ML022380264 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Catawba |
Issue date: | 08/12/2002 |
From: | Cherry J, Hogge A, Rhyme R Duke Energy Corp |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
Download: ML022380264 (85) | |
Pages 220 FORM NIS-1 OWNER'S DATA REPORT FOR INSERVICE INSPECTIONS As required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules
- 1. Owner: Duke Enerqy Corporation, 526 South Church Street Charlotte, NC 28201-1006 (Name and Address of Owner)
- 2. Plant: Catawba Nuclear Station, 4800 Concord Road, York, SC 29745 (Name and Address of Plant)
- 3. Plant Unit: 1 4. Owner Certificate of Authorization (if required) N/A
- 5. Commercial Service Date: 6/29/85 6. National Board Number for Unit 130
- 7. Components Inspected:
Component or Manufacturer Manufacturer State or National Appurtenance Installer Installer Serial Province No. Board No.
- Section 1.1 in the attached report lists the Manufacturer / Installer Serial
- Number; State or Providence Number; and National Board Number for
.9 the systems and the NSSS Components. Detailed listings of the components inspected are contained in Sections 4 and 11.
Note: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 81/2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this data report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
FORM NIS-1 (Back)
- 8. Examination Dates November 20, 2000 to April 18, 2002
- 9. Inspection Period Identification: Second Period
- 10. Inspection Interval Identification: Second Interval
- 11. Applicable Edition of Section XI "1989 Addenda None
- 12. Date/Revision of Inspection Plan: September 9, 1999/ Revision 2
- 13. Abstract of Examinations and Test. Include a list of examinations and tests and a statement concerning status of work required for the Inspection Plan. See Sections 3.0, 4.0 and 11.0
- 14. Abstract of Results of Examination and Tests. See Sections 5.0 and 11.0
- 15. Abstract of Corrective Measures. See Section 8.0 We certify that a) the statements made in this report are correct b) the examinations and tests meet the Inspection Plan as required by the ASME Code, Section Xl, and c) corrective measures taken conform to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.
Certificate of Authorization No. (ifapplicable) N/A Expiration Date N/A Date / > 2002 Signed Duke Energy Corp. By Owner CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State of Province of NC employed by
- The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Coi an of Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owners' Report during the period 1 :21 -o0 to - /'. -O 2.- , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and tests and taken corrective measures described in the Owners' Report in accordance with the Inspection Plan and as required by the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations, test, and corrective measures described in this Owners' Report.
Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection
_____ _____ Commissions NC 978 Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 12- - 2002 The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance Company of Connecticut 200 Ashford Center North Suite 300 Atlanta, GA. 30338
Location: 4800 Concord Road, York, South Carolina 29745 NRC Docket No. 50-413 NATIONAL BOARD NO. 130 Commercial Service Date: June 29, 1985 Owner: Duke Energy Corporation 526 South Church Street Charlotte, NC 28201-1006 Revision 0 Prepared By: Date Reviewed By: Date shIZ26 Approved By: Date
- 1) Duke Energy Corporation Inservice Inspection Management (Original)
- 2) Catawba Work Control
- 3) NRC Document Control
- 4) Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company (ANII) c/o R. N. McGill Catawba Nuclear Station
- 5) Laura Burba Nuclear GO Regulatory & Industrial Affairs Mail Code= EC050
Ki TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Revision
- 1. General Information 0
- 2. Summary of Inservice Inspections 0
- 3. Second Ten Year Interval Inspection Status 0
- 4. Final Inservice Inspection Plan 0
- 5. Results of Inspections Performed 0
- 6. Reportable Indications 0
- 7. Personnel, Equipment, and Material Certifications 0
- 8. Corrective Action 0
- 9. Reference Documents 0
- 10. Class 1 and 2 Repairs and Replacements 0
- 11. Pressure Testing 0
1.0 GeneralInformation This report describes the Inservice Inspection of Duke Energy Corporation's Catawba Nuclear Station Unit 1 during the 2002 Refueling Outage, also referred to as EOC 13 (Outage 5), which is the third outage in the Second Inspection Period of the Second Ten Year Interval.
Included in this report are the final Inservice Inspection Plan, the inspection results for each item, a summary for each category of examination and corrective action taken when unacceptable conditions were found. In addition, there is a section included for completed NIS-2 documentation of repairs and replacements required since November 20, 2000.
1.1 Identification Numbers Manufacturer State or National Item Manufacturer or Installer Province Board or Installer Serial No. No. No.
Reactor Vessel Westinghouse Duke Power N/A N/A Co.
Pressurizer Westinghouse DCPT-1 911 N/A W1 8589 Steam Generator Babcock and 770101 N/A 151 WVf 1A Wilcox, Inc.
Steam Generator Babcock and 769304 N/A 150 1B Wilcox, Inc.
Steam Generator Babcock and 769302 N/A 147 1C Wilcox, Inc.
Steam Generator Babcock and 769303 N/A 149 1D Wilcox, Inc.
Reactor Coolant Ionics, Inc. 1S-86P764 N/A 584 Pump 1A Reactor Coolant Ionics, Inc. 2S-86P764 N/A 585 Pump 1B Reactor Coolant Ionics, Inc. 3S-86P764 N/A 330 Pump 1C I I_ I Reactor Coolant Ionics, Inc. 4S-86P764 N/A 331 Pump 1D I I _ I_
Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 1 of 4 K Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 1 July 17, 2002
IdentificationNumbers Con tin ue d Manufacturer Manufacturer State or National Item or Installer or Installer Province Board Serial No. No. No.
Reactor Coolant Duke Power Co. C-1 NC N/A 126 System Safety Injection Duke Power Co. C-1NI N/A 128 System Chemical and Duke Power Co. C-1NV N/A 127 Volume Control System Auxiliary Duke Power Co. C-1 CA N/A 121 Feedwater System Feedwater Duke Power Co. C-1 CF N/A 120 System Refueling Water Duke Power Co. C-1 FW N/A 91 System Main Steam Duke Power Co. C-1SA N/A 114 Supply to Auxiliary Equipment System Main Steam Duke Power Co. C-1SM N/A 122 System Main Steam Vent Duke Power Co. C-iSV N/A 96 to Atmosphere System Containment Spray Duke Power Co. C-1 NS N/A 118 System Steam Generator Duke Power CO. C-1 BB N/A 111 Blowdown System Steam Generator Duke Power Co. C-1 BW N/A 104 Wet Lay Up Re circulation System Diesel Generator Duke Power Co. C-1 FD N/A 100 Fuel Oil System Component Duke Power Co. C-1 KC N/A 129 Cooling System Residual Heat Duke Power Co. C-1 ND N/A 115 Removal System I Turbine Exhaust Duke Power Co. C-iTE N/A 113 System I I I Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 2 of 4 Kj) Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 1 July 17, 2002
IdentificationNumbers Continued Manufacturer Manufacturer State or National Item or Installer or Installer Province Board Serial No. No. No.
Diesel Generator Duke Power Co. C-1VN N/A 98 Starting Air System Diesel Generator Duke Power Co. C-1 KD N/A 99 Cooling Water System Spent Fuel Cooling Duke Power Co. C-1 KF N/A 103 System Diesel Generator Duke Power Co. C-1 LD N/A 105 Lube Oil System Nuclear Sampling Duke Power Co. C-1 NM N/A 124 System Containment Duke Power Co. C-1 NW N/A 125 Penetration Valve Injection Water System Nuclear Service Duke Power Co. C-1 RN N/A 117 Water System Diesel Generator Duke Power Co. C-1VG N/A 95 Starting Air System Liquid Waste Duke Power Co. C-1WL N/A 119 Recycle System Control Area Chil- Duke Power Co. C-1YC N/A 106 led Water System Seal Water Pall Trinity Micro 1A 29652 N/A 15626 Injection Filter Corporation 1B 29653 N/A 15627 Volume Control Lamco 452 N/A 183 Tank Industries Inc.
Seal Water Heat Atlas Industrial 3620 N/A 2976 Exchanger Manufacturing Company Regenerative Heat Joseph Oat 2255-1 Al N/A 869 Exchanger Corporation Residual Heat Joseph Oat 1A 2267-3A N/A 846 Removal Heat Corporation 1B 2267-3B N/A 847 Exchanger Containment Spray Yuba Heat 1A 74-N-008-2A N/A 3324 Heat Exchanger Transfer Corp. 1B 74-N-008-2B N/A 3325 Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 3 of 4
> Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 1 July 17, 2002
Identification Numbers Continued Manufacturer State or National Item Manufacturer or Installer Province Board or Installer Serial No. No. No.
Excess Letdown Atlas Industrial 3196 N/A 2574 Heat Exchanger Manufacturing Company Residual Heat Ingersol - Rand 1A 077645 N/A 231 Removal Pump 1B 077646 N/A 232 Containment Spray Bingham - 1A 230340 N/A 213 Pump Willamette 1B 230341 N/A 214 Safety Injection Pacific Pumps 1A 49359 N/A 232 Pump 1B 49360 N/A 233 Centrifugal Pacific Pumps 1A 49778 N/A 256 Charging Pump 1B 49779 N/A 259 1.2 Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector(s)
Name: R. N. McGill Employer: The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance Company of Connecticut (HSB CT)
Business The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance Company of Connecticut (HSB CT)
Address: 200 Ashford Center North Suite 300 Atlanta, GA 30338 Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 4 of 4
. Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 1 July 17, 2002
2.0 Summary of Inservice Inspections The information shown below provides an abstract of ASME Section Xl Class 1, Class' 2, 'and ,Augmentedf/Elective Items scheduled:nd, examined: during-,
EOC13 (Outage 5) at Catawba,'Nuclear Station,-Unit 1 . .
2.1 j2Class 1 Inspections . ,.
Examination Category B-A Pressure Retaining Welds In Reactor Vessel, Item Total Examined Number Description During Outage B01.010 Shell Welds B01.011 Circumferential 0 B01.012 Longitudinal 0 B01.020 Head Welds ___________________
B01.021 Circumferential 0 B01.022 Meridional Welds 0 B01.030 Shell-to-Flange Welds 0 B01.040 Head-to-Flange Welds 0 B01.050 Repair Welds -,i", .-
B01.051 Beltline Region NA TOTALS 0 SRefueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 1 of 20 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 2 July 17, 2002
Ex*amination Category B-B Pressure Retaining Welds in Vessels Other Than Reactor Vessels C) "Ite "- " .TotalExamined lumber -:--Description Dunn Outa e . -,
Prýessu'rizer:< 4 B02.01 0 Shell-to-Head Welds ,
U B02.011 Circumferential B02.012 Longitudinal 0 B02.020 Head Welds __...____...____
B02.021 Circumferential NA B02.022 Meridional NA Steam Generators
_____________(primary Side)
B02.030 Head Welds ___________,__
B02.031 Circumferential NA 602.032 Meridional NA B02.040 Tubesheet-to-Head Weld 0 Heat Exchangers
..-. (PrimarySide)
B02.050 Head Welds B02.051 Circumferential NA B02.052 Meridional NA
. .Heat Exchangers (PrimarySide) - Shell B02.060 Tubesheet-to-Head Weld NA B02.070 Longitudinal Welds NA B02.080 Tubesheet-to-Shell Welds NA TOTALS 0 SRefueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 2 of 20 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 2 July 17, 2002
Examination Category B-D Full Penetration Welds of Nozzles in Vessels Inspectibni;. Program B te ,: *
- o*
i--- 1" , *. : ,.. ,',** : lTotal Examined'" .,-',, -is'
.!Number -
- ,' ': "During'Outage.
M, MZIM Reactor Vesse'l ' =
B03.090 Nozzle-to-Vessel Welds 0 B03.1 00 Nozzle Inside Radius Section 0
__.______ Pressurizer B03.110 Nozzle-to-Vessel Welds 3 B03.120 Nozzle Inside Radius Section 3 K~f7~<~-KSteam Generators
-. (Primary Side)
B03.130 Nozzle-to-Vessel Welds NA B03.140 Nozzle Inside Radius Section 0
- Heat Exchangers
___________ (rimary Side)
B03.150 Nozzle-to-Vessel Welds NA B03.160 Nozzle Inside Radius Section NA TOTALS 1 6 Examination Category B-E Pressure Retaining Partial Penetration Welds in Vessels REFERENCE SECTION 11.0 of This Report K) Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 3 of 20 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 2 July 17, 2002
Examination Category B-F Pressure Retaining Dissimilar Metal Welds "No l P S L Tn 4" -TotalExamined KJ umbe,, -'De. Putagei "During
- :* ".*"°',ReactorVessel,"-". !
Nominal Pipe Size 4" or Larger B05.010 Nozzle-to-Safe End Butt Welds 0 Nominal Pipe Size Less Than 4" B05.020 Nozzle-to-Safe End Butt Welds NA B05.030 Nozzle-to-Safe End Socket Welds NA Nominal Pipe Size 4" or Larger B05.040 Nozzle-to-Safe End Butt Welds 4 Nominal Pipe Size Less Than 4" B05.050 Nozzle-to-Safe End Butt Welds NA B05.060 Nozzle-to-Safe End Socket Welds NA Steam Generators Nominal Pipe Size 4" or Larger B05.070 Nozzle-to-Safe End Butt Welds 0 Nominal Pipe Size Less Than 4" B05.080 Nozzle-to-Safe End Butt Welds NA B05.090 Nozzle-to-Safe End Socket Welds NA Nominal Pipe Size 4" or Larger B05.1 00 Nozzle-to-Safe End Butt Welds NA Nominal Pipe Size Less Than 4" B05.1 10 Nozzle-to-Safe End Butt Welds NA B05.120 Nozzle-to-Safe End Socket Welds NA K Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 4 of 20 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 2 July 17, 2002
Examination Category B-IF (Continued) 0^ "Item. - , t, ....
