L-21-260, Core Operating Limits Reports

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Core Operating Limits Reports
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 11/15/2021
From: Grabnar J
Energy Harbor Nuclear Corp
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML21319A299 (38)


1fa er1ergy

~harbor Energy Harbor Nuclear Corp.

Beaver Valley Power Station P. 0. Box4 Shippingport, PA 15077 John J. Grabnar 724-682-5234 Site Vice President, Beaver Valley Nuclear November 15, 2021 L-21-260 ATTN : Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001


Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 Docket No. 50-334, License No. DPR-66 Docket No. 50-412, License No. NPF-73 Core Operating Limits Reports Pursuant to the requirements of Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 (BVPS-1) and 2 (BVPS-2) Technical Specification 5.6.3, "CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT (COLR)," Energy Harbor Nuclear Corp. hereby submits the BVPS-1 COLR for Cycle 28-1 and the BVPS-2 COLR for Cycle 23. The COLRs implement license amendments 309 (BVPS-1) and 199 (BVPS-2) for new heat flux hot channel factor surveillance methods. Technical Specification 5.6.3.d requires, in part, that the COLR be provided to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission upon issuance for each reload cycle, including any midcycle revisions or supplements. The COLRs were made effective on October 22, 2021.

There are no regulatory commitments contained in this submittal. If there are any questions, or if additional information is required, please contact Mr. Phil H. Lashley, Manager - Fleet Licensing, at (330) 696-7208 .


~ f"'°'~~\AJ John J. Grabnar


A. Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 1, Core Operating Limits Report, Cycle 28-1 B. Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 2, Core Operating Limits Report, Cycle 23 cc: NRC Region I Administrator NRC Resident Inspector NRC Project Manager Director BRP/DEP Site BRP/DEP Representative

Enclosure A L-21-260 Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 1, Core Operating Limits Report, Cycle 28-1 (18 pages follow)

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.1 Core Operating Limits Report This Core Operating Limits Report provides the cycle specific parameter limits developed in accordance with the NRC approved methodologies specified in Technical Specification Administrative Control 5.6.3.

5.1.1 SL 2.1.1 Reactor Core Safety Limits See Figure 5.1-1.


a. In MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4, SHUTDOWN MARGIN shall be 1.77% k/k.(1)
b. Prior to manually blocking the Low Pressurizer Pressure Safety Injection Signal, the Reactor Coolant System shall be borated to the MODE 5 boron concentration and shall remain this boron concentration at all times when this signal is blocked.
c. In MODE 5, SHUTDOWN MARGIN shall be 1.0% k/k.

5.1.3 LCO 3.1.3 Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC)

a. Upper Limit - MTC shall be maintained within the acceptable operation limit specified in Technical Specification Figure 3.1.3-1.
b. Lower Limit - MTC shall be maintained less negative than - 4.4 x 10-4 k/k/F at RATED THERMAL POWER.
c. 300 ppm Surveillance Limit: (- 37 pcm/F)
d. The revised predicted near-EOL 300 ppm MTC shall be calculated using Figure 5.1-5 and the following algorithm from Reference 11 :

Revised Predicted MTC = Predicted MTC* + AFD Correction** + Predictive Correction***


  • Predicted MTC is calculated from Figure 5.1-5 at the burnup corresponding to the measurement of 300 ppm at RTP conditions,
    • AFD Correction is the more negative value of :

{0 pcm/F or (AFD

  • AFD Sensitivity)}

where: AFD is the measured AFD minus the predicted AFD from an incore flux map taken at or near the burnup corresponding to 300 ppm.

and AFD Sensitivity = 0.10 pcm/F / AFD

      • Predictive Correction is -3 pcm/F.

(1) The MODE 1 and MODE 2 with keff 1.0 SDM requirements are included to address SDM requirements (e.g., MODE 1 Required Actions to verify SDM) that are not within the applicability of LCO 3.1.1, SHUTDOWN MARGIN (SDM).

COLR Cycle 28-1 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.1 - 1 LRM Revision 110

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 5.1 Core Operating Limits Report If the revised predicted MTC is less negative than the SR limit (COLR 5.1.3.c) and all of the benchmark data contained in the surveillance procedure are met, then an MTC measurement, in accordance with SR, is not required.

e. 60 ppm Surveillance Limit: (- 42.5 pcm/F) 5.1.4 LCO 3.1.5 Shutdown Bank Insertion Limits The Shutdown Banks shall be withdrawn to at least 225 steps.(2) 5.1.5 LCO 3.1.6 Control Bank Insertion Limits
a. Control Banks A and B shall be withdrawn to at least 225 steps.(2)
b. Control Banks C and D shall be limited in physical insertion as shown in Figure 5.1-2.(2)
c. Sequence Limits - The sequence of withdrawal shall be A, B, C and D bank, in that order.
d. Overlap Limits(2) - Overlap shall be such that step 129 on banks A, B, and C corresponds to step 1 on the following bank. When C bank is fully withdrawn, these limits are verified by confirming D bank is withdrawn at least to a position equal to the all-rods-out position minus 128 steps.

5.1.6 LCO 3.2.1 Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor (FQ(Z))

The Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor - FQ (Z) limit is defined by:


  • K(Z) for P > 0.5 P


  • K(Z) for P 0.5 0.5 THERMAL POWER Where: CFQ = 2.40 P = RATED THERMAL POWER K(Z) = the function obtained from Figure 5.1-3.

FQC ZFQM Z*1.0815$

TZCOLR COLR FQW ZFXY ZMSurv * *AXY Z*R j 1.0815$ for P > 0.5 P

TZCOLR COLR FQW ZFXY ZM Surv * *AXY Z*R j 1.0815$ for P 0.5 0.5 (2) As indicated by the group demand counter

$ An additional uncertainty is to be applied if the number of measured thimbles for the moveable incore detector system is less than 75% of the total number of thimbles. If there are less than 75% of the total number of thimbles and at least 50% of the total number of thimbles measured, an additional uncertainty of (0.01)*(3-T/12.5) is added to the measurement uncertainty, 1.05, where T is the total number of measured thimbles. This adjusted measurement uncertainty is then multiplied by 1.03 to obtain the total uncertainty to be applied. At least three measured thimbles per core quadrant are also required.

COLR Cycle 28-1 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.1 - 2 LRM Revision 110

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 5.1 Core Operating Limits Report FXY ZMSurv is the measured planar radial peaking factor and is equal to the value of FQM Z/P M Z, where P M Z is the measured core average axial power shape.

The T(Z) values in Tables 5.1-1 and 5.1-2 were generated assuming that they will be used for a full power surveillance, applicable to RAOC Operating Space (ROS) #1 and #2, respectively. The Rj values in Table 5.1-3 and 5.1-4 were generated to account for the increase in FQ between surveillances, applicable to ROS #1 and #2, respectively. The AXY Z factors adjust the surveillance to the reference conditions assumed in generating the T(Z) factors. AXY Z may be assumed to equal 1.0 or may be determined for specific surveillance conditions using the approved methods listed in TS 5.6.3.

Either ROS1 or ROS2 may be implemented at any time during operation.

If ROS1 is implemented and entering LCO 3.2.1 Condition B for FQW Z not within limits, EITHER take Action B.1.1 and implement ROS2, OR take Action B.2.1 by using Table 5.1-5 to determine required THERMAL POWER and AFD limits based on Required FQW Z margin improvement.

If ROS2 is implemented and entering LCO 3.2.1 Condition B for FQW Z not within limits, take Action B.2.1 by using Table 5.1-5 to determine required THERMAL POWER and AFD limits based on Required FQW Z margin improvement.

N 5.1.7 LCO 3.2.2 Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor ( FH )

FNH < CFH * (1 + PFH (1-P))$

Where: CFH = Value listed in Table 5.1-6 PFH = 0.3 THERMAL POWER P = RATED THERMAL POWER 5.1.8 LCO 3.2.3 Axial Flux Difference (AFD)

The AFD acceptable operation limits for both ROS1 and ROS2 are provided in Figure 5.1-4.

$ An additional uncertainty is to be applied if the number of measured thimbles for the moveable incore detector system is less than 75% of the total number of thimbles. If there are less than 75% of the total number of thimbles and at least 50% of the total number of thimbles measured, an additional uncertainty of (0.01)*(3-T/12.5) is added to the standard uncertainty on FNH of 1.04, where T is the total number of measured thimbles. At least three measured thimbles per core quadrant are also required.

COLR Cycle 28-1 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.1 - 3 LRM Revision 110

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 5.1 Core Operating Limits Report 5.1.9 LCO 3.3.1 Reactor Trip System Instrumentation - Overtemperature and Overpower T Parameter Values from Table Notations 1 and 2

a. Overtemperature T Setpoint Parameter Values:

Parameter Value Overtemperature T reactor trip setpoint K1 1.242 Overtemperature T reactor trip setpoint Tavg K2 0.0183/F coefficient Overtemperature T reactor trip setpoint pressure K3 0.001/psia coefficient Tavg at RATED THERMAL POWER T' 577.9F(1)

Nominal pressurizer pressure P' 2250 psia Measured reactor vessel average temperature lead/lag 1 30 secs time constants 2 4 secs Measured reactor vessel T lag time constant 4 6 secs Measured reactor vessel average temperature lag 5 2 secs time constant f (I) is a function of the indicated difference between top and bottom detectors of the power-range nuclear ion chambers; with gains to be selected based on measured instrument response during plant startup tests such that:

(i) For qt - qb between -37% and +15%, f(I) = 0 (where qt and qb are percent RATED THERMAL POWER in the top and bottom halves of the core respectively, and qt + qb is total THERMAL POWER in percent of RATED THERMAL POWER).

