IR 05000373/2009002

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May 7, 2009

Mr. Charles Senior Vice President, Exelon Generation Company, LLC President and Chief Nuclear Officer (CNO), Exelon Nuclear 4300 Winfield Road Warrenville, IL 60555


Dear Mr. Pardee:

On March 31, 2009, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) completed an integrated inspection at your LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2. The enclosed report documents the results of this inspection, which were discussed on April 16, 2009, with Plant Manager, Mr. Dave Rhoades, and other members of your staff. The inspection examined activities conducted under your license as they relate to safety and compliance with the Commission's rules and regulations and with the conditions of your license. The inspectors reviewed selected procedures and records, observed activities, and interviewed personnel. Based on the results of this inspection, no NRC-identified or self-revealed findings of safety significance were identified. One licensee-identified violation is listed in Section 4OA7 of this report. In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter, its enclosure, and your response (if any) will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Website at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).

Sincerely,/RA/ Kenneth Riemer, Chief Branch 2 Division of Reactor Projects Docket Nos. 50-373; 50-374 License Nos. NPF-11; NPF-18


Inspection Report 05000373/2009002; 05000374/2009002


Supplemental Information cc w/encl: Site Vice President - LaSalle County Station Plant Manager - LaSalle County Station Manager Regulatory Assurance - LaSalle County Station Senior Vice President - Midwest Operations Senior Vice President - Operations Support Vice President - Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Director - Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Manager Licensing - Braidwood, Byron and LaSalle Associate General Counsel Document Control Desk - Licensing Assistant Attorney General J. Klinger, State Liaison Officer, Illinois Emergency Management Agency Chairman, Illinois Commerce Commission


......................................................................................................... 1


..................................................................................................................... 2 Summary of Plant Status.........................................................................................................


..................................................................................................... 2

1R04 Equipment Alignment

............................................................... 2

1R05 Fire Protection

......................................................................... 3

1R08 Inservice Inspection (ISI) Activities

.......................................... 4

1R11 Licensed Operator Requalification Program

............................. 5

1R12 Maintenance Effectiveness

...................................................... 6

1R13 Maintenance Risk Assessments and Emergent Work Control

.. 7

1R15 Operability Evaluations

............................................................ 7

1R18 Plant Modifications

................................................................... 8

1R19 Post-Maintenance Testing (PMT)

............................................ 9

1R20 Outage Activities

.................................................................... 10

1R22 Surveillance Testing

.............................................................. 11

1EP2 Alert and Notification System (ANS) Evaluation

..................... 12

1EP3 Emergency Response Organization Augmentation Testing

... 13

1EP5 Correction of Emergency Preparedness Weaknesses and Deficiencies


................................................................................................. 14 2OS1 Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas (71121.01) ................ 14 2OS2 As-Low-As-Is-Reasonably-Achievable Planning and Controls (ALARA) (71121.02) ............................................................................................... 19 2PS1 Radioactive Gaseous And Liquid Effluent Treatment And Monitoring Systems (71122.01)


.................................................................................................. 24

4OA1 Performance Indicator Verification

.............................................. 24

4OA2 Identification and Resolution of Problems

................................... 27

4OA5 Other Activities......................................................................................... 28 4OA6

Management Meetings ............................................................................ 29 4OA7 Licensee-Identified Violations .................................................................. 29




D. Enright, Site Vice President prior to March 2, 2009
D. Wozniak, Site Vice President after March 2, 2009
D. Rhoades, Plant Manager
K. Aleshire, Exelon EP Programs Manager
D. Amezaga, GL 89-13 Program Owner
J. Bashor, Site Engineering Director
L. Blunk, Operations Training Manager
H. Do, Corporate ISI Manager
J.C. Feeney, NOS Lead Assessor
B. Ginter, Engineering Programs Manager
F. Gogliotti, System Engineering Senior Manager
D. Henly, Design Engineer
W. Hilton, Engineering Supervisor - Mechanical/Structural
K. Ihnen, Nuclear Oversight Manager
A. Kochis, ISI Engineer
R. Leasure, Radiation Protection Manager
S. Marik, Operations Director
J. Miller, NDE Level III
B. Rash, Maintenance Director
J. Rommel, Design Engineering Senior Manager
K. Rusley, Emergency Preparedness Manager
J. Shields, ISI Program Supervisor
T. Simpkin, Regulatory Assurance Manager
K. Taber, Work Management Director
J. Vegara, Regulatory Assurance
H. Vinyard, Shift Operations Superintendent
J. White, Site Training Director
G. Wilhelmsen, Design Manager
S. Wilkinson, Chemistry Manager
C. Wilson, Station Security Manager

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

R. Jacobs, NDE Level III
D. Anthony, NDE Level III
J. Miller, NDE Level III
K. Riemer, Chief, Reactor Projects Branch 2



OPENED, CLOSED AND DISCUSSED Opened None. Closed Temporary Instruction

2515/175 TI Emergency Response Organization, Drill/Exercise Performance Indicator, Program Review" Discussed None.



The following is a partial list of documents reviewed during the inspection.

