MONTHYEARML16217A4592016-08-0101 August 2016 State of Ne, Dept. of Veteran Affairs, Submittal of Amendment No. 10 to Indemnity Agreement No. D-8 ML16173A0932016-07-22022 July 2016 Dept of Veterans Affairs, Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System - Cover Letter for Notice of License Termination for License R-57, Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility ML16068A2532016-02-29029 February 2016 Request for License Termination for the Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility IR 05000131/20150012015-11-12012 November 2015 IR 05000131/2015001, September 21-23, 2015, State of Ne, Dept of Veteran Affiars ML15302A5082015-11-0404 November 2015 Approval of Final Status Survey Plan for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility ML15299A3842015-10-15015 October 2015 Request for License Termination for the Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility, License R-57 ML14290A4862015-06-0303 June 2015 Y020140127 - Withdrawal of Order EA-05-007, Order Imposing Additional Security Measures ML15057A0562015-02-0202 February 2015 Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility - 2014 Annual Operating Report ML15012A2792015-01-13013 January 2015 Change in U.S NRC Staff Project Management for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility ML14318A8062015-01-0808 January 2015 Letter to E. Kingston VA Dp Approval ML14335A5972014-11-12012 November 2014 Letter Providing Clarification to Section 7.3.3 of the Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility Decommissioning Plan (Final Revised) May 2014 ML14273A4802014-09-16016 September 2014 In Compliance of Technical Specification Notification of Level 1 and Level 2 Personnel Changes for the Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility ML14150A4052014-05-21021 May 2014 Request for License Termination for the Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility, License R-57, Docket 50-131 ML14121A3612014-04-14014 April 2014 Request for Revisions to the Alan J Blotcky Facility Emergency Plan ML14111A3002014-04-0707 April 2014 In Compliance of Technical Specification Notification of Level 1 and Level 2 Personnel Changes for the Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility ML14069A4102014-02-27027 February 2014 Submittal of 2013 Annual Operating Report for the Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility ML14057A4782014-02-10010 February 2014 Request to Rescind Prior Requests. Two Requests Dated January 14, 2010 and One Dated August 5, 2010 ML13200A0182013-07-0202 July 2013 Notification of Personnel Changes Update ML13262A2862013-07-0202 July 2013 Notification of Level 1 and Level 2 Personnel Changes for the Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility, in Compliance of Technical Specification ML13141A4622013-05-10010 May 2013 Request for License Termination for the Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility ML13077A3962013-02-27027 February 2013 2012 Annual Operating Report for the Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility ML12348A0592012-11-27027 November 2012 Dept. of Veteran Affairs Letter in Compliance of Technical Specification Notification of Level 1 and Level 2 Personnel Changes for the Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility ML12124A3192012-06-12012 June 2012 M. Mylan Ltr. Issuance of Federal Register Notice Regarding Proposed Decommissioning Plan and License Amendment Request ML12075A2022012-03-0808 March 2012 Request for License Termination for the Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility ML12075A1752012-03-0101 March 2012 Submittal of Annual Operating Report in Compliance with Technical Specification 6.7.1 ML12011A1812011-12-23023 December 2011 In Compliance of Technical Specification Notification of Level 1 and Level 2 Personnel Changes for the Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility ML11250A0562011-08-15015 August 2011 Request for Additional Information Regarding Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility Decommissioning Plan IR 05000131/20110012011-06-0606 June 2011 IR 05000131-11-001; 05/16-19/2011; Department of Veterans Affairs, Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System; Routine, Announced Inspection of Licensed Activities ML11104A0612011-04-0707 April 2011 Department of Veterans Affairs, Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System, Submittal of Work Plan for Pre-decommissioning Activities Scheduled to Start 04/25/2011 at the Omaha VA Hospital for Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility ML1109400412011-03-28028 March 2011 Notification of Level 1 Personnel Change Update ML1108006222011-03-0101 March 2011 2010 Annual Operating Report for the Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility ML1032102352010-11-0909 November 2010 Department of Veterans Affairs, Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System, Request for Additional Information Regarding Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility Decommissioning Plan ML1022501112010-08-0505 August 2010 Us Dept of Veterans Affairs, Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System, Request Change to Technical Specifications ML1012502252010-04-12012 April 2010 Department of Veterans Affairs, Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System, Reply to a Notice of Unresolved Item ML1008400442010-03-12012 March 2010 2009 Annual Operating Report for the Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility ML1006406642010-03-0101 March 2010 Us Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System, Reply to a Notice of Violation IR 05000131/20090012010-02-0505 February 2010 IR 05000131-09-001, on 12/01 - 12/09/09, for Department of Veterans Affairs, Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System and Notice of Violation ML1003612222010-02-0505 February 2010 IR 05000131-09-001, on 12/01 - 12/09/09, for Department of Veterans Affairs, Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System and Notice of Violation ML1002204642010-01-14014 January 2010 Request to Change Technical Specifications 6.2.1 (1) ML1002204652010-01-14014 January 2010 