U-601997, Rev 11 to Revised Inservice Testing Program for Cps

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Rev 11 to Revised Inservice Testing Program for Cps
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/18/1992
Shared Package
ML20101H643 List:
U-601997, NUDOCS 9206300093
Download: ML20101H669 (148)


{{#Wiki_filter:_ _ _ _ _ - Attachment 2 to U.601997 P.evised Inservice Tes ting Prograrn for CPS M 0 9206300093 920625 PDR APOCK 05000461 P PDn

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I l J Reviolon 11 Dato .;_06-18-92 e 1 4 APPENDIX III l t i BELIEF REQUEST LISTlFG Revision 11 is a completo revision. l i


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Approved By: h r, b-r i l. 1 1 WP: APP 3TITL

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ILL INDIS KM R CW ANY CLlh104 l'UwlR $1A1]DN Clbf RAL Rillt f REQUEST INDEX Relief R eqxst Description Date Date kener k s Wtsder sulnitted Agiroved 1001 Namintsn et towatite catension f or 6 15 92 9 30 91 (Revision 2) test f requency of valves and pygm. 1002 Deleted WP: APP 31AB

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i ILLlWoll PMR COMPANY l CL Ikf 0N PMR $1 A1]DN VALVI R[Lif f REQut$f INDlK Relief R equest Desc ript ion Date Date Remarks htsder tulaitted A; proved 2001 Deleted l 2002 lest frequency for valve 1C11 F122 3 09 88 9 30 91 (Revision 1) l 2003 Deleted 2004 Test frequency for valves 1Sx016 A/B 63087 9 30 91 2005 Deleted 2006 Deleted 2007 Deleted 2008 fest method for water leg keep fitt 4 23 92 Note 4 (RcVislon 3) check valves. 2009 test frequency for the Manual Deluge 6 15 92 93091 (Revision 2) Valves listed in Table 2009 1. 2010 Deleted 2011 Leak rete testing, differential test 12 1? 88 Note 4 (Revision 1) ' pressure, analysts of leakage rate and corrective action for containment isolation valves. 2012 Test frequency for ADS valves 3/15/92 Note 1 (Revision 2) 1821.F041 B/C/0/F, F047 A/C and F051G. Stroke tire evaluati m. 2013 stroke time trending of the solenoid 6 1$*92 Note 1 (Revision 3) operated valves ilsted in Table 2013 1. 2014 Full

  • stroke exercising of check 4 23-92 Note 4 (Revision 2) valves 1E12-T041 A/B/C, 1E21 F006 ard 1E22 F005 2015 Deleted 2016 Deleted 201T Deleted 2018 fest frequency for volve 1E12 F475. 3 09 88 9-30 91 (Revision 1) 2019 Deleted 2020 Deleted 2021 Deleted Note 1: Acceptable per Co..eric Letter 89 04, Attachment 1, Positica 6 kote 4t Pending WRC review.

WP APP 3 TAB l l l

I IltlN0!$ POWER COMPANY CLINION POWER $1A110N VALVE RELitt Rt00tST INDtx felief 4equest Description Date Date Remarks Ntsite r $tinitted Approved

              ............... ..........................               4...............................................................

2022 f xercise test f or valve 11A175. 3 09 88 9 30 91 2023 CRD vetve 112. 2 10 88 93091 2024 CRD valves 126, 127, 139 and 114. 3 15 92 Note 2 (Revision 1) 2025 CRD valve 138, 2 10 88 9 30 91 2026 DG valves 1DG008A K. 3 15 92 Note 2 (Re ision 1) 2027 Deleted 2028 1C41 F336 Exercise 12 13 88 93091 (Revision 1) 2029 Alt. Leak Rate Testing to attow 52788 9 30 91 pressure drop tests. 2030 Deleted 2031 Deleted 2032 stro6e time trending of the air 6 15-92 kote 3 (Revision 2) operated valves listed in Table 2032 1. 2033 Test frequerry and testing nethod 4 23 92' Note 4 for valves 1G33 F051 and 1G33 f052A,8. 2034 Leak rate testing in groups. 6 15-92 Note 4 Note 2: Augmented testing requirements which are teyond the scope of 10CFR50.55a as these conponents are not ASME Class 1, 7 or 3. No NkC approvat required. Note 3: Acceptable per Generic Letter 89-04, Attachment 1, Positions 5 ard 6. Note 4 Pending NRC review.

               .WP: APP 31AB
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lll1Nol$ POWER COMPANY Ctth1DN FuWtR stAllON PUMP R[ll[F R[QU[$i IND[W I Relief Request Descrlptlon Date Date Remarka l Erter $utel t t ed Apptoved j 3001 Annual measurement of ptsp tearing 8 20 87 9-30 91 (Revision 1) t enserature s. , 3002 itow rate measurement of peps 4 23 92 Note 4 . (Revision 2) 1D001PA, 01PB arti 01PC. 3003 Flow rate measurement of pres 3 09 88 9 30 91 (Revision 1) 1C41 C001A and C001B, 3004 Deleted , 3005 Time for peps 1C41 C001A and C001B 63087 9 30 91 to run prior to wasuring/oteerving prp parameters. 3006 Ranges for pro flow rates and 4 23 92 . Note 4 (Revision 1) differential pressure. t Note 4: Pending htC review. WP: APP 3 FAB l i t-( l l [ ..

ILLINolt POWER Cf.MPANY CLlh10N POWER STATION WDE REllfF Rt00t$1 lND&X Relief Request Description Date Date Remarks Wtster Sutal tt ed Approved 4001 Weld examination of Class 2 lines F 29*88 * (Revision 1) which are open ended. 4002 Deleted 4003 Perform VT 3 examinations per 83W84 7 29 88 * (Revision 1) Code in lieu of all VT.3 and VT 4 . Q,I examinations. 4004 Mydraulle and Mechanical SrmAbers; 12 28 88 * (Revision 1) Frequency of Inspection, Testing, and Corrective Action 4

  • Pending approval by NRC.


                                                                                                                'l ILitholl POWLR CCMPAWY CliblON M1WER $1 A110N REPAIR /REPLACIM[WI Rf tl[F REQUEST IWo!X Relief Re9 Jest            Description                                               Date          Date     Remark s Wtrier                                                                      submitted     Arprovad 50M        Peplacement botting materlet                                     10 20 87          -    DIsarproved 5002       2eplacenent parts for conporente                                 10 20+87         **    Diserproved

$003 Deleted 5004 Deleted . 4 WP: APP 3fA8

ILLINOIS POWER COMPA11Y Clinton Power Station ASME Section XI Relief Request RELIEF REQUEST 1001 (Revision 2) All pumps and valves that are COMPONEllT INFORMATION required to perform a specific function in shutting down the reactor or in mitigating the consequences of an accident and are listed in Table I and Table II of the IST Program except safety and relief valves and valves not tested at three (3) month or shorter intervals. The ASME Code Section XI, CODE REQUIREMENTS Subsection IWP-3400 requires performing an inservice test on each pump nominally every three (3) months. Subsection IWV-3411 requires that valves be exercised and stroke timed at least once every three (3) months. Subsection IWV-3521 requires that check valves be exercised at least once every three (3) months. The ASME Code Section XI, RELIEF REQUEST /JUSTIFICAT!oN various subsections mentioned above, specify the test frequency interval but do not specify any allowable extension. Of ten there are operational constraints or other valid concerns that make it impractical to perform testing within the Code specified interval. It would be impractical and burdensome for CPS to strictly follow the Code testing intervals without extensions to cover necessary deviations. Clinton Power Station Technical Specification 4.0.2 specifies a maximum allowable extension not to exceed 25% of the surveillance interval. CPS proposes to have a 25% extension which is reasonable for most Code specified testing and provides an acceptable level of quality and safety. This is consistent with Technical Specification 4.0.5.c. Illinois Power Company will ALTERNATE TESTING PROPOSED: uti1ize CPS Technica1 Specification 4.0.2 allowable extension with the specified interval for all pumps and valves except safety and relief valves and valves not tested at three (3) month or shorter intervals.

4 f .v = i n g _ m K q Ji' p m - - n v y.# .*_W..M ** ' . . . ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON PCVER STATION' SECTION XI RELIEF REQUEST RELIEF REQUEST NO. 2002 (Revision 1) COMPONENT INFORMATION This Control Rod Drive (CRD) Water Header Check Valve (lC11-F122) is a containment isolation valve and prevents the back flow of reactor water when the CRD Pumps are secured. It is an ASME Section III Code Class 2. Section XI Category A/C valve. It is a 2 inch check valve and is highlighted on the attached drawing. ~ CODE REQUIREMENT The~ASME Code Section XI, Subarticle IWV-3521 requires that this valve be exercised every three (3) months.


Illinois Power Company requests relief from the Code requirements , for the following reasons: This check valve is a containment isolation valve which provides drive water to the hydraulic control units and seal flow to the reactor recirculation pumps. This is a normally open valve and cannot be tested during normal plant operation or cold shutdowns since testing.this valve requires that the CRD system be shutdown causing the control rods' motion to be prevented and stopping seal flow to the reactor recirculation pumps. Although thu reactor recirculation pumps are not required for safe shutdown of the plant, these pumps are used to assure uniform temperatures are maintained in the vessel during cold shutdowns. Excrcising this valve would also allow air to enter the CRDs which would require substantial venting of the system to remove. ALTERNATE TESTING PROPOSED Illinois Power Company will exercise this valve during refueling outages,

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                        '                                                                              ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION SECTION XI RELIEF REQUEST T                                                                              RELIEY REQUEST No. 2004                                                                                       ,

COMPONENT INFORMATION l l The Fuel Pool Emergency Makeup. Valves (ISX016A/B) provide  : emergency makeup water to the Fuel Pools from.the lake. They are


ASME Section III Code. Class 3, Section XI Category B valves.  ; They cro 2 inch motor operated gate valves and are highlighted on the attached drawings. - 9

           ,                                        CODE RIOUIREMENT                                                                                                           .

The ASME Ccd6 Section XI, Subsection IWV-3411 requires chat these valves be crercised and stroke timed every three (3) months. RELIEF REOUEST/ JUSTIFICATION' .. Illinois Power Company requests relief from the Code requirements for the following reasons: Testing these valves will allow lake water into the fuel pools thereby affecting the chemietry of a large quantity of water in

                . ,                                 the pools.          Cleanup of the fuel pool water will generate                                              ^

5 additional solid radwaste and delay the plant startup. Te' sting these valves during refueling outages wil1 ensure that there is sufficient cLme to accomplish these activities. ALTERNATE TESTING PROPOSED Illinois Power Company will exercise and stroke time these valves during refueling outages. ( . w k Sectior XI/ISI/6

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l l l l ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY Clinton Power Station ASME Section XI Relief Roquest RELIEF REQUEST 2008 (Revision 3) Valve 1E22-F006 is located COMPONENT INFORMATION between High Pressure Core Spray  ! (HP) water-leg pump and the main I HP injection Inne. It is a 2- 1 inch stop-check valve, ASME Section III Class 2, Section XI Category C. It is circled on the attached drawing "A". Valves 1E12-F085A,B,C and 1E21-F034 are located between the water-leg pumps and their respective injection lines (Residual Heat Removal (RiiR) and Low Pressure Core Spray (LP)). They are ASME Section III Class 2, Section XI Category C valves. They are 2-inch stop-check valves of identical design. As their piping configuration is similar, only 1E21-F034 is circled on the attached drawing "B". The ASME Code, Section XI, CODE REQUIREMENTS Subarticle IWV-3520 requires that these valves be full-stroke exercised individually every three (3) months. Illinois Power Company requests RELIEF REQUEST / JUSTIFICATION relief from the code requirements for the following reasons: The above groups of valves, although located in separate systems, have similar configurations; they are check valves located in series with other check valves and no test connections provided between them to permit individual valve testing. Each of these valves has a separate check valve in series. The two check valves in series, although not required by design or safety analysis, provide an added assurance that the high pressure Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) line will not damage the lower pressure water-leg piping. Illinois Power Company considers these two check valves in series as a single entity and will test them as-such.

Illinois Pover company considers ALTERNATE TESTING PROPOSCD these two ch6ck valves in series a single entity and will perform the closure test every three (3) months as a single unit. Acceptance criteria will be established-and in the event of not meeting this criteria, ap7ropriate action will be initiated for the entity and the der.ciency will be corrected. The open exercise of these valves will also be performed every three (3) months.

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I ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY Clinton Power Station ASME Section XI Rollef Request RELIEF REQUEST 2009 (Revision 2) These Manual Deluge Valves (see l COMPONENT INFORMATIOtt Tab:a 2009-1) provide shutdown service water to the Standby Gas Treatment- Charcoal Beds, the Makeup Air Filter Package, and the Supply Air Filter Package. They are all ASME Section III Code Class 3 valves. Valves 1SXO71A/B, 073A/B, 074A/B, 076A/B, 105A/B, and 107A/B are ASME Section XI Category B, 3 inch motor operated gate valves. These valves are highlighted on the attached drawing. The ASME Code Section XI, CODE REQUIREMENTS Subarticle IWV-3411 and IWV-3521 require that these valves be exercised and stroke timed every three (3) months. Illinois Power Company requests RELIEF REQUEST / JUSTIFICATION relief from the Code requirements for the following reasons: Testing these valves will flood the charcoai beds of the control Room - HVAC System. This would cause these trains to become inoperable and would require replacement of the charcoal. In order to avoid flooding-the charcoal beds or removal of the charcoal, the Shutdown Service Water System main header would be required to be drained and declared inoperable. The Shutdown Service Water System provides cooling water to ECCS systems and various other systems required to be operable in all modes of operation. Both of the above options are not possible during cold shutdown testing. The first option would damage the charcoal beds which would 'cequir e the charcoal to be removed and replaced. This testing would require the control Room HVAC system to be declared inoperable. The second option is not possible because the plant must be shut down if the Shutdown Service Water header is drained. Illinois Power Company will

   -ALTERNATE TESTING PROPOSED.             perform     the    required  tests during refueling outages.

i a Table 2009-1  ; i Valve Number Sigo ISXO71A 3 ISXO71B 3-ISXO73A 3 IS) 073D 3 ISXO74A 3 ISXO74B 3 l 1SXO76A- 3 . I 1 1SX076B 3


ISX105A 3 .i 1SX105B 3 ISX107A 3 ISX107B 3 I t i i e I t


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LLLINolS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION SECTION XI RELIEF REQUEST RELIEF REQUEST NO. 2011 (Revision 1) COMPONENT INFORMATION  % All Section XI, Category A and A/C valves which require a leakage test per IWV-3420 as identified in Illinois Power's Pump & Valve Testing Program Plan. . CODE REQUIREMENT The ASME Code Section XI, Subsection IWV-3420, Valve Leak Rate Testing, requires leak rate testing for valves where; leakage is limited to a specific amount in fulfillment of their safety function. Subsection IWV-3423, Differential Test Pressure,. requires leak rate testing be performed with the_ system pressure differential in the same direction as it is when the valve is performing its function. Subsections IWV-3426, Analysis of Leakage Race, and IWV-3427,. Corrective Action, require establishing the maximum permissible leakage rate and evaluating the test results for individual valves. ' RELIEF REQUEST / JUSTIFICATION Illinois Power Company requests relief from the Code requirements for the following reasons: For all valves except Excess Flow' Check ~ Valves: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission-hts concluded that the applicable leak rate test procedures and requirements for containment isolation. valves are determined by 10CFR50, Appendix J. The ASME Code requires individu a valve leak rate tests, while 10CFR50, Appendix J allows testing of valves in groups . In many cases, there are no provisions to-leak rate test inboard and outboard containment isolation valves individually. Therefore, the maximum permissible leakage rate for individual valves cannot be specified. As the purpose of these valves-is to isolate the containment, testing in grpups, i.e., by containment penetration. l would verify the integrity of the containment boundary. , Also, Section XI, IWV-3427(b), specifies additional requirements for valve sizes of six inches and larger, beyond the requirements of IWV-3427(a). These requirements involve the use of leak rate trending in determining subsequent test intervals. However, industry data has shown that the trending of leak rates is not n meaningful way to predict failure. , For Excess Flow Check Valves ' Excess Flow Check Valves are not required to be individually leak rate tested (Type B or Type C)-per Clinton Power Station (CPS). I Technical Specification or 10CFR50, Appendix J. However,. excess flow check valves 'are included within the Integrated Leak Rate l Test (ILRT) boundaries. Although the ILRT does not measure  ! individual valve leakage rates, the satisfactory completion of  ! the ILRT verifies the overatl function of these valves.  ! t Page 1 of 2 - Section XI/ISI/18 , e ,..-,,-,_.a- y -. , , . - , . , . . - . _ .-,

                                               -ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY'
                                                -CLINTON POWER STATION SECTION XI RELIEF REQUEST RELIEF REQUEST NO. 2011 (Continued)

ALTERNATE TESTING PROPOSED For all valves except Excess Flow Check Valves-Illinoic Power Company will-utilize 10CFR50, Appendix J and:. CPS Technical Specifications to determine the_ differential test pressure for these containment isolation valves . The maximum permissible leakage rate for a. specific containment penetration (inboard and outboard isolation valves combined) will'be specified instead of a leakage rate for individual valves as required by IWV-3426, Analysis of Leakage Rates. The evaluation of test results will be based on the penetration leakage rate (inboard and outboard' isolation valves combined) instead of on the individual vcive leakage rate as-required-by IWV-3427, Corrective Action. . The trending requirements of IWV-3427(b) will not be implemented since meaningful trends cannot be established. For Excess Flow Check Valves No separate rest or evaluation'either by individual valve or by penetration will be performed on excess flow check valves. These valves are included within the Integrated Leak Rate Test (ILRT) boundaries. ( l i. I I l I Section XI/ISI/19 e "

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ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY Clinton Power Station ASME Section XI Relief Request RELIEF REQUEST 2012 (Revision 2) These Automatic Depressurization COMPONENT INFORMATION- System valves (1821-F041B/C/D/F, 1B21-F047A/C, 1B21-F051G) depressurize the Reactor Pressure Vessel to allow Low Pressure Core Spray and Low Pressure Coolant Injection Systems to inject water into the reactor. They are ASME Section III Code Class 1, Section XI Category B/C valves. They are 8 in. x 10 in, safety / relief valves. The ASME Code Section XI, CODE REQUIREMENTS Subsection IWV-3411 requires that these valves be exercised and stroke timed every three (3) months. Section XI, subsection IWV-3417(a) requires trending the stroke time test results and taking appropriate corrective action. Illinois Power Company requests RELIEF REQUEST / JUSTIFICATION relief from the Code requirements for the following reasons: These valves cannot be exercised quarterly during power operations because failure of a valve in the open position would place the plant in a LOCA condition. These valves should not be exercised during cold shutdowns in order to reduce the number of challenges to safety / relief valves as recommended by NUREG-0737 and a recent study on the subject (BWR Owner's Group Evaluation of NUREG-0737 Item II.K.3.16, Reduction of Challenges and Failures - of Relief Valves). The reactor pressure is not utilized when testing these valves. A handswitch is utilized with a special tool which reduces the valve speed to avoid damaging the seating surfaces and the disk. Based upon CPS operating experience, Illinois Power Company will consider these valves as rapid acting valves. As these valves stroke rapidly, measurement of the stroke time.of these valves to the nearest second per IWV-3413 (b) means that a very small increase in stroke time could result in an extremely large percentage of change. The verification that these valves meet a specified maximum stroke time of a relatively short duration provides adequate assurance of operability of these valves.

1 Illin 's Power Company will ALTERNATE TESTING PROPOSED exercise and stroke time these valves during refueling outages. , l Illinois Power company will assign a maximum stroke time of two. (2) l seconds for theco valves. If this limiting stroke time is exceeded, the valve will be declared inoperable and corrective action will be taken. This is in conformance with NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Attachment 1 Position 6.

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ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY Clinton Power Station ASME Section-XT Relief Request RELIEF REQUEST 2013 (Revision 3) These valves are various rapid COMPONENT INFORMATION- acting valves (see Table 2013-1) with various functions. They are ASME Section III Code Class 2 and 3, Section XI Category A and B valves. It should be noted that changes to plant design may result in revisions to Table 2013-

1. These changes may be implemented prior to submittal of the revised table to the NRC.

The ASME Code, Section XI, CODE REQUIREMENTS Subarticie IWV-3417(a) requires trending the stroke time results appropriate corrective action. Per Generic Letter 89-04, these RELIEF REQUEST / JUSTIFICATION valves are defined as rapid acting, where measurement of the stroke time of these valves to the nearest second per IWV-3413 (b) means that a very small increase in stroke time would result in an extremely large percentage of change. The verification that these valves meet a specified maximum stroke time of a relatively short duration provides adequate assurance of operability of these valves. Illinois Power Company will ALTERNATE TESTING-PROPOSED. assign a maximum stroke time of two (2) seconds for these valves. If this limiting stroke time is exceeded, the valve will be declared inoperable and corrective action will be taken. l i

ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION I SECTION XI RELIEF REQUEST Valve No. Size Valve No. Eige 1CM011 3/4 1PS022 1/2 1CM012 3/4 1PS023 1/2 1CM022 3/4 1PS031 3/4 1CM023 3/4 1PS032 3/4 1CM025 3/4 1PS034 3/4 1CM026 '/4 1PS035 3/4 1CM047 3/4 1PS037 3/4 1CM048 3/4 1PS038 3/4 1E12-F060A 3/4 1PSO43A 3/4 1E12-F060B 3/4 1PSO43B 3/4 1E12-F075A 3/4 1PSO44A 3/4 1E12-F075B 3/4 1PSO44B 3/4 1E31-F014 1 1PSO47 3/4 1E31-F015 1 1PSO48 3/4 1E31-F017 1 1PS055 1/2 1E31-F018 1 1PS056 1/0 1PS004 3/4 1PS069 3/2 1PS005 3/4 1PS070 1/2 1PS009 3/4 1VR035 3/4 1PS010 3/4 IVR036 3/4 1PS016 1/2 1VR040 3/4 1PS017 1/2 1VR041 3/4 1WX019 2 1WX020 2 I l l

l l ILLINO S POWER COMPANY Clinton Power Station ASME Section XI Relief Request RELIEF REQUEST 2014 (Revision 2)  : These testable check valves COMPONENT INFORMATIONJ (1E12-F041 A/B/C,1E21-F006, and 1E22-F005) provide, isolation from the-reactor coolant system and the emergency core cooling systems (Residual Heat Removal, Low Pressure Core Spray, High Pressure Core Spray). These valves are ASME Section III Code Class 1,-Section XI Category A/C valves. Valvas 1E.2-F041 A,B, and C are 12" diameter and valves 1E21-F006 and 1E22-F005 are 10" diameter. All of these valves are non-slam check valves. One of these valves (1E12-F041A), which is typical of the group, is circled on the attached drawing. The ASME Code, Section XI, 4 CODE: REQUIREMENTS < Subsection IWV-3520 requires that these valves be exercised every three (3) months unless such operation is not practical during plant operation. In this situation, the valves may be part-stroke exercised during plant operation and full-stroke exercised during cold shutdown.


Exercising these valves on a RELIEF REQUEST / JUSTIFICATION 1 three month frequency using the emergency core cooling system pumps to inject water into the reactor is not in the interest of plant safety, because this cooler water would create an undesirable power transient. -In addition, neither the Low Pressure Core Spray nor-Residual Heat Removal pumps are capable of opening their injection valves against full reactor pressure. Mechanically exercising these valves during reactor operation is not practical because they are located inside the drywell and access is restricted due to radiation conditions. Mechanically exercising these valves on a cold shutdown frequency as allowed by the ASME Code is not practical because the air operator is not designed to perform a full stroke test. Although the air operator can be removed to cerform the full stroke test, this is a significant maintenance activity and could interfere with work which is necessary to restore the plant to service. This would create an unreasonable hardship for Illinois Power Company which is not consistent .with the guidelines for cold shutdown testing which were provided in Generic Letter 89-04.

Using pump pressure to exercise these valves during cold shutdown is also not in the interest of plant safety. Although temperature could be matched fairly closely - between the injection ' source (emergency core cooling systems) and the reactor, a minor thermal mismatch between these temperatures creates an undesirable effect on the fatigue life of the reactor nozzles. In addition, the injection lines associated with the residual heat-removal system nozzles are not equipped with internal spargers. General Electric Service Information Letter 401 identifies problems in injecting water through this flow path and the potential damage to nuclear instrumentation or fuel assemblies which could occur if this flow path were used for other than emergency conditions. Illinois 7ower Company will

                 -ALTERNATE TESTING? PROPOSED--             ~'

partial-stroke exercise these-valves using the air operators during cold shutdown and full stroke exercise the valves by removing the air actuator during refueling outages and measuring the torque required to lift ~the , disc and then move the disc through a full stroke. p l \ i l _, _, . . . , _ .._.;..._..._.,, , _ _ , _ . . . _ - , . _ . , . . . _ . , _ . _ , . _ . - . . _ _ , , -

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ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION SECTION XI RELIEF REQUEST RELIEF REQUEST NO. 2018 (Revision 1) COMPONENT INFORMATION Reverse flo.w check valve lE12-F475 is a containment i' solation valve and provides necessary thermal relief for the Residual He;0 Removal System piping between valves lE12-F008 and 1E12-F009. It is an ASME Section III Code Class 2, Section XI Category A/C valve. It is a one inch check valve and is highlighted on the attached drawing. . CODE REQUIREMENT , Th'e ASME Code Section XI, Subarticle'IWV-3521 requires that this valve be exercised every three (3) months. RELIEF REQUEST / JUSTIFICATION Illinois Power Company ~ requests relief from the Code requirements for the following reasons: This valve is installed in the piping of the shutdown cooling mode of operation of the Residual Heat Removal System and is located inside the drywell. During normal operation, this line is pressurized by the reactor recirculation system. The valve is not designed to open against this pressure. Therefcre, this valvc cannot be exercised quarterly. This valve cannot be exercised during cold stutdowns since the shutdoen cooling mode of the Residual Heat Removal System will be inservice. As this line is pressurized at all times during the cold shutdowns, an exercise test is not feasible. In refueling outages, the shutdown cooling and reactor recirculation can be isolated prior to reactor startup to facilitate the operating of this valve. ALTERNATE TESTING PROPOSED l Illinois Power Company will exercise this valve during refueling outages. i l P.-*J-. VT # TOT (99

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a - m: _.a A k-. .. . . . . . . . ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION SECTION XI RELIEF REQUEST RELIEF REQUEST NO. 4u22 COMPONENT INFORMAT ON Valvc IIA 175 is a % inch check valve which functions as a containment isolation valve. The attached P&ID depicts the configuration of this valve in the system. CODE REQUIREMENT . The ASME Code Section XI, Subarticle IW-3521 requires check valves to be exercised to their safety position every three (3) months. , RELIEF REQUEST / JUSTIFICATION Illinois Power Company requests relief from the Code requirements because there is no way to functionally test this valve without performing a leak rate test. No-direct containment leakage aath is available through this valve. The leakage path through this valve is limited by the pipe cap and the siping connections to-the actuator. As the probability for lea cage through these connections is small, it appears to be excessive to leak test-this penetration on' a quarterly or cold shutdown basis. ALTERNATE TESTING PROPOSED' Illinois Power Company will satisfy the exercise requirement for this % inch check valve upon performance-of:the leak rate test. The frequency of the exereire test will be revised to coincide with the leak rate frequency, i.e.,-2-years, i Section XI/ISI/26


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 ,                              SECTION XI. RELIEF. REQUEST
                                 -RELIEF REQUEST NO. 2023 COMPONENT INFORMATION tcu -

Valve,11.5 (typical of.145 each) is the control rod' drive accumulator supply check valvet refer to attached drawing. These are Category'A/C %-inch' check valves. These valves allow the individual accumulators to be_ charged with sufficient pressure to scram the appropriate control rod drive upon loss of CRD header pressure, ,With a loss of header pressure, these valves must clo,se to maintain enough pressure in -the accum slator to insert - the CRDs.