Inclusion on this list does not imply that the NRC inspector reviewed the documents in their entirety, but rather that selected sections or portions of the documents were evaluated as part of the overall inspection effort.
Inclusion of a document on this list does not imply NRC acceptance of the document or any part of it, unless this is stated in the body of the inspection report. 1R04 Equipment Alignment PROCEDURES Number Description or Title Date or Revision
LOP-DG-03E Unit 0 DG Electrical Checklist Rev. 9
LOP-DG-03M Unit 0 DG Mechanical Checklist Rev. 8
LOP-LP-02E Unit 2 Low Pressure Core Spray System Electrical Checklist Rev. 5
LOP-LP-02M Unit 2 Low Pressure Core Spray System Mechanical Checklist Rev. 12
LOP-RH-2BM Unit 2 B RHR System Mechanical Checklist Rev. 2
1R05 Fire Protection
MISCELLANEOUS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
LSCS-FPR LaSalle Fire Protection Report Revs. 2 & 3
1R08 Inservice Inspection Activities CAP DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
838126 BWRVIP Letter 2008-293 Implementation ; UT of Dissimilar Metal
Welds 10/30/2008
869885 Indication Identified in Steam Dryer During IVVI Examinations 1/22/2009
NDE PROCEDURES Number Description or Title Date or Revision
VT-1 Visual Examination Rev. 4
GE-MT-100 Magnetic Particle Examination Version 8
GEH-PDI-UT-1 PDI Generic Procedure for the Ultrasonic Examination of Ferritic Pipe Welds Rev. 6
Attachment MISCELLANEOUS Number Description or Title Date or Revision 2R11-008 GE Examination Summary Sheet
1R12 Maintenance Effectiveness
PROCEDURES Number Description or Title Date or Revision
ER-AA-310 Implementation of the Maintenance Rule Rev. 6
CAP DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
577150 Recorder Drive Belt is Broken 1/9/2007
578215 Paper jam on 1D21-R600B 1/11/2007
579102 MCR Recorder Paper Carriage Broken 1/15/2007
579880 0D21-R600CC Arm Point 3-14 Erratic 1/17/2007
RM-23 Effluent Flow Light Not Lit 1/19/2007
LIS-PR-054/055 WGRM Functional Test Creates Nuisance Alarms 1/19/2007
583057 OOT (Failed), 2D18-K699A, Trend Code B3 1/25/2007
588645 Audio Alarm Not Working 2/7/2007
590606 NOS ID: Numerous Inaccuracies in IR#
588042 2/12/2007
2876 VC Intake Rad Monitor 2D18-K751A Failure 2/18/2007
596811 Trend Code B4 - 2D18-K601A Discrim Found Out of Tolerance 2/27/2007
596815 Trend Code B4 - 2D18-K601A H.V. Found Out of Tolerance 2/27/2007
597050 Trend Code B4 - 2D18-K601B H.V. Found Out of Tolerance 2/28/2007
LOA-AR-201 Entry 3/1/2007
602128 VC Rad Area Detector's and System Issues/Questions 3/11/2007
603068 0D21-K602K RW Arm Alarmed Downscale 3/13/2007
603367 0D21-K602K "Radwaste Arm Down Scale" Alarm 3/13/2007
610977 Verify Calibration of
OTC-VC010B for M&TE OOT Eval 3/30/2007
621281 Incorrect Arm Setpoints in Passport 4/24/2007
628637 Control Room Vent Ammonia Detector is Showing Fault 17 5/12/2007
662052 0B VC "C" Minitor Instrument Failure 8/18/2007
662052 0B VC "C" Monitor Instrument Failure 8/18/2007
Attachment CAP DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
668162 Results of 2B VC troubleshooting / Detector Replacement 9/5/2007
669671 Unit 1 Main Steam Line High Rad Alarms 9/10/2007
670651 B VC/VE Netdaq Bad Readings 9/12/2007
716315 'A' VC RAD monitors A and B Step Change 12/28/2007
717023 Refuel Floor Hi Range Rad Monitor Downscale Alarm 1/1/2008
717628 Off Gas Bldg Charcoal Valve Aisle Arm Oscillating Indication 1/3/2008
724616 Refuel Floor Hi Range Arm Downscale Alarm 1/19/2008
731386 RB High Rad Alarm 2/4/2008
745578 Radwaste Arm Down Scale Alarm 3/6/2008
751109 Modification would Result in Three Wires at One Term Point 3/18/2008
758944 Bearing Degradation Identified on 0VC01CA 4/3/2008
759978 Area Rad Recorder 2D21-R600C 4/7/2008
841704 Received Downscale Alarm 11/7/2008
2524 Area Rad Monitor Causing Spurious RW control Room Alarms 11/9/2008
846168 0D21-K601O Arm Downscale Alarm 11/17/2008
848374 Arm 1D21-K602E Hi and Downscale bypass Switches Malfunction 11/21/2008
850120 U-1 WS PRM Failed Source Check 11/27/2008
852431 Maintenance Rule Performance Criteria (A)(2) at Risk 12/4/2008
852431 Maintenance Rule Performance Criteria (A)(2) at Risk 12/4/2008
855242 1D18-K608 Replace WS PRM Indicator / Trip Unit 12/11/2008
859950 'C' VC Rad Monitor Failure 12/24/2008
860120 2A RHR WS PRM Indication Dropped After
LOS-PR-M2 12/26/2008
862290 "C" VC Rad Monitor Failed Downscale 1/2/2009
873216 Shaw - 2DG01P Bolting Issue 1/28/2009
874094 2A DG DWP WO Task Issue 1/30/2009
MISCELLANEOUS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
2008 Failure Report [Process Radiation Monitoring (PR)] 2008
Maintenance Rule Scoping (misc) [PR] 1/6/2009
Performance Criteria Report For PR 1/6/2009
Risk Significance Summary (misc) [PR] 1/6/2009
WORK DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
WO 1100429 2A DG Cooling Water Pump Inservice Test 4/29/2008
WO 1131013 2A DG Cooling Water Pump Inservice Test 7/29/2008
WO 1156762 2A DG Cooling Water Pump Inservice Test 10/28/2008
WO 1181966 2A DG Cooling Water Pump Inservice Test 1/13/2009
WO 848444 OP 2DG01P 2A DG Cooling Water Pump Inboard Bearing 4/30/2007
WO 945317 OP 2DG01P 2A DG Cooling Water Pump Outboard Bearing 4/30/2007
1R13 Maintenance Risk Assessments and Emergent Work Control PROCEDURES Number Description or Title Date or Revision
LFP-100-1 Master Refuel Procedure Rev. 46
LOA-FH-001 Irradiated Fuel Assembly Damage Rev. 2
CAP DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
672407 1A DG Lube Oil Cooler Gasket Oil Leak on Cooling Water Inlet 9/17/2007
719194 Door Alarm Not Working 1/8/2008
814742 Security- Door 494 Will Not Throw Strike 9/6/2008
2750 Unit 2 RFB Mast -Braided Wire Load Cable 1 of 2 Failed 1/28/2009
WORK DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
Operations Log Entries 1/28/2009
Operations Log Entries 3/16-17/2009
Protected Equipment List 2/19/2009
WO 652137 MM Disassemble, Inspect Heat Exchanger 4/14/2008
Attachment DRAWINGS Number Description or Title Date or RevisionB-39968-3/ 22127-1 General Arrangement:
DLW Transfer System Rev. E D-01677101-C Cable, Assy:
Main Hoist Rev. 4
1R15 Operability Evaluations
PROCEDURES Number Description or Title Date or RevisionLLP-2009-02 Special Procedure:
Filling RCIC Downstream of 2E51-F013 Valve Rev. 0
LOP-RH-01 Filling and Venting the RHR System Rev. 40
