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Forwards Details of Progress to Date in Resolving Open/Confirmatory Items Identified in Facility Ser.Issues Requiring Staff Action Listed
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 06/06/1985
From: Butler W
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Benaroya V, Kudrick J, Parr O
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8506200196
Download: ML20126L990 (70)


{{#Wiki_filter:. CP f s

  's g$        (0,,                            UNITED STATES


          %....,*                                                                               b l'EI'OR/.!ILI, FLk: 0. Farr, ASB JUN    6 1985 63b V. Eenaroya, CHEB J. Kudrick, CSB U. Patthews, EPB V.ficonan,EQB W. Regan, HFEB F. Rosa, ICSB H. Booher, LOB F. Cherny,liEB B. D. Liaw, MtEB     .
h. Srinivasan, PSB B. Shercn, RSB FROM: Walter Butler, Chief Licensing Branch hc. E Divisicr. cf licensing


HOPE CREEK SER OPEh/C0hFIRMATORY ITEM STATUS - Jt'tE 1, IcPS Ir October 1984, the Hope Creek SEh was issued. SSER 1 was issued in Farch 1985. SSER 2 will be issued in late June 1985. The enclos' ires to this memoranaum detail the progress to date in resolvinc the open/confirretory items. identified in the SER. Enclosure 1 is an account, by review branch, of the nurr.ber of cper/cenfirmatory items and their action stetes. In sumary, the nunber of isstcs rcquiring staff action is as follows: Open Items - Confirmatory Itens - Nur.ber Requiring liumber Requiring Pranch Staff Action Staff Action ASB 2 (1 open item. 0 2 subparts) CHEB 1 0 CSB 0 6 EPB 1 8 (1 confirnatory item, 8 subparts) EQB 3 (1 open iten, 0 3 subparts) HFEB 1 0 ICSE 1 9 LQB 11 (1 open iter., C 11 subparts)


s' , 2_ MEE O 1 MtEB 0 1 PSB 1 3 J RSB 0 3 (2 confirnatory items, I with 2 subparts) The above list reflects the project status as of June 1, 1985. Ecc6use open/ccnfirratory items are not considered resolved until DL has received an SER frou the appropriate review crg6nization, those items for which SECS are in preparation have not been accounted for in this listing. Enclosure 2 is a detailed listing of each open/ confirmatory iteE. For e6ch ittn, the verd descriptions from the SER hase been excerpted and reproduccd within. Also, the reviewer, br6tch cf origin and status of each iter ert-identified. In most cases, the status refers the staff to PSE&G submittals responding to the iters. By letter catec hay 22, 1985, PSE&G notified thc NPC that the fuel load date for Hope Creck tas been accelerated from Januar314,1986 to Decenber 1, 1985. This will place added importance on the staff reviewing PSE&G open/confirratory itcL tesponses in a timely fashion. Accordingly, for those cpen/ confirmatory itens identified as recuiring staff action, you are requested to review tFe riterial referenced in Enclosurt 2 and to prcvide LL the SER(s) for inclusion in the r.est SSER. The schedule for issuing SSERs is as follous: . SER Input to FM Document issuance Date (Drop-dead date) SSER 2 June 1985 Junc'1, 1905 SSEE 3 August 1985 August 1, 1965 SSER 4 October 1985 October 1, 1985 SSER 5 fiovember 1985 November 1, 15L5

                                                               --   __ ,/

Walter utler, Chief Licensing Branch No. 2


As stated Division of Licensing cc: See next pcsc 4

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(1) Riverterne alssiles 2.4.5. 2.4.10

3. 4.1, 3. 5.1. 4 3.5.2. 9.2.1 As cited in Sectlen 3.4.1 of this report, the aeplicant has not 2.4.5 2 17 S4 %, g W. O LA) e art i Indicated that the doors can withstand the impact of a floating elssile (f.e..

barge, or ship) premelled by winds and waves assectated with a hydrologic C, u,S k,g CJ}{ 6$, event that fleeds plant grado. This is an open Issue (see Sectlen 3.4.1). I 2.4.10 2.19 As indicated in Sectlen 2.4.5. the applicant has been asked to provide documentatten that the doors can withstand combined affects of the b4% kb 3, bt, ow Fort 2 static and dynamic leadings assectated with hurricane surge and fleeding levels and waterborne missile impact. This remains an open Itee (see Sectten 3.4.1). AcbOWLN M  % hos not pre lad the reseits .f an analysis meilch shows that ait penetrati.ns. The applicent 3. 4 .i 3-6 5 Ff: Ac.fM Fart 3 including the seemertne doors and doors from safety-related structures to nonsafety-related structures w6tl maintain their leaktightness against the y5 )is gg fgb A fbM 8

  • f* S h* k% 5d' f

( static and dynamic ef fects of the probable menteum fleed. Including wave runup. lq h*5 14 _l0 l.M.8 z..u. sr W c.,i e Addittenelly, the applicent has not sertfled that the static and dynamic effects of the om, including w.e. w. he.e been c.ns tered in the esten .f the 3.4.9 3-6 bNEb ' seats between the servtce water pump met pits and the servtce water intake structure. p'gY jig gg $g h$j{y pospg ube. 1[0 Q,s.}, s 4 tom G3 m 4k Ys AE. S S

fhe appIlcant has not addressed the staff's concern essectated with the struc-tural fotogrity af the safety-related structures during the deslgn-basis fleed and the ef fects of " floating" alssiles. Because the Delaware Steer is a nael-34.I Dj l Es O*M , hbh U D 3-0

                                                                                                                               % fM
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gable waterway with reftmortes and a neeal shipyard in Philadelphfe, the appilcent must address the effects of ships and boats with a draft of less than 12 f t hitting the walls and penetrattens of safety-related structures. sesuever, the app 19 cent should eerify that the s'afety. 3 17 related structures afford protectleri from the tapact of ships and boats with a h O draf t of less than 12 f t since the probatte seatsum fleed could taundate the {0 94 e f D Act 6 s6te up to IL 3 ft above plaat grade. (eefer to sectten 3.a. I of this sta for a complete discussion of fleed protectlan f rom enternal events. )

                           ~                                               ,       3.5.2           3-18 the adeouecy ef the deseye of structures and barriers to withstand postulated 8ert f   enternally generated m6ssiles (rfeerterne etssiles) without dmage to safety-         kg d             hSh La s    3 related eevipment has act been demonstrated by the applicant,                                     I The appilcant has not provided decimente-     g,t,i           9.g 3 Part g    tien to eerify that the $5tf5 le protected from rieerterne als I rricane <see secti - 3.d. of L,siles   generated                                   g durin, the ,re.ahie - i                                             .is ,e,o,o.

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(3) Preservfce faspectfen program 5.2.4. 6.6 Input utII be completed after the applicant The SER 5 10 gg kh g ka gw (1) doctets an acceptable resaletten of MI Itses I and 2 (letter dated UM g October 23. 1934) Part I (21 sdelts all relief reesests with a sepperting techntcal justification the staff consleers the restou of the te po m Creet PSI program an open issue sdject to the applicant providing the above 6 tees. completed after the applicant. The review will be 6.6.3 6 44 Nb kC 8 Part 2 (I) dockets an acceptable reseletten to the MI Itses identiffed above M, (2) subelts all relief ro w sts with a sioporting technical justification Ib5 The staff considers the regjew of the 80epe Creet PSI program an open issue sub-ject to the appIlcant's peeviding the above items. {jg{ g

  • d
                                                                                                               -fr. co ets mc>d,.

a e i e

(4) COC 51 compliance 6.2.7 The staff requests that the applicent le the metter of Hope Creek consider 6.2,7 6 31

  • acting a cemettaent to an augeanted ISI program, which will include inspection of the outer and inner velve be$ surfaces at the first refueHng ."'

_D b'N at other times when the valve is disassembled for maintainence. This $s en open itoe. E u.IoT M4EB a (kgj hd %q@ 1944 e\ j b O A.e .ss' 1 . t e

(5) Selfd-state logic modules F.3.2.5 The staff concludes that the loplementation of the systems / devices as discussed 7 32 above is acceptable with the emception of the Bailey N 2 550 %. The staff is ,

                                                                                                                             'M g

currently reviewing tte applicatten of these modules in the peepe Creet design with particular emphasis helng placed on the common manual and automatic tattf- g gg @ 'W T l b'f atten capattlity. Yhts is en open item. 4 L W  % $$e r e Psv#e- wa ds E= psnj h c um*ds ibk.k,4 is wlk 7

s. ~ . q .

