ML15317A009 | |
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Site: | Susquehanna |
Issue date: | 11/05/2015 |
From: | Gerlach R M Susquehanna |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
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Download: ML15317A009 (31) | |
SSES MANUALManual Name: TSBIManual Title: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION BASES UNIT 1 MANUALTable Of ContentsIssue Date: 11/04/2015Procedure Name RevTEXT LOES 121Title: LIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONSIssue Date11/04/2 015Change ID Change NumberTEXT TOCTitle: TABLE OF CONTENTS23 07/02/2014TEXT 2.1.1 6Title: SAFETY LIMITS (SLS) REACTORTEXT 2.1.2 1Title: SAFETY LIMITS (SLS) REACTOR01/22 /2 015CORE SLS10/ 04/2 007COOLANT SYSTEM(RCS) PRESSURE STEXT 3.0 3 08/20/2009Title: LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION (LCO) APPLICABILITYTEXT 3.1.1Title: REACTIVITYTEXT 3.1.2Title: REACTIVITYTEXT 3.1.3Title: REACTIVITYTEXT 3.1.4Title: REACTIVITYTEXT 3.1.5Title: REACTIVITYTEXT 3.1.6Title: REACTIVITY1 04/18/2006CONTROL SYSTEMS SHUTDOWN MARGIN (SDM)0 11/15/2002CONTROL SYSTEMS REACTIVITY ANOMALIES2 01/19/2009CONTROL SYSTEMS CONTROL ROD OPERABILITY4 01/30/2009CONTROL SYSTEMS CONTROL ROD SCRAM TIMES1 07/06/2005CONTROL SYSTEMS CONTROL ROD SCRAM ACCUMULATORS3 02/24/2014CONTROL SYSTEMS ROD PATTERN CONTROLPagel of 8 Report Date: 11/05/15Page ! ofReport Date: 11/05/15 SSES MANUAManual Name: TSBIManual Title: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION BASES UNIT 1 MANUALTEXT 3.1.7 3 04/23/2008Title: REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL (SLC) SYSTEMTEXT 3.1.8 3 05/06/2009Title: REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS SCRAM DISCHARGE VOLUME (SDV) VENT AND DRAIN VALVESTEXT 3.2.1 2 04/23/2008Title: POWER DISTRIBUTION LIMITS AVERAGE PLANAR LINEAR HEAT GENERATION RATE (APLHGR)TEXT 3.2.2 3 05/06/2009Title: POWER DISTRIBUTION LIMITS MINIMUM CRITICAL POWER RATIO (MCPR)TEXT 3.2.3 2 04/23/2008Title: POWER DISTRIBUTION LIMITS LINEAR HEAT GENERATION RATE (LHGR)TEXT 6 02/24/2014Title: INSTRUMENTATION REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM (RPS) INSTRUMENTATIONTEXT 2 01/19/2009Title: INSTRUMENTATION SOURCE RANGE MONITOR (SRM) INSTRUMENTATIONTEXT INSTRUMENTATIONTEXT INSTRUMENTATION4 02/24/2014CONTROL ROD BLOCK INSTRUMENTATION2 04/05/2010FEEDWATER MAIN TURBINE HIGH WATER LEVEL TRIP INSTRUMENTATIONTEXT 9 02/28/2013Title: INSTRUMENTATION POST ACCIDENT MONITORING (PAM) INSTRUMENTATIONTEXT INSTRUMENTATION1 04/18/2005REMOTE SHUTDOWN SYSTEMTEXT 2 02/24/2014Title: INSTRUMENTATION END OF CYCLE RECIRCULATION PUMP TRIP (EOC-RPT) INSTRUMENTATION WPage 2. of .~ Report Date: 11/05/15Pageof 8Report Date: 11/05/15 SSES MANTJALManual Name: TSB1* aulTitle: TECHNICA SPECIFICATION BASES UNIT 1 MNATEXT 0 11/15/2002Title: INSTRUMENTATION ANTICIPATED TRANSIENT WITHOUT SCRAM RECIRCULATION PUMP TRIP(ATWS-RPT) INSTRUMENTATIONTEXT 3 08/20/2009Title: INSTRUMENTATION EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEM (ECCS) INSTRUMENTATIONTEXT 0 11/15/2002Title: INSTRUMENTATION REACTOR CORE ISOLATION COOLING CRCIC) SYSTEM INSTRUMENTATIONTEXT 7 03/31/2014Title: INSTRUMENTATION PRIMARY CONTAINMENT ISOLATION INSTRUMENTATIONTEXT 4 09/01/2010Title: INSTRUMENTATION SECONDARY CONTAINMENT ISOLATION INSTRUMENTATIONTEXT INSTRUMENTATIONINSTRUMENTATION2 10/27/2008CONTROL ROOM EMERGENCY OUTSIDE AIR SUPPLY (CREOAS) SYSTEMTEXT 2 12/17/2007Title: INSTRUMENTATION LOSS OF POWER (LOP) INSTRUMENTATIONTEXT 0 11/15/2002Title: INSTRUMENTATION REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM (RPS) ELECTRIC POWER MONITORINGTEXT 3.4.1Title: REACTOR COOLANTTEXT 3.4.2Title: REACTOR COOLANTTEXT 3.4.3Title: REACTOR COOLANT4 04/27/2010SYSTEM (RCS) RECIRCULATION LOOPS OPERATING3 10/23/2013SYSTEM (RCS) JET PUMPS3 01/13/2012SYSTEM RCS SAFETY RELIEF VALVES S/RVSTEXT 3.4.4 0 11/15/2002Title: REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM (RCS) RCS OPERATIONAL LEAKAGEPage 3 of 8 Report Date: 11/05/15Page Aof 8Report Date: 11/05/15 SSES MANqUALManual Name: TSBISManual Title: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION BASES UNIT 1 MANUALTEXT 3.4.5 1 01/16/2006Title: REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM CRCS) RCS PRESSURE ISOLATION VALVE (PIV) LEAKAGETEXT 3.4.6Title: REACTOR COOLANT4SYSTEM (RCS)02/19/2 014RCS LEAKAGE DETECTION INSTRUMENTATIONTEXT 3.4.7 2 10/04/2007Title: REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM (RCS) RCS SPECIFIC ACTIVITYTEXT 3.4.8Title: REACTOR COOLANT-HOT SHUTDOWNTEXT 3.4.9Title: REACTOR COOLANT-COLD SHUTDOWNTEXT 3.4.10Title: REACTOR COOLANTTEXT 3.4.11Title: REACTOR COOLANTTEXT 3.5.12SYSTEM (RCS)03/28/2013RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL (RHR) SHUTDOWN COOLING SYSTEM1 03/28/2013SYSTEM (RCS) RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL (RER) SHUTDOWN COOLING SYSTEM04 11/04/2015SYSTEM (RCS) RCS PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE (P/T) LIMITS0 11/15/2002SYSTEM (RCS) REACTOR STEAM DOME PRESSURE4 07/16/2014Title: EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEMS (ECCS) AND REACTORSYSTEM ECCS -OPERATINGTEXT 3.5.2 0 11/15/2002Title: EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEMS (ECCS) AND REACTORSYSTEM ECCS -SHUTDOWNTEXT 3.5.3 3 02/24/2014Title: EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEMS (ECCS) AND REACTORSYSTEM RCIC SYSTEMCORE ISOLATION COOLING (RCIC)CORE ISOLATION COOLING CRCIC)CORE ISOLATION COOLING (RCIC)TEXT PRIMARY CONTAINMENT5 02/24/2014TEXT 1 04/23/2008Title: CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS PRIMARY CONTAINMENT AIR LOCKPage4 of 8 Report Date: 11/05/15Page ofReport Date: 11/05/15 SSES MANUALJMManual Name: TSB1Manual Title: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION BASES UNIT 1 MANUALTEXT CONTAINMENTTEXT CONTAINMENTTEXT CONTAINMENTTEXT CONTAINMENTTEXT CONTAINMENTTEXT CONTAINMENTTEXT CONTAINMENTTEXT CONTAINMENTTEXT CONTAINMENTTEXT CONTAINMENTTEXT CONTAINMENTTEXT CONTAINMENT11 07/02/2014SYSTEMS PRIMARY CONTAINMENT ISOLATION VALVES (PCIVS)1 04/23/2008SYSTEMS CONTAINMENT PRESSURE1 10/05/2005SYSTEMS DRYWELL AIR TEMPERATURE0 11/15/2002SYSTEMS SUPPRESSION CHANBER-TO-DRYWELL VACUUM BREAKERS2 04/23/2008SYSTEMS SUPPRESSION POOL AVERAGE TEMPERATURE0 11/15/2002SYSTEMS SUPPRESSION POOL WATER. LEVEL1 01/16/2006SYSTEMS RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL (RER) SUPPRESSION POOL COOLING0 11/15/2002SYSTEMS RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL (RHR) SUPPRESSION POOL SPRAY2 06/13/2006SYSTEMS PRIMARY CONTAINMENT HYDROGEN RECOMBINERS1 04/18/2005SYSTEMS DRYWELL AIR FLOW SYSTEM1 02/28/2013SYSTEMS PRIMARY CONTAINMENT OXYGEN CONCENTRATION11 11/06/2014SYSTEMS SECONDARY CONTAINMENTPage~ of 8 Report Date: 11/05/15Page 5 ofReport Date: 11/05/15 SSES MANUJALManual Name:- TSB1Title: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION BASES UNIT 1 MANUALTEXT 9 04/25/2014Title: CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS SECONDARY CONTAINMENT ISOLATION VALVES (SCIVS)TEXT 4 09/21/2006Title: CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS STANDBY GAS TREATMENT (SGT) SYSTEMTEXT 3.7.1Title: PLANT SYSTEMSULTIMATE HEAT4 04/05/2010RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL SERVICEWATER_ CRHRSW) SYSTEM AND THESINK (UES)TEXT 3.7.2Title: PLANT2 02/11/2009SYSTEMS EMERGENCY SERVICE WATER (ESW) SYSTEMTEXT 3.7.3Title: PLANT SYSTEMS1 01/08/2010CONTROL ROOM EMERGENCY OUTSIDE AIR SUPPLY (CREOAS) SYSTEMTEXT 3.7.4Title: PLANTTEXT 3.7.5Title: PLANTTEXT 3.7.6Title: PLANTTEXT 3.7.7Title: PLANT0 11/15/2002SYSTEMS CONTROL ROOM FLOOR COOLING SYSTEM1 10/04/2007SYSTEMS MAIN CONDENSER OFFGAS2 04/23/2008SYSTEMS MAIN TURBINE BYPASS SYSTEM1 10/04/2007SYSTEMS SPENT FUEL STORAGE POOL WATER LEVELTEXT 3.7.8Title: PLANT SYSTEMS0 04/23/2008TEXT 3.8.17 02/24/2014Title: ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS AC SOURCES -OPERATING-TEXT 3.8.2 0 11/15/2002S- Title: ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS AC SOURCES -SHUTDOWNPage6 of 8 Report Date: 11/05/15Page 6 ofReport Date: 11/05/15 SSE~S MANUAL.Manual Name : TSBIManual Title: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION BASES UNIT 1 MANUALTEXT 3.8.3Title: ELECTRICALTEXT 3.8.4Title : ELECTRICALTEXT 3.8.5__Title: ELECTRICALTEXT 3.8.6Title: ELECTRICALTEXT 3.8.7Title:- ELECTRICALTEXT 3.8.8Title: ELECTRICALTEXT 3.9.1Title: REFUELING CTEXT 3.9.2Title: REFUELING CTEXT 3.9.3Title: REFUELING CTEXT 3.9.4Title: REFUELING CTEXT 3.9.5Title: REFUELING CTEXT 3.9.6Title: REFUELING CPOWER SYSTIJPOWER SYSTPOWER SYSTPOWER SYSTPOWER SYSTPOWER SYSI)PERATIONS)PERATIONS)PERATIONS)PERATIONS)PERATIONS)PERATIONS4 10/23/2013DIESEL FUEL OIL, LUBE OIL, AND STARTING AIR3 01/19/2009'EMS DC SOURCES -OPERATING1 12/14/2006?EMS DC SOURCES -SHUTDOWN1 12/14/2006PEMS BATTERY CELL PARAMVETERS1 10/05/2005?EMS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS -OPERATING0 11/15/2002?ENS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS -SHUTDOWN0 11/15/2002REFUELING EQUIPMENT INTERLOCKS1 09/01/2010REFUEL POSITION ONE-ROD-OUT INTERLOCK0 11/15/2002CONTROL ROD POSITION0 11/15/2002CONTROL ROD POSITION INDICATION0 11/15/2002CONTROL ROD OPERABILITY -REFUELING1 10/04/2007REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL (RPV) WATER LEVELPage 2 of 8 Report Date: 11/05/15Pageof 8Report Date: 11/05/15 MANUITALManual Name:s TSBITitle: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION BASES UNIT 1 MANUALTEXT 3.9.7 0 11/15/2002Title: REFUELING OPERATIONS RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL (RHR) -HIGH WATER LEVELTEXT 3.9.8 0 11/15/2002Title: REFUELING OPERATIONS RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL (RER) -LOW WATER LEVELTEXT 3.10.1Title: SPECIALTEXT 3.10.2Title: SPECIALTEXT 3.10.3Title: SPECIALTEXT 3.10.4Title: SPECIALTEXT 3.10.5Title: SPECIALTEXT 3.10.6Title: SPECIALTEXT 3.10.7Title: SPECIALTEXT 3.10.8Title: SPECIALOPERATIONSOPERATIONSOPERATIONSOPERATIONSOPERATIONSOPERATIONSOPERATIONSOPERATIONS1 01/23/2008INSERVICE LEAK AND HYDROSTATIC TESTING OPERATION0 11/15/2002REACTOR MODE SWITCH INTERLOCK TESTING0 11/15/2002SINGLE CONTROL ROD WITHDRAWAL -HOT SHUTDOWN0 11/15/2002SINGLE CONTROL ROD WITHDRAWAL -COLD SHUTDOWN0 11/15/2002SINGLE CONTROL ROD DRIVE (CRD) REMOVAL -REFUELING0 11/-15/2002MULTIPLE CONTROL ROD WITHDRAWAL -REFUELING1 04/18/2006CONTROL ROD TESTING -OPERATING1 04/12/2006SHUTDOWN MARGIN (SDM) TEST -REFUELINGSPage8 of 8 Report Date: 11/05/15Page 8 of 8Report Date: 11/05/15 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATIONLIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS (TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BASES)Section Title RevisionTOC Table of Contents 23B 2.0 SAFETY LIMITS BASESPage TS / B2.0-1 1Page TS /B 2.0-2 3Page TS /8B2.0-3 6Page TS /B 2.0-4 4Page"S / B 2.0-5 6Page TS / B 2.0-6 1Pages TS / B 2.0-7 through TS / B 2.0-9 1B 3.0 LCO AND SR APPLICABILITY BASESPage TS / B3.0-1 Pages TS / B 3.0-2 through TS/IB 3.0-4 0 .....Pages TS / B 3.0-5 through TS / B 3.0-7 Page TS / B3.0-8 3Pages TS / B 3.0-9 through TS I B 3.0-11 2Page TS / B 3.0-11a 0Page TS /B 3.0-12IPages TS / B 3.0-13 through TS I2Pages TS /B3.0-16 and TS 0B 3.1 REACTIVITY CONTROL BAyPages B83.1-1 trug 0Page TS / B 3.1-5A 1PagesTS /Ba3.1 d .72Pages B3.1-8 t 3.Page 3. 