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SECY-78-184: Provision of Information to Congress
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/03/1978
Download: ML21308A052 (27)


- .. . -- . . - ------- - -~-----*


-For: The Comnissioners


  • Lee V. Gossi ck, Executive Di rector for Operations SybJect: .PROVISION OF INFORMATION TO CONGRESS Pu!J?.2se: To infonn the Conmissioners of the results of a recent survey on NRC offke *co11111Jnications with the Congress.

Discussion: Recent experience in hearings before the Subcomnittee on Energy and the Environment, the Subcomnittee on Nuclear Regulat.ion, the Subconmittee on Energy and Power, the

.Subcomnittee on Publfc Works, and others emphasizes the importance of our comnunications with Congress

  • We have., therefore, requested from all staff offices a listing of current practices. in this regard.

The. .responses received are presented in separate tabulations:


~ Enclosure 1 disp*lays by *the types of 1nfonnat1on sent and the tra11smittal proceeding for routine and for non-routine c011111Unications.


  • r.
  • Enclosure 2 1s a cros~-cut listjng *of the same data, arranged by recipient*. coimrf.ttee.
  • Enclosure 3 is a listing ;Ot all Congressional units with which OCA has recently had CQntact.
  • Enclosure 4 is a surmary of conments provided by the offices suggesting .various options for i111>roving our co11111mi cations with *Congress.


C. Lotze, PLA 492-7721

. ),

The Co11111issioners The survey yielded two conclusions:

- NRC offices provide a very large quantity of infonnation to the various C011111ittees.

- Many NRC senior staff members feel uninformed about the additional infonnation needs and interests of the COffl11ittees.

Regarding the first point, my staff is carrying out further analysis to determine what, if any, additional items of infonnation should be provided to the Congress. Concerning the second item, new approaches may be desirable.

  • At your convenience, I would like to discuss options and additional procedures that might enhance relation-ships with the Congress as well as improve c.~ nfcations withf n and outside the NRC.

-....,-.. L -;r ~

ee v. Gossick Executive Director.for Operations


1. Transmittals by office
2. Cross-cut
3. OCA Congressional contacts
4. Office conments


.Transm1 tta 1s by offf ce i:

!;I t

f f


t I(


t f


ti 1



  • (ltote: All [00 staff offtces
  • route OCA 1t*s through


EDO) .


  • 1*


Dtrec~ to SeMte tcatttee on Org1ntz1tton and Personnel Annual certtftcatton of all posttton descrtpttons. 1ncludt!IQ . Post Offtce and ctvtl Service 1ver1ge grade a~ s1l1ry. a~ and House COllllltttee on Appro-

  • n&111>er of FT eaployee, -at ttncl of prtattons. Copy to CA .

current f1 sea 1 year,

  • Ltcense Fee Nanage11ent Br1nch None Contracts Contract acttvtttes Dtrect tQ COMptroller General, ~o (Equ1l .low bids. atstakes.

protests) **

Stattsttcal lnfo,..tton &SA Factltttes and Operations ftone Techntcal Info. and Oociaent Control Rainbow Books, Press Releases, Direct to Me111bers of Co"9ress. KJC Reguh.tory Guides. Ltcensee Event * (See Attaclwent A)

Reports, Current Events and Oper1Ung Experttinces * ..

Security Clnrances for ~ r s of Congress ... To OCA Otvtsion of Rules an4 Records ederal Rpister tlotlces: (Includes a - h) ~

    • Notices o Proposed Ruleaak1111J Through OCA 0
b. Nottcesof Rul-.Ung To: Udall Cclnltttee
  • C Hart Ca1111i ttee d

,c. Notices of Ftltng of Petlot1s for Rul . .klng .

d. Notices of Dentals of Pet1t1ons for Rulaattng
e. Notices of HRC Heetfngs Reprdtng Ruleaattng
f. Advance Notices of Proposed Rul.attng
9. Notices Regardtng NRC Poltcy Stat.ants
h. Nottces Regarding ,-rlnck of Understanding


