175 gpm.
"* Due to problems immediately following the trip, all MSIV's were closed.
"* At 06:55 the BOP operator reported that the PORV on the ruptured steam generator is 25% open and can not be closed.
"* MRA-2601, Stm Gen Loop 1 PORV Discharge, has a High Alarm.
"* At 07:00 the Shift Manager declares a Site Area Emergency and assumes the role of Site Emergency Coordinator.
"* Current plant conditions are stable.
At 07:00 you are given a print out of the current PPC Dose Assessment Information screen (attached) and directed to perform an initial offsite dose assessment for the conditions described.
When you have completed the initial offsite dose assessment, report the calculated TEDE and Adult thyroid CDE Site Boundary dose rates to the examiner.
Page 3 of 3 Revision 0
~ AN TILE: Perform an Initial Dose Assessment "Inforaton - O-E - ev. 4 Page 3 of 9 Initial Dose Assessment 4 DETAILS NOTE., DAP contains extensive on line help. Help for any particular subject may be obtained by placing the mouse over the object in question. If help is available it wil appear at the bottom of the screen.
NOTE: Dose assessment projections may only be performed using the DAP. IF' projected doses are NOT available and a PAR is necessary, THEN use the A computer terminal with the current version of the default PAR in PMP-2080-EPP-100. Dose Assessment Program (DAP version 7.0.20) is 4.1 Determine which forms are requiaed.
necessary for completion of this JPM.
4.1.1 EMD-32a, Nuclear Plant Event Notification.
"* Is only transmitted to the StatelCoumy within 15 minutes of a change to ,
For the conditions described in this JPM, an EMD-32a the emergency classification or PAR.
"* Must include an EMD-32b, Nuclear Plant Event Technical Data Form would be completed. Completion of the EMD-32a is if the emergency classification is General Emergency and the PAR is NOT necessary for successful completion of this JPM.
based on dose calculations.
4.1.2 EMD-32b, Nuclear Plant Event Technical Data Form.
- Required to be transmitted to the State/County within 30-mminet, "intervalsof the last EMD-32b or .MD-32a form.
4.2 Obtain meteorological data from the PPC. If the PPC is not available, Attachment 1, Meteorological Data, contains additional sources of meteorological data and Attachment 2, Pasquill Category, provides for Pasquill Category (Stability Class) 4.
PPC meteorological data is provided with the briefing.
NOTE: Sources are listed in order of preference.
- 10 Meter Main
- 10 Meter Backup
- 60 Meter Main Page 1 of 12 Revision 0
Initial Dose Assessment Information I-2080-EP-Rev. 4 Page 4o 9 4.3 Obtain RMS radiological data from one of the following sources:
PPC Radiological data is provided with the briefing.
[ NOTE: ources are listed in order of preference.
- RMS Display Terminals
- Direct readings from.the Local Area Data Acquisition Modules 4.4 Determine the Unit I and Unit 2 reactor shutdown status and the date and time of shutdown as applicable. ONLY Unit 2 is applicable for this JPM. Unit 2 status is 4.5 Determine the Coolant Type. provided with the briefing.
oolant Type Containment High Radiation Monitorig Uig NorMal Coolant < 10 R/hr Normal Coolant will be used in the calculation. Provided Cladding Damage < I000 R/hr Fuel Melt > = 100UR/hr with briefing - both Containment High Radiation Monitors (VRA-2310 and VRA-2410) are less than 10 R/hr.
4.6 Determine whether an actual or potential release is occurring.
4.6.1 An actual release is occurring when any of the following are true:
. Valid indication on release point radiation monitoring system channels are present that are associated with a classified event, -, Actual release is in progress as provided with briefing.
- OR
. Measured off-site radiation readings indicate a release is in progress,
- OR
. Indications exist that an unmonitored release may be occurring.
4.6.2 A potential release exists if calculated data is postulated based on present plant conditions (i.e., Containment Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA)).
Page 2 of 12 Revision 0
COURSE NUMBER N02-A6 AND TITLE: Perform an Initial Dose Assessment REVISION: 0 formation - P- I ev. 4 - age5 O Initial Dose Assessment 4.7 Determine the Projected Duration of the Release.
IF the projected duration of the release is unknown, THEN use 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.
Projected duration of release is unknown. The 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> IF releases are occurring from multiple points, THEN use the longest default will be used.
projected duration.
4.8 Enter the data into the Dose Assessment Program. 4 The following pages illustrate the Dose Assessment Program screens with the information entered. The "tabs" NOTE: The classifications may change based on the results of the assessment being run and must be updated accordingly prior to submitting the EMD-32a or of the dose assessment may be completed in any order.
EMD-32b forms for transmittal to the state or county. However, the Calculation and Results tabs should be 4.9 IF necessary, THEN update the current classification and Initiating Conditions on viewed last.
the EMD-32a and EMD-32b.
4-10 Submit the EMD-32a and/or EMD-32b to the SEC.
4.11 The SEC approves the EMD-32 form(s).
4.12 Transmit the EMD-32 form(s) to the Berrien County Sheriff's Department and the State of Michigan.
A completed EMD-32a is NOT necessary for successful 5 REFERENCES completion of this JPM.
5.1 Use
5.1.1 Dose Assessment (DAP) Computer Program 5.1.2 EMID-32a, Nuclear Plant Event Notification 5.1.3 EMD-32b, Nuclear Plant Event Technical Data Form 5.2 Writing
5.2.1 Source References
- a. Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan
- b. EPA 400-R-92-001, Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents Page 3 of 12 Revision 0
Under the General tab, the student should I This isaDO Oedthjs boxto pdntTRis isaDnill'on the EMD-32 Form Select "This is a drill".
I I The student's name, location, and phone number should be entered.
- *i~i r.*! 'i ... . .......... i* ** *i i*
NOTE: Data entered on this tab is used ONLY to complete the EMD-32a and/or EMD-32b form and does NOT affect the dose assessment calculation.
- ,*i*** **** ** :i:* i Page 4 of 12 Revision 0
Under the Event Classification tab, the student should Enter the current date and time.
Select Site Area Emergency.
Select Degrading Fission Product Barrier and using the drop down screens select at least one Initiating Condition (EAL) for the classification selected.
NOTE: Data entered on this tab is used ONLY to complete the EMD-32a and/or EMD-32b form and does NOT affect the dose assessment calculation.
Page 5 of 12 Revision 0
COURSE NUMBER N02-A6 AND TITLE: Perform an Initial Dose Assessment Under the Plant Status tab, the student should CT Complete the U2 Rx Status by selecting RX shutdown and entering the current date and time (per brief - 10 minutes prior to making classification.
CT Complete U2 Fuel Status by selecting Normal Coolant per step 4.5 of PMP-2080-EPP-1 08.
UI Rx Status is not applicable for the conditions of this JPM and therefore does not need to be completed per step 4.4 of PMP-2080-EPP-1 08.
Complete Plant Status detail by selecting Stable (or Degrading) and providing justification in the narrative box.
Information here is used only to complete EMD form(s).
CT Complete Release Status by selecting Release in Progress and entering the date and time the release started (per brief - five minutes prior to making classification).
NOTE: Data entered for U2 RX Status, U2 Fuel Status, and Release Status affects the dose assessment calculation.
Page 6 of 12 Revision 0
COURSE NUMBER N02-A6 AND TITLE:, Perform an Initial Dose Assessment
.0AP!OV1.,0 14--1 LEc~il*!iI*
! Mo*iii Under the Plant Status tab, the student should CT Complete Wind information by entering 10M Main wind speed (4 mph) and wind direction (275o) provided with the briefing.
CT Complete the Pasquill Category (Stability Class) by selecting the correct classification based on the Delta T (-1.0oF) provided with the briefing.
Complete the Precipitation information using the information provided with the briefing.
Downwind Sectors are selected automatically based on the wind direction entered.
Wind and Pasquill Category affect the dose assessment calculation.
Page 7 of 12 Revision 0
00_ Data__
__ OYA 141Af oe Ii*,xI
fiaw~ ~S M4 Cii-fBasis I Under the Calc. Basis tab, the student should CT Enter the current date and time.
CT Complete Calculation Basis by verifying Gaseous Release - In Plant Monitor is selected. This enables the Gaseous Release tab to enter the applicable Radiation Monitor data given with the briefing.
(NOTE: Gaseous Release - In Plant Monitor is the default selection.)
NOTE the Field Team tab will NOT be enabled for this JPM. Field Team Data must be selected to enable the Field Team tab.
Complete PAR Basis by verifying Dose Calculation is selected. This section is used to complete the EMD form(s). However, the Dose Assessment Program will ONLY generate PAR recommendations based on Dose Calculations. (NOTE: Dose Calculation is the default selection.)
Calculation Date and Time and Calculation Basis affect the dose assessment calculation.
Page 8 of 12 Revision 0
COURSE NUMBER AND TITLE: ,t N02-A6 Perform an Initial Dose Assessment llREV 0 E1X1 t 1SwiwtfJi k1mrin' IAUn Ht I Under the Gaseous rel. tab, the student should I- CT Complete the Gaseous Release information by entering the Concentration and Flow Rate (percent open) for the affected radiation monitor(s).
Radiological information is provided with the briefing.
(NOTE: ONLY the reading of the affected monitor(s) is required to be entered.)
Gaseous Release affects the dose assessment calculation.
Page 9 of 12 Revision 0
COURSE NUMBER, N02-A6 IAND TITLE: Perform an Initial Dose Assessment II ,, , . P
.. i 90 I1 NO additional information is required under the Additional info tab. This information is used when needed to complete the EMD-32 forms. The student may leave these blank.
Page 10 of 12 Revision 0
COURSE NUMBER . N02-A6 AND TITLE: Perform an Initial Dose Assessment "MMMEMMMOMM EI IEIw0ý R fKASwII& ewgý a En rdIh JoCc"mI m k NO entries are made under the Calculation tab. This tab provides information only.
I* * ... ..
- ITa When the tab for the affected radiation monitor(s) is selected, information on the different isotopes involved in the release and their contribution to the dose rate / dose is provided.
Atmospheric dispersion factors are also provided.
Page 11 of 12 Revision 0
COURSE NUMBER N02-A6 AND TITLE: Perform an Initial Dose Assessment Under the Results tab, the student will find The Calculated Dose Rates, Calculated Dose, and Release Characteristics based on the information entered under the preceding tabs.
The calculated dose rate and dose is used in conjunction with PMP-2080-EPP-1 01, Emergency Classification to determine Emergency Plan Classification and Protective Action Recommendations.
When required, the operator may recommend evacuation by selecting the affected areas.
The Dose Assessment Program will automatically generate Recommended PAR Evacuation Data when the PAR Basis - Dose Calculation is selected under the Cal Basis tab AND the dose assessment calculation indicates action is necessary. Recommendations generated by the Dose Assessment Program can NOT be changed by the operator.
The EMD-32a and/or EMD-32b forms may be printed as required. (NOT required for this JPM)
CT TEDE SB dose rate = 1.57e+01 mRem/hr (1.25e+01 to 1.89e+01 mRem/hr is acceptable) thyroid CDE SB dose rate = 1.26e+02 mRem/hr (1.00e+02 to 1.52e+02 mRem/hr is acceptable)
JPM IS COMPLETE Page 12 of 12 Revision 0
Task Briefing Given the following:
"* At 06:50 Unit 2 tripped due to a large Steam Generator tube rupture on the Loop 1 Steam Generator.
"* The break flow is estimated at 175 gpm.
