IR 05000328/1988030
ML20154R144 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Sequoyah ![]() |
Issue date: | 09/30/1988 |
Shared Package | |
ML20154R147 | List: |
References | |
TAC-R00398, TAC-R00399, TAC-R398, TAC-R399, NUDOCS 8810040181 | |
Download: ML20154R144 (3) | |
September 30, 1988
Docket Nos. 50-327/328 Distribution
' Docket File MSimms
NRC PDR JRutberg Mr. S. Local POR FMiraolia Senior Vice President, Nuclear Power OSP Reading B. Grines Tennessee Valley Authority Projects Rdg.
EJordan 6tf 38A Lockout Place JPartlow ACPS(10)
1101 Markct Street SRichardson GPA/PA Cattannoga, Tennessee 37402-2801 SDLiaw GPA/CA FMcCoy SCN Pdg. File
Dear Mr. White:
By letter dated July 14, 19P8, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) submitted a Licensee Event Report (LER 50-328/88-030) on the shutdown margin in the cores for Sequoyah Units 1 and 2.
This LER apolies to Unit 1 core 4 and Unit 2 core 3.shich are the current cores for the units. Unit 1 is preparing to begin cycle 4 operation and Unit 2 is in cycle 3 operation.
The number assioned to the core for each unit is the cycle the unit is currently in or preparing to enter when the unit returns to power.
The staff conducted an inspection on this subject during July 11-14, 1988, reviev:ed the above LER and reviewed TVA's letter of August 31, 1988.
The staff concludes that the corpensatory measures put in place by TVA adequately address the effects of excessive cooldown on shutdown margins and that no unresolved safety issue exists.
Please note that this conclusion is limited to Unit 2 core 3 operation and to the restart of Unit 1 core 4 because TVA relies on operator action to compensate for known deficiencies in design or raintenance.
The compensatory measures are acceptable for the short-term.
TVA has stated that it will submit the details of its long-tern program by October 14, 1988.
This is acceptable.
Further review and approval by the staff will be necessary for the long-tern 9 after the upcomino operation of unit I core 4 and the restart of Unit Cycle 3 refueling outage.
The staff intends to evaluate your October 14, 198A submittal expediteously and will issue its evaluation in a separate letter.
This letter will address long-term creration of Unit 1 core 4 and the restart of Unit 2 from the Cycle 3 refuelino cutage.
Original signed by Suzanne Black, Assistant Director for Projects Office of Special Projects Fnclosure:
Safety Evaluation report cc w/ enclosure:
k ll A/FM OSP:
yAD/P ($
W next page o nes S G l a c i.
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September 30, 1988
v Docket Nos. 50-327/328 Distribution r
Docket File MSimms NRC POR JRutberg
Mr. S. Local PDR FMiraglia
Senior Vice President, Nuclear Power OSP Reading 8. Gritnes
Tennessee Valley Authority Projects Rdg.
6N 38A Lookout Place JPartlow ACRS(10)
1101 Market Street SRichardson GPA/PA
Cattanooga, Tennessee 37402-2801 BDLiaw GPA/CA i
j FMcCoy SQN Rdg. File
Dear Mr. White:
By letter dated July 14, 1988, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) submitted a Licensee Event Report (LER 50-32a/88-030) on the shutdown margin in the cores
for Sequoyah Units 1 and 2.
This LER applies to Unit 1 core 4 and Unit 2
core 3 which are the current cores for the units.
Unit 1 is preparing to begin i
cycle 4 operation and Unit 2 is in cycle 3 operation. The nurr.ber assigned to
the core for each unit is the cycle the unit is currently in or preparing to
enter when the unit returns to power.
The staff conducted an inspection on this subject during July 11-14, 1988,
reviewed the above LER and reviewed TVA's letter of August 31, 1988.
staff cor.cludes that the compensatory measures put in place by TVA adequately
address the effects of escetsive cooldown on shutdown margins and that i
no unresolved safety issue exists.
Please note that this conclusion
15 limited to Unit 2 core 3 operation and to the restart of Unit 1 core 4 because TVA relies on operator action to compensate for known deficiencies in design or maintenance.
The compensatory measures are acceptable for
the short-term.
TVA has stated that it will submit the details of its long-tem program by October 14, 1988. This is acceptable.
Further review and approval by the staff will be necessary for the long-term operation of unit 1 core 4 and the restart of Unit 2 after the upcoming
Cycle 3 refueling outage.
The staff intends to evaluate your October 14,19s8 i
submittal expediteously and will issue its evaluation in a separate letter.
l This letter will address long-tem operation of Unit 1 core 4 and the restart r
of Unit 2 fron the Cycle 3 refueling outage.
Sincerely, f
i Original signed by
Suzanne Black, Assistant Director
for Projects
Office of Special Projects i
l Safety Evaluation Report
cc w/ enclosure:
p See next page A/PM OSP:
0/P i
e ew SBlack t
g/88 is9ff 88
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Mr. S. A.' White-2-Sequoyah Nuclear Plant
General Counsel Regional Administrator, Region 11 Tennessee Valley Authority U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission
' 400 West Sumit Hill Drive 101 Marietta Strcet N.W.
i Atlanta, Georgia 30323
E11 B33 Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 Resident Inspector /Sequoyah NP r
Mr. R. L. Gridley c/o U.S. Nuclear Pegulatory Comission i
Tennessee Valley Authority 2600 Igou Ferry Road
SN 157B Lookeut Place Soddy Daisy, Tennessee 37379 i
i Chattanooaa. Tennessee 37402-2801 Mr. John T. LaPoint Mr. Michael H. Mobley, Director
Tennessee Valley Authority Division of Radiolohical Health t
l Seouoyah Nuclear Plant T.E.R.R.A. Building 6th Floor P.O. Box 2000 150 9th Avenue North Soddy Daisy, Tennessee 37379 Nashville, Tennessee 37219-5404
Dr. Henry Myers, Science Advisor
Mr. M. Ray Tennessee Valley Authority Comittee on Interior Sequoyah Nuclear Plant and Insular Affairs
U.S. House of Representatives P.O. Box 2000
Soddy Daisy, Tennessee 37379 Washington, D.C.
20515 Mr. D. L. Williarr.s Tennessee Valley Authority Tennessee Valley Authority Rockville Office
400 West Sumit Hill Prive 11921 Rockville N ke i
Sutte 402 W10 885 Knoxville, Tennessee 3790?
Rockville, Maryland 20852 County Judge Hamilton County Courthouse Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402