(ii) For each percent that the magnitude of (qt - qb) exceeds -37%, the T trip setpoint shall be automatically reduced by 2.52% of its value at RATED THERMAL POWER.

(iii) For each percent that the magnitude of (qt - qb) exceeds +15%, the T trip setpoint shall be automatically reduced by 1.47% of its value at RATED THERMAL POWER.

(1) T' represents the cycle-specific Full Power Tavg value used in core design.

COLR Cycle 28-1 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.1 - 4 LRM Revision 110

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 5.1 Core Operating Limits Report

b. Overpower T Setpoint Parameter Values:

Parameter Value Overpower T reactor trip setpoint K4 1.085 Overpower T reactor trip setpoint Tavg K5 0.02/F for increasing rate/lag coefficient average temperature K5 = 0/F for decreasing average temperature Overpower T reactor trip setpoint Tavg K6 0.0021/F for T > T" heatup coefficient K6 = 0/F for T T" Tavg at RATED THERMAL POWER T" 577.9F(1)

Measured reactor vessel average 3 10 secs temperature rate/lag time constant Measured reactor vessel T lag time 4 6 secs constant Measured reactor vessel average 5 2 secs temperature lag time constant (1) T represents the cycle-specific Full Power Tavg value used in core design.

COLR Cycle 28-1 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.1 - 5 LRM Revision 110

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 5.1 Core Operating Limits Report 5.1.10 LCO 3.4.1, RCS Pressure, Temperature, and Flow Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB) Limits Parameter Indicated Value Reactor Coolant System Tavg Tavg 581.5F(1)

Pressurizer Pressure Pressure 2218 psia(2)

Reactor Coolant System Total Flow Rate Flow Value listed in Table 5.1-6(3) 5.1.11 LCO 3.9.1 Boron Concentration (MODE 6)

The boron concentration of the Reactor Coolant System, the refueling canal, and the refueling cavity shall be maintained 2400 ppm. This value includes a 50 ppm conservative allowance for uncertainties.

(1) The Reactor Coolant System (RCS) indicated Tavg value is determined by adding the appropriate allowances for rod control operation and verification via control board indication (3.6F) to the cycle specific full power Tavg used in the core design.

(2) The pressurizer pressure value includes allowances for pressurizer pressure control operation and verification via control board indication.

(3) The RCS total flow rate includes allowances for normalization of the cold leg elbow taps with a beginning of cycle precision RCS flow calorimetric measurement and verification on a periodic basis via control board indication.

COLR Cycle 28-1 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.1 - 6 LRM Revision 110

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 5.1 Core Operating Limits Report 5.1.12 References

1. WCAP-9272-P-A, "WESTINGHOUSE RELOAD SAFETY EVALUATION METHODOLOGY," July 1985 (Westinghouse Proprietary).
2. WCAP-8745-P-A, "Design Bases for the Thermal Overpower T and Thermal Overtemperature T Trip Functions," September 1986.
3. WCAP-12945-P-A, Volume 1 (Revision 2) and Volumes 2 through 5 (Revision 1), "Code Qualification Document for Best Estimate LOCA Analysis," March 1998 (Westinghouse Proprietary).
4. WCAP-10216-P-A, Revision 1A, "Relaxation of Constant Axial Offset Control-FQ Surveillance Technical Specification," February 1994.
5. WCAP-14565-P-A, "VIPRE-01 Modeling and Qualification for Pressurized Water Reactor Non-LOCA Thermal-Hydraulic Safety Analysis,"

October 1999.

6. WCAP-12610-P-A, "VANTAGE+ Fuel Assembly Reference Core Report,"

April 1995 (Westinghouse Proprietary).

7. WCAP-15025-P-A, "Modified WRB-2 Correlation, WRB-2M, for Predicting Critical Heat Flux in 17x17 Rod Bundles with Modified LPD Mixing Vane Grids," April 1999.
8. Caldon, Inc. Engineering Report-80P, "Improving Thermal Power Accuracy and Plant Safety While Increasing Operating Power Level Using the LEFMTM System," Revision 0, March 1997.
9. Caldon, Inc. Engineering Report-160P, "Supplement to Topical Report ER-80P: Basis for a Power Uprate With the LEFMTM System," Revision 0, May 2000.
10. WCAP-16009-P-A, "Realistic Large Break LOCA Evaluation Methodology Using Automated Statistical Treatment of Uncertainty Method (ASTRUM),"

Revision 0, January 2005.

11. WCAP-13749-P-A, Safety Evaluation Supporting the Conditional Exemption of the Most Negative EOL Moderator Temperature Coefficient Measurement, March 1997 (Westinghouse Proprietary).
12. WCAP-16045-P-A, Qualification of the Two-Dimensional Transport Code PARAGON, August 2004.
13. WCAP-16045-P-A, Addendum 1-A, Qualification of the NEXUS Nuclear Data Methodology, August 2007.
14. WCAP-12610-P-A & CENPD-404-P-A, Addendum 1-A, "Optimized ZIRLO', July 2006.
15. WCAP-17661-P-A, Revision 1, Improved RAOC and CAOC FQ Surveillance Technical Specifications, February 2019 COLR Cycle 28-1 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.1 - 7 LRM Revision 110

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 670 660 2435 PSIA UNACCEPTABLE OPERATION 650 2250 PSIA 640 630 Tavg (Deg F) 2000 PSIA 620 1920 PSIA 610 600 ACCEPTABLE OPERATION 590 580 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 FRACTION OF RATED THERMAL POWER Figure 5.1-1 (Page 1 of 1)

REACTOR CORE SAFETY LIMIT THREE LOOP OPERATION (Technical Specification Safety Limit 2.1.1)

COLR Cycle 28-1 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.1 - 8 LRM Revision 110

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1



/ 54.53, 225 I V

200 /



/ I

/ I I 100, 187 I/



/ ,/

/ /

V I/



/ ,/

/ /

V Rod Bank (Steps Withdrawn)


/ /


V /



~ 0, 114 I I I BANK D I I I /V


100 V









50 /







/ f- 8,0 0


V i 0 20 40 60 80 100 Relative Power (Percent)

Figure 5.1-2 (Page 1 of 1)

CONTROL ROD INSERTION LIMITS COLR Cycle 28-1 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.1 - 9 LRM Revision 110

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 1.2 1.0 I0.0, 1.00 I I6.0, 1.00 I I I 12.0, 0.925 ~

0.8 K(Z) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Core Height (feet)

Figure 5.1-3 (Page 1 of 1)


COLR Cycle 28-1 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.1 - 10 LRM Revision 110

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 ROS1 ROS2 RA1 RA2 120 110 1/- -




.4 I/


% of Rated Thermal Power 80 ACCEPTABLE OPERATION


70 I



50 40 30 20 10 0

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Axial Flux Difference (Delta I) %


(-25%,50%)(-8%,100%) (-24%,50%)(-7%,100%)

(8%,100%)(22%,50%) (7%,100%)(21%,50%)


(-24%,50%)(-8.7%,95%) (-24%,50%)(-10.4%,90%)

(8.4%,95%)(21%,50%) (9.8%,90%)(21%,50%)

Figure 5.1-4 (Page 1 of 1)


Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1

-30.00 CYCLE BURNUP MTC (MWD/MTU) (pcm/°F) 14000 -31.024 18000 -32.330 MODERATOR TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT (pcm/°F)


~ "'-...





-32.00 ~

~ I'----..

-33.00 14000 15000 16000 17000 18000 CYCLE BURNUP (MWD/MTU)

Figure 5.1-5 (Page 1 of 1)


Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 Table 5.1-1 (Page 1 of 1)

