ML20217M049 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Hope Creek |
Issue date: | 04/28/1998 |
To: | |
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ML20217L976 | List: |
References | |
50-354-98-03OL, 50-354-98-3OL, NUDOCS 9805040395 | |
Download: ML20217M049 (137) | |
See also: IR 05000354/1998003
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REGION I Docket No: 50-354
License Nos: NPF-57 Report No. 50-354/98-03(OL)
Licensee: Public Service Electric and Gas Company
I .
Facility: Hope Creek Generating Station
l Location: P.O. Box 236
Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038 Examination Period: February 23,1998 - March 4,1998 (onsite) March 4 - March 12,1998 (inoffice) Chief Examiner: D. Florek, Senior Operations Engineer Examiners: J. Caruso, Operations Engineer T. Fish, Operations Engineer Approved by: R. Conte, Chief, Operator Licensing and Human Performance Branch Division of Reactor Safety l l :
9805040395 990428 PDR ADOCK 05000354 l ' V PDR i
* . . ,. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - Examination Report 50-354/98-03(OL) Initial exams were administered to six senior reactor operator (SRO) instant applicants and five reactor operator (RO) applicants during the period of February 23 - March 2,1998, at the Hope Creek Generating Station. OPERATIONS PSE&G staff submit initially an inadequate examination to administer to applicants for an . operator's license. A good majority of the test items of each portion of the examination required replacement or significant modifications. Significant interactions between the NRC and PSE&G and an exam postponement for two weeks were required to develop an exam that was consistent with the NRC Examiner Standards.- Also, there was insufficient controls, criteria, or data recorded in the controlling documents as evidence that the required control manipulations were significant and were properly credited. Because of this, not all of the applicants performed five significant control manipulations which had to be redone. This area is unresolved item pending further enforcement review by NRC staff with respect to meeting 10 CFR 55.31(a)(5)(50-354/98- 03-01).
c .,-- Report Details 05 Operator Training and Qualifications 05.1 Operator Initial Exams a. Scope The NRC examiners administered initial exams to five RO and six SRO instant applicants in accordance with NUREG-1021," Examiner Standards," Interim Revision 8. The exams were prepared by PSE&G staff and were approved by the NRC.- PSE&G staff administered and graded the written exam. The NRC administered the operating exam. b. Observations and Findinos - The Hope Creek exam was initially scheduled for the week of February 9,1998, but due to the inadequate submittal by PSE&G, the exam was delayed and rescheduled for the week of February 23,1998. The PSE&G staff involved with the development of these exams signed security agreements to ensure the integrity of the initial exam process. The PSE&G staff submitted their proposed sample plan on December 9,1997, . which was later than requested in the NRC letter dated November 19,1997. The sample plan was generally acceptable. Because of the reduced time for review, the NRC Chief examiner made some general comments regarding low power JPMs and the apparent lack of technical specification assessment on the written exam. The Chief Examiner also informed PSE&G that because of the reduced time for review some comments may also result from the review of the initial proposed exams and these, in the final product, turned out to be minor in nature. The PSE&G proposed SRO and RO exams were submitted for NRC approval on January 5,1998. The PSE&G initial submitted exam was not adequate with respect to discriminating between safe and unsafe license candidates. The exam required significant modification to meet NRC Examiner Standards. PSE&G submitted a revised exam over the period January 20-22,1998. A NRC review of this submittal identified similar difficulties with the exam, but to a slightly lesser degree. Following this submittal, Region i staff discussed in detail each of
- the specific items of the exam at the Hope Creek training center on
L January 26-27,1998. The NRC subsequently issued a letter, dated j. February 2,1998 officially delaying the exam and offering PSE&G an additional
opportunity to have the NRC administer the exam if PSE&G could submit a adequate
exam by February 9,1998.
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PSE&G submitted their third version of the exam on February 9,1998. The NRC concluded that the quality, while not at the totally acceptable level, was sufficient to proceed with the on-site preparation activities. The PSE&G staff was able to revise the exam materials during this NRC on-site preparation visit to a level that ! allowed the exam to be administered. l
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, e ,. . 2 While the written question topic areas were generally acceptable, the difficulty.with - the specific written question generally related to the discrimination validity of the question. The following summarizes the problems noted with the PSE&G written exam submittals (Some examples from the initial submittal are identified): I l -- Poorly written question distractors which were easily eliminated. (38,43, 65,67) -- Questions with multiple correct answers. (15,55,76). ! - Questions with no correct answer as written. (50,75,104,110) i l -- Questions that did not correlate with the assigned K/A. (31,98,116) - Awkwardly worded questions. (6,96,102) -- Questions stems that did not solicit the answer in the answer key. (52,59, 90) - Questions not appropriate for the license level. (56,58) The following summarizes the problems noted with the walkthrough portion of the exam submittals: -- Insufficient JPM coverage against the safety function specification. -- Insufficient JPMs to assess low power conditions.
- - Inadequate standards in the JPMs.
- JPM and administrative questions written as simple memory or direct look up rather than "open reference" use. The simulator scenarios were deficient because they lacked sufficient depth to properly assess applicant performance against the required competencies, as well as details regarding the actions expected of the applicants. Contributing to this was > insufficient description of the scenario objectives, insufficient description of the specific malfunction effects, insufficient critical task specification, and improper completion of the forms in NUREG 1021 to assess the simulator exam. ' The NRC examiners administered the operating exams in the period of February 23-27,1998. PSE&G administered the written exam on March 2,1998.
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: l 3 By letter, dated March 6,1998, PSE&G staff identified answer key comments on eleven questions. A copy of the PSE&G letter is contained in Attachment 3. The NRC resolution of the PSE&G comments on the written exam is described in Attachment 4. PSE&G also graded the written exam based on answer key revisions consistent with their comments. The NRC regraded the written exam based on the NRC resolution of the facility comments. During the administration of the walkthrough portion of the operating' test, several . items were identified that demonstrated a poor quality product in the exam. JPM I initiation cues and JPM questions contained typos in significant data that confused the applicant and required the examiner to revise on the spot. One JPM and one admin question had incorrect answers in the answer key. The admin JPMs did not contain sufficient cues to provide to the applicant and did not contain all the required attachment material to determine whether the applicant's action was correct. These required considerable post exam interaction between the NRC examiners and the PSE&G staff to resolve . c. Conclusions PSE&G staff submitted initially an inadequate exam to administer to applicants for an operator's license. A majority of the test items of each portion of the examination required replacement or significant modifications. Significant interactions between the NRC and PSE&G, and an exam postponement for two weeks, were required to develop an exam that was consistent with the NRC Examiner Standards. 05.2 Sianificant Control Manipulations a. Scone The examiner reviewed in detail the evidence of significant control manipulations J performed by the applicants. These manipulations were required per 10 CFR 55.31(a)(5). Guidance contained in information notice IN 97-67," Failure to Satisfy ] Requirements for Significant Manipulations of the Controls for Power Reactor Operator Licensing" was also used. b. Observations and Findines PSE&G criteria and supporting documentation were not sufficient to assure that applicants performed five significant control manipulations as required by 10 CFR 55.31(a)(5). The criteria of "at least one' notch for a minimum of eight rods" did not . assure that a manipulation was significant. This could be a very significant manipulation with clearly observable power changes or not significant with no power changes depending on the rods selected and its location and position in the core. In addition PSE&G did not record supporting data ( initial power level, time start, final power level, time end ) to demonstrate that the actual manipulation in Mode 1, whether it was by recirculation flow or control rods, was significant and that multiple credit was not provided for the manipulation. I
.- ,. 4 The PSE&G control for documenting significant control manipulations was the " Reactivity Manipulations Documentation Guide," dated January 31,1997. The guide documented each manipulation with a signature and date with no additional specific detail provided as to what the applicant specifically performed. All the applicants that took this exam, performed significant control manipulations while the plant was in Mode 1. The PSE&G method and criteria for these manipulations were: -- Core Flow in Mode 1 - a change in reactor power, as indicated by the APRMs, of at least 5%. -- Individual Control Rod Manipulation in Mode 1 - at least one notch for a minimum of eight rods. All applicants had at least five significant control manipulations documented. Many of the applicants had several of the significant control manipulations performed on the same day. The data in the summary were not sufficient to determine if an applicant took multiple credit for an extended continuous power change, an issue identified in Information Notice 97-67. PSE&G was requested to provide additional data as to what was the extent of each of the significant control manipulations. The initial PSE&G response provided on February 4,1998 provided some data (control room logs and control rod pull sheets) on some of the manipulations, but the data was not sufficient to determine if all the control manipulations were significant. Additional discussions with the PSE&G staff on February 13,1998 provided no new additional data. As a result, on February 18,1998, the NRC informed PSE&G that many of these manipulations were not acceptable because PSE&G could not provide supporting data on the extent of many of the manipulations and provide information that these manipulations were significant. On February 19,1998 PSE&G staff met in the Regional office and were able to provide data using reactor engineering logs, additional control rod pull sheets, which were not provided in earlier discussions, which allowed many of the significant control manipulations to be accepted. The reactor engineering logs provided data on power history when many of the manipulations were performed. Some of these significant control manipulations performed on the same day were acceptable and
some were not.
- in the final analysis, five applicants from the February 1998 exam did not have the
required five significant control manipulations and one applicant had seven acceptable significant control manipulations, but one of the submitted control manipulation did not meet PSE&G criteria. The problems with the applications were: - No supporting documentation was available to conclude that the manipulation resulted in an observable affect on power or that the manipulation was not part or a continuous power change.
I " l - The supporting documentation indicated that the manipulation was part of a continuous power change and multiple credit was taken when only one manipulation should have been credited. -- PSE&G credited partial withdrawal of control rods following a single rod scram test. This was not considered significant since this type of manipulation provided little, if any, integrated response and training value. ) - Credit was taken for movement of the same four rods twice when the l ' PSE&G criteria was to move eight rods. The following summarizes these applicant's significant control manipulations. The details are contained as Attachment 5. Docket No. Credited Acceptable Additional Required i I 55-62176 7 2 3 ! 55-62178 5 2 3 I 55-62183 5 2 3 55-62187 5 2 3 55-62175 5 4 1 55-62174 9 7 0 (1 not reviewed) 55-60813 6 4 1 1 Based on the concerns and findings of the NRC, the five applicants and the one operator performed the required additional significant control manipulations on Hope 3 Creek on February 21,1998 by lowering or raising reactor power by at least 5% by 1 adjusting recirculation flow. c. Conclusion There was insufficient controls, criteria or data recorded in the controlling document to assure that the control manipulations were significant and were properly credited. Because of this, not all of the applicants performed five significant control manipulations which had to be redone. This area is unresolved item pending further l enforcement review by NRC staff with respect to meeting 10 CFR 55.31(a)(5)(50- l 354/98-03-01). E.8 Review of UFSAR Commitments , i A recent discovery of a licensee operating their facility in a manner contrary to the l updated final safety analysis report (UFSAR) description highlighted the need for a special focused review that compares plant practices, procedures and/or parameters to the UFSAR descriptions. While performing the exam activities discussed in this report, the examiner reviewed portions of the UFSAR that related to a control rod ] withdrawal accident exam question. The selected exam question reviewed was ' ' consistent with the UFSAR. !
'I a.- 6 V. Manaaement Meetinas X1 Exit Meeting Summary On March 4,1998, the examiners discussed their observations of the exam process with members of PSE&G management. The examiners noted that no simulator fidelity concerns had been observed or identified. PSE&G management acknowledged the examiner. observations. LIST OF ITEMS OPENED, CLOSED AND DISCUSSED NUMBER TYPE DESCRIPTION 50-354/98-03-01 URI Significant control manipulations is unresolved item pending further enforcement review by NRC staff with respect to meeting 10 CFR 55.31(a)(5). PARTIAL LIST OF PERSONS CONTACTED Licensee P. Doran, Operations Training H. Hanson Jr., Operations Superintendent K. Krueger, Assistant Operations Manager J. McMahon, Director Training, QA and EP
{ M. Swartz, Simulator Supervisor
B. Thomas, Licensing Attachments: 1. SRO Exam and Answer Key 2. RO Exam and Answer Key
l 3. PSE&G Comments on the Written Exam
4. NRC Resolution of PSE&G Comments on the Written Exam 5. Significant Control Manipulation Details
3" .
, .. . U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission .S.ite-Specific Written Examination Applicant information Name: Region: I Date:. Date: 2/23/98 Facility: Hope Creek . , License L'evel: SRO ReactorType: GE
Start Time: Finish Time: Instructions Use the answer sheets provided to document your answers. Staple this cover sheet on top of the answer sheets. The passing grade requires a final grade of at least 80.00 percent. Examination papers will be collected four hours after the examination starts. Applicant Certification All work done on this examination is my own. I have neither given nor received aid. Applicant's Signature Results Examination Value Points Applicant's Score Points Applicant's Grade Percent
e Sini::r Rrct::r Operat:r An:w r Sh:ct3 : Circle the correct answer. If an answer is changed write it in the blank. 1. a b c d 26. a b c d
l 2: a b c 'd: 27 a b c d
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l !' 3. a b c d. 28' . a b c ' d
4. a b c d 29. a b c d .5. a b c d 30.. a b c d 6. a b c d 31. a b c d . ' 7. a'b c d 32. a b c d ' ' ~ 8. a b c d 33. a b c d -
, .. 9. a b c d 34. a b c d
10. a b c d 35. a b c d 36. a b c d ' 11. a b c d 1 12. a b c d 37. a b c d l 13. a b c d 38. a b c d 1 14. a b c d 39. a b c d 15. a b c d 40. a b c d ' 16. a b c d 41. a b c d 17. a b c d 42. a b c d 18. a b c d 43. a b c d 19. a b c d 44, a b c d 20. a b c d 45. a b c d 21. a b c d 46. a b c d 22. a b c d 47. a b c d , . 23. a b c d 48. a b c d 24. a b c d 49, a b c d i
- 25. a b c d 50. a b c d
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r Senior R:cctor Oper;t:r Answ:r ShIct3 .. . Circle the correct answer, if an answer is changed write it in the blank. 51. a b c d 76. a b c d ' 52 'a b"c d - - 77, a b c d - 53. a b c d ' 78. a b c d 54. a b c d 79. a b c d 55.-a b c d 80. a b 'c d ' 56. a b c d 81. a b c d '82. a b c d ' ' 57.'& b c d 58. a'b~ c 'd' 83. a b c d - 59. . a b c . d . , 84. a b c d 60. a b 'c d 85. a b c d 61. a b c d 86, a 'b c d 62.- a b c d 87. a b c d 63. a b c d 88. a b c d _ 64. a b c d 89. a b c d 65, a b c d 90. a b c d 66. a b c d 91. a b c d
67. a b c d 92. a b ' c d 68 a b c d 93. a b c d
l 69. a b c d 94, a b c d
70. a b c d 95 a b c d 71. a b c d 96. a b c d 72. a b c d 97. a b c d 73. a b c d 98. a b c d 74. a b c d 99. a b c d 75. a b c d 00. a b c d
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S:ni::r Reactor Op::rator Examination
- 1. Which of the following evolutions is NOT cllow:d to be perform d by ths Rscctor Building
Equipment Operator? a. Transferring an RPS bus to its alternate power supply with the reactor at power. ~ ' b. Test scramming a control rod from the individual test switches'on ths hydraulic control' . unit. c. Operating the Standby Liquid Control system in'the Test Tank to Test Tank' mode. d. Reducing hydraulic control unit nitrogen pressure to the normal band with the associated control rod withdrawn. 2. Given the following conditions: l A fully qualified Nuclear Control Operator (NCO) with an active license has just returned from 10 days vacation . On the first day back on shift, this NCO worked a normal 12 hour s'hift and then . accepted and worked 4 hours of overtime Which of the following is the maximum number of hours this NCO may work on the second day back on shift? (Assume no additional authorizations have been made.) 1 a. 8 hours j b.12 hours ! c. 14 hours d. 16 hours 1 3. Which of the following conditions require the Operations Superintendent to perform a formal turnover when delegating his Control Room Command Authority to another individual? a. Command Authority is being delegated to the current on-shift Nuclear Control Operator (RO) and the plant is in Op Con 4. b. Command Authority is being delegated to the current on-shift Control Room Supervisor. i c. Command Authority is being delegated to a current on-shift Nuclear Control Operator -(RO) and the plant is in Op Con 3.. d. Command Authority is being delegated to a Senior Reactor Operator with an active license who is not a member of the current on-shift crew. Page 1.of 46 .. ,
' S nler R:act r Operater Examinatisn
4. A t;gging request with switching ord:r has been receiv:d from th3 Syst:m Operctor. Tha ,.
Switching Order has been confirmed and the tags prepared. The System Operator has contacted Hope Creek and directed the performance of the tagging request and switching order. . . Which of the following personnel are required to be present in the 500KV switdiyard blockhouse for completion of the tagging request and switching order? a. A Nuclear Equipment Operator and a Nuclear Control Operator. b. Two Nuclear Equipment Operators. c. A Nuclear Equipment Operator and a Control Room Supervisor. d. A Nuclear Equipment Operator and a member of the Operation Department.. ,
5. Followirig shift turnover the Nuclear Control Operator (RO) notes that data entere the
narrative log by the previous shift is incorrect. - The RO draws a single line through the incorrect entry, makes the rect entry and initials and dates the change. Which of the following describes how RO should highlight and explain the change? a. The correct entry should be circled in red wi n explanation placed in the comments section. b. The correct entry should be cire in red with an explanation made next to the corrected entry. c. The incorrect entry uld be circled in red with an explanation placed in the comments section. d. The in ect entry should be circled in red with an explanation made next to the cted entry. DeItTC ^ Se e A TTML e a f ym a d l dy .1 Aft 3-S-% 1) r!_ c m t.c5 } 3lat )$ Page 2 of 46
S:nior R:cct:r Op rator Excminction
- 6. During a valid high rarctor prcssura condition, th) R circulation Pumps did NOT automatically trip as designed. Which of the following actions must be taken by the Control Room to open the Recirculation ~ " ' Pump Trip (RPT) Breakers.' . . I ' a. Manually initiate both channels of the Redundant Reactivity' Control System (RR.CS). b. Verify the RPT Breakers trip when the Recirculation Pump MG Set Drive Motor Breakers are opened. c. Direct the local tripping of the RPT Breakers. - .d. Depress the RPT Breaker " Trip" pushbuttons. ' ' 7 'Which of the following are the MINIMUM guidelines f'or' Operations Superinte'ndent (OS) review of critical plant parameters (reactor power, level, ' pressure and turbine load) during normal, steady-state plant operations? The OS shouId: a. receive a verbal report from the. Control Room Supervisor (CRS) every hour.. l . b. review the current operating logs, review CRIDS, or perform a panel walkdown at least I twice during the 12-hour shift. c. view current plant conditions on the Control Room information Display System (CRIDS) i every hour, i d. walk-down the control room panels at least four times during the 12-hour shift. 4 Page 3 of 46
*t Sanior Reactor Op::rator Examination ? 8. Given the following conditions: . .. A plant shutdown with control rod insertions occurring is in progress * Reactor power is 22% with generator output at 242 MWe ' '- The sec6nd NCO (PO) begiris deinerting the'drywell' ' ' ' * The CRS is reviewing procedures at the CRS desk - * No other personnel are in the Control Room Which of the following additi,onal requirements, if met, would allow a License Class instant , .SRO trainee under direction of the Nuclear Control Operator (RO) to continue rod. motion for. the given conditions? - a. Operations Manager written permission to allow a. LicenseClass trainee to insert control ~ rods. lb. Another technically qualified member of the unit technical staff,to observe rod movement. c. Verification that the Rod Worth Minimizer is operating properly before reducing power below 20%. d.' A Reactor Engineer's presence to satisfy Technical Specification requirements.