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4 (5) Postaccident monitoring lastrimentatten F5de Table F.5-1 has been revised to present safety-related displer lastrumen. tation categorised by vertatte type as rocammended in AG t.97. The staff le Corrently restentag the applicant's response to determine the degree of cameli- 7-as ShF F Adb ance to the regutetery guide and the adequacy of the postaCC$ dent monitoring lastrumentation. This is en apen item. k g dggg% K$h pggg gggeh

                                                                                                                # a   e p       k     o g

3 % .E RAT 1.4kr M.J i i e e e

(F) Illata m separatten between non-Class IE conduit and Class It cable trays non-cies. It Condelt soareted from Class it trey by a ninte= t 1-in. s. NtN

  • NDh bl
         ,,,, ,   The ..applicant i,el.      t,.ent. tion.Indicated e,i m sathat us.non-Class        .1E . conduits (containing only c . ies> .,e located .Itl, 3-in, sinteum separatten between Class It cables. The aspilcant further stated that the above testing perfereed by frantile Institute Research not, Mt         c    Q, (- ~

tabersteries for Tolede te(son Campany and 1syle Test Report No. M719 (for-warded by P5tM letter dated August 30. 1984) perfereed for Sesquehanna 5 team Electric Congmany demonstrated that the rigid steel conduit is an effective barrier for protectfen of any cabling. The staff disagrees. The report demonstrates the acceptabflity of separation between two steel censults. open cable tray Seoaratten was not between one steel conduit and cables Iscated in an addressed. Justif ttation for this separat6en will be pursued utth the appittant, and the results of the staff review will be reported in a supplement to this 5tR. This is an open ites. r Metal-Clad Cable Separated fres Class If Racewers by a Mfnfeum of I in

  • 8I333 I*I I

[Qf Metal cladding s by t o with, st. , .srespect,to protection of cables has been considered and

e. t i
                .m     e t.d                      o n ,e ..alent   to r..,d steel con .t.

th e justiflC.ation

                    .,.ssed    . th iteefer,I*in,
                                          < , separallen e.e.      for metal-Clad Cable will be
                                                                                              .s.                   uw,Tss          wm psp -        y W Ade <1 4-e O

(8) Centrol of hoewy feede 9.1. 5

         *w t I The staff connet conclude that the overhead heavy feed handilag systems are in coop 11ence with the Phase I and phase Il criterte         9.1.5    9 12
  • kt c geg ,g go mugEC-g612 until the appifcent proefdee en acceptable reopense to the guideltnee. The overhood heavy lead handitag systems de not meet the accep*

tence criterte of sap Sectfen 9.1.5. QIgb L1, g CgD E* IM Q g &( This is en open item. The staff m111 report reseletten of thle f ten in a segelement to this SER. The applicant most provide e discussten of the effects of a failure 9.1.5 9 11 g .

         %rt y of a shield plug while it is betag removed before refueling.                                           %C[%T e

ELL /' SE clewel [ssee_ ,l 4 9

9 (,) Alternete and safe shutdown ,. 5.1. 5

5. ,e Shut - c .te
                                                                                     .......   ,.,,     S TA.F F     Ac The staff's revleu of safe shutdeun capability is engetag and ul11 he addressed in a stoplement to this SEA. Safe shutesun capabl11ty and alternete shutdeun                                         p capability are considered open 9tems,                                                                q s p(3.,,    kg h wg4   %

m .ra.,e . .o....ted s.wt - c ...te The staff's restow of alternete er dedicated shutdeun capability is angolag and u - i cw tt 3 is m.q. will be odoressed in a future supplement to this 5f t. 5efe shutesun capability and alternate shutdoun capability are censidered open itses. k pg g gg b h b e , O

(10) Selivery of diesel generator fuel ett and Ide ett Assefag the emergency fill connectlen must be used to refill the fuel oli storage tanks, descrite how fuel ell will be 858- '-61 O kC L delivered to the site during fleed Canditlene end desCrfbe the T s e rt I precedures that will be used in reft 11 tag the storege tents %I@h8N b ' CIth b W during flood condittens and nonflood candittens. The precedures should f aclude fuel hose routing and fire watches. The applicent was roguested to identify the sources where. 9.5.T 9- M

  • diesel guelity tube ett will be evellele end the distances required to be k N treveled from the sevrce(s) to the plant, es well es discuss how the Ide ett ~

vill be delfvered en site under entrosely unfavorable envireemental co.dttlens. hqgg g , pg g [ N#' # In h t 4 to the f5AR the espilcent responded to the staff's concerns. The applicent stated that See all useld be evelleble free the some eender as bODO ILA QQ N{ the fuel ell should the enstte quantity be taedequate. Delive ry of fuel ell (and Inte ell) under esteemely unfaverdle environmental condittens is ef scussed in Sectlen of this 5(t. 8 A e 4

st s (!!) Filline of key eenasseent posittens 4 sien .f ti. p ep.s.e The staff latends te fellow the snetemente- u .1.1. 3 anit.ti.n. inci e ne te.e .ssi - t ef indi.. ais s. 13-4 key eenagerfel positless not already filled. The staff tensiders the filling of posit 6 ens as an egen item and will report on the Implementation of this

                                                                                                                      -PsedG. A.e+I.y
                                                                                                                                    ~3 ergantaation, and the filling of timese posittens, in a supplement to this WR.    (GN$PM N bQ8 8

( 5 5 i e l e

                 .                    n 4

(12) Training program itees - (a) Initial training program 1 i The appilcent, fa response to 13-10" RAI Item 630.7(f) concerning this course, has not provided the bhE 8 Port I detatis of shservatten training at an operating BMt. The staff is sucre that the applicent fs in,vis.r the process of developing er co.nduct* bg ) ( ggp{, h ing training f.r s,. ft s,.e c.ndi.etes however, the applicant has not provided this Informatten. When the at .n op . ati,,g . ; &Q applicant subetts this phase of the program, the staff will provides E C ],[ lts response in a supplement to this M R. The applicant has not provided the details of sheervatten trefning at an 13III II*II CDet y operating gult to meet the cold-license eligibility requirements outilmed in Generic tetter M -Ig, "Adelaistratten of Operating Tests Prfor to Initial Criticality," and Generic tetter M-16, " Adequacy of On-Shift 3 fs pTbFF At sh Operating Esperience for leear fore Operating License Applicants." The byg bW g i gp staff is aware that the applicant hos lastituted a program to meet the requirements of Generic tetter M-16; however, the appIIcant has not Np% pVcci.y 4 M , addressed Generic tetter M -10. lQg[ 1 l l l e 9

The staf f has revleued the applicant's submittal contained in F5AR Appen- 13 I.I.I 13-12 I . dia 13.J and finds that it lacks the detall for en evaluetten at this ~. STAFF Ac4% p.,t i time. In additten, the appIlcant, in Amendment 4. RAI 630.11. Indicated that the lease Creet simulater training would consist of a 10-week program. $y WI ) g Ygj p %ph the staff cannot provide an evaluetten until the applicant resolves the N k apparent conflict in the two amendments. Furthermore, the applicant has not teentified altigating core damage in this phase of the program. As information is received, the staff will roofew the details and present Its k l,*7, findtags in a supplement to this 5(R. (b) Regualification training program The amplicant has indic N that a roguellficatten training program conducted 137I2 I 3-II for licensed reactor ops *,ters and senter reacter operators will he developed ( . and toplamented as required by to CFR 50.54(1-l).-

                                                                                                              ]q                    hgp       ketag the applicant also has coe-eitted that the program will meet the requirements as spectfled in 10 CFR 55, Appenden A. and NWAEG-0737. The apellCant has stated that the speciflC roguell*

4 (Q 1 . fication program will not be available until late 1994; therefore, the staf f gb g d 44