  • P19e 2 A. ROOTIN£ HRC OFFICE TYPES Of lftFO!MTIOff TRANSMITTAL PROCfDU@E D1v1s1on of Rules and Records (cont*d,) Report of proposal to n~blhh a qew *Y*1- Through OCA of records o-r lc;.,ike s~bst1nt1v* change* To; Speaker of ttouse to systeas of records w,r Pr1~*~Y Act of President of Senate 1974 , Udall COMtttee Hart Coallltttee CR NRC 1 s Privacy Act Annu11 llepor~ Dtrett to ot8 for inclusion in President's Report to Congress

_ NRC's Annual Report on th, allll1ntstrat1on Through OCA of Freedaa of f!'lfo~~1on Act To: S~ker of the House President of the Senate Udall CmNtttee Hart Ca1111tttee House C01111ittee on Gov't. Operat ions Cmaatttee on Interstate &Foreign C011Werce OFFICE OF THE CONTROll.ER Budget Jutt1f1cat1on Books Through OCA To: 3 Authorization C0111Rittees 2 APP.roprtatton C011111tttees Autho~tzat\on.8111 and J111 ~lys1s

  • Through OCA To: 3 Authorization COlllllittees 2 Approprtatton COQU1ttees.

Appropriation Language ind APPropr1ation Through (Jfll for President's Budget Justification (A-11 Schedule>

Responses to Authortzatton tQlll!l1ttee Questions Through OCA To; House and Senate Authorization C011111ittees

  • Responses to Approprtat1on Cma1ttee Questtons Direct to House and Senate Appro-prtatton Caa.ittees, with prfor OCA concurrence "4rkup of Authorization Testillony Through OCA
  • To: House arid Senate Authoriza-tion CQ!llllltttees I*

(Conttnued) - P19e l A* ROUTINE ftRC Off}g TYPES Of INFOIIMATIQII TRANSNITTAL PROCEDURE OFFICE Of THE COftTROLllR (cont'd,) . ffJrk'fp of Appropriations T*it11111>n1 Direct 'to House and Senate Appro- .

pr1ation, Couu1ttee. *with prior OCA concurrence lnfor,11tion on ReprogrUllll119 Act1on11 u they occur . * .. Through OCA To; Authorliatlon Coaalttee, INTERtlATIOHAL PROGRAMS St4tu1 of Pending Exports (tlo,tthly ~port) Through OCA

. To: Senfte SfbITTtttee on Energy.

. 1tuc;1eaf ro ferat1on, and federa nv ce Nelll l .1cen5e Apo11catfans Recehttd 01 rec t to fOC International Research ind. lnforNt1m*- Thr.ouQh uepartment of State t:xcnange 119reeaiertt . JnfonMtion-

  • f~fo~t1on on Select fxport t.1cen1e cas,,


..;;. ,)'* ~ ".*" ----- -**-----------

(Continued) .,. Paqe 4 A. RWTINE NRC OFFICE TYPES Of INFORf0TIQ!f TAANSHIJTAL PflJ>CEOURE STATE PROGRAMS Reports of non-routine e~ent, 1q Through OCA Agreaent States *.

  • fonaal reports of ..Jor stl!d1H and Through OCA WOrk$hops
  • and direct upon request subsequent to transatttal through OCA State leghlat1on 1nfonut1Pn report Through OCA ',

and d,rec:t on request Congressional correspondence Through OCA E(JIAl EMPLOYMENT OPPOIITUHITY Quarterly report on s\itu* Qf NRC Through OCA EEO 1ctly1t1es HAHAGEHEIIT INfORMATION ANO PROGRAM CONTROL Ratnbow Books Olrect Current £vents and 0per*~1ng Exper1e11Ctts Through OCA M6nthly l1censee Event Report5 Direct quarterly Abno~l Occurrence Reports Tflrough OCA

  • .. Jnd1v1dU4 l Abno11111 l Occurr.,pce Reports Through OCA (See Attactaent C for d1str1button 11st) .

NUCLEAR REGULATORY RESEARCH currently - None Anriually, After April 12 1 1978; Through EOO and Conatss1on J~prov~ ~fety R~search IIJCLEAR HATERJALS SAFETY All> SAFEGUARDS Budget lnfonu t ton,_ AhnonaaJ_ Occurrence Through EDO Reports, * *.



