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Forwards Results of Plant Unit 3 OTSG ISI 90-day Special Rept Iaw/Ts 5.7.2.c
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/15/1996
From: Boldt G
Shared Package
ML20116N366 List:
3F0896-11, 3F896-11, NUDOCS 9608220092
Download: ML20116N361 (3)



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  • e l Florida Power CORPORATION oock i soace August 15, 1996 l 3F0896-11 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

! Attn: Document Control Desk Washingto'n, D.C. 20555-0001


Once Through Steam Generators (OTSG) Inspection, 90-Day Special Technical Specification Report.


A: FPC to NRC letter, 3F0496-04, dated April 8, 1996 B: NRC to FPC letter, 3N0596-12, dated May 24, 1996

Dear Sir:

Attached please find the results of the Crystal River Unit 3 (CR-3) Once Through Steam j Generators (OTSGs) Inservice Inspection performed during Refuel Outage 10 (10R). This 90-Day Special Report is submitted in accordance with Technical Specification (TS) 5.7.2.c. As required by TS 5.7.2.c, the report includes:

1. Number and extent of tubes inspected,
2. Location and percent of wall thickness penetration for each indication of an imperfection, j
3. Location, bobbin coil amplitude, and axial and circumferential extent (if determined) for each first span IGA indication, and ,


4. Identification of tubes plugged and sleeved.

l Reference A (TS notifications prior to ascension into MODE 4) reported the number of tubes plugged in the "A" 0TSG to be 26 tubes. Florida Power Corporation is l correcting, in Attachment 1, Item 4, the number of tubes plugged in the "A" 0TSG to i be 25. This correction is necessary due to dual listing of one tube (56-98) on the 1 l

10R plugging list. '

MI 9608220092 960815 l PDR ADOCK 05000302 G PDR

! CRfSTAL FUVER ENERGY COMPLEX e 15780 W. Power une Street e Crystal FUver . Florida 344264708 e (354 7954486 A Floride Progrees Corrpany l

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission 3F0896-11 Page 2 Reference B identified two Unresolved Items (URI 50-302/96-03-04 and URI 50-302/96-0

05) regarding the 10R inspection of the CR-3 OTSGs. The resolution of the.two URIs will be addressed in a separate submittal by September 30, 1996.

Sincerely, G. L. B ldt Vice President Nuclear Production i Attachments xc: Regional Administrator, Region II

! Project Manager, NRR

{ Senior Resident Inspector i

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! U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission

! 3F0896-11 l 'Page 3 List of Attachments

! I l

l 1. 90-Day Report i

! 1

2. Table IA, A OTSG, Tubes with Indications 1-19 %TW l i


l 3. Table 2A, A OTSG, Tubes with Indications 20-39 %TW

4. Table 3A, A OTSG, Tubes with Non-quantifiable Indications ,

l  !

1 5. Table 4A, Tubes Plugged, A OTSG  !


! 6. Table 5A, A OTSG, MRPC Characterization and Depth Sizing  !


7. Table IB, B OTSG, Tubes with Indications 1-19 %TW
8. Table 28, B OTSG, Tubes with Indications 20-39 %TW
9. Table 3B, B OTSG, Tubes with Non-quantifiable Indications
10. Table 4B, Tubes Plugged, B OTSG
11. Table 58, B OTSG, MRPC Characterization and Depth Sizing l


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