ML16048A213 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Diablo Canyon |
Issue date: | 06/22/2015 |
From: | San Luis Obispo County, Air Pollution Control District |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
Shared Package | |
ML16048A230 | List:
References | |
DCL-15-142, CAC MF4019, CAC MF4020 | |
Download: ML16048A213 (54) | |
- 0 A44AA444~444 ~ 2 ~4~>~&~0 o~4~4W>40 4 4440 0~4>4>444>2K!K ~> A ~4;~~4 #~ 0
Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyDiablo Canyon Power PlantP.O. Box 56Avila Beach, CA 93424EQUIPMENT LOCATION:
Diablo Canyon Power PlantAvila Beach, California EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION:
Boiler, Cleaver Brooks auxiliary, 81.8 mmBTU/hr heat input, model DL-76, serial numberWL-3026, fired by a John Zink Company Lo-NOx burner, model AVR-OL 75-1R1-LN, distillate fuel oil fired.CONDITIONS:
- 1. Boiler shall not emit oxides of nitrogen of a quantity greater than 0.15 lb/mm BTUnor sulfur dioxide of a quantity greater than 0.51 lb/mm BTU.2. Fuel oil burn rate to the burner shall not exceed nine (9) gallons per minute whileburning a fuel oil with a nitrogen content of 0.22% by weight or equivalent.
Records of monthly fuel usage shall be maintained for a minimum of three (3)years and shall be made available to the APCO upon request.3. The sulfur content of fuel oil burned shall not exceed 0.5 percent by weight.4. The unit shall be tuned in accordance with the requirements of section D.3. ofDistrict Rule 430, Control of Oxides of Nitrogen from Industrial.
andCommercial Boilers.
Steam Generators, and Process Heaters.a. Tuning shall be performed by a qualified technician during the first plannedoperation of the unit within any continuous twelve month period but notmore than once per Calendar year.b. A written verification that the tuning has been performed and that theresults were satisfactory shall be submitted to the APCO within thirty (30)calendar days.(Continued) 3433 Roberto Court °San L.uis Obispo, CA 9340.1 a 805-781-5912 o FAX: 80.5-781
+: vcww.sloapcd.dst~ca.uspfrired on recycled paper Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyModified Permit to Operate No. 49November 17, 1998Page 2CONDITIONS (Continued):
- c. Records of all tune-ups shall be maintained for a minimum of three (3)years and Shall be made available upon request.5. If the annual heat input exceeds 90,000 therms per calendar year, the APCO shallbe notified within thirty (30) calendar days of exceeding 90,000 therms and,effective January 1 of the following year, the unit shall be operated in compliance with the requirements of Rule 430 sections 0.1 and 2.6. If the APCO determines that the operation of this equipment is causing a publicnuisance, the owner/operator shall take immediate action and eliminate thenuisance.
- 7. The APCO shall be notified in writing before any changes are made to operating procedures, equipment, or materials used which have the potential to increase theemission of any air contaminant.
- 8. All information needed to estimate air pollution emissions shall be provided to theDistrict upon request.
This information may consist of, but is not limited to:throughput data, process variables,-
device characteristics, and pollutant releasecharacteristics.
November 17, 1998 (Modified)
June (Annually)
ISSUANCE DATE ANNIVERSARY ROBERT W. CARRAir Pollution Control OfficerApplication Number: 2576h:lois~engin C
re-numbered to #338-1 by theAPCD.EQUIPMENT OWNER-OPERATOR:.
Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyP.O. Box 56Avila Beach, California 93424EQUIPMENT LOCATION:
Diablo Canyon Pdower PlantNine Miles Northwest of Avila BeachEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION:
Paint spray operation consisting of one (1) Binks booth, model TA 630-T-LN, dimensions are 18 ft x 18 ft x 12 ft Ht, using six (6) 66 x 36 in. and six (6) 24 x 36 in. filters and 7.5hp exhaust fan. Located at: PG&E Diablo Canyon Building 110.CONDITIONS:
- 1. This equipment shall be installed, operated and maintained in accordance withthe manufacturer's recommendations and the information presented in theapplication under which this permit was granted unless otherwise noted below.2. If the Air Pollution Control Officer (APCO) determines that the installation of thisequipment is causing a public nuisance, the operator/owner shall take immediate action and permanently eliminate the nuisance.
- 3. The APCO shall be notified in writing before any changes are made to operating procedures, equipment, or materials used which have the potential to increasethe emission of any air contaminant.
- 4. All information needed to estimate air pollution emissions shall be provided to theDistrict upon request.
This information may consist of, but is not limited to:throughput data, process variables, device characteristics, and pollutant releasecharacteristics.
- 5. Total VOC emissions including all coatings, thinners and solvents used in thispaint spray booth shall not exceed 28 Iblday.(Continued) 3433 Roberto Court C San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 o805-781-5912
°FAX: 805-781
": k;:9 printed on leo/tied paper Pacific Gas and ElectricModified Permit to Operate No. P-2500-G-1 September 15, 1997Page 2CONDITIONS (Continued):
- 6. Records of coating, thinner and solvent usage shall be maintained for a minimumof two years and shall be made available to the Air Pollution Control Officer uponrequest.
Such records shall contain an MSDS; mix ratios and as-applied VOCcontent; the daily usage rates for each coating used; and the total daily VOCemissions.
- 7. All containers of volatile organic compounds must be stored and maintained in aieak-free manner when not in use, to minimize air emissions.
All materials contaminated with VOCs such as cloths, rags, and paper from clean-upoperations, coating mixing and or transferring shall be stored in closedcontainers, approved by the local fire mnarshal.
September 15, 1997 June (Annually)
ISSUANCE DAT .ANNIVERSARY ROBERT W. CARRAir Pollution Control OfficerApplication Number: 2258
PG&E Diablo CanyonP.O. Box 56Avila Beach, CA 93424EQUIPMENT LOCATION; Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Avila BeachEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION:
.Portable Abrasive Blasting Equipment (including multiple assorted blasting nozzles)consisting of the following units:A. One (1) Clemco, 5-bag sandpot, Serial Number 25480, National BoardNumber 47498; Saracco serial number 47498Temporary Location:
Old Blast FacilityB. One (1) Clemco, 6-bag sandpot, Serial Number 6310, Model Number 2452,National Board Number 6193Temporary Location:
Blast FacilityC. One (1) Clemco, 3-bag sandpot, Serial Number 17026 National Board Number16980Temporary Location:
Blast FacilityD. One (1) Clemco, 1-bag sandpot, Serial Number 011133, Model Number 1042Temporary Location:
- 2. One (1.) Contrx Blast Etch, Serial Number 1022Temporary Location:
RCAF. One (1) Contrx Shot Blast and Dust Vac, Serial Number 94-5052A-1 Temporary Location:
U-I, EastDoor TurbineCONDITIONS:
- 1. All abrasive blasting shall be conducted in accordance with Title 17 of theCalifornia Administrative Code.3433 Roberto Court oSain Luis Obispo, CA 93401 o805-781-5912 oFAX: 805-781-1002 info@slocleanaii~org 4° www~slocleanaii~orgprinted on recycled paper PG&E -Diablo CanyonPermit to Operate No. 415-3August 1, 2011Page 2 of 2CONDITIONS (continued):
- 2. Each operator of this equipment shall be supplied with a copy of:a. The abrasive blasting provisiOns of Title 17, andb. The summary of Title 17, andc. The conditions of this permit.3. This equipment shall be operated and maintained in accordance with themanufacturer's recommendations and the information presented in theapplication under which this permit was granted.4. If the Air PollutiOn Control Officer (APCO) determines that the operation of thisequipment is causing a public nuisance, the owner/operator shall take immediate action and eliminate the nuisance.
- 5. The APCOG shall be notified in writing before any changes are made tooperating procedures, equipment, or materials used which have thepotential to increase the emission of any air contaminant or which wouldchange the equipment description or the applicability of a permit condition.
6All information needed to estimate air pollution emissions shall be provided to theDistrict upon request.
This information may consist of, but is not limited to:throughput data, process variables, device characteristics, and pollutant releasecharacteristics.