       -Section XI, Subarticle IWV-3521 requires check val',js to be exercised to their safety position every three-(3). months.

IWV-3420 requires Category A v years to verify-the component'alves to be s ability to leak tasted every perform-its safety 2 function. , RELIEF REQUEST / JUSTIFICATION


1111'.vis Power Company requests relief from-the above Code requirements because it is not feasible to individually, exercise these valves without securing the CRD pumps,1The reverse: flow exercising'and leakage tests of these check valves-will'be satisfied by the performance _of an accumulator pressure drop test, with the pum?s secured,,during' refueling outages. 'This test will verity-the valve is' closed by monitoring the. . accumulator pressure which would indicate any leakage past'the check valve. . ALTERNATE TESTING PROPOSED Illinois Power _ Company willisatisfy-the leakage.and-exercise tests.for these valves upon-performance'of-the accumulator pressure drop test on a refueling outage frequency.


Section.XI/ISI/31 - -

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ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY Clinton Power Station ASME Section XI Relief Request RELIEF REQUEST 2024 (Revision 1)-

                                                    +" m                Valves 1C11-126, 127 and 139 kC'OMPONENTLINFORMATIONi                       3       , ,       (typical of 145 each) are power n    ,
                                .                          4:     . operated valves which actuate (open) to scram the control rod drives.        Valve 1C11-114 (typical of 145 each) is the scram discharge check valve. Refer to the attached schematic drawing for the system.

Valve 126 is a power. operated, Category B, 1" diaphragm operated control valve. This valve opens to allow flow to scram the control rod drive. Valve 127 is a power operated, Category B,_ 3/4" diaphragm operated control valve. This valve opens to allow flow to exhaust from the control rod drive to the scram discharge volume. Valve 139 is a power operated, Category B, p31ot air valve. This valve opens to relieve pressure to valves 126 and 127 which causes them to open. Valve 114 is a 3/4" check valve, category C. This valve opens to allow flow to the scram discharge volume. ASME Section XI, Subarticles wCODE.$ REQUIREMENTS / _ IWV-3411 and IWV-3413 require

                                                       ;     4          power operated valves to be
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exercised and stroke time tested every 3 months. IWV-3521 requires check valves to be exercised on a 3 month frequency, as well. These valves are not ASME Class 1, 2, or 3, but are included in the CPS Inservice Testing Program since the system performs a safety function. This _ relief request does not require NRC approval.

      /RELIEFEREQUEST/ JUSTIFICATION                                      imultaneousl      W ien    a   scram
                                                         '.             signal is present.           As these e valves are skid mounted with no provisions for testing, it is --           ;

not practical to individually test each valve without extensive ' modifications, which would create a financial hardship to Illinois - Power Company. The' current testing, per Technical Specification 1, monitors individual rod scram _ time. This testing does not , measure stroke time for the power operated valves or provide specific exercising verification for either the power operated or check valves. However, it does assure that each valve functions properly to allow the rod to move to its safety position in the required time.


                                                                           < Testing of the control rod drive
         . ALTERNATE LTESTING[PR PO' SED .:                       ,          per                    Technical     Specification vill be performed in lieu of the Code requirements.

The Technical Specifications-require all rods _to-be tested-following any core alterations and any prolonged outages _ (120 days). Ten percent of tne rods are tested on a rotating basis every 120 days and any rod requiring maintenance is tested upon completion of the work. This is in accordance with NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Attachment 1, Item =7. h 9 I i I 1



     -                        SECTION XI RELIEF REQUEST RELIEF REQUEST NO. 2025 COMPONENT INFORMATION Valve 138 (typical of 145 each) is a   \" Category C check valve on Valve 138 is the CRD cooling the CRD hydraulic control units.

water check valve which must c'ere upon reverse flow to allow the CRD to insert. Reverse flow throug this check valve could impair the function of the CRD. See attached drawing. CODE REQUIREMENT Section XI, Subarticle IWV-3521 requires check valves to be exercised to their safety position every three (3) months. RELIEF REQUEST / JUSTIFICATION Failure of the~se valves to reverse flow exercise w'ould be identified by performing a " notch" test. The notch test is required per Technical Specification which moves each withdrawn CRD one notch every 7 days and every 24 hours if one CRD is immovable as a result of friction. The failure of valve 138 would be determined by the inability to meet the ar.cepttnce criteria of this surveillance. The CRD would " double-notch" if valve 138 did not ?roperly exercise.- A "d6uble-notch" is'where the CRD would not ae able to move one notch at a time. ALTERNATE TESTING Exercise valves by performing a " notch" test as described above (i.e., complying with Technical Specification l l Section XI/ISI/29

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. e These valves are totally IRELIEF:iREQUh'ST/JUSTIsICATION5 s enclosed solenoid valves with no t'~' Jf W , ' ' ' i positive means of determining valve position. It is not practical to record individual stroke time for these valves without extensive modifications, which would create a financial hardship to Illinois Power Company. Technical Specification requires each diesel generator to be tested at least every 31 days. These tests are designed to test the diesel generator as a unit, but do not specifically verify actuation of each individual valve. No stroke time testing of these _. sM. . PA TERNATE $TESTINGi;PROPOSEDj air start valves will be s L . s . performed. The air gauge upeream of each valve will be monitored to verify that a pressur- drop has occurred which , indicates that the valves have opened. . In addition, diesel i generator start times are monitored closely. This test will be l performed on a monthly frequency, i p, y- m. , , , , ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY .CLINTON POWER STATION SECTION XI RELIEF REQUEST RELIEF REQUEST NO. 2028 (REVISION 1) , COMPONENT INFORMATION Valve 1C41-F336 is a check valve downstream of the Standby Liquid Control (SC) pump and is physically located inside the c: vell. This is an ASME Section III Class 1, Section XI Category m/C, 4-inch check valve. The valve is circled on the attached drawing. CODE REQUIREMENT The ASME Code, Section XI, Subarticle IWV-3521 requires that check valve be full stroke exercised every three (3) , months. thisl RELIEF RE0 HEST / JUSTIFICATION Illinois Power Company requests relief from the Code requirement for the following reasons: This check valve is downstream of the explosive injection valves which ara only required to be opened during refueling outages. The check valve is totally enclosed without any provisions for-exercising the valve externally. ALTERNATE TESTING PROPOSED Illinois Power Company will full stroke exercise this-check valve every refueling outage. The open direction exercise will be verified with system flow and the closed direction exercise will be verified with a leakage test. Section XI/ISI/40 ,,y, a y- ,iv.-:-., , -. ~ , + ,---s -,t* -~-,-g-, , ,---y- , g -- ,qw.y,,.y-. 4- 1., m4 s- g -Ar.- --,4,,.a 1,4 oc. - 4: .a ,z.--m w 4 - 4 G&-o1 B A Jn ^ ' T. M ;F m M S:: "- =t,; ~~ C N . $I . I ~' , .~~ ^ mw , t i . , -e .49 .-pr. s d.3 -s" j[g i

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 ;  ! n1, i- . . 1- , - - - . . . - .-_ =- . . ~ - , , ., ...,.,,,,,,,,-......m..., , ,, , , . . . , - , . . , , . , , , _ . , , . . . . , , , . . . , . , . . , , , _ _ _ . , , , . , . , , , , , ~ , , . . , - , , . . . - . . .j ILLISOIS POWER Col!PANY CLINTON POWER STATION , SECTION XI RELIEF P.EQUEST l ! :l. RELIEF P.EQUEST FO.2029 g,y.FOSENT ISFC RP>. TION Various Category A/C check valves whose function is'to hold pressure for a specified time in an air' accumulator / receiver, See attached list. CODE REQUIREMENT-The ASSE Code Section XI, Subarticle IWV-3424, specifies the techodology to be used for leakage testing. RELIEF REQUEST / JUSTIFICATION Il'_ino s Power Company req 6ests relief from the Code requirements-for the follouing reasons: The design of these piping systems does not facilitate--the measuring of actual leak race through these check valves, ALTERNATE TESTING PROPOSED Illinois Power Company will leak test these check. valves as follows: In lieu of monitoring actual leakage rates through each check valve, a pressure drop test over a specified time will be performed. This pressure drop test will not only verify.the check valve has scated but will also verify the integrity of the piping system. N . _. ...__ ._ ._ . _ . . _ . . _ _ _ _ . . . . _ _ . - . . .. _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . . ~ _ _ _~ ILLIMOIS POWER' COP.PANY CLIMTON POWER STATION: SECTION_XI RELIEF REQUEST RELIEF REQUEST NO, 2029 A :achment 1-132t-2 0 5 1B21-F039C 1321-F0390-1B21-F039E 1B21-F039H IS21-F039K 1321-F0395 , IDGl68 1DG169 1DG170 1DG171 .lDG172 1DGl?3 Y s l l 1 .1 l I ' Sec ti.on - XI/ ISI_ / 4 0 - .......a, -.,...,,._,,,_;._,._  : a,_,,; . . .. .. .-., . - - -- . ,..-. _ ,a._ . _ _ , . _ , ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY Clinton Power Station ASME Section XI Relief Request RELIEF REQUEST 20' : (Revision 2) This Relief Request refers to COMPONENT INFORMATION Power (Air) Operated valves with a stroke time of 10 seconds or less (see Table 2032-1). It shoula be noted that changos to plant design may result in revisions to Table 2032-1. These changes may be implemented prior to submittal of the revised table to the NRC. The ASME -Code Section XI, CODE REQUIREMENTS Subarticle IWV-3417(a) requires increasing the testing frequency to monthly for a 50% increase from the previous stroke time test. Per Generic Letter 89-04 these RELIEF REQUEST / JUSTIFICATION valves are defined as rapid acting (with a normal stroke time of less than 10 seconds), where a 2 second increase can cause the testing frequency.for the valves to be increased from quarterly to monthly. CPS's operating experience has shown that when placed on increased frequency for minor increases in stroke time (1 - 2 seconds), none of these valves were found to have a physical problem and all were subsequently returned to normal frequency. Illinois Power Company proposes ALTERNATE TESTING PROPOSED to evaluate the test results for the air-operated-valves on Table 2032-1 in accordance with Generic Letter 89-04, Positions 5 and 6, and the Minutes of the-Public Meetings on l'eneric Letter 89-04, page . 26, Response to Question 40. Specifically, CPS has established a reference value-for each valve in Table 2032-1 based upon each valve's performance history and average stroke time when it is in_ good condition and i operating properly. Should any valve's stroke time increase by l more than 50% from the valve's reference value, CPS will consider I this to be an indication of potential valve degradation and increase the valve's testing frequency. Should any velve's stroke time increase beyond the valve's limiting stroke time value, the valve will be declared inoperable. As this position is in accordance with the positions stated in NRC Generic Letter 89-04, no further NRC approval is required. l l IILble R0_32-1 l EIN: ORA 026 ORA 027 l ORA 028 i ORA 029 OVC010A l OVC0108 . OVC022A OVC0228 1833 F019 1833 F020 1C11 F010 1C11 F011 1E51 F004 1E51 F005 1 E51.F025 1E51-F026 1FC023 1RE019 1RE020 1RE021 1RE022 1 RF019 l 1RF020 l 1AF021 1 RF022 1SA030 l 1 S A031 l 1SX010A l 1SX010B 1SX010C 1SX023A 1SX023B 1SX027A 1SX027B 1SX027C 1SX029A l 3 Dble_2032-1 - (contl EIN:

1SX029B 1SX029C 1SX033 1SX037 1SX041A 1SX0418 ISX181 A ,

1SX181B 1SX185A 1SX185B 1SX189 , 1SX193A 1SX1938 1SX197 1SX209 1VOOO2 1VO003 1VOOO4 A - IVOOO4B , 1VO005 1VR001 A t VR001 B 1VR006A IVR006B 1VR007A 1VR0078 ,.r,.. ,.... . . . - ,_ _ . . . . , . , , . -- - - ...--,_._.y...-._ , , . , _ _ , , ,, -, m mm,.,,, .v. ..._-,._.m.. ,,-.,-.......m. .,.-.. _ ~ ~ , , - ,, ,- .,_.w...,_r l l i ILLINOlU POWER COMPAIJY Clinton Power Station ASME Section XI Relief Request RELIEF REQUEST 2033 .I Valves 1G33-F051 and 1G33-COMPONENT INFORMATION F052A/D are the injection check valves which complete the flow path between the Reactor Water Cleanup (RT) System and the Reactor Pressure Vessel. These valves are ASME Section III Code Class 2, doction XI Category D valves. They are 4-inch check valves of identical design and are circled on the attached drawing. The ASME Code, Section XI, -CODE REQUIREMENTS Subarticle IWV-3520 requires 1 that these valves be f ull-stroke I exercised individually overy i three (3) months. l 1G33-F052A/B are parallel valves RELIEF REQUEST / JUSTIFICATION in the piping system and both of these valves are in series with 1G33-F051. These valves are located in series with no test connections provided between them to permit individual valve testing. Ill'inois Power Company considers valves 1G33-F052A and 1G33-F051 (both are in series) as a single entity and will test the valves as such. Valves 1G33-F0520 and 1G33-F051 (both are in series) are also considered as a single entity for testing purposes and will be tested as such. These units (valves) cannot be tested every three (3) months, sinen they are located in the Steam Tunnel and physical access is restricted during normal plant operation due to the high radiation field in this area. Testing these valves during cold shutdown will either require the Reactor Water Cleanup (RT) System to be out of service or will require flow to be bypassed to the condenser. Testing these valves with RT system flow bypassed to the condenser may create spurious differential flow signals and may cause containment isolation valves in this system to isolate and subscauently trip the RT pumps, which will likely require filing a Licensen Event Report (LER). Either method will cause the RT system to be out of service and create potential delay for plant startup. This will cause unnecessary hardship for Illinois Power Company uithout any significant gain in safety. I 1 I I I Illinoic Power company considers ALTER!iATE TESTIllG - PROPOSED these check valves in series as l a singlo entity and will perform  ; the closure test overy refueling outago as a single unit. Acceptance criteria will be established and in the event of not mooting this criteria, appropriato action will be initiated for the entity and the deficiency will bo , corrected. 1 I ( u h 4 e E l l .--r.w- ..+-v, .-.-%+,-r.w-w.-w.rer -.,wvy. . e ,4 <, ,,* eg> v 'TWtF=t=e evPw r'v* NT e""' a'* * - *'N+v**"-*PM'*  ! I- 1I-I ! C+E e -HE- - C- H -M - E! $ .


-  ; . = - i 19if C- H --H - !I4 C-H-h-T- ~ W ;p th th eets d H- Sh : C- H -H - C-u 4 _~ ~0) If [. #l le, N .'IM.)g 16 j ,g . _. e3 -\ -  : n-is : g. ,, n-s3)N. v i E-): .i0 , .. 1 .. . :P gl if > ) if g6 l !%-iP1ki 5 ilt _ *3 = h-c  ::- fI s  ::-! Iks Ixs  ! I i 2 D. i., [,3 - t d 't i.f: eg cc -. pg -a I-g, .I.! - - - - CC v . i . -  !!  !! gi n r O 4  != !! pi[t [ t= Il v a v. '^ A 0g 1, in isb iS 3 q . _ k kh f fb  : kN!kkf h kI!ff !_Fdii i c4 sHH>4fEh. IEEIiid:-M ' ,.sn..wJ/iD ?FK i5&[f'7 ILLINOIS POWl:lt COMPANY Clinton Power Station ASME Section XI Rollef Request l i RELIEF REQUEST 2034 All Section F1, Category A COMPO!1ENT INFORMATION containment isolation valves which require a leakage test per IWV-3420 as identified in Illinois Power's Pump & Valve Testing Program Plan. l The ASME Code Section XI, CODE REQUIREMENTS Subsection IWV-3420, Valve Leak Rate Testing, requires leak rate testing for valveu where leakage is limited to a specific amount in fulfillment of their safety function. Subsection IWV-3423,- Differential Test Pressure, requires leak rate testing be performed with the system pressure ditforential in the same direction as it is when the valve is performing its function. Illinois Power Company requests RELIEF REQUEST / JUSTIFICATION relief from the Code requirements for the following reasont: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission han concluded that the applicable leak rate test procedures and requirements for containment isolation valves are determined by 10CFRSO, Appendix J. The ASME Code requires individual valvo leak rate tests, while 10CFR50, Appendix J allows testing of valves in groups. By establishing conservative acceptance critoria for a valve group (containment penetration) such that none of the valves can be significantly degraded, considerable savings in personnel radiation exposure and scheduling flexibility can be achieved. This approach is of benefit to Illinois Power and provides equivalent levels of quality and safety to those achieved through individual testing. As the purpose of these valves is to isolate the containment, testing in groups, i.e., by containment penetration, would verify the integrity of the containment boundary. By establishing conservative acceptance critoria, the condition of the valves within reasonable limits can also be established by this method. Tho maximum permissible leakago ALTERNATE TESTING PROPOSED rate for a specific containment penotration (inboard and outboard isolation valves combined) ~ will be specified utilizing conservative acceptance critoria which allows for detection of valve degradation within reasonable limits instead of a leakage rate for individual valves as required by IWV-3426, Analysis of Leakago Rates. Attachment 1 to this relief request provides a technical basis for the acceptance critoria. The evaluation of test results will be based on the penotration leakage rato (inboard and outboard isolation valvos combined) instead of on the individual valve leakage rato as required by IWV-3427, Corrective Action. l I l fle.JJef R_o_ quest 2Q34 - Attachment 1 ! The following is an idealized model of valve leakage as diagramed in Figure 1. l The purpose of this modelis to damonstrate that leakage, typical of the type of leakage , which would be created by abrasive particles being ground across the valve seat, can

be measured prior to component degradation using an acceptance criteria of 20,000
standard cubic centimeters per minute (sccm). Using this acceptance criteria, leakage path size is calculated using a given differential pressure. This is typical of a problem encountered in the field when performing local leak rate testing (LLRT).

For the purpose of this calculation, the leakage path is assumed to be a' square edged

orifice. This assumption is representative of a scratch across a valve seat rnade by a abrasive particle or the type of leakage path which an LLRT is designed to measure.

Using the Reactor Coolant System as an example, the normal or average particle size ! is 18 microns 1, or 7.1 x 10'4 inches. As the calculation will demonstrate, 20,000 seem is a conservative acceptance criteria which will allow adequate monitoring of component degradation prior to failure. Further, a valve which falls to fully seat will produce leakage rates which are several orders of magnitude greater than the acceptance criteria used for valve testing. l FIGURE _1 j j (D1 , A1' valve disF .O P2 m V -P1-  ; y .F* D2 ' A2! x 4 l . . _ . - . . . - . . . . _ - _ . _ , - . ~ . - . . . . _ . - . , _ - . , , - - - - , , . . , - . - . . - . . - . . . . . , - . _ . _ _ . . . - . - _ _ _ . _ . - - _ _ - - - . _ . 1

i Where

O = flowrate in standard cubic centimeters por minute (sccm) i (for this calculation the flowrate is 20000 secm) (Pj P 2) = pressure differentialin pounds per square Inch (psid) (for this calculation the differential pressure is 9 psid) 3 X = the density of the medium in pounds mass per cubic foot (Ibsm/ft ) ( for this calculation the test medium is air with an assumed density of 0.076 lbsm /ftO2 Dj = the full diameter of the tett or component body D2= the orifice or corrosive particle diameter Aj = the cross sectional area of the test or component body A2= the cross sectional area of the orifice pl = the numerical constant 3.1415927............. Using the Bernoulli obstruction theory 3f or a generalized flow obstruction, which can be written as follows: LA 2 (P - P )2_ 2 p X ~ 1D - j[ This theory is based on the assumptions of incompressible, steady, frictionless, flow. The validity of these simplifying assumptions for the range of test parameters of concern for valve testing (small diilerential pressures and low flow rates) was verified-via experimentation using an LLRT machine and precisely machined orifices of various sizes. The results of this experimentation are tabulated in Table 1 of this discus:, ion and are compared with calculated values using the same flowrates and - differential pressures. Solving for D2 one obtains the following expression: . 2 l 2 4 Q-D2 =4rA2 = pi p1 2(P 3- P2) 4 > D2

x 1-

_ Di_ _ Because the orifice diameter D2 is very smallin relation to the component diameter Dj the term .1. D,2 4 D i_ can be considered approximately equal to 1. This further simplifies the expression for D2 to the following: 2 4 Q 13 , g _ (3, 2 inserting numerical values and the appropriate conversion factors yields: 20,000 ". I" 2 nun (2.54 cmj D=4-2 2,f9lbf f 32.2 ftT 12 in}f63 sec}2 I ft ] (l minj I 2 2 ( in ) ( sec ) lbs f 1 ft Y .0 % 12 inj - a D2 = 2.06 X 10 -3 in2 D2" J.045In. or silahtly under 3/64 " An orifice of this size is approximately equal to the size of the maximum leakage path allowed using an acceptance criteria of 20,000 secm. This is equivalent to 100 scratches of " normal" 18 micron size, which would represent valve wear over many cycles, or a significant leakage path 100 times the size of a path created by one 18 , micron abrasive particle. Thus, a 20,000 sccm criteria can be utilized to monitor for l degradation of several valves in the penetration group and is sensitive enough to identify significant problems. . .- - - _ - - . . _ _ _ .. - . - _ - .- _ - = _ - - Iab[01 f low ( sccm ) dif f. press.( psid)  : tost dia.(in) ' calc. dia.( in ) ,

%11'f f.

43% 33% r .02  %  : - 9.48 0.01S6 0.0139 11.4 1950 9.45 0.0313 0.0263 16.0 7000 94000 5.00 x 0.125 0.113 9.76 "' N '~ ~' x ,, p. _ p_

  • this was the highest differential pressure the LLRT stand could maintain  !

at this large of an orifice size. 3 " nitrogen testing medium - density = 0.07307 lbm/ft 2 As Table 1 shows, the error between the calculated data and the experimentally ) measured data is acceptable. The Bernoulli model used in this calculation may be considered ideal and is not necessarily identical to what is encountered in the field, However, for the range of values required, the additional effects of non-ideal l conditions friction and compressibility, etc. are negligible when compared to field. I conditions and instrument accuracies. l Reference 1: CPS Plant Modification RT-029 FECN 24600 Reference 2: CRC Handbook of Tables for Applied Engineering Science Reference 3: Fluid Mechanics Second Ed.: White F. M. . McGraw Hill ,- - . + . , , , , . . , - ., - -.----n, w - .- . , . , ,, .r-- . ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION SECTION XI RELIEF REQUEST RELIEF REQUEST No. 3001 (Revision 1) COMPONE!!T INFORMATION , These pumps (see Table 3001-1) are to safely shutdown the reactor or to mitigate the consequences of an accid'ent. They include all of the pumps in the IST Program except the RCIC Pump. These pumps are identified in Table 3001-1 by their Ecuipment

  • Identification Number, Name. and ASME Section III Code Class.