20ghB 3.1-19 020 and TS / B 3.1-21 1Pa 03.1-23I3.1-240Pa TS / B 3.1-25 through TS /8B3.1-27 1TS B 31-282,= TS/ B 31-29IPages B 3.1-30 through B 3.1-33 0Pages TS I B 3.3-34 through TS I B 3.3-36 1Page TS /8B3.1-37 2Page TS I B 3.1-38 3Pages TS /8B3.1-39 and TS /8B3.1-40 2Page TS I B 3.1-40a 0Pages TS /B 3.1-41 and TS / B3.1-42 2SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT 1 TSIB LOES-1 Revision 121SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT 1TS / B LOES-1Revision 121 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATIONLIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS (TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BASES)Section Title RevisionPage TS I B 3.1.43 1Page TS / B 3.1-44 0Page TS I B 3.1-45 3Pages TS I B 3.1-46 through TS I B 3.1-49 1Page TS I B 3.1-50 0Page TS / B 3.1-51 3B 3.2 POWER DISTRIBUTION LIMITS BASESPage TS I B 3.2-1 2Pages TS I B 3.2-2 and TS / B 3.2-33Pages TS / B 3.2-4 and TS I B 3.2-5 2*Page TSI/B 3.2-6 3_ ageB3.2-7 .. ......_1__Pages TS / B 3.2-8 and TS I B 3.2-9 3Page TS / B 3.2.10 2Page TS / B 3.2-11 3Page TS I B 3.2-12 1Page TS / B 3.2-13 2B 3.3 INSTRUMENTATIONPages TS / B 3.3-1 through TS I B 3.3-4 1Page TS I B 3.3-5 2Page TS / B 3.3-6 IPage TS / B 3.3-7 3Page TS I B 3.3-7a IPage TS / B 3.3-8 5Pages TS I B 3.3-9 through TS / B 3.3-12 3Pages TS I B 3.3-12a IPages TS / B 3.3-12b and TS I B 3.3-12c 0Page TS I B 3.3-13 1Page TS / B 3.3-14 3Pages TS / B 3.3-15 and TS / B 3.3-16 1Pages TS / B 3.3-17 and TS / B 3.3-18 4Page TS / B 3.3-19 1Pages TS I B 3.3-20 through TS I B 3.3-22 2Page TS / B 3.3-22a 0Pages TS / B 3.3-23 and TS I B 3.3-24 2Pages TS I B 3.3-24a and TS / B 3.3-24b 0Page TS / B 3.3-25 3Page TS / B 3.3-26 2Page TS / B 3.3-27 1Page TS / B 3.3-28 3Page TSI/B 3.3-29 4Page TS I B 3.3-30 3Page TS / B 3.3-30a 0SUSQUEHANNA-UNIT1TS / B LOES-2Revision 121 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATIONLIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS (TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BASES)Section Title RevisionPage TS / B 3.3-31 4Page TS / B 3.3-32 5Pages TS / B 3.3-32a 0Page TS / B 3.3-32b 1Page TS / B 3.3-33 5Page TS I B 3.3-33a 0Page TS / B 3.3-34 1Pages TS / B 3.3-35 and TS / B 3.3-36 2Pages TS / B 3.3-37 and TS / B 3.3-38 1Page TSI/B 3.3-39 2Pages TS I B 3.3-40 through TS I B 3.3-43 1Page TSI/B 3.3-44 4Pages TS I B 3.3_-4a and TS/_ B 3.3-44b -0Page TS / B 3.3-45 3Pages TS / B 3.3-45a and TS I B 3.3-45b 0Page TS / B3.3-46 3Pages TS / B 3.3-47 2Pages TS I B 3.3-48 through TS / B 3.3-51 3Pages TS I B 3.3-52 and TS / B 3.3-53 2Page TS / B 3-3-53a 0Page TS / B 3.3-54 5Page TS / B 3.3-55 2Pages TS I B 3.3-56 and TS / B 3.3-57 1Page TS I B 3.3-58 0Page TS I B 3.3-59 1Page TS / B 3.3-60 0Page TS / B 3.3-61 1Pages TS / B 3.3-62 and TS / B 3.3-63 0Pages TS / B 3.3-64 and TS / B 3.3-65 2Page TS / B 3.3-66 4Page TS / B 3.3-67 3Page TS / B 3.3-68 4Page TS / B 3.3-69 5Pages TS / B 3.3-70 4Page TS / B3.3-71 3Pages TS I B 3.3-72 and TS I B 3.3-73 2Page TS / B 3.3-74 3Page TS I B 3.3-75 2Page TS / B 3.3-75a 6Page TS / B 3.3-75b 7Page TS / B 3.3-75c 6Pages B 3.3-76 through B 3.3-77 0Page TS I B 3.3-78 1SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT I TSIBLOES-3 Revision 121SUSQUEHANNA- UNIT 1TS / B LOES-3Revision 121 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATIONLIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS (TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BASES)Section Title RevisionPages B 3.3-79 through B 3.3-81 0Page TS I B 3.3-82 2Page B 3.3-83 0Pages B 3.3-84 and B 3.3-85 1Page B 3.3-86 0Page B 3.3-87 1Page B 3.3-88 0Page B 3.3-89 1Page TS I B 3.3-90 1Page B 3.3-91 0.Pages TS/IB 3.3-92 through TS IB 3.3-100 1*Pages TSI/B 3.3-101 through TS/B 3.3-103 .0PageTSI/B3.3-_104 .....-Pages TS I B 3.3-1 05 and TS I B 3.3-106 0Page TS / B3.3-107 IPage TS I B 3.3-108 0Page TS I B 3.3-109 1Pages TS I B 3.3-110 and TS/B83.3-111 0Pages TS I B 3.3-112 and TS I B 3.3-1 12a IPages TS / B 3.3-113 through TS / B 3.3-115 1Page TS / B 3.3-116 3Page TS / B 3.3-117 1Pages TS I B 3.3-118 through TS I B 3.3-122 0Pages TS I B 3.3-123 and TS I B 3.3-124 1Page TS I B 3.3-124a 0Page TS I B 3.3-125 0Pages TS I B 3.3-126 and TS I B 3.3-127 1Pages TS I B 3.3-1 28 through TS/ B 3.3-130 0Page TS / B 3.3-131 1Pages TS I B 3.3-1 32 through TS I B 3.3-1 34 0Pages B 3.3-135 through B 3.3-137 0Page TS / B 3.3-138 1Pages B 3.3-1 39 through B 3.3-149 0Pages TS I B 3.3-150 and TS I B 3.3-151 1Pages TS I B 3.3-1 52 through TS/IB 3.3-154 2Page TS I B 3.3-155 1Pages TS I B 3.3-1 56 through TS I B 3.3-158 2Pages TS / B 3.3-159 and TS I B 3.3-160 1Page TS / B 3.3-161 2Page TS I B 3.3-162 1Page TS I B 3.3-163 2Page TS I B 3.3-164 1Pages TS I B 3.3-165 through TS I B 3.3-167 2SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT I TSIBLOES-4 Revision 121SUSQUEHANNA-UNIT1TS / B LOES-4Revision 121 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATIONLIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS (TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BASES)Section Title RevisionPages TS/IB 3.3-168 and TS / B 3.3-169 1Page TS I B 3.3-170 3Page TS I B 3.3-171 2Pages TS I B 3.3-172 through TS / B 3.3-1 77 1Pages TS / B 3.3-178 and TS I B 3.3-179 2Page TS / B 3.3-179a 2Pages TS I B 3.3-179b and TS / B 3.3-179c 0Page TS / B 3.3-180 1Page TIS / B 3.3-181 3Page TS / B 3.3-182 1Page TS / B 3.3-183 2Page TS /8B3.3-184 1_P~ageTS /B 3.3-_185 -_Page TS / B 3.3-186 1Pages TS I B 3.3-187 and TS I B 3.3-188 2Pages TS / B 3.3-189 through TS I B 3.3-191 1Page TS / B 3.3-192 0Page TS / B 3.3-193 1Pages TS I B 3.3-194 and TS I B 3.3-195 0Page TS I B 3.3-196 2Pages TS I B 3.3-197 through TS I B 3.3-204 0Page TS / B 3.3-205 1Pages B 3.3-206 through B 3.3-209 0Page TS / B 3.3-210 1Pages B 3.3-211 through B 3.3-219 0B 3.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM BASESPages B 3.4-1 and B 3.4-2 0Pages TS / B 3.4-3 and Page TS I B 3.4-4 4Page TS / B 3.4-5 3Pages TS / B 3.4-6 through TS / B 3.4-9 2Page TS / B 3.4-10 1Pages TS / 3.4-11 and TS I B 3.4-12 0Page TS / B 3.4-13 2Page TS / B 3.4-14 1Page TS /8B3.4-15 2Pages TS /8B3.4-16 and TS 18B3.4-17 4Page TS / B 3.4-18 2Pages B 3.4-19 through B 3.4-27 0Pages TS /8B3.4-28 and TS /8B3.4-29 1Page TS / B 3.4-30 2Page TS / B 3.4-31 1Pages TS / B 3.4-32 and TS / B 3.4-33 2Page TS /8B3.4-34 1Page TS I B 3.4-34a 0SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT I TS/BLOES-5 Revision 121SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT 1TS / B LOES-5Revision 121 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATIONLIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS (TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BASES)Section Title RevisionPages TS / B 3.4-35 and TIS / B 3.4-36 1Page TS / B 3.4-37 2Page TS I B 3.4-38 1Pages B 3.4-39 and B 3.4-40 0Page TS I B 3.4-41 2Pages TS I B 3.4-42 through TS I B 3.4-45 0Page TS / B 3.4-46 1Pages TS B 3.4-47 and TS / B 3.4-48 0Page TS I B 3.4-49 3Page TS / B 3.4-50 1Page TS /B 3.4-51 3Page TSI/B 3.4-52 3-P~ageTSI/B 3.4-52a --_ -0_Pages TS I B 3.4-53 through TS I B 3.4-56 2Page TS I B 3.4-57 4Page TS I B 3.4-57a 0Pages TS / B 3.4-58 through TS I B 3.4-60 1B 3.5 ECCS AND RCIC BASESPages B 3.5-1 and B 3.5-2 0Page TS / B 3.5-3 3Page TS / B 3.5-4 1Page TS / B 3.5-5 2Page TSI/B 3.5-6 IPages B 3.5-7 through B 3.5-10 0Page TS /B 3.5-11 IPage TS I B 3.5-12 0Page TS I B 3.5-13 2Pages TS / B 3.5-14 and TS I B 3.5-15 0Pages TS / B 3.5-16 and TS / B 3.5-17 3Page TS / B 3.5-18 1Pages B 3.5-19 through B 3.5-24 0Page TS / B 3.5-25 1Page TS I B 3.5-26 and TS / B 3.5-27 2Page TS / B 3.5-28 0Page TS I B 3.5-29 1Pages TS / B 3.5-30 and TS I B 3.5-31 0B 3.6 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS BASESPage TS / B 3.6-1 2Page TS I B 3.6-la 3Page TS I B 3.6-2 4Page TS I B 3.6-3 ,3Page TS / B 3.6-4 4Pages TS I B 3.6-5 and TS I B 3.6-6 3SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT I TSIBLOES-6 Revision 121SUSQUEHANNA-UNIT1TS / B LOES-6Revision 121 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATIONLIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS (TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BASES)Section Title RevisionPage TS I B 3.6-6a 2Page TS I B 3.6-6b 4Page TS I B 3.6-6c 0Page B 3.6-7 0Page B 3.6-8 1Pages B 3.6-9 through B 3.6-14 0Page TS / B 3.6-15 3Page TS I B 3.6-15a 0Page TS / B 3.6-15Sb 2Pages TS / B 3.6-16 and TS / B 3.6-17 2Page TS / B 3.6-17a IPages TS I B 3.6-18 and TS I B 3.6-19 0-P~age TS LB 3.6-20 - -__ -...Page TS I B 3.6-21 2Page TS / B 3.6-22 1Page TS I B 3.6-22a 0Page TS / B 3.6-23 1Pages TS I B 3.6-24 and TS / B 3.6-25 0Pages TS I B 3.6-26 and TS / B 3.6-27 2Page TS I B 3.6-28 7Page TS I B 3.6-29 2Page TS /8B3.6-30 1Page TS /8B3.6-31 3Pages TS / B 3.6-32 and TS I B 3.6-33 1Pages TS I B 3.6-34 and TS I B 3.6-35 0Page TS /8B3.6-36 1Page TS /8B3.6-37 0Page TS I B 3.6-38 3Page TS /8B3.6-39 2Page TS /8B3.6-40 6Page TS I B 3.6-40a' IPage B 3.6-41 1Pages B 3.6-42 and B 3.6-43 0Pages TS I B 3.6-44 and TS I B 3.6-45 1Page TS / B 3.6-46 2Pages TS I 8 3.6-47 through TS I B 3.6-51 1Page TS /8B3.6-52 2Pages TS / B 3.6-53 through TS / B 3.6-56 0Page TS I B 3.6-57 1Page TS / 3.6-58 2Pages B 3.6-59 through B 3.6-63 0Pages TS I B 3.6-64 and TS I B 3.6-65 1Pages B 3.6-66 through B 3.6-69 0SUSQUEHANNA-UNIT1SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT I TS/BLOES-.7 Revision 121TS / B LOES-7Revision 121 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATIONLIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS (TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BASES)Section Title RevisionPages TS I B 3.6-70 through TS I B 3.6-75 IPages B 3.6-76 and B 3.6-77 0Page TS I B 3.6-78 1Pages B 3.6-79 and B 3.3.6-80 0Page TS / B 3.6-81 1Pages TS / B 3.6-82 and TS / B 3.6-83 0Page TS I B 3.6-84 4Page TS / B 3.6-85 2Page TS I B 3.6-86 4Pages TS / B 3.6-87 through TS I B 3.6-88a 2Page TS I B 3.6-89 6Page TSI/B 3.6-90 4P~ageTS / B3.6_-90a ...._0_-Pages TS I B 3.6-91 and TS / B 3.6-92 3Page TS I B 3.6-93 2Pages TS / B 3.6-94 through TS l B 3.6-96 1Page TS / B 3.6-97 2Page TS I B 3.6-98 1Page TS l B 3.6-99 2Pages TS I B 3.6-100 and TS / B 3.6-l00a 6Page TS / B 3.6-100b 4,Page TS I B 3.6-l00c 0Pages TS I B 3.6-101 and TS / B 3.6-102 1Pages TS / B 3.6-103 and TS / B 3.6-104 2Page TS / B 3.6-105 3Page TS I B 3.6-106 2Page TS / B 3.6-107 3B 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS BASESPages TS / B 3.7-1 3Page TS / B 3.7-2 4Pages TS / B 3.7-3 through TS / B 3.7-5 3Page TS I B 3.7-5a IPage TS I B 3.7-6 3Page TS / B 3.7-6a 2Page TS I B 3.7-6b IPage TSIlB 3.7-6c 2Page TS I B 3.7-7 3Page TS / B 3.7-8 2Pages TS / B 3.7-9 through TS/IB 3.7-11 1Pages TS / B 3.7-12 and TS I B 3.7-13 2Pages TS I B 3.7-14 through TS I B 3.7-18 3Page TS I B 3.7-18a IPages TS I B 3.7-1 8b through TS / B 3.7-18e 0SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT 1 TSIB LOES-8 Revision 121SUSQUEHANNA-UNIT1TS / B LOES-8Revision 121 S USQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATIONLIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS (TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BASES)Section Title RevisionPages TS I B 3.7-19 through TS / B 3.7-23 1Page TS I B 3.7-24 1Pages TS / B 3.7-25 and TS / B 3.7-26 0Pages TS I B 3.7-27 through TS I B 3.7-29 5Page TS /B 3.7-30 2Page TS I B 3.7-31 1Page TS / B 3.7-32 0Page TS / B 3.7-33 1Pages TS / B 3.7-34 through TS / B 3.7-37 0B 3.8 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS BASESPage TSI/B 3.8-1 3P~ages TS/LB 3.8-2 and TS+/-B 3.8-3------------ -2Page TS I B 3.8-4 3Pages TS / B 3.8-4a and TS I B 3.8-4b 0Page TS I B 3.8-5 5Page TS / B 3.8-6 3Pages TS I B 3.8-7 through TSIB 3.8-8 2Page TS / B 3.8-9 4Page TS / B 3.8-10 3Pages TS I B 3.8-11 and TS I B 3.8-17 2Page TS I B 3.8-18 3Pages TS /8B3.8-19 through TS / B 3.8-21 2Pages TS I B 3.8-22 and TS I B 3.8-23 3Pages TS I B 3.8-24 through TS / B 3.8-30 2Pages TS I B 3.8-31 and TS I B 3.8-32 3Pages TS / B 3.8-33 through TS I B 3.8-37 2Pages B 3.8-38 through B 3.8-44 0Page TS /8B3.8-45 3Pages TS I B 3.8-46 through TS / B 3.8-48 0Pages TS / B 3.8-49 and TS / B 3.8-50 3Page TS I B 3.8-51 1Page TS /8B3.8-52 0Page TS /B 3.8-53 1Pages TS I B 3.8-54 through TS / B 3.8-57 2Pages TS /8B3.8-58 through TS / B 3.8-61 3Pages TS / B 3.8-62 and TS / B 3.8-63 5Page TS /8B3.8-64 4Page TS /8B3.8-65 5Pages TS / B 3.8-66 through TS / B 3.8-77 1Pages TS I B 3.8-77A through TS / B 3.8-77C 0Pages B 3.8-78 through B 3.8-80 0Page TS /8B3.8-81 1Pages B 3.8-82 through B 3.8-90 0SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT I TS/B LOES-9 Revision 121SUSQUEHANNA- UNIT 1TS / B LOES-9Revision 121 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATIONLIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS (TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BASES)Section Title RevisionB 3.9 REFUELING OPERATIONS BASESPages TS / B 3.9-1 and TS / B 3.9-la 1Pages TS I B 3.9-2 through TS /8B3.9-5 1Pages TS I B 3.9-6 through TS I 8 3.9-8 0Pages 8 3.9-9 through 8 3.9-18 0Pages TS /8B3.9-19 through TS /83.9-21 1Pages B 3.9-22 through 8 3.9-30 0B 3.10 SPECIAL OPERATIONS BASESPage TSI/B 3.10-1 2Pages TS /8B3.10-2 through TS/IB 3.10-5 1--Pages B 3.10-6_through B_310-31 .....