- 7. This permit is not transferable to a new owner or location without the APCO'sapproval.
A change of ownership application shall be submitted to the APCO atleast ten (10) working days prior to any change in the person or agency that isresponsible for the operation of the equipment described above. An authority toconstruct application must be submitted and approved by the APCO prior tomoving the permitted equipment to a new location.
Au~qust 1, 2011I June (annually)
ISSUANCE DATE ANNIVERSARY LARRY R. ALLENAir Pollution Control OfficerApplication Number: 5590
PG&E Diablo CanyonP.O. Box 56Avila Beach, CA 93424EQUIPMENT LOCATION:
Diablo Canyon Power PlantAvila Beach, CAEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION:
Structural steel abrasive cleaning operation consisting of the following:
a) One (1) Clemco blast room, 18 ft wide, 12 ft high, 30 ft long, withfull floor reclaim system,* b) Two (2) Clemco 8 cu. ft. dual chambered blast machines with1/22 inch blast nozzles,c) One (1) Clemco reversed pulsed air dust collector, modelRPH-12L, with 12 cartridge
- filters, 4.9:1 air to cloth ratio, andd) One (1) 13,800 cfm, 20hp exhaust fan serving the blast room.CONDITIONS:
- 1. This equipment shall be maintained in good condition and shall beoperated in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations andthe information presented in the application under which this permit wasgranted.2. All abrasive material transfer points shall be fully enclosed duringblasting.
Handling new and spent abrasives shall be conducted with aminimum of dust generation.
- 3. The Binks filter differential pressure gauge shall be maintained in goodoperating condition so that automatic system 'shutdown will occur whenthe filters are clogged.4. Filter catch dust and reclaimed abrasives must be discharged into closedcontainers.
These closed containers shall be labeled and disposed of incompliance with Federal, State and local regulations.
3433 Roberto Court oSain Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805.781-5912 o -AX: 805-781-1002 info@slocleanairnorg
- , www.slocleanai norgprinted recyclud PG&E Diablo CanyonRevised Permit to Operate Number 533-2February 11, 2004Page 25. The APCO shall be notified of any changes in operating procedures, equipment, or materials used which have the potential to increase theemission of any air contaminant.
- 6. If the APCO determines that the operation of this equipment is causing apublic nuisance, the operator/owner shall take immediate action toeliminate the nuisance.
- 7. All information needed to estimate air pollution emissions shall beprovided to the District upon request.
This information may consist of, butis not limited to: throughput data, process variables, devicecharacteristics, and pollutant release characteristics.
February il, 2004 (Revised)
June (Annually)
ISSUANCE DATE ANNIVERSARY Air Pollution Control OfficerApplication Number: 3557H:lpermits~po13557poMFE.
doc 10}0% Post Consume Recycled PaperSan L~uis Obispo CountyPERMDT TO OPERATENumber 546-2EQUIPMENT OWNER-OPERATOR:
PG&E Diablo CanyonP.O. Box 56Avila Beach, CA 93424EQUIPMENT LOCATION:
A non-retail gasoline dispensing facility consisting of the following equipment:
- a. one (1).3,000 gallon Trusco Supervault aboveground gasoline storage tankwith CARB-certified standing loss control and remote fill, and one (1I) permit-exempt 2,000 gallon Trusco Supervault aboveground diesel storage tank,b. CARB-certifled two-point OPW Phase I Enhanced Vapor Recovery System,c. one (1) balance gasoline dispensing nozzle and one (1) permit-exempt dieselnozzle,d. CARB-certified balance Phase II vapor recovery system withpressure/vacuum vent valve, ande. one (1) gasoline dispensing cabinet and one (1) permit-exempt dieseldispensing cabinet.CONDITIONS:
- 1. The OPW Phase I Enhanced Vapory Recovery System and balance Phase IIvapor recovery system shall be operated and maintained as certified byCalifornia Air Resources Board (CARB) Executive Orders G-70-1 32B, G-70-52-AM, VR= 401-B, and VR-301-D, and in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the information presented in the application exceptas otherwise allowed by these conditions.
- 2. The following performance tests shall be successfully conducted at leastonce in each twelve consecutive month period:T 805.781.5912 805.781.1002 wslocleanair.or9 805.81.912 05.81.002 slc~eaafrorg 3433 Roberto Court, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 PG&E Diablo CanyOn -GDFPermit to Operate No. 546-2March 25, 2013Page 2 of 4CONDITIONS (continued):
- a. a static pressure decay test for the entire vapor system, in accordance withExhibit 4 of CARB Executive Order VR-401-B; Determination of Static PressurePerformance of Determination of Static Pressure Performance of VaporRecovery Systems at Gasoline Dispensing Facilities with Aboveground Storage Tanks Vapor Recovery Systems at Gasoline Dispensing Facilities withAboveground Storage Tanks,b. a dynamic pressure performance test for each dispensing nozzle inaccordance with cARB TP201 .4,c. a leak rate and cracking pressure test for each pressure/vacuum vent valve inaccordance with CARB TP-201 .1 E, andd. a static torque test for each rotatable Phase I adapter in accordance
.with TP-201 .1B.Equivalent test procedures shall be subject to Air Pollution Control Officer (APCO)approval prior tO testing.
The APCO must be notified no later than three (3) daysprior to testing and the results shall be reported within ten (10) days of testing.3. " The aboveground gasoline storage tank vent pipe shall be equipped with a CARB-certified pressure/vacuum relief valve. The settings of the pressure/~vacuum reliefvalve(s) shall be as follows:a. Pressure:
Two and one-half (2.5) to six (6.0) inches of water columnb. VacUum: Six (6.0) :to ten (1'0.0) inches of water column4. The emergency vents are not specifically certified with an allowable leak rate andshall not leak. Compliance with this requireme~nt shall be verified by the use ofcommercial liquid leak detection solution or by bagging, when the vaporcontainment space of the aboveground storage tank (AST) is subjected to the testdescribed in Condition 2.a.5. The tank gauge components are not specifically certified with an allowable leak rateand shall not leak. Compliance with this requirement shall be verified by the use ofcommercial liquid leak detection solution or~by bagging, when the vaporcontainment space of the AST is subjected to a non-zero pressure during the StaticPressure test required by Condition 2.a.6. Dust caps with intact gaskets shall be installed on all Phase I product and vaporadapters.
- 7. The bung diameter and associated vapor return piping of the remote Phase Iequipment shall be greater than or equal to the diameter of the Phase I product PG&E Diablo Canyon -GDFPermit to Operate No. 546-2March 25, 2013Page 3 of4*CONDITIONS (continued):
bung and associated product piping. In addition, no liquid condensate traps areallowed within the Phase I vapor return path piping under this configuration.
- 8. The exterior of the storage tanks shall be painted white in accordance with CARBExecutive Order VR-301 -D.9. The maximum dispensing rate shall be ten (10) gallons per minute.10. The highest point of the vapor return path shall be above the top of the storage tankand there shall be no liquid trap in the vapor path between the highest point in thevapor return path and the storage tank vapor headspace during fuel dispensing.
11I. Leak tightness of the vapor recovery system shall be verified after any maintenance, repair, or component replacement that required partial disassembly of the Phase Ior Phase II vapor recovery system, components, or associated piping. This includesany partial disassembly related to drive-offs, hose and/or breakaway replacement, orannual recertification tests. Partial disassembly includes replacing, disconnecting,
- cutting, and unscrewing piping and/or components.
Nozzle replacement is exemptfrom this requirement.
The results and method used to verify' leak tightness shall berecorded in the maintenance log.12. A record of all maintenance conducted on any part of tlhe vapor recovery systemshall be maintained in chronological order showing the date, description andlocation of any equipment
- replaced, and a description of the system problem whichrequired repair. The log shall also indicate the date, time, and duration of anysystem malfunction.
- 13. Maintenance logs and records of all performance tests that have occurred during thelatest three (3) year period shall be maintained on-site and made available to theDistrict upon request.14. If the APCO determines that the operation of this equipment is causing a PUblicnuisance, the owner/operator shall take immediate action and eliminate thenuisance.
