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Salem, Units 1 and 2, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, Revision 27
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 05/14/2013
From: Russell J
Public Service Enterprise Group
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML14134A041 (158)



REVISION, STATUS AND CHANGESRINTED20140328 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUALFORPSEG NUCLEAR LLCSALEM GENERATING STATIONRevision 27Prepared By:Reviewed by:SQRAccepted by:Approved by:ODCM Coordinator John Russell-A&ra ýýSalem Chemistry MkagerRVied 7Ay C-4Reviewed byMarkPylJDateDateDateDatePORC Chairman Robert IeNightMeeting #: 2-..Plant Mana'get/

.)Larry WagnerPage 1 of 158I -2 USER RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING

REVISION, STATUS AND CHANGESPRINTED20140328 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Revision SummaryATTACHMENT 1ODCM Change Summary MatrixPage 1 of 1Salem X Hope CreekFter (old) (new) Description of Change DateNo. Rev. Rev. 27 Implemented 26pg page No.pageNo.See plant11 13 Reverted back to the Members of the Public definition, manager's signature forJustification:

rationale for using both I OCFR20 and 40CFRI 90 not adequate.

date2 18 19 Modified 4.0.1 to reflect current Technical Specifications Editorial Justification:

Follows approved Technical Specifications 3 18 19 Modified 4.0.1 to reflect current Technical Specifications Editorial Justification:

Follows approved Technical Specifications 4 18 19 Modified 4.0.1 to reflect current Technical Specifications Editorial Justification:

Follows approved Technical Specifications 5 19 20 Added "Report all deviations in the Radioactive Effluent Release.

Report" Editorial Justification:

no reportability requirements for 22 23 Action 31 Added "grb"".in front 6f sampling.

Editorial Justification:

Matches other Action steps7 25 26 Added "Report all deviations in the Radioactive Effluent Release Report" Editorial Justification:

no reportability requirements for 8 32 33 Table 4.1 1-1 a. Added units (sec) to .and At and changed ; to Y Editorial Justification:

Editorial 9 35 36 Changed to "exceed 0.06 mrerm to the whole b'.ody or 0.2 mrem to any organ in a 31- See plantday period,"

and editorial revision to the paragraph.

manager's signature forJustification:

need appropriate 31 day limit, aligns with NUREG 1301. date10 36 37 3.11.2.b and Added 1-133 See plantmanager's Justification:

original TS used "radioiodines" later revision changed to 1-131 but omitted I- signature for133 as required by TS 6.8.4.g (9) date11 40 41 and Added 1-133 See plantmanager's Justification:

original TS used "radioiodines" later revision changed to 1-131 but omitted 1- signature for133 133 as required by TS 6.8.4.g (9) date12 41 42 changed limits to "0.2 mrad in air from gamma radiation, or See plant0.4 mrad in air from beta radiation or, 0.3 mrad to any organ to a MEMBER OF THE manager's PUBLIC" signature forJustification:

need appropriate 31 day limit, aligns with NUREG 1301 date13 42 43 .3.11.4.a changed to 10 CFR Part 20.2203 (iv) from 10 CFR Part 20.405c Editorial Justificationt regulatory reference changedPage 2 of 158IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi Salem ODCM Rev. 27Item (old) (new) Description of Change DateNo. Rev. Rev. 27 Implemented 26pg page No.pageNo.14 42 43 changed to the CONTROLS reference rather than the surveillance section Editorial Justification:

Typos15 45-51 46-52 Renamed Table 3.12.1-1 to Table 3.12-1 Editorial Justification:

Agreement with text references 16 45 46 Table 3.12-1 changed number of direct reading dosimeters to 58 from 49. April 2010 &Changed distances of the outer ring to match NUREG 1301. January 2013Editorial Removed not bounded by waterJustification:

Reflects current number of locations.

17 45 47 Changed and added number of air sample locations and changed "high" to the NUREG January 2011specified "highest" Justification:

Reflects current number of locations and aligns with the NUREG18 46 48 Removed sampling of the Cooling Tower Blowdown sediment Editorial Justification:

Inadvertently copied when revising Salen/Hope Creek revision 1619 48 50 Aligned requirements for Food products from 3/4 12.2 Editorial Justification:

Alignment with the NUREG20 49 51 Table 3.12-1 Note (2). Added clarification ofPD, "a device meeting the criteria of ANSI AddedN545", and all sectors now have a passive dosimeter.

additional monitoring.


Clarification allows any type of dosimeter:

all sectors have a dosimeter..

21 49 51 Table 3.12-1 Note (3) Added explanatory note for additional air sampler locations.

Editorial Justification; Added new air samplers from above22 50 52 Table 3.12-1 Note (9). Changed to read "The dose shall be calculated for the maximum See plantorgan and age group using the methodology and parameters in the ODCM. There are no manager's farms that meet the 5 km requirement and it is unlikely that any releases from the site will signature forapproach the I mrem criteria at 5 to 8 kim. Milk samples will be taken (owner obliging) datewithin 8 km and other management audit samples within 16 kim. Broad leaf vegetation (within 8 kin) shall be sampled using the site gardens to demonstrate compliance with thispathway.Justification:

Clarification of pathway23 54 55 Table 4.12-1 (2) deleted "thermoluminescent" Editorial Justification:

Allows for technical substitution of qualified dosimeters 24 53 55 Corrected calculation for the picocurie LLDEditorial Justification:

2.22 E6 is the dpm to microcurie conversion factor25 53 55 See plantAdded value for very low count rate samples manager's Justification:

Added from NUREG 4007 signature fordate26 55 57 Added text for elevated releases Editorial Justification:

Alignment with the NUREG27 57 59 3.12.3 Added "that has been approved by the Commission, that correspond to samples Editorial required by Table 3.12-1."

to the end of the paragraph.

Page 3 of 158 ISalem ODCM Rev. 27Item (old) (new) Description of Change DateNo. Rev. Rev. 27 Implemented 26pg page No.pageNo.Justification:

Editorial enhancement.

28 64 66 BASES 3/ Added 1-133 Editorial Justification:

original TS used "radioiodines" later revision changed to 1-131 but omitted 1-133 133 as required by TS 6.8.4.g (9)29 66 68 BASES 3/4.12.1 Added text from the NUREG that had been omitted.

Editorial Justification:

Editorial enhancement.

30 80 82 Updated section 1.6 to reflect changes to control See plantmanager's Justification:

Aligns with the 31 day limits in NUREG 1301 signature fordate31 107 109 Added new location to controlling pathways.

See plantmanager's Justification:

Carbon 14 dose calculations added a new pathway signature fordate32 136 138 Appendix D Corrected Table reference to Table 2-3 from Table 3.2-4 in W variable Editorial description.


Table 3.2-4 doesn't exist. Table 2-3 describes the required values.33 141 143 Added PD locations to Table E-1 Editorial Justification:

Aligns with new dosimeter locations 34 142 144 Added Air Sample locations to Table E-1 Editorial Justification:

Aligns with new dosimeter locations 35 145 146 Added Broadleaf Sampling locations 2006Justification:


Blowdown, Chemical WasteBasin and Service Water. 77 I1.2.2 Conservative Default Values 781.3 Liquid Effluent Concentration Limits -10 CFR 20 791.4 Liquid Effltent Dose Calculation

-10 CFR 50 79 I1.4.1 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC Dose -Liquid Effluents.

791.4.2 Simplified Liquid Effluent Dose Calculation.

81Total Body 81 I1.5 Secondai.v Side Radioactive Liquid Effluents and Dose Calculations During Primary toSecondary Leakage 811.6 Liquid Effluent Dose Projections 82 I2.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 822.1 Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Controls 822.2 Gaseous Effluent Monitor Setpoint Determination 84 I2.2.1 Containment and Plant Vent Monitor 842.2.2 Conservative Default Values 852.3 Gaseous Effluent Instantaneous Dose Rate Calculations

-10 CFR 20 85 I2.3.1 Site Boundary Dose Rate -Noble Gases 852.3.2 Site Boundary Dose Rate -Radioiodine and Particulates 872.4 Noble Gas Effluent Dose Calculations

-10 CFR 50 872.4.1 UNRESTRICTED AREA Dose -Noble Gases 872.4.2 Simplified Dose Calculation for Noble Gases 882.5 Radioiodine and Particulate Dose Calculations

-10 CFR 50 892.5.1 UNRESTRICTED AREA Dose -Radioiodine and Particulates 892.5.2 Simplified Dose Calculation for Radioiodines and Particulates.

892.6 Secondary Side Radioactive Gaseous Effluents and Dose Calculations 902. 7 Gaseous Effluent Dose Projection 923.0 SPECIAL DOSE ANALYSES 933.1 Doses Due To Activities Inside the SITE BOUNDARY 933.2 Total close to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC -40 CFR 190 and 10 CFR 72.104 933.2.1 Effluent Dose Calculations 933.2.2 Direct Exposure Dose Determination.

943.3 Doses Due to Carbon 14 in Gaseous Effluents 943.3.1 Estimation of Carbon 14 in Annual Releases 943.3.2 Carbon 14 dose Determinations 954.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM 954.1 Sampling Program 954.2 Interlaboratory Comparison Program 95Page 6 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27TABLESTABLE 1.1: OPERATIONAL M ODES ....................................................................................







24TABLE 3.3-13: RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING IN ST R U M EN T A T IO N ................................................................................................................



29TABLE 4.11-1: RADIOACTIVE LIQUID WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM.......................................................................................................................................................

3 2TABLE 4.11-2: RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSISP R O G R A M ...................................................................................................................................


46TABLE 3.12-2: REPORTING LEVELS FOR RADIOACTIVITY CONCENTRATIONS INEN VIRONM ENTAL SAM PLES .............................................................................................

53TABLE 4.12-1: DETECTION CAPABILITIES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLEA N A L Y S IS .2. ...........................................................................................................................

54Table 1-1.1: Parameters for Liquid Alarm Setpoint Determinations Unit 1 .............................

99Table 1-1.2: Parameters for Liquid Alarm Setpoint Determinations

-Unit 2 ............................

100TABLE 1-2: Site Related Ingestion Dose Commitment Factor, Aio .......................

................... 101T able 1-3: B ioaccum ulation Factors ...........................................................................................

103Table 2-1: D ose Factors For N oble G ases ..................................................................................

106Table 2-2.1: Parameters for Gaseous Alarm Setpoint Determinations

-Unit 1 ..........................

107Table 2-2.2: Parameters for Gaseous Alarm Setpoint Detenninations

-Unit 2 .........................

108Table 2-3: Controlling Locations, Pathw ays ..............................................................................

109Table 2-4: Pathway Dose Factors -Atmospheric Releases


110Table A-l: Calculation of Effective M PC -Unit 1 .....................................................................

125Table A-2: Calculation of Effective M PC -Unit 2 .....................................................................

126Table B-1: Adult Dose Contributions

-Fish and Invertebrate Pathways

-Unit I ......................

130Table B-2: Adult Dose Contributions

-Fish and Invertebrate Pathways

-Unit 2 ......................

131T able C -i: Effective D ose Factors ..............................................................................................

136Table D -1: Infant D ose C ontributions


140TAB LE E-1: R EM P Sam ple Locations


143Table F-i: M aximum Perm issible Concentrations


152Page 7 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27FIGURESFIGURE 5.1-3: AREA PLOT PLAN OF SITE ....................................................................

71Figure 1-1: Liquid Release Flowpath Unit 1 ........................................................................

96Figure 1-2: Liquid Release Flowpath Unit 2 ........................................................................

97Figure 1-3: Liquid Radioactive Waste System ....................................................................

98Figure 2-1: Salem Ventilation Exhaust Systems and Effluent Monitor Interfaces


104Figure 2-2: Gaseous Radioactive Waste Disposal System .....................................................

104Figure 2-2: Gaseous Radioactive Waste Disposal System .....................................................














....... 138APPENDIX E: RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM .........................................



152Page 8 of 158I Salem ODCM Rev. 27SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATIONOFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUALINTRODUCTION The Salem Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) is a supporting document to the Salem Units 1and 2 Technical Specifications.

The previous Limiting Conditions for Operations that were contained inthe Radiological Effluent Tecnmical Specifications (RETS) are now included in the ODCM asRadiological Effluent Controls (REC). The ODCM contains two parts: Part I -Radiological EffluentControls, and Part II -Calculational Methodologies.

Part I includes the following:

" The Radiological Effluent Controls and the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Programsrequired by Technical Specifications 6.8.4* Descriptions of the information that should be included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report and the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report requiredby Technical Specifications and, respectively.

Part II describes methodologies and parameters used for:" the calculation of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation alarm/trip setpoints; and* the calculation of radioactive liquid and gaseous concentrations, dose rates, cumulative quarterly and yearly doses, and projected doses.Part II also contains a list and graphical description of the specific sample locations for the radiological environmental monitoring program (REMP), and the liquid and gaseous waste treatment systems.Revisions to the ODCM shall be made in accordance with the Technical Specifications Section 6.14.The current licensing basis applies Maximum Permissible Concentrations (MPCs) for radioactive liquideffluent concentration limits. Since the MPC values were removed from 1 OCFR20 effective 1/1/94, theMPC values are provided as Appendix F to the ODCM. As discussed in the Safety Evaluation by theOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation related to Amendment Nos. 234 and 215, letters between theNuclear Management and Resources Council (NUMARC) concerning the differences between the "old"1 OCFR20 and the "new" 1 OCFR20 allowed continued use of the instantaneous release limits (MPCs).The NUMARC letter of April 28, 1993, concluded that the RETS that reference the "old" Part 20 aregenerally more restrictive than the comparable requirements of the "new" Part 20, and therefore, inaccordance with 10 CFR 20.1008, the existing RETS could remain in force after the licenseeimplements the "new" Part 20. The letter stated that the existing RETS which reference the "old" Part20 would maintain the level of required protection of public health and safety, and would be consistent with the requirements of the "new" Part 20.Page 9 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27IIIIPage 10 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27SECTION 1.0DEFINITIONS Page 11 of 158 ISalem ODCM Rev. 271.0 DEFINITIONS DEFINED TERMS 31.1 The DEFINED TERMS of this section appear in capitalized type and are applicable throughout theseCONTROLS.

ACTION1.2 ACTION shall be that part of a CONTROL which prescribes remedial measures required underdesignated conditions.

CHANNEL CALIBRATION 1.4 A CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall be the adjustment, as necessary, of the channel output such thatit responds with the necessary range and accuracy to known values of the parameter that the channelmonitors.

The CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall encompass the entire channel, including the requiredsensor, alarm, display, and trip functions, and shall include the CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST. 1Calibration of instrument channels with resistance temperature detector (RTD) or thermocouple sensorsmay consist of an inplace qualitative assessment of sensor behavior and nonnal calibration of theremaining adjustable devices in the channel.

Whenever an RTD or thermocouple sensing element is Ireplaced, the next required CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall include an inplace cross calibration thatcompares the other sensing elements with the recently installed sensing monitor.

The CHANNELCALIBRATION may be perfonned by means of any series of sequential, overlapping, or total channel Isteps so that the entire channel is calibrated.

CHANNEL CHECK I1.5 A CHANNEL CHECK shall be the qualitative assessment of channel behavior during operation byobservation.

This determination shall include, where possible, comparison of the channel indication and/or status with other indications and/or status derived from independent instrument channelsmeasuring the same parameter.

CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST I1.6 A CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall be the injection of a simulated signal into the channel asclose to the primary sensor as practicable to verify OPERABILITY including alarm and/or tripfunctions.

CONTROL1.10 The Limiting Conditions for Operation (LCOs) that were contained in the Radiological EffluentTechnical Specifications were transferred to the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL(ODCM) and were renamed CONTROLS.

This is to distinguish between those LCOs that were retainedin the Technical Specifications and those LCOs or CONTROLS that were transferred to the ODCM.DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-1311.11 DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131 shall be that concentration of I-131 (microcuries per gram), which Ialone would produce the same thyroid dose as the quantity, and isotopic mixture of 1-131, 1-132, 1-133, 1-134, and 1-135 actually present.

The thyroid dose conversion factors used for this calculation shall be those listed in Federal Guidance Report No. II (FGR 11), "Limiting Values of Radionuclide Intake and Air Concentration and Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation, Submersion andIngestion".

Page 12 of 158I Salem ODCM Rev. 27FREQUENCY NOTATION1.13 The FREQUENCY NOTATION specified for the performance of Surveillance Requirements shall correspond to the intervals defined in Table 1.2.GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM1.14 A GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM is any system designed and installed toreduce radioactive gaseous effluents by collecting primary coolant system offgases from the primarysystem and providing for delay or holdup for the purpose of reducing the total radioactivity prior torelease to the environment.



OF THE PUBLIC shall include all persons who are not occupationally associated with the plant. This category does not include employees of the licensee, its contractors, or vendors.Also excluded from this category are persons who enter the site to service equipment or to makedeliveries.

This category does include persons who use portions of the site for recreational, occupational or other purposes not associated with the plantOFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM)1.16 The OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM) shall contain the methodology and parameters used in the calculation of offsite doses due to radioactive gaseous and liquideffluents, in the calculation of gaseous and liquid effluent monitoring alanrn/trip setpoints, and in theconduct of the environmental radiological monitoring program.

The ODCM shall also contain (1)the Radioactive Effluent Controls and Radiological Enviromnental Monitoring Programs required byTechnical Specification Section 6.8.4 and (2) descriptions of the information that should be includedin the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating and the Radioactive Effluent Release Reportsrequired by Technical Specification Sections and, respectively.


-OPERABILITY 1.17 A system, subsystem, train, component or device shall be OPERABLE or haveOPERABILITY when it is capable of performing its specified function(s),

and when all necessary attendant instrumentation,

controls, normal or emergency electrical power source, cooling and sealwater, lubrication or other auxiliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystem, train,component or device to perform its specified safety function(s) are also capable of perfonning theirrelated support function(s).

OPERATIONAL MODE -MODE1.18 An OPERATIONAL MODE (i.e., MODE) shall correspond to any one inclusive combination of core reactivity condition, power level and average reactor coolant temperature specified in Table1.1.PURGE -PURGING1.23 PURGE or PURGING shall be the controlled process of discharging air or gas from aconfinement to maintain temperature,

pressure, humidity, concentration, or other operating condition, in such a manner that replacement air or gas is required to purify the confinement.

Page 13 of 158 ISalem ODCM Rev. 27RATED THERMAL POWER1.25 RATED THERMAL POWER shall be a total reactor core heat transfer rate to the reactorIcoolant of 3459 MWt.REPORTABLE EVENT I1.37 A REPORTABLE EVENT shall be any of those conditions specified in Section 50.73 to1OCFR Part 50 or 10CFR 72.75.SITE BOUNDARY1.29 The SITE BOUNDARY shall be that line beyond which the land or property is not owned,leased, or otherwise controlled by the licensee, as shown in Figure 5.1-3.SOURCE CHECK1.31 SOURCE CHECK shall be the qualitative assessment of channel response when the channelsensor is exposed to either (a) an external source of increased radioactivity, or (b) an internal sourceof radioactivity (keep-alive source),

or (c) an equivalent electronic source check.THERMAL POWER1.33 THERMAL POWER shall be the total reactor core heat transfer rate to the reactor coolant.UNRESTRICTED AREA1.35 An UNRESTRICTED AREA shall be any area at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY, access towhich is not controlled by the licensee for purposes of protection of individuals flom exposure toradiation and radioactive materials, or any area within the SITE BOUNDARY used for residential quarters or industrial, commercial, institutional, and/or recreational purposes.

VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM1.36 A VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM shall be any system designed andinstalled to reduce gaseous radioiodine and radioactive material in particulate form in effluents bypassing ventilation or vent exhaust gases through charcoal adsorbers and/or HEPA filters for thepurpose of removing iodines or particulates from the gaseous exhaust stream prior to the releaseto the environment (such a system is not considered to have any effect on noble gas effluents).

Engineered Safety Feature (ESF) atmospheric cleanup systems are not considered to beVENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM components.

VENTING1.37 VENTING shall be the controlled process of discharging air or gas from a confinement tomaintain temperature,

pressure, humidity, concentration, or other operating condition, in such amanner that replacement air or gas is not provided or required during VENTING.

Vent, used insystem names, does not imply a VENTING process.WASTE GAS HOLDUP SYSTEM1.41 A WASTE GAS HOLDUP SYSTEM shall be any system designed and installed to reduceradioactive gaseous effluents by collecting Reactor Coolant System offgases from the ReactorCoolant System and providing for delay or holdup for the purpose of reducing the total radioactivity prior to release to the environment.




> 350OF> 350°F> 350°F350°F > Tavg> 200°F< 200°F< 140°F< 0.99<0.9500* Excluding decay heat.** Fuel in the reactor vessel with the vessel head closure bolts less than fully tensioned or withthe head removed.Page 15 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27TABLE 1.2: FREQUENCY NOTATIONNOTATIONSDwMQSARS/UPN.A.FREQUENCY At least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.At least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.At least once per 7 days.At least once per 31 days.At least once per 92 days.At least once per 6 months.At least once per 18 months.Prior to each reactor startup.Prior to each release.Not applicable.


!3.0.1 Compliance with the CONTROLS contained in the succeeding CONTROLS is required duringthe OPERATIONAL MODES or other conditions specified therein; except that upon failure to meet theCONTROL, the associated ACTION requirements shall be met.3.0.2 Noncompliance with a CONTROL shall exist when the requirements of the CONTROLS and Uassociated ACTION requirements are not met within the specified time intervals.

If the CONTROL isrestored prior to expiration of the specified time intervals, completion of the ACTION requirements isnot required.

3.0.3 When a CONTROL is not met except as provided in the associated ACTION requirements, withinone hour action shall be initiated to place the unit in a MODE in which the CONTROL does not applyby placing it, as applicable, in:1. At least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />,2. At least HOT SHUTDOWN within the following 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, and3. At least COLD SHUTDOWN within the subsequent 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.Where corrective measures are completed that permit operation under the ACTION requirements, theACTION may be taken in accordance with the specified time limits as measured from the time of failureto meet the CONTROL.

Exceptions to these requirements are stated in the individual CONTROLS.

IThis CONTROL is not applicable in MODE 5 or Entry into an OPERATIONAL MODE or other specified condition:

(a) shall not be made when the conditions of the CONTROL are not met and the associated ACTION requires a shutdown if they are not met within a specified time interval.

(b) may be made in accordance with ACTION requirements when conformance to them permits Icontinued operation of the facility for an unlimited period of time.This provision shall not prevent passage through or to OPERATIONAL MODES as required to comply Iwith ACTION requirements.

Exceptions to these requirements are stated in the individual CONTROLS.

IPage 18 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27APPLICABILITY SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.0.1 Surveillance Requirements shall be met during the OPERATIONAL MODES or otherspecified conditions in the Applicability for individual Limiting Conditions for Operation, unlessotherwise stated in the Surveillance Requirement.

Failure to meet a Surveillance, whethersuch failure is experienced during the performance of the Surveillance or betweenperformances of the Surveillance, shall be failure to meet the Limiting Condition for Operation.

Failure to perform a Surveillance within the specified frequency shall be failure to meet theLimiting Condition for Operation, except as provided in Specification 4.0.3. Surveillances donot have to be performed on inoperable equipment or variables outside specified limits.4.0.2 Each Surveillance Requirement shall be performed within the specified surveillance interval with a maximum allowable extension not to exceed 25 percent of the specified surveillance interval.

4.0.3 If it is discovered that a Surveillance was not performed within its specified frequency, then compliance with the requirement to declare the Limiting Condition for Operation not metmay be delayed, from the time of discovery, up to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or up to the limit of the specified frequency, whichever is greater.

This delay period is permitted to allow performance of theSurveillance.

A risk evaluation shall be performed for any Surveillance delayed greater than24 hours and the risk impact shall be managed.If the Surveillance is not performed within the delay period, the Limiting Condition for Operation must immediately be declared not met and the applicable Actions must be entered.When the Surveillance is performed within the delay period and the Surveillance is not met, theLimiting Condition for Operation must immediately be declared not met and the applicable Actions must be entered.4.0.4 Entry into a MODE or other specified condition in the Applicability of an LCO shall onlybe made when the LCO's Surveillances have been met within their specified Frequency, except as provided by SR 4.0.3. When an LCO is not met due to Surveillances not havingbeen met, entry into a MODE or other specified condition in the Applicability shall only bemade in accordance with LCO 3.0.4.This provision shall not prevent entry into MODES or other specified conditions in theApplicability that are required to comply with ACTIONS or that are part of a shutdown of theunit.Page 19 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 273/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION 3/ RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION

!IiiIICONTROLS3.3.3.8 In accordance with Salem Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications 6.8.4.g.

1, the radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channels shown in Table 3.3-12 shall be OPERABLE withtheir alarm/trip setpoints set to ensure that the limits of CONTROL are not exceeded.

Thealarm/trip setpoints of these channels shall be detennined in accordance with the OFFSITE DOSECALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM).APPLICABILITY:

During all liquid releases via these pathways.

ACTION:a. With a radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channel alarm/trip setpointless conservative than required by the above CONTROL, without delay suspend therelease of radioactive liquid effluents monitored by the affected channel or declare thechannel inoperable or change the setpoint so it is acceptably conservative.

b. With less than the minimum number of radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channels
OPERABLE, take the ACTION shown in Table 3.3-12. Exertbest efforts to return the instrument to OPERABLE status within 30 days and, ifunsuccessful, explain in the next radioactive effluent release report why the inoperability was not corrected in a timely manner.c. The provisions of CONTROLS 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.
d. Report all deviations in the Radioactive Effluent Release ReportSURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channel shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by performance of the CHANNEL CHECK, SOURCE CHECK, CHANNELCALIBRATION, and CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST operations at the frequencies shownin Table 4.3-12.Page 20 of 158!I


b. Chemical Waste Basin3. FLOW RATE MEASUREMENT DEVICES2(Unit 1) (1R13A, B)2 (Unit 2) (2R13A, B)1 (R37)2831a. Liquid Radwaste Effluent Lineb. Steam Generator Blowdown Line1 (1FR1064, 2FR1064)4 (1FA-3178,

-3180, -3182, -3184,2FA-3178,

-3180, -3182, -3184)2929Page 21 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27TABLE 3.3-12 (Continued)

TABLE NOTATIONACTION 26 -ACTION 27 -ACTION 28 -With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the Minimum ChannelsOPERABLE requirement, effluent releases may continue provided that prior to initiating a release:a. At least two independent samples are analyzed in accordance with CONTROL4., andb. At least two technically qualified members of the Facility Staff independently verify the release rate calculations and discharge line valving;Otherwise, suspend release of radioactive effluents via this pathway.With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the Minimum ChannelsOPERABLE requirement, effluent releases via this pathway may continue provided grabsamples are analyzed for principal gamma emitters, 1-131, and dissolved and entrained gases at the lower limits of detection required in ODCM CONTROL Table 4.11-1..B, andthe ODCM Surveillance Requirement is performed:

a. At least once per 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> when the specific activity of the secondary coolant isgreater than 0.01 microcuries/gram DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-13 1, orb. At least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> when the specific activity of the secondary coolant isless than or equal to 0.01 microcuries/gram DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131.With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the Minimum ChannelsOPERABLE requirement, effluent releases via this pathway may continue provided that:a. At least once per 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />, local monitor readouts for the affected channels areverified to be below their alarm setpoints, orb. With a Service Water System leak (inside containment) on the Containment FanCoil Unit associated with the inoperable monitor either:1. At least once per 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />, grab samples are to be collected and analyzed forprincipal gamma emitters, 1-131, and dissolved and entrained gases at thelower limits of detection specified in ODCM CONTROL Table 4.11-1 .B, andthe ODCM Surveillance Requirement is performed, or2. Isolate the release pathway.c. With no identified service water leakage (inside contaimnent) on the Containment Fan Coil Unit associated with the inoperable
monitor, at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />,collect grab samples and analyze for principal gamma emitters, 1-131, anddissolved and entrained gases at the lower limits of detection specified in ODCMCONTROL Table 4.11-1 .B, and the ODCM Surveillance Requirement is performed.

Page 22 of 158IIIIIIIIII1IIIIII Salem ODCM Rev. 27TABLE 3.3-12 (Continued)

TABLE NOTATIONACTION 29 -ACTION 31 -With the number of chanmels OPERABLE less than required by the MinimumChannels OPERABLE requirement, effluent releases via this pathway may continueprovided the flow rate is estimated at least once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> during actual releases.

Pump perforlnance curves may be used to estimate flow.With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the MinimumChannels OPERABLE requirement, effluent releases via this pathway may continueprovided that grab sampling is conducted in accordance with the following table:Frequency 1 per weekI per dayCondition During normal operation (all MODES)During operation with an identified primary tosecondary leak on either Salem UnitThe grab samples shall be analyzed for principal gamma emitters, 1-131, and dissolved and entrained gases at the lower limits of detection specified in ODCM CONTROLTable 4.11 -1 .B, and the ODCM Surveillance Requirement shall beperformed.


TABLE NOTATION(1) The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that automatic isolation of thispathway and Control Room alarm annunciation occurs if any of the following conditions exist:1. Instrument indicates measured levels at or above the alarm/trip setpoint.

2. Circuit failure.

(Loss of Power)3. Control Room Instrument indicates a downscale failure.(2) The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that control room alarmannunciation occurs if any of the following conditions exist:1. Instrument indicates measured levels at or above the alarm/trip setpoint.

2. Circuit failure.

(Loss of Power)3. Control Room Instrument indicates a downscale failure.4. Instrument controls not set in operate mode. (On instruments equipped with operatemode switches only {Unit 1})(3) The initial CHANNEL CALIBRATION was performed using appropriate liquid or gaseouscalibration sources obtained from reputable suppliers.

The activity of the calibration sourceswere reconfirmed using a multi-channel analyzer which was calibrated using one or more NBS(now NIST) standards.

(4) CHANNEL CHECK shall consist of verifying indication of flow during periods of release.CHANNEL CHECK shall be made at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> on days on which continuous,

periodic, or batch releases are made.(5) The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that Control Room alarmannunciation occurs if any of the following conditions exist:1. Instrument indicates measured levels at or above the alanr/trip setpoint.
2. Circuit failure.

(Loss of Power)# The R18's channels off-line channels which requires periodic decontamination.

Any count rateindication above 10,000 cpm constitutes a SOURCE CHECK for compliance purposes.

Page 25 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 273/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION 3/ RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION CONTROLS U3.3.3.9 In accordance with Salem Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications 6.8.4.g.

1, theradioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channels shown in Table 3.3-13 shall beOPERABLE with their alarm/trip setpoints set to ensure that the limits of CONTROL not exceeded.