  • hH 5 A, ROOTINE NRC Off.Ill TY~ES Of JHFORHAJ ION TRAIISHITTAL PROCEDURE STMOMlOS ~VllOPffEHT Fet1y 11 @31*t!f Notices. ffrt*tn1N to Through OCA 1
  • pub c.., ngs, proposedregul*i*-*

eff.ect1ve regu1at1ons, ~nd -=1-tP-. ~

To; Sepate - Hart ftouse - Ucta n pettttons for ruleaa~lne* . *

. Toptc1l report$ 1nnouncecf fn the frenl , Through EOO: Adlll111htr1Uve seupteA. all regulatory guides an rat I EA safety gufdeJ wtth feder,1

  • and Correspondence eraqch 1n accordance wtth OCA 19ree11ent J ft!91!t*r: notice. ** .. Jo; Senate - Hart House - Uda11 INSPECTION AHO ENFORCOltlT 1. Prelf*lnary Notlftcatt~n of fV411'\ or Through OCA (for * ,b, and c)

Unusual Occurrence To; SNR/SCE A PW* .

b. Prelt tnary Not1f1catlon of Slfeguarclf Event SEE/OCIIA SEP/IICIFC c, Nottf1catton of St~nlftcant Enforc.ent Action S01/0ClfC Notification of events at plents 1nvolvtng Through OCA l1rue aount~ of public attenifon To: Spec1f1c_ MOC 1n whose district the plants .re located tllCLEAA REACTOR REWlATIOlt 01v1s1on of Operating Reactors Quarterly Alinorul Occurrence Report~ Through OCA Reports on Unusual Actions or St9nt.ftc1nt Incidents Through OCA Shoi., CaU$e Orders Issued to ~tcenseei Through OCA To: Udall Hart
  • Senat* tonlttaa on Env1roraent and Pld>>Hc Works Subcona1ttee on HUclear lagul1tton _ *
  • J11>u11 c...ttte* on lntertor and Insular Aff1tn .

SubcU111t ttee on Energy incl £nv1nNaleftt

  • House Comftt.. on l11terst4te and forettfl eoi-erce Subc011ailtee on Eneru *nd rower

, House C01111tttee on lntentilte IJld Foreign Couierct Subc011111ltlee on Oversight it1d Jnvesttgatlon,

....,.., ..... . ........I

  • __ ,L -- *-.


Dtvtston of Project "*n*u*en~ ,*- COfl!lres~iontl 1ncpt1r1ei . Through OCA Saf,ty £valuatton R,porti*,114 Notice, ttRR Tr4n5111ttt1l fo1111 w/copy to OCA supplanents to Safety Eyalu,tton lleporti NRR TranS11tttal , for,11 w/copy to OCA tonstruct1on Pera1ts and lk>t1c~s HRR Transttt11 .=iora w/copy to OCA

  • Orders of Extension of Constructton Ca- NRR Tr1nsatttal fof'III w/copy to OCA

. pletton Dates and Rehted Safety Evaluation Operating Licenses and Nl)ttces NRR Tr*n!illtttal Fora w/copy to OCA Preli tnary and finol Pestgq Awrovals NRR Tr1n5111ttt4J Fo1111 w/copy to OCA Qrders to Show Cause, Orders for Rectss10P, NRR Tran5111lttal fora1 w/copy to OCA Revocation, or Suspenstop_

Dtvtston of Stte Safety ond *: Lt tted Work Authorlattons HRC TranS11tttal fora 121 (for a,b, &c)

Envtroraental Anal~s1s b, Notices of Avatlablltty of ER To: Udall

  • llart
  • _. .C. Notices of Issuance of DES and fES Dingell c~..;.espondenc~ related to the Batlly dewatert,ig Direct to* ,pectf1c MOC prob_laa _
  • 0£00 Annua.J Report to Cong~ss Dtstrtbutton to . . . . coordtpate OCA

'I ,.

!I I


,.;.v .-., ..