- O- 0Page TS /8B3.10-32 2Page 8 3.10-33 0Page TS / B 3.10-34 1Pages 8 3.10-35 and 8 3.10-36 0Page TS /8B3.10-37 1Page TS /8B3.10-38 2SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT I TS / B LOES-lO Revision 121SUSQUEHANNA-UNIT1TS / B LOES-IORevision 121 Rev. 4RCS P/T" LimitsB 3.4.10B 3.4 REACTOR COOLAkNT SYSTEM (RCS)B 3.4.10 RCS Pressure and Temperature (PIT) LimitsBASESBACKGROUND All components of the RCS are designed to withstand effects of cyclic loadsdue to system pressure and temperature changes. These loads areintroduced by startup (heatup) and shutdown (cooldown) operations, powertransients, and reactor trips. This LCO limits the pressure and temperaturechanges during RCS heatup and cooldown, within the design assumptionsand the stress limits for cyclic operation.This Specification contains PIT limit curves for heatup, cooldown, lea~kage and_ hyd~rosta~ti~c testing, and limits for the maximum rate ofchange of reactor coolant temperature. The heatup curve provides limits forboth heatup and criticality.Each PIT limit curve defines an acceptable region for normal operation. Theusual use of the curves is operational guidance during heatup or cooldownmaneuvering, when pressure and temperature indications are monitored andcompared to the applicable curve to determine that operation is within theallowable region.The LCO establishes operating limits that provide a margin to brittle failure ofthe reactor vessel and piping of the reactor coolant pressure boundary(RCPB). The vessel is the component most subject to brittle failure.Therefore, the LCO limits apply mainly to the vessel.10 CFR 50, Appendix G (Ref. 1), requires the establishment of P/T limits formaterial fracture toughness requirements of the RCPB materials.Reference I requires an adequate margin to brittle failure during normaloperation, anticipated operational occurrences, and system hydrostatic tests.It mandates the use of the ASME Code,Section XI, Appendix G (Ref. 2).The actual shift in the RTNDT of the vessel material will be establishedperiodically by removing and evaluating the irradiated reactor vessel materialspecimens, in accordance with ASTM E 185 (Ref. 3) and Appendix H of10 CFR 50 (Ref. 4). The operating PIT limit curves will be adjusted, asnecessary, based on the evaluation findings and the recommendations ofRG 1.99, "Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel Materials" (Ref. 5).The calculations to determine neutron fluence will be developed using theBWRVIP RAMA code methodology, which is NRC approved and meets theintent of RG 1.190, "Calculational and Dosimetry Methods for DeterminingPressure Vessel Neutron Fluence" (Ref. 11). See FSAR Section fordetermining fluence (Ref. 12).(continued)SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT I1SIB3449RvsoTS / B 3.4-49Revision 3 Rev. 4RCS P/T" LimitsB 3.4.10BASESBACKGROUND(continued)The P/T limit curves are composite curves established by superimposinglimits derived from stress analyses of those portions of the reactor vesseland head that are the most restrictive. At any specific pressure,temperature, and temperature rate of change, one location within the reactorvessel will dictate the most restrictive limit. Across the span of the P/T limitcurves, different locations are more restrictive, and, thus, the curves arecomposites of the most restrictive regions.The heatup curve used to develop the P/T limit curve composite representsa different set of restrictions than the cooldown curve used to develop theP/T limit curve composite because the directions of the thermal gradientsthrough the vessel-wall are reversed. The thermal gradient-reversal-altersthe location of the tensile stress between the outer and inner walls.The criticality limits include the Reference I requirement that they be at least40°F above the heatup curve or the cooldown curve and not lower than theminimum permissible temperature for the inservice leakage and hydrostatictesting.The consequence of violating the LCO limits is that the RCS has beenoperated under conditions that can result in brittle failure of the RCPB,possibly leading to a nonisolable leak or loss of coolant accident. In theevent these limits are exceeded, an evaluation must be performed todetermine the effect on the structural integrity of the RCPB components.ASME Code,Section XI, Appendix E (Ref. 6), provides a recommendedmethodology for evaluating an operating event that causes an excursionoutside the limits.APPLICABLESAFETYANALYSESThe P/l" limits are not derived from Design Basis Accident (DBA) analyses.They are prescribed during normal operation to avoid encountering pressure,temperature, and temperature rate of change conditions that might causeundetected flaws to propagate and cause nonductile failure of the RCPB, acondition that is unanalyzed. Reference 7 establishes the methodology fordetermining the P/l" limits. Since the P/T limits are not derived from anyDBA, there are no acceptance limits related to the P/T limits. Rather, the P/Tlimits are acceptance limits themselves since they preclude operation in anunanalyzed condition.RCS P/T limits satisfy Criterion 2 of the NRC Policy Statement (Ref. 8).(continued)SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT 1 SIB3450RvsoTS / B 3.4-50Revision 1 Rev. 4RCS P/T Limits8 3.4.10BASESAPPLICABLE The Effective Full Power Years (EFPY) shown on the curves areSAFETY approximations of the ratio of the energy that has been and is anticipated toANALYSES be generated in a year to the energy that could have been generated if the(continued) unit ran at original thermal power rating of 3293 MWT for the entire year.These values are based on fluence limits that are not to be exceeded.LCO The elements of this LCO are:a. RCS pressure and temperature are to the right of the applicable curvesspecified in Figures 3.4.10-1 through 3.4.10-3 and within the applicableheat-up or cool down rate specified in SR during RCS heatup,cooldown, and inservice leak and hYdrostatic testing;b._ The temperature difference between the reactorivessel bottom~he~adcoolant and the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) coolant is _< 1450F duringrecirculation pump startup, and during increases in THERMAL POWERor loop flow while operating at low THERMAL POWER or loop flow;c. The temperature difference between the reactor coolant in the respectiverecirculation loop and in the reactor vessel is < 50°F during recirculationpump startup, and during increases in THERMAL POWER or loop flowwhile operating at low THERMAL POWER or loop flow;d. RCS pressure and temperature are to the right of the criticality limitsspecified in Figure 3.4.10-3 prior to achieving criticality; ande. The reactor vessel flange and the head flange temperatures are > 70°Fwhen tensioning the reactor vessel head bolting studs.These limits define allowable operating regions and permit a large number ofoperating cycles while also providing a wide margin to nonductile failure.The P/T limit composite curves are calculated using the worst case ofmaterial properties, stresses, and temperature change rates anticipatedunder all heatup and cooldown conditions. The design calculations accountfor the reactor coolant fluid temperature impact on the inner wall of thevessel and the temperature gradients through the vessel wall. Becausethese fluid temperatures drive the vessel wall temperature gradient,monitoring reactor coolant temperature provides a conservative method ofensuring the P/T limits are not exceeded. Proper monitoring of vesseltemperatures to assure compliance with brittle fracture temperature limitsand vessel thermal stress limits during normal heatup and cooldown, and.during inservice leakage and hydrostatic testing, is established in PPLCalculation EC-062-0573 (Ref. 9). For P/T curves A, B, and C, the bottomhead drain line coolant temperature should be monitored and maintained tothe right of the most limiting curve.(continued)SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT 1 S/B3451RvsoTS / B 3.4-51Revision 3 Rev. 4RCS P/T LimitsB 3.4.10BASESLCO(continued)Curve A must be used for any ASME Section III Design Hydrostatic Testsperformed at unsaturated reactor conditions. Curve A may also be usedfor ASME Section XI inservice leakage and hydrostatic testing whenheatup and cooldown rates can be limited to 20°F in a one-hour period.Curve A is based on pressure stresses only. Thermal stresses areassumed to be insignificant. Therefore, heatup and cooldown rates arelimited to 20°F in a one-hour period when using Curve A to ensure minimalthermal stresses. The recirculation loop suction line temperatures shouldbe monitored to determine the temperature change rate.Curves B and C are to be used for non-nuclear and nuclear heatup andcooldown, respectively. In addition, Curve B may be used for ASMESection Xl leakage and hydrostatic_ testing, but not for ASMESection III Design Hydrostatic Tests performed at unsaturated reactorconditions. Heatup and cooldown rates are limited to 1 00°F in a one-hourperiod when using Curves B and C. This limits the thermal gradient throughthe vessel wall, which is used to calculate the thermal stresses in the vesselwall. Thus, the LCO for the rate of coolant temperature change limits thethermal stresses and ensures the validity of the P/T curves. The vessel belt-line fracture analysis assumes a l00°F/hr coolant heatup or cooldown rate inthe beitline area. The 100°F limit in a one-hour period applies to the coolantin the beltline region, and takes into account the thermal inertia of the vesselwall. Steam dome saturation temperature (TsAT), as derived from steamdome pressure, should be monitored to determine the beltline temperaturechange rate at temperatures above 212°F. At temperatures below 212°F,the recirculation loop suction line temperatures should be monitored.During heatups and cooldowns, the reactor vessel could experience avacuum (negative pressure) at low temperatures (unsaturated conditions)and low rates of temperature change. Under a vacuum, the vessel wallwould experience a uniform compressive loading, which would counteractthe tensile stress due to any thermal gradients through the vessel wall. Toensure the margin to brittle fracture is no less than at any other pressure,Curves A, B, and C require a minimum vessel metal temperature of 70°Fwhen the reactor vessel is at a negative pressure.(continued)SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT I1Sl .