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Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept for Period Jan-Dec 1996
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 12/31/1996
From: Redeker S
To: Merschoff E
MPC&D-97-061, MPC&D-97-61, NUDOCS 9704230041
Download: ML20137Y341 (81)



$))SMUD SACRAMENTO MUNICIPAL UTRITY DISTRICT O 6201 S Street, P.o. Box 15830, Sacramento CA 95852 1830,(916) 452 3211 AN ELECTRIC SYSTEM SERVING THE HEART OF CALIFORNIA MPC&D 97-061 April 16,1997 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: E. W. Merschoff, Regional Administrator Region IV Parkway Central Plaza Building 611 Ryan Plaza Building, Suite 400 Arlington, Texas 76011-4085 Docket No. 50-312 Rancho Seco Nuclear Station License No. DPR-54 t


Dear Mr. Merschoff:

Enclosed is the Rancho Seco 1996 Annual Radiological Environmental i

Operating Report (AREOR). The enclosed report contains the information required by Rancho Seco Permanently Defueled Technical Specification (PDTS)

D6.9.2.3, " Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report."

Members of your staff requiring additional information or clarification may contact Mr. Steve Nicolls at (916) 452-3211, extension 4292.

Sincerely, A

i coo 'I Steve J. Redeker Manager Plant Closure & Decommissioning Enclosure 220133 cc w/atch:

Document Control Desk, NRC, Washington D.C. 20555 R. Dudley, NRC, Rockville 9704230041 961231 h.

.N,h PDR ADOCK 05000312 R

PDR RANCHO SECO NUCLEAR GENERATING STATloN D 14440 Twin Cities Road, Herald, CA 95638 9799;(209) 333-2935 i

I' l




,,. ~ ~ ~, - -, -


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'r ap i


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i a

.,., -.s JANUARY -- DECEMBER 1996 Rancho Seco Nuclear Station Herald, California License Number DPR-54 L



........ ii LIST OF TABLES...

............. iii I. EXECUTIVE




......2 1



.... 3 OBSERVED POTENTIAL RADIOLOGICAL IMPACT............................





...................6 IV.A. ATMOSPHERIC MONITORING.........................

... 6 i



..... 7 IV-D. AQUATIC LIFE MONITORING............


.. 9 V.


...... 19 VI. APPENDICES.....







.....F-1 1996 MISSED SAMPLE REPORT............


....... H-1 4

l i

I l

i l

i Rancho Seco i

1996 AREOR

LIST OF FIGURES Figure B-1 Radiological Environmental Sampling Locations on and near the Site B-3 Figure B-2 Radiological Environmental Sampling Locations within 1 mile from the Reactor Building B-4 I

Figure B-3 Radiological Environmental Sampling Locations 1 to 5 miles from the Reactor Building B-5 I

i Figure B-4 Radiological Environmental Sampling Locations 5 to 25 miles from the Reactor Building B-6 1

1 l

I i

1 1

l l

l Rancho Seco il 1996 AREOR



. ~. -. - -. -. -. -. - -. ~.



Table i


-5 2



11 3










F-2 F-2 1996 TLD



- F-4




F-5 1996 FISH F-10 i

F-6 1996 ALGAE F-11 F-7 1996 WELL WATER --

F-G F-8 1996 RUNOFF WATER F-13 F-9 1996 SURFACE WATER F-14 i

F-10 1996 DRINKING WATER F-16 r

F-11 1996 RAIN WATER F-17 l

l l

4 i



Rancho Seco lii 1996 AREOR 3




This report contains results from the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) fcr the Rancho Seco Nuclear Station (RSNS) compiled for the period January 1,1996 through December 31,1996. This program is conducted by the Radiation Protection / Chemistry Group at RSNS and is conducted in accordance with section D6.8.3.b of the RSNS Permanently Defueled Technical Specifications.

The results of the 1996 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program showed that the operation of RSNS had no significant radiologicalimpact on the environment.

Currently the Plant is permanently shutdown and is in a Custodial SAFSTOR condition. The Post Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report (PSDAR) describes performing incremental Decommissioning during Custodial SAFSTOR then placing the plant into a Hardened SAFSTOR mode with Deferred Dismantlement. The SMUD Board of Directors has approved an incremental Decommisioning Action Plan which will be evaluated on an ongoing basis to determine cost effectiveness. Fuel oifloading into dry storage is currently scheduled to begin in 1998 in an independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI). The ISFSI civil construction was completed in 1995, with concrete storage modules in place.

During the reporting period, the atmospheric, terrestrial and aquatic environs adjacent to RSNS were monitored. The sample measurements showed that the levels of radioactivity in the sampled media were consistent with previous evaluations and Station operations. All positively detected results were well below the reporting levels.

Doses resulting from ambient exposure to terrestrial and atmospheric direct radiation sources were measured through the placement and retrieval of thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). Direct radiation measurements attributable to Station operations, based on control and indicator locations, were indistinguishable above background levels. Two TLD locations placed in an area being monitored as part of the characterization program are indicating doses higher than the indicator t

average. The doses do not exceed regulatory limits. The elevated readings are due to historical releases of liquid effluents. Pre-operational TLDs were placed around the ISFSI location during 1995.

Isotopic identifications were consistent with known releases of radioactive material from the Station to the atmospheric and aquatic environments. As expected, fish and garden samples obtained from the aquatic environment of the No Name, Clay, Hadselville, and Laguna Creeks contributed the majority of positive isotopic identifications. Cesium -137, Cobalt-60, and Cesium-134 were the predominant nuclides identified in the aquatic environment. Nuclides of Station origin were not detected in the gaseous effluent exposure pathways.

I Rancho Seco 1

1996 AREOR


LAND USE CENSUS The 1996 Land Use Census was conducted in accordance with th a Rancho Seco Permanently Defueled Technical SpecifiMJon (PDTS) section D.6.8.3.b.2 and liadiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) manual section 4.0. The 1996 Land Use Census did not identify any changes in the use of the unrestricted areas that would require inodification to the REMP for evaluating doses to individuals from principal pathways of exposure. This evaluation and determination are in accordance with the requirements of 10CFR60, Appendix 1, section IV.B.3.



The maximum predicted potential annual organ dose commitment due to gaseous releases of i

tritium and particulate isotopes was 0.057 mrem (as calculated using the Rancho Seco Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM)). This predicted Mential organ dose commitment was 0.35% of the associated PDTS limit (10CFR50, Appendix 1 guideline).

l Since no detected noble gas activity was released from RSNS during 1996, there is no predicted gamma or beta air dose calculation from the ODCM. Therefore, the predicted air doses were within j

the applicable PDTS limits (10CFR50, Appendix l guidelines).

Uauid Effluent Exposure Pathways During 1996, 4.70E+06 liters of waste water were released into "No Name" Creek from the two onsite Retention Basins. This volume of waste water was dispersed into 1.46E+10 liters of dilution water. The estimated error associated with determining these volumes were 5% and 20%,


l The Liquid source term resulted in a predicted potential annual adult total body dose commitment of 0.016 mrem and a predicted potential child bone dose commitment of 0.034 mrem (as calculated using the ODCM). These predicted potential dose commitments were 0.53% and 0.34%,

respectively, of the associated PDTS limits (10CFR50, Appendix i guidelines). The dose i

commitments reflect the age groups that could have received the highest annual dose commitment from the liquid source term.

i t

l I

l 1

Rancho Seco 2

1996 AREOR J

l 111.



FUEL CYCLE DOSE EVALUATION PDTS section D6.9.2.3 [NRC74] requires each Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report (AREOR) to include information related to REMP manual section 5.0; Fuel Cycle Dose. The Fuel Cycle Dose Specification limits the dose or dose commitment to any real member of the public to 25 mrem to the total body or any organ, except the thyroid which is limited to 75 mrem. This specification implements requirements promulgated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency [CFRd].

Consistent with REMP manual section 5.0, no fuel cycle dose evaluation was required to be performed during 1996 since no REMP measurement exceeded the established reporting levels.

Additionally, the Station effluent dose predictions did not exceed twice the dose guidelines of 10CFR50, Appendix I (CFRc]. The station operated within the Appendix I guidelines envelope for 1

radioactive effluents (a condition supported by Program measurements); therefore, determination of an actual dose commitment delivered to a real member of the public was not required.

l OBSERVED POTENTIAL RADIOLOGICAL IMPACT Gaseous Effluent Exposure Pathways The predicted potential gaseous effluent dose commitment calculation of 0.057 mrem (RS96] is based on tritium activity. No particulate or gaseous isotopes of Station origin were released during 1996. The observed dose commitment dose calculation, if complekd, using the gross beta data (which is primarily due to naturally occurring radioisotopes ) would not provide an accurate correlation. Therefore, no dose comparison was completed. This was also confirmed during 1996 as none of the REMP gamma isotopic analysis results for the airbome pathway indicated the presence of nuclides of Station origin.

Direct Radiation Exposure Pathway Based on thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) control and indicator locations measurement results obtained during 1996, the Station proper did not contribute an observable component to the f

recorded direct gamma radiation field. This TLD data supports the Gaseous Effluent Exposure


Pathway conclusions and supports the conclusion that the Plant has no direct radiation effect on the environment.

TLDs placed near the effluent stream as special locations were used to evaluate the dose from this area. As expected, the dose from this area is exhibiting the normal decay. Dose levels at these locations are only slightly higher than the mean of the controi and indicator locations reported.

Rancho Seco 3

1996 AREOR



OBSERVED POTENTIAL RADIOLOGICAL IMPACT Liauid Effluent Exposure Pathways To evaluate more accurately the impact on the environment from the liquid effluent pathway, dose commitment calculations were performed and compared with the annual dose commitment predictions reported in the January-December 1996 Rancho Seco Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report [RS96]. The observed results presented in Table 1 were obtained using the average, positive activity concentrations identified in fish (Appendix F, Table F-5) and garden vegetation (Appendix F, Table F-3), default consumption quantities for fish and fresh garden vegetables (ODCM), and nuclide-specific dose factors [NRC77).

The observed potential dose commitments listed in Table 1 are subject to uncertainty, principally due to the assumption that the predicted radioactivity was due to 1996 Station operations only and was not affected by radioactivity introduced into the environment prior to 1996. A me,ior portion of 2

the activity identified by Program measurements in 1996 is attributable to historical reieases documented in previous annual reports. Additionally, the observed dose commitment calculations are based on conservative default consumption factors for fish and fresh garden vegetables.

The 1996 Land Use Census indicates the potential for an liquid / fish or liquid / irrigated vegetation pathway. This potentialis based on the possibility and not actual data supporting the use of the


effluent streams for a source of fish orirrigation of vegetation. Conservative consumption factors for fish and garden vegetation were used for the observed dose commitment based on this potential.

Rancho Seco 4

1996 AREOR



OBSERVED POTENTIAL RADIOLOGICAL IMPACT TABLE 1 1996 Liquid Effluent Pathway Potential Dose Comparison POTENTIAL DOSE COMMITMENT (based on the maximally exposed group)



(Observed Dose Commitment)


(mrem) 0.016 0.323 1.29 %

(adult's total body)

(adult's total body)

(whole body) 0.034 0.561 2.24 %

(child's bone)

(child's liver)




Estimated by the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM)


Estimated using observed average positive values for fish samples,(Appendix F, Table F-5) and positive value for vegetation sample, (Appendix F, Table F-3).


The observed dose commitments for organ doses reflect the age group that could have received the highest annual dose commitment from the


liquid source term.


Based on Fuel Cycle Dose limit of 25 mrem to the whole body and 25 mrem to any other organ of any member of the public. (CFRc]

Rancho Seco 5

1996 AREOR I

l IV.



This section compiles all Program data with corresponding evaluations. Each of the following five subsections presents information about each of the principal environmental exposure pathways monitored by the Program:

=> Atmospheric (Section IV-A)

=> Direct Radiation (Section IV-B)

=> Terrestrial (f ' ction IV-C)

=> Aquatic Life (Section IV-D)

= Water (Section IV-E)

Each of these sections contains a data evaluation subsection which provides a summary of the data collected.

Table 2 is a comprehensive, all-media data summan presented in a format considered acceptable by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Information contained in Table 2 was derived from data presented in Appendix F.

IV-A. ATMOSPHERIC MONITORING DATA EVALUATION No radionuclides attributable to the operation of Rancho Seco were observed in gamma spectrometry analyses of the quarterly composites of the particulate filters. No table is presented for this data since all the data were reported as being below the associated minimum detectable activity for the nuclides of interest.

The data indicates that there was no measurable contribution to the airbome radioactivity inventory which could reasonably be attributable to Station operations.

The results of the gross beta analyses of the particulate samples are given in Appendix F, Table F-1.

l 1

Rancho Seco 6

1996 AREOR

IV-B. DIRECT RADIATION MONITORING DATA EVALUATION A comparison review of all TLD data for the indicator and control locations during 1996 showed that there was no observable direct radiation component due to Station operations (i.e.,

storage or utilization of licensed radioactive material within the restricted area.)

Two TLD locations are being used to characterize the dose in areas next to the effluent stream. The data from these locations indicates doses are within regulatory limits.

The summary data for 1996 direct radiation monitoring is presented in Table 2.

Comprehensive data tables are given in Appendix F Table F-2.

IV-C. TERRESTRIAL MONITORING DATA EVALUATION Garden Vegetation - 4 routine garden vegetation samples were collected and analyzed for nuclides of interest during 1996. Cs-137 was detected in one of the irrigated site boundary garden samples at 46 21 pCi/kg. A site boundary irrigated garden has been evaluated to be a conservative method for evaluating the liquid effluent pathway. This method meets the requirement of the Land Use Census for monitoring gardens. This site boundary garden is used for the Land Use Census.