FQ Surveillance T(Z) Function versus Burnup at 100% RTP for ROS1 Axial Elevation 150 1000 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 17000 Point (feet) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) 1* 12.0720 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 2* 11.8708 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 3* 11.6696 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 4* 11.4684 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 5* 11.2672 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 6* 11.0660 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 7* 10.8648 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 8 10.6636 1.1282 1.1190 1.0856 1.0814 1.0850 1.1109 1.1401 1.1410 1.1777 1.2000 1.2103 1.2036 9 10.4624 1.2083 1.2070 1.1794 1.1768 1.1820 1.2037 1.2311 1.2300 1.2606 1.2780 1.2832 1.2739 10 10.2612 1.2233 1.2280 1.2094 1.2087 1.2140 1.2327 1.2575 1.2550 1.2798 1.2930 1.2947 1.2863 11 10.0600 1.1845 1.1850 1.1754 1.1771 1.1840 1.1990 1.2215 1.2210 1.2394 1.2490 1.2505 1.2468 12 9.8588 1.2045 1.2020 1.1942 1.1975 1.2020 1.2152 1.2320 1.2380 1.2429 1.2490 1.2478 1.2476 13 9.6576 1.2797 1.2790 1.2701 1.2732 1.2770 1.2850 1.2905 1.3000 1.2939 1.2970 1.2944 1.2908 14 9.4564 1.2901 1.2920 1.2854 1.2892 1.2930 1.2955 1.3032 1.3060 1.2973 1.2980 1.2998 1.2921 15 9.2552 1.2372 1.2410 1.2385 1.2434 1.2480 1.2484 1.2590 1.2600 1.2491 1.2580 1.2565 1.2550 16 9.0540 1.2124 1.2190 1.2203 1.2258 1.2290 1.2369 1.2420 1.2450 1.2238 1.2360 1.2385 1.2365 17 8.8528 1.2769 1.2840 1.2935 1.2987 1.2940 1.3081 1.3078 1.3040 1.2767 1.2820 1.2861 1.2846 18 8.6516 1.3283 1.3350 1.3467 1.3515 1.3420 1.3594 1.3536 1.3450 1.3139 1.3130 1.3204 1.3181 19 8.4504 1.3072 1.3170 1.3285 1.3338 1.3210 1.3423 1.3347 1.3240 1.2975 1.2930 1.3046 1.3006 20 8.2492 1.2600 1.2720 1.2842 1.2902 1.2730 1.3002 1.2897 1.2780 1.2563 1.2530 1.2662 1.2674 21 8.0480 1.3141 1.3270 1.3398 1.3450 1.3250 1.3517 1.3387 1.3220 1.2994 1.2940 1.3073 1.3085 22 7.8468 1.3606 1.3750 1.3875 1.3920 1.3690 1.3952 1.3780 1.3560 1.3329 1.3270 1.3401 1.3429 23 7.6456 1.3307 1.3470 1.3595 1.3642 1.3430 1.3674 1.3494 1.3260 1.3047 1.3010 1.3155 1.3207 24 7.4444 1.2659 1.2830 1.2961 1.3014 1.2840 1.3060 1.2890 1.2670 1.2478 1.2480 1.2644 1.2721 25 7.2432 1.2805 1.2990 1.3121 1.3170 1.3010 1.3193 1.2998 1.2740 1.2543 1.2560 1.2731 1.2824 26 7.0420 1.3376 1.3570 1.3710 1.3749 1.3590 1.3718 1.3487 1.3180 1.2937 1.2970 1.3133 1.3236 27 6.8408 1.3393 1.3590 1.3744 1.3780 1.3640 1.3721 1.3485 1.3150 1.2898 1.2960 1.3124 1.3232 28 6.6396 1.2722 1.2930 1.3088 1.3132 1.3020 1.3085 1.2877 1.2550 1.2373 1.2440 1.2608 1.2722 29 6.4384 1.2456 1.2670 1.2835 1.2879 1.2800 1.2823 1.2625 1.2280 1.2167 1.2210 1.2383 1.2497 30 6.2372 1.2998 1.3180 1.3358 1.3389 1.3320 1.3279 1.3055 1.2680 1.2572 1.2570 1.2723 1.2828 31 6.0360 1.3064 1.3180 1.3344 1.3396 1.3320 1.3229 1.3004 1.2680 1.2548 1.2510 1.2657 1.2755 32 5.8348 1.2495 1.2590 1.2728 1.2790 1.2770 1.2585 1.2399 1.2150 1.2026 1.1980 1.2124 1.2220 33 5.6336 1.2034 1.2110 1.2239 1.2309 1.2330 1.2151 1.1912 1.1720 1.1622 1.1570 1.1696 1.1787 34 5.4324 1.2522 1.2570 1.2719 1.2799 1.2820 1.2637 1.2355 1.2110 1.1945 1.1900 1.1933 1.2005 35 5.2312 1.2810 1.2840 1.3056 1.3099 1.3110 1.2943 1.2642 1.2370 1.2203 1.2170 1.2172 1.2226 36 5.0300 1.2649 1.2700 1.2954 1.2996 1.3000 1.2842 1.2562 1.2300 1.2117 1.2100 1.2095 1.2139 37 4.8288 1.2479 1.2610 1.2843 1.2905 1.2870 1.2764 1.2495 1.2250 1.2054 1.2050 1.2035 1.2045 38 4.6276 1.2455 1.2620 1.2863 1.2913 1.2880 1.2789 1.2520 1.2280 1.2077 1.2070 1.2046 1.2042 39 4.4264 1.2551 1.2710 1.2955 1.3007 1.2990 1.2897 1.2630 1.2390 1.2185 1.2160 1.2120 1.2093 40 4.2252 1.2401 1.2550 1.2779 1.2847 1.2850 1.2757 1.2509 1.2290 1.2093 1.2060 1.2006 1.1981 41 4.0240 1.1813 1.1950 1.2173 1.2260 1.2280 1.2205 1.2002 1.1830 1.1660 1.1640 1.1583 1.1590 42 3.8228 1.1790 1.1930 1.2142 1.2230 1.2260 1.2187 1.2004 1.1860 1.1724 1.1650 1.1585 1.1611 43 3.6216 1.2289 1.2430 1.2647 1.2715 1.2750 1.2665 1.2480 1.2360 1.2232 1.2100 1.1983 1.2010 44 3.4204 1.2359 1.2500 1.2722 1.2761 1.2800 1.2763 1.2608 1.2520 1.2392 1.2240 1.2111 1.2112 45 3.2192 1.2166 1.2310 1.2527 1.2539 1.2590 1.2625 1.2520 1.2450 1.2352 1.2190 1.2085 1.2038 46 3.0180 1.2103 1.2240 1.2431 1.2394 1.2440 1.2550 1.2497 1.2450 1.2354 1.2260 1.2130 1.2114 47 2.8168 1.2186 1.2350 1.2466 1.2453 1.2510 1.2638 1.2621 1.2600 1.2523 1.2530 1.2364 1.2372 48 2.6156 1.2396 1.2580 1.2562 1.2600 1.2660 1.2840 1.2853 1.2850 1.2803 1.2840 1.2670 1.2684 49 2.4144 1.2274 1.2440 1.2333 1.2391 1.2450 1.2672 1.2744 1.2780 1.2790 1.2850 1.2701 1.2735 50 2.2132 1.1813 1.1950 1.1801 1.1841 1.1910 1.2168 1.2315 1.2390 1.2473 1.2570 1.2521 1.2580 51 2.0120 1.2108 1.2210 1.1986 1.2010 1.2060 1.2353 1.2559 1.2650 1.2795 1.2920 1.2837 1.2914 52 1.8108 1.2666 1.2730 1.2410 1.2418 1.2440 1.2743 1.2999 1.3100 1.3300 1.3450 1.3384 1.3477 53 1.6096 1.2655 1.2670 1.2266 1.2255 1.2240 1.2560 1.2871 1.3000 1.3273 1.3470 1.3454 1.3574 54 1.4084 1.2354 1.2310 1.1841 1.1806 1.1770 1.2086 1.2445 1.2610 1.2948 1.3190 1.3245 1.3395 55* 1.2072 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 56* 1.0060 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 57* 0.8048 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 58* 0.6036 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 59* 0.4024 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 60* 0.2012 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 61* 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000

  • Top and Bottom 10% Excluded COLR Cycle 28-1 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.1 - 13 LRM Revision 110

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 Table 5.1-2 (Page 1 of 1)