-2RvsoTS / B 3.4-52Revision 3 Rev. 4RCS PIT LimitsB] 3.4.10BASESLCO(continued)Violation of the limits places the reactor vessel outside of the bounds of thestress analyses and can increase stresses in other RCS components. Theconsequences depend on several factors, as follows:a. The severity of the departure from the allowable operating pressuretemperature regime or the severity of the rate of change of temperature;b. The length of time the limits were violated (longer violations allow thetemperature gradient in the thick vessel walls to become morepronounced); andc. The existences, sizes, and orientations of flaws in the vessel material.APPLICABILITYThe potential for violating a P/T limit exists at all times. For example, PITlimit violations could result from ambient temperature conditions that result inthe reactor vessel metal temperature being less than the minimum allowedtemperature for boltup. Therefore, this LCO is applicable even when fuel isnot loaded in the core.ACTIONSA.1 and A.2*1Operation outside the PIT limits while in MODES 1, 2, and 3 must becorrected so that the RCPB is retumed to a condition that has been verifiedby stress analyses.The 30 minute Completion Time reflects the urgency of restoring theparameters to within the analyzed range. Most violations will not be severe,and the activity can be accomplished in this time in a controlled manner.B]esides restoring operation within limits, an evaluation is required todetermine if RCS operation can continue. The evaluation must verify theRCPB integrity remains acceptable and must be completed if continuedoperation is desired. Several methods may be used, including comparisonwith pre-analyzed transients in the stress analyses, new analyses, orinspection of the components.(continued)SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT I TS / B 3.4-52a RvsoRevision 0 Rev. 4RCS P/T- LimitsB 3.4.10BASESACTIONSA.1I and A.2. (continued)ASME Code, Section Xl, Appendix E (Ref. 6), may be used to support theevaluation. However, its use is restricted to evaluation of the vessel beltline.The 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> Completion Time is reasonable to accomplish the evaluation ofa mild violation. More severe violations may require special, event specificstress analyses or inspections. A favorable evaluation must be completed ifcontinued operation is desired.Condition A is modified by a Note requiring Required Action A.2 becompleted whenever the Condition is entered. The Note emphasizes theneed to perforrm the evaluation of the effects of the excursion Outside the-- --- -- -allowable alone per Required Action A. 1 is-insufficientbecause higher than analyzed stresses may have occurred and may haveaffected the RCPB integrity.B.1I and B.2If a Required Action and associated Completion Time of Condition A are notmet, the plant must be placed in a lower MODE because either the RCSremained in an unacceptable P/T region for an extended period of increasedstress, or a sufficiently severe event caused entry into an unacceptableregion. Either possibility indicates a need for more careful examinationof the event, best accomplished with the RCS at reduced pressure andtemperature. With the reduced pressure and temperature conditions, thepossibility of propagation of undetected flaws is decreased.(continued)SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT1IT .-3RvsoTS ! B 3.4-53Revision 2 Rev. 4RCS P/T LimitsB 3.4.10BASESACTIONS B.1 and B.2 (continued)Pressure and temperature are reduced by placing the plant in at leastMODE 3 within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and in MODE 4 within 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />. The allowedCompletion Times are reasonable, based on operating experience, to reachthe required plant conditions from full power conditions in an orderly mannerand without challenging plant systems.C.1 and C.2Operation outside the P/T limits in other than MODES 1, 2, and 3 (includingdefueled conditions) must be corrected so that the RCPB is returned to acondition that-has-been verified by stress analyses. The Required Actionmust be initiated without delay and continued until the limits are restored.Besides restoring the P/T limit parameters to within limits, an evaluation isrequired to determine if RCS operation is allowed. This evaluation mustverify that the RCPB integrity is acceptable and must be completed beforeapproaching criticality or heating up to > 200°F. Several methods may beused, including comparison with pre-.analyzed transients, new analyses, orinspection of the components. ASME Code,Section XI, Appendix E (Ref. 6),may be used to support the evaluation; however, its use is restricted toevaluation of the beltiine.SURVEILLANCE SR that operation is within limits (i.e., to the right of the applicablecurves in Figures 3.4.10-1 through 3.4.10-3) is required every 30 minuteswhen RCS pressure and temperature conditions are undergoing plannedchanges. This Frequency is considered reasonable in view of the controlroom indication available to monitor RCS status. Also, since temperaturerate of change limits are specified in hourly increments, 30 minutes permits areasonable time for assessment and correction of minor deviations.Surveillance for heatup, cooldown, or inservice leakage and hydrostatictesting may be discontinued when the criteria given in the relevant plantprocedure for ending the activity are satisfied.This SR has been modified with a Note that requires this Surveillance to beperformed only during system heatup and cooldown operations andinservice leakage and hydrostatic testing.(continued)SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT 1 SIB3454RvsoTS / B 3.4-54Revision 2 Rev. 4RCS P/T LimitsB 3.4.10BASESSURVEILLANCE SR (continued)REQUIREMENTSNotes to the acceptance criteria for heatup and cooldown rates ensure thatmore restrictive limits are applicable when the P/T limits associated withhydrostatic and inservice testing are being applied.SR separate limit is used when the reactor is approaching criticality.Consequently, the RCS pressure and temperature must be verified withinthe appropriate limits (i.e., to the right of the criticality curve in--Figure 3.4:10-3)- before withdrawing~ control rods that will make the-reactorcritical.Performing the Surveillance within 15 minutes before control rod withdrawalfor the purpose of achieving criticality provides adequate assurance that thelimits will not be exceeded between the time of the Surveillance and thetime of reactor criticality. Although no Surveillance Frequency is specified,the requirements of SR must be met at all times when the reactoris critical.SR and SR temperatures within the applicable limits ensure that thermalstresses resulting from the startup of an idle recirculation pump will notexceed design allowances. In addition, compliance with these limitsensures that the assumptions of the analysis for the startup of an idlerecirculation loop (Ref. 10) are satisfied.Performing the Surveillance within 15 minutes before starting the idlerecirculation pump provides adequate assurance that the limits will not beexceeded between the time of the Surveillance and the time of the idlepump start.An acceptable means of demonstrating compliance with the temperaturedifferential requirement in SR is to compare the temperatures ofthe operating recirculation loop and the idle loop. If both loops are idle,compare the temperature difference between the reactor coolant within theidle loop to be started and coolant in the reactor vessel.(continued)SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT I1SIB3455RvsoTS / B 3.4-55Revision 2 Rev. 4RCS P/T LimitsB 3.4.10BASESSURVEILLANCE SR and SR (continued)REQUIREMENTSSR has been modified by a Note that requires the Surveillance tobe performed only in MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4. In MODE 5, the overall stresson limiting components is lower. Therefore, AT limits are not required. TheNote also states the SR is only required to be met during a recirculationpump start-up, because this is when the stresses occur.SR and SR temperatures within the applicable limits ensure that thermal--stres-es resultingg from increases irn-THERMAL POWER or recirc~lationloop flow during single recirculation loop operation will not exceed designallowances. Performing the Surveillance within 15 minutes beforebeginning such an increase in power or flow rate provides adequateassurance that the limits will not be exceeded between the time of theSurveillance and the time of the change in operation.An acceptable means of demonstrating compliance with the temperaturedifferential requirement in SR is to compare the temperatures ofthe operating recirculation loop and the idle loop.Plant specific startup test data has determined that the bottom head is notsubject to temperature stratification at power levels > 27% of RTP and withsingle loop flow rate _>21,320 gpm (50% of rated loop flow). Therefore,SR and SR have been modified by a Note that requiresthe Surveillance to be met only under these conditions. The Note forSR further limits the requirement for this Surveillance to excludecomparison of the idle loop temperature if the idle loop is isolated from theRPV since the water in the loop cannot be introduced into the remainder ofthe. Reactor Coolant System.SR SR, and SR on the reactor vessel flange and head flange temperatures aregenerally bounded by the other P/T limits during system heatup andcooldown. However, operations approaching MODE 4 from MODE 5 and inMODE 4 with RCS temperature less than or equal to certain specifiedvalues require assurance that these temperatures meet the LCO limits.(continued)SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT 1 S/B3456RvsoTS / B 3.4-56Revision 2 Rev. 4RCS P/T LimitsB 3.4.10BASESSURVEILLANCEREQUIREMENTSSR, SR, and SR (continued)The flange temperatures must be verified to be above the limits 30 minutesbefore and while tensioning the vessel head bolting studs to ensure thatonce the head is tensioned the limits are satisfied. When in MODE 4 withRCS temperature < 80°F, 30 minute checks of the flange temperatures arerequired because of the reduced margin to the limits. When in MODE 4with RCS temperature < 1 00°F, monitoring of the flange temperature isrequired every 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> to ensure the temperature is within the specifiedlimits.The 30 minute Frequency reflects the urgency of maintaining thetemperatures-within limits, and also limits the time that the temperaturelimits could be exceeded. The 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> Frequency is reasonable based onthe rate of temperature change possible at these temperatures.REFERENCES1. 10 CFR 50, Appendix G.2. ASME, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, Appendix G.3. ASTM E 185-73.4. 10 CFR 50, Appendix H.5. Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2, May 1988.6. ASME, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section Xl, Appendix E.(continued)SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT 1 T .-7RvsoTS / B 3.4-57Revision 4 Rev. 4RCS P/T LimitsB 3.4.10BASESREFERENCES 7. Licensed Topical Reports:(continued)a. Structural Integrity Associates Report No. SlR-05-044, Revision 1-A,"Pressure-Temperature Limits Report Methodology for Boiling WaterReactors," June 2013.b. Structural Integrity Associates Report No. 0900876.401, Revision0-A, "Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics Evaluation of GE BWRWater Level Instrument Nozzles for Pressure-Temperature CurveEvaluations," May 2013.8. Final Policy Statement on Technical Specifications Improvements,--------July-22, -1993 (58 FR 39132). --- .......