The alarm/trip setpoints of these channels shall be determined in accordance with the ODCM.APPLICABILITY:

As shown in Table 3.3-13ACTION:a. With a radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channel alarm/trip Isetpoint less conservative than required by the above CONTROL, without delaysuspend the release of radioactive gaseous effluents monitored by the affectedchannel or declare the channel inoperable or change the setpoint so it is acceptably conservative.

b. With less than the minimum number of radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channels
OPERABLE, take the ACTION shown in Table 3.3-13.Exert best efforts to return the instrument to OPERABLE status within 30 days and, ifunsuccessful, explain in the next radioactive effluent release report why theinoperability was not corrected in a timely manner.c. The provisions of CONTROLS 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.
d. Report all deviations in the Radioactive Effluent Release Report.SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channel shall bedemonstrated OPERABLE by perfonnance of the CHANNEL CHECK, SOURCE CHECK,CHANNEL CALIBRATION, and CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST operations at thefrequencies shown in Table 4.3-13.Page 26 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27TABLE 3.3-13: RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION MINIMUMCHANNELSINSTRUMENT OPERABLEAPPI ,IC AnII .ITVA CTTONIAPPLICABILITY CTION1. WASTE GAS HOLDUP SYSTEMa. Noble Gas Activity Monitor -Providing Alarm and Automatic Termination of Release2. CONTAINMENT PURGEa. Noble Gas Activity Monitor3. CONTAINMENT PRESSURE

-VACUUM RELIEFa. Noble Gas Activity Monitor4. PLANT VENT HEADER SYSTEM##a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor1 (1R41A&D, 2R41A&D)1 (1R12A or 1R41A&D,2R12A or 2R41A&D)

  1. 1 (1R12A or 1R41A&D2R12A or 2R41A & D) #1 (1R41A&D, 2R41A&D)******3134373336363232b. Iodine Sampler I (1RME4, 5 or 1XT8911,2RME4, 5 or 2XT8911)c. Particulate Sampler 1 (1RME4, 5 or 1XT8911,2RME4, 5 or 2XT8911)d. Process Flow Rate Monitor (stack) 1 (1RM-1FA8603, 2RM-2FA8603)
e. Sampler Flow Rate Monitor 1 (1RM-1FA17079 or S1PAS-1FA6863Z, 2RM-2FA17079 or S2PAS-2FA6863Z)
    1. The following process streams are routed to the plant vent where they are effectively monitored by the instruments described:

(a) Condenser Air Removal System(b) Auxiliary Building Ventilation System(c) Fuel Handling Building Ventilation System(d) Radwaste Area Ventilation System(e) Contaimnent Purges & Pressure-Vacuum ReliefPage 27 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27ACTION 31 -ACTION 32 -ACTION 33 -ACTION 34 -ACTION 36 -ACTION 37 -TABLE 3.3-13 (Continued)

TABLE NOTATIONWith the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the Minimum ChannelsOPERABLE requirement, the contents of the tank(s) may be released to the environment provided that prior to initiating the release:a. At least two independent samples of the tank's contents are analyzed, andb. At least two technically qualified members of the Facility Staff independently verify therelease rate calculations and discharge valving lineup;Otherwise, suspend release of radioactive effluents via this pathway.With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the Minimum ChannelsOPERABLE requirement, effluent releases via this pathway may continue provided the flowrate is estimated at least once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the Minimum ChannelsOPERABLE requirement, effluent releases via this pathway may continue provided grabsamples are taken at least once per 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> and these samples are analyzed for gaseous principal gamma emitters at the lower limits of detection required in ODCM CONTROL TABLE 4.11-2.A, B, or C within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Otherwise, suspend release of radioactive effluents via thispathway.With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the Minimum ChannelsOPERABLE requirement, immediately suspend PURGING of radioactive effluents via thispathway.With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the Minimum ChannelsOPERABLE requirement, effluent releases via this pathway may continue provided that within4 hours samples are continuously collected with auxiliary sampling equipment as required inTable 4.11-2.With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the Minimum ChannelsOPERABLE requirement, Containment Pressure Reliefs may be performed provided that priorto initiating the release:IIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIa. At least two independent samples of containnment are analyzed, andb. At least two technically qualified members of the Facility Staff independently verify therelease rate calculations.

Otherwise, suspend release of radioactive effluents via this pathway.* At all times, other than when the line is valved out and locked.** During Containment Purges OR Containment Pressure


Modes 1-6, R41A/D Monitors providing Alarm and Automatic Termination of Release, orModes 1-5, RI2A Monitor providing Alarm and Automatic Termination of Release, orMode 6, R12A Monitor providing Alarm only (Automatic Termination of Release is not required).

During Mode Undefined (Defueled) operation, contaimnent purge is reclassified as a building ventilation process stream monitored by the PLANT VENT HEADER SYSTEM.# During movement of irradiated fuel within contaimnent with the Containment Equipment Hatch OPEN, onlyR4IA/D can be credited for MINIMUJM CHANNEL OPERABLE.

During movement of irradiated fuel within contaimnent with the Containnment Equipment Hatch CLOSED,R41A/D or R12A may be credited for MINIMUM CHANNEL OPERABLE.


-VACUUM RELIEFa. Noble Gas Activity Monitor P P R(3) Q(M) **3. PLANT VENT HEADER SYSTEM#a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor D M R(3) Q(2) *b. Iodine Sampler W N.A. N.A. N.A. *c. Particulate Sampler W N.A. N.A. N.A. *d. Process Flow Rate Monitor (stack) D N.A. R N.A. *e. Sampler Flow Rate Monitor W N.A. R N.A. *# The following process streams are routed to the plant vent where they are effectively monitored by the instruments described:

(a) Condenser Air Removal System(b) Auxiliary Building Ventilation System(c) Fuel Handling Building Ventilation System(d) Radwaste Area Ventilation System(e) Containment Purges & Pressure-Vacuum ReliefPage 29 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27TABLE 4.3-13 (Continued)

TABLE NOTATION(1) The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that automatic isolation of this 3pathway and Control Room alarm anmunciation occurs if any of the following conditions exist:1. Instrument indicates measured levels above the alam-/trip setpoint.

2. Circuit failure.

(Loss of Power)3. Control Room Instrument indicates a downscale failure.

(Alarm Only) I(2) The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that control room alarm annunciation Ioccurs if any of the following conditions exist:1. Instrument indicates measured levels at or above the alarnm/trip setpoint.

2. Circuit failure.

(Loss of Power)3. Control Room Instrument indicates a downscale failure.(3) The initial CHANNEL CALIBRATION was performed using appropriate liquid or gaseous Icalibration sources obtained from reputable suppliers.

The activity of the calibration sources werereconfirmed using a multi-channel analyzer which was calibrated using one or more NBS (nowNIST) standards.

  • At all times I** During Containment Purges OR Containment Pressure

-Vacuum ReliefSurveillance requirement

-Modes 1-6, R41A/D Monitors providing Alarn- and Automatic Termination of Release IModes 1-5, R 12A Monitors providing Alarm and Automatic Termination of ReleaseMode 6, R12A Monitors providing Alarrn only (Automatic Termination of Releaseis not required).

During Mode Undefined (Defueled) operation, contaimnent purge is reclassified as a buildingventilation process stream monitored by the PLANT VENT HEADER SYSTEM.During movement of irradiated fuel within containment with the Containmnent Equipment Hatch IOPEN, only R41A/D can be credited for MINIMUM CHANNEL OPERABLE.

During movement of irradiated fuel within contaimnent with the Containment Equipment HatchCLOSED, R41A/D or R12A may be credited for MINIMUM CHANNEL OPERABLE.

Page 30 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 273/4.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS 3/4.11.1 LIQUID EFFLUENTS 3/ CONCENTRATION CONTROLS3.11.1.1 In accordance with the Salem Units I and 2 Technical Specifications 6.8.4.g.

2 and 3, theconcentration of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS (See Figure5.1-3) shall be limited to the concentrations specified in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 forradionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases. For dissolved or entrained noble gases, theconcentration shall be limited to 2 x 10-4 microcuries/ml.


At all times.ACTION:With the concentration of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREASexceeding the above limits, without delay restore the concentration to within the above limits.SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Radioactive liquid wastes shall be sampled and analyzed according to the sampling and analysesprogram in Table 4.11- The results of the radioactivity analyses shall be used in accordance with the ODCM to assure thatthe concentrations at the point of release are maintained within the limits of CONTROL

Page 31 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27TABLE 4.11-1: RADIOACTIVE LIQUID WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAMLower LimitMinimum of Detection Liquid Release Sampling Analysis Type of Activity (LLD)aType Frequency Frequency Analysis


A. Batch Waste P PRelease Each Batch Each Batch Principal Gamna 7Tanksb Emittersc 5x1 O1-131 1x10-6P M Dissolve and 5One Batch/M Entrained Gases lx 0(Gamma Emitters)

P M H-3Each Batch Composited 1x 10-Gross Alpha 1x10-7P Q Sr-89, Sr-90 5x108Each Batch Composite Fe-55 1X106IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IB. Continuous Releasese

1. SteamGenerator BlowdownPrincipal GammaEmitters' 5x10-7WGrab SampleWPage 32 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27TABLE 4.11-1 (Continued)

TABLE NOTATIONa. The LLD is defined, for purposes of these CONTROLS as the smallest concentration ofradioactive material in a sample that will yield a net count (above system background) thatwill be detected with 95% probability with only 5% probability of falsely concluding that ablank observation represents a "real" signal.For a particular measurement system (which may include radiochemical separation):

LLD= 4.66eSbE

  • V
  • 2.22E6
  • Y
  • exp(-AAt)

Where:LLD is the "a priori" lower limit of detection as defined above (as microcuries per unit massor volume),4.66 is the statistical factor from NUREG 1301Sb is the standard deviation of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of a blanksample as appropriate (as counts per minute),E is the counting efficiency (as counts per disintegration),

V is the sample size (in units of mass or volume),2.22E6 is the number of disintegrations per minute per microcurie, Y is the fractional radiochemical yield (when applicable),

Xý is the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide (sec -1) , andAt for environmental samples is the elapsed time between sample collection (or end of thesample collection period) and time of counting (sec).Typical values of E, V, Y, and At should be used in the calculation.

It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an a prori (before the fact) limitrepresenting the capability of a measurement system and not as an a posteriori (after the fact)limit for a particular measurement.

Page 33 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27TABLE 4.11 -1 (Continued)

TABLE NOTATIONb. A batch release is the discharge of liquid wastes of a discrete volume. Prior to sampling foranalyses, each batch shall be isolated, and then thoroughly mixed to assure representative sampling.

c. The principal gamma emitters for which the LLD CONTROL applies exclusively are thefollowing radionuclides:

Mn-54, Fe-59, Co-58, Co-60, Zn-65, Mo-99, Cs-i 34, Cs-i 37, Ce-141, and Ce-144*.

This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be detected andreported.

Other peaks that are measurable and identifiable, together with the above nuclides, shall also be identified and reported.

d. A composite sample is one in which the quantity of liquid sampled is proportional to thequantity of liquid waste discharged and in which the method of sampling employed results ina specimen that is representative of the liquids released.
e. A continuous release is the discharge of liquid wastes of a nondiscrete volume, e.g., from avolume of a system that has an input flow during the continuous release.* The LLD for Ce-144 shall be 2x 10-6pCi/ml.UIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIPage 34 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 273/4.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS 3/ DOSECONTROLS3.11.1.2 In accordance with Salem Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications 6.8.4.g.4 and 5, the doseor dose commitment to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from radioactive materials in liquid effluents
released, from each reactor unit, to UNRESTRICTED AREAS (see Figure 5.1-3) shall be limited:a. During any calendar quarter to less than or equal to 1.5 mrern to the total body and toless than or equal to 5 mremr to any organ, andb. During any calendar year to less than or equal to 3 mrem to the total body and to lessthan or equal to 10 mremn to any organ.APPLICABILITY:

At all times.ACTION:a. With the calculated dose from the release of radioactive materials in liquid effluents exceeding any of the above limits, prepare and submit to the Cormnission within 30days, pursuant to Technical Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report that identifies thecause(s) for exceeding the limit(s) and defines the corrective actions that have beentaken to reduce the releases and the proposed corrective actions to be taken to assure thatsubsequent releases will be in compliance with the above limits.b. The provisions of CONTROL 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Cumulative dose contributions from liquid effluents shall be determined in accordance withthe ODCM at least once per 31 days.Page 35 of 158 ISalem ODCM Rev. 273/4.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS 3/ LIQUID RADWASTE TREATMENT CONTROLS I3.11.1.3 In accordance with the Salem Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications 6.8.4.g.6, the liquidradwaste treatment system shall be OPERABLE and appropriate portions of the system used toreduce releases of radioactivity when the projected doses due to the liquid effluent, from each unit,to UNRESTRICTED AREAS (see Figure 5.1-3) would exceed 0.06 mrem to the total body or 0.2mrem to any organ in a 31 day period.APPLICABILITY:

At all times. IACTION:a. With the radioactive liquid waste being discharged without treatment and in excess of the Iabove limits, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant toTechnical Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report that includes the following information:

1. Explanation of why liquid radwaste was being discharged without treatment, identification of any inoperable equipment or subsystems, and the reason for theinoperability.
2. Action(s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to OPERABLE status, and 33. Summary description of action(s) taken to prevent a recurrence.
b. The provisions of CONTROL 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.11. 1.3 Doses due to liquid releases shall be projected at least once per 31 days in accordance withthe ODCM.IPage 36 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 273/4.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS 3/4.11.2 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 3/ DOSE RATECONTROLS3.11.2.1 In accordance with the Salem Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications 6.8.4.g.3 and 7, thedose rate due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents from the site to areas at andbeyond the SITE BOUNDARY (see Figure 5.1-3) shall be limited to the following:

a. For noble gases: Less than or equal to 500 mrem/yr to the total body and less than orequal to 3000 mrem/yr to the skin, andb. For iodine- 131, iodine 133, for tritium, and for all radionuclides in particulate form withhalf lives greater than 8 days: Less than or equal to 1500 mrem/yr to any organ.APPLICABILITY:

At all times.ACTION:With the dose rate(s) exceeding the above limits, without delay restore the release rate to within theabove limit(s).

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The dose rate due to noble gases in gaseous effluents shall be determined continuously tobe within the above limits in accordance with the ODCM. The dose rate due to iodine-131, iodine-133,

tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate forn with half lives greater than 8 days in gaseous effluents shall be determined to be within theabove limits in accordance with the ODCM by obtaining representative samples and performing analyses in accordance with the sampling and analysis program specified in Table 4.11-2.Page 37 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27TABLE 4.11-2: RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAMLower LimitMinimum of Detection Gaseous Release Sampling Analysis Type of Activity (LLD)Type Frequency Frequency Analysis (PmCi/ml)

A. Waste Gas P PStorage Each Tank Each Tank Principal Gamma x 10i4Tank Grab Sample Emittersb B. Containment P P Principal Gamma 1x10-4PURGE Each PURGE Each PURGE Emittersb Grab SampleH-3 1x10-6C. Plant Vent Mc'de Principal Gammrna 1 x -4Grab Sample Mc Emittersb H-3 1x10-6D. All Release Continuous f W9 1-131 1x10-12Types as CharcoalListed in A, SampleB, and CAboveContinuousf Wg Principal Ganmma 1x 1011Particulate Emittersb Sample (1-131, Others)Continuousf M Gross Alpha 1x1 0-IComposite Particulate SampleContinuousf Q Sr-89, Sr-90 1x 101Composite Particulate SampleContinuousf Noble Gas Noble Gasses 1 x 10-6Monitor Gross Beta orGammaI!III!IIIIIIIIPage 38 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27TABLE 4.11-2 (Continued)

TABLE NOTATIONa. The LLD is defined in Table 4.11.1b. The principal gamma emitters for which the LLD CONTROL applies exclusively are thefollowing radionuclides:

Kr-87, Kr-88, Xe-133, Xe-133m, Xe-135, Xe-138 for gaseousemissions and Mn-54, Fe-59, Co-58, Co-60, Zn-65, Mo-99, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ce-141 and Ce-144 for particulate emissions.

This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to bedetected and reported.

Other peaks that are measurable and identifiable, together with theabove nuclides, shall also be identified and reported.

c. Sampling and analysis shall also be performed following
shutdown, startup or a THERMALPOWER change that, within one hour, exceeds 15 percent of RATED THERMAL POWERunless:1. Analysis shows that the DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131 concentration in the primarycoolant has not increased more than a factor of three; and2. The noble gas activity monitor shows that effluent activity has not increased by morethan a factor of three.d. Tritium grab samples shall be taken at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> whenthe refueling canal is flooded.e. Tritium grab samples shall be taken at least once per 7 days from the ventilation exhaust fromthe spent fuel pool area whenever spent fuel is in the spent fuel pool.f. The ratio of the sample flow rate to the sampled stream flow rate shall be known for the timeperiod covered by each dose or dose rate calculation made in accordance with CONTROLS3.11.2.1, and
g. Samples shall be changed at least once per 7 days and analyses shall be completed within 48hours after changing (or after removal firom sampler).

Sampling shall also be performed at leastonce per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> for at least 7 days following each shutdown, startup or THERMAL POWERchange that, within one hour, exceeds 15 percent of RATED THERMAL POWER andanalyses shall be completed within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> of changing.

When samples collected for 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />sare analyzed, the corresponding LLDs may be increased by a factor of 10. This requirement does not apply if (1) analysis shows that the DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131 concentration in theprimary coolant has not increased more than a factor of 3; and (2) the noble gas monitor showsthat effluent activity has not increased by more than a factor of three.Page 39 of 158 ISalem ODCM Rev. 273/4.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS 3/ DOSE -NOBLE GASESCONTROLS

! In accordance with the Salem Units 1 and 2 Technical Specification 6.8.4.g.5 and 8, the airdose due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents, from each reactor unit, from the site areas and Ibeyond the SITE BOUNDARY (see Figure 5.1-3) shall be limited to the following:

a. During any calendar quarter:

Less than or equal to 5 mrad for gamma radiation and lessthan or equal to 10 mrad for beta radiation and,b. During any calendar year: Less than or equal to 10 mrad for gamma radiation and lessthan or equal to 20 mrad for beta radiation.


At all times.ACTION:a. With the calculated air dose from radioactive noble gases in gaseous effluents exceeding any of the above limits, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuantto Technical Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report that identifies the cause(s) forexceeding the limit(s) and defines the corrective actions that have been taken to reducethe release and the proposed corrective actions to be taken to assure that subsequent releases will be in compliance with the above limits.b. The provisions of CONTROLS 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Cumulative dose contributions for the current calendar quarter and current calendar yearshall be determined in accordance with the ODCM at least once per 31 days.Page 40 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 273/4.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS 3/ DOSE -IODINE-131, IODINE 133, TRITIUM, AND RADIONUCLIDES INPARTICULATE FORMCONTROLS3.11.2.3 In accordance with the Salem Units 1 and 2 Technical Specification 6.8.4.g.5 and 9, thedose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from iodine- 131, from tritium, and from all radionuclides inparticulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous effluents

released, from each reactorunit, from the site to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY (see Figure 5.1-3) shall be limitedto the following:
a. During any calendar quarter:

Less than or equal to 7.5 mrem to any organ and,b. During any calendar year: Less than or equal to 15 mrem to any organ.APPLICABILITY:

At all times.ACTION:a. With the calculated air dose from the release of iodine-131, iodine 133, tritium, andradionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days, in gaseous effluents exceeding any of the above limits, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30days, pursuant to Technical Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report that identifies thecause(s) for exceeding the limit and defines the corrective actions that have been takento reduce the release and the proposed corrective actions to be taken to assure thatsubsequent releases will be in compliance with the above limits.b. The provisions of CONTROLS 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Cumulative dose contributions for the current calendar quarter and current calendar yearfor iodine-131, iodine 133, tritium, and radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than8 days shall be determined in accordance with the ODCM at least once per 31 days.Page 41 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 273/4.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS 3/ GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT CONTROLS3.11.2.4 In accordance with the Salem Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications 6.8.4.g.6, theGASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM and the VENTILATION EXHAUSTTREATMENT SYSTEM shall OPERABLE and appropriate portions of these systemsshall be used to reduce releases of radioactivity when the projected doses in 31 days due togaseous effluent

releases, from each unit, to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY(see Figure 5.1-3), would exceed:0.2 mrad in air from gamma radiation, orI0.4 mrad in air from beta radiation, or0.3 mrad to any organ to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC 3APPLICABILITY:

At all times.ACTION:a. With gaseous waste being discharged without treatment and in excess of the abovelimits, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Technical Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report that includes the following information:

1. Explanation of why gaseous radwaste was being discharged without treatment, identification of any inoperable equipment or subsystems, and the reason for theinoperability.
2. Action(s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to OPERABLE status, and3. Summary description of action(s) taken to prevent a recurrence.
b. The provisions of CONTROLS 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Doses due to gaseous releases from the site shall be projected at least once per 31 days inaccordance with the ODCM.Page 42 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 273/4.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS 3/4.11.4 TOTAL DOSECONTROLS3.11.4. In accordance with Salem Units 1 and 2 Technical Specification s 6.8.4.g.

11, the annual(calendar year) dose or dose commitment to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC, due to releases ofradioactivity and radiation, from uranium fuel cycle sources shall be limited to less than or equal to25 mrem to the total body or any organ (except the thyroid, which shall be limited to less than orequal to 75 mrem).APPLICABILITY:

At all timesACTION:a. With the calculated doses from the release of radioactive materials in liquid or gaseouseffluents exceeding twice the limits of CONTROL,,,,, or, calculations should be made including directradiation contributions from the reactor units and from outside storage tanks todetermine whether the limits of this CONTROL have been exceeded.

If such is thecase, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Technical Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report that defines the corrective action to be taken toreduce subsequent releases to prevent recurrence of exceeding the above limits andincludes the schedule for achieving conformance with the above limits. This SpecialReport, as defined in 10 CFR Part 20. 2203 (iv), shall include an analysis that estimates the radiation exposure (dose) to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from uranium fuelcycle sources, including all effluent pathways and direct radiation, for the calendar yearthat includes the release(s) covered by this report. It shall also describe levels ofradiation and concentrations of radioactive material

involved, and the cause of theexposure levels or concentrations.

If the estimated dose(s) exceeds the above limits,and if the release condition resulting in violation of 40 CFR Part 190 or 10 CFR 72.104has not already been corrected, the Special Report shall include a request for a variancein accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR Part 190 and 10 CFR 72.104. Submittal of the report is considered a timely request, and a variance is granted until staff actionon the request is complete.

b. The provisions of CONTROLS 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Cumulative dose contributions from liquid and gaseous effluents shall be determined inaccordance with CONTROLS,,, and in accordance with the ODCM. Cumulative dose contributions from direct radiation from the reactor units and fromradwaste storage shall be determined in accordance with the ODCM.Page 43 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27 33/4.12 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 33/4.12.1 MONITORING PROGRAMCONTROLS3.12.1. In accordance with Salem Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications 6.8.4.h.

1, the radiological environmental monitoring program shall be conducted as specified in Table 3.12-1.APPLICABILITY:

At all times. IACTION: Ia. With the radiological enviromnental monitoring program not being conducted asspecified in Table 3.12-1, prepare and submit to the Commission, in the AnnualRadiological Enviromnental Operating Report required by Technical Specification, a description of the reasons for not conducting the program as required and theplans for preventing a recurrence.

b. With the level of radioactivity as the result of plant effluents in an environmental sampling medium at a specified location exceeding the reporting levels of Table 3.12-2when averaged over any calendar
quarter, prepare and submit to the Commission within I30 days, pursuant to Technical Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report that identifies thecause(s) for exceeding the limit(s) and defines the corrective actions to be taken toreduce radioactive effluents so that the potential annual dose* to a MEMBER OF THEPUBLIC is less than the calendar year limits of CONTROLS,, and3.11.2.3.

When more than one of the radionuclides in Table 3.12-2 are detected in thesampling medium, this report shall be submitted if:concentration (1) concentration (2) _ > 1.0reporting level (1) reporting level (2)When radionuclides other than those in Table 3.12-2 are detected and are the result ofplant effluents, this report shall be submitted if the potential annual dose* to aMEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from all radionuclides is equal to or greater than the Icalendar year limits of CONTROLS,, and

This report is notrequired if the measured level of radioactivity was not the result of plant effluents;

however, in such an event, the condition shall be reported and described in the Annual IRadiological Enviromnental Operating Report pursuant to CONTROL*The methodology used to estimate the potential annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLICshall be indicated in this report. 3Page 44 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 273/4.12 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 3/4.12.1 MONITORING PROGRAMCONTROLSACTION: (Cont'd)c. With milk or fresh leafy vegetable samples unavailable from one or more of the samplelocations required by Table 3.12-1, identify specific locations for obtaining replacement samples and add them to the radiological environmental monitoring program within 30days. The specific locations from which samples were unavailable may then be deletedfrom the monitoring program.Pursuant to Technical Specification, identify the cause of the unavailability ofsamples and the new location(s) for obtaining replacement samples in the nextRadioactive Effluent Release Report. Include in the report a revised figure(s) and tablefor the ODCM reflecting the new location(s).
d. The provisions of CONTROLS 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.12.1 The radiological enviromnrental monitoring samples shall be collected pursuant to Table3.12-1 from the specific locations given in the table and figure(s) in the ODCM, and shall beanalyzed pursuant to the requirements of Table 3.12-1, and the detection capabilities required byTable 4.12-1.Page 45 of 158 M --- M M M =--- -M-Salem ODCM Rev. 27TABLE 3.12-1: RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM *EXPOSURE PATHWAYAND/OR SAMPLE1. DIRECT RADIATION (2)NUMBER OF REPRESENTAIVE SAMPLES AND SAMPLELOCATIONS (I)Fifty-eight routine monitoring stations with two or more dosimeters placed as follows:SAMPLING ANDCOLLECTION FREQUENCY TYPE AND FREQUENCY OF ANALYSISQuarterly Gamma dose quarterly An inner ring of stations one in eachland based meteorological sector inthe general area of the SITEBOUNDARY; An outer ring of stations, one in eachland-based meteorological sector inthe 6 to 8 km range from the site;andThe balance of the stations to beplaced in special interest areas suchas population

centers, nearbyresidences,
schools, and in one ortwo areas to serve as control stations.
  • The number, media, frequency, and location of samples may vary from site to site. This table presents an acceptable minimum programfor a site at which each entry is applicable.

Local site characteristics must be examined to determine if pathways not covered by thistable may significantly contribute to an individual's dose and should be included in the sample program.Page 46 of 158


Continuous sampleroperation with samplecollection weekly or morefrequently if required bydust loading.Radioiodine Canister 1-131analysis weekly.Three samples from close to the SITEBOUNDARY

location, in different
sectors, of the highest calculated annual average ground level D/QOne sample from the vicinity of acommunity having a highestcalculated annual average ground-level D/Q; andOne sample from a control location, as for example 15-30 kin distant andin the least prevalent wind direction.

Particulate Sampler Gross betaradioactivity analysis following filter change (4).Gamma isotopic analysis(5) ofcomposites (by location) quarterly.


a. Surface(6)One sample upstreamOne sample downstream One sample outfallOne sample cross-stream Grab sample monthlyGamma isotopic analysis(5) monthly.

Composite for tritium analysis quarterly.

b. Groundc. Drinking (if)d. SedimentSamples from one or two sourcesonly if likely to be affected~

8).One sample of the nearest watersupply affected by its discharge One sample from downstream areaOne sample from cross-stream areaOne sample from outfall areaOne sample from upstream areaOne sample from a control locationOne sample from shoreline locationMonthlyComposite sampleover two-weekperiod(7) when 1-131analysis is performed; monthly composite otherwise.

Semiannually Gamma isotopic analysis(5) monthly and tritiumanalysis quarterly.

1- 131 analysis on each composite when the dosecalculated for the consumption of the water isgreater than 1 mrem per year(9).

Composite forgross beta and gamma isotopic analysis(5) monthly Composite for tritium analysis quarterly Gamma isotopic analysis(5) semiannually Page 48 of 158


a. MilkSamples from milking animals inthree locations within 5 km distancehaving the highest dose potential.

Ifthere are none, then, one samplefrom milking animals in each ofthree areas between 5 to 8 km distantwhere doses are calculated to begreater than 1 mrem per yr'9 .One sample from milking animals ata control location 15 to 30 kmdistant.One sample of each commercially and recreationally important speciesin vicinity of plant discharge areaOne sample of same species in areanot influenced by plant discharge.

Semimonthly when animalsare on pasture, monthly atother timeGamma isotopic (5) and 1-131analysis semi-monthly whenanimals are on pasture; monthlyat other timesb. Fish and Invertebrates Sample in season, or Gamma isotopic analysis(5) onsemiannually if they are not edible portions.



c. Food ProductsOne sample of each principal class of food products from anyarea that is irrigated by water inwhich liquid plant wastes havebeen discharged Samples of three different kindsof broad leaf grown nearest eachof two different offsite locations of highest predicted annualground level D/Q if milksampling is not performed.

One sample of each similarbroadleaf vegetation grown 15 to30 kmn distant in the leastprevalent wind direction of milksampling is not performed.

At time of harvest (10)Gamma isotopic analysis (5) onedible portion.Monthly during growing season Gamma isotopic analysis (5) onedible portion.Monthly during growing season Gamma isotopic analysis (5) onedible portion.Page 50 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27TABLE 3.12-1 (Continued)

TABLE NOTATION(1) Specific parameters of distance and direction sector from the midpoint of a line between thecenter of the Salem units 1 & 2 containment domes, and additional description where pertinent, shall be provided for each and every sample location in Table 3.12-1 in a table and figure(s) inthe ODCM. Refer to NUREG-0133, "Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants,"

October 1978, and to Reg. Guide 4.8 as amended byRadiological Assessment Branch Technical

Position, Revision 1, November 1979. Deviations arepermitted from the required sampling schedule if specimens are unobtainable due tocircumstances such as hazardous conditions, seasonal unavailability and malfunction of automatic sampling equipment.

If specimens are unobtainable due to sampling equipment malfunction, effort shall be made to complete corrective action prior to the end of the next sampling period.All deviations from the sampling schedule shall be documented in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to CONTROL

It is recognized that, at times, itmay not be possible or practicable to continue to obtain samples of the media of choice at themost desired location or time. In these instances suitable specific alternative media and locations may be chosen for the particular pathway in question and appropriate substitutions made within30 days in the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program given in the ODCM. Pursuant toCONTROL, submit in the next Radioactive Effluent Release Report documentation for achange in the ODCM including revised figure(s) and table for the ODCM reflecting the newlocation(s) with supporting information identifying the cause of the unavailability of samples forthe pathway and justifying the selection of the new location(s) for obtaining samples.(2) One or more instruments, such as pressurized ion chamber, for measuring and recording dose ratecontinuously may be used in place of, or in addition to, integrating dosimeters.

For the purposesof this table, a Passive Dosimeter (PD), a device meeting the criteria of ANSI N545 is considered to be one phosphor; two or more phosphors in a packet are considered as two or more dosimeters.

Film badges shall not be used for measuring direct radiation.

The frequency of analysis orreadout will depend upon the characteristics of the specific dosimetry system used and should beselected to obtain optimum dose information with minimal fading. The number of directradiation monitoring stations may be reduced according to geographical limitations; e.g., at anocean site, some sectors will be over water so that the number of dosimeters may be reducedaccordingly.

(3) There are four additional air sample locations

-a "duplicate" air sampler at location 5S2, 5D1,1F11 and 2F6 which are maintained for their historical data.(4) Airborne particulate sample filters shall be analyzed for gross beta radioactivity 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or moreafter sampling to allow for radon and thoron daughter decay. If gross beta activity in airparticulate is greater than ten times the yearly mean of control samples, ganmna isotopic analysisshall be performed on the individual samples.(5) Ganmma isotopic analysis means the identification and quantification of ganmma-emitting radionuclides that may be attributable to the effluents from the facility.

Page 51 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27TABLE 3.12-1 (Continued)

TABLE NOTATION I(6) The "upstream sample" shall be taken at a distance beyond significant influence of thedischarge.

The "downstream" sample shall be taken in an area beyond but near themixing zone. "Upstream" samples in an estuary must be taken far enough upstream to bebeyond the plant influence.

Saltwater shall be sampled only when the receiving water isutilized for recreational activities.

(7) A composite sample is one which the quantity (aliquot) of liquid sampled is proportional to the quantity of flowing liquid and in which the method of sampling employed resultsin a specimen that is representative of the liquid flow. In this program composite samplealiquots shall be collected at time intervals that are very short relative to the compositing period in order to assure obtaining a representative sample.(8) Groundwater samples shall be taken when this source is tapped for drinking or irrigation purposes in areas where the hydraulic gradient or recharge properties are suitable forcontamination.

