The inspectors identified a finding of very low safety significance (Green) because
PG&E personnel failed to follow the requirements of OM4.ID3, Operating Experience Program, Revision 20. Specifically,
PG&E personnel failed to screen relevant operating experience relating to a safety-related centrifugal charging pump (
CCP) journal bearing failure due to non-metallic anti-rotation pin shear failure. This operating experience notice was received by
PG&E September 2011 and was not screened per OM4.ID3, Operating Experience Program, preventing actions from being identified and implemented that could have eliminated vulnerabilities and prevented a similar event from occurring at
DCPP. On November11,2017,
CCP 2-1 was declared
inoperable and determined to be non-functional due to a damaged journal bearing caused by non-metallic, anti-rotation pin shear failur