'Decri/*ti'onr -Total Examined
- During Outage -, * .. '"
"I"Number*.' f
. : Pipin-q Nominal Pipe Size 4" or Larger*
B05.1 30 Dissimilar Metal Butt Welds 0 Nominal Pipe Size Less Than 4"
-B05.140 Dissimilar Metal Butt Welds NA Dissimilar Metal Socket B05.150 Welds NA TOTALS 1__ 4 Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 5 of 20 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 2 July 17, 2002
Examination Category B-G-1 Pressure Retaining Bolting Greater
(,. __________..... "Than 2" in Diameter
.Nuembe-r.,, " "":: " *':: -* " " " "' :*To tal Ex a m ine d
,escription ,DuringOutage - ,
"ReactorVessel I.'
106.010 Closure Head Nuts "0 B06.020 Closure Studs, (in place) NA Closure Studs, (when B06.030 removed) 0 B06.040 Threads in Flange 0 B06.050 Closure Washers, Bushings 0 Pre ssurize r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4_
B06.060 Bolts and Studs NA Flange Surface, (when B06.070 connection disassembled) NA B06.080 Nuts, Bushings, and Washers NA
-, .. .. Steam Generators B06.090 Bolts and Studs 0 Flange Surface, (when B06.100 connection disassembled) 0 B06.110 Nuts, Bushings and Washers 2 Heat Exchangers _____,_. __
806.120 Bolts and Studs NA Flange Surface, (when B06.130 connection disassembled) NA B06.140 Nuts, Bushings and Washers NA
_______________ Piping_ _ _ _ _ _ _
B06.150 Bolts and Studs NA Flange Surface, (when 806.160 connection disassembled) NA B06.170 Nuts, Bushings and Washers NA K-) Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 6 of 20 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 2 July 17, 2002
Examination Category B-G-1 (Continued)
, --" ,,.item , 'Total Examined
- ?,.- Ihnmhor - ° Descrintion -'
' Pumps.': .,
- 0 B06.180 Bolts and Studs Flange Surface, (when B06.190 connection disassembled) 0 B06.200 Nuts, Bushings and Washers NA
~ Valves B06.21 0 Bolts and Studs NA Flange Surface, (when B06.220 connection disassembled) NA B06.230 Nuts, Bushings and Washers NA TOTALS 2 K> Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 7 of 20 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 2 July 17, 2002
Examination Category B-G-2 Pressure Retaining Bolting, 2" and Less in Diameter,,'
- 'Item' --- otal Examined Al. Im Description -Murin Outage -,
Reactor Vessel ""
Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 8 of 20 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 2 July 17, 2002
Examination Catego ry B-H g B E CIntegral Attachments for Vessels Itemrn - - "-TotalExamined 1"Number- - Description DurinqOutaqe _e.
-ReactorVessel -
Integrally Welded Attachments I I Examination Category B-J Pressure Retaining Welds in Piping Item Total Examined Number Description DuringOutage Nominal Pipe Size 4" or B09.010 Larger B09.011 Circumferential Welds 16 B09.012 Longitudinal Welds' NA Nominal Pipe Size Less B09.020 Than 4" B09.021 Circumferential Welds 3 B09.022 Longitudinal Welds 1 NA Reference Code Case N-524 "Alternative Examination Requirements for Longitudinal Welds in Class 1 and 2 Piping Section Xl, Division 1".
LJ> Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 9 of 20 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 2 July 17, 2002
Examination Category B-J (Continued)
Item Total Examined Number Description DuringOutage Branch Pipe Connection 1B09.030 Welds Nominal Pipe Size 4" or B09.031 Larger 0 Nominal Pipe Size Less B09.032 Than 4" 0 B09.040 Socket Welds 10 TOTALS 29 Examination Category B-K-1 Integral Attachments for Piping, Pumps and Valves Item Total Examined Number Description During Outage
-- Piping Integrally Welded B10.010 Attachments NA
____ ____Pumps_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Integrally Welded B10.020 Attachments NA Valves Integrally Welded B10.030 Attachments NA TOTALS NA
\~j) Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 10 of 20 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 2 July 17, 2002
Examination Category B-L-1, B-M-1 Pressure Retaining Welds in Pump Casings and Valve Bodies Examination Category B-L-2, B-M-2 Pump Casings and Valve Bodies Pump Casing Welds B12.010 (B-L-1) NA B12.020 Pump Casing (B-L-2) 0
_________________Valves Valves, Nominal Pipe Size B1 2.030 Less than 4" Valve Body Welds NA (B-M-1)
Valves, Nominal Pipe Size 4" B12.040 or Larger Valve Body Welds 0 (B-M-1)
Valve Body, Exceeding 4" B1 2.050 Nominal Pipe Size (B-M-2) 6 Totals 6
'\9 Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 11 of 20 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 2 July 17, 2002
Examination Category B-N-1 Interior of Reactor Vessel B-N-2 Integrally Welded Core Support Structures and Interior Attachmenits to Reactor Vessels B-N-3 Removable Core Support Structures Item ,,Total Examined Number 'Description -During Outage
__ _R eactor Vessel B13.010 Vessel Interior (B-N-1) 0 I`P-
- .1- 7ý Reactor Vessel (PW R)* *..=** *,-.**
Interior Attachments Within B133.050 Beltline Region (B-N-2) NA Interior Attachments Beyond B133.060 Beltline Region (B-N-2) 0 Core Support Structure B13.070 (B-N-3) 0 TOTALS 0 Examination Category B-0 Pressure Retaining Welds in Control Rod Housings Item Total Examined Number Description During Outage
- Reactor Vessel B14.010 Welds in CRD Housing 0 TOTALS 0 Examination Category B-P All Pressure Retaining Components Reference Section 11.0 of This Report Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 12 of 20 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 2 July 17, 2002
- Examination Category B-Q Steam Generator Tubing Item Total Examined Number Description During Outage Steam Generator Tubing in B136.010 Straight Tube Design NA Steam Generator Tubing in B1 6.020 U-Tube Design 2 NA TOTALS NA Examination Category F-A Class 1 Component Supports (Code Case N-491)
Item Total Examined Number Description During Outage Class 1 Piping Supports F01.010 (One- Directional) 0 Class 1 Piping Supports F01.011 (Multi- Directional) 0 Class 1 Piping Supports F01.012 (Thermal Movement) 0 Class 1 Supports other than F01.040 Piping 0 F01.050 Class 1 Snubbers 3 NA TOTALS 0 2 Steam Generator Tubing is examined and documented by the Steam Generator Maintenance Group of the Nuclear Services Division as required by the Station Technical Specifications and is not included in this report.
3 Reference Request for Relief Serial No. 95-05.
Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 13 of 20 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 2 July 17, 2002
"2.2 Class 2 Inspections Examination Category C-A Pressure Retaining Welds in Pressure Vessels Item Total Examined Number Description During Outage C01.010 Shell Circumferential Welds 1 C01.020 Head Circumferential Welds 1 C01.030 Tubesheet - to - Shell Weld 0 TOTALS 2 Examination Category C-B Pressure Retaining Nozzle Welds in Vessels Item Total Examined Number Description During Outage Nozzles in Vessels < Y2 in.
C02.010 Nominal Thickness Nozzle - to - Shell (or Head)
K>ý C02.011 Weld 0 Nozzles Without C02.020 Reinforcing Platein ,
Vessels > Y2 in. Nominal Thickness ,
Nozzle - to - Shell (or Head)
C02.021 Weld 0 Nozzle Inside Radius C02.022 Section 0 K.-_-" Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 14 of 20 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 2 July 17, 2002
Examination Category C-B (Continued)
Item Total Examined Number Description DuringOutage K> Nozzles With Reinforcing 9 C02.030 Plate in Vessels > /2 in.
Nominal Thickness Reinforcing Plate Welds to C02.031 Nozzle and Vessel NA Nozzle-to-Shell (Head)
C02.032 Welds When Inside of Vessel NA is Accessible Nozzle-to-Shell (or Head)
C02.033 Welds NA When Inside of Vessel is TOTALS__ _ Inaccessible 0 TOTALS ___________0 Examination Category C-C Integral Attachments for Vessels, Piping, Pumps, and Valves Item Total Examined Number Description During Outage
________________Pressure Vessels ________
K/ Integrally Welded C03.010 Attachments 0
- ~~7 ~Piping Integrally Welded C03.020 Attachments 5 Pumps Integrally Welded C03.030 Attachments 0
________________Valves Integrally Welded C03.040 Attachments NA TOTALS 5 WI Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 15 of 20 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 2 July 17, 2002
Examination Category C-D Pressure Retaining Bolting Greater Than 2" In Diameter Examination Category C-F-1 Pressure Retaining Welds in Austenitic Stainless Steel or High Alloy Piping Item Total Examined Number Description During Outage Piping Welds > 3/8 in.
C05.010 Nominal Wall Thickness for Piping> NPS 4 C05.011 Circumferential Weld 16 C05.012 Longitudinal Weld 4 NA 4 Reference Code Case N-524" Alternative Examination Requirements for Longitudinal Welds in Class 1 and 2 Piping Section Xl, Division 1".
Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 16 of 20 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 2 July 17, 2002
Examination Category C-F-1 (Continued)
Item Total Examined K> Number Description During Outage Piping Welds > 1/5 in.
C05.020 Nominal Wall Thickness for W Piping > NPS 2 and <
NPS 4 C05.021 Circumferential Weld 12 C05.022 Longitudinal Weld 5 NA C05.030 Socket Welds 3 Pipe Branch Connections of . ,
C05.040 Branch Piping > NPS 2 C05.041 Circumferential Weld 1 C05.042 Longitudinal Weld 5 NA TOTALS 32 Examination Category C-F-2 Pressure Retaining Welds in Carbon or Low Alloy Steel Piping Item Total Examined Number Description During Outage Piping Welds > 3/8 in. -'
C05.050 Nominal Wall Thickness for Piping>NPS 4 C05.051 Circumferential Weld 3 C05.052 Longitudinal Weld 5 NA 5 Reference Code Case N-524 "Alternative Examination Requirements for Longitudinal Welds in Class 1 and 2 Piping Section Xl, Division 1".
Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 17 of 20 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 2 July 17, 2002
Examination Category C-F-2 (Continued)
Item Total Examined Number Description During Outage Piping Welds > 115 in.
C05.060 Nominal Wall Thickness for .
Piping > NPS 2 and <
NPS 4 C05.061 Circumferential Weld NA C05.062 Longitudinal Weld 6 NA C05.070 Socket Welds NA Pipe Branch Connections ,
C05.080 of Branch Piping > NPS 2 ,
C05.081 Circumferential Weld 0 C05.082 Longitudinal Weld 6 NA TOTALS 3 Examination Category C-G Pressure Retaining Welds in Pumps and Valves Item Total Examined Number Description During Outage
C06.010 Pump Casing Welds NA Valves C06.020 Valve Body Welds 3 TOTALS 3 6 Reference Code Case N-524 "Alternative Examination Requirements for Longitudinal Welds in Class 1 and 2 Piping Section X1, Division 1".
> Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 18 of 20 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 2 July 17, 2002
Examination Category C-H All Pressure Retaining Components Reference Section 11.0 Of This Report Examination Category F-A Class 2 Component Supports (Code Case N-491)
Item Total Examined Number Description During Outage Class 2 Piping Supports F01.020 (One- Directional) 15 Class 2 Piping Supports F01.021 (Multi- Directional) 8 Class 2 Piping Supports F01.022 (Thermal Movement) 5 Class 2 Supports other than F01.040 Piping 0 F01.050 Class 2 Snubbers 7 NA TOTALS 28 7 Reference Request for Relief Serial No. 95-05.
K> Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 19 of 20 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 2 July 17, 2002
2.3 Augmented! Elective Inspections Item Total Examined Number Description During Outage Reactor Coolant Pump GO1.001 Flywheels 1 Postulated Pipe Failures Main G02.001 Steam System 11 G04.001 NI System 0 TOTALS 12 A detailed description of each examination listed in Sections 2.1 through 2.3 are located in Section 4.0 of this report. Results of each examination are located in Section 5.0 of this report.
" > Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 20 of 20 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 2 July 17, 2002
3.0 Second Ten Year Interval Inspection Status The completion status of inspections required by the 1989 ASME Section XI Code, with No Addenda is summarized in this section. The requirements are listed by the ASME Section Xl Examination Category as defined in Table IWB 2500-1 for Class 1 Inspections, and Table IWC-2500-1 for Class 2 Inspections.
Augmented / Elective inspections are also included.