9. Given the following conditions: The plant is shutdown for a maintenance outage A Red Blocking Tag (RBT) is hung on 4160 VAC breaker + The breaker is tagged in the " Test Disconnect" position - + Later in the outage, the breaker is being removed from its cubicle for maintenance Which of the following describes the required tagging actions for the given conditions? a. The RBT shall remain on the breaker, the breaker removed from the cubicle and an additional RBT installed on the ropettape placed across the opening. b. The RBT shall be removed from the breaker but kept active and maintained in the physical possession Gf Operations while the breaker is out of the cubicle. c. The RBT shall be removed from the breaker, the breaker removed from the cubicle and the same RBT installed on the safety rope / tape placed across the cubicle opening. d. ' The RBT shall remain on the breaker, the breaker removed from the cubicle and a White Caution Tag installed on the safety rope / tape placed across the cubicle opening. Page 4 of 46 i
< S:;nier Reactor Op rator Examination 10. Which of the following describes how the Operations end Chemistry D:ptrtm:nts coordinita installing Red Blocking Tags on the Hydrogen injection System?. a. - Operations positions all system components . Chemistry. monitors the system component positioning - Operations installs the tags - Chemistry performs the independent verification b. - Chemistry positions all system components - Operations monitors the system component positioning - Chemistry installs the tags - Operations performs the independent verification c. -- Operations positions all system components - Chemistry monitors the system component positioning ~ . - Chemistry installs the tags - ~ - Chemistry performs the independent verification - - ' d. - Chemistry positions all system components . , -
- Operations monitors the system component positioning - Operations installs the tags - Operations performs the independent verification , 11. Given the following conditions: Power is 89% At 1200 on 2/16/98 is discovered that, due to a recent procedure change, part of a TS required surveillance was not performed. The last complete satisfactory surveillance was completed at 1200 on 1/15/98 The incomplete surveillance was performed on 2/13/98 l The surveillance is required to be performed at least once per 31 days The action statement requires that inoperable equipment must be restored within 72 hrs, or be in Hot Shutdown within 12 hrs and in Cold Shutdown within next 24 hours. If the surveillance is not satisfactorily performed, which of the following identifies the date when the unit must be in Hot Shutdown? a. 2/18/98 b. ~ 2/19/98 c. 2/23/98 d. 2/26/98 Page 5 of 46 i )
S:nier Reactar Op:: rat:r Examinati:n 12. Given the following conditions: .- A General Emergency has been declared All Emergency Response Organization facilities have been activated ' * Planned emergency exposures 'are necessary to evacuate injured plant persorinel The Radiation Protection Supervisor - Exposure Control's ALARA Analysis shows expected rescue team individual exposures of 6500 mrem- The Operations Support Center Coordinator, Operations Superintendent and Radiological Assessment Coordinator have determined that emergency exposure ~ .must be' received Which of the following individuals must authorize the emergency exposure for the given conditions? - , ' a. Emergency Duty Officer b. Emergency Coordinator c. Radiological Assessment Coordinator d. Operations Support Center Coordinator , 13. The estimated time to independently verify a valve position'is 15 minutes. Of the listed dose rates, which is the MINIMUM dose rate that would allow waiving the " Hands On" independent verification requirement for the conditions given? a.10 mrem /hr b. 30 mrem /hr c. 45 mrem /hr d. 60 mrem /hr
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Ssnisr Reactor Op:rator Examination I
- 14. An em:rg:ncy his occurred immidiattly r; quiring rcasonablo cctions to be taken that d:part
- from Technical Specifications. No actions consistent with Technical Specifications that can provide adequate equivalent protection are immediately apparent. ' ' Which'of the following' identifies who is required to approve the action and under what' - conditions the action can be performed? a. The Control Room Supervisor approves actions to be taken to protect the health and I safety of facility personnel. bJ The Control Room Supervisor approves actions to be taken to protect the health and safety of the public.- c. The Emergency Coordinator, in the Emergency Operating Facility, approves actions to be .taken to protect the health and safety of facility personnel. ~ ' d.' The Emergency Coordinator, in the Emergency Ope,ra. ting Facil'ity, approves actions to'be taken to protect the health and safety of the public. . . ~ ~ 15. V hich of the following is the first no'ification t requirement and when must that notification be made when a plant event requires declaration of an Alert? I ~ a. To the N'RC - within 15 minutes of the everit occurring. l b. To the State and Local agencies - within 15 minutes of the event occurring. c. To the NRC - within 15 minutes of the Alert declaration. I d. To the State and Local agencies - within 15 minutes of the Alert declaration. j i I l Page 7 of 46 1
, S:nlar R: actor Op;ratsr Excmination '- . 16. Given the following conditions: A major plant transient has occurred ' ' 'The plant is now in a stable condition * Post transieilt reviewindicates an' Alert should have'been" declared ~30 ' minutes * ago but the conditions do not currently exist Which of the following describes the requirements for event declaration and notification by the Operations. Supervisor (OS)? ? 'a. The OS should declare the Alert, make the appropriate St' ate, Local and NRC notifications and immediately downgrade or terminate the classification as appropriate for current plant conditions. b. The OS neeci not.declaie the' Alert 'but should make a non-emergency one hour report to ' ' the NRC Operations Center. . c. The OS should declare the Alert, make the State, Local and NRC notifications and hold at this classification until the Emergency Duty Officer (EDO) terminates the event. d. The OS need not declare the Alert but should make a non-emergency four hour report to the NRC Operations Center. 17. Given the following conditions: The plant is performing a shutdown in accordance with 10-0004, " Shutdown From Rated Power To Cold Shutdown" At 20% power the shutdown is completed by placing the Reactor Mode Switch to " Shutdown" All plant systems responded as designed during the scram Post Scram Actuation Review is in progress in accordance with HC.OP-AP.ZZ-0101, Post Reactor Scram /ECCS Actuation Review and Approval Requirements Which of the following should be the FIRST reactor scram signal identified when reviewing the Sequence Of Events printout? a. Reactor Mode Switch in " Shutdown" b. IRM Neutron Flux - High c. Scram Discharge Volume Water Level- High d. APRM Neutron Flux - Upscale, Setdown
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ic L Stnior Rocctcr Op::rator Examination
' 18. Giv:n ths following conditions:
The plant is at normal operating pressure and temperatures j ~ ' All' plant systems are operating as designed ' ' ' The "A" arid "B" scrarn to00le' switches at the hydraulic control unit for ' control rod 42-03 have been placed in " Test" - Which of the following is the expected response of the Scram Pilot Valves for Control Rod 42- 03 and the Scram Dump Valves for the given conditions? a. -- The Scram Pilot Valves reposition to vent the Scram inlet and Outlet Valves - The Scram Dump Valves remain in their initial positions - I , .b. - The Scram Pilot Valves remain in their initial po'sitions. ' - The Scram Dump Valves remain in their initial positions ~ ' c. '- The Scram Pilot Valves reposition to vent the Scram inlet and Outlet Valves . - The Scram. Dump Valves reposition to vent the Scram Discharge Vent and Drain ' Valves . . d. - The Scram Pilot Valves remain in their initial positions. .
L - The Scram Dump Valves repcsition to vent the Scram Discharge Vent and Drain
i Valves .
. 19. Given the following conditions: The plant is performing the control rod exercise surveillance
The Nuclear Control Operator (RO) selects control rod 34-19 on the rod select module
! Only one half of the selected rod pushbutton illuminates
Which of the following describes what has failed and how that affects the ability to move control rods? ; i a. The selected control rod activity control card is in the scan mode and rod motion is ' I i allowed. b. The selected control rod activity control card is in the scan mode and rod motion is not allowed. ! c. Only one of the two RMCS transmitter cards has successfully selected the control rod .and rod motion is not allowed. d. Only one of the two RMCS transmitter cards has successfully selected the control rod , and rod motion is allowed. j Page 9 of 46
Soniar Reactor Op:rator Examination 20. Given the following conditions: .- The plant is operating at 25% power performing a startup Control rod 18-23 has been determined to be stuck * While attem ting to withdraw the controi rod, indicated drive water flow is' reading "0" gpm + . Which of the following is the cause of this indication? a. Hydraulic Control Unit Directional Control Valve (122) has failed to reposition. b. The 2 gpm Stabilizing Valve has failed to reposition. c. Both Cooling Water Header to Exhaust Header Pressure Equalizing Valves have failed ' ' open. .- ~ .d. The Drive Water Header Pressure . Control Valve has failed closed. 21. Given the following conditions: - Control rod insertions are in progress for, a plant shutdown The last control rod in Group 35 was inserted to Notch "02" The first three control rods in Group 34 were then fully inserted Insert and withdraw limits for these two Groups are Notch "00" and Notch "12" respectively- Which of the following describes what the Rod Worth Minimizer (RWM) will be displaying for the given conditions? a. The RWM will be displaying normal operation parameters wi'.h no alarms or errors in
effect. b. The RWM will be displaying a select error with no other alarms or errors in effect. c. The RWM will be displaying a select error with the Group 35 control rod at Notch "02" in the withdraw error box. A rod withdrawal block is in effect. d. The RWM will be displaying a select error and three insert errors. A rod insert block is in effect.
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< S:nier Reactor Operatur Examination " 22. Given the following conditions: A reactor startup is in progress ' Reactor power is,30% 'The total steam flow sisinal output from the Feedwster l'evel Control Spstem fails to the ' ' equivalent of 16% power. Which of the following describes how the Rod Worth Minimizer will enforce control rod 3 movement for the given conditions? a. The Rod Worth Minimizer will allow continued control rod movement but only in single notchincrements.
_ b. .The Rod Worth. Minimizer will allow all normal control rod motion until actual reactor . power is less than the Low Power Setpoint- , .
- c. The Rod Worth Minimizer will immediately prevent all control rod insertions and
withdrawals. - - - . ' id. The Rod Worth Minimizer'will' prevent co'ntrol rod withdrawals if anp control rod is , withdrawn past its withdraw limit. , . , , ^ 23. Given the following conditions: The plant is operating at 75% power Confirmed seal failures have occurred on the "B" Recirculation Pump The pump has just been tripped Which of the following describes the preferred order for isolation of the "B" Recirculation Pump and the reason for that order? a. Close the Suction Valve', isolate seal purge and close the Discharge valve - This order ensures further damage is not done to the seal package from overpressure. b. Close the Discharge Valve, isolate seal purge and close the Suction Valve - This order , ' ensures the Discharge Valve is stroked against a minimal differential pressure. 1 c. Close the Suction Valve, isolate seal purge and close the discharge valve - This order ansures the Suction Valve is stroked against a minimal differential pressure. ; d. " Close the Discharge Valve, isolate seal purge and close the Suction Valve - This order ensures further damage is not done to the seal package from overpressure. . Page 11 of 46
, S;nior R:acter Operatar Examin tion " 24. Given the following conditions: Preparations are complete to start the "A" Recirculation Pump . The Pump Discharge Valve (F031 A) is closed - .. . .,. . . Which of the following describes how the "A" Recirculation Pump trip on t'he discharge. valve ~ ~ closure is bypassed to allow the pump started? a. This trip is bypassed until the pump start sequence is complete within prescribed time , limits. - ~ ~ b. This trip is bypassed until the discharge valve has reached the 10d% open position. c. This trip is bypassed until the pump has been running for 9 seconds. d.' This trip is bypassed until'the discharge valve Jog (open) circuit has timed out. . 25. Given the following conditions: - The plant is operating at 60% power with the "B" Recirculation Pump scoop tube locked The operator is preparing to reset the scoop tube . , , Speed demand on the "B" Recircybtion Pump is slightly LESS than indicated speed Which of the following actions is the operator directed to perform if pump speed begins to slowly rise at approximately 2% per minute after the Scoop Tube Trip / Reset pushbutton is 4 I pressed? a. Immediately press the "A" Recirc MG Set Drive Motor Breaker Trip pushbutton. b. Attempt to control speed with the Increase / Decrease arrows on the Pump Speed Control Station for the "B" Recirc pump. c. Press the Scoop Tube Trip pushbutton for the "B" Recirc pump, d. Press the Recirc Pump Trip (RPT) Breaker Trip pushbutton for the "B" Recirc pump.
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_ - - - - - - _ _ , s- S ni:r R: actor Operc.tur Examinnti:n ~~~ 26. Given tha following conditions: The plant is operating at 75% power . Valve. stroke tim.e testing is in pr, ogress on the "A" RHR Pump Torus Suction ' ' Valve (F004A) The valve is currently closed l All other RHR system components are in their normal standby lineup A steam break causes drywell pressure to reach 2.0 psig. Which of the following' describes the response'of the F004A vafve and the "A" RHR pump? a. The F004A valve automatically ~ opens and the "A" RHR Pump automatically starts after F004A is fully open. b. 'The F004A valve must be manually opened and the "A" RHR Pump automaticatiy starts after F004A is fully open. , c. The F004A valve automatically opens but the "A" RHR Pump must be started by the operator after F004Ais fully open. d. The F004A valve must be manually opened and the "A" RHR Pump manually started after F004A is fully open. 27. Given the following conditions: The plant is operating at 90% power The Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU) Inboard Isolation Valve (F001) has just stroked closed No other RWCU valve repositioned RWCU responded as designed Which of the following initiated the RWCU isolation? a. RWCU system differential flow is excessive. > b. The RWCU Filter /Demineralizer inlet temperatures are excessive. c. The "A" Reactor Protection System MG set tripped. d. The "A" and "D" NSSSS Manual Isolation pushbuttons have been armed and depressed l simultaneously. i l
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' S:niar Rrct:r Operatnr Examin:. tion
28. Which of the following describes the rcison for hcving th3 capability to byp;ss ths Residuni ..
. Heat Removal (RHR) Pump suction path interlocks? a. Allows operation'of the RHR Pumps for shutdown cooling from the Remote Shutdown - Panel. - > - . .. b. Allows the "C" and "D " RHR Pumps to be utilized for an alternate path of suppression pool heat removal. c. Allows operation of the RHR Pumps for cooling the containment Hydrogen Recombiners post-LOCA. . d. Allows the "C" and "D" RHR Pumps to be utilized for an alternate path of core decay heat removal. .
29. The plant is'in Mode 4 with' Shutdown Cooling in service on the "A" Residual' Heat Removal
(RHR) loop with the "A" RHR Pump running. Which of the following describes how a loss of the "B" Rea'ctor Protection System (RPS) bus will affect the inboard and Outboard Sh'utdown Cooling Iso'lation Valves (F008 & F009)? . a. The F008 arid F009 valves' b'oth close. b. The F008 valve closes and the F009 valve remains open. ~ c. The F008 and F009 valves both remain open. d. The F008 valve remains open and the F009 valve closes.
30. Given the following conditions:
. The plant is shutdown . The reactor head is removed but no fuel has been removed from the vessel . Shutdown Cooling is in service on the "B" Residual Heat Removal loop Reactor coolant temperature decreases to 65 *F Which of the following would be the expected result of the low reactor coolant temperature? a. The reactor vessel flange thermal stress limits will be exceeded. b. The Technical Specification reactor coolant chemistry condt::tivity limit will be exceeded. c. The reactor temperatures can no longer be monitored. d. The calculated shutdown margin would be invalid. Page 14 of 46
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S:ni:r R: actor Op; rater Examinttion
31. During a loss of feedwater, a manual start of the High Pressure Coolant injection (HPCI)
i system was done at a water level of -20 inches by operator manipulation of the system
components. iWhich of the folloWing describes'ths HPCI system response as reactor water level' continues
t to change?
a. It will automatically trip at +54 inches and will automatically restart at -38 inches. b. It requires operator action to secure injection when level is greater than +54 inches and automatically restarts at -38 inches. c. It requires operator actions to secure injection when level is greater than +54 inches and to restart when level is less than -38 inches. ~
l d. It wili automatically trip at +54 in'ches and Will require operator action to restart when levsl l ' is less than -38 inches.
\, .
32. Given the following coriditions: A loss of coolant accident has occurred Reactor water level reached -140 inches and is currently -50 inches and rising Drywell pressure is 6 psig All plant systems responded as designed For the given conditions, which of the following describes the system isolation capabilities for the Core Spray System (CSS) Downstream Loop Injection Valve (F0058) and the CSS Upstream Loop Injection Valve (F004B), should Core Spray Loop "B" isolation be required? a. Only F005B valve may be closed. b. Neither the F0048 or F005B valves may be closed. c. Only the F004B valve may be closed. d. Both the F004B and F005B valves may be closed. j l l l l Page 15 of 46 i
' S:nior R:acter Op:rator Examination e 33. Given the following conditions: , A failure-to-scram with Main Steam isolation Valve (MSIV) closure has occurred . The pressure spike.on the MSIV closure was 1120 psig ' ' Reactor power is 16% and water level is -25 inches' as the 3.9 minute' timer times out * Only Division ll of the Redundant Reactivity, Control System automatically initiates ~ . No operator actions are taken Which of the following is the expected plant response for the given conditions. a. Both SLC Pumps start, both Squib Valves fire and the RWCU lsolation Valves (Inboard - 1 F001 & Outboard - F004) close. b. The "B" SLC Pump starts,.the "B" Squib Valve fires and only the RWCU inboard Isolation Valve (F001) closes. - c. Both SLC Pumps start, both Squib Valves fire and only the RWCU ' Inboard Isolation Valve (F001) closes. d. The "B" SLC Pump starts,'the "B" Squib Valve fires and only the~RWCU Outboard - Isolation Valve (F004) closes. 34. Given the following conditions: The plant is in a failure-to-scram condition . Standby Liquid Control (SLC) has been initiated by the operator * Approximately 13 minutes later the operator noted SLC Storage Tank level analog indication on Panel 10C651 is "0" gallons * No additional SLC system abnormalities were noted Which of the following describes how boron injection would be continued for the given
> conditions?
a. Boron injection would continue with two SLC Pumps running. b. Boron injection would continue with the "A" SLC Pump running. c. Boron injection would continue with the "B" SLC Pump running, d. Boron injection would have to be transferred to RWCU as directed by EOP-0304.
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Sanier R:acter Op;rator Examination # 35. Giv:n th3 following conditions:
( * The reactor scrammed and HPCI and RCIC initiated on low reactor water level
following a loss of feedwater . Water' level has bee'n restored to'the normal band ' , All required operator actions were taken on the scram . All Scram Roset switches have been placed in RESET and released ,
! Which of the following would prevent the scram air header from repressurizing for the l conditions given?
' a. The Scrarn Discharge Volume High Level Scram Bypass Switch was not returned to NORMAL. ' b. The RPS trip logic channels'B1 and 82 fail to reenergize when RPS is reset. .
l c. 125 VDC power is lost to one Backup Scram valve.
1 d. The Redundant Reactivity Control System Alternate Rod insertion logic is not reset. l . i 36. Given the following conditions: The plant was performing a stdrtup following a refueling outage when a reactor scram occurred (all rods inserted) * The sequence of events printout shows that just prior to the scram, Average Power Range Monitoring (APRM) channels "B" and "D" were upscale Hi-HI Which of the following additional conditions, by itself, could have caused the full reactor scram signal? a. Rod Block Monitor Channel "A" has failed. b. RPS Bus "B" has deenergized. c. SRM Channels "A" and "C" are reading 1.5 E5 counts per second. d. The Reactor Protection System shorting links are removed.
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' S:nler Reactor Operatar Examination t- 37. Giv n th)following conditions: The plant is operating at.100% power * APRM Channel"D."is bypassed with the joystick ' ; j ~~ * ' Control rod 30-31 is selected ~ All other plant systems are operating as designed Which of the following occurs if APRM Channel"F" fails full"downscale" for the given ; ' conditions? a. R~od Block Monitor Charinel "B" automatically shifts'to the "B" APRM as'its reference. b. Rod Block Monitor Channel"B" generates a rod withdrawal block on a failure to null. ' c. ' Rod Block Monitor Channel"B"is indicating 0%. - . , < - . d.c: Rod Block Monitor Channel "B" is bypassed on the reference. AP.RM downscale. < - .; 38. Given the following conditions:
The plant is performing control rod withdrawals for a reactor startup The reactor is subcritical- Reactor power is 75 counts per second (CPS) in the source range The Nuclear Control Operator (RO) selects the "B" Source Range Monitoring (SRM) detector then holds its " Drive Out" pushbutton in the depressed position Which of the following describes the plant response? a. The "B" SRM detector will not withdraw due to the current power level. b. The Retract Permit light will extinguish and the SRM Det Removal Not Permitted alarm will be received. c. The "B" SRM detector will retract until source range indicates less than 3 cps. d. A Control Rod Withdrawal Block will be generated. Page 18 of 46
< Sani:r R:act:r Op:rctor Examination *#
- 39. Given the following conditions
l l The plant is operating at 55% power '
* Average Power Range Monitoring (APRM) . Channel"C" currently has 14 " good" ' ' ~ ' - ' ~ LPRM input signals ^ Which of the following will result in receipt of the APRM Sys A Upscale Trip /inop alarm (C4 on
l Section C3)?
a. APRM "C" meter function switch is placed in " Flow". b. .One of the " good" LPRMs mode switch is placed in "C" (Calibrate). c. APRM "C" meter function switch is placed in " Average". - d. 'One of the " good"i.PRMs fails "downscale". . . 40. Which of the following describes the difference in actual reactor water level versus indicated . wide range reactor water level and the expected change in that difference during a power ' * reduction from 100% to 65%?
a. ' Actual water level is lower than indicated level and the difference will get larger during , the power re' duction. b. Actual water level is higher than indicated level and the difference will get larger during the power reduction. c. Actual water level is lower than indicated level and the difference.will get smaller during the power reduction. d. Actual water level is higher than indicated level and the difference will get smaller during the power reduction. 41. The Reactor Core isolation Cooing (RCIC) system flow controller has failed full downscale demanding a "0" gpm flowrate. The controller is in " Automatic". Which of the following is the expected RCIC turbine response upto receipt of a valid initiation signal for the given conditions? a. RCIC will start, accelerate and trip on mechanical overspee'd. b. RCIC will start, accelerate then slow to a stop. c. RCIC will start, accelerate then will slow to and run at a low speed. d. RCIC will start, accelerate to and run continuously at approximately 4000 rpm.
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s S3nior R:actsr Operator Examinction .. . 42. Given the following conditions: * Aloss of all AC power has occurred No, Diesel Generators are running . The Reactor Core isolation Cooling (RCIC) systein has initiated and is injecting A valid RCIC steam line high flow signal is received 4 Which of the following describes the RCIC inboard and Outboard Steam Supply isolation kMves (F007 & F008) isolation capabilities and the response of the RCIC turbine for the given conditions?. a. The F007 and F008 valves remain open but can be closed from the Control Room. b. .The F007 and F008 valves remain. open and cannot be closed.from .the Con. trol Room. - c. Only the F007. valve closes. _ . ' ' 'd.. Only the F008 valve closes. . 43.' Given the following conditions: ~ The Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) Manual Initiatiori Channel "B" and "F" pushbuttons (S6B and S6F) have been armed and depressed + There is no Safety Relief Valve response Which of the following "B" Division electrical bus failures caused this system response? a. A loss of 120 VAC Bus 1BJ481 b. A loss of 250 VDC Bus 10D261 c. A loss of 125 VDC Bus 1BD417 d. A loss of 480 VAC Bus 10'B420
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, S nior R:act:r Op;ratar Extminttion 44. Which of the following is the MINIMUM number of Stftty R:li:f Vcivas (SRV) th;t must be opened during an Emergency Depressurization and the reason for that minimum number? a. 4 SRVs provide the minimum depressurization rate required to ensure the low pressure ECCS systems inject soon enough to minimize the amount of time water level is below
l the top of active fuel. ! b'. 5 SRVs provide the minimum depressurization rate required to ensure the low pressure
ECCS systems inject soon enough to minimize the amount of time water level is below the top of active fuel. i c. 4 SRVs provide the minimum steam flow through the core required to assure adequate core cooling. d. S SRVs provide the minimum steam flow through the core required to assure adequato core cooling.-
. 45. Given the following conditions: ) ) The plant has been operating ~at 100% power for several weeks ! All systems are operating as designed Which of the following is the reason why periodic nitrogen makeup to the drywell is required for the given conditions? a. Due to leaks from drywell air operated equipment. b. Due to PCIG normal system leakage. c. Due to normal periodic cycling of the Torus - Drywell Vacuum Breakers. d. Due to normal drywell air inleakage.
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* S;nier Re::ctor Operator Exeminatisn 46. Given the following conditions: 1 The plant had been operating at 75% power A loss.of main condenser vacuum caused a complete Main Steam isolation ' - ' Velve'(MSIV)' closure ' . . .. The Main Condenser Vacuum Breakers have been opened The main turbine did NOT trip and was NOT manually tripped o'n the scram , The MSIV switches have been placed in "Close" . Which of the following conditions are required to allow resetting the NSSSS MSIV isolation logic for the given conditions? a. The Mai.n Condenser Low Vacuum Bypass switches must be in " Bypass" and the Turbine . ' Control Valves must be closed. b. - The Reactor Mode Switch must be out of "Run".a.nd the Turbine Control Valves must be closed. ' c. The Main Condenser Low Vacuum Bypass switches must be in " Bypass" and the Turbine Stop Valves.must be closed to less than 90% open. d. The Reactor Mode Switch must be out of "Run" and the Turbine Stop Valves must be closed to less than 90% open. 47. Which of the following conditions would prevent opening the RHR "B" Loop inboard and Outboard Drywell Spray Valves (F0218 and F0168) following a LOCA? a. The LPCI Injection Valve (F0178) is not fully closed. b. Less than 5 minutes have elapsed since the "B" RHR initiation occurred. c. The RHR Full Flow Test Valve (F0248) is not fully closed. d. Reactor water level is above -129 inches.
