IR 05000083/1978006

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IE Insp Rept 50-083/78-06 on 781205.No Noncompliance Noted. Major Area Inspected:Emergency Drill Observation
Person / Time
Site: 05000083
Issue date: 12/26/1978
From: Hufham J
Shared Package
ML19261B403 List:
50-083-78-06, 50-83-78-6, NUDOCS 7902210102
Download: ML19261B404 (4)







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Report No.: 50-83/78-6 Docket No..

50-83 License No.:



Licensee: Laiversity of Florida Facility Name: University of Florida Training Reactor (UFTR)

Inspection at: UFTR, Gainseville, Florida Inspection conducted: December 8, 1978 f


G. T. Gibson

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J.KW.Hufham,Ch4Ef Date Environment 1 e nd Special Projects Section


Fut! Facilit agd Materials Safety Branch Inspection Summary Inspection on December 8, 1978: (Report No. 50-83/78-6)

Areas Inspected: Routine announced emergency drill observation including:

review of licensee actions during a simulated emergency; and observation of offsite support agencies during a simulated emergency. The inspection consisted of five hours onsite by one NRC inspector.

Results: Of the two areas observed, no items of noncompliance or devia-tion were identified.




RII Rpt. No. 50-83/78-6 I-I

/2 22-78 DETAILS I Prepared by:


G. T. Gibso Q adidtion Specialist Date Environmental and Special Projects Section Fuel Facility and Materials Safety Branch Dates of Inspection: Ddcember8,1978 j


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Environment arid Special Projects Section yMaterialsSafetyBranch Fu'e) Facilit ar b


Persons Contacted

  • Dr. N. Diaz, UFTR, Associate Professor and Reactor Supervisor Dr. C. Roessler, UF, Associate Professor, Dept. of Environmental Engineering and Chairman of the Radiation Control Committee Dr. G. Roessler, UF, Associate Professor B. Pilon, Nurse III, Shands Teaching Hospital W. Crosby, Director, Alachua County Emergency Medical Services T. Strickland, Gainseville Fire Department H. Gogon, UFTR, Reactor Operator G. Fogel, UFTR, Reactor Operator T. Bower, Radiation Control Officer, UF T. Turk, Assistant Director, Division of Environmental Health and Safety, UF
  • Denotes the individual present at the exit interview.


Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings No previous enforcement items were within the scope of this inspection.


Unresolved Items No unresolved items were identified during this inspection.


Onsite Emergency Exercise a.

The inspector observed the licensee's onsite emergency exercise, conducted at 9:00 a.m.

on December 8, 1978.

The exercise consisted of a simulated explosion and fire of a reactor experiment flask with resultant fire and smoke damage to the reactor cell and nine resultant injured persons in the reactor cel.


RII Rpt. No. 50-83/78-6 I-2 b.

The inspector audibly verified operability of the fire alarm system. However, as verified by licensee personnel, the fire alarm was not clearly audible outside the reactor building complex. Licensee personnel stated additional annunciators will be placed outside the reactor building.

This item will be examined during a subsequent inspection. (83-78-06-01)


The inspector observed the licensee personn61: (1) evacuate the re_.-to r building; (2) assemble at the decontamination room; (3) initiate first aid to simulate the inj ured persons; (4) perform reactor cell entry in anti-C clothing and self-contained breathing apparatus; (5) obtain air samples in the reactor cell; and (6) in general, direct recovery and reentry operations.


The inspector observed the Gainesville Fire Department enter the reactor complex in self-contained breathing apparatus.

The inspector verified the ability of the emergency fire equipment to enter the UFTR area. This outstanding item, identified during a subsequent inspection (83-78-2), is considered closed.

The inspector observed the Alachua County Ambulance squad arrive e.

onsite and transport injured persons. The inspector noted that limited anti-C clothing (jumpsuit) would have been useful in limiting the spread of contamination onto the ambulance attendents.

Licensee personnel stated this item will be evaluated.

The inspector will review this item during a subsequent inspection. (83-78-06-02)


Offsite Emergency Exercise a.

The inspector observed the Alachua County ambulance attendees transport the simulated injured victims to the University of Florida, Shands Teaching Hospital. During removal of the injured from the building, the inspector noted the licensee's strechers were apparently 6-12 inches too long to navigate the turns in the reactor building rear stairwell.

This almost resulted in the simulated accident victim being dropped on the floor during attempts to tilt the strecher around the corner.

Licensee personnel stated appropriate measures will be taken to preclude reoccurance.

This item will be examined during a subsequent inspection. (83-78-06-03)


The inspector accompanied the licensee drill observer to Shands Teaching Hospital for orientation on how Shands Hospital would



RII Rpt. No. 50-83/78-6 I-3 handle contaminated injuries. The inspector observed the general medical procedures and radiation precautions. The inspector made informal recommendations to the hospital staff regarding: the use of radiation survey instruments; contamination surveys; and location of hospital telephones outside the contamination control area.


The inspector observed the University of Florida Police Department (UFPD) taking appropriate vehicle control measures during the drill period. In addition, the inspector observed UFPD communicators being utilized to provide offsite communications.


Exit Interview The inspector met with Dr. Diaz on December 8,1978, at the conclusion of the inspection and summarized the purpose and scope of the inspection and the findings.