                                                                                                                                       $Qh lph(Tt*

will review the program at that time and report its findings in a supplement to this 5fR. K f Qg 1 t.2 8 .t N % t.7. 6 t

(c) Replacesent training program The app 10 cant will develop trafalag for replacement personnel who require NRC licenses, and, as a sinte s , the applicant states the training will meet the reestrements in 10 Cf t 55; apellcable NUSEE reports; the M. R. Denten letter 13 I I 3 yW I 3-II _S%FF ME of March 23, 1980; NUAEG-Oi3F; and applicable training requirements of Il f g AN5/ ANSI 3.1-1981. The staff will review these programs as they become available.  % Qc4CO. f MI t* f * *b (d) TN! Issues I.A.2.1. I.A.3.1 and it.g.4 f.A 2.1 Imedf ate Useredine of tractee Operstee and Sentee teactee Operater 13 12 l . Trainine one Qualirtcattens Sh{f kCT4% The applicant's training progree tecludes topfts en heat transfer fluid flew 1 ( thermodynamics (NTFFT) and reacter and plant transients. The appIlcant has h provided the NTFFT tralning program in Appendices 13. A. C, and F. Training Mg p M cCLP v Fact g pertaining to reacter and plant transtonts, which includes simulater training, is contained in Appendts 13.F. On the basis of its review, the staff concludes gQh t u O [],[ that the applicant has satisfied the taittel requireernts of this task of the INI Actlen Plan. The applicant will provide addittenal onstte training, which includes traintas en a Nepe Creek simulater, in Appendia 13.J. w wn these pro-grams are sukeltted, the staff will review and provide addittenal comments in a s oplement to this SER. The applicant has stated that the tempo Creek training program for Itcensed personnel will Include the ese of installed equipment and systems to centrol er sitigate accidents la which the Core is severely damaged. The Hope Creek operator training for sittgating core damage is under development and will snclude classreen presentation, slaulater performance, and in-plant demonstra-tiens. Precedures and steulater training modules are espected to be developed and available by January 1985. The staf f ulll review this task of the TM1 ac tion plan and present 9ts findings in a supplement to this SER. 9 e e

I I . A. 3.1 Sevised Scope and Criterla for Licensing (sans I) 7,1,4 3 3.g g STAFF A cke e.

  '8' t 2               Results of the staff renfew will be included in a supplement to this SIR,         39         )

g Ie5 4*heQ p hyt c tw lek r 6I l3.6 II.S.4 Treintne for Mitteettne Core Damese 83+2 8 4 33-I4 I , SWF Act.% the ***- cant has not included STAe er the plant manager er personnel in the operating 1 29 W3 io Qh Fort I chain in his response; therefore, the staf f finds this does not meet the train 6ng requirements contained in Itee II.O.4. When the programs are devel-hk $4Q I oped, the staff will report its findings la a supplement to this SER. g y,[ (e) nontecensed training programs 13 7.2 The applicant has not identified spectffc f55p 13.2.7 13.15 bD@

  • Fort g r intng courses for each management posttien identified in f 54R gj g h6h
                                                                                                                                  \ekk-r ai \ Secause auch of the site speClflC treInlag for licensed personnel 13 under                     II+I+I                               g development, the STA program is still incesplete. When the staff receives I3*ll

( pp g rart 2 this informatten, it will provide its evaluatten in a supplement to this SER. Q g 4, gg i O  != -

   ,,,, ,  ~ st.,, .lse re., - the ,1,e or, tr. ning , ,

finds that it does not contatn all the elements in Branch techaical Positten

                                                                                         .n.               n.r.,       o is       sTue       Ak Qh                                                    ph CMEp 1 5-l.

Oq  % (e, ptOQs 4% letw d e 9

(11) Emergency dose assessment coussuter model Sefere the staff can coeplete its evaluation in this regard, the g33y9 93-gg applicant must provide a description of the emergency dose assessaeet computer mesel er the alternate computer support to be used. This is an open stem. STAFT: AdeM DYI) fe5%k pMF 0 A

                                                                                                     * *W    l,b.

P t b i e 4

(14) Procedures generation package, The PGP will be based on the SWR fuer- 13.40 gency Procedure Guidelines prepared by General Electric and the SWR 0=nees Group, which have been reviewed by the staff and approved by Generic Letter 83-05 dated Part 1 February 8, 1983. The results of the staff review of the PGP will be included in a supplement to this SEE. tlatil this review is coupleted, lask Action Plan

                                                                                              . (gohgQ hggs       b stged kkT item I.C.1 reaales open, as discussed in Section

g* The PGP is scheduled for subetttal in January 1985, which is acceptable to the staff. The PGP is considered an open item. 13.41 Part 2 The staff will review the PGP ler compf f ance with Supplement I to NuefG-0737. Its review evst be completed before the operating license is issued and will bMAN g be addressed in a supplement to this 5(R. the PGP is received. Itse I.C.I will be reviewed once t O

(15) N ean facters engineering 18 The applicant sueeltted the stegt Sassmery papert by letter dated August 15 1984. On the bests of en essessment af that report. the staff has decided 18 18-2 , k ,k Part I that a prefaplementation ensite audit is regelred. The proleptementation ensite audit will be held in Itmoseber 1984. As part of this audit, the staff will review the applicant's cosyllance with TMI Itse II.E.3.27 (IaleEG-0737). b M( W . OTH I NFEB b,j,1 pisI}g ge% tog 55 tt { The NRC staff util review the applicant's SPOS safety analysts and testementa- 38

  • tien plan to confiral (1) the adeguacy of the plant parameters selected for 13 7 BEE b (f%

display to atect criticai safety functions. ( ) th.t means are pr led to that the ata displa,.d .re ,aild, o) the a ecy .f the

  • sic and t,p,uggVI ppm g g g Q b l p .,,

installetten of the system free a h e en-facters-engineering perspectlee, and I (4) the aseguecy of the verificetten and welfdetten program to ensure a cella-M MSE b S6 %g ble 5895. The 5895 safety analys he er ey setter need A.,sst 1,is wasises, to bethe submitted

a. ,ucentinindicated Septenhor 1994; l r g
                                                          .                                 that safety analysis weeld not be available for staff review until December 1994.

the Seo5 gfT i dQT*Q 4* g

  • gf The human factees engineering review of the sempo Creet Generating Stetten centrol reen is considered an open Itee.

6 e O

E as 44 w b t. O ft3 E C O U M LaJ M l l l 1 i i e h a

(1) Feeheter fseletfon check valve analysis 3.6.2 3.6.2 3 21

   .In a letter nei, sis .fdetM Augus',15.1994, tr :.eehete i ieiien the applicant cheo v.ives. provided  a description this anai,             of the sis is to ensure                       pse 6       A, 4,%  .

that the feehe'ar toeletten check selves can perfere their functlen following a postulated breet of the feomter lines outside contalet. The applicant ( g' ) gg , stated that the analysts will faclude Ag,43g g g ., Mg (1) a thermal hydraulic analysts to determine the peak pressures testreae and downstress of the valve disk as well as the sesteum d6sk angular speed (!) a sensitivity analysts to determine the breat location and feedwater check valve selectien that yleid the most conservative results (3) an elast6c or laelastic analysis of the feeheter check valves including valve internals. The results of this analysts will be provided in lleveder 1984 Provided the final results meet the applicable allemsble Ifelts and design criteria of the feeheter check valves, the staf f censleers this approach acceptable and w619 report its final evaluetten in a suoplement to this $f p. 4 0

(2) Plant-unique analysis report 6.7.1.F The plant-unique analyses for the But Mort i 3.931 3-3' " safety /reI6ef valve (Sev) and LOCA hydresynamic leads are being reviewed as Port 1 part of pacesolved Safety issue A-7, *mert I Centainment teng-tere Program

  • See Secteen of this report for more informatten. The staff will report bhW, MN pgg ghq *hg the results of that review la a sepplement to the 513 g

the appilcant has satsitted a plant-untgue snelysts report (PUAR) en the pool 6-13 dynamic leads for the Mark I contalenent. This report provides a description L%F F Ad.% of the specific appilcation of the generic Mort I pool dynamic leads and methods for the plant-unique leads used in assessing the capability of the contalement huW' (k f and components to accomodate the pool dynamic leading phenomena. kt Nb kf 8f 4e treenhaven nettene1 Lateratory (OIIt) hos been reviewing the PUA4 to determine f.3l, $[ Port 2 compilance with the staff's acceptance criteria and to evaluate the accept-ability of any proposed alternative lead spectffcation. On the bests of a prelletnary evaluellen of the PUAR, the staff finds the applicant's analysis reasonably conservative and in conformance with MUAEC-0661. Therefore, the staff considers closure of this ites to be confirmatory. A suemary of *he ONL review and status for each of the peel dynamic leads util be presented in a supplement to this SER. h e 9

 - - _ - _   _ - - .         . . - .                      .~.             ,.        -             -        .                  --                -_      -     .   - -   . . .