LOP-SC-05 Changing Sodium Penaborate Concentration in SBLC Solution Tank Rev. 20
LOR-2H13-P601 -C509 Reactor Vessel Head Flange O-Ring Seal Leaking Rev. 1
LOS-AA-S101 Unit 1 Shiftly Surveillance Rev. 54
LOS-RI-M1 Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System Inservice Test in Modes 1, 2, & 3 Rev. 15
CAP DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
798176 NRC
GL 2008-01 Gas Intrusion Field Activities (1E22-F026) 7/18/2008
798178 NRC
GL 2008-01 Gas Intrusion Field Activities (2E22-F026) 7/18/2008
798182 NRC
GL 2008-01 Gas Intrusion Field Activities (1E12-F340) 7/18/2008
798184 NRC
GL 2008-01 Gas Intrusion Field Activities (2E12-F340) 7/18/2008
798186 NRC
GL 2008-01 Gas Intrusion Field Activities (1E12-F053A) 7/18/2008
798198 NRC
GL 2008-01 Gas Intrusion Field Activities (2E12-F053A) 7/18/2008
811220 NRC
GL 2008-01 Tech Evals -Fleet Wide Gaps 8/26/2008
813453 Need Confirmatory UT of Unit 1 HPCS System High Point 9/3/2008
816204 Air Pocket Detected in High Point of HPCS System Piping 9/10/2008
864756 Preoutage Snubber Failure:
Snubber 2RH53-2848S 1/9/2009
864756 Preoutage Snubber Failure:
Snubber 2RH53-2848S 1/9/2009
867935 Snubber 2RH53-2816S Failed Functional Test 1/16/2009
Attachment CAP DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
869857 L1C13 PPLX Core Monitoring System Vulnerability 1/22/2009
873316 Small Air Void Identified by UT in a RHR SDC Piping 1/29/2009
876100 2E31-NO34 RX Vessel Flange Leak Detector Tubing Plugged 2/4/2009
876414 U-1 SBLC % Sodium Pentaborate and SBLC Tank Level 2/5/2009
882880 High Fuel Liftoff (Oxide & Crud) Measured on LS AREVA Fuel 2/19/2009
891474 2E51-F065 RCIC INJ Outboard test.
Chk; 6 DPM leak from stem 3/16/2009
893704 RCIC Pipe believed to not be Completely Filled with Water 3/16/2009
WORK DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
WO 1010301 IM 2E31-No34 Drain / Blow Out RX VSL Head Flange Instr for RXS 5/16/2008
Outage Control Center Log (Nights) 2/5/2009
OPERABILITY EVALUATIONS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
EC 37316, Rev 0; Evaluation of RHR Snubber Failure 2RH53-2816S & 2RH53-2848S Rev. 10
EC 335 884 Evaluation of Amount of Water Drainage from the HPCS Piping in Event of Power Loss
EC 374170 Evaluate Degraded / Plugged Line from Reactor vessel O-Ring Leak Off Monitoring System Rev. 0 OE08-003 HPCS System (HP/E22):
Description of degradation or nonconforming condition of SSCs Rev. 0
OE 09-001 RCIC packing leak on injection outboard check valve (IR 891474) Rev. 0
OE 00-001 Operability Determination:
RCIC pump injection valve leak Rev. 5
TECHNICAL EVALUATIONS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
EC 371494 Potential for Trapped Air in the HPCS System Rev. 9
EC 371495 Potential for Trapped Air in the LPCS Systems Rev. 9
EC 371496 Potential for Trapped Air in the RHR "A" System Rev. 9
Attachment TECHNICAL EVALUATIONS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
EC 371497 Potential for Trapped Air in the RHR "B" System Rev. 9
EC 371498 Potential for Trapped Air in the RHR "C" System Rev. 9
EC 371571 Potential for Trapped Air in Portions of RHR "A" & "B" Systems Rev. 9
EC 374170 Evaluate Degraded / Plugged Line from Reactor Vessel O-Ring Leak Off Monitoring System Rev. 0
MISCELLANEOUS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
ER-AA-335-007 Ultrasonic Water Solid Sedimentation Calibration Sheet 2/9/2009
IR 869141 Apparent Cause Evaluation:
U2 RPV Head Lift Stopped due to High Weight Indication (LS-AA-125-1003) 2/26/2009
LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 13 Core Operating Limits Report Rev. 0
IR 869141 Equipment Prompt Investigation Report:
U2 RPV Head Lift Stopped due to High Weight Indication
Rev. 13
LSCS-UFSAR In-place Annealing of the Reactor Vessel is Unnecessary Rev. 13
LSCS-UFSAR Safety/Relief Valve Leak Detection Rev. 15
DRAWINGS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
ISI-RH-1002 Inservice Inspection Isometric RHR System Rev. A
ISI-RH-1005 Inservice Inspection Isometric RHR System Rev. A
ISI-RH-1006 Inservice Inspection Isometric RHR System Rev. A M-142 P & ID Residual Heat Removal System Rev. AZ
M-147 P & ID Reactor Core Isolation Coolant System (RCIC) Rev. AL
5660-06 Sargent & Lundy Contractor Construction Approval Drawing :
6"-900" Tilt Disc Check Valve Pressure Seal, Butt Weld Ends, Exercisable from Closed Position 5/1/1977
Attachment 1R18 Plant Modifications CAP DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
607716 Declared U2 BPV #1 Inop Due to an EHC Leak 3/22/2007
761886 1A RR RVDT Error 4/11/2008
766354 LVDT For a RR FCV Not Responding Properly to Valve Motion 4/22/2008
785900 1A RR FCV RVDT Failure 6/12/2008
786131 1A RVDT Failure Alarm Reflashed 6/13/2008
787897 Unit 1A RR FCV Drifting Closed Following Bump Closed 6/19/2008
791320 Results of Des Eng Review of RVDT Troubleshooting Plan 6/27/2008
870486 Additional Coordination Problems for RCMS Circuits 1/23/2009
870672 U2 RCMS Issue 1/23/2009
870679 RCMS Issue with LPRM Indication 1/23/2009
870963 Annunciator Tile Inputs Swapped During RCMS Installation 1/23/2009
871406 Control rod 58-31 Lost Position Indication 1/25/2009
871608 Rod Block Monitor A Inconsistency 1/26/2009
871608 Rod Block Monitor A Inconsistency 1/26/2009
871641 42-03 Shows XX for Position 1/26/2009
871735 Plant Process Computer Not Showing Correct Rod Position 1/26/2009
871740 Low Power Setpoint and Alarm on PPC Labeled Wrong 1/26/2009
871778 22-55 RPIS Issue 1/26/2009
CRD 06-27 RPIS Issue 1/26/2009
CRD 38-03 RPIS Issue 1/26/2009
874133 Trolley Joystick malfunctions on Unit 2 Refueling Bridge
874564 RCMS Controller Minor Software Error Identified 1/31/2009
874670 U2 RFB Main Grapple Redundant Z-Axis Encoder Failure 2/1/2009
874773 Joy Stick Failure for Up and Down of Mast 2/1/2009
874787 L2R12 LL Refuel Bridge MAST Loss of Power 2/1/2009
874872 Refuel Bridge Issue 2/2/2009
875342 Control Rod 10-19 Missing Position 02,12,22,32, and 42 2/3/2009
875566 Control Rod Missing Multiple Positions 2/3/2009
875572 Control Rod 38-19 Missing Multiple Positions 2/3/2009
875728 Control Rod 10-31 Missing Multiple Positions 2/3/2009
875730 Control Rod 06-35 Missing FI Indication 2/3/2009
875737 Control Rod 14-27 Missing Multiple Positions 2/3/2009