- 15. The APCO shall be not~ified in writing before any changes are made to operating procedures, equipment, or materials used which have the potential to increas~e theemission of any air contaminant.
- 16. All information needed to estimate air pollution emissions shall be provided totheDistrict upon request.
This information may consist Of, but is not limited to:throughput data, process variables, device characteristics, and pollutant releasecharacteristics.
PG&E Diablo Canyon -GDFPermit to Operate No. 546-2March 25, 2013.Page 4of 4CONDITIONS (continued):
- 17. This permit is not transferable.
A change of ownership application shall besubmitted to the APCO at least ten (10) working days prior to any change in theperson, partnership,
- company, corporation, or agency that is responsible for theoperation of the equipment described abOve.March 25, 2013 luly (annually)
ISSUANCE DATE ANNIVERSARY LARRY R. ALLENAir Pollution Control OfficerApplication Number: 5838H:\PERMITS\PO'.5838PO.docx
PG&E Diablo CanyonP.O. Box 56Avila Beach, CA 93424EQUIPMENT LOCATION:
PG&E Emergency Operations Facility2000 Kansas AvenueSan Luis ObispoEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION:
Stationary compression ignition engine used for backup electrical powerconsisting of:One 100 kW Model 670T Onan generator, driven by a 162 hp, diesel fueled,Allis-Chalmers engine, turbocharged.
Manufactured in 1983 with a run-time of758 hours as of April 22, 2004. N35.32096 W120.72438 CONDITIONS:
- 1. Non-Emergency Qperation
- a. Non-emergency operation shall be limited to maintenance andperformance testing only and shall not exceed twenty (20) hoursper engine per calendar year. Operation for emiSsiOns testingrequired by the District shall not be limited by this condition.
- b. The Air Pollution Control Officer (APCO) shall be notified in writingwithin seven (7) days of exceeding the yearly non-emergency operation limit.c. An emergency is defined as failure of normal electrical powerservice that is beyond the control of the permit holder and doesnot include voluntarily disconnecting from utility grid power.2. Only diesel fuel that meets the California Air Resources Board'sspecifications for on-road use shall be Used to fuel the engine(s) unlessotherwise approved by the APCO. Records of the fuel purchases shall be3433 Roberto Court: o Sanl Luis Obispo, CA 934.01 o805-781-5912 o FAX: 805-781-1002 info@slocleanai,;org
-*: www.slocleanaii;org
,A nrinlA4 l)n rpciqHIrl natwr PG&E Diablo CanyonRevised Permit to Operate Number, 886-2April 20, 2007Page 2 of 3maintained and inclUde a fuel specification sheet that shows compliance with this condition.
- 3. Visible emissions from the engine exhaust shall not exceed Ringelmann Number 1 or twenty percent (20%) opacity for periods aggregating morethan three (3) minutes in any hour.4. A non-resettable hour meter for each engine shall be installed andmaintained unless an APCO approved alternative tracking procedure isapproved.
- 5. An operating log for the current calendar year shall be maintained foreach engine on a monthly basis. Entries shall also be made for any daythat the: engine is operated and for anY day that the engine receives fuel.The logs shall be retained for at least three (3) years and shall include thefollowing data:a. Operating
- mode: emergency, maintenance, or District requiredtestingb. Engine hour meter reading at start-up,
- c. Engine hour reading at shutdown,
- d. Operating hours for the calendar day,e. Running total calendar year to date operating hours,f. Running itotal calendar year to date operating hours in,maintenance mode,g. Running total calendar year to date operating hours in emergency niode,hi. Estimated fuel use for the day in gallons,i. Running total calendar year to date fuel use in gallons,j. Fuel purchased in gallons, andk. Total costs of" any engine repair or reconstruction, excluding consumable itenis associated with standard maintenance activities.
- 6. Within fourteen
(:14) days of a request, the following information shall besubmitted to the APCO for the previous calendar year:a. maintenance operating hours,*b. emergency operating hours,c.. District required testing operating hours,d. total engine operating hours,e. total fuel usage,f. copies of all fuel purchase
- records, andg. total .cost of engine repairs to date for each engine.7. The APCO shall be notified prior to the repair or reconstruction of anydiesel engine under permit. ConsUmable items used for regularmaintenance, such as filters, hoses, belts, fluids, and glow plugs, are notconsidered repairs.
In addition, replacement parts costing less than PG&E Diablo CanyonRevised Permit to Operate Number 886-2April 20, 2007Page 3 of 3$100.00 can be omitted from this requirement.
This condition is a resultof a state regulation on rebuilds or repairs.
Extensive repairs couldtrigger lower allowable emission rates. If lower emission rates apply, theymay not be achievable with a Simple rebuild.8. This equipment shall be operated and maintained in accordance with themanufacturer's recommendations and the information presented in theapplication under which this permit was issued.9. If the APCO determines that the ope'ration of this equipment is causing apublic nuisance, the owner/operator shall take immediate action andeliminate the nuisance.
- 10. The APCO shall be notified in writing before any changes are made .tooperating procedures, equipment,-or materials used which have thepotential to increase the emission of any air contaminant.
11, This permit is not transferable to a new owner or location without theAPCO's approval.
A change of ownership application shall be submitted to the APCO at. least ten (10) working days prior to any change in theperson or agency that is responsible for the Operation of the equipment described above. An authority to construct application must be submitted and approved by the APCO prior to moving the permitted equipment to anew location
...April 20, 2007 (Revised)
March (Annually)
ISSUANCE DATE ANNIVERSARY LARRY R. ALLENAir Pollution Contro! OfficerGA E. WLLEYManager, Engineering DivisionApplication Number: 4370 37 0poDKD.doc AD~IR PLLUTIION CONTROL DIlSTRICTY
PG&E Diablo CanyonP.O. Box 56Avila Beach, CA 93424EQUIPMENT LOCATION:
Backup electrical generation system for a .nuclear power plant consisting of:a. Main Plant Shutdown Emergency Generators
- 1. Five (5) 2.6 MW, Portec Model 16908, generators driven by3,630 hp, diesel fueled, White Industrial Power, Model251 F18GS engines.2. One (1 ) 2.6 MW, NEI Peebles Model 260274/1, main generator drive'n by a 3,630 hp, diesel fueled, *General
- Electric, Model 18-251F en~gine, Diablo designation EDG 2-3.Engine: hours for each unit on January-8, 2004 as follows:EDG l1-l: 2,140.2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />sEDG 1-2: 2,332.9 hour1.041667e-4 days <br />0.0025 hours <br />1.488095e-5 weeks <br />3.4245e-6 months <br />sEDG 1-3; 2,181.7 hour8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br />sEDG 2-1:1" i,501*.5 hour5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />sEgG 2-2:
hoursEDG 2-3: 1,063.5 hour5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />sb. One (1) 300 kW, CaterPillar Model SR4, security generator driven by a449 hp, diesel fueled, Caterpillar Model 3406B engine with 623 hrsengine hour~son January 8, 2004.CONDITIONS:
- 1. Non-Emergency Operation
- a. Non-emergenfcy operation shall be limited to maintenance andperformance testing only and shall not eXceed one 'hundred (100)34335 Pobejt0 Coitri Sin !lui Obispo, CA 934't01 o805-781-5912 oFAX: 805-781-1002
- nfo~fslocleanair~org or~. www.slodleanai irorg" I-, "i nt rr At( I,' ~tI nt PG&E Diablo CanyonRevised Permit to Operate Number 919-3July 21, 2009Page 2 of 3hours per engine per calendar year. Operation for emissions testingrequired by the District shall not be limited by this condition.
- b. The Air Pollution Control Officer (APCO) shall be notified in writingwithin seven (7) days of exceeding the yearly non-emergency operation limit,c. An emergencY, is defined as failure of normal electrical power sei'vicethat is beyond the control of the permit holder and does not includevoluntarily disconnect'ing from utility grid power.2. Only diesel fuel that meets the California Air Resources Board's specifications for on-road use shall be used to fuel the engine(s) unless otherwise approvedby the APCO. Records of the fuel purchases shall be maintained and include*a fuel specification sheet that shows Compliance with this condition.
