Information Notice 2012-14, Motor-Operated Valve Inoperable Due to Stem-Disc Separation
ML12150A046 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 07/24/2012 |
From: | Laura Dudes, Mcginty T Division of Construction Inspection and Operational Programs, Division of Policy and Rulemaking |
To: | |
Farnan M | |
References | |
IN-12-014 | |
Download: ML12150A046 (9) | |
All holders of an operating license or construction permit for a nuclear power reactor under
Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 50, Domestic Licensing of
Production and Utilization Facilities, except those who have permanently ceased operations
and have certified that fuel has been permanently removed from the reactor vessel.
All holders of and applicants for a power reactor early site permit, combined license, standard
design certification, standard design approval, or manufacturing license under 10 CFR Part 52, Licenses, Certifications, and Approvals for Nuclear Power Plants.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing this information notice (IN) to inform
addressees of recent operating experience involving a motor-operated valve (MOV) that failed
at the connection between the valve stem and disc. The NRC expects that recipients will review
the information for applicability to their facilities and consider actions, as appropriate, to avoid
similar problems. Suggestions contained in this IN are not NRC requirements; therefore, no
specific action or written response is required.
On October 23, 2010, at Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unit 1, reactor operators attempted to
place residual heat removal (RHR) loop II in service to support refueling activities. At this time, the low-pressure coolant injection (LPCI) outboard injection valve in RHR loop II failed to open.
Control room lights indicated that this motor-operated LPCI valve was open but there was no
flow in the RHR loop II with the 1B RHR pump in service. Control room operators secured the
1B RHR pump and placed RHR loop I in service to provide shutdown cooling flow.
The LPCI valve that failed to open is a 24-inch Walworth angle globe valve. This model valve
incorporates a three-part, stem-to-disc assembly design (Figure 1) which includes the valve
stem, an upper disc skirt that slides over the stem, and a lower threaded disc that accepts the
valve stem and is secured to the lower part of the upper disc skirt through a matching threaded
area. Once threaded together, the upper disc skirt assembly is tack welded to the lower disc to
prevent unthreading.
ML12150A046 Figure 1
Disc/Skirt/Stem Assembly Cutaway View
Upon disassembly, the licensee discovered that the tack welds between the disc and skirt had
failed and the lower disc of the LPCI valve had separated from the upper disc skirt and lodged in
its seating area. The licensee determined that the threads on the upper disc skirt that interfaced
with the lower disc threads were undersized. This contributed to the failure of the stem-to-disc
connection during valve operations and the disc then becoming lodged in the seat. The
licensee had last placed RHR loop II into service on March 12, 2009, with flow provided to the
reactor vessel. The licensee indicated that the stem-to-disc connection for the LPCI valve failed
in 2008 although the valve continued to function until it jammed in 2010. NRC inspectors
reviewed this incident and issued a finding of high safety significance (red finding) because the
RHR subsystem was inoperable for greater than the outage time allowed by the technical
NRC inspectors also noted that the licensee failed to include the LPCI valve in the programs
detailed in Generic Letter (GL) 89-10, Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valve Testing and
Surveillance, and GL 96-05, Periodic Verification of Design-Basis Capability of Safety-Related
Motor-Operated Valves. The licensee explained that it made the omission because it
considered the LPCI valve passive with no safety-related function to reposition. The NRC
inspectors determined that the LPCI valve has an active safety-related function to close and
thus should have been included in the scope of GL 89-10 program.
The failed LPCI valve is included in the scope of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) Code for Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants (OM Code) Inservice Testing (IST) program. ASME designed OM Code IST activities to assess the operational
readiness of components that are required to perform a specific function in (1) shutting down a
reactor to the safe shutdown condition, (2) maintaining the safe shutdown condition, or
(3) mitigating the consequences of an accident. The IST program at Browns Ferry, Unit 1 applies the 1995 Edition through the 1996 Addenda of the ASME OM Code. The IST activities
implemented at Browns Ferry, Unit 1 did not reveal that the stem-to-disc connection failed in the
LPCI valve or that the valve disc was lodged in the seat.
On June 8, 2011, the licensee for Browns Ferry, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA),
appealed the NRC final significance determination for a red finding and notice of violation for
Browns Ferry, Unit 1. In response, the NRC appointed an independent review panel to provide
additional assurance that appropriate regulatory actions were being taken. The independent
review panel did not alter the final finding results (see the review panels letter dated
August 16, 2011 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS)
Accession No. ML112280215)).
On September 23, 2011, the NRC inspectors completed Part 1 of a supplemental inspection
following the guidance of Inspection Procedure 95003, Supplemental Inspection for Repetitive
Degraded Cornerstones, Multiple Yellow Inputs or One Red Input, at Browns Ferry, Unit 1.