CODE REOUIREMENT The ASME Code Section XI, Subsection IWP-4310 requires the measurement of these pumps' bearing temperature annuall'y. RELIEF REQUEST / JUSTIFICATION Illinois Power Ccmpany requests relief from the Code requirements for the following reasons:

  • The measurement of those pumps' bearing temperature annually does not increase any confidence in the reliability of the pumps' because bearing temperature rises just minutes prior to failure of-the pump bearing. In order to measure this parameter, bearing

. temperature is required to be stabilized per IkT-3500(b), which ,' requires the pump.co be running at least an hour. Since this bearing temperature measurement does not increase an in the pumps' reliability and will reduce the pumps'y confidence life due to the time required to run the pump, this measurement does not provide meaningful data. Thererore, reasurement of these pumps' bearing temperatures annually as required by the Code will not.be performed. ALTERNATE TESTING PROPOSED None. 9 Section-XI/ISI/60 .- ._ - - . . , . . - . - , - . , . . . - . - -_- - .- . -: . . , - . - ,- .. = - - -  : :.c . r. - . . e r l Table 3001-1 (Revision 1)- Identification Pump ASME Section III Number- __, Name . Code Class 1C41-C001A St'and.by Liquid Control (SLC) , 2 Pump A. - 1C41-C001B Standby Liquid Control Pump P , 2 1D001PA Diesel Oil Transfer Pump A 3 10001PB Diesel Oil Transfer Pump B .3 , 1D001PC Diesel Oil Transfer Pump C ' 3 1E12-C002A Residual Heat Removal (PJtR) 2 Pump A  ; 1E12-C002B Residual' Heat Removal Pump B- 2 1E12-C002C Residual Heat Removal Pump C 2 1E12-C003 Watericg Pump 2 1E21-C001 Low Pressure Core Spray (LPCS) 2 Pump 1E21-C002 Water 1ry Pump 2 1E22-C001 High P. essure Core Spray (HPCS) 2 Pump 1E22-C003 Waterleg Pump 2 Waterleg Pump 1E51-C003 2 1FC02PA Fuel Pool Cooling and Clean-Up Pump A 3 Fuel Pool Cooling and Clean-Up Pump B 1FCO2PB 3 ISXO1PA Shutdown Service'WaterlPump A 3 ISXO1PB Shutdown Service Water Pump B 3 ISX01PC Shutdown Service Water Pump C- 3 OVC08PA- Control Room HVAC Chilled Water 3 Pump A OVC08PB Control Room HVAC Chilled Water 3 Pump B t l Section XI Tables /ISI/5 . . . . _ - ~ . - - . . _ _ _ . . . _ - _. - .. , . . , _ , . _ . . _ _ . _ _ . . . . . _ . . - -_ .. ILL1!101S POWER COMPA!1Y Clinton Power Station i ASME Section XI Relief Request j l RELIEF REQUEST 3002 (Revision 2) This relief request refers to COMPONE!iT IliFORMATIOli three (3) Diesel Fuel 011 (DO) j transfer pumps (1D001PA, i 1D001PB, and 1D001PC). These i pumps are used to transfer diesel fuel from the diesel storage tanks to the diesel fuel day tanks. The pumps are ASME Section III, code Class 3. All of the pumps aro Delaval IMO type ll3DBS-137. CPS tests the pumps at a fixed differential pressure (DP) of 13 psid, with baseline flowrates ranging from 16.424 to 18.3 3 gpm. The ASME Code, Section XI, CODE REQUIREMEtiTSJ Subsection IWP-3210 tabulates the allowable ranges of inservice test quantities (flowrato) in relation to the reference or baseline values. Table IWP-3100-2 requires an acceptable flowrate range of 0.94 to 1.02 of baseline flowrate, and an Alert range of 0.9 to 1.03 of baseline flowrate. Because the Do pumps operate at RELIEF REQUEST /JUSTIFICATIott a low- flow and the code specified acceptable ranges are based upon a percentage of the baseline, an increase in flow of less than 0.5 gpm (1.02 x baseline flowrate) is sufficient to force any of the pumps into the Required Action range. (SEE GRAPH 1) The design required fuel delivery rates for each of the diesel generators (supplied by the day tanr.s which the Do pumps maintain) is considerably less than the rated fuel delivery of any of the three DO pumps. The diesel engines are equipped with skid mounted pumps which supply fuel oil at a rate of 4 gpm per engine. The engines consume less than 3 gpm por engine with the excess routed back to the day tank. Pumps 1D001PA and 10001PD supply 2 engines each and therefore 8 gpm has been determined to be the limiting flow rate required for these pumps to -ensure adequate fuel delivery. Pump 1DOO1PC supplies only 1 engine and therefore has a limiting flow rate of 4 gpm. { i CPS believes that due to the low flow characteristics of the Do pumps and the significant margin of safety between the flow  ! requirements of the diesel generator and the baseline flowrate provided by the Do pumps, compliance with the Code requirements , constitute a hardship with no appreciable gain in safety. l l i . - _ . _ _ . _ . . _ ~ _ . Illinois Power will utilize the i ALTERNATE TESTIllG PROPOSED following Allowable, Alert, and Action ranges for Diesel oil pump flowrates. Acceptable Range 2 14 gpm and s 19 gpm . Alert Range 2 13 and <14 gpm or 2 19 and < 20 gpm Action Range < 13 gpm > 20 gpm Based upon CPS's operating experience, CPS feels that'the revised upper ranges will provide good indications of pump degradation = without the unnecessary burden of requiring the pumps to be tested - on an increased frequency or declared inoperable for minor ( < 0.5 gpm ) variations in flowiates. (SEE GRAPH 2) 5 + 4 P I l ) _ . , . ~ . ,. m ...~,.,r,,..- ,,._-,,,.,_w,......-..,,...._. .,,,,m..,..,u,.y..y_m. ,,_, .r._,, m; ,, ,.,w.,,,_ry,_-. - . - - . , - , . , - , , ' l11i,  ! l' i411 ; ,l1 i, i ) 1 4 !! .14 .., l!; i: 111  ; i;i F L O W ( g B p A 1 3 1 6-1 5 'p

r ;m
1 3
  • 3_

2 1 rS E F E S . -  : . . D I m .I W W x . U - P _ .__ P - W .P R x- . _ . v O R E E G - N M Y . G U x  : _ . c U I I R A J E J . A /  : = . t-E E D D J D A  : t I L .  : = . Y A C F A

s. E L C E x

- F P R P E _ T B S U E P T . T A B x  : A . . R D . N R A L S E E M C T E  : , . . 1 N I G R L I T( P C . E x N V A N E I G D E . P U G = y A R 1 A C P E  : . L J / . R E U P 0 , J i P x  : . e-P H 0 A P R F 8 . D N E R x  : . _.' E 1 0 S ) 1 m .L A P .  : t-S O N W D U A P R . E R L R A O M. B r W x  : = . _.' E O E .U R ( M N x  : .c-E D B O D J L L . x U  ; - -  : . P ) Y A U N D v-G . x  : . s S + O E P T F O C T .  : +  : . 1 P O - u-3 V .  : =. D p E C x , - s i d , a ~ I JUV3 ' .J0013A , (GRAPH 2) BASED UPON.A DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE (DP) OF 13 psid r 21 - CPS RELIEF REGUEST 3002 ALERT RANGE UPPER BOUND x 20: x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x m x x x x x x i CPS RELIEF REQUEST 3002 ACCEPTABLE RANGE UPPER BOUND +  : c  :  : : . :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  : is- ,. l FLOW (gpm; ' i 177 u = m u a = a = a = = = c u =n - a = = a  :$ > 15r


15-i l CPS RELIEF REGUEST 3002 ACCEPTABLE RANGE LOWER BOUND + c: <. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x -x I CPS RELIEF REGUEST 3002 ALERT RANGE LOWER BOUND x . .i I MY RY b M b ( E bW b MY b bY G bC ?C( E 1 8 m T m m ; - c _~. s - - - ,= - . p= - _ 333~ 3 15- - . . . - . . , . ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION SECTION XI RELIEF REQUEST RELIEF REQUEST NO. 3003 (Revision 1) COMPONENT INFORMATION The Standby Liquid Control (SLC) Pumps (lC41-C001A and C001B) supply a neutron absorbing solution into the reactor in sufficiene' concentration and quantity to overcome the maximum positive reactivity. They are ASME Section III Code Class 2 puurp s . These are positive displacement pumps which are 'aig alighted on the attached drawing. CODE REQUIREMENT _ The ASME Code Section XI, Subarticle IWP-4600 requires measuring the pump's flow rate. Subarticle IWP-4100 specifies the requirements for instrument accuracies, ranges, etc. RELIEF REQUEST / JUSTIFICATION Illinois Power Company requests relief from the Code requirements for the following reason: These pumps do not have a flow rate measuring instrument installed which meets the above Code requirements. ALTERNATE TESTING PROPOSED Illinois Power Company will calculate the flow rate (Q) of the SLC pump by dividing the change in level of the SLC test tank by the time the SLC pump is in operation. 4 Section X1/ISI/62 d mmm e,- ~- _ =1 mx:x_me==mm====mnsva-  ; . .._ __t de + - . 1 , t , + , *I , I , . a os p!_ Il ". L d 7 .i C  ; u ', t iL, j 1 1 ti ,to . :: i l n g pl 6 Q il i .' i~ll*!  !. ' 8 'I*I l iI ' r & iiii . . l v ii {j8 l' E,if )J il.i!ji'I i ". }} .i i, g1, 88:ill,;p'li, .. ,, i g


,3 11 = )u 3 a 's'lsilll1 n_, (t'l's 'i. 1) ,, t. "l,j g , 8 -l'ril!'I i [ e# J.d f h'I 3 [1: ..eq_ l,1l.!'!g . . ' Ilpli I v l  !!! lit.all IIN !gi '!  !.n jfn . . . :. !!!! k li . . . . w , i. t ". il ,. i n g,g ,O ! s!i_4_ F,l,y!i1i .r < . i'!'. . ,r 1 er L.g; i, i> i , . i I i~~ k C 4 ,b v* ~ ij (% h ,;Q (; J D D/, / h _gl j ' Q b ~ 7 Ji g @m g" Y l f Mk ' ,hl i '%- h b

o. ,. a!-

i Ndf dllMelf"JA g liQ o . g g7 i h 6 F3-Ng bl Md - 7d[hi$d$cesgh Jfl N d .p 6 i= -= d eu r a,,r nu m 3dc _ . _.._ ._ . _ x y= su _ .= =;- ; - - s !gg 1 p i g t-BA-h @....g -. g .ni w@=g1-Lg @ r.t tf.-l @p, f ed I i e$p$ ot)@N in#ii s.: u, mon w-  ;, , u 4.4 n.w1u

i. 7 " ? '-' g i -3. e. ae c .

, 1


~ [ t  !.KU. .  !!!! II (' l6 '!'l 5 '"'i' 3 pY i 11 s, !I 1:.., p;-).i l2 . _dkk MdI ~ )ih/ pH ' _j er ~ wld"igi V_au a.m  ;.,,n, . . _ _ ._-- - - . . . . - _ _ _ _ - _ . - - ~ - - - _ - . - _ - - - _ - . - - - . .. f . , . ..e  ;. ; ;, , s . 3 ILLINOIS POWER COMPAtlY e'. CLIllT0tt POWER STATIO!1 SECTIO!! XI RELIEF REQUEST e RELIEF REQUEST tio. 3005 , COMP 0tiENT INFORMATION ~ The Standby Liquid Control Pumps (lC41-C001A and C001B) supply a 1 neutron absorbing solution into the reactor in sufficient l concentration and quantity to overcome the mdximum positive I reactivity. These pumps are ASME Section III Code Class 2 and are. highlighted on the attached drawing, CODE REQUIREMENT - . The ASME Code Section XI, Subsection 1WP-3500(a) requires that when measurement of the bearing temperature is not required, these pumps shall be run at l' east five (5) minutes under conditions as stable as the system aermits. At the end of this time, at least one measurement or c aservation of each of the quantities specified shall be made and recorded. 4 RELIEF REQUEST / JUSTIFICATION Illinois Power Company requests relief from the Code requirements for the following reasons: r .- Plant domineralized water is utilized to perform the quarterly tests for these pumps. The discharge of these pumps is collected in the Test Tank. The capacity of the Test Tank does not permic running those pumps for five (5) minutes. Since these pumps are positive displacement type pumps and the inlet water is at a constant temperature, the flow conditions will be stabilized within a few seconds of ~ starting the pumps. Letting the pumps run one (1) minute before measuring / observing the required parameters will ensure the flow conditions are stabil1:ed. ALTERNATE TESTING PROPOSED Illinois Power Company will perform the required testing quar'terly and all of the required parameters will be observed / measured and recorded after the pumps have been running. at least one minute but prior to running for five minutes. (

  • Section XI/ISI/64


  • e '- s .

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H5I up il EI  ! lid j j i y @, l . . .. / 1 g - h-h[ _Ih h ' ig,! ia.dicni.i . p' R. lJ ig WD y , _ .r. ..n 4 ILLIllOIS POWER COMPA!W Clinton Power Station ASME Section XI Relief Roquest HELIEP REQUEST 3006 (Revision 1) This relief request portains to COMPONEllT INFORMATIOli the four (4) Water-leg pumps (3E12-C003, 1E21-C002, 1E22-C003, and 1E51-C003) in the CPS IST program. These pumps are required to maintain the water level in the associated ECCS systems to ensure the prevention of a Water- I hammer transient in the event of an ECCS initiation. In addition, I these pumps have similar characteristics. All four are Gould model 3196 ST, with the primary dif ference being impeller diameter. They are tested at flows ranging from 50 to 64.5 gpm with baselAne dif ferential pressures (DP) ranging from 44.4 to 48.3 paid for the 1E12-C003, 1E21-C002, and 1E22-C003 pumps and 29.4 paid for 1E51-C003. All pumps are ASME code Class 2. The ASME Code Section XI, CODE REQUIREMEllTS Subsection IWP-3210 tabulates the allowable and alert ranges of inservice test quantities (differential pressure (DP)) in relation to the reference, or baseline, values. Table IWP-3100-2 rpquires an acceptable DP range of 0.93 baseline DP to 1.02 baseline DP and an alert range of 0.9 baseline DP to 1.03 baseline DP. Because the water-leg pumps RELIEF ~ REQUEST / JUSTIFICATION- operate at a low DP and the Code specified acceptable ranges are based on a percentage of the basoline, a small increase in DP can result in the pump reaching the alert or action range when the pump is operating within design L't* meters. Using data for the HPCS water-leg pump (1E22-C003) as a representative example, which has a baseline DP of 48.5 psid, the Code-required acceptable range varios from 45.1 to 49.5 psid, or less than 4.4 psid (SEE GRAPil 1) . Likewise the Code-required alert range 'for 1E22-C003 varies from 43.7 to 50 paid, for a range of 6.3 paid. PS ba ieves the lower acceptable and alert range boundaries (0.93 ad 0.9 of baseline DP) are achievable without undue hardship. aowever, based upon the Code required upper acceptable and alert range boundaries of 1.02 and 1.03 baseline DP) a deviation of only 1.0 psid above baseline DP is sufficient to force any of the CPS waterleg pumps onto increased frequency, and an increase greater l L - - -. . . . . , . . - . - .- - - . , - . - , . . - - - - - than 1.5 paid above the baseline DP will place the pumps in the action range. ( Illinois Power will utilize the ALTERNATE TESTING PROPOSED following allowable, alert, and action ranges for water-leg pump differential pressure. Accepiable Range (0.93 to 1.05) x (baseline dp value) Alert Range (0.90 to 1.10) x (baseline dp val'ue) Action Range < (0.90) x (baseline dp value) > (1.10) x (baseline dp value) __ Based upon CPS's operating experience, CPS feels that the revised upper ranges will provide good indications of pump degradation without the unnecessary burden of requiring the pumps to be tested on increased frequency or declaring them inoperable for minor _ (1 to 2 paid) variations in DP (SEE GRAPil 2). CPS has evaluated minor fluctuations of this type and has determined that this performance is not an indication of pump degradation, and the pumps are operating within design allowable limits. In addition, as these pumps are normally running, line pressure is continu.lly monitored via pressure transmitters by the Main Control Room and any failure will be immediately observed by Control Room personnel. "

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== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = a: = = = = = = = :s Aa- BASELINE = DP (psid) c-4r-e_  :  :  :  :  : l RELIEF REGUEST 3006 ACCEP. TABLE RANGE LOWER BOUND + "E x x x x x x x x x x x a x ': x x x c - y x x f. x d RELIEF REQUEST 3006 ALERT RANGE LOWER BOUND x a- , 41-I a a a a a a a a a a e a e e a e e e a e a ,! ko4 FE3 m APR MAY M J1Y AUG SEPT OCT PCY DEC JAN FEB W APR MAY JUNE J1T A'JG SEPT OCT NOV DEC i 199^ - 1991 i ILLINOIS POWER COMPA!W CLINTON POWER STATION j SECTION XI RELIEF REQUEST l RELIEF REQUEST NO. 4001 (Revision 1) i COMPONENT INFORMATION Several ASME Class 2 lines are open-ended as defined by Code Case N-408. These lines meet the Code case requirements of not containing water during normal plant operating conditions. Page i 2 of this request lists each-line for which relief from-examination is requested. l 3 CODE REQUIREMENT l The ASME Code Section XI, Subsection IWC-1220, IWC-2500 and Tabic IWC-2500-1 require that welds in Class 2 piping systems be selected for examination. Subsection IWF-2510(a) and Table IWF-2500-1 require selection of. component supports for those  ; components required to be examined under Subsection IWC-2500.  ; e RELIEF REQUEST / JUSTIFICATION Illinois Power Company requests that the lines on page 2 and associated component supports be exempt from the Code requirements for the following-reasons: Each of these lines is open-ended beyond the-last shutoff valve and does not contain water during normal. plant operating conditions. Code Case N-408,(a)(6) and (b)(4), , allows lines meeting the above' conditions to be exempt from i the Code requirements of IWC-2500. - Although Illinois Power does not intend to invoke this Code' Case in it's entirety, v this relief request is based on the Code Case's exemption from examining certain open-ended pipes and'the fact that ' leakage from any of the associated welds on these pipes would be insignificant and would have no adverse safety impact on the plant. ALTERNATE REQUIREMENTS PROPOSED i NONE. -Page 1 of 2" -Section XI/ISI/80 i i 1 ILLI!401S POWER COMPA!4Y  ! CLI!4T0!1 POWER STATI0t1 l SECTIO!J XI RELIEF REQUEST d 4 4 RELIEF REQtlEST 140, 4001 i j Class 2 Open-Ended Lines i j The following lines are in open-ended systems and require relief

from examination l

3 1DG08AA-36"  ! 4 1DG08AB-36" l ' 1DG08AC-24" 1DG08BA-24"  ;

! 1DG08BB-24" '

! 1DG08CA-20" 1DG08CB-20" 1DG10AA-36"

1DG10AC-24" 1DG27AA-16" 1DG27AB-16" ,

1DG27AC-16" l i 111G05AA-6" 111G05AB-6" , 111G05BA-6" llIG05BB-6" liiG05CA-6"

liiG05CB-6" l 111G06 AA-10" 111G06AB-10"
lilG06AC-10" liiG06AD-10" 1Ril30BA-12" 1Ril30BB-12" '

1RH30CA-12" 1Ril30CB-12"  ; , 1RH30DA-12" 1RII30DB-12" 1RIO8B-12" 1RIO8C-12" Page 2_of 2 Section XI/ISI/81. . *,,---...m.,~ ..,w..-,,..m...--,e --,,,. ,. - -~ , .m.y. ,m,- h-... ..%..,%. ..,c,,.--..# ,,..,,.,,-.c,...,y,4m~....,m4,-.._mr ILLINOIS POWElt COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION SECTION X1 RELIEF REQUEST RELIEF REQUEST No. 4003 (Revision 1) COMPONENT INFORMATION All component supports requiring VT-3 and/or VT-4 examinations. CODE REQUIREMENT Subarticle IWF-2500 and Table IWF-2500-1 require that a visual 4 examination, VT-3 and/or VT-4, be performed each inspection 1 interval for the supports described above. RELIEF REQUEST / JUS *IIFirATION . Illinois Power Com3any requests relief from performing any VT-4 examinations for tte following reasons:

1. The definition of VT-4 examination in the 80W81 Code does not clearly identify the attributes to be considered in developing the inspection criteria. l
2. Functional testing of snubbers required by Clinton Power Station (CPS) Technical Specifications is more stringent )

than this Code requirement. '

3. The 83W84 Code has been clarified by combining the Visual Examinations VT-3 and VT-4.

If relief is granted, Illinois Power will update the applicable procedures to not only delete the references to VT-4, but to  ; include the revised VT-3 examination requirements from the 83W84 Code in our program, ALTERNATE TESTING PROPOSED J Illino_is Powet will perform VT-3 examinations using the definition from the 83W84 Code-in lieu of performing VT-3.and VT-4 examinations in accordance with 80W81 requirements. Functional testing will be performed in accordance with CPS Technical Specifications, i Section XI/ISI/83 . --- - ..- - .-. - .- ~ . .-. . , , _ . - ._ _ . _ _ , -. 1 R j ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY -CLINTON POWER-STATION I SECTION XI RELIEF REQUEST ~ i RELIEF REQUEST No. 4004 (REV. 1) l- COMPONENT INFORMATION \ liydraulic and-mechanical' snubbers associated with the piping } < lines-included in the Clinton Power Station (CPS) Inservice  ! Examination Program Plan. CODE REQUIREMENT i The ASME Code specifies visual inspection frequencies for the above supports in Table IWF-2500-1 and functional testing frequencies in Subarticle IWF-5400. In addition corrective l-actions with regard to selecting additional cupports are - specified in IWF-2420, IWF-2430, and IWF-5500. l l RELIEF REQUEST / JUSTIFICATION ' 1 i Illinois Power Company requests relief Crom the requiremtats i identified above with regard to frequency of inspection and-te s t. iag , e-d corrective action. i j This relief request.is justified because the CPS Technical Specification 4.7.4 specifies inspection anc testing frequencies i for these supports which are generally more restrictive than the l Code requirements. Tracking the completion of. inspection and testing activities with regard to both ASME Code and. technical specification requirements creates additional-administrative work I without significant benefit-in snubber reliability. ! ALTERNATE TESTING PROPOSED i ! Visual inspection and functional testing frequencies and ' corrective action for selecting additional or successive supports i for testing will be as specified.by CPS Technical Specifications. Visual inspection of those snubbers-initially selected for g = functional testing during.each outage-will be performed in i accordance with ASME Code requirements for~VT-3 inspection.  ; All I other visual inspections will-be performed in accordance with CPS l- Technical Specification requirements. 7 i i i d 1 I i Section XI/ISI/84 .me = e w e. -,s.-, 3-w- w e e 3.--e . .--v-- , s , w m y w,- . , e . g w ,. v. 4y .p-%.g, rw-w.,- ge m.,we,.p-ry w. y.yy*gw- --,eg , +n.-. -,e-,,,vey Revision 11 June 18, 1992 ~)ENDIX V PUMP AND VAINE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN l) D'. ,/, ~ ') y g/ /,)7'~ .o[ - [/ t Submitted By: i\ k r rd ,, f MA/ ) 'o l'i , ' , p.? i .d : +1; /hwt (7 D //. I' i QPJ/ / /???'f'#7 e /i nCurrence: ,YY . l l M5546/M136 j A AP?ENDIX V PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN RECORD OF REVISION SHEET Revision /Date Affected Pace;g O/ 12/26/85 Ir.itial Issue as CPS 1887.00 1/ 03/18/F6 Complete Revision 2/ 07/06/87 Complete Revision 3/ 08/24/87 Complete Revision 4/ 03/01/88 Complete Revision 5/ 05/31/88 Complete-Revision 6/ 08/17/88 Revised Table II-page 87 7/ 05/26/89 Complete Revision 8/ 08/31/90 Revised Table II - pages 33 and 53 and Key to Table II 9/ 05/15/91 Complete Revision 10/ 03/11/92 Issued in response to NRC Safety Evaluation Report 11/ 06/15/92- Complete Revision l t l M5546/M136 1 4 1 ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY 3 CLINTON POWER STATION PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN (REVISION 11) i i k l l I l l t i t l l i l I i l l M5546/M136 l y *- I. INTRODUCTION This program plan describes how safety-related pumps and valves will be tested to satisfy the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI, Rules for the Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, 1980 Edition, Winter 1981 Addenda.and any additional requirements as listed below. The requirements of this edition and addenda will be used during the first 10-year inspection interval or until a later edition is selected to be used. Later editions must be endorsed in 10CFR50.55a pr-approved by the appropriate enforcement and regulatory agencies prior to their use. The requiruments of this program plan include the relief requests as documented in Appendix III of the ISI Manual. Revision to this program plan will be controlled by Illinois Power. Plant Modifications / Field Alterations which could affect this plan will be reviewed by personnel responsible for implementation of ISI requirements to ensure that changes are identified and the plan is' revised to remain current. These identified changes to the plan may be implemented prior to revising the plan if approved by personnel responsible for implementation of ISI requirements The following documents have been reviewed and incorporated into the ISI Manual as necessary:

1) NRC Letter dated September 22, 1987, which attached "NRR's Position on When Technical Specification LCO Action Statement Clock Begins When IST Surveillance Resul.ts Are in the Action Range."
2) IE Information Notice-86-50 " Inadequate Testing to Detect Failures of Safety-Related Pneumatic Componants or Systems." Illinois Power Review letter Y-86498 dated November 18, 1987.
3) IE Information Notice " Check Valve Inserv.ce Testing Program Deficiencies" Illinois Power review letter Y-90126 dated December-6, 1988.
4) NRC Generic Letter 89-04 " Guidance on Developing Acceptable Inservice Testing Programs" Illinois Power review letter Y-91415 dated May 11, 1989.
5) NRC Safety Evaluation Report of CPS ISI Program dated i September 30, 1991.

M5546/M136 1 l II. PUMP TESTING A. Scope The requirements of this program plan shall be applied to safety-related pumps which are required to perform a specific function in shutting down the reactor or in mitigating the consequences of an accident and are provided with an emergency power source. The pumps which are included in this plan are identified in Table I of this plan. B. Frecuencv_of Testina Inservice tests of pumps shall be perfortaed every 3 months during normal plant operations._ This frequency shall be maintained during extended cold shutdowns and refueling outages whenever possible. If this frequ6ncy cannot be maintained during these shutuown periods, the pump (s) shall be tested within 1 week of the plant being returned to normal operating conditions. C. Inservice Test Recuirements The following test parameters shall be observed or measured during inservice testing of pumps.

1. Speed (Variable speed pumps _only).
2. Inlet pressure (measured prior to pump startup and during testing).
3. Differential pressure.
4. Flow rate.
5. Vibration amplitude.
6. Proper lubrication level for those pumps not lubricated by the fluid being pumped or having-grease lubricated bearings.

D. Baseling Values

1. Pump testing baseline reference values have been established for all pumps included-in this program. If additional sets of reference values are needed, they shall be established in accordance with IWP-3112.
2. After a pump has been replaced, a new set or sets of reference values shall be determined from the results of the first inservice test run after the pump is put into service.

M5546/M136 2

3. When a reference.value or set of values have been affected by repair or routino servicing of the pump, a new reference value or set _of values-shall-be determined or the previous-value reconfirmed by an inservice test _run prior-to returning the pump i to normal service. - - Deviations between the -

previous and new set of reference values'shall be identified, and verification that the-new values represent acceptable pump operation shall ima placed in the test records. E. Iest Procedures The procedures utilized for inservice testing shall include the following requirements.-

1. Each pump shall be run at least 5 minutes under conditions as stable as the associated system permits. At the end of this time, at least one measurement or observation of each of the

-quantities shall be-made and recorded.