Soil (discharge canal)- 8 soil samples were collected and analyzed for nuclides of interest from the effluent uischarge canal and downstream creeks during 1996. Cs-137 (8 samples,25 to 1738 pCi/kg,408 pCi/kg mean), Co-60 (2 samples,24 to 294 pCi/kg,159 pCi/kg mean), and Cs-134 (1 sample 24 pCi/kg) was detected by the analyses. The remaining nuclide identifications were numerically below the required LLD-equivalent activity concentration. The presence of the identified nuclides is attributed to historical Station operations and Cs-137 fallcut sources. The decay trend for these locations is as anticipated. Soil sampling at these loc.ations is not required by the REMP.

Soil (storm drain outfall)- 24 soil samples were collected from 12 storm drain outfall locations during 1996. These outfalls are located along the perimeter of the Industrial Area Boundary (Restricted Area) and receive site drainage flows. Gamma spectrometry analysis of these samples revealed the presence of Cs-137 (17 samples,12 to 670 pCi/kg,68.2 pCi/kg mean). These results are within the range of the activity levels previously detected in the vicinity of Rancho Seco and are within the anticipated decay trend. Soil sampling at these locations is not required by the REMP.

Rancho Seco 7

1996 AREOR


DATA EVALUATION Soil (cepression area)- Samples were taken in 1996 as part of the decommissioning site characterization program. The site characterization surveys are being conducted to monitor areas in the vicinity of the discharge canal, within District property, to provide data on activity levels from historical, permitted releases. These sample points were added to provide programmatic control and correlation for the data collected. Fourteen (14) soil samples at 7 locations were collected in 1996 as part of this program. Gamma spectrometry analysis of these samples indicated the presence of Cs-137 (14 samples,138 to 41000 pCi/kg,7533 pCi/kg mean), Co-60 (8 samples,44 to 1600 pCi/kg,517 pCi/kg mean), and Cs-134 (7 samples,20 to 580 pCi/kg,186 pCi/kg mean). The results for these samples are within the anticipated decay trend indicated by the initial site characterization samples. Soil sampling at these locations is not required by the REMP.

The summary data for 1996 terrestrial monitoring is presented in Table 2. Comprehensive data tables are given in the following Appendix F tables:

=> F-3 (Garden Vegetables)

=> F-4 (Soil and Sediment).

IV-D. AQUATIC LIFE MONITORING DATA EVALUATION Fish - 2 fish samples were collected during 1996 and analyzed for nuclides of interest by gamma spectrometry. Cs-137 (2 samples,31 to 120 pCi/kg,91 pCi/kg mean) was identified in the gamma spectrometry analysis.

The identification of Cesium nuclides in fish samples is attributed mainly to permitted historical liquid effluent discharges. Since Cesium nuclides were not identified in effluent discharge canal or creek water samples, it appears that the observed Cesium uptake in fish could ultimately be traced dvectly or indirectly to sediment sources.

The summary data for 1996 aquatic life consumption exposure pathway is presented in Table

2. A comprehensive data table is given in Appendix F, Table F-5.

Rancho Seco 8

1996 AREOR

IV-E. WATER MONITORING DATA EVALUATION Sediment - 20 samples of sediment were collected from the d scharge canal and the Clay /

Hadselville/ Laguna Creeks during 1996. Gamma spectrometry analysis of these samples indicated the presence of Cs-137 (20 samples,34 to 495 pCi/kg,179 pCi/kg mean) and Co-60 (4 samples,13 to 67 pCi/kg, 36.3 pCi/kg mean).

The presence of nuclides of interest in sediments is attributed to historical permitted liquid effluent discharges with some contribution from fallout sources.

Algae - 8 samples of algae were collected from the discharge canal and the Clay / Hadselville/

Laguna creeks during 1996. Cs-137 (4 samples,15 to 72 pCi/kg,38.5 pCi/kg mean) was detected by gamma spectrometry analysis.

The identification of nuclides of interest in the algae samples is attributed to permitted historical liquid effluent discharges. Additional contributions would be expected to have occurred from sediment activity and fallout sources.

Well Water - 20 well water samples were collected at indicator and control locations around the site during 1996. Gamma spectrometry and tritium analysis of the samples indicated results less than LLD for all isotopes of interest. Gross beta activity levels were within regulatory limits Runoff Water - No nuclides of interest were identified by gamma spectrometry or tritium j

analysis of the 40 samples collected i.1996.

i Surface Water -- 5 locations (3 indicator and 2 control) were included in the surface water monitoring Program. Composite samplers located at the Plant intake (Folsom South Canal) and effluent discharge provide monthly composite samples. During 1996,65 samples were collected and analyzed for nuclides of interest. No gamma-emitting nuclides or tritium were detected in any of the samples analyzed.

Drinking Water - Water supplied from the site well is distributed in a potable water supply system for Station personnel consumption and use. On a monthly frequency, a sample of this water was collected and analyzed for nuclides of interest. A sample from the Rancho Seco Reservoir well is collected as a control location. No gamma emitting isotopes or tritium were found to be present in the 24 samples collected in 1996. Gross Beta analysis showed activity within regulatory limits.

Rancho Seco 9

1996 AREOR


DATA EVALUATION Rain Water - On a seasonal basis, rain water is collected at the site meteorological tower. The sample is analyzed for gamma emitting isotopes and tritium. During 1996,17 samples were collected at this location. No isotopes of interest were detected in these samples. Rainwater samples are not required to be collected by the REMP.

The summary data for the water monitoring program is shown in Table 2. Comprehensive data tables are given in the following Appendix F Tables:

=> F-4 (Soil and Sediment)

=> F-6 (Algae)

=> F-7 (Well Water)

=> F-8 (Runoff Water)

F-9 (Surface Water)


=> F 10 (Drinking Water) r> F-11 (Rain Water)

Rancho Seco 10 1996 AREOR

1 i



i t

Rancho Seco 11 1996 AREOR

l l

l l



Name of Facility Rancho Seco Station Docket No. DPR-54 Location of Facility Herald. CA. Reporting Period January - December 1996 All trxhcator Locahons Locahon with Highest Annual Mean Control Locatons (Positive Values Only)

(Positive Values Only)

(Positrve Values Only)

Range Range Range Frachon

  1. of Medturn or Lower Positive non-Pathway Total Lirnit of Sampled Type of Number Detechon Mean From To Fraction Narne Distance Direc Mean From lo Fraction Mean From To roubne (Units)

Analysrs of (LLD)

Posthve Mdes tion Positive report ed Analyses measu rement s

Aar Particulates Gross 200 0.01 0.024 0.007 0.078 103/103 0.3MO 0.3 SW 0.026 0.007 0.078 53/53 0 024 0.007 0.066 95/95 0

Beta (pC'm Parbeulate Comp.

quarterfy Gamma (F i/mi Isotopic C

Cs-134 16 0 01



<LLD Cs-137 16 0 01



<LLD Dwect Radiaton TLD 138 NA 16 95 12.1 35 9 118/118 04NO O4 W

32.5 27.9 35 9 3/3 16.73 13 7 22.1 24/24 0

quarterly (mrem /qtr )


Garden Gamma Vegetables Isotopec j

(pCilkg) semi.

Mn-54 4


<LLD annuelty

' Co-60 4


<tLD Zn-65 4


<LLD r

Cs-134 4



<LLD 1/ 2 0SMO O6 SW 46 46 46 1/ 2

<LLD Cs 137 4

60 46 46 46 Rancho SeCo 12 1996 AREOR r



Name of Facility Rancho Seco Station Docket No. DPR-54 Location of Facility Herald. CA. Reporting Period January - December 1996 AllIndicator Locahons Locationwkh He' e AnnualMean Control Locahons (Posdive Values Only)

(Postive Values Only)

(Positive Values Only)

Range Range Range Frachon Medium cr Lower Postive Pathway Total Lirnt of Sempted Type of Number Detecbo Mean From To Fractkri Name Dietence Direct Mean From To Fraction Mean From To (UnRs)

Analysis of n (LLD)

PosRrve Miles ton Positive Ar.d,n; WATER.

BORNE Soil; Gamma Discharge isotope Canal Semi-annual Mn-54 8




<LLD (pCV kg)

Co-60 8

150 159 24 294 2/ 8 06MO O6 SW 294 294 294 11 2

<LLO Zrv65 8

46 i <LLO


<tLD Cs-134 8

150 24 24 24 1' 8 06MO O6 SW 24 24 24 1/ 2

<LLD Cs-137 8

150 408 25 1738 8/ 8 06MO O6 SW 1009 280 1738 2f2

<LLD WATER-BORNE Sc3 Gamma Isotopic Storm Drain MrwS4 24



<LLD semi-annual Co-80 24 150



<LLD (pCW kg)

Zn-65 24



<LLD Cs-134 24 150



<tLD Cs-137 24 150 68 2 12 670 17/24 0.3MO7 03 SW 341.5 13 670 2/ 2

<LLD Ranch 0 SeCo 13 1996 AREOR L-- ---



Name of Facility Rancho Seco Station Docket No. DPR-54 Location of Facility Herald. CA. Reporting Period January - December 1996 Allindscator Locations Locatson with Highest Annual Mean Control Locanons (Positive Values Only)

(Positive Values Only)

(Poeshwe Values Onty)

Range Range Range Medium or Lower Fraction

  1. of Pathway Total Limdof Positive non-Sampled Type of Number Detectio Mean From To Fraction Name Distanc Direct Mean From To Fracho Mean From To rouhne (Units)

Analyses of n (LLD)

Positive e

ion n

reported Analyses Miles Posdive measur ements WATER-BORNE Soil; Gamma Depression isotopse Aree Mn-54 14



<LLD 0

Semi-annual Cm 14 150 517.3 44 1600 8/14 04MP1 04 SW 1365 1130 1600 2/2

<tLD 0

(pCi/ kg)

Zn-65 14




<LLD 0

Cs-134 14 150 180 20 580 7/14 0 4MP1 0.4 SW 435 290 580 2/2

<LLD 0

l Cs-137 14 150 7533 138 41000 14/14 0.4MP1 04 SW 32650 24300 41000 2/2

<LLD 0

WATER-BORNE Soil Gamma (Mud & Silt)

Isotopic semi-annual (pCi/ kg)

Mn-54 20



<LLD 0

Co60 20 150 36 13 67 4/20 03MO 0.3 SW 54 41 87 2/ 4

<LLD 0

Zn455 20



<LLD 0

Cs-134 20 150



<LLD 0

Cs-137 20 150 177 34 495 20/20 06MO

- 0.6 SW 259 34 380 4/ 4

<LLD 0

Rancho Sec0 14 1996 AREOR



Name of Facility Rancho Seco Station Docket No. DPR-54 Location of Facility Herald. CA. Reporting Period January - December 1996 AllIndicator Locahons Locahon wdh HWM Annual Mean Cev; Locahons (Positive Values Ony)

(Positive Values Only)

(Posihve Values ony)

Range Range Range Frachon

  1. of non-Medium or Lower Postive roubne Pathway Total Limt of Sampled Type of Number Detechon Mean From To Frachon Name Distance Direct Mean Frorn To Fraction Mean From To reported (Units)

Analysis of (LLD)

Positive MHes ton PosRNe measure monts Anci;;;

INGESTION F'rsh Gamma serm-annual isotopic (pCV kg)

(edible Mn-54 2




<LLD 0


Co40 2




<LLD 0

Zn-65 2




Cs-134 2




<LLD 0

Cs-137 2

130 75 5 31 120 2/2 18NO2 1.8 W

120 120 120 1/1

<LLD 0

WATER-BORNE Algae Gamma semiannual isotopic (pCi/ kg)


Mn-54 8



<LLD 0

CW 8




<LLD 0

ZW 8

  • LLD


<LLD 0

Cs-134 8




  • LLD 0

Cs-137 8

150 38 5 15 72 4/ 8 07NO O7 W

57 42 72 2/ 2

<LLD 0

t 15 1996 AREOR Rancho Seco t





Name of Facility Rancho Seco Station Docket No. DPR-54 Location of Facility Herald, CA. Reporting Period January - December 1996 As indcator Locabons Locahon with Hye Annual Mean Control Locates (Positive Values Only)

(Positive Values Onfy)

(Poestrve Values Only)

Range l

Range Range Fis ^st

  1. of non.

Medium or Lower 5mihve rouhne Pathway Total Limd of Sampled T w o of Number Detection Mean From To Fraction Name Distance Direct Mean From To Fraction Mean From To reported (Unds)

Asdysis of (LLD)

Positive Miles ion Positive measure ments



<tLD 0

We# Water Tntom 20 1000

<tLD quartery (pC4/ L)

Gamma isotopic


<LLD 0

Mn-54 20 15



<LLD 0

Co40 20 15

<tLD Zn-65 20 30



<LLD 0


<LLD 0

Cs-134 20 10



<LLD 0

Cs-137 20 10

<tLD Gross 20 4

4.43 0.37 18.4 16/16 3.7MO 3.7 SW 6.74 1.95 18.4 4/ 4 2.30 1.4 39 4/ 4 Beta WATER-BORNE


<tLD 0

Runoff Tntu m 40 2000

<LLD Water Biweeldy G.....-

(pCil L)



<LLD 0

Mn-54 40 15




Co-60 40 15

<LLD Zn-65 40 30

  • LLD


<tLD 0


<LLD 0

Cs-134 40 15



<LLD 0

Cs-137 A0 18

<LLD 16 1996 AREOR Rancho Seco




Name of Facility Rancho Seco Station Docket No. DPR-54 Location of Facility Herald. CA. Reporting Period Anuary - December 1996 Allindicator Locations Locdon with Hghast Annual Mean Control Locahons (Positive Values Only)

(Positrue Values Only)

(Postive Values Only)

Range Range Range Fraction

  1. of Medium or Lower Postive non.