Class 1 Inspection Examination Description Inspections Inspections Percentage Deferral Category Required Completed Completed Allowedc B-A Pressure Retaining Welds in 14 2.5 17.86% Yes Reactor Vessel B-B Pressure Retaining Welds in 5 3 60% No Vessels Other than Reactor Vessels B-D Full Penetration Welds of 36 22 61.11% Partial Nozzles in Vessels B-E Pressure Retaining Partial Penetration Welds in Reference Section 11.0 Of This Report Vessels B-F Pressure Retaining 38 22.67 59.66% No Dissimilar Metal Welds K)j B-G-1 Pressure Retaining Bolting 248 163 65.73% Yes Greater than 2 Inch Diameter B-G-2 Pressure Retaining Bolting 2 21 12 57.14% No Inches and Less in Diameter B-H Integral Attachments for 5 3 60% No Vessels B-J Pressure Retaining Welds in 227 148 65.20% No Piping 3 Deferral of inspection to the end of the interval as allowed by ASME Section XI Table IWB 2500-1.
K>_ Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 1 of 4 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 3 July 17, 2002
K-i Examination Description Inspections Inspections Percentage Deferral Category Required Completed Completed Allowed 9 B-K-1 Integral Attachments for None N/A N/A N/A, Piping, Pumps and Valves B-L-1 Pressure Retaining Welds in None N/A N/A N/A Pump Casings B-L-2 Pump Casings 1 0 0% Yes B-M-1 Pressure Retaining Welds 1 0 0% Yes in Valve Bodies B-M-2 Valve Bodies 7 5 71% Yes B-N-1 Interior of Reactor Vessel 3 2 66.67% No B-N-2 Integrally Welded Core 2 0 0% Yes Support Structures and Interior Attachments to Reactor Vessels B-N-3 Removable Core Support 1 0 0% Yes Structures B-0 Pressure Retaining Welds 3 0 0% Yes in Control Rod Housings B-P All Pressure Retaining Components Reference Section 11.0 of This Report B-0 Steam Generator Tubing 'u N/A N/A N/A N/A F-A Class 1 Component 72 38 53% No Supports F01.01 0, F01.011, F01.012, F01.040 &
F01.050 (Code Case N-491) 9 Deferral of inspection to the end of the interval as allowed by ASME Section XI Table IWB-2500-1 10 Steam Generator Tubing is examined and documented by the Steam Generator Maintenance Group of the Nuclear Services Division as required by the Station Technical Specifications and is not included in this report.
K> Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 2 of 4 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 3 July 17, 2002
Class 2 Inspections KJ Inspections Percentage Deferral Examination Description Inspections Category Required Completed Completed Allowed"1 C-A Pressure Retaining Welds 26 13 50% No in Pressure Vessels C-B Pressure Retaining Nozzle 9 5 55.56% No Welds in Vessels C-C Integral Attachments for 48 27 56.25% No Vessels, Piping, Pumps and Valves C-D Pressure Retaining Bolting None N/A N/A N/A Greater than 2 in. In Diameter C-F-1 Pressure Retaining Welds 260 163 62.69% No in Austenitic Stainless Steel or High Alloy Piping C-F-2 Pressure Retaining Welds 55 36 65.45% No in Carbon or Low Alloy Steel Piping C-G Pressure Retaining Welds 20 13 65% No in Pumps and Valves K)
C-H All Pressure Retaining Components Reference Section 11.0 of This Report F-A Class 2 Component 269 175 65.06% No Supports F01.020, F01.021, F01.022, F01.040 & F01.050 (Code Case N-491)
"Deferral of inspection to the end of the interval as allowed by ASME Section XI Table IWC-2500-1 Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 3 of 4 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 3 July 17, 2002
Augmented / Elective Inspections 11-ý Descripti(rn PercentageComplete Reactor Coolant Pump FlIywheels 100% of requirements for EOC 13 (Outage 5)
Postulated Pipe Failures Main Steam 100% of requirements for EOC 13 System (Outage 5)
K..j Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 4 of 4 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 3 July 17, 2002
--4.0 *-FinalInservice Inspection Plan ASME
,",'-The final Inservice Inspectin Plan wn in this section lists all ASME Secton
" I*ASME 'Secti6dn>*Xi :Classj
" Cl s's1 2,'"nd -A'gmented /-Elective'examinations "creditedfor EOC13 (Outage 5) at Catawba Nuclear Station" Unit 1.'
The information shown below is a field description for the reporting format included in this section of the report:
Item Number = ASME Section XI Tables IWB-2500-1 (Class 1), IWC-2500-1 (Class 2), IWF-2500 1 (Class 1 and Class 2), and Augmented /
Elective Requirements ID Number = Unique Identification Number ISO / Dwg Numbers = Location and/or Detail Drawings Proc = Examination Procedures Insp Req - Examination Technique - Magnetic Particle, Dye Penetrant, etc.
Material / Sch = General Description of Material Dia / Thk = Diameter / Thickness Cal Blocks = Calibration Block Number Comments = General and/or Detail Description Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 Catawba Unit 1 July 17, 2002 Section 4
EOC 13 r DUKE EN(.._ / CUHrPORATION CATEGORT B-D, Full Penetration Welds of INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT Nozzels in Vessels Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report Pressurizer Catawba 1 S- Page I Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS
- ....Nozzle-to-Vessel Welds B03.110.001 1PZR-W1 CNM 1201.01-175/1 NDE-620 UT CS 24.500 50338 Pressurizer Surge Nozzle to Lower Head Weld Circumferential NC CNM 1201.01-175/2 2.550 50236A Depending upon the examiners qualifications, Class A PZR Surge Nozzle to Procedure PDI-UT-6 may be used in lieu of Lower Head Procedure NDE-620. -K B03.110.004 1PZR-W4A CNM 1201 01-175/1 NDE-620 UT CS 15.000 50338 Pressurizer Safety Nozzle to Upper Head Weld Circumferential NC CNM 1201 01-175/2 1.900 50236A X-Y Quadrant Class A PZR Safety Nozzle to Depending upon the examiner's qualifications, Upper Head Procedure PDI-UT-6 may be used In lieu of Procedure NDE-620.
B03.110.006 1PZR-W4C CNM 1201.01-175/1 NDE-620 UT CS 15.000 50338 Pressurizer Safety Nozzle to Upper Head Weld Circumferential NC CNM 1201.01-175/2 1.900 50236A W-Z Quadrant ,,
Class A PZR Safety Nozzle to Depending upon the examiners qualifications, Upper Head Procedure PDI-UT-6 may be used in lieu of Procedure NDE-620.,
Total B03.110 Items: 3
EOC 13 r DUKE ENd. ,'CbrIPORATION CATEGORT B-D, Full Penetration Welds of INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT Nozzels in Vessels Inservice Inspection Database Management System
, . Plan Report Pressurizer Catawba 1 "- :-','
- Page2 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07117/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS Nozzle Inside Radius Section
- B03.120.001 1PZR-W1 CNM 1201.01-175/1 NDE-680 UT CS 24.500 50337 Pressurizer Surge Nozzle to Lower Head Weld Circumferential NC CNM 1201.01-175/2 2.550 (Inside Radius)
Class A PZR Surge Nozzle to Lower Head B03.120.004 1PZR-W4A CNM 1201.01-175/1 NDE-680 UT CS 15.000 50337 Pressurizer Safety Nozzle to Upper Head Weld Circumferential NC CNM 1201.01-175/2 3.750 (inside Radius)
Class A PZR Safety Nozzle to Upper Head B03.120.006 1PZR-W4C CNM 1201.01-175/1 NDE-680 UT CS 15.000 50337 Pressurizer Safety Nozzle to Upper Head Weld Circumferential NC CNM 1201.01-175/2 3.750 (Inside Radius)
Class A PZR Safety Nozzle toH Upper Head -*, *,-
Total B03 Items: 6 z"
EOC 13 (
DUKE ENE( . CuriPORATION CATEGORt B-F, Pressure Retaining INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT Dissimilar Metal Welds Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report Pressurizer Catawba 1 Page 3 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 S<. 07117/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS NPS 4 or Larger; Nozzle-to-Safe End Butt Welds B05 040.001 1PZR-WlSE CNM 1201.01-175/1 NDE-610 UT SS-Inconel 14.000 50339 Pressurizer Surge Nozzle Safe End Circumferential NC CNM 1201.01-175/2 1.640 Class A Term end 3>
Dissimilar .
B05.040.001A 1PZR-WlSE CNM 1201.01-175/1 NDE-35 PT SS-Inconel 14.000 Pressurizer Surge Nozzle Safe End, Circumferential NC CNM 1201.01-175/2 1.640 -,'VA, Class A Term end Dissimilar B05.040.004 1PZR-W4ASE CNM 1201.01-175/1 NDE-610 UT SS-Inconel 6.000 50250 Pressurizer Safety Nozzle Safe End Circumferential NC CNM 1201.01-175/2 0.960 X-Y Quadrant Class A Term end Dissimilar B05.040.004A 1PZR-W4ASE CNM 1201.01-175/1 NDE-35 PT SS-Inconel 6.000 Pressurizer Safety Nozzle Saf6 End Circumferential NC CNM 1201.01-175/2 0.960 X-Y Quadrant Class A Term end Dissimilar ,.
B05.040.005 1PZR-W4BSE CNM 1201.01-175/1 NDE-610 UT SS-Inconel 6.000 50250 Pressurizer Safety Nozzle Safe End Circumferential NC CNM 1201.01-175/2 0.960 W-X Quadrant Class A Term end .
Dissimilar B05.040.005A 1PZR-W4BSE CNM 1201.01-175/1 NDE-35 PT SS-Inconel 6.000 Pressurizer Safety Nozzle Safe End Circumferential NC CNM 1201.01-175/2 0.960 W-X Quadrant Class A Term end Dissimilar B05.040.006 1PZR-W4CSE CNM 1201.01-175/1 NDE-610 UT SS-Inconel 6.000 50250 Pressurizer Safety Nozzle Safe End Circumferential NC CNM 1201.01-175/2 0.960 W-Z Quadrant Class A Term end Dissimilar B05.040.006A 1PZR-W4CSE CNM 1201.01-175/1 NDE-35 PT SS-Inconel 6.000 Pressurizer Safety Nozzle Safe End Circumferential NC CNM 1201.01-175/2 0.960 W-Z Quadrant Class A Term end Dissimilar Total B05.040 Items: 8 Total B05 Items: 8
EOC 13 DUKE EN(C I CuriPORATION CATEGOý-, B-G-1, Pressure Retaininq INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT Bolting, Greater than 2" In Diameter Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report Steam Generators Catawba 1 Page 4 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO /DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS Nuts, Bushings, and Washers B06.110.003 1SGB-MW-Y1-X2 CNM 1201.01-580 QAL-13 VT-1 CS 0.000 SG1B Manway Nuts (20).,,
NC 0.000 Primary Manway In Y1-X2 Quadrant (Inlet Side)
Class A B06.110.004 1SGB-MW-X2-Y2 CNM 1201.01-580 QAL-13 VT-1 CS 0.000 SG1B Manway Nuts (20)
NC 0.000 Primary Manway In X2-Y2 Quadrant (Outlet Side)
Class A Total B06.110 Items: 2 Total B06 Items: 2
EOC 13 (
DUKE EN.( ' CurPORATION CATEGOk, B-G-2, Pressure Retaining INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT Bolting., 2" And Less In Diameter Inservlce Inspection Database Management System Plan Report Valves Catawba 1 Page 5 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07117/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER S YS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS
- Bolts, Studs, and Nuts **
B07.070 021 1NI-54A ON-1 NI-081 QAL-13 VT-1 SS 1.630 10" Valve NI CNM 1205.00-071 0.000 18 Studs,18 Nuts Class A B07.070,022 1NI-59 CN-1NI-163 QAL-13 VT-1 SS 1.630 10" Valve NI CNM 1205.00-062 0.000 18 Studs,18 Nuts Class A Total B07.070 Items: 2 Total B07 Items: 2
EOC 13 DUKE ENI- / CurIPORATION CATEGOR B-J, Pressure Retaining Welds In INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT Pipinq Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report NPS 4 or Larger Catawba 1 Page6 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 S07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUIMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS ,, ?