FQ Surveillance T(Z) Function versus Burnup at 100% RTP for ROS2 Axial Elevation 150 1000 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 17000 Point (feet) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) 1* 12.0720 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 2* 11.8708 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 3* 11.6696 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 4* 11.4684 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 5* 11.2672 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 6* 11.0660 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 7* 10.8648 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 8 10.6636 1.1192 1.0930 1.0821 1.0670 1.0700 1.0852 1.1209 1.1380 1.1579 1.1750 1.1798 1.1851 9 10.4624 1.2002 1.1770 1.1717 1.1583 1.1620 1.1800 1.2064 1.2280 1.2378 1.2510 1.2470 1.2545 10 10.2612 1.2166 1.2000 1.1984 1.1878 1.1920 1.2120 1.2279 1.2550 1.2608 1.2650 1.2540 1.2618 11 10.0600 1.1725 1.1610 1.1623 1.1554 1.1610 1.1819 1.1947 1.2210 1.2245 1.2260 1.2108 1.2228 12 9.8588 1.1817 1.1820 1.1773 1.1732 1.1800 1.1996 1.2157 1.2310 1.2313 1.2300 1.2205 1.2267 13 9.6576 1.2543 1.2540 1.2444 1.2468 1.2530 1.2729 1.2818 1.2860 1.2816 1.2840 1.2752 1.2801 14 9.4564 1.2617 1.2650 1.2579 1.2612 1.2670 1.2846 1.2904 1.2860 1.2858 1.2870 1.2812 1.2868 15 9.2552 1.2151 1.2180 1.2155 1.2203 1.2250 1.2450 1.2433 1.2330 1.2409 1.2390 1.2375 1.2443 16 9.0540 1.1909 1.1970 1.2044 1.2076 1.2070 1.2253 1.2267 1.2130 1.2153 1.2120 1.2185 1.2263 17 8.8528 1.2553 1.2620 1.2830 1.2878 1.2720 1.2866 1.2960 1.2690 1.2609 1.2580 1.2677 1.2718 18 8.6516 1.3063 1.3130 1.3386 1.3435 1.3240 1.3316 1.3441 1.3060 1.2892 1.2900 1.3018 1.3038 19 8.4504 1.2855 1.2950 1.3217 1.3270 1.3080 1.3102 1.3267 1.2820 1.2659 1.2720 1.2829 1.2886 20 8.2492 1.2393 1.2510 1.2789 1.2849 1.2670 1.2629 1.2854 1.2360 1.2240 1.2330 1.2484 1.2552 21 8.0480 1.2930 1.3060 1.3355 1.3408 1.3220 1.3115 1.3336 1.2810 1.2650 1.2750 1.2882 1.2955 22 7.8468 1.3393 1.3530 1.3842 1.3887 1.3680 1.3504 1.3740 1.3170 1.2974 1.3090 1.3216 1.3294 23 7.6456 1.3108 1.3260 1.3573 1.3621 1.3430 1.3224 1.3466 1.2900 1.2708 1.2840 1.2986 1.3074 24 7.4444 1.2479 1.2640 1.2950 1.3003 1.2840 1.2654 1.2874 1.2340 1.2188 1.2330 1.2493 1.2593 25 7.2432 1.2634 1.2810 1.3119 1.3168 1.3010 1.2817 1.2993 1.2420 1.2308 1.2430 1.2593 1.2698 26 7.0420 1.3217 1.3410 1.3709 1.3748 1.3590 1.3368 1.3486 1.2850 1.2761 1.2850 1.3005 1.3109 27 6.8408 1.3257 1.3450 1.3743 1.3779 1.3640 1.3420 1.3485 1.2820 1.2788 1.2850 1.3011 1.3116 28 6.6396 1.2615 1.2820 1.3088 1.3131 1.3020 1.2846 1.2877 1.2320 1.2285 1.2340 1.2514 1.2625 29 6.4384 1.2376 1.2580 1.2834 1.2878 1.2800 1.2638 1.2625 1.2140 1.2096 1.2130 1.2307 1.2418 30 6.2372 1.2911 1.3130 1.3359 1.3391 1.3320 1.3143 1.3055 1.2610 1.2515 1.2510 1.2662 1.2765 31 6.0360 1.2940 1.3180 1.3328 1.3372 1.3310 1.3148 1.3004 1.2630 1.2508 1.2470 1.2613 1.2710 32 5.8348 1.2351 1.2590 1.2714 1.2761 1.2750 1.2566 1.2398 1.2130 1.2005 1.1960 1.2099 1.2194 33 5.6336 1.1874 1.2110 1.2241 1.2310 1.2310 1.2119 1.1942 1.1720 1.1617 1.1560 1.1689 1.1779 34 5.4324 1.2332 1.2570 1.2705 1.2801 1.2800 1.2607 1.2328 1.2110 1.1945 1.1870 1.1924 1.1995 35 5.2312 1.2592 1.2830 1.2981 1.3089 1.3110 1.2905 1.2591 1.2370 1.2203 1.2120 1.2120 1.2173 36 5.0300 1.2413 1.2650 1.2859 1.2947 1.3000 1.2799 1.2497 1.2260 1.2115 1.2040 1.2033 1.2078 37 4.8288 1.2259 1.2500 1.2730 1.2823 1.2870 1.2687 1.2424 1.2160 1.2040 1.1980 1.1938 1.1973 38 4.6276 1.2273 1.2510 1.2733 1.2824 1.2870 1.2696 1.2442 1.2170 1.2047 1.1990 1.1936 1.1956 39 4.4264 1.2359 1.2590 1.2804 1.2893 1.2950 1.2774 1.2541 1.2280 1.2128 1.2070 1.1987 1.1993 40 4.2252 1.2185 1.2400 1.2628 1.2718 1.2760 1.2609 1.2412 1.2170 1.2010 1.1960 1.1855 1.1873 41 4.0240 1.1608 1.1800 1.2049 1.2149 1.2150 1.2035 1.1901 1.1700 1.1553 1.1530 1.1416 1.1477 42 3.8228 1.1630 1.1790 1.2029 1.2129 1.2080 1.2013 1.1897 1.1710 1.1600 1.1540 1.1424 1.1489 43 3.6216 1.2161 1.2300 1.2524 1.2620 1.2530 1.2508 1.2348 1.2160 1.2095 1.1960 1.1848 1.1873 44 3.4204 1.2264 1.2370 1.2582 1.2675 1.2580 1.2599 1.2443 1.2270 1.2246 1.2090 1.1975 1.1969 45 3.2192 1.2113 1.2170 1.2370 1.2464 1.2380 1.2448 1.2345 1.2190 1.2200 1.2060 1.1916 1.1872 46 3.0180 1.2043 1.2100 1.2246 1.2315 1.2230 1.2368 1.2313 1.2180 1.2198 1.2130 1.1963 1.1958 47 2.8168 1.2154 1.2200 1.2290 1.2291 1.2300 1.2466 1.2437 1.2320 1.2352 1.2370 1.2178 1.2236 48 2.6156 1.2400 1.2430 1.2383 1.2396 1.2460 1.2686 1.2672 1.2570 1.2609 1.2650 1.2457 1.2537 49 2.4144 1.2272 1.2270 1.2169 1.2209 1.2250 1.2537 1.2556 1.2510 1.2578 1.2650 1.2495 1.2575 50 2.2132 1.1813 1.1780 1.1653 1.1676 1.1730 1.2057 1.2121 1.2140 1.2250 1.2370 1.2335 1.2411 51 2.0120 1.2107 1.2030 1.1848 1.1848 1.1890 1.2259 1.2350 1.2410 1.2549 1.2700 1.2660 1.2730 52 1.8108 1.2665 1.2530 1.2280 1.2247 1.2280 1.2666 1.2772 1.2860 1.3027 1.3210 1.3209 1.3277 53 1.6096 1.2654 1.2460 1.2150 1.2085 1.2100 1.2503 1.2637 1.2770 1.2986 1.3230 1.3285 1.3365 54 1.4084 1.2352 1.2110 1.1741 1.1644 1.1640 1.2048 1.2210 1.2380 1.2655 1.2960 1.3084 1.3184 55* 1.2072 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 56* 1.0060 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 57* 0.8048 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 58* 0.6036 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 59* 0.4024 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 60* 0.2012 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 61* 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 Note: Top and Bottom 10% Excluded COLR Cycle 28-1 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.1 - 14 LRM Revision 110

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 Table 5.1-3 (Page 1 of 1)

FQ Surveillance Rj Factor versus Burnup at 100% RTP for ROS1 Cycle Cycle Rj Cycle Rj Penalty Rj Penalty Burnup Burnup Penalty Burnup Multiplier Multiplier (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) Multiplier (MWD/MTU) 150 1.015 6796 1.000 13441 1.002 345 1.018 6991 1.000 13637 1.003 541 1.019 7187 1.000 13832 1.003 736 1.019 7382 1.000 14028 1.004 932 1.019 7578 1.000 14223 1.005 1127 1.020 7773 1.000 14419 1.005 1323 1.018 7968 1.000 14614 1.006 1518 1.015 8164 1.000 14810 1.006 1714 1.012 8359 1.000 15005 1.005 1909 1.009 8555 1.000 15200 1.005 2105 1.006 8750 1.000 15396 1.005 2300 1.004 8946 1.000 15591 1.005 2496 1.003 9141 1.000 15787 1.005 2691 1.000 9337 1.000 15982 1.005 2886 1.000 9532 1.000 16178 1.005 3082 1.000 9728 1.000 16373 1.005 3277 1.001 9923 1.000 16569 1.005 3473 1.018 10119 1.000 16764 1.004 3668 1.028 10314 1.000 16960 1.004 3864 1.031 10509 1.000 17155 1.004 4059 1.033 10705 1.000 17351 1.004 4255 1.034 10900 1.004 17546 1.004 4450 1.034 11096 1.006 17741 1.004 4646 1.033 11291 1.006 4841 1.031 11487 1.008 5037 1.015 11682 1.007 5232 1.011 11878 1.006 5427 1.008 12073 1.006 5623 1.006 12269 1.005 5818 1.004 12464 1.004 6014 1.002 12660 1.003 6209 1.001 12855 1.003 6405 1.000 13050 1.000 6600 1.000 13246 1.000 Note: The Burnup Dependent Transient FQ Margin Decrease Factor Rj, to be applied to FQ(Z) in accordance with Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement (SR), is the maximum factor by which FQ(Z) is expected to increase over a 39 Effective Full Power Day (EFPD) interval (surveillance interval of 31 EFPD plus the maximum allowable extension not to exceed 25% of the surveillance interval per Technical Specification SR 3.0.2) starting from the burnup at which the FQ(Z) was determined. Values may be interpolated to the surveillance cycle burnup.

COLR Cycle 28-1 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.1 - 15 LRM Revision 110

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 Table 5.1-4 (Page 1 of 1)

FQ Surveillance Rj Factor versus Burnup at 100% RTP for ROS2 Cycle Cycle Rj Cycle Rj Rj Penalty Burnup Burnup Penalty Burnup Penalty Multiplier (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) Multiplier (MWD/MTU) Multiplier 150 1.027 6796 1.016 13441 1.001 345 1.032 6991 1.014 13637 1.000 541 1.035 7187 1.001 13832 1.000 736 1.036 7382 1.000 14028 1.000 932 1.035 7578 1.000 14223 1.000 1127 1.033 7773 1.000 14419 1.000 1323 1.029 7968 1.000 14614 1.000 1518 1.020 8164 1.000 14810 1.000 1714 1.014 8359 1.000 15005 1.001 1909 1.009 8555 1.000 15200 1.004 2105 1.006 8750 1.000 15396 1.008 2300 1.003 8946 1.000 15591 1.010 2496 1.001 9141 1.000 15787 1.011 2691 1.000 9337 1.000 15982 1.013 2886 1.000 9532 1.000 16178 1.013 3082 1.000 9728 1.000 16373 1.014 3277 1.000 9923 1.000 16569 1.014 3473 1.000 10119 1.000 16764 1.013 3668 1.000 10314 1.003 16960 1.012 3864 1.001 10509 1.006 17155 1.012 4059 1.002 10705 1.007 17351 1.012 4255 1.003 10900 1.007 17546 1.012 4450 1.004 11096 1.007 17741 1.012 4646 1.006 11291 1.007 4841 1.007 11487 1.010 5037 1.009 11682 1.009 5232 1.011 11878 1.009 5427 1.012 12073 1.008 5623 1.024 12269 1.008 5818 1.024 12464 1.007 6014 1.023 12660 1.006 6209 1.022 12855 1.005 6405 1.020 13050 1.002 6600 1.018 13246 1.001 Note: The Burnup Dependent Transient FQ Margin Decrease Factor Rj, to be applied to FQ(Z) in accordance with Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement (SR), is the maximum factor by which FQ(Z) is expected to increase over a 39 Effective Full Power Day (EFPD) interval (surveillance interval of 31 EFPD plus the maximum allowable extension not to exceed 25% of the surveillance interval per Technical Specification SR 3.0.2) starting from the burnup at which the FQ(Z) was determined. Values may be interpolated to the surveillance cycle burnup.