Attachment CAP DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
875851 Rod 58-31 Exhibited Two Odd Notches between 14 and 16 2/4/2009
875885 RCMS Scram Time Test Signal 2/4/2009
876559 PPC Issues with RCMS Testing 2/5/2009
876617 RCMS Rod Withdraw Issue During Post Installation testing 2/5/2009
876617 RCMS Rod Withdraw Issue During Post Installation Testing 2/5/2009
878000 RCMS Trouble/Test Alarm 2/8/2009
DRAWINGS Number Description or Title Date or Revision UFSAR G.5.2-1 Configuration of the RRFC System Rev. 15 UFSAR G.5.2-2 Valve Actuator Hydraulic Power Unit Rev. 0
WORK DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
EC 365184 Modify Unit 2 Main Turbine Bypass Valve #1 Position Alarm Logic 4/24/2007
EC 371362 Bypassing the Reactor Recirc Flow Control Valve LVDT to RVDT Mismatch Alarm.
The RVDT Signal has Degraded. 10/3/2008
LST-2005-027 Work Verifications / GANG Sequences 1/26/2009 TCCP
337725 Bypass the Reactor Recirc Flow Control Valve RVDT Mismatch Alarm Rev. 0
WO 1113726 IM 1B33-N452A Replace RVDT on 1A RR FCV 3/12/2008
MISCELLANEOUS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
LSCS-UFSAR Feedwater Control System Instrumentation and Controls Rev. 15
LSCS-UFSAR Recirculation Flow Control System Instrumentation Rev. 15
Attachment 1R19 Post-Maintenance Testing CAP DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
839987 Review IR Database for Seasonal Pattern 12/31/2008
872155 FME Found in Main Steam Piping During SRV Flange Inspection 1/26/2009
874844 "A" RR FCV Servo Not Responding Properly 2/2/2009
876280 2A FCV Actuator Stroke Length Shorter Than Proc. Allowable 2/4/2009
891599 New WRGM Pump from Stores Failed to Produce Rated Pressure 3/11/2009
PROCEDURES Number Description or Title Date or Revision
LIS-PR-055 Standby Gas Treatment System Wide Range Gas Monitor Functional Test Rev. 25
LIS-RR-210A Unit 2 Recirculation HPU Loop A Control and 2B33-F060A Limit Switch Calibration Rev. 5
LOP-VP-02 Startup, Operation and Shutdown of Primary Containment Chilled Water and Ventilation System Rev. 33
LTS-300-2 Drywell Personnel Air Lock Local Leak Rate Test Rev. 15
WORK DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
WO 1058185 ES Integrated Division 1 ECCS Response Time Pumps and Diesel 1/24/2009
WO 1058266 Unit 2 Main Steam Safety Relief Valve Operability Test 1/30/2009
WO 1063570 DW Personnel Air Lock LLRT (Barrel) 11/26/2008
Attachment 1R20 Outage Activities
PROCEDURES Number Description or Title Date or Revision
LGP-2-1 Normal Unit Shutdown Rev. 79
CAP DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
868501 Control Rod 34-59 Took 20 Minutes to Insert 1/19/2009
868668 Contamination of Three Boilermakers 1/19/2009
868704 Elevated Dose Rates Identified during L2R12 1/19/2009
868736 RX Cavity Workers Receive Dose Rate Alarms 1/20/2009
868768 Unit 2 Plant Process Computer Shut Down 1/20/2009
868773 Operators Observed Oil Pouring Out of Motor on Start 1/20/2009
869001 Packing Leak on 2B21-F022D MSIV 1/20/2009
869141 U2 RPV Head Lift Stopped Due to High Weight Indication 1/20/2009
869235 Control Rod Settle Issues during L2C12 S/D 1/20/2009
869856 Alarm Panel S-Switch Inadvertently Bumped Off 1/22/2009
869857 L1C13 PPLX Core monitoring System Vulnerability 1/22/2009
869942 Lesson Learned: Refuel Bridge Delays Fuel Movement 1/22/2009
869948 Single Blade Guides will not Grapple with U2 RFB 1/22/2009
870368 2B21-F032A Check Valve Fails LLRT 1/22/2009
870634 Security-Declared Contraband at Security Checkpoint 1/23/2009
871310 Slight Increase in Cobalt 60 Observed in a Chemistry Sample 1/24/2009
871319 Low DIV 1 SWGR Temps Entered
LOA-VX-201 1/24/2009
871353 Sipping Results Indicate Fuel Leaker 1/25/2009
871560 Unit Crane #1 has Inadvertently Dropped the Load Three Feet 1/25/2009
871632 Jet Pump 15 main Wedge Wear
INR 09-07 1/26/2009
871998 Deformation on Vessel guide Rod at 180 degrees;
INR 09-11 1/26/2009
872347 FME Removed During Suppression Pool Inspection 1/27/2009
872457 U-2 RCIC Trip and Throttle Valve Failed to Trip 1/27/2009
2660 Small Air Void Identified by UT Exam in 2A LPCI Piping 1/27/2009
872750 U2 RFB Mast - Braided Wire Load Cable 1 of 2 Failed 1/28/2009
872798 2A VP Chiller Trips on High Motor Temp. 1/28/2009
Attachment CAP DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
872887 As Left Leakrate of 2VQ026 Exceeds Warning Limit 15 SCFH 1/28/2009
874244 Shaw - Lost Ed in DW 1/30/2009
874413 Increased Exposure Observed after Shielding Installed 1/30/2009
874657 Shaw - Sea Van Slides off of Truck Backing into Refuel Pad 2/1/2009
874803 Contaminated Flashlight Found in MAF 2/1/2009
875318 Cracks Found in Body of Valve 2/3/2009
875366 Floor Drain in Bullpen Reading 2 Rem/Hr 2/3/2009
875502 Shaw - 4 PCE's on Refuel Floor 2/3/2009
875829 Knurled Knob for Garden Sprayer Missing in RX Cavity 2/4/2009
875841 2RE08 Overflow in 673 RCIC Room 2/4/2009
875842 L2R12 - FME Identified in Dryer Sep Pit and Cavity Wall 2/4/2009
875845 IRM "A" Spiked Full Scale Causing a Half Scram 2/4/2009
875852 Found 2RE013A Stuck Open 2/4/2009
876412 2H IRM Spiked Causing Half Scram 2/5/2009
878001 Minor Issues from U-2 Drywell Closeout with NRC 2/8/2009
878589 Coordination Issue between Turbine Roll and Switching 2/10/2009
DRAWINGS Number Description or Title Date or Revision BIF DWG 8-236275 Reactor Water Cleanup System Rev. A
ISI-RT-2001 Inservice Inspection Isometric Reactor Water Clean-up System Rev. A J-2961 Universal Venturi Tube Rev. B M-143 P & ID Reactor Water Clean-Up Rev. AK
MISCELLANEOUS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
L2R12 Scope deletion/deferral list (since start of L2R12) 1/27/2009
Shutdown Load Profile
IR 868704 Equipment Issue Report: Dose Rates in Containment higher than Expected 1/21/2009
Attachment MISCELLANEOUS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
IR 868768 Equipment Issue Report: Unexpected Shutdown of Unit 2 PPC 1/20/2009
IR 869837 Human Performance Issue: Error in L1C13 POWERPLEX-III input deck. Rev. 13
OU-LA-104 Shutdown Safety Management Program Rev. 11
1R22 Surveillance Testing PROCEDURES Number Description or Title Date or Revision
LES-DC-103A Division 1 Battery Charger Capacity Test Rev. 17
LOS-DG-M3 1B (2B) Diesel Generator Operability Test Rev. 69
LOS-HP-Q1 HPCS System Inservice Test Rev. 60