Circumferential Welds B09.011.007 1NC26-3 CN-1 NC-26 NDE-600 UT SS 14.000
- Reference General Requirments Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.1 160 1.406 Class A Pipe to Safe End B09.011.007A 1NC26-3 CN-1 NC-26 NDE-35 PT SS 14.000 .- "
Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.1 160 1.406 Class A Pipe to Safe End B09.011.013 1 NC28-2 CN-1 NC-28 NDE-600 UT SS 12.000
- Reference General Requirments Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.0 140 1.125 - -,
Class A Pipe to Elbow -
B09.011.013A1NC28-2 CN-1NC-28 NDE-35 PT SS 12.000 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.0 140 1.125 Class A Pipe to Elbow B09.011.014 1NC28-3 CN-1 NC-28 NDE-600 UT SS 12.000
- Reference General Requirmenti Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.0 140 1.125 Class A Elbow to Tee B09.011.014A 1NC28-3 CN-i NC-28 NDE-35 PT SS 12.000 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.0 140 1.125 Class A Elbow to Tee 809.011.015 1 NC28-5 CN-1 NC-28 NDE-600 UT SS 12.000
- Reference General Requirments Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.0 140 1.125 Class A Tee to Elbow B09.011.015A 1 NC28-5 CN-1 NC-28 NDE-35 PT SS 12.000 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.0 140 1.125 Class A Tee to Elbow
EOC 13 DUKE EN(. f' CurIPORATION CATEGORY B-J, Pressure Retaining Welds In INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT Pipring Inservice Inspection Database Management System "PlanReport WP4or Largaier Catawba 1 Page 7 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07117/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS B09.011.016 1NC28-8 CN-1NC-28 NDE-600 UT SS 6.000 *
- Reference General Requirments Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.0 160 0.719 Class A Tee to Elbow B09.011.016A 1NC28-8 CN-1NC-28 NDE-35 PT SS 6.000 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.0 160 0.719 Class A Tee to Elbow B09.011.017 1NC28-9 CN-1NC-28 NDE-600 UT SS 6.000
- Reference General Requlrmeiýts Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.0 160 0.719 %
Class A Elbow to "
B09.011.017A 1NC28-9 CN-1NC-28 NDE-35 PT SS 6.000 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.0 160 0.719 Class A Elbow to Pipe B09.011.029 1NC34-5 CN-1NC-34 NDE-600 UT SS 10.000
- Reference General Requlrments Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.0 140 1.000 Class A Elbow to Pipe B09.011.029A 1NC34-5 CN-1 NC-34 NDE-35 PT SS 10.000 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.0 140 1.000 Class A Elbow to Pipe B09.011.030 1NC34-6 CN-1 NC-34 NDE-600 UT SS 10.000
- Reference General Requirments Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.0 140 1.000 Class A Pipe to Elbow B09.011.030A 1NC34-6 CN-1NC-34 NDE-35 PT SS 10.000 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.0 140 1.000 Class A Pipe to Elbow -
B09.011.031 1NC44-6 CN-1NC-44 NDE-600 UT SS 6.000
- Reference General Renuirmnts S*ctinn 8 1 10 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.1 160 0.719 Class A Elbow to Reducer
EOC 13 C DUKE ENdQ I CUnPORATION CATEGORY B-J, Pressure Retaining Welds In INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT Piping Inservice Inspection Database Management System "PlariReport Catawba 1 Page 8 EN 4 r Larger 07/17/2002 Inservlce Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIANTHK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS B09.011.031A 1NC44-6 CN-1NC-44 NDE-35 PT SS 6.000 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.1 160 0.719 *.";
Class A Elbow to Reducer B09.011.032 1NC44-7 CN-1NC-44 NDE-600 UT SS 6.000
- Reference General Requirments Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.1 160 0.719 Class A Elbow to Reducer B09.011.032A 1NC44-7 CN-1 NC-44 NDE-35 PT SS 6.000 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.1 160 0.719 Class A Elbow to Reducer B09.011.033 1NC44-15 CN-1 NC-44 NDE-600 UT SS 4.000
- Reference General Requlrments Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.1 160 0.531 Class A Elbow to Pipe B09.011.033A 1NC44-15 CN-1 NC-44 NDE-35 PT SS 4.000 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.1 160 0.531 , -*
Class A Elbow to Pipe B09.011.053 1NC24"02 CN'1NC-024 NDE-610 UT SS 31.000 50386 UT From Pipe Side , ,'
Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.0 2.500 Use Procedure NDE-600 Foir Scn From Safe End Class A Side B09.011.053A 1NC24-02 CN-1 NC.024 NDE-35 PT SS 31.000 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.0 2.500 Class A B09.011.054 1NC24-03 CN-1 NC-024 NDE-610 UT SS 31.000 50386 UT From Pipe Side Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.0 2.500 Use Procedure NDE-600 For Scan From Safe End Class A Side 809.011.054A 1NC24-03 CN-1 NC-024 NDE-35 PT SS 31.000 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.0 2.500 Class A
EOC 13 r DUKE EN( t Cu.rIPORATION CATEGORT B-J, Pressure Retaining Welds In INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT Piping Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report Catawba 1 Page 9 WN 4 r Larger 07117/2002 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS B09.011.104 1ND38-1 CN-1ND-38 NDE-600 UT SS 12.000 *
- Reference General Requirments Section 8.1.10 Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 140 1.125 Class A Valve (1ND002A) to Pipe B09.011.104A 1ND38-1 CN-1ND-38 NDE-35 PT SS 12.000 Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 140 1.125 Class A Valve (1ND002A) to Pipe B09.011.105 1ND38-17 CN-1ND-38 NDE-600 UT SS 12.000
- Reference General Requirments Sectiorr8.1.10 Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 140 1.125 Class A Pipe to Elbow B09.011.105A 1ND38-17 CN-1ND-38 NDE-35 PT SS 12.000 ..
Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 140 1.125 Class A Pipe to , ,,-.*,: ,,
Elbow 809.011.106 1ND38-18 CN-1ND-38 NDE-600 UT SS 12.000
- Reference General Requirmrents Section 8.1.10 Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 140 1.125 Class A Elbow to Pipe B09.011.106A 1ND38-18 CN-1ND-38 NDE-35 PT SS 12.000 Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 140 1.125 Class A Elbow to Pipe Total B09.011 Items: 32
EOC 13 DUKE EN( I C%,HPORATION CATEGORY B-J, Pressure Retaining Welds In INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT Piping Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report iess Than NPS 4 Catawba 1 Page 10 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS
- Circumferential Welds
- Circumferential Welds **
B09.021.019 1NC81-1 CN-1NC-81 NDE-35 PT SS 3.000 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.0 160 0.438 Class A Tee to Pipe B09.021.020 1NC81-2 CN-1NC-81 NDE-35 PT SS 3.000 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.0 160 0.438 Class A Pipe to Reducer B09 021.021 1NC82-1 CN-1NC-82 NDE-35 PT SS 1.500 Circumferential NC CN-1553-1.0 160 0.281.
Class A Stress weld Nozzle to Pipe Total B09.021 Items: 3
, Vr - "
EOC 13 (
DUKE EN(. I C*,riPORATION CATEGORY B-J, Pressure Retaining Welds In INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT Piping Inservice Inspection Database Management System "PlanReport Socket Welds Catawba 1 "Page11 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS Socket ****
- Socket **
B09.040.060 1NI192-8 CN-1iNI-192 NDE-35 PT SS 2.000 Socket NI CN-1562-1.0 160 0.344 Class A Pipe to Valve 1NI17 B09.040.113 1NV484-2 CN-1NV-484 NDE-35 PT SS 2.000 Socket NV CN-1554-1.5 160 0.344 Class A Pipe to Valve 1NV60 B09 040.114 1NV484-4 CN-1NV-484 NDE-35 PT SS 2.000 Socket NV CN-1554-1.5 160 0.344 ,'
Class A Pipe to Elbow B09 040.115 1NV487-3 CN-1NV-487 NDE-35 PT SS 2.000 Socket NV CN-1554-1.5 160 0.344 ClassA Elbow to Pipe B09.040.116 1NV487-10 CN-1NV-487 NDE-35 PT SS 2.000 Socket NV CN-1554-1.5 160 0.344 ClassA Pipe to Elbow B09.040.117 1NV487-11 CN-1 NV-487 NDE-35 PT SS 2.000 Socket NV CN-1554-1 5 160 0.344 Class A Elbow to Pipe B09.040.118 1NV488-1 CN-1NV-488 NDE-35 PT SS 2.000 Socket NV CN-1554-1.5 160 0.344 Class A Valve 1 NV492 to Pipe .
B09.040.119 1NV488-7 CN-1NV-488 NDE-35 PT SS 2.000 Socket NV CN-1554-1.5 160 0.344 Class A Elbow to Pipe
EOC 13 C DUKE ENEt, ( CurIPORATION CATEGORY B-J, Pressure Retaining Welds In INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT Piping Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report Socket Welds Catawba 1 % Page 12 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUJMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIAPTHK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS B09.040.120 1NV488-10 CN-1NV-488 NDE-35 PT SS 2.000 Socket NV CN-1554-1.5 160 0.344 Class A Pipe to Flange B09 040.121 1NV488-15 CN-1NV-488 NDE-35 PT SS 2.000 Socket NV CN-1554-1.5 160 0.344 -
Class A Tee toIn Reducing Insert, * ' "
Total B09.040 Items: 10 Total B09 Items: 45
EOC 13 C DUKE ENIC, ( CuRPORATION CATEGORY B-M-2, Valve Bodies INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report Valves Catawba 1 Page 13 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER 'YS ISO/DWG NUME3ERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS
NC CNM 1205.09-01 0.719 if disassembled Class A B12.050.001B 1NC-2 CN-1 NC-258 QAL-14 VT-3 SS 6.000 Inspect one of the following (1NC-1,2,or 3)
NC CNM 1205.09-01 0.719 if disassembled Class A B12.050.001C 1NC-3 CN-1 NC-227 OAL-14 VT-3 SS 6.000 Inspect one of the following (1NC-1,2,or 3)
NC CNM 1205.09-01 0.719 if disassembled Class A B12.050.002B 1NC-29 CN-1 NC-044 QAL-14 VT-3 SS 6.000 Inspect one of the following(1NC27,or 29)
NC CNM 1205.06-41 0.719 if disassembled Class A B12.050.007F INI-176 CN-1NI-151 QAL-14 VT-3 SS 6.000 Inspect one of the NI CNM 1205.00-63 0.719 following(1NI-126,134,157,160,175,176,180 or 181)
Class A if disassembled B12.050.007H IN1-181 CN-1NI-009 OAL-14 VT-3 SS 6.000 Inspect one of the NI CNM 1205.00-63 0.719 following(1NI-126,134,157,160,175,176,180 or 181)
Class A if disassembled Total B12.050 Items: 6 Total B12 Items: 6 I, -
EOC 13 C DUKE ENL. / C%.,rPORATION CATEGORY C-A, Pressure Retaining Welds INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT In Pressure Vessels Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report Shell Circumferential Welds Catawba 1 Page 14 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 , 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS
- .Circumferential ****
C01.010.002 1BRHRHX-5-9 CN-1561-1.0 NDE-12 RT SS 44.000 Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchanger 1B Shell tc0 Circumferential ND CNM 1201.06-83 0.875 Flange Pc.5 to Pc.9 Examltned Outage 1(EOC9) to Class B Shell to meet first interval requirernen6ts; Reference PIP Flange #i-C95-1437; Reference Request for Relief 95-01 U' -. .
Total C01.010 Items: 1
EOC 13 DUKE EN( - (C%,riPORATION CATEGOR T C-A, Pressure Retaining Welds INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT In Pressure Vessels Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report EHead Circumferential Welds Catawba 1 Page 15 07/17/2002 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIATHK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS
- Circumferential **** "I":; ,- ,,I,*
C01.020.001 1ARHRHX-5-6 CN-1561-1.0 NDE-630 UT SS 44.000 50380 Residual Heat Removal Heat'Exchanger 1A Shell to Circumferential ND CNM 1201.06-83 0.770 Lower Head Pc.5 to P6.6 ,
Class B Shell to Use NDE-640 For 0 Degree Lamination Scan Head Total C01.020 Items: 1 -
Total C01 Items: 2
EOC 13 DUKE EN(- . CuHPORATION CATEGORY C-C, Integral Attachments For INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT Vessels, Piping, Pumps, And Valves Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report Wp1ing Catawba 1 -- Page 16 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 "- 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER S5(S ISO/DWG NUMEBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS
- .Integrally Welded Attachments ****
C03 020 071 1-R-SM-1577 CN-1491-SM004 NDE-25 MT CS 34.000 Welded Attachment Mech Snubber. SM CN-1593-1.0 0.750 Class B C03.020.072 1-R-SM-1579 CN-1491-SM004 NDE-25 MT CS 34.000 Welded Attachment Mech Snubber SM CN-1593-1.0 0.750 Class B ',
C03.020.091 1-R-SM-1585 CN-1491-SM030 NDE-25 MT CS 34.000 Welded Attachment Rigid Support SM CN-1593-1.0 0.750 Class B C03.020.092 1-R-SM-1586 CN-1491-SM030 NDE-25 MT CS 34.000 Welded Attachment,,
Mech Snubber SM CN-1593-1.0 0.750 Class B C03.020.093 1-R-SM-1587 CN-1491-SM030 NDE-25 MT CS 34.000 Welded Attachment Rigid Support SM CN-1593-1.0 0.750 Class B Total C03.020 Items: 5 Total C03 Items: 5
EOC 13 C DUKE ENIC,( ( C.MPORATION CATEGORY C-F-l, Pressure Retaining Welds INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT In Austenitic SS or High Alloy Piping Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report IPIrincg Welds >= 3/8 in. Nominal Wall Thickness Catawba 1 Page 17 Nor Piping > NIPS 4 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 "07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NLIMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DINATHK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS Circumferential Weld C05.011.021 1ND1-1 CN-1 ND-1 NDE-600 UT SS 14.000
- Residual Heat Removal PujmplA*,* Reference Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 40 0.438 General Requirements Section 8.1.10 Class B Term end RHRP 1A Pipe to * ,
Flange MJ2 C05.011 021A 1ND1-1 CN-1 ND-1 NDE-35 PT SS 14.000 Residual Heat Removal Pump lA A Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 40 0.438 Class B Term end RHRP 1A Pipe to Flange MJ2 C05.011.022 1ND1-2 CN-1 ND-1 NDE-600 UT SS 14.000 *
- Reference General Re1quireriients Section 8.1.10 Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 40 0.438 Class B Flange MJ2 to Pipe C05 011.022Ai1ND1-2 CN-1ND-1 NDE-35 PT SS 14.000 Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 40 0.438 Class B Flange MJ2 to Pipe C05.011.023 1NDl-4 CN-1 ND-1 NDE-600 UT SS 14.000
- Reference General Requirements Section 8.1.10 Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 40 0438 Class B Pipe to -,
Elbow C05.011.023A 1ND1-4 CN-1ND-1 NDE-35 PT SS 14.000 Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 40 0.438 Class B Pipe to Elbow C05.011.024 1ND1-5 CN-1ND-1 NDE-600 UT SS 14.000
- Reference General Requirements Section 8.1.10 Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 40 0.438 Class B Elbow to Pipe C05.011.024A 1ND1-5 CN-1ND-1 NDE-35 PT SS 14.000 Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 40 0.438 Class B Elbow to Pipe
EOC 13 C DUKE ENI.(. I CuHPORATION CATEGORY C-F-i, Pressure Retaining Welds INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT In Austenitic SS or High Alloy Piping Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report EPiplinq Welds >= 3/8 in. Nominal Wall Thickness Catawba 1 Page 18 for Piping > NPS 4 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS C05.011.030 1ND2-4 CN-1ND-2 NDE-600 UT SS 14.000
- Reference General Requirements Section 8.1.10 Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 40 0.438 Class B Elbow to Pipe C05 011.030A 1ND2-4 CN-1 ND-2 NDE-35 PT SS 14.000 Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 40 0.438 Class B Elbow to Pipe C05.011.031 1ND2-5 CN-1ND-2 NDE-600 UT SS 14.000
- Reference General Requirements Section 8.1.10 Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 40 0.438 Class B Pipe to Elbow C05.011.031A 1ND2-5 CN-1ND-2 NDE-35 PT SS 14.000 Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 40 0.438 Class B Pipe to Elbow C05.011.032 1ND2-6 CN-1ND-2 NDE-600 UT SS 14.000
- Reference General Requirements Section 8.1.10 Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 40 0.438 Class B Elbow to , .