"* Due to problems immediately following the trip, all MSIV's were closed.
"* At 06:55 the BOP operator reported that the PORV on the ruptured steam generator is 25%
open and can not be closed.
"* MRA-2601, Stm Gen Loop 1 PORV Discharge, has a High Alarm.
"* At 07:00 the Shift Manager declares a Site Area Emergency and assumes the role of Site Emergency Coordinator.
"* Current plant conditions are stable.
At 07:00 you are given a print out of the current PPC Dose Assessment Information screen (attached) and directed to perform an initial offsite dose assessment for the conditions described.
When you have completed the initial offsite dose assessment, report the calculated TEDE and Adult thyroid CDE Site Boundary dose rates to the examiner.
N02-A6.doc Page 1 of 2 Revision 0
FTW 1 Calculate QPTR with Inoperable Power Range 0SION Instrume n t1 E i nute PRGRMNRC License Exam TIE15 Minutes DAT7E DEVELOPING Name: R. Niedzielski 91/702 INSTRUCTOR: Signature:
T. Werk Signature:
9 1C)oZ Page 1 of 3 Revision 0
COURSE NUMBER N02-A7a Calculate QPTR with Inoperable Power REVISION: 0 AND TITLE: Range Instrument __________________
References 02-OHP-4030-STP-032, Quadrant Power Tilt Calculation Task: 0130180201 Perform Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio Calculation K/A CROSS
2.1.7 K/A IMPORTANCE: RO 3.7 SRO 4.4
[Evaluation Setting Simulator J[Handouts Task Briefing for N02-A7a Copy of 02-OHP-4030-STP-032 Attachments None Simulator Setup Initialize to at power IC (IC 37), with N-42 failed (Malfuction NIIOB, final value 0)
Complete actions of 02-OHP-4022-013-004, Power Range Malfunction:
- Control Rods in Manual
- Rod Stop Bypass Selector in N-42 position
- Selector switches in N-42 Position:
Comparator Channel Defeat Upper Section Detector Current Comparator Defeat Lower Section Detector Current Comparator Defeat Power Mismatch Bypass
- Recorder inputs NOT selected to N-42:
Delta-T Overtemperature Delta-T
- Trip OTDT Bistable 2-TS-421C - (MRF RPR 123 Trip)
..Trip OTDT Runback Rod Stop 2-TS-421D - (MRF RPR 124 Trip)
- Disconnect Power from N42 - (MRF NIR09 Tripped)
- Verify lit Status lights to ON for 2-SML-16: 2, 27, 32, 42 and 47 AND 2-SML-17: 7 and 12
- Hang Caution Tags on above selector switches (7)
Page 2 of 3 Revision 0
COURSE NUMBER N02-A7a Calculate QPTR with Inoperable Power REVISION: 0 AND TITLE: Range Instrument Task Objectives/Standards Correctly obtain values and calculates a Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio calculation with one power range channel out-of-service using 02-OHP-4030-STP-032.
ITask Briefing I Given the following:
- NI Channel N-42 has failed low
- All actions of 02-OHP-4022-013-004, Power Range Malfunction have been completed The US directs you to perform a QPTR calculation per 02-OHP-4030-STP-032, Quadrant Power Tilt Calculation.
Page 3 of 3 Revision 0
COURSE NUMBER N02-A7a Calculate QPTR with Inoperable Power Range Instrument AND TITLE: I REVISION: 0.
Reference I 02-OHP 4030.STP.032 Rev. Page 3 of
4 DETAILS 4.1 IF the Plant Process Computer (PPC) calculation for QPTR is OPERABLE, THEN obtain the QPTR as follows:
-CUE: PPC is inoperable for QPTR calculation 4.1.1 Select Tilting Factors by.
Touch area "Tilting Factors" from NSS Menu
- Typing Turn-On Code "TF" 4.1.2. Enter the Upper and Lower Radial Flux Tilts and the Highest Upper or Lower Radial Flux Tilt on Data Sheet 1, Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio From PPC.:
4.2 IF the PPC calculation for QPTR is inoperable OR a manual calculation is desired, THEN calculate QPTR using one of the following:
4.2.1 IF all NIs are OPERABLE, THEN calculate QPTR per Step 4.3 using Data Sheet 2, Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio Calculation Sheet.
-OR-4.2.2 IF any NI is inoperable, THEN calculate QPTR per Step 4.4 using Data Sheet 3, Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio Calculation Sheet Using 3 NIS. Operator determines step 4.4 is correct step 4.3 Calculation of QPTR with all NIs operable:
4.3.1 IF detector currents will be used to obtain power range excore amperages, THEN perform the following:
NOTE: All eight amp meter settings do not need to be on the same scale setting.
- a. Select the amp meter scales for maximum resolution.
- b. Read AND record each individual NI detector current on Data Sheet 2.
Page 1 of 5 Revision 0I
COURSE NUMBER N02-A7a Calculate QPTR with Inoperable Power Range Instrument REVISION: 0 AND TITLE:
Reference 02-OHP 4030.STP.032 Rev. 8a I Page 4 of:
QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO CALCULATION CAUTION: Fluke readings shall not be taken if bistables are tripped on any power range drawer.
4.3.2 IF a FLUKE will be used to determine QPTR, THEN perform the following:
- a. Record instrument number and calibration due date on Data Operator determines steps on this page are not applicable Sheet 2.
- b. Set fluke to lowest scale for volts DC.
- c. Obtain each individual NI detector voltage AND substitute this voltage for NI detector current on Data Sheet 2.
.4.3.3 Enter the individual upper and lower power range 120% current values in the appropriate blanks.
4.3.4 Divide the individual NI current by its 120% current.value.
4.3.5 Total the normalized values determined in Step 4.3.4.
4.3.6 Using the formula on Data Sheet 2, determine the upper and lower QPTR.
4.3.7 Enter the highest upper OR lower tilt ratio in the space provided on Data Sheet 2.
4.3.8 Obtain the Maximum QPTR from the Plant Process Computer by performing the following (N/A if the PPC is unavailable or inoperable):
- a. Select Tilting Factors by:.
. Touch area "Tilting Factors" from NSS Menu
. Typing Turn-On Code "TF" Page 2 of 5 Revision 0
COURSE NUMBER:ý N02-A7a Calculate QPTR with Inoperable Power Range Instrument REVISION: 0 AND TITLE:. : /1 Reference-7 02-OHP 4030.STP.032 Rev. 8a Page 5of 11 QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO CALCULATION
-Operator determines this is correct step 4.4 Calculation of QPTR with one NI inoperable:
-Operator records N-41, 43 and 44 on Data Sheet 3 Upper & Lower 4.4.1 Record the OPERABLE NI numbers inthe appropriate blanks on Detector blanks.
Data Sheet 3.
Note: See Page 5 For expected values (Spreadsheet program 4.4.2 Obtain power range excore amperages as follows: may be used to verify accuracy of candidate readings and calculations)
NOTE: ADl eight amp meter settings do not need to be on the same scale setting.
f,} Operator should select the 0.1 scale
- a. Select the amp meter scales for maximum resolution, "CT:Operator records data to within +/- .0005 for indicators reading on a division mark and within the division marks for all others.
b, Read AND record each individual NI detector current on Data (Enter data into spreadsheet for comparison)
Sheet 3.
4.4.3 Enter the individual upper and lower power range 120% current 4------' CT: Operator enters data from cards on channel 3 NI Panel values in the appropriate blanks on Data Sheet 3.
Divide each individual NI current by its 1206/6 amperage.gOperator divides respective NI channel with its 120% value (from 4.4.4 D cards on channel 3 NI panel) 4.4.5 Total the normalized values determined inStep 4.4.4. 4 Operator totals 3 channels of normalized values 4.4.6 Using the formula on Data Sheet 2,determine the upper and lower QPTR. CT: Operator determines upper and lower QPTR using data sheet 3 with an accuracy of .001 of Exam Team calculated value (Enter 4.4.7 Enter the highest upper OR lower tiltratio inthe space provided on data into spreadsheet for comparison)
Data Sheet 3.
Operator enters the highest calculated QPTR (CT: Covered on Page 5 of this section)
Page 3 of 5 Revision 0
COURSE NUMBER N02-A7a Calculate QPTR with Inoperable Power Range Instrument FREVISION: 0 ]
Reference I 02-OH 4030.STP.032 Rev. 8a Page 6 of ]
QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO CALCULATION 5 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 5.1 Acceptance criteria is contained on Data Sheets 1, 2, and 3.
6 CORRECTIVE MEASURES 6.1 IF QPTR exceeds Notification Limit, THEN notify SM and Reactor Engineering.
6.2 IF QPTR exceeds Acceptance Criteria, THEN perform the following:
- Notify SM and Reactor Engineering.
- Enter ACTION Statement ofTech Spec 3.2.4.
Page 4 of 5 Revision 0
COURSE NUMBER', N02-A7a Calculate QPTR with Inoperable Power Range Instrument EVISIO REVISIO:.
Reference 02-OHP 4030.STP.032 Rev. 8a Page 11 ofll QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO CALCULATION Data Sheet 3 Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio Calculation Sheet Page:
Using 3 NIS 11 Upper Record Detector Record Detector Normalized Value Detector "A" Current "A" 120% value Detector A + 120% value IN- 41 .0940 .1139 .8253 N- .0990 .1206 .8209 N- .0989 1204 .8214 Upper Total 2.4676 Lower Record Detector Record Detector Normalized Value Detector "B" Current "B" 120% value Detector B - 120". value
.8333 Data entered on this page based on Simulator readings.
N- 41. .0883 .1062 N- .0987 .1192 .8280 Enter data into QPTR calculation spreadsheet to determine N- .0932 M .8237 accuracy of candidate's calculation Lower Total 1 2.4850 Upper Tilt Ratio= Max Uuper Normalized Vahie Upper Total x 3
.4 eTilt Ratio Max Lower Normalized Value Lower TiltRLower Total x 3=
CT: Operator enters the highest calculated QPTR of these 2 Enter the max upper or lower tilt ratio (Calculated QPTR) 1.0060 values Highest Upper or Lower Radial Flux Tilt from PPC (N/A if unavailable or inoperable)
N/A Candidate marks "N/A" Verify QPTR Consistent with Incore Detector Readings (N/A if reactor power is less that or equal to 75%)
ENPR Nuclear Engineering states that QPTR is consistent with Incore Readings.
Notification Limit: 1.015 Acceptance Criteria: Calculated QPTR is less than or equal to 1.02 SCandidate Signs, Dates, & enters Time Performed by: Date: Time: Reports task completed.
Reviewed by: Date:_______
(Supervisor/Manager Signature)
Page 5 of 5 Revision 0
Task Briefing Given the following:
- NI Channel N-42 has failed low
- All actions of 02-OHP-4022-013-004, Power Range Malfunction have been completed The US directs you to perform a QPTR calculation per 02-OHP-4030-STP-032, Quadrant Power Tilt Calculation.
