W3F1-2002-0014, WAT3 - Init Exam - 01/2002 - Licensee Post Exam Recommendations

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WAT3 - Init Exam - 01/2002 - Licensee Post Exam Recommendations
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 01/30/2002
From: Peters R
Entergy Operations
To: Merschoff E
NRC Region 4
Download: ML020360522 (9)


Entergy Operations, Inc.

17265 River Road SEnterpy Killona, LA 70066 Tel 504 739 6650 W3F1-2002-0014 A4.05 PR January 30, 2002 Mr. E.W. Merschoff Regional Administrator, Region IV U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400 Arlington, TX 76011


Waterford 3 SES Docket No. 50-382 License No. NPF-38 Operator Examination Comments

Dear Mr. Merschoff:

During the week of January 21, 2002, an NRC RO / SRO Examination was administered to eleven candidates at Waterford 3. As discussed with the examination team last week, we are hereby submitting comments (attached) associated with examination questions. The comments are being submitted per guidance in NUREG 1021, ES-402, Section E. This submittal does not contain any commitments.

Ifyou have any questions concerning the above, please contact R.W. Fletcher at (504) 739-6038.

Very truly

>I.D. Peters Acting - Director, Nuclear Safety Assurance RDP/OPP/ssf Attachment

Operator Examination Comments W3F1 -2002-0014 Page 2 January 30, 2002 cc: w/out attachments NRC Document Control Desk N. Kalyanam (NRC-NRR)

J. Smith N.S. Reynolds NRC Resident Inspectors Office

RO-20/SRO-26 QUESTION A pressurizer safety has lifted. Pressurizer level indicates 100%. Which of the following conditions would allow throttling of HPSI to prevent RCS solid conditions? Assume conditions not given in each selection are met.

A. RVLMS Plenum Level is 100%, CET Temperature 470°F and slowly lowering, Pzr pressure is 700 psia and steady.

B. RVLMS Plenum LvI is 60% and steady, CET Temperature is 525 0F and slowly rising, Pzr pressure is 1000 psia and steady.

C. S/G levels are 62% WR and rising, EFW is in Auto, RVLMS Plenum Lvl is 80% and steady.

D. RVLMS Plenum Lvl is 100%, S/G levels are 67% WR and slowly lowering, EFW and MFW are unavailable.


Reference OP-902-002 COMMENTS Waterford 3 recommends accepting answer 'A' instead of answer 'C' on this question. - Answer

'C', which is the original correct answer per the key is not correct due to the S/G level of 62%

WR is below the required level of 68% WR. Distracter 'C' does not meet the HPSI throttle criteria with a S/G level of 62% WR. Answer 'A' is correct because all the conditions listed under this answer satisfy the criteria for throttling HPSI flow. The examinees had to use steam tables to determine if the Sub-Cooled Margin criteria are met for this answer. Using the pressure steam table for 700 psia, the corresponding saturation temperature is 5030 F.

Subtracting the given CET value of 470°F from the calculated Saturation Temperature of 503°F would result in a saturation margin of 33 0F. This would meet the criteria of 280 F Sub-cooled Margin for HPSI Throttle Criteria. The other criteria listed in answer A also meets the HPSI Throttle Criteria.

The question was designed to test the students' ability to recognize the requirements for HPSI Throttle Criteria. The students are expected to be able to recognize the criteria for throttling HPSI and to be able to use the Steam Tables to determine Sub-Cooled Margin.

Ten of eleven students who missed this question selected answer 'A'. The two distracters (C&D) that were not selected by any students did not meet the HPSI Throttle criteria requirements. Therefore, Waterford 3 recommends accepting answer 'A' based on it meeting the HPSI Throttle Criteria.

The question will be revised prior to addition to the General Question Bank.

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23. IF HPSI pumps are operating, AND ALL of the following conditions are satisfied:

RCS subcooling is greater than or equal to 281F Pressurizer level is greater than 7% and controlled

  • At least one steam generator level is being maintained or restored to within ANY of the following:

" 50% to 70% NR using MFW 50% to 70% NR using EFW in manual 68% to 71% WR using EFW in automatic RVLMS indicates level higherthan Hot Leg by at least one of the following:


" VESSEL LEVEL PLENUM greater than or equal to 80%

THEN throttle HPSI flow or sto__ ONE HPSI pump at a time.