2. The test flow path to be used shall be identified.
3. Instruments which measure the various-test quantities shall be identified by-instrument number for permanent: instruments or type and location-if test gauges are to be used..
4. Reference values and limits for the quantities to-be measured shall be provided.in the procedure.
5. The resistance of the system shall.be varied until either_the measured differential pressure or the measured flow rate equals the corresponding-reference value with-a-tolerance of 12-percent.

The test quantities.shall then be measured of. -observed and recorded. F. Analysis of Results/ Corrective Action

1. The test results analysis shall consist of a comparison of the measured test quantities and.the ranges defined in IWP-3210 and-as modified by Relief Requests 3002 and 3006.
2. When test quantities fall within the alert range identified, the--testing: frequency shall~be doubled until the cause of the deviation is determined and the condition corrected.

M5546/M136 3 1

3. When test quantities-fall within the required action range, the pump shall be_ declared-inoperable and not-returned to service until:the cause of the deviation is determined and the condition corrected.
4. When a test shows deviation greater than allowed, the instruments involved may be:recalibrated and the test rerun.-
5. After the cause of deviations to test quantities has been determined, the condition shall!be corrected by either repairing or replacing the pump or by performing an-analysis to demonstrate that the condition does not impair pump operability and to ensure that the pump will perform its function. A new set of reference values shall be established after such an analysis.

G. Inservice Test Records

1. Summary Listina The Supervisor-ISI shall maintain a log of the pumps in this program and the current status of the program.
2. Pumn Records Manufacturers' pump records shall be maintained in the IP Records Center.
3. Egcord of Tests The pump test record shall include the following information:-
a. -Date of test.
b. Measured and observed quantities,
c. Instruments used,
d. .

Comparisons withlallowable ranges of test l values. e.- Analysis-of any deviations in test-quantities,

f. Corrective action requirements,
g. Signatures-of personnel conducting the, test and analyzing the results.

M5546/M136 4 H. Instruments

1. Accuracy Instrument accuracy shall be within the following limits:
a. Pressure - i 2% of full scale,
b. Differential pressure - 1 2% of full scale.
c. Flow rate - 1 2% of full scale,
d. Speed - i %2 of full scale.
e. Vibration amplitude - i 5% of full scale,
f. Temperature - 5% of full scale.
2. Ranae The full scale range of each instrument shall not exceed 3 times the reference value of the parameter being measured.
3. gglibration Instruments shall be calibrated in accordance with schedules and procedures established for each instrument.

III. VALVE TESTING A. Scone The requirements of this program plan apply to certain safety-related valves (and their actuating and position indicating systems) which are required to perform a specific function in shutting down the reactor to a cold shutdown condition or in mitigating the consequences of an accident. The following valves are exempt from the requirements of this plan: f 1. Valves used for operating conveniences.(such as [ manual vent, drain, instrument, and test valves). I

2. Valves used for system control (such as pressure regulating valves).
3. Valves used only for maintenance.

i 4. External control and protection systems l responsible for sensing-plant conditions and providing signals for valve operation. M5546/M136 5 The valves which are to be tested under this plan and their ASME Category are listed in Table _II. B. Frecuency of Testina

1. Seat leakage tests shall be performed at least once every 2 years.-
2. Valve exercising and stroke timing shall be performed every 3 months unless such testing is not practical during normal plant operations.

Those instances where this frequency-is not practical shall be identified.

3. Relief valve setpoints shall be verified in accordance with a schedule that provides for all applicable relief valves to be tested every 5 years.
4. At least 20% of the charges in explosively actuated valves shall be removed, fired, and replaced every 2 years with charges from a fresh batch. A sample charge from the fresh batch shall have been tested satjsfactorily. Charges shall not be older than 10 years.
5. Valves with remote position indication shall be observed at least once every 2 years to verify that valve indication . accurately indicated.
6. When systems are declarea inoperable or not required to operate for extended periods, the exercising and stroke timing schedule need not be followed; however, within 30 days prior to returning the system to operable status, the valves shall be tested as applicable and the test frequency resumed.
7. Illinois Power Company will perform testing during cold shutdowns as follows:
a. Testing shall commence no later than 48 hours after cold shutdown is reached, and continue until complete or the plant is ready to return to power.
b. Completion of al] valve testing is not a prerequisite to. return to power.
c. Any tasting not completed during one cold 4

shutdown will be performed during any subsequent cold shutdowns starting from the last test performed at the previous cold shutdown. l l M5546/M136 6 l l 1 1

d. For planned cold shutdowns, where ample time is available for testing all of the valves identified which require the cold shutdown test frequency, all will be tested although-testing may not begin within 48 hours.-
8. Where Table II identifies frequencies which are more restrictive than ASME Code requirements, the-CPS Technical Specification tolerance (4.0.2) may be utilized, provided that the interval between tests does not exceed the requirements of the CPS ISI Program Manual and Appendices.

C. Inservice Test Reauirements The following table identifies the types of tests required for each valve. VALVE SEAT LEAKAGE STROKE TIME EXERCISE SPECIAL CATEGORY FUNCTION TEST TEST TEST TEST A Active Yes Yes Yes No A Passive Yes No No No B Active No Yes Yes No B Passive No No No No C Relief Active No No No Yes Valves Passive No No No No C-Check Active No No Yes No Valves Passive No No No No D Active No No No Yes D Passive No No No No D. Baseline Values

1. Preservice baseline values have been established for valves included in this program.
2. When a valve or its control system has been replaced, repaired,.or has undergone maintenance that could affect performance and prior to the time it is returned to service, it shall be tested l

M5546/M136 7 l . ~ - .. _- . . . . - . - - . . . - . - , - ~ . - _ to demonstrate that-the affected performance , parameters are within acceptable limits. The results of these tests shall-be used during subsequent inservice testing as appropriat . E. Test Procedures Test procedures' utilized for inservice testing-shall include the following requirements:

1. Seat Leakaae Tests
a. Valve seat leakage tests shall be made with the pressure differential in the same direction as when-the valve is performing its function unless on the following exceptions is taken:
1) Globe-valves may be tested with pressure under the seat.

ii) Butterfly valves may be tested in either-direction if their seat construction is designed'for sealing against pressure from both sides. iii) Gate valves with 2-piece disks may be tested by pressurizing between_.the seats, iv) Valves (except check valves) may be-tested-in either direction if the functional differential pressure is 15' psi or less.- > v) Types of valves in which service _ pressure-tends to-diminish overall leakage may-be-tested at' lower than service differential pressure.= In such cases,.the observed leakage (1 t)ishall be adjusted. -This adjustment:shall be made by utilizing the following formula: .. I r- = lt 1t = observedLleakage lf = functional leakage l l Pt = test pressure j i Pr = functional pressure 'l M5546/M136 8 l-

b. Seat leakage shall be measured by one of the , l methods described in IWV-3424 or other equivalent method. l
c. Seat leakage rates shall be evaluated for acceptability by comparing the test results with previous test results and.the maximum permissible leakage rate.
2. Valve Exercisina
a. Valves shall be exercised to the position required to fulfill their function.
b. Valve disk movement shall be determined by observing an' indicator that signals the required change of disk position, or observing indirect evidence (changes in system pressure, flow rate, level, or temperature) which reflect stem or disk position.
c. Check valves which are normally open and are required to prevent reverse flow shall be tested in a manner that proves the disk travels to the seat promptly on the cessation or reversal of flow,
d. Check valves which are normally shut and whose function is to open on reversal of pressure differential shall be tested by proving that the disk moves auay from the seat when the closing pressure is removed and flow through the valve is initiated, or when a mechanical force is applied to the disk.
e. Valves with fail-safe actuators shall be tested by observing the operation of the valves upon loss of actuator power.
3. Valve Stroke Timina
a. Stroke time shall be that time interval from initiation of the actuating signal to the desired position indication. j i
b. The stroke time of valves shall be rounded up j to the nearest second. l
c. For all valves except those that are air operated, the limiting value of full stroke  !

time for valves shall be determined using the. l most conservative of the following values: M5546/M136 9 _ _ . . . _ . . . . . _ _ _ . . . _ . . . _ _ . _ _ - _ _ _ . _ . . . _ _ _ _ ~ .. _ 1). Design Specification ,i

2) Technical Specification
3) .USAR commitments
4) For valves with-full stroke time less.

than or equal to 10 seconds the Max. Allowable Stroke Time a Initial Base-Line Time x 2

5) For valves with_ full' stroke-times ~

greater than110 seconds the Max.. Allowable Stroke Time = Initial Base Line Time x 1.5

d. For air operated valves, the limiting value

-shall be determined using the most. conser/ative of the following values:

1) Design Specifications
2) Technical Specification
3) USAR commitments
4) -For' valves with' full stroke time-less than or-equal to 5 seconds the Max.

Allowable Stroke Time-= 10 seconds (10 seconds was' determined-by review of. all air operated' valves with initial stroke times less than 5 seconds. These initial stroke times varied from 0.98 seconds to'4.93 seconds).

5) For valves with full stroke tir.es greater than 5 seconds and less than'or-equal to 10 seconds the Max. Allowable Stroke Time = Initial Baseline Time x 2.-
6) For-valves with full stroke times greater'than 10 seconds the-Max.

Allowable Stroke TimeE= Initial Baseline Time.x 1.5.

4. Relief Valve Testino Relief valve set points shall'be tested (in accordance with ASME~PTC 25.3-1976
5. Ipil-Safe Valves (Loss of Power Testina)-

' Valves with fail-safe actuators shall?be tested by observing the operation of the valves uponsloss of actuator power. 1 4 M5546/M136 10

6. Position IDdication Verification -)

Valves with remote position indicators shall be observed to verify that valve operation is accurately indicated. Position indication testing shall be satisfied with an operator at the. valve to verify actual valve movement in the proper direction against remote indication. F. Analysis of Results/ Corrective-Action

1. Seat Leakane Tests If the leakage rate exceeds the maximum permissible rate the valve shall be-repaired or replaced.
2. Exercisino and Stroke Time
a. If a valve fails to exhibit the required change of stem or disk position or exceeds its specified limiting value of full stroke time, the valve shall be considered inoperable.
b. When corrective action is required as a result of tests performed during cold shutdown periods, the condition must be corrected prior to starting the plant up,
c. The test frequency for power operated valves shall be increased to once per month if:

i) For valves with stroke times greater than 10 seconds, the valve exhibits an increase in stroke time of more than 25% from the last test.

11) For valves with stroke times of 10 seconds or less, the valve exhibits an increase in stroke time of more than 50%

from the last test. iii) For values which have been given a reference stroke time per Relief Request 2032, the value exhibits an increase in stroke time of greater than 50% from the reference valve.

3. Relief Valve Testina A relief valve failing to function properly during testing shall be repaired or replaced.

i M5546/M136 11

4. Explosive Valve Tortino If a charge fails to fire, all charges with the same batch number shall be removed, destroyed, and replaced with charges from a fresh batch fr.om which a sample charge shall have been tested satisfactorily.

G. Inservice Test Records

1. Summary Listina The Supervisor-ISI shall maintain a log of the valves in this program and the current status of the program.
2. Preservice Tests Preservice test results and manufacturers' functional test results shall be maintained in the IP Records Center.
3. Test Results The test results records shall include the following:

Component Identification Number Test Required / Performed Test Method Measured Quantities Acceptance criteria' Dated signature of the individual responsible for the test. M5546/M136 12 i l I JLLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE 1--PUMPS I Page 1 EIN EQUIPMENT NAME TYPE Ot TEST FREQUENCY REllEF REQUEST DVC08PA Control Room HVAC Chllled Water Pump A Pttp 3 Month 3001 OVC08PB Control Room HVAC Chilled Water Ptry B Pwp 3 Month 3001 1C41 C001A Standby Liquid Control (SLC) Pw p A Pwp 3 Month 3001,3003,3005 1C41-C001B Standby tIquid Control (SLC) Pw o B Pwp 3 Month 3001,3003,3005 10001PA Diesel Oil Transfer Pum A Pwp 3 Month 3001,3002 10001PB Dieset Oil Transfer Pur,p B Punp 3 Month 3001,3002 1D001PC Diesel Olt Transfer Pw p C Pwp 3 Month 3001,3002 1E12 C002A Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Pwp A Pwp 3 Month 3001 1E12-C0028 Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Puno B Pwp 3 Month 3001 1E12 C002C Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Pimp C Pump 3 Month 3001 1E12 C003 RHR Water Leg Pwp Punp 3 Month 3001,3006 1E21 C001 Low Paessure Core Spray (LPCS) Pw p Pump 3 Month 3001 1E21+C002 LPCS and RHR Loop A Water Leg Punp Punp 3 Month 3001,3006 1E22 C001 High Pressure Core Spray (HPCS) Punp Pwp 3 Month 3001 l 1E22 C003 HPCS Water Leg Punp Pwp 3 Month 3001,3006 1E51 C001 Reactor Core Isotation Cooting (RCIC) Pwp Pwp 3 Month 1E51 C003 RCic Water Leg Pw p Punp 3 Month 3001,3006 j 1FCO2PA fuel Pool Cooling and Clean-Up Pw p A Pwp 3 p.onth 3001 1FCO2PB Fuel Pool Cooling and Clean-Up Punp B Pwp 3 Month 3001 ) l 1Sx01PA Shutdown Service Water Purp A Punp 3 Month 3001 l l 1SX01PB Shutdown Service Water Punp B Pump 3 Monta 3001 1SX01PC Shutdown Service Water Pump C Pwp 3 Month 3001 i l l l 1 j } 3 ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION 4 PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PIAN KEY TO TABLE II -- VALVES VALVE TYPE: COLD SHUTDOWN JUSTIFICATION: B - Butterfly Valve Reference 1: Revision 2 submittal; Letter U-600968 C - Check valve dated June 30, 1987 entitled "Clinton CV - Control Valve Power Station Inservice Testing Program". EFC - Excess Flow Check Valve Reference 2: Revision 3 submittal; Letter U-60 LOO 6 EI - Explosive Valve dated August 20, 1987 entitled *Clinton G - Gate Valve Power Station Inservice Testing Program" . GL - Globe Valve Reference 3: Revision 4 submittal; Letter U-60ll41 NC - Non-Slam Check valve dated March 8, 1988 entitled "Clinton P - Plug Valve Power Station Inservice Testing Program". R - Relief Valve Reference 4: Revision 5 submittal; Letter U-601194, SR -- Safety Relief Valve dated May 27, 1988, entitled "Clinton Power VR - Vacuum Relief Valve Station Inservice Testing Program". l MFC - Manual Flow Control Valve Reference 5: Technical Specification: Table 3.6.4-1 Note G GSC - Discharge Stop Check Valve Reference 6: Revision 8 submittal; Letter U-601736, dated DIA - Diaphram Valve September 27, 1990, entitled "Clinton Power 2WAY - Two Way Valve Station Pump and Valve Testing Program Plan". Reference 7t Revision 10 submittal; Letter U-601949, dated VALVE ACTUATOR April 3, 1992, entitled "Clinton Power AO - Air Operated Station Proposed Resolution of Issues Related HO - Hydraulic Operated to NRC Review of Inservice Testing Program." M - Manually Operated MO - Motor Operated ! SO - Solenoid' Operated SC - Self Contained 4 NORMAL POSITION / TEST POSITION: 0 - Open C - Closed LO - Locked Open. LC - Locked closed ( ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II--VALVES Page.1 EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITION P&lD/ SHEET; REQUIRED 1ESTS RELIEF COLD SHUT 00WN NUMBER TYPE S!2E CLASS GORY ATOR NORMAL TEST coordinates (Additional Tests Satisfied) FREQUENCY REQUEST JUSTIFICATION i OMC009 G 4 2 A MO o C M05-1042/4;E-5 Strake Time (Exercise) 3 Month i Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month , CMC 010 G 4 2 A MO o C M05-1042/4;0-5 St oke Time (Exercise) 3 Month ! Leak Rate . 2 Year 2011,2034 f Position Indication 18 Month ORA 026 CV 1 2 A A0 0 C M05-1065/7;D-8 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 i Position Indication 18 Month , ORA 027 CV . 1 2- A A0 0 .C ' M05-1065/7;D-7 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 Lesk Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month ORA 028 CV 1 2 B A0 0 C M05-1065/7;D-6 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 Position Indication 2 Year ORA 029 cv 1 2 s A0 0 C N05-1065/7;D-5 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 Position Indication 2 Year i OvC010A CV 2 3 8- A0 0, o M05-1102/5;A-7 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 ^ OvC010s CV 2 3 s A0 o' o M05-1102/6;A-7 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 OvC017A C 2 3 C. C' o M05-1102/5;F-7 Exercise 3 Month OvC0178 - C' 2 3 C C o M05-1102/6;F-7 Exercise 3 Month DVC020A C 2 3 s C C M05-1102/5;F-7 Exercise 3, Month OvC020B C 2 3 B C C M05-1102/6;F-7 Exercise 3 Month OVC022A cv 1.5 3 B A0 C 0 M05-1102/5;F-7 Stroke Time (-Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 OvC0228 CV 1.5 3 B Ao . C 0 M05-1102/6;F-7 Stroke Tire (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 i 1 ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION , PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II--VALVES  ! Page 2 EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITION P&lD/ SHEET; REQUIRED TESTS DELIEF COLD SkUTDOWN NUMEER TYPE SIZE CLASS GORY ATOR NORMAL TEsf coordinates (Additional Tests Satisfied) FREQUENCY PEQUEST NSTIFICATION OVCO25A R 1x1.5 3 C C 0 M05-1102/5;E-6 Bench 5 Year ovCO258 ' R 1x1.5 3 C C 0 M05-1102/6;E-6 Bench 5 Year 1821-F001 GL 2 1 A-P* MO C C M05-1071/2;D-4 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011 Position Indication 2 Year 1821-F002 GL 2 1 A-P* MO C C M05-1071/2;E-4 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011 Position Indication 2 Year 1E21-F010A NC 18 1 A/C 0' C,0 M05-1004;C-7 Exercise (0 pen) Cold shutdown Ref 3 Lenk Rate (Exercise Closed) Cold Shutdown 2011,2034 1821-F010B NC 18 1 A/C 0 C,0 M05-1004;A-7 Exercise (open) Cold Shutdown Ref 3 Leak Rate (Exercise closed) Cold Shutdown 2011,2034 1821-F016 G 3 1 A MO O C MC5-1002/1;S-1 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month i 1821-F019 G 3 't A MO O C M05-1002/1;B-1 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month ' Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month-4 1821-F022A CL 24 1 A A0 0 C M05-1002/1;C-2 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) Cold Shutdown Ref 1 * *a rtial Exercise 3 Month i teak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034 i Petition Indication 18 Month 7 1821-F0228 GL 24 1 A A0 0 C M05-1002/1;F-2 Sfroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) Cold Shutdown Ref 1 a Partial Exercise 3 Month Leak Rate 18 Month, 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month 1821-F022C GL 24 1 A A0 0 C M05-1002/1;A-2 Stroke Time (Exercise, Less of Power) Cold Shutdown Ref 1 Partial Exercise 3 Month Leak Rate. 18 Month 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month Passive valve . ILLINOIS FOWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II--VALVES Page 3 EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITION P&lD/SPEET; REGUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD SHUTD0b'N NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS GORY ATOR NORMAL TEST coordinates (Additionel Tests satisfied) FREQUENCY REQUEST JUSTIFICATION 1821-F022D GL '24 1 A Ao o C M05-1002/1;D-2 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) Cold Shutdown Ref 1 Partial Exercise 3 Month Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month 1821-F024A C 0.5 3 C 0 C M10-9002/5 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 q 1821-F0248 C 0.5 3 C o C M10-9002/5 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F024C C 0.5 3 C o C M10-9002/5 Exercise Cold shutdown Ref 1 1821-F024D C 0.5 3 C o C M10-9002/5 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F028A CL 24 - 1 A A0 'O C M05-1002/2;C-5 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) Cold Shutdown Ref 1 i ' Partial Exercise 3 Month Leair Rate 18 Month 2011,2034 i Position Indication 18 Month 1821-F0288' CL' 24 1 A Ao o C M05-1002/2;F-5 Stroke Time (Exercise,' Loss of Power) Cold Shutdown Ref 1 Partist Exercise 3 Month Leak Rate 1F Month 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month . 1521-F028C GL' 24 1 A Ao o C M05-1002/2;B-5 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) Cold Shutdown Ref 1 Piirtial Exercise' 3 Month Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034' Position Indication 18 Month 1B21-F0280- ct '24 .1 A A0 0 C M05-1002/2;E-5 stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) Cold shutdown Cef 1 , Partial Erscise 3 Month , Leek Rate 18 Month 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month a 1821-F029A C 0.5 3 C 0 C M10-9002/5 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref.1 1821-F0298 C^ 0.5 3 'C. o' C. .M10-9002/5 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 a 1 k' ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION  ; PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II--VALVES l Page 4 EQU!PMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITION P&ID/ SHEET; REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLO SmJTOOutI NtR4BER TYPE SIZE CLASS GORY ATOR coordinates (Additionst Tests satisfied) FREQUENCY REQUEST JUSTIFICATION FORhALlTESI 1921-F029C C 0.5 3 C 0 C M10-9002/5 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F0290 C 0.5 3 C 0 C M10-9002/5 Exercise Cold shutdem Ref 1 1821-F032A N: 20 1 A/C A0 0 C,0 M05-1004;C-6 Exercise (Open) Coted shutdown Ref 3 Leak Rate (Exer Closed, Loss of Power) Cold Shutdown 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month 1821-F0328 NC 20 1 A/C A0 0 C,0 M05-1004;A-6 Exercise (Open) Cold Shutdown Re* 3 Leak Rate (Exer Closed, toss of Power) Cold Shutdown 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month 1821 F036A C 0.5 3 C C C- M10-9002/2 Exercise Cold shutdown Ref 1 1821-F036F C 0.5 3 C C C N10-9002/2 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F036G C 0.5 3 C C C M10-9002/2 Exercis* Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F036J C- 0.5 3 C C C M10-9002/2 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F036L C 0.5 3 C C C M10-9002/2 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F036M C 0.5 3 C C- C M10-9302/2- Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F036N C 0.5 3 C C C M10-9002/2 Esercise. Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F036P C 0.5 3 C C C. M10-9002/2 Ex*rcise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1921-F036R C 0.5 3 C C' C M10-9002/2 Ex W ise Cold shutd m Ref 1 1 1821-F037A VR 10 3 C C 0,C M05-1002/1;C-6 Exercise Cold Shutdewn Ref 1 1821-F037B VR .- to 3 -C C 0,C M05-1002/1;E-6 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 i 1821-F037C VR 10 '3 C C 0,C M05-1002/1;A-7 Exercise Cold Shutdowr, Ref.1 1821-F037D VR - 10 3 C C 0,C M05-1002/1;D-7 Exercise Cold shutdown Ref 1 ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION PtTMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II--VALVES Page 5 EQUIPMENT CAtE- ACTU-- POSITION .P&lD/ SHEET; REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF CM D SWJTDOWN NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS GORY ATOR NORMAL TEST coordinates (Additional Tests Satisfied) FREQUENCY REQUEST WST!FICATION 1821-F037E VR 10 3 C C 0,C M05-1002/1;E-4 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F037F VR 10 3 C C 0,C M05-1002/1;A-5 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F037G VR 10 3 C C 0,C M05-1002/1;A-4 Exercise Cold shutdown Ref 1 1921-F037H VR 10 3 C C 0,C M05-1002/1;C-5 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F037J VR 10 3 C C. 0,C M05-1002/1;E-7 Exercise Cold shutdown Ref 1 1821-F037K VR 10 3 C C 0,C M05-1002/1;A-5 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F037L VR to 3 C C 0,C M05-1002/1;D-6 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F037M VR 10 3 C C 0,C M05-1002/1;E-3 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F037N VR 10 3 C C 0,C t05-1002/1;E-5 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F037P VR 10 3 C C 'O,C M05-1002/1;A-6 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F037R VR 10 3 C C 0,C M05-1002/1;D-5 Exercise Cold shutdown Ref 1 1821-F037S VR 10 3 C C 0C M05-1002/1;A-3 Exercise Cold shutdown Ref 1 1821-F0398 C 0.5 3 A/C C 0, C - M10-9002/1 Leak Rate (Exercise) Cold shutdown 2029,2011 Ref 1 1821-F039C C 0.5 3 A/C. C. 0,C M10-9002/1 Leak Rate (Exercise) cold Shutdown 2029,2011 Ref 1 1821-F0390 C 0.5 3 A/C C 0,C M10-9002/1 Lesk Rate (Exercise) Cold shutdown 2029,2011 Ref 1 1821-F039E C 0.5 3 A/C C - 0,C M10-9002/1 Leak Rate (Exercise) Cold shutdown 2029,2011 Ref 1 1821-F039H C 0.5 3 A/C C 0,C M10-9002/1 Leak Rate (Fxers 'se) Cold shutdown 2029,2011 Ref 1 1821-F039K C 0.5 3 A/C C 0,C M10-9002/1 Leak Rate (Exercise) Cold Shutdown 2029,2011 Ref 1 1821-F0395 C 0.5 3 A/C C 0,C M10-9002/1 Leak Rate (Exercise) Cold shutdown 2029,2011 Ref 1 ~ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ . - __ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ 1 i ' ILLINOIS Poller COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II--VALVES Page 6 EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITION PE!D/SHEETT REQUIRED TEST': RELIEF COLD SkUTDOWN NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS GORY ATOR NORMAL l TEST coordinates (Additional Tests satisfied) FREQUEhCY REQUEST JUSTIFICATION 1821-F041A SR 8x10 1 C Ao C 0 M05-1002/1;C-6 Position Indication 2 Year  ! Bexh 5 Year 1821-F0418 SR 8x10 1 B/C A0 C 0 M05-1002/1;F-7 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) Refueling 2012 Positica indication 2 Year , Bench 5 Year , 1B21-F041C SR 8x10 1 B/C A0 C 0 M05-1002/1;B-8 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) Refueling 2012 Position Indication 2 Year Bench 5 Year ! 1821-F0410 SR . 8x10 1 8/C A0 C 0 M05-1002/1;0-8 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) Refueling 2012 Position Indication 2 Year Bench 5 Year ~ I 182bF041F SR 8x10 1 B/C A0 C 0 M05-1002/1;F-5 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) Refueling 2012 Position Indication 2 Year Bench 5 Year 1821-F041C SR 8x10 1 C A0 C' O M05-1002/1;B-6 Position Indication 2 Year Bench 5 Year 1821-F041L SR 8x10 1 C A0 C 0 M05-1002/1;B-4 Position Indication 2 Year Bench 5 Year B21-F047A SR 8x10 1 B/C A0 C 0 M05-1002/1;C-6 Stroke _ Time (Eyercise, Loss of Power) Refueling 2012 Position Indicition 2 Year Bench 5 Year 1 1821 F047B SR 8x10 1 C Ao C 0 M05-1002/1;F-8 Position Indication 2 Year , Bench 5 Year 1821-F047C SR 8x10 1 B/C AO- 'C 0 M05-1002/1;B-5 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) Refueling 2012 Position Indication 2 Year Bench 5 Year 2 1821-F047D SR 8x10 1 C A0 C 0 M05-1002/1;D-7 Position Indication 2 Year Bench 5 Year , 4 i ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON FOWER STATION . i Pt1MP AND VALVE TESTING PROORAM PLAN TABLE II--VALVES Page 7 EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITION P&lD/SNEET: REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD SHUTDOWN NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS GORY ATOR NORMAL TEST coordinates (Additional Tests satisfied) FR QUENCY REQUEST JUSTIFICATION 1821-F047F SR 8x10 1 C A0 C o- M05-1002/1;F-4 Position Indication 2 Year Bench 5 Year 1821-F0518 SR 8x10 1 C A0 C 0 M05-1002/1;F-6 Position Indication 2 Year Bench 5 Year 1821-F051 SR 8x10 1 C Ao C 0 M05-1002/1;B-7 Positi m Indication 2 Year Bench 5 Year 1821-F0510 SR 8x10 1 C A0 C 0 M05-1002/1;D-6 Position todication 2 Year Bench 5 Year 1821-F051G SR 8xiO 1 B/C Ao C 0 .M05-1002/1;B-4 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) Refueling 2012 Position Indication 2 Year Bench 5 Year 1821-F065A G 20 2 A Mo O C M05-1004;c-5 Stroke Time (Exercise) Cold Shutdown Ref 1 trak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 2 Year -i 1821-F0658 G 20 2 A MO O C M05-1004;A-5 Stroke Time (Exercise) Cold Shutdown Ref 1 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 ' Position Indication 2 Year 1821-F067A GL 1.5 1 A Mo 0 -C M05-1002/2;C-6 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month 1 1B21-F0678 GL 1.5 i A Mo o C N05-1002/2;E-6 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034