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S$nior R: actor Opsrator Examination >
" 48. Giv:n ths following conditions:
The Fuel Pool Cooling system is operating with one pump and heat exchanger in service ' The Fuel Pool Gates areinstalled' No makeup water sources are available Which of the following is the expected effect on Spent Fuel Pool water level and cooling capability if a leak develops on the common FPCC Pump Suction? . a. Cooling capability and water level will be unchanged. b. Cooling capability will be lost and water level will lower slightly and stabilize. c. Cooling capability will be unchanged and water level will lower-slightly~and stabilize. d. Cooling capability will be lost and water level will continuously lower. , 49. Which of the following describes how the main steam line flow restrictors assist in maintaining adequate core cooling for steam line break between the flow restrictors and the Main Steam isolation Vawes? a. They ensure the ' total inventory loss from the reactor vessel maintains level above the top of active fuel until one division of low pressure ECCS is injecting. b. They limit the total inventory loss from the reactor vessel to maintain water level above the top of active fuel for a minimum of 5 seconds. c. They ensure the total energy release rate to the Primary Containment does not result in exceeding suppression chamber design pressure. d. They limit the total inventory loss from the reactor vessel to maintain level above the top of active fuel until HPCI is at rated flow. 50. Which of the following describes the expected indicated steam flow response with an open Safety Relief Valve (SRV) and the reason for that response? a. Indicated steam flow goes up, because SRV steam flow is seen as additional steam flow i over what is going to the main turbine. l b. ' Indicated steam flow goes down, because the SRV steam flow is not monitored by the j main steam system flow detectors. l c. Indicated steam flow remains constant, because the Turbine Control Valves and intercept , i Valves throttle open to maintain a steady MWe output. I d. Indicated steam flow remains constant, because the Turbine Control Valves throttle closed to maintain constant reactor pressure. Page 23 of 46
' S:ni:r R:act::r Op:: rat:r Examination " 51. Given the following conditions: The plant is operating at 70% power + The "B" EHC Pressure Regulator is tagged out of service ' Unknown to the operator, the "A" EHC Pressure Reg'ulator output signal is failed "as is" Which of the following would be the expected response of the Turbins Control Valves and Turbine Bypass Valves as the Nuclear Control Operator (RO) begins to raise power using recirculation flow for the given conditions? (Figure attached) a. -- The Turbine Control Valves will close - The Turbine Bypass Valves will open b. IThe Turbine Control Valves will close .The Turbine Bypass Valves will not. move ~ c. - The Turbine Control Valves will.not move
.The Turbine Bypass. valve will not' move
d. - The Turbine Control Valves will not move.- - The Turbine Bypass Valves will open
l l 52. Given the following conditions:
. A loss of off-site power (LOP) has occurred from 75% power . Within 10 seconds a loss of coolant accident (LOCA) occurs Which of the following is the expected response of the LOP and LOCA sequencers?
! l a. As soon as power is restored to the buses, the LOCA sequencer will control the l restoration of allloads.
b. The LOCA sequencer will begin to sequence until the diesel generator output breakers close, then the LOP sequencer will complete load restoration. c. As soon as power is restored the buses, the LOP sequencer will control the restoration of all loads. d. The LOP sequencer will begin to sequence until the diesel generator output breakers close, then the LOCA sequencer will complete load restoration.
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~ S::nier Reacter Op::rator Examination 53. Giv:n the following conditions: The "B" Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) had started following a valid LOCA signal . . Some time fater the EDG was shutdown ~using~the local Emergency Stop pushbuttons - due to fluctuating oil pressure . ~ Concurrent with stopping the EDG, the 10A402 bus lost power Which of the following describes the actions, if any, regarding resetting the Engine Shutdown Relay (ESR) and th.e (86R) Lockout Relay to restart the "B" EDG and reenergize the 10A402 bus? a. ESR must be reset (86R). Lockout Relay reset is not re'quired
! b. ESR must be reset
(86R) Lockout Relay must be reset c. - ESR reset is not required (86R) Lockout Relay reset is not required d. ESR reset is not required . (86R) Lockout Relay must be reset
! 54. Which of the following parameter changes indicate the moisture content of charcoal adsorber l bed of the Gaseous Radwaste System (GRW)is rising?
a. GRW post-treatment radiation level due to Krypton is rising. b. GRW charcoal adsorber bed temperature is lowering. c. GRW post-treatment radiation level due to lodine is rising. d. GRW charcoal adsorber bed hydrogen concentration is lowering. l
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* Sanier Rgactcr Op;ratar Excminction s- 55. Giv:n the following conditions: The plant has been operating at 100% power for several weeks , Mairi Steam. Line (MSL) radiation levels have been averaging 80 mrem but are now slowly trending upwards Chemistry has' verified the. higher radiation readings are due to failed fue! What are the immediate Operator Actions required for the given conditions? a. Place additional Condensate Domineralizers in service if possible, b. Scram the reactor and close the Main Steam Isolation Valves when MSL levels are greater than 120 mrem. c. Direct Reactor Water Cleanup flow to the main condenser to reduce coolant activity. ' d . Reduce reactor power to maintain MSL radia! ion levels less than 120 mrem. . . 56. Given the following conditions: 4 The plant is operating at 50% power All systems are operating normally . One Reactor Building Ventilation System (RBVS) Exhaust Fan discharge damper has failed to the full "open" position with the fan running No other RBVS components have changed Which of the following describes how this will affect the initiation of the Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS) and the reason for this? a. ECCS will initiate after it is required because the failed damper lowers Reactor Building pressure resulting in a lower indicated drywell pressure. b. ECCS will initiate before it is required because the failed damper raises Reactor Building pressure resulting in a higher indicated drywell pressure. c. ECCS will initiate after it is required because the failed damper raises Reactor Building pressure resulting in a lower indicated drywell pressure. d. ECCS will initiate before it is required because the failed damper lowers Reactor Building pressure resulting in a higher indicated drywell pressure.
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- S :nisr R actar Operator Excminatisn .. 57. Given the following conditions: The plant is operating at 40% power . The Jet Pump operability surveillance indicates that one jet pump has failed Technical Specifications ~ require the' plant to' be in hot shutdown within 12 hours Which of the following describes why such a severe' restriction placed on continued operation for the given conditions? a. A jet pump failure at this low power level will significantly affect the core flows and result in unacceptable thermal limits (MCPR). b. A jet pump failure may limit reactor water level restoration capability during the reflood portion of a Loss Of Coolant Accident.
c. A jet pump failure combined with the flow restricting orifices may adversely affect core flow to the higher power fuel bundles. ' 'd. ' A jet pump failure results in'less conservative protective ~ action setpoints for ~ instrumentation using recirculation loop flow as an input signal.
58. Given the following conditions: The "A" Recirculation Pump has tripped The "A" Recirculation Pump discharge valve is open RECIRC LOOP A JET PUMP FLOW (TOTAL) indicates 2 mlbm/hr RECIRC LOOP B JET PUMP FLOW (TOTAL) indicates 35 mlbm/hr RECIRC PMP B FLOW indicates 24,000 gpm Recirc pump "B" speed is 49% Which of the following would be expected values for total JET UMP FLOW (the flow recorder) and actual core flow? a. Flow recorder - 33 mlbm/hr, Actual core flow - 33 mlbm/hr b. Flow recorder - 33 mlbm/hr, Actual core flow - 37 mlbm/hr c. Flow recorder - 37 mlbm/hr, Actual core flow - 33 mlbm/hr d. Flow recorder - 37 mlbm/hr, Ac.ual core flow - 37 mlbm/hr ! !
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, Sanisr R actgr Operater Examination " 59. Given the following conditions: , l * The plant is operating at 90% power , ' All main turbine' sealing steam normal and backup supplies have been lost " ' There is no time estimate for repair / restoration Which of the following are the immediate operator act' ions for the given conditions? i
l a. Reduce power as necessary to maintain condenser pressure less than 5.0" HGA.
. b. Reduce recirculation flow to minimum, unload 'and trip the main turbine.
c.~ Reduce power as necessary to maintain adequate self-sealing steam to the main turbine
seals. d. ' Reduce recirculation flow t'o maintain power less than 25% (Bypass Valve capacity). . .
! , I '
60. . During a loss'of off-site power the operator is cautioned not to acknowledge the flashing ' " Trip" pushbuttons for the 4.16 KV Vital 1 E Bus infeed breakers. 8 Which of the following will occur if these pushbuttons are pressed? a. 'That' bus' feeder breaker will attempt to close until the anti-pump feature causes it to trip open and remain open. b. The Diesel Generator associated with that bus, if running, will trip and its output breaker will open. c. That bus' alternate feeder breaker will trip open and then immediately reclose when the
l pushbutton is released I
d. The Diesel Generator associated with that bus will not load.
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S:nier Rrctor Optrator Examination
" 61. Giv:n the following conditions:
The plant is at 45% with power ascension to 100% in prpgress * One of the Electrical Protection Assembly (EPA) breakers on the "B" Reactor . ~ ' Protection Systerri(RPS) MG' set has just tripp'ed - Breaker investigation.shows a trip on "overvoltage" Which of the following describes the response of the Recirculation Pumps if a main turbine trip occurs before the "B" RPS Bus is reenergized for the given conditions? a. Both Recirculation Pumps runback to " minimum" speed. ' , b. The "A" Recirculation Pump trips, the "B" Recirculation Pump runs back to " minimum" speed. , , l c. Both Recirculation Pumps trip. d. 'The "B" Recirculation' Pump' trips, the "A" Recirculation Pump runs b'ack to " minimum" . speed. . s 62. Given the following conditions: ; A plant startup is in progress with the Reactor Mode Switch in "Run" The Main Turbine is reset and is at 950 rpm accelerating to 1800 rpm . A loss of 125 VDC power from distribution panel 1CD318 to the EHC control logic occurs Which of the following is the expected plant response? a. Main turbine trips. b. Main turbine startup would continue at the selected acceleration rate. c. Main turbine speed will remain constant at 950 rpm. ! d. Main turbine control valves throttle closed due to a loss of the speed reference signal. Page 29 of 46
, S::nicr R cter Op: rat:r Examinati n " 63. Givrn the following conditions: The plantis< operating at 20% power . A main generator load reject has just occurred The powerhoad unbalance circ 6it tripped unexpectedly during the load reject Which of the Ibmowing is the expected response of the Turbine Control Valves and the Reactor Protedhon System (RPS) for the given conditions? a. - The Twtbine Control Valves throttle closed , - RPS dzes not trip b - The Turtbine Control Valves fast close .RPS trips c. - The Tudbine Control Valves throttle closed - - RPS Mps d. - The Tur'bine Control Valves fast close , , - RPS daes not trip . 64. Which of the tiillowing describes when the Main Turbine is . required to be tripp'e d'following a . reactor scram? a. At 50 MWe lowering
b. At 25 NMAe lowering c. At 0 MWe d. At 50 MWe rising (reverse power) 65. During a failure 4o-scram condition, which of the following is the criteria used to determine if HC.OP-EO.ZZ4100(Q), " Reactor Scram", should be exited and HC.OP-EO.ZZ-0101(Q), " Reactor / Pressure Vessel (RPV) Control", entered? a. Reactor period on SRM Period meters is stable at -80 seconds I b. All APRB4*downscale" lights are not illuminated c. . All four RPS logic channels are deenergized
d. All controE tods are inserted to or beyond Notch "02"
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. S:nier Recctor Optrator Excmination .a 66, Following a reactor scram and Main Steam Isolation Valve closure, reactor pressure reaches 1050 psig causing the "H" and "P" Safety Relief Valves (SRV) to open. ,, Which of the following lists the operating setpoints..for subsequent openings of the ",P" SRV7 , , a. SRV "P" opens at 1047 psig and closes at 935 psig. b. SRV"P" opens at 1047 psig and closes at 905 psig. c. SRV "P" opens at 1017 psig and closes at 935 psig. d. SRV "P" opens at 1017 psig and closes at 905 psig. 67. With the plant at 100% power a severe overfeeding transient is' occurring., Water level is +50 : inches and rising rapidly. . .. , ,
- Which of the following reactor water levels require termination of all feed to the reactor,
closing'the MSIVs and a reactor scram assuming none of these actions have occurred? -
l a. +54 inches
b. +65 inches ' c. +90 inch'es d. +118 inches 68. Given the following conditions: The plant is operating at 80% power All three Feedwater Pumps are in service Feedwater Level Control is in " Automatic - Three Element" control . Narrow Range level "A" is reading 34 inches Narrow Range level "B" is reading 36.5 inches * Narrow Range level "C" is reading 35.0 inches Which of the following would be the expected response of the Feed Water Level Control System and reactor water level if Narrow Range level "B" failed to the low end of the rangel a. It would transfer to Single Element Control and level would remain unchanged. ' b. It would remain in Three Element Control and level would remain unchanged. c. It would transfer to Single Element Control and would raise level by approximately 1.5 inches. d It would remain in Three Element Control and would raise level by approximately 1.0 inches. I ; Page 31 of 46 1
' S niar Reacter Op rator Excminati:n "
69. Which of the following is the b sis of the 65 psig Suppression Ch:mber Pressura limit?
a. 65 psig is the primary containment maximum expected post-LOCA pressure. b. Above 65 psig, the system lineup required for containment venting may not be able to be . completed. c.. Above 65 psig, the Safety Relief Valves'may not be available when required for an- Emergency Depressurization. d. 65 psig is the operational limit of the Torus to Drywell vacuum breakers.
70. Given the following conditions:
The plant is operating at 95% power * All Drywell Cooling Chilled Water pumps have tripped Drywell pressure is rising HC.OP-AB.ZZ-0201,"Drywell High Pressure / Loss Of Drywell Cooling", has been , entered and the Reactor Auxiliary Cooling System (RACS) is being aligned to supply backup cooling to the Chilled Water System Which of the foll'owing describes the effect of failing'to close the Chilled Water isolation Supply and Return Valves (HV9532-2 and HV9532-1) before the transfer to RACS? a. The RACS Pump automatic start permissives will be bypassed until the valves are closed. b. The RACS. valves will not automatically sequence open to supply Chilled Water should a loss of off-site power occur. c. Chilled Water system flow will divert back into the RACS system overflowing the RACS head tank. d. RACS system flow will divert back into the Chilled Water system overflowing the Chilled Water head tank. Page 32 of 46
., S:ni::r R actor Operator Excmin*_tirn " 71. During a loss of cool:nt eccid:nt the following conditions exist. ' S' ( -
j Reactor pressure is 125 psig '
D_rywell temperature is 325 'F p b .b Which of the following describes the accu acy and triending capabilities of wide range reactor water level indication for the given conditi.ons? ~- a. They are not providing accurate reactor water level or level trend information.
! b. They are providing acc6 rate reactor water level but level trend is not reliable.
- c. They are providing accurate reactor water level and level trend information. , d, The tiot providing accurate reactor water level but level trend is reliable. 72. Given the following conditions: The piant is operating at 95% power * Suppression pool temperature is 92 'F At 0915, Safety Relief Valve (SRV)"G" opened ~ After several cycles of the SRV Open and Close pushbuttons, the operator notes that tailpipe temperature for the SRV is stable at 305 'F and NO other plant parameters have changed Which of the following describes the limitations on continued reactor operation for the given conditions? * a. Reactor operation may continue until pressure set is reduced to less than 850 psig. b. Reactor operation may continue until suppression pool temperature reaches 120 'F. c. Reactor operation may continue indefinitely. d. Reactor operation may continue until 0917.
I ,
l l l Page 33 of 46
,. S:ni r Rrct::r Operator Excmin tien " 73. Given the following conditions: r \ Reactor power is 82% 3 HPCI is in operation for a surv.eillance ~ " ' ' The "B" loop of RHR is in' Suppressi6n Pool Coolin~g Suppression pool temperature is 103 'F when the running ' pump tripped , HPCI was secured Subsequently, suppression pool temperature incre to 106 *F Which of the following lists the suppression poo mperatures requiring entry into HC.OP- EO.ZZ-0102, Primary Containment Control ~ entry into the LCO actions for Tech Spec a. EO4102 - 9$ 'F / TS - 95 * b. EO-0102 - 95 * F TS[ - c. EO-0102 e - 105 *F , TS- .1 - 95 *F d. -0102 - 105 *F. TS - 105 *F , ,, rc n a s ine ,, ?- !g5 ' , .: _,, - t il ' h f 3(. M r.'s r,G qi im, t,' V"li W 6 U l'4 WI!' 4 U " , 74. Given the following conditions: h,dc'g Wg ljtM(Mj h > j NJ / , The plant is operating at 100% power A feedwater heater trip has resulted in a feedwater temperature of 385 *F No operator actions have been taken Which of the following is the operational concem for the given conditions? a. Entry into the Exit Region of the Power-To-Flow Map. b. Violation of the Hope Creek Operatira License.
c. Immediate thermal hydraulic instabilities. d. Recirculation Pump damage. Page 34 of 46 _-
. Senior Reactor Optrator Examinction ., 75. Which of the following describes how the operators would know the H ater ~ Chemistry injection (HWCI) system had NOT been removed from se ' whiie performing a shutdown in accordance with HC,OP-lO.ZZ-OOO4(Q), "S, rom Rated Power To Cold . Shutdown"? * / ~ . . a. Hydrogen explosions in the Mechanica _ "mPump while operating to maintain condenser va'cuum. b. Post-shutdown (2 hours ine Building radiation levels would be much higher. c. Alarms and i ons resulting from a control rod drop accident would not be available to the o ors as quickly. d e Primary and Secondary Condensate Pumps will cavitate. . ,. . e Sh5r ?r i n!u l 76. Following a reactor scram all rods are at position "00". except one that is at position "24." Which of the following describes the capability of the reactor to remain shutdown? a. Control rods are inserted to beyond the Maximum Suberitical Banked Withdrawal limit, therefore the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions.
- b. Control rods are not inserted to beyond the Maximum Suberitical Banked Withdrawal
limit, therefore it cannot be assured the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions. c. Design basis shutdown margin is met, therefore the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions, d. Design basis shutdown margin is not met, therefore it cannot be assured that the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions. l l I I l Page 35 of 46
. S:ni:r R::ctor Operater Extmination " 77. Given the following conditions: The Control Room has been abandoned in accordance with HC.OP-AB.ZZ-0130(Q), " Control Room Evacuation" ' Control has been established at the' Remote Shutdown Panel in accordance with' .HC.OP-lO.ZZ-0008(Q), " Shutdown From Outside Control Room" ~ RCIC is operating maintaining reactor water level at +35 inches Safety Relief Valves (SRV) are being used to cooldown Condensate Storage Tank (CST) level is 135,000 gallons The Condensate System is not available Which of the following is correct for the given conditions? a. RCIC is' operated'without overspeed protection. b. insufficient CST inventory is available to allow the cooldown to clear the shutdown cooling interlocks.
c. The RCIC Gland Seal Condenser Condensate Pump must be manually operated.. ' d. SRVs cannot be operated in a rotation that will evenly distribute heat to the Suppression Chamber. 78. Which of the following describes the effect of failing to restart the Turbine Building Ventilation System if it trips while operating in HC.OP-EO.ZZ-0104(Q)-FC, " Radioactive Release Control"? a. The Turbine Building will go to a slightly negative pressure. b. The total off-site release calculations will not be accurate. c. The Turbine Building releases will be monitored but not treated. d. The total off-site release will be higher. 79. A loss of Reactor Auxiliary Cooling System (RACS) has occurred. Which of the following is the MAXIMUM time allowed before a reactor scram is required? a. An immediate scram is required b. One (1) minute c. Ten (10) minutes d. Twenty (20) minutes Page 36 of 46
u - 1; S:nler React:r Op;ratar Examination
l !
" 80. Giv:n th3 following conditions:
A loss of coolant accident has occurred
l_ The Reactor Auxiliaries Cooling Syste.m (RACS) has been restored
. .
Which of the following describes the availability / response of the Emergency Instrument Air
Compressor (EIAC) for these conditions should instrument air header pressure begin lowering? a. The EIAC is not available until the LOCA signal is cleared, reset and the 1E breaker is closed. I b. The EIAC will automatically start on instrument air header pressure less than 85 psig. c. The EIAC is not available until the Non-1E breaker is closed and instrument air pressure s is less than 85 psig. , d. The EIA' Cwill not automatically start but may be started manually from the Control Room , or locally. , , 8.1. Which of the following describes the reason control rods insert during a loss of instrument air? a. A flowpath is opened to'the bottom of the drive mechanism operating piston allowing i reactor pressure to drift the rod in. b. Drive water flow and pressure both rise enough to drift the control rod in, similar to a normal insertion. c. A flowpath is opened from the top of the drive mechanism operating piston allowing I accumulator pressure to drift the rod in. d. The normal scram flowpath to and from the drive mechanism operating piston is opened, allowing accumulator and reactor pressure to drift the rod in. 82. Following a loss of shutdown cooling, decay heat removal is being transferred to the Alternate Shutdown Cooling lineup (Injection to the reactor returning to the suppression pool via open Safety Relief Valves). Which of the following indications is utilized to monitor the margin to Op Con 3 entry in this ; lineup? a. Safety Relief Valve tailpipe temperatures b. Suppression pool temperatures l c. Reactor vessel skin temperatures d. Local suction temperatures on the running low pressure ECCS pumps Page 37 of 46 _
N , Sanior Rsactor Op3 rater Examinstion " 83. Which of the following describes th3 conditions r: quiring th3 R: ctor Mods Switch to be placed in " Shutdown" on a sustained loss of Control Rod Drive charging water header pressure (<900 psig) with reactor pressure at 650 psig? a. - Within 20 minutes of determining more than one CRD inoperable and at least one of.those inoperable accumulators is associated with a withdrawn control rod. b. Within 20 minutes of determining any CRD accumulator is inoperable and the inoperable- accumulator is associated with a withdrawn control rod. c. Immediately upon determining more than one CRD accumulator is inoperable and all the inoperable accumulators are associated with fully inserted control rods. d. Immediately upon determining any CRD accumulator is inoperable and the inoperable accumulator is pssociated with a withdrawn control rod. ' !. . 84. Given the following conditions: . The plant is shutdown for refueling The Reactor Protection System shorting links have been removed 'A fuel bundle is being moved from the fuel pool to core. If SRM "C" fails "downscale", which of the following are the required immediate ections? a. Verify a control rod withdrawal block is received. Terminate fuel movement. b. Verify a full scram and a control rod withdrawal block is received. Terminate fuel movement. c. Verify a control rod withdrawal block is received. Fuel movement is required to be terminated ONLY if the fuel bundle is to be placed in the quadrant monitored by SRM "C." d. Verify a full scram and control rod withdrawal block is received. Fuel movement is required to be terminated ONLY if the fuel bundle is to be placed in the quadrant
monitored by SRM "C."