Pathway Total Limt of Sampled Type of Number Detection Mean From To Frachon Narre Distance Direct Mean From To Fraction Mean From To rouhne (Units)

Anabysis of (LLD)

Posttive Miles lon Postive reported measur Analyses ements WATER-BORNE Surface Tntium 65 2000



<LLD 0

Water Monthly Gamma (pCW L)

Isotopic Mn-54 65 15



<LLD 0

Co-60 65 15



<tLD 0


Zn45 65 30



<LLD 0

i Cs-134 65 15



<LLD 0

Cs-137 65 18



<LLD 0


i BORNE Drtnking Tntium e4 1000



<LLD 0

Water monthly Gamma (pCV L)

Isotope Mn-54 24 15



<LLD 0

Co-60 24 15



<LLD 0

Zn-65 24 30



<LLD 0

Cs-134 24 10



<LLD 0

l Cs-137 24 10



<tLD 0

Gross 24 4

5.72 2.6 8.05 12/12 0.1Go 0.1 SE 5.72 2.6 8.05 12/12 5.88 1.58 15.3 12/12 0

Beta i

17 1996 AREOR Rancho SeCo I



Name of Facility Rancho Seco Station Docket No. DPR-54 Location of Facility Herald. CA. Reporting Period January - December 1996 AN Indcator Locates Locate with Hughest Annual Mean Control Locatms (Positive Values only)

(Positive Va!ues only)

(Positive Values only; Range Range Range Fracten s of non-Medium or Lower Positrve routine Pathway Total Limit of Sampled Type of Number Detecten Mean From To Fraction Name Distance Direct Mean From To Fraction Mean From To reported (Unitz)

Analysts of (LLD)

Positive Miles ion Posithe measure ments Andy=.

WATER-BORNE Raen Trittum 17 1000

  • LLD


<LLD 0

Water Variable G


(pCW L)

Isotope Mn-54 17 15



<LLD 0

Cos 0 17 15



<LLD 0

ZM6 17 30




O co' 34 17 10



<LL3 0

Co-137 17 to

  • LLO

<LLD 4

<LL3 0

'l l



i Rcncho Seco 18 1996 AREOR




REFERENCES CFRa Code of Federal Regulations,1996, " National Primary Drinking Water Regulations," Title 40, Part 141.

CFRb Code of Federal Regulations,1996," Standards for Protection Against Radiation," Title 10, Part 20.

t CFRc Code of Federal Regulations,1996," Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," Title 10, Part 50.

'CFRd Code of Federal Regulations,1992," Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Nuclear Power Operations," Title 40, Part 190.


NRC74 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission,1974, " Permanently j

Defueled Technical Specifications for the Rancho Seco Nuclear Station,"

Appendix A to Facility License No. DPR-54 (as amended).



NRC77 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission,1977, " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10CFR50, Appendix 1,"

Regulatory Guide 1.109, Revision 1.

NRC79a United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission,1979,"An Acceptable Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program," Branch Technical Position, Revision 1.

NRC79b United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission,1979, " Quality Assurance for Radiological Monitoring Programs (Normal Operations) -

Effluent Streams and the Environment," Regulatory Guide 4.15, Revision 1.

NRC92 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, " Air Sampling in the Workplace", Regulatory Guide 8.25, June 1992 NUREG79 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission,1979, " Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for PWRs," NUREG-0472, Revision 2.

NUREG80a United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission,1980, " Methods for Demonstrating LWR Compliance with the EPA Uranium Fuel Cycle Standard (40CFR190)," NUREG-0543.

RS96 Rancho Seco Nuclear Station,1996, " Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report, January -December 1996," Sacramento Municipal Utility District report.

Rancho Seco 19 1996 AREOR


i 1

1 i

Rancho Seco 20 1996 AREOR

i l


1996 LAND USE CENSUS RESULTS In compliance with the Rancho Seco Permanently Defueled Technical Specifications, section l

D6.8.3.b.2 and the REMP Manual, section 4.0, " Land Use Census", a land use census was completed on March 19,1997. The method of conducting the primary survey was to use an aerial survey that was conducted during June 1996. Evaluating the aerial photographs continues to provide an accurate method of determining locations and distances of the nearest l

residences. When the review of the survey photos indicated that a actual on-scene survey was needed to verify the use of identified structures, a visual observation was made. The i

aerial photos also provided a method to identify any changes in the agricultural, commercial, or i

industrial use of the land surrounding the site. The use of conservative dose factors for the purpose of projected dose calculations still requires that we evaluate the use of the area surrounding the site. The information that is presented is to verify this assumption and validate i

the process.

i I

The land use census covered an area bounded by each of the sixteen meteorological sectors out to a two mile radius from the Reactor Building.

3 The 1996 Land Use Census did not identify any changes in the use of the unrestricted areas that would require modifications in the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program for evaluating doses to individuals from principal pathways of exposure. This evaluation and determination are in accordance with the requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix 1, section IV.B.3.

l l


i i

Rancho Seco A-1 1996 AREOR


1 4




Inhalation, Ground Plane and Water Consumption The 1996 census determined that seven of the 16 radial sectors have residences that are within the 2 mile (3219 meters) Land Use Census radius. The closest residence in each of the seven sectors is identified below; Sector Distance Ranking a


(Nearest to Farthest)


>3219 NA B

>3219 NA C

1267 3

D 1038 1


>3219 NA j


>3219 NA G

2315 6


>3219 NA



>3219 NA a

K 2267 5

L 1133 2

i M

1943 4

N 3181 7

k P

>3219 NA i



>3219 NA R

>3219 NA It is expected that all seven residences use well water for consumption and other domestic j


i 1


Rancho Seco A-2 1996 AREOR l




Beef Consumption Based on conservative dose calculation parameters in use, the following is a summary for the 1996 land use census of the potential deposition exposure pathways at the locations listed below:

Sector Distance Consumption Pathway Comment (meters)

A 433 Beef Unrestricted Area Boundary B

430 Beef Unrestricted Area Boundary C

430 Beef Unrestricted Area Boundary D

448 Beef Unrestricted Area Boundary E

472 Beef Unrestricted Area Boundary F

667 Beef Unrestricted Area Boundary G

235 Beef Unrestricted Area Boundary H

198 Beef

' Unrestricted Area Boundary i

J 195 Beef Unrestricted Area Boundary K

195 Beef Unrestricted Area Boundary l

L 286 Beef Unrestricted Area Boundary M

404 Beef Unrestricted Area Boundary N

509 Beef Unrestricted Area Boundary P

442 Beef Unrestricted Area Boundary j

Q 500 Beef Unrestricted Area Boundary R

448 Beef Unrestricted Area Boundary Because of the extremely small amount of radioactive gaseous effluent released from the site, Deposition Exposure Pathway changes were considered inconsequential. The changes indicated in the beef consumption table do not necessitate modification of ODCM or REMP practices.

Rancho Seco A3 1996 AREOR




Laguna Creek Based on information stated in the Galt Irrigation District's 1996 Crop Report,2919.1 acre-feet of Laguna Crcsk water was diverted for trrigation purposes during the 1996 crop production season (up to October 31,1996. A total land area of 1081 acres was subject to irrigation as follows:

Acre Feet Acreage Water irrigated Crop 223.96 50 Sudan 22.44 90 Clover 385.16 156 Sudan 202.54 20 not specified 355.74 100 Sudan 331.74 130 Pasture 273.90 50 C!over 376.72 135 Suden 165.98 50 Clover 263.83 120 Corn, other 199.77 60 Com 100.71 30 Other 16.65 90 Sudan i

Based on direct observation cattle consume water from the Clay, Hadselville, and Laguna Creeks.

1 Rancho Seco A4 1996 AREOR


OTHER EXPOSURE PATHWAYS The 1996 Land Use Census confirmed previous knowledge that the Clay / Laguna Creeks are utilized by the general public for aquatic life consumption purposes. Past census evaluations have been unsuccessful in determining the usage / occupancy factors for their consumption.

Therefore, insufficient data existed to justify ODCM usage factor modification.


REMP EVALUATION An objective of the 1996 Land Use Census was to compare census and current REMP Manual locations to ensure consistency exists between monitoring activities and actual land utilization.

The following discussion is a summary of the comparison evaluation for each of the four exposure pathways.

Resident Exposure Pathway The inhalation and ground plane exposure pathways, the principal components of the Resident Exposure Pathway, are monitored directly and indirectly by thermoluminesence dosimetry (TLD), air and soil sampling and analysis. Well water was monitored at five locations.

Since the existing REMP was more conservative with respect to Resident Exposure Pathway monitoring, no changes were required.

Deposition Exposure Pathway The Deposition Exposure Pathway (Section B) is monitored directly within the Station Site Boundary through garden vegetation sampling and analysis. The potential for a deposition pathway has been evaluated by the ODCM and REMP programs and found to have little potential for the current plant status. Since the current REMP was representative and conservative with respect to Deposition Exposure Pathway monitoring, no changes were required.

Irriaated Croo Exposure Pathway The REMP was effective in monitoring the identified irrigated crop exposure pathways. This conclusion was based on the fact that the REMP included irrigated vegetation sampling. For l

1996 there was one positive result for the irrigated vegetation on one sample.

REMP surface water surveillance activities monitor irrigation water radiological quality. Current i

ODCM calculations are conservative since dilution effects are not included when predicting potential dose delivered through downstream pathways.

l l

l Rancho Seco A-5 1996 AREOR



Other Exposure Pathways Existing aquatic life, surface water and sediment sampling and analysis practices are effective in monitoring potential observable effects associated with recreational activities occurring at the Clay Creek, Hadselville Creek, Laguna Creek, Folsom South Canal and Rancho Seco Lake. With respect to availability and quantity of food sources, the other identified consumption activities were considered inconsequential for pathway monitoring purposes.

No REMP changes were required to monitor other exposure pathways.


ODCM EVALUATION Based on 1996 Land Use Census findings, the following potential exposure pathways exist at the indicated locations:

GASEOUS EFFLUENT Exposure Pathway Location Comment inhalation 1128 m ENE Resident location having the highest dispersion parameter Ground Plane 1128 m ENE Resident location having the highest deposition paran'eter LIQUID EFFLUENT Exposure Pathway Location Comment Freshwater Fish Clay Creek R= creation beyond the Site Boundary Swimming Clay Creek R:,ereation beyond the Site Boundary Shoreline Deposits Clay Creek Recreation beyond the Site Boundary irrigated vegetation Clay Creek Potential for residences beyond the site boundary irrigated forage Clay Creek Cattle grazing beyond the Site Boundary Drinking Water Clay Creek Cattle drinking water beyond the Site Boundary Rancho Seco A-6 1996 AREOR

t r



The GASEOUS EFFLUENT locations for inhalation and ground plane used by the ODCM are conservative since they are located at the Station Site Boundary.

t Specifying the Laguna Creek location also provides additional conservatism since the beneficial effects of downstream dilution are not considered when specifying effluent release restrictions.

As required by the 1996 Land Use Census the above information for exposure pathways and locations was submitted for incorporation in the ODCM for use during 1996.

i i

i Rancho Seco A-7 1996 AREOR

l l


SAMPLE SITE DESCRIPTIONS AND MAPS This appendix provides descriptive information about the sampling locations and maps of all the locations for the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program sites.

Table B-1 provides information on sample type, identification codes, and map location references. The sample identification code is an alphanumeric string beginning with the prefix "R" (for Rancho Seco Nuclear Station) followed by two letters to identify the sample media:

AS Air SL Soil RW Runoff Water FS Fish SW Surface Water LV Garden Vegetable i

DW Drinking Water AG Algae WW Well Water TL Direct Gamma Radiation (TLD) d MS Mud and Silt RN Rainwater The numeric designations which follow the letter designations indicate the straight-line distance (in miles) from the center of the Reactor Building to the monitoring site.

The next letter designates the sector in which the monitoring location is located. The letters A through R aie used for sector designators. The letters I and O are not used to prevent confusion with the numbers one and zero in the ID codes.

Sector Letter Degrees Azimuth Compass Point A

348.75 to 11.25 N

B 11.25 to 33.75 NNE C

33.75 to 56.25 NE 1

D 56.25 to 78.75 ENE i

E 78.75 to 101.25 E

1 F

101.25 to 123.75 ESE l

G 123.75 to 146.25 SE H

146.25 to 168.75 SSE J

168.75 to 191.25 S

K 191.25 to 213.75 SSW L

213.75 to 236.25 SW j

M 236.25 to 258.75 WSW N

258.75 to 281.25 W

P 281.25 to 303.75 WNW Q

303.75 to 326.25 NW R

326.25 to 348.75 NNW Rancho Seco B-1 1996 AREOR


The final letter designation indicates if the location is part of the operational REMP program

("O") or post-operational REMP program ("P").

Table B-1 Lists each location referencing the sample type and the location ID code to the map site number on one of the four, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Site Maps included in this Appendix.

1 Figure B 1 Site Location Mao: Shows the locations of the sample locations on and/or near the Site (including Storm Drain locations).

Figure B 2 One Mile Radius map: Sampling locations within one mile of the Reactor Building centerline are shown on this map.

Figure B-3 Five Mile Radius map: Sampling locations between one and five miles from the Reactor Building centerline are shown on this map.

Figure B-4 25 Mile Radius map: Sampling locations between five to 25 miles from the Reactor Building centerline are shown on this map.



1 I


i l

i Rancho Seco B-2 1996 AREOR




/ - - - - - -

2 810L _

(s 1), '

31 L.J 3

i rm, I

l 62


ss i

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t i


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[ ~ "4 J

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n m

I 53


_ T_,, _


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g, y


o C E 'o i

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, '22 '

1e 17 21 16 e'

(#7) 's_,______.w


(#2) (e) 18 1) g

  • 19

' 23


< sj m)


Figure B-1 Radiological Environmental Sampling Locations on and near the Site (Storm Drain location numbers are in parenthesis)

Rancho Seco B-3 1996 AREOR




mw me WW NE 59


i i

www i

i 00 O O [,_.