COLR Cycle 28-1 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.1 - 16 LRM Revision 110

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 Table 5.1-5 (Page 1 of 1)

Required Thermal Power Limits and AFD Reductions Required Action B.2.1 AFD Power Percent Space Reduction Reduction Margin ROS1 RA1 1.00% 5% 1.58%

RA2 1.00% 10% 4.69%

< 50% RTP ROS2 RA1 0.00% 5% 0.67%

RA2 0.00% 10% 4.07%

< 50% RTP COLR Cycle 28-1 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.1 - 17 LRM Revision 110

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 Table 5.1-6 (Page 1 of 1)

FH limit versus Minimum Measured Flow Minimum Measured Flow FH Limit (gpm) (-)

279,731 1.62 278,348 1.61 277,499 1.60 COLR Cycle 28-1 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.1 - 18 LRM Revision 110

Enclosure B L-21-260 Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 2, Core Operating Limits Report, Cycle 23 (17 pages follow)

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.1 Core Operating Limits Report This Core Operating Limits Report provides the cycle specific parameter limits developed in accordance with the NRC approved methodologies specified in Technical Specification Administrative Control 5.6.3.

5.1.1 SL 2.1.1 Reactor Core Safety Limits See Figure 5.1-1.


a. In MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4, SHUTDOWN MARGIN shall be 1.77% k/k.(1)
b. Prior to manually blocking the Low Pressurizer Pressure Safety Injection Signal, the Reactor Coolant System shall be borated to the MODE 5 boron concentration and shall remain this boron concentration at all times when this signal is blocked.
c. In MODE 5, SHUTDOWN MARGIN shall be 1.0% k/k.

5.1.3 LCO 3.1.3 Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC)

a. Upper Limit - MTC shall be maintained within the acceptable operation limit specified in Technical Specification Figure 3.1.3-1.
b. Lower Limit - MTC shall be maintained less negative than - 4.29 x 10-4 k/k/F at RATED THERMAL POWER.
c. 300 ppm Surveillance Limit: (- 35 pcm/F)
d. The revised predicted near-EOL 300 ppm MTC shall be calculated using Figure 5.1-5 and the following algorithm from Reference 10 :

Revised Predicted MTC = Predicted MTC* + AFD Correction** + Predictive Correction***


  • Predicted MTC is calculated from Figure 5.1-5 at the burnup corresponding to the measurement of 300 ppm at RTP conditions,
    • AFD Correction is the more negative value of :

{0 pcm/F or (AFD

  • AFD Sensitivity)}

where: AFD is the measured AFD minus the predicted AFD from an incore flux map taken at or near the burnup corresponding to 300 ppm.

and AFD Sensitivity = 0.10 pcm/F / AFD

      • Predictive Correction is -3 pcm/F.

(1) The MODE 1 and MODE 2 with keff 1.0 SDM requirements are included to address SDM requirements (e.g., MODE 1 Required Actions to verify SDM) that are not within the applicability of LCO 3.1.1, SHUTDOWN MARGIN (SDM).

COLR Cycle 23 Beaver Valley Unit 2 5.1 - 1 LRM Revision 98

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 5.1 Core Operating Limits Report If the revised predicted MTC is less negative than the SR limit (COLR 5.1.3.c) and all of the benchmark data contained in the surveillance procedure are met, then an MTC measurement in accordance with SR is not required.

e. 60 ppm Surveillance Limit: (- 40.5 pcm/F) 5.1.4 LCO 3.1.5 Shutdown Bank Insertion Limits The Shutdown Banks shall be withdrawn to at least 225 steps.(2) 5.1.5 LCO 3.1.6 Control Bank Insertion Limits
a. Control Banks A and B shall be withdrawn to at least 225 steps.(2)
b. Control Banks C and D shall be limited in physical insertion as shown in Figure 5.1-2.(2)
c. Sequence Limits - The sequence of withdrawal shall be A, B, C and D bank, in that order.
d. Overlap Limits(2) - Overlap shall be such that step 129 on banks A, B, and C corresponds to step 1 on the following bank. When C bank is fully withdrawn, these limits are verified by confirming D bank is withdrawn at least to a position equal to the all-rods-out position minus 128 steps.

5.1.6 LCO 3.2.1 Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor (FQ(Z))

The Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor - FQ (Z) limit is defined by:


  • K(Z) for P > 0.5 P


  • K(Z) for P 0.5 0.5 THERMAL POWER Where: CFQ = 2.40 P = RATED THERMAL POWER K(Z) = the function obtained from Figure 5.1-3.

FQC ZFQM Z*1.0815$

TZCOLR COLR FQW ZFXY ZM Surv * *AXY Z*R j 1.0815$ for P > 0.5 P

TZCOLR COLR FQW ZFXY ZM Surv * *AXY Z*R j 1.0815$ for P 0.5 0.5 (2) As indicated by the group demand counter

$ An additional uncertainty is to be applied if the number of measured thimbles for the moveable incore detector system is less than 75% of the total number of thimbles. If there are less than 75% of the total number of thimbles and at least 50% of the total number of thimbles measured, and additional uncertainty of (0.01)*(3-T/12.5) is added to the measurement uncertainty, 1.05, where T is the total number of measured thimbles. This adjusted measurement uncertainty is then multiplied by 1.03 to obtain the total uncertainty to be applied. At least three measured thimbles per core quadrant are also required.

COLR Cycle 23 Beaver Valley Unit 2 5.1 - 2 LRM Revision 98

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 5.1 Core Operating Limits Report FXY ZMSurv is the measured planar radial peaking factor and is equal to the value M

of FQ Z/P M Z, where P M Z is the measured core average axial power shape.

The T(Z) values in Tables 5.1-1 and 5.1-2 were generated assuming that they will be used for a full power surveillance, applicable to RAOC Operating Space (ROS)

  1. 1 and #2, respectively. The Rj values in Table 5.1-3 and 5.1-4 were generated to account for the increase in FQ between surveillances, applicable to ROS #1 and
  1. 2, respectively. The AXY Z factors adjust the surveillance to the reference conditions assumed in generating the T(Z) factors. AXY Z may be assumed to equal 1.0 or may be determined for specific surveillance conditions using the approved methods listed in TS 5.6.3.

Either ROS1 or ROS2 may be implemented at any time during operation.

If ROS1 is implemented and entering LCO 3.2.1 Condition B for FQW Z not within limits, EITHER take Action B.1.1 and implement ROS2, OR take Action B.2.1 by using Table 5.1-5 to determine required THERMAL POWER and AFD limits based on Required FQW Z margin improvement.

If ROS2 is implemented and entering LCO 3.2.1 Condition B for FQW Z not within limits, take Action B.2.1 by using Table 5.1-5 to determine required THERMAL POWER and AFD limits based on Required FQW Z margin improvement.

5.1.7 LCO 3.2.2 Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor ( FNH )

N FH CF * (1 PF (1 P)) $

H H Where: CF = 1.62 H

PF = 0.3 H

THERMAL POWER P = RATED THERMAL POWER 5.1.8 LCO 3.2.3 Axial Flux Difference (AFD)

The AFD acceptable operation limits for both ROS1 and ROS2 are provided in Figure 5.1-4.

$ An additional uncertainty is to be applied if the number of measured thimbles for the moveable incore detector system is less than 75% of the total number of thimbles. If there are less than 75% of the total number of thimbles and at least 50% of the total number of thimbles measured, and additional uncertainty of (0.01)*(3-T/12.5) is added to the standard uncertainty on FNH of 1.04, where T is the total number of measured thimbles. At least three measured thimbles per core quadrant are also required.

COLR Cycle 23 Beaver Valley Unit 2 5.1 - 3 LRM Revision 98

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 5.1 Core Operating Limits Report 5.1.9 LCO 3.3.1 Reactor Trip System Instrumentation - Overtemperature and Overpower T Parameter Values from Table Notations 3 and 4

a. Overtemperature T Setpoint Parameter Values:

Parameter Value Overtemperature T reactor trip setpoint K1 1.239 Overtemperature T reactor trip setpoint Tavg K2 0.0183/F coefficient Overtemperature T reactor trip setpoint pressure K3 0.001/psia coefficient Tavg at RATED THERMAL POWER T' 574.2F(1)

Nominal pressurizer pressure P' 2250 psia Measured reactor vessel T lead/lag time constants 1 = 0 sec*

(* The response time is toggled off to meet the analysis 2 = 0 sec*

value of zero.)

Measured reactor vessel T lag time constant 3 6 secs Measured reactor vessel average temperature lead/lag 4 30 secs time constants 5 4 secs Measured reactor vessel average temperature lag time 6 2 secs constant f (I) is a function of the indicated difference between top and bottom detectors of the power-range nuclear ion chambers, with gains to be selected based on measured instrument response during plant startup tests such that:

(i) For qt - qb between -37% and +15%, f1(I) = 0, where qt and qb are percent RATED THERMAL POWER in the top and bottom halves of the core respectively, and qt + qb is total THERMAL POWER in percent of RATED THERMAL POWER.

