05000309/LER-1993-001, :on 921202,determined That,For Brief Period of Time,Both Trains of ECCS LPSI & Containment Spray Subsystems Inoperable.Caused by Erroneous Original TS License Submittal.Valve Stroke Test Frequency Changed

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:on 921202,determined That,For Brief Period of Time,Both Trains of ECCS LPSI & Containment Spray Subsystems Inoperable.Caused by Erroneous Original TS License Submittal.Valve Stroke Test Frequency Changed
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 01/21/1993
From: Hebert J, Maben J
Maine Yankee
JRH-93-10, LER-93-001, LER-93-1, MN-93-11, NUDOCS 9302020256
Download: ML20128A585 (3)

LER-1993-001, on 921202,determined That,For Brief Period of Time,Both Trains of ECCS LPSI & Containment Spray Subsystems Inoperable.Caused by Erroneous Original TS License Submittal.Valve Stroke Test Frequency Changed
Event date:
Report date:
Reporting criterion: 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)

10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)

10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function

10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(viii)(A)

10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(viii)(8)
3091993001R00 - NRC Website



.g MaineYankee titt LAto Iitcssion r04 uAWE swu 1972 EDISON DRIVE

  • AUGUS1A, MAINE 04330 e (207) 0?2 4B68 January 28, 1993 MN-93-11 JRH-93-19 UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555



License No. DPR-36 (Docket No. 50-309)

Subject: Maine ' Yankee Licensee Event Report 93-001, Inoperable Emergency Core Cooling Subsystems During Pump Recirculation Valve Stroke Testing-Gentlemen:

Please find enclosed Maine Yankee Licensee Event Report 93-001-00. This report-is submitted in accordance with 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(i).

Please contact us should you have questions regarding this matter.

Very truly yours, c

James R. Hebert, Manager-Licensing & Engineering Support Department JVW/ jag Enclosure c:-

Mr. Thomas T. Martin Mr. Charles S. Marschall L

Mr. E. H. Trottier Mr. Patrick J. Dostie 9302020255 930i21' [o

PDR ADOCK 05000309


8, PDR


e NRC Form 306 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission (9 81)

Approved OMB No. 3150-0104 llc [NS(( [ VENT R[ PORT (LER)

Empirest 8/31/85 facility Name(l)

Docket Number (2)

Paaef31 f

Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company


1 loflPI 0 l$ l0 10 l0 13 10 19 l



Other Facilitien involvedf 6)

Month Day Year Year Sequential Revision Month Day Year facility Names Docket NumberLs)

Number Number IIIIIi 11 2 31 1 9

7 91 3 01 01 1 01 0 01 1 Pl 1 91 3 iili11I lhis Report is Submitted Pursuant to the Requirements of 10 C6R 6

_ Chack one or more of the fol' owina) (11)



Mode 9) 7 20.402(b)

20. 40',(c )

50.73(a)(2)(ty) 13.11(b)

Power 20.405(a)(1)(1) 50.36(c)(1) 50.73(a)(2)(v) 73.?!(c)

Level 20.405(a)(1)(ti) 50.36(c)(2) 50.73(a)(2)(vil)

Other (Specify in (10) 1 0

0 20.405(a)(1)(111) & $0.73(a)(2)(1) 50.73(a)(2)(viii)(A), Abstract below 20.405(a)(1)(Iv) 50.73(a)(2)(11) 50.73(a)(2)(viii)(8)

.and in Text, NRC P0 40$falfilfv) 50.73felf?)ftill 50.73f alf 21fx)

Form 306A) tlCf N$tt CONI AC1 FOR TH $ tfR (12' hAML Teleobone Number J[RRY MABEN NUCL[AR SAFETY [NGIN((R Area Code 21017 8

8 P 16 13 ft 11


Com-Manufac-Reportable Com-Manufac-Reportable urer to NPRDS Cause Sv' tem nonent urer to NPRDS Qne $votem nonent d

[xpected Month Day Year sunclemental Report f voected ila Submission i

(if yes, complete Expected Date(15)

I Yes $ubmission Datel X l No i



ABSIRAtt (Limit to 1400 spaces, i.e., apprc41mately fif teen single-space typewritten 1 nes) !!6)

Maine Yankee's Operating Experience Program requires that the industry operating plant experience reports be screened for applicability to Maine Yankee. On November 16, 1992 the review of a report concerning the temporary disabling of [mergency Core Cooling System ([CCS) subsystems during valve stroke testing resulted in the determination that the report was-potentially appliceble to Maine Yankee and it was forwarded to the Operations Department for formal evaluation. On December 2,1992 the Operations Department concluded that for a brief period of time, during the stroke testing of either of the nonnally open [CCS pump minimum-flow recirculation valves SIA-M-53 or SI A-M-54, both trains of the [CCS Low Pressure Safety injection and Containment Spray subsystems must be considered inoperable.

The minimum flow recirculation valves have historically been tested on a monthly basis in conjunction with the [CCS valve tests.

The root cause of this event is considered to be the failure of the original Technical Spectitcation Itcense submittal to allow for surveillance testing of the minimum-flow recirculation valves.