Pipe C05.011.032A 1ND2-6 CN-1ND-2 NDE-35 PT SS 14.000 Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 40 0.438 Class B Elbow to Pipe C05.011.033 1ND2-10 CN-1ND-2 NDE-600 UT SS 12.000
- Reference General Requirements Section 8.1.10 Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 STD 0.375 Class B Elbow to Pipe C05.011.033A 1ND2-10 CN-1ND-2 NDE-35 PT SS 12.000 Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 STD 0.375 Class B Elbow to Pipe C05 011.037 1ND4-4 CN-1ND-4 NDE-600 UT SS 12.000
- Reference Genemrl Renniiremnf* Patfinn a I In Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 STD 0.375 Class B Pipe to Elbow
EOC 13 (-
DUKE ENIC.- t CuRPORATION CATEGORY C-F-i, Pressure Retaining Welds INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT In Austenitic SS or High Alloy Piping Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report IPiping Welds >= 3/8 in. Nominal Wall Thickness Catawba 1 Page 19 or Piping > NPS 4 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 "07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIAITHK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS C05 011.037A 1ND4-4 CN-1ND-4 NDE-35 PT SS 12.000 Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 STD 0.375 .t Class B Pipe to Elbow C05.011.038 1ND4-5 CN-1ND-4 NDE-600 UT SS 12.000
- Reference General Requlrdments Section 8.1.10 Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 STD 0.375 Class B Elbow to Pipe C05.011.038A 1ND4-5 CN-1ND-4 NDE-35 PT SS 12.000 Circumferential ND CN-1561-1.0 STD 0.375 Class B Elbow to,' *"
Pipe C05 011.154 IN1212-3 CN-1 NI-212 NDE-600 UT SS 8.000
- Reference General Requirements Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NI CN-1562-1.3 160 0906 Class B Pipe to Elbow C05.011.154A 1N1212-3 CN-1NI-212 NDE-35 PT SS 8.000 Circumferential NI CN-1562-1.3 160 0.906 Class B Pipe to Elbow C05.011.155 1N1212-4 CN-1 NI-212 NDE-600 UT SS 8.000
- Reference General Requirements Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NI CN-1562-1.3 160 0.906 Class B Elbow to , ,
Pipe C05.011.155A 1N1212-4 CN-1 NI-212 NDE-35 PT SS 8.000 Circumferential NI CN-1562-1.3 160 0.906 Class B Elbow to Pipe ,
C05.011.213 1NS25-11 CN-1NS-25 NDE-600 UT SS 10.000 Reference General Requirements Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NS CN-1563-1.0 20 0.250 Class B Elbow to Reducer C05.011.213A 1NS25-11 CN-1NS-25 NDE-35 PT SS 10.000 Circumferential NS CN-1563-1.0 20 0.250 Class B Elbow to Reducer
EOC 13 DUKE ENC,._ I CurPORATION CATEGORY C-F-l, Pressure Retaining Welds INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT In Austenitic SS or High Alloy Piping Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report PIDing Welds >= 318 in. Nominal Wall Thickness Catawba 1 Page 20 for Piping > NPS 4 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07117/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIAITHK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS 4 C05.011.214 1NS25-12 CN-1NS-25 NDE-600 UT SS 12.000 Containment Spray Heat Exchanger 1B'
- Circumferential NS CN-1563-1.0 20 0.250 Reference General Requ~lremints Section 8.1.10 Class B Term end Reducer to ,
Cont. Spray HX IB - ,
C05 011.214A 1NS25-12 CN-1 NS-25 NDE-35 PT SS 12.000 Containment Spray Heat Exchang6i 1B Circumferential NS CN-1563-1.0 20 0.250 Class B Term end Reducer to Cont. Spray HX 1B C05 011.215 1NS26-1 CN-1 NS-26 NDE-600 UT SS 12.000 Containment Spray Heat Exchanger 1B'
- Circumferential NS CN-1563-1.0 20 0.250 Reference General Reluiremnents Sectlon 8.1.10 Class B Term end Cont. Spray HX 1B to . .
Reducer . . . ,
C05.011 215A 1NS26-1 CN-1NS-26 NDE-35 PT SS 12.000 Containment Spray Heat Exchainger 1B Circumferential NS CN-1563-1.0 20 0.250 -,. .
Class B Term end Cont. Spray HX 1B to Reducer C05.011.216 1NS26-2 CN-1NS-26 NDE-600 UT SS 10.000
- Reference General Requlrements Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NS CN-1563-1.0 20 0.250 Class B Reducer to Elbow C05 011.216A 1NS26-2 CN-1NS-26 NDE-35 PT SS 10000 Circumferential NS CN-1563-1.0 20 0.250 Class B Reducer to Elbow Total C05.011 Items: 32
EOC 13 (
DUKE ENG- *f' CurIPORATION CATEGORY C-F-i, Pressure Retaining Welds INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT In Austenitic SS or High Alloy Piping Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report Piping Welds > 1/5 In. Nom Wall For Piping >= Catawba 1 Page 21 NPS 2 And <= NPS 4 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07117/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NLJMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS -
Circumferential Weld C05.021.101 1NV244.8 CN-1NV-244 NDE-600 UT SS 4.000
- Reference General Requirements Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NV CN-1554-1.1 40 0237 Class B Elbow to Pipe C05.021.101A 1NV244-8 CN-1NV-244 NDE-35 PT SS 4.000 Circumferential NV CN-1554-1.1 40 0.237 Class B Elbow to Pipe C05.021.102 1NV140o7 CN-1NV-140 NDE-600 UT SS 4.000
- Reference General Requirements Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NV CN-1554-1.1 40 0.237 Class B Elbow to Pipe C05 021.102A 1NV140-7 CN-1NV-140 NDE-35 PT SS 4.000 Circumferential NV CN-1554-1.1 40 0.237 Class B Elbow to Pipe C05.021.103 1NV140-8 CN-1NV-140 NDE-600 UT SS 4.000
- Reference General Requlrements Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NV CN-1554-1.1 40 0237 Class B Pipe to Elbow C05.021.103A1NV140-8 CN-1NV-140 NDE-35 PT SS 4.000 Circumferential NV CN-1554-1.1 40 0.237 Class B Pipe to Elbow C05.021.104 1NV140-10 CN-1NV-140 NDE-600 UT SS 4.000 Reference General Requirements Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NV CN-1554-1.1 40 0.237 Class B Pipe to Elbow C05.021.104A 1NV140-10 CN-1NV-140 NDE-35 PT SS 4.000 Circumferential NV CN-1554-1.1 40 0.237 Class B Pipe to Elbow
EOC 13 (
DUKE ENE... f CirIPORATION CATEGORY C-F-l, Pressure Retaining Welds INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT In Austenitic SS or High Alloy Piping Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report IPpinq Welds > 1/5 in. Nom Wall For Piping >= Catawba 1 Page 22 IENS 2 And <= NPS 4 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NU JMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIAMTHK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS C05 021.105 1NV43-2 CN-1 NV-43 NDE-600 UT SS 3.000 *
- Reference General Requirements Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NV CN-1554-1.7 160 0.438 Class B Pipe to J. .
Elbow C05.021.105A 1NV43-2 CN-1NV-43 NDE-35 PT SS 3.000 Circumferential NV CN-1554-1.7 160 0.438 Class B Pipe to Elbow C05.021.106 1NV43-3 CN-1 NV-43 NDE-600 UT SS 3.000
- Reference General Requirements'Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NV CN-1554-1.7 160 0.438 Class B Elbow to Pipe C05 021.106A 1NV43-3 CN-1 NV-43 NDE-35 PT SS 3.000 Circumferential NV CN-1554-1.7 160 0.438 Class B Elbow to-",
Pipe C05 021.119 1NV152-2 CN-1NV-152 NDE-600 UT SS 4.000
- Reference General Requi~ernfents Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NV CN-1554-1.1 40 0.237 Class B Pipe to Elbow C05.021.119A 1NV152-2 CN-1NV-152 NDE-35 PT SS 4.000 Circumferential NV CN-1554-1.1 40 0.237 Class B Pipe to Elbow C05.021.120 1NV152-3 CN-1NV-152 NDE-600 UT SS 4.000
- Reference General Requirements Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NV CN-1554-1.1 40 0.237 Class B Elbow to Pipe C05.021.120A 1NV152-3 CN-1NV-152 NDE-35 PT SS 4.000 Circumferential NV CN-1554-1.1 40 0.237 Class B Elbow to Pipe C05 021.121 1NV152-4 CN-1NV-152 NDE-600 UT SS 4.000
- Reference General Reduirement Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NV CN-1554-1.1 40 0 237 Class B Pipe to Elbow
EOC 13 DUKE EN( t CJr1PORATION CATEGORY C-F-i, Pressure Retaining Welds INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT In Austenitic SS or High Alloy Piping Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report IPiping Welds > 1/5 in. Nom Wall For Piping >= Catawba 1 Page 23 INPS 2 And <= NPS 4 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS C05 021.121A 1NV152-4 CN-1NV-152 NDE-35 PT SS 4.000 Circumferential NV CN-1554-1.1 40 0.237 Class B Pipe to Elbow C05.021.122 INV152-5 CN-1NV-152 NDE-600 UT SS 4.000
- Reference General Requirements Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NV CN-1554-1.1 40 0.237 Class B Elbow to Pipe C05.021.122A 1NV152-5 CN-1NV-152 NDE-35 PT SS 4.000 Circumferential NV CN-1554-1.1 40 0237 Class B Elbow to , ',,, "
Pipe C05 021.123 1NV244-5 CN-1NV-244 NDE-600 UT SS 4.000
- Reference General Requlrements Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NV CN-1554-1.1 40 0.237 Class B Pipe to " .