D) Intervice testing of pumps and valves 3.9.6 The preser...e testing --progra tm o. f p ups and eelves will be devoleped from the 390 to the Technical Spectf fcattens. e.sie ous.nt ., che.ges ,e .,ed ie .en,er. I' be seduniMed to the staff 6 months before fuel leasing.The completed The Techattel $eeCg. inservice testing.%, h program will I ficattens see scheduled to be rewteued by the staff tefere this seem(ttal date. & t 70w q 5F4b This af amprogram will include, sects.n  : . any esguests for rettet from the testing requirements J this program in a segelement to this 5ft.the St.ef om ree.rt the muits .f its re ie. .e velves is considered a confirmatory item. The Inservice testing of peeps and

                                                                                                                                                   %$D4 4

3 l e O

_ m.. m . . .. - . . . . .m _. _ . . m _. _.. . _ . _ _ .--_.m.._ _ _. ,- . . . _ . _. m. .. I (4) Fuel shly .cceler tl 4.2 Dec e t.w.di.g iyse. c.,a .thee s,i.4 4.e WWR. (e.g. , Sv. ic- gushe-toca .d Sh ren 4.2 4-2 n

                                                                         ,er .. i, .s.n                                                                                                             4  (t1.*ssA in.      nc s . .


                                                                                         . st.: . in. e. i ei.e.e.,.cs, an..
                                                                                                                    ,-i.,s.,s.       c ee
                                                                                                                           , - t.,,
                                                                                                                                                        .. s.,

gNcpg is g 4,g ,g te ceiv.J k CPS 4 9 e

_ . . .. _ _ _ _ _ _ . . - _ . . _ . _ m _ _ . . _ . _ . . - _ . _ _ . - . . _ . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ . _ . _ . . .m.= . .- , _ _ _ _ . . .. _ ._ . _ _ _ . . _- . 3 (5) puel asseety sof te,t ,,, a, other 36 6ter guns (e.g. 5eoguem,enne end shorenen) havetesneaan eecause rese is 4.2 that is,tts,v,er 47 k k g, ,

                          .itne. the desten 16eit, see sta , ca e,                                                                                                            % (g                                        "

                          %.ti.,u.,e.ier.ei su            e t,.         ,.ree,s,.es..

e t . ca.,.s e essee,.et.r, tenes

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that the iss. wasi.e snetweie itcasuety ts struc turei i gg M J seceiv d b CPB 4 4 I + 1 I 1


f i 4 1 1 d e f i I _,_y ., ,.v y -

                                                                                                                                                                                                  +      w&   -

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(6) seelew of stress report e the staff's review of the differences totuses these codes and amende used 6n I I I *I I-I g the construct 8en of RCPS c _ --.ts and the codes and amende rewired Dy  %{g(e kCT*O4 10 CFR 50.55a indicated that there are t=e areas that require mograding to the latee code and addende. rhese are (1) compliance with ArtlCle R4*3260 *sentew (gggg gg g g of Stress for. assert.* a.nd.(.2)

         . epa.ts.s         .ed .ca.mellence Sr c.,1     wetle 8cai the es tf,ract.ur.e
o. . .) taughne.s.s
n. 5 . .cregu,treseat.s
                                                                                   ,                                      Need    j kye is incorporated la 58P Sectten 5.3.2 (see section 5.3.2 of this report). It is the staf f's positten that other ettempts to update the appItcatten to meet the                                                  gg f         g requiremsats of le CFR 59.55a would not be compensated by an increase in the level et safety, The staff, therefore, approves the appitCants request for rettet, and acceptance of the AM Code. Secties III and addenda and the AsfEE nuclear Pump and valve Code and addeads appIted in the constructies of the b    W eCPS cespeaeats identitled ahewe. Inomever, the staf f requires the apeticant to comoty ith Arttcle un-3260 of the 1978 Edetten of settien III of the asaEE                                            bigd r

k [ Ih CLCC'ep O Code Ints is a ceaf treetery stem. Fracture toughness requirements dettaed la OfP Mitt 5-2. =hich is tacorporated to SAP Sect een 5 3.2. have been satisfied (see Sectlea 5 3 2). O O

(F) Use of Code cases $1.1. 2 The basis for acceptance is the staff reeiew has been the Code Cases feend acceptable in SG 1.88. " Code Case Accepteility - AM 5ection Ill, Deste and fei.i abrication," and E 1.95, ' Code Case Acceptability - AM Section III, niete- 5-3 Ach,k

                    , .ad              s                                                             (ggg k                          _.

si. s., to i.the s th.s c

                          .pe Code.c C,se   e se,o,pieniy sion.. .it fe.d,. .cce.tmie e p. ii.. tie.         e i. .e m.y t.he staff f., e,nants r= st.I     .

s 5gg k}8.d 4,lB .6 i c.i i . ca.p.nent siity ie.e th.i the ,e.eies.o ts ..I these..C

                                                                               ..s.s .iii    .                                          M,gg is < - ete                         . ace eI the safety functtee of the ACP3. This Constitutes an ette9 table basis for satis
  • fytag the re.uirousets of GSC 1 and is therefore, acceptabie. Acceptance is kteNad cont 6mgent se the applicant Ca.giying with eil these conditions that are
       . 6apeted in addillem to these conditions seetified $# eeth fede Case idretified in eGs 1.94 and 1.95 as renditionally acceptatie. By a settee dated August 13, 1994 (fewsag f 5At Ameadseat F), the applicant ladicated additional infeema-t*en stem.
                .6 1 be peseided en October and toevenner 1904 Th6s 6s a ceafirmatory t

1 9

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           .m. 4 .

k (0) Weectee vessel studs and festeners 5. 3.1. 5 the coacter vesset studs and fasteners settsfy most of the recomoeadetteas of 5.3.1,5 EG 3.65, *tteterials and Ins ections for Seacter Wessel closure Studs.* the 5 18 gp ggg 85dA e.d tne so.iecentdoes not discuss aeeds to c es=tne snesmondestructtee ene cede-s.ectriedenminettens $ggg h4g t s s .reof the. belts and nuts. s i

                          .erver ed-          t=6. is a centimetery iss.e                                                                                                pkPNq bW'ga          1
                                                                                                                                                                                                             't                    i le% &d s.71 ar i                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   s 1

i 1 I . 9 , e 4

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m. a.--. 4 - _ -n------ _
                .  (

9 2 1 4 m 4 l 1



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(101 Beacter pressure vessel shield annulus analysis On the tests of its review of the applicant's analysis, the staff finds 6 10 that the pressures in the SPV shleid annulus have been conservatively calculated and finds thee acceptable, pending Campletten of the staf f's confirmatory kg Gh ggpp k *

                                                                                                                                                                     ,N analysis.                                                                               I la addttten to the sitcompartment differential presswee emelysis, the applicant has performed force and moment calculottens on the Epv from the styumettlC leads calculated in the subcampertarat analysts. The poet net force calculated was 1.8 elllion pounds en the vessel from the recirculotten line breet. The NBC staff has reviewed the appilcant's metted of deteretning forces from the dif-ferential pressure results and finds these methods acceptable, pending comple-tien of the staf f's confireetery analysis.                                                           ,

Pending completten of the confireetery emelyses desCrlbed above, the RPV shield annulus analysis is considered a confireetery ites. s e 9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .w

(11) Dryuell head regten pressor, r, N W I Fsis 6.2JM The staff has revleued the aspilcant's choice of breets, mess and energy release 6-11 g. rate data, modellaation scheme, and inttfat condittens for the drywell he.d reglen suhcesporterat analysis and finds them acceptable, pending completten EWGQ St%FF Actse of the staff's confireetery analysts. This is a confirmatory itse. I e d 4

O 112) Drywell-to- t. Il vacu e breater leads 62.1.7 The Itert I Sumers 6 14 Gre e has se mitted a generic methodele y to be used in the analysis and/or gonficati.a .f liera : t.n-t.-dry.n he t., ains. the staff is Eq cQ (gp k

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ,N currently reviewing this methodeley and espects to complete its review in the                      i second guerter of 1985. Once the generte effort has been completed, the appIt-cant will be respired to assess the design capettttty of the vacuum breakers lastalled at Isope Creet egetast the generic methodeleg. The staff will report ils fladtags en this issue in a segplement to the MR. This is a confireetery issue.

