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SECY-78-201: California Energy Commission Order Denying Petition Relating to Nuclear Reprocessing and Waste Disposal
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/10/1978
Download: ML21308A054 (4)



. . SECY-78-201 INFORM.ATION REPORT For: The Commissioners Robert G. Ryan, Director, Office of State Programs r


Thru: Executive Ofrector for Operations l,,il),.,JH


CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION ORDER DENYING PETITION RELATING TO NUCLEAR REPROCESSING AND WASTE DISPOSAL Pur.e.ose: To report to the ColllYlission a recent decision of the California Energy Commission regarding reprocessing and waste disposal.

Discussion: On March 22, 1978 the California Energy Corrnnission issued an order denying a petition by three California utilities seeking reconsideration of the Energy Commission 1 s

  • negative finding on reprocessing and waste disposal.

In its order, the Commission states that its decision on reprocessing and waste management is merely an "advisory ,jecision or opinion . . . for the benefit of the Legislature, not a final order." Further, the order states that the Energy Commission will continue to receive and process nuclear power plant notic~s of intention and applications for certification.

A copy of the complete order is attached.

Rob~~tor, Office of State Programs


1. Before The State of California Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commiss*ion Order Denying Petition For Reconsideration Dated: March 22, 1978


S. A* . Schwartz. SP 19-27794

ORDill MO.: 78-322*1~

81:FOlU TtlE STATE OF CA.LlFOR1flA KNlUWY RESOUJt;F.S CON:;~R\1ATION di> DIWELOPHill:f OOHHISSION In the Matter of: ) Docket Noo. 76-NL-l

) 76*1CL-l blple1.ent:ution of Nuclear )

Re1,rocesain, and wa,te Disposal ) ORDER DENYING PE~UT10N FOR 6t11tutea ) .UC0NSlDERATIOH The ~e:tit.ion of the SOHTHEP.N c,~1 H'O.RH):>. EOJSON (:()!4N1.Nt' tlHt to:i ANGf,u;~:

DEl'AR'l'Mtli'T OF WATER AJID POWtct, and thE' PA<!lF.tC GJ~S AHD El,EC'tRlC COMI-'AN\* for an ortle~ of reconsideration of the decision iu this matte1 d.-11:ed January 25, 19713, having been filed and b£vlug been fully considered, is hereby denied.

A petition ateldng rec
onsideution of thE> CaJ.iforni11 Energy Re*our-cu; Conaervation and De*1clor,me1,t ' Commiuion 1 e (Enei-gy Co111:niet1ion) decision on re11roceui.n1 an:i waste 'cli111osal. i11 not appropriate at thh time * . The C2,1mr:i1Js i,w_

has not renderE.d .t final decision undi!r Califo1*nia Public lb:sourte1 Cc*de Sec-

-ti,,rnr-~:nn;r:and 2,S2!::,.t- tl1e Ja"iiuar-y 25. 1978"'.'"'t1>l'litr1TOi:on d~Cl.&lO(l ismerely

  • an 1dvi&'>ry dec:in io:'l or opinion on the II U.tus 0£ reprocessing and waRte 111iiiag.;;

-irein:-~ c,l n~r21!:[ tJ £ 0 f ~cTeiJ!I!_i~!Ll.!Ll!!.JJ! termJ:!!~oiui:.~

4 f,osn1'6(e ~emJ!:~~~!!~!. specif1c~l!":.Sr.Ii9!P CtH..,.1.:"t.'U!~te~e,1t* _2f the n~cl~*~.

la,u,. ~ect1.on, 25524.l .tnd 25524.2 1 the Comm1iu11.oftl1as cotlt:a.nu111r.


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The. January 25, 1978 Energy Com:uhaion dechion in this 111t1tt..:r wn, rendt:rctd purtuant to Califori* Public Resourc-es Code Sections 25524.25. which atatee, iti put.

Not,,ithaundinr,t an:, other p*; .ov161on of this division, the comuisaion t1hall,* no later tl\ao January 16, 197ll, trans111it, to each housu of the Lagblatun. itf. determiMtion iu to wh1"thE'!r all of the fiuding1 by tlectiona 2>524. l *nd 2S524.2 c:an b'! G1edo at that ti111e ***

(emphaai1 added) Cal. Pub, Rua. Cod,? Sectioo. 25524.25. --

The statute doe* not dictate that th<~9e finding, are tc- be the Co111111it1 ion' e final determittations under Sections 25524.1 and 25524. 2. The purpose of thr nuc'ieitr la1t* findings under Section 25524.25 io nanovar than a completr and final detel'lllination pui:suant to Section, 25524.1 and 2551.4.2. The Energy C01l111.bsion *ia required in 25524. 25 to deterr.ifoe whether it can make the repr1J-ceeeing and waste disposal finuinga as of Janua *t y 16, 1978, ool)' to hrthar detenniM whether the Energy Com-1 1iu ion &1houl d r.ecolllll!end to th* Legislature that.

an existing nuclear p:,"et' plant proposal should be exempte4 f rCG the co'lu;traints of the nuclear legislation. 'l'he, inc:lud*d fo tl&e Januuy 25, 1918 (Maned Murch 31. _1978 to lists 13,14,23,60,6:J,71.SG)

2 cleciaion sre thus lbaf.te<l ht bot.ll eQd effect. 'l'be .January 2S dec-ieion does uot therefore represent the Co~!Hio!,*~"final" detiriirlat ions on '"--tli,i'i;Teiiu'es:"

Public: Re1ourcea c.,de Sections 2552.4.1 and 2SS24.2 aet no upecific deadline for 1  !,!!t.!!, d~tel"l& ion an these hsuea. l11deed, both these aec t ioaa

  • tate:

The co1R111iAeion 11hal1 conth\ue to receive and prc>ces, notke* of intention and applicatlon. for ce-rtificatiol'J punuant to this division but 1h1ll not iuut a Jf!chion puruuant to Section 25S23 granting a cBrtificate until th* nquh*emtnte of thi* *ection have been met ***

Cal. Pub. lea. Code Section* 25524.l(c) and 25S2A.2(d).