RO-67/SRO-53 QUESTION Containment Spray Pump A was running due to Hi-Hi Containment pressure when a loss of offsite power occurs. From the time EDG A gets a start signal, determine the time that Containment Spray A breaker gets a close signal ifthe EDG breaker closes in at the maximum time for the EDG to reach TS required speed and voltage.

A. 13.4 sec B. 11.5 sec C. 9.9 sec D. 8 sec ANSWER B


CWD Sheets E605 and 2341 COMMENTS TS max time = 10 sec; CS Pump A starts on 1.5 sec block 10+1.5 =11.5 sec Provide examinee with copy of CWD Sht.E605 Waterford 3 recommends removing this question from the exam. The question requires the students to:

"* Recall from memory the maximum time for the EDG to reach the Technical Specification required speed and voltage.

"* Be able to determine through the use of the provided CWD which sequencer load block the Containment Spray Pump breaker receives a close signal.

The provided CWD E605 contained a sequencer contact for starting the Containment Spray pump, but did not designate which load block the pump started on. A sequencer contact on sheet E605 references CWD 2341.

IfCWD 2341 had been given as reference, the students would have been able to determine the Sequence Load Block Time.

The six students that missed this question all answered 'A'. Distracters 'C' and 'D' have a time that is less than the Technical Specification required maximum time for the diesel reaching rated voltage and speed. Without CWD 2341 as a reference the students could not determine the correct answer between selections 'A' and 'B'. This question was designed to test the students' ability recall from memory the maximum time for the EDG to reach the Technical Specification required speed and voltage, and how to read a CWD. While the students are required to know the maximum time for the Diesel Generator start and loading, the students are not required to remember Sequencer Load Block times. Therefore, Waterford 3 recommends removing the question from the exam.

The question will be revised prior to addition to the General Question Bank.

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SRO-96 QUESTION Containment Purge was secured after operating for several days with the plant in Mode 6. Prior to commencing core alterations, the refueling crew requests that Containment Purge be reinitiated.

Inthis situation, Containment Purge may be reinitiated:

A. by issuing a Batch Release Permit; with Chemistry approval.

B. by issuing a Batch Release Permit; without Chemistry approval.

C. using the Continuous Release Permit; with Chemistry approval.

D. using the Continuous Release Permit; without Chemistry approval.



CE-003-515 COMMENTS Waterford 3 recommends that Answer C be accepted as the only correct answer for the following reasons:

This question was designed to test the students' ability to recognize the conditions required for restoring Containment Purge after being shutdown.

Per CE-003-515, Gaseous Radioactive Release Permit, page 14, the Note states that "Containment Purges releases during plant shutdowns will normally be accounted for on continuous permits following the initial Batch Release Permit period. Containment Purge may be re-started during plant shutdowns, with Chemistry Approval, without issuing additional Batch Release Permits." Therefore, Answer D is incorrect.

Two of the three students selected Answer C. Therefore, Waterford 3 recommends that Answer C be accepted as the only correct answer for this question.

The question will be revised prior to addition to the General Question Bank.

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Technical Procedure CE-003-515 A

Gaseous Radioactive Waste Release Revision. 0 I

Permit (Computer) 10.2 BATCH PERMIT APPROVAL AND ACTUAL RELEASE 10.2.1 Submit the GRP to the Shift Superintendent or Control Room I

Supervisor (SS/CRS) for approval and recording of the actual release data.

NOTE The in-service GDT pressure should be monitored during GDT discharges, and if pressure suddenly decreases, the release should be terminated and the Release Permit returned to Chemistry for updating and evaluation. A Condition Report should be initiated to ensure appropriate corrective actions are taken and I

reportability requirements identified.

10.2.2 Operations shall record data at the beginning and end of the release and as stipulated on the permit during the release.


Containment Purge releases during plant shutdowns will normally be accounted for on continuous permits following the initial Batch Release Permit eriod. Coetainment 10.2.3 The person terminating the release should enter the required data, calculate cubic feet released (For GDT only), sign "Release Completed by," have the SS/CRS review it, and return the GRP to Chemistry.

10.2.4 Operations shall comply with all special conditions noted on the release permit.