LOS-NB-R2 Unit 2 Reactor Vessel Leakage Test Rev. 03
LOS-RI-M1 Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System Inservice Test in Modes 1, 2, & 3 Rev. 15
LOS-RI-Q5 Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) System Pump Operability, Valve Inservice Tests in Modes
1,2,3 and Cold Quick Start Rev. 30
LOS-RI-R3 Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System Pump Operability Test Rev. 32
LTS-100-35 RHR Shutdown Cooling Suction Isolation Valves Local Leak Rate Test Rev. 16
LTS-300-4 Primary Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test Rev. 26
CAP DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
872843 Leakage Past 2G33-F101 Prevents LLRT of Isolation Valves 1/28/2009
872887 As Left Leakrate of 2VQ026 Exceeds Warning Limit 15 SCFH 1/28/2009
874088 2E51-F028/69 Fails PMT LLRT 1/30/2009
874363 2G33-F004 Exceeds LLRT Warning Limit 1/30/2009
875874 2C Outboard MSIV Packing Leak 2/4/2009
875875 Packing Leaking Steady Stream of Water 2/4/2009
HCU-D5027-107 Leak 2/5/2009
HCU 10-23 107 VLV Solid Stream 2/5/2009
HCU 38-51-107 1 DPS Leak 2/5/2009
LOS-NR-R2 2E31-N013-LLD Leaks 2 Drops per Minute 2/5/2009
Attachment CAP DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
HCU 42-03 107 Valve Leak 30 DPM 2/5/2009
HCU 14-19 107 Valve Seat Leakage 1 Drop/Sec 2/5/2009
HCU 38-27 107 Valve Leak 2 DPM 2/5/2009
HCU 42-35 107 Valve 1 DPM Leak 2/5/2009
876830 Dilution Trash Rake Cable Disconnected from Rail 2/5/2009
876859 2B33-F023B has Moisture Noted at Packing During Hydro 2/5/2009
876860 CRD Flange Leakage Identified During L2R12 Vessel Leak Test 2/5/2009
876868 CRD Flange Leakage Identified During L2R12 Vessel Leak Test 2/5/2009
876876 CRD Flange Leakage Identified During L2R12 Vessel Leak Test 2/5/2009
876908 Flange Leakage noted During Hydro at LPRM, Core Location 16 2/5/2009
876921 Flange Leakage Noted During Hydro at LPRM, Map Location 12 2/5/2009
876929 Flange Leakage Noted During Hydro at LPRM, Map Location 33 2/5/2009
876934 Flange Leakage Noted During Hydro at LPRM, Map Location 61 2/5/2009
876991 Packing Leakage Detected During System Leakage Test 2/5/2009
876993 Valve Packing Leak 2/5/2009
WORK DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
LOS-HP-Q1 Tech Spec Surveillance Unit 1 HPCS Pump Run, Att. 1A 1/9/2009
WO 1051264 Inspect Div 1 125 Volt battery Charger 11/11/20008
WO 1051593 U-2 Div 1 125 VDC Battery Charger Capacity Test 11/11/2008
WO 1126100 LLRT, 2E12-F009 11/7/2008
WO 1181276
LOS-RI-Q5 U1 RCIC Cold-Quick Start 1/13/2009
Attachment MISCELLANEOUS Number Description or Title Date or Revision Fig. RCS P/T Limits 3.4.11-4 P-T Curves for Hydrostatic or Leak Testing up to 20 EFPY
LOS-NB-R2 Visual Inspection Location Record: Leakage and Abnormalities Inspection 6/9/2008
1EP2 Alert and Notification (ANS) Evaluation CAP DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
564530 LaSalle Alert and Notification System Reached a 25 Percent Outage 12/2/2006
806699 Midwest Siren Outage 8/13/2008
858894 Loss of 13 of 50 EP Sirens 12/20/2008
860464 LaSalle Alert Notification System Reached an Outage Greater than 25 Percent 12/27/2008
MISCELLANEOUS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
Design Report Updated, Upgraded Public Alert and Notification System (ANS), LaSalle Nuclear Power Plant (LNPP), Final 10/31/2008
LaSalle Monthly Siren Availability Report (Telemetry) 1/2008 - 12/2008
LaSalle Monthly Siren Availability Report (Telemetry) 1/2007 - 12/2007
LaSalle Off-Site Siren Test Plan 12/2008
LaSalle Plant, Warning System Maintenance and Operational Report 1/9/2007 - 3/1/2007
LaSalle Plant, Warning System Maintenance and Operational Report 12/17/2007 - 1/25/2008 LaSalle Siren Daily Operability Reports 1/2008 - 12/2008
LaSalle Siren Daily Operability Reports 1/2007 - 12/2007
1EP3 Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Augmentation Testing CAP DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
619412 NOS ID:
RP Issue with EP Storage Locker at St. Mary Hospital 4/19/2007
647665 FASA Identified Weakness - EP Vulnerability - RPTS 7/6/2007
796802 EP Call-In Drill Duty Team Members Did Not Respond 7/15/2008
856846 EP FASA
843943 - Deficiency in Staffing Response Time 12/16/2008
856855 EP FASA
843943 - Deficiency in Augmentation Drills Time/Day 12/16/2008
MISCELLANEOUS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
ERO Augmentation Memo, Call-In Augmentation Drill Results, Site and Corporate 7/2007 - 12/2008
Exelon Nuclear Corporate Emergency Preparedness, Radiation Emergency Response, St. Mary's Hospital, Streator, IL Radiation Emergency Response, Fire Department/EMS/Hospital Training 3/3/2005
LaSalle Station ERO Roster 1/9/2009
Letters of Agreement between Exelon and Off-Site Medical and Fire Agencies 2008
EP-AA-1000 Exelon Nuclear Standardized Radiological Emergency Plan Rev. 19
Exelon Nuclear Standardized Radiological Emergency Plan, Table B-1:
Minimum Staffing Requirements for the Exelon ERO Rev. 19
TQ-AA-113 ERO Training and Qualification Rev. 12
1EP5 Correction of Emergency Preparedness Weaknesses and Deficiencies CAP DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
619217 NOS ID EP Corrective Action Narrowly Focused 4/19/2007
660465 FASA Results:
Maintenance Schedule Adherence 8/14/2007
2329 Off-Year EP Exercise - Unsatisfactory TSC Demo Criteria 9/17/2007
Attachment CAP DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
672939 Off-Year Exercise - Unsatisfactory OSC Demo Criteria 9/19/2007
718948 01/07/08 High Temperature Reading of 84 Degrees in the TSC 1/7/2008
725732 TSC Room Temp HI Alarm 1/23/2008
749602 Control Room Habitability Review of
NEI 99-03 Reveals Deltas 3/14/2008
752376 EP PI - November 2007 Correction to Participation Data 3/20/2008
752398 EP PI - July 2007 Correction to DEP Data 3/20/2008
752478 EP Pre-Exercise DEP Failure to Classify in a Timely Manner 3/20/2008
755103 EP Pre-Exercise Facility Objective J.1 Failure - TSC 3/26/2008
758605 EP Pre-Exercise Simulator Demonstration Criteria Failure 4/3/2008
764322 NOS Identified Obsolete PING Running in Old OSC 4/17/2008
764375 NOS ID:
Unresolved TSC HVAC Issues 4/17/2008
765070 NOS ID:
EP 1Q08 Performance Rated as Yellow 4/18/2008
767316 EP Procedures and Expectations Are Not Fully Aligned 4/24/2008
780438 Training - Failed DEP during 08-3 OBE 5/29/2008