SecLio11: 2S524,.25 ha, nut, by ito specific t.ertta, aodif1.ed tbb provuion. It hH 111eTely epeci fif,d n method for t.he Enug:, Coaniuion to use in recommending to the iLeahlatura "h*thu a. 1pecifi.c paver plaot propoaal ahoul.d be exemvted froaa tll~o peoYi.e:i.oa t,7 f"r,h~c- lc5i.*l*'-*"-

'nle Energy Counbsiou will continue to recehe and preceu ouclear power plant notices of intention and application* [or certUicatioa purauetnt to thi,.

aoctf.on. In a'~dit i.on, the Ene1*gy Com:aiuiM vlll continue to monitor develop-a:ents in. waete diapo*d and reproc:eniug to cleceraiae *ether nev information requires a change in t't\e Co111aliseino 1

  • J*m.MU'Y 25 oeciliou. The Commi.lei01l
  • on iu o..m 11otion, will c:ontinue to exten ivuly inve*tigate fuTther developmonta in theae tP.chnica1 ou~e, and will hold -tdditionel iuforiaation l baaria,a, u neceunry. In a*JcJition, the Co-..iuion e.i~ert,in petitions for orders in1titutiug b111ring1 which co11uin a ebovina of uiguificant ne" evidence not previ?u*l, "'""".i.Ju,.sJ ,.,u liu:w~ iuues
  • and the Colllllinaion vill alto accept 1i111ihr written materi.'11 tc C'1?plo,;cnt tho .-va01:i. Significant nev 11*terial such ae the recently released u. s. Dapartmeat of En'91"11 traft Report on. .the Taak force tor Revi*w of Nuclear Waite Manageiaent (DO£/Ea-oo04/D) i, being included by the Coraio1ion in the record in thie proceediq.

'rhe 1Je.1n1iaaion nntir.ip;1tea siiraific.a:-il. a~,~-E,~id

.,,,...,._.., C __.,____,,_,,...

de*1ulo*t'll*ent1 in the areeo

. 1 ~ ~ - -... !"-\,lwl . . . - , - - . _......._ _ _, _ . _

of'.rig hl'ia""C*TI\etr1.11'f!Jiar Ul fne ftelll'. fotr"f* L1t1.gat10*0, lcgi3lati.on, proposed rigulifio~a"iialttgniffcont Fed,~rel ttud et in theae areoa nay produce significant changes. The ColS'liutoa nt:eds to ao"itor th*e ae activities and evaluate the Coumhff ion'* pres amt finding* in llght of eianificant changes which then activities may produce. In conr,eetion with these :i.uuea, the C01111th1ioo intends to actively participa-:e "Till!ede1*ar ,,rihch Ire part at Ehe lU!Vt lopt"d'g"fedlri 1 fl'r'<lt"t&. t<3touP.--S:ti pffi i:c1paf'"l.on I tn n

£neir,-'Cvliiii1tt0lvu '"'iropi!i2 5 ( ~ *ui u, i.iu~ de~elopaea.t of a progu111 which will adequiitely resolve the heuu uiaed in the nuclear lave. The Co*hei.on is alteady actively pur~uing thi* goal tbTouah ~omments, diacu11ione, and correspondeoce with appropriate Federal offieiale.

As the Federal program progr,u,eee .r.nd diecretC'! tasks are c0t11pleted, the Energy Comu. iAt iou, on it II own mot ion. will cood\K t ~>> tcne i ve inveo t igat ion* to detenitina vhethe-r c<nrph ti~,n of a partic11Jar proceeding baa a dirP,Ct impnct upon the finding* requit'E:d unclet' the nuc1e4r lav*. t::x:hplea of auch 111ilutC11\U iticludt:

~ -

1, !11-vlronenUl Protection Af.en<<:y d.evelnpmeQt of general envir01111natal 1taadard1 for vaate dbpc,aoll in 1978-79;

i. Nuclear 'Regulatory Cu11111ission development of ,nate p~rfonienc.e criteria in 1978-79;

'.J4 Nucl~ar Regulatory Commiuion devftlopment of repotitorJ dHign.

criteri* and r*suletion* id 1978-79t

,.~ !

Nuclear R~g\1latory c:o. . iai,ion and Departllleat of r.nergy development Qf t;eueric an,J npecific enviro na.nt*l impact atatemeut1 on we,te .

1 111anagement in 1978-*e~rly 1980*;

  • 5~j Depa.rt111cnt of Ent.!rgy and ~ucle~t' Regutatot"y Comnied.Ob devalopa1e~t, liceasbis 1trd oper,ctlon of the Watte l*olation Pilot Plant., an in 1it1.1 experiaeat.d ruearc:h faeility for waste maaas**at, in 1978=-mT; 1980**

be Colllllli11ion belir.v** that it1 coatinued ~onitorin1 of and inYolvemeat in

... ,t~--..evalc,plng Federal wa1te nanage11ent program ii canaitttent with t.he Lt'.g il\latun'

  • mAndt1U to th..,ro11ghly iavestia;ate the istue rahed in Sectioai 25524.1 *nd 2S574.7.

Por the reason, stated Dbove, th~ - Com iation de~iea the petition for rflcon1iderat ion of the Coaai11io11' a January 25. 1918 daciaio-n on. thit **tter.


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Presiding Member