  • (tlote; All EOO staff offices PROVISl(!t Of JNFOAMTION TO CQNGR(SS ro~te OCA fte91s through I' EOO)


8. ll>N-RWTINE *


lbrougti OCA

. . :.~


I ThrQllgh OCA J ltcense fee Manage111ent Br*~h Notice of Rule Change Ttarough OCA To: S£E/CJIA (Udall)

SNR/CEPW (tt1rt)

Technical Info and OoClalent Control ~rrespondence and requests for . Through OCA reports/bulk c()fltes of doclal8nts Security -lf'foraation concerntng ti* handl int of .Tt!rough OCA NRt chutfied 1nfonaat10fl . *- _

D1v1ston of Rules and Records .HQfM!

OFFICE Of TH£ CONTROLLER Budgetary Jnforaat1on vta Telephone Requests D1rect to C011111ttees (generally House and Senate Appropr1attons) with lllellO to f11e and copy to OCA Responses -to Budgeury Questions Referred to Dtrect to C<J11Dtttees (generally Ofv1s1on of Budget by OCA Authortzatton) with meao to file and copy to OCA

  • All Congressional correspondence ts routed thru OCA I ~ I'"! ,*

.. --* -..~. . . . . *-- * --------- *-*--~--- **----*-*--*----*** -

(Conttnued) - Page 2 j

... lI B NQN-BtllIINE I

  • fllC !!_FICE TYPES Qf INFORMTUlN I!!M!SNIJTM. PROCEOUHE STATE PROGRAMS ,.. Requests for-data and 1nfor94ttoq Through OCA Requests for cc,e1es of reeori. GI\ State Through OCA Progr111 *ct1v1u._ or for cqntractor r-,oru ..

Teltptiontt requests for knowledgeable witnesses' Otrect, wtth *er,o to OCA Telephone requests for published report, Dtre,t, wtth *emo to OCA and lnfof'llllt1on .

HANAGEM£NT IHFORHATION AHO PROGRM CONTROL ~qi.Ml~~~ f9r _P.{>C~fltS _. Direct flUCLEAR REGULATORY RESEARCH Testtony. answers to questions, etc, Through EDO Heettngs w/Congress Only after no~tftcatton of EDO, OCA lllClEAR AATERJALS SAFETY Atl> SAFEGUARDS Responses to call~ Dtrect response to HOC, wtth **emo to Otrector, tttSS. EDO, and OCA STANDARDS DEVELOPHENT . Re~ponses to r,quests Direct, as appropriate IHSPECTION ANO ENFORCEMENT Telephone requests for tafo'11111tlon -

eg,, Ft. St. Vrafn

  • Direct by telephone llJCLEAR REACTOR RE6UlATlOlt Dtvtsfon of Operating Reactors Otvtston of Project Hanag . .nt Telephone requests for lnforaatton
  • briefings Congress notified \llhen * *tter b c:ontrover51al or extensively adjudicated, e.g., fCCS.fuel den-OCA pottfted after the request Only through OCA I

t slftcilton, Seabrook.

Otvts ton of Stte Safety Analysts

  • -- I*
  • Envtro1111ental NaJor action$ or events (Not spectfted)



Z 3l!OS01~N3


Enclosure 2*

PROVISION OF INFORMATION TO CONGRESS I. Udall CoD111ittee (House SubcOD111ittee on Energy and Environment)

Hart Colffllittee (Senate Comittee on Environment and Public Works)