-9. PPL Calculation EC-062-0573, "Study to Support the Bases Section ofTechnical Specification 3.4.10."10. FSAR, Section Regulatory Guide 1.190, March 2001.12. ESAR, Section -UNIT I1SIB345aRvsoTS / B 3.4-57aRevision 0 Nov. 05, 2015Page1 of 2MANUAL HARD COPY DISTRIBUTIONDOCUMENT TRANSMITTAL 2015-44473USER INFORMATION:GERLACH*ROSEY NEMPL#:028401 CA#l: 0363Address: NUCSA2Phone#: 254-3194TRANSMITTAL INFORMATION:TO: GERLACH*ROSEY N 11/05/2015LOCATION: USNRCFROM: NUCLEAR RECORDS DOCUMENT CONTROL CENTER (NUCSA-2)THE FOLLOWING CHANJGES HAVE OCCURRED TO THE HARDCOPY OR ELECTRONIC MANUAL ASSIGNEDTO YOU. HARDCOPY USERS MUST ENSURE THE DOCUMENTS PROVIDED MATCH THE INFORMATION ONTHIS TRANSMITTAL. WHEN REPLACING THIS MATERIAL IN YOUR HARDCOPY MANUAL, ENSURE THEUPDATE DOCUMENT ID IS THE SAME DOCUMENT ID YOU'RE REMOVING FROM YOUR MANUAL. 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SSES MANUALManual Name: TSBIManual Title: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION BASES UNIT 1 MANUALTable Of ContentsIssue Date: 11/04/2015Procedure Name RevTEXT LOES 121Title: LIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONSIssue Date11/04/2 015Change ID Change NumberTEXT TOCTitle: TABLE OF CONTENTS23 07/02/2014TEXT 2.1.1 6Title: SAFETY LIMITS (SLS) REACTORTEXT 2.1.2 1Title: SAFETY LIMITS (SLS) REACTOR01/22 /2 015CORE SLS10/ 04/2 007COOLANT SYSTEM(RCS) PRESSURE STEXT 3.0 3 08/20/2009Title: LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION (LCO) APPLICABILITYTEXT 3.1.1Title: REACTIVITYTEXT 3.1.2Title: REACTIVITYTEXT 3.1.3Title: REACTIVITYTEXT 3.1.4Title: REACTIVITYTEXT 3.1.5Title: REACTIVITYTEXT 3.1.6Title: REACTIVITY1 04/18/2006CONTROL SYSTEMS SHUTDOWN MARGIN (SDM)0 11/15/2002CONTROL SYSTEMS REACTIVITY ANOMALIES2 01/19/2009CONTROL SYSTEMS CONTROL ROD OPERABILITY4 01/30/2009CONTROL SYSTEMS CONTROL ROD SCRAM TIMES1 07/06/2005CONTROL SYSTEMS CONTROL ROD SCRAM ACCUMULATORS3 02/24/2014CONTROL SYSTEMS ROD PATTERN CONTROLPagel of 8 Report Date: 11/05/15Page ! ofReport Date: 11/05/15 SSES MANUAManual Name: TSBIManual Title: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION BASES UNIT 1 MANUALTEXT 3.1.7 3 04/23/2008Title: REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL (SLC) SYSTEMTEXT 3.1.8 3 05/06/2009Title: REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS SCRAM DISCHARGE VOLUME (SDV) VENT AND DRAIN VALVESTEXT 3.2.1 2 04/23/2008Title: POWER DISTRIBUTION LIMITS AVERAGE PLANAR LINEAR HEAT GENERATION RATE (APLHGR)TEXT 3.2.2 3 05/06/2009Title: POWER DISTRIBUTION LIMITS MINIMUM CRITICAL POWER RATIO (MCPR)TEXT 3.2.3 2 04/23/2008Title: POWER DISTRIBUTION LIMITS LINEAR HEAT GENERATION RATE (LHGR)TEXT 6 02/24/2014Title: INSTRUMENTATION REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM (RPS) INSTRUMENTATIONTEXT 2 01/19/2009Title: INSTRUMENTATION SOURCE RANGE MONITOR (SRM) INSTRUMENTATIONTEXT INSTRUMENTATIONTEXT INSTRUMENTATION4 02/24/2014CONTROL ROD BLOCK INSTRUMENTATION2 04/05/2010FEEDWATER MAIN TURBINE HIGH WATER LEVEL TRIP INSTRUMENTATIONTEXT 9 02/28/2013Title: INSTRUMENTATION POST ACCIDENT MONITORING (PAM) INSTRUMENTATIONTEXT INSTRUMENTATION1 04/18/2005REMOTE SHUTDOWN SYSTEMTEXT 2 02/24/2014Title: INSTRUMENTATION END OF CYCLE RECIRCULATION PUMP TRIP (EOC-RPT) INSTRUMENTATION WPage 2. of .~ Report Date: 11/05/15Pageof 8Report Date: 11/05/15 SSES MANTJALManual Name: TSB1* aulTitle: TECHNICA SPECIFICATION BASES UNIT 1 MNATEXT 0 11/15/2002Title: INSTRUMENTATION ANTICIPATED TRANSIENT WITHOUT SCRAM RECIRCULATION PUMP TRIP(ATWS-RPT) INSTRUMENTATIONTEXT 3 08/20/2009Title: INSTRUMENTATION EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEM (ECCS) INSTRUMENTATIONTEXT 0 11/15/2002Title: INSTRUMENTATION REACTOR CORE ISOLATION COOLING CRCIC) SYSTEM INSTRUMENTATIONTEXT 7 03/31/2014Title: INSTRUMENTATION PRIMARY CONTAINMENT ISOLATION INSTRUMENTATIONTEXT 4 09/01/2010Title: INSTRUMENTATION SECONDARY CONTAINMENT ISOLATION INSTRUMENTATIONTEXT INSTRUMENTATIONINSTRUMENTATION2 10/27/2008CONTROL ROOM EMERGENCY OUTSIDE AIR SUPPLY (CREOAS) SYSTEMTEXT 2 12/17/2007Title: INSTRUMENTATION LOSS OF POWER (LOP) INSTRUMENTATIONTEXT 0 11/15/2002Title: INSTRUMENTATION REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM (RPS) ELECTRIC POWER MONITORINGTEXT 3.4.1Title: REACTOR COOLANTTEXT 3.4.2Title: REACTOR COOLANTTEXT 3.4.3Title: REACTOR COOLANT4 04/27/2010SYSTEM (RCS) RECIRCULATION LOOPS OPERATING3 10/23/2013SYSTEM (RCS) JET PUMPS3 01/13/2012SYSTEM RCS SAFETY RELIEF VALVES S/RVSTEXT 3.4.4 0 11/15/2002Title: REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM (RCS) RCS OPERATIONAL LEAKAGEPage 3 of 8 Report Date: 11/05/15Page Aof 8Report Date: 11/05/15 SSES MANqUALManual Name: TSBISManual Title: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION BASES UNIT 1 MANUALTEXT 3.4.5 1 01/16/2006Title: REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM CRCS) RCS PRESSURE ISOLATION VALVE (PIV) LEAKAGETEXT 3.4.6Title: REACTOR COOLANT4SYSTEM (RCS)02/19/2 014RCS LEAKAGE DETECTION INSTRUMENTATIONTEXT 3.4.7 2 10/04/2007Title: REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM (RCS) RCS SPECIFIC ACTIVITYTEXT 3.4.8Title: REACTOR COOLANT-HOT SHUTDOWNTEXT 3.4.9Title: REACTOR COOLANT-COLD SHUTDOWNTEXT 3.4.10Title: REACTOR COOLANTTEXT 3.4.11Title: REACTOR COOLANTTEXT 3.5.12SYSTEM (RCS)03/28/2013RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL (RHR) SHUTDOWN COOLING SYSTEM1 03/28/2013SYSTEM (RCS) RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL (RER) SHUTDOWN COOLING SYSTEM04 11/04/2015SYSTEM (RCS) RCS PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE (P/T) LIMITS0 11/15/2002SYSTEM (RCS) REACTOR STEAM DOME PRESSURE4 07/16/2014Title: EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEMS (ECCS) AND REACTORSYSTEM ECCS -OPERATINGTEXT 3.5.2 0 11/15/2002Title: EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEMS (ECCS) AND REACTORSYSTEM ECCS -SHUTDOWNTEXT 3.5.3 3 02/24/2014Title: EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEMS (ECCS) AND REACTORSYSTEM RCIC SYSTEMCORE ISOLATION COOLING (RCIC)CORE ISOLATION COOLING CRCIC)CORE ISOLATION COOLING (RCIC)TEXT PRIMARY CONTAINMENT5 02/24/2014TEXT 1 04/23/2008Title: CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS PRIMARY CONTAINMENT AIR LOCKPage4 of 8 Report Date: 11/05/15Page ofReport Date: 11/05/15 SSES MANUALJMManual Name: TSB1Manual Title: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION BASES UNIT 1 MANUALTEXT CONTAINMENTTEXT CONTAINMENTTEXT CONTAINMENTTEXT CONTAINMENTTEXT CONTAINMENTTEXT CONTAINMENTTEXT CONTAINMENTTEXT CONTAINMENTTEXT CONTAINMENTTEXT CONTAINMENTTEXT CONTAINMENTTEXT CONTAINMENT11 07/02/2014SYSTEMS PRIMARY CONTAINMENT ISOLATION VALVES (PCIVS)1 04/23/2008SYSTEMS CONTAINMENT PRESSURE1 10/05/2005SYSTEMS DRYWELL AIR TEMPERATURE0 11/15/2002SYSTEMS SUPPRESSION CHANBER-TO-DRYWELL VACUUM BREAKERS2 04/23/2008SYSTEMS SUPPRESSION POOL AVERAGE TEMPERATURE0 11/15/2002SYSTEMS SUPPRESSION POOL WATER. LEVEL1 01/16/2006SYSTEMS RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL (RER) SUPPRESSION POOL COOLING0 11/15/2002SYSTEMS RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL (RHR) SUPPRESSION POOL SPRAY2 06/13/2006SYSTEMS PRIMARY CONTAINMENT HYDROGEN RECOMBINERS1 04/18/2005SYSTEMS DRYWELL AIR FLOW SYSTEM1 02/28/2013SYSTEMS PRIMARY CONTAINMENT OXYGEN CONCENTRATION11 11/06/2014SYSTEMS SECONDARY CONTAINMENTPage~ of 8 Report Date: 11/05/15Page 5 ofReport Date: 11/05/15 SSES MANUJALManual Name:- TSB1Title: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION BASES UNIT 1 MANUALTEXT 9 04/25/2014Title: CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS SECONDARY CONTAINMENT ISOLATION VALVES (SCIVS)TEXT 4 09/21/2006Title: CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS STANDBY GAS TREATMENT (SGT) SYSTEMTEXT 3.7.1Title: PLANT SYSTEMSULTIMATE HEAT4 04/05/2010RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL SERVICEWATER_ CRHRSW) SYSTEM AND THESINK (UES)TEXT 3.7.2Title: PLANT2 02/11/2009SYSTEMS EMERGENCY SERVICE WATER (ESW) SYSTEMTEXT 3.7.3Title: PLANT SYSTEMS1 01/08/2010CONTROL ROOM EMERGENCY OUTSIDE AIR SUPPLY (CREOAS) SYSTEMTEXT 3.7.4Title: PLANTTEXT 3.7.5Title: PLANTTEXT 3.7.6Title: PLANTTEXT 3.7.7Title: PLANT0 11/15/2002SYSTEMS CONTROL ROOM FLOOR COOLING SYSTEM1 10/04/2007SYSTEMS MAIN CONDENSER OFFGAS2 04/23/2008SYSTEMS MAIN TURBINE BYPASS SYSTEM1 10/04/2007SYSTEMS SPENT FUEL STORAGE POOL WATER LEVELTEXT 3.7.8Title: PLANT SYSTEMS0 04/23/2008TEXT 3.8.17 02/24/2014Title: ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS AC SOURCES -OPERATING-TEXT 3.8.2 0 11/15/2002S- Title: ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS AC SOURCES -SHUTDOWNPage6 of 8 Report Date: 11/05/15Page 6 ofReport Date: 11/05/15 SSE~S MANUAL.Manual Name : TSBIManual Title: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION BASES UNIT 1 MANUALTEXT 3.8.3Title: ELECTRICALTEXT 3.8.4Title : ELECTRICALTEXT 3.8.5__Title: ELECTRICALTEXT 3.8.6Title: ELECTRICALTEXT 3.8.7Title:- ELECTRICALTEXT 3.8.8Title: ELECTRICALTEXT 3.9.1Title: REFUELING CTEXT 3.9.2Title: REFUELING CTEXT 3.9.3Title: REFUELING CTEXT 3.9.4Title: REFUELING CTEXT 3.9.5Title: REFUELING CTEXT 3.9.6Title: REFUELING CPOWER SYSTIJPOWER SYSTPOWER SYSTPOWER SYSTPOWER SYSTPOWER SYSI)PERATIONS)PERATIONS)PERATIONS)PERATIONS)PERATIONS)PERATIONS4 10/23/2013DIESEL FUEL OIL, LUBE OIL, AND STARTING AIR3 01/19/2009'EMS DC SOURCES -OPERATING1 12/14/2006?EMS DC SOURCES -SHUTDOWN1 12/14/2006PEMS BATTERY CELL PARAMVETERS1 10/05/2005?EMS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS -OPERATING0 11/15/2002?ENS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS -SHUTDOWN0 11/15/2002REFUELING EQUIPMENT INTERLOCKS1 09/01/2010REFUEL POSITION ONE-ROD-OUT INTERLOCK0 11/15/2002CONTROL ROD POSITION0 11/15/2002CONTROL ROD POSITION INDICATION0 11/15/2002CONTROL ROD OPERABILITY -REFUELING1 10/04/2007REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL (RPV) WATER LEVELPage 2 of 8 Report Date: 11/05/15Pageof 8Report Date: 11/05/15 MANUITALManual Name:s TSBITitle: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION BASES UNIT 1 MANUALTEXT 3.9.7 0 11/15/2002Title: REFUELING OPERATIONS RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL (RHR) -HIGH WATER LEVELTEXT 3.9.8 0 11/15/2002Title: REFUELING OPERATIONS RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL (RER) -LOW WATER LEVELTEXT 3.10.1Title: SPECIALTEXT 3.10.2Title: SPECIALTEXT 3.10.3Title: SPECIALTEXT 3.10.4Title: SPECIALTEXT 3.10.5Title: SPECIALTEXT 3.10.6Title: SPECIALTEXT 3.10.7Title: SPECIALTEXT 3.10.8Title: SPECIALOPERATIONSOPERATIONSOPERATIONSOPERATIONSOPERATIONSOPERATIONSOPERATIONSOPERATIONS1 01/23/2008INSERVICE LEAK AND HYDROSTATIC TESTING OPERATION0 11/15/2002REACTOR MODE SWITCH INTERLOCK TESTING0 11/15/2002SINGLE CONTROL ROD WITHDRAWAL -HOT SHUTDOWN0 11/15/2002SINGLE CONTROL ROD WITHDRAWAL -COLD SHUTDOWN0 11/15/2002SINGLE CONTROL ROD DRIVE (CRD) REMOVAL -REFUELING0 11/-15/2002MULTIPLE CONTROL ROD WITHDRAWAL -REFUELING1 04/18/2006CONTROL ROD TESTING -OPERATING1 04/12/2006SHUTDOWN MARGIN (SDM) TEST -REFUELINGSPage8 of 8 Report Date: 11/05/15Page 8 of 8Report Date: 11/05/15 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATIONLIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS (TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BASES)Section Title RevisionTOC Table of Contents 23B 2.0 SAFETY LIMITS BASESPage TS / B2.0-1 1Page TS /B 2.0-2 3Page TS /8B2.0-3 6Page TS /B 2.0-4 4Page"S / B 2.0-5 6Page TS / B 2.0-6 1Pages TS / B 2.0-7 through TS / B 2.0-9 1B 3.0 LCO AND SR APPLICABILITY BASESPage TS / B3.0-1 Pages TS / B 3.0-2 through TS/IB 3.0-4 0 .....Pages TS / B 3.0-5 through TS / B 3.0-7 Page TS / B3.0-8 3Pages TS / B 3.0-9 through TS I B 3.0-11 2Page TS / B 3.0-11a 0Page TS /B 3.0-12IPages TS / B 3.0-13 through TS I2Pages TS /B3.0-16 and TS 0B 3.1 REACTIVITY CONTROL BAyPages B83.1-1 trug 0Page TS / B 3.1-5A 1PagesTS /Ba3.1 d .72Pages B3.1-8 t 3.Page 3. 