815733 NOS Identified Issue Regarding EP Equipment Status 9/9/2008
822349 TSC PING Fails Source Check 9/25/2008
839684 EP NRC DEP PI Value Incorrect for 3rd Quarter 2008 11/3/2008
856865 EP FASA
843943 - Deficiency in ERO Participation 12/16/2008
865133 TSC Room HI Temp Alarm 1/10/2009
881701 EP NRC Concerns with Detection Limits Associated with Radioiodines and Thyroid Dose Assessment 2/17/2009
PROCEDURES Number Description or Title Date or Revision
EP-AA-112-500- F-01
Field Monitoring Team Checklist
Rev. D
Personnel Protective Actions, Attachment 4
Rev. 4
EP-AA-113 Personnel Protective Actions
Rev. 9
EP-MW-110-200 Dose Assessment
Rev. 5
EP-MW-123- 1002 Dose Assessment and Protective Action Recommendation (DAPAR) Program Technical Basis
Rev. 3
Attachment PROCEDURES Number Description or Title Date or Revision
LS-AA-126-1001 FASA Self-Assessment Report, Emergency Preparedness, NRC EP Exercise Inspection Readiness, #
707324, Attachment 2
LS-AA-126-1005 Check-In Self-Assessment Report, Emergency Preparedness, 2009 NRC Baseline Program Inspection, #
843943, Attachment 2
MISCELLANEOUS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
Emergency Preparedness Audit
NOSA-LAS-07-04, AR#
576578, LaSalle Station
4/16 - 4/20/2007
Emergency Preparedness Audit
NOSA-LAS-08-03, AR#
713024, LaSalle County Station
4/14 - 4/18/2008
GPU Nuclear
Memorandum, Subject: Evaluation of the Front Loaded Iodine Cartridge Using Various Survey Equipment 5/12/1988
NOS Objective Evidence Report, 2007 Emergency Preparedness Audit, Offsite Agency Interface, AR #
NOS Objective Evidence Report, 2008 Emergency Preparedness Audit, Offsite Agency Interface, AR#
4/14 - 4/18/2008
Root Cause Investigation Report, Untimely Emergency (EP) Event Classification Due to Inconsistent Use of the EAL Basis, #
752478 3/19/2008
2OS1 Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas
CAP DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
832223 Radioactive Material Container Not Posted 10/13/2008
854228 NOS Identified: Radiological Posting and Boundary Issues 12/9/2008
835637 High Rad Rounds Not Proactive Enough 10/24/2009
836939 NOS Identified: Clean Island Missing Radiological Postings 10/28/2008
856456 Chemistry Personnel Contamination During Sampling 12/15/2009
868654 Issues Identified by Radiation Protection Behavior Correction Specialist 1/19/2009
868668 Contamination of Three Boilermakers in Reactor 1/19/2009
Attachment CAP DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision Cavity
867955 L2R12 Scaffold Issues Preventing Locked High Radiation Controls 1/16/2009
868736 Reactor Cavity Workers Receive Dost Rate Alarms 1/19/2009
868742 NOS Identified Individuals Bypassed Greeters 1/19/2009
869144 Dose Rate Alarm in RHR Corner Room 1/20/2009
869175 Standards Team - Radiation Protection Posting Issue 1/20/2009
869227 Luse Worker Contamination Events 1/20/2009
869786 Shaw Insulator Dose Rate Alarm in Drywell 1/21/2009
870346 Standards Team Identifies Radiation Worker Practice Issues 1/22/2009
870926 Master-Lee Individual Received Contamination 1/23/2009
872082 L2R12 Reactor Building Dose Rate Alarm 1/26/2009
2094 Shaw - Two Carpenters Received Dose Rate Alarms in Drywell 1/26/2009
873922 Personnel Contamination - Shaw Laborer Contaminated in Clean Area 1/30/2009
874803 Contaminated Flashlight Found in Main Access Facility 2/1/2009
875366 Floor Drain in Bullpen Reading 2 Rem per Hour 2/3/2009
875502 Shaw - Four Personnel Contaminations on the Refuel Floor 2/3/2009
832223 Radioactive Material Container Not Posted 10/13/2008
RADIATION WORK PERMITS REVIEWED Number Description or Title Date or Revision
10009379 L2R12 RT Suction Flow Orifice Weld In-Service Inspection Rev. 0
10009393 Drywell Reactor Recirculation Motor Activities Rev. 1
10009413 L2E12 Refuel Floor IVVI Activities Rev. 0
Attachment 2OS2 ALARA Planning and Controls CAP DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
869666 Higher Dose Rates Found in the Suppression Pool L2R12
873749 Extra Dose Moving Control Rod Drive Boxes to the Refuel Floor
874413 Increased Exposure Observed After Shielding Installed
PROCEDURES Number Description or Title Date or Revision
MA-AA-716-017 Equipment Readiness and Reliability Revision 1
OU-AA-101-1007 Outage Scope Control Revision 5
RP-AA-401 Operational ALARA Planning and Controls Revision 9
WC-AA-101-1002 On Line Scheduling Process Revision 8
MISCELLANEOUS Number Description or Title Date or Revision Assignment Number
804909-08 Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas and ALARA Planning and Controls Self-Assessment Report 11/6/2008
RADIATION WORK PERMITS REVIEWED Number Description or Title Date or Revision
10009369 ALARA Work-In-Progress Review: L2R12 Dry Well General Electric In-Service Inspection 1/23/2009
ALARA Plan: L2R12 Dry Well RT Suction Flow Orifice In-Service Inspection of Welds
Rev. 0
10009381 ALARA Plan: L2R12 Dry Well Safety Relief Valve Activities Rev. 0
10009386 ALARA Plan: L2R12 Dry Well Scaffolding Rev. 0
10009395 ALARA Plan: L2R12 Control Rod Drive Pull/Put Activities Rev. 0
10009412 ALARA Plan: L2R12 Reactor Vessel Disassembly/Reassembly Rev. 0
Attachment 2PS1 Radioactive Gaseous And Liquid Effluent Treatment And Monitoring Systems PROCEDURES Number Description or Title Date or Revision
CY-LA-170-000 Radioactive Effluent and Environmental Monitoring Programs
Rev. 3
CY-LA-0100 Personnel Familiarization Guide for REMP, MET, RGPP and REC Programs
Rev. 2
CY-LA-170-200 Radioactive Effluent Controls Program
Rev. 1
CY-AA-170-310 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Administration
Rev. 2
CY-LA-170-1100 Quality Assurance for Radiolo0gical Monitoring Programs
Rev. 1
CY-LA-170-2000 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Rev. 2
CY-LA-170-2100 Estimated Errors of Effluent Measurements
Rev. 0
CY-AA-170-3100 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Revisions
Rev. 3
CY-LA-170-4160 Radioactive Groundwater Protective Program Scheduling and Notification
Rev. 1
LOP-WX-32 Interim Radioactive Storage Facility General Use Procedure
Rev. 10
LRP-5820-30 Wide Range Gas Monitor Low Range Detector Calibration
Rev. 6
LRP-5820-30 Wide Range Gas Monitor Low Range Detector Calibration
Rev. 7
LRP-5820-31 Wide Range Gas Monitor Mid/ High Range Detector Calibration
Rev. 9