N02-A7a.doc Page 1 of 2 Revision 0
NI CALIBRATION DATA DET A 120% I in u Amps N41 = 0.1139 N42 = 0.1196 N43 = 0.1206 N44 = 0A204 DET B 120% I in u Amps N41 = 0.1062 N42 = 0.1136 N43 = 0.1192 N44 = 0.1140 Verified: Print Sign --
Date N02-A7a.doc Page 2 of 2 Revision 0
1 NO TITLE Determine Actions to Change Containment REVISION Integrity Options During Refueling PROGRAM NRC License Exam TME 15 Minutes DEVELOPING Name: S. Pettinger 9/7102 INSTRUCTOR: Signature:
OPERATIONS REVIEW: Name: T. We.,H.I Signature: ul-3ý 9 cIeoz_
Page 1 of 3
COURSE NUMBER N02-A7b - Determine Actions to Change AND TITLE: Containment Integrity Options During Refueling RVS.I . ON: 0 References 1 01-OHP-4030-127-041, Refueling Integrity Task:0340260202 Verify Containment Penetration Integrity checks prior to Core Alterations K/A CROSS
2.2.26 K/A IMPORTANCE: SRO 3.7 Evaluation Setting Classroom/simulator Handouts Task Briefing
,Attachments None Simulator Setup N/A Page 2 of 3
COURSE NUMBER N02-A7b - Determine Actions to Change AND TITLE: Containment Integrity Options During Refueling REISION: 0 Task Objectives/Standards Verify alignment of valves during Refueling per 01-OHP-4030-127-041, Refueling Integrity, observing applicable precautions and limitations and procedural steps.
Task Briefing I Given the following:
"* Unit 1 is in Mode 6
"* Core Offload in Progress
"* You are the Unit 1 Unit Supervisor Panel 104 Drop 33 "CONTAINMENT CTRL AIR HDR PRESSURE LOW" and Panel 124 Drop 30 CNTMT 100 PSI CTRL AIR HDR 2 PRESSURE LOW" Alarms have annunciated.
MTI has investigated and determined that pressure transmitter 1-XPA-104 has failed.
01-OHP-4030-127-041, Refueling Integrity is impacted by this failure. Option A was previously chosen for CPN-74(1) on Data Sheet 5 (page 297).
The Shift Manager directs you select a different option per 01-OHP-4030-127-041,Step 4.2.6 and Data Sheet 1 for CPN-74 (page 113).
The option Chosen must maintain air to Containment and NOT require a Containment Entry.
Page 3 of 3
COURSE NUMBER N02-A7b - Determine Actions to Change Containment Integrity Options During REVISION: 0 AND TITLE: Refueling CONTINUOUS i 01-OHP-4030-127-041 Rev. 0 Page_60of 318 Refueling Integrity General CUEPS NOTE: The following sub-step pertains to significant personnel industrial safety risks for tagging of installed components.
WHEN tagging components for the purpose of "installed" AND the Shift Manager determines that personnel "Industrial Safety Risk" is significant enough to take exception to tagging the component(s), THEN:
"* "NOT HUNG" shall be entered in the "TAG HUNG" column on the applicable pages of the Data Sheet
"* The reason for NOT HUNG shall be stated on the page
"* The Shift Manager making the determination, shall initial in the PERFORMED BY column 4.2.5 Log any out of position component, on penetrations that do not have administrative controls established, on Data Sheet 4, Loss Of Refueling Integrity Log.
- a. IF a valve on a control board is out of position, THEN reverse the tag to show it is out of position and log this valve on Data Sheet 4.
4.2.6 IF it becomes necessary to change the way a penetration is isolated once Refueling Integrity is established, THEN:
- a. Obtain prior SRO-CA approval to ensure change will not interfere with CORE ALTERATIONS.
- b. Obtain appropriate page trom Data Sheet 1.
- c. Perform and verify lineup for desired option.
- 1. IF Refneling Integrity is required while changing options, THEN ensure it is maintained.
- d. Attach new page to front of original page.
- e. Check off on original page that the option was changed, and obtain Unit Supervisor signoff of Name, Date and Time.
Page 1 of 6
COURSE NUMBER N02-A7b - Determine Actions to Change Containment Integrity Options During REVISION:_0 AND TITLE: RefuelingI CONTINUOUS 0I-OHP-4030-127-041 Rev. 0 Page 297 of 318 Refueling Integrity Data Sheet 5 Daily System Parameters Pages:
295-302 DESCRIPTION Ref. Page INSTRUMENT VALUE INITIALS CPN-75 (2) OPTION A CCW Flow to Excess Letdown Hx Page 55 I-CFA-459 > 100 gpm CPN-82 (1) OPTION A CCW Flow to Rx Support Cooler Page 57 I-CFA-457 > 20 gpm CPN-82 (2) OPTION A CCW Flow from RX Support Cooler Page 58 1-CFA-456 > 20 gpmn CPN-74 (1) OPTION A ALARM _,_
Ann. 104, Drop 33 is Clear Page 113 CLEAR CUE: Alarm is no longer valid CPN-74 (1) OPTION C Not Cross Containment Control Air Headers Page 113 tied CPN-29 (1) OPTION A ALARM Ann. 104, Drop 33 is Clear Page 208 CLEAR CPN-29 (1) OPTION C Not Cross Containment Control Air Headers Page 208 tied CPN-29 (2) OPTION A Plant Air Pressure Page 210 I-PPI-10 > 20 psig NO. I SG OUTSIDE CONTAIINMENT (N/A IF INSIDE CONTAINIMENT UTILIZED)
CPN-6 (1) OPTION A WR Level #11 SG Page 223 I-BLI-1I0 > 5%
CPN-7 (1) OPTION A WR Level #11 SG Page 224 1-BLI-Il0 > 80%
CPN-66 (9) OPTION A WR Level #I1SG Page 226 1-BLI-110 > 5%
Page 2 of 6 -
COURSE NUMBER N02-A7b - Determine Actions to Change Containment Integrity Options During REVISION: 0 AND TITLE: Refueling I I
C(ONTIN -oUS- 01-OHP-4030-127-i41 Re~v..0 j 11 1ael1o~8 Refueling Integrity lDita Sheet I CPN .teagitvy Checks For Core Aerations PIZ-e7 12 -2718 (AIN TAG PEORMtED INDUER.
.[.NTFICATON! REQUIREM1ENT 1UNG BY BY (7PN-74 NOTE: Containment Conirol Air headers may be cross-tied to support B&C Leak Rate Testing and/or maintenance on Containment isolation valves of CPN-74 or CPN-29. When Cttaninmejn Control Air headers awe cross-tied, care should be taken in selecting the appropriate option. For example, with the headers cross-tinc and I-XCR-101 cdosed, the conditions for Option D may be met but Option E or F would be required to ensure. Refueling Integrity is nssiaantah'd.
( 0 O>TI)N 0' P A (Con.trol Poom);
Verify system is pressuriZed; Alarm is not Valid nor clear Ansn, 104, Drop 33 "CONTAINMENT CTRL (i)/S 5)
Alarm is not Valid nor clear Verify system is pressurized; Ann. 124. Drop 30 "CNMIl'100 PSI CTRL (DIS 51 AIR HDR 2 PRESSURE ALARM LOW" is clear CLEMR JOPTIION C (Control Room
& CAS.,:
CT: Determines that Option C is required Option Containanrtt Control Air headers are not cross-tied as indicated by l'tc'dstaished "Icntpurary IDrS 5)
Not Cross-di Log ldex, Tied Verifies that Air headers are not Crosstied
-ANND - CUE: "Proceduralized Temporary Modification Log Index does NOT list Containment Control Air Header crosstie."
Page 3 of6
COURSE NUMBER N02-A7b - Determine Actions to Change Containment Integrity Options During REVISION: 0 AND TITLE- Refueling _
Co NYIMNUOUS 01-O1)lIP-44304127-041 Re. a' jI1 f 3718 Refueling Integrity DataI PactI gesý Sheet ia i (N ]qtegriity Cheeks Fox Core Ahterations 1 2752,.
CPN I.NDVER I)ENTUIC'ATI ON REQTTRURETNTr TAG PEtRFORMEO J31NG BY BY Verify two complete cyycles -CT: Selects one valve and verifies that it cycles Two (2) times on any of the following valves (verifies 1-CA-385 is cpxn):
l-QRV470, 1 GGRiV-4S1
]- QC(R-301, I-DRV-100 I..VCR-L, 1-VCR-21 2 CYCLES 4r"ý Requests that AEO read pressure on 1-XPI-186 at CAS panel
Cue "1-XPI-186 reads 85 psig" 1-XP[-I86 returns to
> 75 psiig (ensures C'PN is (D!S 5) presswrized) > 75 psig ----- CT: Verifies Pressure is > 75 psig 2 OPTION ) (IC & CAS Panel): .
I-CA-385 (Q3 Pipe
- Can Not be used as it requires operations inside containment.
Anaulas Cortaitnmint Wall Stde between Colnmns 19 arid 20) OPEN
-AND-(D/S 5)
I-XPI-1836 C(AS Panel" >v 75 psig CQOPTION F:
___1 -Can Not be used as air would be isolated SO C2LOSED PCern*eto -stabishsR'ei O whiXch iPTIO:N F': 4
( t'irar,;e to 51(0-C
- Can Not be used as air would be isolated which establishe-s RP.eli)ng Wcrgill CL#
Page 4 of 6
N02-A7b Refueling
- Determine Actions to Change Containment Integrity Options During IREVISION: 0 I
CONTINUOUS 01-01P-41'30-127-041 Rev.O 1 age ] 5 of 318 Refueling Integrity 12e-278 D:,a Shet II CPN integrity Checks For Core Alterations CPN TAG PERFORMED INDVER, WDENTIFICATION .IWBNG Y By o CPN-74, Line (1) option changed
(,=e Step 4.2,6):
Unit Supervisor -CT: Signs, enters Time & Date that CPN Line (1) was changed (2) Q OVTION A (Startup Plash Tank Area): Nitrogen to PRT:
- earenee to SRO-CA which establishes Refueling Inteerity CL #
J CPN-74, Line (21 option changed (see Stop 4.2,6)"
TIME )ATE_____
DATE Unit Supervisor CPN-74 OPTIONS VIBYIF[, C(M [ .,TE I Signs that CPN-74 Options are Complete BY TIME DATE NAME Reports task completed.
Reviewed By: Date:.
St'pervisor!M.tage. Sig..r...e JPM IS COMPLETE.
Page 5 of 6
N02-A7b Refueling
- Determine Actions to Change Containment Integrity Options During REVISION: 0 CONTINUOUS . 27A)41
- Re v. P..e 116 of 318 Refueling Integrity Data Sheet,.1 CPt'1nrg.x;iy Checks For Coye Alteratio*rs i Pas: 7 PLANT & CONTROL AIR OP.1.5120D CPN..74 I -5128A txhoxt 4.q695 rl*ý).
Page 6 of 6
Task Briefing Given the following:
"* Unit 1 is in Mode 6
"* Core Offload in Progress
"* You are the Unit 1 Unit Supervisor Panel 104 Drop 33 "CONTAINMENT CTRL AIR HDR PRESSURE LOW" and Panel 124 Drop 30 CNTMT 100 PSI CTRL AIR HDR 2 PRESSURE LOW" Alarms have annunciated.
MTI has investigated and determined that pressure transmitter 1-XPA-104 has failed.
01-OHP-4030-127-041, Refueling Integrity is impacted by this failure. Option A was previously chosen for CPN-74(1) on Data Sheet 5 (page 297).
The Shift Manager directs you select a different option per 01-OHP-4030-127-041,Step 4.2.6 and Data Sheet 1 for CPN-74 (page 113).
The option Chosen must maintain air to Containment and NOT require a Containment Entry.