20ghB 3.1-19 020 and TS / B 3.1-21 1Pa 03.1-23I3.1-240Pa TS / B 3.1-25 through TS /8B3.1-27 1TS B 31-282,= TS/ B 31-29IPages B 3.1-30 through B 3.1-33 0Pages TS I B 3.3-34 through TS I B 3.3-36 1Page TS /8B3.1-37 2Page TS I B 3.1-38 3Pages TS /8B3.1-39 and TS /8B3.1-40 2Page TS I B 3.1-40a 0Pages TS /B 3.1-41 and TS / B3.1-42 2SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT 1 TSIB LOES-1 Revision 121SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT 1TS / B LOES-1Revision 121 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATIONLIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS (TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BASES)Section Title RevisionPage TS I B 3.1.43 1Page TS / B 3.1-44 0Page TS I B 3.1-45 3Pages TS I B 3.1-46 through TS I B 3.1-49 1Page TS I B 3.1-50 0Page TS / B 3.1-51 3B 3.2 POWER DISTRIBUTION LIMITS BASESPage TS I B 3.2-1 2Pages TS I B 3.2-2 and TS / B 3.2-33Pages TS / B 3.2-4 and TS I B 3.2-5 2*Page TSI/B 3.2-6 3_ ageB3.2-7 .. ......_1__Pages TS / B 3.2-8 and TS I B 3.2-9 3Page TS / B 3.2.10 2Page TS / B 3.2-11 3Page TS I B 3.2-12 1Page TS / B 3.2-13 2B 3.3 INSTRUMENTATIONPages TS / B 3.3-1 through TS I B 3.3-4 1Page TS I B 3.3-5 2Page TS / B 3.3-6 IPage TS / B 3.3-7 3Page TS I B 3.3-7a IPage TS / B 3.3-8 5Pages TS I B 3.3-9 through TS / B 3.3-12 3Pages TS I B 3.3-12a IPages TS / B 3.3-12b and TS I B 3.3-12c 0Page TS I B 3.3-13 1Page TS / B 3.3-14 3Pages TS / B 3.3-15 and TS / B 3.3-16 1Pages TS / B 3.3-17 and TS / B 3.3-18 4Page TS / B 3.3-19 1Pages TS I B 3.3-20 through TS I B 3.3-22 2Page TS / B 3.3-22a 0Pages TS / B 3.3-23 and TS I B 3.3-24 2Pages TS I B 3.3-24a and TS / B 3.3-24b 0Page TS / B 3.3-25 3Page TS / B 3.3-26 2Page TS / B 3.3-27 1Page TS / B 3.3-28 3Page TSI/B 3.3-29 4Page TS I B 3.3-30 3Page TS / B 3.3-30a 0SUSQUEHANNA-UNIT1TS / B LOES-2Revision 121 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATIONLIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS (TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BASES)Section Title RevisionPage TS / B 3.3-31 4Page TS / B 3.3-32 5Pages TS / B 3.3-32a 0Page TS / B 3.3-32b 1Page TS / B 3.3-33 5Page TS I B 3.3-33a 0Page TS / B 3.3-34 1Pages TS / B 3.3-35 and TS / B 3.3-36 2Pages TS / B 3.3-37 and TS / B 3.3-38 1Page TSI/B 3.3-39 2Pages TS I B 3.3-40 through TS I B 3.3-43 1Page TSI/B 3.3-44 4Pages TS I B 3.3_-4a and TS/_ B 3.3-44b -0Page TS / B 3.3-45 3Pages TS / B 3.3-45a and TS I B 3.3-45b 0Page TS / B3.3-46 3Pages TS / B 3.3-47 2Pages TS I B 3.3-48 through TS / B 3.3-51 3Pages TS I B 3.3-52 and TS / B 3.3-53 2Page TS / B 3-3-53a 0Page TS / B 3.3-54 5Page TS / B 3.3-55 2Pages TS I B 3.3-56 and TS / B 3.3-57 1Page TS I B 3.3-58 0Page TS I B 3.3-59 1Page TS / B 3.3-60 0Page TS / B 3.3-61 1Pages TS / B 3.3-62 and TS / B 3.3-63 0Pages TS / B 3.3-64 and TS / B 3.3-65 2Page TS / B 3.3-66 4Page TS / B 3.3-67 3Page TS / B 3.3-68 4Page TS / B 3.3-69 5Pages TS / B 3.3-70 4Page TS / B3.3-71 3Pages TS I B 3.3-72 and TS I B 3.3-73 2Page TS / B 3.3-74 3Page TS I B 3.3-75 2Page TS / B 3.3-75a 6Page TS / B 3.3-75b 7Page TS / B 3.3-75c 6Pages B 3.3-76 through B 3.3-77 0Page TS I B 3.3-78 1SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT I TSIBLOES-3 Revision 121SUSQUEHANNA- UNIT 1TS / B LOES-3Revision 121 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATIONLIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS (TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BASES)Section Title RevisionPages B 3.3-79 through B 3.3-81 0Page TS I B 3.3-82 2Page B 3.3-83 0Pages B 3.3-84 and B 3.3-85 1Page B 3.3-86 0Page B 3.3-87 1Page B 3.3-88 0Page B 3.3-89 1Page TS I B 3.3-90 1Page B 3.3-91 0.Pages TS/IB 3.3-92 through TS IB 3.3-100 1*Pages TSI/B 3.3-101 through TS/B 3.3-103 .0PageTSI/B3.3-_104 .....-Pages TS I B 3.3-1 05 and TS I B 3.3-106 0Page TS / B3.3-107 IPage TS I B 3.3-108 0Page TS I B 3.3-109 1Pages TS I B 3.3-110 and TS/B83.3-111 0Pages TS I B 3.3-112 and TS I B 3.3-1 12a IPages TS / B 3.3-113 through TS / B 3.3-115 1Page TS / B 3.3-116 3Page TS / B 3.3-117 1Pages TS I B 3.3-118 through TS I B 3.3-122 0Pages TS I B 3.3-123 and TS I B 3.3-124 1Page TS I B 3.3-124a 0Page TS I B 3.3-125 0Pages TS I B 3.3-126 and TS I B 3.3-127 1Pages TS I B 3.3-1 28 through TS/ B 3.3-130 0Page TS / B 3.3-131 1Pages TS I B 3.3-1 32 through TS I B 3.3-1 34 0Pages B 3.3-135 through B 3.3-137 0Page TS / B 3.3-138 1Pages B 3.3-1 39 through B 3.3-149 0Pages TS I B 3.3-150 and TS I B 3.3-151 1Pages TS I B 3.3-1 52 through TS/IB 3.3-154 2Page TS I B 3.3-155 1Pages TS I B 3.3-1 56 through TS I B 3.3-158 2Pages TS / B 3.3-159 and TS I B 3.3-160 1Page TS / B 3.3-161 2Page TS I B 3.3-162 1Page TS I B 3.3-163 2Page TS I B 3.3-164 1Pages TS I B 3.3-165 through TS I B 3.3-167 2SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT I TSIBLOES-4 Revision 121SUSQUEHANNA-UNIT1TS / B LOES-4Revision 121 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATIONLIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS (TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BASES)Section Title RevisionPages TS/IB 3.3-168 and TS / B 3.3-169 1Page TS I B 3.3-170 3Page TS I B 3.3-171 2Pages TS I B 3.3-172 through TS / B 3.3-1 77 1Pages TS / B 3.3-178 and TS I B 3.3-179 2Page TS / B 3.3-179a 2Pages TS I B 3.3-179b and TS / B 3.3-179c 0Page TS / B 3.3-180 1Page TIS / B 3.3-181 3Page TS / B 3.3-182 1Page TS / B 3.3-183 2Page TS /8B3.3-184 1_P~ageTS /B 3.3-_185 -_Page TS / B 3.3-186 1Pages TS I B 3.3-187 and TS I B 3.3-188 2Pages TS / B 3.3-189 through TS I B 3.3-191 1Page TS / B 3.3-192 0Page TS / B 3.3-193 1Pages TS I B 3.3-194 and TS I B 3.3-195 0Page TS I B 3.3-196 2Pages TS I B 3.3-197 through TS I B 3.3-204 0Page TS / B 3.3-205 1Pages B 3.3-206 through B 3.3-209 0Page TS / B 3.3-210 1Pages B 3.3-211 through B 3.3-219 0B 3.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM BASESPages B 3.4-1 and B 3.4-2 0Pages TS / B 3.4-3 and Page TS I B 3.4-4 4Page TS / B 3.4-5 3Pages TS / B 3.4-6 through TS / B 3.4-9 2Page TS / B 3.4-10 1Pages TS / 3.4-11 and TS I B 3.4-12 0Page TS / B 3.4-13 2Page TS / B 3.4-14 1Page TS /8B3.4-15 2Pages TS /8B3.4-16 and TS 18B3.4-17 4Page TS / B 3.4-18 2Pages B 3.4-19 through B 3.4-27 0Pages TS /8B3.4-28 and TS /8B3.4-29 1Page TS / B 3.4-30 2Page TS / B 3.4-31 1Pages TS / B 3.4-32 and TS / B 3.4-33 2Page TS /8B3.4-34 1Page TS I B 3.4-34a 0SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT I TS/BLOES-5 Revision 121SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT 1TS / B LOES-5Revision 121 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATIONLIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS (TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BASES)Section Title RevisionPages TS / B 3.4-35 and TIS / B 3.4-36 1Page TS / B 3.4-37 2Page TS I B 3.4-38 1Pages B 3.4-39 and B 3.4-40 0Page TS I B 3.4-41 2Pages TS I B 3.4-42 through TS I B 3.4-45 0Page TS / B 3.4-46 1Pages TS B 3.4-47 and TS / B 3.4-48 0Page TS I B 3.4-49 3Page TS / B 3.4-50 1Page TS /B 3.4-51 3Page TSI/B 3.4-52 3-P~ageTSI/B 3.4-52a --_ -0_Pages TS I B 3.4-53 through TS I B 3.4-56 2Page TS I B 3.4-57 4Page TS I B 3.4-57a 0Pages TS / B 3.4-58 through TS I B 3.4-60 1B 3.5 ECCS AND RCIC BASESPages B 3.5-1 and B 3.5-2 0Page TS / B 3.5-3 3Page TS / B 3.5-4 1Page TS / B 3.5-5 2Page TSI/B 3.5-6 IPages B 3.5-7 through B 3.5-10 0Page TS /B 3.5-11 IPage TS I B 3.5-12 0Page TS I B 3.5-13 2Pages TS / B 3.5-14 and TS I B 3.5-15 0Pages TS / B 3.5-16 and TS / B 3.5-17 3Page TS / B 3.5-18 1Pages B 3.5-19 through B 3.5-24 0Page TS / B 3.5-25 1Page TS I B 3.5-26 and TS / B 3.5-27 2Page TS / B 3.5-28 0Page TS I B 3.5-29 1Pages TS / B 3.5-30 and TS I B 3.5-31 0B 3.6 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS BASESPage TS / B 3.6-1 2Page TS I B 3.6-la 3Page TS I B 3.6-2 4Page TS I B 3.6-3 ,3Page TS / B 3.6-4 4Pages TS I B 3.6-5 and TS I B 3.6-6 3SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT I TSIBLOES-6 Revision 121SUSQUEHANNA-UNIT1TS / B LOES-6Revision 121 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATIONLIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS (TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BASES)Section Title RevisionPage TS I B 3.6-6a 2Page TS I B 3.6-6b 4Page TS I B 3.6-6c 0Page B 3.6-7 0Page B 3.6-8 1Pages B 3.6-9 through B 3.6-14 0Page TS / B 3.6-15 3Page TS I B 3.6-15a 0Page TS / B 3.6-15Sb 2Pages TS / B 3.6-16 and TS / B 3.6-17 2Page TS / B 3.6-17a IPages TS I B 3.6-18 and TS I B 3.6-19 0-P~age TS LB 3.6-20 - -__ -...Page TS I B 3.6-21 2Page TS / B 3.6-22 1Page TS I B 3.6-22a 0Page TS / B 3.6-23 1Pages TS I B 3.6-24 and TS / B 3.6-25 0Pages TS I B 3.6-26 and TS / B 3.6-27 2Page TS I B 3.6-28 7Page TS I B 3.6-29 2Page TS /8B3.6-30 1Page TS /8B3.6-31 3Pages TS / B 3.6-32 and TS I B 3.6-33 1Pages TS I B 3.6-34 and TS I B 3.6-35 0Page TS /8B3.6-36 1Page TS /8B3.6-37 0Page TS I B 3.6-38 3Page TS /8B3.6-39 2Page TS /8B3.6-40 6Page TS I B 3.6-40a' IPage B 3.6-41 1Pages B 3.6-42 and B 3.6-43 0Pages TS I B 3.6-44 and TS I B 3.6-45 1Page TS / B 3.6-46 2Pages TS I 8 3.6-47 through TS I B 3.6-51 1Page TS /8B3.6-52 2Pages TS / B 3.6-53 through TS / B 3.6-56 0Page TS I B 3.6-57 1Page TS / 3.6-58 2Pages B 3.6-59 through B 3.6-63 0Pages TS I B 3.6-64 and TS I B 3.6-65 1Pages B 3.6-66 through B 3.6-69 0SUSQUEHANNA-UNIT1SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT I TS/BLOES-.7 Revision 121TS / B LOES-7Revision 121 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATIONLIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS (TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BASES)Section Title RevisionPages TS I B 3.6-70 through TS I B 3.6-75 IPages B 3.6-76 and B 3.6-77 0Page TS I B 3.6-78 1Pages B 3.6-79 and B 3.3.6-80 0Page TS / B 3.6-81 1Pages TS / B 3.6-82 and TS / B 3.6-83 0Page TS I B 3.6-84 4Page TS / B 3.6-85 2Page TS I B 3.6-86 4Pages TS / B 3.6-87 through TS I B 3.6-88a 2Page TS I B 3.6-89 6Page TSI/B 3.6-90 4P~ageTS / B3.6_-90a ...._0_-Pages TS I B 3.6-91 and TS / B 3.6-92 3Page TS I B 3.6-93 2Pages TS / B 3.6-94 through TS l B 3.6-96 1Page TS / B 3.6-97 2Page TS I B 3.6-98 1Page TS l B 3.6-99 2Pages TS I B 3.6-100 and TS / B 3.6-l00a 6Page TS / B 3.6-100b 4,Page TS I B 3.6-l00c 0Pages TS I B 3.6-101 and TS / B 3.6-102 1Pages TS / B 3.6-103 and TS / B 3.6-104 2Page TS / B 3.6-105 3Page TS I B 3.6-106 2Page TS / B 3.6-107 3B 3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS BASESPages TS / B 3.7-1 3Page TS / B 3.7-2 4Pages TS / B 3.7-3 through TS / B 3.7-5 3Page TS I B 3.7-5a IPage TS I B 3.7-6 3Page TS / B 3.7-6a 2Page TS I B 3.7-6b IPage TSIlB 3.7-6c 2Page TS I B 3.7-7 3Page TS / B 3.7-8 2Pages TS / B 3.7-9 through TS/IB 3.7-11 1Pages TS / B 3.7-12 and TS I B 3.7-13 2Pages TS I B 3.7-14 through TS I B 3.7-18 3Page TS I B 3.7-18a IPages TS I B 3.7-1 8b through TS / B 3.7-18e 0SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT 1 TSIB LOES-8 Revision 121SUSQUEHANNA-UNIT1TS / B LOES-8Revision 121 S USQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATIONLIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS (TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BASES)Section Title RevisionPages TS I B 3.7-19 through TS / B 3.7-23 1Page TS I B 3.7-24 1Pages TS / B 3.7-25 and TS / B 3.7-26 0Pages TS I B 3.7-27 through TS I B 3.7-29 5Page TS /B 3.7-30 2Page TS I B 3.7-31 1Page TS / B 3.7-32 0Page TS / B 3.7-33 1Pages TS / B 3.7-34 through TS / B 3.7-37 0B 3.8 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS BASESPage TSI/B 3.8-1 3P~ages TS/LB 3.8-2 and TS+/-B 3.8-3------------ -2Page TS I B 3.8-4 3Pages TS / B 3.8-4a and TS I B 3.8-4b 0Page TS I B 3.8-5 5Page TS / B 3.8-6 3Pages TS I B 3.8-7 through TSIB 3.8-8 2Page TS / B 3.8-9 4Page TS / B 3.8-10 3Pages TS I B 3.8-11 and TS I B 3.8-17 2Page TS I B 3.8-18 3Pages TS /8B3.8-19 through TS / B 3.8-21 2Pages TS I B 3.8-22 and TS I B 3.8-23 3Pages TS I B 3.8-24 through TS / B 3.8-30 2Pages TS I B 3.8-31 and TS I B 3.8-32 3Pages TS / B 3.8-33 through TS I B 3.8-37 2Pages B 3.8-38 through B 3.8-44 0Page TS /8B3.8-45 3Pages TS I B 3.8-46 through TS / B 3.8-48 0Pages TS / B 3.8-49 and TS / B 3.8-50 3Page TS I B 3.8-51 1Page TS /8B3.8-52 0Page TS /B 3.8-53 1Pages TS I B 3.8-54 through TS / B 3.8-57 2Pages TS /8B3.8-58 through TS / B 3.8-61 3Pages TS / B 3.8-62 and TS / B 3.8-63 5Page TS /8B3.8-64 4Page TS /8B3.8-65 5Pages TS / B 3.8-66 through TS / B 3.8-77 1Pages TS I B 3.8-77A through TS / B 3.8-77C 0Pages B 3.8-78 through B 3.8-80 0Page TS /8B3.8-81 1Pages B 3.8-82 through B 3.8-90 0SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT I TS/B LOES-9 Revision 121SUSQUEHANNA- UNIT 1TS / B LOES-9Revision 121 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATIONLIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS (TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BASES)Section Title RevisionB 3.9 REFUELING OPERATIONS BASESPages TS / B 3.9-1 and TS / B 3.9-la 1Pages TS I B 3.9-2 through TS /8B3.9-5 1Pages TS I B 3.9-6 through TS I 8 3.9-8 0Pages 8 3.9-9 through 8 3.9-18 0Pages TS /8B3.9-19 through TS /83.9-21 1Pages B 3.9-22 through 8 3.9-30 0B 3.10 SPECIAL OPERATIONS BASESPage TSI/B 3.10-1 2Pages TS /8B3.10-2 through TS/IB 3.10-5 1--Pages B 3.10-6_through B_310-31 .....