This inspection focused on maintenance and testing programs related to the IST program, the
MOV testing program, and the corrective action program (CAP). The NRC review of the IST
program noted that the licensee had implemented augmented testing in the form of motor
current signature analysis for the failed LPCI valve. The motor current signature data was
collected at the motor control center (MCC) since 2006 at a 2-year refueling cycle interval. The
NRC staff reviewed the augmented MCC testing and found that the licensees procedures did
not include appropriate quantitative or qualitative acceptance criteria for the captured motor
current signature data as required by Criterion V, Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings, of
Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50. Post analysis of the failed LPCI valve data showed no
unseating force in 2006 or 2008 but did show noticeable unseating force in 2010 after the valve
had been rebuilt. The lack of unseating force in 2006 and 2008 data collection may have been
the first indicator of a possible component problem.
The supplemental Inspection Procedure 95003 inspection also reviewed the MOV test program.
The NRC review noted that Browns Ferry is a participant in the Joint Owners Group (JOG) and
is committed to the JOG periodic verification program for addressing GL 96-05. Browns Ferry is
implementing the final JOG program recommendation, which is required to be completed by
September 25, 2012, per the September 25, 2006, NRC Safety Evaluation (ADAMS Accession
No. ML061280315). The licensee estimates this implementation, which includes many valve
modifications, will be completed by the September 2012 deadline. The NRC inspectors
identified that several of the completed valve modifications nullified the original valve design
basis capability established in GL 89-10 and that Browns Ferry did not apply appropriate
methods for reestablishing the valve design basis for the modified valves and thus did not meet
the requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(3)(ii).
Additional information concerning this issue appears in Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant-NRC
Integrated Inspection Report 05000259/2010005, 05000260/2010005, 05000296/2010005, and
Notice of Violation, dated February 9, 2011 (ADAMS Accession No. ML110400431), Browns
Ferry Nuclear Plant-NRC Inspection Report 05000259/2011008, dated May 9, 2011 (ADAMS
Accession No. ML111290482), and Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant-NRC Inspection
Procedure 95003 Supplemental Inspection Report 05000259/2011011, 05000260/2011011,
05000296/2011011 (Part 1), dated November 17, 2011 (ADAMS Accession No. ML113210602).
The ASME OM Code (1995 Edition through 2006 Addenda) is incorporated by reference in
10 CFR 50.55a, Codes and Standards, for implementation of the IST program for pumps, valves, and dynamic restraints used in nuclear power plants. The guidance of
10 CFR 50.55a(b)(3)(ii) supplements the testing requirements for MOVs in the ASME OM Code
by requiring that licensees implementing the ASME OM Code as part of its IST program shall
also establish a program to ensure that MOVs continue to be capable of performing their
design-basis safety functions.
Criterion V of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 requires that activities affecting quality shall be
prescribed by documented instructions, procedures, or drawings, of a type appropriate to the
circumstances and shall be accomplished in accordance with these instructions, procedures, or
drawings. Instructions, procedures, or drawings shall include appropriate quantitative or
qualitative acceptance criteria for determining that the important activities have been
satisfactorily accomplished.
GL 89-10 requested that each nuclear power plant establish a program to demonstrate that
safety-related MOVs are capable of performing their design-basis functions. The term
safety-related refers to those systems and components that the nuclear power plant relies
upon to remain functional during and following design-basis events to ensure (i) the integrity of
the reactor coolant pressure boundary, (ii) the capability to shut down the reactor and maintain it
in a safe shutdown condition, and (iii) the capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of
accidents that could result in potential offsite exposures comparable to the guidelines of 10 CFR
Part 100, Reactor Site Criteria.
During the implementation of GL 89-10, NRC staff accepted four methods the licensee could
use to demonstrate the design-basis capability of safety-related MOVs. In descending order of
acceptability, the four methods for demonstrating capability are:
1. Dynamic testing at or near design-basis conditions with diagnostics of each MOV where
practicable. Valves dynamically tested at less than design-basis conditions may be
extrapolated with proper justification. Although the valve factor derived from the test
data might be low because of minimal valve operating history or recent maintenance that
exposed the stellite valve material to air, the dynamic testing provided assurance that
the valve performance was predictable. The licensee would consider the need to
increase the valve factor during its design-basis evaluation and setup based on test data
from similar valves.
2. Electric Power Research Institute MOV performance prediction methodology (PPM).
This method was developed for those valves that could not be dynamically tested. The
PPM required internal measurements of the valve to provide assurance that the valve
performance was predictable. NRC staff began accepting the use of the PPM even
where dynamic testing for an MOV was practicable.