- 3. Visible emissions from the engine exhaust shall not exceed Ringelmann Number 1 or twenty percent (20%) opacity for periods aggregating more thanthree (3) minutes in any hour.4. A non-resettable hour meter for eachi engine Shall be installed and maintained unless an APCO approved alternative tracking procedure is approved.
- 5. An operating log for the current calendar year shall be maintained for eachengine on a monthly basis. Entries shall also be made for any day that theengine is operated and for any day that the engine receives fuel. The logsshiall be retained for at least three (3) years and shall include the following data:a. Operating
- mode: emergency, maintenance, or District required testingb. Engine hour meter reading at Start-up,
- c. Engine hour reading .at shutdown,
- d. Operating hours for the calendar day,e. Running total calendar year to date operating hours,f. Running total calendar year to .date operating hours in maintenance mode,g. Runningj total calendar year to date operating
'hours in emergency mode,h. Estimated f~uel, use for the day in gallons,i. Running total calendar yea'r to date fuel~use in gallons,.1. Fuel purchased in gallons, and.k. Total costs of any engine repair or *reconstruction, excluding consumable items associated withl standard'maintenance activities.
- 6. Within fourteen-.(14)
.days of a request, the following information shall besubmitted to the APCO for the previous calendar year:a. Maintenance operating hourS,b. Emergency operating
- hours, PG&E Diablo CanyonRevised Permit to Operate Number 919-3July 21, 2009Page 3 of 3c, District required testing operating hours,d. Total engine operating e. Total fuel usage,f. Copies of all fuel purchase
- records, andg. Total cost of engine repairs to date for each engine.7. The APCO shall be notified prior to the repair or reconstruction of any dieselengine under permit. Consumable items used for regular maintenance, suchas filters, hoses, belts, fluids, and glow plugs, are not considered repairs.
Inaddition, replacement parts costing less than $100.00 can be omitted from thisrequirement.
This condition is a result of a state regulation on rebuilds orrepairs.
- Extensive repairs could trigger lower allowable emission rates. Iflower emission rates apply, they may not be achievable with a simple rebuild.8. This equipment shall be Operated and maintained in accordance with themanufacturer'S recommendations and the information presented in theapplication under which this permit was issued.9. If the APCO determines that the operation of this equipment is causing apublic nuisance, the owner/operator shiall take immediate action and eliminate the nuisance.
- 10. The APCO shall be notified in writing before any changes are made tooperating procedures, equipment, or materials used which have the potential to increase the emission of any air contaminant.
- 11. This permit is not transferable to a new owner or location without the APCO'sapproval.
A change of ownership application shall be submitted to the APCOat least ten (10) working days prior to any change in the person or agency thatis responsible for the operation of the equipment described above. Anauthority to construct application, must be 'submitted and approved by theAPCO prior to moving the permitted equipment to a new location.
July 21, 2009 (Revised)
June (Annually)
ISSUANCE DATE 'ANNIVERSARY LARRY R. ALLENAir Pollution Control OfficerManager, nginee ing DivisionApplication Number: 5132 DKD~doc CONTR~OL IDIlST1FIC1" IN-ENV-2010-0831 (e)COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPOPERMIT TO OPERATENumber 1065-6EQUIPMENT OWNER-OPERATOR:
PG&E Diablo CanyonP.O. Box 56Avila Beach, CA 93424EQUIPMENT LOCATION:
PG&E Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Avila BeachEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION:
Portable diesel-fired engines for construction and maintenance activities at anuclear power plant consisting of:a. One (1) Ingersoll Rand XP375 Compressor driven by a 125 hp, dieselfueled, John-Deere Model 4045HF2751 non-road engine, .Serial#~PE4045H425408, EPA family #5J DXL06.8039.
- b. One (1) 120 kW MQ Power Model DCA-150SSVU generator driven by a218 hp, diesel fueled, Volvo-Penta/Duetz Model TAD720GE engine EPAFamily number 4DZXL07.1 034.c. One (1) Ingersoll Rand Compressor driven by a Yanmar Model 41R1 8T85 hp, diesel fueled engine, EPA Family number 6YDXL3.32K4T manufactured in 2006.d. One (1) 36 kW MQ Power Model DCA-45USI2 generator driven by a57 hp, diesel fueled, ISUZU Model BU-4JJ1T engine EPA Family number8SZXL03.0UTB.
- 1. Only diesel fuel that meets the California Air Resources Board'sspecifications for on-road use shall be used to fuel the engines unlessotherwise approved by the APCO. FRecords of the fuel purchases shall bemaintained and include a fuel specification sheet that shows compliance with this condition.
- 2. Visible emissions from engine exhaust shall not exceed Ringeimann Number 1 or twenty percent (20%) opaCity for periods aggregating morethan three (3) minutes in any hour.34-33 Roberto Court o San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 o805-781-5912 o FAX: 805-781-1002 info@slocleanaii~org
+*+ www.slocleanair~org prinled on recycled paper PG&E D~iablo CanyonRevised Permit to Operate Number 1065-6August 25, 2010Page 2 of 23. These emission units are for construction and maintenance activities.
They shall not be used for normal power plant operation unless otherwise approved by the APCO.4. A non-resettable hour meter for the engines shall be installed andmaintained unless an APCO approved alternative tracking procedure isapproved.
- 5. A operating log for the current calendar year shall be maintained for anyday that the engine receives fuel. The logs shall be retained for at leastfive (5) years and shall include the following data:a. Date,b. Amount fuel added to the fuel tank in gallons, andc. Engine hour reading.6. This equipment Shall be operated and maintained in accordance with themanufacturer's recommendations and the information presented in theapplication under which this permit was issued.7. If the APCO determines that the operation of this equipment is causing apublic nuisance, the owner/operator shall take immediate action andeliminate the nuisance.
- 8. The APCO shall be notified in writing before any changes are made tooperating procedures, equipment, or materials used which have thepotential to increase the emission of any air contaminant.
- 9. This permit is not transferable to a new owner without the APCO'sapproval.
A change of ownership application shall be submitted to theAPCO at least ten (10) working days prior to any change in the person oragency that is responsible for the operation of the equipment described above.10. The owner/operator shall file a status report with the Executive Officer ofthe State Air Resources Board by March 11i, 2011 to show compliance with the State Air Bourne Toxic Control Measure for Diesel Particulate Matter from Portable Engines Rated at 50 Horsepower and Greater.Aucqust 25, 2010 (Revised)
June (Annually)
ISSUANCE DATE ANNIVERSARY LARRY R. ALLENAir Pollution Control OfficerManager, Engineering DivisionApplication Number: 5366 oMFE.doc 100% Post Consumer, Renycled Poper( Sb OU j AIr Pollution Control DistrictdilL San Luis Obispo County.PERMIT TO OPERATENumber 1820-1EQUIPMENT OWNER-OPERATOR:
PG&E Diablo CanyonP.O. Box 56Mail Stop 1 04/5/3 BAvila Beach, CA 93424EQUIPMENT LOCATION:
1133 Kansas Ave., San Luis ObispoEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION:
A di esel powered emergency standby electrical generator for a Emergency Operations Center consisting of: one (1.) 56 kW Whisperwatt Model DCA-56SPXU2 generator driven by a 85 hp ISUZU diesel engine, Model NO. 4jJlX, S/N 870042, EPAengine family #9SZXL03.0JXB, Tier 3CONDITIONS:
- 1. Non-Emergency Operation
- a. Non-emergency operation shall be limited to maintenance andperformance testing only and shall not exceed thirty (30) hours perengine per calendar year, Operation for emissions testing requiredby the District shall not be limited by this condition.
- b. The Air Pollution Control Officer (APCO) shall be notified in writingwithin Seven (7) days of exceeding the yearly non-emergency operation limit.c. An emergency is defined as failure of normal eleCtrical power servicethat is beyond the control of the permit holder and does not includevoluntarily disconnecting from utility gridl power.2. -Only diesel fuel that meets the California Air Resources Board's specifications for on-road use shall be used to fuel the engine(s) unless otherwise approved 805.781.1002 w 3433 Roberto Court, San Luis ObispO, CA 934011 PG&E Diablo CanyonPermit to Operate No. 7820-1january 11, 2012Page 2 of 4CONDITIONS (continued):
by the APCO. Records of the fuel purchases shall be maintained and include a fuelspecification sheet that shows compliance with this condition.