(9) The dose shall be calculated for the maximum organ and age group using the Imethodology and parameters in the ODCM. There are no farms that meet the 5 kmrequirement and it is unlikely that any releases from the site will approach the I mremcriteria at 5 to 8 kin. Milk samples will be taken (owner obliging) within 8 km and othermanagement audit samples within 16 km. Broad leaf vegetation (within 8 kin) shall betaken to meet this pathway.(10) If harvest occurs more than once a year, sampling shall be performed during eachdiscrete harvest.

If harvest occurs continuously, sampling shall be monthly.

Attention shall be paid to including samples of tuberous and root food products.

The DelawareRiver at the location of Salem and Hope Creek Nuclear Power Plants is a brackish watersource. No irrigation of food products is performed using water in the vicinity fromwhich liquid plant wastes have been discharged.

However, 12 management audit foodsamples are collected from various locations.

(11) No groundwater samples are required as liquid effluents discharged from Salem andHope Creek Generating Stations do not directly affect this pathway.

However formanagement audit, one raw and one treated ground water sample from the nearestunaffected water supply is required.

IPage 52 of 158

=m n m -n n -n m m m- M M MMSalem ODCM Rev. 27TABLE 3.12-2: REPORTING LEVELS FOR RADIOACTIVITY CONCENTRATIONS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLESREPORTING LEVELSWater Airborne Particulate Fish Milk Food ProductsAnalysis (pCi/1) or Gases (pCi/m3)

(pCi/Kg, wet) (pCi/1) (pCi/Kg, wet)H-3 3 x 104Mn-54 1 X 103 3 x 104Fe-59 4 x 102 1 X 104Co-58 1 X 103 3 x 104Co-60 3 x 102 1 x 104Zn-65 3 x 102 2 x 104Zr-Nb-95 4 x 1021-131 20 0.9 3 1x 102Cs-134 30 10 1x103 60 1 x 103Cs-137 50 20 2 x 103 70 2x103Ba-La-140 2 x 1023 x 102Page 53 of 158 M-m m m -M- m --M- -M M M nSalem ODCM Rev. 27TABLE 4.12-1: DETECTION CAPABILITIES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLE ANALYSIS(')

(2)LOWER LIMITS OF DETECTION (LLD)(3)Water Airborne Particulate Fish Milk Food Products SedimentAnalysis (pCi/1) or Gases (pCi/m3)

(pCi/Kg, wet) (pCi/1) (pCi/Kg, wet) (pCi/Kg, dry)gross 4 1 x 10-2betaH-3 3000Mn-54 15 130Fe-59 30 260Co-58,60 15 130Zn-65 30 260Zr-Nb-95 151-131 10 7 x 10-2 1 60Cs-134 15 5 x 10-2 130 15 60 150Cs-137 18 6 x 10-2 150 18 80 180Ba-La-140 15 15Page 54 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27TABLE 4.12-1 (Continued)

TABLE NOTATION(1) This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be considered.

Other peaks that areidentifiable, together with those of the above nuclides, shall also be analyzed and reported in theAnnual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to CONTROL Required detection capabilities for dosimeters used for enviromnental measurements shall be inaccordance with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 4.13.(3) The LLD is defined, for purposes of these CONTROLS as the smallest concentration ofradioactive material in a sample that will yield a net count, above system background, that willbe detected with 95% probability with only 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blankobservation represents a "real" signal.For a particular measurement system, which may include radiochemical separation:

LLD =4.66*SbE

  • V
  • 2.22 e Y o exp(-AAt)

Where:LLD is the "a priori" lower limit of detection as defined above (as picocuries per unit mass orvolume),4.66 is the statistical factor from NUREG 1301Sb is the standard deviation of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of a blanksample as appropriate (as counts per minute),E is the counting efficiency (as counts per disintegration),

V is the sample size (in units of mass or volume),2.22 is the number of disintegrations per minute per picocurie, Y is the fractional radiochemical yield (when applicable),

k is the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide (sec-'),

andAt for environmental samples is the elapsed time between sample collection (or end of thesample collection period) and time of counting (sec).Typical values of E, V, Y, and At should be used in the calculation.

For low count rates, a value of 2.71 may be added to the numerator Page 55 of 158 ISalem ODCM Rev. 27TABLE 4.12-1 (Continued) iTABLE NOTATION___ IIt should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an a priori (before the fact) limit representing thecapability of a measurement system and not as an a posteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement.

Analyses shall be performed in such a manner that the stated LLDs will be achievedunder routine conditions.

Occasionally background fluctuations, unavoidable small sample sizesthe presence of interfering

nuclides, or other uncontrollable circumstances may render these LLDsunachievable.

In such cases, the contributing factors shall be identified and described in the AnnualRadiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to CONTROL 56 of 158!

Salem ODCM Rev. 27RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 3/4.12.2 LAND USE CENSUSCONTROLS3.12.2. hI accordance with the Salem Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications 6.8.4.h.2, a land usecensus shall be conducted and shall identify within a distance of 8 km (5 miles) the location in each ofthe 16 meteorological sectors of the nearest milk animal, the nearest residence and the nearest garden*of greater than 50 m2 (500 ft2) producing broad leaf vegetation.

[For elevated releases as defined inRegulatory Guide 1.111, Revision 1, July 1977, the Land Use Census shall also identify within adistance of 5 km (3 miles) the locations in each of the 16 meteorological sectors of all milk animals andall gardens of greater than 50 m2 producing broad leaf vegetation.]


At all times.ACTION:a. With a land use census identifying a location(s) that yields a calculated dose or dosecommitment greater than the values currently being calculated in CONTROL, identify the new location(s) in the next Radioactive Effluent Release Report, pursuant toCONTROL With a land use census identifying a location(s) that yields a calculated dose or dosecommitment (via the same exposure pathway) 20 percent greater than at a location fromwhich samples are currently being obtained in accordance with CONTROL 3.12.1, add thenew location(s) to the radiological environmental monitoring program within 30 days.The sampling location(s),

excluding the control station location, having the lowestcalculated dose or dose commitment(s),

via the same exposure

pathway, may be deletedfrom this monitoring program after October 31 of the year in which this land use censuswas conducted.

Pursuant to CONTROL, identify the new location(s) in the nextRadioactive Effluent Release Report and also include in the report a revised figure(s) andtable for the ODCM reflecting the new location(s).

c. The provisions of CONTROLS 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.
  • Broad leaf vegetation sampling of at least three different kinds of vegetation may be perfoirmed at theSITE BOUNDARY in each of two different direction sectors with the highest predicted D/Q in lieu ofthe garden census. CONTROLS for broadleaf vegetation sampling in Table 3.12-1.4c shall be followed, including analysis of control samples.Page 57 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 273/4.12 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 3/4.12.2 LAND USE CENSUS (Cont'd)SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.12.2 The land use census shall be conducted during the growing season at least once per 12 monthsusing that information that will provide the best results, such as by a door-to-door survey, visual survey,aerial survey, or by consulting local agriculture authorities.

The results of the land use census shall beincluded in the Annual Radiological Envirornental Operating Report pursuant to CONTROL 58 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 3/4.12.3 INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAMCONTROLS3.12.3 In accordance with Salem Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications 6.8.4.h.3, analyses shall beperforned on radioactive materials supplied as part of an Interlaboratory Comparison Program that hasbeen approved by the Commission, that correspond to samples required by Table 3.12-1.APPLICABILITY:

At all times.ACTION:a. With analyses not being performed as required above, report the corrective actions taken toprevent a recurrence to the Commission in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to CONTROL The provisions of CONTROLS 3.0.3 and 3.0.4. are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.12.3 The Interlaboratory Comparison Program shall be described in the ODCM. A summary of theresults obtained as part of the above required Interlaboratory Comparison Program shall be included inthe Annual Radiological Enviroinental Operating Report pursuant to CONTROL 59 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27BASESFORSECTIONS 3.0 AND 4.0CONTROLSANDSURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS NOTEThe BASES contained in the succeeding pages summarize the reasons for the CONTROLS of Sections 3.0 and 4.0,but are not considered a part of these CONTROLS.

Page 60 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 273/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION BASES3/ RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION The radioactive liquid effluent instrumentation is provided to monitor and control, as applicable, thereleases of radioactive materials in liquid effluents during actual or potential releases of liquid effluents.

The alarm/trip setpoints for these instruments shall be calculated and adjusted in accordance with theprocedures in the ODCM to ensure that the alarm/trip will occur prior to exceeding the limits of 10CFR Part 20. The OPERABILITY and use of this instrumentation is consistent with the requirements ofGeneral Design Criteria 60, 63, and 64 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50.CROSS REFERENCE

-TABLES 3.3-12 and 4.3-12Unit 1:T/S Table Item No. Instrument Description Acceptable RMS Channelsla Liquid Radwaste Effluent Line Gross 1R18Activitylb Steam Generator Blowdown Line 1R19A, B, C, and D(.Gross Activity2a Containment Fan Coolers Service 1 R13A and B(1"Water Line Discharge Gross ActivityUnit 2:T/S Table Item No. Instrument Description Acceptable RMS Channelsla Liquid Radwaste Effluent Line Gross 2R18Activitylb Steam Generator Blowdown Line 2R19A,B,C, Gross Activity and D"'2a Containment Fan Coolers -Service 2R13A and B("Water Line Discharge Gross Activity2b Chemical Waste Basin Line Gross R37Activity(1) The channels listed are required to be operable to meet a single operable channel for the ODCM's"Minimum Channels Operable" requirement.

Page 61 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 273/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION BASES3/ RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION The radioactive gaseous effluent instrumentation is provided to monitor and control, as applicable, thereleases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents during actual or potential releases of gaseouseffluents.

The alarm/trip setpoints for these instruments shall be calculated and adjusted in accordance with the procedures in the ODCM to ensure that the alarm/trip will occur prior to exceeding the limitsof 10 CFR Part 20. The OPERABILITY and use of this instrumentation is consistent with therequirements of General Design Criteria 60, 63, and 64 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50.CROSS REFERENCE

-TABLES 3.3-13 and 4.3-13Unit 1:T/S Table Item No. Instrument Description Acceptable RMS Channelsla Waste Gas Holdup System 1R41A and D (I)(2)Noble Gas Activity2a Containment Purge and 1R12APressure

-Vacuum RelieforNoble Gas Activity IR41A and D (I)(2)3a Plant Vent Header System IR41A and D (1)(21Noble Gas Activity3b Plant Vent Header System IRME 4,5 (1R41)Iodine Sampler (3) or1XT8911 (1R45)3c Plant Vent Header System IRME 4, 5 (1R41)Particulate Sampler (3) or1XT8911 (1R45)IIIIIIIII1IIIII(1) The channels listed are required to be operable to meet a single operable channel"Minimum Channels Operable" requirement.

(2) IR41D is the setpoint channel.

IR41A is the measurement channel.for the ODCM's(3) Laboratory analysis of the sampler filters ensures that the limits of ODCM CONTROL not exceeded.

Alan-i/trip setpoints do not apply to these passive components.

Page 62 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 273/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION BASESUnit 2:T/S Table Instrument Description Acceptable RMSItem No. ChannelsI a Waste Gas Holdup System Noble Gas Activity 2R41A and D(1)(212a Containment Purge and Pressure

-Vacuum Relief 2R12A or 2R41ANoble Gas Activity and D"1(213a Plant Vent Header System Noble Gas Activity 2R41A and D' 1)12)3b Plant Vent Header System Iodine Sampler (3) RME 4, 5 (2R41)or2XT8911 (2R45)3c Plant Vent Header System Particulate Sampler (3) 2RME 4, 5 (2R41)or2XT8911 (2R45)(1) The channels listed are required to be operable to meet a single operable channel forthe ODCM's "Minimum Channels Operable" requirement, (2) 2R41D is the setpoint channel.

2R41A is the measurement channel.(3) Laboratory analysis of the sampler filters ensures that the limits of ODCMCONTROL are not exceeded.

Alanr/trip setpoints do not apply to thesepassive components.

Page 63 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27 *3/4.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS BASES 33/4.11.1 LIQUID EFFLUENTS 33/ CONCENTRATION The CONTROL is provided to ensure that the concentration of radioactive materials released in liquid Iwaste effluents will be less than the concentration levels specified in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix BTable II, Column 2. This limitation provides additional assurance that the levels of radioactive materials in bodies of water in UNRESTRICTED AREAS will result in exposures within (1) theSection II.A design objectives of Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50, to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC and(2) the limits of 10 CFR Part 20.106(a) to the population.

The concentration limit for dissolved orentrained noble gases is based upon the assumption that Xe-135 is the controlling radioisotope and itsMPC in air (submersion) was converted to an equivalent concentration in water using the methodsdescribed in International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Publication 2.The required detection capabilities for radioactive materials in liquid waste samples are tabulated interms of the lower limits of detection (LLDs). 33/ DOSEThis CONTROL is provided to implement the requirements of Sections II.A, III.A, and IV.A of IAppendix I. 10 CFR Part 50. The CONTROL implements the guides set forth in Section II.A ofAppendix I. The ACTION statements provide the required operating flexibility and at the same timeimplement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive material in liquid effluents will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable."

Also, for freshwater siteswith drinking water supplies that can be potentially affected by plant operations, there is reasonable assurance that the operation of the facility will not result in radionuclide concentrations in the finisheddrinking water that are in excess of the requirements of 40 CFR Part 141. The dose calculations in theODCM implement the requirements in Section III.A of Appendix I that confornnance with the guides of 3Appendix I be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data, such that the actualexposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated.

The equations specified in the ODCM for calculating the doses due to the actual 3release rates of radioactive materials in liquid effluents are consistent with the methodology provided inRegulatory Guide 1.109, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of ReactorEffluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I," Revision 1, 3October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.113, "Estimating Aquatic Dispersion of Effluents fromAccidental and Routine Reactor Releases for the Purposes of Implementing Appendix I," April 1977.The CONTROL applies to the release of liquid effluents from each reactor at the site. For units withshared radwaste treatment

systems, the liquid effluents from the shared system are proportioned amongthe units sharing that system. IPage 64 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS BASES3/ LIQUID RADWASTE TREATMENT The requirement that the appropriate portions of this system be used, when specified, providesassurance that the releases of radioactive materials in liquid effluents will be kept "as low as isreasonably achievable".

This CONTROL implements the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50.36a, GeneralDesign Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50 and the design objective given in Section 11.0 ofAppendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. The specified limits governing the use of appropriate portions of theliquid radwaste treatment system were specified as a suitable fraction of the dose design objectives setforth the Section II.A of Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50, for liquid effluents.

3/4.11.2 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 3/ DOSE RATEThis CONTROL is provided to ensure that the dose at any time at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARYfrom gaseous effluents from all units on the site will be within the annual dose limits of 10 CFR Part20. The annual dose limits are the doses associated with the concentrations of 10 CFR Part 20,Appendix B, Table II, Column 1. These limits provide reasonable assurance that radioactive materialdischarged in gaseous effluents will not result in the exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC eitherwithin or outside the SITE BOUNDARY, to annual average concentrations exceeding the limitsspecified in Appendix B, Table II of 10 CFR Part 20 [10 CFR Part 20.106(b)].

For MEMBERS OFTHE PUBLIC who may at times be within the SITE BOUNDARY, the occupancy of the individual will usually be sufficiently low to compensate for any increase in the atmospheric diffusion factorabove that for the SITE BOUNDARY.

Examples of calculations for such MEMBERS OF THEPUBLIC with the appropriate occupancy factors shall be given in the ODCM. The specified release ratelimits restrict, at all times, the corresponding gamma and beta dose rates above background to aMEMBER OF THE PUBLIC at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY to less than or equal to 500mrem/year to the whole body and 3000 mrem/yr to the skin. These release rate limits also restrict, at alltimes, the corresponding thyroid dose rate above background to a child via the inhalation pathway toless than or equal to 1500 mrem/year.

This CONTROL applies to the release of gaseous effluents from all reactors at the site.3/ DOSE -NOBLE GASESThis CONTROL is provided to implement the requirements of Section II.B, III.A and IV.A ofAppendix I, 10 CFR Part 50. The CONTROL implements the guides set forth in Section II.B ofAppendix I. The ACTION statements provide the required operating flexibility and at the same timeimplement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive material in gaseous effluents will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable."

The Surveillance Requirements implement the requirements in Section III.A of Appendix I that conformance with theguides of Appendix I be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data such that theactual exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC through appropriate pathways is unlikely to bePage 65 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS BASESsubstantially underestimated.

The dose calculations established in the ODCM for calculating the dosesdue to the actual release rates of radioactive noble gases in gaseous effluents are consistent with themethodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from RoutineReleases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix I,"Revision I, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.111, "Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water Cooled Reactors,"

Revision 31, July 1977. The ODCM equations provided for detennining the air doses at and beyond the SITEBOUNDARY are based upon the historical average atmospheric conditions.

3/ DOSE -IODINE-131, IODINE 133, TRITIUM, AND RADIONUCLIDES INPARTICULATE FORM 3This CONTROL is provided to implement the requirements of Section II.C, III.A and IV.A ofAppendix I, 10 CFR Part 50. The CONTROL are the guides set forth in Section II.C of Appendix I. TheACTION statements provide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement the Iguides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive material ingaseous effluents will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable."

The ODCM calculational methodsspecified in Surveillance Requirements implement the requirements in Section III.A of Appendix I that Iconformance with the guides of Appendix I be shown by calculational procedures based on models anddata such that the actual exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC through appropriate pathways isunlikely to be substantially underestimated.

The ODCM calculational methods for calculating the dosesdue to the actual release rates of the subject materials are consistent with the methodology provided inRegulatory Guide 1.109, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of ReactorEffluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix I," Revision 1, October1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.111, "Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion ofGaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water Cooled Reactors,"

Revision 1, July 1977.These equations also provide for determining the actual dose based upon the historical averageatmospheric conditions.

The release rate controls for iodine- 131, iodine 133, tritium, and radionuclides in particulate form with half-life greater than 8 days are dependent on the existing radionuclide pathways to man in the areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY.

The pathways that were examinedin the development of these calculations were: 1) individual inhalation of airborne radionuclides, 2)deposition of radionuclides onto green leafy vegetation with subsequent consumption by man, 3)deposition onto grassy areas where milk animals and meat producing animals graze with consumption of the milk and meat by man, and 4) deposition on the ground with subsequent exposure of man.3/ GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMThe requirement that the appropriate portions of this system be used, when specified, providesreasonable assurance that the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents will be kept "as lowas is reasonably achievable."

This CONTROL implements the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50.36a,General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50 and the design objectives given inSection 11.0 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. The specified limits governing the use of appropriate portions of the systems were specified as a suitable fraction of the dose design objectives set forth inSection Ii.B and II.C of Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50, for gaseous effluents.

Page 66 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS BASES3/4.11.4 TOTAL DOSEThis CONTROL is provided to meet the dose limitations of 40 CFR Part 190 that have now beenincorporated into 10 CFR Part 20 by 46 FR 18525 as well as the dose limitations specific toIndependent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) operations in accordance with 10 CFR 72.104.Over the long term, as more storage casks are placed on the ISFSI pads, it is expected that ISFSIoperations will become the prominent contributor to the dose limits in this section.

ISFSI dosecontribution is in the form of direct radiation as no liquid or gas releases are expected to occur. ThePSEG 10 CFR 72.212 Report prepared in accordance with 10 CFR 72 requirements assumes acertain array of casks exists on the pads. The dose contribution from this array of casks incombination with historical uranium fuel cycle operations prior to ISFSI operations was analyzedto be within the 40 CFR 190 and 10 CFR 72.104 limits. The CONTROL requires the preparation and submittal of a Special Report whenever the calculated doses from plant including the ISFSIradioactive effluents exceed 25 mrem to the total body or any organ, except the thyroid, which shallbe limited to less than or equal to 75 mrem. For sites containing up to 4 reactors, it is highlyunlikely that the resultant dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC will exceed the dose limits of 40CFR Part 190 if the individual reactors remain within twice the dose design objectives of AppendixI, and if direct radiation doses from the reactor units including outside storage tanks, etc. are keptsmall. The Special Report will describe a course of action that should result in the limitation of theannual dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC to within the 40 CFR Part 190 or 10 CFR 72.104limits. For purposes of the Special Report, it may be assumed that the dose commitment to theMEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from other uranium fuel cycle sources is negligible, with theexception that dose contributions from other nuclear fuel cycle facilities at the same site or within aradius of 8 km must be considered.

If the dose to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC is estimated toexceed the requirements of 40 CFR Part 190 or 10 CFR 72.104, the Special Report with a requestfor a variance (provided the release conditions resulting in violation of 40 CFR Part 190 or 10 CFR72.104 have not already been corrected),

in accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR Part 190 or10 CFR 72.104 and 10 CFR Part 20.405c, is considered to be a timely request and fulfills therequirements of 40 CFR Part 190 or 10 CFR 72.104 until NRC staff action is completed.

Thevariance only relates to the limits of 40 CFR Part 190 or 10 CFR 72.104, and does not apply in anyway to the other requirements for dose limitation of 10 CFR Part 20, as addressed in CONTROLS3.11.1 and 3.11.2. An individual is not considered a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC during anyperiod in which he/she is engaged in carrying out any operation that is part of the nuclear fuelcycle.Page 67 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS BASES3/4.12 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING U3/4.12.1 MONITORING PROGRAM IThe radiological environmental monitoring program required by this CONTROL provides measurements ofradiation and of radioactive materials in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides that lead to thehighest potential radiation exposures of MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC resulting from the station operation.

Thismonitoring program implementsSection IV.B.2 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 and thereby supplements theradiological effluent monitoring program by verifying that the measurable concentrations of radioactive materials and levels of radiation are not higher than expected on the basis of the effluent measurements and the modelingof the environmental exposure pathways.

The initial specified monitoring program will be effective for at leastthe first three years of comm-ercial operation.

Following tlhis period, program changes may be initiated based oinoperational experience.

The required detection capabilities for environmental sample analyses are tabulated in tenrs of lower limits ofdetection (LLDs). The LLDs required by table 4.12-1 are considered optimum for routine environmental measurements in industrial laboratories.

It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an a priori (before thefact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as an a posteriori (after the fact) limit fora particular measurement.

Detailed discussion if the LLD, and other detection limits, can be found in Currie, L.A., "Lower Limit ofDetection:

Definition and Elaboration of a Proposed Position for Radiological Effluent and Environmental Measurements,"

NUREG/CR-4007 (September 1984), and the HASL procedures Manual, HASL-300.

3/4.12.2 LAND USE CENSUSThis CONTROL is provided to ensure that changes in the use of areas at and beyond the SITEBOUNDARY are identified and that modifications to the radiological environmental monitoring program are made if required by the results of this census. The best information from the door-to-door survey, aerial survey or consulting with local agricultural authorities shall be used. This census satisfies the requirements of Section IV.B.3 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. Restricting the census to gardensof greater than 50m12 provides assurance that significant exposure pathways via leafy vegetables will beidentified and monitored since a garden of this size is the minimum required to produce the quantity (26kg/year) of leafy vegetables assumed in Regulatory Guide 1.109 for consumption by a child. Todetermine this minimum garden size, the following assumptions were made: 1) 20% of the garden was2Iused for growing broad leaf vegetation (i.e., similar to lettuce and cabbage),

and 2) yield of 2 kg/m2.3/4.12.3 INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAMThis requirement for participation in an Interlaboratory Comparison Program is provided to ensure thatindependent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measurements of radioactive material inenvironmental sample matrices are performed as part of the quality assurance program forenvirolnmental monitoring in order to demonstrate that the results are reasonably valid for the purposesof Section IV.B.2 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50.Page 68 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27SECTION 5.0DESIGN FEATURESPage 69 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 275.0 DESIGN FEATURES5.1 SITE5.1.3 UNRESTRICTED AREAS FOR RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS AND LIQUID EFFLUENTS UNRESTRICTED AREAS within the SITE BOUNDARY that are accessible to MEMBERS OF THEPUBLIC, shall be as shown in Figure 5.1-3. (Provided FOR INFORMATION ONLY. Technical Specifications Section 5.0 is controlling.)

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIPage 70 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27FIGURE 5.1-3: AREA PLOT PLAN OF SITEi!-cnC-0CDC%LU.~.. -*II.-.IIIII-cLUJL-LhiI'ILII"--=--'IF-(LI ~CDSECURITY FENCI-------------------

-iii*LLI=L-)LLI=CF- n-------=LE -aWf-uPBc LLiZ-)---I =0a. *L-J,)CLpM)pE iRIVERPage 71 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 276.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS6.9.1.7 ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT6.9.1.7 In accordance with Salem Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications, The Annual NRadiological Environmental Operating Report* covering the operation of the unit during the previouscalendar year shall be submitted prior to May 1 of each year. 3The Annual Radiological Enviromnental Operating Reports shall include summaries, interpretations, and an analysis of trends of the results of the radiological environmental surveillance activities for thereport period, including a comparison with preoperational studies with operational controls (asappropriate),

and with previous environmental surveillance

reports, and an assessment of the observedimpacts of the plant operation on the environment.

The reports shall also include the results of land use 3censuses required by CONTROL 3.12.2. The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reportsshall include the results of analysis of all radiological environmental samples and of all measurements taken during the period pursuant to the Table and Figures in the enviromnental radiation section of the3ODCM; as well as summarized and tabulated results of locations specified in these analyses andmeasurements in the format of the table in Reg. Guide 4.8 as amended by Radiological Assessment Branch Technical

Position, Revision 1, November 1979. In the event that some individual results arenot available for inclusion with the report, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining thereasons for the missing results.

The missing data shall be submitted as soon as possible in asupplementary report.The reports shall also include the following:

a summary description of the radiological environmental monitoring program; at least two legible maps, one covering sampling locations near the SITE IBOUNDARY and a second covering the more distant locations, all keyed to a table giving distances and directions from the midpoint of a line between the centers of Salem units 1 & 2 containment domes; the results of licensee participation in the Interlaboratory Comparison

Program, required by ICONTROL 3.12.1; and discussion of all analyses in which the LLD required by Table 4.12-1 was notachievable. RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT6.9.1.8 In accordance with Salem Units l and 2 Technical Specifications, The Annual IRadiological Effluent Release Report* covering the operation of the unit during the previous calendaryear shall be submitted prior to May I of each year and in accordance with the requirements of10CFR50.36a.

IThe Radioactive Effluent Release Report shall include a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquidand gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the unit as outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21."Measuring, Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants,"

Revision1, June 1974, with data summarized on a quarterly basis following the format of Appendix B thereof.A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station.

The submittal should combine those Isections that are common to all units at the station;

however, for units with separate radwastesystems, the submittal shall specify the releases of radioactive material from each unit.Page 72 of 158I Salem ODCM Rev. RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT (Continued)

The Radioactive Effluent Release Report shall include an annual summary of hourly meteorological data collected over the previous year. This annual summary may be either in the form of an hour-by-hour listing of magnetic tape of wind speed, wind direction, atmospheric stability, and precipitation (ifmeasured),

or in the form of joint frequency distributions of wind speed, wind direction, andatmospheric stability.

The report shall include an assessment of the radiation doses due to theradioactive liquid and gaseous effluents released from the unit or station during the previous calendaryear. The report shall also include an assessment of the radiation doses from radioactive liquid andgaseous effluents to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC due to their activities inside the SITE BOUNDARY(Figure 5.1-3) during the report period. All assumptions used in making these assessments (i.e., specificactivity, exposure time and location) shall be included in these reports.

The historical annual averagemeteorology or the meteorological conditions concurrent with the time of release of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents (as determined by sampling frequency and measurement) shall be usedfor determining the gaseous pathway doses. The assessment of radiation doses shall be performed inaccordance with the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL.The Radioactive Effluent Release Report shall identify those radiological environmental sampleparameters and locations where it is not possible or practicable to continue to obtain samples of themedia of choice at the most desired location or time. In addition, the cause of the unavailability ofsamples for the pathway and the new location(s) for obtaining replacement samples should beidentified.

The report should also include a revised figure(s) and table(s) for the ODCM reflecting thenew location(s).

The Radioactive Effluent Release Report shall also include an assessment of radiation doses to thelikely most exposed MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from reactor releases and other nearby uranium fuelcycle sources (including doses from primary effluent pathways and direct radiation) for the previouscalendar year to show conformance with 40 CFR Part 190, Enviromnental Radiation Protection Standards for Nuclear Power Operation and 10 CFR 72.104, Criteria for Radioactive Materials inEffluents and Direct Radiation from an ISFSI or MRS. Acceptable methods for calculating the dosecontribution from liquid and gaseous effluents are given in Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev. 1, October1977.The Radioactive Effluent Release Reports shall include the following information for each class ofsolid waste (as defined by 10 CFR Part 61) shipped offsite during the report period:a. Container volume,b. Total curie quantity (specify whether determined by measurement or estimate),

c. Principal radionuclides (specify whether determined by measurement or estimate),
d. Source of waste and processing employed (e.g., dewatered spent resin, compacted dry waste,evaporator bottoms),
e. Type of container (e.g., LSA, Type A, Type B, Large Quantity),

andf. Solidification agent or absorbent (e.g., cement, urea formaldehyde).

The Radioactive Effluent Release Report shall include a list of descriptions of unplanned releases fromthe site to UNRESTRICTED AREAS of radioactive materials in gaseous and liquid effluents madeduring the reporting period.Page 73 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT (Continued)

The Radioactive Effluent Release Report shall include any changes made during the reporting period tothe PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP), the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL(ODCM), or radioactive waste systems.

Also list new locations identified by the land use censuspursuant to CONTROL 3.12.2. for dose calculations or environmental monitoring.

6.15 MAJOR CHANGES TO RADIOACTIVE LIQUID, GASEOUS AND SOLID WASTETREATMENT SYSTEMS6.15.1 Licensee initiated major changes to the radioactive waste system (liquid, gaseous andsolid):I. Shall be reported to the Commission in the UFSAR for the period in which theevaluation was reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC). Thediscussion of each change shall contain:a. A summary of the evaluation that led to the determination that the changecould be made in accordance with 10CFR50.59;

b. Sufficient detailed information to totally support the reason for the changewithout benefit of additional or supplemental information;
c. A detailed description of the equipment, components and processes involvedand the interfaces with other plant systems;d. An evaluation of the change, which shows the predicted releases ofradioactive materials in liquid and gaseous effluents and/or quantity of solid Iwaste that differ from those previously predicted in the license application andamendments thereto;e. An evaluation of the change, which shows the expected maximum exposures to individual in the unrestricted area and to the general population that differfrom those previously estimated in the license application and amendments Ithereto;f. A comparison of the predicted releases of radioactive materials, in liquid and Igaseous effluents and in solid waste, to the actual releases for the period priorto when the changes are to be made;g. An estimate of the exposure to plant operating personnel as a result of thechange; and 3h. Documentation of the fact that the change was reviewed and found acceptable by the PORC.2. Shall become effective upon review and acceptance by the PORC.IPage 74 of 158I Salem ODCM Rev. 27PART II -CALCULATIONAL METHODOLOGIES Page 75 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 271.0 LIQUID EFFLUENTS 1.1 Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and ControlsThe liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation and controls at Salem for controlling and monitoring normal radioactive material releases in accordance with the Salem Technical Specifications 6.8.4.g Iand ODCM CONTROLS are summarized as follows:1) Alarm (and Automatic Termination)

-l-R18 (Unit 1) and 2-R18 (Unit 2) provide the alarm Iand automatic termination of liquid radioactive material releases as required by ODCMCONTROL A, B, C, and D provide the alarm and isolation function for the Unit 1 steam generator blowdown lines. 2-R19 A, B, C, and D provide this function for Unit 2.2) Alarm (only) -The alarm functions for the Service Water System are provided by theradiation monitors on the Containment Fan Cooler discharges (1R 13 A and B for Unit 1 and2R 13 A and B for Unit 2).Releases from the secondary system are routed through the Chemical Waste Basin where the Ieffluent is monitored (with an alarm function) by R37 prior to release to the environment.