N02-A7b.doc Page 1 of I
NIIIA87 TITLE Verify a Clearance REVISION 0 PROGRAM NRC License Examination TIME 20 Minutes DEVELOPING Name: Dale J. Frie 9/7/02 INSTRUCTOR: Signature:
7Z*~+/-r__I OPERATIONS REVIEW: Name: T. Werk Signature:
V 4)1<) /~z Page 1 of 3
COURSE NUMBER N02lA8 REVISION: 0 AND TIL: ... Verify a Clearance Permit' REFERNICES 12-OH P-21 10-C PS-001 Clearance Permit System Task: 3000040201 Verify a Clearance Permit.
2.2.13 K/A IMPORTANCE: SRO 3.8 FEvaluation Setting Classroom/Simulator Handouts Task Briefing Clearance Package (Forms, Cards (4), & Prints OP-2-5113-71, OP-2-98721-7, OP-2-98415-47)
ATTACHMENTS 12-OHP-2110-CPS-001 Attachment 3, Clearance Development Checklist - Verifier IlMULATOR SETUP None Page 2 of 3
COURSE NUMBER N02-A8 REVISION: 0 AND TILE K!iVerify a Clearance Permit STask Standards The Candidate performs a review as per 12-OHP-21 10-CPS-001 Attachment 3 and determines that the clearance is improperly sequenced and that tags should be required for the breaker and control power fuses.
11Task Briefing The Clearance Control Group Supervisor directs you to verify the 2E Essential Service Water (ESW)
Pump Clearance #211795 per 12-OHP-21 10-CPS-001 Attachment 3.
The Clearance was written from a directly generated Clearance Request.
There is no Job Order Activity.
The Clearance was not written from a Standard Clearance.
The Clearance does not fit into the boundaries of an existing Clearance.
Page 3 of 3
Information .. 12-OHP-2110-CPS-001 i Re. 4 I P!ae33
! of 41.
Clewaance Permit System
! Pages. ' For those checks that are not necessary for this Clearance, Attachment 3 Clearance Development Checklist-Verifier
.ages: i.e. the checks without arrows, accept any trainee comment.
33-34 This checklist is to be used as an aid in Clearance development and is not intended to be a comprehensive list.
Clearance Development Checklist - VERIFIER ACTIVITY CHECKS rainee determines that there are no support equipment U Read JOA description: check unit designation, Clearance type (Red/Striped). removed from service by this Clearance.
Q Docs activity fit within the boundaries of an existing Clearance? NOTE: Trainee may interpret that the Control Switch should be in 'Pull To Lock' and Control Power Fuses should CLEAJRA:NCE* CHECKS be 'Pulled' before the Breaker is racked to Disconnect at this point. IF so, this meets the standard for proper sequencing U Clearance written from a standard.
O) Special instructions to explain why specia rics were chosen of tags.
Q Main equipment removed before suppo
-0 Is Containment Integrity maintained U Properly sequenced to prevent; auto actuation's and minimize retracing of steps Q Coifflict cheek, Sort, Tags-properly labeled (Red-Striped-Caution/Red Stripe)yg O Prints show boundaries and Clearance points CT: Trainee determines that the Control Switch and the Q Prints verified via NDIS U Management approval for Uncontrolled Drawings Breaker are improperly sequenced.
CT: Trainee determines that the Control Power Fuses and the Breaker should be "RED" tagged instead of "NO" tagged.
Page 1 of 2
Verify a Clearance Permit Infonsnatsn 12-OtlP-2l11-CPS-001 Rev, 4 I :Pajge 34 of4I For those checks that are not necessary for the Clearance, Clerance Permit System accept any trainee comment.
Attachment 3 Clearance Development Checklist-Verifier Pages,.
T33-..34 MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL O Low energy < 100 psig < 130 *F 3 Any electric plant limitations o Steam side of trap isolated first LI Remote switches on HSD Panel
- High press side of pumped systems isolated first and other unit
- Does component have seal water Ll One tag per lifted tead CT:Trainee determines Control Switch, Fuses, and Breaker o At least one vent andlor drain tagged open. if U Motor Heater power possible C) Breaker cleaning maps need to be properly sequenced and RED tagged.
Q Check drains that tie into a common header CU Alternate power NOTE: This may have been previously determined on O Planning notified if drain hoses affecting HELB C0 Control switch, fuses, breaker barriers L) Ground Clearance separate page 33 of the checklist.
O Prevent rotation-isolate process flow C, Induced power (PT's) o Hazard&us gases, liquids and solids 0 Grounds required when working CUE: When the Trainee completes the ELECTRICAL on electrical circults > 600 volts portion of the checklist announce, FIRE PROTECTION INSTRUMENTATION JPM IS COMPLETE.
- PM]P 2291,,PLN.001, Work Managemient Activity 0 Control Air isolated Planning Process C0 Failure position
- Appendix R C) Auto start signals O Document turn counts on Placement and Restoration Special Instructions ADMIN 0 Criteria for conducting infrequently performed tests or evolution: PMt-4090 Q) Event initiated surveillance PMP 4030.EIS.001 Q Racking 4 kV breakers 12-OIP 4021,082,009 D Racking 600 VAC breakers 12-OHP 4021.082.009 U Breaker Cycling PMP 2291 .PMT.001
'J Non-positive boundary OHP 21 t0.CPS.001, Data Sheet 5
- PMP 2291.OLR.001, On-Line Risk Management
- Thi
' verification of the boundaries is independent and not influenced by the writer.
Page 2 of 2 1
Task Briefing The Clearance Control Group Supervisor directs you to verify the 2E Essential Service Water (ESW)
Pump Clearance #211795 per 12-OHP-21 1O-CPS-001 Attachment 3.
The Clearance was written from a directly generated Clearance Request.
There is no Job Order Activity.
The Clearance was not written from a Standard Clearance.
The Clearance does not fit into the boundaries of an existing Clearance.
N02-A8.doc Page 1 of 1 Revision 0
NUCLEAR CLEARANCE PERMIT SYSTEM CLEARANCE PERMIT COVER SHEET Print Date: 11/20/02 Page: I Clearance Type: R Unit: 2 Status: WRTTEN Clearance No: 2011795 Request in Effect Date: Time: Train Affected: A FEG: 219.01 Equipment Cleared: 2-PP-7E Desc: EAST ESSENTIAL SERVICE WATER PUMP Purpose WRITTEN FOR SIMULATOR TRAINING ONLY Tech. Spec. Nbrs: Tags Placed By: Date: Time:
Position Verified By: Date: Time:
Clearance in Effect C.C.G./S.S./A.S.S.: Date: Time:
Clearance Released By: Date: Time:
Tags Removed By: Date: Time:
Position Verified By: Date: Time:
Equipment Restored to Desired Status (approved by S.S. / A.S.S. below)
Clearance Closed By: Date: Time:
- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- END OF COVER SHEET * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- NUCLEAR CLEARANCE PERMIT SYSTEM CLEARANCE PERMIT ACCEPT/RELEASE ACTIVITIES COVERED BY THIS CLEARANCE PERMIT Print Date: 11/20/02 Page: 1 Clearance No: 2011795 Acceptor Special Instructions: Unit: 2 Status: WRTTEN NONE Support Clearance JOA/ Pri 10 AR/Procedure No Acceptor Final STPCL Release By: Date: Time:
- * * * ** * * ********* END OFACCEPTORS LIST ******************
- Clearance No: 2011795 Rev: 00 Equipment Cleared: 2-PP-7E EAST ESSENTIAL SERVICE WATER PUMP Tag [Tag C]-omponent Number Component [Placeen - . e Place-- Verif No. Typ _Cot onent Type Description Position ]:B B
-- - - - -- S----. -----
Written By: OPERATOR, I.M. Date: 11/20/02 Time: 13:08 Verified By: Date: Time:
- * * * * * * * * *
- NUCLEAR CLEARANCE PERMIT SYSTEM EQUIPMENT POSITION PLACEMENT LIST Print Date: 11/20/02 Page: 1 Clearance No: 2011795 Rev: 00 Equipment Cleared: 2-PP-7E EAST ESSENTIAL SERVICE WATER PUMP Placement Special Instructions:
NONE Ta agIComponent Number Component [I~l mn [Se Place . Verif No. [Tyjp..
- z:s:-22: .. .. 2-Component
- Z .Z z ----Type
?-y _ ---- "-- 2--
- Z Z Description Position -By ... By ...
1 1-------.
- --- --- -- --------I-----------
- *
- RED * *
- *
- RED * *D COMPONENT: 2-101-WMO-703 * *
- RED * *
I L-ItlVlll fi'; Z.U 11795 2-WMO-703 POS.: CLOSE PERMIT#: 20 11795 mp I !
F--7N-?A9' TITLE Reviewing Liquid Release (Alternate Path) REVISION 0
[PROGRAM NRC License Exam TIME 15 Minutes SDEVEL OPING Name: S. Pettinger 9/7/02 INSTRUCTOR: Signature:
OPERATIONSj REVIEW: Name: jT. Werk Signature:
Page 1 of 3
AND Review Liquid Release (Faulted)
References I 12-OHP-4021-006-004, Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks PMP-6010-OSD-001, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Task: 0230140102 Verify releases comply with the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual.
0060220103 Authorize a radioactive liquid release to the Circulating Water System.
2.3.6 K/A IMPORTANCE: SRO 3.1 RO 2.1 Evaluation Setting Classroom / Simulator JFHandouts Task Briefing Prepared Release Package:
"* 12-OHP-4021-006-004, Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks:
Attachment 3, Monitor Tank Release To The Circ. Water System Data Sheets 1, Monitor Tank Release Permit Lineup Sheet 3, Monitor Tank No. 3 Recirc Valve Lineup Line up Sheet 7, Monitor Tank No. 3 Release Valve Lineup
"* Liquid Release Worksheet (1)
Available References
- PMP-6010-OSD-001, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Simulator Setup N/A Page 2 of 3
COURSE NUMBER N02-A9REION0 AND TTLE: Review Liquid Release (Faulted)
Task Objectives/Standards Identifying conditions that would prevent authorization of a liquid release in accordance with Step 4.5.4 of 12-OHP-4021-006-004, Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks.
Task Briefing Given the following conditions:
, You are the WCC/SRO
- Both units are at 100% power
- All Circulating Water Pumps are running in both units
- Both units Circulating Water Systems are in their normal alignment
" All condenser water box halves are in service
" Neither unit is in De-Ice Mode
- RRS-1001, Liquid waste Effluent Monitor is INOPERABLE
- Monitor Tank # 3 is ready to be released to the Unit 2 circulating water system.
- The monitor tank release package is ready for your review and authorization.
Authorize monitor tank release (L-02-75) in accordance with Step 4.5.4 of 12-OHP-4021-006-004, Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks. Be sure to mark any (and all) conditions that would prevent authorization of this release.
Page 3 of 3
Review Liquid Release (Faulted)
Reference 12-OHP-4021-006-004 I Rev. 25 Page 20 of 58 Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks Attachment 3 Monitor Tank Release To The Circ Water Pages:
System F 14-28 RELEASE NO.
4.5 Align Monitor Tank to be released:
4.5.1 Complete applicable release lineup sheet (4):
D .Lineup Sheet 5, Monitor Tank No. 1 Release Valve Lineup o Lineup Sheet 6, Monitor Tank No. 2 Release Valve'Lineup CT - Identifies that the discharge alignment was NOT dependeaU o Lineup Sheet 7, Monitor Tank No. 3 Release Valve Lineup ,-verified by two (different) operators for CW (Circ Water) valves D Lineup Sheet 8, Monitor Tank No. 4 Release Valve Lineup located in the Turb Bldg on first page (page 53) of Lineup Sheet 7 4.5.2 Verify release number has been entered on each page of Lineup (i.e., 1-CW-123, 1-CW-124, 2-CW-123, 2-CW-124).