-f w



%'enn y

Q s

i i.


ESE 61 3

y f

36 13 I

3 SW l

SE ssw SsE



s Figure B-2 Radiological Environmental Sampling Locations within 1 mile from the Reactor Building Rancho Seco B-4 1996 AREOR

3 N






n I




/.e I

i I



W 5

y E



. 4e i

N 1


\\ l {e s




i i

3 8w se



-g m

Figure B-3 Radiological Environmental Sampling Locations from 1 to 5 miles from the Reactor Building Rancho Seco B-5 1996 AREOR

1 I



N l

j___ g


NW q

, Sacramento w



EkGrovel l 58 3.2 l**



Rancho Seco


y I

57, u-..

,se 1

b l

sw ssw ase

---mm y Figure B-4 Radiological Environmental Sampling Locations 5 to 25 miles from the Reactor Building Rancho Seco B-6 1996 AREOR



Table B-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Sites and Map Locations Sample Type ID Code Class Map Location Cotiection Frequency Description.of Location Miles Sector No.


Weekly On Sete-PAP BLDG.

O1 C



--A_ 2 Tower 07 E


Weekly Emuent Descharge 0.3 M

AIR RAS 1.8FP CON 30 Weekly Rancho Sece Reservor Well Enclosure 18 F


Brweekly Srte Boundary 06 M


Monthly Water Sump 0.7 N


Monthly Rancho Seco Reservor 1.3 F


Monthly Composite ISCO Compoede Sampier at Folsom South Canal 3.7 N


Monthly Composde ISCO Componde Sampler at Efnuent Discharge 03 M


Monthly Confluence of Clay and Hadselvele Creeks 1.8 N

DRINKING WA1ER RDWO1GO IND 10 Monthly Rancho Seco Srte 0.1 G

DRINKING WATER RDW1.8FP CON 30 Monthly Rancho Seco Lake Well 1.8 F

WELL WATER RWWO.3EO IND 11 Quar 1erly Site Well 03 E

WELL WATER RWWO 800 CON 12 Quarterly Marcool Ranch O8 D

WELL WATER RWWO.8LO IND 13 Quarterty Clay Cattle Feedict 08 L


Quarterty Silva Feer', Lot We8

3. 7 M

i WELL WATER RWW2.1MO IND 14 Quarterty Clay Area Wen (Tiphng's) 2.2 M


Seesonal Meteoroingscal Tower 08 D


Quarterty Emuent L% charge 0.3 M


Quarterly Site Bounclary 06 M


Seme-Annuel Water Sump 07 N


Semi-Annual Confluence of Clay and Hadselville Creeks 1.8 N


Semi-Annual Laguna Onek r.t Folsom South Canal 37 N

i i

Rancho Seco B-7 1996 AREOR



-~ 4

.. ~...

Table B-1 (Continued)

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Sites and Map Locations Sample Type ID Code Class Map locathm Collection Frequency Description.of Locanon Miles Sector No.


Seme-Annual Effluent Drsetwge 0.3 M


Seme-Annual Site Boundary 0.6 M


Semi-Annual Water Sump O.7 N


Sems-Annual Rancho Seco Resoner 1.5 F


Sems-Annual Confluence of Clay and HadseMGe Crooks 1.8 N


Seme-Annual Effkant Docharge 0.3 M


Semi-Annual Seta Boundary 06 M


Senu-Annual Water Sump O.7 N


Seme-Annual Confluence of Clay and Hadselvige Creek 18 N


Semi-Annual HadselviEs Creek at Folsom South Canal 37 N

SOIL RSLO.2HO1 IND 16 Semi-Annua!

Storm Drain No.1 02 H

SOIL RSLO2HO2 IND 17 Seme-Annual Storm Drain No. 2 02 H

SOIL RSLO 2JO IND 18 Semi-Annual Storm Dran No. 3 02 J

SOIL RSLO.2KO IND 19 Semi-Annual Storm Dron No. 4 0.2 K

SOIL RSLO.3LO IND 20 Seme-Annual Storm Dron No. 5 03 L

SO!L RSLO.2HO IND 21 Semi-Annual Storm Drain No. 6 0.2 H

SOtt RSLO.3MO7 IND 22 Semi-Annual Storm Drain No. 7 0.3 M

SOIL RSLO 3MO8 IND 23 Semi-Annual Storm Drun No 8 0.3 M

SOIL RSLO.3MO9 IND 24 Semi-Annual Storm Drain No. 9 03 M


Sems-Annual Site Boundary 06 M


Seme-Annual Water Sump O7 N

SOIL RSL1.5NO IND 25 Semi-Annual Silva Property 1.5 N


Seme-Annual Confluence of Clay and Hadselvdle Creek

' 1.8 N

SOIL RSLO.3B0 IND 26 Semi-Annual Storm Drain No.10 0.3 B

SOIL RSLO.3NO IND 27 Semi-Annual Storm Dren No.12 0.3 N

SOIL RSLO.3RO IND 28 Semi-Annual Storm Drain No.11 0.3 Q

SOIL RSLO 4MP1 SPECIAL 29 Semi-Annual Depreemon Area 0.4 M

SOIL RSLO 4MP2 SPECIAL 29 Semi-Annual Depression Area 04 M

SOIL RSLO.4MP3 SPECIAL 29 Semh Depression Area 0.4 M

Rancho Seco B-8 1996 AREOR

b Table B-1 (Continued)

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Sites and Map Locations Sample Type ID Code Class Map Location Collection Frequency Description of Locathm Miles Sector No.


Semi-Annual l

Site Boundary 05 M


Serre-Annual Srbe Boundary 05 M


Semi-Annuel l

Sete Boundary 05 M




Srto Boundary 05 M


Semi-Annual Site t3oundary Garden imgated with No-Name Creek water 06 M

VEGETABLES GARDEN RLVXX.XX CON NA Semi-Annual Truck Garden which provides local produce from the local NA NA VEGETABLES area TLD RTLO.3RO IND 31 Quarterly NNW G Penmeter Fence N/O Spray Ponds; #1 03 R

TLD RTLO 3C0 IND 32 Quarterly NE Penmeter Fence / pertung lot NE comer; #2 03 C

TLD RTLO.3NO IND 17 Quarterly W Penrrator Fence roedt polet top of hill, #3 0.3 N

TLD RTLO 3LO IND 20 Quarterly SW Penmeter Fence road near RS lake filters; #4 03 L

TLD RTLO 3HO IND 33 Ouarterly Penmeter Fencef S/O of Admin. Bldg ; #5 0.3 H

TLD RTLO4F0 IND 34 Quarterly Photovoltase Facihtyi North Fence (NRC); #6 0.4 F

TLD RTLO 5CO IND 35 Quarterty Rt.104 entrance to Rancho Seco; #7 05 C

TLD RTLO 6KO IND 36 Quarterty Tokay Substation; #11 08 K

TLD RTL10 OHP CON 57 Quarterly Fish Hatchery at Comanche Lake, #15 10 0 H

TLD RTL2.7MO IND 14 Quarterly in Clay at Tipling's Residence 11633 Cley Station Rd; #16 2.1 M

TLD RTL8.2KO IND 37 Quarterly Elliott Cemetery Neer Angelo Deiry; #17 8.2 K

TLD RTL7.8CO IND 38 Quarterly Sam Jaber Rosadence/ 001 Carbondale Rd/ lone; #18 7.8 C

TLD RTLO.7GO IND 30 Quarterly Weg pump fence @ reservoer; #43 1.7 G

TLD RTL1.5MO IND 40 Quarterly Clay East & Kirkwood (NRC); #20 1.5 M

TLD RTL3.9KO IND 41 QuartW SSW of Site on Borden Rd; #26 39 K

TLD RTL7.4MO IND 42 Quarterfy Herald Fire Station #87/12748 tvie Rd; #30 7.4 M

i TLD RTL3 7NO IND 43 Ouarterly Folsom South Canal near Hobdey Rd; #31 3.7 N

TLD RTL3 eMO IND 44 Quarterly BLM entrance to Folsom South Canal Pumping Station; 3.8 M

  1. 33 Ranch 0 Sec0 B-9 1996 AREOR 5





m v.


Table B-1 (Continued)

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Sites and Map Locations r

Sample Type ID Code Class Map Location CoIIection Frequency Description of Location MRes Sector No.


Ouarterly Hadsehnpe Cr. & Clay Cr; #35 19 N

TLD RTL18FO IND 45 Quarterly Rancho Seco Lake Mentononce Buddmo, #19 1.8 F

TLD RTL1.400 IND 46 Quarterly 0.9 Mdes E/O a:*e on Tvnn Cibes Rood / Rt 104;846 1.4 D

TLD RTL10.0E0 CON 58 Quarterty Preston School entrance on polo,851 10.0 E

TLD RTL8.0PO IND 47 Quarterty Ddlord School; #55 8.0 P

TLD RTLO.8DO IND 12 Quarterty Mercsol Ranch; 14626 Twin Cabos Rd; 863 08 D


Quarterly Sde Boundary tmoeted Garden; #65 06 M

TLD RTLO 4NO IND 29 Ouor%rty Depressson O Cley Creek; 866 04 N

TLD RTLO 4NOT IND 29 Quarterfy Soil Pee O Clay Creek; #67 04 N

TLD RTLO3PO IND 48 Quarterfy West Fence; #68 0.3 P

TLD RTLO.3NP IND 53 Querierfy West Garden, #88 03 N

TLD RTLO.4NP IND 54 Quarterfy Southwest ISFSt. #89 04 N

l TLD RTLO5PP IND 55 Quarteriy Northwest lSFSt, 890 05 P

l TL9 RTLO3OP fND 58 Quarterly Northoest ISFSt. 891 0.3 O


SD Quarterly Heehway 104 et the res spur on pois, OS2 0.7 Q

TLD RTLO 7JP tN) 41 Quarterty Cier East Road on pole eeuth of ees boundary,803 0.7 J

TLD RTLO.4PP IND 62 Quarteriy 18FSI ALARA fence north ei:le,804 04 P

i k

Rancho Seco B-10 1996 AREOR i


I APPENDIX C QUALITY CONTROL SAMPLE ANALYSIS RESULTS QUALITY ASSURANCE AND CONTROL implementation of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) consists of a number of discrete steps including:


= Sample collection,

= Packaging, o Shipment and receipt,

= Measurements of radioactivity, l

= Data evaluation, and

= Reporting.

These program elements are performed according to approved, written procedures to assure the validity of REMP results. Beginning in July 1996, the analysis contract was awarded to Thermo NUtech. This section discusses the intemal quality control measurements made by the analysis laboratories, Controls for Environmental Pollution, Inc. (CEP) and Thermo NUtech, and the results of their participation in the intertaboratory Comparison Program conducted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Intertaboratory Comparison Program and the analysis laboratories Quality Assurance Programs provide information on the validity (accuracy and precision) of the REMP implementation steps listed above.

Because REMP measurement validity is important for evaluating protection of the health and safety of the public, RSNS has established an Environmental Quality Assurance Program (EQAP) for radiological environmental measurements. The Environmental QA Program implements the guidance provided in Regulatory Guide 4.15, (NRC79a).

Rancho Seco C-1 1996 AREOR

INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM Thermo Nutech and CEP participate in the Intertaboratory Comparison Program (ICP). The ICP is a radiological analysis quality control program sponsored by EPA's Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory in Las Vegas. Participation in the ICP is a requirement of the Permanently Defueled Technical Specification (section D6.8.3.b.3). It provides for an independent check of the proficiency of the laboratory. It also provides information on the precision and accuracy of measurements of radioactive material in REMP samples by CEP, Thermo Nutech, and other laboratories. The extent of CEP and Thermo Nutech participation in this program includes all of the environmental radioactivity determinations that are offered by the EPA and related to the analyses required by the REMP manual.

The EPA Intercomparison Program consists of a variety of sample media spiked with known i

quantities of specific radioactive materials at levels normally found in environmental samples.

These levels are generally quite low. Most samples require long counting times to determine if any activity is present, and the results may have large deviations from the mean. When the samples are distributed by the EPA, there is an implied precision requirement given in terms of the analysis requested to be performed. After all the labs provide the results of their analyses (three are i

required from each lab), the EPA publishes a statistical summary of all the results by all laboratories. This report includes the EPA acceptance controllimits, the mean of all laboratories and the standard deviation of the results by alllabs, among other statistics.

l if the results of a determination by CEP or Thermo Nutech in the ICP are outside the specified control limits or do not pass the outliers test, CEP and Thermo NUtech must investigate and, if a problem is identified, take corrective action to prevent problem recurrence.

During the first half of 1996, CEP analyzed 13 of 14 ICP samples that are required by the REMP.

For the Tritium in Water sample dated 3/8/96, CEP did not sumbit any data. CEP conducted an investigation and reported the results of that investigation. The investigation indicated that CEP did not schedule to have the analysis completed. Corrective action was to insure that ICP samples were analyzed. This action was considered marginally acceptable. All of the remaining results were within the control limits, passed the outliers test, and are considered acceptable by the EPA.

During the second half of 1996, Thermo Nutech analyzed 16 ICP samples. The ICP samples for Gross Alpha and Gross Beta dated 7/19/96 were analyzed, but no data was submitted. The Gross Beta result which was not submitted would have been an outlier. Thermo Nutech conducted an investigation of both of these incidents and the corrective actions were acceptable.