Liquid radioactive release flow diagrams with the applicable, associated radiation monitoring instrumentation and controls are presented as Figures 1-1 and 1-2 for Units 1 and 2, respectively.

TheLiquid Radioactive Waste System is presented in Figure 1-3. 31.2 Liquid Effluent Monitor Setpoint Determination Per the requirements of ODCM CONTROL, alarm setpoints shall be established for the liquideffluent monitoring instrumentation to ensure that the release concentration limits of ODCM 3CONTROL are met (i.e., the concentration of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS shall be limited to the concentrations specified in 10 CFR 20, AppendixB, Table II, Column 2, (Appendix F) for radionuclides and 2.OE-04 [LCi/ml for dissolved or entrained noble gases).The following equation*

must be satisfied to meet the liquid effluent restrictions:

3C! C(F + f)fWhere:C = the effluent concentration limit of ODCM CONTROL implementing the 10 3CFR 20 MPC (Appendix F) for the site, in [tCi/mlc = the setpoint, in ptCi/ml, of the radioactivity monitor measuring the radioactivity concentration in the effluent line prior to dilution and subsequent release; the setpoint, Page 76 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27represents a value which, if exceeded, would result in concentrations exceeding thelimits of 10 CFR 20 (Appendix F) in the UNRESTRICTED AREAf = the flow rate at the radiation monitor location, in volume per unit time, but in the sameunits as F, belowF = the dilution water flow rate as measured prior to the release point, in volume per unittime[Note that if no dilution is provided, c < C. Also, note that when (F) is large compared to (f), then (F+ f) = F.]* Adapted from NUREG-0133 1.2.1 Liquid Effluent Monitors (Radwaste, Steam Generator

Blowdown, Chemical Waste Basinand Service Water.The setpoints for the liquid effluent monitors at the Salem Nuclear Generating Station are determined by the following equations:


+ug (1.2)RRwith:Z Ci (gamma only)MPCe = (1.3)Ci (gamma only )Z MPC.Where:SP = alarm setpoint corresponding to the maximum allowable release rate (cpm)MPCe = an effective MPC value for the mixture of gamma emitting radionuclides in the effluentstream (.tCi/ml)

Ci = the concentration of radionuclide i in the undiluted liquid effluents (pCi/ml)MPCi = the MPC value corresponding to radionuclide i from 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table II,Column 2 (Appendix F) (piCi/ml)

SEN = the sensitivity value to which the monitor is calibrated (cpm per .Ci/ml)CW = the circulating water flow rate (dilution water flow) at th e time of release (gal/min)

RR = the liquid effluent release rate (gal/min) bkg = the background of the monitor (cpm)CF = Correction factor to account for non-gamma emitting nuclides in setpoint calculations.

AF = an allocation factor applicable for steam generator blowdownThe radioactivity monitor setpoint equation (1.2) remains valid during outages when the circulating water dilution is potentially at its lowest value. Reduction of the waste stream flow (RR) may benecessary during these periods to meet the discharge criteria.

However, in order to maximize thePage 77 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27available plant discharge dilution and thereby minimize the potential offsite doses, batch releases fromeither Unit-i or Unit-2 may be routed to either the Unit-i or Unit-2 Circulating Water Systemdischarge.

Procedural restrictions prevent simultaneous batch releases from either a single unit or bothunits into a single Circulating Water System discharge.

1.2.2 Conservative Default ValuesConservative alarm setpoints may be determined through the use of default parameters.

Tables 1 -1.1and 1-1.2 summarize all current default values in use for Salem Unit-i and Unit-2, respectively.

Theyare based upon the following:

a) substitution of the effective MPC value with a default value of 6.05E-06 pCi/ml (Unit 1) and4.81E-06 pCi/ml (Unit 2). (refer to Appendix A for justification);

b) for additional conservatism*,

substitution of the 1-131 MPC value of 3E-07 [tCi/ml for theR19 Steam Generator Blowdown

monitors, the R-37 Chemical Waste Basin monitor and theR- 13 Service Water monitors; c) for conservatism, use of an allocation factor of 0.5 for the Steam Generator Blowdownmonitors to limit consequences of potential simultaneous primary-to-secondary leaks in twosteam generators.**

The allocation factor equals 1.0 for all liquid effluent setpoints; Id) substitutions of the operational circulating water flow with the lowest flow, in gal/min;***

e) substitutions of the effluent release rate with the highest allowed rate, in gal/min; and,f) substitution of a Correction factor of 0.75 to account for non-gamma emitting nuclides.

For batch liquid releases a fixed alann setpoint is established for the 1, 2 R18 monitors and the releaserate is controlled to ensure the inequality of equation 1.1 is maintained.

With this approach, values Iselected for the parameters in the setpoint calculation (e.g., Table 1-1.1 and Table 1-1.2) should be anyset of reasonable values that provide a setpoint value reasonably above anticipated monitor response, plus background, so as not to yield spurious alarms. The release rate is controlled to ensure compliance Iwith the requirements of ODCM CONTROL, as performed by Engineering, to establish the actual fixed setpoints for use in the plant, Iincorporate uncertainties and instrument drift. These factors will cause the actual installed instrument setpoint to be at a lower (conservative) value. However, for batch releases, when the rate is controlled, these uncertainties and drift should not be included in the evaluation of acceptable release rate, sincethis could cause a non-conservative correction, i.e., a higher allowable release rate. Therefore, for 1, 2RI 8 monitors, the setpoint value used for calculating the allowable release rate should be that valueprior to correction for uncertainty and drift.Based upon the potential for 1-131 to be present in the secondary and service water systems,the use of the default effective MPC (MPCe) value as derived in Appendix A may be non-conservative for the 1, 2 R-19 SGBD monitors, the R-37 Chemical Waste Basin monitor andthe R-13 Service Water monitors.

    • Setpoints using the Allocation Factor of 0.5 become invalid if primary-to-secondary leaks areidentified in more than two steam generators simultaneously.

Therefore, during periods when circulating Page 78 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27water pumps are out of service, such as during refueling

outages, the default setpoints of theother Unit's R13 radiation monitors are not valid.1.3 Liquid Effluent Concentration Limits -10 CFR 20ODCM CONTROL limits the concentration of radioactive material in liquid effluents (afterdilution in the Circulating Water System) to less than the concentrations as specified in 10 CFR 20,Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 (Appendix F) for radionuclides other than noble gases. Noble gasesare limited to a diluted concentration of 2.OE-04 .tCi/ml.Release rates are controlled and radiation monitor alarm setpoints are established as addressed above toensure that these concentration limits are not exceeded.
However, in the event any liquid release resultsin an alarmn setpoint being exceeded, an evaluation of compliance with the concentration limits ofODCM CONTROL may be performed using the following equation:

__C RR~IcL* CW+RR11MP -- ) --(1.4)Where:Ci -actual concentration of radionuclide i as measured in the undiluted liquid effluent(pCi/ml)MPC the MPC value corresponding to radionuclide i from 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table II,Column 2 (pCi/ml)

[ODCM Appendix F]2E-04 tCi/ml for dissolved or entrained noble gasesRR the actual liquid effluent release rate (gal/min)

CW the actual circulating water flow rate (dilution water flow) at the time of the release(gal/min) 1.4 Liquid Effluent Dose Calculation

-10 CFR 501.4.1 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC Dose -Liquid Effluents.

ODCM CONTROL limits the dose or dose commitment to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLICfrom radioactive materials in liquid effluents from each unit of the Salem Nuclear Generating Stationto:-during any calendar quarter;< 1.5 mrem to total body per unit< 5.0 mrem to any organ per unit-during any calendar year;< 3.0 mrem to total body per unit< 10.0 mrem to any organ per unit.Page 79 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Per the surveillance requirements of ODCM CONTROL, the following calculational methodsshall be used for determining the dose or dose commitment due to the liquid radioactive effluents fromSalem:Do 1.67E-02*VOL

  • Y(Ci*Aio)

CW i(1.5)Where:Do = dose or dose commitment to organ o (mrem). Total body dose can also be calculated using site-related total body dose commitment factor.Aio = site-related ingestion dose commitment factor to the total body or any organ o forradionuclide i (mrem/hr per pCi/ml)Ci = average concentration of radionuclide i, in undiluted liquid effluent representative of thevolume VOL ([aCi/ml)

VOL = volume of liquid effluent released (gal)CW = average circulating water discharge rate during release period (gal/min) 1.67E-02

= conversion factor (hr/min)The site-related ingestion dose/dose commitment factors (Aio) are presented in Table 1-2 and have beenderived in accordance with the requirements ofNUREG-0 133 by the equation:

IIIII!IiIIIiIA io =1. 14E ++/-05 *[(UI

  • Bl)+ (UF* BF i+ DF i(1.6)Where:Aio= composite dose parameter for the total body or critical organ o of an adult forradionuclide i, for the fish and invertebrate ingestion pathways (mremihr per pCi/ml)UI -adult invertebrate consumption (5 kg/yr)BIi = bioaccumulation factor for radionuclide i in invertebrates from Table 1-3 (pCi/kg perpCi/1)UF = adult fish consumption (21 kg/yr)BFj = bioaccumulation factor for radionuclide i in fish from Table 1-3 (pCi/kg per pCi/1)DFio = dose conversion factor for nuclide i for adults in pre-selected organ, o, from Table E-1 1of Regulatory Guide 1.109 (mrem/pCi) 1.14E+05

= conversion factor (pCi/jtCi

  • nil/kg per br/yr)The radionuclides included in the periodic dose assessment per the requirements of ODCM CONTROL3/4,11.1.2 are those as identified by gammna spectral analysis of the liquid waste samples collected andanalyzed per the requirements of ODCM CONTROL 3/, Table 4.11-1.Radionuclides requiring radiochemical analysis (e.g., Sr-89 and Sr-90) will be added to the doseanalysis at a frequency consistent with the required minimum analysis frequency of ODCM CONTROLTable 4.11-1.Page 80 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 271.4.2 Simplified Liquid Effluent Dose Calculation.

In lieu of the individual radionuclide dose assessment as presented in Section 1.4.1, the following simplified dose calculation equation may be used for demonstrating compliance with the dose limits ofODCM CONTROL

(Refer to Appendix B for the derivation and justification for thissimplified method.)Total Body1.21E + 03

  • VOL (7D~b
  • C (1.7)Maximum Organ2.52E + 04
  • VOLDi max -CiCW l(*8Where:Ci = average concentration of radionuclide i, in undiluted liquid effluent representative ofthe volume VOL (.tCi/ml)

VOL = volume of liquid effluent released (gal)CW = average circulating water discharge rate during release period (gal/min)

Dtb = conservatively evaluated total body dose (mrem)Dmna. = conservatively evaluated maximum organ dose (mrem)1.21E+03

= conversion factor (hr/min) and the total body dose conversion factor (Fe-59, total body-- 7.27E+04 mrerm/hr per laCi/ml)2.52E+04

= conversion factor (hr/min) and the conservative maximum organ dose conversion factor (Nb-95, GI-LLI -- 1.5 1E+06 mrem/hr per pCi/ml)1.5 Secondary Side Radioactive Liquid Effluents and Dose Calculations During Primary toSecondary LeakageDuring periods of primary to secondary leakage (i.e., steam generator tube leaks), radioactive materialwill be transmitted from the primary system to the secondary system. The potential exists for therelease of radioactive material to the off-site enviromnnent (Delaware River) via secondary systemdischarges.

Potential releases are controlled/monitored by the Steam Generator Blowdown monitors(R19) and the Chemical Waste Basin monitor (R37).However to ensure compliance with the regulatory limits on radioactive material

releases, it may bedesirable to account for potential releases from the secondary system during periods of primary tosecondary leakage.

Any potentially significant releases will be via the Chemical Waste Basin with themajor source of activity being the Steam Generator Blowdown.

With identified radioactive material levels in the secondary system, appropriate samples should becollected and analyzed for the principal gamma emitting radionuclides.

Based on the identified Page 81 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27radioactive material levels and the volume of water discharged, the resulting environmental doses maybe calculated based on equation (1.5).Because the release rate from the secondary system is indirect (e.g., SG blowdown is normally routed tocondenser where the condensate clean-up system will remove much of the radioactive material),

samples should be collected from the release point (i.e., Chemical Waste Basin) for quantifying theradioactive material releases.

However, for conservatism and ease of controlling and quantifying allpotential release paths, it is prudent to sample the SG blowdown and to assume all radioactive materialis released directly to the environment via the Chemical Waste Basin. This approach while not exact isconservative and ensures timely analysis for regulatory compliance.

Accounting for radioactive material retention of the condensate clean-up system ion exchange resins may be needed to moreaccurately account for actual releases.

In addition to the secondary releases described in this section, the Salem Ground Water Remediation System also can potentially discharge radioactive material to the Chemical Waste Basin. To ensureregulatory compliance, the releases are monitored by Radiation Monitor R-37. Samples are alsocollected, and analyzed for radionuclides.

Based on the identified radioactive material levels and thevolume of water discharged, the resulting environmental doses may be calculated based on equation(1.5). I1.6 Liquid Effluent Dose Projections ODCM CONTROL requires that the liquid radioactive waste processing system be used toreduce the radioactive material levels in the liquid waste prior to release when the monthly projected doses exceed:-0.06 mrem to the total body, or-0.2 mrem to any organ.The applicable liquid waste processing system for maintaining radioactive material releases ALARA isthe ion exchange system as delineated in Figure 1-3. Alternately, the waste evaporator as presented inthe Salem FSAR has processing capabilities meeting the NRC ALARA design requirements and maybe used in conjunction or in lieu of the ion exchange system for waste processing requirements inaccordance with ODCM CONTROL

These processing requirements are applicable to eachunit individually.

Exceeding the projected dose requiring processing prior to release for one unit doesnot in itself dictate processing requirements for the other unit.2.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 2.1 Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Controls IThe gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation and controls at Salem for controlling and monitoring normal radioactive material releases in accordance with the Technical Specifications 6.8.4.g andODCM CONTROLS are summarized as follows:1) Waste Gas Holdup System -The vent header gases are collected by the waste gas holdup system. IGases may be recycled to provide cover gas for the CVCS hold-up tank or held in the waste gas tanksfor decay prior to release.

Waste gas decay tanks are batch released after sampling and analysis.

ThePage 82 of 158I Salem ODCM Rev. 27tanks are discharged via the Plant Vent. l-R41D provides noble gas monitoring and automatic isolation of waste gas decay tank releases for Unit-1. This function is provided by 2-R41 D for Unit-2.2) Containnent Purge and Pressure/Vacuum Relief -containment purges and pressure/vacuum reliefsare released to the atmosphere via the respective unit Plant Vent. Noble gas monitoring and autoisolation function are provided by 1 -R4 1 D for Unit-I and 2-R41 D for Unit-2. Additionally, inaccordance with ODCM CONTROL, Table 3.3-13, I-Rl2A and 2-R12A may be used toprovide the containment monitoring and automatic isolation function during purge and pressure/vacuum reliefs (*).3) Plant Vent -The Plant Vent for each respective unit receives discharges from the waste gas hold-upsystem, condenser evacuation system, containment purge and pressure/vacuum

reliefs, and theAuxiliary Building ventilation.

Effluents are monitored by R41D, a flow through gross activity monitor(for noble gas monitoring).

Radioiodine and particulate sampling capabilities are provided by charcoalcartridge and filter medium samplers.

Additionally, back-up sampling capability for radioiodine andparticulates is provided at the 1 -R45 and 2-R45 sampling skids. Plant Vent flow rate is measured andas a back-up may be determined empirically as a function of fan operation (fan curves).

Sampler flowrates are determined by flow rate instrumentation (e.g., venturi rotameter).

Gaseous radioactive effluent flow diagrams with the applicable, associated radiation monitoring instrumentation and controls are presented in Figures 2-1. A simplified diagram of the Gaseousradioactive waste disposal system is provided in Figure 2-2.* The R12A in Mode 6 provides containment monitoring and alarm functions without automatic isolation Page 83 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27 I2.2 Gaseous Effluent Monitor Setpoint Determination I2.2.1 Containment and Plant Vent MonitorPer the requirements of ODCM CONTROL, alarm setpoints shall be established for the gaseous Ieffluent monitoring instrumentation to ensure that the release rate of noble gases does not exceed thelimits of ODCM CONTROL, which corresponds to a dose rate at the SITE BOUNDARY of500 mrernlyear to the total body or 3000 mrem/year to the skin.Based on a grab sample analysis of the applicable release (i.e., grab sample of the Containment atmosphere, waste gas decay tank, or Plant Vent), the radiation monitoring alarm setpoints may beestablished by the following calculation method. The measured radionuclide concentrations and releaserate are used to calculate the fraction of the allowable release rate, as limited by Specification, by the equation:

FR4C =04.72E +02 * *V (Ci*Ki)]1500 (2.1) IF 1 IFRA C =L4.72E+

02 *%

  • VF Z(Ci *(Li +l.IMi))j3000 (2.2)Where: IFRAC = fraction of the allowable release rate based on the identified radionuclide concentrations and the release flow rate= annual average meteorological dispersion to the controlling site boundary location(sec/mi3)VF = ventilation system flow rate for the applicable release point and monitor (ft3/min)ICi = concentration of noble gas radionuclide i as detenriined by radioanalysis of grab sample(ptCi/cm3)Ki = total body dose conversion factor for noble gas radionuclide i (mremr/yr per ýtCi/m3 fromTable 2-1) ILi = beta skin dose conversion factor for noble gas radionuclide i (mrem/yr per [tCi/mn3 fromTable 2-1)Mi = gamma air dose conversion factor for noble gas radionuclide i (mremlyr per pCi/mi3from Table 2-1)1.1 = mrem skin dose per inrad gamma air dose (mrem/mrad) 500 = total body dose rate limit (mremlyr) 3000 = skin dose rate limit (mrernlyr) 4.72 E+02 = conversion factor (cmn3/ft3
  • rain/sec)

Based on the more limiting FRAC (i.e., higher value) as determined above, the alarm setpoints for theapplicable monitors (R41 D, and/or R12A) may be calculated by the equation:

Page 84 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27SP=[AF* FRAC +bkg (2.3)Where:SP = alarm setpoint corresponding to the maximum allowable release rate (cpm)SEN = monitor sensitivity (cpm per pCi/cm3)bkg = background of the monitor (cpm)AF = administrative allocation factor for the specific monitor and type release, whichcorresponds to the fraction of the total allowable release rate that is administratively allocated to the release.The allocation factor (AF) is an administrative control imposed to ensure that combined releases fromSalem Units 1 and 2 and Hope Creek will not exceed the regulatory limits on release rate from the site(i.e., the release rate limits of ODCM CONTROL

Normally, the combined AF value forSalem Units 1 and 2 is equal to 0.5 (0.25 per unit), with the remainder 0.5 allocated to Hope Creek.Any increase in AF above 0.5 for the Salem Nuclear Generating Station will be coordinated with theHope Creek Generating Station to ensure that the combined allocation factors for all units do notexceed Conservative Default ValuesA conservative alarm setpoint can be established, in lieu of the individual radionuclide evaluation basedon the grab sample analysis, to eliminate the potential of periodically having to adjust the setpoint toreflect minor changes in radionuclide distribution and variations in release flow rate. The alarmsetpoint may be conservatively determined by the default values presented in Table 2-2.1 and 2-2.2 forUnits 1 and 2, respectively.

These values are based upon:-the maximum ventilation (or purge) flow rate;-a radionuclide distributiona comprised of 95% Xe-133, 2% Xe-135, 1% Xe-133m, 1% Kr-88 and1% Kr-85; and-an administrative allocation factor of 0.25 to conservatively ensure that any simultaneous releasesfrom Salem Units I and 2 do not exceed the maximum allowable release rate. For this radionuclide distribution, the alarm setpoint based on the total body dose rate is more restrictive than thecorresponding setpoint based on the skin dose rate.a) Adopted fiom ANSI N237-1976/ANS-18.1, Source Term Specifications, Table 62.3 Gaseous Effluent Instantaneous Dose Rate Calculations

-10 CFR 202.3.1 Site Boundary Dose Rate -Noble GasesODCM CONTROL limits the dose rate at the SITE BOUNDARY due to noble gas releasesto <500 mrern/yr, total body and <3000 mrer/lyr, skin. Radiation monitor alarm setpoints areestablished to ensure that these release limits are not exceeded.

In the event any gaseous releases fromthe station results in an alarm setpoint being exceeded, an evaluation of the SITE BOUNDARY doserate resulting from the release shall be performed using the following equations:

Page 85 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27 1Db = ZQ * (Ki

  • Q) (2.4)andD, ' Q*j((Li+1.lMi)*Qi)

(2.5)IWhere: IDtb = total body dose rate (mrem/yr)

D, = skin dose rate (mrem/yr)

'/ /Q =tthSTEBUDR loain(c/3)

= atmospheric dispersion to the controlling SITE BOUNDARY location (sec/rn.IQi = average release rate of radionuclide i over the release period under evaluation (pCi/sec)

Ki = total body dose conversion factor for noble gas radionuclide i (mrem/yr per laCi/m3, fromTable 2-1)Li = beta skin dose conversion factor for noble gas radionuclide i (mnrem/yr per ýtCi/m3, fromTable 2-1)Mi = gamma air dose conversion factor for noble gas radionuclide i (mrad/yr per [tCi/m3, fromTable 2-1)1.1 = rnrem skin dose per mrad gamma air dose (mreln/mrad)

As appropriate, simultaneous releases from Salem Units 1 and 2 and Hope Creek will be considered inevaluating compliance with the release rate limits of ODCM CONTROL a, following anyrelease exceeding the above prescribed alarm setpoints.

Monitor indications (readings) may be averaged over a time period not to exceed 15 minutes whendetermining noble gas release rate based on correlation of the monitor reading and monitor sensitivity.

IThe 15-minute averaging is needed to allow for reasonable monitor response to potentially changingradioactive material concentrations and to exclude potential electronic spikes in monitor readings thatmay be unrelated to radioactive material releases.

As identified, any electronic spiking monitor Iresponses may be excluded from the analysis.

NOTE: For administrative

purposes, more conservative alarm setpoints than those asprescribed above may be imposed.
However, conditions exceeding these more limitingalarm setpoints do not necessarily indicate radioactive material release rates exceeding the limits of ODCM CONTROL

Provided actual releases do not result in Iradiation monitor indications exceeding alarm setpoint values based on the abovecriteria, no further analyses are required for demonstrating compliance with the limitsof ODCM CONTROL

Actual meteorological conditions concurrent with the release period or the default, annual averagedispersion parameters as presented in Table 2-3 may be used for evaluating the gaseous effluent dose Irate.IPage 86 of 158,.

Salem ODCM Rev. 272.3.2 Site Boundary Dose Rate -Radioiodine and Particulates ODCM CONTROL limits the dose rate to <1500 mrem/yr to any organ for 1-131, tritium,and particulates with half-lives greater than 8 days. To demonstrate compliance with this limit, anevaluation is performed at a frequency no greater than that corresponding to the sampling and analysistime period (e.g., nominally once per 7 days). The following equation shall be used for the dose rateevaluation:

D, : (Rio Q) (2.6)Where:Do, = average organ dose rate over the sampling time period (mrem/yr)

YQ = atmospheric dispersion to the controlling SITE BOUNDARY location for the inhalation pathway (sec/in3)Rio, = dose parameter for radionuclide i (mrern/yr per ptCi/m3) and organ o for the childinhalation pathway from Table 2-4Qi = average release rate over the appropriate sampling period and analysis frequency forradionuclide i -- 1-131, tritium or other radionuclide in particulate form with half-life greater than 8 days ([tCi/sec)

By substituting 1500 mrem/yr for D0 and solving for Q, an allowable release rate for 1-131 can bedetermined.

Based on the annual average meteorological dispersion (see Table 2-3) and the mostlimiting potential

pathway, age group and organ (inhalation, child, thyroid -- Rio = 1.62E+07 mrem/yrper pCi/m3), the allowable release rate for 1-131 is 42 ýtCi/sec.

Reducing this release rate by a factor of4 to account for potential dose contributions from other radioactive particulate material and otherrelease points (e.g., Hope Creek), the corresponding release rate allocated to each of the Salem units is10.5 VCi/sec.For a 7 day period, which is the nominal sampling and analysis frequency for 1-131, the cumulative release is 6.3 Ci. Therefore, as long as the 1-131 releases in any 7 day period do not exceed 6.3 Ci, noadditional analyses are needed for verifying compliance with the ODCM CONTROL

.b limitson allowable release rate.2.4 Noble Gas Effluent Dose Calculations

-10 CFR 502.4.1 UNRESTRICTED AREA Dose -Noble GasesODCM CONTROL requires a periodic assessment of releases of noble gases to evaluatecompliance with the quarterly dose limits of<5 mrad, gamma-air and <10 mrad, beta-air and thecalendar year limits <10 rnrad, gamma-air and <20 mrad, beta-air.

The limits are applicable separately to each unit and are not combined site limits. The following equations shall be used to calculate thegamma-air and beta-air doses:Dy = 3.17E -08*Z %Q*Z(Mi*Qi)

(2.7)iPage 87 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27 1andD8 = 3.17E -08* Q * * (2.8)Where:Dy = air dose due to gamma emissions for noble gas radionuclides (mrad) ID13 = air dose due to beta emissions for noble gas radionuclides (mrad)/ = atmospheric dispersion to the controlling SITE BOUNDARY location (sec/mr3)Qi = cumulative release of noble gas radionuclide i over the period of interest

([tCi) wherepCi = ([tCi/cc)*(cc released) or (pCi/sec)*(sec released)

Mi = air dose factor due to gamma emissions from noble gas radionuclide i(mrad/yr per .tCi/mi3, from Table 2-1)= air dose factor due to beta emissions from noble gas radionuclide I(mrad/yr per lICi/m3, Table 2-1)3.17E-08

= conversion factor (yr/sec)2.4.2 Simplified Dose Calculation for Noble GasesIn lieu of the individual noble gas radionuclide dose assessment as presented above, the following simplified dose calculation equations may be used for verifying compliance with the dose limits ofODCM CONTROL

(Refer to Appendix C for the derivation and justification for thissimplified method and for values of Meff, and NeIT..)Dy*3.17E-08 M//Q* Y,*Qi (2.9) I0.50 /Q iand UD,83"17E-8

  • _(2.10) U0.50 NWhere: IMett = 5.3E+02, effective gamma-air dose factor (mrad/yr per jiCi/m3)Neff = 1.1 E+03, effective beta-air dose factor (mnrad/yr per pCi/mi3)Qi = cumulative release for all noble gas radionuclides (pCi), where pCi = (tCi/cc)
  • (ccreleased) or (pCi/sec)
  • (sec released) 0.50 = conservatism factor to account for potential variability in the radionuclide distribution Actual meteorological conditions concurrent with the release period or the default, annual averagedispersion parameters as presented in Table 2-3, may be used for the evaluation of the gamma-air and Ibeta-air doses.IPage 88 of 158I Salem ODCM Rev. 272.5 Radioiodine and Particulate Dose Calculations

-10 CFR 502.5.1 UNRESTRICTED AREA Dose -Radioiodine and Particulates In accordance with requirements of ODCM CONTROL, a periodic assessment shall beperformed to evaluate compliance with the quarterly dose limit of<7.5 mrem and calendar year limit<15 mrem to any organ. The following equation shall be used to evaluate the maximum organ dose dueto releases of 1-131, tritium and particulates with half-lives greater than 8 days:Daop = 3.17E-08

  • W
  • SFp* Z(Riop
  • Qi)Where:Daop = dose or dose commitment via all pathways p and controlling age group a (asidentified in Table 2-3) to organ o, including the total body (mrem)W = atmospheric dispersion parameter to the controlling location(s) as identified inTable 2-3= atmospheric dispersion for inhalation pathway and H-3 dose contribution via otherYQpathways (sec/mi3)D/Q = atmospheric deposition for vegetation, milk and ground plane exposure pathways(m-2)Riop = dose factor for radionuclide i (mrem/yr per [Ci/m3) or (in2 -mrern/yr per [tCi/sec) and organ o from Table 2-4 for each age group and the applicable pathway p asidentified in Table 2-3. Values for Ri0p were derived in accordance with themethods described in NUREG-0 133.Qi = cumulative release over the period of interest for radionuclide i -- 1-131, tritium, orradioactive material in particulate form with half-life greater than 8 days (pCi).SFp = annual seasonal correction factor to account for the fraction of the year that theapplicable exposure pathway does not exist.1) For milk and vegetation exposure pathways:

A six month fresh vegetation and grazing season (May through October)

= 0.52) For inhalation and ground plane exposure pathways:

= 1.0For evaluating the maximum exposed individual, only the controlling pathways and age group asidentified in Table 2-3 need be evaluated for compliance with ODCM CONTROL

2.5.2 Simplified Dose Calculation for Radioiodines and Particulates.

In lieu of the individual radionuclide (1-13 1, tritium, and particulates) dose assessment for theresident/dairy location as presented above, the following simplified dose calculation equation may beused for verifying compliance with the dose limits of ODCM CONTROL (refer to Appendix Dfor the derivation and justification of this simplified method).Dmax = 3.17E- 08* W*SFp *t -131 *ZQ (2.12)iPage 89 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Where: IDmax maximum organ dose (mrem)Ri-131 = 1-131 dose parameter for the thyroid for the identified controlling pathway= 1.05E+12, infant thyroid dose parameter with the grass-cow-milk pathwaycontrolling (mi2 -mrem/yr per .tCi/sec)

W = D/Q for radioiodine, 2.1 E-10 1 /mi2Qi = cumulative release over the period of interest for radionuclide i 13 1, tritium, orradioactive material in particulate from with half life greater than 8 days (ýtCi)The dose should be evaluated based on the predetermined controlling pathways as identified in Table 2-3. If more limiting exposure pathways are determined to exist in the surrounding enviromnent of Salemby the amnual land-use census, Table 2-3 will be revised as specified in ODCM CONTROL 3.12.2. I2.6 Secondary Side Radioactive Gaseous Effluents and Dose Calculations IDuring periods of primary to secondary

leakage, minor levels of radioactive material may be releasedvia the secondary system to the atmosphere.

Non-condensables (e.g., noble gases) will bepredominately released via the condenser evacuation system and will be monitored and quantified bythe routine plant vent monitoring and sampling system and procedures (e.g., RI 5 on condenser evacuation, R41D on plant vent, and the plant vent particulate and charcoal samplers).

However, if the Steam Generator blowdown is routed directly to the Chemical Waste -Basin (via the SGblowdown flash tank) instead of being recycled through the condenser, it may be desirable to accountfor the potential atmospheric releases of radioiodines and particulates from the flash tank vent (i.e.,releases due to moisture carry over). Since this pathway is not sampled or monitored, it is necessary tocalculate potential releases.

Based on the guidance in NRC NUREG-0133, the releases of the radioiodines and particulates shall becalculated by the equation:


(2.13)Where:Qj = the release rate of radionuclide, i, from the steam generator flash tank vent (.tCi/sec)

[Ci = the concentration of radionuclide, i, in the secondary coolant water averaged over notmore than one week (jiCi/ml)

Rsgb = the steam generator blowdown rate to the flash tank (ml/sec)Fft = the fraction of blowdown flashed in the tank determined from a heat balance takenaround the flash tank at the applicable reactor power level ISQftvz the measured steam quality in the flash tank vent; or an assumed value of 0.85, based onNUREG-0017.

1Tritium releases via the steam flashing may also be quantified using the above equation with theassumption of a steam quality (SQfiv) equal to 0. Since the H-3 will be associated with the waterPage 90 of 158!

