05000361/FIN-2010002-10 | 2010Q1 | | Failure to Report a Safety System Functional Failure |
05000361/FIN-2009009-01 | 2010Q1 | P.3 | Failure to Follow a Level 1 Quality Assurance Program Affecting Human Performance Procedure |
05000361/FIN-2010002-14 | 2010Q1 | H.12 | Failure to Follow Operations Procedure to Monitor Component Cooling Water Surge Tank Pressure |
05000361/FIN-2010002-13 | 2010Q1 | H.2 | Failure to Adequately Implement Station Work Order |
05000361/FIN-2010002-12 | 2010Q1 | P.1 | Failure to Enter Conditions Adverse to Quality into the Corrective Action Program |
05000361/FIN-2010002-06 | 2010Q1 | H.8 | Failure to Perform an Adequate Postmaintenance Test |
05000361/FIN-2010002-05 | 2010Q1 | P.2 | Failure to Follow Procedure Results in an Inadequate operability Determination |
05000361/FIN-2010002-03 | 2010Q1 | H.13 | Failure to Enter Operating Experience into Corrective Action Program for Timely Evaluation |
05000361/FIN-2009009-02 | 2010Q1 | P.2 | Failure to Maintaing Written Procedures Covered in Regulatory Guide 1.33 |
05000361/FIN-2010002-01 | 2010Q1 | H.8 | Failure to Implement Fire Protection Plan Requirements Related to Hot Work Activities |
05000361/FIN-2010002-02 | 2010Q1 | | Failure to Appropriately Scope Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Trench Eductors in the Maintenance Rule Monitoring Program |
05000361/FIN-2010002-04 | 2010Q1 | H.8 | Failure to Assess and Manage risk for Electrical Switchyard Impacting Maintenance |
05000361/FIN-2010002-08 | 2010Q1 | | Failure to Appropriately Control Access to a Locked High Radiation Area |
05000361/FIN-2010002-07 | 2010Q1 | H.8 | Failure to Adequately Implement Foreign Material Exclusion Controls |
05000361/FIN-2010002-11 | 2010Q1 | | Failure to Obtain a License Amendment for a Technical Specification Basis Change |
05000361/FIN-2010002-09 | 2010Q1 | P.2 | Failure to Notify the NRC Within Eight Hours of a Nonemergency Event |
05000361/FIN-2010003-06 | 2010Q2 | H.14 | Inadequate Operability Determination for Safety-Related Concrete Cracks |
05000361/FIN-2010003-07 | 2010Q2 | P.1 P.1(a) | Inappropriate Control of Operator Aids |
05000361/FIN-2010003-08 | 2010Q2 | | Failure of Schedule 10S Piping |
05000361/FIN-2010003-09 | 2010Q2 | H.8 | Failure to Appropriately Identify and Classify Degraded Voltage on a Class 1E Battery |
05000361/FIN-2010003-10 | 2010Q2 | | Failure to Assure Circuit Breakers Were Qualified for Installation |
05000361/FIN-2010003-11 | 2010Q2 | H.11 H.12 | Failure to Follow Station Procedures on Written Instruction Use and Adherence |
05000361/FIN-2010003-04 | 2010Q2 | H.8 | Failure to Define the Control Room as Required by Technical Specifications |
05000361/FIN-2010003-03 | 2010Q2 | H.7 | Improper Risk Assessment and Management for Work Activities |
05000361/FIN-2010006-13 | 2010Q2 | H.12 | Failure to Meet Action Plan for Substantive Crosscutting Issues |
05000361/FIN-2010006-11 | 2010Q2 | H.5 | Failure to Secure Loose Items in the Electrical Switchyard |
05000361/FIN-2010006-07 | 2010Q2 | P.2 | Failure to Establish Component Cooling Water Radiation Monitoring Procedures |
05000361/FIN-2010006-06 | 2010Q2 | H.2 | Failure to Provide Adequate Procedure for Boron Dilution Activities |
05000361/FIN-2010006-05 | 2010Q2 | H.2 | Control Room Operators\' Failure to Adhere to Conduct of Operations Procedural Requirements |
05000361/FIN-2010006-08 | 2010Q2 | P.2 | Failure to Maintain Written Procedures Covered In Regulatory Guide 1.33 |
05000361/FIN-2010006-04 | 2010Q2 | P.2 | Failure to Report Conditions That Could of Prevented Fulfillment of Safety Function |
05000361/FIN-2010006-01 | 2010Q2 | H.14 | Inadequate Operability Determination for Turbine-Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Steam Admission Valves |
05000361/FIN-2010006-02 | 2010Q2 | P.5 | Failure to Translate Design Basis Information for Turbine-Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Steam Admission Valves |
05000361/FIN-2010006-03 | 2010Q2 | H.6 | Lack of Preventive Maintenance Results in Valve Failure and Inoperable Condensate Storage Tank |
05000361/FIN-2010003-05 | 2010Q2 | H.8 | Failure to Follow Work Control Procedures |
05000361/FIN-2010006-09 | 2010Q2 | H.13 | Failure to Establish Goals And Monitor for A(A) Auxiliary Feedwater Trains |
05000361/FIN-2010006-10 | 2010Q2 | H.14 | Failure to Identify and Correct Use of Deficient Relays |
05000361/FIN-2010006-12 | 2010Q2 | P.1 | Failure to Maintain Design Basis Information |
05000361/FIN-2010003-01 | 2010Q2 | H.14 | Unavailability Time for Component Cooling Water Incorrectly Counted |
05000361/FIN-2010003-02 | 2010Q2 | H.8 | Failure to Assess and Manage Risk for Maintenance on Emergency Diesel Generators |
05000361/FIN-2010004-03 | 2010Q3 | | Failure to Provide Training Mandated by a Root Cause Evaluation |
05000361/FIN-2010004-02 | 2010Q3 | | Failure to Promptly Identify and Correct a Condition Adverse to Wuality Associated with Safety-related Emergency Ventilation Fans |
05000361/FIN-2010004-01 | 2010Q3 | H.8 | Failure to Follow Procedures While Implementing a Design Change |
05000361/FIN-2010010-01 | 2010Q3 | H.13 | Failure to Define Authorities and Responsibilities of Work Process Area Operator |
05000361/FIN-2010007-01 | 2010Q3 | H.13 | Failure to Ensure At Least One Train of Equipment Necessary to Achieve Hot Shutdown Conditions Is Free of Fire Damage |
05000361/FIN-2010403-01 | 2010Q4 | | Security |
05000361/FIN-2010005-02 | 2010Q4 | H.14 | Failure to Follow Procedure for Modifying Work Clearance Applications |
05000361/FIN-2010005-03 | 2010Q4 | H.14 | Inadequate Control of Foreign Material over the Spent Fuel Pool during Surveillance Testing |
05000361/FIN-2010005-01 | 2010Q4 | P.2 | Failure to Appropriately Classify Conditions Adverse to Quality for Significance |
05000361/FIN-2010005-04 | 2010Q4 | H.11 H.12 | Failure to Properly Store C-Panels in the Radwaste Building |