The surveillance is required by M,iine Yankee Techntwal Specifications. There are no exceptions in the LCO for [CCS that specifically allow this testing and recent interpretations concluded that this condition is reportable under 10CFR50.73, in order to minimite the period of time during which the minimum-flow recirculation line is -

isolated yet tested frequently enough to provide assurance of the valve's operability, Maine Yankee has changed the frequency of the valve stroke test from a monthly basis to a quarterly basis. Maine Yankee is also evaluating the possibility of submitting a proposed Technical Specification change which would grant an exception to the [CCS operability requirements -

for the stroke testing of SIA-M-53 and SIA-M-54 l'


l l





, r I

NRC form. MEA U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Connission (9 83)

Approved OMB No. 3150-0104

[ spires: 8/31/05 LICLhS(( fvENT RtPORY (LER) 1[X1 CONilNUAi!ON factitty hame(l)

Docket Number (2) llR NJmber (M Pace (3)


$equential Revision Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company Nurter Number 01 01 1 0

0 2

of 21 0El01CW $

91 3 use adrAticul N{st f orm h*s) (11)

IEX1 (if more space is requiret' Kaine Yankee's Operating Experience Program reluttes that the industry operating plant expertence reports be screened for applicability to Maine Yankee, On November 16, 1992 the review of a report concerning the temporary disabling of tmergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) subsystems during valve stroke testing resulted in the determination that the report was potentially applicable to Maine Yankee ard it was forwarded to the Operations Department for f ormal evaluation. On December 2,1992 thu Operations. Department concluded that for a brief period of time, during the stroke testing c' either of the normally open (CCS pump minimum-flow recirculation valves $1 A-M-$3 or $1A-N-$4, both trains of tre ECC$ tow Pressure Safety injection (BP) and Containment Spray (BE.1 subsystems must be considered inoperable.

Maine Yankee's [CCS includes High Pressure Safety injection (HPSI)(BM, Low Pressure Safety injection (LPSI) and Containment Spray (CS) subsystems. All of the operable [CC$ pumps auto-start on receipt of a Safety injection Actuation Signal ($1AS) to prevent core damage. The LPSI and CS subsystems each have redundant pump trains and an additional pump can serve as a replacement for either one of the LPSI or CS pumps. All five of the LPSI/C5 pumps are served by a comon minimum-flow recirculation line to the plant's Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST).

This comon header has two normally open motor ope *sted isolation valves SI A-M 53 and SI A-M-54 which shut on receipt of a Recirculation Actuation signal (RAS) to prevent fission product transport to the RVST. The isolation valves are arranged in settes. Operation of either the LPSI or CS pumps at shutef f head without a minimum flow path would result in rapid pump degradation and the loss of both trains of LPSI ano C5.

The minimum flow recirculation valves have historically been tasted on a monthly basis in conjunction with the [CCS valve tests. $1nce the valve stroke time acceptance criteria is 35 seconds, the total tims the LPSI and C$ pumps could be cor sidered to be inoperable during the surveillance testing of both valves is approximately two a,d car half minutes per month. During a small break LOCA the Reactor Coolant System (RC$) pressure m'/ not f all below the shut-of f head of the LPS!/CS pumps for some time into the accident. The coincident occurrenes of this condition in conjunction with the short duration surveillance test is not considered to te a credible event.

Maine Yankee's technical specification 3.0. A.? requires that a reactor shut down be initiated within one hour when the plant is not in conformance with a technical specification limiting condition for operation. Prior to July 13, 1992 Maine Yankee did not report conditions which required brief entry into the one hour remedial action allowance of technical specification 3 0. A.2 if the condition was corrected before the one hour time limit was exceeded, On Juiy 13, 1992 Maine Yankee's reporting policy was revised to require that any operational event which requires entry into Technical Specification 3.0. A.2 be reported. Since both trains of ECCS cannot be considered to be operabir* wher. 'he mintmum flow recirculation path is isolated, the requirements of the (CCS teeMc41 W itcation are not satisfied and entry into 3.0.A.2 is required. Since the new reporting poitcy was instituted, stroke testing of the minimum-flow recirculation valves has occurred on the following dates: 8/04/92, 9/01/92, 10/01/92, 10/27/92, 11/24/92; and most recently on !?/31/92.

The root cause of this event is considered to be the failure of the original technical specification license submittal to allow f or surveillancu testing of the minime-flow recirculation valves.

The surveillance is required by Hair.e Yankee Technical Specifications. There are no exceptions in the LCO for ECCS that specifically allow this testing and recent interpretations concluded that this condition is reportable under 10CFR50.73.

In order to minimite the period of time during which the minimum-flow recirculation line is isolated yet tested frequently enough to provide assuonce of the valve's operability, Maine Yankee has changed the f requency of the valve stroke test f rom a monthly basis to a quarterly basis. Matne Yankee is also evaluating the possibility of suteltting a proposed Technical Specification change wMch would grant an exception to the ICCS operability requirements for the stroke testing of 5! A-M-53 and 51A-M-54.