- 3. Visible emissions from the engine shall not exceed Ringelmann No. 1/2/ or ten percent(10%) opacity for periods aggregating more than three (3) minutes in any hour.4. A non-reset-table hour meter for each engine shall be installed and maintained unless an APCO approved alternative tracking procedure is approved.
- 5. An operating log for the current calendar year shall be maintained for each engineon a monthly basis. Entries shall also be made for any day that the engine isoperated and for any day that the engine receives fuel. The logs shall be retained forat least three (3) years and shall include the following data:*a. Operating mode: emergency, maintenance, or District required testing.b. Engine hour meter reading at start-up,
- c. Engine hour reading at shutdown,
- d. Operating hours for the calendar day,e. Running total calendar year to date operating hours,*f. Running total calendar year to date operating hours in maintenance mode,g. Running total calendar year to date operating hours in emergency mode,h. Estimated fuel use for the day in gallons,i. Running total calendar year to date fuel use in gallons,j. Fuel purchased in gallons, and ,k. Total costs of any engine repair or reconstruction, excluding consumable items associated with standard maintenance activities.
- 6. Within fourteen (14) days of a request, the following information shall be submitted to the APCO for the previous calendar year for .each engine:ia. Maintenance operating hours,b. Emergency operating hours,c. District required testing operating hours,d. Total engine operating hours,e. Total fuel usage,f. Copies of all fuel purchase
- records, andg. Total cost of engine repairs to date for each engine.* 7. The APCO shall be notified prior to the repair or reconstruction of any diesel engine*under permit. Consumable items used for regular maintenance, such as filters,hoses, belts, fluids, and glow plugs, are not considered repairs.
In addition, rep~lacement-parts costing Ie~ss than $100.00 can be omitted from this requirement.
This condition is a result of a state regulation on rebuilds or repairs.
Extensive PG&E Diablo CanyonPermit to Operate No. 1820-1January 11, 2012Page3 ojf4CONDITIONS (continued):
repairs could trigger lower allowable emission rates. If lower emission rates apply.they may not be achievable with a simple rebuild.8. Temporary Engine Replacement:
Any engine subject to this permit may betemporarily replaced with another engine if all the requirements listed in sections a.through e. below are satisfied:.
- a. The APCO shall be notified in writing or by fax at (805) 781-1002 withinseventy two (72) hours of a permitted engine being replaced.
Thenotification shall include the replacement engines make, model, ratedhorsepower, engine family number if available, the current engine hourmeter reading, manufacturer's particulate matter and oxides of nitrogen(NOx).emission rates in grams per horsepower-hour (g/hp-hr) and the reasonfor the replacement.
- b. The permitted engine is in need of routine repair or maintenance and isreturned to its original service within 180 days Of installation of the*temporary engine.c. The temporary replacement engine has the same or lower emission rate ingrams per brake horsepower-hour (g/bhp-hr) for particulate matter andOxides of Nitrogen (NOx) as the permitted engine that is being temporarily replaced or ifwritten approval from the APCO is obtained for an engine thatmeets current permitting requirements.
For breakdown conditions reportedunder the procedures of Rule 107, Breakdowns or Upset Conditions andEmergency Variances, the APCO may approve the use of any replacement engine that meets the requirements of the State Airborne Toxic ControlMeasure and would not create a public nuisance,
- d. The temporary replacement engine shall comply with all conditions of thispermit, including but not limited to, engine operating hour limits,recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
- e. The APCO shall be notified in writing or by fax at (805) 781-1002 withinfourteen (14) days of removal of the temporary engine.9. This equipment shall be operated and maintained in accordance with themanufacturer's recommendations and the information presented in the application under which this permit was issued.10. If the APCO determines that the operation of this equipment is causing a publicnuisance, the owner/operator shall take immediate action and eliminate thenuisance.
- 11. The APCO shall be notified in writing before any changes are made to operating
- procedures, equipment, or materials used which have the pOtential to increase thleemission of any air contaminant.
PG&E Diablo CanyonPermit to Operate No. 1 820-1January 11, 2012Page 4 of 4CONDITIONS (continued):
- 12. This permit is not transferable to a new owner or location without the APCO'sapproval.
A change of ownership application shall be submitted to the APCO at leastten (10) working days prior to any change in the person or agency that is responsible for the operation of the equipment described above, An authority to construct application must be submitted and approved by the APCO prior to moving thepermitted equipment to a new location.
lanuary i11. 2012 March (annually)
ISSUANCE DATE ANNIVERSARY LARRY R. ALLENAir Pollution Control OfficerManager, Engineering DivisionApplication Number: 5699 1(tY. POSi Recyde~d LOCU~Air Pollution Control Districtap u San Luis Obispo CountyPERMIJT TO OPERATENumber 1845-3EQUIPMENT OWNER-OPERATOR:
PG&E Diablo Canyon Power PlantP.O, Box 56Mail Stop 104/5/534 Avila Beach, CA 93424EQUIPMENT LOCATION:
9 miles NW of Avila Beach, Avila BeachEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION:
Emergency standby diesel water pumps at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant of:a. one (1) 2014John Deere Model 6068HFC931T4, 173 hp, Tier 4i, S/N PE6068R093788, Family Number EJDXL06.821 Q3, diesel engine for use as an emergency water pump.b. one (1) 201 4John Deere Model 6068HFC931T4, 173 hp, Tier 4i, S/N PE6068R093789, Family Number EJDXL06.821 0, diesel engine for use as an emergency water pump.c. one (1) 2013 John Deere Model 6068HF485, 200 hp, Tier 3, SIN PE6068L233638, FamilyNumber AJDXL1 3.5900, diesel engine for use as an emergency water pump.d. one (1) 2013John Deere Model 6068HF485, 200 hp, Tier 3, SIN PE6068L233639, FamilyNumber AJDXL13.5900, diesel engine for use as an emergency water pump.e. one (1) 2013 John 'Deere Model 6090HFC94, 300 hp, Interim Tier 4, S/NRG6090R067992, Family Number DJDXL09.0202, diesel engine for use as an emergency water pump. (Unit is red, trailer mounted, Hale)f. one (1) 2011 John Deere Model 6090HFC94, 307 lhp, Interim Tier 4, SINRG6090R002885, Family Number BJDXL09.0202, diesel engine for use as an emergency water pump. (Unit is red, trailer mounted, Hale)g. one (1) 2014John Deere Model 6068HFC93, 155 hp, Tier 4i, SIN PE6068R093785, Family Number EJDXL06.8210, diesel engine to power- an emergency use Godwin waterpump.h, one (1) 201 4John Deere Model 6068HFC93, 155 hp, Tier 4i, SIN PE6068R093792, Family Number EJDXL06.8210, diesel engine to power an emergency use Godwin waterpump.T 805.781.5912 805.781.1002 w 3433 Roberto Court. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401F ' ____ ------- -I PG&E Diablo Canyon Power PlantPermit to Operate No. 1845-3August 3, 2015Page 2 of 4CONDITIONS one (1) 2Ol4John Deere Model 6068HFC93, 155 hp, Tier 4i, S/N PE6068R093793, FamilyNumber EJDXL06.821 0, diesel engine to power an emergency use Godwin water pump.CONDITIONS:
- 1. Non-Emergency Operation
- a. Non-emergency operation shall be limited to maintenance and performance testingonly and shall not exceed thirty (30) hours per engine per calendar year. Operation for emissions testing required by the District shall not be limited by this condition.
- b. The Air Pollution Control Officer (APCO) shall be notified in writing within seven (7)da~ys of exceeding the yearly non-emergency operation limit.c. An emergency is defined as failure of normal electrical power service that is beyondthe Control of the permit holder and does not include voluntarily disconnecting fromutility grid power.2. Only diesel fuel that meets the California Air Resources Board's specifications for on-roaduse shall be used to fuel the engine(s) unless otherwise approved by the APCO. Records ofthe fuel purchases shall be maintained and include a fuel specification sheet that showscompliance with this condition.