I l
Page 38 of 46 _
.. S:nier R:act:r Op;rator Examination 85. Given the following conditions: A large break loss of coolant accident has occurred . ' . Drywell pressure reached a maximum of 22 psig Suppression chambe~r sprays have ~NOT been pla'ced in service . Drywell sprays are in service . Drywell pre'ssure is 4 psig and slowly lowering Which of the following is the expected positions of the Torus-to-Drywell Vacuum Breakers and the Reactor Building-to-Torus Vacuum Breakers for'the given conditions? a. - The Torus-to-Drywell Vacuum Brealiers are open . The Reactor Building-to-Torus Vacuum Breakers are open b.' - The Torus-to-Drywell Vacuum Breakers are open . - The. Reactor Building-to-Torus. Vacuum Breakers .are~ closed , c. - The Torus-to-Drywell Vacuum Breakers are closed - The Reactor Building 4o-Torus Vacuum Breakers are closed d. - -The Torus-to-Drywell Vacuum Breakers are closed - The Reactor Building-to-Torus Vacuum Breakers are open . 86. Given the following conditions: The plant has experienced a loss of coolant accident Suppression chamber sprays were placed in service when required Drywell sprays were initiated with suppression pool level approximately 145 inches Which of the following would be the result of these actions? a. The Residual Heat Removal Pumps will be operated outside the NPSH Limit Curves. b. Excessive differential pressures between the suppression chamber and the drywell will occur. c. The suppression chamber venting flowpath will be damaged leading to loss of pressure suppression capability. d. The suppression chamber spray capacity will be lost. i 1 l 4
Page 39 of 46
l l
' Senior Reactor Operator Examination 87. Following a reccior serrm with e Mein Steam isolation Velva Closure, tha plant is b:ing s- I depressurized using the Safety Relief Valves (SRV). ! Which of the the reason.why the depressurization should be accomplished with ~ ~
" sustained" SRV opening's 'if the pneumatic supply (PCIG and instrument air) is lost to the . SRVs? a. This prevents exceeding the 100'FIhour cooldown limit during the depressurization while conserving the SRV pneumatic supply, b. This ensures the available SRV pneumatic supply is sufficient to cooldown to less than . the shutdown cooling interlocks. c. This directs depressurization without regard to the Technical Specification cooldown limits before the depleted pneumatic supply results in Ipss of SRV. control. > d. This ensures the SRV accumulat.or pneumatic supply is available and adequate for later us's if the Emerciency Operating Procedures require Emergency Depressurizatiori. . 88. The following data was collected following a Group 1 isolation and reactor scram from 100% . power: The Group 1 isolation was caused by technician error The reactor scrammed on high reactor pressure Reactor pressure peaked at 1060 psig All control rods fully inserted The plant was stabilized in Op Con 3 Which of the following is the basis for a decision not to startup? a. A safety limit violation has occurred and the requirements of Technical Specification 6.7, " Safety Limit Violation" must met. b. The reactor steam dome pressure LCO was violated. c. The Reactor Protection System did not respond as expected. d. The P.edundant Reactivity Control System did not respond as expected. i Page 40 of 46 l
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _. . _ _ _ _ ,, Senior Reactor Operator Examinaticn 89. Which of the following describes the basis for initiating boron injection before exceeding the Boron injection initiation Temperature (BilT)? - a. This ensures the reactor will be shutdown and in hot-standby conditions before the suppression pool reaches the heat capacity level limit. b. This ensures the reactor will be shutdown and in hot-standby conditions before the suppression pool reaches the heat capacity temperature limit c. This ensures the Primary Containment Pressure Limit will not be exceeded before RPV pressure is below the Minimum Alternate Flooding Pressure. d. This ensures suppression pool temperature will not exceed 150 *F during an Emergency Depressurization, if required. 90: Given the following condition: * The plant is operating in HC.OP-EO.ZZ-0206, " Reactor Flooding" Suppression chamber pressure is 22 psig Reactor pressure is 105 psig
4 SRVs have been opened and have remained open for 85 minutes All reactor water level indicators are off-scale high Which of the following would be the MINIMUM expected actual reactor water level for the given conditions? a. -209 inches b. -161 inches c. +118 inches d. Filled solid l l Page 41 of 46 _ _ _ _ _
. Sonier React:r Operatar Examinati:n e 91. HPCI and RCIC both started and are injecting in response to a valid low reactor water level. Current plant conditions are as follows: * Reactor water level is +25 inches, steady 4 Reactor pressure is'845 psig, rising slowly Drywell pressure is 1.1 psig, steady . RCIC has been aligned to Full Flow Recirc operation (CST to CST) for pressure control HPCI is injecting to the reactor for level control After 10 minutes of operation a valid high suppression pool level is received Which of the following would be the expected response of RCIC if a valid high suppression pool level is received for the given conditions? ~ a. RCIC will remain in Full Flow' Recirculation. b. RCIC will trip on high turbine exhaust pressure. c. RCIC will trip on low suction pressure. ' d. RCIC will' operate on minimum flow. 92. During high primary containment water level condilions, suppression pool water level bdications cannot be used. Operation of which system will invalidate the alternate method used for determining primary containment water level? a. RCIC b. Core Spray c. RHR d. HPCI
I I l l
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S:;nier R: actor Op:ratar Examination 93. Given the following conditions: A leak has occurred in the suppression pool * + The reactor is shutdown. ' ' ' ' , . A cooldown is being performed using SRVs~ The Heat Capacity Level Limit (HCLL) curve is being monitored , . The " Action Required' area of the HCLL curve has been entered for several minutes . Which of the following is a possible effect of initiating an emergency depressurization with the given conditions? a. The suppression pool may exceed design temperature. , . .b. Failure of the downcomer vent header joints due to " chugging." . . c. The SRNailpipe Level Limit curve may be exceeded. d'. The capacity of the Torus to Drywell vacuum breakers will be' exceeded. . . . . . '94. ' Following the runback of the Recirculation Pumps on a trip of a Primary Condensate Pump, the operator may monitor the Source Range Monitoring (SRM) per.iod meters for strong i deflections above and below " Infinity". Under which of the following conditions may SRM period indications be considered accurate - indication of thermal hydraulic instabilities? a. Only when the SRM detectors are fully withdrawn from the core, . b. . Anytime, regardless of detector position, if the detectors are stationary, c. Only when the SRM detectors are fully inserted into the core, d. Anytime the SRM detectors are moving. 1 l l I 1 1 l i i i ; i l Page 43 of 46
' l Seni::r Reactor Operator Examinctisn '- 95. With the plant et pow;r ths M2in Storm / Rs:ctor Wrtsr Cleanup Arsa Lerk Temperature High alarm was received and the RWCU system automatically isolated. The leak has been determined to be in the RWCU Pipe Chase Room 4402. ~ Which of the following is NOT a required operator action for the given' conditions? ~ a. Notify Chemistry to close the" Manual' Sample Line Isolation Valves P-RC-V9670 and 1- RC-V006. b. Observing the RWCU Inboard and Outboard Isolation Valves (F001 & F004) close, c. Observing the Recirc Sample Line isolation Valves (BB-SV-4310 and 4311) automatically close. d. Operate available Reactor Building ventilation fans consistent with plant conditions. , -
, 96. Given the following conditions: ~ The plant was operating at rated power when a steam line break occurred in the HPCI room . HPCl isolated due to high room temperatures . RBVS exhaust radiation levels reached 1.0 E-2 microcuries/mi Which of the following describes the ventilation system response for the given conditions? a. RBVS remains in service - b. RBVS isolated,6 FRVS Recire and 1 FRVS Vent Fans are in service c. RBVS isolated,4 FRVS Recirc and 1 FRVS Vent Fans are in service d. RBVS isolated,6 FRVS Recirc and 2 FRVS Vent Fans are in service 97. With the Reactor Building Ventilation in a normal lineup, the operator observes that Reactor Building pressure is .10 inches of vacuum water gauge. Which of the following is an immediate action to restore Reactor Building pressure to the required pressure? a. Place at least two FRVS units in service. b. Secure a reactor building supply fan. c. Place an FRVS unit in service and increase FRVS flow rate to maximum. d. Place the third Reactor Building Exhaust Fan in service. Page 44 of 46
1 S:nicr ROIctor Operator ExaminLtion l
* 98. Given the following conditions:
. The reactor has scrammed from power . Pilot Scram Valve Group 1 solenoids, Logic "A" and Logic "B" did not doenergize , * ' - The Screm Discharge Volume is currently full Which of the following describes the difference between inserting control rods in accordance
I with HC.OP-EO.ZZ-0303, " Individual Control Rod Scrams" and HC.OP-EO.ZZ-0302, "De-
energization Of Scram Solenoids"? a. EO-0302 requires resetting RPS and ARI, EO-0303 does not. b. EO-0303 requires resetting RPS and ARI, EO-0302 does not. c. EO 0303 does not isolate the Scram Discharge Volume, E04302 'does.-
l d. EO-0302 results in a flowpath from the RPV to the Reactor Building Sump, EO-0303.does
' .not. . . 99. Which 'of the following are the appropriate hydrogen concentration values to complete the . following statement following a loss of coolant accident with hydrogen generation occurring? Rising containment hydrogen concentrations require corrective actions be taken at
l and reentry into HC.OP-EO.ZZ-0102, " Primary Containment Control", at
a. 2.0%, - 0.5% b. 0.5%, 2.0% c. 2.0%, 2.0% d. 0.5%, 0.5%
Page 45 of 46 ,
. S:nier React:r Op:ratcr Extminatian ,, 100 Givon '.he following conditions: A loss of coolant accident has occurred Hydrogen is present in the primary containment ~The Hydrogen Recombiners have been started Which of the following is the hydrogen concentration that requires termination of Hydrogen Recombiner operation and the reason why that value is selected? a. The Hydrogen Recombiners are secured at 4% hydrogen concentration because there is insufficient oxygen available to support the recombination reaction. b. The Hydrogen Recombiners are secured at 6% hydrogen concentration because there is . insufficient. oxygen available to support the recombination r.eaction. c. The Hydrogen.Recombiners are secured at 4% hydrogen concentration in order to * ' prevent their becoming an ignition source. .d. The Hydrogen Recombiners are secured at 6% hydrogen concentration in order to prevent tiieir becoming'an igniti6n sou'rce'. . . .
Page 46 of 46
Seni:r R :ct:r Operator Answ:r K;y ., i 1. b 294001G101 26. d 203000K406 2a 294001G102 . 27. c 204000K115 . 3. d 294001G104 28. d- 205000A104- 4. c 294001G108 29. gn 205000A203 n c ~ r r~ ~ e n -a s r> tw 3 s 'n '+/ . 5. e 204001OM8~ ,seu res we en ,nro.s riot 1.>.,b . 30. d 205000G421 N 1"lI l 6. c 294001G128 31 a 206000K102 7.' b 294001G131 32. a 209001A403 , 8. b 294001G202 - 33. a. 211000A208 9 '. . c 294001G213. 34. a 211.000K506 . 10. d 294001G217 35. d .212000A414 11. d 294001G222 36 d 212000K411 12. a 294001G304 37. d 215002K604 13. c 294001G310 38, d 215004A104 14. b 294001G412 39. b -215005K104 15. d 294001G440 40. d 216000A301 16. b 294001G441 41. c 217000A210 17. d 294001G448 42. b 217000K201 18. a 201001K405 43. c 218000K201
i ! 19. c 201002A405 44. c' 218000K302
20. a 201003A207 45. b 223001K103 21. a' 201006K514 46. c 223002A403 22. d 201006K602 47. a 226001K403 . 23 c 202001A210 48. b 233000K302 24. aoed 202001A302 49. b 239001G128 s e < nrr~ ke a h- A& v Gs ifd Ff* 25. b 202002A101 d' z . ,! I2 50. b 239002A109 Page 1
. S:ni:r Rrct:r Operator An w:r KGy .. 51. c 241000K302 76. c 295015A202 52; a 262001A304 ;77. c 295016A108 53'. b '264000K603 78. b 295017K302 54. a 271000A408 79. Cc Y' 295018K202wt M. sn . rteejgg '2d$d1NAT0I ' yp'###a%4'N3+W 7 "I' ' 55. d 272000A201 80. a 56. d 290001K601 81. d 295019K201 57. b 290002K401 82. a 295021A104- . 58. a 295001A203 83..d 295022K207. 59..a 295002A105 84. a 295023G23.2 60. d 295003A101 85. b 295024A116 61 c 295003K204 86.'b ~295024K101 62. a 295004K203 87. d 295025K102 63 d 295005K201 88. c 295025K201 64. c 295006G449 89. b 295026K304 65. b 295006K103 90. b 295028K302 66. a 295007K304 91. d 295029A104 67. c 295008G123 92 d 295029A201 68. d 295009K202 93. a 295030K103 295031A202 69. car b 295010A202see arre ce ugs trorar%g.,pp3lli g). b 70. d 295010K302 95. c 295032G448 e t@ld dSe CXM , ' ,,, . - . ,. , , i v i I V .P * 96. pb 295034K102 ' * " H d 3 ye r M Y' % ' %' '*? 72.Sed(y# 235'OT3 Aid 2 ' '"" " k0k' ' y~ see wmean e va~~ ~wys dM's W '**hh#I 97. d 295035A201 295037K205 ""'L_ - - 2050iOOiUE _ _ ' %.;.n.u w-h{nn , :< fu - 6% 98. c 74. b 295014G110 " 99. b 500000G404 r>. ( 500000K303 75. c 23501 iKivo 00 c 4 l' V TC d ,~Sf* , , , p,, WMM&f*"I f g #* Y 3-5-11 , ,. 7 F , .7 -b :m - f Page 2
. . . - - . . ,
Y 3/4.0 aPPLI M afLITY ~ 4 ^ LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION - . ... .. . .... .. .. ........................... ....... .- 3.0.1 Compliance with the Limiting conditions .for Operation contained in th's > succeeding Specifications is required during the OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS or other conditions specified thereins except that upon failure to most the Limiting Conditions for Operation, the associated ACTION requirements.shall be met. 3.0.2 Noncompliance with a Specification shall exist when the requirements of the Limiting Condition for Operation and associated ~ ACTION requirements are If the Limiting condition for not met within the specified time intervals. Operation is restored prior to expiration of the specified time intervals, completion of the Action requirements is not required. 3'.0.3 When a Limiting condition for Operation is. net not, ascept as provided in the associated ACTION requirement's,'within one hour action shall be initiated to place the unit in an OPERATIONAL CONDITION in which the , ' ' Specification does not apply 'by placing it,- as applicable, in , 1. At least'STARTUF within the nest 6 hours, 2. At.least NOT SEUTDONN within the following 6 hours, and 3. At least 00LD SNUTDONN within the subsequent 24 hours. ~ Where corrective measures are completed that permit operation under the ACTION - requirements, the ACTION may be taken in accordance with the specified time limits as measured from the time of failure to meet the Limiting condition for Operation. Raceptions to these requirements are stated in the individual Specifications. This Specification is not applicable in OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 4 or 5. 3.0.4 Entry into an OPERhTIONAL CONDITION or other specified condition shall not be made when the conditions for the Limiting condition for Operation are * not met and the associated ACTION requires a shutdown if they are not met within a specifLed time interval. Entry into an OPERATIONAL CONDITION or other specified condition may be made in accordance with the ACTION requirements when conformance to them permits continued operation of the facility for an unlimited period of time. This provision shall not prevent passage through or to OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS as required to. comply wit requirements. Exceptions to these requirements are stated in the individual SpecLtLeatLons. ' 3.0.5 Equipment removed from service or declared ' inoperable to comply with ACTIONS may be returned to service under administrative control solely to perform testing required to demonstrate its OPERASILITY other equipment. service under administrative control to perform the testing required to demonstrate OPERABILITY. l ! Amendment No. 63 l ROFE CREEK 3/4 0-1
_ f
j[id$i$hh!$2!p,x /ea
y ** 'oi 4 e,1
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' .
{ APPLICABILITY , l SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (Continued) l . . \ Pressure Vessel Code and applicable Addenda shall be applicable as follows in these Technical Specifications: 3 ASNE Boiler and Pressure Vessel Required frequencies Code and applicable Addenda for performing inservice terminology for inservice inspection and testing inspection and testing activities activities ) Weekly At least once per 7 days Monthly At least once per 31 days Quarterly or every 3 months At least once per 92 days Semiannually or every 6 months At least once per 184 days Every 9 months At least once per 276 days i Yearly or' annually At least once per 366 days c. The provisions of Specification 4.0.2 are applicable to the above required frequencies for performing inservice inspection and testing ' activities. - d. Performance of the above inservice inspection and testing activities shall be in addition to'other specified Surveillance Requirements. e. Nothing in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code shall be con- ',- strued to supersede the requirements of any Technical Specification. f. The Inservice Inspection Program for piping identified in NRC Generic Letter 88-01 shall confom to the staff positions on schedule, methods, and personnel, and sample expansion included in that generic letter, or as otherwise approved by the NRC. l i ! l 1 3/4 0-3 Amendment No. 51 HOPE CREEK
., . i HC.OP-SO.CH-0001(Z) .- ATTACHMENT 4 (Page1of1) . MAIN TURBINE CONTROL OIL (EHC) SYSTEM OPERATION - . 'EHC CONTROL LOGIC DIAGRAM - _,e -- m w= "- - . e w---' .gs -- _ ..., -i - __, m; , _ , , , , , . ,,,,,,,,,, x =z , _ - ' l . ,; , z_ , 9 = === __; '=' ^ , .roo e A/ x s i I * X c# _ g&, - -- ,v. s M )d . ., - :- . , . y, - ._,- q .. g, _ _.c _= r-- ' : - ~~~ j e,,s -- - .gT N D , . *, "' ! * - - . - - -- , . , F- 69.oauser , . ' , ) H- toesor saron coaum l F- =wr=caux'un weso A ( r s.Lr l m Y* e. ****""** l* ** & "" 'fH* ,t w ., Iv= H HL_A.o,o. / _y ' W: e,esem wr ! i ,/ ./ ' __g'N L, 4 m ~ l - ! omwe m l ,f. " ~; ' me m aton 7 - e L_ a -s s ,,,,,,,. v ;4' l ==o I" ,, , B i ,,, ** ,[ 4 *7um i er t m .s em.u noms .fy, m ; $x*/* . Z . ' J: _ - + e.uames enso m, 4 4 ow=um t
Hope Creek Page x2 or 84 Rev.19 I
, - .. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission . Site-Specific . Written Examination Applicant Information Name: Region: 1 Date: Date:. 2/23/98 - Facility: Hope Creek License Level: RO Reactor Type: GE Start Time: Finish Time: Instructions Use the anr,wer sheets provided to document your answers. Staple this cover sheet on top of the answer sheets. The passing grade requires a final grade of at least 80.00 percent. Examination papers will be collected four hours after the examination starts. Applicant Certification
All work done on this examination is my own. I have neither given nor received aid. Applicant's Signature
Results Examination Value Points Applicant's Score Points Applicant's Grade Percent
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. . R: actor Oper_"ttr An:wer Sheeta =s Circle the correct answer, if an answeris changed write it in the blank. 1. a b c d 26. a b c d 2. a b c d - ~27..a bec d . 3. a b' c d 28. a b c d 4. a b c d 29. a b c d 5. a b c d 30. a b c d 6. a b c d 31. a b c d * - abcd * 7'. 32. a b'c a 8. a b c d ' 33, a b c d- - 9. a b c d . 34. a..b c.d . 10. a b c d 35. a b c d 11. a b c d 36. a b c d 12. a b c d 37. a b c d I i 13. a b c d 38. a b c d 14. a b c d 39. a b c d 15. a b c d 40. a b c d ! 16. a b c d 41. a b c d ^ 17. a b c d 42, a b c d 18. a b c d 43, a b c d 19. a b c d 44. a b c d 20. a b c d 45. a b c d 21. a b c d 46. a b c d 22. a b c d 47 abcd 23. a b c d 48. a b c d
-24. a b c d 49. a b c d
25. a b c d 50. a b c.d Page.1
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. R: actor Operator An:wcr Shscts ,. Circle the correct answer. If an answer is changed write it in the blank. . 51. s_b c d' 76. a b c d 52- a.b c d ' . - 77. a b c d . -
53.'s b_c d 78. a b c d . 54. a b c d 79. a b c d 55. a b c d 80. a b c d ~ 56. a b c d 81. a b c d '57, a b c d '82. a b c d 58. a b c.d 83. a b c d 59. a b c d , .84. a-b c d , 60. a b c d- 85. a b c d 61. a b c d -86. a b c d 62, a b c d 87. a b c d 63, a b c d 88. a b c'd 64, a b c d 89. a b c d 65.'a b c d 90 a b c d 66. a b c d 91, a b c d 67, a b c d 92. a b c d 68. a b c d 93. a b c d 69. a b c d 94 abcd 70. a b c d 95. a b c d 71. a b c d 96. a b c d 72. a b c d 97. a b c d 73. a b c d 98. a b c d 74. a b c d 99, a b c d 75. a b c d 00. a b c d Page 2
- i ,, Reactor Operatar Examination 1. Which of the following evolutions is NOT allowed to be performed by the Reactor Building Equipment Operator? a. Transferring an RPS bus to its alternate power supply with the reactor at power. ti. ' Test scramming a control rod'from the' individual test switch'es on the hydraulic control unit. c. Operating the Standby Liquid Control system in the Test Tank to Test Tank mode. d. Reducing hydraulic control unit nitrogen pressure to the normal band with the associated control rod withdrawn. 2. Given the following conditions: * A fully qualified Nuclear Control Operator (NCO) with an active license has just returned from 10 days vacation ' On the first day back on shift, this NCO wo*ed a normal 12 hour shift and then accepted and worked.4 hours of overtime Which of the following is the maximum number of hours this NCO may work on the second day back on shift? (Assume no addition'ai authorizations have been made.) a. 8 hours b. 12 hours c. 14 hours- - l 1 d. 16 hours 3. A tagging request with switching order has been received from the System Operator. The Switching Order has been confirmed and the tags prepared. The System Operator has contacted Hope Creek and directed the performance of the tagging request and switching order. Which of the following personnel are required to be present in the 500KV switchyard blockhouse for completion of the tagging request and switching order?
l a. A Nuclear Equipment Operator and a Nuclear Control Operator.
b. Two Nuclear Equipment Operators. c. A Nuclear Equipment Operator and a Control Room Supervisor. d. A Nuclear Equipment Operator and a member of the Systems Operation Department. !