Request Exemption from Emergency Plan Requirements ML1002204622009-12-21021 December 2009 Letter Regarding Compliance of Technical Specification Notification of Level 1 and Level 2 Personnel Changes for the Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility ML0908503582009-03-0202 March 2009 2008 Annual Operating Report for the Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility ML0810804522008-05-13013 May 2008 Ltr. to Al. Washko, Request for Additional Information Regarding Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility Decommissioning Plan ML0707902212007-03-0505 March 2007 Annual Operating Report for the Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility for 2006 ML0702200022007-01-26026 January 2007 National Organization of Test, Research and Training Reactors(Trtr) Input on Fingerprinting Requirements for Unescorted Access to Research and Test Reactors ML0629800772006-10-23023 October 2006 E-mail to Research and Test Reactor from M. Mendonca Draft Directors Decision on Uncontrolled/Unmonitored Releases ML0626904282006-09-28028 September 2006 Change in NRC Project Management for Veterans Affairs Medical Center Reactor Facilities ML0613805842006-05-0202 May 2006 Transmittal of Characterization Reports Appendices B, C, D, E and F ML0611400542006-04-0606 April 2006 Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility Omaha Veterans Administration Medical Center Characterization Survey Report, February 2003, Revision 0 ML0609401452006-03-27027 March 2006 2005 Annual Operating Report for Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility 2016-08-01
[Table view] |
Mr. Gary N. Nugent Chief Executive Officer Department of Veterans Affairs Nebraska - Western Iowa Health Care System Omaha, NE 68105
Letter from Department of Veterans Affairs to the NRC dated June 10, 2002
(# 636/151C)
Dear Mr. Nugent:
This letter documents a conference call on June 13, 2002, between you, members of your staff in Omaha, Department of Veterans Affairs staff in Washington, DC, and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) headquarters staff (Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, and Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response) regarding shipment of irradiated reactor fuel from the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska that was discussed in your letter to the NRC referenced above.
As we discussed in the conference call, absent the NRC performing an independent review of your calculations contained in the June 10 letter and based upon the nature of the current threat environment, the NRC believes that the most prudent, conservative, and expeditious course of action is to treat this material as if it meets the definition of spent nuclear fuel found in 10 CFR 73.37(a). Accordingly, this material should transported by you, or your agent, in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 73.37 and 73.21 and advance notification should also be made to the NRC in accordance with 10 CFR 73.72. We also understand that you intend to comply with NRC Security Advisory SA-01-02, dated December 13, 2001, on the shipment of irradiated reactor fuel.
We have placed a high priority on completing the staff reviews necessary to approve the route you have proposed for shipment of this material, to enable you to meet your proposed shipment schedule. If you have further questions on this matter, please contact Mr. Alexander Adams, Jr. at 301-415-1127.
Sincerely, E. William Brach, Director Spent Fuel Project Office Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Docket No. 50-131
Omaha Veterans Administration Docket No. 50-131 Medical Center cc:
Mayor City of Omaha Omaha, NE 68102 Mr. John P. Classen Reactor Manager/Supervisor Omaha Veterans Administration Medical Center 4101 Woolworth Ave.
Omaha, NE 68105 Test, Research, and Training Reactor Newsletter University of Florida 202 Nuclear Sciences Center Gainesville, FL 32611 Ms. Julie Schmitt, Program Manager Department of Health and Human Services P.O. Box 95007 Lincoln, NE 68509-5007 Ms. Brenda Hebert (12C1)
Department of Veterans Affairs 810 Vermont Ave., NW Washington, DC 20420
Mr. Gary N. Nugent Chief Executive Officer Department of Veterans Affairs Nebraska - Western Iowa Health Care System Omaha, NE 68105
Letter from Department of Veterans Affairs to the NRC dated June 10, 2002
(# 636/151C)
Dear Mr. Nugent:
This letter documents a conference call on June 13, 2002, between you, members of your staff in Omaha, Department of Veterans Affairs staff in Washington, DC, and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) headquarters staff (Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, and Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response) regarding shipment of irradiated reactor fuel from the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska that was discussed in your letter to the NRC referenced above.
As we discussed in the conference call, absent the NRC performing an independent review of your calculations contained in the June 10 letter and based upon the nature of the current threat environment, the NRC believes that the most prudent, conservative, and expeditious course of action is to treat this material as if it meets the definition of spent nuclear fuel found in 10 CFR 73.37(a). Accordingly, this material should transported by you, or your agent, in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 73.37 and 73.21 and advance notification should also be made to the NRC in accordance with 10 CFR 73.72. We also understand that you intend to comply with NRC Security Advisory SA-01-02, dated December 13, 2001, on the shipment of irradiated reactor fuel.
We have placed a high priority on completing the staff reviews necessary to approve the route you have proposed for shipment of this material, to enable you to meet your proposed shipment schedule. If you have further questions on this matter, please contact Mr. Alexander Adams, Jr. at 301-415-1127.
Sincerely, E. William Brach, Director Spent Fuel Project Office Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Docket No. 50-131 DISTRIBUTION:
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