TMI-18-004, Decommissioning Funding Status Report for the Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 2

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Decommissioning Funding Status Report for the Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 2
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/16/2018
From: Halnon G
GPU Nuclear
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18075A256 (10)


Cbu TT'UCIEAf, GPU Nuclear, lnc.

Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station Horte 4{l South Post ffice Box 480 Middletown, PA I 7057-0400 Tel 717-048-8461 March 16, 2018 TMt-18-004 10 cFR 50.75 10 cFR 50.82 ATTN. Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001


Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2 Docket No. 50-320, License No. DPR-73 Decommissionino Fu dino Status Re oort for the Th Mile lsland Nuclear Station . Unit 2 Pursuant to 10 cFR 50.75 and 10 cFR 50.82, Gpu Nuclear, lnc. is hereby submitting the following_three reports to the Nuclear Regulatory commission (NRC) for fhree Mile lsland Nuclear station, Unit 2 for the year ending December 31, zotz. Rttictrment 1 provides a decommissioning funding status report based on the NRC formula described iri 10 cFR 50.75(c). Attachment 2 provides a decommissioning funding status report based upon a site-specific decommissioning cost estimate (DCE). Attactrmlnt 3 contains a financial assuran@ status report as required by 10 CFR Sb.gZ(aXeXv).

Tlglg 19 regulatory commitTents contained in this letter. lf there are any questions or if "r9 information is required, please contac,t Mr. Thomas A. Lentz, Manigdr - FirstEnergy S9ditional Nuclear Operating Company Fleet Licensing, at (330) 315-6g10.


/G alnon President and Chief Nuclear Officer

Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 2 TMt-18-004 Page 2 Attachments:

1. Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2 Decommissioning Funding Status Report - NRC Formula
2. Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2 Decommissioning Funding Status Report -

Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate

3. Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2 Financial Assurance Status Report cc: NRC Region I Administrator NRC Prolect Manager NRC Resident lnspector

Attachment 1 TMI-18-004 Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2 Decommissioning Funding Status Report - NRC Formula Page 1 of 3 This report reflects the FirstEnergy Corp. subsidiary ownership interests in the Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2 as of December 31, 2017 .

1. The minimum decommissioning fund estimate, purcUantto 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c) (see Schedule 1):

Metropolitan Edison Company $243,265,836 Pennsylvania Electric Company 121,632,919 Jersey Central Power & Light Company 121,632,919 FirstEnergy Corp. Consolidated $486,531,672

2. The amount accumulated in external trust funds:

After Tax Metropolitan Edison Company $387,229,001 Pennsylvania Electric Company 206,095,945 Jersey Central Power & Light Company 241,059,208 FirstEnergy Corp. Consolidated  :


3. There are no longer any funds being collected from the ratepayers
4. The assumptions used regarding escalation in decommissioning cost, rates of earnings on decommissioning funds, and rates of other factors used in funding projections:

Consolidated Ownership lnterest in Unit 1 00%

Estimated Net lnvestment Rate 2.00o/o Year of Site Restoration Completion 2053 Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2 transitions from a Post-Defueling Monitored Storage status to decommissioning in 2040.

5. There are no contracts upon which the owners/licensees are relying pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(eX1Xv).
6. There are no modifications to the licensee's current method of providing financial assurance since the last submitted report.

TM!-18-004 Page 2 of 3

7. There were no amendments to the trust agreements for the above-mentioned owners of Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2.
8. Mathematical rounding was performed during the development of the supporting calculations.

TMt-18-004 Page 3 of 3 Schedule 1 FIRSTENERGY GORP.

Calculation of Minimum Financial Assurance Amount December 31 ,2017 THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 2 Pennsvlvania Regions Labor (L) = Northeast Energy (E) = Na1onal Waste Burial (B) = Generic For PWR Unit Adjustment Escalation Factor Ratio Factorl l-= 2.85 0.65 1 .853 E- 2.295 0.13 0.298

$= 12.471 o.22 2.744 PWR Escalation Factor = 4.895 Base Amount for PWR between 1200 MWt and 3400 MWt = ($ZS + 0.0088P) million (P = power Ievel in megawatts thermal = 2772)

($zs + 0.0088(2772)) million = $99,393,600 Escalated Amount for unitl =

99,393,600 x 4.895 $486,531,672 Owner/Licenseel Ownership Pennsylvania Electric Company 25o/o $121 ,632,919 Jersey Central Power & Light Company 25o/o $121,632,91 I Metropolitan Edison Company 50% $243,265.836 FirstEnergy Corp. Consolidated 1 00% $486,531 ,672 Note 1: Mathematical rounding was performed during the development of the supporting calculations.