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, R actor Op rator Examination - 4. Following shift turnover the Nuclear Control Operator (RO) notes that data entered in t narrative log by the previous shift is incorrect. The RO draws a single line through the incorrect entry, makes the corr entry and initials , and dates the change. Which of the following describes how the should highlight and explain the change? a. The correct entry should be circled in red wit explanation placed in the comments section. b. The correct entry should be cir in red with an explanation made next to the corrected entry. c. The incorrect ent ould be circled in red with an explanation placed in the comments section. d. The ' rrect entry should be circled in red with an explanation made next to the rrected entry. Deterea see cn m ros:s srueue f(sc 3-s-W 5. Which of the following will identify when Op Co'n 2 is entered during a reactor startup and heatup? a. When the reactor is declared critical. b. When the first control rod is withdrawn. c. When the MODE switch is placed in Startup/ Hot Standby. ~ d. When enough control rods are withdrawn to increase keff to greater than or equal to .99. 6. During a valid high reactor pressure condition, the Recirculation Pumps did NOT automatically trip as designed.
l Which of the following actions must be taken by the Control Room to open the Recirculation
Pump Trip (RPT) Breakers, s. Manually initiate both channels of the Redundant Reactivity Control System (RRCS). b. Verify the RPT Breakers trip when the Recirculation Pump MG Set Drive Motor Breakers are opened. c. Direct the local tripping of the RPT Breakers. d. Depress the RPT Breaker " Trip" pushbuttons. Page 2 of 45
~ Reacter Operator Excmination
7. Which of the following are the minimum requirements for the " Board" Nuclear Control Operator (RO) to review critical plant parameters (reactor power, level, pressure and turbine load) and walk down the control boards during normal, steady-state plant operations? The RO should: a. continuously monitor critical plant parameters and perform a complete control board walk down every hour. b. monitor critical plant parameters every five (5) minutes and perform a complete control board walk down every two (2) hours. c. continuously monitor critical plant parameters and perform a complete control board walk down every two (2) hours. d. monitor critical plant parameters every five (5) minutes and perform a complete control board walk down every hour. 8. Given the following conditions: A plant shutdown with control rod insertions occurring is in progress Reactor power is 22% with generator output at 242 MWe The second NCO (PO) begins deinerting the drywell The CRS is reviewing procedures at the CRS desk No other personnel are in the Control Room Which of the following additional requirements, if met, would allow a License Class Instant SRO trainee under direction of the Nuclear Control Operator (RO) to continue rod motion for j the given conditions? ' a. Operations Manager written permission to allow a License Class trainee to insert control rods. b. Another technically qualified member of the unit technical staff to observe rod movement. c. Verification that the Rod Worth Minimizer is operating properly before reducing power below 20%. d. A Reactor Engineer's presence to satisfy Technical Specification requirements. l 4 Page 3 of 45
~ i R:actar Op rct:r Ex minatian l - 9. Given the following conditions: The plant is shutdown for a maintenance outage j ' A Red Blocking Tag (RBT) i,s hung on 4160 VAC breaker The breaker is tagged in the " Test Disconnect" position I - Later in the outage, the breaker is being removed from its cubicle for maintenance Which of the following describes the required tagging actions for the given conditions? a. The RBT shall remain on the breaker, the breaker removed from the cubicle and an additional RBT installed on the rope / tape placed across the opening. b. The RBT shall be removed from the breaker but kept active and maintained in the physical possession of Operations while the breaker is out of the cubicle. c. The RB,T shall be removed from the breaker, the breaker removed from the cubicle and .
l the same RBT installed on the ~ safety rope / tape placed across the cubicle opening.
. d. The RBT shall remain on the breaker, the breaker removed from the cubicle and a White Caution Tag installed on the safety rope / tape placed across the cubicle open;ng. ~ \ 10. Given the following conditions: A Hope Creek radiation worker is fully qualified with current lifetime exposure records on file I This individual's current yearly exposure (TEDE) is 355 mrem A Site Area Emergency has just been declared
Which of the following is the MAXIMUM additional exposure that can be received by this
! individual without exceeding any administrative or procedurally based limits? (Assume no I additional approvals have been received.)
a. 1645 mrem b. 4145 mrem c. 4395 mrem
i d. 4645 mrem
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l . l Rrct:r Oper; tor Excmin tien l~ l
11. The estimated time to independently verify a valve position is 15 minutes.
Of the listed dose rates, which is the MINIMUM dose rate that would allow waiving the " Hands ~ On" independent verification requirement for the conditions given? . a. 10 mrem /hr b. 30 mrem /hr c. 45 mrem /hr d. 60 mrem /hr 12. An emergency has occurred immediately requiring reasonable actions to be taken that depart from Technical Specifications. No actions consistent with Technical Specifications that can provide adequate equivalent protection are immediately apparent. I Which of the following identifies who is required to approve the action and under what conditions the action can be performed? a. The Control Room Supervisor approves actions to be taken to protect the health and ) safety of facility personnel, b. The Control Room Supervisor approves actions to be taken to protect the health and safety of the public. , 1 c. The Emergency Coordinator, in the Emergency Operating Facility, approves actions to be taken to protect the health and safety of facility personnel. d. The Emergency Coordinator, in the Emergency Operating Facility, approves actions to be taken to protect the health and safety of the public. 1 i i !
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Rxctor Operater Examination 13. Given the following conditions: The plant is performing a shutdown in accordance with 10-0004, "Shu,down . From Rated Power To Cold Shutdown" . _ . At 20% power the shutdown is completed by pla'cing the Reactor Mod..i Switch to " Shutdown" All plant systems responded as designed during the scram . Post Scram Actuation Review is in progress in accordance with HC.OP-AP.ZZ-0101, Post Reactor Scram /ECCS Actuation Review and Approval Requirements Which of the following should be the FIRST reactor scram signal identified when reviewing the Sequence Of Events printout? a. Reactor Mode Switch in Shutdown" b.' IRM Neutron Flux - High , c. Scram Discharge Volume Water Level- High d. APRM Neutron Flux- Upscale, Setdown *
, l l 14. Given the following conditions:
The plant is operating at 55% power All systems are operating normally in automatic Which of the following is the expected response of the Scram Discharge Volume (SDV) vent and drain system if APRM Channel"A" fails full" upscale"? a. One Scram Dump Valve repositions, all SDV Vent and Drain Valves close. b. One Scram Dump Valve repositions, all SDV Vent and Drain Valves remain open. c. The Scram Dump Valves do not change position, all SDV Vent and Drain Valves remain open. d. One Scram Dump Valve repositions, one set of SDV Vent and Drain Valves close.
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- a .. . R ; actor Op:: rater Examination
l- 15. Given the following conditions:
- * The plant is at normal operating pressure and temperatures ,
l. . . All plant systems are ope,ating
r as designed . . ,. , ,. The "A" and "B" scram toggle switches at the hydraulic control unit for , control rod 42 03 have been placed in " Test" Which of the following is the expected response of the Scram Pilot Valves for Control Rod 42- 03 and the Scram Dump Valves for the given conditions? a. - The Scram Pilot Valves reposition to vent the Scram inlet and Outlet Valves , -- The Scram Dump Valves remain in their initial positions . b. - The Scram Pilot Valves remain ~in their initial positions . The Scram Dump Va.lves remain in their initial positions j c. -- The Scram Pilot Valves reposition to vent the. Scram inlet and Outlet Valves -- The Scram Dump Valves reposition to vent the Scram Discharge Vent and Drain ' ' '- ' Valves - ' d. -- The Scram Pilot Valves remain in their initial positions - The Scram Dump Valves reposition to vent the Scram Discharge Vent and Drain Valves. , 16. Given the following conditions: The plant is performing the control rod inxercise's'urveillance The Nuclear Control Operator (RO) selects control rod 34-19 on the rod select module Only one half of the selected rod pushbutton illuminates Which of the following describes what has failed and how that affects the ability to move control rods? a. The selected control rod activity control card is in the scan mode and rod motion is allowed, b. The selected control rod activity control card is in the scan mode and rod motion is not ! allowed. c. Only one of the two RMCS transmitter cards has successfully selected the control rod and rod motion is not allowed. d. Only one of the two RMCS transmitter cards has successfully selected the control rod
and rod motion is allowed.
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, . Reactor Operator Examination - -
17. Given the following conditions:
* The plant is operating at 25% power performing a startup . Control rod 18-23 has been determined to be stuck . While attempting to' withdraw the control rod, indicated drive water flow is reading "0" gpm Which of the following is the cause of this indication? a. Hydraulic Control Unit Directional Control Valve (122) has failed to reposition. b. The 2 gpm Stabilizing Valve has failed to reposition. c. Both Cooling Water Header to Exhaust Header Pressure Equalizing Valves have failed open. d. The Drive Water Header Pressure Control Valve ha's failed closed.
18. The current Rod Worth Minimizer (RWM) group has insert and withdraw limits of Notch 24
and Notch 36 respectively. Which of the following are the control rod attemate limits allowed by the RWM for this group? a. Notch 22 and Notch 34 b. Notch 22 and Notch 38 c. Notch 26 and Notch 34 d. Notch 26 and Notch 38 Page 8 of 45
Recctor Op: rater Examinati::n
19. Given the following conditions: The p is operating at 75% power . Confirmed . failures have occurred on the "B" Recirculation Pump The pump has ju en tripped ' Which of the following descri the order for "B" Recirculation Pump valve manipulation that must be followed in order to ensu e pump will be completely isolated? a. Close the Discharge Valve, isolate al purge, isolate RWCU flow from the loop and close the Suction Valve. b. Isolate the seal purge, close the Suction Val isolate RWCU flow from the loop and close the Discharge Valve. . c. Close the Suction Valve, close the Distarge Valve, i te seal purge, and isolate RWCU flow from the loop. .d. Isolate the seal, purge, close the ,Dischar s e Vs Ive iso} ate RW ow frope loop and . close the Suction Valve. p . 20. Given the following conditions: Preparations are complete to start the "A" Recirculation Pump The Pump Discharge Valva (F031 A) is closed Which of the following describes how the "A" Recirculation Pump trip on the discharge valve closure is bypassed to allow the pump to be started? a. This trip is bypassed until the pump start sequence is complete within prescribed time - limits. b. This trip is bypassed until the discharge valve has reached the 100% open position, c. This trip is bypassed until the pump has been running for 9 seconds. d. This trip is bypassed until the discharge valve jog (open) circuit has timed out. 21. With the plant at 100% power, which of the following would cause a drop in reactor power and a rise in the "A" Recirculation Loop drive flow? a. A jet pump has failed in the "B" Recirculation loop. b. The "B" Recirculation Pump speed has risen. c. A jet pump has failed in the "A" recirculation loop. d. The "A" Recirculation Pump speed has risen. Page 9 of 45
, R:: actor Op ratcr Examination j .. 22. Given the following conditions: The plant is operating at 60% power with the "B" Recirculation Pump scoop tube locked '
The operator is preparing to reset th.e scoop tube Speed demand on the "B" Recirculation Pump is slightly LESS than indicated speed Which of the following actions is the operator directed 'to perform if pump speed begins to slowly rise at approximately 2% per minute after the Scoop Tube Trip / Reset pushbutton is pressed?' a. Immediately press the "A" Recirc MG Set Drive Motor Breaker Trip pushbutton. b. Attempt to control speed with the increase / Decrease arrows on the Pump Speed Control Station for the "B" Recirc ~ pump. c. Press the Scoop Tube Trip pushbutton for the "B" Recirc pump. d. Press the Recirc Pump Trip (RPT) Breaker Trip pushbutton for th'e "B" Recirc pump. . . . 23' Which of the following is the MAXIMUM speed at which the Recirculation Pumps can operate .with NO Reactor Feedwater Pumps operating? a. 20% b. 30% c. 45% d. 50% Page 10 of 45
R actor Operat:r Examin2tian .. 24. Given the following conditions: * The plant is operating at 75% power , Valve stroke time testing is in progress on the "A" RHR Pump Torus Suction Valve (F004A) The valve is currently closed . * All other RHR ~ system components are in their normal standby lineup * A steam break causes drywell pressure to reach 2.0 psig. Which of the following describes the response of the F004A valve and the "A" RHR pump? a. The F004A valve automatically opens and the "A" RHR Pump automatically starts after , F004A is fully open. , , I .b. The F004A valve must be manually opened and the "A' RHR Pump automatically starts 'after F004A is fully open. . , c. The F004A valve automatically opens but the "A" RHR Pump must be started by the - - ' operator after F004A l's fully open. - d.' The F004A valve must be manually opened 'and the "A" RHR Pump manually started - after F004A is fully open. 25. Given the following conditions: The plant is operating at 90% power The Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU) Inboard Isolation Valve (F001) has just stroked closed I No other RWCU valve repositioned RWCU responded as designed Which of the following initiated the RWCU isolation? a. RWCU system differential flow is excessive. b. The RWCU Filter /Demineralizer inlet temperatures are excessive, c. The "A" Reactor Protection System MG set tripped. d. The "A" and "D" NSSSS Manual isolation pushbuttons have been armed and depressed simultaneously. ! ! ! !
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- Reactcr Op;rator Examinttion " 26. Which of the following describes the reason for having the capability to bypass the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Pump suction path interlocks? a. Allows operation of the RHR Pumps for shutdown cooling from the Remote Shutdown - Panel. b. Allows the "C" and "D " RHR Pumps to be utilized for an alternate path of suppression pool heat removal. c. Allows operation of the RHR Pumps for cooling the containment Hydrogen Recombiners post-LOCA. d. Allows the "C" and "D" RHR Pumps to be utilized for an alternate path of core decay heat removal. 27. The plant is in Mode 4 with Shutdown Cooling in servics on the "A" Residual Heat Removal (RHR) loop with the "A" RHR Pump running. Which of the following describes how a loss of the "B" Reactor Protection System (RPS) bus will affect the Inboard and Outboard Shutdown Cooling isolation Valves (F008 & F009)? a. The F008 and F009 valves both close. b. The F008 valve closes and the F009 valve remains open. c. The F008 and F009 valves both remain open. d. The F008 valve remains open and the F009 valve closes. 28. During a loss of feedwater, a manual start of the High Pressure Coolant injection (HPCI) system was done at a water level of -20 inches by operator manipulation of the system components. Which of the following describes the HPCI system response as reactor water level continues to change? a. It will automatically trip at +54 inches and will automatically restart at -38 inches. b. It requires operator action to secure injection when level is greater than +54 inches and automatically restarts at -38 inches. c. It requires operator actions to secure injection when level is greater than +54 inches and to restart when level is less than -38 inches. d. It will automatically trip at +54 inches and will require operator action to restart when level is less than -38 inches. Page 12 of 45
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,, Reactor Operator Examination 29. Given the following conditions: The plant is operating at 70% power An inadvertent initiation of HPCI has occurred * . HPCI injection to the vessel is' occurring Which of the following is the required IMMEDIATE action for the given conditions? a. Close the HPCI Main Pump Discharge Valve (F007) and depress the Turbine Trip pushbutton. b. Depress the Turbine Trip pushbutton and stop the Auxiliary Oil Pump. c. Control. reactor water level manually to maintain level between Level 4 and Level 7. d. Reduce reactor power as necessary by running bacii Recirculation flow and inserting - control rods. . . . . . '30. Given the following conditions: A loss of coolant accident has occurred Reactor water level ~is -110 inches and lowering Reactor pressure is 290 psig and lowering Which of the following is the minimum combination of the CSS Manual Initiation pushbuttons that must be armed and depressed to place four Core Spray Pumps in service and injecting? (Assume the manual initiation pushbuttons are operable.) a. "A" and "B" b. "A" and "C" c. "C" and "D" d. "A", "B", "C" and "D" Page 13 of 45
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~ R cctor Opercter Examinatian " 31. Given the following conditions: , * A loss of coolant accident has occurred . Reactor water level reached -140 inches and is currently -50 inches and rising , * Drywell' pressure is 6 psig , All plant systems. responded as designed For the given conditions, which of the following describes the system isolation capabilities for the Core Spray System (CSS) Downstream Loop injection Valve (F0058) and the CSS Upstream Loop Injection Valve (F004B), should Core Spray Loop "B" isolation be required? a. Only F005B valve may be closed. . b. Neither the F004B or F0058 valves may be closed. c. Only the F004.B valve may be closed. d. Both the F004B and F0058 valves may be closed. . . . . , 32. Given the following conditions: A failu're-to-scram with Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV) closure has occurred . The pressure spike on the MSIV closure was 1120 psig . Reactor power is 16% and water level is -25 inches as the 3.9 minute timer times out Only Division 11 of the Redundant Reactivity Control System automatically initiates No operator actions are taken Which of the following is the expected plant response for the given conditions. a. Both SLC Pumps start, both Squib Valves fire and the RWCU isolation Valves (Inboard - F001 & Outboard - F004) close. b. The "B" SLC Pump starts, the "B" Squib Valve fires and only the RWCU inboard Isolation Valve (F001) closes.
L c. Both SLC Pumps start, both Squib Valves fire and only the RWCU Inboard Isolation
Valve (F001) closes. d. The "B" SLC Pump starts, the "B" Squib Valve fires and only the RWCU Outboard Isolation Valve (F004) closes. Page 14 of 45
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.. Rxcter Operatcr Examinstion 33. Given the following conditions: The plant is in a failure-to-scram condition Standby Liquid Control.(S,LC) has been initiated by the operator.
. Approximately 13 minutes later the operator noted SLC Storage' Tank level analog
indication on. Panel 10C651 is "0" gallons' No additional SLC system ' abnormalities were noted Which of the following describes how boron injection would be continued for the given
j conditions? -
a. Boron injection would continue with two SLC Pumps running.
L b. Boron injection would continue with the "A" SLC Pump running.
c. Boron injection would continue with the "B" SLC Pump running. , d. Boron injection would have to be transferred to RWCU as directed by EOP-0304. < . . .. . , ,
^ '
! ' 34. Which of the following is the raison why the Reactor Protection System (RPS) power supplies l contain Electrical Protection Assembly (EPA) broakers for specific protection against i undervoltage, overvoltage and underfrequency conditions? , j a. To maintain bus parameters during short duration power interruptions (less than 2 '
seconds). b. To provide a highly reliable, stable power supply to the RPS supplied loads, specifically
l instrumentation. , l c. To maintain a close tolerance power supply for the Scram Pilot Valve solenoids I
l preventing spurious deenergization.
' d. To provide a highly reliable, stable power supply to ensure the Scram Pilot Valve
. solenoids will reposition during a reactor scram. j
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L Renctsr Operatsr Examinati::n .. 35. Given the following conditions: The plant was performing a startup following a refueling outage when a reactor . , , scram occurred (all rods inserted) The sequence of events printout shows that just prior to the scram,' Average Power Range Monitoring (APRM) channels "B" and "D" were upscale Hi-HI - Which of the following additional conditions, by itself, could have caused the full reactor scram signal? a. Rod Block Monitor Channel "A" has failed. b. RPS Bus "B" has deenergized. c. SRM Channels "A" and "C" are reading 1.5 E6 iounts per second. d. The Reactor Protection System shorting linktare removed. 36. The Nuclear Control Operator (PO) is performing backpanel checks and reports the following _ . indications on the Traversing incore Probe (TIP) "A" and "B" subsystem panel (Refer to ' attached figure): Squib Monitor lights - both illuminated Shear Valve Monitor lights . - both extinguished Ball Valve "Open" lights - both extinguished Ball Valve " Closed" lights - both illuminated Which of the following is the status of the "A" and "B" TIP shear valves and primary containment integrity? a. The TIP Shear Valves are operable and primary containment integrity is met. b. The TIP Shear Valves are inoperable and primary containment integrity is met. c. The TIP Shear Valves are inoperable and primary containment integrity is not met. d. The TIP Shear Valves are operable and primary containment integrity is not met.
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R:act:r Operat:r Extminati:n ' 37. Given the following conditions: l The plant is operating at 100% power ; APRM Ch,annel "Q" is bypassed with the joystick ,, * Control rod 30-31 is selected - ~ All other plant systems are operating as designed Which of the following occurs if APRM Channel "F" fails full "dow.ucale" for the given conditions? a. Rod Block Monitor Channel"B" automatically shifts to the "B" APRM as its reference, b. Rod Block Monitor Channel "B" generates a rod withdrawal block on a failure to null. c. Rod Block Monitor Channel"B"is indicating 0%. d. Rod Block Monitor Channel"B"is bypassed on the reference APRM downscale. - . . .. . 38. Given the following conditions.: Control rod insertions are in progress for scheduled plant shutdown ' Current reactor power is 17% Intermediate Range Monitoring (IRM) Channel "A" has failed full" upscale" and has NOT been bypassed with the joystick Whico of the following describes what will occur as the power reduction continues in accordance with HC.OP-lO.ZZ-0004(Q), " Shutdown From Rated Power To Cold Shutdown" and when it will occur? a. A half scram will occur when the IRM detectors are fully inserted. b. A control rod block will occur when IRM "A" is ranged down from Range 8 to Range 7. c. A half scram will occur when the Mode Switch is placed in Startup. d. A control rod block will occur when the IRM detectors are fully inserted. ! ! Page 17 of 45
. R:actsr Operater Examinati:n - 39. Given the following conditions: The plant is performing control rod withdrawals for a reactor startup ' The reactor is suberitical Rea'ctor power is 75 cou'nts per second (CPS) irithe so'urce rafige ' The Nuclear Control Operator (RO) selects the "B" Source Range Monitoring (SRM) , ' detector then holds its " Drive Out" pushbutton in the depressed position
Which of the following describes the plant response? a. The "B" SRM detector will not withdraw due to the current power level. b. The Retract Permit light will extinguish and the SRM Det Removal Not Permitted alarm will be received. c. The "B" SRM detector win retract until source range indicates less than 3 cps. d. A Control Rod Withdrawal Block will be generated. 40. Given the following conditions: The plant is operating at 55% power Average Power Range Monitoring (APRM) Channel "C" currently has 14 " good" LPRM input signals Which of the following will result in receipt of the APRM Sys A Upscale Trip /Inop alarm (C4 on Section C3)? a. APRM "C" meter function switch is placed in " Flow". b. One of the " good" LPRMs mode switch is placed in "C"(Calibrate). c. APRM "C" meter function switch is placed in " Average". 'd. One of the " good" LPRMs fails "downscale".