  • q Position Indication 18 Month 4 1821-F067C GL 1.5 1 A Mo 0- C M05-1002/2;A-6 Stroke Time (Erercise) 3 Month Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month 1

1B21-F067D GL 1.5 1 A . MO O C' *t05-1002/2;D-6 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month , Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month

m 4

ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY .;' CLINTON POWER STATION PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II--VALVES Page 8 EQUIPMENT l CATE- ACTU- POSITION F&lD/ SHEET; REQ'J1 RED TESTS RELIEF COLD SHUTDOW4 NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS GORY ATOR NORMAL TES1 coordinates (Additional Tests satisfied) FREQUENCY REQUEST IdSTIFICAT104 1821-F078A VR 10 3 C C 0,C 'M05-1002/1;C-6 Exercise Cold shutdown Ref 1 l 1821-F0788 VR 10 3 C C 0,C M05-1002/1;E-6 Exercise Cold shutdown Ref 1 1821-F078C VR 10 3' C C 0,C M05-1002/1;A-7 Exercise Cold shutdown Ref 1 1 2 1821-F078D VR 10 3 C C 0,C M05-1002/1;D-7 Exercise Cold shutdown Ref 1 1821-F078E VR 10 3 C C 0,C M05-1002/1;E-4 Enercise Cold shutdown Ref 1 1821-F078F VR 10 3 C C 0,C M05-1002/1;A-5 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F078G VR. 10 3 C C 0,C N05-1002/1;A-4 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F078H VR 10 3 C~ C 0,C M05-1002/1;C-5 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F078J VR 10 3 C .C 0,C M05-1002/1;E-7 Exercise Cold shutdown Ref 1 5 1821-F078K VR- 10 3 C C 0,C M05-1002/1;A-5 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F078L 10 3 C C 0,C M05-1002/1;D-6 Exercise Cold shutdown Ref 1 { .vR 1921-F07BM VR 10 3 C C 0,C M05-1002/1;E-3 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F078N VR 10 3 C C- 0,C M05-1002/1;E-5 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 y , 1821-F0780 VR 10 3' C C 0,C M05-1002/1;A-6 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F078R VR 10 3 ~C C 0,C M05-1002/1;D-5 Exercise Cold shutdown Ref 1 f 1821-F0785 VR 10 - 3 C C 0,C N05-1002/1;A-3 Exercise Cold shutdown Ref 1 j - 1821-F379A VR 2 3 C C 0 M05-1002/1;F-7 Exercise Cold shutdown Ref 1

j. . ' -1821 F3798 VR 2- 3 C C 0 M05-1002/1;F-6 Exercise Cold Shuidown Ref 1 1821-F379C VR 2 3 C C 0 M05-1002/1;F-5 Exercise Cold shutdown- Ref 1 t

4 I 1 4 _ ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II--VALVES Page 9 P&tD/ SHEET; REOJ1 RED TESTS RELIEF COLD SHUTDOWN Ecu!PMENT I CATE- ACTU- POSITION REcuEST JUSTIFICATION NtJMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS GORY ATOR NORMAL 1EST coordir.ates (Additional Tests Satisfied) FREQUENCY M05-1002/1;F-4 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F3790 VR 2 3 C C o M05-1002/1;F-3 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F379E VR '2 3 C C 0 M05-1002/1;E-7 Exercise C Ad Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F379F VR 2 3 C C 0 M05-1002/1;E-6 Exercise Cold Shutdown Re+ 1 1821-F379G VR 2 3 C C o M05-1002/1;E-5 h ercise Cold Shutdown sef 1 1821-F379N d 2 3 C C 0 M05-1002/1;C-6 Exercise Cold shutdown Ref 1 1821-F379J VR 2' 3 C C 0 M05-1002/1;C-5 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref.1 1821-F379K VR 2 3 C C 0 M05-1002/1;B-7 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1B21-F379L VR' 2 3 C C 0 M05-1002/1;8-6 Exercise Ccid Stutdown Ref 1 1821-F379M VR 2 3 C C 0 M05-1002/1;B-5 Exercise Cold shutdown Ref 1 1821-F379N VR 2 3 C C o MD5-1002/1;8-5 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821- F379P VR 2 3 C C 0 M05-1002/1;8-4 Exercise Cold shutdown Ref 1 1821-F3790 VR 2 3 C C 0 405-1002/1;8-3 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1821-F379R VR 2 3 C C 0 h ercise Cold Shutdown- Ref 1 1821-F433A C 0.5 '3 C o C M10-9004/8. i Exercise Cold shutdown Ref 1 C 0.5 3 C 0 C M10-9004/8 ! 1821-F433B M05-1072/1;E-5 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032-1833-F019 CV 0.75 2 8 A0 0- C ( Position Indication 2' Year . M05-1072/1;E-8 Stroke Time (Exercise, Less of Pcwer) 3 Menth 2032 1833-F020 CV ' O.75 2' 8 A0 0 C Position Indication 2 Year Exercise 10%/120 days 2024 C. 0.75 0 C C 0 CLw-001 1C11-114 ~ s n ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II--VALVES  ? age 10 REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD SM!TDOWN CATE- ACTU- POSITION P&lD/ SHEET; EQUIPMENT (Additional Tests satisfied) FaEQUENCY REQUEST JUff!FICATION -! NLNBER TYPE SIZE CLASS CORY ATOR stMAL TEST coordinates CLN-001 Leak Rate (Exercise) Refueling 2023,2011 1C11-115 C 0.5 0 A/C O C CtL-001 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 10%/120 days 2024 1C11-126 DIA 1 0 B A0 C 0 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 10%/120 days 2024 DIA 0.75 0 B AO C 0 CLN-001 1C11-127 Exercise 3 Month 2025 0.5 0 C 0 C CLN-001 1C11-138 C S*.roke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 10%/f20 days 2024 1C11-139 DIA 0.75 0 B SO C 0 CLN-001 0 C CLN-001 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 mmth 2032 1C11-F010 CL 1 2 8 A0 Position Indication 2 Year CLN-001 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 1C11-F011 GL . 2 2 B A0 0 C Position Indication 2 Year M05-1078/1;E-1 Stroke Time (Exercise) cold shutdown Ref 1 1C11-F083 GL - 2- 2 A' MO O C 2011,2034 Leak Rate 2 Year Position Indication 2 Year M05-1078/1;C-7 Leak Rate (Exercise) Refueting 2002,11,34 1C11-F122 C 2 2 A/C .O C A0 'O C CLN-001 Stroke Time (Exercisu, Loss of Power) 3 Month 1C11-F180 GL 1 2 B 2 Year Position Indication A0 :0 C CLN-001 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 1C11-F181, GL 2- 2 B 2 Year Position Indication Mc C 0 M05-1077;C-6 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month 1C41-F001A GL 3 2 B Position Indication 2 Year Mc C 0 M05-1077;E-6 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month 1C41-F0018 GL 3 2 B 2 Year Position Indication Explosive Alt Refueling . Ex 1.5 1 0- C. O M05-1077;C-3 1C41-F004A Explcsive Att Refueling 1C41-F004B EX 1.5 '1 D C 0 M05-1077;D-3 l l ILLINOIS PCSTER COMPANY CLINTON FOWER STATION PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II--VALVES Page 11 RELIEF 'COLO 3 C ?.4 I ..M CATE- ACTU-l POS:TICM P&lC/SSEET: RE:rdirED TESTS ECJIPMEET { FRE M MCY eE M ST .F,l$T! F ICA!!> ! i j Nt,*B E R TYPE GORY ATOR lhopALl TEST coordinates ( Additional Tests Satisfied) ve SIZE l CLASS T =05 - 1077;0-2 Emenise (open) Cetd shutd- e s.f 3 1t41-8006 NC 3 1 C C 0,C r.+ ise (C' . ted) Celd SNtdemn sef 7 i x c =05-1077;C-4 E -sh 5 teme j 1C41-F029A a 1.5n2 2 C C l 0 M35 - 1077;E-4 Bench 5 Yee- l

TC41-FC27s a 1.5x2 2 C C 0,C M05-1077;C 4 Exercise (open) 3 mont% 4 1C41-TC33A EC 1.5 2 C C Cold S M de m set 3  !

Exercise (Futt Strche) -- M05-1077;D-4 Emercise (Open) 3 Meth  : i 1C41-F0338 NC 1.5 2 C C 0,C Esercise (Futt Stroke) Cold S V dem hf3 j l M05-1077;E-1 Exercise (open) Refueling 2023 i 1C41-F336 C 4 1 C C 0.C Leek Rate (Emercise Closed) Refueling } l MC5-1032/3;C-S Strcke Tire (Emercise) Cold SNtdow- E* 1 i 1CC047 G to 2 A M0 O C 21-Leak Rate 2011.223a  ; Pesition Indication 13 mb , r r A MO O C M05-1032/3;C-7 Strcke Time (Exercise) Cotd swim I re* t i TCCC50 G 6 2 2011,2034 Leak Rate 2 Teer { a Pesition indication 13 month r o C MC5-1032/3;C-3 Stroke Time (Exercise) Cold SNtdown tef 1 1CCC53 G 6 2 A Mo 2011,2034 Leak Rate 2 Year Pesition Indication 13 wanth MO O C M05-1032/3;C-1 Streke Tine (Esercise) Cold !Mim sef 1 1CC054 G 10 2 A 20:1,2034 Leak Rate 2 Year Positien indication 15 meth s o C IMC5-1032/3;D-5 Strcke time (Ereccise) Cetd shutdown sef 1 j 1CC057 G S 2 Mo Position Indication

  • Tear i

=05-1032/3;C-2 Streke firme (Exercise) Cold Shu*down rf1 e 1CC060 G 8 2 A MO O C Lest Rate 2 Tear 2011,2034 Position Indication 13 Month ~ j  ! i i s t i



Page 12 I

EQUIPMENT k CATE- ACTU- POSITICM' P&fD/SNriT; REQUIRED TESTS RELtEF . COLD S*JTCOWE l 4 N'JMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS GORY ATOR #0R*Att TEST coordinates (Additional Tests Satisfied) FeEQUENCY #E t.*,ES* IJSTIFICATICs i t i 1CC071 G 4 2 A Mo C C M05-1032/3;E-2 Stroke Time (Emercise) cold Shutdown pef 1  ; Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 e 1 Positien Indicat. : 18 Month I < l 'G 4 2 A M0 C C M05-1032/3;E-1 Stroke Time (Exercise) Cold Shatdewn Ref 1 1CC072 ) Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 i j Mition Indicatier: 18 Month i j i 1CC073 .G 4 2 A Mo C C =c5-1032/3;F-1 Strekr Time (Emercise) Cold Shutdown De* 1 j teak Rate 2011,2034 Position Indication l218Year Month j 1CC074 G 4 2 A Mo C C. M05-1032/3;F-2 Streke Time (Ezercise) Cold Shuto m te* 1 [ Leak sate 2 Yeer 2011,203; l , Position Indication 13 Month 1CC075A 8 14 3 ' B MO O lC M05-1032/2;E-3 Streke flee (Emercise) 3 Month ,  ;. Pesition Indication 2 Year 6 1CC075s ,a 14 - 3 s MO o C M05-1032/2;C-3 Stroke Time (Esercise) 3 Month . Position Indication 2 Year t 1CC076A B 14 .3 8 MO O C M05-1032/2;0-2 Streke Time (Exercise) 3 Month i Position Indicatien 2 Year 1 1CC076s a 14 3 8 MG 0 C M05-1032/2;C-2 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Menth ! Position Indication 2 Year & l M05-1032/3;D-8 ' Stroke Time (Emercise) } j - 7 lG 8 2 A MO o C tesk ante Cold Stutd::wn 2 Year 2011.2034 Re+ 1 , s Pesition Indication- 18 Month i 1 l' 1CC122 G 8 2 8 M0 O C M05-1032/3;C-2 Str t 'ime (Exercise) Positim Indication cold Shutdown 2 Year Ref 1 j 0.75x1 3 C 0 M05-1032/2 sench 5 Year i 1CC2804 lR C l i' 1 4 w,- e , e - .~-~ . . . - - , - ,. I I I i ILLINOIS PosiER COMPANI CLINTON FO#ER STATION 4 PtIMP AND VALVE: TESTING PROGRAM PLAN i TABLE: II-VALVES , I Page 13 i EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POstTION P&ID/SNEET; REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF  % SMUTOCWu NUMBER TYPE $1ZE CLASS GoeY ATCR wuRMALl TEST coordinates (Additional Tests satisfied) FREQUEwCY REQUEST lJUST!FICATICW 1CC230B R 0.75x1 3 C C l0 M05-1032/2 Bench 5 Year l i 1CM002A EFC 0.75' 2 A/C 0 C M05-1034/1:1-7 Esercise Cold Shutdown Ref 2 , i Position Indication 2 Tear Leak Rate 2 Yeer 2011 TCM0028 EFC P.75 2 A/C 'J C M05-1034/1;A-7 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 4 Position indication 2 Year Leak Rate 2 Year 2011 1CM003A EFC 0.75 2 a/C 0 C M05-1034/1;B-4 Exercise Cold Shutdem Ref 2 Position Indication 2 Year Leak Rate 2 Year 2011 1CM0038 EFC 0.75 2 i A/C 0 C M05-1034/1;B-7 Exercise Cold shutdown Ref 2 Position Indication 2 Year Leak Rate 2 Year 2011 t 1CM011 G 0.75 2' A SO O C M05-1034/2;C-7 Stroke Time (Emercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2013  ! Leat Rate 2 Year 2011.2034 Position Indication 18 Month i 1CM012 G 0.75 2 A SO O C M05-1034/2;C-6 Stroke Time (Emercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2013 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2C34

  • Position Indication 18 month I 1CM022 G 0.75 ; 2 A So C C M05-1034/2;D-3 Stroke Time (Emercise, Less of Power) 3 Month 2013 Leak Rate 2 Tear 2011,2034 j Position Indication 13 Month 1CM023 C 0.75 2 A So C .C, M05-1034/2;D-3 Stroke Time (Enercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2013 Leek Rate - 2 Year 2011.2034 ,

Pesition Indication 18 Month 1CM025 G 0.75 - 2 A So C C M05-1034/2;C-3 Stroke Tine (Emercise, Loss of Power) 3 Mor:th 2013 i Leak Rate 2 Year 2011.2034 Position Indication 13 Month i I L i  ! ( I L ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION I l ! PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN l TABLE II-VALVES j Page 14 EQU1PwENT CATE- ACTU- POSITICM P&lD/SMEET; RECUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD SwJTDOW4 j~ WUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS GORY ATOR nopal)TLst coordinates (Additional Tests satisfied) FREQUENCY REQUEST JUSTIFICATION i + 1CM026 G "0.75 2 A S0 C C e ':34/2;C-3 Strone Time (Emercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month I 2013 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 l Position indication 18 Month 1CM047 G 0.75 2 A 50 0 C M05-1034/2;D-6 Stroke Time (Emercife, Loss of Pcwer) 3 Month 2013 i Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 ( Position Indicatf ore 18 Month 1CM048 C 0.75 2 A So O C M05-1034/2;D-7 Stroke Time (Exerr.ise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2013 [ Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 i Position Indicatfon 18 Month i 1CM051 EFC 0.75 2 A/C_ 0 C M05-1034/2;C-6 Enercise Cold shutdown Ref 2 , e Positicn indication 2 Year l Leak Rate 2 Year 2011 i > i 1CM053 EFC 0.75 2 A/C 0 C M05-1034/3;C-5 Exercise Cold shutdown Ref 2  ! Position Indication 2 Yeer , i Leak Rate 2 Year 2011  ; 1CM066 EFC 0.75 ' 2 A/C o C M05-1071/1;F-3 Estercise Cold shutdown Ref 2 l' Position Irdication 2 Year teak Rate 2 Year 2011 j 1CM067 EFC 0.75 2 A/C o C M05-1071/1;E-6 Exercise Cold shutdown Ref 2 6 Pesition Indication 2 Year Leak Rate 2 Year 2011 1CY016 G 6 2 A MO O C: M05-1012/6;c-6 Streke Time (Emercise) 3 Month i Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 l Position Indication 18 Month i t . i 1CYO17 G 6 2 A "+ 0 C M05-1012/6;C-6 Strote Time (Exercise) 3 Month i - :.eak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 i Position irdication 18 Month I 1CY020 G 3 2 s MO O C M05-1012/6;D-3 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month Position Indication 2 Year  ! s o i I i ( . - . . . , - . ~ . _ - i I i e f [ ILLINOES POVER COMPANT CLINTON POWER STATIoM PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PIXt  : TABLE II--VALVES Page 15 i d EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITlott l Pt.iD/S TET; REOJtRED TESTS I REllEF NUMBER TYPE $12E CLASS GORY ATOR coordinates (Additionet Tests Satisfied) FREQUENCY FEQUEST COLDSMUTOOWelf JUSTIFICATICt, l l NORMAL l TEST'. l 1Cr021 G' 3 2 s MO o C M05-1012/6;D-2 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month Position Indication 2 Year j 1DG006A R 0.75x1 3' C C o M05-1035/1;E-6 Bench 5 Year f 1DG0068 R 0.75x1 3 C C c M05-1035/1;D-6 Bench 5 Year 1DG006C E 0.75x1 3 C C o M05-1035/2;E-6 Bench 5 Yesc 1DG006D R 0.75x1 3 C C 0 M05-1035/2;D-6 Bench 5 tear  ! 1DG006E R 0.75x1 o C C o M05-1035/3;E-6 Bench 5 Yeer l l 1DG006F R 0.75x1 o C C o M05-1035/3;D-6 Bench 5 Year i 1 10G008A DIA 1.5 o a so C 0 M05-1035/1;E-3 stroke Time (Ezercise) -Att Procedtre 3 Month  ! I' Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month 2026 I i l, 1DG0083 DIA 1.5 o a so C o M05-1035/1;c-3 streke Time (Enercise) 3 Month 2026 i 4 Strcke Time (Esercise) -Att Procedure 3 Month ! 1DG008C DIA 1.5 - o a so C o M05-1035/1;F-3 Stroke Tisic (Exercise) 3 Menth 2026 Stroke Time (Exercise) -Att Procedure 3 Month 1cG308D DIA 1.5 o B . 50 C o M05-1035/1;8-3 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month 2026 j Stroke Time (Emercise) -Att ProcedJre 3 Month . 1DG008E DIA 1.5 o a so C o M05-1035/2;E-3 streke Time (Exercise) 3 Month 2026 i streke Tiee (Exercise) -Att Procedbre 3 Month j i 1DG008F ~ DIA 1.5 o 8 So C o M05-1035/2;C-3 streke Time (Exercise) 3 Month 2C26 stroke Time (Exercise) -Att Procedtre 3 Month 1DGCO3G LIA 1.5 o 8 so C o M05-1035/2;F-3 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month 2026 Stroke Time (Exercise) -Att ProcedJre 3 Month o M05-1031/2;s-3 1cG008M DIA 1.5 o a so C stroke itee (Emercise) -Att Procettare 3 Month  ; Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month 2026 ' i +  ! i l I ILL,INOIS POWER COMPANT CLINIDX POWER STATION + i PtJMP AND VALVE TESTI)sG PROGRAM FLAN TART 2 II-VALVES Page 16 i EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POstTION P&tD/ SWEET; REQUIRED TESTS #ELIEF l COLDS *MA -NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLAS$ GORY ATOR MORMAtlIEst cocedinates (Additional Tests satisfied) FREctKECT l REQUEST [JU37;tICATIO4, 10G00SJ DIA 1.5 0 8' So C 0 M05-1035/3;E-3 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Menth 2026 I Stree Time (Exercise) -Att ProcedJre 3 Month j 10G008st DIA 1.5 o B 50 C 0 M05-1035/3;D-3 Stroke Time (Evercise) 3 Month 2026 strde Time (Enercise) -Att Procedure 3 Menth 10G1t:8 C 1 0 A/C- C C M05-1035/1;E-7 I Led Rate (Emercise) -Att Procedure 3 Month 3 Month 2029,2011 l Lestt Eate (Esercise) 1DG169 C 1 0 A/C C C M05-1035/1;C-7 Leek A >* (f_thse) -Att Precedure 3 Menth Lene 4 Jo @ w se) 3 Month 2027,2011 s,. -- , 10G170 C 1 0 A/C C C M05-1035/2;E-7 Les" PM tt .ise) -Alt Procedure 3 Month ".ee +1c>c reise) 3 Month 2027,2011 l 1DG171 C 1 0 A/C C C M05-1035/2;C-7 Leak H <e cise) 3 Month 2C27,20t1 Led ~$ s w tise) -Att Procedure 3 Month , 1DG172 C 1' 0 A/C C- c M05-1035/3;E-7 Leat. & w /".ereise) 3 Month 2C29,201t Leak aa0 Aercise) -Att ProcedJre 3 Month 1Ds173 C 1 0' A/C r C' M05-1035/3;C-7 Leak date (Esercise) 3 Month 2027,2011 , Leat Race (Emercist) -Att Procedure 3 Month .100061A C 1.5 3 C C 0 M05-1036/1;B-1 Exercise 3 Month 1000018 C 1.5 3 C C 6 M05-1036/1;8-5 Ezercise 3 Month 100001C .C 1.5 3 C C 0 M05-1036/2;s-3 Exercise 3 Month 100003A R 0.75x1 3 C C 0. M05-1036/1;C . Bench 5 year l t 1000058' R 0.75x1' 3- C C c M05-1036/1;C-5 Sench 5 veer 1D0005C R 0.75x1 3 C C 'O M05-1C36/24C-3 Bench 5 Year  ; 1E12-F003A GL . 14 2 5 Mo 0 0 M05-1075/4;C 2 stroke Time (Exercise)

  • 3 Month  !