4.5.3 Document release flowpath in Section 3.0 of Data Sheet 1.
4.5.4 Obtain SM/WCC-SRO authorization for release:
"- Applicable Release Valve Lineup sheet is complete.
CT - Identifies that tbw independent samples were NOT performed
-as only on LIQUID RELEASE WORKSHEET form is included in
"* Plant conditions requir&l for a radioactive release, as the release package.
specified by ODCM, have been met.
24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> have NOT elapsed since Chemistry approval for release.
Time: __. Date: __
SM/WCC SRO Identifies that greater than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> has elapsed since chemistry 4.6 Request RP Tech perform the following: approved the release (Data Sheet 1, Section 2, Chemistry Approval 4.6.1 Enter RRS-1001 High Alarm setpoint (Section 2 - Data Sheet 1).
Date/Time (Sample: 11/21/02 @ 0601, Exam: 11/22/02 after 0700)
RP Tech OPS Ltue: If the candidate asks, the current time is as-is (real time).
4.6.2 Verify two previous Ten Minute Averages are Normal for C°:
1P Tech OPS 4.6.3 Verify parameter files for all RRS-1000 channels are correct.
[Ref. 7.2.1i.3]
Cue: Reports task completed.
Page 1 of I
Task Briefing Given the following conditions:
- You are the WCC/SRO
- Both units are at 100% power
- All Circulating Water Pumps are running in both units
- Both units Circulating Water Systems are in their normal alignment E All condenser water box halves are in service 0 Neither unit is in De-Ice Mode
- RRS-1001, Liquid waste Effluent Monitor is INOPERABLE
- Monitor Tank # 3 is ready to be released to the Unit 2 circulating water system.
- The monitor tank release package is ready for your review and authorization.
Authorize monitor tank release (L-02-75) in accordance with Step 4.5.4 of 12-OHP-4021-006-004, Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks. Be sure to mark any (and all) conditions that would prevent authorization of this release.
N02-A9.doc Page I of 1
Reference 12-OHP-4021-006-004 Rev. 25 Page 14 of 58 Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks Attachment 3 Monitor Tank Release To The Circ Water Pages:
System- 14-28 MONITOR TANK NO.
- RELEASE NO. L-OZ- 15 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1.1 To release a Monitor Tank to the Circulation Water System.
2 PREREQUISITES INIT VER 2.1 Circ Water System is in service.
2.2 Operability checks of RRS-1001 and RFS-1010:
- A SOURCE CHECK has been performed to verify RRS-1001 is OPERABLE. (N/A if not used)
- WA4 14/A_
- Verify RRS-1001 and RFS-1010 are OPERABLE. (N/A if not used) NA /A
-OR $ "I 0i The provision of 12-PMP-6010-OSD-001, Attachment 3.2, will be satisfied prior to release. (N/A if not used) _%_U 3 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 3.1 Monitor Tank volume increase after Data Sheet 1, Monitor Tank R~lease Permit, has been submitted for sampling voids the release. Release Permit must be resubmitted.
3.2 IF RRS-1001 or RFS-1010 becomes inoperable during release, THEN release must be terminated until provisions of 12-PMP-6010-OSD-001, Attachment 3.2 are met.
3.3 Monitor Tank release must be terminated any time an alarm is received on RRS-1001 after release has been established (flow stabilized). This does NOT apply if RRS-1000 is out-of-service for maintenance and release is being performed under provisions of 12-PMP-6010-OSD-001, Attachment 3.2.
3.4 SOURCE CHECKS on respective RMS Channels should not be performed during a release.
Reference 12-OHP-4021-006-004 Rev. 25 Page 15 of 58 Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks Monitor Tank Release. To The Circ Water Pages:
Attachment 31 System 14 -28 MONITOR TANK NO. 3 RELEASE NO. L- oZ- 75 4 DETAILS INIT VER 4.1 Chemical Analysis:
4.1.1 Complete Section 1.0 of Data Sheet 1, Monitor Tank Chemistry Analysis Sample Request.
4.1.2 Verify Section 2.0 of Data Sheet 1 - COMPLETE.
4.1.3 Record Monitor Tank number and release number on each page of this attachment. [Ref: 7.2.2a] (?P
4.2 Approval
Obtain approval from Shift Manager (SM), WCC SRO, or Unit Supervisor to prepare Monitor Tank No. - for release, per this attachment.
SM/WCC SRO/Unit Supervisor 4.3 Determine dilution flow rate:
4.3.1 IF release is through a unit at power, THEN perform the following:
- a. Record unit through which release will be performed on Data Sheet 1.
- b. Obtain power level of unit to be used for release using one of the following methods (N/A method not used): ,.
- 1. Thermal power from PPC address (-4):
El Ul 118 - use average of the ten readings El U0601D - 10 minute averages SU 0601B - verify pow er has been steady for previous hour
- 2. Perform 01/02-OHP-4030-114/214-029, Reactor Thermal Power. w1A
- -A
Reference 12-OHP-4021-006-004 Rev. 25 Page 16 of 58 Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks Attachment 3 Monitor Tank Release To The Circ Water Pages:
System- 14-28 MONITOR TANK NO. 3 RELEASE NO. L-OZ- 75 NOTE: Local temperatures may be taken and used in place of SG-21 recorder points that are unavailable, provided the instrument number, calibration due date, and recorder points that are substituted are logged in the remarks section.
- c. Determine Outlet Circ Water average temperature using one of the following methods (N/A method not used): 4 1 IF ALL Condenser Halves are in service, THEN record Outlet Circ Water average temperature from recorder SG-21, point 2: 0F Point 2 "T7A.* ___ __
- 2. IF any Condenser Half is out of service, THEN perform the following:
a) Record in-service Condenser Halves Outlet Circ Water temperature from SG-21:
"* Point 7 (U-2, pt.8), WTR-113 WA F
"* Point 8 (U-2, pt.9), WTR-117 OF
"* Point 9 (U-2, pt.10), WTR-213 OF
"* Point 10 (U-2, pt. 11), WTR-217 OF
"* Point 11 (U-2, pt.12), WTR-313 OF
"* Point 12 (U-2, pt.13), WTR-317 OF
- Total of all points taken: OF I/*, 14/A b) Calculate condenser Outlet Circ Water average temperatu e:
- Total from step 4.3.1c.2.a) OF 0 Divided by number of inservice condenser halves OF Average Outlet Temperature F _F
Reference 12-OHP-4021-006-004 Rev. 25 Page 17 of 58 Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks Atta nt 3 Monitor Tank Release To The Circ Water Pages:
System- 14 -28 MONITOR TANK NO. 3 RELEASE NO. L--OZ-75
- d. Determine Inlet Circ Water average temperature using one of the following (N/A method not used):
- 1. IF Circ Water is recirculating directly to Forebay (through WMO-17 or WMO-27), THEN record St.
Joseph Treatment Plant Lake Temperature as average inlet Circ Water temperature: *9 It't-4,02.
St. Joseph Plant Lake Temperature 01/A OF O/A 1,i/A
- 2. IF Circ Water NOT recirculating directly to Forebay, THEN record average inlet Circ Water temperature from recorder SG-21, point 1:
Point 1 fol & r,4,-
- e. Calculate Circ Water differential temperature as follows:
- Average outlet temperature "17.qOF
- Subtract average inlet temperature (eJ.OF
- Differential Temperature Ito.4°F
- f. Determine total Circ Water flow rate (dilution flow) using Tech Data Book Figure 1/2-11.16 as follows:
- 1. Note thermal power on nomograph Line No. 1.
- 2. Note Circ Water AT on nomograph Line No. 2.
- 3. IF on scale on nomograph, THEN determine total Circ Water flow rate (dilution flow) by connecting points previously noted on nomograph with a straight line AND extend to line No. 3.
Record dilution flow rate 935, 000 gpm -bV-
Reference 12-O-1P-4021-006-004 Rev. 25 Page 18 of 58 Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks Monitor Tank Release To The Circ Water Pages:
System- 14-28 MONITOR TANK NO. 3 RELEASE NO. L- D0-75
- 4. IF off-scale on nomograph, THEN calculate Circ Water flow (dilution flow) as follows:
RTP Rated Thermal Power AT = Circ Water diff. temp MWe = Megawatt Electric MWt = Megawatt Thermal (RTP) 6817 BTU
- hr* Ibm * 'F
- ft3
- gallons MWt - MWe MW
- hr
- min *BTU *lbm
- ft3 AT0 F 6817 ( %RTP*32.5) - ( Mwe Gross) *0.90 AT°F
= Total dilution flow IJ/A gpm ý/A t4ia
- 5. Record total number of Circ Water Pumps operating in release path in Section 3.0 of Data Sheet 1. V--W6
- 6. Record dilution flow rate in Section 3.0 of Data Sheet 1.
- 7. Verify actual dilution flow is greater than or equal to minimum dilution flow rate recorded in Section 2.0 of Data Sheet 1.
4.3.2 IF release is through a shutdown unit, THEN perform the following:
- a. Record Forebay level indicated on 1-XLR-802 (2-XLR-803),
Upstream Forebay:
,J/A Feet gA
- b. Record pressure indicated on 1-WPI-11(2-WPI-21), CW Pumps Disch Press:
I/A psig
- c. Determine flow through a Circ Water Pump using Tech Data Book Figure 12-11.17:
Circ Water Pump flow rate g14 gpm I
Reference 12-OHP-4021-006-004 Rev. 25 Page 19 of 58 Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks Attachment 3 Monitor Tank Release To The Circ Water Pages:
System- 14--28 MONITOR TANK NO.
- d. Calculate Total Circ Water Flow:
"* Pump flow rate .1,J gpm
"* Multiply by number of CW Pumps gpmn
- Total Circ Water Flow -- gpm t! APi
- e. Record total number of Circ Water Pumps operating in release path in Section 3.0 of Data Sheet 1.
- f. Record dilution flow rate in Section 3.0 of Data Sheet 1.
- g. Verify actual dilution flow is greater than or equal to minimum dilution flow rate recorded in Section 2.0 of Data Sheet 1.
4.4 IF RRS-1000 is out of service, THEN perform the following:
4.4.1 Close the following valves to isolate RFS-1010 (prevents inadvertent tripping of Monitor Tank Pumps):
0 12-WD-470, Radioactive Liquid Waste Disposal Effluent Header Radiation Sample Assembly Inlet Shutoff Valve _
- 12-WD-473, Radioactive Liquid Waste Disposal Effluent Header Radiation Sample Assembly Outlet Shutoff Valve 4.4.2 N/A the following steps:
- 4.6 ° 4.11.2 ° 4.14 ° 4.18
- 4.9
- 4.11.5
- 4.16.3
- 4.20
- 4.10.2
- 4.11.6
- 4.16.5
- 4.10.3 ° 4.13 ° 4.17
Reference 12-OHP-4021-006-004 Rev. 25 Page 20 of 5 Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks Attachment 3 Monitor Tank Release To The Circ Water Pages:
System 14 - 28 MONITOR TANK NO. 3 RELEASE NO. L- "75 4.5 Align Monitor Tank to be released:
4.5.1 Complete applicable release lineup sheet (J):
El Lineup Sheet 5, Monitor Tank No. 1 Release Valve Lineup El Lineup Sheet 6, Monitor Tank No. 2 Release Valve Lineup V Lineup Sheet 7, Monitor Tank No". 3 Release Valve Lineup El Lineup Sheet 8, Monitor Tank No. 4 Release Valve Lineup 4.5.2 Verify release number has-been entered on each page of Lineup
4.5.3 Document release flowpath in Section 3.0 of Data Sheet 1.
4.5.4 Obtain SM/WCC-SRO authorization for release:
- Applicable Release Valve Lineup sheet is complete.