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. - Reacter Op:;rator Examination 41. With the plant operating at 85% power, steady state conditions, a narrow range water level is reading 35". Which of the following will be the indicated " level." from this instrument if the differential ~ . ~ pressure acros's the detector fails to "O" psid for the given conditions? a. O inches b. 30 inches c. 35 inches d. 60 inches 42. Which of the following describes the difference in actual reactor water level versus indicated wide range reactor water level and the expected change in that difference during a power reduction from 100% to 65%7 a. Actual water leDel is iower than indicated level and the difference will get larger during the power reduction. b. Actual water level is higher than indicated level and the difference will get larger during the power reduction. c. Actual water level is lower than indicated level and the difference will get smaller during the power reduction. d. Actual water level is higher than indicated level and the difference will get smaller during the power reduction.
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' R: actor Operat r Examinatl2n - 43. Given the following conditions: The Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) is oper.ating in Full Flow Recirc The RCIC flow controller is in " Automatic" , RCIC turbine speed is 2450 rpm Which of the following describes the expected res~ponse of RCIC turbine speed and system flow if the operator throttles the RCIC Test Bypass To CST isolation Valve (F022) in the "open" direction for the given conditions? (Compare the conditions after they stabilize to before the valve was throttled.) a. - RCIC turbine speed lowers - System flow remains unchanged b. - RCIC turbine speed lowers - System flow goes down c. - RCIC' turbine speed raises' - System flow remains unchanged d. - RCIC turbine speed raises - System flow goes up- 44. Given the following conditions: A loss of all AC power has occurred
No Diesel Generators are running
! The Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) system has initiated and is injecting
A valid RCIC steam line high flow signal is received Which of the following describes the RCIC Inboard and Outboard Steam Supply isolation Valves (F007 & F008) isolation capabilities and the response of the RCIC turbine for the given conditions?
j a. The F007 and F008 valves remain open but can be closed from the Control Room. l b. The F007 and F008 valves remain open and cannot be closed from the Control Room. !
c. Only the F007 valve closes. d. Only the F008 valve closes.
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, R:actsr Operc.tcr Excmination
l 45. Giv:n the following conditions:
The Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) Manual initiation Channel "B" and "F".pushb.uttons (S6B and S6F) have been armed.and depressed
l .
* There is no Safety Relief Valve response , ~
L Which of the following "B" Division electrical bus failures caused this system response? l a. A loss of 120 VAC Bus 1BJ481
b. Aloss of 250 VDC Bus 10D261 c. A loss of 125 VDC Bus 1BD417 d. A loss of 480 VAC Bus 108420
46. Given the following conditions: . . . .
The plant has been operating at 100% power for several weeks ' All systems are operating 'as designed Which of the following is the reason'why periodic riitrogen makeup to the drywell is required for the given conditions?
) a. Due to leaks from drywell air operated equipment. ! b. Due to PCIG normal system leakage.
c. Due to normal periodic cycling of the Torus - Drywell Vacuum Breakers. d. Due to normal drywell air inleakage.
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. R0 actor Operatcr Examinatien ~
47. - Given the following conditions:
The plant had been operating at 75% power i . A loss of main condenser vacuum caused a complete Main Steam isolation ' Valve (MSIV) closure l Vacuum has been reestablished and is currently 15" Hg absolute . ' Which of the following conditions is REQUIRED in order to reset the NSSSS MSIV isolation logic? a. The Reactor Mode Switch must be in " Shutdown". b. : The Main Condenser Low Vacuum Bypass Switches must be in " Bypass". c. The MSIV control switches must be in "Close" d. The Turbine Stop Valves must be closed. - - . 48. Which of the following conditions would preven.t.. opening the RHR "B" Loop Inboard and . ' Outboard Drywell Spray Valves (F021B and F016B) following a LOCA? a. The LPCI Injection Valve (F0178) is not fully close'd. b.- Less than 5 minutes have elapsed since the "B" RHR initiation occurred. c. The RHR Full Flow Test Valve (F024B) is not fully closed. d. Reactor water level is above -129 inches. 49. Given the following conditions: The Fuel Pool Cooling system is operating with one pump and heat exchanger in service The Fuel Pool Gates are installed No makeup water sources are available Which of the following is the expected effect on Spent Fuel Pool water level and cooling capability if a leak develops on the common FPCC Pump Suction? a'. Cooling capability and water level will be unchanged. b. Cooling capability will be lost and water level will lower slightly and stabilize. c. Cooling capability will be unchanged and water level will lower slightly and stabilize. d. Cooling capability will be lost and water level will continuously lower. Page 22 of 45
React:r Op:;rator Excmination
50. Which of the following de:cribes how the main sterm line flow restrictors essist in maintaining adequate core cooling for steam line break between the flow restrictors and the Main Steam Isolation Valves? a. They ensure'the total ~ inventory loss from the reactor. vessel maintains level above. the top of active fuel until one division of low pressure ECCS is injecting. b. They limit the' total inventory loss from the reactor vessel to maintain water level above the top of active fuel for a minimum of 5 seconds. l c. They ensure the total energy release rate to the Primary Containment does not result in exceeding suppression chamber design pressure. d. They limit the total inventory loss from the reactor vessel to maintain level above the top i of active fuel until HPCI is at rated flow. 51. Given the following conditions: A reactor scram and Main Steam isolation Valve (MSIV) closure from 90% power has occurred The Safety Relief Valves (SRVs) are cycling to control pressure Which of the following primary containment parameters indicates that one of the SRV tailpipe vacuum breakers has failed open? a. Suppression chamber pressure will go up each time the SRV cycles. b. Suppression pool water temperatures will show rapid localized rises from the SRV discharge flow bypassing the T-quenchers. c. Drywell pressyre will go up each time the SRV cycles. d. The Torus to Liywell ditarential pressure will rise each time the SRV opens. 52. Which of'the following plant systems must be in operation to support the Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV) Seal System. a. Primary Containment Instrument Gas (PClG) b.125 VDC Electrical Distribution c. NUMAC Leak Detection System d. Process Radiation Monitoring System I . Page 23 of 45
, R:actsr Operat:r Examinatien " 53. Giv;n the following conditions: > The plant is operating at 70% power The "B" EHC Pressure Regulator is tagged out of service ' . Unknown to the' operator, the "A" EHC Pressure Regulator out'put signal is ' failed "as is" Which of the following would be the expected response of the Turbine Control Valves and Turbine Bypass Valves as the Nuclear Control Operator (RO) begins to raise power using recirculation flow for the given conditions? (Figure attached) a. - The Turbine Control Valves will close - The Turbine Bypass Valves will open b. - The Turbine Control Valves will close - The Turbine Bypass Valves will not move c. - The Turbine Control Valves will not move - The Turbine Bypass valve will not move - ' - d. - The Turbine Control Valves will not move - The Turbine Bypass Valves will open 54. Due to a main turbine vibration problem with a generator load of 110 MWe, a successful manual turbine trip is performed. _. Which of the following describes when the operator is REQUIRED to open the generator
Output Breakers for the given conditions? (Assume they have not already tripped on reverse power.) a. Immediately 'b. Within 15 seconds of the turbine trip c. Within 60 seconds of the turbine trip d. Within 90 seconds of the turbine trip
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.. , ., Rcactor Optrator Examination i 55. Given the following initial conditions: The plant is operating at 25% power performing a plant startup All plant systems are operating as designed The "A" Reactor Feedwater Pump is in service in auto at approximateiy 3850 rpm Following a plant transient the following conditions exist: The reactor failed to scram when required Reactor power is 14% and reactor pressure is 1105 psig
i L. The Nuclear Control Operator (RO) notes that the "A" RFP speed has slowed
- to less than.1000 rpm The RFP TURBINE AUTO XFR TO MANUAL (B3-F3) annunciator is in alarm
L Which of the following describes the reason for the "A" RFP speed reduction?
, a. The "A" RFP is responding properly to a Redundant Reactivity Control System runback. ,
b. The "A" RFP is responding to the S'etpoint Setdown feature of Digital Feedwater Control
l calling for a lower level,
c. The "A" RFP is responding to a' Control Signal Failure.. d. The "A" RFP is responding to a loss of one Primary Condensate Pump and one Secondary Condensate Pump. 56. Given the following conditions:
'- A loss of off-site power (LOP) has occurred from 75% power Within 10 seconds a loss of coolant accident (LOCA) occurs
Which of the following is the expected response of the LOP and LOCA sequencers?
L a. As soon as power is restored to the buses, the LOCA sequencer will control the
restoration of allloads. b. The LOCA sequencer will begin to sequence until the diesel generator output breakers ' close, then the LOP sequencer will complete load restoration.
l c. As soon as power is restored the buses, the LOP sequencer will control the restoration '
of allloads. d. The LOP sequencer will begin to sequence until the diesel generator output breakers ' close, then the LOCA sequencer will complete load restoration.
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% R:act:r Op ratar Examinatien .. 57. Given the following conditions: The "B" Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) had started following a valid LQCA signal . Some time later the' EDG was shutdown using the local Emergency Stop pushbuttons due to fluctuating oil pressure a Concurrent with stopping the EDG, the 10A402 bus lost power Which of the following describes the actions, if any, regarding resetting the Engine Shutdown Relay (ESR) and the (86R) Lockout Relay to restart the "B" EDG and reenergize the 10A402 bus? a. ESR must be reset (86R) Lockout Relay reset is not required b. ESR mest be reset (86R) Loc;*out Relay mus'. be reset c. ESR reset is i ?t required (86R) Lockout Relay .%et is not required d. ESR reset is not required .(86R) Lockout Relay must be reset 58. Which of the following parameter changes indicate the moisture content of charcoal adsorber bed of the Gaseous Radwaste System (GRW)is rising? a. GRW post-treatment radiation level due to Krypton is rising. b. GRW charcoal adsorber bed temperature is lowering. c. GRW post-treatment radiation level due to lodine is rising. d. GRW charcoal adsorber bed hydrogen concentration is lowering.
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R: actor Operatsr Excminitlen ' 59. Given the following conditions: . The plant has been operating at 100% power for several weeks * Main Steam Line (MSL) radiation levels have been averaging 80 mrem but are now ' ' slowly trending upwards . Chemistry has verified the higher radiation readings are due to failed fuel What are the immediate Operator Actions required for the given conditions? a. Place additional Condensate Domineralizers in service if possible. b. Scram the reactor and close the Main Steam Isolation Valves when MSL levels are greater than 120 mrem. c. Direct Reactor Water Cleanup flow to the main condenser to reduce coolant activity. d. Reduce reactor power to maintain MSL radiation levels less than 120 mrom. 0- * 60. Which of the following is the basis for raising the Main Steam Line (MSL) radiation monitor setpoints when the Hydrogen Water Chemistry injection (HWCl) system is placed in service? a. The setpoint adjustment ensures the higher (approximately two times) background radiation does not mask a true fuel element failure. b. The setpoint adjustment prevents unnecessary alarms / protective actions from the higher (approximately two times) background radiation. c. The setpoint adjustment ensures the higher (approximately ten times) background - radiation does not mask a true fuel element failure. d. The setpoint adjustment prevents unnecessary alarms / protective actions from the higher (approximately ten times) background radiation. Page 27 of 45 :
R: actor Operater Examination ..
61. Given the following conditions:
* A valid EDG room high temperature condition has just occurred The Diesel Generator Room Carbon Dioxide Fire protection. system is aligned ~ ~ fo'r' automatic operation Which of the following describes how the Diesel Generator Room Carbon Dioxide Fire protection system responds? a. A discharge alarm occurs, CO2 with a wintergreen scent is discharged into the room immediately. b. A pre-discharge alarm is activated and a wintergreen scent is discharged into the room. After a time delay, CO2 is discharged into the room. c. A pre-discharge alarm is activated. No CO2 is discharged into the room until a valid smoke detector alarm is received. d. A pre-discharge alarm is activated. After a time delay CO2 with a wintergreen scent is - discharged into the room.
62. Given the following conditions:
The plant is operating at 50% power . All systems are operating normally . One Reactor Building Ventilation System (RBVS) Exhaust Fan discharge damper has failed to the full "open" position with the fan running No other RBVS components have changed . Which of the following describes how this will affect the initiation of the Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS) and the reason for this? a. ECCS will initiate after it is required because the failed damper lowers Reactor Building pressure resulting in a lower indicated drywell pressure. b. ECCS will initiate before it is required because the failed damper raises Reactor ~ Building pressure resulting in a higher indicated drywell pressure. c. ECCS will initiate after it is required because the failed damper raises Reactor Building pressure resulting in a lower indicated drywell pressure. d. ECCS will initiate before it is required because the failed damper lowers Reactor Building pressure resulting in a higher indicated drywell pressure. Page 28 of 45 ____ -__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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! .. Reactor Op::rator Examination 63. Given the following conditions: I The plant is operating at 40% power . .The Jet Pump operability surveillance indicates that one jet pump has fai. led , Technical Specifications require the plant to be in hot shutdown within 12 hours Which of the following describes why such a severe restriction placed on continued operation for the given conditions? a. A jet pump failure at this low power level will significantly affect the core flows and result l ! in unacceptable thermal limits (MCPR). b. A jet pump failure may limit reactor water level restoration capability during the reflood portion of a Loss Of Coolant Accident. c. A jet pump failure combined with the flow restricting orifices may adversely affect core j flow to the higher power fuel bundles. i d. A jet pump failure results in less conservative protective action setpoints for ~ ~ instrumentation using recirculation loop flow as an input signalf ~ l 64. Which of the following is the expected status of the Control Area Ventilation after a valid high ' radiation condition at the Control Area Ventilation air intake occurs? The Control Room Emergency Filtration (CREF) units are processing: , a. air entering the control room as well as recirculated air and are maintaining a slight negative pressure.- b. air entering the control room as well as recirculated air and are maintaining a slight positive pressure. c. only the current control room atmosphere and are maintaining a slight negative pressure. d.' only the current control room atmosphere and are maintaining a slight positive pressure. Page 29 of 45
- R:act:r Operater Examination .. ' 65. Given the following conditions: . The "A" Recirculation Pump has tripped
. The "A" Recirculation Pump discharge valve is open
* RECIRC LOOP A JET PUMP FLOW (TOTAL)iridicates 2 mlbm/hr RECIRC LOOP B JET PUMP FLOW (TOTAL) indicates 35 mlbm/hr . RECIRC PMP B FLOW indicates 24,000 gpm . Recire pump "B" speed is 49% Which of the following would be expected values for total JET PUMP FLOW (the flow recorder) and actual core flow? a. Flow recorder - 33 mlbm/hr, Actual core flow - 33 mlbm/hr b. Flow recorder - 33 mlbm/hr, Actual core flow - 37 mlbm/hr c. Flow recorder - 37 mlbm/hr, Actual core flow - 33 mlbm,hr d. Flow recorder - 37 mlbm/hr, Actual . core flow - 37 mlbm/hr 66. Given the following conditions: . The plant is operating at 90% power . All main turbine sealing steam normal and backup supplies have been lost . There is no time estimate for repair / restoration Which of the following are the immediate operator actions for the given conditions? a. Reduce power as necessary to maintain condenser pressure less than 5.0" HGA. b. Reduce recirculation flow to minimum, unload and trip the main turbine. c. Reduce power as necessary to maintain adequate self-sealing steam to the main turbine seals. d. Reduce recirculation flow to maintain power less than 25% (Bypass Valve capacity). Page 30 of 45 i
.. Rcacter Operator Examination
67. During a loss of off-site power the operator is cautioned not to acknowledge the flashing ' Trip" pushbuttons for the 4.16 KV Vital 1E Bus infeed breakers. . .Which of the following will occur if these pushbuttons are pressed? , a. That bus' feeder breaker will attempt to close until the anti-pump feature causes it to trip open and remain open. b. The Diesel Generator associated with that bus, if running, will trip and its output breaker will open. c. That bus' alternate feeder breaker will trip open and then immediately reclose when the pushbutton is released d. The Diesel Generator associated with that bus will not load. 68. Given the following conditions: A plant startup is in progress with the Reactor Mode Switch in "Run" The Main Turbine is reset and is at 950 rpm accelerating to 1800 rpm A loss of 125 VDC power from distribution panel 1CD318 to the EHC control logic occurs I Which of the following is the expected plant response? a. Main turbine trips, b. Main turbine startup would continue at the selected acceleration rate. c. Main turbine speed will remain constant at 950 rpm. d. Main turbine control valves throttle closed due to a loss of the speed reference signal. , ! l Page 31 of 45
' Reactcr Operatar Excminttinn -- 69. Giv:n the following conditions: . The plant is operating at 20% power . A main generator load reject has just occurred . . The power / load unbalance circuit tripped unexpectedly during the load reject . Which of the following is the expected response of the Turbine Control Valves and the Reactor Protection System (RPS) for the given conditions? a. - The Turbine Control Valves throttle closed - RPS does not trip b. - The Turbine Control Valves fast close - RPS trips c. - The Turbine Control Valves throttle closed - RPS trips d. - The Turbine Control Valves fast close - RPS does not trip 70. Which of the following describes when the Main Turbine is required to be tripped following a reactor scram? a. At 50 MWe lowering b. At 25 MWe lowering c. At 0 MWe d. At 50 MWe rising (reverse power) 71. During a failure-to-scram condition, which of the following is the criteria used to determine if HC.OP-EO.ZZ-0100(Q), " Reactor Scram", should be exited and HC.OP-EO.ZZ-0101(Q), " Reactor / Pressure Vessel (RPV) Control", entered?
L a. Reactor period on SRM Period meters is stable at -80 seconds
b. All APRM "downscale" lights are not illuminated c. All four RPS logic channels are deenergized d. All control rods are inserted to or beyond Notch "02"
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R:acter Opsrater Examination 72. Following a reactor scram and Main Steam isolation Valve closure, reactor pressure reaches 1050 psig causing the "H" and "P" Safety Relief Valves (SRV) to open. Which of the following lists the operating setpoints for subsequent openings of the "P." SRV7 a. SRV "P" opens at 1047 psig and closes at 935 psig. b. SRV "P" opens at 1047 psig and closes at 905 psig. c. SRV "P" opens at 1017 psig and closes at 935 psig. d. SRV "P" opens at 1017 psig and closes at 905 psig. 73. With the plant at 100% power a severe overfeeding transient is occurring. Water level is +50 inches and rising rapidly. Which of the following reactor water levels require termination of all feed to the reactor, closing the MSIVs and a reactor scram assuming none of these actions have occurred? a. +54 inches b. +65 inches l c. +90 inches d. +118 inches 1 74. Given the following conditions: . The plant is operating at 80% power . All three Feedwater Pumps are in service Feedwater Level Control is in " Automatic - Three Element" control . Narrow Range level"A"is reading 34 inches . Narrow Range level"B"is reading 36.5 inches Narrow Range level "C" is reading 35.0 inches Which of the following would be the expected response of the Feed Water Level Control System and reactor water level if Narrow Range level "B" failed to the low end of the range? a. It would transfer to Single Element Control and level would remain unchanged. b. It would remain in Three Element Control and level would remain unchanged. c. It would transfer to Single Element Control and would raise level by approximately 1.5 l inches. i d. It would remain in Three Element Control and would raise level by approximately 1.0 inches. l Page 33 of 45
s R: actor Operator Excminatian
75. Given the following conditions:
The plant is operating at 95% power All Drywell Cooling Chilled Water pumps have tripped Drywell pressure is rising HC.OP-AB.ZZ-0201,"Drywell High Pressure / Loss Of Drywell Cooling", has been entered and the Reactor Auxiliary Cooling System (RACS) is being aligned to supply backup cooling to the Chilled Water System Which of the following describes the effect of failing to close the Chilled Water Isolation Supply and Return Valves (HV9532-2 and HV9532-1) before the transfer to RACS7 a. The RACS Pump automatic start permissives will be bypassed until the valves are closed. b. The RACS valves will not automatically sequence open to supply Chilled Water should a loss of off-site power occur. c. Chilled Water system flow will divert back into the RACS system overflowing the RACS head tank. d. RACS system flow will divert back into the Chilled Water system overflowing the Chilled Water head tank. 76. During a loss of coolant accident the following conditions exist: Reactor pressure is 125 psig Drywell temperature is 325 'F Which of the following describes the accuracy and tr ding capabilities of wide range reactor water level indication for the given conditions? a. They are not providing accurate re or water level or level trend information. b. They are providing accurate ctor water level but level trend is not reliable. c. They are providing a te reactor water level and level trend information. d. They are not prov' ng accurate reactor water evel but level trend is reliable. ' . Page 34 of 45
Reactor Operator Examinaticn 77. Given the following conditions: The plant is operating at 95% power Suppression pool temperature is 92 'F At 0915, Safety Relief Valve (SRV) "G" opened After several cycles of the SRV Open and Close pushbuttons, the operator notes that talipipe temperature for the SRV is stable at 305 *F and NO other plant parameters have changed Which of the following describes the limitations on continued reactor operation for the given conditions? a. Reactor operation may continue until pressure set is reduced to less than 850 psig. b. Reactor operation may continue until suppression pool temperature reaches 120 *F. c. Reactor operation may continue indefinitely. d. Reactor operation may continue until 0917. 78. Given the following conditions: Reactor power is 82% HPCI is in operation for a surveillance The "B" loop of RHR is in Suppression Pool Cooling Suppression pool temperature is 103 'F when the runni R pump tripped HPCI was secured Subsequently, suppression pool temperature in sed to 106 'F Which of the following lists the suppression temperatures requiring entry into HC.OP- EO.ZZ-0102, Primary Containment Cont AND entry into the LCO actions for Tech Spec a. EO-0102 - 95 'F TS - 95 * b. EO-0102 5 'F l - 105 'F TS 3.6.2. c. EO 02 - 105 'F- I t 3 q@.t . ' - 95 'F g{(O L d. EO 0102 - 105 'F TS - 105 *F # #' gg Dele 7td 5'ce os Af d FM'" T ift 3 -5-1 Page 35 of 45
, Reactar Operater Examination .. 79. Given the following conditions: The plant is at 75% power Control rod 22-27 is being withdrawn one notch to Notch "22" Which of the following is the required immediate operator action if a control rod drift alarm is received and the operator notes control rod 22-27 is continuing to move out and power is rising? a. Apply a continuous insert signal to control rod 22-27. b. Place the Rod Select key lock switch to "Off"(de-select the rod). c. Direct the local operator to perform a single rod scram on control rod 22-27. d. Runback recirculation flow and insert control rods to reduce power. 80. Given the following conditions: The plant is operating at 100% power A feedwater heater trip has resulted in a feedwater temperature of 385 *F No nperator actions have been taken Which of the following is the operational concern for the given conditions? a. Entry into the Exit Region of the Power-To-Flow Map. b. Violation of the Hope Creek Operating License. c. Immediate thermal hydraulic instabilities. d. Recirculation Pump damage.