Attachment 2 TMt-18-004 Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2 Decommissioning Funding Status Report - Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate Page 1 of 4 1 . Decommissioning funds estimated to be required pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c) are based upon a site-specific decommissioning cost study, Decommissioning Cost Analysis for Thrce Mile lsland Unit 2, dated December 2014, and escalated to 2017 dollars:

NRC License Termination $1,266,093,777

2. The amount accumulated in external trust funds as of December 31 ,2017 .

After Tax Metropolitan Edison Company $387,229,001 Pennsylvania Electric Company 206,095,945 Jersey Central Power & Light Company 241,059.208 FirstEnergy Corp. Consolidated $834,394.154

3. There are no Ionger any funds being collected from the ratepayers.
4. The assumptions used regarding escalation in decommissioning cost, rates of earnings on decommissioning funds, and rates of other factors used in funding projections:

Consolidated Ownership lnterest in Unit 1 00%

Estimated Rate of Escalation in Decommissioning Costs 0.00%

Estimated After-Tax Rate of Return 2.00%

Year of Site Restoration Completion 2053 Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2 transitions from a Post-Defueling Monitored Storage status to decommissioning in 2040.

All cost are based on a site-specific decommissioning cost study, Decommrssronrng Cosf Analysis for Three Mile lsland Unit 2, dated December 2014 (2013 dollars), then escalated to 2017 dollars using an escalation factor of 2.795% as documented in Escalation Analysis for Three Mile lsland Unit 2, dated February 2015.

5. There are no contracts upon which the owners/licensees are relying pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(eX1Xv).
6. There are no modifications to the licensee's current method of providing financial assurance since the last submitted report.

TMt-18-004 Page 2 of 4

7. There were no amendments to the trust agreements for the above-mentioned owners of Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2.
8. Site-Specific Cost Analysis Assumptions 10 CFR 50.75(eX1Xi), states, in part, that:

A Iicensee that has prepaid funds based on a site-specific estimate under 50.75(b)(1) of this section may take credit for projected earnings on the prepaid decommissioning trust funds, using up to a 2 percent annual real rate of return from the time of future funds' collection through the projected decommissioning period, provided that the site-specific estimate is based on a period of safe storage that is specifically described in the estimate.

ln accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.159, Revision 2, Assuring the Availability of Funds for Decommissioning Nuclear Reacfors, a facility specific analysis may be used to demonstrate the adequacy of decommissioning funds, provided that:

NRC-required cost estimate for decommissioning costs, as defined in 10 CFR 50.2, is equal to or greater than the amount stated in the formulas in 10 CFR 50.75(c)(1) and (2).

The site-specific radiological decommissioning cost estimate is $1,266,093,777 which is greater than the 10 CFR 50.75(c) cost estimate of $486,531,672. The analysis assumes a 2 percent yearly rate of return. The analysis also assumes a period of safe storage. The cash flows were contained in a decommissioning cost estimate that was prepared for Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2. The cash flow analysis assumes the yearly expenses are incurred at the beginning of year.

Schedule 1 provides the site-specific analysis. The analysis values are in 2017 dollars.

The analysis is based on TMI-2 transitioning from Post-Defueling Monitored Storage status to decommissioning in 2040 and includes expenditures for license termination costs only.

9. Mathematical rounding was performed during the development of the supporting calculations.


A. Decommrssionrng Cosf Analysis for Three Mile lsland Unit 2, December 2014 (Accession No. ML150864337)

B. Escalation Analysis for Three Mile lsland Unit 2 2013 Srfe-Specific Decommrssionrng Cosf Estimate, February 2015 (Accession No. ML15086A337)

TMI-18-004 Page 3 of 4 Schedule 1 FIRSTENERGY GORP.

Funding Analysis December 31 , 2017 THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 2 After-Tax Estimated Net lnvestment Rate 2.00o/o Estimated Escalation Rate 0.00%

