IR 05000390/2013601

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Annual Assessment Letter for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2 (IR 05000390-13-601)
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 03/04/2013
From: Haag R
To: Skaggs M
Tennessee Valley Authority
Michelle Adams
Download: ML13063A460 (8)





Dear Mr. Skaggs:

On February 11, 2013, the NRC staff completed its performance review of the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2 construction project. Our technical staff reviewed inspection results for the period from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of our assessment of your safety performance during this period and our plans for future inspections at your facility.

Overall, Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2 construction activities were conducted in a manner that complied with the Commissions rules and regulations, the conditions of your construction permit, and the Unit 2 regulatory framework commitments. Our inspections indicated that your construction program and adherence to procedural requirements, along with project staffing, were sufficiently implemented to support ongoing construction activities. Management and Quality Assurance oversight effectively monitored and assessed construction activities. Overall, the corrective action program implementation activities, including initiation, classification, disposition, and trending were deemed satisfactory. This overall conclusion was based on the results of the annual Problem Identification and Resolution (PI&R) team inspection, a focus sample PI&R inspection to assess your actions in response to problems identified during the annual PI&R inspection, and the ongoing assessment of your corrective action program as part of routine inspections.

Previous inspections of your procurement process related to commercial grade dedication (CGD) identified programmatic CGD concerns. Based on the results of these inspections, three apparent violations of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants, and 10 CFR Part 50.55 were identified. These apparent violations will be forwarded to you in a choice letter for your review. The choice letter will describe the process for final resolution of these apparent violations following the NRC Enforcement Policy. Our final resolution of the CGD apparent violations has the potential to impact our future inspection activities at Watts Bar Unit 2. Additionally during the assessment period, an apparent violation of NRC requirements was identified for the falsification of micrometer records for safety-related cables inside containment penetrations. The violation was considered for escalated enforcement action, and the NRC sent you a Choice Letter (ML12083A099) where you requested Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). The outcome of the ADR was a Confirmatory Order (ML12202A260). It is important that all of the actions contained in the Confirmatory Order are completed in a timely manner to minimize the possibility of future incidents of falsification. The NRC plans to review your implementation of the corrective actions during future inspections.

In conclusion, project performance for the most recent quarter, as well as for the previous three quarters of the assessment cycle, was acceptable based on the above inspection conclusions, the fact that all violations were classified as severity level IV or below, and that no substantive cross-cutting issues were identified. Therefore, we plan to perform inspection activities specified in Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 2517 and the inspections noted above.

The enclosed inspection plan contains those major or infrequent projected inspection activities that we have currently identified, in part, by reviewing your project schedule. It is crucial that you keep us apprised of any project schedule changes as soon as they are identified, in order to maintain our inspection plan current. As additional details of your project schedule become available, we will plan other inspections specified in IMC 2517. Your staff will be informed of changes/ additions to our inspection plans. Routine inspections performed by the resident inspectors and regional staff on construction activities, Corrective Active Programs (CAPs),

Special Programs (SPs), Generic Communications, historical open items, and construction deficiency reports (CDRs) are not listed on the inspection plan due to their ongoing and continuous nature. We plan to give your staff ample notification of specific upcoming inspection activities as their schedule becomes available in order to allow for the resolution of any scheduling conflicts and personnel availability issues.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRCs Rules of Practice, a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRCs document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room). Please contact me at (404) 997-4446 with any questions you may have regarding this letter or our planned inspections.



Robert C. Haag, Chief Construction Projects Branch 3 Division of Construction Projects Docket No. 50-391 Construction Permit No: CPPR-92 Enclosure cc: (See next page)

ML13063A460______ # SUNSI REVIEW COMPLETE OFFICE RII:DCP RII:DCP SIGNATURE CJE JBB5 NAME CEven J. Baptist DATE 3/01/2013 02/28/2013 E-MAIL COPY? YES NO YES NO cc w/encl: Mr. R. R. Baron, Senior Manager Mr. Gordon P. Arent Nuclear Construction Quality Assurance Senior Manager, Licensing WBN Unit Two WBN Unit Two Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Tennessee Valley Authority Tennessee Valley Authority P.O. Box 2000 P.O. Box 2000 Spring City, Tennessee 37381 Spring City, Tennessee 37381 Mr. Joseph Shea, Vice President Mr. O. J. Zeringue, General Manager Nuclear Licensing Engineering and Construction Tennessee Valley Authority WBN Unit Two 1101 Market Street Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 3R Lookout Place Tennessee Valley Authority Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 P.O. Box 2000 Spring City, Tennessee 37381 Mr. E. J. Vigluicci Assistant General Counsel Mr. R. A. Hruby, General Manager Tennessee Valley Authority Technical Services 400 West Summit Hill Drive WBN Unit Two 6A West Tower Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Knoxville, Tennessee 37402 Tennessee Valley Authority P.O. Box 2000 Mr. Lawrence E. Nanney, Director Spring City Tennessee 37381 Tennessee Department of Environmental Health & Conservation Ms. Donna Guinn, Manager Division of Radiological Health Licensing and Industry Affairs 3rd Floor, L&C Annex WBN Nuclear Plant 401 Church Street Tennessee Valley Authority Nashville, TN 37243-1532 P.O. Box 2000 Spring City, Tennessee 37381 Mr. T.P. Cleary Site Vice President Mr. Preston D. Swafford Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Chief Nuclear Officer Tennessee Valley Authority and Executive Vice President P.O. Box 2000 Tennessee Valley Authority Spring City, Tennessee 37381 1101 Market Place 3R Lookout Place County Mayor Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402-2801 P.O. Box 156 Decatur, Tennessee 37322 County Executive 375 Church Street Ms. Ann P. Harris Suite 215 Public Dayton, Tennessee 37321 341 Swing Loop Rockwood, TN 37854 Mr. Dave Gronek Plant Manager, WBN Nuclear Plant Tennessee Valley Authority P.O. Box 2000 Spring City, Tennessee 37381 cc email distribution w/encl:

Greg Scott Tennessee Valley Authority Electronic Mail Distribution Watts Bar Unit 2 Licensing Tennessee Valley Authority Electronic Mail Distribution

Letter to Michael from Robert C. Haag dated March 4, 2013.


Region II Regional Coordinator, OEDO (J. Cassidy)

J. Quichocho, NRR J. Poole, NRR A. Hon, NRR J. Munday, RII M. Miller, RII C. Evans, RII S. Shaeffer, RII DRP R. Monk, RII WBN Unit 1 SRI T. Nazario, RII, WBN Unit 2, SRI R. Lewis, RII, WBN Unit 2, RI E. Patterson, RII, WBN Unit 2, RI PUBLIC

2013 Inspection Plan Watts Bar Unit 2*

Inspection Activity Calendar Quarter for Inspection PI&R Team Inspection Second Quarter 2013 Containment Coating Inspection Second Quarter 2013 Emergency Raw Cooling Water (ERCW) and Component Cooling Water System (CCS) Pre-Operational Testing Third Quarter 2013 Inspections Engineering Field Change Control Inspection Third Quarter 2013 QA Team Inspection Fourth Quarter 2013 Fire Protection Team Inspection Fourth Quarter 2013 Containment Spray (CS), Reactor Protection System (RPS),

and Chemical and Volume Control System (CVCS) Pre- Fourth Quarter 2013 Operational Testing Inspections Construction Refurbishment Process (IP 37002) Ongoing

  • The inspections listed above are limited to major or infrequently performed inspections. They are in addition to routine inspections performed by the resident inspectors and regional staff such as inspections of routine construction activities, CAPs, SPs, Generic Communications and historical open items.