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- _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ . React 2r Operatar Examination .. 81. Following a reactor scram all rods are at position "00" except one that is at position "24." Which of the following describes the capability of the reactor to remain shutdown? a. Control rods are inserted to beyond the Maximum Suberitical Banked Withdrawal limit, therefore the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions. b. Control rods are not inserted to beyond the Maximum Suberitical Banked Withdrawal limit, therefore 11 cannot be assured the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions. c. Design basis shutdown margin is met, therefore the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions. d. Design basis shutdown margin is not met, therefore it cannot be assured that the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions. 82. Given the following conditions: The Control Room has been abandoned in accordance with HC.OP-AB.ZZ-0130(O), " Control Room Evacuation" * Control has been established at the Remote Shutdown Panelin accordance with HC.OP-lO.ZZ-0008(Q), " Shutdown From Outside Control Room" * RCIC is operating maintaining reactor water level at +35 inches Safety Relief Valves (SRV) are being used to cooldown Condensate Storage Tank (CST) level is 135,000 gallons * The Condensate System is not available Which of the following is correct for the given conditions? a. RCIC is operated without overspeed protection. b. Insufficient CST inventory is available to allow the cooldown to clear the shutdown cooling interlocks. c. The RCIC Gland Seal Condenser Condensate Pump must be manually operated. d. SRVs cannot be operated in a rotation that will evenly distribute heat to the Suppression Chamber.
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% R act:r Op: rat 2r Examinatinn " 83. Which of the following describes the effect of failing to restart the Turbine Building Ventilrtion System if it trips while operating in HC.OP-EO.ZZ-0104(Q)-FC, " Radioactive Release Control"? a. The Turbine Building will go to a slightly negative pressure. b. The total off-site release calculations will not be accurate. c. The Turbine Building releases will be monitored but not treated. d. The total off-site release will be higher. I 84. A loss of Reactor Auxiliary Cooling System (RACS) has occurred. Which of the following is the MAXIMUM time allowed before a reactor scram is required? a. An immediate scram is required b. One (1) minute c. Ten (10) minutes d. Twenty (20) minutes 85. Given the following conditions: * A loss of coolant accident has occurred The Reactor Auxiliaries Cooling System (RACS) has been restored Which of the following describes the availability / response of the Emergency Instrument Air Compressor (EIAC) for these conditions should instrument air header pressure begin lowering?
! a. The EIAC is not available until the LOCA signal is cleared, reset and the 1E breaker is
closed. b. The EIAC will automatically start on instrument air header pressure less than 85 psig. c. The EIAC is not available until the Non-1E breaker is closed and instrument air pressure is less than 85 psig. d. The EIAC will not automatically start but may be started manually from the Control Room or locally. Page 38 of 45 .
Reactar Operator Examination
86. Which of the following describes the reason control rods insert during a loss of instrument air? ) a. A flowpath is opened to the bottom of the drive mechanism operating piston allowing l reactor pressure to drift the rod in. ] b. Drive water flow and pressure both rise enough to drift the control rod in, similar to a l I normal insertion. c. A flowpath is opened from the top of the drive mechanism operating piston allowing q accumulator pressure to drift the rod in. J d. The normal scram flowpath to and from the drive mechanism operating piston is opened, allowing accumulator and reactor pressure to drift the rod in. 87. Given the following conditions: The plant is operating at 20% power following a refueling outage An error during a surveillance has resulted in a Group 10 (Drywell Chilled Watar) isolation signal . The isolation goes to completion (all valves are closed) Drywell pressure is 1.25 psig and rising slowly Which of the following are the required immediate operator actions for the given conditions? a. Lineup and commence venting the drywell. b. Secure drywell inerting. c. Place the Reactor Mode Switch in " Shutdown". i d. Align RACS to supply cooling to Drywell Chilled Water. 88. Following a loss of shutdown cooling, decay heat removal is being transferred to the Alternate Shutdown Cooling lineup (Injection to the reactor returning to the suppression pool via open Safety Relief Valves). Which of the following indications is utilized to monitor the margin to Op Con 3 entry in this lineup? a: Safety Relief Valve tailpipe temperatures b. Suppression pool temperatures c. Reactor vessel skin temperatures - d. Local suction temperatures on the running low pressure ECCS pumps , Page 39 of 45
, R3act r Operator Examination .. 89. Which of the following describes the conditions requiring the Reactor Mode Switch to be placed in " Shutdown" on a sustained loss of Control Rod Drive charging water header pressure (<900 psig) with reactor pressure at 650 psig? a. Within 20 minutes of determining more than one CRD accumulator is inoperable and at least one of those inoperable accumulators is associated with a withdrawn control rod. b. Within 20 minutes of determining any CRD accumulator is inoperable and the inoperable accumulator is associated with a withdrawn control rod. c. Immediately upon determining more than one CRD accumulator is inoperable and all the inoperable accumulators are associated with fully inserted control rods, d. Immediately upon determining any CRD accumulator is inoperable and the inoperable accumulator is associated with a withdrawn control rod. 90. Given the following conditions: The plant is shutdown for refueling The Reactor Protection System shorting links have been removed A fuel bundle is being moved from the fuel pool to core. If SRM "C" fails "downscale", which of the following are the required immediate actions? a. Verify a control rod withdrawal block is received. Terminate fuel movement. b. Verify a full scram and a control rod withdrawal block is received. Terminate fuel movement. c. Verify a control rod withdrawal block is received. Fuel movement is required to be terminated ONLY if the fuel bundle is to be placed in the quadrant monitored by SRM "C ."
I d. Verify a full scram and control rod withdrawal block is received. Fuel movement is
required to be terminated ONLY if the fuel bundle is to be placed in the quadrant monitored by SRM "C."
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l l
R:;cctor Operator Ex;minati:n .. 91. Given the following conditions: * A large break loss of coolant accident has occurred * Drywell pressure reached a maximum of 22 psig * Suppression chamber sprays have NOT been placed in service * Drywell sprays are in service * Drywell pressure is 4 psig and slowly lowering Which of the following is the expected positions of the Torus-to-Drywell Vacuum Breakers and the Reactor Building 4o-Torus Vacuum Breakers for the given conditions? a. - The Torus-to-Drywell Vacuum Breakers are open - The Reactor Building-to-Torus Vacuum Breakers are open b. - The Torus-to-Drywell Vacuum Breakers are open - The Reactor Building 4o-Torus Vacuum Breakers are closed c. - The Torus-to-Drywell Vacuum Breakers are closed - The Reactor Building 4o-Torus Vacuum Breakers are closed d. - The Torus-to-Drywell Vacuum Breakers are closed - The Reactor Buildiag-to-Torus Vacuum Breakers are open 92. Following a reactor scram with a Main Steam isolation Valve Closure, the plant is being depressurized using the Safety Relief Valves (SRV). Which of the following is the reason why the depressurization should be accomplished with " sustained" SRV openings if the pneumatic supply (PClG and instrument air) is lost to the SRVs? a. This prevents exceeding the 100*F/ hour cooldown limit during the depressurization while conserving the SRV pneumatic supply. b. This ensures the available SRV pneumatic supply is sufficient to cooldown to less than the shutdown cooling interlocks. c. This directs depressurization without regard to the Technical Specification cooldown . i limits before the depleted pneumatic supply results in loss of SRV control. d. This ensures the SRV accumulator pneumatic s@ ply is available and adequate for later use if the Emergency Operating Procedures require Emergency Depressurization. Page 41 of 45
s Reactor Operator Examinatisn ., 93. HPCI and RCIC both started and are injecting in response to a valid low reactor water level. i I Current plant conditions are as follows: + Reactor water level is +25 inches, steady Reactor pressure is 845 psig, rising slowly * Drywell pressure is 1.1 psig, steady * RCIC has been aligned to Full Flow Recire operation (CST to CST) for pressure control HPCI is injecting to the reactor for level control After 10 minutes of operation a valid high suppression poollevelis received Which of the following would be the expected response of RCIC if a valid high suppression pool level is received for the given conditions? a. RCIC will remain in Full Flow Recirculation. b. RCIC will trip on high turbine exhaust pressure. c. RCIC will trip on low suction pressure. d. RCIC will operate on minimum flow. 94. During high primary containment water level conditions, suppression pool water level indications cannot be used. Operation of which system will invalidate the alternate method used for determining primary containment water level? a. RCIC b. Core Spray
c. RHR
1 1
Page 42 of 45
R:act:r Operator Examinati n
95. Given the following conditions: A leak has occurred in the suppression pool The reactor is shutdown A cooldown is being performed using SRVs The Heat Capacity Level Limit (HCLL) curve is being monitored The " Action Required" area of the HCLL curve has been entered for several minutes Which of the following is a possible effect of initiating an emergency depressurization with the given conditions? a. The suppression pool may exceed design temperature. - b. Failure of the downcomer vent header joints due to " chugging." c. The SRV Tailpipe Level Limit curve may be exceeded. d. The capacity of the Torus to Drywell vacuum breakers will be exceeded. I 96. Following the runback of the Recirculation Pumps on a trip of a Primary Condensate Pump, the operator may monitor the Source Range Monitoring (SRM) period meters for strong deflections above and below" Infinity". Under which of the following conditions may SRM period indications be considered accurate indication of thermal hydraulic instabilities? a. Only when the SRM detectors are fully withdrawn from the core, b. Anytime, regardless of detector position, if the detectors are stationary. , c. Only when the SRM detectors are fully inserted into the core. d. Anytime the SRM detectors are moving. l : Page 43 of 45
Reacter Operater Excminction " 97. With the plant at power tha Main Starm/ R rctor Water Cinnup Aras Lc:k.Temperatura High alarm was received and the RWCU system automatically isolated. The leak has been determined to be in the RWCU Pipe Chase Room 4402. Which of the following is NOT a required operator action for the.given conditions? a. Notify Chemistry to close the Manual Sample Line isolation Valves P-RC-V9670 and 1- RC-V006. b. Observing the RWCU Inboard and Outboard Isolation Valves (F001 & F004) close. c. Observing the Recirc Sample Line Isolation Valves (BB-SV-4310 and 4311) automatically close. d. Operate available Reactor Building ventilation fans consistent with plant conditions. 98. Given the following conditions: . The plant was operating at rated power when a steam line break occurred in the HPCI room . HPCI isolated due to high room temperatures . RBVS exhaust radiation levels reached 1.0 E-2 microcuries/mi Which of the following describes the ventilation system response for the given conditions? a. RBVS remains in service b. RBVS isolated,6 FRVS Recirc and 1 FRVS Vent Fans are in service c. RBVS isolated,4 FRVS Recirc and 1 FRVS Vent Fans are in service
d. RBVS isolated,6 FRVS Recire and 2 FRVS Vent Fans are in service 99. With the Reactor Building Ventilation in a normal lineup, the operator observes that Reactor Building pressure is .10 inches of vacuum water gauge. Which of the following is an immediate action to restore Reactor Building pressure to the required pressure? a. Place at least two FRVS units in service. b. Secure a reactor building supply fan.
! l c. Place an FRVS unit in service and increase FRVS flow rate to maximum.
d. Place the third Reactor Building Exhaust Fan in service. Page 44 of 45 . . _
, 1 R: actor Operater Examination ., 100. Given the following conditions: The reactor has scrammed from power Pilot Scram Valve Group 1 solenoids, Logic "A" and Logic "B" did not deenergize * The Scram Discharge Volume is currently full ;
l Which of the following describes the difference between inserting control rods in accordance '
with HC.OP-EO.ZZ 0303, " Individual Control Rod Scrams" and HC.OP-EO.ZZ-0302, "De- energization Of Scram Solenoids"? I
a. EO-0302 requires resetting RPS and ARI, EO-0303 does not.
b. EO-0303 requires resetting RPS and ARI, EO-0302 does not. -
, I
c. EO-0303 does not isolate the Scram Discharge Volume, EO-0302 does.
d. EO-0302 results in a flowpath from the RPV to the Reactor Building Sump, EO-0303 does not.
! , , ! Page 45 of 45
. R::ct:r Operat:r An:wcr K y .. 1. b 2seoioiot . 26. d 20soo mio4 2. a 2seotato2 27.)(a. -= . see nrrm a e = "'Ys's ik 3*'~nf gQ 3. c 2s4001010e 28. a 20eoooxto2 3/fgeg 1. : : :c;; 29. d 20eooooot DeteTed Set AmH6 e n~mi Sr 5 Afst'1-S*NE 5. c 2seoici22 % b N!bY 30. d 20eootAso2 6. c 2seotot2e 31. a 20eootA40s 7. b 2emosaist 32. a 2stoooA20e 8. b 2secto202 33, a 2tioooksoe 9. c 2seoso213 34. d 212000Atos 10. b 2sectoso4 35. d 212000K411 11. c 2semic310 36. b 21sootAes 12. b 204001 o412 37. d 21soo2xec4 13. d 204001044e 38. c 21soasxeos '14. c 201mtA204 39. d 21s m4A104 15. a 201m1K40s 40. b 21soasxto4 16. c 20too2A40s 41. d 21eoooA201 17. a 20t m3A207 42. d 21eoooAsoi 18. a 201ooskst4 43, a 217oooA4oi 19. p b_ _.=_6325, D6 M 44. b 217000x201 f. _ m ,, a, s ,vf . [tt M 20. aced ac2001Aso2 45. c 21eom x201 sre.arrma w~., w sbr (6c s-r-9s 21. c' 2020oixios MDb 46. b 223ooixtos 22. b 202m2Atoi 47. c 223m2Ae3 23. b 202m2xeo4 48. a 22eootxes 24. d 203oooKee 49. b 233oooxso2 25. c 20eoDK115 50. b 23emiot2e < l
l Page 1 ,
) l
' l Rrctor Operat:r Answ r K y I
51, c 23e m2xsoe 70. :M QtsftA a ,x: de 4,, [ yb hi' _ . ___ . .z y r - i i ;- m - - w _.; - 52. a - Aiot 77.-d en 2esoisAto2 erfr .-o w n 3
53. c 241moK3o2 -g,,y m rym) ,6W M D;y ; gg; y y -- -- __ 54. b 2emooto2 79. ', dp 29 sot 4Ato2 _ ,_g, ,,, . . . ,
15e'ilZwed) l g( auefe2 A 3[h 55. a 2ssoo2A20e 80. b 29 sot 4cito j i 56. a 2e2001A3o4 81. c 2esotsA202 { J 57. b 2s4omxeos 82, c 2esotaAtos 58 a 271omA40s 83. b 29 sot 7x302 1 59. d 272moA201 84. cpd. 29sotex202 , _ , , , , , , , , , - 3' s:: .g g-~< 60. b 272cooxsoi 85. a 29so19Atot 61. d 2esomA4ot 86. d 29sotox201 62. d 2somixsot 87, b 2sso20xios
l 1
i 63. b 2sooo2x4oi 88. a 29so21Ato4 64. b 29mosksot 89. d 29so22K2o7 65. a 295oo1A203 90. a 295o23o232 ! 66. a 29soo2A1os 91. b 29so24A1ie 67. d 29sm3Aiot 92. d 29so2sK102 68, a 29soo4x203 93. d 29so29Ato4 69. d 29smsx201 94. d 29so29A20s 70. c 2ss008o449 95. a 29smonio3
71. b 29soo6Kto3 96. b 29so31A202 29soo7x3o4 97. c 295032G44
l 72. a
73. c 2ssmeat23 98. g6 29so34x102 7 S*4 y 74. d 2esooox202 See 99. d srrnene& 29soasA201 cvm "l 6S fis(Ob 75. d 29sotox3o2 100. c 29so37x20s Page.2
- . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
# l O PSEG ~ . Public Service Bectric and Gas Company 244 Chestnut Street Salem. N.J. 08079 Phone 609/935-8560
l ! Nuclear Training Center l 1 l March 6,1998 i ! !
NTC-98-3011 Mr. Don Florek l Chief Examiner Division of Reactor Safety US Nuclear Regulatory Commission 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA. 19406-1415 Dear Mr. Florek HOPE CREEK SRO/RO EXAM COMMENTS Attached please find our post-examination analysis comments and related backup information on the following questions, from our recently conducted Hope Creek RO/SRO examination, Our comments are on the page with the applicable question, and are broken into three (3) categories: l Exam Answer key corrections _ . RO #19 . RO #27 / SRO #29 . RO #98 / SRO #96 Correct Alternate choice answers from oriainal answer key . RO #20 / SRO #24 . SRO #69 . RO #76 / SRO #71 . RO #79 . RO #84 / SRO #79 Question Deletions . RO # 04/ SRO #05 . RO #78 / SRO #73 ' * . SRO #75 If you have any questions, comments or require any additional information, please contact Pete Doran acting Nuclear Training Supervisor at 609-339-3816 or John Nichols Operations Training Manager at 609-339-3769. Sincerely, , ./tv/L' erome F. McMahon Director- OA/ Nuclear Training /EP c$cN I"FOR NUCLE TRAINING b uwr J is in pur hands. M 2169 34EV 4al2
Given the following conditions: . The plant is operating at 75% . Confirmed seal failures have occurred on the "B" Recirculation Pump . The pump hasjust been tripped Which of the following describes the order for the "B" Recirculation Pump valve manipulations that must be followed in order to ensure the pump will be completely isolated, s. Close the Discharge valve, isolate seal purge, isolate RWCU flow from the loop and close the
suction valve.
b. Isolate seal purge, close the suction valve, isolate the RWCU flow from the loop and close the
discharge valve
c. Close the suction valve, close the discharge valve, isolate seal purge, isolate RWCU flow from the
d. Isolate seal purge, close the discharge valve, isolate the RWCU flow from the loop and close the
suction valve.
Ans: C Ref HC.OP-AB.ZZ-0112, " Recirculation pump Trip", rev.13 LP - 0302-000.00H-000114-rev. 5 Obj. 3 1. Based on pre-examination discussions and referenced procedures, the critical step sequence is
based on the discussion item 5.7 of HC.OP-AB.ZZ 4112, " Recirculation purnp Trip'(attached) and precautions and limitations 3.1.2 of HC.OP-SO.BB-0002 ' Recirculation System Operation" (attached)
2. The suction valve must be closed before the discharge valve, and the seal purge must be
closed prior to pump isolation. This makes 'b' the only correct answer.
Recommendation: Change answer key to choice "b" as correct answer
. . 2
e ,, EXAM ANSWER KEY CORRECTIONS EXAM QUESTION RO #27/ SRO #29 ! The plant is in Mode 4 with Shutdown Cooling in service on the "A" Residual Heat Removal (RHR) loop with the "A" RHR Pump running. Which of the following describes how a loss of the "B" Reactor Protection System (RPS) but will affect the inboard and the Outboard Shutdown Cooling isolation Valves (F008 & F009)? a. TheF008 and F009 valves both close. J b. The F008 valve closes and the F009 valve remains open. c. The F008 and F009 both remain open. d. The F008 valve remains open and the F009 valve closes. Ans.B Ref HC.OP-SO.SM-0001(O), rev 5, page 3, section 3.1.3 LP 0302-000.00H-000045, rev 12 Obj. R3.b & R4 1. The answer key per the stated reference is incorrect. The correct answer per the stated reference is "a".
! l
I RECOMMEDATION: Change answcr key to choice "a" as the correct answer.