- 3. Visible emissions from the engine shall not exceed Ringelmann No. Y2 or ten percent (10%)opacity for periods aggregating more than three (3) minutes in any hour.4, A non-resettable hour meter for each engine shall be installed and ma~intained unless anAPCO approved alternative tracking procedure is approved.
- 5. An operating log for the current calendar year shall be maintained for each engine on amonthly basis. Entries shall also be made for any day that the engine is operated and forany day that the engine receives fuel. The Logs shall be retained for at least three (3) yearsand shall include the following data:a. Operating mode: emergency, maintenance, or District required testing,b. Engine hour meter reading at start-up,
- c. Engine hour reading at shutdown,
- d. Operating hoursfor the calendar day,e. Running total calendar year to date operating hours,f. Running total calendar year to date operating hours in maintenance mode,g. Run ning~total calendar year to date operating, hours in emergency mode,h. Estimated fuel use for the day in gallons,i. Running total calendar year to date fuel use in gallons,j. Fuel purchased in gallons, and PG&E Diablo Canyon Power PlantPermit to Operate No. 1845-3August 3, 2015*Page 3 of 4CONDITIONS
- k. Total costs of any engine repair or reconstruction, excluding consumable itemsassociated with standard maintenance activities.
- 6. Within fourteen (14) days of a request, the following information shall be submitted to theAPCO for the previous calendar year for each engine:"a. Maintenance operating hours,b. Emergency operating hours,c. District required testing operating hours,d. Total engine operating hours,e. Total fuel usage,f. Copies of all fuel purchase
- records, andg. Total cost of engine repairs to date for each engine.7. The APCO shall be notified prior to the repair or reconstruction of any diesel engine underpermit. Consumable items used for regular maintenance, such as filters, hoses, belts, fluids,and glow plugs, are not considered repairs.
In addition, replacement parts costing less than$100.00 can be omitted from this requirement.
This condition is a result of a stateregulation on rebuilds or repairs.
Extensive repairs could trigger lower allowable emissionrates. If lower emission rates apply, they may not be achievable with a simple rebuild.8. Temporary Engine Replacement:
Any engine subject to this permit may be temporarily replaced with another engine if all the requirements listed in sections
- a. through e. beloware satisfied:
- a. The APCO shall be notified in writing or by fax at (805) 781-1 002 within seventy two(72) hours of a permitted engine being replaced with a qualified temporary engine.The notification shall include the replacement engines make, model, ratedhorsepower, engine family number, current engine hour meter reading,manufacturer's particulate matter and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emission rates ingrams per horsepower-hour (g/hp-hr) and the reason for the replacement.
- b. The permitted engine is in need of routine repair or maintenance and is returned toits original service within 1 80 days of installation of the temporary engine.c. The temporary replacement engine has the same or lower manufacturer ratedhorsepower and same or lower potential to emit of particulate matter and Oxides ofNitrogen (NOx) as the permitted engine that is being temporarily replaced.
Uponwritten request, the APCO may approve a replacement engine with a larger ratedhorsepower than the permitted engine if the proposed temporary engine hasmanufacturer guaranteed emissions less than or equal to the permitted engine or ifthe engine meets current permitting requirements.
- d. The temporary replacement engine shall comply with all conditions of this permit,including but not limited to, engine operating hour limits, recordkeeping andreporting requirements.
PG&E Diablo Canyon Power PlantPermit to Operate No. 1845-3August 3, 2015Page 4 of 4CONDITIONS
- e. The APCO shall be notified in writing or by fax at (805) 781-1002 within 14 days ofremoval of the temporary engine.9. This equipment shall be operated and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the information presented in the application under which this permitwas issued.10. If the APCO determines that the operation of this equipment is causing a public nuisance, the owner/operator shall take immediate action and eliminate the nuisance.
- 11. The APCO shall be notified in writing before any changes are made to operating procedures, equipment, or materials used which have the potential to increase the emission of any aircontaminant.
- 12. This permit is not transferable to a new owner or location without the APCO's approval.
Achange Qf ownership application shall be submitted to the APCO at least ten (10) workingdays prior to any change in the person or agency that is responsible for the operation of theequipment described above. An authority to construct application must be submitted andapproved by the APCO priorto moving the permitted equipment to a new location.
August 3, 2015 lune (annually)
ISSUANCE DATE ANNIVERSARY LARRY R. ALLENAir Pollution Control OfficerMnger Engineerngand Compliance DivisionApplication Number: 6230H:\PE RMITSWO\ cx Post Consurnre Recycted Poper/4/ /'~I.(i( ~fSLO COUNTYAir Pollution Control DistrictSan Luis Obispo CountyPIERMIT TO OPERATENumber 1944-1EQUIPMENT OWNER-OPERATOR:
PG&E Diablo CanyonP.O. Box 56Avila Beach, CA 93424EQUIPMENT LOCATION:
Emergency standby diesel air compressors at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant consisting of:a. one (1) 2O12John Deere Model 4045TF290, 74 hp, Tier 4i, S/NPE4045R895489, Family Number CJDXLO4.5130, diesel engine for use as anemergency air compressor.
- b. one (1) 2012 John Deere Model 4045TF290, 74 hp, Tier 4i, SINPE4045R894757, Family Number CJDXLO4.51 30, diesel engine for use as anemergency air compressor.
- c. One (1) 2Ol2John Deere Model 4045TF290, 74 hp, Tier 4i, SINPE4045R894754, Family Number CJDXLO4.51 30, diesel engine for use as anemergency air compressor.
- 1. Non-Emergency Operation
- a. Non-emergency operation shall be limited to maintenance andperformance testing only and shall not exceed fifteen (15) hour's perengine per calendar year. Operation for emissions testing requiredby the District shall not be limited by this condition.
805.781.5912 805.781.1002 w 3433 Roberto court, San Luis Obispo, CA 9340177~~
Pacific Gas & Electric Company -Diablo CanyOnPermit to Operate No. 1944-1September 9, 2014Page 2of 4CONDITIONS (continued):
- b. The Air Pollution Control Officer (APCO) shall be notified in writingwithin seven (7) days of exceeding the yearly non-emergency operation limit.c. An emergency is defined as failure of normal electrical power service that isbeyond the control of the permit holder and does not include voluntarily disconnecting from utility grid power.2. Only diesel fuel that meets the California Air Resources Board's specifications for on-road use shall be used to fuel the engine(s) unless otherwise approved by the APCO.Records of the fuel purchases Shall be maintained and include a fuel specification sheet that shows compliance with this condition.
- 3. Visible emissions from the engine shall not exceed Ringelmann No. 14 or ten percent(1 0%) opacity for periods aggregating more than three (3) minutes in any hour.4. A non-resett~able hour meter for each engine shall be installed and maintained unless an APCO approved alternative tracking procedure is approved.
- 5. An operating log for the current calendar year shall be maintained for each engineon a monthly basis. Entries shall also be made for any day that~the engine isoperated and for any day that the engine receives fuel. The logs shall be retained forat least three (3) years and shall include the following data:a. Operating mode: emergency, maintenance, or District required testing,b. Engine hour meter reading at start-up,
- c. Engine hour reading at shutdown,
- d. Operating hours for the calendar day,e. Running total calendar year to date operating hours,f. Running total calendar year to date operating hours in maintenance mode,g. Running total calendar year to date operating hours in emergency mode,h. Estimated fuel use for the day in gallons,i. .Running total calendar year to date fuel use in gallons,j. Fuel purchased in gallons, andk. Total costs of any engine repair or reconstruCtion, excluding consumable items associated with standard maintenance activities.
- 6. Within fourteen (14) dlays of a request, the following information shall be submitted to the APCO for the previous calendar year for each engine:a. Maintenance operating hours,b. Emergency operating hours,c. District required testing operating hours,d. Total engine operating hours,e. Total fuel usage, Pacific Gas &, Electric Company -Diablo CanyonPermit to Operate No. 1944-1September 9, 2014Page 3of 4CONDITIONS (continued):
- f. Copies of all fuel purchase
- records, andg. Total cost of engine repairs to date for each engine.7. The APCO shall be notified prior to the repair or reconstruction of any diesel engineunder permit. Consumable items used for regular maintenance, such as filters,hoses, belts, fluids, and glow plugs, are not considered repairs.