9 b I t e

fil) Short-tem feecheter systee analysis 5.7.3 The aspiteent hos recently cameltted te proefde a piping cross-tle on the feed- 6.7.3 6-13 ,, esater line fill network. This cross-tie will perett the fill network to perfere Its intended safety functlen fellenlag a single active faltere end will ensure kg QQ $K7K Mt. the sealing functlen of this systee for et least 33 days followtag a LgCA. The 1 applicant has aise committed to perfere e confireetery analysis to dommastrate that during the initial partien of a LOCA water in the fece ater systee piping Nq g (

            .o.nst,e. .f the . 3 fee.seter heater wni nash to stee. and c. nun.e t.

flow toward the reacter pressure vessel until the feedseter line decreases to psy g Q,. L(, the containment pressure, et which Llee the lseletten valves will be manually 4 closed. The intent of this analysis will be te verify that pressure la the feechseter system piping will be sofficleat to prevent the outward leakage of d,}g redteactive centeelnents through the lselalles selves during the approulmetely 1-hour period af ter the accident, until the aseter seal is reestablished betuses the lseletten valves via the fl11 systee. Thus, as typass leakage of the feed-water systee is espected to occur. The staff finds this acceptaele, pending receipt of the appilcant's short-tere analysis for the fecesater system. This is e confirmatory ites. l I e

                                                                                            - _ - -      . _-         -_ .           __~            ..

(14) Less-of-coolant-accident analysis 6.3.5. 15.9.3 The LOCA analyses reported in the FSAR unee fee e lead plant representative of 6.3.5 6-35 $}:p kg sh Itape Creeh. The appItcant has cameltted to stoply plant-spectfle LOCA analyses = In a later amenement to the F5AR hefere feel leading. The leAC staff will report N'I ' the results of its review of the plant-specific analyses in a stoplement to this Tl4DMAS ' Dh fOgg k Grb W {'h 5(R. This is a confiruetery ttee. lef b- d 3 31 plant-speciffe Calculattens Te Show Casellence with 10 CFR 50 46 15.9.3 15-23 The applicant hos included small-breek LOCA calculottens in FSAR 5ectlen 6.3.3 SMFF k *k part F that mer* **rfereed for a feed plant representative of flape Creet. The apell- THO W D$ t f I ((h cent has committed to segely plant-specific LOCA enetyses in an amenement hefore fuel lead. The staff will report en its review of the plant-specific k Q Oby t@  % analyses in a sieptement to this 5(R. See Section 6.3.5 er this report. gg O e O

(15) Salam e-et plant test e ility analysts F.2.2.3 The asp 1tcent currently is completing the review for the BOP teatrumentatten III3 I*it and hos cameltted to provide the results of this resjou to the staff. therefore. STRF F-the staff has CenCluded that the 8555 portion of the Itupe Creek destyi has provided adeguate on-line testing capability for the atteetten instressentation N Abq ' TCSE AM Q themseets, logic, and actuetten devices of safety systems and, therefere. is acteetele. The staff will review the results of the GOP system at peuer Q of testellity when they have been completed and provided by the applicant.

7. hh N]bG ( $, fK

( (k) f l The m t thestaffc=688 d ii t co.nfire thattestabiiii,

                          ,f.r at ,.ee    the res.Its ofc the,. ape.0 ,lcant's aaetries demonstrate justificat6en(s) is pre,terd.                            s,s t.: e.ists .r am e,id ie

( pg g g n .5 42I.2.L h 1

4 (16) lastrumentation setpoints la response to thls regnest. the applicent stated that he is partlCipeting 7 17 g

  • with a we of other utilities and the General ElectrtC Ceopeny in generlC p, g d6scussions with the NRC staff Concerning the methodeleg used te estehlish hgtet,7, .[C1 h ~

the Techalcel Specificetten trip seteolats and al'smehle values fee the reacter protectlen system. All of the issues reised by this guestien are being covered by these genertC disCussiens, and the resulting resolutions of the genertC Nh %k DNfgj issues will be applied te tempo Creek. The staff will confire that the regelutions of the generic issues concerning the setpoint methodele g are appropetete and successfully appited to the Nepe Creet Techn6 cal Spec 6fications. y. . e e e

_ _ . . . _ _ . . _ _ _ . . _ . . _ _ _ . . .. __. _ 4 ._ _ _ . . _ _ _ . . . _ __ .. (II) Iselettee devices The staff roguested more emett data regardtag the soulaam tredible het short III0 I*IO eeltage that could be lepressed on the festatten devices. The applicant stated thet preelege tests laCluded this conditten and that this would be gg h ' eerified and the results seemitted to the staff, 4RIC, TCS b __ hg pQ 44 10 44J g The staff will confire successful completten of tests and the adegnacy of the lsoleters used la the Ituye Creek destpe. The test program used to demonstrate the Capability of the $seletten devfges should include the mesteese Credible O b C5 3 Md* fault for its applicatten both Igne to Ifne and line to ground. The method used to determine the seulaum credible fault should be provided. The aestuum p, g a tredeble mode. fault should be applied te the output of the deelte in the transverse f. s. O i A 1 l e

(la) Drostatery Cefde 1.F5 F.2.2.F The applicant stated thet am Snelysts umuld be perfereed to justify separatl49 I I'I* *'$ ef less than & le. le the neutres emetterlag system (IBI5) panel (letteel aad 9a the process reeletten moniterlag system (515) penets (10C635 and 19C636). The apellCant provided this analysts la a letter dated Septester F.1994 NAC C 9t% IC.$3

                                                                                                                                                 $%FF  A eq en the bests of the review of the apptfCant's responses and the taformetlen preelded la the ISAS, the staff CenCluges that the tempo Creet design satisf fes the requirements of TEEE Std. 304-1974 as augmented by AG 1.75, and of to Cft 59.55eth) (i.e. . the regatrements of l((( 544. 279) and is acceptable se4}ett to the staf f's vertf 6catten of the results of the analysis that was perfereed regarding seperation withfe the NES and WE5 panels.

As a Confireetery itse, the staff is Currently verifying the results of the appitCant's analysis regarding seperetten within the lar$ and Rets panels. 9 i i . l [ O

     .   . ... .-   _. _ . . . . - . . . . . - . - . - _ . . . . - . - . - - - - - . . _ . . _ . . - . . . . . - - ~ . - . . . - - - . . - - - - _
                                                                                                                                                                    - . . - . _    - . ~. . , . . _ - ~ . . . - - - _ . - .

4 (19) Seectoe se e settch y,g,g,, .; e. ene es. . .f it. ,e se .c ine sneer.stie. miese. ene .taff tne meer swetch desty acceptable. Rome,or, as e confirentery ites the staff is careently ,orifytag the aeds outsch emelga one the fatture emelysis performes, 1.r.r., gpp g4W - l The staff u6ti report its finetags to a sesplement to this M R. kgg g ygg 8 r y 4 I r s 4 e 4 4 i E i . t t t i 4 i a . ~ i 1 j . f i , r i *


US) Englesered safety features reset centrols I.3.2.6 The staff regelres that th s fe. . e appflCent setof e t th.e reefsed electrical .u,.t I.3.2.6 t <heth .sss .nd W schematic / pig g k eie.e.te, s.fet,-rei.t.d 7 33

  • has been medllied to preteet its reverting back to its novuol (nonomergency) ,M made after an EW reset.