Positfors Indication 2 Ye.c  ! f f I ILLINOIS FOWER COMPANT t CLINION FOWER STATION j t PUMP AND VAI,VE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN l 2 TABLE II-VALVES I Page 17 . ECUTPf'EET CATE . ACTO- Postt!04 P&tD/ SWEET; RE2JIRED TESTS RELIEF CULD SMt.mTJWE P WUMBER TYPE SIZE class GORY ATOR NORMAL l TEST coordinates (Additional Tests Satisfied) FREQUEuCY REQUEST JUST!FICatton 1E12-F0038 GL 14 2 S MO O O. M05-1075/4;C-7 Strete Time (Exercise) 3 Month - Pesitten Indication 2 Year  ! 1E12-7004A G 20 2 A MG 0 0,C #05-1075/1;A-4 Streke Time (Emercise) 3 month  ! ' Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034  ! Pesition Indication 2 Year  ! 1E12-F004s G 20 2 A M3 0 0C M05-1075/2;A-6 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 month f Lesk Rate 18 Month 2011,2034 i i Position IndicatiJn 2 Year 1 1E12-F005 R 1.5x2 2 A/C C 0,C M05-1075/1:8-5 teak Rate 18 month 2011,2034 " 8ench 5 Year i i 1E12-F006A G 16 2 8 Mc C C M05-1075/1;A-5 Strche Time (Emercisel 3 ponth , j Position Indication 2 Tear l 1E12-F0068 G 16 2 8 mo C C M05-1075/2;A-6 Stroke Time (Esercise) 3 Month  ; Position indication 2 Tear  ; 1E12-F008 G 18. 1 A MG C C MOS-1075/1;8-4 Stroke Time (Emercise) Cold Shutdown Ref 1 , Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034 l Position Indication 18 Month  : 1 +. 1E12-F009 c 18 1 A .No C C M05-1075/1;B-2 Stroke Time (Emercise) Cold Shutdown Ref 1 l Leak Rate 13 Merth 2011,2034 j Pesition Indication 18 Month 1E12-F011A GL 4 2 A Me C C M05-1075/4;D-4 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034 Position indication 18 month [ t 1E12-F0118 GL 4 2 A M0 C C M05-1075/2;C-3 Strene Time (Emercise) 3 Month  ! Leak Rate - 18 Month 2011,2034 [ Position Indicatien 18 Month  ! 1Et2-F014A G 13 3 8 MG C 0 M05-1CS2/1;D-2 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month i 4 Position Indication 2 Year  ! f l 3 1 q - m +- - 1 I 3 r + ILLINOIS POWER COMPA.YT } ' CLINTON POWER STATION PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN [ TABLE II-VALVES Page 18 EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- ' POSITIO4 P&tD/SMEET; REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD S*JTDCb4 NUMBER TYPE $12E CLASS GORT ATOR mosMALI TEST coordinates (Additional Tests Satisfied) FREQLYNCY REQLTST JUSTIFICATION - Y  ! , 1E12-F0148 .G 18 3 B MO C 0 M05-1052/2;D-2 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Position Indication 2 Year l

1E12-F017A R 1.5n2 2 A/C C 0,C M05-1075/1;s-6 Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034 sench 5 Year ,

e 1E12-F017s R 1.5x2 2 A/C C 0,C M05-1075/2;s-6 Leak Rate 13 Month 2011,20 % Bench 5 Yeer 1E12-F017 C 4 1 C C 0 M05-1075/3;C-5 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 1 7 1E12-F021 CL 14 2 A MO C C M05-1075/3;D-3 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Menth Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month  ! TE12-F023 GL 4 1 A M0 C 0,C MOS-1075/2;C-5 Stroke Tine (Exercise) Cold shutdcws Ref 1 l Leak Rate 18 Marth 2011,20 % i Position Indication 18 Month 1E12-FC24A ,G 14 2 A MO .C- 0,C M05-1075/1;C-7 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Mmth  ; Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,20 % i Position Indication 18 Month l 1E12-F0248 G 14' 2 A MO C 0,C M05-1075/2;C-2 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month l

Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,20 % i s Position Indication 18 Month i

1E12-F025A R 1x1.5 2- A/C - C 0,C M05-1375/1;o-4 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2C% 8ench 5 Year . l t 1E12-F0258 R 1x1.5 2 A/C C 0,C M05-1075/2;E-5 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,20 %  ! 8ench 5 Year  ! 1E12-F025C R 1xt.5 2 A/C C 0,C M05-1075/3;F-3 Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034 + sench 5 Year 1E12-F026A G 4 2 8 MO C C A05-1075/4;E-3 Streke Time (Exercise) 3 Month g Fosition Indication 2 Year i ~ t I i  ! 1 i i ~[ i ILLINOIS POWER COMPANT CLINION POWER STATION . 7 l PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II-VALVES r


 ; NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS GokY ATOR coordinates (Additional Tests Satisfied 3 FREQUENCY REQLEST JUSTIFICATIOu j NORMAL l TEST t  ! 1E12-F0268 G 4 2 8 Mo C C M05-1075/4;E-6 Stroke (Ime (Emercise) 3 Month i Position Indicatien 2 Year  ; 1E12-F027A G 12 2 A Mo 0 0,C M05-1075/1;D-4 Stroke Ti m (Ereccise) 3 Month [ , Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 l Position Indication 2 Year  ! 1E12-F027B G 12 2 A MO O 0,C M05-1075/2;D-5 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month Leak Rate 2 Year 2011.2034 position Indication 2 Year  ! i 1E12-F028A G 10 2 A Mo C 0,C M05-1075/1;F-3 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month , Leak Rate 2 Year 2011.2034 } Position Indication 2 Year  ; 1 i 1E12-F0288 -G to 2 A Mo C 0,C M05-1075/2;F-6 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month  !

Leak Rate 2 Year 2011.2034 Position Indication 2 Year 1E12-F030 R 1x1.5 2 A-P* C C M05-1075/2;8-3 Leak Rate 18 Month 2011 1E12-F031A NC 14 2 C C 0 M05-1075/1:8-8 Esercise 3 Month 1

1E12-F0318 NC 14' 2 C C 0 M05-1075/2;8-1 Exercise 3 Month l 1E12-F031C WC 14 2 C C 0 M05-1075/3;D-1 Esercise 3 Month 1 1E12-F036 R 4m6 2 A/C C 0,C M05-1075/4;E-5 Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034 4 Bench 5 Year i ?. 1E12-F037A GL to 2 A MO C C M05-1075/1;F-2 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month ,  ; Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2C34 i } Position Indication 18 Month , l l 1E12-F0378 GL 10 2 A MO C. C. M05-1075/1;F-7 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month i Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 i j Position Indication 18 Month l j o Passive valve i. t f ILLINOIS PO'JER COMPANT CLINTON PO5?ER STATION PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II--VALVES Page 20 i i REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COL 1 SuuTDO W CATE- ACTU- POSITION PE!D/SMEET; EQUIPMENT REQUEST JUSTIFICATION NLMSER TYFE SIZE CLASS CORY ATOR N0aMAL TEST coordinates (Ackfitional Tests Satisfied) FREQUENCY MO C C M05-1075/2;E-1 Position Indication 2 Year l TE12-F040 GL 3' 2 8 3 Month Stroke Time (Emercise) AO C 0,C M05-1075/7;0-2 Exercise Refuelins 2014 1E12-F041A NC 12 '1 A/C Cold shutdo n oef 1 Partial Exercise Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,20 % Position Indication 2 Year M05-1075/2;D-7 Exercise Refueling 2014 1E12-F0418 WC 12 1 A/C A0 C 0,C Ref f Partist Exercise Cold shutdown Leak Rate 13 ponth 2011.2034 Position Indication 2 Year MC5-1075/3;E-7 Esercise Refueling 2014 1E12-F041C NC 12- 1 A/C ' A0 C 0,C Ref 1 Partial Exercise Cold shutdown Leak # ate 13 Month 2011,2034 r, Position Indication 2 Year M05-1075/1;0-3 Stroke Time (Exercise) Cold shutdwn Sef 1 1E12-F042A G 12 1 A Mo C 0,C 2011,2034 Leak Rate 18 Month Pesition Indication 2 Year Cold Shutdown af1 e G 12 1 A M0 C 0,C M05-1075/2;D-6 Stroke Time (Emercise) 1E12-F0428 13 Month 2011,2034 Leak Rate . Position Indication' 2 Year M05-1075/3;E-5 Stroke Time (Exercise) Cold shutdewn Sef 1 1E12-F042C G 12' 1 A M0 C 0,C 2011,2034 Leak Rate 18 Month Position Indication 2 Year M05-1075/1;8-7 Esercise 3 Month 1E12-F046A C 4 2 C 0 0 M05-1075/2;8-2 Emercise 3 Menth 1E12-F0468 C 4 2 C. 0 0 0 M S-1075/3;8-2 Exercise 3 Month 1E12-F046C C- 4 2 C 0 O N05-1075/4;C-2 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month G 14' 2 B MO O 1E12-F047A Posif*cn Indication 2 Year ILLINOIS POWER COMPANT CLINTOW FOWER STATIOW PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II-VALVES Page 21 PE!D/SNEET; REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF (CDLD SML%v EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITION REQUEST NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS CORY ATOR coordinates (Additional Tests satisfied) FPEQUENCY [A1571FICATION WMAL} TEST O O M05-1075/4;C-8 Stroke Time (Enercise) 3 Month 1E12-F0478 G 14 2 8 MO 2 Year Position Indication O 0,C M05-1075/1;C-8 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month 1E12-F048A GL 14 2 8 MO Position Indication 2 Year MO O 0,0 M05-1075/2:C-1 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month TE12-F0483 GL 14 2 S 2 Year Position indication C M05-1075/2;E-1 Leak Rate 15 Month 2011 1E12-F049 G 3 2 A Mo C Position Indication 2 Year Stroke Time (Esercise) 3 Month M05-1075/1;D-5 Exercise (open) Cold Shutdcun Ref 3 NC to 2 A/C C 0,C 1E12-F050A Leat Rate (Alternate Exercise Closed) 13 Month 2011 Esercise (Closed) Cold Shutdcun Ref 7 M05-1075/2;E-5 Exercise (0 pen) Cold Shutdown Ref 3 NC to 2 A/C C 0,C . 1E12-F050s Leak Rate (Atternate Exercise closed) 18 Month 2011 Exercise (Ctesed) cold Shutdown Ref 7 C M05-1075/4;F-2 Strcke Time (Emercine) 3 Month TE12-F051A G 6 2- A A0 C Leak Rate 18 Month 2011 A0 C C M05-1075/4;F-6 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month 1E12-F0518 G 6 2 A 18 Month 2011 Leak Rate MO C C M05-1075/4;E-4 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month iE12-F052A GL 8' 2 B 2 Year-Position Indication M05-1075/4;E-6 Strcke Time (Esercise) 3 Month s Mo C C TE12-F0528 GL 8' 2 2' Year Position Indication M05-1075/1;D-6 Stroke Time (Emercise) Cold Shutdown Ref 1 . GL 10 2 A MO C 0,C 1E12-F0534 Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034 Position Indication 13 Month I !, E i . i ILLINOIS FOWER COMPANT CLINTON FOWER STATIOX l


Page 22 EQUIPMENT. CATE- ACitt- POSITION P&IC/SNEET; REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD $*JTJJ.%  ! NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS GORY ATOR moRMAL 1EST coordinates (Additional Tests satisfied) FRE3JEMCY REOJEST JUSTIFICAT104 1E12-F0538 GL 10 2 A Mo C 0,C M05-1075/2;E-4 Stroke Time (Exercise) Cold shuti wi Ref 1 Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034 , Position Indication 18 Month i TE12-F054A C 4 2 C C 0 M05-1075/4;D-3 Esercise 3 Menth , t 1E12-F054s C '4 2- C C o M05-1075/4;D-6 Enercise 3 Month # 1E12-F055A R 8x12 2 A/C C 0,C M05-1075/4;C-2 Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034  ! Bench 3 Year 1E12-F0559 R 8x12 2 8 A/C C 0.C M05-1075/4;C-7 Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034 , Sench 5 Yeer 1E12-F060A G 0.75 2 B So C C' M35-1075/4;s-4 Stroke Time (Emercise, toss of Power) 3 Month 2013 Position Indication 2 Year j t 1E12-F060s G 0.75 2 s 50 C C M05-1075/4;B-5 Stroke Time (Emercise, Less of Power) 3 Month 2013 .}' Position Indication 2 Year 1E12-F064A 'G 4. 2' A MO O 0,C MOS-1075/1 8-8 Stroke flee (Exercise) 3 Month Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,20'4 , Position Indication 2 Year i 1E12-F0648 G: 4 2 A MO o 0,C M05-1075/2;s-1 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month k Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034 Position Indication 2 Year 1E12-F064C G 4 2 A MO O 0,C M05-1075/3;8-1 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034 Position Irdication 2 Year 1E12-F065A G 4 2 B Ao C C M05-1075/4;D-3 Stroke Tis,e (Emercise) 3 Month i 1E12-F0658 .G 4- 2 B A0 C C M05-1075/4;D-6 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month , TE12-F068A C 18 3' B M0 C 0 M05-1052/1;C-1 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month Position Indication 2 Year i i I , ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POVER STATION i Pt;MP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II-VALVES Page 23 4 EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITION P&fD/SMEET; REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD $8*JTDOJE NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS GORY ATOR WORMAL) TEST coordinates (Ackfitional Tests Satisfied) FREQUENCY REQUEST JUSTIFICATION , i 18 3 Mo C o M05-1052/2;C-1 Stroke Time (Ezercise) ' 3 Month ).4 1E12-F0688 G B Position Indication 2 Year 1E12-F075A G 0.75 2 s So C C M05-1075/4;s-4 Stroke Time (Ezercise, toss of Power) 3 Month 2013 Position Indication 2 Year

1E12-F0758 G 0.75 2 B So C C M05-1075/4;8-5 Stroke Time (ERercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2013 Position Indication 2 Yeer 1E12-FOS 4A C 2.5 2 C o o M05-1075/1;8-7 Exercise 3 Month l

i 1E12-F084B C' 2.5 2. C o o M05-1075/2;s-2 Esercise 3 Month - 1E12-FOS 4C C 2.5 2 'C o o M05-1075/3;E-2 Exercise 3 Menth 1 1E12-F085A GSC 2 2 C 0 0,C M05-1075/1;B-8 Exercise (open) 3 Month l . Exercise (Ctesed) Att Refueling 2008 t . 1E12-F0858 GSC 2 2- C' o 0,C M05-1075/2:8-1 Exercise (open) 3 Month l Exercise (Ctesed) Att aefueting 2005 i 1 1E12-F085C GSC 2 2 C o o,C M05-1075/3;E-1 Exercise (open) 3 Month l 3 Esercise (Closed) Att Refueling 2008 M05-1075/4;E-3 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month f 1E12-F087A G 6 2 A MO C C 1 Leek Rate 18 Month 2011 1E12-F057B G 6 2 A Mo C C M05-1075/4;E-7 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Leak Rate 13 Month 2011 4  ! 1E12-F094 G 4 3 #0N Mo .C C- M05-1075/4;E-7 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month Position Indication 2 Year 1E12-F096 G & 2 S MO C C M05-1075/4;E-7 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month l* Position Indication 2 Year i < 1E12-F098 C 4 2 n0N - C- M05-1075/4;D-7 Esercise 3 Month j 1 I 4 a . + . . , , ,, . , , - , l l t n l II,LINOIS POWER COMPANY 4 CLINTON POWER STATION I PUMP AND VALVE TESTI*iG PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II-VALVES Page 24 EQUIPMENT CATE-lACTU- POSITION PE!D/$HEET: REQLf! RED TESTS RELIEF COLD SprJT7"%w NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS GORY lATORMOR=ALl TEST coordinates (AcMitional Tests satisfied) TREQUEkCY REQUEST JUSTIFICAT!au l 1E12-F101 R 1mt.5 2 A/C C 0,C M05-1075/3;C-5 Leak Rate 15 Month 2011,20 % Bench 5 Year , 1E12-F105 G 20' 2 A M0 O 0,C M05-1075/3;8-5 Stroke Time (Enercise) 3 Month Leek Rate 18 Menth 2011,20 % i Position Indication 2 Year  ! 1-i 1E12-F475 C 1 2 A/C C 0,C M05-1075/1:8-2 Leak Rate (Emercise Closed) Refueling 2011,18,34 Esercise (open) Refueting 2018 t t 1E21-F001 G 20 -2 A Mo 0 0,C M05-1073;B-4 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month Leak Rate 18 month 2011,2034 -

Position Indication 2 Year t

1E21-F003 wt 12: 2 C ( 0 M05-1073;E-6 Esercise 3 Month l i ! '1E21-F005 G 10: 1 A Mo C 0,C M05-1073;E-4 Streke Time (Ezents?) Cold shutdann Ref 1 , 4 Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034 Position Indication 2 fear t 3 iE21-F006 WC 10- 1 A/C A0 C 0.C M05-1073;E-2 Exercise Refueling 2014 Partial Esercise Cold shutdown Ref 1 I i Leak Rate 18 Metth 2011,2034 Position Indication 2 Year j . 1E21-F011 G 4 2 A MO O 0,C M05-1073;D-6 Streke Time (Exercise) 3 a4cnth Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034 Position Indicatien 2 Yeer  ! [ 1E21-F012 CL 10 2 A M0 C C M05-1073;D-5 Stroke Time (Ezercise) 3 Mysth  ! Leak Rate 13 Month l 2011,20% ' , Position Indication 13 Month i 1E21-F018 R 1.5s2 2 A/C C 0,C M05-1073;E-5 Leak aate 18 Month 2011,20 % ' Bench 5 Year 4 1E21-F031 R 1.5x1 2 A/C C 0,C M05-1073;C-8 Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,20 % ' sench 5 Year i , 4 I 'I (  ? e - - 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . . . . . _ _ . _ _ . _ ._ . _ _ . _ _ _ l .t! - zLLznors PCrasa conPAxt .; CLINTON FCriER STATION I i P11MP AND VALVE: TESTING PROGRAM PLAN 4 TABLE II-VALVES Page 25 EOUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITIO4 P&tD/SMEET; REQUIRED TESTS sELIEF CotD SMl;T00W4 , NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS GCMY ATOR moliMAL) Test coorJinates (Ack!itional Tests satisfied) FREQUENCY REQUEST J"STIFICATIOt l 1E21-F033 C 2.5 2 C O O M05-1073;D-6 Exercise 3 ponth l 1E21-F034 CSC 2- ' 2 C O O.C M05-1073;C-6 Exercise (open) 3 Month ) Exercise (Closed) Att Refueling 2008 iE21-F303 NC to 2 C C 0 M05-1073;C-5 Exercise 3 Month 1E22-F001 G 15 2 8 MO O C M05-1374; A-6 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month Positico Indication 2 Year 1E22-F002 C 16 2 C 0 0 M05-1074;A-5 Exercise 3 Month i Exercise - Att Method 3 Month 0

. 1E22-7004 G 10 1 A Mo C 0,C M05-1074;E-7 Stroke Time (Emerci e) Cold shutdows Ref 1 Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,2C34 Pesition Indication 2 Year i

l 1E22 4005 wt 10 1 A/C A0 C O.C M05-1074;E-8 Exercise Refueting 2014 Partial Exercise Cold Shut *wn Ref 1 Leak Rate 18 Month 2011.2034 Positi m indication 2 Year i 1E22-F006 GSC 2 2- C M 0 0.C M05-1074;D-4 Exercise (open) 3 Month Esercise (Closed) Refueling 2008 1E22-FC07 C - 2.5 2 C 0 0 MC5-1074;D-4 Esercise 3 mertth i 1E22-F010 GL  ;? . 2. 8 Mo C C M05-1074;D-6 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month Position Indication 2 Year 1 1E22-F011 GL to 2 8 Mo C C MOS-1074;D-5 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month Position Indicatico 2 Year 1E22-F012 G 4 2 A M0 C 0,C M05-1074;D-3 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month Leak Rate 15 Month 2011,2034 Position Indicatien 2 Yese 3 1 I f i i 4 ., -~ - 4 i i I i i ILLINOIS PC%iER COMPANY \ l' CLINXDN PC;iER STATION t i , j PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PR.OCPJul PLAN [ { TABLE II-VALVES [ Page 26 4~ EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITION PE!D/SMEET; REQUIRED TESTS FELTEF COLD sw m 0Wu' NUMBER TYPE SIZE class GORY ATOR =0RMALl TEST coordinates ( Additional Tests satisfied) FRET 2KtCY REQUEST KSTIFICAT10tf . 1E22-F014' R 1s0.75 2 A/C C 0,C M05-1074;c-5 Leak Rate 18 Menth 2011,2034 Eench 5 Yeme  ! 1E22-F015 G 20 2 A Mo C 0,C M05-1074;8-7 stroke Time (Emercise) 3 f*enth j Leak este 18 Month 2011,2034 Position Indication 2 Yeae . 1E22-r016 C 20 2 C C 0 M05-1074;B-6 Emercise 3 Month Esercise - Att Method 3 Month

1E22-F023 GL to 2 A Mo C C M05-1074;D-6 strere Time (Ezercise) 3 M eth
j. Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,20!4  !

i' Position Indication T8 Mont% 1E22-F024 NC 14 2 C lC 0 M05-10A;E-3 Exercise 3 Month l 1E22-F035 a 1x0.75 2 A/C C o,C M05-1074;E-3 Leak Rate is Mont* 2011,2034 j; Bench 5 Yesc i j 1E22-F039 R 1x0.75 - 2 A/C C 0,C M05-1074;C-6 teak este is month 2011.2034 j -- serch 5 Year 4 TE22-F330 EFC 0.75 2 A/C 0 C M10-9074/3 Exercise Cold shutdce sef 2 Position Indication 2 Year  ;- Leak ante 2 Year 2011 } 9  :

j. 1E22-F332 ETC 0.75 - 2' A/C o c M10-9074/3 Exercise Cetd shutdeun sef 4 '[t r

Position Indication 2 Yeer Leak Rate 2 Year 2011 j 1E31-F014 G 1' 2 8 50 0 C. M05-1041/4;E-8 Stroke Tice (Emercise, Less of Pcwer) 3 Month 2013 f Positten Indication 2 Year t 1 i

i. 1E31-F015 G 1 2: 8.  ! SO O C MOS-1041/4;E-7 Strcke Time (Emercise, Less of Powee) 3 Month 2013
j. Pesition Indication 2 Year  ;

< y . 1E31-FD17 G l' 2 s 50 o C M05-1041/4;C-7 streke Time (ERercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2013 l l' Position Indication 2 Yeer i i . I I i 1 .i - ILLINOIS POfiER CDMPANT CLINTON POiiER STATION PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II-VALVES Page 27 P&ID/S*EET; REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD SrJTDCbM EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITION ' coordinates (A&titional Tests Satisfied) EFEQUEwCY REQUEST JttSTIFICATICE NLMBER TYFE SIZE CLASS GORY ATOR woRMAL TEST SO O C M05-1041/4;C-8 Streke Tiee (Emercise, Loss of Pewar) l3 Month 2013 l 1E31-F015 G 1 '2 6' l Position Indicatien 2 Year *C #05-1070;C-7 3troke Time (Emercise) Cold S?mtdown Ref 1 1E324001A GL 1.5 1 A MO C , Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034 Position Pdication 2 Year 0,C M05-1070;E-7 Stroke Time (Emercise) Cold shuttkwn Ret 1 1E32-F001E CL 1.5 1 A ' M0 C Leek Rate 13 Month 2011,2034 Position Indicatien 2 Yeer M05-1070;s-7 Strcke Time (ibreccise) Cold shutdown Re* 1 1E324001J GL 1.5 1 A M0 C 0,C teak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034 Position Indication 2 Yeer C 0,C M05-1070;D-7 Stroke Time (Exercise) Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1E324001N GL 1.5 1 A M0 Leak Rate 13 Month 2011,2034 Position Indication 2 Year 0,C M05-1070;C-7 Strcke Time (Exercise) Cold shutdown Ref 1 1E32-F002A GL ' 1.5 2 8 MO C Position Indication 2 Year 0,C MC5-1070;E-7 Streke Tiee (Exercise) Cold shutdown Ref 1 1E324002E GL 1.5 2 B MO C Position Indication 2 Year 0,C M05-1070;s-7 Strene Time (Emercise) Cold shutdown Ref 1 1E32-F002J CL , 1.5 2 B MO -C Pesition Indication 2 Year i 0,C M05-1070;D-7 Streke Time (Exercise) Cold shutdewn Bef 1 TE32-F002N GL 1.5 2 8 M0 C l Position Indicatien 2 Year j C 0,C MC5-1070;c-7 Stroke Time (Exercise) Cetd SNtu nef 1 1E32-F003A GL 1.5 2 8 Mo l ' Position Indicatien 2 Yeer 0,C M05-1070;E-7 Stroke Time (Exercise) Cold shutdown aef 1 1E32-F003E CL LS 2 8 MO C Pos*tien Indication 2 Year m. ILLINOIS POVER COMPANY CLIN"DN POWER STATION PUMP AND VAI.VE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TARTI II--VALVES Page 28 REttEF COLD Sr.;TDOWE CATE- ACTU- POSITION FE!D/SPEET; REQUIRED TESTS ECU!PMENT REQUEST JUSTIFICAT10's .NU"SEE TYPE SIZE CLA3S GORY AT OR inoEe4A.L IESI Coordinates (AMitteret Tests satisfied) FREQLTMCY C 0,C *05-1070;A-7 Stroke Tise (Dercise) Cetd shutdo.n sef 1 1 1E32-F003J GL 1.5 2 s Mo 2 Year Position Indication M05-1070;0-7 Strcke Time (Exercise) Cold Shutd>wn sef 1 1E32-F0034 GL 1.5 - 2 8 MG C 0,C Position Indication 2 Year M05-1070;C-4 Stroke Time (Emercise) Cold Shutdown Ref 1 TE32-F006 G ' 2.5 2, B M0 C 0,C Position Indication 2 Year M05-1070;C-3 Stroke Time (Ezercise) Cold shutdown Ref 1 G 2.5 ' 2 5 MO C 0,C 1E32-F007 Position Indication 2 Year M05-1070;A-4 Str.;e Time (Ezercise) Cold shutJewn aef 1 C . 2.5 2 8 Mo C 0,C TE32-F003 Position Indication 2 Year  % 5-1070;A-3 Strete Time (Emercise) Cold shutdewn Ref 1 G 2.5 2 8 Mo .C 0,C TE32-F009 Position Indication 2 Year M05-1070;E-4 Dercise (0 pen) Cetd shutdewn Ref 1 C l0.75 2 C C 0,C TE32-F010 Exercise (Clesed) 3 Month C 0,C M05-1070;8-2 Dercise (Open) cold S N tdo.r. sef t 1E32-F011 C 0.75 2 C 3 Month Dr'cise (Closed) M05-1070;A-4 Emercise (Open) Celd Shutdown Ref 1 C 0.75  ? C C 0,C 1E32-F315A Exercise (Closed) 3 Month M05-1070;A-4 Dercise (Open) Csid Stwidoerg Ref 1 } C 0.75 2. C C 0,C 1E32-F315s Exercise (Closed) 3 Month cold $dutdown pef 1 0.75 2 C C 0,C M05-1070;A-4 Exercise (open) 1E32-F315C C 3 Month Exercise (Closed) M05-1G70;A-4 Exercise (Open) Cold shutdown Ref 1 C 0.75 2 C- C 0,C 1E32-F3150 Exercise (Closed) 3 Month g O C MS-1079/2;D-3 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Menth G 4 2 MO 1E51-C002E Position Indicatien 2 Year i _ , . , , , ., i ,s.......,. .... . ,,,,_, ,, L_ . . . . . i ( [ 4 i i ILLINOIS FOWER COMPANY ( CLINTON POWER STATION . L PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN l TART 2 II-VALVES Page 29 l 1 [ I EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITION PEID/SMEET; REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD SW.TTDOWN ' WUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS GORY ATOR NORMAL TEST coordinates (Additional Tests Satisfied) FREQUEMCY REQUEST JUSTIFICATION 1E51-F004 CV 1 2 s Ao o ' M05-1079/1;s-1 Stroke Time (Excecise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 Position Indication 2 Year i 1E51-F005 CV 1 2 8 Ao C C M05-1079/1;B-2 Stroke fire (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 Position Indication 2 Year l 1E51-F010 G 6 2 s Mo o C M05-1079/2;A-6 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month 4 position Indication 2 Year , 1E51-F011 C 6 2 C C o M05-1079/2;A-4 Exercise 3 Month i i 4 1E51-F013 G 6 1 A Mo C 0,C M05-1079/2;F-6 Stroke Time (Enercise) Cold shutdown Ref 1  ; Leak Rate 15 Month 2011,2034  ; Fesition indicaticn 2 Year 4 j 1E51-F013 R 2x3 2 C C o M05-1079/2;C-5 sench 5 Year 1E51-F019 GL 2 2 A Mo C 0,C M05-1079/2;D-6 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month Leek Rate 18 Month 2011.2034 } Position Indication 2 Yeer TE51-F021 C 2.5 2 C C o M05-1079/2;D-5 Esercise 3 Month 1E51-F022 GL &- 2 8 Mo C C M05-1079/2;E-5 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month i Position Indication 2 Year 1E51-F025 CV 1 2 s Ao o C M05-1079/1;D-5 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Pewer) 3 Month 2032 Position Indication 2 Year i 1E51-F026 CV 1 2 8 Ao o C M05-1079/1;D-5 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 Ptsition Indication 2 Year 1E51-F030 C. 6 -2 C C o M05-1079/2;s-4 Exercise 3 Month ( ; i 1E51-F031 G 6 2 A- Mc C 0,C M05-1079/2;C-6 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Leak Rate 18 Menth 2011,2034 l l Position indication 18 Month n 1 i i ' i ' k 4 b i I V l 4 i ILLINOIS POWER CottPANY l CLINTON POWER STATION I j PtJMP AND VALVE TESTING PROCRAM PLAN j l TABLE II--VALVES t ! Page 30 f i EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITICE P&lD/SnEET: REQUITED TESTS RELIEF WUMBER TYPE S!ZE CLASS GORY ATOR NORMALj TEST coordinates (Additional Tests Satisfied) FRECFJENCY REQUEST COLD SwJTD'Me{ i JUSTIFICAT! Dug 1 . I ~1E51-FG40 C 12 2 A/C C 0,C MC5-1079/1;C-4 Emercise (open) 3 M mth I Leak Rate (Atternate Exercise Closed) 18 Month 2011,2034 [ 4 Exercise (Closed) 3 Month f 4~ 1E51-f045 CL 4 2 8 MO C 0,0 M05-1079/1:0-4 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month i Position Indicatien 2 Yeer , = 1E51-F046 - GL L2 2 8 Mo C 0' M05-1079/2;C-3 Strone Time (Emercise) 3 Month

Position Indication 2 Year  !