The CEP and Thermo Nutech measurement results are presented in Table C-1 along with the acceptable EPA values for each test.

i I

i Rancho Seco C-2 1996 AREOR

i l

l INTRALABORATORY QUAUTY ASSURANCE PROGRAM CEP and Thermo Nutech by coisact also operate an Intralaboratory Comparison Program (Quality Assurance Program) to maintain an acceptable quality level on a routine basis.

j As part of their Quality Assurance Program, both laboratories perform a background counts, an analysis of a spiked samples, and duplicate sample counts for every ten Rancho Seco REMP samples analyzed. These quality control procedures are performed for all analyses except gamma spectrometry, for which weekly energy and efficency checks are performed. The spiked and duplicate samples are prepared by personnel not directly involved with the analysis. Spiked samples, as well as the radioactive sources used for the gamma spectrometer checks, are


traceable to the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST).

In all cases during 1996, the duplicate analyses and the tritium spikes were acceptable for both I


RANCHO SECO AUDIT AND SURVEILLANCE RESULTS The Rancho Seco Quality Program requires penodic audits of REMP activities, including CEP and Thermo NUtech. Contract laboratory performance is evaluated annually by the Rancho Seco QA Department. The 1996 evaluation determined that Thermo NUtech performed adequately based on a NUPIC audit conducted by another Utility, CONCLUSIONS The intralaboratory and Interlaboratory results provided by the EPA and CEP indicate that CEP's -

performance was acceptable.

DIRECT RADIATION (TLD) COMPARISON PROGRAM The TLD vendor, ICN Dosimetry Services, participates in a monthly blind spike comparison testing program sponsored by the University of Michigan. A review of ICN's results of the participation in this testing program indicates that ICN has satisfactorily completed all of the required tests for the types of environmental radiation monitored at RSNS.

This comparison program satisfies the requirement of the REMP manual section 6.0.

1 I

Rancho Seco C-3 1996 AREOR


I-i TABLE C-1 INTERLABRATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM 1996 Statistical Report Summary Data for Responding Lab "PV" (Controls for Environmental Pollution Inc.) -

Sample Type Sample Date Assay Type Lab Agency Result Control Limits Result Strontium in water 1/23/96 Sr-90 5.33 10.58 5.0 15.0 13.7- 0.0 Gross Alphal Beta 1/26/96 Gross Alpha 15.80 13.65 12.1 15.0 20.80 - 3.4 Gross Alpha / Beta 1/26/96 Gross Beta 10.53 i2.54 7.0 i5.0 15.7-0.0 Tritium in water 3/8/96 H-3 No data 22002.0 12200.0 25818.9-18185.1 Blind A 4/16/96 Gross Alpha 73.40 14.97 74.8 118.7 107.2 -42.4 Blind B 4/16/96 Co-60 33.67 i2.52 31.0 15.0 39.7 - 22.3 Blind B 4/16/96 Cs-134 42.00 1.00 46.0 i5.0 54.7 - 37.3 Blind B '

4/16/96 Cs-137 52.00 i1.00 50.0 15.0 58.7 - 41.3 Blind B 4/16/96 Gross Beta 142.03 +7.35 166.9 i25.0 210.0-123.5 Blind B 4/16/96 Sr-90 12.33 11.53 16.0 15.0 24.7 - 7.3 Gamma in water 6/7/96 Co-60 103.67 i2.52 99.0 i5.0 107.7 - 90.3 Gamma in water 6/7/96 Cs-134 72.00 i2.65 79.0 i5.0 87.7-70.3 Gamma in water 6/7/96 Cs-137 203.00 i1.00 197.0 f10.0 214.3-179.7 i

Gamma in water 6/7/96 Zn-65 320.33 112.66 300.0 130.0 352.0 -248.0 i

Rancho Seco C-4 1996 AREOR

TABLE C-1 (continued)

INTERLABRATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM 1996 Statistical Report Summary Data for Responding Lab "AZ" (Thermo NUtech)

Sample Type Sample Assay Type Lab Agency Result Control Limits Date Result Strontium in Water 7/12/96 Sr-90 13.33 0.58 12.0 i5.0 20.7-3.3 Gross Alphal Beta 7/19/96 Gross Alpha No Data 24.4 16.1 35.0 -13.8 Gross Alpha Beta 7/19/96 Gross Beta No Data 44.8 i5.0 53.5 - 36.1 Tritium in Water 8/9/96 H-3 10880.0 1448.54 10879.0 i1088.0 12766.6 - 8991.4 Blind A 10/15/96 Gross Alpha 49.53 0.97 59.1 14.8 84.8-33.4 Blind B 10/15/96 Co-60 14.67 11.15 15.0 5.0 23.7-6.3 Blind B 10/15/96 Cs-134 20.67 11.15 20.0 15.0 28.7-11.3 Blind B 10/15/96 Cs-137 32.33 i1.53 30.0 5.0 38.7-21.3 Blind B 10/15/96 Gross Beta 98.10 10.95 111.8 116.8 140.9 - 82.7 Blind B 10/15/96 Sr-90 26.67 0.58 25.0 15.0 33.7 -16.3 Gross Alpha / Beta 10/25/96 Gross Alpha 8.70 10.82 10.3 15.0 19.0-1.6 Gross Alpha! Beta 10/25/96 Gross Beta 32.20 2.15 34.6 5.0 43.3-25.9 Gamma in Water 11/08/96 Co-60 45.00 11.00 44.0 i5.0 52.7 - 35.3 Gamma in Water 11/08/96 Cs-134 10.67 iO.58 11.0 15.0 19.7-2.3 Gamma in Water 11/08/96 Cs-137 20.00 11.00 19.0 15.0 27.7 -10.3 Gamma in Water 11/08/96 Zn-65 37.33 i0.58 35.0 15.0 43.7-26.3 Rancho Seco C-5 1996 AREOR

i l

APPENDIX D SAMPLE COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS METHODS For each of the sample media collected, the method of collection is documented in Rancho Seco Nuclear Station procedures. Detailed analysis methods are documented in procedures controlled by the contract laboratory, Thermo Nutech. A brief description of these collection and analysis methods is included in this Appendix.

Sample Media Collection / Analysis Method


AIR A mechanical air sampler continuously moves air through a filter designed to capture particulates by filter paperimpaction. The samplers are equipped with a flow totalizer which measures the volume of air that has passed through the filter paper. An elapsed time meter is installed to identify pump motor malfunctions.

The filter paper is exchanged weekly. At least one day is allowed to elapse between sample collection and counting to reduce the interference of naturally occurring radon and thorium daughters on the sample analysis. The filter paper is assayed for gross beta radioactivity by placing the filter on a stainless steel planchet and counted with an intemal gas flow proportional counter.

The individual particulate filter papers are saved over a calendar quarter and the composite collection is assayed for gamma isotopic radioactivity by gamma spectroscopy.

DIRECT RADIATION Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) are located within a fifteen (15) mile radius of the site. TLD's within a ten (10) mile radius are considered indicator TLD's. Two (2) TLD's, each containing three CaSO4Dy phosphors, are placed at each monitoring location to assure adequate data recovery and to improve measurement statistics. The TLD field exposure cycle is approximately ninoty (90) days. At the end of the field exposure cycle, the TLD's are exchanged with recently annealed ones and retumed to a contract laboratory for processing. The exposure reported by the laboratory is the average of six values, corrected for non-field exposure cycle contributions.

Rancho Seco D-1 1996 AREOR

i i

N Sample Media Collection / Analysis Method i


3 SEDIMENT Samples of sediment and soil are collected from the top three inches of the sampled material. Sediment samples are obtained approximately 4

two feet from the shoreline. Each sample is assayed directly for gamma j

isotopic radioactivity by gamma spectroscopy.

i l

GARDEN PRODUCE Samples of vegetables are collected semi-annually from a garden which j

is maintained at the Station Site Boundary, Control location samples are collected from a local commercial vendor. The vegetables are assayed


directly for gamma isotopic radioactivity by gamma spectroscopy, t

i FISH Fish are collected semi-annually from the Clay Creek system. The i

dissected (edible) portion of each sample is assayed directly for gamma isotopic radioactivity by gamma spectroscopy.

j i

ALGAE Samples of algae in the Clay Creek system are collected semi-annually


4 and assayed directly for gamma isotopic radioactivity by gamma



l WATER One gallon grab samples of water from locations in the liquid effluent i

pathway and groundwater are collected as follows:

I t

l Surface water and drinking water are coliected monthly Runoff water is collected biweekly.

e Well water is collected quarterly.

At two locations, samples are obtained to provide a monthly composite j

sample. All samples are assayed for tritium by liquid scintillation j

counting and for gamma isotopic radioactivity by gamma spectroscopy.

I Drinking and Well water samples are anaylzed for Gross Beta activity.

RAIN WATER One gallon grab samples of rainwater, collected at the Meteorological Tower location, are collected on a seasonal basis. All samples are assayed for tritium by liquid scintillation and for gamma isotopic radioactivity by gamma spectroscopy, Rancho Seco D.2 1996 AREOR

_.m i

f l



- The Sacramento Municipal Utility District conducts a continuous Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) at the Rancho Seco Nuclear Station to assess the impact of Station operation on the surrounding environment. The current Post-Operation REMP h a continuation of a similar program initiated prior to and during operation of the Station.

Samples of the surrounding environment are collected on a routine basis and analyzed to determine the amount of radiation and radioactive materials present in the exposure pathways.

The Califomia Department of Health Services conducts a parallel environmental monitoring program under contract from the USNRC.

During 1996 the program was directed and executed by the Radiation Protection / Chemistry Superintendent. Sample collection is performed by the Technical Staff and the ChemlRad Decommissioning Technicians. Data review and Program maintenance are performed by the Radiological Health Supervisor. The Program is operated with primary accountability and cognizance of the Manager, Plant Closure and Decommissioning.

The Program is designed consistent with Title 10, Code of Federal Reaulations. Part 50, Appendix l - Section IV, 8.2, B.3 and C, and Appendix A, " General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants," Criterion 64. The program also complies with Title 10, Code of Federal Reaulations. Part 20, " Standards for Protection Against Radiation," Section 1302. These federal requirements are cited in the Rancho Seco Permanently Defueled Technical Specifications and the REMP manual. REMP requirements are implemented through the review, approval and routine use of several docume'1ts, namely the REMP Manual, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, Surveillance Procedures and Health Physics Implementing Procedures.

The programmatic elements of the REMP are based on regulatory requirements and associated guidelines. The objectives of the Program are to:


Provide the technological basis and the instruction for monitoring the environs for radioactivity sources. The radioactive sources which contribute to detectable radioactivity in the local environs are comprised of:

=> naturally occurring background,

=> releases during normal operations,

=> world-wide weapons testing, and

=> major global nuclear accidents Rancho Seco E-1 1996 AREOR I


(Continued) l 2.

Provide the means to verify the effectiveness of the Rancho Seco Nuclear Station Radiological Effluents Control Program.


Meet the minimum detectable limits for radioisotopes in environmental samples.


Provide quantitative measurements in the gaseous, liquid and direct radiation exposure pathways for radionuclides.

l 5.

Provide indications of the largest potential radiation exposure for individuals as a result l

of radionuclides in the principle exposure pathways.

The Program is developed and conducted using recognized standards and practices NRC79a, NRC79b, NUREG79, NUREG80a.

i l

l 5

1 Rancho Seco E-2 1996 AREOR

REMP CHANGES The Permanently Defueled Technical Specifications administrative requirements for the REMP program were not revised during 1996. The REMP manual (revision 9) was revised on January 21,1997 to:

1. Change the frequency of the Land Use Census from annual to biennial.
2. Change the radius for the Land Use Census from five miles to two miles.

i These changes are reflected in Appendix A of this report.


EXPOSURE PATHWAYS The fundamental parameters which have been defined prior to monitoring the environs are:


Identification of the effluent release pathways 2.

Identification of the human exposure pathways j


Identification of the land use parameters by the population within a two mile radius of the plant site.

l Each of these three parameters is discussed below.

j Effluent Release Pathways There are three principal pathways which may result in human exposure to radiation and radioactive material originating from Station operation:

1. Gaseous effluents
2. Liquid effluents and
3. Direct radiation from these effluents and onsite sources.

Gaseous Effiuents Gaseous ventilation and process effluents are released, through particulate filtration units to the environment from the Reactor Building, Auxiliary Building and Auxiliary Building Grade Level Vent stacks.

Rancho Seco E-3 1996 AREOR

EXPOSURE PATHWAYS Effluent Release Pathways (continued)

In the gaseous pathway, airborne radioactive materials can be inhaled or ingested by humans.

Animals can inhale or ingest radioactive matenal present in the atmosphere which are retained in animal food products (meat or milk). Radioactive materials which are carried by air currents can also be deposited on vegetation or water sources which are in turn directly consumed by humans or animals.

Liauid Effluents in the liquid exposure pathway, radioactive materials in surface waters can be ingested by humans directly or indirectly through the consumption of aquatic foods such as fish and shellfish. Humans can consume vegetation which is irrigated with Clay Creek water which may contain radioactive material. Another exposure pathway from liquid effluents results from the consumption of animal products such as meat and milk from animals which have fed upon irrigated vegetation or otherwise drank Clay Creek water.

Direct Radiation In the direct radiation pathway, potential radiation exposure may occur from radioactive material storage vessels which are contained within the site boundary such as the Borated i

Water Storage Tank. People can potentially be exposed to direct radiation from gaseous effluents or from ground deposition of particulates deposited on the ground from gaseous or liquid effluents. When the fuel off-load is completed, the ISFSI will become part of the direct radiation pathway.

Rancho Seco E-4 1996 AREOR

LAND USE CENSUS On an biennial basis, a land use census is conducted within a two mile radius to identify any changes in the human exposure pathways. The Land Use Census is used to determine the changes needed for REMP monitoring activities. The results of the land use census conducted during 1996 is presented in Appendix A of this Report. From data obtained from the Land Use Census, exposure pathways are analyzed through a systematic process which identifies a sample medium or organism that is found to potentially contribute to an individual's radiation exposure. Usage and bioaccumulation factors (NRC77) are then specified which represent the magnitude of radioactive material transfer through the food chain to a receptor.