(ii) For each percent that the magnitude of (qt - qb) exceeds -37%, the T trip setpoint shall be automatically reduced by 2.52% of its value at RATED THERMAL POWER.

(iii) For each percent that the magnitude of (qt - qb) exceeds +15%, the T trip setpoint shall be automatically reduced by 1.47% of its value at RATED THERMAL POWER.

(1) T' represents the cycle-specific Full Power Tavg value used in core design.

COLR Cycle 23 Beaver Valley Unit 2 5.1 - 4 LRM Revision 98

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 5.1 Core Operating Limits Report

b. Overpower T Setpoint Parameter Values:

Parameter Value Overpower T reactor trip setpoint K4 1.094 Overpower T reactor trip setpoint Tavg K5 0.02/F for increasing rate/lag coefficient average temperature K5 = 0/F for decreasing average temperature Overpower T reactor trip setpoint Tavg K6 0.0021/F for T > T" heatup coefficient K6 = 0/F for T T" Tavg at RATED THERMAL POWER T" 574.2F(1)

Measured reactor vessel T lead/lag 1 = 0 sec*

time constants 2 = 0 sec*

(* The response time is toggled off to meet the analysis value of zero.)

Measured reactor vessel T lag time 3 6 secs constant Measured reactor vessel average 6 2 secs temperature lag time constant Measured reactor vessel average 7 10 secs temperature rate/lag time constant (1) T represents the cycle-specific Full Power Tavg value used in core design.

COLR Cycle 23 Beaver Valley Unit 2 5.1 - 5 LRM Revision 98

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 5.1 Core Operating Limits Report 5.1.10 LCO 3.4.1, RCS Pressure, Temperature, and Flow Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB) Limits Parameter Indicated Value Reactor Coolant System Tavg Tavg 577.8F(1)

Pressurizer Pressure Pressure 2214 psia(2)

Reactor Coolant System Total Flow Rate Flow 267,483 gpm(3) 5.1.11 LCO 3.9.1 Boron Concentration (MODE 6)

The boron concentration of the Reactor Coolant System, the refueling canal, and the refueling cavity shall be maintained 2400 ppm. This value includes a 50 ppm conservative allowance for uncertainties.

(1) The Reactor Coolant System (RCS) indicated Tavg value is determined by adding the appropriate allowances for rod control operation and verification via control board indication (3.6F) to the cycle specific full power Tavg used in the core design.

(2) The pressurizer pressure value includes allowances for pressurizer pressure control operation and verification via control board indication.

(3) The RCS total flow rate includes allowances for normalization of the cold leg elbow taps with a beginning of cycle precision RCS flow calorimetric measurement and verification on a periodic basis via control board indication.

COLR Cycle 23 Beaver Valley Unit 2 5.1 - 6 LRM Revision 98

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 5.1 Core Operating Limits Report 5.1.12 References

1. WCAP-9272-P-A, "WESTINGHOUSE RELOAD SAFETY EVALUATION METHODOLOGY," July 1985 (Westinghouse Proprietary).
2. WCAP-8745-P-A, "Design Bases for the Thermal Overpower T and Thermal Overtemperature T Trip Functions," September 1986.
3. WCAP-12945-P-A, Volume 1 (Revision 2) and Volumes 2 through 5 (Revision 1), "Code Qualification Document for Best Estimate LOCA Analysis," March 1998 (Westinghouse Proprietary).
4. WCAP-10216-P-A, Revision 1A, "Relaxation of Constant Axial Offset Control-FQ Surveillance Technical Specification," February 1994.
5. WCAP-14565-P-A, "VIPRE-01 Modeling and Qualification for Pressurized Water Reactor Non-LOCA Thermal-Hydraulic Safety Analysis,"

October 1999.

6. WCAP-12610-P-A, "VANTAGE+ Fuel Assembly Reference Core Report,"

April 1995 (Westinghouse Proprietary).

7. WCAP-15025-P-A, "Modified WRB-2 Correlation, WRB-2M, for Predicting Critical Heat Flux in 17x17 Rod Bundles with Modified LPD Mixing Vane Grids," April 1999.
8. Caldon, Inc. Engineering Report-80P, "Improving Thermal Power Accuracy and Plant Safety While Increasing Operating Power Level Using the LEFMTM System," Revision 0, March 1997.
9. Caldon, Inc. Engineering Report-160P, "Supplement to Topical Report ER-80P: Basis for a Power Uprate With the LEFMTM System," Revision 0, May 2000.
10. WCAP-13749-P-A, Safety Evaluation Supporting the Conditional Exemption of the Most Negative EOL Moderator Temperature Coefficient Measurement, March 1997 (Westinghouse Proprietary).
11. WCAP-16045-P-A, Qualification of the Two-Dimensional Transport Code PARAGON, August 2004.
12. WCAP-16045-P-A, Addendum 1-A, Qualification of the NEXUS Nuclear Data Methodology, August 2007.
13. WCAP-12610-P-A & CENPD-404-P-A, Addendum 1-A Optimized ZIRLOTM, July 2006.
14. WCAP-17661-P-A, Revision 1, Improved RAOC and CAOC FQ Surveillance Technical Specifications, February 2019.

. COLR Cycle 23 Beaver Valley Unit 2 5.1 - 7 LRM Revision 98

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 670 660 2435 PSIA UNACCEPTABLE OPERATION 650 2250 PSIA 640 630 Tavg (Deg F) 2000 PSIA 620 1920 PSIA 610 600 ACCEPTABLE OPERATION 590 580 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 FRACTION OF RATED THERMAL POWER Figure 5.1-1 (Page 1 of 1)

REACTOR CORE SAFETY LIMIT THREE LOOP OPERATION (Technical Specification Safety Limit 2.1.1)

COLR Cycle 23 Beaver Valley Unit 2 5.1 - 8 LRM Revision 98

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 225

~ I I


(54.53, 225) 200



BANK C I (100, 187) I




ROD BANK POSITION (Steps Withdrawn) 175 V





v~ /



/ (0, 114)

I I 100 I



75 /







..-VI (8, 0) I 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 PERCENT OF RATED THERMAL POWER Figure 5.1-2 (Page 1 of 1)


Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 1.2 1.0 I0.0, 1.00 I I6.0, 1.00 I I I 12.0, 0.925 ~

0.8 K(Z) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Core Height (feet)

Figure 5.1-3 (Page 1 of 1)


COLR Cycle 23 Beaver Valley Unit 2 5.1 - 10 LRM Revision 98

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 ROS1 ROS2 RA1 RA2 120 110 r--- __ j 100 UNACCEPTABLE A ~

I \


% of Rated Thermal Power OPERATION OPERATION I \



/J I

60 50 ~

40 30 20 10 0

-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Axial Flux Difference (Delta I) %


(-26%, 50%) (-9%, 100%) (-25%, 50%) (-8%, 100%)

(9%, 100%) (23%, 50%) (8%, 100%) (22%, 50%)


(-25%, 50%) (-9.7%, 95%) (-25%, 50%) (-11.4%, 90%)

(9.4 %, 95%) (22%, 50%) (10.8%, 90%) (22%, 50%)

Figure 5.1-4 (Page 1 of 1)


Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 29.00 CYCLE BURNUP MTC (MWD/MTU) (pcm/°F) 14000 -30.004 18000 -31.236 MODERATOR TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT (pcm/°F)




~ '



~ '---...._




32.00 14000 15000 16000 17000 18000 CYCLE BURNUP (MWD/MTU)

Figure 5.1-5 (Page 1 of 1)


Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 Table 5.1-1 (Page 1 of 1)