Salem ODCM Rev. 27molecules, it is not necessary to account for the moisture carry-over which is the transport media for theradioiodines and particulates.

Based on the design and operating conditions at Salem, the fraction of blowdown converted to steam(Fft) is approximately 0.48. The equation simplifies to the following:

Qi = 0.072* Ci

  • Rgb (2.14)For H-3, the simplified equation is:Qi = 0.48
  • Ci
  • R&gb (2.15)Also during reactor shutdown operations with a radioactively contaminated secondary system,radioactive material may be released to the atmosphere via the atmospheric reliefs (PORV) and thesafety reliefs on the main steam lines and via the steam driven auxiliary feed pump exhaust.

Theevaluation of the radioactive material concentration in the steam relative to that in the steam generator water is based on the guidance of NUREG-00 17, Revision

1. The partitioning factors for theradioiodines is 0.01 and is 0.005 for all other particulate radioactive material.

The resulting equationfor quantifying releases via the atmospheric steam releases is:Qo = 0.13 * (C0

  • SFo)* PFi (2.16)Where:Q'j = release rate of radionuclide i via pathway j,(ýtCi/sec)

Cij= concentration of radionuclide i, in pathway j,([tCi/ml)

SFj = steam flow for release pathway j= 400,000 lb/hr per PORV-850,000 lb/hr per safety relief valve= 62,500 lb/hr for auxiliary feed pump exhaustPFi = partitioning factor, ratio of concentration in steam to that in the water in the steamgenerator

-0.01 for radioiodines

-0.005 for all other particulates

-1.0 for H-30.13 = conversion factor -[(hr*ml)

/ (sec*lb)]

Any significant releases of noble gases via the atmospheric steam releases can be quantified inaccordance with the calculation methods of the Salem Emergency Plan Implementation Procedure.

Alternately, the quantification of the release rate and cumulative releases may be based on secondary samples.

The measured radionuclide concentration in the secondary system may be used forquantifying the noble gases, radioiodine and particulate releases.

Page 91 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Note: The expected mode of operation would be to isolate the effected steam generator, therebyreducing the potential releases during the shutdown/cooldown process.

Use of the abovecalculation methods should consider actual operating conditions and release mechanisms.

The calculated quantities of radioactive materials may be used as inputs to the equation (2.11) or (2.12)to calculate offsite doses for demonstrating compliance with the Technical Specifications 6.8.4.g andthe ODCM CONTROLS.

2.7 Gaseous Effluent Dose Projection ODCM CONTROL requires that the GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM andVENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM be used to reduce radioactive material levelsprior to discharge when projected doses exceed one-half the annual design objective rate in anycalendar month, i.e., exceeding:

  • 0.2 mrad in air from gamma radiation, or* 0.4 mrad in air from beta radiation or,* 0.3 mrad to any organ to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC.The applicable gaseous processing systems for maintaining radioactive material releases ALARA arethe Auxiliary Building normal ventilation system (filtration systems # 1, 2 and 3) and the Waste GasDecay Tanks as delineated in Figures 2-1 and 2-2. Dose projections are performed at least once per 31days.Page 92 of 158IIIIIIiIIII Salem ODCM Rev. 273.0 SPECIAL DOSE ANALYSES3.1 Doses Due To Activities Inside the SITE BOUNDARYIn accordance with ODCM CONTROL, the Radioactive Effluent Release Report (RERR) shallinclude an assessment of radiation doses from radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents to MEMBERSOF THE PUBLIC due to their activities inside the SITE BOUNDARY.

The calculation methods as presented in Sections 2.4 and 2.5 may be used for determining the maximumpotential dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC located inside the site boundary.

For the purpose of thiscalculation, a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC is an adult individual who is not subject to occupational exposure (i.e., an un-monitored site worker) perfonning duties within the site boundary, and who is exposedto radioactive material in gaseous effluent for 2,000 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> per year via the inhalation and ground planeexposure pathways.

The values for the atmospheric dispersion coefficients at the point of interest inside thesite boundary (e.g., 0.25 mile) shall be developed from the current year meteorological data.3.2 Total dose to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC -40 CFR 190 and 10 CFR 72.104The Radioactive Effluent Release Report (RERR) shall also include an assessment of the radiation dose to the likely most exposed MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC for reactor releases and other nearbyuranium fuel cycle sources (including dose contributions from effluents and direct radiation from on-site sources).

For the likely most exposed MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC in the vicinity of Artificial Island, the sources of exposure need only consider the Salem Nuclear Generating Station and theHope Creek Nuclear Generating Station which includes the Independent Spent Fuel StorageInstallation (ISFSI):

No other fuel cycle facilities contribute to the MEMBER OF THE PUBLICdose for the Artificial Island vicinity.

The dose contribution from the operation of Hope Creek Nuclear Generating Station will beestimated based on the methods as presented in the Hope Creek Offsite Dose Calculation Manual(HCGS ODCM).As appropriate for demonstrating/evaluating compliance with the limits of ODCM CONTROL3.11.4 (40 CFR 190), the results of the environmental monitoring program may be used forproviding data on actual measured levels of radioactive material in the actual pathways of exposure.

3.2.1 Effluent Dose Calculations For purposes of implementing the surveillance requirements of ODCM CONTROL 3/4.11.4 and thereporting requirements of (RERR), dose calculations for the Salem Nuclear Generating Station should be performed using the controlling pathways and locations of Table 2-3 and thecalculation methods contained within this ODCM. If more limiting exposure pathways aredetermined to exist in the surrounding environment of Salem by the annual land-use census, Table 2-3 will be revised as specified in ODCM CONTROL 3.12.2.Average annual meteorological dispersion parameters or meteorological conditions concurrent withthe release period under evaluation may be used.Page 93 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27 I3.2.2 Direct Exposure Dose Determination.

Any potentially significant direct exposure contribution to off-site individual doses may be evaluated based on the results of the environmental measurements (e.g., PD, ion chamber measurements) and/orby the use of a radiation transport and shielding calculation method.Only during a non-typical condition will there exist any potential for significant on-site sources at 3Salem that would yield potentially significant off-site doses (i.e., in excess of I mrem per year to aMEMBER OF THE PUBLIC),

that would require detailed evaluation for demonstrating compliance with 40 CFR 190 or 10 CFR 72.104.However, should a situation exist where the direct exposure contribution is potentially significant, on-site measurements, off-site measurements and/or calculation techniques will be used for determination of dose for assessing 40 CFR 190 or 10 CFR 72.104 compliance.

3.3 Doses Due to Carbon 14 in Gaseous Effluents IBecause gaseous effluent releases from a pressurized water reactor (PWR), such as the SalemGenerating

Station, can contain significant quantities of C-14 (i.e., approximately 5 to 7.3 curiesannually

-Regulatory Guide 1.21 rev 2), the NRC has recommended that licensees evaluate C-14 as apotential principal radionuclide for gaseous releases from their facility.

The results in an evaluation conducted in response to SAP Order 70096339 identified C-14 as a principal radionuclide in gaseous Ieffluent releases from the Salem Generating Station.3.3.1 Estimation of Carbon 14 in Annual ReleasesThe methodology for estimating the quantity C-14 released annually from the Salem Generating Stationincorporates the use of a normalized C-14 source term and a scaling factor based on power generation.

NCRP Report No. 81, Carbon-14 in the Environment, has been identified by the NRC as a source forscaling factors (refer to section 1.9 in Revision 2 of Regulatory Guide 1.21). This approach is one of Ithree NRC-recommended methods for estimating the quantity of C-14 discharged in gaseous effluent(refer to Regulatory position 1.9 in Revision 2 of Regulatory Guide 1.21). Electrical energy outputvalue for the reporting period should be used to estimate the quantity of C-14 released.

Page 94 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 273.3.2 Carbon 14 dose Determinations The methodology for determining doses from C-14 in gaseous releases incorporates dose modelsdescribed in Regulatory Guide 1.109. Estimated C- 14 releases and average meteorological data for thereporting period should be used as input to the dose calculations.

The doses due to C-14 in gaseousreleases are calculated for receptors located at and beyond the site boundary.

For doses at locations beyond the site boundaries, receptors shall be real individuals via active pathways as identified in theAnnual Land Use Census. Doses due to C-14 in gaseous effluent and the assumptions used in the dosecalculations shall be included in the annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report.4.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM4.1 Sampling ProgramThe operational phase of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) is conducted inaccordance with the requirements of ODCM CONTROL 3.12. The objectives of the program are:-To determine whether any significant increases occur in the concentration of radionuclides in thecritical pathways of exposure in the vicinity of Artificial Island;-To determine if the operation of the Salem Nuclear Generating Stations has resulted in any increasein the inventory of long lived radionuclides in the environment;

-To detect any changes in the ambient gamnma radiation levels; and-To verify that SNGS operations have no detrimental effects on the health and safety of the public oron the environment.

The sampling requirements (type of samples*,

collection frequency and analysis) and sample locations are presented in Appendix E.*NOTE: No public drinking water samples or irrigation water samples are required as thesepathways are not directly effected by liquid effluents discharged from Salem Generating Station.4.2 Interlaboratory Comparison ProgramODCM CONTROL 3.12.3 requires analyses be performed on radioactive material supplied as part ofan Interlaboratory Comparison Program.

Participation in an approved Interlaboratory Comparison Program provides a check on the precision and accuracy of measurements of radioactive materials inenvirornuental samples.A summary of the Interlaboratory Comparison Program results will be provided in the AnnualRadiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to ODCM CONTROL 95 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27FIGURE 1-1: LIQUID RELEASE FLOWPATH UNIT 1FROM VOLUME CONTROL TANKSTO VENTSTO CVCS#1 SPENT FUEL PITDEMINERALIZER SAMPLINGSYSTEMSTEAM GENERATOR SAMPLING LINESUNIT 2 CROSS-CONNECT R18 MONITOR-I SERVICEWATERE CONTAINMENT FAN COIL UNITSGROUND WATER TO NON-RAD (C)REMEDIATION No (Figure 1-2)SYSTEMTO NON-RAD (B)(Figure 1-2)TO CIRCU ATING WATER SYSTEMR 13 MONITORS4, To RiverPage 96 of 158 mnn- -mmm --m -Rev .mmm mSalem ODCM Rev. 27FIGURE 1-2: LIQUID RELEASE FLOWPATH UNIT 2FROM VOLUME CONTROL TANKSCVCS#1 SPENT FUEL PITDEMINERALIZER SAMPLING LSYSTEMSTEAM GENERATOR SAMPLING LINESUNIT I CROSS-CONNECT WATERFROMUNIT I (B)(Figure 1-1)NON-RAD LIQUIDWASTE DISPOSALCONTAINMENT FAN COIL UNITSt TO CIRCULATING T WATER SYSTEMFROM UNIT 1 (C) (Figure 1-1) cR 13 MONITORSPage 97 of 158

= --- M- -M--- M M-- M M M =Salem ODCM Rev. 27FIGURE 1-3: LIQUID RADIOACTIVE WASTE SYSTEMPage 98 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table 1-1.1: Parameters for Liquid Alarm Setpoint Determinations Unit 1Parameter Actual Default CommentsValue Value UnitsMPCe Calculated 6.05E-06

  • Ci/ml Calculated for each batch to be released.

MPC 1-131 3.OE-07 N/A LtCi/ml 1- 131 MPC conservatively used for SGblowdown and Service Water monitorsetpoints.

Ci Measured N/A .Ci/ml Taken from ganmma spectral analysis ofliquid effluent.

MPCi as determined N/A pLCi/ml Taken from 10 CFR 20, Appendix B,Table 11, Col 2 (Appendix F).Sensitivity as determined N/A cpm per Monitor sensitivities are controlled l-R18 tpCi/ml under Public Service Blueprint 1-R19 (A,B,C,D)

Document (PSBP) 3157331-R13 (A and B)CW as determined 1.00E+05 gpm Circulating water system -single CWpump ***RR as determined gpm Determined prior to release; release rate1-R18 120 can be adjusted for ODCM CONTROLcompliance 1-R19 250 Steam Generator blowdown rate perGenerator l-R13 1.00 E +05 Service Water flow rate forContainment fan coolersSetpoint Calculated N/A cpm Monitor setpoints are controlled underI-R 18 Public Service Blueprint Document1-R19 (A,B,C,D)**

(PSBP) 3157331-R13 (A and B)**Correction Factor as determined 0.75 Unitless Default parameter to account for non-(Non-Gamma) gamma emitting nuclides.

Allocation Factor 0.5 0.5 Unitless Conservatism factor to preclude1-R19 exceeding MPC limit in the case ofsimultaneous primary-to-secondary leaks at both Salem Units* Refer to Appendix A for derivation

    • The MPC value of 1-131 (3E-07 p.Ci/ml) has been used for derivation of R19 Steam Generator Blowdown and R13 ServiceWater monitor setpoints as discussed in Section 1.2.2** During periods when Unit 2 Circulators are out of service, the CW flow for l-R13 monitors is zero. See Section 1.2.2.Page 99 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table 1-1.2: Parameters for Liquid Alarm Setpoint Determinations

-Unit 2Parameter Actual Default UnitsValue Value CommentsMPCe Calculated 4.81E-06

  • pCi/ml Calculated for each batch to be released.

MPC 1-131 3.OE-07 N/A pCi/ml 1-131 MPC conservatively used for SGblowdown, Service Water and ChemicalWaste Basin monitor setpoints.

C, Measured N/A ptCi/ml Taken from ganmma spectral analysis ofliquid effluent.

MPCi as determined N/A PCi/ml Taken from 10 CFR 20, Appendix B,Table II, Col. 2 (Appendix F)Sensitivity as determined N/A cpm per Monitor sensitivities are controlled 2-RI8 pCi/ml under Public Service Blueprint Document2R19(A,B,C,D) 3157342-R13(A and B)R37CW as determined 1.0E+05 gpm Circulating Water System, single CWpump ***RR as determined 120 gpm Determined prior to release; release rate2-R18 can be adjusted for ODCM CONTROLCompliance 2502-R19 Steam Generator Blowdown rate perGenerator I.OE+052-R13 Circulating Water System, single CW1200 PumpR37 Chemical Waste Basin discharge Setpoint Calculated N/A cpm Monitor setpoints are controlled under2-R18 Public Service Blueprint Document2-R19(A,B,C,D)**

(PSBP) 3157342-R13(A and B)**R37 **Correction Factor as determined 0.75 Unitless Default parameter to account for non-(Non-Gamma) gamma emitting nuclides.

Allocation Factor 0.5 0.5 Unitless Conservatism factor to preclude2-R19 exceeding MPC limit in the case ofsimultaneous primary-to-secondary leaksat both Salem Units* Refer to Appendix A for derivation

    • The MPC value of 1-131 (3.OE-7 ttCi/ml) has been used for derivation of the R13, R19 and R37 monitor setpoints asdiscussed in Section 1.2.2* ** During periods when Unit 1 Circulators are out of service, the CW flow for 2-R13 monitors is zero. See Section 1.2.2.Page 100 of 158IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Salem ODCM Rev. 27TABLE 1-2: Site Related Ingestion Dose Commitment Factor, Aio(Fish And Invertebrate Consumption)

(mrem/hr per pCi/ml)Nuld Bone Live T.od Th:Eo jjde LmG-H-3 2.82E-1 2.82E-1 2.82E-1 2.82E-1 2.82E-1 2.82E-1C-14 1.45E+4 2.90E+3 2.90E+3 2.90E+3 2.90E+3 2.90E+3 2.90E+3Na-24 4.57E-1 4.57E-1 4.57E-1 4.57E-1 4.57E-1 4.57E-1 4.57E-1P-32 4.69E+6 2.91E+5 1.81E+5 -5.27E+5Cr-51 -5.58E+O 3.34E+O 1.23E+O 7.40E+O 1.40E+3Mn-54 7.06E+3 1.35E+3 -2.1OE+3 2.16E+4Mn-56 -1.78E+2 3.15E+1 -2.26E+2 5.67E+3Fe-55 5.11E+4 3.53E+4 8.23E+3 --1.97E+4 2.03E+4Fe-59 8.06E+4 1.90E+5 7.27E+4 --5.30E+4 6.32E+5Co-57 -1.42E+2 2.36E+2 ---3.59E+3Co-58 6.03E+2 1.35E+3 ---1.22E+4Co-60 -1.73E+3 3.82E+3 ---3.25E+4Ni-63 4.96E+4 3.44E+3 1.67E+3 ---7.18E+2Ni-65 2.02E+2 2.62E+1 1.20E+1 ---6.65E+2Cu-64 2.14E+2 1.01E+2 -5.40E+2 -1.83E+4Zn-65 1.61E+5 5.13E+5 2.32E+5 -3.43E+5 -3.23E+5Zn-69 3.43E+2 6.56E+2 4.56E+1 -4.26E+2 -9.85E+1As-76 4.38E+2 1.16E+3 5.14E+3 3.42E+2 1.39E+3 3.58E+2 4.30E+4Br-82 --4.07E+O -4.67E+OBr-83 --7.25E-2 --1.04E-1Br-84 --9.39E-2 -7.37E-7Br-85 --3.86E-3 -Rb-86 -6.24E+2 2.91E+2 -1.23E+2Rb-88 -1.79E+O 9.49E-1 -2.47E-1 1Rb-89 -1.19E+O 8.34E-I ---6.89E-14Sr-89 4.99E+3 1.43E+2 ---8.OOE+2Sr-90 1.23E+5 3.01E+4 ---3.55E+3Sr-91 9.18E+1 3.71E+O ---4.37E+2Sr-92 3.48E+1 -1.51E+O ---6.90E+2Y-90 6.06E+O -1.63E-1 ---6.42E+4Y-91 m 5.73E-2 -2.22E-3 ---1.68E-1Y-91 8.88E+1 -2.37E+O ---4.89E+4Y-92 5.32E-1 -1.56E-2 ---9.32E+3Y-93 1.69E+O -4.66E-2 ---5.35E+4Zr-95 1.59E+1 5.11E+O 3.46E+O -8.02E+O -1.62E+4Zr-97 8.81E-1 1.78E-1 8.13E-2 -2.68E-I -5.51E+4Nb-95 4.47E+2 2.49E+2 1.34E+2 -2.46E+2 -1.51E+6Nb-97 3.75E+O 9.49E- 1 3.46E-I -1.11E+O -3.50E+3Mo-99 -1.28E+2 2.43E+1 -2.89E+2 -2.96E+2Tc-99m 1.30E-2 3.66E-2 4.66E-1 -5.56E-1 1.79E-2 2.17E+1Tc-101 1.33E-2 1.92E-2 1.88E-1 -3.46E-1 9.81E-3 5.77E-14Page 101 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27TABLE 1-2 (cont'd)Site Related Ingestion Dose Commitment Factor, Aio(Fish And Invertebrate Consumption)

(mremlhr per pCi/ml)_i'd' K:. ,'r ,Ru-103 1.07E+2 -4.60E+1 -4.07E+2 1.25E+4Ru-105 8.89E+0 -3.51E+O -1.15E+2 5.44E+3Ru-106 1.59E+3 -2.01E+2 -3.06E+3 1.03E+5Rh-103m ---Rh-106 .....Ag-110n 1.56E+3 1.45E+3 8.60E+2 -2.85E+3 -5.91E+5Sb-122 1.98E+1 4.55E-1 6.82E+O 3.06E-1 -1.19E+1 7.51E+3Sb-124 2.77E+2 5.23E+O 1.10E+2 6.71E-1 -2.15E+2 7.86E+3Sb-125 1.77E+2 1.98E+0 4.21E+1 1.80E-1 -1.36E+2 1.95E+3Sb-126 1.14E+2 2.31E+0 4.1OE+l 6.96E-1 -6.97E+1 9.29E+3Te-125m 2.17E+2 7.86E+1 2.91E+1 6.52E+1 8.82E+2 -8.66E+2Te-127m 5.48E+2 1.96E+2 6.68E+1 1.40E+2 2.23E+3 -1.84E+3Te-127 8.90E+O 3.20E+O 1.93E+0 6.60E+0 3.63E+1 -7.03E+2Te-129m 9.3 1E+2 3.47E+2 1.47E+2 3.20E+2 3.89E+3 -4.69E+3Te-129 2.54E+O 9.55E-1 6.19E-1 1.95E+O 1.07E+1 -1.92E+0Te-131rn 1.40E+2 6.85E+1 5.71E+1 1.08E+2 6.94E+2 -6.80E+3Te-131 1.59E+O 6.66E-1 5.03E-1 1.31E+O 6.99E+O -2.26E-1Te-132 2.04E+2 1.32E+2 1.24E+2 1.46E+2 1.27E+3 -6.24E+31-130 3.96E+ I1 1.17E+2 4.61E+1 9.91E+3 1.82E+2 -1.01E+21-131 2.18E+2 3.12E+2 1.79E+2 1.02E+5 5.35E+2 -8.23E+11-132 1.06E+1 2.85E+1 9.96E+0 9.96E+2 4.54E+1 -5.35E+O1-133 7.45E+1 1.30E+2 3.95E+1 1.90E+4 2.26E+2 -1.16E+21-134 5.56E+O 1.51E+1 5.40E+0 2.62E+2 2.40E+1 -1.32E-21-135 2.32E+1 6.08E+1 2.24E+1 4.01E+3 9.75E+1 -6.87E+1Cs-134 6.84E+3 1.63E+4 1.33E+4 -5.27E+3 1.75E+3 2.85E+2Cs-136 7.16E+2 2.83E+3 2.04E+3 -1.57E+3 2.16E+2 3.21E+2Cs-137 8.77E+3 1.20E+4 7.85E+3 -4.07E+3 1.35E+3 2.32E+2Cs-138 6.07E+O 1.20E+1 5.94E+0 -8.81E+O 8.70E-1 5.12E-5Ba-139 7.85E+O 5.59E-3 2.30E-1 -5.23E-3 3.17E-3 1.39E+1Ba- 140 1.64E+3 2.06E+O 1.08E+2 -7.02E- 1 1.18E+0 3.38E+3Ba-141 3.81E+0 2.88E-3 1.29E-1 -2.68E-3 1.63E-3 1.80E-9Ba-142 1.72E+O 1.77E-3 1.08E-1 -1.50E-3 1.OOE-3 2.43E-18La-140 1.57E+O 7.94E-1 2.10E-1 --5.83E+4La-142 8.06E-2 3.67E-2 9.13E-3 --2.68E+2Ce-141 3.43E+O 2.32E+O 2.63E-1 -1.08E+O -8.86E+3Ce-143 6.04E-1 4.46E+2 4.94E-2 -1.97E-1 -1.67E+4Ce-144 1.79E+2 7.47E+1 9.59E+O -4.43E+1 -6.04E+4Pr-143 5.79E+0 2.32E+0 2.87E-1 -1.34E+O -2.54E+4Pr-144 1.90E-2 7.87E-3 9.64E-4 -4. 44E-3 -2.73E-9Nd-147 3.96E+O 4.58E+O 2.74E-1 -2.68E+O -2.20E+4W-187 9.16E+0 7.66E+O 2.68E+O -2.51E+3Np-239 3.53E-2 3.47E-3 1.91E-3 -1.08E-2 7.11E+2Page 102 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table 1-3: Bioaccumulation Factors(pCi/kg per pCi/liter)*

H 9.OE-01 9.3E-01C 1.8E+03 1.4E+03Na 6.7E-02 1.9E-01P 3.OE+03 3.OE+04Cr 4.OE+02 2.OE+03Mn 5.5E+02 4.OE+02Fe 3.0E+03 2.OE+04Co 1.OE+02 1.OE+03Ni 1.OE+02 2.5E+02Cu 6.7E+02 1.7E+03Zn 2.OE+03 5.OE+04As 3.3E+02 3.3E+02Br 1.5E-02 3.1E+00Rb 8.3E+00 1.7E+01Sr 2.OE+00 2.OE+01Y 2.5E+01 1.OE+03Zr 2.OE+02 8.0E+01Nb 3.OE+04 1.OE+02Mo 1.OE+01 1.OE+01Tc 1.OE+01 5.0E+01Ru 3.0E+00 1.OE+03Rh 1.OE+01 2.OE+03Ag 3.313+03 3.313+03Sb 4.0E+01 5.4E+00Te 1.0E+01 1.OE+02I 1.0E+01 5.0E+01CS 4.0E+01 2.5E+01Ba 1.0E+01 1.0E+02La 2.5E+01 1.OE+03Ce 1.0E+01 6.0E+02Pr 2.5E+01 1.0E+03Nd 2.5E+01 1.0E+03W 3.OE+01 3.OE+01Np 1.OE+01 1.OE+O 1* Values in this table are taken fiorn Regulatory Guide 1.109 except for phosphorus (fish) which isadapted from NUREG/CR-1336 and silver, arsenic and antimony which are taken from UCRL 50564,Rev. 1, October 1972.Page 103 of 158 Cl -I --- -,~ItlT. S I~ '%~~Salem UkL-IVI Kev. Z /FIGURE 2-1: SALEM VENTILATION EXHAUST SYSTEMS AND EFFLUENT MONITOR INTERFACES Simplified One Line ITO ATMOSPHERE lR41 SKIDIDENSER R4SDi_ASTE _IGASECAYUCKSCONTAINMENT PRESSURERELIEF UNIT iJEL ROUGH HEPA CHARCOALSSURE FILTER FILTER FILTER:UCK!AYFUEL HANDLING EXH FILTERJEL UNITSROUGH HEPA ICHARCOAL IDLING FILTER FILTER FILTERREAAUX BLDG EXH UNITSPage 104 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27FIGURE 2-2: GASEOUS RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEMSimplified One LinePage 105 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table 2-1: Dose Factors For Noble GasesTotal Body Skin Garmna Air Beta AirDose Factor Dose Factor Dose Factor Dose FactorKi Li Mi NiRadionuclide LtCi/m3) gCi/m3) LCi/m3) mtCi/m3)Kr-83m 7.56E-02 1.93E+01 2.88E+02Kr-85m 1.17E+03 1.46E+03 1.23E+03 1.97E+03Kr-85 1.61E+01 1.34E+03 1.72E+01 1.95E+03Kr-87 5.92E+03 9.73E+03 6.17E+03 1.03E+04Kr-88 1.47E+04 2.37E+03 1.52E+04 2.93E+03Kr-89 1.66E+04 1.01 E+04 1.73E+04 1.06E+04Kr-90 1.56E+04 7.29E+03 1.63E+04 7.83E+03Xe- 131im 9.15E+01 4.76E+02 1.56E+02 1.11 E+03Xe- 133m 2.51 E+02 9.94E+02 3.27E+02 1.48E+03Xe-133 2.94E+02 3.06E+02 3.53E+02 1.05E+03Xe-135rn 3.12E+03 7.11E+02 3.36E+03 7.39E+02Xe-135 1.81E+03 1.86E+03 1.92E+03 2.46E+03Xe-137 1.42E+03 1.22E+04 1.51E+03 1.27E+04Xe-138 8.83E+03 4.13E+03 9.21E+03 4.75E+03Ar-41 8.84E+03 2.69E+03 9.30E+03 3.28E+03Page 106 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table 2-2.1: Parameters for Gaseous Alarm Setnoint Determinations

-Unit 1Parameter Actual Default Units CommentsValue ValueX/Q calculated 2.2E-06 sec/m 3 USNRC Salem SafetyEvaluation, Sup 3VF as measured or(Plant Vent) fan curves 1.30E+05 ft3/min Plant Vent -nornialoperation (Cont Purge) 3.50E+04Containment PurgeAF coordinated 0.25 N/A Administrative allocation factor with HCGS to ensurecombined releases do notexceed release rate limit forsite.Ci measured N/A i.Ci/crn3 Taken from gamma spectralanalysis of gaseous effluentKi nuclide specific N/A mrem/yr per Values from Table 2-1__Ci /M3Li nuclide specific N/A mrern/yr per Values from Table 2-1iLCi/m3Mi nuclide specific N/A mnrem/yr per Values from Table 2-1__tCi/m3Sensitivities as deternmined N/A cpm per Monitor sensitivities areI -R41 FiCi/m3 or controlled under Public1-R12A cpm per Service Blueprint DocumentpCi/cc (PSBP) 315733Setpoint calculated N/A cpm or Monitor setpoints are1 -R41D controlled under Public1-R12A ** tCi/sec Service Blueprint Document(PSBP) 315733**Automatic Isolation function is applicable in all MODES except MODE 6Page 107 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table 2-2.2: Parameters for Gaseous Alarm Setpoint Determinations

-Unit 2Parameter Actual Default UnitsValue Value CommentsX/Q Calculated 2.2E-6 sec/mr3 USNRC Salem SafetyEvaluation, Sup 3VF as measured orPlant Vent fan curves 1.30E+05 ft3/min Plant Vent -normal operation Cont. Purge 3.50E+04 Contaimnent PurgeAF Coordinated 0.25 N/A Administrative allocation factorwith HCGS to ensure combined releases donot exceed release rate for site.C, Measured N/A pCi/cm3 Taken from ganuna spectralanalysis of gaseous effluentK, Nuclide N/A rnrem/yr per Values from Table 2-1specific jiCi/m3Nuclide N/A rnrem/yr per Values from Table 2-1specific

[tCi/m3M, Nuclide N/A mnrem/yr per Values from Table 2-1specific pCi/m3Sensitivities as N/A cpm per Monitor sensitivities are2-R41 determined tCi/mr3 or controlled under Public Service2-R12A cpm per Blueprint Document (PSBP)p.Ci/cc 315734Setpoint Calculated N/A cpm or Monitor setpoints are controlled 2-R41D ytCi/sec under Public Service Blueprint 2-R12A ** Document (PSBP) 315734**Automatic Isolation function is applicable in all MODES except MODE 6Page 108 of 158IIIIIIIIIIIII Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table 2-3: Controlling Locations, PathwaysandAtmospheric Dispersion for Dose Calculations

  • ODCMCONTROLLocationPathway(s)

Controlling Age GroupAtmospheric Dispersion X/Q D/Q(sec/m3)

(1/m2) a site boundary(0.83 mile, N) site boundary(0.83 mile, N) boundary(0.83 mile, N)residence/dairy**

(4.9 miles, W)Residence/garden/

beef (4.6 mi,SW)**noble gasesdirect exposureInhalation andground planegamnma-air beta-airmilk, groundplane and inhalation Ground plane,inhalation, gardenproduce, meatingestion N/AchildN/AinfantChild2.2 E-062.2 E-062.2 E-065.4E-088.0 E-8N/AN/AN/A2.1 E-102.4 E-10* The identified controlling locations, pathways and atmospheric dispersion are from the SafetyEvaluation Report, Supplement No. 3, for the Salem Nuclear Generating