LRP-5820-31 Wide Range Gas Monitor Mid/ High Range Detector Calibration
Rev. 10
LRP-5820-33 Station Vent Stack and Standby Gas Treatment Stack Wide Range Gas Monitor Effluent Release Alarm and Trip Set-Points
Rev. 2
LRP-5820-34 Off-Gas Post Treatment Monitor Alarm and Trip Set-Points
Rev. 10
LS-AA-1120 Industry Groundwater Protection Initiative Voluntary Communication
Rev. 10
RP-AA-228 10
CFR 75(g) and 10
CFR 72.20 Documentation Requirements
Rev. 0
LCP-810-30 Gamma Spectrometer Systems Calibration
Rev. 5
CAP DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
606826 Off-Gas Pre-Treat Sample Trouble Alarm Received in the Main Control Room 3/21/2007
627381 Potentially Degraded Barrels Identified 5/9/2007
Attachment CAP DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
641290 Declared Unit-1 WS Process Radiation Monitor Inoperable 6/17/2007
651040 Step Change in WS Radiation Monitor 7/18/2007
654533 Found Evidence of Oil Intrusion Inside the Stack Wide Range Gas Monitor Skid 7/27/2007
668677 Service Water Process Radiation Monitor Has No Flow 9/6/2007
707332-02 Radiological Groundwater Protection Program (Tritium Management) Focused Area Self-Assessment 12/16/2008
NOSA-LAS-08-04 Chemistry, Radwaste, Effluent and Environmental Monitoring Audit Report 4/2/2008
782742 Actions Needed to Address Source Detector Orientation 6/4/2008
792943 Unexpected Control Room Alarm: WS Effluent Radiation High 7/2/2008
821548 Unplanned Entry ODCM REC/TRM Action Statements - SVS Wide Range Gas Monitor 9/24/2008
839987 SVS Wide Range Gas Monitor Was Found Non-Isokinetic 11/4/2008
843954 Transition of Radiation Protection Setpoint Determination Procedures 11/12/2008
885878 Nuclear Oversight Identified Chemistry Focused Area Self-Assessment Issues 2/26/2009
WORK ORDERS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
WO 881152 Stand-by Gas Treatment System Wide Range Gas Monitor Calibration 6/27/2007
WO 889083 Station Vent Monitor Stack Wide Range Gas Monitor
WO 996431 Stand-by Gas Treatment System Flow Rate Monitor Calibration
WO 998337 Main Stack Effluent and Sampler Flow Calibration
WO 1170747 Stand-by Gas Treatment System Wide Range Gas Monitor Calibration
WO 1180721 Station Vent Monitor Stack Wide Range Gas Monitor
MISCELLANEOUS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
LaSalle County Station Update Final Safety Analysis Section 11 Rev. 13
Attachment 4OA1 Performance Indicator Verification PROCEDURES Number Description or Title Date or Revision
LS-AA-2010 Monthly Data Elements for NRC/WANO for Unit/Reactor Shutdown Occurrences July - December, 2008
LS-AA-2030 Monthly Data Elements for NRC for Unplanned Power Changes per 7000 Critical Hours July - December, 2008
MISCELLANEOUS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
Performance Indicator Data for Unplanned Scrams per 7000 Critical Hours July - December, 2008
Performance Indicator Data for Unplanned Power Changes per 7000 Critical Hours July - December, 2008
Performance Indicator Data for Unplanned Power Fluctuations July - December, 2008
4OA2 Identification and Resolution of Problems PROCEDURES Number Description or Title Date or Revision
LIS-PC-207B Unit 2 Post Accident Containment Hydrogen and Oxygen Monitoring System Panel 2PL77J (Div 2) Calibration and Gas Bottle Replacement Rev. 8
LS-AA-2110 Monthly Data Elements for NRC Emergency Response Organization Drill Participation, Attachment 1 4/2008 - 9/2008
LS-AA-2120 Monthly Data Elements for NRC Drill/Exercise Performance, Attachment 1 4/2008 - 9/2008
LS-AA-2130 Monthly PI Elements for NRC Alert and Notification System Reliability, Attachment 1 4/2008 - 9/2008
LOS-SC-R1 Unit 2 SBLC Injection Test Rev. 28
CAP DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
868501 Control Rod 34-59 Took 20 minutes to Insert
869457 Approximately 2 GPM Water Leak from 2B21-F019 Packing during MSL Draining 1/21/2009
871870 LPRM 40-09A Upscale 1/26/2009
Attachment CAP DOCUMENTS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
872599 2B33-F345B Abnormal Indication When Opening 2/26/2009
874740 Division 2 Post LOCA Oxygen is Reading Low 2/1/2009
870124 Broken Connector on 2C41-F004B 1/22/2009
2457 U-2 RCIC trip and Throttle Valve Failed to Trip 1/27/2009
874114 L2R12 2B21-F032A Disc Rotation 1/30/2009
874417 L2R12 LL Safety Relief Valve (SRV) Testing 1/30/2009
868937 Duct Tape found on CRD Line in Drywell 1/20/2009
2155 FME Found in Main Steam Piping During SrV Flange Inspection 1/26/2009
AR 872457 System Engineering to assess for MRFF and/or CCF Clock issues 2/3/2009
874692 Bonnet Cap Screws on Valve Torqued Higher than Required 1/31/2009
873406 2IN035 Required Adjustment During
LOS-IN-R3 1/28/2009
872416 2B33-F344B Displayed Abnormal Indications in Open Direction 1/27/2009
874804 RF Pumpdown Functional Test Failed to Shutdown when Expected 2/1/2009
888664 Issues on Final Clear of 2FP136 3/3/2009
886819 2C CD/CB min Flow Failed Open, MCR Unexpected Alarm 2/28/2009
MISCELLANEOUS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
EP Memo, Designation of NRC DEP (Drill and Exercise Performance) Opportunities for LORT 07/06 - 08/06
OPERABILITY EVALUATIONS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
EC 373825 Evaluation of Lost Parts During L2R12 Rev. 0
EC 374122 Pressure Regulator 2IN035, Evaluation of Lower Regulated Pressure Rev. 0
WORK ORDERS Number Description or Title Date or Revision
1165382 Div II PA Containment 02 & H2 Mon Panel 2PL77J 11/11/2008
1191860 Div II PA Containment 02 & H2 Mon Panel 2PL77J 2/10/2009
Attachment 4OA5 Other Activities CAP DOCUMENTS GENERATED DURING INSPECTION Number Description or Title Date or Revision
872488 Spiking on SBGT WRGM Recorder (0D18-R519) Mid-High Range Pens 1/27/2009
874097 NRC Identified Exposed Cable in Drywell 1/30/2009
878001 Minor Issues from U2 Drywell Closeout with NRC 2/8/2009
873789 NRC Identified Sparks Leaving Weld Area in LPHB during L2R12 1/29/2009
876842 NRC ID 2E12-F090A has small packing leak 2/5/2009
876846 NRC ID 2E12-F090B has one drop/minute leak 2/5/2009
876850 NRC ID 2E51-F063 has a one drop/minute packing leak 2/5/2009
882312 NRC ID - Minor surface corrosion on 1B RHRWS Line 2/18/2009
889612 Scaffold stacked higher than the storage rack 3/6/2009
890575 NRC ID - 1PL76J "Power on" Light Burned Out 3/9/2009