Estimated After-Tax Rate of Return 2.OOo/o Qualified Trust Balance on December 31, 2017 BB4,3B4 ,154 After-Tax Non-Qualified Trust Balance on December 31, 2017 Total 834,384 ,154 Beginning Ending Year Balance Deposits Earnings Withdrawall'2 Balance 2018 834,857,154 16.629.341 (3,390,116) 848,096,379 2019 848.096,379 16,894,125 (3,390,116) 961,600,389 2020 861,600,389 17.164.020 (3.399.404) 875.365.005 2021 875,365,005 17.439,498 (3,390,116) 889,414,387 2022 889.414.387 17.720,485 (3,390,116) 903,744,756 2423 903,744,756 18,007,093 (3.390.116) 918,361,734 2024 918,361,734 18,299,247 (3.399,404) 933,261,576 2025 933.261.576 18,597,429 (3,390,116) 948,468,890 2026 948,468,890 18,901,575 (3,390.116) 963,980,350 2027 963,980,350 19,211,805 (3,3s0,116) 979,802,039 2028 979.802.039 19,528,053 (3,399,404) 995,930,688 2029 995,930,688 19,850,811 (3,390,116) 1.012.391.383 2030 1,012,391,383 20,180,025 (3,3s0,116) 1,029,181,293 2031 1,029.181.293 20,515,824 (3,390,116) 1,046,307,001 2032 1,046,307,001 20,858,152 (3.399.404) 1.063.765,749 2033 1,063,765,749 21,207,513 (3,390,116) 1,081,583,146 2034 1.081.583.146 21,563,961 (3,390,116) 1.099.756.891 2035 1,099,756,891 21.927 .336 (3.390,116) 1 ,1 1 8,294,1 11 2036 1,118,294,111 22,297,894 (3,3s9,404) 1,137,192,601 2037 1,137,192,601 22,676,050 (3,390,116) 1,156,478,535 TMr-18-004 Page 4 of 4 Schedule 1 (Continued)

Beginning Ending Year Balance Deposits Earnings Withdrawall'2 Balance 2038 1.156.478.535 23,061,768 (3,390,116) 1,1 76,1 50.1 88 2039 1,176,150,188 23,455,201 (3,390,116) 1 ,196,21 5,274 2040 1 ,196,21 5,274 22,746.279 (58,901,341) 1,160.060,212 2041 1,160,060,212 21,260,165 (97,051,946) 1,084.268.431 2442 1,094,269,431 19,211,328 fi23,702,047) 979,777.711 2043 979,777.711 17,121,513 fi23.702.047\ 873,197,177 2044 873,197.177 14.983.124 (124.040.957) 764,139,344 2045 764,139,344 12.808.746 (123.702.047) 653,246,043 2046 653,246,043 10.881,706 (109.160.723) 554,967,027 2447 554.967.027 9.467.773 (81.578.368) 482,856,431 2048 482,856,431 8.021.091 (81,801,871) 409,075,652 2049 409,075,652 6.549.946 (81,578,368) 334,047,229 2050 334,047.229 5.049.377 (81,578,368) 257,519,239 2051 257,518,238 3,572,223 (78,907,106) 182,183,354 2052 182,183.354 3,192,743 (22,546,227\ 162,829,870 2053 162.829.870 3,192,330 (3,213,373) 162,808,827 (1,266,093,777\


1 . Withdrawal are assumed to be made at the beginning of the period.

2. There were no funds withdrawn from the decommissioning trust fund for years 2013, 2014, 2015, 201 6, and 2017.

Attachment 3 TMt-18-004 Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2 Financial Assurance Status Report Page 1 of 1

1. Formal decommissioning has not started at Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2. A special disbursement of decommissioning trust funds occurred in 2005 for $416,400.00.

Notification of this use of decommissioning funds was made to the NRC by letrer dated February 1, 2005 (Accession No. ML050380143). No funds were spent on decommissioning activities in 2017 .

2. Decommissioning funds estimated to be required are based upon a site-specific decommissioning cost study, Decommissioning Cost Analysis for Thrce Mile lsland Unit 2, dated December 20'14, and escalated to 2017 dollars:

NRC License Termination $1,266,093,777 As noted on Attachment 2, Schedule 1, FirstEnergy Corp. Funding Analysis dated December 31 , 2017.

3. The amount accumulated in external trust funds as of December 31 ,2017:

After Tax Metropolitan Edison Company fi387,229,001 Pennsylvania Electric Company 206,095,945 Jersey Central Power & Light Company 241 ,059,208 FirstEnergy Corp. Consolidated $834.384.154

4. There are no longer any funds being collected from the ratepayers.
5. There are no modifications to the licensee's current method of providing financial assurance since the last submitted report.
6. There were no amendments to the trust agreements for the above-mentioned owners of Three Mile lsland Nuclear Station, Unit 2.

7 . Mathematical rounding was performed during the development of the supporting calculations.



A. Decommrssioning Cosf Analysrs for Three Mile lsland Unit 2, December 2014 B. Escalation Analysis for Three Mile lsland Unit 2 2013 Srfe-Specific Decommissioning Cosf Estimate, February 2015