1. Notices of Proposed Rulemaking
2. Notices of Rulemaking
3. Notices of Filing of Petitions for Rulemaking
4. Notices of Denials of Petitions for Rulemaking
5. Notices of NRC Meetings Regarding Rulemaking
6. Advance Notices of Proposed Rulemaking
7. Notices Regarding NRC Policy Statements
8. Notices Regarding Memoranda of Understanding
9. Report of proposa1 to es tab 1i sh a new system\of--t:ecords ____ -.: _
10. NRC.'s Annual Report on the administration of Freedom of Infonnation Act li. Budget Justification Books
12. Authorization Bill and Bill Analysis
13. Responses to Authorization Comittee Quest_fons
14. Markup of Authorization Testimony 15_. Infonnation on Reprogralfflli ng Actions as they occur
16. Federal Register Notices pertaining to public meetings, proposed regulations, effective regulations, and decisions on petitions for rulemaking.
17. Topical reports announced in the Federa1 Register, all regulatory guides and draft IAEA safety guides with Federal Register notice.
18. Show Cause Orders Issued to Licensees
  • Enclosure 2 contains some items supplied by OCA that .are not included in the listing under Enclosure 1.
19. Limited Work Authorizations
20. Notices of Availability of ER
21. Notices of Issuance of DES and FES
22. Responses to Budgetary Questions Referred to Division of Budget by OCA 23~ Preliminary Notification of Event or Unusual Occurrence
24. Preliminary Notification of Safeguards Event
25. Notification of Significant Enforcement Action
26. Notice of Rule Change on License Fees
27. Fonnal reports _of *major studies and Workshops
28. Quarterly report on status of NRC EEO activities
29. Current .Events and Operating Experiences l
30. Quarterly Abnonnal Occurrence Reports
31. Individual Abnormal Occurrence Reports (

. I

32. Annually~ After April 12, 1'978: Improved Safety Research 'Reports
33. Quarterly Abnonna.1 Occurrence Reports
34. Reports on Un~sual Actions or Significant ,Incidents
35. Show Cause Orders Issued to Licensees
36. Grant of Waiver to Nonna1 Contract Procedures
37. Brown Book
38. Press Releases
39. NRC Co11111ents on GAO Reports
40. Significant ASLAP Board Orders
41. Sulllllilries and Announcements of ACRS Meetings
42. Weekly Agenda of Comnission Meetings

II. Dingell Conmittee (House Conmittee on Interstate and Foreign C011111erce)

1. NRC's Annual Report on the administration of Freedom of Infonnation Act
2. Budget Justification Books
3. Authorization Bill and Bill Analysis
4. Responses to Authorization Conmittee Questions
5. Markup of Authorization Testimony
  • Information on Reprogramming Actions as they occur
7. Limited Work Authorizations
8. Notices of Availability of ER
9. Notices of lssurance of DES and FES
10. Responses to Budgetary Questions Referred to Division of Budget by ClCA
11. Preliminary Not.ification of Event or Unusual Occurrence*

1e. Preliminary Notification of Safeguards Event.

13. Notification of Significant Enforcement Action:
14. Report of proposal to estab,lish a *new sys¥"

of records

15. Fonnal reports of major studies and Workshops
16. Quarterly report on status of NRC EEO activities.
17. Current Events and Operating Experiences
18. Quarterly Abnonnal Occurrence Reports
19. Individual Abnonnal Occurrence Reports I
20. Annually, After April 12, 1978: Improved Safety Research; Reports
21. Federal Register Notices pertaining to public meetings, proposed regulations, effective regulations, and decisions on petitions for rulemaking
22. Topical reports announced in the Federal Register, all regulatory guides and draft IAEA safety guides with Federal Register notice.
23. Quarterly Abnonnal Occurrence Reports
24. Reports on Unusual Actions or Significant Incidents
25. Show Cause Orders Issued to Licensees
26. Notice of Rule Change for*License Fees
27. Grant of Waiver to Nonnal Contract Procedures
28. Brown Book.
29. Press Releases *-
30. NRC Conments on GAO Reports 3}. Significant ASLAP Orders
32. Su11111aries and announcements of ACRS meetings
33. Weekly agenda of Conmission, Meetings
  • III. Members of Congress ,(As Appropriate*)


1. Rainbow Books, Press Releases
2. Regulatory Guides, Licensee Event
3. Reports, Current Events and Operating Experiences
4. New License Applications Received
5. Notification of events at plants involving large amounts of public attention
6. Correspondence related to the Bailly dewatering problem
7. Clearances for Staff Members of Congress
  • ~ Not all material is sent out to specific members and high priority items also go to the authorization cOlllllittees.