1E51-F059 G '4: 2 B M0 C.~ -C M05-1079/2;E-5 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month Position Indication 2 Year [ 1E51-F061 C 2.5 2 C 0 o' M05-1079/2;9-4 Exercise 3 Month 1E51-F062 C 2: 2 C l 0 0- M05-1079/2;B-4 Exercise 3 Month  : 1 1E51-F063 G 8i 1 A MO O C M05-1079/1;E-8 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Menth [ ~ ! Leak Rate 2 Yeer 2011,2C34 Position Indicaticss 18 Month  ; { l 1E51-F064 G- _8 1 A no o C M05-1079/1;E-5 Stroke Tim (Emercise) 3 Month I Leak Ratt 2 Year 201?,2034 i [' Position dication 18 Month 1E51-F065- NC' 4 1 C C 0 M05-1079/Z:E-6 Exercise Cold shutdeun Ref 1 i e 4L M05-1079/2;F-8 Exercise (Osen) Cold Shutdeun Ref 4 I }' 1E51-F066 WC 1 A/C . A0 C 0.C Leak Rate (Emercise Closed) 18 Month 2011,2034 i 1E51-F0o8 G 12 2 A- MO - 0 C M05-1079/1;C-5 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month i Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034  ! Position Indication 2 Year i 4 1E51-F076 GL 1 '1 A MO C C i*05-1079/1;E-8 Stroke Time (Deecise) 3 Month i } Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 l 1 Position Indication 18 Menth g j l l t i 4 l i l i I i ILLINOIS POWER COMPANT l CLUTON POWER STATION , L PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II-VALM l l-Page 31 EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITION P&tD/SMEET* RE2JIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD SatJTDOW4' [ NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS GORY ATCR woWLl TEST coordinates (Additional Tests Satisfied) FeEQUEECT REQUEST J11STIFICATICat { j 1E51-F077 GL 1.5 2 A MO O C M05-1G79/1;C-5 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month f Leak Rate Z Year 2011,2034 [ Position Indication 18 Marr j 1E51-F078 G 3 2 A MO O C M05-1C79/1;C-6 Stroke Time (Emenise) 3 Month $ Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 l Position Indication 18 Month , f~ 1E51-F079 VR 2- 2 C C 0 M05-1079/1;C-6 Exercise 3 Month [ l M05-1079/1;C-6  ! 1E51-F081 VR 2 2- C C 0 Esercise 3 Month J- 2 0,C M05-1079/2;E-5 Leak Rate 18 Month 2011,2G34 TE51-F090 R 0.75 x1 A/C C j Bench 5 Year  ! 1E51-F095 G 1 2 B M0 C 0,C M05-1079/1;D-4 Streke Time (Emercise) 3 Month } r. ~ Position trdication 2 Yeer i _+  ; 1E51-F377A EFC ,3.75 2 A/C 0 C' M10-9079/2 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 2  ! } Position Indication 2 Year ' Leak Rate 2 Year 2011 [ 1E51-F377B EFC 0.75 2- A/C 0 C M10-90TJ/2 Eme cise Cold Shutdown Ref 4 i 4 Position Indication 2 Year l ! Leak Rate 2 Year 2011 l 1FC004A CV 8 3 8 O O M05-1037/3;E-5 Strcke Time (Emercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month  ; l AO Position indication 2 Year . I I  ! 1FC*C48 CV 8 3 8 A0 0 0 M05-1037/3;A-5 Stroke Tie 0 (Emercise, Loss of Power) 3 month - - { Position IrJication 2 Year  ! r f 1FC007 G to 2 A MO O C P05-1037/1;s-2 Strene Time (Emercise) 3 month  !

Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indiestien 18 Merith 1FC008 G' 10 2 A MO O C M05-1037/1;B-1 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month f f Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 ,

j Position Indication 18 Month {; i $ I I [ i  ! i . t j l _ . _ . _ _ i I 3 . ILLINOIS FOVER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN j T1 RTE II-VALVES ! Page 32  ; )


j WUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS CORT ATOR wonMALl Test coordinates (Additional Tests Satisfied) FaEQUENCY REQUEST Ji;ST!TICATiou l 1FC011A- 8 14 3 8 MO O 0,C M05-1037/3;E-7 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Menth  ! } Position Indication 2 Yeer , i 1FC0115 9 14 3 8 M3 0 0,C M05-1037/3; A-7 Strcke Time (Emercise) 3 Month  ; j Position Indication 2 Year  ; t 'i 1FC0134 NC 14 3 C o o,C M05-1037/3;E-7 Exercise Open 3 Menth Exercise Close 3 Month , 1FC0138 MC '14 3 C D OC M05-1037/3; A-7 Esercise Open 3 Month Exercise close 3 month [ 1FC015A 8 14 3 8 Mo o o MCS-1037/3;E-2 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month  ; Position Indication 2 Year i 1FC0158 8 ' 14 - 3 8 No o o M05-1C37/3;A-2 S+reke Time (Emercise) 3 Month Position Indication 2 Year l l

1FC016A B 8 3 B MO 'O C M05-1037/3;D-6 Streke Time (Emercise) 3 Month ,

Position Indication 2 Year  ; i . 1FC0168 B 8' 3 B Mo o C M05-1037/3;C-6 Stroke Time (Ezercise) 3 Month

Position Indication 2 Year l k

1FC017 B 8 3 B A0 C C M05-1037/3;C-6 Stroke Time (Emercise, Less of Power) 3 Month Position Indication 2 Year 1TCO23 B- 8 2 8' As O C M05-1037/3;c-3 Stroke fire (Emercise, Less of Power) 3 Month 2032 i j Position Irdication 1* Year  !' [ 1TCO24A B 8 3' B MO O C M05-1037/3;E-2 Streke Time (Exercise) 3 Month 6 Position Indication 2 Year i i 1TC0248 8 8 3 s Mo o C M05-1037/3;C-2 Stecke Time (Emercise) 3 Month

Position Indication 2 Year 7 i i i 1FCO26A B 14 3- B MO O 0,C M05-1037/3;E-2 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month [

Position Indication 2 Year 1 1 4 N 4 t ~ , - . . ., - - - . ---_ _ . _ _ _ _ _ i i ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON FOVER STATION i i  ? PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN i TABLE II-VALVES

  • Page 33 ,

RELIEF COLD SMUTDom  ! CATE- ACTU- POSITION P&lD/SMEET; REQutRED TESTS EQUIPMENT ATOR coordinates (Additional tests satisfied) FREQUF90Y REQUEST JUSTIFICATIOu [ NUMBER TYPE $12E CLASS GORY isoRMALl IESI t a 14 3 8 M0 O 0,C M05-1037/3:5-2 Strche Time (Emercise) 3 Month 1FCO268 2 Year Positist Indication O C M05-1037/1;E-1 S.roke Time (Esercise) 3 Month [

1FCO36 G 8 2 A MO Leak Rate 2 Year 2011.2034 ..

Position Indication 18 Month l 1 6 4 M05-1037/1;E-2 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month  ; 1FC037 G 8 2 A MO O C l

  • Leak Rate 2 Yeae 2011,2034 j Position Indication 18 Month r a

i 4 4x6 3 C C- 0 M05-1037/3;E-1 Bench 5 Year

  • 1FC091 R I

I G 6 2 A M0 O C M05-1039/9;D-3 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month [ 1FPCSD Leak Rate 2 Year 2011.2034 r j Pesition Indication 18 Month [ [ G to 2 A MO O C MOS 1C39/9;C-7 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month 1FPOS1 > Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034  ; t Position trdication 18 Menth 1 3 Month

1Fe052 G. 10 2 A MO O C M05-1039/9;C-6 Stroke Time (Exercise)

I Leak Rate 2 Year 2017 7 3 Position Indication 13 Month , I f G to 2 A MO O C- M05-1039/9;c-4 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month l 1FPOS3 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 j i Position trdication 18 Month i i G 10 2 A MO O C . M05-1039/9;C-2 Strcke Time (Exercise) 3 Month , 1FPOS4 Leak mate 2 Year 2011,2034 [ Position indication 18 Month , i: O C MOS-1039/9;D-S Stroke Time (Eneecise) 3 Month I 1FPf378 G 4 2 B MO Pesition Indication 2 Year p 4 2 8 MO 0 C M05-1039/9;D-6 Strcke Time (Exercise) 3 Month ? 1FP079 .G Position Indication 2 Year i  ? 4 5 j i i e l ILLINOIS POWER COMPANT CLINTON POWER STATION PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TART 2 II-VALVES Page 34 PEID/SNEET; REW18ED TEsis sELIEF COLD $>U* DOWS CATE- ACTU- POSITION l EQUTPMENT I coordinates (Ackfitional Tests satisfied) F8EGUENCY REQUEST JusTIrtCAir04 NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS GORY ATOR NORMLl TEST 3 Month 1FP092 G 6l 2 A Mo l 0 C P05-1039/9:D-3 strone Time (Emercise) Leak Rate 2 Year 2017,2934 l > Position Indication 18 Month __ t O M05-1076/4;B-8 stroke Time (Dercise) Cold shutd m aef 7 1G33-F001 G 6~ 1 A N C Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month C N05-1076/4;B-5 streke Time (Denise) Cold shutdein Ref 7 1G33-FOO4 G 6 't A MO O Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indicat!cn 18 Month Mo C C M05-1076/4;E-8 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month 1G33-F028 G 4 2 A 2 Year 2011,2034 Leak Rate Pesition indication 18 Month MD C C M05-1076/4;E-7 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month 1G33-F034 G 4 2 A 2 Year 201f Lesk Rate Position Indication 18 Month A MO Oz C. M05-1076/4;0-7 Stroke Time (Emercise) Cold shutdcun sef 7 1G33-F039 G 4 2 2011,2034 Leak Rate 2 Year Position Indication 13 Month C P05-1076/4;D-3 stroke Time (Emercise) Cold $butdcun Ref 7 1G33-F040 G 4 2 A MO J Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month N05-1075/4;D-6 Esercise att Refueting 2003 1G33-F051 NC 4 2 C o C l o C M05-1076/4;D-5 Esercise Att Refueling 2008 l 1G33-F052A NC 4 2 C M05-1076/4;D-5 Exercise Att Refueling 2008, 1G33-F052B NC 4 2 C 0 C M05-1076/4;C-8 stroke Time (Emercise) cold shutdo=n Sef 7 1G33-F053 G 4 2 A Mo o C Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position 2ndica: ion 18 Month y ILLINOIS POWER COMPANT CLINION POWER STATION PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGPJ0( PLRN TABLE II--VALVES Page 35 P&tD/SREET; REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF CDLD Sarms j EQUIPMENT CATE- ACitt- PO$tilON REQUEST JUST1FICATICE NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS GORY ATOR h0RMAL) TEST coordinates (Additional Tests Satisfied) FREQUENCY . l M05-1076/4;C-7 Stroke Time (Ezercise) Cold Shutdom Ref 7 1G33-F054 G 4 2 A Mo o C L teak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 15 Month Mo C 0,C M05-1063;D-3 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month 1HG001 B 2. 2 A 2011,2034 Leek Rate 2 Year Position Indication 18 Month A MO C 0,C M05-1063;C-3 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month 1HG004' 8 2 2 2011,2034 Leak Rate 2 Year  ; Position Indication 15 Month Mo C 0,C M05-1063;E-3 Stroke Time (Erercise) 3 Month C05 8 2 2 A 2011,2C34 Leak Rate 2 Year j Position Indication 18 Month t , ' ~, MO C 0,C M05-1063;E-3 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Menth L' 1L;cca 9 2 2 A 2011,203t. Leak Rate 2 Year l Pesition Indication 18 Month C 0,C M05-1063;E-4 Stroke Time (Esercise) 3 Month 1M'CW G 6 2 B , MO 2 Year Position Indication 0,C M05-1063;E-6 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month 1M hf G '6 2' B M0 C 2 Year ( Position Indication C 0,C MC5-1063;C-4 Exercise (Actuator) 3 Month 1MG010A vt 10 2 C 2 Year Positim Indication Euercise (Set Point) Cold Shutdown Ref 3 Eme-cise (Actuator) 3 Month 1HC010s vt to 2 C lC . 0,C M05-1063;C-7 Positi m Indicatten T Tear Exercise (Set Point) Cold shutdom Ref 3 C 0,C M05-1063;8-4 Exercise (Actuator) 3 Month 1MG010C - VR 10 2 C 2 Year Pcsition Indication Exercise (Set Point) Cold shutdown Ref 3 i t l ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON FOVER STATION l l PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PI.AN ! TABLE II-VALVES { Page 36 i EQUIPMEtiT CATE- ACTU- POSITION I P&tD/SNEET; REQUTRED TESTS RELIEF COLD SW"DCb% ,

s. NUMBElt TfPE SIZE CLASS GORT ATOR NORMALo TES) coordinates (Additional Tests Satisfied) FREQUEWCY REQUEST JUSTIFICatiou 1MG0100 VR 10 2' C C 0,C M05-1063;8-7 Esercise (Actuator) 3 Month [

[._ Position Indication 2 Year j Emer-ise (Set Pcint) Cold shutdown Ref 3 , i 1HG011A VR 10 2 C C 0,C M05-1063;C-4 Exercise (Actuatcc) 3 Month l 4 Positim Indication 2 Year 4 , Emeecise (Set Point) Cold Shutdown Ref 3 1HG0118 - VR 10 - 2 C C 0,C M03-1063;C-6 Exercise (Actuator) 3 Month i Position Indication 2 Year . l Esercise (Set Point) Cold Shu+down Ref 3 L 1NG011C VR 10 2' C C 0,C M05-1063;B-4 Esercir.e (Actuator) 3 Month { l Position Indication 2 Year l  ; Exercise (Set Point) Cold Shutdown Ref 3 * ,I-  ! 1MG011D' VR 10 2*C C 0,C M05-1063;B-6 Exercise (Actuater) 3 Month

Position Indication 7 Year

. Exercise (Set Point) atd Shutdown Ref 3 - 11A005 CV 3 2 /. A0 0 C M05-1040/5;D-2 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) Cold Shutdown Fef 1 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 l Position Indication 18 Month , ! 11A006 CV 3 2 .A A0 0 .C M05-1040/S;o-3 Stroke Time (Enercise, less of Power) Cold Shutdown oef 1 g Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 i Position Indication 15 Month l 1 m . i itA007 ~ CV 3. 2 s A0 0 JC- M05-1040/5;D-3 Stroke Time (Ezercise, Loss of Pcuer) Cold Shutdown . I Position Indication 2 Year - l- ' i i 1tA003 Cy 3 '2 8 A0 0 C MOS-1040/5;D-3 Stroke Time (Eme *se, Loss of Power) Cetd Shutdown Ref 1 ' 2 c Position Indication 2 Year [ T l ttA012A GL 1 2 A MO O 0,C M05-1040/7;D-2 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month l l 4 Leak Rate . 2 Year 2011,2G34 I l j Position Indication 2 Year f i i b i i . l  ! I  ! i i ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II--VALVES Page 37 EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITION P&ID/ SHEET; FEQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD suuTOOW4 NtFEER TYPE S!ZE CLASS GORY ATOR 40RMALlIEST coordinates (Additional Tests Satisfied) TREQUEMCY P.ECUEST JUST!FICATICai 11A0128 GL 1 2 A MO O C M05-1040/7;C-3 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month 1tA013A GL 1 2 A MO O 0,C M05-1040/7;D-7 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 2 Year 11A0138 GL 1 2 A MO O C M05-1040/7;C-6 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Menth Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 13 Month 11A042A C 1 2 A/C 0 C,0 M05-1040/7;D-6 Exercise Cold shutdown sef 1 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 11A042B C 1 2 A/C 0 C,0 M05-1040/7;D-4 Exercise Cold shutdown Ref 1 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 IIA 128A R 1.5x3 D C C 0 M05-1040/7;E-7 Bench 5 Year 11A1289 R 1.5x3 o C C 0 M05-1040/7;E-2 8ench 5 Year IIA 175 C 0.5 2- A/C 0 C M05-1040/5;E-3 Leak Rate (kmercise) 2 car 2011,22,34 1PS00% G 0.75' 2 A 50 C C M0!-1045/12;E-6 Stroke Time (Esercise, Loss cf Power) 3 Month 2013 Leak Rate 2 Yeer 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month l 1P5005 G. 0.75 2' A SO C C M05-1045/12;E-6 Stroke Tlee (Enercise, Loss of Pcwer) 3 Month 2013 teak Rate Z Year 2011.2034 Position Indication 18 Month 1P5009 G 0.75' 2 A SO C C M05-1045/12;E-6 Stroke Time (Emercise, Loss ef Po er) 3 Month 2013 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month 1P5010 G 0.75 2 A 50 C C M05-1045/12;E-5 Strcke Time (Emercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2013 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indicatien "8 + Month -. . . ~ . ~ _ , - _ . ~ . - . ~ . . _ . - - . - . _ _ . . . - ~ ~ . . . . - - - . . . _ . - - _ - _ . I . r i i ILLINOIS FOWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION  ; 1-1


Page 38 i l EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITION P&tD/SMEET; REQUtaE9 TESTS sEL?EF CCLD SMUTCCWN NUMBER l ME SIZE CLASS GORY ATOR woRMAtl TEST coordinates (Additional Tests Satisfied) FREQUENCY REQUEST JUSTIFICATION i 1PS016 e 9.5 2 A So C C M05-1045/12;E-5 Stroke Time (Emercise, toss of Power) 3 Month 2013 l , Leak Rate 2 Year 2011.2034 ' Position Indication 18 Month ! 1PS017 G= 10.5 2 A So C C M05-1045/12;E-5 Strche Time (Emercise Loss of Power) 3 Month 2013 teak Rate 2 Year 2017,2034 Position Indication 18 Month l. 4 i 1PS022 G 0.5 2 A So C- C M05-1045/12;E-4 Stroke Time (Emercise Loss of Power) 3 Month 2013 ! Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 4 Position Indication 13 Month j l j 1PS023 C 0.5 2 A 50 C C M05-1045/12;E-4 Stroke Time (Emercise Loss of Power) 3 Month 2013

Leak Rate 2 Yeer 2011,2034

? Position Indication 18 Month . 1P5031 C 0.75 2 A So C C M05-1045/12;E-2 Strcke Time (Emercise, Loss of Pewer) 3 Month 2013 { Lesk Rate 2 Year 2011,2034

j. Position Indication 18 Month [

4 1PS032 G 0.75 2 A 50 C C M05-1045/12;E-2 Stroke Time (Emercise Loss of Power) 3 Menth 2013 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 i Position Indication 18 Menth ? 1PS034 G_ 0.75 2 A So C C M05-1045/12;F-1 Stroke Time (Emercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2013 i Leak Rate 2 Year 2011.2034 l- Position Indication 18 Month l

i. l 1PS035 G 0.75 2 A So C C M05-1045/12;E-1 Stroke Time (Emercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2013 l Leak Rate . 2 Year 2011.2034
Position Indication 13 Month j- 1PS037 G ' O.75 2 A So C C N05-1045/12;E-8 Stroke Time (Emercise, Loss of Pcwer) 3 Month 2013 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2C34 Position Indication 13 Month i

1PS038 G 0.75 2 A S0 C C M05-1045/12;E-8 Stroke Time (Emercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2013

Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 ,
i. Position Indication 18 Month