FQ Surveillance T(Z) Function versus Burnup at 100% RTP for ROS1 Axial Elevation 150 1000 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 Point (feet) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) 1* 12.0720 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 2* 11.8708 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 3* 11.6696 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 4* 11.4684 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 5* 11.2672 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 6* 11.0660 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 7* 10.8648 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 8 10.6636 1.1212 1.0970 1.0994 1.0966 1.1140 1.1429 1.1618 1.1790 1.1987 1.2050 1.2231 9 10.4624 1.2089 1.1910 1.1932 1.1914 1.2100 1.2378 1.2537 1.2670 1.2820 1.2840 1.2962 10 10.2612 1.2344 1.2210 1.2231 1.2226 1.2410 1.2671 1.2799 1.2900 1.3005 1.3030 1.3076 11 10.0600 1.1946 1.1900 1.1887 1.1899 1.2070 1.2319 1.2427 1.2510 1.2591 1.2630 1.2632 12 9.8588 1.2149 1.2130 1.2076 1.2111 1.2230 1.2449 1.2525 1.2600 1.2692 1.2660 1.2604 13 9.6576 1.2914 1.2910 1.2829 1.2858 1.2960 1.3074 1.3211 1.3170 1.3265 1.3230 1.3063 14 9.4564 1.3017 1.3030 1.2964 1.2998 1.3080 1.3168 1.3339 1.3230 1.3279 1.3280 1.3142 15 9.2552 1.2549 1.2590 1.2521 1.2613 1.2620 1.2684 1.2870 1.2750 1.2768 1.2810 1.2719 16 9.0540 1.2304 1.2360 1.2416 1.2486 1.2440 1.2572 1.2651 1.2470 1.2467 1.2580 1.2534 17 8.8528 1.2941 1.3000 1.3164 1.3193 1.3220 1.3257 1.3227 1.2930 1.2949 1.3040 1.3008 18 8.6516 1.3443 1.3510 1.3710 1.3720 1.3770 1.3754 1.3647 1.3260 1.3284 1.3340 1.3332 19 8.4504 1.3247 1.3330 1.3546 1.3561 1.3600 1.3573 1.3421 1.3070 1.3079 1.3140 1.3158 20 8.2492 1.2783 1.2890 1.3111 1.3131 1.3170 1.3138 1.2934 1.2630 1.2632 1.2730 1.2772 21 8.0480 1.3337 1.3450 1.3685 1.3694 1.3720 1.3643 1.3387 1.3070 1.3041 1.3140 1.3182 22 7.8468 1.3812 1.3940 1.4176 1.4175 1.4180 1.4067 1.3742 1.3410 1.3361 1.3470 1.3504 23 7.6456 1.3523 1.3660 1.3899 1.3899 1.3900 1.3777 1.3427 1.3110 1.3074 1.3200 1.3254 24 7.4444 1.2880 1.3030 1.3261 1.3268 1.3270 1.3152 1.2801 1.2510 1.2506 1.2650 1.2735 25 7.2432 1.3035 1.3190 1.3422 1.3424 1.3410 1.3272 1.2878 1.2580 1.2577 1.2730 1.2814 26 7.0420 1.3622 1.3790 1.4006 1.3997 1.3960 1.3781 1.3321 1.3030 1.2982 1.3120 1.3203 27 6.8408 1.3651 1.3830 1.4026 1.4014 1.3970 1.3770 1.3282 1.3040 1.2958 1.3090 1.3183 28 6.6396 1.2984 1.3160 1.3348 1.3345 1.3300 1.3123 1.2654 1.2490 1.2401 1.2530 1.2654 29 6.4384 1.2724 1.2910 1.3074 1.3075 1.3030 1.2849 1.2417 1.2270 1.2158 1.2280 1.2414 30 6.2372 1.3254 1.3440 1.3585 1.3572 1.3510 1.3290 1.2878 1.2690 1.2521 1.2610 1.2735 31 6.0360 1.3224 1.3410 1.3537 1.3547 1.3450 1.3227 1.2869 1.2660 1.2457 1.2520 1.2651 32 5.8348 1.2575 1.2760 1.2897 1.2918 1.2800 1.2581 1.2316 1.2110 1.1924 1.1970 1.2106 33 5.6336 1.2082 1.2260 1.2408 1.2436 1.2360 1.2104 1.1863 1.1690 1.1485 1.1530 1.1670 34 5.4324 1.2600 1.2790 1.2969 1.2938 1.2850 1.2609 1.2297 1.2040 1.1906 1.1910 1.1964 35 5.2312 1.2943 1.3130 1.3319 1.3297 1.3170 1.2935 1.2621 1.2290 1.2183 1.2170 1.2201 36 5.0300 1.2836 1.3030 1.3218 1.3205 1.3090 1.2861 1.2562 1.2230 1.2128 1.2110 1.2124 37 4.8288 1.2738 1.2910 1.3123 1.3121 1.3010 1.2795 1.2516 1.2190 1.2087 1.2060 1.2073 38 4.6276 1.2745 1.2930 1.3130 1.3136 1.3040 1.2823 1.2562 1.2240 1.2132 1.2080 1.2097 39 4.4264 1.2841 1.3020 1.3222 1.3237 1.3150 1.2940 1.2691 1.2360 1.2253 1.2200 1.2185 40 4.2252 1.2672 1.2840 1.3043 1.3070 1.3000 1.2822 1.2591 1.2290 1.2173 1.2110 1.2087 41 4.0240 1.2058 1.2220 1.2414 1.2459 1.2410 1.2290 1.2103 1.1870 1.1751 1.1700 1.1678 42 3.8228 1.2011 1.2160 1.2350 1.2410 1.2400 1.2299 1.2126 1.1950 1.1793 1.1740 1.1693 43 3.6216 1.2485 1.2620 1.2829 1.2914 1.2920 1.2813 1.2625 1.2480 1.2292 1.2200 1.2113 44 3.4204 1.2520 1.2640 1.2889 1.2988 1.3000 1.2916 1.2774 1.2660 1.2464 1.2340 1.2231 45 3.2192 1.2308 1.2410 1.2671 1.2781 1.2810 1.2776 1.2702 1.2620 1.2434 1.2310 1.2211 46 3.0180 1.2273 1.2360 1.2613 1.2690 1.2740 1.2698 1.2684 1.2620 1.2443 1.2330 1.2250 47 2.8168 1.2404 1.2520 1.2735 1.2712 1.2840 1.2799 1.2842 1.2820 1.2658 1.2530 1.2499 48 2.6156 1.2616 1.2720 1.2944 1.2843 1.3020 1.3038 1.3044 1.3120 1.2970 1.2840 1.2836 49 2.4144 1.2455 1.2540 1.2767 1.2662 1.2820 1.2905 1.2916 1.3080 1.2959 1.2860 1.2881 50 2.2132 1.1957 1.2020 1.2236 1.2128 1.2270 1.2427 1.2490 1.2720 1.2648 1.2660 1.2716 51 2.0120 1.2212 1.2240 1.2440 1.2311 1.2430 1.2645 1.2746 1.3020 1.2980 1.2980 1.3052 52 1.8108 1.2720 1.2700 1.2880 1.2719 1.2810 1.3066 1.3194 1.3510 1.3498 1.3530 1.3619 53 1.6096 1.2647 1.2580 1.2724 1.2538 1.2600 1.2897 1.3067 1.3430 1.3488 1.3580 1.3704 54 1.4084 1.2282 1.2170 1.2272 1.2066 1.2100 1.2425 1.2637 1.3040 1.3176 1.3330 1.3510 55* 1.2072 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 56* 1.0060 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 57* 0.8048 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 58* 0.6036 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 59* 0.4024 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 60* 0.2012 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 61* 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000

  • Top and Bottom 10% Excluded COLR Cycle 23 Beaver Valley Unit 2 5.1 - 13 LRM Revision 98

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 Table 5.1-2 (Page 1 of 1)

FQ Surveillance T(Z) Function versus Burnup at 100% RTP for ROS2 Axial Elevation 150 1000 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 Point (feet) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) 1* 12.0720 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 2* 11.8708 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 3* 11.6696 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 4* 11.4684 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 5* 11.2672 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 6* 11.0660 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 7* 10.8648 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 8 10.6636 1.1212 1.0920 1.0742 1.0658 1.0820 1.1086 1.1324 1.1450 1.1680 1.2050 1.2027 9 10.4624 1.2081 1.1820 1.1650 1.1605 1.1790 1.2049 1.2264 1.2310 1.2514 1.2830 1.2719 10 10.2612 1.2296 1.2080 1.1943 1.1983 1.2130 1.2372 1.2559 1.2560 1.2723 1.2970 1.2835 11 10.0600 1.1865 1.1710 1.1699 1.1730 1.1830 1.2060 1.2227 1.2230 1.2344 1.2540 1.2441 12 9.8588 1.1981 1.1940 1.1993 1.1998 1.2100 1.2218 1.2351 1.2400 1.2399 1.2530 1.2456 13 9.6576 1.2742 1.2740 1.2800 1.2799 1.2890 1.2852 1.2938 1.3010 1.2964 1.2950 1.2966 14 9.4564 1.2891 1.2910 1.2936 1.2941 1.3030 1.2936 1.3001 1.3060 1.2991 1.2990 1.2979 15 9.2552 1.2404 1.2440 1.2520 1.2536 1.2620 1.2526 1.2569 1.2570 1.2504 1.2570 1.2518 16 9.0540 1.2181 1.2230 1.2318 1.2339 1.2410 1.2322 1.2338 1.2280 1.2233 1.2390 1.2292 17 8.8528 1.2836 1.2940 1.2969 1.2985 1.3040 1.2909 1.2877 1.2800 1.2721 1.2900 1.2801 18 8.6516 1.3362 1.3520 1.3483 1.3493 1.3540 1.3313 1.3241 1.3210 1.3072 1.3220 1.3225 19 8.4504 1.3180 1.3330 1.3325 1.3337 1.3380 1.3092 1.3004 1.3040 1.2880 1.3020 1.3069 20 8.2492 1.2731 1.2890 1.2898 1.2916 1.2950 1.2612 1.2525 1.2610 1.2453 1.2610 1.2718 21 8.0480 1.3295 1.3450 1.3468 1.3475 1.3500 1.3092 1.2990 1.3050 1.2870 1.3010 1.3122 22 7.8468 1.3781 1.3940 1.3957 1.3954 1.3960 1.3486 1.3353 1.3390 1.3200 1.3330 1.3456 23 7.6456 1.3503 1.3660 1.3693 1.3692 1.3690 1.3198 1.3063 1.3090 1.2931 1.3070 1.3219 24 7.4444 1.2870 1.3030 1.3074 1.3080 1.3080 1.2587 1.2466 1.2500 1.2383 1.2530 1.2712 25 7.2432 1.3033 1.3190 1.3247 1.3247 1.3230 1.2706 1.2547 1.2570 1.2470 1.2600 1.2802 26 7.0420 1.3621 1.3790 1.3846 1.3835 1.3800 1.3255 1.3007 1.2970 1.2888 1.3000 1.3202 27 6.8408 1.3649 1.3820 1.3890 1.3876 1.3830 1.3319 1.3053 1.2940 1.2880 1.2980 1.3183 28 6.6396 1.2983 1.3160 1.3242 1.3238 1.3200 1.2766 1.2523 1.2410 1.2343 1.2440 1.2654 29 6.4384 1.2723 1.2910 1.2996 1.2994 1.2950 1.2574 1.2334 1.2210 1.2118 1.2210 1.2414 30 6.2372 1.3253 1.3440 1.3528 1.3536 1.3450 1.3090 1.2813 1.2640 1.2497 1.2550 1.2735 31 6.0360 1.3224 1.3410 1.3532 1.3545 1.3430 1.3110 1.2827 1.2620 1.2453 1.2490 1.2651 32 5.8348 1.2575 1.2760 1.2897 1.2918 1.2790 1.2553 1.2297 1.2100 1.1924 1.1950 1.2105 33 5.6336 1.2082 1.2260 1.2401 1.2436 1.2360 1.2103 1.1862 1.1690 1.1512 1.1530 1.1662 34 5.4324 1.2600 1.2790 1.2915 1.2914 1.2840 1.2600 1.2262 1.2040 1.1864 1.1870 1.1884 35 5.2312 1.2943 1.3130 1.3265 1.3239 1.3140 1.2914 1.2532 1.2280 1.2124 1.2120 1.2127 36 5.0300 1.2836 1.3030 1.3159 1.3146 1.3030 1.2828 1.2456 1.2200 1.2065 1.2050 1.2060 37 4.8288 1.2738 1.2910 1.3045 1.3057 1.2930 1.2751 1.2401 1.2150 1.2016 1.1980 1.2001 38 4.6276 1.2745 1.2930 1.3062 1.3069 1.2950 1.2769 1.2437 1.2180 1.2050 1.2000 1.2013 39 4.4264 1.2841 1.3020 1.3150 1.3164 1.3050 1.2870 1.2555 1.2300 1.2160 1.2080 1.2089 40 4.2252 1.2672 1.2840 1.2968 1.2995 1.2900 1.2728 1.2449 1.2200 1.2071 1.1980 1.1982 41 4.0240 1.2058 1.2220 1.2339 1.2384 1.2320 1.2177 1.1960 1.1750 1.1644 1.1550 1.1568 42 3.8228 1.2011 1.2160 1.2274 1.2331 1.2290 1.2156 1.1974 1.1800 1.1677 1.1570 1.1575 43 3.6216 1.2485 1.2620 1.2727 1.2788 1.2770 1.2609 1.2474 1.2320 1.2139 1.2020 1.1977 44 3.4204 1.2523 1.2650 1.2738 1.2823 1.2830 1.2691 1.2620 1.2480 1.2285 1.2180 1.2090 45 3.2192 1.2286 1.2400 1.2493 1.2596 1.2620 1.2554 1.2545 1.2430 1.2248 1.2140 1.2023 46 3.0180 1.2222 1.2310 1.2436 1.2536 1.2550 1.2485 1.2532 1.2420 1.2255 1.2230 1.2060 47 2.8168 1.2294 1.2390 1.2551 1.2651 1.2670 1.2596 1.2666 1.2620 1.2430 1.2530 1.2296 48 2.6156 1.2444 1.2580 1.2743 1.2845 1.2870 1.2832 1.2904 1.2890 1.2710 1.2840 1.2593 49 2.4144 1.2281 1.2420 1.2557 1.2661 1.2690 1.2696 1.2788 1.2830 1.2697 1.2860 1.2613 50 2.2132 1.1797 1.1910 1.2025 1.2128 1.2170 1.2222 1.2345 1.2450 1.2386 1.2660 1.2429 51 2.0120 1.2047 1.2130 1.2217 1.2311 1.2350 1.2432 1.2570 1.2730 1.2706 1.2970 1.2736 52 1.8108 1.2546 1.2590 1.2641 1.2718 1.2750 1.2842 1.2985 1.3180 1.3203 1.3510 1.3284 53 1.6096 1.2475 1.2470 1.2482 1.2538 1.2560 1.2672 1.2833 1.3090 1.3176 1.3540 1.3374 54 1.4084 1.2118 1.2060 1.2033 1.2065 1.2080 1.2206 1.2390 1.2700 1.2858 1.3280 1.3190 55* 1.2072 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 56* 1.0060 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 57* 0.8048 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 58* 0.6036 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 59* 0.4024 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 60* 0.2012 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 61* 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000