Station, Unit 2 (NUREG-0157, December 1978)** Location and distance are determined from the performance of the annual land use census asrequired by ODCM CONTROL 3.12.2.Page 109 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table 2-4: Pathway Dose Factors -Atmospheric ReleasesIIIIIIR(io), Inhalation Pathway Dose Factors -ADULT(mremn/yr per ýtCi/m3)H-31.26E+31.26E+31.26E+31.26E+31.26E+31.26E+3C-14 1.82E+4 3.41E+3 3.41E+3 3.41E+3 3.41E+3 3.41E+3 3.41E+3P-32 1.32E+6 7.71E+4 ---8.64E+4 5.01E+4Cr-51 -5.95E+l 2.28E+1 1.44E+4 3.32E+3 1.OOE+2Mn-54 3.96E+4 -9.84E+3 1.40E+6 7.74E+4 6.30E+3Fe-55 2.46E+4 1.70E+4 --7.21E+4 6.03E+3 3.94E+3Fe-59 1.18E+4 2.78E+4 --1.02E+6 1.88E+5 1.06E+4Co-57 -6.92E+2 --3.70E+5 3.14E+4 6.71E+2Co-58 1.58E+3 --9.28E+5 1.06E+5 2.07E+3Co-60 1.15E+4 --5.97E+6 2.85E+5 1.48E+4Ni-63 4.32E+5 3.14E+4 --1.78E+5 1.34E+4 1.45E+4Zn-65 3.24E+4 1.03E+5 -6.90E+4 8.64E+5 5.34E+4 4.66E+4Rb-86 1.35E+5 --1.66E+4 5.90E+4Sr-89 3.04E+5 ---1.40E+6 3.50E+5 8.72E+3St-90 9.92E+7 ---9.60E+6 7.22E+5 6.1OE+6Y-91 4.62E+5 ---1.70E+6 3.85E+5 1.24E+4Zr-95 1.07E+5 3.44E+4 -5.42E+4 1.77E+6 1.50E+5 2.33E+4Nb-95 1.41E+4 7.82E+3 -7.74E+3 5.05E+5 1.04E+5 4.21E+3Ru-103 1.53E+3 --5.83E+3 5.05E+5 1.1OE+5 6.58E+2Ru-106 6.91E+4 --1.34E+5 9.36E+6 9.12E+5 8.72E+3Ag- 110m 1.08E+4 1.OOE+4 -1.97E+4 4.63E+6 3.02E+5 5.94E+3Sb-124 3.12E+4 5.89E+2 7.55E+1 -2.48E+6 4.06E+5 1.24E+4Sb-125 5.34E+4 5.95E+2 5.40E+1 -1.74E+6 1.01E+5 1.26E+4Te-125m 3.42E+3 1.58E+3 1.05E+3 1.24E+4 3.14E+5 7.06E+4 4.67E+2Te-127m 1.26E+4 5.77E+3 3.29E+3 4.58E+4 9.60E+5 1.50E+5 1.57E+3Te- 129m 9.76E+3 4.67E+3 3.44E+3 3.66E+4 1.16E+6 3.83E+5 1.58E+31-131 2.52E+4 3.58E+4 1.19E+7 6.13E+4 -6.28E+3 2.05E+41-132 1.16E+3 3.26E+3 1.14E+5 5.18E+3 -4.06E+2 1.16E+31-133 8.64E+3 1.48E+4 2.15E+6 2.58E+4 -8.88E+3 4.52E+31-134 6.44E+2 1.73E+3 2.98E+4 2.75E+3 -1.O1E+O 6.15E+21-135 2.68E+3 6.98E+3 4.48E+5 1.11E+4 -5.25E+3 2.57E+3Cs-134 3.73E+5 8.48E+5 -2.87E+5 9.76E+4 1.04E+4 7.28E+5Cs-136 3.90E+4 1.46E+5 -8.56E+4 1.20E+4 1.17E+4 1.10E+5Cs-137 4.78E+5 6.21E+5 -2.22E+5 7.52E+4 8.40E+3 4.28E+5Ba-140 3.90E+4 4.90E+1 -1.67E+1 1.27E+6 2.18E+5 2.57E+3Ce- 141 1.99E+4 1.35E+4 -6.26E+3 3.62E+5 1.20E+5 1.53E+3Ce-144 3.43E+6 1.43E+6 -8.48E+5 7.78E+6 8.16E+5 1.84E+5Pr- 143 9.36E+3 3.75E+3 -2.16E+3 2.81E+5 2.OOE+5 4.64E+2Nd-147 5.27E+3 6.1OE+3 -3.56E+3 2.21E+5 1.73E+5 3.65E+2IIPage 110 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table 2-4 (cont'd)Pathway Dose Factors -Atmospheric ReleasesR(io), Inhalation Pathway Dose Factors -TEENAGER(mrerniyr per ptCi/m3)H-3 1.27E+3 1.27E+3 1.27E+3 1.27E+3 1.27E+3 1.27E+3C-14 2.60E+4 4.87E+3 4.87E+3 4.87E+3 4.87E+3 4.87E+3 4.87E+3P-32 1.89E+6 1.1OE+5 -9.28E+4 7.16E+4Cr-51 -7.50E+1 3.07E+1 2.1OE+4 3.OOE+3 1.35E+2Mn-54 -5.11E+4 -1.27E+4 1.98E+6 6.68E+4 8.40E+3Fe-55 3.34E+4 2.38E+4 --1.24E+5 6.39E+3 5.54E+3Fe-59 1.59E+4 3.70E+4 --1.53E+6 1.78E+5 1.43E+4Co-57 -6.92E+2 --5.86E+5 3.14E+4 9.20E+2Co-58 -2.07E+3 --1.34E+6 9.52E+4 2.78E+3Co-60 -1.51E+4 --8.72E+6 2.59E+5 1.98E+4Ni-63 5.80E+5 4.34E+4 --3.07E+5 1.42E+4 1.98E+4Zn-65 3.86E+4 1.34E+5 -8.64E+4 1.24E+6 4.66E+4 6.24E+4Rb-86 -1.90E+5 --1.77E+4 8.40E+4Sr-89 4.34E+5 ---2.42E+6 3.71E+5 1.25E+4Sr-90 1.08E+8 ---1.65E+7 7.65E+5 6.68E+6Y-91 6.61E+5 ---2.94E+6 4.09E+5 1.77E+4Zr-95 1.46E+5 4.58E+4 -6.74E+4 2.69E+6 1.49E+5 3.15E+4Nb-95 1.86E+4 1.03E+4 -1.OOE+4 7.51E+5 9.68E+4 5.66E+3Ru- 103 2.1OE+3 --7.43E+3 7.83E+5 1.09E+5 8.96E+2Ru- 106 9.84E+4 --1.90E+5 1.61E+7 9.60E+5 1.24E+4Ag-110m 1.38E+4 1.31E+4 -2.50E+4 6.75E+6 2.73E+5 7.99E+3Sb-124 4.30E+4 7.94E+2 9.76E+1 -3.85E+6 3.98E+5 1.68E+4Sb-125 7.38E+4 8.08E+2 7.04E+1 -2.74E+6 9.92E+4 1.72E+4Te-125m 4.88E+3 2.24E+3 1.40E+3 -5.36E+5 7.50E+4 6.67E+2Te-127m 1.80E+4 8.16E+3 4.38E+3 6.54E+4 1.66E+6 1.59E+5 2.18E+3Te-129m 1.39E+4 6.58E+3 4.58E+3 5.19E+4 1.98E+6 4.05E+5 2.25E+31-131 3.54E+4 4.91E+4 1.46E+7 8.40E+4 -6.49E+3 2.64E+41-132 1.59E+3 4.38E+3 1.51E+5 6.92E+3 -1.27E+3 1.58E+31-133 1.22E+4 2.05E+4 2.92E+6 3.59E+4 -1.03E+4 6.22E+31-134 8.88E+2 2.32E+3 3.95E+4 3.66E+3 -2.04E+1 8.40E+21-135 3.70E+3 9.44E+3 6.21E+5 1.49E+4 -6.95E+3 3.49E+3Cs-134 5.02E+5 1.13E+6 -3.75E+5 1.46E+5 9.76E+3 5.49E+5Cs-136 5.15E+4 1.94E+5 -1.1OE+5 1.78E+4 1.09E+4 1.37E+5Cs-137 6.70E+5 8.48E+5 -3.04E+5 1.21E+5 8.48E+3 3.11E+5Ba-140 5.47E+4 6.70E+1 -2.28E+1 2.03E+6 2.29E+5 3.52E+3Ce-141 2.84E+4 1.90E+4 -8.88E+3 6.14E+5 1.26E+5 2.17E+3Ce-144 4.89E+6 2.02E+6 -1.21E+6 1.34E+7 8.64E+5 2.62E+5Pr-143 1.34E+4 5.31E+3 -3.09E+3 4.83E+5 2.14E+5 6.62E+2Nd-147 7.86E+3 8.56E+3 -5.02E+3 3.72E+5 1.82E+5 5.13E+2Page 111 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table 2-4 (cont'd)Pathway Dose Factors -Atmospheric ReleasesR(io), Inhalation Pathway Dose Factors -CHILD(mrern/yr per ýtCi/m3)IIH-3 -1.12E+3 1.12E+3 1.12E+3 1.12E+3 1.12E+3 1.12E+3C-14 3.59E+4 6.73E+3 6.73E+3 6.73E+3 6.73E+3 6.73E+3 6.73E+3P-32 2.60E+6 1.14E+5 --4.22E+4 9.88E+4Cr-51 -8.55E+l 2.43E+1 1.70E+4 1.08E+3 1.54E+2Mn-54 4.29E+4 1.OOE+4 1.58E+6 2.29E+4 9.51E+3Fe-55 4.74E+4 2.52E+4 -1.11E+5 2.87E+3 7.77E+3Fe-59 2.07E+4 3.34E+4 --1.27E+6 7.07E+4 1.67E+4Co-57 9.03E+2 --5.07E+5 1.32E+4 1.07E+3Co-58 1.77E+3 --1.11E+6 3.44E+4 3.16E+3Co-60 -1.31E+4 --7.07E+6 9.62E+4 2.26E+4Ni-63 8.21E+5 4.63E+4 --2.75E+5 6.33E+3 2.80E+4Zni-65 4.26E+4 1.13E+5 -7.14E+4 9.95E+5 1.63E+4 7.03E+4Rb-86 1.98E+5 -7.99E+3 1.14E+5Sr-89 5.99E+5 --2.16E+6 1.67E+5 1.72E+4Sr-90 1.01E+8 ---1.48E+7 3.43E+5 6.44E+6Y-91 9.14E+5 ---2.63E+6 1.84E+5 2.44E+4Zr-95 1.90E+5 4.18E+4 -5.96E+4 2.23E+6 6.11E+4 3.70E+4Nb-95 2.35E+4 9.18E+3 -8.62E+3 6.14E+5 3.70E+4 6.55E+3Ru- 103 2.79E+3 --7.03E+3 6.62E+5 4.48E+4 1.07E+3Ru-106 1.36E+5 --1.84E+5 1.43E+7 4.29E+5 1.69E+4Ag-110m 1.69E+4 1.14E+4 -2.12E+4 5.48E+6 l.OOE+5 9.14E+3Sb-124 5.74E+4 7.40E+2 1.26E+2 -3.24E+6 1.64E+5 2.OOE+4Sb-125 9.84E+4 7.59E+2 9.1OE+1 -2.32E+6 4.03E+4 2.07E+4Te-125m 6.73E+3 2.33E+3 1.92E+3 -4.77E+5 3.38E+4 9.14E+2Te-127m 2.49E+4 8.55E+3 6.07E+3 6.36E+4 1.48E+6 7.14E+4 3.02E+3Te-129m 1.92E+4 6.85E+3 6.33E+3 5.03E+4 1.76E+6 1.82E+5 3.04E+31-131 4.81E+4 4.81E+4 1.62E+7 7.88E+4 -2.84E+3 2.73E+41-132 2.12E+3 4.07E+3 1.94E+5 6.25E+3 -3.22E+3 1.88E+31-133 1.66E+4 2.03E+4 3.85E+6 3.38E+4 5.48E+3 7.70E+31-134 1.17E+3 2.16E+3 5.07E+4 3.30E+3 9.55E+2 9.95E+21-135 4.92E+3 8.73E+3 7.92E+5 1.34E+4 4.44E+3 4.14E+3Cs- 134 6.51E+5 1.01E+6 -3.30E+5 1.21E+5 3.85E+3 2.25E+5Cs-136 6.51E+4 1.71E+5 -9.55E+4 1.45E+4 4.18E+3 1.16E+5Cs-137 9.07E+5 8.25E+5 -2.82E+5 1.04E+5 3.62E+3 1.28E+5Ba-140 7.40E+4 6.48E+1 -2.11E+I 1.74E+6 1.02E+5 4.33E+3Ce-141 3.92E+4 1.95E+4 -8.55E+3 5.44E+5 5.66E+4 2.90E+3Ce-144 6.77E+6 2.12E+6 -1.17E+6 1.20E+7 3.89E+5 3.61E+5Pr-143 1.85E+4 5.55E+3 -3.OOE+3 4.33E+5 9.73E+4 9.14E+2Nd-147 1.08E+4 8.73E+3 4.81E+3 3.28E+5 8.21E+4 6.81E+2Page 112 of 158Ui Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table 2-4 (cont'd)Pathway Dose Factors -Atmospheric ReleasesR(io), ihhalation Pathway Dose Factors -INFANT(rnrem/yr per RCi/m3)EI, , ___ _ __IlH-36.47E+26.47E+26.47E+26.47E+26.47E+26.47E+2C-14 2.65E+4 5.31E+3 5.31E+3 5.31E+3 5.31E+3 5.31E+3 5.31E+3P-32 2.03E+6 1.12E+5 ---1.61E+4 7.74E+4Cr-51 -5.75E+1 1.32E+1 1.28E+4 3.57E+2 8.95E+1Mn-54 -2.53E+4 -4.98E+3 1.OOE+6 7.06E+3 4.98E+3Fe-55 1.97E+4 1.17E+4 -8.69E+4 1.09E+3 3.33E+3Fe-59 1.36E+4 2.35E+4 --1.02E+6 2.48E+4 9.48E+3Co-57 -6.51E+2 --3.79E+5 4.86E+3 6.41E+2Co-58 -1.22E+3 --7.77E+5 1.11E+4 1.82E+3Co-60 -8.02E+3 --4.51E+6 3.19E+4 1.18E+4Ni-63 3.39E+5 2.04E+4 --2.09E+5 2.42E+3 1.16E+4Zn-65 1.93E+4 6.26E+4 -3.25E+4 6.47E+5 5.14E+4 3.11E+4Rb-86 -1.90E+5 --3.04E+3 8.82E+4Sr-89 3.98E+5 ---2.03E+6 6.40E+4 1.14E+4Sr-90 4.09E+7 ---1.12E+7 1.31E+5 2.59E+6Y-91 5.88E+5 ---2.45E+6 7.03E+4 1.57E+4Zr-95 1.15E+5 2.79E+4 -3.11E+4 1.75E+6 2.17E+4 2.03E+4Nb-95 1.57E+4 6.43E+3 -4.72E+3 4.79E+5 1.27E+4 3.78E+3Ru-103 2.02E+3 --4.24E+3 5.52E+5 1.61E+4 6.79E+2Ru-106 8.68E+4 --1.07E+5 1.16E+7 1.64E+5 1.09E+4Ag-i I10m 9.98E+3 7.22E+3 -1.09E+4 3.67E+6 3.30E+4 5.OOE+3Sb-124 3.79E+4 5.56E+2 1.O1E+2 -2.65E+6 5.91E+4 1.20E+4Sb-125 5.17E+4 4.77E+2 6.23E+1 -1.64E+6 1.47E+4 1.09E+4Te-125m 4.76E+3 1.99E+3 1.62E+3 -4.47E+5 1.29E+4 6.58E+2Te-127m 1.67E+4 6.90E+3 4.87E+3 3.75E+4 1.31E+6 2.73E+4 2.07E+3Te-129m 1.41E+4 6.09E+3 5.47E+3 3.18E+4 1.68E+6 6.90E+4 2.23E+31-131 3.79E+4 4.44E+4 1.48E+7 5.18E+4 -1.06E+3 1.96E+41-132 1.69E+3 3.54E+3 1.69E+5 3.95E+5 -1.90E+3 1.26E+31-133 1.32E+4 1.92E+4 3.56E+6 2.24E+4 -2.61E+3 5.60E+31-134 9.21E+2 1.88E+3 4.45E+4 2.09E+3 -1.29E+3 6.65E+21-135 3.86E+3 7.60E+3 6.96E+5 8.47E+3 -1.83E+3 2.77E+3Cs- 134 3.96E+5 7.03E+5 -1.90E+5 7.97E+4 1.33E+3 7.45E+4Cs-136 4.83E+4 1.35E+5 -5.64E+4 1.18E+4 1.43E+3 5.29E+4Cs-137 5.49E+5 6.12E+5 -1.72E+5 7.13E+4 1.33E+3 4.55E+4Ba- 140 5.60E+4 5.60E+1 -1.34E+1 1.60E+6 3.84E+4 2.90E+3Ce- 141 2.77E+4 1.67E+4 -5.25E+3 5.17E+5 2.16E+4 1.99E+3Ce-144 3.19E+6 1.21E+6 -5.38E+5 9.84E+6 1.48E+5 1.76E+5Pr-143 1.40E+4 5.24E+3 -1.97E+3 4.33E+5 3.72E+4 6.99E+2Nd-147 7.94E+3 8.13E+3 -3.15E+3 3.22E+5 3.12E+4 5.OOE+2Page 113 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table 2-4 (cont'd)Pathway Dose Factors -Atmospheric ReleasesR(io), Grass-Cow-Milk Pathway Dose Factors -ADULT(nrem/yr per ýtCi/m3) for H-3 and C-14(m2
  • mrem/yr per pCi/sec) for othersIIX"--!--A--

9IFI-IroH-3 -7.63E+2 7.63E+2 7.63E+2 7.63E+2 7.63E+2 7.63E+2C-14 3.63E+5 7.26E+4 7.26E+4 7.26E+4 7.26E+4 7.26E+4 7.26E+4P-32 1.71E+10 1.06E+9 1.92E+9 6.60E+8Cr-51 --1.71E+4 6.30E+3 3.80E+4 7.20E+6 2.86E+4Mn-54 -8.40E+6 -2.50E+6 2.57E+7 1.60E+6Fe-55 2.51E+7 1.73E+7 --9.67E+6 9.95E+6 4.04E+6Fe-59 2.98E+7 7.OOE+7 --1.95E+7 2.33E+8 2.68E+7Co-57 -1.28E+6 ---3.25E+7 2.13E+6Co-58 4.72E+6 ---9.57E+7 1.06E+7Co-60 -1.64E+7 ---3.08E+8 3.62E+7Ni-63 6.73E+9 4.66E+8 ---9.73E+7 2.26E+8Zn-65 1.37E+9 4.36E+9 -2.92E+9 -2.75E+9 1.97E+9Rb-86 -2.59E+9 5- -.11E+8 1.21E+9Sr-89 1.45E+9 -2.33E+8 4.16E+7Sr-90 4.68E+10 1.35E+9 1.15E+10Y-91 8.60E+3 -4.73E+6 2.30E+2Zr-95 9.46E+2 3.03E+2 -4.76E+2 -9.62E+5 2.05E+2Nb-95 8.25E+4 4.59E+4 -4.54E+4 -2.79E+8 2.47E+4Ru-103 1.02E+3 -3.89E+3 -1.19E+5 4.39E+2Ru- 106 2.04E+4 -3.94E+4 -1.32E+6 2.58E+3Ag-110 ln 5.83E+7 5.39E+7 -1.06E+8 -2.20E+10 3.20E+7Sb- 124 2.57E+7 4.86E+5 6.24E+4 2.OOE+7 7.31E+8 1.02E+7Sb-125 2.04E+7 2.28E+5 2.08E+4 1.58E+7 2.25E+8 4.86E+6Te-125m 1.63E+7 5.90E+6 4.90E+6 6.63E+7 -6.50E+7 2.18E+6Te-127rn 4.58E+7 1.64E+7 1.17E+7 1.86E+8 -1.54E+8 5.58E+6Te-129rn 6.04E+7 2.25E+7 2.08E+7 2.52E+8 -3.04E+8 9.57E+61-131 2.96E+8 4.24E+8 1.39E+ 11 7.27E+8 -1.12E+8 2.43E+81-132 1.64E-1 4.37E-1 1.53E+1 6.97E-1 -8.22E-2 1.53E-11-133 3.97E+6 6.90E+6 1.01E+9 1.20E+7 -6.20E+6 2.1OE+61-134 --1-135 1.39E+4 3.63E+4 2.40E+6 5.83E+4 -4.1OE+4 1.34E+4Cs-134 5.65E+9 1.34E+10

-4.35E+9 1.44E+9 2.35E+8 1.1OE+10Cs-136 2.61E+8 1.03E+9 -5.74E+8 7.87E+7 1.17E+8 7.42E+8Cs-137 7.38E+9 1.OIE+10

-3.43E+9 1.14E+9 1.95E+8 6.61E+9Ba-140 2.69E+7 3.38E+4 -1.15E+4 1.93E+4 5.54E+7 1.76E+6Ce-141 4.84E+3 3.27E+3 -1.52E+3 -1.25E+7 3.71E+2Ce-144 3.58E+5 1.50E+5 -8.87E+4 -1.21E+8 1.92E+4Pr-143 1.59E+2 6.37E+1 -3.68E+1 -6.96E+5 7.88E+ONd-147 9.42E+1 1.09E+2 -6.37E+1 -5.23E+5 6.52E+OIIIIII1IIiIIIIIIPage 114 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table 2-4 (cont'd)Pathway Dose Factors -Atmospheric ReleasesR(io), Grass-Cow-Milk Pathway Dose Factors -TEENAGER(rnrern/yr per [tCi/m3) for H-3 and C-14(m2

  • lnreln/yr per pCi/sec) for othersH-3 -9.94E+2 9.94E+2 9.94E+2 9.94E+2 9.94E+2 9.94E+2C-14 6.70E+5 1.34E+5 1.34E+5 1.34E+5 1.34E+5 1.34E+5 1.34E+5P-32 3.15E+10 1.95E+9 --2.65E+9 1.22E+9Cr-51 -2.78E+4 1.1OE+4 7.13E+4 8.40E+6 5.OOE+4Mn-54 -1.40E+7 4.17E+6 -2.87E+7 2.78E+6Fe-55 4.45E+7 3.16E+7 -2.OOE+7 1.37E+7 7.36E+6Fe-59 5.20E+7 1.21E+8 -3.82E+7 2.87E+8 4.68E+7Co-57 -2.25E+6 --4.19E+7 3.76E+6Co-58 7.95E+6 --1.1OE+8 1.83E+7Co-60 -2.78E+7 --3.62E+8 6.26E+7Ni-63 1.18E+10 8.35E+8 -1.33E+8 4.01E+8Zn-65 2.11E+9 7.31E+9 4.68E+9 -3.10OE+9 3.41E+9Rb-86 -4.73E+9 -7.OOE+8 2.22E+9Sr-89 2.67E+9 -3.18E+8 7.66E+7Sr-90 9.92E+7 9.60E+6 7.22E+5 6.1OE+6Y-91 1.58E+4 -6.48E+6 4.24E+2Zr-95 1.65E+3 5.22E+2 7.67E+2 -1.20E+6 3.59E+2Nb-95 1.41E+5 7.80E+4 -7.57E+4 -3.34E+8 4.30E+4Ru-103 1.81E+3 -6.40E+3 -1.52E+5 7.75E+2Ru-106 3.75E+4 -7.23E+4 -1.80E+6 4.73E+3Ag-l!Orn 9.63E+7 9.11E+7 -1.74E+8 -2.56E+10 5.54E+7Sb- 124 4.59E+7 8.46E+5 1.04E+5 4.01E+7 9.25E+8 1.79E+7Sb-125 3.65E+7 3.99E+5 3.49E+4 3.21E+7 2.84E+8 8.54E+6Te-125m 3.OOE+7 1.08E+7 8.39E+6 -8.86E+7 4.02E+6Te-127m 8.44E+7 2.99E+7 2.01E+7 3.42E+8 -2.1OE+8 L.OOE+7Te-129m 1.1 1E+8 4.1OE+7 3.57E+7 4.62E+8 -4.15E+8 1.75E+71-131 5.38E+8 7.53E+8 2.20E+ I1 1.30E+9 -1.49E+8 4.04E+81-132 2.90E-1 7.59E-1 2.56E+1 1.20E+O -3.31E-1 2.72E-11-133 7.24E+6 1.23E+7 1.72E+9 2.15E+7 -9.30E+6 3.75E+61-134 .....1-135 2.47E+4 6.35E+4 4.08E+6 L.OOE+5 7.03E+4 2.35E+4Cs-134 9.81E+9 2.31E+10

-7.34E+9 2.80E+9 2.87E+8 1.07E+10Cs-136 4.45E+8 1.75E+9 -9.53E+8 1.50E+8 1.41E+8 1.18E+9Cs-137 1.34E+10 1.78E+10

-6.06E+9 2.35E+9 2.53E+8 6.20E+9Ba-140 4.85E+7 5.95E+4 -2.02E+4 4.OOE+4 7.49E+7 3.13E+6Ce-141 8.87E+3 1.35E+4 -2.79E+3 -1.69E+7 6.81E+2Ce- 144 6.58E+5 2.72E+5 -1.63E+5 -1.66E+8 3.54E+4Pr-143 2.92E+2 1.17E+2 -6.77E+1 -9.61E+5 1.45E+1Nd-147 1.81E+2 1.97E+2 -1.16E+2 -7.11E+5 1.18E+lPage 115 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table 2-4 (cont'd)Pathway Dose Factors -Atmospheric ReleasesR(io), Grass-Cow-Milk Pathway Dose Factors -CHILD(mrern/yr per [tCi/m3) for H-3 and C-14(m2

  • mrneln/yr per pCi/sec) for othersII-I -I -I -I -I -I -I -H-3 1.57E+3 1.57E+3 1.57E+3 1.57E+3 1.57E+3 1.57E+3C-14 1.65E+6 3.29E+5 3.29E+5 3.29E+5 3.29E+5 3.29E+5 3.29E+5P-32 7.77E+10 3.64E+9 -2.15E+9 3.OOE+9Cr-51 5.66E+4 1.55E+4 1.03E+5 5.41E+6 1.02E+5Mn-54 2.09E+7 5.87E+6 -1.76E+7 5.58E+6Fe-55 1.12E+8 5.93E+7 3.35E+7 1.1OE+7 1.84E+7Fe-59 1.20E+8 1.95E+8 --5.65E+7 2.03E+8 9.71E+7Co-57 -3.84E+6 ---3.14E+7 7.77E+6Co-58 1.21E+7 ---7.08E+7 3.72E+7Co-60 4.32E+7 ---2.39E+8 1.27E+8Ni-63 2.96E+ 10 1.59E+9 ---1.07E+8 1.O1E+9Zn-65 4.13E+9 1.lOE+10

-6.94E+9 -1.93E+9 6.85E+9Rb-86 8.77E+9 ---5.64E+8 5.39E+9Sr-89 6.62E+9 ---2.56E+8 1.89E+8Sr-90 1.12E+Il I ---1.51E+9 2.83E+10Y-91 3.91E+4 ---5.21E+6 1.04E+3Zr-95 3.84E+3 8.45E+2 -1.21E+3 -8.81E+5 7.52E+2Nb-95 3.18E+5 1.24E+5 -1.16E+5 -2.29E+8 8.84E+4Ru-103 4.29E+3 -1.08E+4 -1.11E+5 1.65E+3Ru-106 9.24E+4 --1.25E+5 -1.44E+6 1.15E+4Ag-1 IOin 2.09E+8 1.41E+8 -2.63E+8 -1.68E+10 1.13E+8Sb-124 1.09E+8 1.41E+8 2.40E+5 -6.03E+7 6.79E+8 3.81E+7Sb-125 8.70E+7 1.41E+6 8.06E+4 -4.85E+7 2.08E+8 1.82E+7Te-125mn 7.38E+7 2.OOE+7 2.07E+7 --7.12E+7 9.84E+6Te-127m 2.08E+8 5.60E+7 4.97E+7 5.93E+8 -1.68E+8 2.47E+7Te- 129m 2.72E+8 7.61E+7 8.78E+7 8.OOE+8 -3.32E+8 4.23E+71-131 1.30E+9 1.31E+9 4.34E+11 2.15E+9 -1.17E+8 7.46E+81-132 6.86E-1 1.26E+O 5.85E+1 1.93E+O -1.48E+O 5.80E- I1-133 1.76E+7 2.18E+7 4.04E+9 3.63E+7 -8.77E+6 8.23E+61-134 .- 135 5.84E+4 1.05E+5 9.30E+6 1.61E+5 -8.OOE+4 4.97E+4Cs-134 2.26E+10 3.71E+10

-1.15E+10 4.13E+9 2.OOE+8 7.83E+9Cs-136 1.OOE+9 2.76E+9 -1.47E+9 2.19E+8 9.70E+7 1.79E+9Cs-137 3.22E+10 3.09E+10

-1.O1E+10 3.62E+9 1.93E+8 4.55E+9Ba- 140 1.17E+8 1.03E+5 -3.34E+4 6.12E+4 5.94E+7 6.84E+6Ce- 141 2.19E+4 1.09E+4 -4.78E+3 -1.36E+7 1.62E+3Ce-144 1.62E+6 5.09E+5 -2.82E+5 -1.33E+8 8.66E+4Pr-143 7.23E+2 2.17E+2 -1.17E+2 -7.80E+5 3.59E+1Nd-147 4.45E+2 3.60E+2 -1.98E+2 -5.71E+5 2.79E+1UIPage 116 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table 2-4 (cont'd)Pathway Dose Factors -Atmospheric ReleasesR(io), Grass-Cow-Milk Pathway Dose Factors -INFANT(mrert/yr per pCi/m3) for H-3 and C-14(m'2

  • mrem/yr per ýtCi/sec) for othersIr"! -j- -ir ---- : d" IF Y 1 9 ri,H-3 2.38E+3 2.38E+3 2.38E+3 2.38E+3 2.38E+3 2.38E+3C-14 3.23E+6 6.89E+5 6.89E+5 6.89E+5 6.89E+5 6.89E+5 6.89E+5P-32 1.60E+1 I 9.42E+9 --2.17E+9 6.21E+9Cr-5l -1.05E+5 2.30E+4 2.05E+5 4.71E+6 1.61E+5Mn-54 3.89E+7 -8.63E+6 -1.43E+7 8.83E+6Fe-55 1.35E+8 8.72E+7 -4.27E+7 1.11E+7 2.33E+7Fe-59 2.25E+8 3.93E+8 -1.16E+8 1.88E+8 1.55E+8Co-57 8.95E+6 --3.05E+7 1.46E+7Co-58 2.43E+7 --6.05E+7 6.06E+7Co-60 -8.81E+7 --2.1OE+8 2.08E+8Ni-63 3.49E+/-+10 2.16E+9 --1.07E+8 1.21E+9Zn-65 5.55E+9 1.90E+10

-9.23E+9 -1.61E+10 8.78E+9Rb-86 2.22E+10

--5.69E+8 1.1OE+10O Sr-89 1.26E+10

--2.59E+8 3.61E+8Sr-90 1.22E+11

---1.52E+9 3.10E+I10 Y-91 7.33E+4 ---5.26E+6 1.95E+3Zr-95 6.83E+3 1.66E+3 -1.79E+3 -8.28E+5 1.18E+3Nb-95 5.93E+5 2.44E+5 -1.75E+5 -2.06E+8 1.41E+5Ru- 103 8.69E+3 -1.81E+4 -1.06E+5 2.91E+3Ru-106 1.90E+5 -2.25E+5 1.44E+6 2.38E+4Ag- I1Oim 3.86E+8 2.82E+8 -4.03E+8 1.46E+10 1.86E+8Sb- 124 2.09E+8 3.08E+6 5.56E+5 1.31E+8 6.46E+8 6.49E+7Sb-125 1.49E+8 1.45E+6 1.87E+5 9.38E+7 1.99E+8 3.07E+7Te-125m 1.51E+8 5.04E+7 5.07E+7 -7.18E+7 2.04E+7Te-127m 4.21E+8 1.40E+8 1.22E+8 1.04E+9 -1.70E+8 5.1OE+7Te-129m 5.59E+8 1.92E+8 2.15E+8 1.40E+9 -3.34E+8 8.62E+71-131 2.72E+9 3.21E+9 1.05E+12 3.75E+9 -1.15E+8 1.41E+91-132 1.42E+O 2.89E+O 1.35E+2 3.22E+O -2.34E+O 1.03E+O1-133 3.72E+7 5.41E+7 9.84E+9 6.36E+7 -9.16E+6 1.58E+71-134 --1.01E-9 ---1-135 1.21E+5 2.41E+5 2.16E+7 2.69E+5 8.74E+4 8.80E+4Cs-134 3.65E+10 6.80E+10