The analysis of the effluent and exposure pathways enables monitoring sites to be identified as " indicator"(for sites at which the potential effects of Station effluents would be readily detected) or " control" (for those sites which are not expected to be influenced by Station operation). The analysis results of samples obtained at indicator and control sites are routinely compared to identify potential exposures above background levels.

MONITORING LOCATION SELECTION The REMP maintains the monitoring sites required by the REMP manual, Table 6. This program is supplemented with additional samples to compensate for changes in the radiological environment surrounding Rancho Seco. Some of the monitoring sites were also selected by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Cali?omia Department of Health Services as part of their monitoring programs. Indicator sites are placed in areas which would be most sensitive to the effects of Station effluents such as downwind or downstream areas near the Station. If radioactive materialis detected above background at any of these indicator sites, observed potential exposure and dose to humans can be estimated to verify the effectiveness of the Offsite Dose Calculation Manualin predicting potential exposures or doses. It is important to note that the detection of radioactive material in indicator samples does not necessarily mean that it's be attributed to Rancho Seco operations, Moreover, especially with most liquid effluent pathway samples, the J

detection of radioactive materialis difficult to interpret since it is unknown when the material j

was deposited. In many instances, the observed radioactive material could correctly be ascribed to historical (pre-1996) depositions.

Control locations provide data that should not be influenced by the operation of Rancho Seco.

These locations are selected based upon distance from the Station in the upwind or upstream direction of the effluent release pathways. Samples obtained from controllocations should, upon analysis, revealinformation about the presence and distribution of naturally occurring and man-made radioactive materials. Data from these locations are used to aid in the discrimination between the effects of Rancho Seco releases and other natural phenomena or accidental releases (such as the 1986 Chemobyl accident) which may result in human exposure.

Rancho Seco E-5 1996 AREOR



Gaseous effluent indicator monitoring sites are generally placed in areas which receive prevailing winds crossing the Rancho Seco site. Liquid radioactive effluents are discharged in batches from two onsite Retention Basins into "No Name" Creek located southwest of the Station. Dilution water, obtained from the Folsom South Canal, is discharged into "No Name" Creek to give reasonable assurance of compliance with the 10CFR50, Appendix I dose guidelines. "No Name" Creek flows southerly into the Clay Creek. Without this dilution water flow, the Clay Creek would be in a dry state for most of the year.

Beyond the Site Boundary at a point north of Highway 104, the Clay Creek empties into the Hadselville Creek. Hadselville Creek then empties into the Laguna Creek at a point west of North Clay Station Road near the Folsom South Canal. Finally, Laguna Creek flows into the Cosumnes River at a point located approximately 20 straight-line miles west of Rancho Seco.

Since this stream system is the only routine release pathway for liquid radioactive and non-radioactive effluents from the Statior), the liquid exposure pathway indicator sites are located along these creeks and nearby land.

The direct radiation pathway is monitored principally through a network of passive devices (thermoluminescent dosimeters - TLD's) at monitoring sites distributed in sectors centered on the Station. The TLD's are located primarily at the site, residential, and recreational areas around the Rancho Seco location. This design provides the capability to easily detect Station-induced direct radiation contriuutions to the observed terrestrial and cosmic direct radiation background.

Some TLD's have been sited in special locations to record direct radiation resulting from known depositions of radioactive material and to provide pre-operational data forthe Interim Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI).

Appendix B contains a detailed description and illustration of the HEMP sample and monitoring locations.

Rancho Seco E-6 1996 AREOR

4 l

SAMPLE MEDIA Samples are collected from predetermined monitoring sites at a specified frequency. The sample media chosen is a function of the type of monitoring desired and coincide with one of the following exposure pathways:

o Atmospheric o

Direct radiation o

Terrestrial o

Aquatic life o

Water Atmospheric monitoring is accomplished by filtering a volume of air using a mechanical air pump to collect particulates with a particulate filter paper. Four air sampler locations are used to collect weekly air samples. Two locations (Meteorlogical Tower and Rancho Seco Reservoir) are cor. trol locations and the remaining two locations are indicator locations on the plant sita. A new controllocation (RAS 1.8FP) was added on 3/19/96. The air sample filter heads were moved to the outside of the air sampling enclosure in 1996.

Direct radiation monito@J is achieved by placing TLD's at above-ground sites. TLD's respond to, and record the amount of, gamma radiation exposure. The source of this gamma radiation exposure is varied and includes potential Station effluents and naturally-occurring terrestrial and cosmogonic radionuclides. The TLD's are also influenced by seasonal and global (fallout) radiation sources. Almost all the exposure recorded by a TLD could be traced i

to terrestrial radionuclides.

There are 34 sites which are monitored by thermoluminesence dosimetry within a 10-mile radius of the Station. The TLD's are placed at the dtation Industrial Area Boundary, near the property boundary, locations of interest such as nearby residences, and also at control locations located beyond five miles of the Station.

Rancho Seco E-7 1996 AREOR

I i


(continued) l


Terrestrial monitoring is accomplished by obtaining samples of sediment, soil, and garden vegetation to measure the quantity of radioactive material deposited from gaseous and liquid effluents. There are 5 mud and silt,27 soil, and 2 garden vegetation locations.

Aquatic monitoring includes the sampling of fish and algae. Algae is an excellent concentrator of radioactivity contained in water and is sampled to provide an early indication of increased liquid radioactive material concentration. There are 4 fish and 5 algae sample locations.

Water monitoring includes samples of surface, runoff, drinking, and well sources from locations in the liquid effluent pathway and from area wells. The 6 surface water sampling locations monitor site supply water (Folsom South Canal), runoff water and water discharged from the Station. Drinking water is sampled from 5 groundwater wells and two drinking water taps. Rain water is also collected at one location on a seasonal basis.

SAMPLE ANALYSIS & DATA HANDLING The laboratory which provides radio-analytical services for the Program for the first half of i

I 1996 is Controls for Environmental Pollution (CEP) located in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Starting with the second half of 1996 (July 1,1996 ) analysis servises were provided by Thermo Nutech located in Richmond, Califomia. Sample analysis results submitted by CEP and Thermo Nutech are reviewed for accuracy and completeness and then entered into a computerized data base for evaluation and trending.

l Data comparisons are made between individual cor,r of and indicator sample sites to isolate


potential Station influences on the measurement results.

The summarized results of the 1996 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program are presented in Table 2.

i Individual (raw data) results are presented in Appendix F, Tables F-1 through F-11.

l l

l l

Rancho Seco E-8 1996 AREOR

c l




Sample analysis data is promptly reviewed and evaluated by the Radiological Health l

Supervisor as the results are received. All sample analysis results are reviewed for correct 1

j sensitivity and anomalies.


j j

The activity concentration values listed in Table E-1 are the environmental Fuel Cycle Dose j.

quantities that, if exceeded, require a Special Report to be submitted to the USNRC. In j

accordance with the REMP Manual (Section 5, Fuel Cycle Dose), the Special Report must include an evaluation of any release conditions, environmental factors or other aspects which


caused the reporting limits to be exceeded.



In addition to the Fuel Cycle Dose reporting requirements, a Special Report is required to be i

i submitted to the USNRC when more than one of the radionuclides in Table E-1 are detected in the sampling medium and the summed ratio of detected activity concentration to the respective Reporting Level concentration is greater than, or equal to, unity (1). When radionuclides other <

than those listed in Table E-1 are detected which are a result of Station effluents, a Special i

Report is required to be submitted if the potential annual dose commitment exceeds the 10 3

CFR 50, Appendix ! guidelines.

No reports of the types described above were required to be submitted during 1996.


All Program measurements must be performed at e ensitivity which meets USNRC requirements. This sensitivity is determined "before the fact" (a prion) for each radionuclide of j-interest and sample analysis type. Typical controllable sensitivity parameters include:

j i


=> Sample volume or mass l


=> Sampling efficiency j.

=> Time from sample collection to measurement t

=> Instrument detection efficiency for the nuclides (energies) of interest l

=> Background radiation levels i


=> Chemical recovery factors 4


l I

Rancho Seco E-9 1996 AREOR i



By adjusting and controlling each of these parameters to maximize measurement process efficiency, a maximum sensitivity level (activity concentration) can be specified for each nuclide of interest and analysis type while maintaining an economic measurement process. The maximum sensitivities in the REMP are specified by the USNRC in the REMP Manus!

approved for Rancho Seco. These sensitivities are referred to as "LLD's", an acronym for

" Lower Limit of Detection". LLD's are specified on an "a pnorf' basis and apply to routine measurement process capabilities when no other interfering radioactivity is present. The word

" routine"is emphasized since occasional circumstances, such as limited sample mass, elevated levels of background radiation and interfering nuclides can contribute to sensitivity degradation.

Such occurrences are normally noted and reported during the conduct of REMP activities.

l Meeting the LLD requirements is a quality control function shared by both REMP and the l

analytical laboratory personnel. Once the laboratory establishes values for the controllable parameters for each analysis type, sample chain of custody controls ensure that these parameters are upheld. If all parameters are upheld, then compliance with the LLD requirements has been demonstrated. The specific LLD values for Program measurements are included in Table E-2.

Since most of the samples analyzed result in the detection decision " activity not identified", a Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) concentration value is calculated and reported. This value can be thought of as the LLD-at-the-time-of-counting since it is calculated using an equation which is similar to the one used to establish LLD parameters. The biggest difference is that actual (not "a prion") parameters are used, including interference from natural radioactive material in the sample. It is important to note that MDA's are reported only for those measurements where the " activity not identified" decision has already been made.

MDA values are used primarily to identify changes in the measurement process and to convey more information about the measurement itself. Without the use of the MDA concept, most Program measurements would be reported simply as "<LLD". With MDA used, Program measurements are reported as "< xxx " where "xxx" is the calculated MDA concentration, i

Rancho Seco E-10 1996 AREOR




Analysis Water.

Airborne Fish Food (pCl/L)

Particulate or (pCilkg, wet)



Gases (pCi/m*)

(pCilkg, wet)

H-3 20000*

Mn-54 1000 30000 Co-60 300 10000 j

Zn-65 300 20000 Cs-134 30 10 1000 1000 1

Cs-137 50

?O 2000 2000 i


I b

,c Gross Beta 40 I


  • For drinking water samples, this is a 40 CFR Part 141 value


b Gross Beta activity in water of ten times the yeariy mean of the control samples is indicated as the level that gamma isotopic analysis should be performed on the individual sample (NRC79a). Gamma isotopic analysis on each water sample is required by the REMP and therefore this requirement does not apply.


  • Gross Beta activity is air of ten times the yearly mean of the control samples is indicated as the level that gamma isotopic analysis should be performed on the individual sample. The value indicated is Site specific.

i a

Rancho Seco E-11 1996 AREOR l




Airborne Fish Food Sediment Particulate (pCilkg, Products (pCi/kg, dry)

Analysis Water or Gases wet)

(pCilkg, dry)





4 0.01 Gross Beta H-3 2000 (1000, b)

Mn-54 15 130 Co-60 15 130 150*

Zn-65 30 260 15 (10$

d 130 60 150 Cs-134 0.01 D

Cc-137 18(10 )

0.01 130 60 150 d



Analysis requirements are those recommended in the BTP [NRC79A] and RETS



LLD for water samples utilized for human consumption only (NUREG79].


Other peaks which are measurable and identifiable, together with the nuclides in Tabie C4 shall be identified and reported.

8 (d)

Composite analysis LLD is Shown; individual sample LLD is 0.05 pCi/m (Site specific value).


LLD for Mud and Silt Co-60 is not required by RETS [NUREG79). This value is consistent l with the RETS required value for Cs-134 and CS-137.

Rancho Seco E 12 1996 AREOR


l i

i j

1 l

i l

Rancho Seco F-1 1996 AREOR



Gross Beta Activity in Air Particulates (pCi/m )

COLLECT RASO.1CO 2 sigma RASO.7EO 2 sigma RASO.3MO 2 sigma RAS 1.8FP 2 sigma DATE 1/08/96






.001 1







.001 1/23/96






.001 I







.001 2/05/96






.001 2/12/96






.001 2/20/96






.001 2/27/96






.001 3/05/96






.001 3/11/96






.001 3/19/96








.001 3/26/96








.001 4/02/96








.002 4/08/96








.002 j









.001 4/23/96








.001 4/30/96








.002 1









.002 5/13/96








.002 5/21/96








.001 5/28/96




.001 *




.001 S/03/96

.020 7






.001 6/10/96


.C M






.001 6/17/96








.001 6/25/96






.001 l.013

.001 Rancho Seco F-2 1996 AREOR

I 1

i i



1 1


Gross Beta Activity in Air Particulates 3

(pCi/m )

i COLLECT RASO.1CO 2 sigma RAS 0.7EO 2 sigma RAS 0.3MO 2 sigma RAS 1.8FP 2

i DATE sigma 4









.001 7/08/96


















.001 7/22/96








.001 7/30/96








.001 I









.001 8/12/96


















.001 8/27/96








.001 j









.002 2









.001 j



















.001 10/01/96








.002 1









.004 10/14/96








.002 i-10/22/96








.002 10/29/96








.002 11/04/96








.002 11/11/96








.003 11/19/96








.003 l



















.001 12/09/96








.001 12/17/96
















.001 12/31/96








.001 Rancho Seco F-3 1996 AREOR l

Table F-2 1996 TLD Summary (Direct Radiation)

Quarterly (mrem)

Indicator /

96 96 96 96 Location Location /

Controll 1st

^2nd 3rd 4th Number ID Number Special Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter 1

RTLO.3RO INDICATOR 14.9 16.9 17.8 17.1 2

RTLO.3CO INDICATOR 15.5 15.5 17.4 17.0


3 RTLO.3NO INDICATOR 16.0 15.9 17.5 18.1 4

RTLO.3LO INDICATOR 20.3 15.9 20.9 16.7 5

RTLO.3HO INDICATOR 14.4 15.5 17.4 16.4 1

6 RTLO.4FO INDICATOR 13.8 14.4 15.1 15.1 i

7 RTL O.5CO INDICATOR 14.8 15.8 16.9 18.0 11

- RTLO.6KO INDICATOR 14.2 15.3 16.1 17.6 15 RTL10.0HO CONTROL 15.0 17.6 16.4 19.8


16 RTL2.7MO INDICATOR 14.7 13.9 15.6 18.2 17 RTL8.2KO CONTROL 19.4 17.5 22.1 20.2 18 RTL7.8CO CONTROL 14.2 13.7 15.7 15.8 19 RTL1.8FO INDICATOR 12.1 16.8 14.6 14.6 20 RTL1.5MO INDICATOR 15.7 15.2 16.2 16.1 26 RTL3.9KO INDICATOR 13.6 14.9-17.8 17.5 30 RTL7.4MO CONTROL 14.5 15.2 17.7 16.6 31 RTL3.7NO INDICATOR 15.2 16.0 17.2 19.5 33 RTL3.8MO INDICATOR 14.3 Missin0 16.6 Missin0 35 RTL1.9NO INDICATOR 14.8 18.0 19.5 18.8 43 RTL1.7FO INDICATOR 14.7 17.0 15.8 17.0 46 RTL1.4DO INDICATOR 15.8 21.8 21.8 18.6 51 RTL10.0EP CONTROL-15.2 17.8 15.2 15.6 55 RTL8.0PO CONTROL 15.7 14.6 16.2 19.7.