3. MOV valve grouping. Where valve-specific dynamic testing was not performed and the
PPM was not used, the staff accepted grouping of MOVs that were dynamic tested at
the plant to apply the plant-specific test information to an MOV in the group. Using
plant-specific data allowed the licensee to know the valve performance and maintenance
history and helped provide confidence that the valve performance was predictable. 4. The use of valve test data from other plants or research programs. The NRC ranks this
as the least-preferred approach (with the most margin required) because the licensee
would have minimal information regarding the tested valve and its history. In such
cases, the NRC inspectors would perform an available capability evaluation of the MOV
to provide confidence that the MOV had significant capability margin to close GL 89-10
for that MOV.
GL 96-05 superseded GL 89-10 and requested that each plant establish a program, or ensure
the effectiveness of its current program, to verify on a periodic basis that safety-related MOVs
continue to be capable of performing their safety functions within the current licensing basis of
the facility. The program should ensure that the licensee can properly identify and account for
changes in required performance resulting from degradation (such as those caused by age).
In response to GL 96-05, the nuclear industry joined together to form the JOG MOV periodic
verification program. The JOG program consisted of three elements: (1) an interim MOV
periodic verification program for licensees to use in response to GL 96-05 during development
of a long term program, (2) a 5-year MOV dynamic diagnostic test program, and (3) a long-term
MOV periodic diagnostic test program to be based on the information from the dynamic testing
program. The nuclear industry designed the JOG program to answer the valve degradation
question as it pertained to valve configuration, design, and system application.
ASME OM Code, 1995 Edition with the 1996 Addenda, Subsection ISTC 4.1, Valve Position
Verification, states that Valves with remote position indicators to be observed locally at least
once every 2 years to verify that valve operation is accurately indicated. Where practicable, this
local observation should be supplemented by other indications such as use of flow meters or
other suitable instrumentation to verify obturator position. These observations need not be
concurrent. Where local observation is not possible, other indications shall be used for
verification of valve operation.
ASME OM Code, 1995 Edition with the 1996 Addenda, Subsection ISTC 4.2.3, Valve Obturator
Movement, states that The necessary valve obturator movement shall be determined by
exercising the valve while observing an appropriate indicator, such as indicating lights that
signal the required change of obturator position, or by observing other evidence, such as
changes in system pressure, flow rate, level, or temperature, that reflects change of obturator
NUREG-1482, Revision 1, Guidelines for Inservice Testing at Nuclear Power Plants (ADAMS
Accession No. ML050550290), Section 4.2.7, Verification of Remote Position Indication for
Valves by Methods Other Than Direct Observation, discusses the requirements of ASME OM
Code, 1995 Edition with the 1996 Addenda, Subsection ISTC 4.1. The discussion emphasizes
the importance of accurate position indication for safety-related valves under all plant
conditions. The discussion states in part that For certain types of valves that can be observed
locally, but for which valve stem travel does not ensure that the stem is attached to the disk, the
local observation should be supplemented by observing an operating parameter as required by
Subsection ISTC-3700 and ISTC-3520 [4.1, 4.2, and 4.5].
The ASME OM Code is a living document which allows it to be updated and improved. Since
the issuance of the ASME OM Code 1995 Edition through the 1996 Addenda, there has been a
major change to the format and numbering system. Currently, 10 CFR 50.55a recognizes the
ASME OM Code 2004 Edition through the 2006 Addenda as the code of record. The requirement of ASME OM Code, 1995 Edition with the 1996 Addenda, Subsection ISTC 4.1, Valve Position Verification, is now under ASME OM Code, 2004 Edition with the 2006 Addenda, Subsection ISTC-3700, Position Verification Testing. The requirement of ASME OM
Code, 1995 Edition with the 1996 Addenda, Subsection ISTC 4.2.3, Valve Obturator
Movement, is now under ASME OM Code, 2004 Edition with the 2006 Addenda, Subsection
ISTC-3530, Valve Obturator Movement.
This IN discusses operating experiences involving a failed safety-related valve in which the
licensee failed to recognize the stem-to-disc separation for an extended period of time.
Investigation of the valve failure identified weaknesses in the IST program, GL 89-10 program, and MOV testing procedures as well as improper implementation of the JOG program. This IN
informs the industry of these issues so that other facilities can consider actions, as appropriate, to avoid similar problems.
ASME OM Code, 1995 Edition with the 1996 Addenda, ISTC 4.2.3 allows nuclear power plant
licensees to monitor indicating lights in the control room when exercising a valve to meet
quarterly stroke-time testing requirement. The NRC recognizes that indicating lights do not
ensure that the valve obturator (stem/disc assembly) is moving properly between the
appropriate open-to-close and close-to-open valve positions. For example, the internal
mechanism of the valve and its operator (such as the position limit switches and stem-to-disc
connection) must be intact and operating properly for the indicating lights to reflect actual valve
position. Therefore, although not explicitly required, licensees should consider additional
alternative parameters to verify that the indicating lights accurately reflect valve obturator
ASME OM Code, 1995 Edition with the 1996 Addenda, ISTC 4.1 requires confirmation on a
2-year frequency that the indicating lights reflect actual valve operation. ISTC 4.1 allows
flexibility to nuclear power plant licensees in verifying that operation of valves with remote
position indicators is accurately indicated. ISTC 2(b), Owners Responsibility states that the
Owner shall identify, categorize and list in the plant records each valve to be tested in
accordance with the rules of this Subsection, including Owner-specified acceptance criteria.