USED [[]]
ADAMS Agencywide Document Access Management System
ALARA As-Low-As-Is-Reasonably-Achievable
ANS Alert and Notification System
ARM Area Radiation Monitor
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
CAP Corrective Action Program
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CRD Control Rod Drive
DC Direct Current DG Diesel Generator
DRP Division of Reactor Projects
DRS Division of Reactor Safety
ECCS Emergency Core Cooling System
ERO Emergency Response Organization
HCU Hydraulic Control Unit
HPCS High Pressure Core Spray IP Inspection Procedure
IR Issue Report
ISI Inservice Inspection
LLRT Local Leak Rate Testing
LOCA Loss of Coolant Accident
LO [[]]
OP Loss of Off-site Power
LPCI Low Pressure Coolant Injection
LPCS Low Pressure Core Spray
MRFF Maintenance Rule Functional Failure
MSIV Main Steam Isolation Valve MSL Mean Sea Level
NCV Non-Cited Violation
NDE Non Destructive Testing
NEI Nuclear Energy Institute
NRC [[]]
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
ODCM Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
OSP Outage Safety Plan
PARS Publicly Available Records
PI Performance Indicator
PI&R Problem Identification and Resolution PMT Post-Maintenance Testing
RCIC Reactor Core Isolation Cooling
RETS Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications
RFO Refueling Outage
RHR Residual Heat Removal
RPV Reactor Pressure Vessel
RWM Rod Worth Minimizer RWP Radiation Work Permit
SBLC Standby Liquid Control
SRV Safety Relief Valve
TS Technical Specification

UFSAR Updated Final Safety Analysis Report


UT Ultrasonic Testing
WO Work Order