Elbow C05.021.123A 1NV244-5 CN-1 NV-244 NDE-35 PT SS 4.000 Circumferential NV CN-1554-1.1 40 0.237 Class B Pipe to Elbow C05.021.124 1NV244-6 CN-1 NV-244 NDE-600 UT SS 4.000
- Reference General Requirements Section 8.1.10 Circumferential NV CN-1554-1.1 40 0.237 Class B Elbow to Elbow -;
C05 021.124A 1NV244-6 CN-1 NV-244 NDE-35 PT SS 4.000 Circumferential NV CN-1554-1.1 40 0.237 Class B Elbow to "'-
Elbow Total C05.021 Items: 24
EOC 13 DUKE ENC. Y CuHPORATION CATEGORy' C-F-i, Pressure Retaining Welds INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT In Austenitic SS or High Alloy Piping Inservice Inspection Database Management System "PlanReport Socket Welds Catawba 1 Page24 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 " '-07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUIMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIANTHK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS
- Socket ****
C05.030.008 1NI161-12 CN-1NI-161 NDE-35 PT SS 2.000 Socket NI CN-1562-1.3 160 0.344 Class B Full Coupling to Pipe C05.030.009 1NI161-14 CN-1NI-161 NDE-35 PT SS 2000 Socket NI CN-1562-1.3 160 0.344 Class B Full Coupling to Pipe C05.030.010 1NI161-15 CN-1NI-161 NDE-35 PT SS 2.000 Socket NI CN-1562-1.3 160 0344 Class B Pipe to Full Coupling Total C05.030 Items: 3
EOC 13 C DUKE ENL. f CuRPORATION CATEGORY C-F-i, Pressure Re taming Welds INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT In Austenitic SS or High Alloy P'iping Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report PIne Branch Connections of Branc h Piping >= Catawba 1 "Page25 NPS 2 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS Clrcumlelrential] W~eld .... <;
C05.041.012 1NV41-14 CN-1NV-41 NDE-35 PT SS 2.000 Branch NV CN-1554-1.7 160 0.344 Class B Half Coupling to Pipe Total C05.041 Items: 1
EOC 13 (
DUKE ENC ,Y CURPORATION CATEGORY' C-F-2, Pressure Retaining Welds INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT In Carbon Or Low Alloy Steel Piping Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report P1 Welds >= 3/8 in. Nominal Wall Thickness Piiinn. Catawba 1 Page 26 1for Piping> NPS4 - Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUME3ERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIN/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS
- Circumferential Weld ****
C05051.107 1SM34-38 CN-1SM-34 NDE-600 UT CS 32.000 Steam Generator 1A Main Steam Nozzle Transition Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 1.375 Ring to Elbow .*- ,
Class B Nozzle SG1A Transition Ring to Reference General Requlreme6nts Section 8.1.10 Elbow C05.051.107A 1SM34-38 CN-1SM-34 NDE-25 MT CS 32.000 Steam Generator 1A Main Steam Nozzle Transition Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 1.375 Ring to Elbow Class B Nozzle SG1A Transition Ring to Elbow C05.051.115 1SM39-2 CN-1SM-39 NDE-600 UT CS 34.000
- Reference General Requirements Section 8.1.10 Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 1.375 ,
Class B Elbow to Pipe C05.051.115A1SM39-2 CN-1SM-39 NDE-25 MT CS 34.000 Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 1.375 Class B Elbow to Pipe ,
C05.051.116 1SM39-3 CN-1SM-39 NDE-600 UT CS 34.000
- Reference General Requlremrents Section 8.1.10 Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 1.375 Class B Pipe to , -.
Elbow C05 051.116A1SM39-3 CN-1SM-39 NDE-25 MT CS 34.000 Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 1.375 Class B Pipe to Elbow ,.
Total C05.051 Items: 66 Total C05 Items: 66 ,
EOC 13 DUKE EN.I (CurHPORATION CATEGORt C-G, Pressure Reta ining Welds INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT In Pumps And Valves Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report Valves Catawba 1 Page 27 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIAPTHK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS - C
- Valve Body Welds ****
C06.020 009 1NI-342 CN-1562-1.2 NDE-35 PT SS 8.000 Valve Body Weld Circumferential NI CNM-1205.00-152 0.477 Class B Valve Body to Bonnet C06.020.010 1NI-136B CN-1562-1.2 NDE-35 PT SS 8.000 Valve Body Weld Circumferential NI CNM-1205.00-0207 0.572 Class B Valve Body to Bonnet C06.020.013 1NV-292 CN-1554-1.7 NDE-35 PT SS 4.000 Valve Body Weld - Valve Numbers In Valve Group Circumferential NV CNM-1205.00-0082 0.857 1NV-272, 1NV-292, Class B Valve Body to 1NV-485, 1NV488 Bonnet Total C06.020 Items: 3 Total C06 Items: 3
EOC 13 (
- '" Plan Report Catawba 1 "Page28 Cass 2 Piping Supports Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 .07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMB IERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS
- One-Directio~nal **
F01.020.037 1-R-ND-0111 CN-1492-ND018 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 8.000 Rigid Support ND CN-1561-1.1 0.000 Class B . .
F01.020.038 1-R-ND-0112 CN-1492-ND018 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 8.000 Rigid Support ND CN-1561-1.1 0.000 Class B - ;*,
F01.020.039 1-RoND-0113 CN-1492-ND018 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 8.000 .
Rigid Support ND CN-1561-1.1 0.000 Class B,, . .
F01.020.099 1-R-NS-0051 CN-1492-NS004 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 10000 Rigid Support NS CN-1563-1.0 0.000 Class B F01.020.100 1-R-NS-0052 CN-1492-NS004 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 10.000 Rigid Support NS CN-1563-1.0 0.000 Class B F01.020.101 1-R-NS-0054 CN-1492-NS004 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 10.000 Rigid Support NS CNo1563-1.0 0.000 Class B F01.020.102 1-R-NS-0055 CN-1492-NS004 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 10.000 Rigid Support NS CN-1563-1 0 0.000 Class B F01.020.103 1-R-NS-0056 CN-1492-NS004 OAL-14 VT-3 NA 10.000 Rigid Support NS CN-1563-1.0 0.000 Class B
0 Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report Catawba 1 Page 29 EClass 2 Piping Supports Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS F01 020.120 1-R-NS-0067 CN-1492-NS009 OAL-14 VT-3 NA 10.000 Rigid Support NS CN-1563-1.0 0.000 Class B F01.020.121 1-R-NS-0068 CN-1492-NS009 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 10.000 Rigid Support NS CN-1563-1.0 0.000 Class B F01.020.122 1-R-NS-0069 CN-1492-NS009 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 10.000 Rigid Support NS CN-1563-1.0 0.000 Class B F01.020.123 1-R-NS-0074 CN-1492-NS009 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 8.000 Rigid Support NS CN-1563-1 0 0.000 Class B F01.020.124 1-R-NS-0075 CN-1492-NS009 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 8.000 Rigid Support NS CN-1563-1.0 0.000 Class B F01.020.125 1-R-NS-0100 CN-1492-NS009 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 8.000 Rigid Support NS CN-1563-1.0 0.000 Class B F01.020.168 1-R-NV-0178 CN-1492-NVO41 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 2.000 Rigid Support NV CN-1554-1.7 0.000 Class B Total F01.020 Items: 15 Multidirectional F01.021.148 1-R-NV-1202 CN-1491-NVO09 OAL-14 VT-3 NA 2.000 Rigid Support NV CN-1554-1.5 0.000 Class B
EOC 13 (
DUKE ENE,__-. f CURPORATION CATEGORY F-A. SuDDorts INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report Class 2 Piping Supports Catawba 1 Page 30 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS F01.021.149 1-R-NV-1203 CN-1491-NV009 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 2.000 Rigid Support NV CN-1554-1 5 0.000 Class B F01.021.150 1-R-NV-1204 CN-1491-NVO09 OAL-14 VT-3 NA 2.000 Rigid Support NV CN-1554-1.5 0.000 Class B F01.021.151 1-R-NV-1205 CN-1491-NVO09 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 2.000 Rigid Support NV CN-1554-1.5 0.000 Class B ,
F01.021.152 1-R-NV-1206 CN-1491-NVO09 OAL-14 VT-3 NA 2.000 Rigid Support NV CN-1554-1.5 0.000 Class B F01.021.153 1-R-NV-1207 CN-1491-NVO09 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 2.000 Rigid Support NV CN-1554-1.5 0.000 Class B F01.021.154 1-R-NV-1208 CN-1491-NVO09 OAL-14 VT-3 NA 2.000 Rigid Support NV CN-1554-1.5 0.000 Class B F01 021.155 1-R-NV-1209 CN-1491-NVO09 OAL-14 VT-3 NA 2.000 Rigid Support NV CN-1554-1.5 0.000 Class B Total F01.021 Items: 8 Thermal Movement F01.022.034 1-R-ND-0108 CN-1492-ND018 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 8.000 Mech Snubber ND CN-1561-1.1 0.000 Class B
EOC 13(
DUKE ENEC.( (CuRPORATION CATEGORY F-A, Supports INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report Class 2 Piping Supports Catawba 1 SPage 31 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS F01.022 035 1-R-ND-0181 CN-1492-ND018 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 8.000 Mech Snubber ND CN-1561-1.1 0.000 Class B F01.022.036 1-R-ND-0182 CN-1492-ND018 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 8.000 Mech Snubber ND CN-1561-1.1 0.000 Class B F01.022.201 1-R-SM-1020 CN-1491-SM001 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 42.000 Mech Snubber SM CN-1593-1.0 0.000 Class B F01.022 202 1-R.SM.1021 CN-1491-SM001 OAL-14 VT-3 NA 42.000 Mech Snubber SM CN-1593-1.0 0.000 Class B Total F01.022 Items: 5
EOC 13 (
CATEGORY F-A. SuDDorts DUKE EN..I (CuRPORATION 0 INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report Class 3 Piping Supports Catawba 1 Page 32 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS
- One-Directional ****
F01.030.014 1-R-CA-0372 CN-1492-CA060 OAL-14 VT-3 NA 8.000 Rigid Support CA CN-1592-1.2 0.000 Class C F01 030.015 1-R-CA-0373 CN-1492-CA060 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 8.000 Rigid Support CA CN-1592-1.2 0.000 Class C F01.030.016 1-R-CA-0374 CN-1492-CA060 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 8.000 Rigid Support CA CN-1 592-1.2 0.000 Class C F01 030 017 1-R-CA-0375 CN-1492-CA060 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 8.000 Rigid Support CA CN-1592-1.2 0.000 Class C F01.030.018 1-R-CA-0319 CN-1492-CA051 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 8000 Rigid Support CA CN-1592-1.2 0.000 Class C F01.030.019 1-R-CA-0320 CN-1492-CA051 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 6.000 Rigid Support CA CN-1592-1 2 0.000 Class C F01.030.020 1-R-CA-0323 CN-1492-CA051 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 6.000 Rigid Support CA CN-1592-1.2 0.000 Class C F01.030.091 1-R-KC-0185 CN-1492-KC035 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 16.000 Rigid Support KC CN-1573-1.0 0.000 Class C Total F01.030 Items: 8
- .Thermal Movement **
C0 EOC 13 (
CATEGO-,I F-A. SupDorts DUKE EN.& 'CuHPORATION INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report MClass 3 Piping Supports Catawba 1 Page 33 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS F01.032.058 1-R-KC-0186 CN-1492-KC035 OAL-14 VT-3 NA 16.000 Spring Hgr KC CN-1573-1.0 0000 Class C Total F01.032 Items: 1
C D_
EOC 13 (
DUKE EN[k_, CuRPORATION CATEGORY F-A. SuDDorts INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report Ecl23Suports Catawba 1 Page 34 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS Supports Other Than Piping Supports F01.040.201 1KCHXB-SUPPORT CNM-1201.06-51 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 0.000 Component Cooling Heat Exchanger 1B Support Rigid Support KC CN-1573-1.0 0.000 Class C F01.040.202 1KCPA2-SUPPORT CNM-1201.05-121 OAL-14 VT-3 NA 0.000 Component Cooling Pump 1A2 Support Rigid Support KC CN-1573-1.0 0.000 4 Saddle Supports Class C F01.040 203 1KFHXA-SUPPORT CNM-1201.06-54 QAL-14 VT-3 NA 0.000 Fuel Pool Cooling Heat Exchanger 1A Support Rigid Support KF CN-1570-1.0 0.000 2 Saddle Supports Class C Total F01.040 Items: 3 Total F01 Items: 40
EOC 13 (
CATEGOky . Augimented DUKE ENCI (CuRPORATION INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT C Ij Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report lReactor Coolant Pump Flywheel Inspection Catawba 1 Page 35 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIANTHK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS
- NRC Regulatory Guide 1.14 ****
GO1.001.002 1RCP-1 B CN-1 NC-022 NDE-949 UT CS 0.000 50237 Reactor Coolant Pump 1B Flywheel NC CNM 1318.11-0016 001 0.000 A qualified In-place UT examination over the volume Class A CNM1318.11-0016 002 from the inner bore of the flywheel to the circle one-half of the outer radius or a surface examination (MT and/or PT) of exposed surfaces of the removed flywheels may be conducted at approximately 10 year intervals coinciding with the Inservice Inspection Schedule as required by ASME Section Xl.