- O- 0Page TS /8B3.10-32 2Page 8 3.10-33 0Page TS / B 3.10-34 1Pages 8 3.10-35 and 8 3.10-36 0Page TS /8B3.10-37 1Page TS /8B3.10-38 2SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT I TS / B LOES-lO Revision 121SUSQUEHANNA-UNIT1TS / B LOES-IORevision 121 Rev. 4RCS P/T" LimitsB 3.4.10B 3.4 REACTOR COOLAkNT SYSTEM (RCS)B 3.4.10 RCS Pressure and Temperature (PIT) LimitsBASESBACKGROUND All components of the RCS are designed to withstand effects of cyclic loadsdue to system pressure and temperature changes. These loads areintroduced by startup (heatup) and shutdown (cooldown) operations, powertransients, and reactor trips. This LCO limits the pressure and temperaturechanges during RCS heatup and cooldown, within the design assumptionsand the stress limits for cyclic operation.This Specification contains PIT limit curves for heatup, cooldown, lea~kage and_ hyd~rosta~ti~c testing, and limits for the maximum rate ofchange of reactor coolant temperature. The heatup curve provides limits forboth heatup and criticality.Each PIT limit curve defines an acceptable region for normal operation. Theusual use of the curves is operational guidance during heatup or cooldownmaneuvering, when pressure and temperature indications are monitored andcompared to the applicable curve to determine that operation is within theallowable region.The LCO establishes operating limits that provide a margin to brittle failure ofthe reactor vessel and piping of the reactor coolant pressure boundary(RCPB). The vessel is the component most subject to brittle failure.Therefore, the LCO limits apply mainly to the vessel.10 CFR 50, Appendix G (Ref. 1), requires the establishment of P/T limits formaterial fracture toughness requirements of the RCPB materials.Reference I requires an adequate margin to brittle failure during normaloperation, anticipated operational occurrences, and system hydrostatic tests.It mandates the use of the ASME Code,Section XI, Appendix G (Ref. 2).The actual shift in the RTNDT of the vessel material will be establishedperiodically by removing and evaluating the irradiated reactor vessel materialspecimens, in accordance with ASTM E 185 (Ref. 3) and Appendix H of10 CFR 50 (Ref. 4). The operating PIT limit curves will be adjusted, asnecessary, based on the evaluation findings and the recommendations ofRG 1.99, "Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel Materials" (Ref. 5).The calculations to determine neutron fluence will be developed using theBWRVIP RAMA code methodology, which is NRC approved and meets theintent of RG 1.190, "Calculational and Dosimetry Methods for DeterminingPressure Vessel Neutron Fluence" (Ref. 11). See FSAR Section fordetermining fluence (Ref. 12).(continued)SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT I1SIB3449RvsoTS / B 3.4-49Revision 3 Rev. 4RCS P/T" LimitsB 3.4.10BASESBACKGROUND(continued)The P/T limit curves are composite curves established by superimposinglimits derived from stress analyses of those portions of the reactor vesseland head that are the most restrictive. At any specific pressure,temperature, and temperature rate of change, one location within the reactorvessel will dictate the most restrictive limit. Across the span of the P/T limitcurves, different locations are more restrictive, and, thus, the curves arecomposites of the most restrictive regions.The heatup curve used to develop the P/T limit curve composite representsa different set of restrictions than the cooldown curve used to develop theP/T limit curve composite because the directions of the thermal gradientsthrough the vessel-wall are reversed. The thermal gradient-reversal-altersthe location of the tensile stress between the outer and inner walls.The criticality limits include the Reference I requirement that they be at least40°F above the heatup curve or the cooldown curve and not lower than theminimum permissible temperature for the inservice leakage and hydrostatictesting.The consequence of violating the LCO limits is that the RCS has beenoperated under conditions that can result in brittle failure of the RCPB,possibly leading to a nonisolable leak or loss of coolant accident. In theevent these limits are exceeded, an evaluation must be performed todetermine the effect on the structural integrity of the RCPB components.ASME Code,Section XI, Appendix E (Ref. 6), provides a recommendedmethodology for evaluating an operating event that causes an excursionoutside the limits.APPLICABLESAFETYANALYSESThe P/l" limits are not derived from Design Basis Accident (DBA) analyses.They are prescribed during normal operation to avoid encountering pressure,temperature, and temperature rate of change conditions that might causeundetected flaws to propagate and cause nonductile failure of the RCPB, acondition that is unanalyzed. Reference 7 establishes the methodology fordetermining the P/l" limits. Since the P/T limits are not derived from anyDBA, there are no acceptance limits related to the P/T limits. Rather, the P/Tlimits are acceptance limits themselves since they preclude operation in anunanalyzed condition.RCS P/T limits satisfy Criterion 2 of the NRC Policy Statement (Ref. 8).(continued)SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT 1 SIB3450RvsoTS / B 3.4-50Revision 1 Rev. 4RCS P/T Limits8 3.4.10BASESAPPLICABLE The Effective Full Power Years (EFPY) shown on the curves areSAFETY approximations of the ratio of the energy that has been and is anticipated toANALYSES be generated in a year to the energy that could have been generated if the(continued) unit ran at original thermal power rating of 3293 MWT for the entire year.These values are based on fluence limits that are not to be exceeded.LCO The elements of this LCO are:a. RCS pressure and temperature are to the right of the applicable curvesspecified in Figures 3.4.10-1 through 3.4.10-3 and within the applicableheat-up or cool down rate specified in SR during RCS heatup,cooldown, and inservice leak and hYdrostatic testing;b._ The temperature difference between the reactorivessel bottom~he~adcoolant and the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) coolant is _< 1450F duringrecirculation pump startup, and during increases in THERMAL POWERor loop flow while operating at low THERMAL POWER or loop flow;c. The temperature difference between the reactor coolant in the respectiverecirculation loop and in the reactor vessel is < 50°F during recirculationpump startup, and during increases in THERMAL POWER or loop flowwhile operating at low THERMAL POWER or loop flow;d. RCS pressure and temperature are to the right of the criticality limitsspecified in Figure 3.4.10-3 prior to achieving criticality; ande. The reactor vessel flange and the head flange temperatures are > 70°Fwhen tensioning the reactor vessel head bolting studs.These limits define allowable operating regions and permit a large number ofoperating cycles while also providing a wide margin to nonductile failure.The P/T limit composite curves are calculated using the worst case ofmaterial properties, stresses, and temperature change rates anticipatedunder all heatup and cooldown conditions. The design calculations accountfor the reactor coolant fluid temperature impact on the inner wall of thevessel and the temperature gradients through the vessel wall. Becausethese fluid temperatures drive the vessel wall temperature gradient,monitoring reactor coolant temperature provides a conservative method ofensuring the P/T limits are not exceeded. Proper monitoring of vesseltemperatures to assure compliance with brittle fracture temperature limitsand vessel thermal stress limits during normal heatup and cooldown, and.during inservice leakage and hydrostatic testing, is established in PPLCalculation EC-062-0573 (Ref. 9). For P/T curves A, B, and C, the bottomhead drain line coolant temperature should be monitored and maintained tothe right of the most limiting curve.(continued)SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT 1 S/B3451RvsoTS / B 3.4-51Revision 3 Rev. 4RCS P/T LimitsB 3.4.10BASESLCO(continued)Curve A must be used for any ASME Section III Design Hydrostatic Testsperformed at unsaturated reactor conditions. Curve A may also be usedfor ASME Section XI inservice leakage and hydrostatic testing whenheatup and cooldown rates can be limited to 20°F in a one-hour period.Curve A is based on pressure stresses only. Thermal stresses areassumed to be insignificant. Therefore, heatup and cooldown rates arelimited to 20°F in a one-hour period when using Curve A to ensure minimalthermal stresses. The recirculation loop suction line temperatures shouldbe monitored to determine the temperature change rate.Curves B and C are to be used for non-nuclear and nuclear heatup andcooldown, respectively. In addition, Curve B may be used for ASMESection Xl leakage and hydrostatic_ testing, but not for ASMESection III Design Hydrostatic Tests performed at unsaturated reactorconditions. Heatup and cooldown rates are limited to 1 00°F in a one-hourperiod when using Curves B and C. This limits the thermal gradient throughthe vessel wall, which is used to calculate the thermal stresses in the vesselwall. Thus, the LCO for the rate of coolant temperature change limits thethermal stresses and ensures the validity of the P/T curves. The vessel belt-line fracture analysis assumes a l00°F/hr coolant heatup or cooldown rate inthe beitline area. The 100°F limit in a one-hour period applies to the coolantin the beltline region, and takes into account the thermal inertia of the vesselwall. Steam dome saturation temperature (TsAT), as derived from steamdome pressure, should be monitored to determine the beltline temperaturechange rate at temperatures above 212°F. At temperatures below 212°F,the recirculation loop suction line temperatures should be monitored.During heatups and cooldowns, the reactor vessel could experience avacuum (negative pressure) at low temperatures (unsaturated conditions)and low rates of temperature change. Under a vacuum, the vessel wallwould experience a uniform compressive loading, which would counteractthe tensile stress due to any thermal gradients through the vessel wall. Toensure the margin to brittle fracture is no less than at any other pressure,Curves A, B, and C require a minimum vessel metal temperature of 70°Fwhen the reactor vessel is at a negative pressure.(continued)SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT I1Sl .