-1.75E+10 7.18E+9 1.85E+8 6.87E+9Cs-136 1.96E+9 5.77E+9 -2.30E+9 4.70E+8 8.76E+7 2.15E+9Cs-137 5.15E+10 6.02E+10

-1.62E+10 6.55E+9 1.88E+8 4.27E+9Ba-140 2.41E+8 2.41E+5 -5.73E+4 1.48E+5 5.92E+7 1.24E+7Ce-141 4.33E+4 2.64E+4 -8.15E+3 -1.37E+7 3.11E+3Ce- 144 2.33E+6 9.52E+5 -3.85E+5 1.33E+8 1.30E+5Pr-143 1.49E+3 5.59E+2 2.08E+2 -7.89E+5 7.41E+1Nd-147 8.82E+2 9.06E+2 3.49E+2 -5.74E+5 5.55E+1Page 117 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table 2-4 (cont'd)Pathway Dose Factors -Atmospheric ReleasesR(io), Vegetation Pathway Dose Factors -ADULT(rnrem/yr per pCi/m3) for H-3 and C-14(m2

  • mrem/yr per ptCl/sec) for othersII-. ii .- -i il -il- I nl -i I~i, -i -1)IIH-3 2.26E+3 2.26E+3 2.26E+3 2.26E+3 2.26E+3 2.26E+3C-14 8.97E+5 1.79E+5 1.79E+5 1.79E+5 1.79E+5 1.79E+5 1.79E+5P-32 1.40E+9 8.73E+7 --1.58E+8 5.42E+7Cr-51 -2.79E+4 1.03E+4 6.19E+4 1.17E+7 4.66E+4Mn-54 3.11E+8 -9.27E+7 -9.54E+8 5.94E+7Fe-55 2.09E+8 1.45E+8 --8.06E+7 8.29E+7 3.37E+7Fe-59 1.27E+8 2.99E+8 --8.35E+7 9.96E+8 1.14E+8Co-57 1.17E+7 ---2.97E+8 1.95E+7Co-58 3.09E+7 ---6.26E+8 6.92E+7Co-60 1.67E+8 ---3.14E+9 3.69E+8Ni-63 1.04E+10 7.21E+8 ---1.50E+8 3.49E+8Zn-65 3.17E+8 1.01E+9 -6.75E+8 -6.36E+8 4.56E+8Rb-86 2.19E+8 ---4.32E+7 1.02E+8Sr-89 9.96E+9 ---1.60E+9 2.86E+8Sr-90 6.05E+11

---1.75E+10 1.48E+10Y-91 5.13E+6 ---2.82E+9 1.37E+5Zr-95 1.19E+6 3.81E+5 -5.97E+5 -1.21E+9 2.58E+5Nb-95 1.42E+5 7.91E+4 -7.81E+4 -4.80E+8 4.25E+4Ru-103 4.80E+6 --1.83E+7 -5.61E+8 2.07E+6Ru-106 1.93E+8 --3.72E+8 -1.25E+10 2.44E+7Ag-I1 Oin 1.06E+7 9.76E+6 -1.92E+7 -3.98E+9 5.80E+6Sb-124 1.04E+8 1.96E+6 2.52E+5 -8.08E+7 2.95E+9 4.11E+7Sb- 125 1.36E+8 1.52E+6 1.39E+5 -1.05E+8 1.50E+9 3.25E+7Te-125m 9.66E+7 3.50E+7 2.90E+7 3.93E+8 -3.86E+8 1.29E+7Te-127m 3.49E+8 1.25E+8 8.92E+7 1.42E+9 -1.17E+9 4.26E+7Te-129m 2.55E+8 9.50E+7 8.75E+7 1.06E+9 -1.28E+9 4.03E+71-131 8.09E+7 1.16E+8 3.79E+10 1.98E+8 -3.05E+7 6.63E--71-132 5.74E+1 1.54E+2 5.38E+3 2.45E+2 -2.89E+1 5.38E+l1-133 2.12E+6 3.69E+6 5.42E+8 6.44E+6 -3.31E+6 1.12E+61-134 1.06E-4 2.88E-4 5.OOE-3 4.59E-4 -2.51E-7 1.03E-41-135 4.08E+4 1.07E+5 7.04E+6 1.71E+5 -1.21E+5 3.94E+4Cs- 134 4.66E+9 1.11E++/-1

-3.59E+9 1.19E+9 1.94E+8 9.07E+9Cs-136 4.20E+7 1.66E+8 -9.24E+7 1.27E+7 1.89E+7 1.19E+8Cs-137 6.36E+9 8.70E+9 -2.95E+9 9.81E+8 1.68E+8 5.70E+9Ba-140 1.29E+8 1.62E+5 -5.49E+4 9.25E+4 2.65E+8 8.43E+6Ce-141 1.96E+5 1.33E+5 -6.17E+4 -5.08E+8 1.51E+4Ce-144 3.29E+7 1.38E+7 -8.16E+6 -1.11E+10 1.77E+6Pr- 143 6.34E+4 2.54E+4 -1.47E+4 -2.78E+8 3.14E+3Nd-147 3.34E+4 3.86E+4 -2.25E+4 -1.85E+8 2.31E+3IIIIIIIIIIIUIIPage 118 of 158UI Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table 2-4 (cont'd)Pathway Dose Factors -Atmospheric ReleasesR(io), Vegetation Pathway Dose Factors -TEENAGER(rnrernlyr per [tCi/m3) for H-3 and C-14(m2

  • mrem/yr per pCi/sec) for othersNuli '-'SoeLvr Tyo in J1Ln- G-L .oH-32.59E+32.59E+32.59E+32.59E+32.59E+32.59E+3C-14 1.45E+6 2.91E+5 2.91E+5 2.91E+5 2.91E+5 2.91E+5 2.91E+5P-32 1.61E+9 9.96E+7 ---1.35E+8 6.23E+7Cr-51 -3.44E+4 1.36E+4 8.85E+4 1.04E+7 6.20E+4Mn-54 -4.52E+8 -1.35E+8 9.27E+8 8.97E+7Fe-55 3.25E+8 2.31E+8 -1.46E+8 9.98E+7 5.38E+7Fe-59 1.81E+8 4.22E+8 -1.33E+8 9.98E+8 1.63E+8Co-57 -1.79E+7 --3.34E+8 3.OOE+7Co-58 4.38E+7 -6.04E+8 1.O1E+8Co-60 -2.49E+8 -3.24E+9 5.60E+8Ni-63 1.61E+10 1.13E+9 --1.81E+8 5.45E+8Zn-65 4.24E+8 1.47E+9 -9.41E+8 -6.23E+8 6.86E+8Rb-86 -2.73E+8 --4.05E+7 1.28E+8Sr-89 1.51E+10

-1.80E+9 4.33E+8Sr-90 7.51E+11

-2.11E+10 1.85E+11Y-91 7.87E+6 -3.23E+9 2.11E+5Zr-95 1.74E+6 5.49E+5 -8.07E+5 -1.27E+9 3.78E+5Nb-95 1.92E+5 1.06E+5 -1.03E+5 -4.55E+8 5.86E+4Ru-103 6.87E+6 -2.42E+7 -5.74E+8 2.94E+6Ru- 106 3.09E+8 -5.97E+8 -1.48E+10 3.90E+7Ag-11Orn 1.52E+7 1.44E+7 -2.74E+7 -4.04E+9 8.74E+6Sb- 124 1.55E+8 2.85E+6 3.51E+5 1.35E+8 3.11E+9 6.03E+7Sb-125 2.14E+8 2.34E+6 2.04E+5 1.88E+8 1.66E+9 5.OOE+7Te-125m 1.48E+8 5.34E+7 4.14E+7 -4.37E+8 1.98E+7Te-127m 5.51E+8 1.96E+8 1.31E+8 2.24E+9 -1.37E+9 6.56E+7Te- 129m 3.67E+8 1.36E+8 1.18E+8 1.54E+9 -1.38E+9 5.81E+71-131 7.70E+7 1.08E+8 3.14E+ 10 1.85E+8 -2.13E+7 5.79E+71-132 5.18E+1 1.36E+2 4.57E+3 2.14E+2 -5.91E+1 4.87E+11-133 1.97E+6 3.34E+6 4.66E+8 5.86E+6 -2.53E+6 1.02E+61-134 9.59E-5 2.54E-4 4.24E-3 4.01E-4 -3.35E-6 9.13E-51-135 3.68E+4 9.48E+4 6.1OE+6 1.50E+5 -1.05E+5 3.52E+4Cs-134 7.09E+9 1.67E+10

-5.30E+9 2.02E+9 2.08E+8 7.74E+9Cs-136 4.29E+7 1.69E+8 -9.19E+7 1.45E+7 1.36E+7 1.13E+8Cs-137 1.01E+10 1.35E+10

-4.59E+9 1.78E+9 1.92E+8 4.69E+9Ba-140 1.38E+8 1.69E+5 -5.75E+4 1.14E+5 2.13E+8 8.91E+6Ce-141 2.82E+5 1.88E+5 -8.86E+4 -5.38E+8 2.16E+4Ce-144 5.27E+7 2.18E+7 -1.30E+7 -1.33E+10 2.83E+6Pr-143 7.12E+4 2.84E+4 -1.65E+4 -2.34E+8 3.55E+3Nd-147 3.63E+4 3.94E+4 -2.32E+4 -1.42E+8 2.36E+3Page 119 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table 2-4 (cont'd)Pathway Dose Factors -Atmospheric ReleasesR(io), Vegetation Pathway Dose Factors -CHILD(mrern/yr per [tCi/m3) for H-3 and C-14(m'

  • mrem/yr per ptCi/sec) for othersH-3 4.01E+3 4.01E+3 4.01E+3 4.01E+3 4.01E+3 4.01E+3C-14 3.50E+6 7.O1E+5 7.01E+5 7.01E+5 7.01E+5 7.O1E+5 7.O1E+5P-32 3.37E+9 1.58E+8 ---9.30E+7 1.30E+8Cr-51 -6.54E+4 1.79E+4 1.19E+5 6.25E+6 1.18E+5Mn-54 6.61E+8 -1.85E+8 5.55E+8 1.76E+8Fe-55 8.OOE+8 4.24E+8 --2.40E+8 7.86E+7 1.3 1E+8Fe-59 4.01E+8 6.49E+8 --1.88E+8 6.76E+8 3.23E+8Co-57 -2.99E+7 --2.45E+8 6.04E+7Co-58 6.47E+7 -3.77E+8 1.98E+8Co-60 3.78E+8 --2.1OE+9 1.12E+9Ni-63 3.95E+10 2.11E+9 --1.42E+8 1.34E+9Zn-65 8.12E+8 2.16E+9 -1.36E+9 -3.80E+8 1.35E+9Rb-86 4.52E+8 --2.91E+7 2.78E+8Sr-89 3.59E+10

1.39E+9 1.03E+9Sr-90 1.24E+12

1.67E+10 3.15E+11Y-91 1.87E+7 ----2.49E+9 5.01E+5Zr-95 3.90E+6 8.58E+5 -1.23E+6 -8.95E+8 7.64E+5Nb-95 4.1OE+5 1.59E+5 -1.50E+5 -2.95E+8 1.14E+5Ru-103 1.55E+7 --3.89E+7 -3.99E+8 5.94E+6Ru- 106 7.45E+8 --1.OIE+9 -1.16E+ 10 9.30E+7Ag-11Om 3.22E+7 2.17E+7 -4.05E+7 -2.58E+9 1.74E+7Sb-124 3.52E+8 4.57E+6 7.78E+5 -1.96E+8 2.20E+9 1.23E+8Sb-125 4.99E+8 3.85E+6 4.62E+5 -2.78E+8 1.19E+9 1.05E+8Te-125m 3.51E+8 9.50E+7 9.84E+7 --3.38E+8 4.67E+7Te- 127m 1.32E+9 3.56E+8 3.16E+8 3.77E+9 -1.07E+9 1.57E+8Te-129m 8.54E+8 2.39E+8 2.75E+8 2.51E+9 -1.04E+9 1.33E+81-131 1.43E+8 1.44E+8 4.76E+10 2.36E+8 -1.28E+7 8.18E+71-132 9.20E+1 1.69E+2 7.84E+3 2.59E+2 -1.99E+2 7.77E+11-133 3.59E+6 4.44E+6 8.25E+8 7.40E+6 -1.79E+6 1.68E+61-134 1.70E-4 3.16E-4 7.28E-3 4.84E-4 -2.1OE-4 1.46E-41-135 6.54E+4 1.18E+5 1.04E+7 1.81E+5 -8.98E+4 5.57E+4Cs-134 1.60E+10 2.63E+10

-8.14E+9 2.92E+9 1.42E+8 5.54E+9Cs-136 8.06E+7 2.22E+8 -1.18E+8 1.76E+7 7.79E+6 1.43E+8Cs-137 2.39E+10 2.29E+10

-7.46E+9 2.68E+9 1.43E+8 3.38E+9Ba- 140 2.77E+8 2.43E+5 -7.90E+4 1.45E+5 1.40E+8 1.62E+7Ce-141 6.35E+5 3.26E+5 -1.43E+5 -4.07E+8 4.84E+4Ce-144 1.27E+8 3.98E+7 -2.21E+7 1.04E+10 6.78E+6Pr-143 1.48E+5 4.46E+4 -2.41E+4 1.60E+8 7.37E+3Nd-147 7.16E+4 5.80E+4 3.18E+4 9.18E+7 4.49E+3IIIIII1I!IIIIIIIIPage 120 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table 2-4 (cont'd)Pathway Dose Factors -Atmospheric ReleasesR(io), Ground Plane Pathway Dose Factors(m2

  • mremn/yr per pCi/sec)Nuclide Any OrganH-3C-14P-32Cr-51 4.68E+6Mn-54 1.34E+9Fe-55Fe-59 2.75E+8Co-58 3.82E+8Co-60 2.16E+10Ni-63Zn-65 7.45E+8Rb-86 8.98E+6Sr-89 2.16E+4Sr-90Y-91 1.08E+6Zr-95 2.48E+8Nb-95 1.36E+8Ru- 103 1.09E+8Ru- 106 4.21E+8Ag-IOrn 3.47E+9Te-125m 1.55E+6Te-127m 9.17E+4Te-129m 2.OOE+71-131 1.72E+71-132 1.24E+61-133 2.47E+61-134 4.49E+51-135 2.56E+6Cs-134 6.75E+9Cs-136 1.49E+8Cs-137 1.04E+10Ba-140 2.05E+7Ce-141 1.36E+7Ce-144 6.95E+7Pr- 143Nd-147 8.40E+6Page 121 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27APPENDIX AEvaluation of Default Parameters for Liquid Effluents Page 122 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27APPENDIX A: Evaluation of Default Parameters for Liquid Effluents A. Effective Maximum Permissible Concentration (MPCe)In accordance with the requirements of ODCM CONTROL the radioactive liquid effluentmonitors shall be operable with alarm setpoints established to ensure that the concentration ofradioactive material at the discharge point does not exceed the MPC value of 10 CFR 20,Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 (Appendix F). The determination of allowable radionuclide concentration and corresponding alarm setpoint is a function of the individual radionuclide distribution and corresponding MPC values.In order to limit the need for routinely having to reestablish the alarm setpoints as a function ofchanging radionuclide distributions, a default alarm setpoint can be established.

This defaultsetpoint can be based on an evaluation of the radionuclide distribution of the liquid effluents from Salem and the effective MPC value for this distribution.

The effective MPC value for a radionuclide distribution is calculated by the equation:

YCi (gamma)MPCe = iZ Ci (gamma)MPGiwhere:MPCe = an effective MPC value for a mixture of gamma emitting radionuclides


Ci = concentration of radionuclide i in the mixtureMPCG = the 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 MPC value for radionuclide i(Appendix F) (pCi/ml)The equation for determining the liquid effluent setpoints (Section 1.2.1, equation 1.2) is basedon a multiplication of the effective MPC times the monitor sensitivity.

Considering the averageeffective MPC value for the years 1993, 1994, and 1998, it is reasonable to select an MPCe valueof 6.05E-06 jiCi/ml for Unit 1 and 4.81 E-06 ptCi/ml for Unit 2 as typical of liquid radwastedischarges.

Page 123 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27B. Correction FactorThe type of radiation detector used to monitor radioactive releases is not capable of detecting non-gamma emitting radionuclides such as H-3, Fe-55, and Sr-89, 90, as required by ODCMCONTROL

A conservative default safety factor can be determined to account for non-gamma emitting radionuclides.

Non-gamma emitting radionuclides are analyzed at Salem stationon a monthly basis from a composite sample of liquid releases.

Nuclide MPC (jCi/ml)




/ MPCH-3 3E-3 5.2E-1 173.3Fe-55 8E-4 2.5E-3 3.1Sr-89 3E-6 2.OE-5 6.7Sr-90 3E-7 7.2E-7 2.4Total 185.5The values in the table above represent the maximum reactor coolant values for non-gamma emitting nuclides in 1994 for Unit 1 and 2. Reactor coolant values were chosen to represent themaximum concentration of non-gamma emitting nuclides that could be released from SalemStation.

The activity values in the table will be diluted by a minimum factor of 800 prior torelease.

The minimum dilution factor is obtained by using the minimum circulating waterflowrate of 100,000 gpm and the maximum release rate of 120 gpm.A conservative non-gamma factor for non-gamna emitting nuclides can be obtained using thehighest Activity/MPC fraction and the minimum dilution factor as follows:IIIIIIIIII!IINon-Gamma Factor =Correction Factor =185.5 / 8001 -0.25= 0.23 (Rounded up to 0.25)= 0.75C. Default setpoint determination:

Using the information and parameters described above a default setpoint can be calculated forUnit 1 and 2 liquid radwaste disposal process radiation monitors (Rl18).Using these values to calculate the default R 18 alarm setpoint value, results in a setpoint that:1) Will not require frequent re-adjustment due to minor variations in the nuclide distribution which are typical of routine plant operations, and2) Will provide for a liquid radwaste discharge rate (as evaluated for each batch release) that iscompatible with plant operations (refer to Tables I -1.1 and 1-1.2).Page 124 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table A- 1: Calculation of Effective MPC -Unit 1Activity Released (Ci)Nuclide MPC* 1993 1994 1998(LtCi/ml)

CURIES CURIES CURIESBE-7 2.OOE-03 8.88E-04 ND NDNA-24 3.OOE-05 6.68E-04 1.62E-04 1.OOE-04CR-51 2.OOE-03 5.38E-03 2.02E-03 NDMN-54 1.OOE-04 3.52E-02 1.37E-02 7.16E-04MN-56 1.OOE-04 ND ND 0.OOE+00FE-59 5.OOE-05 4.76E-04 4.84E-03 NDCO-57 4.OOE-04 1.03E-02 3.1OE-03 1.78E-05CO-58 9.OOE-05 1.71E+00 6.47E-01 3.39E-02CO-60 3.OOE-05 3.04E-01 1.1OE-01 2.42E-02ZR-95 6.OOE-05 3.29E-03 7.13E-04 NDNB-95 1.OOE-04 5.78E-03 1.28E-03 NDNB-97 9.OOE-04 1.27E-03 1.07E-03 4.90E-05TC-99M 3.OOE-03 2.66E-04 ND NDSR-89 3.OOE-06 ND ND 2.18E-04SR-92 6.OOE-05 ND 7.32E-06 NDMO-99 4.OOE-05 1.76E-04 1.76E-04 NDAG- 110m 3.OOE-05 1.19E-02 1.1OE-02 6.58E-05SN-113 8.OOE-05 7.88E-05 4.91E-05 NDSB-122 3.OOE-05 1.21E-03 5.35E-04 1.12E-03SB-124 2.OOE-05 2.08E-02 1.75E-02 1.73E-02SB-125 1.OOE-04 9.04E-02 8.23E-02 3.56E-02SB-126 3.OOE-06 ND 6.18E-05 2.23E-041-131 3.OOE-07 1.27E-01 1.82E-02 2.32E-031-133 l.OOE-06 2.16E-03 1.88E-04 8.32E-061-134 2.OOE-05 ND 3.63E-04 NDCE-141 9.OOE-05 ND 4.24E-05 NDCE- 143 4.OOE-05 5.42E-05 ND NDCS-134 9.OOE-06 3.54E-01 6.46E-01 2.49E-02CS-136 6.OOE-05 3.61E-03 1.59E-03 NDCS-137 2.OOE-05 4.53E-01 8.54E-01 7.51E-02CS-138 3.OOE-06 4.15E-06 1.35E-04 NDBA-140 2.OOE-05 ND 8.62E-05 NDLA-140 2.OOE-05 2.12E-04 1.86E-04 NDRU-105 1.OOE-04 2.21E-04 1.35E-04 NDRU-106 1.OOE-05 ND 1.03E-03 NDZN-65 1.OOE-04 6.72E-04 ND NDTotal Ci Ganmma 3.14E+00 2.42E+00 2.16E-01MPCe (paCi/ml) 6.05E-06 1.28E-05 1.28E-05MPC value for unrestricted area from 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2.** ND -not detectedPage 125 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table A-2: Calculation of Effective MPC -Unit 2Activity Released (Ci)Nuclide MPC* 1993 1994 1998(pCi/ml)

CURIES CURIES CURIESBE-7 2.OOE-03 1.59E-03 2.88E-04 NDNA-24 3.OOE-05 1.05E-03 5.77E-05 7.39E-05CR-51 2.00E-03 4.39E-03 1.55E-03 1.14E-04 IMIN-54 1.OOE-04 3.73E-02 1.37E-02 7.54E-04MN-56 1.OOE-04 ND ND 4.66E-05FE-59 5.00E-05 4.83E-04 3.25E-03 ND ICO-57 4.OOE-04 1.17E-02 3.24E-03 NDCO-58 9.00E-05 1.75E+00 6.60E-01 4.52E-02CO-60 3.OOE-05 3.47E-01 1.03E-01 2.12E-02 IZR-95 6.00E-05 2.34E-03 3.22E-04 NDNB-95 1.OOE-04 3.97E-03 1.11E-03 NDNB-97 9.00E-04 1.46E-03 1.1OE-03 4.22E-05TC-99M 3.OOE-03 3.77E-04 ND 2.35E-06SR-89 3.OOE-06 ND ND 2.71E-04SR-92 6.OOE-05 ND 1.43E-05 NDMO-99 4.OOE-05 ND ND NDAG- 10m 3.OOE-05 1.03E-02 1.34E-02 NDSN- 13 8.00E-05 7.45E-05 ND NDSB-122 3.OOE-05 1.20E-03 ND 6.37E-04SB-124 2.OOE-05 3.77E-02 9.82E-03 1.44E-02SB-125 L.OOE-04 1.35E-01 6.03E-02 1.88E-02SB-126 3.OOE-06 3.51E-04 ND 1.97E-041-131 3.OOE-07 1.87E-01 7.98E-03 3.14E-03I-132 8.OOE-06 8.72E-05 ND 1.68E-041-134 2.OOE-05 2.39E-04 1.85E-04 NDCE-141 9.OOE-05 ND 2.87E-05 NDCE-143 4.OOE-05 ND ND NDCS-134 9.OOE-06 4.57E-01 6.44E-01 2.64E-02 ICS-136 6.OOE-05 4.82E-03 1.51E-03 NDCS-137 2.OOE-05 5.70E-01 8.54E-01 7.97E-02CS-138 3.OOE-06 ND ND 4.90E-05BA-140 2.OOE-05 ND ND NDLA- 140 2.00E-05 2.03E-03 1.11E-04 NDRU-105 I.OOE-04 4.07E-05 ND ND IRU-106 1.OOE-05 ND 4.38E-04 NDZN-65 1.OOE-04 1.59E-04 ND NDW-187 6.OOE-05 ND 7.98E-05 NDTotal Ci Ganuna 3.57E+00 2.38E+00 2.31E-01MPCe (pCi/nil) 4.81E-06 1.55E-05 1.12E-05MPC value for unrestricted area from 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2.** ND = not detectedIPage 126 of 158I Salem ODCM Rev. 27APPENDIX BTechnical Basis for Simplified Dose Calculations Liquid Radioactive EffluentPage 127 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27APPENDIX B: Technical Basis for Simplified Dose Calculations

-Liquid Effluents IThe radioactive liquid effluents for the years 1993, 1994, and 1998 were evaluated to determine thedose contribution of the radionuclide distribution.

These were the most recent years of full poweroperation for both Units. This analysis was performed to evaluate the use of a limited dose analysis fordetermining environmental doses, providing a simplified method of determining compliance with thedose limits of ODCM CONTROL

For the radionuclide distribution of effluents from Salem, the controlling organ is typically the GI-LLI.The calculated GI-LLI dose is predominately a function of the Fe-55, Co-58, Co-60, Fe-59 andAg-i 1Oim releases.

The radionuclides, Cs-134 and Cs-137 contribute the large majority of thecalculated total body dose. The results of the evaluation for 1993, 1994, and 1998 are presented inTable B-1 and Table B-2.For purposes of simplifying the details of the dose calculational

process, it is conservative to identify acontrolling, dose significant radionuclide and limit the calculation process to the use of the doseconversion factor for this nuclide.

Multiplication of the total release (i.e., cumulative activity for allradionuclides) by this dose conversion factor provides for a dose calculation method that is simplified while also being conservative.

For the evaluation of the maximum organ dose, it is conservative to use the Nb-95 dose conversion factor (1.51 E+06 mrem/hr per [tCi/ml, GI-LLI).

By this approach, the maximum organ dose will beoverestimated since this nuclide has the highest organ dose factor of all the radionuclides evaluated.

For the total body calculation, the Fe-59 dose factor (2.32 E+05 mrem/hr per pCi/ml, total body) is thehighest among the identified dominant nuclides.

For evaluating compliance with the dose limits ofODCM CONTROL, the following simplified equations may be used: ITotal BodyDibl .67E -02* VOL

  • Ci (B.1)cwWhere:Dtb = dose to the total body (mrem)A Fe-59,TB

= 7.27E+04, total body ingestion dose conversion factor for Fe-59 (mrem/hr per ýtCi/ml)VOL = volume of liquid effluent released (gal)Ci = total concentration of all radionuclides


CW = average circulating water discharge rate during release period(gal/min) 1.67E-02

= conversion factor (hr/min)Page 128 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Substituting the value for the Fe-59 total body dose conversion factor, the equation simplifies to:1.21E+03*VOL

  • -IC(Dt/_w*,C (B.2)C W iMaximum OrganDmax:= 1.67E-02*VOL
  • ANb_95,GILLI
  • ICi (B.3)CWWhere:Dmnax = maximum organ dose (mrem)ANb-95,GI-LLI

= 1.51 E+06, Gi-LLI ingestion dose conversion factor for Nb-95 (mrem/hr per1tCi/ml)Substituting the value for ANb-95,GI-LLI the equation simplifies to:Dmax 2.52E+04*VOL *-C. (B.4)CW iTritium is not included in the limited analysis dose assessment for liquid releases, because the potential dose resulting from normal reactor releases is relatively negligible.

The average annual tritium releasefrom each Salem Unit is approximately 350 curies. The calculated total body dose from such a releaseis 2.4E-03 mrem/yr via the fish and invertebrate ingestion pathways.

This amounts to 0.08% of thedesign limit dose of 3 mrem/yr.

Furthermore, the release of tritium is a function of operating time andpower level and is essentially unrelated to radwaste system operation.

Page 129 of 158 M M M M M M M M M M M M M n M M M M MSalem ODCM Rev. 27Table B-1: Adult Dose Contributions

-Fish and Invertebrate Pathways

-Unit 1Nuclide Release (Ci) T.Body Dose Fraction GI-LLI Dose Fraction Liver Dose Fraction1994 1993 1998 1994 1993 1998 1994 1993 1998 1994 1993 1998Mn-54 1.32E-2 3.51E-2 7.16E-4 * *

  • 0.03 0.02 *
  • 0.02 *Fe-55 1.49E-1 6.40E-2 8.39E-2 0.07 0.04 0.37 0.12 0.03 0.52 0.19 0.14 0.67Fe-59 4.84E-3 4.77E-4 N/D 0.02 *
  • 0.12 0.01
  • 0.03 0.01 *Co-58 6.47E-1 1.71E+0 3.39E-2 0.05 0.18 0.02 0.31 0.51 0.13 0.01 0.07 *Co-60 1.IOE-1 3.04E-1 2.42E-2 0.02 0.09 0.05 0.14 0.24 0.24
  • 0.03 0.01Zn-65 N/D 6.72E-4 N/D
  • 0.01 *
  • 0.01 *
  • 0.02 *Nb-95 1.28E-3 5.78E-3 N/D * * *
  • 0.01 * * * *Ag-110m 1.1OE-2 1.19E-2 6.58E-5 * *
  • 0.26 0.17 0.01 * * *Sb-124 1.75E-2 2.58E-2 1.73E-2 * * * *
  • 0.04 * * *Sb-125 8.23E-2 9.04E-2 3.56E-2 * * * *
  • 0.02 * * *Cs-134 6.46E-1 3.54E-1 2.49E-2 0.47 0.38 0.18 * *
  • 0.38 0.37 0.09Cs-137 8.54E-1 4.53E-1 7.51E-2 0.37 0.28 0.32 * *
  • 0.37 0.35 0.20Total 2.53E+0 3.21E+0 3.31E-1* Less than 0.01N/D = not detectedPage 130 of 158

-M- m M M M M M M M M M M M M M MMSalem ODCM Rev. 27Table B-2: Adult Dose Contributions

-Fish and Invertebrate Pathways

-Unit 2Nuclide Release (Ci) T.Body Dose Fraction GI-LLI Dose Fraction Liver Dose Fraction1994 1993 1998 1994 1993 1998 1994 1993 1998 1994 1993 1998Mn-54 1.37E-2 3.73E-2 7.54E-4 * *

  • 0.01 0.02 *
  • 0.01 *Fe-55 1.38E-1 6.61E-2 1.64E-2 0.06 0.04 0.10 0.10 0.03 0.18 0.18 0.12 0.27Fe-59 3.25E-3 4.82E-4 N/D 0.01 *
  • 0.08 0.01
  • 0.02 * *Co-58 6.60E-1 1.75E+0 4.52E-2 0.05 0.16 0.04 0.29 0.51 0.29 0.01 0.06 0.01Co-60 1.03E-1 3.47E-1 2.12E-2 0.02 0.09 0.06 0.12 0.27 0.37 0.01 0.03 0.02Zn-65 N/D 1.59E-4 N/D * * * * * * * * *Nb-95 1.11 E-3 3.97E-3 N/D * *
  • 0.06 0.01 * * * *Ag-11Orn 1.34E-2 1.03E-2 N/D * *
  • 0.31 0.14 * * * *Sb-124 9.82E-3 3.77E-2 1.44E-2 * * *
  • 0.01 0.06 * * *Sb-125 6.03E-2 1.35E-1 1.88E-2 * * *
  • 0.01 0.02 * * *Cs-134 6.44E-1 4.58E-1 2.64E-2 0.48 0.41 0.26 0.01 *
  • 0.39 0.40 0.20Cs-137 8.54E-1 5.70E-1 7.97E-2 0.37 0.30 0.46 * *
  • 0.38 0.36 0.45Total 2.48E+0 3.65E+0 2.23E-1* Less than 0.01N/D = not detectedPage 131 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27APPENDIX CTechnical Bases for Effective Dose FactorsGaseous Radioactive EffluentIPage 132 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27APPENDIX C: Technical Bases for Effective Dose Factors -Gaseous Effluents OverviewThe evaluation of doses due to releases of radioactive material to the atmosphere can be simplified bythe use of effective dose transfer factors instead of using dose factors which are radionuclide specific.