Total GO1.001 Items: 1 Total G01 Items: 1
EOC 13f (
DUKE EN( CURPORATION CATEGORY Augmented INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report Pipe Rupture Protection Catawba 1 Page 36 e Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS
- Main Steam System ****
G02.001.036 1SM37-01 CN°1SM-037 NDE-600 UT CS 34.000 *
- Reference General Requirments Section 8.1.10 Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 2.375 Class B Pipe to Pipe G02.001.036A 1SM37-01 CN-1SM-037 NDE-25 MT CS 34.000 Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 2.375 Class B Pipe to Pipe G02.001.037 1SM-7D-A CN-1 SM-037 NDE-600 UT CS 34.000
- Grinnell Piece Mark CT-SM-7D Weld A Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 2.375 Reference General Requirments Section 8.1.10 Class B Pipe to Pipe G02.001.037A 1SM-7D-A CN-1 SM-037 NDE-25 MT CS 34.000 Grinnell Piece Mark CT-SM-7D Weld A Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 2.375 Class B Pipe to Pipe G02.001.038 1SM37-04 CN-1SM-037 NDE-600 UT CS 34.000 *
- Reference General Requirments Section 8.1.10 Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 2.375 Class B Pipe to Valve 1SM001 G02.001.038A 1SM37-04 CN-1SM-037 NDE-25 MT CS 34.000 Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 2.375 Class B Pipe to Valve 1SM001 G02.001.039 1SM37-05 CN-1SM-037 NDE-600 UT CS 34.000 *
- Reference General Requirments Section 8.1.10 Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 2.375 Class B Valve 1SM001 to Pipe G02.001.039A 1SM37-05 CN-1SM-037 NDE-25 MT CS 34.000 Circumferential SM CN-1593-1 0 2.375 Class B Valve 1SM001 to Pipe
CATEGO R*rAuqmented INSERVICE INSPECTION PLAN MANAGEMENT Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report Wipe Rupture Protection Catawba 1 Page 37 N Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIA/THK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS G02.001.040 1SM-6D-A CN-ISM-038 NDE-600 UT CS 34.000 Grinnell Piece Mark CT-SM-6D Weld A Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 1.750
- Reference General Requirments Section 8.1.10 Class B Elbow to Pipe G02.001.040A 1SM-6D-A CN-1SM-038 NDE-25 MT CS 34.000 Grinnell Piece Mark CT-SM-6D Weld A Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 1.750 Class B Elbow to Pipe G02.001.041 1SM38-01 CN-1 SM-038 NDE-600 UT CS 34.000
- Reference General Requirments Section 8.1.10 Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 1.750 Class B Elbow to Pipe G02.001.041A1SM38-01 CN-1SM-038 NDE-25 MT CS 34.000 Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 1.750 Class B Elbow to Pipe G02.001.042 1SM38-02 CN-1SM-038 NDE-600 UT CS 34.000
- Reference General Requirments Section 8.1.10 Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 1.750 Class B Elbow to Pipe G02.001.042A1SM38-02 CN-1SM-038 NDE-25 MT CS 34.000 Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 1.750 Class B Elbow to Pipe G02.001.043 1SM-4D-C CN-1 SM-038 NDE-600 UT CS 34.000 Grinnell Piece Mark CT-SM-4D Weld C Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 1.750
- Reference General Requirments Section 8.1.10 Class B Elbow to Pipe G02.001.043A 1SM-4D-C CN-1SM-038 NDE-25 MT CS 34.000 Grinnell Piece Mark CT-SM-4D Weld C Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 1.750 Class B Elbow to Pipe G02.001.044 ISM-4D-B CN-1 SM-038 NDE-600 UT CS 34.000 Grinnell Piece Mark CT-SM-4D Weld B Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 1.750
- Reference General Requirments Section 8.1.10 Class B Elbow to Pipe
EOC 13 (
Inservice Inspection Database Management System Plan Report I Pp ture Protection Catawba 1 Page 38 Inservice Inspection Plan for Interval 2 Outage 5 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYS ISO/DWG NUMBERS PROC INSP REQ MAT/SCH DIAITHK CAL BLOCKS COMMENTS G02.001.044A1SM-4D-B CN-1 SM-038 NDE-25 MT CS 34.000 Grinnell Piece Mark CToSM-4D Weld B Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 1.750 Class B Elbow to Pipe G02.001.045 1SM-4D-A CN-1 SM-038 NDE-600 UT CS 34.000
- Reference General Requirments Section 8.1.10 Class B Elbow to Pipe G02.001.045A 1SM-4D-A CN-1 SM-038 NDE-25 MT CS 34.000 Grinnell Piece Mark CT-SM-4D Weld A Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 1.750 Class B Elbow to Pipe G02.001.046 1SM38-03 CN-1SM-038 NDE-600 UT CS 34.000
- Reference General Requirments Section 8.1.10 Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 1.750 Class B Pipe to Pipe G02.001.046A1SM38-03 CN-1SM-038 NDE-25 MT CS 34.000 Circumferential SM CN-1593-1.0 1.750 Class B Pipe to Pipe Total G02.001 Items: 22 Total G02 Items: 22
15.0 Results Of Inspections Performed The results of each examination ,shown in the. final lnsevice Inspection'Plan (Section 4.0 of this i'eport) are included in'this section. The completion date and status for' each examination are shown. Limited examinations are described in further detail in Section 5.2. All examinations revealing reportable indications are described in further detail in Section 6.0.
5.1 The information shown below is a field description for the reporting format included in this section of the report:
Item Number = ASME Section XI Tables IWB-2500-1 (Class 1), IWC-2500-1 (Class 2), IWF-2500-1 (Class 1 and Class 2), and Augmented /
Elective Requirements ID Number = Unique Identification Number System - Plant System Designation Insp Date - Date of Examination Insp Status = CLR = Clear K REC = Recordable REP = Reportable Insp Limited - Indicates inspection was limited.
Coverage obtained is listed.
Geo. Ref. SY = Yes (Geometric Reflector N=No applies only to UT)
- Y = Yes RFR (Request for Relief) N=No Comments = General and/or Detail Description Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 1 of 2 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 5 July 17, 2002
DUKE ENEP-Y Cr -ORATION EOC 13 C QUALITY ASSURA( TL .NICAL SERVICES In-Service Inspection Database Management System Run D Catawba 1 Inservice Inspection Listing 1720Pag Plant: Catawba 1 ' .. 07/17/2002 Interval 2 Outage 5 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYSTEM INSP DATE INSP STATUS INSP LIMITED GEO REF RFR COMMENTS B03.110.001 1PZR-W1 NC 05/01/2002 CLR 40.61% N Y Request for Relief Serial # 02-002 B03.110.004 1PZR-W4A NC 04/29/2002 CLR 69.20% N Y Request for Relief Serial # 02-002 B03.110.006 1PZR-W4C NC 04/29/2002 CLR 69.20% N Y Request for Relief Serial # 02-002 B03.120.001 1PZR-W1 NC 05/01/2002 CLR 72.10% N Y Request for Relief Serial # 02-002 B03.120.004 1PZR-W4A NC 04/29/2002 CLR 72.60% N Y Request for Relief Serial # 02-002 B03.120.006 1PZR-W4C NC 04/29/2002 CLR 72.60% N Y Request for Relief Serial # 02-002 805.040.001 1PZR-W1SE NC 05/01/2002 CLR N N B05.040.001 A 1PZR-W1SE NC 05/01/2002 CLR N N 805.040.004 1PZR-W4ASE NC 04/29/2002 CLR 77.28% N Y Request for Relief Serial #02-002 B05.040.004A 1PZR-W4ASE NC 04/28/2002 CLR N N B05.040 005 1PZR-W4BSE NC 04/29/2002 CLR 86 00% N Y Request for Relief Serial #02-002 105.040.O05A 1PZR-W4BSE NC 04/28/2002 CLR N N 805.040.006 1PZR-W4CSE NC 04/29/2002 CLR 82.03% N Y Request for Relief Serial #02-002 B05.040.006A 1PZR-W4CSE NC 04/28/2002 CLR N N B06.110.003 1SGB-MW-YI-X2 NC 05/02/2002 CLR N N B06.110.004 1SGB-MW-X2-Y2 NC 05/02/2002 CLR N N 807.070.021 1NI-54A NI 04/30/2002 CLR N N B07 070.022 1NI-59 NI 04/30/2002 CLR N N B09.011.007 1NC26-3 NC 05/01/2002 CLR N N 809.011.007A 1NC26-3 NC 05/01/2002 CLR N N B09.011.013 1NC28-2 NC 05/02/2002 CLR N N B09.011.013A INC28-2 NO 05/02/2002 CLR N N B09.011.014 1NC28-3 NC 05/02/2002 CLR N N B09 011.014A 1 NC28-3 NC 05/02/2002 CLR N N B09.011.015 1NC28-5 NC 05/02/2002 CLR N N 809.011.015A 1 NC28-5 NC 05/02/2002 CLR N N B09.011.016 1NC28-8 NC 05/02/2002 CLR N N 809.011.016A INC28-8 NC 05/02/2002 CLR N N B09 011.017 1NC28-9 NC 05/02/2002 CLR N N 809.011.017A 1NC28-9 NC 05/02/2002 CLR N N B09.011.029 1NC34-5 NC 04/30/2002 CLR Y N B09.011.029A 1NC34-5 NC 04/30/2002 CLR N N B09 011 030 1 NC34-6 NC 04/30/2002 CLR Y N 809.011.030A 1 NC34-6 NC 04/30/2002 CLR N N B09.011.031 1NC44-6 NC 04/30/2002 CLR N N 809.011.031A 1 NC44-6 NC 04/30/2002 CLR N N
DUKE ENERGY Cr "ORATION EOC 13 C QUALITY ASSURA( TL ,NICAL SERVICES In-Service Inspection butabase Management System C Run D Page 2 Catawba 1 Inservice Inspection Listing Plant: Catawba 1 Interval 2 Outage 5 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYSTEM INSP DATE INSP STATUS INSP LIMITED GEO REF RFR COMMENTS B09.011.032 1NC44-7 NC 04/30/2( 002 CLR --- N N B09 011.032A 1NC44-7 NC 04/30/20002 CLR --- N N B09.011.033 1NC44-15 NC 04/30/2( )02 CLR --- Y N B09.011.033A 1NC44-15 NC 04/30/2( )02 CLR --- N N B09.011.053 1NC24-02 NC 05/03/2( 002 CLR --- N N 809.011.053A 1NC24-02 NC 05/03/2(002 CLR --- N N B09.011.054 1NC24-03 NC 05/03/2(002 CLR --- N N B09.011.054A 1NC24-03 NC 05/02/2(002 CLR --- N N B09.011.104 1ND38-1 ND 05/01/2(202 CLR 61.23% N Y Request for Relief Serial #02-002 109.011.104A 1ND38-1 ND 05/01/2()02 CLR --- N N B09.011.105 1ND38-17 ND 05/01/2C202 CLR --- N N B09.011.105A 1ND38-17 ND 04/30/2(202 CLR --- N N B09.011.106 1ND38-18 ND 05/01/2()02 CLR --- N N B09.011.106A 1ND38-18 ND 04/30/2(002 CLR --- N N B09.021.019 1NC81-1 NC 05/05/2(002 CLR .-- N N B09 021.020 1NC81-2 NC 05/05/2(002 CLR --- N N B09.021.021 1NC82-1 NC 05/05/2(002 CLR --- N N B09.040.060 1NI192-8 NI 05/01/20002 CLR --- N N 809.040.113 1NV484-2 NV 05/01/21002 CLR --- N N 809.040.114 1NV484-4 NV 05/01/20002 CLR .-. N N B09 040.115 1NV487-3 NV 05/07/2(002 CLR --- N N B09.040.116 1NV487-10 NV 05/07/21002 CLR --- N N B09.040.117 1NV487-11 NV 05/07/20002 CLR --- N N B09.040.118 1NV488-1 NV 05/07/2C002 CLR .-- N N B09.040.119 1NV488-7 NV 05/07/20002 CLR --- N N B09.040.120 1NV488-10 NV 05/07/2C002 CLR --- N N B09 040.121 1NV488-15 NV 05/07/2£002 CLR --- N N B12.050.001A 1NC-1 NC 05/03/20002 CLR --- N N 812.050.0018 1NC-2 NC 05/03/20002 CLR --- N N B12.050.001C 1NC-3 NC 05/04/20002 CLR --- N N B12 050.0028 1NC-29 NC 05/04/2C002 CLR --- N N 8132.050.007F INI-176 NI 05/04/2C002 CLR --- N N B12.050.007H INI-181 NI 05/05/2C002 CLR .-- N N C01.010.002 1BRHRHX-5-9 ND 05/04/2C002 REC 55.90% N Y Request for Relief Serial # 02-002 C01.020.001 1ARHRHX-5-6 ND 04/23/20002 CLR --- Y N C03.020.071 1-R-SM-1577 SM 05/08/21002 CLR --- N N