-2RvsoTS / B 3.4-52Revision 3 Rev. 4RCS PIT LimitsB] 3.4.10BASESLCO(continued)Violation of the limits places the reactor vessel outside of the bounds of thestress analyses and can increase stresses in other RCS components. Theconsequences depend on several factors, as follows:a. The severity of the departure from the allowable operating pressuretemperature regime or the severity of the rate of change of temperature;b. The length of time the limits were violated (longer violations allow thetemperature gradient in the thick vessel walls to become morepronounced); andc. The existences, sizes, and orientations of flaws in the vessel material.APPLICABILITYThe potential for violating a P/T limit exists at all times. For example, PITlimit violations could result from ambient temperature conditions that result inthe reactor vessel metal temperature being less than the minimum allowedtemperature for boltup. Therefore, this LCO is applicable even when fuel isnot loaded in the core.ACTIONSA.1 and A.2*1Operation outside the PIT limits while in MODES 1, 2, and 3 must becorrected so that the RCPB is retumed to a condition that has been verifiedby stress analyses.The 30 minute Completion Time reflects the urgency of restoring theparameters to within the analyzed range. Most violations will not be severe,and the activity can be accomplished in this time in a controlled manner.B]esides restoring operation within limits, an evaluation is required todetermine if RCS operation can continue. The evaluation must verify theRCPB integrity remains acceptable and must be completed if continuedoperation is desired. Several methods may be used, including comparisonwith pre-analyzed transients in the stress analyses, new analyses, orinspection of the components.(continued)SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT I TS / B 3.4-52a RvsoRevision 0 Rev. 4RCS P/T- LimitsB 3.4.10BASESACTIONSA.1I and A.2. (continued)ASME Code, Section Xl, Appendix E (Ref. 6), may be used to support theevaluation. However, its use is restricted to evaluation of the vessel beltline.The 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> Completion Time is reasonable to accomplish the evaluation ofa mild violation. More severe violations may require special, event specificstress analyses or inspections. A favorable evaluation must be completed ifcontinued operation is desired.Condition A is modified by a Note requiring Required Action A.2 becompleted whenever the Condition is entered. The Note emphasizes theneed to perforrm the evaluation of the effects of the excursion Outside the-- --- -- -allowable alone per Required Action A. 1 is-insufficientbecause higher than analyzed stresses may have occurred and may haveaffected the RCPB integrity.B.1I and B.2If a Required Action and associated Completion Time of Condition A are notmet, the plant must be placed in a lower MODE because either the RCSremained in an unacceptable P/T region for an extended period of increasedstress, or a sufficiently severe event caused entry into an unacceptableregion. Either possibility indicates a need for more careful examinationof the event, best accomplished with the RCS at reduced pressure andtemperature. With the reduced pressure and temperature conditions, thepossibility of propagation of undetected flaws is decreased.(continued)SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT1IT .-3RvsoTS ! B 3.4-53Revision 2 Rev. 4RCS P/T LimitsB 3.4.10BASESACTIONS B.1 and B.2 (continued)Pressure and temperature are reduced by placing the plant in at leastMODE 3 within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and in MODE 4 within 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />. The allowedCompletion Times are reasonable, based on operating experience, to reachthe required plant conditions from full power conditions in an orderly mannerand without challenging plant systems.C.1 and C.2Operation outside the P/T limits in other than MODES 1, 2, and 3 (includingdefueled conditions) must be corrected so that the RCPB is returned to acondition that-has-been verified by stress analyses. The Required Actionmust be initiated without delay and continued until the limits are restored.Besides restoring the P/T limit parameters to within limits, an evaluation isrequired to determine if RCS operation is allowed. This evaluation mustverify that the RCPB integrity is acceptable and must be completed beforeapproaching criticality or heating up to > 200°F. Several methods may beused, including comparison with pre-.analyzed transients, new analyses, orinspection of the components. ASME Code,Section XI, Appendix E (Ref. 6),may be used to support the evaluation; however, its use is restricted toevaluation of the beltiine.SURVEILLANCE SR that operation is within limits (i.e., to the right of the applicablecurves in Figures 3.4.10-1 through 3.4.10-3) is required every 30 minuteswhen RCS pressure and temperature conditions are undergoing plannedchanges. This Frequency is considered reasonable in view of the controlroom indication available to monitor RCS status. Also, since temperaturerate of change limits are specified in hourly increments, 30 minutes permits areasonable time for assessment and correction of minor deviations.Surveillance for heatup, cooldown, or inservice leakage and hydrostatictesting may be discontinued when the criteria given in the relevant plantprocedure for ending the activity are satisfied.This SR has been modified with a Note that requires this Surveillance to beperformed only during system heatup and cooldown operations andinservice leakage and hydrostatic testing.(continued)SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT 1 SIB3454RvsoTS / B 3.4-54Revision 2 Rev. 4RCS P/T LimitsB 3.4.10BASESSURVEILLANCE SR (continued)REQUIREMENTSNotes to the acceptance criteria for heatup and cooldown rates ensure thatmore restrictive limits are applicable when the P/T limits associated withhydrostatic and inservice testing are being applied.SR separate limit is used when the reactor is approaching criticality.Consequently, the RCS pressure and temperature must be verified withinthe appropriate limits (i.e., to the right of the criticality curve in--Figure 3.4:10-3)- before withdrawing~ control rods that will make the-reactorcritical.Performing the Surveillance within 15 minutes before control rod withdrawalfor the purpose of achieving criticality provides adequate assurance that thelimits will not be exceeded between the time of the Surveillance and thetime of reactor criticality. Although no Surveillance Frequency is specified,the requirements of SR must be met at all times when the reactoris critical.SR and SR temperatures within the applicable limits ensure that thermalstresses resulting from the startup of an idle recirculation pump will notexceed design allowances. In addition, compliance with these limitsensures that the assumptions of the analysis for the startup of an idlerecirculation loop (Ref. 10) are satisfied.Performing the Surveillance within 15 minutes before starting the idlerecirculation pump provides adequate assurance that the limits will not beexceeded between the time of the Surveillance and the time of the idlepump start.An acceptable means of demonstrating compliance with the temperaturedifferential requirement in SR is to compare the temperatures ofthe operating recirculation loop and the idle loop. If both loops are idle,compare the temperature difference between the reactor coolant within theidle loop to be started and coolant in the reactor vessel.(continued)SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT I1SIB3455RvsoTS / B 3.4-55Revision 2 Rev. 4RCS P/T LimitsB 3.4.10BASESSURVEILLANCE SR and SR (continued)REQUIREMENTSSR has been modified by a Note that requires the Surveillance tobe performed only in MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4. In MODE 5, the overall stresson limiting components is lower. Therefore, AT limits are not required. TheNote also states the SR is only required to be met during a recirculationpump start-up, because this is when the stresses occur.SR and SR temperatures within the applicable limits ensure that thermal--stres-es resultingg from increases irn-THERMAL POWER or recirc~lationloop flow during single recirculation loop operation will not exceed designallowances. Performing the Surveillance within 15 minutes beforebeginning such an increase in power or flow rate provides adequateassurance that the limits will not be exceeded between the time of theSurveillance and the time of the change in operation.An acceptable means of demonstrating compliance with the temperaturedifferential requirement in SR is to compare the temperatures ofthe operating recirculation loop and the idle loop.Plant specific startup test data has determined that the bottom head is notsubject to temperature stratification at power levels > 27% of RTP and withsingle loop flow rate _>21,320 gpm (50% of rated loop flow). Therefore,SR and SR have been modified by a Note that requiresthe Surveillance to be met only under these conditions. The Note forSR further limits the requirement for this Surveillance to excludecomparison of the idle loop temperature if the idle loop is isolated from theRPV since the water in the loop cannot be introduced into the remainder ofthe. Reactor Coolant System.SR SR, and SR on the reactor vessel flange and head flange temperatures aregenerally bounded by the other P/T limits during system heatup andcooldown. However, operations approaching MODE 4 from MODE 5 and inMODE 4 with RCS temperature less than or equal to certain specifiedvalues require assurance that these temperatures meet the LCO limits.(continued)SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT 1 S/B3456RvsoTS / B 3.4-56Revision 2 Rev. 4RCS P/T LimitsB 3.4.10BASESSURVEILLANCEREQUIREMENTSSR, SR, and SR (continued)The flange temperatures must be verified to be above the limits 30 minutesbefore and while tensioning the vessel head bolting studs to ensure thatonce the head is tensioned the limits are satisfied. When in MODE 4 withRCS temperature < 80°F, 30 minute checks of the flange temperatures arerequired because of the reduced margin to the limits. When in MODE 4with RCS temperature < 1 00°F, monitoring of the flange temperature isrequired every 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> to ensure the temperature is within the specifiedlimits.The 30 minute Frequency reflects the urgency of maintaining thetemperatures-within limits, and also limits the time that the temperaturelimits could be exceeded. The 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> Frequency is reasonable based onthe rate of temperature change possible at these temperatures.REFERENCES1. 10 CFR 50, Appendix G.2. ASME, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, Appendix G.3. ASTM E 185-73.4. 10 CFR 50, Appendix H.5. Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2, May 1988.6. ASME, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section Xl, Appendix E.(continued)SUSQUEHANNA -UNIT 1 T .-7RvsoTS / B 3.4-57Revision 4 Rev. 4RCS P/T LimitsB 3.4.10BASESREFERENCES 7. Licensed Topical Reports:(continued)a. Structural Integrity Associates Report No. SlR-05-044, Revision 1-A,"Pressure-Temperature Limits Report Methodology for Boiling WaterReactors," June 2013.b. Structural Integrity Associates Report No. 0900876.401, Revision0-A, "Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics Evaluation of GE BWRWater Level Instrument Nozzles for Pressure-Temperature CurveEvaluations," May 2013.8. Final Policy Statement on Technical Specifications Improvements,--------July-22, -1993 (58 FR 39132). --- .......-9. PPL Calculation EC-062-0573, "Study to Support the Bases Section ofTechnical Specification 3.4.10."10. FSAR, Section Regulatory Guide 1.190, March 2001.12. ESAR, Section -UNIT I1SIB345aRvsoTS / B 3.4-57aRevision 0