) \ . 3
s EXAM ANSWER KEY CORRECTIONS EXAM CUESTION RO #98 / SR3 #96 Given the following plant conditions: . The plant was operating at rated power when a steam line break occurred in the HPCI room. . HPCI isolated due to high room temperatures . RBVB exhaust radiation levels reached 1.0 E-2 microcuries/ml Which of the following describes the ventilation system response for the given conditions? a. RBVS remains running. b. RBVS isolated,6 FRVS Recirc and 1 FRVS Vent fans are in service. c. RBVS isolated,4 FRVS Recire and 1 FRVS Vent fans are in service. d. RBVS isolated,6 FRVS Recirc and 2 FRVS Vent fans are in service Ans. A Ref. HC.OP-EO.ZZ-0103, rev.10 LP 0302-000.00H-000127, rev 10, page 8 Obj. 2 & R6 1. The answer key was incorrectly typed, the correct answer should be "b" 2. RBVS exhaust radiation levels reached (1.0 E-2 microcuries/ml) is > 1.0 E-3 which is the isolation signal for RBVS and an initiation signal for FRVS see HC.OP-SO.GU-0001 " Filtration, Recirculation and Ventilation System Operation" 3. This is also an entry condition for HC.OP-EO.ZZ-0103, the lesson plan page listed lists the action of HC.OP-EO.ZZ-0103 for the retention override that if . Reactor Bldg. exhaust Rad level exceeds 1 x10'8 or 4 . Refuel Floo7HVAC Exhaust Rad Level exceeds 1 x 10 Then . Verifyisolation of RBVS And . Initiation of FRVS Recommendation
Change answer key to choice "b" as the correct answer
> l
- 1
EXAM QUESTION RO #20 / SRO #24 . Given the following conditions: j e Preparations are complete to start the "A" Recirculation Pump + The Pump Discharge Valve (F031 A) is closed . 1 Which of the following describes how the "A" Recirculation Pump trip on the discharge valve is l bypassed to allow the pump to be started? a. This trip is bypassed until the pump start sequence is complete within prescribed time limits. 1 b. This trip is bypassed until the discharge valve has reached the 100% open position. c. This trip is bypassed until the pump has been running for 9 seconds. d. This trip is bypassed until the discharge valve jog (open) circuit has timed out. Ans A Ref 0302-000.00H-000020, rev 15, page 39 & 40, section VI.A.2.e.5).c) LP 0302-000.00H-000020, rev 15, page 39 & 40, section VI.A.2.e.5).c) Obj R10 1. The referenced Reciculation Flow Control Lesson Plan does not go into sufficient detail, neither in the lesson plan body nor in the learning objectives, to differentiate between the discharge valve jog circuit from the pump start sequence as the permissive for pump start process completion. , 1 ' 2. Upon review of normal Control Room references (attached) it is shown on marked up sheets 8, 14, and 17; . That the K51 relay, which is energized during the start sequence, bypasses the 90% open trip to the drive motor breaker until 85 seconds after the sequence has been initiated. This makes choice "a" a correct answer . That the K54 relay, which is denergized by the jog circuit timer, bypasses the full closed trip signal to the drive motor breaker for the first three seconds of jog circuit operation. This makes choice "d" a correct answer. RECOMMENDATION: ' Accept both a and d choices as correct answers. 5
* CORRECT ALTERNATE CHOICE ANSWERS FROM ORIGINAL ANSWER KEY - EXAM QUESTION SRO #69 Which of the following is the basis of the 65 psig Suppression Chamber pressure Limit? l a. 65 psig is the primary containment maximum expected post-LOCA pressure. b. Above 65 psig, the system lineup required for containment venting may not be able to be completed. c. Above 65 psig, the Safety Relief Valves may not be available when required for an Emergency Depressurization. d. 65 psig is the operationallimit of the Torus to Drywell vacuum breakers. Ans. C Ref. 0302-000.00H-001268, " Primary Containment Control -Orywell Pressure" , rev Obj. R6/R7 1. 0302-000.00H-00126B," Primary Containment Control-Drywell Pressure", rev-11 (attached) states that 65 psig is the maximum pressure at which SRV's can be opened. This makes "c" the correct answer 2. 0302-000.00H-00124A, "RPV Water Level Control", rev.10, (attached) states regarding the Primary Containment Pressure Limit that above this limit . The vent valves in the primary containment vent path above TAF may not open . The SRV's may not be able to be manually opened with PCIG at 90 psig. 3. This obvious discrepancy was discussed with the Operation Department Emergency Operating procedure writers, and the Primary Containment Pressure Limit / Maximum Primary Containment Water Level limit worksheet (PSTG WS-9) identifies both the vent valves opening and SRV opening as limiting components. This makes "b" also a correct choice Recommendation: Accept choices "b" and "c" as correct answers
l l I l l l
EXAM QUESTION RO #76 / SRO #71 During a loss of coolant accident the following conditions exist: ) e Reactor pressure is 125 psig * Drywell temperature is 325 'F Which of the following describes the accuracy and trending capabilities of wide range reactor water level indication for the given conditions? I a. They are not providing accurate reactor water level or level trend information. . b. They are providing accurate reactor water level but level trend is not reliable. c. They are providing accurate reactor water level and level trend information. ! d. They are not providing accurate reactor water level but level trend is reliable. Ans. C Ref EOP Caution 1, HC.OP-EO.ZZ-0101 RPV Water Level Control Section, LP 0302-000.00H-00124A, rev 10 Obj. 7 l 1. The wide range instruments are calibrated for normal operating pressure and temperature, where RPV level is significantly below Normal operating range. See attached 0302-000.00H-000002 " Nuclear Boiler Instrumentation". 2. At lower than normal operating pressure the wide range indicators read higher than actual level when RPV level is above the mid scale range. See attached temperature compensation curves 3 from HC.OP-lO.ZZ-0003(O). l 3. Since RPV level was not given, the accuracy of the Wide range level instrument is in question, ) depending on the assumption of the candidate. , 4. The conditions given show that the instrument Reference leg should not be affected by potential flashing, since we are below the saturation curve, as could be determined by steam tables provided to the candidates, this makes the instrument reliable for trending, as stated in EOP caution #1 5. Based on the assumption of the candidate, either "c" Accurate level and trend, or "d" Inaccurate level but reliable trend would be acceptable answers RECOMMENDATION: Accept "c" or "d" as correct answers ! , l
Exam Question RO #79 Given the following conditions: . The plant is at 75% power e _ Control rod 22-27 is being withdrawn on notch to Notch "22" Which of the following is the required immediate operator action if a control rod drift alarm is received and the operator notes control rod 22-27 is continuing to move out and power is rising? a. Apply a continuous insert signal to control rod 22-27. b. Place the Rod Select key lock switch to "off"(de-select the rod). c. Direct the local operator to perform a single rod scram on control rod 22-27. d. Runback recirculation flow and insert control rods to reduce power. Ans. D
Ref HC.OP-AB.ZZ-0204 Positive reactivity addition, LP 302H-000.00H-000114, rev 5 Obj. 1 1. Runback recirculation flow and insert control rods to reduce power, is a prescribed method for power reduction as stated in HC.OP-AB.ZZ-0204 section 3.1 which makes "d' a correct choice. 2. Applying a continuous insert signal to control rod 22-27 is a method of " inserting control rods to reduce reactor power" and therefore, makes choice "a" a correct answer IAW HC.OP-AB.ZZ- 0204. 3. Additionally, since the question states that "the operator notes that control rod 22-27 is continuing to move out and power is rising", the operator could enter abnormal procedure HC.OP-AB.ZZ- 0102 Dropped Control Rod. IAW with this procedure the immediate actions are to: . If necessary then Insert control rods, in sequence, to terminate the power increase. . If a scram condition is reached, Then ensure the reactor scrams and implement procedure HC.OP-EO.ZZ-0100(O) . Ensure that all appropriate automatic actions are complete. 4. Inserting control rod 22-27 would be correct for this abnormal procedure since that would be the first rod to insert "in sequence". RECOMMENDATION: Accept choices "a" and "d" as correct answers 8
e ~
CORRECT ALTERNATE CHOICE ANSWERS FROM ORIGINAL ANSWER KEY EXAM QUESTION RO #84 / SRO #79 A loss of Reactor Auxiliary Cooling System has occurred? Which of the following is the MAXIMUM time allowed, before a reactor scram is required? a. An immediate scram is required b. One{1) minute c. Ten (10) minutes d. Twenty (20) minutes Ans C , Ref HC.OP-AB.ZZ-0123, rev 5, caution 4.8 I LP 0302-000.00H-000114, rev 9, page 3 Obj. 3 1. The answer key has "a" as being correct, based on caution (4.8) of HC.OP-AB.ZZ-0123 which allows 10 minutes to get RACS restored to the recirc pumps or they must be tripped, the operator is cautioned to place the mode swi^.ch in " shutdown" prior to tripping the pumps. This makes "c" a ; correct answer. l 2. Section 4.9 of the same procedure states if a totalloss of RACS has occurred and cannot be immediately restored them perform the following: . Scram the reactor . Trip both Recirc pumps . Trip both CRD pumps . . Trip both RWCU pumps 3. One SRO candidate asked the exam proctor if this loss was a " total loss". His response was yes. Using a total loss and following that direction, this would make "a" also a correct answer. Recommendation Accept cholces "a" or "c" as correct answers 9
Exam Question RO #04 / SRO #05 Following shift tumover the Nuclear Control Operator (RO) notes that data entered in the narrative log by the previous shift incorrect. The RO draws a single line through the incorrect entry, makes the correct entry and initials and dates the change. Which of the following describes how the RO should highlight and explain the change? a. The correct entry should be circled in red with an explanation placed in the comments section. b. The correct entry should be circled in red with an explanation made next to the corrected entry, c. The incorrect entry should be circled in red with an explanation placed in the comments section, d. The incorrect entry should be circled in red with an explanation made next to the corrected entry. Ans. A Ref HC.OP-AS.ZZ-0002, rev 2, page 20, section - Log Taking LP 0302-000.00H-000113, rev 8 Obj. 125R 1. LP-0302-000.00H-000113, rev 8 objective 125 (attached ), specifi:: ally states "Given access to
control room references, distinguish between proper and improper methods of maintaining Operations Department logs IAW HC.OP-AP.ZZ-0110. This procedure was not provided for the candidates to review to determine correct choice.
2. HC.OP-AP.ZZ-0110 (applicable pages attached) defines the use of the Narrative and Comments
section logs. It also describes Data logs and requirements of circling abnormal, unusual, or O.O.S. data in red ink, additionally it states that any abnormal, unusual, or O.O.S. entries will be investigated immediately and recorded on the applicable comments section. HC.OP-AP.ZZ-0110 further has a description of the Comment Sheets / Sections and states they are the Narrative Log for operating stations that do not have a formal Narrative Log ledger.
3. HC.OP-AS.ZZ-0002, page 20 (attached) specifically states if an entry is corrected by an individual
other than the person entering the ggta, the correction must be circled in red with an explanation _ in the comments section.
4. The NCO Narrative Log (attached) is a comments logs in itself and not a data log. Data is taken
on logs such as DL-0002 (attached) which has a comments section. The misapplication of the NCO Narrative Log as the Data log vice any DL log supplied with a comments section, prevented the candidates from determining the correct selection.
RECOMMEDATION: Delete question from exam
to .. .. .-
a } QUESTION DELETIONS * Exam Cuestion RO #78 / SRO #73 ; . Given the following conditions: . Reactor power is 82% . HPCI is in operation for a surveillance . The "B" loop of RHR is in Suppression Pool Cooling . Suppression Pool temperature is 103*F when the running RHR Pump tripped . ' HPCI was secured . Subsequently, suppression pool temperature reached 106'F i Which of the following lists the suppression pool temperatures requiring entry into HC.OP-EO.ZZ- j 0102, Primary Containment Control AND entry into the LCO actions for Tech Spec 3.6.27 a. EO-0102 - 95'F TS 3.6.2 - 95*F b.- EO-0102 - 95'F TS 3.6.2 - 105 F c. EO-0102 - 105 F TS 3.6.2 - 95*F l d. EO-0102 - 105'F . TS 3.6.2 - 105'F
i . Ans: D '-
Ref: 0302-000.00H-00125A, " Primary Containment Control - Suppression Pool Temp", rev 10 ~HC . IS.BJ-0001, "HPCI inservice test", step 5.1.16, rev 29 Obj. .3 1. 0302-000.00H-00125A, " Primary Containment Control - Suppression Pool Temp", Rev 10,
l objectives do require knowledge of entry conditions to EOP-0102 (attached) l
2. HC.OP-IS.BJ-0001, rev 29, step 5.1.16 states to implement suppression pool average water temperature monitoring of technical specification prior to and during HPCI operations by
l performing HC.OP-DLZZ-0026(O) (both attached)
3. No leaming objective in the Hope Creek Operations Training program requires commitment to memory inservice Test cautions and bases behind the cautions.
4. No Leaming Objective for Technical Specification evaluation require determination of Technical Specification actions without having the applicable section of the procedure available for i reference. j 4
, . '
5. Testing Technical Specification compliance without the materials available for review is not in the ! best interest of the candidate or in compliance with Hope Creek Operations Training Department . objectives, j 6.' Nuclear Business Unit Procedural Compliance requirements, and expectations, for use of a j Catergory I procedure require step by step compliance. The same level of procedural '. sage . should be complied with during examinations, and was not. ! Recommendation: j Delete question 1 11
EXAM QUESTION SRO #75 Which of the following describes how the operators would know the Hydrogen Water Chemistry injection (HWCl) system had NOT been removed from service while performing a shutdown in accordance with HC.OP-lO.ZZ-0004(O), " Shutdown from Rated Power to Cold Shutdown"? a. Hydrogen explosions in the Mechanical Vacuum Pump while operating to maintain condenser
b. Post-shutdown (2 hours) Turbine Building radiation levels would be much higher, c. Alarms and indications resulting from a control rod drop accident would not be available to the
operators as quickly.
d. The Primary and Secondary Condensate Pumps will cavitate. Ans. C Ref HC.OP-AB.ZZ-0102, Dropped Control Rod, rev. 3
LP 0302-000.00H-000225, rev 05
Obj. 6 & 7.1
in order for this situation occur the operators would be required to violate procedure HC.OP-lO.ZZ- 0004, " Shutdown from F d Power to Cold Shutdown". If the operators failed to have the Chemistry Department remove Hh from service at 35% power, they would also have to miss the next step of - the procedure which instructs the operators to have l&C restore the MSL RMS setpoints. If the setpoints are restored with HWCl in service then RMS alarms may result which could clue the operators in to the problem with HWCl. This scenario requires multiple procedure violations. There is'no power level specified for this question and in order for HWCl to remain in service it would have failed to trip at 30% power (as it is currently designed). Technical Specifications require that with reactor power at 20%, the only control rod motion that is allowed is by a scram if MSL Rad Monitor Setpoints have not been restored. HC.OP-AB.ZZ-0102 " Dropped Control Rod" section 5.3 states "The effects of a rod drop accident above 20% power are minimal; therefore, H2 injection system operation is only permitted above 20% power". There are numerous protections to prevent the conditions specified in this question from occurring. The likelihood of all of these failures and then a rod drop accident are too remote to expect the students to select choice "c" as the correct answer. RECOMMENDATION: Delete question from exam 12
' 3 , HC.OP-SO.CH-0001(Z) ATTACHMENT 4 - (Page1of1) MAIN TURBINE CONTROL OIL (EHC) SYSTEM OPERATION EHC CONTROL LOGIC DIAGRAM , - ~ ~ um n .a n.,. ., 7 **"" " 3 ; .H! " * - + " - [-' -e ,". ' !, w === .h3 _,/_,.-.i .cuce =,: ; ."., 41) . . " y- , ve 4/s\ / ==. m. N,",/- _ ~-. ,, . , . ._ "- ,L ' * u,/ *oum g a = ' + ~ dh - C _, _, "" .* .noama -* uw m, = mm.uw& ?. %*' . . *sf < l .c "m" m * ' ' l f- 7 met . lH ".,"2 - A ( ; ,, l E . -- (n==J-IH, !. " ; " 7% / f- . wr *" i " . N", l' 'f \ j .I j gun l 1 ir t ' a=_ . T)u~ l ==l=, - -{ .v \L' l ti l ar . ,1 , l B .. / ! rn* L"= - " .; 2_ \'*\*f ;/" O w. - -a . Va .R h -
. Page M2 of 84 Rev.19 Hope Creek i l I
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NRC RESOLUTION OF PSE&G COMMENTS ON THE WRITTEN EXAM - . . , , RO-4 / SRO-5 The facility recommended to delete this question from th,e exam. Based on a review of the references provided, the NRC staff agreed with the facility that this question should be deleted from the exam. There was no clear reference to clearly support a correct answer to this question. RO-19 The facility recommended to change the answer key from "c" to "b". Based on a review of the procedure HC.OP-AB.ZZ-0112, Recirculation Pump Trip, there was no answer that provided the sequence to isolate the recirculation pump as required by the procedure. The NRC staff did not totally agree with the facility recommendation. Since there were no correct answers to this question, the appropriate action was , to, delete the question from the exam. RO-20 / SRO-24 The facility recommended to accept both'"a" and "d" as correct answers to 'the question. Based on review of the referenc'es, the NRC st.aff agreed with the facility. The answer key was revised to ; accept "a" and "d" as correct answers. 80-27 / SRO-29 The facility recommended to change the answer key from "b" to "a". Based on review of the references and prior exam versions, this was clearly a typographical error, the NRC staff agreed with the facility. The answer key was revised from "b" to "a". RO-76 / SRO-71 The facility recommended to accept both "c" and "d" as correct i answers to the question. Caution 1 of the emergency operating ! procedures indicated that if drywell temperature and reactor pressure l were below the saturation curve then wide range level indication was a reliable instrument. Since the given conditions were below the saturation curve and steam tables were available to @e applicants, they had sufficient information to concluded that the 4 vide range level instrument was useable for the entire range and thus "c" was could l be a correct answer since no accuracy range was delineated. The examiner further reviewed the licensee provided curve showing inaccuracy of the water level instruments over a range of levels and of reactor coolant system pressures and temperatures. Answer "d"is also correct in that the level instrument would not be providing accurate water level indication but the trend would be reliable. After further review answer "a" is also correct with the "or" condition that the instruments "are not providing accurate reactor water level or level trend information. Accordingly, since the question has three correct answers, it was deleted from the exam for the reasons noted by the examiner above.
* a RO-78 / SRO-73 The facility recommended that this question be deleted from the exam. The licensee indicated that the question was testing the applicant's memory of specific technical specification limiting - - condition for operations (LC) actions or emergency operating . procedure actions as suggested. The examiner viewed the question as testing the applicant's knowledge of the entry conditions into these documents at the analysis level, which is a more challenging question. This was a acceptable testing area as identified by the KA assigned to' this question and because of the importance of this LC. Since there was a single correct answer to the question, there was no basis to { delete the question from the exam. An acceptable basis would have been no correct answer or more than two correct answers. The facility comment was not accepted. RO-79 The facility recommended to accept both "a" and "d" as correct answers to the question. The question required the applicant to
' identify the required immediate operator actions. Answer "a" was not a required immediate operator action identified in HC.OP-AB.ZZ-0204, Positive Reactivity Addition. The facility recommendation was not . . accepted. . RO-84 / SRO-79 The facility recommended to accept both "a" and "c" as correct answers since one applicant was told by the proctor, in response to a question, that this was a total loss of RACS. The proctor's response did not alter the question since ten minutes is still the maximum time allowed before a reactor scram is required and answer "c" is the only correct answer. There was no change to the answer key. RO 98 / SRO-96 The facility recommended to change the answer key from "a" to "b". Based on review of the references and prior exam versions this was clearly a typographical error and the NRC staff agreed with the facility. The answer key was revised from "a" to "b". SRO-69 The facility recommended to accept both "b" and "c" as correct answers to this Destion. Based on review of the references, the NRC staff agreed with the facility. The answer key was revised from to accept both "b" and "c" as correct answers. SRO-75 The facility recommended to delete the question from the exam without sufficient supporting justification as to why it should be deleted. The question was based on the discussion section of HC.OP- AB.ZZ-0102, Dropped Control Rod, on why hydrogen injection is secured at low power. This was a legitimate testing area as identified by the KA assigned to the question. Since the question was valid with the one correct answer to the question, there was no basis to delete the question from the exam. There was no change to the answer key. ..
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ATTACHMENT 5 SIGNIFICANT CONTROL MANIPULATION DETAILS APPLICANT DATE IYPE ASSESSMENT- , 55-62176 4/6/97 Flow Acceptable. 4/6/97 Flow Unacceptable - No documentation available to support that this was not part of a continuous power change. 4/6/97 Flow Unacceptable - No documentation available to support that this was not part of a continuous power change. 4/6/97 Rods Acceptable. 4/6/97 Rods Unacceptable - Documentation indicated that this was , part of'a continuous power change. 4/6/97 Rods Unacceptable - Documentation indicated that this was part of a continuous power change. ~ l 4/6/97 Rods Unacceptable - Documentation indicated that this was part of a continuous power change. l 2/21/98 Flow Acceptable 2/21/98 Flow Acceptable 2/21/98 Flow Acceptable l
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APPLICANT DAIE TYPE ASSESSMENT 55-62178 2/1/97 Flow Acceptable
3/1/97 Flow Acceptab.le 1 3/1/97 Rods Unacceptable - Rod movement consisted of inserting 5 i rods from 16-12 to reduce power and then three examples of partially withdrawing a control rod individually scrammed by a licensed operator as part of individual control rod scram testing, another applicant also completed the withdrawal. No documentation was available to support that the control rod movement resulted in an observable effect on power. Rod withdrawal to recover from an individual rod scram test was not considered to be significant. 3/1/97 Rods Unacceptable - Rod movement consisted of eight examples of partially withdrawing a control rod individual'ly scrammed by a licensed operator is part of individual control rod scram testing. Another applicant also completed the withdrawal. Rod withdrawal to recover from an individual rod scram test was not considered to be significant. 3/1/97 Rods Unacceptable - Rod movement consisted of three examples of partially withdrawing a control rod individually scrammed by a licensed operator as part of individual control rod scram testing, another applicant also completed the withdrawal, and withdrawing 5 rods from 12-16. No documentation was available to support that the control rod movement resulted in an observable effect on power. Rod withdrawal to recover from an individual rod scram test was not considered to be significant. 2/21/98 Flow Acceptable 2/21/98 Flow Acceptable 2/21/98 Flow Acceptable
o S APPLICANT DATE IYEE ASSESSMENT 55-62183 2/2/97 Flow Acceptable 1 3/1/97 Flow Acceptable I ' 2/2/97 Rods Unacceptable - Rod movement consisted of inserting four rods from 10-06 and then withdrawing the same four rods from 06-10. This did not meet the PSE&G acceptance criteria of at lease one notch for a minimum of eight rods. 3/1/97 Rods Unacceptable - Rod movement consisted of inserting 3 rods from 08-00, four rods from 14-12 and three rods from 16-12. There was no documentation to support
that this resulted in an observable power affect. i 3/1/97 Rods Unacceptable - Rod movement consisted of eight l examples of partially withdrawing a control rod j ' individually scrammed by a licensed operator as part of j individual control rod scram testing. Another applicant ) also completed the withdrawal. Rod withdrawal to recover from an individual rod scram test was not considered to be significant, , 2/21/98 Flow Acceptable 2/21/98 Flow Acceptable 2/21/98 Flow Acceptable
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0 m APPLICANT DATE IyfE ASSESSMENT 55-62187 2/2/97 Flow Acceptable , - - , 3/1/97 Flow Acceptable 3/1/97 Rods Unacceptable - Rod movement consisted of eight examples of partially withdrawing a control rod individually scrammed by a licensed operator as part of individual control rod scram testing. Another applicant also completed the withdrawal. Rod withdrawal to recover from an individual rod scram test was not considered to be significant. 3/1/97 Rods Unacceptable - Rod movement consisted of eight examples of partially withdrawing a control rod individually. scrammed by a licensed operator as part of individual control rod scram testing.~ A'nother applicant also completed the withdrawal. Rod withdrawal to recover'from'an individual rod scram test was not considered to be significant. 3/1/97 Rods Unacceptette - Rod movement consisted of withdrawing 7 rods from 12-16 and one rod from 00- 08. There was no documentation to support that this resulted in an observable power affect. 2/21/98 Flow Acceptable
2/21/98 Flow Acceptable 2/21/98 Flow Acceptable
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4/6/97 Rods Unacceptable - Rod movement consisted of withdrawing four control rods from notch 00-06 and then withdrawing the same four rods from notch 06-12. This did not meet PSE&G acceptance criteria of at least one notch for a minimum of eight rods. 6/20/97 Flow Acce,ptable 2/21./98 Flow Acceptable
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F A APPLICANT DATE TYPE ASSESSMENT 55-62174 4/6/97 Flow Acceptable 6/3/97 Flow Acceptable 7/10/97 Flow Acceptable 9/4/97 Flow Acceptable 4/6/97 Rods Acceptable 4/6/97 Rods Acceptable 4/6/97 Rods Acceptable 4/6/97 Rods Unacceptable - Rod movement consisted of withdrawing four control rods from notch 12-14, then these same four rods from 14-16, and these same four i rods again from 16-18. This did not meet the PSE&G l acceptance criteria of at least one notch for a minimum of eight rods. l 5/9/97 Rods Did not assess since applicant had the required number.
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APPLICANT DATE TX25 ASSESSMENT 55 60013 12/13/97 Rods Acceptable 12/13/97 Rods Unacceptable - Documentation indicated that this was part of a continuous power change. 12/13/97 Rods Unacceptable - Documentation indicated that this was part of a continuous power change. 12/13/97 Rods Acceptable 12/14/97 Flow Acceptable 12/14/97 Rods Acceptable 2/21/98 Flow Acceptable i ;