In addition, replacement parts costing less than $100.00 can be omitted from this requirement..
This condition is a result of a state regulation on rebuilds or repairs.
Extensive repairs could trigger lower allowable emission rates. If lower emission rates apply,they may not be achievable with a simple rebuild.8. Temporary Engine Replacement:
Any engine subject to this permit may betemporarily replaced with another engine if all the requirements listed in sections a.through e. below are satisfied:
- a. The APCO shall be notified in writing or by fax at (805) 781-1002 withinseventy two (72) hours of a permitted engine being replaced with a qualified temporary engine. The notification shall include the replacement enginesmake, model, rated horsepower, engine family number, current engine hourmeter reading, manufacturer's particulate matter and oxides of nitrogen(NOx) emission rates in grams per horsepower-hour (g/hp-hr) and the reasonfor the replacement.
- b. The permitted engine is in need Of routine repair or maintenance and isreturned to its original service within 180 days of installation of thetemporary engine.c. The temporary replacement engine has the same or lower manufacturer rated horsepower and same or lower potential to emit of particulate matterand Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) as the permitted engine that is beingtemporarily replaced.
Upon written request, the APCO may approve areplacement engine with a larger rated horsepower than the permitted engine if the proposed temporary engine has manufacturer guaranteed emissions less than or equal to the permitted engine or if the engine meetscurrent permitting requirements.
- d. The temporary replacement engine shall comply with, all conditions of t~hispermit, including but not,/imited to, engine operating hour limits,recordkeeping, and reporting requirements.
- e. The APCO shall be notified in writing or by fax at (805) 781-1002 within 14days of removal of the temporary engine.9. This equipment shall be operated and maintained in accordance with themanufacturer's recommendations and the information presented in the application under which this permit was issued.
Pacific Gas & Electric Company -Diablo CanyonPermit to Operate No. 1944-1September 9, 2014Page 4of 4CONDITIONS (continued):
- 10. If the APCO determines'thatthe operation of this equipment is causing a publicnuisance, the owner/operator shall take immediate action and eliminate thenuisance.
- 11. The APCO shall be notified in writing before any changes are made to operating procedures, equipment, or materials used which have the potential to increase theemission of any air contaminant.
- 12. This permit is not transferable to a new owner or location without the APCO'sapproval.
A change of ownership application shall be submitted to the APCO at leastten (10) working days prior to any change in the person or agency that is responsible for the operation of the equipmen~t described above. An authority to construct application must be submitted and approved by the APCO prior to moving thepermitted equipment to a new location.
9 2014 lune (annually')
ISSUANCE DATE ANNIVERSARY LARRY R. ALLENAir Pollution Control OfficerManager, Engineering DivisionApplication Number: 6081H:\P ft c 1C0O7 Post Confinr Recycdgd Payerd Air Pollution Control DistrictSan Luis Obispo CountyPERMIT TO OPERATENumber 1946-1EQUIPMENT OWNER-OPERATOR:
PG&E Diablo CanyonP.O. Box 56Mail Stop 104/5/3BAvila Beach, CA 93424EQUIPMENT LOCATION:
1250 Kendall Rd., San Luis ObispoEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION:
Diesel powered emergency standby electrical generator for an Emergency Operations Center consisting of: one (1) Generac Model SD200, 200 kW generator driven by a 2013 FiatPowertrain Technologies, Model F2CE9685A-E002, 389 hp, Tier" 3, EPA family numberDFPXL08.7TR3, S/N E002-39237 diesel fueled engine with 5.1 runtime hours on August 27,2014.CONDITIONS:
- 1. Non-Emergency Operation
- a. Non-emergency operation shall be limited to maintenance and performance testing on!y and shall not exceed thirty (30) hours per engine per calendaryear. Operation for emissions testing required by the District shall not belimited by this condition.
- b. The Air Pollution Control Officer (APCO) shall be notified in writing withinseven (7) days of exceeding the yearly non-emergency operation limit.c. An emergency is defined as failure of normal electrical power service that isbeyond the control of the permit holder and does not include voluntarily
.disconnecting fro~m utility grid power.T805.781.5912
,F 805.781.1002 w 3433 Roberto Court, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 PG&E Diablo CanyonPermit to Operate No. 1946-1September 2, 2014Page 2of 4CONDITIONS (continued):
- 2. Only diesel fuel that meets the California Air Resources Board's specifications for on-roaduse shall be used to fuel the engine(s) unless otherwise approved by the APCO. Records ofthe fuel purchases shall be maintained and include a fuel specification sheet that showscompliance with this condition.
- 3. Visible emissions from the engine shall not exceed Ringelmann No. 1/2/ or ten percent (10%)opacity for periods aggregating more than three (3) minutes in any hour.4. A non-reset-table hour meter for each engine shall be installed and maintained unless anAPCO approved alternative tracking procedure is approved.
- 5. The engine exhaust shall discharge vertically free of obstructions.
- 6. An operating log for the current calendar year shall be maintained for each engine on amonthly basis. Entries shall also be made for any day that the engine is operated and forany day that the engine receives fuel. The logs shall be retained for at least three (3) yearsand shall include the following data:a. Operating mode: emergency, maintenance, or District required testing,b. Engine hour meter reading at start-up,
- c. Engine hour reading at shutdown,
- d. Operating hours for the calendar day,e. Running total calendar year to date operating hours,f. Running total calendar year to date operating hours in maintenance mode,g. Running total calendar year to date operating hours in emergency mode,h. Estimated fuel use for the day in gallons,i. Running total calendar year to date fuel use in gallons,j. Fuel purchased in gallons, andk. Total costs of any engine repair or reconstruction, excluding consumable itemsassociated with standard maintenance activities.
- 7. Within fourteen (14) days of a request, the following information shall be submitted to theAPCO for the previous calendar year for each engine:
PG&E Diaiblo CanyonPermit to Operate No. 1 946-1September Z 2014Page 3of 4CONDITIONS (continued):
- a. Maintenance operating hours,b. Emergency operating hours,c. District required testing operating hours,d. Total engine operating hours,e. Total fuel usage.f. Copies of all fuel purchase
- records, andg. Total cost of engine repairs to date for each engine.8. The APCO shall be notified prior to the repair or reconstruction of any diesel engine underpermit. Consumable items used for regular maintenance, such as filters, hoses, belts, fluids,and glow plugs, are not Considered repairs.
In addition, replacement parts costing less than$100.00 can be omitted from this requirement.
This condition is a result of a stateregulation on rebuilds or repairs.
Extensive repairs could trigger lower allowable emissionrates. If lower emission rates apply, they may not be achievable with a simple rebuild.9. Temporary Engine Replacement:
Any engine subject to this permit may be temporarily replaced with another engine if all the requirements listed in sections
- a. through e. beloware satisfied:
- a. The APCO shall be notified in writing or by fax at (805) 781-1002 within seventy two(72) hours of a permitted engine being replaced with a qualified temporary engine.The notification shall include the replacement engines make, model, ratedhorsepower, engine family number, current engine hour meter reading,manufacturer's particulate matter and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emission rates ingrams per horsepower-hour (g/hp-hr) and the reason for the replacement.
- b. The permitted engine is in need of routine repair or maintenance and is returned toits original service within 180 days of installation of the temporary engine.c. The temporary replacement engine has the same or lower manufacturer ratedhorsepower and same or lower potential to emit of particulate matter and Oxides ofNitrogen (NOx) as the permitted engine that is being temporarily replaced.
Uponwritten request, the APCO may approve a replacement engine with a larger ratedhorsepower than the permitted engine if the proposed temporary engine hasmanufacturer guaranteed emissions less than or equal to the permitted engine or ifthe engine meets current permitting requirements.