III. Meni>ers of Congress (Continued)

8. Reports of non-routine events in Agreement .States
9. NMSS Abnonna l Occurrence Reports
10. Reports on Unusual ActiQns or Significant Incidents
11. Show Cause Orders Issued to Licensees
12. Safety Evaluation Reports and Notices
13. Supplements to Safety Evaluation Reports
14. Construction Pennits and Notices
15. Orders to Extension of Construction Completion Dates and Related Safety ~valuation
16. Operating Liclnses and Notices
17. Preliminary and Final Design Approvals 1
18. Orders to Show Cause, Orders for Reci sion, Rev_ocation, or Suspension
19. Individual Abnormal Occurrence Reports IV. Bevill Conmittee (House Appropriations)

Johnston Co111nittee (Senate Appropriations)

1. Budget Justification Books
2. Authorization Bill and Bill Analysis
3. Responses to Appropriation Comnittee Questions
4. Markup of Appropriations Testimony
5. Budgetary Infonnation via Telephone Requests
6. Annual certification of all position descriptions (Bevill only)

--~*,* ......- ~- -----

... ....... ----~*------------------------------


V. C2!!!2,troller General

1. Contract activities (Equal low bids; mistakes, protests)

VI. ~nate Comittee gn __P2st Office & Civil Service

1. Annual certification of all position descriptions VII. 0MB
1. NRC's Privacy Act Annual Report
2. Appropriation Language and Appropriation Justification (A-11 Schedule}
3. Report of proposal to establish a new system of records VIII. ~eaker of House President of Senate J. Report of proposal to establish a new system -of records
2. NRC's Annual Report on the administration of Freedom of Infonnation Act
3. Waiver Granted to nonnal Contract *Procedures IX. House Co11111ittee on Government Oeerations
1. NRC's Annual Report on the administration of Freedom of Infonnation Act
2. NRC Conments on GAO Reports X. Glenn Subcomnittee .{Energy, fiu~lear _proliferation ~nd Federal Service)

Zablocki Subconmittee {International Relations)

1. Status of Pending Exports
2. Infonnation on Select Export License Cases

~-~~.-~.~ ~*~ -:a-----*-------------------

XI. Senate Governmental Affairs Co111t1ittee

1. NRC COR111ents on GAO Reports.

ENCLOSURE 3 OCA Congressional contacts

  • - .. - ~ - .. ::c *. * >wa ~~-:--.~ ~-~::=.-~-i.:si: -, . ,aw:;: .

Enclosure 3 Appropriations:

SuLcamcittee an Public Works - Chainnan Tan. Bevill Arm:.v! Services Subcam\ittee on Intelligence and Military Application of Nuclear Enerl3Y

  • Chainnan Melvin Price Govemnent Operations Subc:amti.ttee a1 Environment, Energy and-Natural Resources Chaim,an.J.e;o J. Ryan Interior ar..d Insular Affairs Subccmnittee oo Energy and the Environment--chainnan Morris K. Udall International ~tions Subcarmittee en Intel:national Security and Scientific Affairs Olaiman Clement J. Zablocki Interstate and Foreign camerce Subccmnittee on Energy and PcMer ---Olainnan J ~ D. Dingell 1

Subccmni.ttee on* Oversight and Investigations--chaii:man John E. M:>Ss Judiciary Subcxmnittee on Administrative Law and Govel:1:m!nt Relations Chainnan George Danielson Public Works aIXi Transportation Subccmni.ttee on Public Buildings and Grounds- Chai:r:man Norman Mineta

  • Science and Technology Subo:mnittee an Fossil and Nuclear Energy Resources, Develoµcent and Denalstration - Chai.rrran Walter Flowers Subccmni ttee al Environment and the At:Irosphere- Chai:r:man George E. Brown




Subccmnittee of Public Works - Chairman J. Benr.':!tt Jdmston, Science and Transportation Subcx::mnittee en Science, Technology, and Space - ChaiJ::man Alai E. Stl--ven.son Energy and Natural Resources ... .

Suba:mnittee on Energy Resources and DevelOfmel'lt - Chail:man Frank Church


Suboarmittee en Energy Producticn and Supply - Chaiman Floyd Haskell Enviroment and Public Works Subcarmittee an Nuclear Regula.ti.a,. - Chainnan Gary Hart Government Affairs Subccmnittee on Energy, Nuclear Proliferation and Federal Services Chai.l.'man Jam Glenn Judic:w:y .