- Plant conditions required for a radioactive release, as specified by ODCM, have been met.
- 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> have NOT elapsed since Chemistry approval for release.
Time: Date:
SM/WCC SRO 4.6 Request RP Tech perform the following:
4.6.1 Enter RRS-1001 High Alarm setpoint (Section 2 - Data Sheet 1). t/A WLA~
RP Tech ,PS 4.6.2 Verify two previous Ten Minute Averages are Normal for RRS- 1001.
RP ech OPS 4.6.3 Verify parameter files for all RRS-1000 channels are correct.
[Ref. 7.2.1i.31 RP Tech
Reference 12-OHP-4021-006-004 Rev. 25 Page 21 of 58 Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks Attachment 3 Monitor Tank Release To The Circ Water Pages:
SSystem 14-28 MONITOR TANK NO. 3 RELEASE NO. L- 12-75 4.7 Align Monitor Tank discharge flowpath (N/A step not used):
4.7.1 For Monitor Tank No. 1 or 2, open the following:
"* 12-CS-285, CVCS Monitor Tanks Transfer Pumps Discharge To Circ Water Discharge Tunnel Shutoff Valve
"* 12-CS-488, CVCS Monitor Tanks North Transfer Pump Discharge To Circ Water Discharge Tunnel Shutoff Valve 4.7.2 For Monitor Tank No. 3 or 4, open 12-WD-320, CVCS Monitor Tanks South Xfer Pump 12-PP-47S Disch To CW Discharge Tunnel Shutoff Valve.
4.8 Flush CVCS Monitor Tank Transfer Pump discharge line:
4.8.1 Open 12-WD-164, Rad Liquid Waste Effluent Header To Dirty Waste Hold Up Tank Shutoff Valve.
4.8.2 AFTER two minutes of flushing, THEN close 12-WD-164.
4.9 Verify operation of RRS-1000 as follows:
4.9.1 Perform a SOURCE CHECK to verify RRS-1001 is OPERABLE. (N/A if not used) c1Z P,*1 4.9.2 Perform CHANNEL CHECK on release instrumentation as follows: [Ref. 7.2. li.3]
- a. Verify RRS-1001 indications are approximately the same:
"* Control Room ti/A CPM
- b. Have Radiation Protection place RFS-1010 and RFA-101 I in ic2 service at the RMS-CT.
- c. Verify RFS-1010 indicates approximately the same %
sample flow" at monitor and WDS panel (12-RFI-1000).
- d. Verify RFI-101 1 indicates approximately the same "%
sample flow" at monitor and WDS panel (12-RFI-1000).
Reference 12-OHP-4021-006-004 Rev. 25 Page 22 of 58 Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks Attachment 3 Monitor Tank Release To The Circ Water Pages:
System- 14-28 MONITOR TANK NO. 3 RELEASE NO. L-O2--75 4.10 Align release indications:
4.10.1 Unseal AND open 12-WD-166, Rad Liquid Waste Disposal Effluent Control Valve 12-RRV-285 Inlet Valve.
NOTE: Actions of Steps 4.10.2, 4.10.3, and 4.13 clear low flow alarm and bypass low flow trip function of RFS-1010 to enable start of release [Ref: 7.2.1g] SEE 5,1.-t oz 4.4.2 4.10.2 Press ALM ACK button on front of RRS-1000 DAM.
'PA ,-/A 4.10.3 Verify amber FAILURE light on RRS-1000 DAM - NOT LIT.
4.10.4 Record initial tank volume: %
4.10.5 Place Monitor Tank Pump Mode Selector Switch to - RELEASE.
4.10.6 Mark flow recorder 12-MR-57 with time and date of release start.
4.10.7 Open 12-RRV-285, Liquid Waste Disposal Effl Disch Hdr Shutoff.
CAUTION: A good understanding of the following step is important as this step must be completed expeditiously to ensure that release is NOT being made with a failed radiation monitor.
4.11 Expeditiously perform the following to initiate release:
4.11.1 Open discharge valve for applicable Unit (N/A valve not used):
- 1-RRV-287, Rad Liquid Waste Disposal Effluent Header To Unit 1 Circ Water Disch Tunnel Shutoff Valve 2-RRV-286, Rad Liquid Waste Disposal Effluent Header To Unit 2 Circ Water Disch Tunnel Shutoff Valve
Reference 12-OHP-4021-006-004 Rev. 25 Page 23 of 53 Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks Attachment 3 Monitor Tank Release To The Circ Water Pages:
System- 14 - 28 MONITOR TANK NO. 3 RELEASE NO. L- O2-7*
4.11 .2 Verify the following indicate a flow rate (North wall outside BAST Room):
"* RFS-1010 9/A WIA
"* RFI-1011 4.11.3 IF release flow is less than desired, THEN slowly throttle closed the following applicable valve until desired flow rate is obtained:
0 12-CS-275N, CVCS Monitor Tanks North Transfer Pump Recirc To Monitor Tank 1 & 2 Shutoff Valve a 12-CS-275S, CVCS Monitor Tanks South Transfer Pump Recirc To Monitor Tank 3 & 4 Shutoff Valve 4.11.4 IF release flow is greater than desired, THEN slowly throttle closed 12-WD-166 until desired flow rate is obtained.
CAUTION: Maximum design flow rate through sample line is 15.6 gpm. Closing 12-RRV-284 will increase flow through sample line. Rapidly increasing sample flow rate beyond maximum indicated "% sample flow" reading will damage sample flow line rotometer [REF: 7.2. 1g]
NOTE: RFS-1010 sample flow is raised to at least 40% to re-arm low flow trip function bypassed by performance of Steps 4.7.2, 4.8.1, and 4.11.1. Sample flow must be between 20% to 90% or release will trip off on low/high sample flow (monitor will indicate external failure on RRS-1001). [Ref. 2]
RFS-1010 abnormal readings will alarm via RRS-1001.
4.11.5 Slowly throttle 12-RRV-284 to adjust sample flow as necessary to .
match "% sample flow" indicated on RFS-1010, with "% release flow" indicated on RFI-10 11. 0/A _/__
Reference 12-OHP-4021-006-004 I Rev. 25 Page 24 of 58 Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks Attachment 3 Monitor Tank Release To The Circ Water Pages:
System 14-28 MONITOR TANK NO. 5 RELEASE NO. L-02-75 4.11.6 Perform CHANNEL CHECK on release instrumentation as follows: [Ref. 7.2.1i.3]
- a. Verify RRS-1001 indications are approximately the same:
0 Control Room MIA CPM
/A Srg'
- b. Verify RFS-1010 indicates approximately the same "%
I AA-i sample flow" at monitor and WDS panel (12-RFI-1000).
- c. Verify RFI-1011 indicates approximately the same "%
sample flow" at monitor and WDS panel (12-RFI-1000).
4.11.7 Verify 12-RFI-285 & 12-MR-57 read within 15 gpm of each other.
4.11.8 IF both 12-RFI-285 & 12-MR-57 are inoperable, THEN initiate actions per PMP-4030-EIS-001, Event-Initiated Surveillance Testing, Event No. 25.
4.12 Record the following data:
Release flow rate: GPM Check instrument [I 12-MR-57 used:. u : 12-RFI-285 E Estimated (OHP-4030-STP-021)
Release Start: Time: Date: / /
4.12.1 Record release start information in Section 3.0 of Data Sheet 1.
Reference 12-OHP-4021-006-004 Rev. 25 T Page 25 of 58 Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks Attachment 3 Monitor Tank Release To The Circ Water Pages:
System 14 - 28 MONITOR TANK NO. "3 RELEASE NO. L 7S 4.13 IF release monitor trips off due to external failure, THEN perform the following:
/A 4.13.1 Press ALM ACK button on front of RRS-1000 DAM to enable start of release with low sample flow.
4.13.2 Verify amber FAILURE light on RRS-1000 DAM - NOT LIT.
4.13.3 Open 12-RRV-284, Liquid Waste Disposal Effluent Header Control Valve.
4.13.4 Restart Monitor Tank Pump.
4.13.5 Perform Steps 4.10.6, 4.10.7, 4.11.3 through 4.12.
NOTE: In order to open 12-RRV-285 after high alarm on RRS-1001, monitor m'lst be flushed to reduce radioactivity below alarm point.
4.14 IF 12-RRV-285 closes because of high radiation detected by RRS-1001, THEN perform the following:
4.14.1 Notify Radiation Protection. W/A 4.14.2 Close AND seal 12-WD-.166, Rad Liquid Waste Disposal Effluent 4.14.3 Control Valve 12-RRV-285 Inlet Valve.
Close the applicable valve:
- a. 1-RRV-287
- b. 2-RRV-286 4.14.4 N/A step 4.15 of this attachment.
4.15 IF desired, THEN request Control Room perform the following WHEN at approximately 5 % prior to expected release termination level:
4.15.1 Print release history of RFS-1010 and RFA-1011.
4.15.2 Have Radiation Protection remove RFS-1010 and RFA-10 11 from 1c2 service at the RMS-CT.
Reference 12-OHP-4021-006-004 Rev. 25 Page 26 of 58 Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks Attachment 3 Monitor Tank Release To The Circ Water Pages:
System 14 - 28 MONITOR TANK NO. 3 RELEASE NO. L-D'Z-75 4.16 WHEN desired tank level is reached OR Monitor Tank pump has tripped on low level or high rad, THEN perform the following:
4.16.1 Verify Monitor Tank Pump - STOPPED.
4.16.2 Verify following valves - CLOSED:
- a. 12-RRV-285
- b. One of the following: (N/A valve not used) 0 1-RRV-287 V 2-RRV-286 4.16.3 Request Control Room perform the following:
- a. IF available, THEN print release averages for the following RRS-1000 channels to attach to Data Sheet 1:
- RRS-1001
- RFS-1010 (N/A if already performed)
- RFA-10 11 (N/A if already performed)
- b. Have Radiation Protection remove RFS-1010 and RFA-1011 1c2 from service at the RMS-CT. (N/A if already performed).
4.16.4 Place Monitor Tank Pump Mode Selector Switch used for release to - RECIRC.
4.16.5 Press ALM ACK button on front of DAM to reset local flashing blue light. .4.4.-,
NA 4.16.6 Mark flow recorder 12-MR-57 with time and date of release completion.
4.16.7 Record the following information:
Time: Date: - / of release completion Final Tank Volume: %
4.16.8 Close AND seal 12-WD-166 (N/A if previously performed).
Reference 12-OHP-4021-006-004 Rev. 25 Page 27 of 58 Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks Attachment 3 Monitor Tank Release To The Circ Water Pages:
System. 14 - 28 MONITOR TANK NO. 3 RELEASE NO. L.-02-76 4.17 Flush RRS-1000:
4.17.1 Perform applicable attachment (q):
m] Attachment 5, RRS-1000 Flush for Monitor Tank No. 1 or 2 Attachment 6, RRS-1000 Flush for Monitor Tank No. 3 or 4 4.17.2 Verify adequate flush of RRS-1001:
6 Reading less than 4,000 CPM a IF RRS-1001 can NOT be flushed to less than 4,000 CPM, THEN notify RP AND note in remarks section 4.18 Request RP Tech return RRS-1001 high alarm to desired value.
