3F0203-03, Environmental Protection Plan Report 2002 Annual Sea Turtle Report

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Environmental Protection Plan Report 2002 Annual Sea Turtle Report
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/11/2003
From: Franke J
Progress Energy Florida
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML030520222 (6)


Progress Energy Docket No 50-302 Operating License No DPR-72 Ref: ITS Appendix B February 11, 2003 3F0203-03 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001


Crystal River Energy Complex - Environmental Protection Plan Report 2002 Annual Sea Turtle Report

Dear Sir:

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), and the Crystal River Energy Complex (CREC) completed a reinitiation of consultation subsequent to the Endangered Species Act Section 7 regarding sea turtles at the CREC on August 8, 2002. The Biological Opinion issued by NMFS requested that Progress Energy provide an annual sea turtle report for the CREC by March 1 of each year. The attached report provides this information for the year ending December 31, 2002.

If you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact Mr. Sid Powell, Supervisor, Licensing and Regulatory Programs at (352) 563-4883.

Sinc ely,

" A. Franke Plant General Manager JAF/ff Attachment xc:

Regional Administrator, Region II Senior Resident Inspector NRR Project Manager j2 Progress Energy Florida, Inc Crystal River Nuclear Plant 15760W Powerline Street Crystal River, FL 34428

Progress Energy Docket No 50-302 Operating LAcense No DPR-72 February 11, 2003 LRP03-0012 National Marine Fisheries Service Southeast Regional Office Attn: Assistant Regional Administrator Protected Resources Division 9721 Executive Center Drive North St. Petersburg, FL 33707


Crystal River Energy Complex - 2002 Annual Sea Turtle Report

Dear Sir:

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), and the Crystal River Energy Complex (CREC) completed a reinitiation of consultation subsequent to the Endangered Species Act Section 7 regarding sea turtles at the CREC on August 8, 2002. The Biological Opinion issued by NMFS requested that Progress Energy provide an annual sea turtle report for the CREC by March 1 of each year. The attached report provides this information for the year ending December 31, 2002.

If you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact Mr. Sid Powell, Supervisor, Licensing and Regulatory Programs at (352) 563-4883.

Sincerely, A Franke Plant General Manager JAF/ff Attachment cc: Allen Foley, FWC Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

Crystal River Nuclear Plant 15760 W Powerline Street Crystal River. FL 34428





U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service LRP03-0012 Attachment Page 1 of 3 CRYSTAL RIVER ENERGY COMPLEX SEA TURTLE RESCUE AND RECOVERY


2002 Date Species

  • Size CREC No.

Comments 01/05/02 Loggerhead 82.8 02CR3-001 Live, healthy, tagged and released in Crystal Bay.

Caretta caretta Kemp's ridley 01/08/02 Lepidochelys 31.5 02CR3-002 Live, healthy, tagged and released at Fort Island Beach.

kempii Kemp's ridley Live, cuts in carapace from boat strike, bleeding.

02/17/02 Lepidochelys

- 28 02CR3-003 Transferred to Clearwater Marine Aquarium for treatment kempii and rehabilitation.

03/01/02 Green turtle 39.7 02CR3-004 Live, some fibropapillomas, otherwise healthy. Tagged Chelonia mydas and released in Crystal Bay.

03/07/02 Green turtle 38.5 02CR3-005 Live, evidence of beginning papillomas, otherwise healthy.

Chelonia mydas Tagged and released in Crystal Bay.

030702 Green turtle m 35.4 02CR3-006 Live, healthy, tagged and released in Crystal Bay.

Chelonia mydas 03119/02 Green turtle 40.6 02CR3-007 Died after rescue. Necropsy reports severe, chronic, organ Chelonia mydas tissue pathology. Non-causal mortality.

Kemp's ridley 04/01102 Lepidochelys 30.8 02CR3-008 Live, healthy, tagged and released at Fort Island Beach.

kempii Kemp's ridley Died after rescue, detailed necropsy at UF, results indicate 04/01/02 Lepidochelys

-42 02CR3-009 04 2 epi

-severe, chronic disease. Non-causal mortality.

kempfi Kemp's ridley Found dead on bar racks. Moderately decomposed.

05/11/02 Lepidochelys

-35 02CR3-010 Considered non-causal mortality.

kempii Green turtle Live, severe buoyancy problems. Transferred to 05/19/02 Green turtl

-30 02CR3-011 Clearwater Marine Aquarium for treatment and Chelonia mydas rehabilitation.

U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service LRP03-0012 Attachment Page 2 of 3 05/28/02 Green turtle

-35 02CR3-012 Live, extensive fibropapillomas, transferred to Clearwater Chelonia mydas Marine Aquarium for treatment and rehabilitation.

Kemp's ridley Live, severely emaciated. As the turtle died while awaiting 05/30/02 Lepidochelys

-35 02CR3-013 transfer to Clearwater Marine Aquarium, it was designated kempii a live take, and not a non-causal mortality.

07/18/02 Green turtle

-33 02CR3-014 Live, extensive fibropapillomas, transferred to Clearwater Chelonia mydas Marine Aquarium for treatment and rehabilitation.

Kemp's ridley Found dead on bar racks. Severely cracked carapace and 08/01/02 Lepidochelys 32.5 02CR3-015 scutes dislocated - boat strike, non-causal mortality.

kempii Kemp's ridley Live, some abrasions and discolored flesh. Taken to 08/20/02 Lepidochelys

-60 02CR3-016 Clearwater Marine Aquarium for treatment and kempii rehabilitation.

Kemp's ridley Live, appeared lethargic and weak. Transferred to 09/10/02 Lepidochelys

-32 02CR3-017 Clearwater Marine Aquarium for treatment and kempii rehabilitation.

09/19/02 Green turtle

-32 02CR3-018 Live, extensive fibropapillomas, transferred to Clearwater Chelonia mydas Marine Aquarium for treatment and rehabilitation.

Green turtle Live, extensive fibropapillomas, very weak, transferred to 10/19/02 Green turtl

-32 02CR3-019 Clearwater Marine Aquarium for treatment and Chelonia mydas rehabilitation.

Reported alive when recovered, dead on arrival at Mariculture Center, treated as comatose for resuscitation, 10/24/02 Chelonia mydas

-40 02CR3-020 but confirmed dead @ 0840 10/24. Extensive fibropapilloma infestation, emaciated. Considered causal mortality. Carcass saved for research purposes.

Live turtle found stranded on bank in SE comer of intake 11/01/02 Loggerhead

-90 02CR3-021 canal. Significant necrotic tissue, crack in plastron.

Caretta caretta Transferred to Clearwater Marine Aquarium for treatment and rehabilitation.

Live, extensive fibropapillomas, very weak, severely 11/02/02 Green turtle

-35 02CR3-022 emaciated. Transferred to Clearwater Marine Aquarium Chelonia mydas for treatment and rehabilitation.

Green turtle Live, extensive fibropapillomas. Transferred to 11/22/02 Green turtl

-38 02CR3-023 Clearwater Marine Aquarium for treatment and Chelonia mydas rehabilitation.

Green turtle Live, extensive fibropapillomas, buoyancy difficulties.

11/24/02 Green turtl

-30 02CR3-024 Transferred to Clearwater Marine Aquarium for treatment Chelonia mydas and rehabilitation.

U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service LRP03-0012 Attachment Page 3 of 3 Live, significant buoyancy difficulties. Transferred to

-40 02CR3-025 Clearwater Marine Aquarium for treatment and rehabilitation.

  • Size is curved carapace length in centimeters.