63 RTLO.8DO INDICATOR 15.9 15.1 15.3 16.4 1

65 RTLO.6MO INDICATOR 13.1 13.9 15.2 14.7 66 RTLO.4NO INDICATOR 27.9 34.2 35.9 32.1 67 RTLO.4NO1 INDICATOR 15.7 16.7-18.8 18.2 68 RTLO.3PO INDICATOR 15.5 18.5 16.7 16.7 88 RTLO.3NP INDICATOR 15.0 15.9 17.5 19.4 89 RTLO.4NP INDICATOR 15.5 14.7 17.6 18.2 90 RTLO.5NP INDICATOR 16.6 16.4 19.3 18.0 91 RTLO.3QP INDICATOR 15.9 15.7 15.8 16.9 92 RTLO.7QP INDICATOR 14.4 14.5 17.0 17.6 93 RTLO.7JO INDICATOR 14.9 15.1 17.3 15.9 94 RTLO.4PP INDICATOR 16.0 16.5 17.1 17.3


i Rancho Seco F-4 1996 AREOR

1 4

k Table F-3 1996 Garden Vegetables (pCi/kg, wet)

Srmple ID Location Name Type Collection Date Mn44 Co-60 Zn45 Cs-134 Cs-137 RLVO.6MO trrigated Garden Vegetables 3/11/96





<15 RLV18.0KO Lodi Produce Vegetables 3/11/996





<13 RLVO.6MO Irrigated Garden Vegetables 8/12/96

<30 46 i 21 RLV18.0KO Lodi Produce Vegetables 8/12/96


<21 Rancho Seco F-5 1996 AREOR

TABLE F-4 1996 SOIL AND SEDIMENT Quarterly (pCl/kg)

Sample ID Location Collect Date Mn-54 Co-60 Co-60 2S Zn45 Cs-134 Cs-137 Cs 137 Descript.

2S RMSO.3MO Effluent 2/15/96




<11 60 13 Discharge RMSO.3MO Effluent 5/13/96




<20 106 27 Discharge RMSO.3MO Effluent 8/15/96

<12 41 15


<16 298 15 Discharge RMSO.3MO Effluent 11/11/96

<17 67 18


<21 247 24 Discharge RMS3.7NO Folsom South 2/15/96




<11 123 23 Canal RMS3.7NO Folsom South 5/13/96




<18 54 20 Canal RMS3.7NO Folsom South 8/15/96




<12 103 12 Canal RMS3.7NO Folsom South 11/11/96




<26 43 20 Canal RMS1.8NO Hadselville/





<13 152 21 Clay Creeks RMS1.8NO Hadselville/





<18 495 59 Clay Creeks RMS1.8NO Hadselville/





<16 72 9.9 Clay Creeks RMS1.8NO Hadselville/





<25 53 22 Clay Creeks RMSO.7NO Water Sump 2/15/96




<12 87 16 RMSO.7NO Water Sump 5/12'96




<16 161 26 RMSO.7NO Water Sump 8/15/96




<12 308 13 RMSO.7NO Water Sump 11/11/96




<14 136 14 RMSO.6MO Site Boundary 2/12/96




<11 34 14 RMSO.6MO Site Boundary 5/13/96

<18 24 14


<22 271 41 RMSO.6MO Site Boundary 8/15/96

<10 13 10


<17 351 15 i

RMSO.6MO Site Boundary 11/11/96




<29 380 24 1

Rancho Seco F-6 1996 AREOR

TABLE F-4 (continued) 1996 SOIL AND SEDIMENT Semi-Annual (pCl/kg)

Simple ID Location Collection Date Mn-54 Co40 Co40 Zn45 Cs-134 Cs-137 Cs-137 Description 2s 2s RSLO.6MO Site Boundary 2/12/96

<11 294 24

<26 24+-8 1738 211 i

RSLO.6MO Site Boundary 8/19/96




<'r :

280 64


RSLO.7NO Water Sump 2/15/96




<8 25 8

RSLO.7NO Water Sump 8/19/96




<55 150 42 RSL1.5NO Silva Property 2/15/96




<13 67 14 RSL1.5NO Silva Property 8/19/96




<48 100 39 RSL1.8NO Hadselville/ Clay 2/15/96

<13 24 9


<12 517 54 Creeks RSL1.8NO Hadselville/ Clay 8/19/96




<79 390 65 Creeks Rancho Seco F-7 1996 AREOR 1

l 3

N TABLE F-4 (continued) 1996 SOIL AND SEDIMENT Semi-Annual (pCi/kg) l Simple ID Location Collection Mn44 Co40 Co40 Zn45 Cs-134 Cs-137 Cs-137 Description Date 2s 2s RSLO.2HO1 Storm Drain #1 2/12/96




<6 31 7

RSLO.2HO1 Storm Drain #1 8/15/96





<12 RSLO.3AO Storm Drain #10 2/12/96




<10 29 9

RSLO.3AO Storm Drain #10 8/15/96





<43 RSLO.3OO Stom Drain #11 2/12/96





<11 RSLO.3OO Storm Drain #11 8/15/96





<46 RSLO.3NO Storm Drain #12 2/12/96





<12 RSLO.3NO Storm Drain #12 8/15/96





<51 RSLO.2HO2 Storm Drain #2 2/12/96




<11 31 9

RSLO.2HO2 Storm Drain #2 8/15/96




<34 40 22 RSLO.2JO Storm Drain #3 2/12/96




<8 15 7

RSLO.2JO Storm Drain #3 8/15/96




<20 14 8

RSLO.2KO Storm Drain #4 2/12/96




<12 27 11 RSLO 2KO Storm Drain #4 8/15/96




<18 21 16 RSLO.3LO Storm Drain #5 2/12/96




<10 24 10 i

RSLO.3LO Storm Drain #5 8/15/96




<22 34 18 RSLO.2HO Storm Drain #6 2/12/96




<8 20 5

RSLO.2HO Storm Drain #6 8/15/96





<46 j

RSLO.3MO7 Storm Drain #7 2/12/96




<10 13 8

RSLO.3MO7 Storm Drain #7 8/15/96




<59 670 440 RSLO.3MO8 Storm Drain #8 2/12/96




<10 50 12 RSLO.3MO8 Storm Drain #8 8/15/96




<61 64 54 RSLO.3MO9 Storm Drain #9 2/12/96




<9 12 6

RSLO.3MO9 Storm Drain #9 8/15/96




<66 64 44 4

J i

Rancho Seco F8 1996 AREOR

TABLE F4 (conti.1ued) 1996 SOIL AND SEDIMENT Semi-Annual (pCi/kg) 2 i

Sample ID Location Collection Mn44 Co40 Co40 Zn45 Cs-134 Cs-137 Cs-137 l

Description Date 2s 2s RSLO.5MPAN Grid Pt. AN-2/12/96




<13 144 21 4;A-1 RSLO.4MP2 Grid Pt. AH-2/15/96

<12 271 26

<29 71+-11 5632 725 14;J-B RSLO.4MP3 Grid Pt. Al-2/15/96

<12 44 11

<25 67+-11 4692 465 12;G-4 RSLO.4MP1 Grid Pt. Al-2/15/96

<10 1130 76

<23 290+-26 24300 2396 15;B-7 RSLO.5MPAK Grid Pt. AK-2/15/96




<11 194 30 4;A-1 RSLO.5MPAL Grid Pt. AL-2/15/96




<11 138 20 4:A-1 RSLO.5MPAM Grid Pt. AM-2/15/96

<12 139 17

<30 20+-8 1418 184 4;A-1 RSLO.4MP3 Grid Pt. Al-12; 8/15/96

<67 94 58

<130 96+-70 8100 240 G-4 RSLO.4MP2 Grid Pt. Al-14; 8/15/96

<64 560 93

<170 180+-82 15000 280 J-8 RSLO.4MP1 Grid Pt. Al-15; 8/15/96

<94 1600 150

<200 580+-140 41000 530 B-7 l

RSLO.5MPAK Grid Pt. AK-4; 8/15/96




<140 470 140 A1 RSLO.5MPAL Grid Pt. AL-4; 8/15/06




<140 460 160 A-1 RSLO.5MPAM Grid Pt. AM-4; 8/19/96

<78 300 77


<110 3600 190 A-1 RSLO.5MPAN Grid Pt. AN-4; 8/19/96




<63 320 67 l

A-1 4

1 4

f 4

Rancho Seco F-9 1996 AREOR

I TABLE F-5 1996 FISH Semi-Annual (pCi/kg, wet)


Lm.nple ID Location Predator /

Date Mn-54 Co-60 Zn-Cs-Cs.

Cs-137 Scavenger 65 134 137 2S j

RFSO.6MO2 Site Scavenger 6/13/96




<12 31 14 Boundary RFS1.8NO2 Hadselville/

Scavencer 12/23/96




<67 120 51 Clay Creeks l

I l

Rancho Seco F-10 1996 AREOR

1 TABLE F-6 1996 ALGAE i

Semi-annual l

(pCi/kg, wet)

Sample ID Location Date Mn44 Co40 Zn45 Cs-134 Cs-137 Cs-137 2s RAGO.6MO Site Boundary 6/13/96




<12 25 13 RAGO.7NO Water Sump 6/13/96




<14 42 12 1-RAG 1.8NO Hadselville/ Clay Creeks 6/13/96





<17 RAG 3.7NO Folsom South Canal 6/13/96





<15 RAGO.3MO Effluent Discharge 9/30/96





<27 RAGO.7NO Water Sump 9/30/96




<5.5 72 5.5 RAG 1.8NO Hadselville/ Clay Creeks 9/30/96


<8.4 -


<9.4 15 6.8 RAG 3.7NO Folsom South Canal 9/30/96





<11 i

i i

i i

1 i

i Rancho Seco F-11 1996 AREOR

TABLE F-7 1996 WELL WATER Quarterly (pCi/L)

Sample ID Location Date M n-54 Co-60 Zn-65 Cs-134 Cs-137 Tritium Gross Beta RWW0.3EO Site Well 3/19/96






<521 4.17 RWWO.8DO Marcial Ranch 3/19/96






<519 2.19 RWWO.8LO Clay Area Feed 3/19/96






<519 3.24 Lot RWW2.1MO Clay Area 3/19/96






<522 2.97 Well(Tipplings)

RWW3.7MO Silva Feed Lot 3/19/96






<519 18.42 RWWO.3EO Site Well 6/17/96






<644 2.70 RWWO.8DO Marcial Ranch 6/17/96






<639 1.40 RWW0.8LO Clay Area Feed 6/17/96






<650 3.35 Lot RWW2.1MO Clay Area 6/17/96






<655 4.23 Well(Tipplings)

RWW3.7MO Si!va Feed Lot 6/17/96






<665 1.95 RWW0.3EO Site Well 9/17/96






<193 6.7 RWWO.8DO Marcial Ranch 9/17/96






<194 1.7 RWWO.8LO Clay Area Feed 9/17/96






<194 3.8 Lot RWW2.1MO Clay Area Well 9/17/96






<196 0.37 (Tipplings)

RWW3.7MO Silva Feed Lot 9/17/96

< 8.0





<196 3.8 RWWO.3EO Site Well 12/17/96






<216 6.7 RWW0.8DO Marcial Ranch 12/17/96


< 8.9




<208 3.9 RWW0.8LO Clay Area Feed 12/17/96






<222 4.0 Lot RWW2.1MO Clay Area Well 12/17/96

< 3.7


< 8.2



<215 1.7 RWW3.7MO Silva Feed Lot 12/17/96






<216 2.8 1996 AREOR Rancho Seco F-12

1 TABLE F-8 1996 RUNOFF WATER Biweekly (pCi/L)

Sample ID Location Date Tritium M n-54 Co40 Zn-65 Cs-134 Cs-137 RRWO.6MO Site Boundary 1/02/96