The staff wtIl ceaf fre that the selves meted aheve kug g TC$ h I remain in their emergency made egen an EW reset, therefere conferetag with the { gg recommendettens of IE Sulletin D96. Addittenelly, the stoff allt regatre proeperettenal tests to demonstrate that all egelpment remetes la its guergency yb made egen removal of the actuettag signal and/or resetting of the earteus ese-lating er actestien signals. This is a conf 6rmatory stem hhQ $ g i M gg,,gj g ,1, h l O

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               -       rtor eero                     o sft oe nl pf                    sa i el p                    l        d Guan   S l sey t

o eel r di sguo ctnt endt freawiI aa c raea hhm eccr h iaf fief tl si f Ldet asn ees trio esre hf j nu edy c tee mel a rhe e ct f os th t cons erei yrtr no dpr te e erui rs litt ncs t ech T ieee tes bcjg a sn cea a nri eeh tsT4 fhsh ht f 8 Ip t

                                 ,c          lpa   r       9 1

pf el ph7 aol a a 2f br f - o enae eo9 7 hetd tt pe h 7r 2 tec t n e ent 9

           -        deco el cr                   eli r 7          ueap                     rlt a fsdl eeu  q n       les    etr                gnl i

t vrie e eeuh e rede rmBt a r

         ?l         st h nr               l ef v
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6 hofd t r iwro t e E f da f g h I fhnh aca f net t a ais

         )                                  tdng f          sok                     sioo F          epe  re                       vpt

- ( h pr eosr hreo - T aC T prd e e

F i I' (2D Sypassed and inoperable status indicatten 7,$,3,4 On the bests of its reelow of the hypessed and inoperable states indicatten. the staff finds that the appilCant has proel 7 46 casing the b, .c ine,eratie .t.cos .f p.ded an acceptable rtions mothed syst

                                                                                                .f the ,r.t.cti.e   of ladt-systems actuated systems. Nouse-   or controlled by the protectfen system, and smallfary support   gOM N    g STAF F       A en to confilet semowhat with 75AA fable F.1-2 and Section of this SER. the infometten proelded in F5AA Section appears regarding the appitcability of the guldence of SG 1.47 to the 15F egulpnent area cooling system (as Indicated in F5AA Sectlen

The staf f will confim that the descriptions proeided in the FSAA regarding bypassed and taseerable states Indicatten ( AC 1.47) for the (5F equipment area cooling system are consistent and acceptable to the staf f, tory ites. this is a confime-t O

                                                                                                                                     .               _ . .        -             -

(24) Logic for high pressure coolent injectlen interlock circuitry The staff will reelow the logic configurations for the LMI interlock circuitry F.6.2.1 F-H whe.n n s is the fina,l crewings e c.n et.r, iteare provided to the staff and confire their ectoptance, - b 8%- Nu* Ics8 W N q w g4.L 7 TEF44 ksymu-S g 1 e

     ' N

(25) f ad-of-cycle recirculation peep trip s The staff review of the elementary dfagrams d"oes not ladicate that the TOC RPt transfers the pumps to lor frequency M/G sets after tripping their main peuer supplies. At prevleusly revleued OWRs (e.g. , i::;-f. ...; (IRMfG-0776) and 7.62 Sh p { kC sh kgg% TC$$ River Send (NUREG-0909)), this transfer tehes place af ter the RPT and the temps run at apprestaately one-quarter their normal speed. N hM' [IN There is not Ing the EOC RPT.sufficient Inforeetfon for the staff to coglete its review regard-The applicant is required to sutett desfon dotatis shoutng the NFb led e=f 3 .l. T transfer ofset generator theeen retirculation EOC Spi. peep power supply to a lower frequency motor / This is a confirmatory Itee. h e Y

(26) Italtiple control system fattures F.F.2.1 The esplicant provfdsd the results of these emelyses in a letter dated I. I.2.1 I"0I August 24. 1994. On the bests of its restre of the informatten provided, the 3 (( kgh . staf f finds that these concerns are resolved. Itowever, as a confiruetery itse, 73g the staf f is currently verifylng the Centrol system failures that were asstumed t and ve16dat6ng the assumed conseguences. 4 Y

(27) - Aelief function of safety / relief valves F.7.2.2 1 The staff is currently reviewfag the informatten provided regoedtag the ,,gg,f 7-" k functeen of the savs and will eteestae the emovecy of the milea fa a swele- 57%FF *M

         .,at to this report.. This is a ceaf fenstery item.

N&uc.g , M S ,J,J ,g MF46

                                                                                                       &   c o     2 IVY O

e. t WP

(28) fiefn steam tunnet flooding analysis 3, 3,3, 3, e The applicant has committed - 8 13 ggpp ph, to pe.rform en emelysts te verify of that, afterof both the primary and backey e -. pre-t-1.e deeices - as . together with the worst-case single fat tere, the plant can be safely shut ti,e r.t-se. gN% g (c 5 pWW p W g#j g} down. If the analysis shows the plant cannot be safely shut denn, the appil* ~ cent has committed to provide protectlen. On the basis of these comettaents. lg h d d j f,29, the staf f concludes that the design meets the protectlen requirements of GOC 2, 4, and IF and is acceptatie, This ites is confirmatory pending receipt and review of the applicent's analysis. 9 eP

(29) ratite tray seperation testing Su bsegmently, m ..n., test the.ei

                                                                     ,e e   rf. by   letter
                                                                                      . pre. dated..Se.ptem    et
20. 1984 Indicated e . p-se. tes t pl...

ettted to install tray coeers en the top and bettee of the trays in accord-that

                                                                                                                      .n. c. 846 (Kp. f k(4,k ance ulth the pufdelines of IEEE 5td. 304-1974 kSJ04 g Sb - On the basis of this counttment and the proposed test plan, the staf f con *ff the prosesed testing fails. closes eret thethat c^ satisfactory test results or the alternative design proposals Ni,p% Cg, Su W4 *

                                                                                                                                                                                                     %d 4.,e reestrement of GOC 17 and are acceptable. The staff will review the results of the preposed testing. This is a confirmatory ites.                                              I               , $[

1 e of

(30) Use of Inverter as isolatten device 83334 sy letter dated October 1.1904, the applicant provided a proposed test plan 83334 8-II and a teamitment that if the tests are not successful, either the non-Class it W EE kC4M leads will be renewed free Class IE buses er the non-Class if assectated cables will be rerested se that they are independent of non-Class 1E cables assectated p h(, bh , with reduiedent safety divistens. On the bests of this cemitment and the test plan, the staff concludes that satisfactory test results or the alternettre le g gews ga, ggg.ded kg design proposals meet the independence requirements of GOC 17 and are accept

  • able. On the basis of discussions with the applicant, ft is the staff's under- f standing that the proposed testing of the isoletten device will include subject-lag it to the four fault Conditlens listed in the test plan as well as subject-E b sle }e fs b, b[

ing it to a 20(E everload to demonstrate that the input current and voltage do not onceed specified values. On the bests of this understanding, the staff finds the test plan and its acceptance criteria acceptable. The staff wtll re-view the results of the preessed testing, ihls is a confirmatory ites. e l e b

i l i (31) Co m dam.9e estimate proces ,, 9. 3. 2 De the b.sts .f the . hose ev.tuation, the st.ff concludes that the$ dent 9.3.2 9-24 saapilas.syste. . sets the v.guirements .f lie. 11.B. ther.rer , .u e ,s.hi.. to esti ne==. h.v e i i

t. th. .. tent .e cor. e se he ,, 3 er NUREG-0137 and
                                                                                              . . . pi t-s,ecstic pr.coeor.