RP Tech OPS 4.19 Complete Section 3.0 of Data Sheet 1.
4.20 Attach printed release averages for available RRS-1000 Channels to Data Sheet 1. A > it 7--
4.21 IF release was stopped due to high radiation alarm on RRS-1001 AND release is still desired, THEN restart release process with new procedure AND submit another Data Sheet 1 to Chemistry.
4.22 IF procedure was performed with RRS-1000 not in service (step 4.4),
THEN close 12-WD-320, CVCS Monitor Tanks South Xfer Pump 12-PP-47S Discharge to CW Discharge Tunnel Shutoff Valve.
Reference 12-OHP-4021-006-004 Rev. 25 Page 28 of 58 Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks Attachment 3 Monitor Tank Release To The Circ Water Pages:
System- 14 - 28 MONITOR TANK NO. 3 RELEASE NO. L- C12-75 6 FINAL CONDITIONS 6.1 None Comments:
Verified Complete By: Date: _ /
Reviewed By: Date: / /
Supervisor/Manager Signature
Reference 12-OHP-4021-006-004 Rev. 25 Page 37 of 58 Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks Data Sheet 1 Monitor Tank Release Permit Pages:
37 - 39 SECTION 1.0 - OPERATIONS Monitor Tank No. S Level 09 %
Volume 1 1i05. 4 5 Gal (determined by using Figure 1)
Placedonrecirc: Time: 20-Lto -Date: 11 /20/02 A Monitor Tank should be recirculated 2 volumes prior to sampling. [7.2. lj]
Recirc Times for Two Volumes Tank Level Recirc Time*
60%-70% 3 hr 70%-80% 3 hr 30 min 90%-100% 4 hr 30 min Ready for sample: Time: 001 to Date: I_1/2 I Da/Z Initiated by: __ -___ ----- _Date: it /20/o2 Time: Zo'4 SRO FORWARD TO CHEMISTY
- Recirc time is based on a Monitor Tank Pump discharge pressure of 90 psig t Rev
Reference 12-OHP-4021-006-004 Rev. 25 Page 38 of 58 Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks Data Sheet I Monitor Tank Release Permit Pages:
I 37 - 39 SECTION 2.0 - CHEMISTY Monitor Tank No. 3 has been sampled and may be released per the following criteria Release Number: L- oa- TS Sample Number: W 41l36co35
"° Maximum release flow rate: ISO GPM
"* Minimum dilution flow rate: a30 1 000 GPM
"* RRS-1001 High Alarm Setpoint: _ _ _ CPM A listing of isotope concentrations have been attached. 4k Initials All significant gamma peaks have been identified, quantified, and are in compliance with PMP-6010-OSD-001, Attachment 3.6. This information has been verified accurate and can be used to prepare the ODCM required annual effluent report.
Release authorization is void if greater than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> has elapsed from time of approval.
Approved by: l A Date: I I/Ii1/O Time: O&oVI Chemistry Release NOT approved for the following reason: /A, NOT Approved by: C .str Date: Time: ______
Chemistry t
If release is NOT approved by Che ry, Plant Manager approval is required for release.
Approved by: 14/A Date: / / Time: t4/1, Plant Manager FORWARD TO UNIT 1 CONTROL ROOM
Reference 12-OHP-4021-006-004 Rev. 25 Page 39 of 58 Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks Data Sheet 1I Monitor Tank Release Permit Pages:
"* Release through Unit
" Record dilution flow rate: t 000 GPM
" Record total number of Circ Water Pumps operating in release flow path: '4- pumps
" Document release path (circle one):
"* Unit 1 or t2 discharge tunnel
"* GnHr)or 13 0 Record release flow rate: GPM Record release started:
Time: D_ate: / / Initial tank volume: Gal Record release stopped:
Time: D_ate: I / Final tank volume: Gal Total volume released: Gal Determine total dilution:
min X 3PM Gal (duration of release) (dilution flowrate)
Release Complete: Date: / /
Reviewed By: Date: /_/
(Supervisor/Manager Signature)
Continuous 12-OHP-4021-006-004 Rev. 25 Page 45 of 58 Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks Lineup Sheet 3 Monitor Tank No. 3 Recirc Valve Lineup Pages:
45 -45 Required Performed IV Number Description Position INITIALS INITIALS Aux. Bldg. 609' Hallway 12-CS-268-3 CVCS Monitor Tank 12-TK-14-3 Outlet Valve OPEN 12-CS-268-4 CVCS Monitor Tank 12-TK-14-4 Outlet Valve CLOSED 12-CS-481-3 CVCS Monitor Tank 12-TK-14-3 Vacuum Cleaning Connection Shutoff Valve CLOSED 12-WD-317 CVCS Monitor Tanks South Transfer Pump 12-PP-47S Disch To Monitor Tank 3 Shutoff Valve OPEN 12-CS-267-3 CVCS Monitor Tank 12-TK-14-3 Inlet Valve CLOSED 12-WD-318 CVCS Monitor Tanks South Transfer Pump 12-PP-47S Disch To Monitor Tank 4 Shutoff Valve CLOSED Aux. Bldg. 587' Hallway 12-CS-270S CVCS Monitor Tanks South Transfer Pump 12-PP-47S Suction Valve CLOSED 12-CS-274S CVCS Monitor Tanks South Transfer Pump 12-PP-47S Discharge Valve OPEN J 12-CS-275S CVCS Monitor Tanks South Transfer Pump Recirc To Monitor Tanks 3 & 4 Shutoff Valve THROTTLED 12-CS-508 CVCS Monitor Tanks South Transfer Pump 12-PP-47S Discharge Crosstie Valve CLOSED 12-CS-511 CVCS Monitor Tanks Transfer Pumps Suction Crosstie Valve CLOSED Pý 12-WD-319 CVCS Monitor Tanks 3 & 4 Outlet To South Transfer Pump 12-PP-47S Shutoff Valve OPEN 12-WD-320 CVCS Monitor Tanks South Xfer Pump 12-PP-47S Disch To CW Discharge Tunnel Shutoff Valve CLOSED J jO Verified Complete: 44L Date: /00/ 0,a Reviewed By: I Date: i,/0ZO/OZ (Supervisor/Manager Signature)
. q j CS
Continuous 12-OHP-4021-006-004 Rev. 25 Page 53 of 58 Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks Lineup Sheet 7 Monitor Tank No. 3 Release Valve Lineup Pages:
53 - 55 RELEASE NUMBER L- 02-'75 Required Performed IV Number Description Position INITIALS INITIALS FOR RELEASE THROUGH UNIT NO. 1 Screenhouse 1-WMO-17 Circ Water Forebay Emergency Intake Shutoff Valve CLOSED FOR RELEASE THROUGH UNIT NO. 2 Screenhouse 2-WMO-27 Circ Water Forebay Emergency Intake Shutoff Valve CLOSED Unit 1 Turb Bldg 579' Condenser Pit 122 1-CW-123 Waste Evap Condens ate To LPT 'A' Condenser Circ OPEN Water Outlet ShutoffValve _CLOSED1,2.
1-CW- 124 Waste Evap Condens;ate To LPT 'B' Condenser SW OPEN Circ Water Outlet ShiUtoff Valve Unit 2 Turb Bldg 579' Condenser Pit 2-CW-123 Waste Evap Condensate To LPT 'A' Condenser Circ Water Outlet Shutoff Valve /CLOSED" 3 2-CW-124 Waste Evap Condensate To LPT 'B' Condenser NW Circ Water Outlet Shutoff Valve Aux. Bldg 609' Hallway 12-CS-267-3 CVCS Monitor Tank 12-TK-14-3 Inlet Valve CLOSED 12-CS-268-3 CVCS Monitor Tank 12-TK-14-3 Outlet Valve OPEN 12-CS-268-4 CVCS Monitor Tank 12-TK-14-4 Outlet Valve CLOSED 12-WD-3 17 CVCS Monitor Tanks South Transfer Pump 12-WD-318 12-PP-47S Disch To Monitor Tank 3 Shutoff Valve CVCS Monitor Tanks South Transfer Pump OPEN 9 (/
12-PP-47S Disch To Monitor Tank 4 Shutoff Valve CLOSED QQý (/2 12-CS-481-3 CVCS Monitor 12-TK-14-3 Vacuum Cleaning Connection Shutoff Valve CLOSED (9 /2 1 Circle correct position.
2 Closed if release is through Unit 2.
3 Closed if release is through Unit 1.
. st Rev Checked
- o. of CS:
t..ontlnt Con tin'uous 12-OHP-4021-006-004 Rev._25 Page 54 of 53 Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks Lineup Sheet 7 Monitor Tank No. 3 Release Valve Lineup Pages:
- 53) - 55 RELEASE NUMBER L-OZ--75 Required Performed IV Number Description Position INITIALS INE [IALS Aux. Bldg. 587' Hallway 12-CS-508 CVCS Monitor Tanks South Transfer Pump 12-PP-47S Discharge Crosstie Valve CLOSED 12-CS-270S CVCS Monitor Tanks South Transfer Pump f 4/
12-PP-47S Suction Valve CLOSED 12-CS-274S CVCS Monitor Tanks South Transfer Pump 12-PP-47S Discharge Valve OPEN 12-CS-275S CVCS Monitor Tanks South Transfer Pump Recirc To Monitor Tank 3 & 4 Shutoff Valve THROTTLED 12-CS-511 CVCS Monitor Tanks Transfer Pumps Suction Crosstie Valve CLOSED 12-WD-320 CVCS Monitor Tanks South Xfer Pump 12-PP-47 Disch To CW Discharge Tunnel Shutoff Valve CLOSED 12-WD-319 CVCS Monitor Tanks 3 & 4 Outlet To South Transfer Pump 12-PP-47S Shutoff Valve OPEN 12-CS-285 CVCS Monitor Tanks North Xfer Pumps Disch To WA Circ Water Disch Tunnel Shutoff Valve CLOSED 12-DW-308 Demin Water To CVCS Monitor Tank South Transfer Pump 12-PP-47S Shutoff Valve CLOSED 12-CS-571 CVCS Monitor Tanks Transfer Pumps Disch To Circ Water Discharge Tunnel Drain Valve CLOSED 12-WD-470 Rad Liquid Waste Disposal Effluent Hdr Rad Sample Assembly Inlet Shutoff Valve OPEN 4 12-WD-471 Rad Liquid Waste Disposal Effluent Hdr Radiation Sample Assembly Drain Valve 4 CLOSED 12-WD-473 K/A Rad Liquid Waste Disposal Effluent Hdr Rad Sample 4
N/A Assembly Outlet Shutoff Valve OPEN 12-WD-472 Rad Lqd Waste Disposal Effluent Hdr Rad Sample 14/A Assembly Outlet Test Conn Shutoff Vlv 4 CLOSED 4 May be N/A if RRS-1000 is out of service.