These effective

factors, which can be based on typical radionuclide distributions of releases, can beapplied to the total radioactivity released to approximate the dose in the environment (i.e., instead ofhaving to perform individual radionuclide dose analyses only a single multiplication (Keff, Meff or Neff)times the total quantity of radioactive material released would be needed).This approach provides a reasonable estimate of the actual dose while eliminating the need for adetailed calculational technique.

Determination of Effective Dose FactorsEffective dose transfer factors are calculated by the following equations:


(C.1)iWhere:Keff = the effective total body dose factor due to gamma emissions from all noble gasesreleasedKi = the total body dose factor due to gamma emissions from each noble gas radionuclide ireleasedfi = the fractional abundance of noble gas radionuclide i relative to the total noble gasactivityWhere:(L + 1.1 M)eff = the effective skin dose factor due to beta and gamma emissions from allnoble gases released(Li + 1.1 M) = the skin dose factor due to beta and gamma emissions from each noble gasradionuclide i releasedPage 133 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27 UMeimZ(M A) (C.3)IWhere:Meff = the effective air dose factor due to gamma emissions from all noble gases released IMi = the air dose factor due to gamma emissions from each noble gas radionuclide i releasedNrj=-(Ni*f)

(C.4)Where: 1Neff = the effective air dose factor due to beta emissions from all noble gases releasedNi = the air dose factor due to beta emissions from each noble gas radionuclide i releasedNormally, it would be expected that past radioactive effluent data would be used for the determination of the effective dose factors.

However, the noble gas releases from Salem have been maintained tosuch negligible quantities that the inherent variability in the data makes any meaningful evaluations difficult.

ITherefore, in order to provide a reasonable basis for the derivation of the effective noble gas dosefactors, the primary coolant source term from ANSI N237-1976/ANS-18.1, "Source Tenn ISpecifications,"

has been used as representing a typical distribution.

The effective dose factors asderived are presented in Table C-1.Application To provide an additional degree of conservatism, a factor of 0.50 is introduced into the dose Icalculational process when the effective dose transfer factor is used. This conservatism providesadditional assurance that the evaluation of doses by the use of a single effective factor will notsignificantly underestimate any actual doses in the environment.

For evaluating compliance with the dose limits of ODCM CONTROL, the following simplified equations may be used:Dr3.17E-08 Q QI8 *Me ff* (C.5)0.50and I*3.17E-08

  • Neffs* Qi (C.6)0.50Where: IPage 134 of 158I Salem ODCM Rev. 27D7 = air dose due to gamma emissions for the cumulative release of all noble gases(mrad)Dp -= air dose due to beta emissions for the cumulative release of all noble gases (mrad)X/Q atmospheric dispersion to the controlling site boundary (sec/m3)Meff = 5.3E+02, effective gamma-air dose factor (mrad/yr per ýtCi/m3)Neff = 1.1 E+03, effective beta-air dose factor (mrad/yr per jiCi/m3)Qi = cumulative release for all noble gas radionuclides (ptCi)3.17E-08

= conversion factor (yr/sec)0.50 = conservatism factor to account for the variability in the effluent dataCombining the constants, the dose calculational equations simplify to:Dy=3.5E-05*

/Q* iQiandD,6=7.OE-O5*

Q* ZQiQ(C.7)(C.8)The effective dose factors are used on a very limited basis for the purpose of facilitating the timelyassessment of radioactive effluent

releases, particularly during periods of computer malfunction wherea detailed dose assessment may be unavailable.

Page 135 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table C-1: Effective Dose FactorsNoble Gases -Total Body and SkinTotal Body Effective Dose FactorKeff(mremn/yr per ptCi/rn3)Skin Effective Dose Factor(L+ 1.1 M)eff(mremlryr per pCi/rn3)Radionuclide Kr-85Kr-88Xe-133mXe-133Xe-1350. Gases -AirGamma Air Effective Dose FactorMeff(mrad/yr per pCi/rn3)Beta Air Effective Dose FactorNeff(mrad/yr per [tCi/m 3)IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRadionuclide Kr-85Kr-88Xe-1331nXe-133Xe-1350.* Based on Noble gas distribution from ANSI N237-1976/ANSI-18.1, "Source Term Specifications."

Page 136 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27APPENDIX DTechnical Basis for Simplified Dose Calculation Gaseous Radioactive EffluentPage 137 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27 1APPENDIX D: Technical Basis for Simplified Dose Calculation

-Gaseous Effluents The pathway dose factors for the controlling infant age group were evaluated to determine thecontrolling

pathway, organ and radionuclide.

This analysis was performed to provide a simplified Imethod for determining compliance with ODCM CONTROL the infant age group, the controlling pathway is the grass-cow-milk (g/c/m) pathway.

An infant Ireceives a greater radiation dose from the g/c/m pathway than any other pathway.

Of this g/c/mpathway, the maximum exposed organ including the total body, is the thyroid, and the highest dosecontributor is radionuclide 1-131. The results for this evaluation are presented in Table D-1.For purposes of simplifying the details of the dose calculation

process, it is conservative to identify acontrolling, dose significant organ and radionuclide and limit the calculation process to the use of thedose conversion factor for the organ and radionuclide.

Multiplication of the total release (i.e.cumulative activity for all radionuclides) by this dose conversion factor provides for a dose calculation method that is simplified while also being conservative.

For the evaluation of the dose commitment via a controlling pathway and age group, it is conservative to use the infant, g/c/m, thyroid, 1-131 pathway dose factor (1.05E 12 m mrem/yr per [tCi!sec).

By thisapproach, the maximum dose commitment will be overestimated since 1-131 has the highest pathwaydose factor of all radionuclides evaluated.

For evaluating compliance with the dose limits of ODCM CONTROL, the following simplified equation may be used:Dnax = 3.17E -08

  • W
  • R -131* ZQiWhere:Dmnax = maximum organ dose (mrem)W = atmospheric dispersion parameters to the controlling location(s) as identified in ITable 2-3.X/Q = atmospheric dispersion for inhalation pathway and H-3 dose contribution via otherpathways (sec/mi3) 2D/Q = atmospheric deposition for vegetation, milk and ground plane exposure pathways (i-2)Qi = cumulative release over the period of interest for radioiodines and particulates 3.17E-8 = conversion factor (yr/sec)

IRI-131 = 1-131 dose parameter for the thyroid for the identified controlling pathway= 1.05E++/-12 (M2 mrem/yr per jiCi/sec),

infant thyroid dose parameter with thegrass-cow-milk pathway controlling The ground plane exposure and inhalation pathways need not be considered when the above simplified calculation method is used because of the overall negligible contribution of these pathways to the totalthyroid dose.IPage 138 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27It is recognized that for some particulate radionuclides (e.g., Co-60 and Cs-137),

the ground exposurepathway may represent a higher dose contribution than either the vegetation or milk pathway.However, use of the 1-131 thyroid dose parameter for all radionuclides will maximize the organ dosecalculation, especially considering that no other radionuclide has a higher dose parameter for anyorgan via any pathway than 1-131 for the thyroid via the milk pathway (see Table D-1).The dose should be evaluated based on the predetermined controlling pathways as identified in Table2-3. If more limiting pathways in the surrounding environment of Salem are identified by the annualland use census, Table 2-3 will be revised as specified in ODCM CONTROL 3.12.2.Page 139 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table D-1: Infant Dose Contributions Fraction of Total Organ and Body DoseIIPATHWAYSTarget OrgansTotal BodyGrass-Cow-Milk 0.020.23LiverThyroidKidneyLungGI-LLI0.590.020.010.02Ground Plane0. of Dose Contribution by PathwayPathway fGrass-Cow-Milk 0.92Ground Plane 0.08Inhalation N/APage 140 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27APPENDIX ERadiological Environmental Monitoring ProgramSample Type, Location and AnalysisPage 141 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27APPENDIX E: Radiological Environmental Monitoring ProgramSAMPLE DESIGNATION Samples are identified by a three part code. The first two letters are the power station identification code, in this case "SA". The next three letters are for the media sampled.AIO = Air IodineAPT = Air Particulates ECH = Hard Shell Blue CrabESF = Edible FishESS = SedimentSWA

= Surface WaterWWA = Well WaterIDM Immersion Dose (PD)MLK = MilkPWR Potable Water (Raw)PWT = Potable Water (Treated)

The last four symbols are a location code based on direction and distance from the site center point.The midpoint of a line between the centers of Salem units 1 & 2 containment domes was used as thesite center point. Of these, the first two represent each of the sixteen angular sectors of 22.5 degreescentered about the reactor site. Sector one is divided evenly by the north axis and other sectors arenumbered in a clockwise direction; i.e., 2=NNE, 3=NE, 4=ENE, 5=E, 6=ESE, 7=SE, 8=SSE, 9=S,10=SSW, 11=SW, 12=WSW, 13=W, 14=WNW, 15=NW and 16=NNW. The next digit is a letterwhich represents the radial distance from the plant:IiIIIIIIIIIIIIIS = On-site locationA = 0-1 miles off-siteB = 1-2 miles off-siteC 2-3 miles off-siteD = 3-4 miles off-siteE = 4-5 miles off-siteF = 5-10 miles off-siteG = 10-20 miles off-siteH = > 20 miles off-siteThe last number is the station numerical designation within each sector and zone; e.g., 1,2,3. Forexample; the designation SA-WWA-5D1 would indicate a sample in the SGS and HCGS program(SA), consisting of well water (WWA), which had been collected in sector number 5, centered at 90'(due east) with respect to the reactor site at a radial distance of 3 to 4 miles off-site, (therefore, radialdistance D). The number I indicated that this is sampling station #1 in that particular sector.SAMPLING LOCATIONS All sampling locations and specific information about the individual locations are given in Table E- 1.Maps E-1 and E-2 show the locations of sampling stations with respect to the site center point.Page 142 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27TABLE E-1: REMP Sample Locations A. Direct Radiation Monitoring Locations (IDM)STATION CODE STATION LOCATION*

iSi 0.55 mi. N2S2 0.4 mi. NNE2S4 0.60 mi. NNE; in the equipment laydown area3S1 0.58 mi. NE4S1 0.60 mi ENE; site access road near intersection to TB-025S1 0.86 mi. E; site access road6S2 0.23 mi. ESE; area around helicopter pad7S1 0.12 mi. SE; station personnel gate8 S1 0.12mi. SSE, Fuel Oil Storage9 S1 0.1 2mi. S, Fuel Oil Storage10Si 0.14 mi. SSW; circ water bldg.11S]. 0.09 mi. SW; service water bldg.12S1 0.09 mi. WSW; Outside Security Fence13S1 0.09 mi. W; Outside Security Fence14S1 0.10 mi. NNW; Outside Security Fence15SI 0.57 mi. NW; near river and barge slip15S2 0.59 mi. NW, near river16S1 0.57 mi. NNW; on road near fuel oil storage tank16S2 0.60 mi. NNW; near security firing range16S3 1.0 mi NNW, Consolidated Spoils Facility4D2 3.7 mi. ENE; Alloway Creek Neck Road5D1 3.5 mi. E; local farm103D1 3.9 mi. SSW; Taylor's Bridge Spur14D1 3.4 mi. WNW; Bay View, DE15D 1 3.8 mi. NW; Rt 9, Augustine Beach, DE2E1 4.4 mi. NNE; local farm3E1 4.2 mi. NE; local farmI1 E2 5.0 mi. SW; Rt. 912E 1 4.4 mi. WSW; Thomas Landing13EI 4.2 mi. W; Diehl House Lab16EI 4.1 mi. NNW; Port Penn1Fi 5.8 mi. N; Fort Elfsborg2F2 8.5 mi. NNE; Salem Substation 2F5 7.4 mi. NNE; Salem High School2F6 7.3 mi. NNE; PSE&G Training Center Salem NJ3F2 5.1 mi. NE; Hancocks Bridge, NJ Munc Bldg3F3 8.6 mi. NE; Quinton Township Elem. School NJ4F2 6.0 mi. ENE; Mays Lane, Hannersville, NJ5F1 6.5 mi. E; Canton, NJPage 143 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27TABLE E-1 (Cont'd)A. Direct Radiation Monitoring Locations (1DM) (Cont'd)STATION CODE STATION LOCATION*

6F11 6.4 mi. ESE; Stow Neck Road7F2 9.1 mi. SE; Bayside, NJ8F11 9.7 mi. Woodland Beach9F11 5.3 mi. S; off Route #9, DE1 0F2 5.8 mi. SSW; Rt. 91IFI 6.2 mi. SW; Taylors Bridge, DE12F1 9.4 mi. WSW; Townsend Elementary School, DE133F2 6.5 mi. W; Odessa, DE133F3 9.3 mi. W; Redding Middle School133F4 9.8 mi. W; Middletown, DE144F2 6.7 mi. WNW; Rt 13 and Boyds Comer Rd15F3 5.4 mi. NW16F2 8.1 mi. NNW; Delaware City Public School1G3 19 mi. N; N. Church St. Wilmington, DE3G1 17 mi. NE; local farmIOG1 12 mi. SSW; Smyma, DE14G1 11.8 mi. WNW; Rte 286, Bethel Church Rd., DE16G 1 15 mi. NNW; Wilmington Airport3H1 32 mi. NE; National Park, NJB. Air Sampling Locations (AIO, APT)STATION CODE STATION LOCATION*

5S1 0.86 mi. E; site access road5S2 0.86 mi. E; site access road15S2 0.59 mi. NW, Hope Creek Barge slip7S1 0.12 mi. SE; old Salem parking lot5D1 3.5 mi. E; local farm16E1 4.1 mi. NNW; Port Penn1F1 5.8 mi. N; Fort Elfsborg2F6 7.3 mi. NNE; PSE&G Training Center Salem, NJ14G1 11.8 mi. WNW; Rte 286, Bethel Church Rd., DEPage 144 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table E-1 (Cont'd)C. Surface Water Locations (SWA) -Delaware RiverSTATION CODE STATION LOCATION*

11Al 0.2 mi. SW; Salem Outfall AreaI lAla Alternate 0.15 SE location in plant barge slip area12C 1 2.5 mi. WSW; West bank of Delaware River12C 1 a Alternate 3.7 mi.WSW at the tip of Augustine Beach BoatRamp7El 4.5 mi. SE; River Bank 1.0 mi. W of Mad Horse Creek7E1a Alternate 8.87 mi SE at the end of Bayside Road1F2 7.1 mi. N; midpoint of Delaware R.16F 1 6.9 mi. NNW; C&D Canal16FIa Alternate 6.84 mi. NNW; Located at the C&D Canal TipD. Ground Water Locations (WWA)STATION CODE STATION LOCATION*

3El 4.2 mi NE, local farmNo groundwater samples are required as liquid effluents discharged from Hope Creek andSalem Generating Stations do not directly affect this pathway.

However, this location (3El) isbeing monitored as a management audit sampleE. Drinking Water Locations (PWR, PWT)STATION CODE STATION LOCATION*

2F3 8.0 mi NNE, City of Salem Water and Sewage Department No public drinking water samples or irrigation water samples are required as these pathwaysare not directly affected by liquid effluents discharged from Hope Creek and Salem Generating Stations.

However, this location (2F3) is being monitored as a management audit sample.F. Water Sediment Locations (ESS)STATION CODE STATION LOCATION*

11Al 0.2 mi. SW; Salem outfall area15A1 0.65 mi. NW; Hope Creek outfall area16A1 0.24 mi. NNW; South Storm Drain outfall12C 1 2.5 mi. WSW; West bank of Delaware River7El 4.5 mi. SE; 1 mi West of Mad Horse Creek16F1 6.9 mi. NNW; C&D Canal6S2 0.23 mi. ESE; area around helicopter padPage 145 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table E-1 (Cont'd)G. Milk Sampling Locations (MLK)IiISTATION CODESTATION LOCATION*

2G3 11.8 mi. NNE, local farm13E3 5.0 mi W, local farm14F4 7.6 mi. WNW; local farm3G1 17 mi. NE; local farmH. Fish and Invertebrate Locations (ESF, ECH)STATION LOCATION*I STATION CODEhllA12C17El0.2 mi. SW; Salem outfall area2.5 mi. WSW; West bank of Delaware River4.5 mi. SE; 1 mi West of Mad Horse CreekI. Food Product Locations BROADLEAF COLLECTIONS STATION CODESTATION LOCATION*

1S1 0.55 mi. N16S1 0.57 mi. NNW; on road near fuel oil storage tank16S2 0.60 mi. NNW; near security firing range10D1 3.9 mi. SSW; Taylor's Bridge SpurThe Delaware River at the location of Salem and Hope Creek Nuclear Power Plants is a brackishwater source. No irrigation of food products is performed using water in the vicinity from whichliquid plant wastes have been discharged.

However, 12 management audit food samples arecollected from various locations.
  • All distances and directions for the Station Locations are referenced to the midpoint between thetwo Salem units' containments.

The WGS 84 coordinates for this site center point location are:Latitude N 39' -27' -46.5" and Longitude W 750 -32' -10.6".IIIIIIIIUIIIIPage 146 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27SAMPLES COLLECTION AND ANALYSISCollection Method AnalysisSampleAir Particulate Air IodineCrab and FishContinuous low volumeair sampler.

Samplecollected every weekalong with the filterchange.A TEDA impregnated charcoal cartridge isconnected to airparticulate air samplerand is collected weeklyat filter change.Two batch samples aresealed in a plasticbag or jar and fi-ozensemi-annually or whenin season.A sediment sample istaken semi-annually.

2 PD's will becollected fr-om eachlocation quarterly.

Gross Beta analysison each weeklysample. Gammnaspectrometry shallbe performed ifgross beta exceeds10 times the yearlymean of the controlstation value. Samplesshall be analyzed24 hIrs or more aftercollection to allow forradon and thoriumdaughter decay. Gammaisotopic analysison quarterly composites.

Iodine 131 analysisare performed oneach weekly sample.Gamma isotopicanalysis of edibleportion on collection.

SedimentGamma isotopicanalysissemi-amnually.

Gamma dose quarterly.

DirectPage 147 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27SAMPLE COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS (Cont'd)SampleCollection MethodAnalysisMilkSample of fresh milkis collected for eachfarm semi-monthly whencows are in pasture,monthly at other times.Sample to be collected monthly providing wintericing conditions allow.Gamma isotopicanalysis and 1-131analysis on eachsample on collection.

Gamma isotopicmonthly H-3 onquarterly surfacesample, monthly onground water sample.Water(Potable, Surface)IiiIIII!!IIIIIIIIIIPage 148 of 158 ISalem ODCM Rev. 27FIGURE E-1: ONSITE SAMPLING LOCATIONS II 16S31616AI.I lAI5AI 4SS21F Pge1 4 of15HOPE CREEK'. ' ..I '~~~4S1 GENERATING

_" .. 4 ,


5Sl12 1I DELAWARE RIVER11' 7Page 149 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27I!!FIGURE E-2: OFFSITE SAMPLING LOCATIONS 1-N 6 .NW 6'1 L! N O 2F NNE 40 A 3ICR buc HUREEK 6 _MB .nt ' s7HUNRND180RRFD SWLOH 10 S 9 S 8S!!IiIPage 150 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27APPENDIX FMAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE CONCENTRATIONS LIQUID EFFLUENTS Page 151 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27APPENDIX F: Maximum Permissible Concentration (MPC) Values -Liquid Effluents The following radionuclide concentrations were obtained from 10 CFR 20 Appendix B, Table II,Column 2 as revised January 1, 1991.Table F-i: Maximum Permissible Concentrations Element Isotope Soluble Conc Insoluble Conc.([tCi/ml)


Actinium (89) Ac-227 2E-6 3E-4Ac-228 9E-5 9E-5Americium (95) Am-241 4E-6 3E-5Arn-242m 4E-6 9E-5Am-242 1E-4 1E-4Am-243 4E-6 3E-5Am-244 5E-3 5E-3Antimony (51) Sb- 122 3E-5 3E-5Sb-124 2E-5 2E-5Sb-125 1 E-4 1E-4Sb-126 3E-6 3E-6Arsenic (33) As-73 5E-4 5E-4As-74 5E-5 5E-5As-76 2E-5 2E-5As-77 8E-5 8E-5Astatine (85) At-211 2E-6 7E-5Barium (56) Ba-131 2E-4 2E-4Ba-140 3E-5 2E-5Berkelium (97) Bk-249 6E-4 6E-4Bk-250 2E-4 2E-4Beryllium (4) Be-7 2E-3 2E-3Bismuth (83) Bi-206 4E-5 4E-5Bi-207 6E-5 6E-5Bi-210 4E-5 4E-5Bi-212 4E-4 4E-4Bromine (35) Br-82 3E-4 4E-5Br-83 3E-6 3E-6Cadmium (48) Cd- 109 2E-4 2E-4Cd-115m 3E-5 3E-5Cd- 115 3E-5 4E-5Calcium (20) Ca-45 9E-6 2E-4Ca-47 5E-5 3E-5Californiumn (98) Cf-249 4E-6 2E-5Cf-250 1E-5 3E-5Cf-251 4E-6 3E-5Cf-252 7E-6 7E-6Cf-253 IE-4 1E-4Cf-254 1E-7 1E-7Page 152 of 158!I!IIIiI!IiIi!!

Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table F-I (Continued)

Element Isotope Soluble Conc. Insoluble Cone.(jýtCi/mnl)


Carbon (6) C-14 8E-4Cerium (58) Ce- 141 9E-5 9E-5Ce-143 4E-5 4E-5Ce- 144 1E-5 1E-5Cesium (55) Cs-131 2E-3 9E-4Cs-134m 6E-3 1E-3Cs-134 9E-6 4E-5Cs-135 IE-4 2E-4Cs-136 9E-5 6E-5Cs-137 2E-5 4E-5Chlorine (17) CI-36 8E-5 6E-5C1-38 4E-4 4E-4Chromium (24) Cr-51 2E-3 2E-3Cobalt (27) Co-57 5E-4 4E-4Co-58m 3E-3 2E-3Co-58 1E-4 9E-5Co-60 5E-5 3E-5Copper (29) Cu-64 3E-4 2E-4Curium (96) Cm-242 2E-5 2E-5Crn-243 5E-6 2E-5Cm-244 7E-6 3E-5Cm-245 4E-6 3E-5Cm-246 4E-6 3E-5Cm-247 4E-6 2E-5Cm-248 4E-7 1E-6Cm-249 2E-3 2E-3Dysprosium (66) Dy- 165 4E-4 4E-4Dy- 166 4E-5 4E-5Einsteinium (99) Es-253 2E-5 2E-5Es-254m 2E-5 2E-5Es-254 1E-5 1E-5Es-255 3E-5 3E-5Erbium (68) Er- 169 9E-5 9E-5Er-171 1E-4 IE-4Europium (63) Eu-152 (9.2 hrs) 6E-5 6E-5Eu-152 (13 yrs) 8E-5 8E-5Eu-154 2E-5 2E-5Eu-155 2E-4 2E-4Fermium (100) Fm-254 1E-4 IE-4Fm-255 3E-5 3E-5Fm-256 9E-7 9E-7Page 153 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27 1Table F-I (Continued)

Element Isotope Soluble Conc. Insoluble Conc.(pCi/ml)

(pCi/ml)Fluorine (9) F-18 8E-4 5E-4Gadolinium (64) Gd-153 2E-4 2E-4Gd-159 8E-5 8E-5Gallium (31) Ga-72 4E-5 4E-5Germanium (32) Ge-71 2E-3 2E-3Gold (79) Au- 196 2E-4 1E-4Au- 198 5E-5 5E-5Au- 199 2E-4 2E-4Hafnium (72) Hf-181 7E-5 7E-5Holmium (67) Ho- 166 3E-5 3E-5Hydrogen (3) H-3 3E-3 3E-3Indium (49) In-113m 1E-3 1E-3In-i 14m 2E-5 2E-5In- 15m 4E-4 4E-4In- 115 9E-5 9E-5Iodine (53) 1-125 2E-7 2E-41-126 3E-7 9E-51-129 6E-8 2E-41-130 3E-6 3E-61-131 3E-7 6E-51-132 8E-6 2E-41-133 1E-6 4E-51-134 2E-5 6E-41-135 4E-6 7E-5Iridium (77) Ir- 190 2E-4 2E-4Ir- 192 4E-5 4E-5Ir-194 3E-5 3E-5Iron (26) Fe-55 8E-4 2E-3Fe-59 6E-5 5E-5Lanthanum (57) La- 140 2E-5 2E-5Lead (82) Pb-203 4E-4 4E-4Pb-210 IE-7 2E-4Pb-212 2E-5 2E-5Lutetium (71) Lu- 177 1 E-4 1 E-4Manganese (25) Mn-52 3E-5 3E-5Mn-54 1E-4 IE-4Mn-56 1E-4 1E-4Mercury (80) Hg- 197m 2E-4 2E-4Hg-197 3E-4 5E-4Hg-203 2E-5 1E-4Molybdenum (42) Mo-99 2E-4 4E-5IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPage 154 of 158Ii Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table F-1 (Continued)

Element Isotope Soluble Cone. Insoluble Cone.(pCi/ml)

(pCi/ml)Neodymium (60) Nd- 144 7E-5 8E-5Nd-147 6E-5 6E-5Nd-149 3E-4 3E-4Neptunium.

(93) Np-237 3E-6 3E-5Np-239 1E-4 1E-4Nickel (28) Ni-59 2E-4 2E-3Ni-63 3E-5 7E-4Ni-65 1E-4 1E-4Niobium (41) Nb-93m 4E-4 4E-4Nb-95 1E-4 1E-4Nb-97 9E-4 9E-4Osmium (76) Os-185 7E-5 7E-5Os-191m 3E-3 2E-3Os-191 2E-4 2E-4Os-193 6E-5 5E-5Palladium (46) Pd- 103 3E-4 3E-4Pd-109 9E-5 7E-5Phosphorus (15) P-32 2E-5 2E-5Platinum (78) Pt-191 1E-4 lE-4Pt-193m 1E-3 1E-3Pt-193 9E-4 2E-3Pt-197m 1E-3 9E-4Pt-197 1E-4 1E-4Plutonium (94) Pu-238 5E-6 3E-5Pu-239 5E-6 3E-5Pu-240 5E-6 3E-5Pu-241 2E-4 1E-3Pu-242 5E-6 3E-5Pu-243 3E-4 3E-4Polonium (84) Po-210 7E-7 3E-5Potassium (19) K-42 3E-4 2E-5Praseodymnium(59)

Pr-142 3E-5 3E-5Pr-143 5E-5 5E-5Promethium (61) Pm- 147 2E-4 2E-4Pm-149 4E-5 4E-5Protactinium(9

1) Pa-230 2E-4 2E-4Pa-231 9E-7 2E-5Pa-233 1E-4 1E-4Page 155 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27 iTable F-1 (Continued)

Element Isotope Soluble Conc. Insoluble Conc.(PtCi/ml)


Radium (88) Ra-223 7E-7 4E-6Ra-224 2E-6 5E-6Ra-226 3E-8 3E-5Ra-228 3E-8 3E-5Rhenium (75) Re-183 6E-4 3E-4Re-186 9E-5 5E-5Re-187 3E-3 2E-3Re-188 6E-5 3E-5Rhodium (45) Rh- 103m IE-2 1E-2Rh- 105 1E-4 1E-4Rubidium (37) Rb-86 7E-5 2E-5Rb-87 1E-4 2E-4Ruthenium (44) Ru-97 4E-4 3E-4Ru- 103 8E-5 8E-5Ru-103m 3E-6 3E-6Ru- 105 1E-4 1E-4Ru-106 1E-5 lE-5Samarium (62) Sm-147 6E-5 7E-5Sm- 151 4E-4 4E-4Sm-153 8E-5 8E-5Scandium (21) Sc-46 4E-5 4E-5Sc-47 9E-5 9E-5Sc-48 3E-5 3E-5Selenium (34) Se-75 3E-4 3E-4Silicon (14) Si-31 9E-4 2E-4Silver (47) Ag- 105 1E-4 1E-4Ag-110m 3E-5 3E-5Ag- 11I 4E-5 4E-5Sodium (11) Na-22 4E-5 3E-5Na-24 2E-4 3E-5Strontium (38) Sr-85rn 7E-3 7E-3Sr-85 1 E-4 2E-4Sr-89 3E-6 3E-5Sr-90 3E-7 4E-5Sr-91 7E-5 5E-5Sr-92 7E-5 6E-5Sulfur (16) S-35 6E-5 3E-4Tantalum (73) Ta- 182 4E-5 4E-5IIII!!iII1iI!IIi!IPage 156 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27Table F-I (Continued)

Element Isotope Soluble Conc. Insoluble Conc.([tCi/ml)


Technetium (43) Tc-96mn 1 E-2 1E-2Tc-96 1E-4 5E-5Tc-97m 4E-4 2E-4Tc-97 2E-3 8E-4Tc-99m 6E-3 3E-3Tc-99 3E-4 2E-4Tellurium (52) Te- 125m 2E-4 1E-4Te-127m 6E-5 5E-5Te-127 3E-4 2E-4Te- 129m 3E-5 2E-5Te- 129 8E-4 8E-4Te-131m 6E-5 4E-5Te-132 3E-5 2E-5Terbium (65) Tb- 160 4E-5 4E-5Thallium (81) TI-200 4E-4 2E-4Tl-201 3E-4 2E-4TI-202 1E-4 7E-5T1-204 1E-4 6E-5Thorium (90) Th-227 2E-5 2E-5Th-228 7E-6 1E-5Th-230 2E-6 3E-5Th-231 2E-4 2E-4Th-232 2E-6 4E-5Th-natural 2E-6 2E-5Th-234 2E-5 2E-5Thulium (69) Tm- 170 5E-5 5E-5Tm- 171 5E-4 5E-4Tin (50) Sn-113 9E-5 8E-5Sn-124 2E-5 2E-5Tungsten (74) W- 181 4E-4 3E-4W-185 1E-4 1E-4W-187 7E-5 6E-5Uranium (92) U-230 5E-6 5E-6U-232 3E-5 3E-5U-233 3E-5 3E-5U-234 3E-5 3E-5U-235 3E-5 3E-5U-236 3E-5 3E-5U-238 4E-5 4E-5U-240 3E-5 3E-5U-natural 3E-5 3E-5Page 157 of 158 Salem ODCM Rev. 27 1Table F-I (Continued)

Element Isotope Soluble Conc. Insoluble Conc.(piCi/ml)


Vanadium (23) V-48 3E-5 3E-5Ytterbium (70) Yb- 175 1 E-4 1 E-4Yttrium Y-90 2E-5 2E-5Y-91m 3E-3 3E-3Y-91 3E-5 3E-5Y-92 6E-5 6E-5Y-93 3E-5 3E-5Zinc (30) Zn-65 IE-4 2E-4Zn-69m 7E-5 6E-5Zn-69 2E-3 2E-3Zirconium (40) Zr-93 8E-4 8E-4Zr-95 6E-5 6E-5Zr-97 2E-5 2E-5Any single radio- 3E-6 3E-6nuclide not listedabove with decaymode other thanalpha emission orspontaneous fissionand with radio -active half-life greater than 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />sAny single radio- 3E-8 3E-8nuclide not listedabove, which decaysby alpha emission orspontaneous fission.Notes:1. If the identity of any radionuclide is not known, the limiting values for purposes of this table shallbe: 3E-8 [LCi/ml.2. If the identity and concentration of each radionuclide are known, the limiting values should bederived as follows:

Determine, for each radionuclide in the mixture, the ratio between the quantitypresent in the mixture and the limit otherwise established in Appendix B for the specificradionuclide not in a mixture.

The sum of such ratios for all the radionuclides in the mixture maynot exceed "1" (i.e. "unity").

Page 158 of 158IIiIIIII1II!II