The Owner shall specify test conditions. The Owner shall ensure that the application, method, and capability of each nonintrusive technique is qualified.
Licensee IST programs can help identify stem-to-disc separation as valves are tested. The
NRC independent review panel assigned to investigate the Browns Ferry, Unit 1 MOV stem disc
separation event reviewed IST requirements and concluded that the ASME OM Code is not
clear with respect to the extent to which the Code requires certainty in the verification of
obturator position during testing. Because of the ambiguity of the OM Code, it is possible for a
testing program to meet the minimum requirements of the OM Code with respect to obturator
position verification and valve operation being accurately indicated, but not fully meet the intent
of verifying actual obturator position. Supplemental indicators such as flow measurement, system pressure changes, level, temperature, or adequate acceptance criteria for the
augmented MCC testing can improve the likelihood of identifying valve failures.
Licensee IST programs that implement augmented testing (e.g., obtaining motor current
signature data during valve stroke exercise), should contain qualitative or quantitative
acceptance criteria for the data obtained. Criterion V of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 requires
safety-related components that are subjected to test activities be required to have appropriate instructions, procedures, or drawings and qualitative or quantitative acceptance criteria for
determining that the activity has been successfully completed. Licensees are encouraged to
review their safety-related component test procedures for compliance with Criterion V of
Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50.
A thorough evaluation of safety-related MOVs is important to ensure that valves are not
inappropriately excluded from the MOV program. Consideration for all of a valves functional
requirements is important to ensure that a valve is appropriately included in the MOV program
to meet all requirements. Licensees are encouraged to perform a periodic review of their MOV
program scope for component applicability. Information on MOV program scoping may be
found in GL 89-10 and GL 89-10, Supplement 1.
Additionally, in the implementation of the JOG MOV program for Browns Ferry to meet its
commitment to GL 96-05, TVA included several valve modifications which disqualified the
original design-basis capability verification that was obtained through GL 89-10. The final JOG
document provides an approach for obtaining a qualifying design basis for valves that have had
a disqualifying event. The JOG approach has a certain amount of dynamic testing for reaching
a qualifying design basis to support the new valve configuration. As specified by the JOG final
report, each plant is responsible for establishing a new design basis for those valves that have
had a disqualifying event. Browns Ferry did not use the JOG approach for obtaining a qualifying
design basis for the valve modifications. Instead, Browns Ferry took the least-preferred
approach (method 4 stated above) for reestablishing the design basis of the modified valves.
The licensee used similar valve test data obtained from the JOG final report in conjunction with
an engineering analysis to justify the design-basis capability of the modified valves. Following
NRC 95003 inspection activities, NRC inspectors determined that JOG test data was not
intended to be used to establish initial design-basis capability of MOVs or modified MOVs. The
NRC concluded that the methodology in the Browns Ferry program documentation for justifying
the design-basis capability of the modified valves did not satisfy 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(3)(ii).
More information on this topic can be found in Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant-NRC Inspection
Procedure 95003 Supplemental Inspection Report 05000259/2011011, 05000260/2011011, and
05000296/2011011 (Part 1) (ADAMS Accession No. ML113210602).
To determine if additional regulatory action is necessary, NRC staff plans to continue its
evaluation of licensee implementation of the provisions in the ASME OM Code for valve position
verification and obturator movement.
This IN requires no specific action or written response. Please direct any questions about this
matter to the technical contact listed below or the appropriate Office of Nuclear Reactor
Regulation (NRR) project manager.
/RA by JLuehman for/ /RA by SBahadur for/
Laura A. Dudes, Director Timothy J. McGinty, Director
Division of Construction Inspection Division of Policy and Rulemaking
and Operational Programs Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Office of New Reactors
Technical Contact:
Michael Farnan, NRR
301-415-1486 E-mail:
Note: NRC generic communications may be found on the NRC public Web site,, under NRC Library/Document Collections.
ML12150A046 *via e-mail TAC ME7941 NRR/DE/EPTB/
NAME MFarnan CHsu PHiland MEvans
(JHuang for)
DATE 06/18/12 05/30/12 06/27/12 06/28/12 06/21/12 NRR/DPR/PGC NRR/DPR/PGC NRR/DPR/PGC NRR/DPR/PGC
LDudes TMcGinty
NAME CHawes ARussell DPelton CHawes
(JLuehman for) (SBahadur for)
DATE 07/12/12 7/16/12 7/17/12 7/18/12 7/23/12 7/24/12