[ is,igg dg Y k e y. t.,,ite.. stes4. thes is c.nrs, - ~ (gp %s,4.v3 M gg4 SWGt e 9

l (32) Continuous airborne particatete montters The applicent will 12 0 provide the facettens. quantity, and type of continuous afreerne monitors te be used by July 1. 1905. On the hasIs of the apelIcont's casettaent to provfde g g D the ateve inforeetten et a later date, this is a confirmatory item. N:wgoN k88 8 g i g

                                                                                                                                                                  %        4 Q pg,k
7. l.6I 9

4 _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ . --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ^-- ' ^-^ ^^^^ ^^

(33) Qualiffcations of senter radiatten protection engineer 12.5.1 the applicant II.5.I II II has designated the senfor radf atten protection superviser as the backup for

  • the radiatlon protectlen engineer (RME). Oraft AftSI 3.1 recommends that  %

ladividuals temporarily filling the RMS positten should have a 8.5. degree in hgggeg I M$ - iscience or engineering pear .r .ich shouid and 2 years of esperten.ce in radiation protectlen. t 1 E n.cie.r pi.nt ..per nce and eenths .f whici, should be on site. The applicant has stated that the senter radiatten protec-close d SER daL4 1 A I tien superviser, as well as the restatten protectlen s wervisers who report to him, will be quellfled In accordance with AftSt 3.1-1981. the staff will gg gg review the quellficattens of the senter radf atten protection superviser against ' the quellficattens of a backup RMI when they are submitted in December 1994. This is a confirmatory Stee. l O e

(34) Onstte instrument informatten 12.5.2 NG 1.97 states 12.5.2 that portable instr e ontatten should be avallable to analyse and essess pos b 12 12 accldent conditlens. The range should be 10-3 ren/hr to 1M ree/hr for photons and 10-3 red /hr to IM red /hr for beta radiatten and few-energy photons. Hope yINWN b8 h rW J I ACTax Creek hasintuo portable ten-chaeber dose rate lastroents capable et detecting g r redtetten these ensite instruent ranges. The sepItcant will provide more detalls of the hS%Q 9g C

                                                                                                                            .f Q .g(, d methods,  by July calibretten capettittles. Including seweces, restyment, and 1, 1935. This   item is confireetery pending rer !st and review of this informatten.
                                                                                                           ). l. h[

4 o

(35) Airtierne fedine concentratten lastruments 12.5.2 Section 511.0.3.3 of MUstG-0137 17 9.2 Il Il states that each licopeee shell proefde egulament and assectated training and precedures for accurately deteretning the af rterne lodine concentration in areas within the factitty where plant personnel may be present dortog an gg - hb kfh*% accident. The applicant has cemitted to provide e description of the equip- t 6 ment, training, and precedures for accurately deteretning the afrterne todene concentratten in areas within the plant where personnel may be present during } f( h an accident, by June 1,1995 (see 5ectlen The app 15 Cant has stated that these precedures and associated traf atng will meet the intent of Ites

                                                                                                                                                                                   %ggg y

g of NutfG-0737. The staf f will reetow this materlat for accept-ability when it is received. This is a confirmatory itee. I b T

(36) Emergency plan itees II.3.2.4-9,, Section 2.1 of the plan states that the applicant has entere

                                                                                            .ith the appropriate emergency response agencies that provi.d late           agroceents
                                                                                                                                                                     .nsite and off.

13 3.2.1 13 20 h$h

                         ,,,,,                                                              site soport. These agreements (half are in either draf t fore er lateria status) are included in the plan as Attacionent 2-1. The matter of finaliging the draft and interte letters of agreement with the agenCles/ individuals iden-pETP tt oTTI  I Nh gp its g bg,4,j tified in Attachment 2-1 to the plan is confirmatory.                                                                       g g,[

The plan establishes a standard emergency Classificatten and action level scheme 333I* 13-" based en the four standard emergency Classes: notification of unusual event, alert, site area emergency, and general emergency. The plan states: "The

                                                                                                                                                                                                          %FF AM_                                g twent Classification Guide (ECG) (to be provided in Decoster 1984) will contain                     gg sg                                           QtOf all of the MuttG-0654 Appendia 1 elements in a format that assists the operators                                  MEM N
  • in determin6ng the appropriate Emergency Action tevel." The plan specifies that Part 2 the ECG will be discussed and agreed on by the applicant and the State and local governments. Sectlen 17.4 of the plan specifies that, as part of an annual re-h l , b, view of the plan, the ECG will be reviewed with State and local governments. In a letter dated September 12, 1984, the appilCant provided the staff with two sample draf t emergency action levels (Eats). These draf t Eats appear to confers to NUREG-0654 Appendts 1 The matter of the ECG is confirmatory, and the staff will ensure t%t the (CG is Ceepleted before fuel leading, currectly projected for January 1986.

t a 7

la the January 31. 1984, response to the staff's rest for informatten en the 13-23 applicant's role in supporting the State and local autherttles with information p Q,g

                                  ,,' 3   to be included la pubile sesseges, the aeplicant briefly described am emergency  D broadcast system (E05) manual and committed to reference the manual in the plan.

This matter is conf ermatory. i NQ'IT) 4 @h hpk h4bith war IA {

                                                                                                         . .escription e,  iura      n-ra   s,wm A.A N"8     the Hope creek communicatten system will be provided by December 1984. This matter is coatsreatery.

P e y,g o n , @ g pg, d, (} Nb

  • tt.9 84 The plan speciffes that inf6rmation will be provided in earfeus forms an Informatten insert in appro- 13-25

_ggg gh priate local publicattens, pamphlets, advertisements, bill inserts, and placards and/or nestings. On Septe eer 5, 1994, the appItcant furnished the staff with MWI [ $4 4 Ass

  • set 5 a sample public Informatten brochure and informed the staff that the final g
                                                                                                                                            %$fD4N brochure would be provided in mid-1985, in a letter dated September 12. 1984, the applicant committed to provide the final brochure to the local population                       h$          NNW as outlined in the plan. This matter is confirmatory.

t 4

                     .m         -           ~

{ l l - i The plan identiffes the Iscation of the f 5C and operettens support center (05C), and provides a general sumoery of the purpose of these factittles. In the Jan- 13-25  % g h kche k ca rt 6 mary 31, 1984, sutuotttal, the appilcant stated that the OSC and 15C are under constructlen, and as informatten on these facitttles becemos avellable, it will QQg8 Nh kk J_ SGOWi4F  % be incorporated into the plan. Yhts metter is confireetery. g,gg, In the January 31, 1984, response to the staff's request for additional infor. 33-26 pg,g y nation en ensite monstering systems used to inf tlate emergency measures and for conducting assessment, the applicant stated that the plan will be updated as information becomes ava6 fable on these systems. This matter is confirmatory. M pg S te ( W g K Q o

6. tS . W fhe Hope Creek plan should be updated with regard to the support and resources 13-26 Part a to be provided by the Sales Generating Statten, including sessenc and hydre-logical data. In a letter dated September 12, 1984, the sopitcant cemettted D@

te include this informatten in the nest plan revisten, scheduled for Octobe' 1984 This matter is confireetery. 3 EL hM'MS MN t-CA k k =)* t 4


The meteorological senttering program as presented in the plan, facteding pre. cedures for its use, will be reelswed and evaluated at the time of the castte 13-2 f ggpp kh k emergency proper.edness laplementation appraisa ,lc encies i oniifie. , i~ hgg gh O ea rt . to st.,a,pilcant . ii .e - i.ed t. c., 3 gma p geg in i~. ispicof this p

f. =c.rdingi, e.
                                                      . ie.s,oiegicai f reat.ry ,e  tie, .f monit.,ing
                                                           ,t,e        t. rect         an, p,og,..

tc e of ti.e .ns te ,, .l (preeperational Inspec.  % g. tion). j q.q. g The plan specifles that the lastruments and plant parameter values needed to I33I' I I*I8 [* ert10 a Identify an accident class will be provided in Section 5, " Emergency Classif t-cation System." The applicant has committed to provide this information by ) g Nh kCT% December 1984. In additten, the plan speciftes that a list of portable sasoling

                                                                                                                                                ,h j g

and survey lastru e tetten will be provided by July 1995. The matter regarding MS M  % M the enstte monitoring and assessment systems is confirmatory, G.I.C. W The appitcant has committed to provide curves of containment radiation monitor readings versus tier for various scenarios (i.e., reactor coolant release, 13-I" 5%FF Adk coolant and gap activity,11 fuel inventory, and 10E fuel inventery) at a later f g

                                                                                                                            ]*pg geh time. This matter is confirmatory.                                                                  )

ysen kw Md o

     ,,,, ,,                                     s.,t
                   .f th. plan I,. Clarified..ith      ner th.appleC Ih.     sted fe. ned. .ad    r that certaia rti sTh. disc.ssed13.1.2.12 the h. spital 13-31 ,lan    b       '

in finalising the L. th. 58 #L .gr d 1. C rdinate ith 580f and ilMC p - 6 pian. This .atter is, gg %pg y %$fgj k f feh ** ieste est.s u. n .to . . , f to i n. .