Continuous 12-OHP-4021-006-004 Rev. 25 Page 55 of 58 Transferring Distillate From Monitor Tanks T Pages:
Lineup Sheet 7 Monitor Tank No. 3 Release Valve Lineup 53 - 55 RELEASE NUMBER L- OZ-*5 Required Performed IV Number Description Position INITIALS INITIALS WECT Area 12-WD-162 Rad Waste Evap Cndnst Tanks Transfer Pumps Discharge Header Shutoff Valve CLOSED BAST Area 12-WD-304 Rad Laundry And Radiochemical Drain Tanks Xfer Pumps To Circ Water Disch Tunnel Shutoff Valve CLOSED 12-WD-163 Radioactive Liquid Waste Effluent Header Flush Connection Shutoff Valve CLOSED (9 12-WD-164 Rad Liquid Waste Effluent Hdr To Dirty Rad Waste Holdup Tank TK-3-1 Shutoff Valve CLOSED 12-WD-166 Rad Liquid Waste Disposal Effluent Hdr Control SEALED Valve RRV-285 Inlet Shutoff Valve CLOSED 12-RRV-284 Liquid Release Control Valve 12-RRV-284 Manual Adjust OPEN Verified Complete: Date: / I IoI, / 6ol Reviewed By: Date: / /
(Supervisor/Manager Signature)
CO-57 8.40E-08 +1 41.4 % 6.OOE-05 1.40E-03 3.80E+07 3.19E+00 CO-58 1.40E-05 +1 4.6 % 2.00E-05 7.01E-01 4.5 8E+07 6.42E+02 CO-60 2.67E-06 +1 4.7 % 3.OOE-06 8.89E-01 5.75E+07 1.53E+02 NB-95 4.20E-07 +1 18.1 % 3.00E-05 1.40E-02 3.28E+07 1.38E+01 AG-110M 5.69E-07 +1 11.6 % 6.OOE-06 9.48E-02 9.93E+07 5.65E+01 SB-124 3.59E-07 +1- 24.6 % 7.001E-06 5.13E-02 5.93E+07 2.131E+01 TOTAL GAS 0.OOE+00 2.OOE-04 0. 00E+00 Page 1 of 2
RELEASE4: L-02-75 02/11/21 SAMPLE#: 02413635 A B C D E F NUCLIDE CONCENTRATION EC ECf EFFICIENCY COUNT RATE (uCi/ml +/- %error) (LIMIT) (B / C) (B x E)
Tritium 1.29E-01 +/- 0.5 % 1.00E-03 1.29E+02 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 TOTAL RELEASE FRACTIONAL EXPECTED CONCENTRATION: EC: COUNT RATE 1.81E-05 1.31E+02 8.90E+02
tA A (tnq-?,A-n~o,4 0~-5 ,..1I, 5n 11-21-OZ RMC DATE & TIME Maximum Release Flow Rate Determination:
[MAX. 150 GPM]
230,000 GPM FI: = [ 528 ]i 460,000 GPM F2: = [ 1055 ]
690,000 GPM F3: = [ 1583 ]
920,000 GPM F4: = [ 2111 ]
Monitor Alarm Setpoint Calculation:
NOTE: If the calculated RRS-1001 High Alarm Setpoint is <4000 cpm, record as 4000. If >500,000 cpm, record as 500,000 cpm.
890 1780 :> > 410 <<
Expected Count x 2.0 + RRS-1001 Background Rate (Maximum 4000 cpm) 4000 3600 RRS-1001 High x 0.9 RRS-1001 Alarm Setpoint Alert Setpoint BORON CONCENTRATION: 208.0 PPM GROSS BETA ACTIVITY: tA/A uCi/ml 40rWLk. 54) 41.71-OZ Comments:
PERFORMED BY: DATE/TIME: 41/z1/oz 0554 APPROVED DATE/TIME: II ]O Q(Q oI*o Page 2 of 2
J=N02A 1 TTLE . .Emergency Plan Classification with PAR REVISION 0
,-PROGRAM .-,NRC License Exam TIME 15 Minutes DEVELOPING Name: Dale Tidwell 917102 INSTRUCTOR: Signature:
i*T. Werk Signature: 9l/q/o2Z Page 1 of 3 Revision 0
REFERENCES I Procedure: PMP-2080-EPP-101 revision 3b, Emergency Classification Task: EPP0020703, Classify an Emergency Condition K/A CROSS
2.4.41 K/A IMPORTANCE: SRO 4.1 RO 2.3 Procedure: PMP-2080-EPP-100 revision 0, Emergency Response Task EPP0120703, Develop a Protective Action Recommendation K/A CROSS
2.4.44 K/A IMPORTANCE: SRO 4.0 RO 2.1 EVALUATION SETTING Classroom or office HAN DOUTS Task Briefing ATTACHMENTS None SIMULATOR SETUP None Page 2 of 3 Revision 0
- 1. In accordance with procedures, and with an independent assessment from the STA, when an emergency event has occurred or changed, the operator will be able to:
- 1. Classify an Emergency Condition
- 2. Change an Emergency Classification based on plant conditions.
- 3. Develop a Protective Action Recommendation Enabling Obiectives
- 1. Given a narrative description of a plant condition, an applicable list of plant parameters, and a copy of Emergency Plan Procedure (PMP-2080-EPP-101), demonstrate the ability to classify the emergency within 10 minutes.
- 2. Given a brief event scenario and a copy of PMP 2080. EPP. 100 (Initial Emergency Response) determine the appropriate Protective Action Recommendation.
TASK BRIEFING 1 You are the shift manager. A complete loss of AC. power has occurred and it is expected to take at least 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> to restore AC power.
Inform the examiner of the Emergency Classification of this event and any applicable Protective Action Recommendations.
Assume the weather is fair with the wind from 3000 at 4 mph and NO offsite release is occurring.
Page 3 of 3 Revision 0
COURSE NUMBER N02-A1o AND TITLE: Emergency Plan Classification with PAR IREVISION: ý0 The trainee should refer to PMP-2080-EPP-1 01, Emergency Classification, Attachment 1, page 15 of 114.
C ic z
-Q z
- I I - . '
CT The classification for this event is "General Emergency" z
.2 Pages 88 and 89 should be referred to for the basis of the General Emergency classification (next 2 pages).
Page 1 of 6 Revision 0
1 0
0 I I
- .4 C I -
.-r- C-nC C mz
'II 14 0 m c Fl z .i tJI f 1 C C) I.,
C' C C 6
.14 1 7-
-I 1 - I 14
.C.'. z (D "4 C-i C) >)
C 4 4
- 1 7I -1 K a
-J ri
-'4 14 I {
1 Iz
COURSE NUMBER..: -N02-AIO AND TITLE: Emergency Plan Classification with PAR REVISION: 0
.......... .... 64S'ý 22 - 114 Ii.F 'ruc
-tt 3.r~c tVnhc.radati. IC. .ci,.irt, mS,~C\aVt ticlbi~rto 1" I 'a'M-. tc17 rrp rtvtci(Q bIS shouldl h+/- busa-z -ni a ra~lrtic ;prrzi~a CrC "f1 ii.., lc-.ssrsu.i C ill p-rcjiailll -Jt imli, 1
.larcotiti r.blriý 1,0.CLI5iv .i~ttiit TERM1I NiAllr DAO~ CR1ITIt.IA DEiX ATION1' IZON'I NICUMARI(z AsI'I t',' la , istl csttrlftt'lts at.hEfi 0-(e 1. s4 1, ieriirtai ircit Page 3 of 6 Revision 0
COURSE NUMBER-.. N02-AlO AND TlTLL: Emergency Plan Classification with PAR REVISION: 01 Rierittco 1'2 0 Emcreno-~w Respontse b, Dirtect a Conttrol Rnoom O~perator to make the tollowin.g aantiotncentvn for the appropriate ERa facilit'y(s) to, he acti; 5 a&ted, uver thle PIAsysteým. I [incý the rtuemn broadcast twice.
-Attontion all personnel. Attention all persotnaei. The Unusual Event is, still in effect, howe' c report to anid autivate tile ()pemin St~n 4e'c/nelS oI Cennr/Fme~fmnrO~eano__TcjýiL. All other plant perormotel beCprep~ared for further auntoniteentes."
e.On any tou~ch-twne telepho ne:
"* ial 1646
"* Watt for the tonle
- Press /i, to iiccessý the Training Certter antd Buochanan Oftfice Buoildito 1PA
- Repe~ai the1alove announceenent twice
.. 2.7 IF a General Enaerazencv: has ben elarcd, THE Iirect the jcVcepls tptnen of a PrOWCtiec Action Recommnendation using tile follow~incz 4- A General Emergency requires a protective action
- a. Priot to developia., a PAR considtt~ -whethec the fuilowing recommendation be made to the state.
Could have an effect onl thle PAR:
- Adverse wveather conditions.
- A forcasitq of chýaninglg weather conditions.
- Releabe characteristics (Puff vs. Continuous) k*
ljcuatinot tirnes per Atachminoot 3, of PNMPO261-EPP-3tt5. Prmctethe Actmown 1-. Ioe lodc itn des iations fr~ont the. PAR flow.chart. A'ttachmtentt
-s.1'ýSttd0! tltiý n timeprotective- acnttole~tnnain itp Page 4 of 6 Revision 0
~R'fP.VeI.~ P-2(i8O -1"PP- 100O Rev.O ___ Ptoe 6 of2('
t~ognyRespon'se Cý. btain the foleji ni data Wind dirzc~t or.
Wind direction and speed is given in briefing. Wind is from 300o at 4 mph.
- AND (Otfs;[t &UL rpro~ieýC61n (ii avall1abkc) as Calculated o'.irn D'AP or acrual off'sjte dose rate c aý'ronlcrts. Per briefing, NO offsite release is occurring.
c.U t 'igi Aruihtnent 1, deterinine ihe appropriate PAR~.
Next page.
- e. Enter the_ Protective Action Rucminentation on OweNuclear Plantn Accident. Norificafion foiritt, obtained froin the.
Erncezrgcric R~it anid hifti in the State of*Michigan 0! the rccortiirtend~ainsi iurmiediaely, f, 1Ioepeat Steps 3,2.-,.,, throug~h 3,.27.e every 15 mninutes or as rcujt;astcd until reivdb-h in i ntcEmrgenfcy Response Careanizazion.
1Pcnibllr 11itmeat mnr."detions in accorklance with ipprc..prialc pl;nt 3,2.9 IF the. Plant Process (Zonipoter t1PPC) is5 inoperable. TI-TEN:
DeSi!aile SORneime to COMPleTe D7ata Sheet 1, 'Pechnlical Inftormation Shtect. ever"Y 15 minrutes.
" Forward 11w. Completed copy to dthe TSC.
" C'n;tnue this acft viiy for the duration of the Zraergency or mvil 111c1P1C is opecrafble.
3.2. 10 117accuntiability re-sulis identfify- a miasgin person(s) AND the 1 SC and OSA ate- IN017 activ'atedi, *ritEN have Seýcurity attenupt te, locatc 0he ~nksin_ ic-on? per, PIvP-*208tI4EPP-Md3
.\s~td.Acectiltahilits'. andJ Evacuation of Persinni .
Upo orif:,
!the oticoninne, SUC condcucl Aturnove, as follows:
- a. ()ht:in i -cp~y of Data Sheet 2. Emiere.-ncy Turorv.Ž Page 5 of 6 Revision 0
CT Protective Action Recommendation is to evacuate areas 1, 2, and Wind is from 300°. Downwind sector is F and adjacent sectors are sectors E and G.
CT Even though there is NO offsite release occurring, a protective action recommendation is still required based on the General Emergency classification.
Student informs examiner that this event is classified as a General Emergency with a Protective Action 4 Recommendation to evacuate areas 1, 2, and 3.
JPM IS COMPLETE Page 6 of 6 Revision 0
Task Briefing You are the shift manager. A complete loss of AC power has occurred and it is expected to take at least 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> to restore AC power.
Inform the examiner of the Emergency Classification of this event and any applicable Protective Action Recommendations.
Assume the weather is fair with the wind from 3000 at 4 mph and NO offsite release is occurring.
N02-A10.doc Page 1 of 1 Revision 0