<10 RRWO.6MO Site Boundary 1/16/96






<10 RRWO.6MOQ0 Site Boundary;QA 1/16/96






<9 RRWO.6MO Site Boundary 1/30/96






<9 RRWO.6MO Site Boundary 2/12/96






<10 RRWO.6MOQ Site Boundary;QA 2/12/96






<10 RRWO.6MO Site Boundary 2/27/96






<9 RRW0.6MO Site Boundary 3/11/96






<10 RRWO.6MOQ Site Boundary;QA 3/11/96






<10 RRWO.6MO Site Boundary 3/26/96






<10 RRWO.6MO Site Boundary 4/08/96






<9 RRWO.6MOQ Site Boundary;OA 4/08/96






<10 RRWO.6MO Site Boundary 4/23/96






<9 RRWO.6MO Site Boundary 5/06/96






<9 RRW0.6MOQ Site Boundary;QA 5/06/96






<10 RRWO.6MO Site Boundary 5/21/96








RRWO.6MO Site Boundary 6/03/96






<9 RRWO.6MOQ Site Boundary;QA 6/03/96






<8 RRWO.6MO Site Boundary 6/17/96








RRWO.6MO Site Boundary 7/01/96






<8.4 RRWO.6MOQ Site Boundary;QA 7/01/96






<8.5 RRWO.6MO Site Boundary 7!15/96






<10 l

RRWO.6MO Site Boundary 7/30/96






<9.3 RRWO.6MOQ Site Boundary;QA 7/30/96






<7.2 RRWO.6MO Site Boundary 8/12/96


< 8.2




<8.5 RRWO.6MO Site Boundary 8/27/96






<7.5 RRWO.6MOQ Site Boundary;QA 8/27/96






<9 RRWO.6MO Site boundary 9/09/96






<10 RRWO.6MOQ Site Boundary;QA 9/24/96






<9.6 RRWO.6MO Site Boundary 9/24/96






< 8.0 RRWO.6MO Site Boundary 10/8/96






<7.6 RRWO.6MO Site Boundary 10/22/96






<3.3 RRWO.6MOQ Site Boundary;QA 10/22/96


< 9.4




<10 RRWO.6MO Site Boundary 11/04/96


< 8. 7




<7.7 RRW0.6MO Site Boundary 11/19/96



< 5.9



<5.2 RRWO.6MOQ Site Boundary;QA 11/19/96



< 5.3



<4.0 RRWO.6MO Site boundary 12/03/96






<7.9 RRWO.6MO Site Boundary 12/17/96






<10 RRWO.6MOQ Site Boundary;QA 12/17/96






<8.5 RRWO.6MO Site Boundary 12/31/96


< 8.1




<8.0 1996 AREOR F-13 Rancho Seco

TABLE F-9 1996 SURFACE WATER Monthly Grab / Monthly Composite (pCi/L) i Sample ID Location Date H-3 Mn-54 Co-60 Zn-65 Cs-134 Cs-137 I

RSWO.3MO Effluent Discharge 1/23/96 _






<9 RSWO.7NO Water Sump 1/23/96






<10 RSW1.3FO Rancho Seco Reservoir 1/23/96






<9 RSW1.8NO Hadselville/ Clay Creeks 1/23/96






<9 RSW3.7NO Folsom South Canal 1/23/96






<10 RSWO.3MO Effluent Discharge 2/27/96






<8 RSWO.7NO Water Sump 2/27/96






<9 RSW1.3FO Rancho Seco Reservoir 2/27/96






<9 RSW1.8NO Hadselville/ Clay Creeks 2/27/96






<10 RSW1.8NOQ Hadselville/ Clay Creeks 2/27/96






<10 RSW3.7NO Folsom South Canal 2/27/96






<9 RSWO.3MO Effluent Discharge 3/26/96






<10 RSWO.7NO Water Sump 3/26/96






<10 RSW1.3FO Rancho Seco Reservoir 3/26/96






<10 RSW1.8NO Hadselville/ Clay Creeks 3/26/96






<9 RSW3.7NO Folsom South Canal 3/26/96






<10 i

RSWO.3MO Effluent Discharge 4/23/96






<10 RSWO.7NO Water Sump 4/23/96






<10 RSW1.3FO Rancho Seco Reservoir 4/23/96






<10 RSW1.8NO Hadselville/ Clay Creeks 4/23/96






<10 RSW1.8NOQ Hadselville/ Clay Creeks 4/23/96






<9 RSW3.7NO Folsom South Canal 4/23/96






<8 RSW0.3MO Effluent Discharge 5/28/96






<8 RSWO.7NO Water Sump 5/28/96






<10 RSW1.3FO Rancho Seco Reservoir 5/28/96






<9 i

RSW1.8NO Hadselville/ Clay Creeks 5/28/96






<10 RSW3.7NO Folsom South Canal 5/28/96






<10 i

RSWO.3MO Effluent Discharge 6/25/96






<9 RSWO.7NO Water Sump 6/25/96






<9 RSW1.3FO Rancho Seco Reservoir 6/25/96






<10 RSW1.8NO Hadselville/ Clay Creeks 6/25/96






<10 RSW1.8NOQ Hadselville/ Clay Creeks 6/25/96






<10 RSW3.7NO Folsom South Canal 6/25/96








1 1996 AREOR Rancho Seco F-14


l TABLE F-9 (continued) 96 SURFACE WATER a

Monthly Grab / Monthly Composite t


Sample ID Location Date H4 Mn-54 Co40 Zn45 Cs-134 Cs-137 RSWO.3MO Effluent Discharge 7/30/96






<7.9 RSWO.7NO Water Sump 7/30/96






<11 RSW1.3FO Rancho Seco Reservoir 7/30/96






<10 RSW1.8NO Hadselville/ Clay Creeks 7/30/96






<10 l

RSW3.7NO Folsom South Canal 7/30/96






<10 l

RSW0.3MO Effluent Discharge 8/27/96






<9.9 RSWO.7NO Water Sump 8/27/96






<7.7 RSW1.3FO Rancho Seco Reservoir 8/27/96






<10 RSW1.8NO Hadselville/ Clay Creeks 8/27/96






<8.4 RSW1.8NOQ Hadselville/ Clay Creeks 8/27/96






<10 RSW3.7NO Folsom South Canal 8/27/96






<7.4 RSWO.3MO Effluent Discharge 9/24/96








RSWO.7NO Water Sump 9/24/96






<8.3 RSW1.3FO Rancho Seco Reservoir 9/24/96






<10 RSW1.8NO Hadselville/ Clay Creeks 9/24/96






<7.1 RSW3.7NO Folsom South Canal 9/24/96






< 6. 5 RSWO.3MO Effluent Discharge 10/29/96






<9.2 RSWO.7NO Water Sump 10/29/96






<7.4 RSW1.3FO Rancho Seco Reservoir 10/29/96





< 8.7

< 8.4 RSW1.8NO Hadselville/ Clay Creeks 10/29/96






<9.4 RSW1.8NOQ Hadselville/ Clay Creeks 10/29/96






<8.6 RSW3.7NO Folsom South Canal 10/29/96






<8.6 RSWO.3MO Effluent Discharge 12/31/96






< 9. 8 i

RSWO.7NO Water Sump 12/31/96






<8.4 RSW1.3FO Rancho Seco Reservoir 12/31/96






<9.0 RSW1.8NO Hadselville/ Clay Creeks 12/31/96






<9.6 j

~IRSW3.7NO Folsom South Canal 12/31/96






<7.8 1

4 J

1996 AREOR F-15 Rancho Seco

TABLE F-10 96 Drinking Water Monthly (pCl/L)

Srmple ID Location Date H-3 Mn-54 Co-60 Zn-85 Cs-134 Cs-137 Gross Beta RDWO.1GO Rancho Seco 1/23/96






<3 6.83 Site RDW1.8FP Reservoir Bldg.







<3 4.25 RDWO.1GO Rancho Seco 2/27/96






<2 7.99 Site RDW1.8FP Reservoir Bida.







<2 2.82 RDWO.1GO Rancho Seco 3/26/96






<2 7.32 Site RDW1.8FP Reservoir Bida.







<2 5.46 i

RDWO.1GO Rancho Seco 4/24/96






<2 8.05 Site RDW1.8FP Reservoir Well 4/24/96






<2 15.30 RDWO.1GO Rancho Seco 5/28/96






<2 4.05 Site RDW1.8FP Reservoir Well 5/28/96






<2 1.58 RDWO.1GO Rancho Seco 6/25/96






<3 2.77 Site RDW1.8FP Reservoir Well 6/25/96






<3 4.68 RDWO.1GO Rancho Seco 7/30/96






<1.9 6.9 Site RDW1.8FP Reservoir Well 7/30/96






<10 5.8 RDWO,1GO Rancho Seco 8/27/96






<9.9 6.1 Site


RDW1.8FP Reservoir Well 8/27/96






<7.6 6.0 RDWO.1GO Rancho Seco 9/24/96






<8.2 2.6 Site RDW1.8FP Reservoir Well 9/24/96






<9.6 6.8 RDWO.1GO Rancho Seco 10/29/96






<7.2 5.56 RDW1.8FP Reservoir Well 10/29/96






<9.9 6.15 Site RDWO.1GO Rancho Seco 11/25/96






<8.1 5.87 Site RDW1.8FP Reservoir Well 11/25/96


< 8.4




<7.8 6.41 RDWO.1GO Rancho Seco 12/26/96






<2 2.22 RDW1.8FP Reservoir Bldg.







<3 12.79 Site RDWO.1GO Rancho Seco 12/31/96






<9.5 4.63 RDW1.8FP Reservoir Welt 12/31/96

<185 l <9.9




<9.6 5.29 Site 1996 AREOR F-16 Rancho Seco

TABLE F-11 96 Rain Water Seasonal (pCi/L)

Sample ID Date Mn-54 Co40 Zn45 Cs 134 Cs-137 H-3 RRNO.8DO 1/03/1996






<707 RRNO.8DO 1/16/1996






<654 RRNO.8DO 1/30/1996






<621 RRNO.8DO 2/12/1996






<518 RRNO.8DO 2/27/1996






<618 RRNO.8DO 3/11/1996






<616 RRNO.8DO 3/19/1996






<522 RRNO.8DO 4/04/1996






<635 RRNO.8DO 4/23/1996






<658 RRNO.8DO 5/21/1996






<597 RRNO.8DO 5/28/1996






<647 RRNO.8DO 10/29/1996






<238 RRNO.8DO 11/11/1996






<238 RRNO.8DO 11/20/1996






<219 RRNO.8DO 11/25/1996

<8 4





<213 RRNO.8DO 12/09/1996






<208 RRNO.8Do 12/24/1996








l 1996 AREOR F-17 Rancho Seco


In accordance with the requirements REMP manual section 3.1, the following samples are l

being reported as not being collected for the reasons indicated during 1996. Corrective action i

I as required by the REMP manualis as indicated.

l TLD (Direct radiation oathway)

Location # 33 RTL3.8MO, BLM entrance to Folsom South Canal Pumping Station (indicator)- On July 1,1996, the TLDs at this location were missing during the routine changeout. Third quarter 1996 TLDs were restored at this location. No TLD data will be available for this location for the second quarter 1996. No further corrective action is required.

i Location # 33 RTL3.8MO, BLM entrance to Folsom South Canal Pumping Station i

(indicator) - On January 6,1997, the TLDs at this location were missing during the routin!

changeout. First quarter 1997 TLDs were restored at this location. No TLD data will be available for this location for the fourth quarter 1996. Due to the fact that this is the second occurrence of the TLDs being removed in less than a year, this location was moved to the south side of Hwy 104 adjacent to the old location. No further corrective action is required.

P Fish (Innestion Pathway)

RFS1.8NO2 Hadselvillel Clav Creeks (indicator):-A sample was collected at this !acation on The sample weight was 950 grams. This weight did not meet the minimum of 1000 12/23/96.

grams specified by the analysis vendor to moet the LLDs. Earlier attempts to collect had resulted in samples that also did not meet the required weight. The samples could not b composited since they were from different locations. Severe winter storms were occurring during the sampling period. Further attempts to collect samples would have been outsid calendar year for 1996. The 950 gram sample was sent to the lab for analysis and results were received for this sample. Corrective action will be:

1. To determine the actual minimum weight for this sample type for the analysis laboratory and
2. To schedule sample collection in April and October to allow adequate sample collection time.

1 l



1996 AREOR G-1 Rancho Seco i





Corrections to the 1993 AREOR 1.

Table 1, Potential Dose Commitment, the observed dose commitment have been calculated using the positive results from fish and garden samples. The revised results are:

i AdultWhole Body: 0.141 mrem Child Organ (bone): 0.242 mrem l

This revision reflects a conservative potential dose cort 6dment. The revised values do not exceed any regulatory hmits.

B Corrections to the 1994 AREOR 1.

Table 1, Potential Dose Commitment, the observed dose commitment have been calculated using the positive results from fish and garden samples. The revised results are:

AdultWhole Body: 0.255 mrem Child Organ (bone): 0.430 mrem This revision reflects a conservative potential dose commitment. The revised values do not exceed any regulatory limits.


Conections/ Clarification for the 1995 AREOR During preparation of the 1996 AREOR the District noted some editonal errors in Table 2 and Ta B-1 of the 1995 AREOR. The following is the editorially changes:

i A.

Table 2 l

1. LLD values in Table 2 were updated to reflect the current REMP required values. This editorial change did not effect the data presented.

l 1996 AREOR H-1 Rancho Seco i




Correctionst Clarification for the 1995 AREOR (continued) l l


Table B-1

1. Page B-7, location RWW3.7MO was listed as being in sector "N", the correct sector is "M".
2. Page B-8, location RSLO.3BO was listed as being in sector "A", the correct sector is "B".
3. Page B-9, RTLO.7GO was indicated as being TLD #19, the correct number is j
  1. 43.

i l

4. Page B-10, RTL1.8FO as indicated as being TLD #43, the correct number is
  1. 19.

These editorial changes to not effect the data presented.

i U

1 i

Rancho Seco H-2 1996 AREOR 4

4 j