  • Top and Bottom 10% Excluded COLR Cycle 23 Beaver Valley Unit 2 5.1 - 14 LRM Revision 98

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 Table 5.1-3 (Page 1 of 1)

FQ Surveillance Rj Factor versus Burnup at 100% RTP for ROS1 Cycle Cycle Rj Cycle Rj Penalty Rj Penalty Burnup Burnup Penalty Burnup Multiplier Multiplier (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) Multiplier (MWD/MTU) 150 1.048 6800 1.000 13451 1.000 346 1.045 6996 1.000 13646 1.000 541 1.042 7192 1.000 13842 1.000 737 1.037 7387 1.000 14038 1.000 932 1.033 7583 1.004 14233 1.000 1128 1.027 7778 1.007 14429 1.000 1324 1.022 7974 1.011 14624 1.000 1519 1.014 8170 1.014 14820 1.000 1715 1.010 8365 1.017 15016 1.000 1910 1.008 8561 1.016 15211 1.000 2106 1.007 8756 1.017 15407 1.000 2302 1.007 8952 1.014 15602 1.000 2497 1.008 9148 1.007 15798 1.000 2693 1.011 9343 1.005 15994 1.000 2888 1.011 9539 1.003 16189 1.000 3084 1.010 9734 1.002 16385 1.000 3280 1.009 9930 1.001 16580 1.000 3475 1.008 10126 1.000 16776 1.000 3671 1.006 10321 1.000 16972 1.000 3866 1.004 10517 1.000 17167 1.000 4062 1.003 10712 1.000 17363 1.000 4258 1.002 10908 1.000 17558 1.000 4453 1.001 11104 1.000 17754 1.000 4649 1.000 11299 1.000 17950 1.000 4844 1.000 11495 1.000 18145 1.000 5040 1.000 11690 1.000 5236 1.000 11886 1.000 5431 1.000 12082 1.000 5627 1.000 12277 1.000 5822 1.000 12473 1.000 6018 1.000 12668 1.000 6214 1.000 12864 1.000 6409 1.000 13060 1.000 6605 1.000 13255 1.000 Note: The Burnup Dependent Transient FQ Margin Decrease Factor Rj, to be applied to FQ(Z) in accordance with Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement (SR), is the amount by which FQ(Z) is calculated to increase over a 39 Effective Full Power Day (EFPD) interval (surveillance interval of 31 EFPD plus the maximum allowable extension not to exceed 25% of the surveillance interval per Technical Specification SR 3.0.2) starting from the burnup at which the FQ(Z) was determined. Values may be interpolated to the surveillance cycle burnup.

COLR Cycle 23 Beaver Valley Unit 2 5.1 - 15 LRM Revision 98

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 Table 5.1-4 (Page 1 of 1)

FQ Surveillance Rj Factor versus Burnup at 100% RTP for ROS2 Cycle Cycle Rj Cycle Rj Rj Penalty Burnup Burnup Penalty Burnup Penalty Multiplier (MWD/MTU) (MWD/MTU) Multiplier (MWD/MTU) Multiplier 150 1.037 6800 1.007 13451 1.000 346 1.031 6996 1.009 13646 1.000 541 1.024 7192 1.008 13842 1.000 737 1.019 7387 1.008 14038 1.000 932 1.014 7583 1.012 14233 1.000 1128 1.011 7778 1.012 14429 1.000 1324 1.008 7974 1.011 14624 1.000 1519 1.008 8170 1.013 14820 1.000 1715 1.007 8365 1.013 15016 1.000 1910 1.007 8561 1.012 15211 1.000 2106 1.009 8756 1.010 15407 1.000 2302 1.009 8952 1.009 15602 1.000 2497 1.009 9148 1.005 15798 1.000 2693 1.009 9343 1.003 15994 1.000 2888 1.008 9539 1.002 16189 1.000 3084 1.007 9734 1.001 16385 1.000 3280 1.006 9930 1.000 16580 1.000 3475 1.004 10126 1.000 16776 1.000 3671 1.001 10321 1.000 16972 1.000 3866 1.000 10517 1.000 17167 1.000 4062 1.000 10712 1.000 17363 1.000 4258 1.000 10908 1.000 17558 1.000 4453 1.000 11104 1.001 17754 1.000 4649 1.000 11299 1.003 17950 1.000 4844 1.000 11495 1.012 18145 1.000 5040 1.000 11690 1.013 5236 1.000 11886 1.014 5431 1.000 12082 1.014 5627 1.000 12277 1.014 5822 1.000 12473 1.013 6018 1.000 12668 1.012 6214 1.001 12864 1.011 6409 1.003 13060 1.002 6605 1.005 13255 1.001 Note: The Burnup Dependent Transient FQ Margin Decrease Factor Rj, to be applied to FQ(Z) in accordance with Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement (SR), is the amount by which FQ(Z) is calculated to increase over a 39 Effective Full Power Day (EFPD) interval (surveillance interval of 31 EFPD plus the maximum allowable extension not to exceed 25% of the surveillance interval per Technical Specification SR 3.0.2) starting from the burnup at which the FQ(Z) was determined. Values may be interpolated to the surveillance cycle burnup.

COLR Cycle 23 Beaver Valley Unit 2 5.1 - 16 LRM Revision 98

Licensing Requirements Manual Core Operating Limits Report 5.1 Table 5.1-5 (Page 1 of 1)

Required Thermal Power Limits and AFD Reductions Required Action B.2.1 AFD Power Percent Space Reduction Reduction Margin ROS1 RA1 1.00% 5% 3.14%

RA2 1.00% 10% 4.04%

< 50% RTP ROS2 RA1 0.00% 5% 0.00%

RA2 0.00% 10% 0.98%

< 50% RTP COLR Cycle 23 Beaver Valley Unit 2 5.1 - 17 LRM Revision 98