    ,' " ' 3       ti soia t. ne er.. sed t. 3 rs ei ese rted access.
                   .iii ne .see .t
                                                                        .e ,r
                                                                     . eit.
h. = n.L h..e for . -

creen.This visit.e's s.ete . si.11ar t. .a. correatiy . sed at seie.. a s w F Ac k rhis . tier is c fir t.rr. FWRCm gtE96 - PSEb NSW [1 6% dahd ((8.8'l L 3

(31) TMI Ites II.E.3.18 15.9.3 II.E.3.10 Modificatten of A05 teefc By F5All Amendment 5. the applicant adapted the results of the Sm0G report 15.9.3 15-22 ("NupfG-0737, itse II.E.3.18 - feedification of Automatic Depressurf satten Systems ( A05) togic--Feassbility for Increased Olversity for Some Events" dated Octo-kr 28,1982) en IMI Action plan Item II.E.3.18. The apellcant has committed 7MM k s 8 to modify the A05 logic to bypass the high drywell pressure trip after a = sustained lower water level signal and to add a manual switch that may be esed M to inhibit AOS actuetten if necessary. This is consistent with Option 4 of the 9WOG study and is acceptable to the staff with the fellowing conditlens: K6 (1) Installation must be completed before initial criticality. (2) Technical Specifications must be provided for the bypass timer and at enhibit switch. [hM kg k ) l,l7,[ NSWQ hCN' he (3) The wse of the inhibit switch must be addressed in the plant emergency (4) p ific analysis avst be provided to jestify the bypass timer '"- MN ' The staff finds the conceptual design for AOS logic modifications proposed by o M. the applicant acceptable confirmatory en completten of the above specified at t eens. D

                                                                                                                                    ' b 5 fCh4 Q h b4 L*

le% datid 3.l.BT

btXkLb cc: J. Ridgely i S. Lirslis l D. Kubicki - L. Ruth lf D. Perrotti R. Jachcwski i R. Wright ! J. Lombardo H. Garg C. Hinson ! G. Thomas G. Lapinsky J. I:cuck J. Buzy F. Allenspach II. Shaw P. Li P. Kirkwood J. Fairobent it. Fum D. Sn.ith S. Rhow J. Knox M. Goodrian T. hovck H. Thompson cc s:/o enclosures: L. Hcuston L. Rubenstein R. Berner0 J. Knight W. Johnston R. Bosnak l!. Ilusseil

  • MEB 0 l' MtEB 0 1 PSB 1 3 RSB 0 3 (2 confirmatory itens, I with 2 subparts)

The above list reflects the project status as of June 1,1985. Because open/ confirmatory itens are not considered resolved until DL has received an SER from the appropriate review organization, those items for which SERs are in preparation have not been accounted for in this listing. Enclosure a detailed listing of each open/confirpatory item. For each item, the word descriptions from the SER have been excerpted and reproduced within. Also, the revicuer, branch of origin and status of each item are identified. In most cases, the status refers the staff to PSE&G submittals responding to the itens. By letter dated llay 22,1985, PSE8G notified the NRC that the fuel load date for llope Creek has been accelerated frca January 14, 1986~to December 1, 1985. This will place added importance on the staff reviewing PSE&G open/ confirmatory item responses in a tinely fashion. Accordingly,

         - for those open/ confirmatory items identified as requiring staff action, you are requested to review the material referenced in Enclosure 2 and to provide DL-the SER(s) for inclusion in the next SSER. The schedule for issuing SSERs is as follows:
                                                                     - SER Input to PM' Document                    Issuance Date               (Drop-dead date)

SSER 2 June 1985 June 1, 1985 SSER 3 August 1985 August 1, 1985 SSER 4 October 1985 October 1, 1985 SSER 5 November 1985 November 1, 1985 Orisiaal aigned by: Walter Butler, Chief Licensing Branch No. 2


As stated Division of Licensing cc: See next page DISTRIBUTION

         - *Previously concurred-Docket File     Dewey, OELD.


          *DWagner             WButler' N -                                                WButler Local PDR       DWagner      1 05/30/85             06/3/85                                     PRC System-     EHylton      ,
                                                                         -NSIC                          l 1

LB#2 Reading l I

    ,y                      .,      .,          , ,       ,  4. . _            ,              __

I liEB 0 1 litEB 0 1 PSB 1 3 PSB 0 3 (2 confirnatory itens, I with 2 subparts) The above list reflects the project status as of June 1,1985. Because open/confirnatory itens are not considered resolved until OL has received an SER frota the appropriate review organization, those itens for which SERs are in preparatien have not been accounted for in this listing. Enclosure E is a cetailed listing of each open/confimatory iten. For each item, the word descriptions from the SER have been excerpted and reproduced within. Also, the revicwer, branch of origin and sti.tus of cach iten are identified. In most cases, the status refers the staff to PSE&G submittals responding to the itens. By letter dated !!ay 22, 1985, PSE&G notified the hRC that the fuel load date for Hope Creek has been accelerated frca January 14, 1986 to December 1, 1985. This will place acceo importance on the staff reviewing PSE&G oper*/confirnatory item responses in a tinely fashion. Accordingly, for those open/confirraatory itens identified as requiring staff action, you are requested to review the material referenced in Enclosure 2 and to provide DL the SER(s) for inclusion in the next SSER. The schedule for issuirig SSERs is as follows: SER Input to Pl4 Document Isscance Date (Drop-deed date) SSER 2 June 1985 June 1, 1985 SSER 3 August 1985 August 1, 1985 SSER 4 October 1985 October 1, 1985 SSER 5 November 1965 hovember 1, 1985 Walter Butler, Chief Licensing Branch No. 2 Division of Licensing cc: See next page I i Tt::tl DL:LB#2 DUagner UButler 05/10/65 05/ /85

L MEB 0 1 MtEB 0 1 PSB 1 3 iSS 0 3 (2 confirmatory iteris, I with 2 stbpris) The etcvc list reflects the project status as cf June 1, 1985. Because open/ confirmatory itens are not considered resolved until DL has received an SER from the appropriate review organization, these itens for which SERs are in preparation have not been accounted for in this listing. Enclosure 2 is E cctLiied iisting of each open/confimatory iten. For each iten, the word descripticr.s from the SER have beer, exccrptcd ard reproduced within. Alsc, tFe retia er, branch of origin ano stetcr cf eech item are identified. In most cases, the status refers the staff to PSE&G submittals respcr.oirs tc th itens . ily letter dated I;t) CE, IEEE, PSE&G notified the f!RC that the icel load tate for llope Creek has been accelerated frcr.1 January 14, 1986 to Leteaber 1, 198b. This will picce Ecded irpcrtance on the staff review 1r5 hen o r./cenfirnatory item responses ir. a tir.cly fashion. Accorcir. gly, f or those open/ cot.firr,ater) iters identified as rec,uiring staff action, yuu are recquested to review the material referenced in Enclosure 2 and to provide LL the SER(s) <cr irclusion in the next SSER. Tbc scheoule for is etire SSEF1s is as follows: SEP Input to PM Docurnent Issuance Date (Drop-deaodatel SSEP 2 JLr.e 1955 uune 1, 1985 SSER 3 August 1985 /.cgust 1, 1905 SSER 4 Octcber 1966 October 1, 1985 SSER 5 November 1985 f,cvember 1, 1985 Or-isiaal signed by Walter Butler, Chief Licensing Branch ho. 2


As stated Division of Licensing cc: See next page DISTRIBUTION

 *Previously concurred          '

Docket File DL:L6 k, Dewey, OELD DL:LBA NRC PDR WButler

 *DWacrer            WButler N                                     Local PDR       DW ner GE/30/85             06/ 3 /85                                    PRC System      FH ton NSIC LB#2 Reading}}