(I 0 DUKE ENERe-V Cr "ORATION QUALITY ASSURA( TL .NICAL SERVICES In-Service Inspection Database Management System Run D EOC 13 Catawba 1 Inservice Inspection Listing Page 3 Plant: Catawba 1 Interval 2 Outage 5 07/17/2002 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYSTEM INSP DATE INSP STATUS INSP LIMITED GEO REF RFR COMMENTS C03.020.072 1-R-SM-1579 SM 05/08/2( 002 CLR ... N N C03.020.091 1-R-SM°1585 SM 05/08/2( 002 CLR --- N N C03.020.092 1-R-SM-1586 SM 05/08/2( 002 CLR --- N N C03.020.093 1-R-SM-1587 SM 05/08/2( 002 CLR --- N N C05 011.021 1ND1-1 ND 04/17/2( 002 CLR --- N N C05.011.021A 1ND1-1 ND 04/17/2(002 CLR --- N N C05.011.022 1ND1-2 ND 04/17/2(002 CLR --- Y N C05.011.022A 1ND1-2 ND 04/17/2C002 CLR .-- N N C05.011.023 1ND1-4 ND 04/17/2C002 CLR --- N N C05.011.023A 1ND1-4 ND 04/17/2C002 CLR --- N N C05.011.024 1ND1-5 ND 04/17/2(002 CLR --- N N C05.011.024A 1ND1-5 ND 04/17/2C002 CLR --- N N C05.011.030 1ND2-4 ND 04/17/2C002 CLR --- N N C05 011 030A 1ND2-4 ND 04/16/2(002 CLR --- N N C05 011.031 1ND2o5 ND 04/17/21002 CLR --- Y N C05 011.031A 1ND2-5 ND 04/16/21002 CLR .-- N N C05.011.032 1ND2-6 ND 04/17/21002 CLR --- Y N C05.011.032A 1ND2-6 ND 04/16/21002 CLR --- N N C05.011.033 1ND2-10 ND 04/17/21002 CLR --- Y N C05 011.033A 1ND2-10 ND 04/16/21002 CLR --- N N C05.011.037 1ND4o4 ND 04/17/21002 CLR --- Y N C05.011.037A 1ND4-4 ND 04/16/21002 CLR --- N N C05.011.038 1ND4-5 ND 04/17/21002 CLR .-. Y N C05.011.038A 1ND4-5 ND 04/16/21002 CLR --- N N C05.011.154 1N1212-3 NI 04/18/2(002 CLR --- N N C05 011.154A 1N1212-3 NI 04/16/21002 CLR .-. N N C05.011.155 1N1212-4 NI 04/18/2i002 CLR --- Y N C05.011.155A 1N1212-4 NI 04/16/24002 CLR -.- N N C05.011.213 1NS25-11 NS 04/18/2iO02 CLR --- N N C05 011 213A 1NS25-11 NS 04/18/2'002 CLR --- N N C05.011.214 1NS25-12 NS 04/18/2(002 CLR ... Y N C05.011.214A 1NS25°12 NS 04/18/2(002 CLR --- N N C05.011.215 1NS26-1 NS 04/18/2(002 CLR --- N N C05.011.215A 1NS26-1 NS 04/18/24002 CLR -.. N N C05 011.216 1NS26-2 NS 04/18/24002 CLR .-- N N C05.011.216A 1NS26-2 NS 04/18/24002 CLR --- N N
( QUALITY ASSURA( TL ,NICAL SERVICES In-Service Inspection Database Management System (L Run D Catawba 1 Inservice Inspection Listing Page 4 Plant: Catawba 1 07/17/2002 Interval 2 Outage 5 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYSTEM INSP DATE INSP STATUS INSP LIMITED GEO REF RFR COMMENTS C05.021.101 1NV244-8 NV 04/27/2002 CLR --- N N C05.021.101A 1NV244-8 NV 04/27/2002 CLR --- N N C05.021.102 1NV140-7 NV 04/27/2002 CLR --- N N C05.021.102A 1NV140-7 NV 04/27/2002 CLR --- N N C05.021.103 1NV140-8 NV 04/27/2002 CLR --- N N C05.021.103A 1NV140-8 NV 04/27/2002 CLR --- N N C05.021.104 1NV140-10 NV 04/27/2002 CLR --- N N C05.021.104A 1NV140-10 NV 04/27/2002 CLR --- N N C05.021.105 1NV43-2 NV 04/24/2002 CLR --- N N C05.021.105A 1NV43-2 NV 04/24/2002 CLR --- N N C05.021.106 1NV43-3 NV 04/24/2002 CLR --- N N C05.021.106A 1NV43-3 NV 04/24/2002 CLR --- N N C05.021.119 1NV152-2 NV 04/27/2002 CLR --- N N C05.021.119A 1NV152-2 NV 04/27/2002 CLR --- N N C05.021.120 1NV152-3 NV 04/27/2002 CLR --- N N C05.021.120A 1NV152-3 NV 04/27/2002 CLR --- N N C05.021.121 1NV152-4 NV 04/27/2002 CLR --- N N C05.021.121A 1NV152-4 NV 04/27/2002 CLR .-. N N C05.021.122 1NV152-5 NV 04/27/2002 CLR --- N N C05 021.122A 1NV152-5 NV 04/27/2002 CLR .-- N N C05.021.123 1NV244-5 NV 04/27/2002 CLR --- N N C05.021.123A 1NV244-5 NV 04/27/2002 CLR .-- N N C05.021.124 1NV244-6 NV 04/27/2002 CLR --- N N C05.021.124A 1NV244-6 NV 04/27/2002 CLR --- N N C05.030.008 1NI161-12 NI 05/01/2002 CLR --- N N C05.030.009 1NI161-14 NI 05/01/2002 CLR .-. N N C05.030.010 IN1161-15 NI 05/01/2002 CLR --- N N C05.041.012 1NV41-14 NV 04/28/2002 CLR --- N N C05.051.107 1SM34-38 SM 05/04/2002 CLR --- Y N C05.051.107A 1SM34-38 SM 05/04/2002 CLR -.- N N C05.051.115 1SM39-2 SM 05/07/2002 CLR --- N N C05.051.115A 1SM39-2 SM 05/07/2002 CLR --- N N C05.051.116 1SM39-3 SM 05/07/2002 CLR --- N N C05.051.116A 1SM39-3 SM 05/07/2002 CLR --- N N C06.020.009 1NI-342 NI 04/22/2002 CLR --- N N C06.020.010 1NI-136B NI 04/2212002 CLR --- N N
DUKE ENERev Cr "ORATION EOC 13 C QUALITY ASSURA( TL ,NICAL SERVICES In-Service Inspection Database Management System Run D Plant: Catawba 1 Catawba 1 Inservice Inspection Listing COMMENTPage 5 07/17/2002 Interval 2 Outage 5 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYSTEM INSP DA\TE INSP STATUS INSP LIMITED GEO REF RFR COMMENTS C06.020.013 1NV-292 NV 04/22/2C002 CLR --- N N F01.020.037 1-R-ND-0111 ND 04/29/2C002 CLR --- N N F01.020.038 1-R-ND-0112 ND 04/29/24002 CLR --- N N F01.020.039 1-R-ND-0113 ND 05/06/2C002 CLR --- N N F01.020.099 1-R-NS-0051 NS 05/01/2C 002 CLR --- N N F01.020.100 1-R-NS-0052 NS 05/01/24002 CLR --- N N F01.020.1 01 1-R-NS-0054 NS 05/01/24002 CLR --- N N F01.020.102 1-R-NS-0055 NS 05/01/2C002 CLR --- N N F01.020.103 1-R-NS-0056 NS 05/01/24002 CLR --- N N F01.020.120 1-R-NS-0067 NS 05/01/2'002 CLR --- N N F01.020.121 1-R-NS-0068 NS 05/01/2' 002 CLR --- N N F01.020.122 1-R-NS-0069 NS 05/01/2' 002 CLR --- N N F01.020.123 1-R-NS-0074 NS 04/29/2' 002 CLR --- N N F01.020.124 1-R-NS-0075 NS 04/29/2(002 CLR --- N N F01.020.125 1-R-NS-0100 NS 04/29/2(002 CLR --- N N F01.020.168 1-R-NV-0178 NV 05/03/2 002 CLR --- N N F01.021.148 1-R-NV-1202 NV 04/30/2 002 CLR --- N N F01.021.149 1-R-NV-1203 NV 04/30/2 002 CLR --- N N F01.021.150 1-R-NV-1204 NV 04/30/2 002 CLR --- N N F01.021.151 1-R-NV-1205 NV 04/30/2 002 CLR -.- N N F01.021.152 1-R-NV-1206 NV 04/30/2 002 CLR --- N N F01.021.153 1-R-NV-1207 NV 04/30/2 002 CLR --- N N F01.021.154 1-R-NV-1208 NV 04/30/2 002 CLR --. N N F01.021.155 1-R-NV-1209 NV 04/30/2 002 CLR --- N N F01.022.034 1-R-ND-0108 ND 04/29/2 002 CLR --- N N F01.022.035 1°R-ND-0181 ND 04/29/2 002 CLR --- N N F01.022.036 1-R-ND-0182 ND 04/29/2 002 CLR .-. N N F01.022.201 1-R-SM-1020 SM 05/07/2 002 CLR -.- N N F01.022.202 1-R-SM-1021 SM 05/07/2 002 CLR --- N N F01.030.014 1-R-CA-0372 CA 04/29/2 002 CLR --- N N F01.030.015 1-R-CA-0373 CA 04/29/2 002 CLR --- N N F01.030.016 1-R-CA-0374 CA 05/06/2 002 CLR --- N N F01.030.017 1-R-CA-0375 CA 05/06/2 002 CLR --- N N F01.030.018 1-R-CA-0319 CA 05/06/2 002 CLR --- N N F01.030.019 1-R-CA-0320 CA 05/05/2 002 CLR --- N N F01.030.020 1-R-CA-0323 CA 05/05/2 002 CLR --- N N
DUKE ENER(Y Cr -ORATION EOC 13 QUALITY ASSURA( TL ,NICAL SERVICES In-s3ervice Inspection bDtabase Management System Catawba 1 Inservice Inspection Listing C Run D Page 6 Plant: Catawba 1 07/17/2002 Interval 2 Outage 5 ITEM NUMBER ID NUMBER SYSTEM INSP DATE INSP STATUS INSP LIMITED GEO REF RFR COMMENTS F01.030.091 1-R-KC-0185 KC 04/29/2002 CLR F01.032.058 1-R-KC-0186 KC 04/29/2002 CLR F01.040.201 1KCHXB-SUPPORT KC 05/07/2002 CLR F01.040.202 1KCPA2-SUPPORT KC 05/07/2002 CLR F01.040.203 1KFHXA-SUPPORT KF 05/07/2002 CLR GO1.001.002 1RCP-1B NC 04/29/2002 CLR G02.001.036 1SM37-01 SM 05/08/2002 CLR G02.001.036A 1SM37-01 SM 05/08/2002 CLR G02.001.037 1SM-7D-A SM 05/08/2002 CLR G02.001.037A 1SM-7D-A SM 05/08/2002 CLR G02.001.038 1SM37-04 SM 05/08/2002 CLR G02.001.038A 1SM37-04 SM 05/08/2002 CLR G02.001.039 1SM37-05 SM 05/08/2002 CLR G02.001.039A 1SM37-05 SM 05/08/2002 CLR G02.001.040 1SM-6D-A SM 05/09/2002 CLR G02.001.040A 1SM-6D-A SM 05/09/2002 CLR G02.001.041 1SM38-01 SM 05/09/2002 CLR G02.001.041A 1SM38-01 SM 05/09/2002 CLR G02.001.042 1SM38-02 SM 05/08/2002 CLR G02.001.042A 1SM38-02 SM 05/08/2002 CLR G02.001.043 1SM-4D-C SM 05/08/2002 CLR G02.001.043A 1SM-4D-C SM 05/08/2002 CLR 95.80%
G02.001.044 1SM-4D-B SM 05/08/2002 CLR G02.001.044A 1SM-4D-B SM 05/08/2002 CLR 95.80%
G02.001.045 1SM-4D-A SM 05/08/2002 CLR G02.001.045A 1SM-4D-A SM 05/08/2002 CLR G02.001.046 1SM38-03 SM 05/08/2002 CLR G02.001.046A 1SM38-03 SM 05/08/2002 CLR 96.60%
5.2 Limited Examinations (i.e., 90% or less of the required examination coverage obtained) identified during Outage EOC13 (Outage 5) are shown below. A copy of the Requests for Relief is contained in Section 9.0 of this report.
Item Number Request for Relief SerialNumber B03.1 10.001 02-002 B03.110.004 02-002 B03.110.006 02-002 B03.120.001 02-002 B03.120.004 02-002 B03.120.006 02-002 B05.040.004 02-002 B05.040.005 02-002 B05.040.006 02-002 B09.011.104 02-002 C01.010.002 02-002 K1-) Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 2 of 2 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 5 July 17, 2002
6.0 Reportable Indications EOC13 (Outage 5) had no reportable indications.
\../ Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 1 of 1 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 6 July 17, 2002
7.0 Personnel,Equipment and Material Certifications All personnel who performed or evaluated the results of inservice inspections from November 20, 2000 through May 18, 2002 at Catawba Nuclear Station, Unit 1 were certified in accordance with the requirements of the1989 Edition of ASME Section XI, with No Addenda. The appropriate certification records for each inspector are on file at Catawba Nuclear Station or copies can be obtained by contacting the Duke Energy Corporate Office in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Records of periodic calibration of inspection equipment are on file at Catawba Nuclear Station or copies can be obtained by contacting the Duke Energy Corporate Office in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Records of materials used (i.e., NDE consumables) are on file at Catawba Nuclear Station or copies can be obtained by contacting the Duke Energy Corporate Office in Charlotte, North Carolina.
\1-1 /
\J Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 1 of 1 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 7 July 17, 2002
8.0 CorrectiveAction No corrective action was required as a result of examinations performed during EOC13 (Outage 5).
K 'Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 1 of 1 Catawba Unit 1 Revision 0 Section 8 July 17, 2002
9.0 Reference Documents The following reference document applies to inservice inspections performed during EOC13 (Outage 5) at Catawba Nuclear Station, Unit 1:
Catawba Nuclear Station Unit 1 Request for Relief Number 02-002 - Limited Weld Examinations in End-of- Cycle 13 Refueling Outage.
(In Course of Preparation)
K-Refueling Outage EOC 13 (Outage 5) Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 Catawba Unit 1 Section 9 July 17, 2002