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LER-2007-001, Uncompensated Degradation in a Security System
Docket Number
Event date: 04-05-2007
Report date: 05-31-2007
3092007001R00 - NRC Website

0702 to 0730 - Safeguards Event Analysis was performed by the duty Shift Supervisor and Maine Yankee management. This event was determined to be reportable.

0759 - The duty Shift Supervisor made a one (1) hour report to the NRC Operations Center under 73.71(b)(1) for the safeguards event as described in Appendix G paragraph 1(c).

The total time in noncompliance of required comnpensatory measures was 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and 59 minutes. Although alternate compensatory measures were taken during this time, they were subsequently determined to be not fully compliant.

The security equipment which protects the Dry Fuel Storage Casks was functioning correctly as designed, however the constant alarms necessitated operator action placing the affected zones in bypass. The security equipment is sensitive to certain environmental conditions which were being experienced at that time.

When discovered by Maine Yankee management during routine oversight inspections of the Primary Alarm Station (PAS), the correct compensatory measures were immediately established and a one (1) hour report made to the NRC Operations Center pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 73.71 (b)(1).

This event was entered into the Maine Yankee Corrective Action Program and a Barrier Screen initiated to determine failed or missing barriers and to provide corrective actions to prevent recurrence.

Failed or Missing Barriers 1)Maine Yankee Physical Security Plan not correctly implemented.

2) Maine Yankee procedures not correctly implemented.

3)Procedures could contain more specific guidance.

4) Knowledge retention of critical task response to a loss or degradation of a security system contained in the Security Training and Qualification Plan was inadequate for the on shift crew.

5) Shift Turnover did not meet managements expectations.

6) Crew communications did not meet managements expectations.

7)Procedural adherence did not meet managements expectations.

8) Crew dynamics did not foster questioning attitude.

9)Maine Yankee management oversight of the training conducted by the contract security force was minimal.

Corrective Actions

1)All Security Force Members have been retrained on the Physical Security Plan and applicable procedures.

2)Procedure enhancements have been made to provide the Security Force Members with more specific guidance..

3) Security Force Members have been retrained in accordance with the Security Training and Qualification Plan. Included was a self assessment of the programs effectiveness.

4) The ISFSI Manager has issued his expectations for conduct of operations including turnovers, communications, and procedural adherence.

5)Discussed Teamwork approach and all lessons learned with Security Force Members.

6)Realigned crew makeup.

7) Shift Supervisors commenced new schedule which is offset from the security crew rotation.

8) Maine Yankee management is scheduled to participate in the Security Training and Qualification Program in 2007.

Information concerning this event has been discussed with the Maine State Nuclear Safety Inspector and NRC Resident Inspector. There has been no media interest or press releases made. There have been no similar events in recent years since the Maine Yankee Plant was decommissioned.

Contact Person for further information:

James Connell Site Vice President Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company 321 Old Ferry Road Wiscasset, ME 04578 Phone: (207) 882-1312 E-Mail: connell@maineyankee.com �