-- i . j 4 i e t ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POV' R FTATION PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PkM8tAsi H AN TABLE II--VALVES Page 39 P&lD/ SHEET; REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD SPtJTOOWN EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- PL-SITION (Additional Tests Satisfied) IREQUEftCY REQUEST JUSTIFICATION NLHBER TYPE SP CLASS CORY ATOR NORMAL TES1 coordinates M05-1045/12;F-2 Stroke Time (Exercise, Less of Power) 3 Month 2013 1PSO43A .C 0.b 2 s so 'C C Position Indication 2 Year So C M05-1045/12;F-3 Stroke Time (Emercise, Loss of Power)- 3 Month 2013 1PSO438 G 0.75 2 8 C 2 Yeer Position Indication So C M05-1045/12;E 2 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2013 1PSO44A G 0.75 2 s C 2 Year Position Indication f Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2013 0.75 2- 8 50 C C MC5-1045/12;E-3 IPSO 44s G 2 Year Position Indication G 0.75 2 A So C C M05-1045/12;F-7 Stroke Time (Emercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2013 IPSO 47 2 Year 2011,2034 Leak Rate ' Positicn Indication 18 Month G 0.75 2' A 50 C C M05-1045/12;E-7 Stroke Tirne (Exercise, Loss of Powc-' ' 3 Month 2013 1PSO48 2 Year 2011,2034 Leak Rate Positier) Indication 15 Month So c' C M05-1045/12;C 3 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2013  ; 1PS055 G 0.5 2 A 2 Year 2011,2034 i Leak Rate Positien Indication 18 Month j 1 M05-1045/12;C-3 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2013 1PS056 G 0.5 2 A So C C Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034' Position Indication 18 Month So C C M05-1045/12;F-3 Stroke time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2013 1PS069 G- 0.5 A 2 Yea . 2011,2034 l Leak Rate Position Indication 18 Menth 2 So C C- M05-1045/12;B-3 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2013 1PS070 G 0.5 A 2 fear 2011,2034 Leak Rate Position Indication 18 Morath -R 1x1.5 3: C 'C 0 M05-1065/8;C-7 Ber.6 l5 Year 19 wecA M- F 4 ILLINOIS POWER COffPANY CLINTON POWE2 STATION PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II--VALVES r i Page 40 EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITION P&ID/SNEET; REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD SMJTDOW4 : NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS GORY ATOR NORMAL- TEST coordinates (Additional Tests Satisfied) TREQ'JENCY REQUES; .NSTIFICATION 1 1RA0168 R 1x1.5 3 C C o M05-1065/8;c-3 Bench 5 Year 1RE019 cv 3 2 B A0 0 C MO*-1046/4;A-7 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 Position Indication 2 Year i 1RE020 cv 3 2 B Ao o c M05-1046/3;A-4 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 Position Indication 2 Year 1RE021 cv 3 2 A Ao o c M05-1046/3;B-5 Stroke ."me (Exercise, less cf Power) 3 Month 2032 Lenk Rato 2 Year 2011,20!4 Position Indication 18 Month 1RE022 cv 3 2 A Ao o c M05-1046/3;B-6 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Mont% 2032  ! Leak rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month 1RF019 cv 3 2 B A0 0 C M05-1047/3;B-2 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 Position Indication 2 Year i 1RF020 CV - 3 2 B Ao .O C M05-1047/3;B-3 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 ) Position Indication 2 Year 1RF021 cv 3 2 A A0 0 C M05-1047/3;B-6 Stroke Time (Emercise, Less of Power) tenth 2032 Leak Rate a fear 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month f 1RF022 cv 3 2 A Ao o C M05-1047/3;B-7 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 1 Leak Rate - 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 13 Month a s 1SA029 cv 3 2 .A AO 0 C M05-1048/6;D-2 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month Leak Rate Nr 2011,2034 Positi m N ication , ' % sth 1SA030 CV 3 2 A AO o C M05-1048/6;D-3 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Powet, wth 2032 i Leak Rate .' sear 2011,2034 { Position Indication 18 Month 4 1 l 4 ILLINOI:7 POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRIJi PLAN TABLE II--VALVES Page 41 EQUIPMEN' CATE- ACTU- POSITION P&lD/SNEET; REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD SHUTDOW NUMBFR TYPE SIZE. CLASS GORY ATOR NORMAL TESI coordinates (Addi!Ional Tests Satisfied) FREQUENCY PEQUEST JUST!FICATION 15A031 CV 3 2 8 .A0 0 C M05-1048/6;D-4 Stroke Tiee (Exercise, loss of Power) 3 Mvith 2032 Position Indication 2 Year 1SA032 CV 3 2 8 AO O C M05-1048/6;D-5 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month Position Indication 2 Year 1SF001 G 10 2 A M0 C C M05-1060;E-5 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month j Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month i 1SF002 G 10 2 A MO C C M05-1060;E-S Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month i 1SF004 G 12 2 A MO C C M05-1060;C-5 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month teak Rate 18 Month 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month ISM 001A B 24 2 B Mo C 0 M05-1069;0-5 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Position Indication 2 Year 1SM0018 8 24 2 B Mo C 0 M05-1069;D-4 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Position Indication 2 Y-ar 1SM002A B 24 2 8 Mo C 0 M05-1069;D-5 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Position Indication 2 Year 1SM0028 B 24 2 B MO C O M05-1069;D-4 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Position Indication 2 Year 1SM003A R 0.75x1 2 C C O M05-1069;D-5 Bench 5 year 1SM0038 R 0.75x1 2 C C 0 M05-1069;D-4 Bench 5 Year 1SM008 EFC 0.75 2 A/C o C M05-1069;A-3 Exercise Cold Shutdoen Ref 4 Position Indication 2 Year Leak Rate 2 Year 2011 f - - -~. ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWE9 STATION i PUMP AND VALVE TfSTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II--VALVES Page 42 , EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITION P&lD/ SHEET; REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD SHUTDOI.N NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS CORY ATOR NORMAL) TEST coordinates (Additional Tests satisfied) FREQUENCY REQUEST JUSTIFICATION l 1SM009 EFC 0.75 2 A/C o C M05-1069;C-3 Exercise Cold Shutdown aef 2 Position Indication 2 Year Leak Rate 2 Year 2011 1SM010 EFC 0.75 2 A/C o C M05-1069;C-3 Exercise Cold shutdown Ref 2 Position Indication 2 Year Leak Rate 2 Year 2011 1SM011 EFC 0.75 i A/C o C M05-1069;B-4 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 4 Position Indication 2 Year Leak Rate 2 Year 2011 1Sx001A NC 30 3 C C o M05-1052/1;D-7 Exercise 3 Month 1Sx0018 'NC 30 3 C C 0 M05-1052/2;D-7 Exercise 3 Month j -1Sx001C NC 10 3 C C o M05-1052/3;D-7 Exercise 3 Month 1Sx003A B 3C 3 8 'MO o o M05-1052/1;D-6 Stroke fire (Exercise) 3 Month Position Indication 2 Year 1Sx003B B 30 3 B Mo o o M05-1052/2;D-6 Stroke Time (Exercise) ' 3 Month ] Position Irdication 2 Year 1Sx003C B 10 3 B Mo o o M05-1052/3;D-6 Stroke Time (Emercise) 3 Month Position Indication 2 Year , 1Sx004A B 30 3 B Mo o o M05-1052/1;D-5 Stroke Time (Esercise) 3 Month > Position Indication 2 Year I 1Sx004B B 30 3 B Mo o. O M05-1052/2;D-5 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Position Indication 2' Year i 1Sx004C B to 3 8 Mo o o M05-1052/3;D-5 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Position Indication 2 Year i i i 1Sx006C B 8 3 B Mo C o' M05-1052/3;D-2 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month , j Position Indication 2 Year t i 1 l t - ~ e ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON FOWER STATION PtJMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II-VALVES Page 43 EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITION P&lD/SNEET; REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD SpVTDOW NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS GORY ATOR NORMAL- TEST coordinates (Additional fests Satisfied) FPEQUENCY REQUEST JUST!FICATICW 1Sx008A B 20 3 8 M0 C 0 M05-1052/1;E-6 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Position Indication 2 Year 1Sx00SB e 20 3 8 M0 C o M05-1052/2;i-6 Stroke Time (Exercise, 3 Month Position Indication 2 Year 1Sx008C B 8 3 8 MO C 0 M05-1052/3;D-6 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Position Indication 2 Year 1Sx010A cv 2 3 8 A0 C o M05-1052/1;E-3 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 1Sx010B CV 2 3 B A0 C 0 M05-1052/2;E-3 Stroke Time (Exercise, less of Power) 3 Month 2032 1Sx010C CV 1.5 3 8 A0 C 0 M05-1052/3:4-4 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 1Sx011A B 16 3 B Mo C r M05-1052/1;D-3 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Position Indication 2 Year 1Sx011B B 16 3 B Mo C C N05-1052/2;E-3 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Position Indication 2 Year 1Sx012A B 14 3 B Mo C 0 M05-1052/1;C-3 Stroke Time (Exercise) Cold Shutdown Ref 1 Position Indication 2 Year 1Sx012B B 14 3 8 Mo C 0 M05-1052/2;C-3 Stroke Time (Exercise) cold Shutdown Ref 1 Position Indication 2 Year < 1Sx0144 B 20 3 B MO O C M05-1052/1;F-3 Stroke Tle- (Exercise) 3 Month Positior lAlication 2 Year 1Sx014B B 20 3 B MO o C M05-1052/2;F-3 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Position Irdication 2' Year 1SX014C B 8 3 B MO O C M05-1052/3;E-4 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Position Indication 2 Year 1Sy016A G 2.5 3 B M0 C 0,C M05-1052/1;C-3 Stroke Time (Exercise) Refueling 2004 Position Indication 2 Year ILLINOIS POWER COMPK!Y CLINTON POWER STATION PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II--VALVES Page 44 FQUIPMENT CATE- ACTO- POSITION PEID/ SHEET; REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD SHUTDOW4 NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS CORY ATOR NORMAL IEST coordinates (A&fitional Tests satisfied) FREQUENCY REQUEST WST1FICAT104 1Sx016e G 2.5 3 8 Mo C 0,C M05-1052/2;D-3 Stroke Time (Emercisc) Refueling 2G04 Position Indication 2 Year 1Sx020A '8 12 3 8 MO O C M05-1052/1;C-4 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Position In:fication 2 Year 1Sx020s 8 12 3 B Mo o C M05-1052/2;C-4 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month } Position Indication 2 Year 1Sx023A CV 2 3 'B Ao C 0 M05-1052/1;C-2 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 1Sx0238 cv 2 3 8 A0 C 0 M05-1052/2;C-2 Stroke Time (Exercise, L'us of Power) 3 Month 2032 ISx027A .CV 2 3 8 A0 C 0 M05-1052/4;D-6 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2C32 1Sx027B CV - 2.5 3 B Ao C 0 M05-1052/4;D-2 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 203I 1Sx027C cv 2.5 3 8 A0 C 0 M05-1052/4;C-2 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 1Sx029A CV 1.5 3 B A0 C 0 M05-1052/4;D-6 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 1Sx0298 CV 1.5 3 8 Ao C 0 M05-1052/4;D-2 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 ISx029C CV 1.5 3 s Ao C o M05-1052/4;B-2 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 1Sx033 CV '2 3 8 A0 C o M05-1052/4;C-6 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 1Sx037 CV 1.5 3 8 Ao C 0 M05-1052/4;B-6 Stroke Time (Exercise, less of Power) 3 Month 2032 ISx041A CV 2 3 8 AO C- O M05-1052/3;c-2 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 > 1SXO418 CV 2 .3 8 -Ao C 0- M05-1052/3:8-2 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 y 1Sx062A 8 14. 3 s Mo C o M05-1CS2/1;8-4 Stroke Time (Exercise) Cold Shutdown Ref 1 Position Inu. cation 2 Year 4 ISx062B -e 14 3 8 MO ' C 0 M05-1052/2;B-4 Stroke Time (Exercise) Cold Shutdown Ref 1 1 Position Indication 2 Year i i i l y ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION - PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II--VALVES Page 45 l , EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITION P&ID/ SHEET; REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD SMUTDCJi l NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS GORY ATOR NORMAL TEST coordinates (Additional Tests satisfied) FREQUENCY REQUEST- JUSTIFICATION < 1Sx063A 8 8 3 8 M0 C 0 M05-1052/1;c-2 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Position Indication 2 Year 1Sx0638 8 8 3 8 Mo C 0 M05-1052/2:C-2 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Position Indication 2 Year 1Sx071A G 3 3 8 Mo C C M05-1052/5;F-7 Stroke Time (Exercise) Refueling 2009 i Position Indication 2 Year ' t 1Sx0718 G 3 3, 8 M0 C C M05-1052/5;F-3 Stroke Time (Exercise) Refueling 2009 Position Indication 2 Year 1Sx073A e 3 3 s No C 0,C M05-1052/5;F-6 Stroke Time (Exercise) Refueling 2009 Position Indication 2 Year 1Sx0738 G 3' 3 B Mo C 0,C M05-1052/5;F-2 Stroke Time (Exercise) Refueling 2009 Position Indication 2 Year ISx074A 'G 3 3 8 Mo C C N05-1052/5;E-7 Stroke Time (Exercise) Refueling 2009 Position Indication 2 Year 1SXO748 G 3. '3 8~ MO C C' M05-1052/5;E-3 Stroke Time (Exercise) Refueting 2009 Position Indication 2 Year 1Sx076A :G '3 3 s M0 C 0,C M05-1052/5;0-7 Stroke Time (Exercise) Refueling 2009 Position Indication 2 Year 1 1Sx0768 G 3 3 8 M0 C 0,C M05-1052/5;D-3 Stroke Time (Exercise) Refueting 2009 , Position Indication 2 Year ' 1SxuS2A G 3 3 8 MO O C M05-1052/1;D-1 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month l l Position Indication 2 Year i 1Sx0828 G 3 3 s Mo o C M05-1052/2;D-1 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Position Indication 2 Year 1SX088A 'G 3 2 A MO o 'c M05-1052/5;C-8 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Leak Rate ' 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 2 Year i' l l _ _ . _ - - - - _ - - _ -.. 4 + ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TAPLE II--VALVES Page 46 EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITION P&lD/ SHEET; REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD SMUTDCNN NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS GORY ATOR No,1 MAL TEST coordinates (Additional Tests satisfied) FREQUENCY REQUEST JUSTIFICATION 1Sx08SB G 3 2 A Mo ' o C M05-1052/5;C-4 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 2 Year 1Sx089A G 3 2 A Mo o C M05-1052/5;C-7 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 2 Year .1Sx0898 G 3 2 A MO o C M05-1052/5;C-3 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 2 Year 1SXO96A G- 3 2 A MO o C M05-1052/5;C-5 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Menth Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Irdication 2 Year 1Sx0968 G 3 2- A Mo o C. M05-1052/5;C-2 Strcke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 2 Year 1Sx097A G 3 2 A Mo o C M05-1052/5;C-5 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Leak Rate . 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 2 Year 1Sx0978 G 3 2 A Mo o C M05-1052/5;C-1 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Irdication 2 Year 1Sx1054 G 3 3 s No C_ C M05-1052/5;D-7 Stroke Time (Exercise) Refueling 2009 Position Indication 2 Year 1SX1058 G 3 3< a Mo C C M05-1052/5;D-3 Stroke Time (Exercise) Refueling 2009 Position Indication 2 Year 1Sx107A G 3 3 s Mo C 0,C M05-1052/5;u-7 Stroke fire (Exercise) Refueling 2009 Position Indication 2 Year \ -- . , ,- .. . - .- - - - ~ . _ . n. - ... - - . ~ . ..~. ..~ ~ . . - . . . . . . ~ -1 ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION PUMP AND VALVF: TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II--VALVES Page 47 EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POS TION P&l0/ SHEET; REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD SHUTDOWN NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS CORY ATOR NCRMAL TEST coordinates (Additional Tests Satisfied) FREQUENCY DEQUEST JUST!FICATION 1SX1078 G 3- 3 B Mo C 0,C M05-1052/5;D-3 Stroke Time (Exercise) Refuating 2009 Position Indication 2 Year 1SX149 R 0.75x1 3 C C 0 M05-1052/4;C-5 Bench 5 Year 1SX150 R 0.75x1 3 C C o M05-1052/4;s-6 Bench 5 Year 1SX151A R 0.75x1 3 C C 0 M05-1052/4;E-5 sench 5 Year 1Sx1518 R 0.75x1 3 C C 0 M05-1052/4;E-2 Bench 5 Year 1SX151C R 0.75x1 3 C C o M05-1052/4;C-2 Bench 5 Year ISX152A R 0,75x1 3 C C 0 N05-1052/1;C-3 Bench 5 Year 1SX152B R 0.75x1 3 C C o M05-1052/2;C-2 Bench 5 Year i 1SX153A R 0.75x1 3 C C o M05-1052/1;s-e sench 5 Year 1Sx153B R 0.75x1 3 C C o M05-1052/2;8-6 Bench 5 Year d 1Sx154A R 0.75x1 3 C C o M05-1052/4;E-5 Bench 5 Year 1SX154B R 0.75x1 3 C C o M05-1052/4;E-2 sench 5 Year 1SX154C R 0.75x1 3 C C 0 M05-1052/3;C-2 Bench 5 Year 1SX155A R 0.75x1 3 C C 0 M05-1052/1;E-4 Bench 5 Year 1Sx155B R 0.75x1 3 C C o M05-1052/2;F-3 Bench 5 Year ISx155C R 0.75x1 3 C C o M05-1052/3;D-4 sench 5 Year 1SX156A R 0.75x1 3 C C 0 M05-1052/3;C-2 Bench 54 fear 1Sx1568 R 0.75x1 3 C C o M05-1052/3;s-2 Bench 5 Year 4 e g T - - m-- -. _ m_ ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION l PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II--VALVES Page 48 REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD SHUTD0kN CATE- ACTU-' FOSITION P&lD/ SHEET; E00fPMENT REQUEST JUSTIFICATION NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS GORY ATOR NORMAL TEST coordinates (Additional Tests satisfied) FREQUENCY C' O M05-1052/5;C-6 Bench 5 Year 1SX157A R 0.75x1 3 C C 0 M05-1052/5;c-2 Bench 5 Year 1SX1578 R 0.75x1 3 C C 0 M05-1052/1;C-3 Bench 5 Year I 1SX169A R 0.75x1 3 C 5 Year j 0.75x1 3 C C; O M05-1052/2;C-3 Bench 1SX1698 R C 0 M05-1052/3;o-2 Bench 5 Year . 1SX169C R 0.75x1 3 C C 0 M05-1052/1;B-3 Bench 5 Year 1SX170A R 0.75x1 3 C C 0 M05-1052/2;B-3 Bench 5 Year 1SX1708 R 0.75x1 3 C 0,C M05-1052/1;D-2 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month 1SX173A G 10 3 B M0 C Position Indication 2 Year C 0,C N05-1052/2;D-2 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month 1SX1738 G 10 3 B MO Position Indication 2 Year M05-1052/1;F-1 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 '1SX181A 1 CV 2.5 3 B A0 C 0 M05-1052/2;F-1 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 1Sx1818 CV 2.5. 3 B A0 C 0 M05-1052/1;E-1 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 ISX185A CV 2.5 3 B A0 C 0 M05-1052/2;E-1 Stroke Time (Exercise, Less of Power) 3 Month 2032 ISX1858 CV 2.5 3 B AO .c 0 8 A0 C 0 M05-1052/2;B-4 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 ISx189 CV 2.5 3 M05-1052/1;B-7 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 CV 1.5 3 B A0 C 0 1SX193A M05-1052/2;B-4 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 CV 1.5 3 8 A0 C 0 1SX1938 M05-1052/1;B-4 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 CV 2- 3 s Ao C 0 1SX197 C 0 M05-1052/1;F-1 Bench 5 Year 1SX200A R 0.75x1 3 C 1 ~~ V.I '. ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION \  ! PtJMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II--VALVES Page 49 REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD SHUTD3M CATE- ACTU- POSITION P&lD/ SHEET; i EQUIPMENT REQUEST JUSTIFICATION j NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS CORY ATOR NORMAL TESI coordinates (Additional Tests satisfied) FREQUENCY C o M05-1052/2;F-1 Bench 5 Year 1SX2008 R 0.75x1 3 C C o M05-1052/1;E-1 sench 5 Year 1SX201A R 0.75x1 3 C C o M05-1052/2;E-1 Bench 5 Year 1SX2018 R 0.75x1 3 C N05-1052/2;A-7 Bench 5 year 1SX202A R 0.75x1 3 C C o C 0 M05-1052/2;C-4 Bench 5 Year 1SX2028 R- 0.75x1 3 C C o M05-1052/2;8-4 Bench 5 Year 1SX203 R 0.75x1 3 C C o M05-1052/1;8-5 Bench 5 Year 1SX204 R 0.75x1 3 C M05-1052/2;8-2 Bench 5 year 1SX207 R 0.75x1 3 C C o C o M05-1052/1;D-1 Bench 5 Year 1SX208A R 4x6 3 C C o M05-1052/2;D-1 Bench 5 Year 1Sx2088 R 4x6 3 C M05-1052/2;A-1 Stroke Time (Exercise, toss of Power) 3 Month 2032 1SX209 CV 1.5 3 8 Ao C o _. C o M05-1052/1;D-7 8ench 5 Year 1SX294 -R 0.75x1 3 C Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 2 EFC 0.75 2 A/C o C M10-9105/4 1VG0568 Position Indication 2 Year Lesk Rate 2 Year 2011 Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 2 EFC 0.75 2 A/C 0 C M10-9105/10 1VG0578 Position Indication 2 Year Leak Rate 2 Year 2011 o C M05-1109/2;D-3 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month G 10 2 A MO 2011,2034 1VP004A Leak Rate 2 Year Position Indication 18 Month 'o C M10-9105/4 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month 1VP0048 G 10 2 A MO 2011,2034 Leak Rate 2 Year Position Indication 18 Month l t s ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION FUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II--VALVES Page 50 EQU PMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITION P110/ SHEET; REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD SHUTDC%16 NUMBER TYPE . SIZE CLASS coRY ATOR NORMAL ' 1EST coordinates (Additional Tests Satisfied) FREQUENCY REQUEST JUSTIFICATION 1VP005A G 10 2 A MO o~ C M10-9105/10 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month 1VP005B G 10 2 A MO o C M05-1109/3;D-2 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month 1VP014A c to 2 A MO O C M05-1109/2;E-3 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Leak sate 2 Year 2011,2034 . Position Indication 18 Month 1VP0148 G 10 2 A- MO o C M05-1109/3;E-3 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month

Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month 1VP015A G 10 2 A MO O C M05-1109/2;E-2 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month

! 1VP015s G 10 2 A MO O C M05-1109/3;E-2 Stroke Time (Exercise) 3 Month j teak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 1 , Position Indication 18 Month 1VP023A R: 0.75x' 2 A/C C 0,C M05-1109/2;D-3 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Bench 5 Year 1VP0238 R 0.75C 2 A/C r 0,C M05-1109/3;D-3 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Bench 5 Year TVP027A R 0.75x1 2 A/C' C 0,C M05-1109/2;F-3 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Bench 5' Year IVP02.7B R 0.75x1 2 A/C C 0,C M05-1109/3;F-3 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 eench 5 Year 1VC001A B 24 2 B-P A0 C C M05-1110/2;C-8 Position Indication 2 Year d ? ILLINOIS FOWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION PUMP AND VALVE TESTING' PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II--VALVES Page 51 , ECUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITION P&lD/SNEET; REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD SHLTDOWN NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS GORY ATOR NORMAL TEST coordinates (Additional Tests Satisfied) FREQUENCY REQLTST JUSTIFICATION 1VQ0018 8 24 2 8-P A0 C C M05-1110/2;C-7 Position Indication 2 Year l , 1VQ002 B 24 2 B C C M05-1110/2;C-6 Position Indication 2 Year Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month tv0003 8 36 2 B Ao C C N05-1110/2;C-5 Position Indication 2 Year Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 1VQ004A B 36 2 A A0 C C N05-1110/2;D-4 Strcke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) cold Shutdown 2032 Ref 6 j_ Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month IVQ0048 8 36 2 A A0 C C M05-1110/2;D-5 Position Indication 18 Month Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Strcke Time (Exercise, Loss cf Power) Cold Shutdown 2032 Ref 6 , 1VQO05 8 10 2 B A0 C C M05-1110/2;D-6 Position Indication 2 Year Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 1Vc006A GL 4 2 A Mo C C M05-1110/2;C-4 Position Indication 18 Month Leak Rate 2 Year' 2011 Stroke Time (Exercise) Cold shutdowi- Ref 5 1VQ006b GL 4 2 A Mo C C M05-1110/2;C-4 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month stroke Time (Exercise) Cold Shutdown Ref 5 1VR001A B 36 2 A' A0 C C .M05-1111/1;E-2 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) Cold Shutdown 2032 Ref 6 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month 1VR001s a 36 2 A Ao C C M05-1111/1;E-1 Position Indication 18 Month Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) Cold Shutdown 2032 Ref 6 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 1VR002A GL 4 2 A MO C C M05-1111/1;E-2 Stroke Time (Exercise) cold shutdown Ref 5 Leak Rate ~ . 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication- 18 Month + d ~ - - - ' - ' - l' ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY . CLINTON POWER STATION  ? , PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II--VALVES Page 52 EQUIPMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITION P&lD/SMET - REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD SMUTDOWN NUMBER TYPE SIZE CLASS GORY ATOR W MAL TEST coordinal s (A&fitional Tests satisfied) FREQUENCY REQUEST JUSTIFICATION 1vR0028 GL 4 2 A Mo C C M05-1111/1;E-1 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month

  • Stroke Time (Exercise) Cold Shutdown Ref 5 1VR006A B 12 2 A A0 0 C M05-1111/5;E-3 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month ,

Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 , j Iva006B B 12 2 A A0 0 C M05-1111/5;E-2 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 Position Indication 18 Month Leak Rate 2 Year 2011.2034

1vR007A B 12 2 A A0 0 C M05-1111/5;B-7 Position Indication 18 Month Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 l

Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 s

" 1vR0078 8 12 2 A A0 0 C M05-1111/5;B-7 Positicn Indication 18 Month Strcke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2032 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 1VR016A EFC 0.75 2 A/C 0 C M10-9111/5 Exercise Cold Shutdowa. Ref 2 Position Indication 2 Year Leak Rate 2 Year 2011 1VR0168 EFC 0.75 2 A/C 0 C M10-9111/5 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011
j. Position Indication 2 Year '

j Exercise Cold Shutdown Ref 2 ! 1VR018A EFC O'.75 2 A/C 0 C M10-9111/5 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011

Exercise Cold Shutdewn Ref 2 j Position Indication 2 Year i

? ' 1VRO1SB EFC 0.75 2 A/C 0 C M10-9111/5 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011 i Exercise Cold Shutdce Ref 2 Positio.1 Indication 2 Year ' ~ ) 1vR035 2WAY 0.75 2 A So ' O C M10-9111/19 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 12 Month i, Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2013 i L 4 m- - - .--_----.-_.:__-_-_------- L s ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION  ; PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN i TABLE II--VALVES Page 53 I i EQUIFMENT CATE- ACTU- POSITIC4 P11D/ SHEET; REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD SMUTDOW4 NUMBER TYPE $!ZE CLASS GORY ATOR NORMAL l TEST coordinates (Additional Tests Satisfied) FREQUENCY NEQUEST JUSTIFICATION , IVR036 2WAY 0.75 2 -A SO O C M10-9111/19 Position Indication 18 Month ' Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Stroke Time (Er trcise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2013 1VR040 2WAY 0.75 2 A So o C M10 ')111/19 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indicatien 18 Month stroke Time (Exercise, Less of Power) 3 Month 2013 IvR041 2WAY 0.75 2 A SO O C M10-9111/19 Stroke Time (Emercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2013 Position Indication 18 Month i Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 1W0001A G 6 2 A MG 0 C M05-1117/19;E-5 Stroke Time (Exercise) Cold shutdown Ref 1 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Position Indication 18 Month 1WOOO18 G 6 2 A MO O C M05-1117/19;E-6 Stroke Time (Exercise) Cold shutdown Ref 1 Position Indication 18 Month Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 ] 1WOOO2A G 6 2 A MO c C M05-1117/19;F-5 Position Indication 18 Month 'i. Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 Stroke Time (Exercise) Cold shutdown Ref 1 1Wo0028 G 6 ~2 A MO O C- M05-1117/19;F-6 Leak Rate 2 Year 2011,2034 j '., Stroke Time (Exercise) Cold Shutdown Ref 1 Position Indication 18 Month , 1WOSSIA G 4 2 s Mo o C M05-1117/26;E-7 Stroke Time (Exercise) Cold Shutdown Ref 1 i Position indication 2 Year , 1WO5518 G 4 2 B Mo o C N05-1117/26;E-7 Stroke Time (Exercise) Cold shutdown Ref 1 i Position Indication 2 Year 1W0552A G 4 2 s Mo o C M05-1117/26;D-7 Position Indication 2 Year i Stroke Time (Exercise) Cold shutdown Ref 1 4 t i 1 v 'N ' . ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION PUMP AND VALVE TESTING PROGRAM PLAN TABLE II--VALVES Page 54 REQUIRED TESTS RELIEF COLD SMUTDOW  ! CATE- ACTU- POSIff0N P&!D/ SHEET; ECUIPMENT FREQUENCY REQUEST JUSTIFICATION l TYPE SIZE CLASS GORY ATOR NORMAL 1EST coordinates (Additional Tests Satisfied) NUMBER ' M05-1117/26;D-7 Positicn Indication 2 Year G 4 2 8 MO O C Ref 1 1WO5528 Strcke Time (Exercise) Cold Shutdows J 0 M05-1117/26;E-7 Bench 5 Year 0.75x1 2 C C 1woS70A R 0 M05-1117/26;D-7 sench 5 Year 0.75x1 2 C C 190570s R M05-1089/2;F-6 Position Indication 18 Month P -2 2 A A0 0 C 2011,2034 1WX019 Leak Rate 2 Year Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2013 C M05-1089/2;F-5 Stroke Time (Exercise, Loss of Power) 3 Month 2013 P 2 2 A NO O 2011,2034 1WX020 Leak Rate 2 Year Position Indication 18 Month (___.._.__.__ -}}