Subccmnittee on Administrative Practice and Proceciure-1 Chainren James Abourezk

  • Subccmnittee en Antitrust and ~ l y . .

Olai.:rman F.dward M. Kennedy



  • \ , '!


Senate: Succcmnittee ai Nuclear Regulation Ccmnittee ai Enviromnent and Public Works senator Gaey Hart, Chail:man House: Subcxmni.ttee al Energy and the Envirorment

  • Ccmni.ttee on Interior and Insular Affairs Representative Morris K. Udall, Chai.l:man House: Subcarrnittee at Energy and PQ1er Ccmnittee at Interstate and Foi;_eign CClrmerce Representative Jdm D. Dingell,--iChairman APPOOPRIATICNS CXMaT!'EES:

Senate: Subcxmni.ttee on Public Works Ccmnittee en ~ a t i o n s Senator J. Bennett Jd'lnston, Chairman House: Subcx::mm.ttee on Public works Carmittee on Appropriations Representative Thanas Bevill, Chainnan

ENCLOSURE 4 Off1 ce comments

_,. ----. *.- -:. .,--.--.r-*~

  • -__,. --..,_. -- *---*
  • Enclosure 4 SUGGESTIONS FOR KEEPING CONGRESS FULLY AND CURRENTLY INFORMED I. One conclusion that emerges from many of the responses is that we don't really know what Congress wants in or~er to feel "fully and currently infonned. 11 Therefore, several conments -~ddresf -this matter directly:
l. Develop guidance for the staff through consultation with Congressional c0flll1ittee staffs for the types


~ ,, of non ... routine information that should be sent to Congress.

i. Set up Congressional f~llowships i

so that NRC employees would work on the-staffs of the major oversight cormri ttees for one-year tenns. This . should improve cations between NRC . and th~ *Congress. thus giving us an understa~ding of Congressional needs.

3. Perhaps on a temporary basis, we could arrange to send OCA a sample of all issuances for review and discussion with representatives of Congressional COlllllfttees so that the COIIlllittees can decide what they would like to receive.
4. Conmission policy should encourage discussion with Congress of matters yet unresolved by the ...

Conmission itself as a means of gaining feedback on the analysis of regulatory impact.

¥ ,

  • 5. We should support the policy of providing regulatory impact analysis to Congressional cormiittee staffs for infonnation and corrment.
6. The office of Congressional Affairs should include ad

~ representation from program and statutory .offices for purposes of routine coordination and policy implementation.

7. For especially significant events occurring at licensed facilities. OCA should send a copy of the Preliminary

. Not~f~cation to the offices of Senators and Repre-sentatives in whose district the facilities are located. OCA could offer to arrange for a briefing if so desired.

8. For ~ignificant programmatic changes that have been approved in the budget process~ *NRC should notify the affected Congressional offices where the changes are initiated. For example, when the first resident inspector. ~ts assigned to a facility, OCA should notify the various subc01J111ittees and the Congressmen of that district.
9. Periodic (perhaps quarterly) briefings of the staffs of the principal comnittees should be held. Such briefings could be handled on a functional basis, e.g.,


  • 10. Perhaps some of the docµments generated by the Office of Management and Program Analysi.s should be provided
  • Some examples are:
  • Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experience

~ Current Events - Power Reactors

  • Occupational Radiation Exposure Report
  • Radioactive Materials Released from Nuclear Power *Plants
  • Generic Activities Sumnary Status Report
11. It also appears evident from these responses that we lack a central, internal CODlllunications node, or network, whose responsibility it would be to channel expressions of. Congressional interest to the rest of the agency. This impression is perhap~ to be expected, since the survey to .trace the
  • flow _of comnunications from the NRC to Congress. However, it may be eq~ally important to explore the mechanisms by which infonnation from Congress is gathered, received, and transmitted within our agency. Given this infonnation, we may then be able to ~ssess more fully the adequacy of our procedures. We may then wish to devise options for improving our procedures for keeping the- Congress infonned.