PG&E Diablo CanyonPermit to Operate No. 1946-1September 2, 2014Page4o0f4 CONDITIONS (continued):
- d. The temporary replacement engine shall comply with all conditions of this permit,including but not limited to, engine operating hour limits, recordkeeping andreporting requirements.
- e. The APCO shall be notified in writing or by fax at (805) 781-1002 within 14 days ofremoval of the temporary engine.10. This equipment shalt be operated and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the information presented in the application under which this permitwas issued.11. If the APCO determines that the operation of this equipment is causing a public nuisance, the owner/operator shall take immediate action and eliminate the nuisance.
- 12. The APCO shall be notified in writing before any changes are made to operating procedures, equipment, or materials used which have the potential to increase the emission of any aircontaminant.
- 13. This permit is not transferable.
A change of ownership application shall be submitted to theAPCO at least ten (10) working days prior to any change in the person, partnership,
- company, corporation, or agency that is responsible for the operation of the equipment described above.September
- 2. 2014ISSUANCE DATEAugust (annually)
AN NIVERSARY LARRY R. ALLENAir Pollution Control OfficerManager, Engineering DivisionApplication Number: 6096H:\PERMITS\PO\6O96PO.docx Post Gon.surer Recy,'tedc Poper/,,/7<7~i1
~apcAir Pollution Control DistrictSan Luis Obispo CountyPERMIT TO OPERATENumber 1980-2EQUIPMENT OWNER-OPERATOR:
PG&E Diablo Canyon Power PlantP.O. Box 56Mail Stop 104/5/534 Avila Beach, CA 93424EQUIPMENT LOCATION:
Portable emergency generators consisting of:a. One (1) 2014 Cummins Model QSB7-G9, 274 hp, Tier 4, S!N 73712826, FamilyNumber ECEXL06.7AAL, diesel engine to power an emergency generator.
- b. One (1) 2014 CU~mmins Model QSB7-G90 274 hp, Tier 4, SIN 73717948, FamilyNumber ECEXLO6.7AAL, diesel engine to power an emergency generator.
- c. One (1) 2014 Cummins Model QSL9-G9, 433 hp, Tier 4, S/N 73785693, FamilyNumber FCEXL08.9AAL, diesel engine to power an emergency generator.
- d. One (1) 2014 Cummins Model QSL9-G9, 433 hp, Tier 4, S/N 73785707, FamilyNumber FCEXL08.9AAL, diesel engine to power an emergency generator.
- 1. Non-Emergency Operation
- a. Non-emergency operation shall be limited to maintenance andperformance testing only and shall not exceed thirty (30) hours per805.781.5912 805.781.1002 3433 Roberto Court, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 PG&E Diablo Canyon Power PlantPermit tO Operate No. 1980-2October 15, 2015Page 2of 4CONDITIONS (continued):
engine per calendar year. Operation for emissions testing required by theDistrict shall not be limited by this condition.
- b. The Air Pollution Control Officer (APCO) shall be notified in writing withinseven (7) days of exceeding the yearly non-emergency operation limit.c. An emergency is defined as failure of normal e~lectrical power service that isbeyond the control of the permit holder and does not include voluntarily disconnecting from utility grid power.2. Only diesel fuel that meets the California Air Resources Board's specifications for on-road use shall be used to fuel the engine(s) unless otherwise approved by the APCO.Records of the fuel purchases shall be maintained and include a fuel specification Sheet that shows compliance with this condition.
- 3. Visible emissions from the engine shall not exceed Ringelmann No. 1/2z or ten percent(10%) opacity for periods aggregating more than three (3) minutes in any hour.4. A non-resettable hour meter for each engine shall be installed and maintained unless an APCO approved alternative tracking PrOcedure is approved.
- 5. An operating log for the current calendar year shall be maintained for each engineon a monthly basis. Entries shall also be made for any day that the engine isoperated and for any day that the engine receives fuel. The logs shall be retained forat least three (3) years and shall include the following data:a. Operating mode: emergency, maintenance, or District required testingb. Engine hour meter reading at start-up,
- c. Engine hour reading at shutdown,
- d. Operating hours for the calendar day,e. Running total calendar year to date Operating hours,f. Running total calendar year to date operating hours in maintenance mode,g. Running total calendar year to date operating hours in emergency mode,h. Estimated fuel use for the day in gallons,i. Running total calendar year to date fuel use in gallons,j. Fuel purchased in gallons, andk. Total costs of any engine repair or reconstruction, excluding consumable items associated with standard maintenance activities.
- 6. Within fourteen (14) days of a request, the following~information shall be submitted to the APCO for the previous calendar year for each engine:a. Maintenance operating hours,b. Emergency operating hours,C. District required testing operating hours,d. Total engine operating
- hours, PG&E Diablo Canyon Power PlantPermit to Operate No. 1980-2October 15, 2015Page 3of4 4CONDITIONS (continued):
- e. Total fuel usage,f. Copies of all fuel purchase
- records, andg. Total cost of engine repairs to date for each engine.7. The APCO shall be notified prior to the repair or reconstruction of any diesel engineunder permit. Consumable items used for regular maintenance, such as filters,hoses, belts, fluids, and glow plugs, are not considered repairs.
In addition, replacement parts costing less than $100.00 can be omitted from this requirement.
This condition is a result of a state regulation on rebuilds or repairs.
Extensive repairs could trigger lower allowable emission rates. If lower emission rates apply,they may not be achievable with a simple rebuild.8. Temporary Engine Replacement:
Any engine subject to this permit may betemporarily replaced with another engine if all the requirements listed in sections a.through e. below are satisfied:
- a. The APCO shall be notified in writing or by fax at (805) 781-1002 withinseventy two (72) hours of a permitted engine being replaced with a qualified temporary engine. The notification shall include the replacement enginesmake, model, rated horsepower, engine family number, current engine hourmeter reading, manufacturer's particulate matter and oxides of nitrogen(NOx) emission rates in grams per horsepower-hour (g/hp-hr) and the reasonfor the replacement.
- b. The permitted engine is in need of routine repair or maintenance and isreturned to its original service within 180 days of installation of thetemporary engine.c. The temporary replacement engine has the same or lower manufacturer rated horsepower and same or lower potential to emit of particulate matterand Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) as the permitted engine that is beingtemporarily replaced.
Upon written request, the APCQ may approve areplacement engine with a larger rated horsepower than the permitted engine if the proposed temporary engine has manufacturer guaranteed emissions less than or equal to the permitted engine or if the engine meetscurrent permitting requirements.
- d. The temporary replacement engine Shall Comply with all conditions of thispermit, including but not limited to, engine operating hour limits,recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
- e. The APCO shall be notified in writing or by fax at (805) 781-1 002 within 14dlays of removal of the temporary engine.
PG&E Diablo Canyon Power PlantPermit tO Operate No. 1980-2October 15, 2015Page 4of 4CONDITIONS (continued):
- 9. This equipment shall be operated and maintained in accordance with themanufacturer's recommendations and the information presented in the application under which this permit was issued.10. If the APCO determines that the operation of this equipment, is causing a publicnuisance, the owner/operator shall take immediate action and eliminate thenuisance.
- 11. The APCO shall be notified in writing before any changes are made to operating procedures, equipment, or materials used which have the potential to increase theemission of any air contaminant.
- 12. This permit is not transferable to a new owner or location without the APCO'sapproval.
A change of ownership application shall be submitted to the APCO at leastten (10) working days prior to any change in the person or agency that is responsible for the operation of the equipment described above. An authority to construct application must be submitted and approved by the APCO prior to moving thepermitted equipment to a new location.
October 15. 2015 ... .lune (annually)
Engineering and Compliance DivisionApplication Number: 6266H:\PERMITS\PO\6266PO.docx ap ca San Luis Obispo CountyCertificate of Permit Compliance Date of Inspection:
May 12. 2015Name: of Facility:
Pacific Gas & Electric Company -Diablo CanyonCertificate To: Tom EsserPermits:
49-1. 338-1. 415-3, 533-2. 919-3. 1065-8. 1845-2. 1944-1For exceptional compliance to all .conditions and completion of allrequirements listed, in the Air Pollution Control District Permit.J~une 23, 201.5oAir P lTtion Cont of Date