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SECY-78-242: Proposed Contract Award for a Study of Consumer Products Containing Radioactive Material
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/05/1978
Download: ML21308A058 (8)


COMMISSIONER ACTION May 5, 1978 SECY-78-242 For: The Commissioners From: Daniel J. Donoghue, Director, Office of~~inistration

~ *cJ-~fl-c)1/2 Thru:


Ii Executive Director for Operations PROPOSED CONTRACT AWARD FOR A STUDY OF CONSUMER PRODUCTS CONTAINING RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL PurE_ose: To request Corrmission approval to enter into a technical assistance contract with Science Application, Inc., which exceeds $250,000.00.

Discussion: In paragraph 4b) of the Chainnan's January 20, 1975, delegation of authority to the Director, Office of Administration, the Contracting Officer is required to submit any contract (other than Nuclear Regulatory Research) in excess of $250,000.00 to the Commission for approval.

The Division of Contracts proposes to make an award to Science App1ication, Inc., at an estimated cost of $282,000.00 over a twenty-four (24) month period. This effort was competitively negotiated and seven firms responded with offers. The Source Selection Board 1 s deliberations resulted in a recommendation of award to Scienc:e Application, Inc., whose proposal presented thi~

11 Best Buy to the Government.

11 ts:

ssin, NMSS

2 Reconmendation: Accordingly award is recomnended to Science Application Inc., for A Study of Consumer Products Containing Radioactive Material.

Attached hereto is the planned Statement of Work for the proposed contract.

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Daniel J. Donoghue, Director Office of Administration


Statement of Work


  • I - Statement of Work

1.0 Background

The Nuclear Regulatory Corrmission plans to reevaluate the adequacy of the existing policy pertaining to the distribution of consumei*

products containing byproduct and source material to the public cm a license-exempt basis (the existing policy was published in the Federal Register on March 16, 1965 - 30_. FR 3462).* As part of th*is reexamination, a generic environmental impact statement on consumer products will be prepared. In recognition of this need, the NRC is seeking proposals for a contract to study the area of consumer products containing radioactive materials and to develop sufficient information for the preparation of a generic environmental impact statement on the distribution of such consumer products. For the purpose of this study, consumer products are considered to be those products, corrmodities or materials containing radioactive material that are available in the marketplace to the general public as

'off-the-shelf' items and are intended for personal. and household use by the public. The radioactive material used in consumer products includes byproduct material, source material, naturally-

. occurring radioisotopes, ~uch as radium, and accelerator-produced radioisotopes. Products, such as building materials, and products intended solely for industrial and medical use are not considered consumer products for purposes of this study. The effort described generally above is to assist the NRC staff to:

  • See Exhibit 4.



a. Determine the environmental impact of the distribution and use
  • of consumer products by the public
b. Define the benefits which accrue to the public from each product or cl ass of products, as appropriate
c. Assess the current criteria for approval of distribution of consume~ products to the public
d. Identify and evaluate alternative courses of action for each product or class of product, considering types and quantities of radioactive materials and non-radioactive options
e. Provide information and data for re-evaluation of existing policy for consumer products
f. Identify and develop any necessary modification of NRC regulations dealing with consumer products.

2.0 Work Reguired Task 1. Data Comeilation The Contractor shall make a compilation of consumer products

. distributed to the general public starting with the year 1956 through June 30, 1977, the

  • amount of radioactive material in each product, and the total amount of each radionuclide in each product distributed to the public. The Contractor shall specify the parameters required to obtain the data.* Upon completing this task, the Contractor shall document the results of the task in a report to the Contrac:ting Officer 1 s Authorized Representative (COAR). The report shall be
  • Data sources shall include, but not be limited to, the sources listed in Exhibit 5 to this RFP.


Submitted in ten copies in contractor fonnat, ex*cept that the tith page shall be fonnated as shown on Exhibit 1 to this RFP. This report is due no later than 4 months after contract execution. Allow 20 days fo r GQvernment* review and approval.

Task 2. Development of Information for the Preparation of Generic EnviroJ1111ental Impact Statement No work shall cormtence nor costs incurred on this Task 2 until written approval of the Task Report for Task 1 is forwarded by the Officer.

The Contractor shall develop information necessary for the prepara.tion of a generic environmental impact statemene"which includes (1) present environmental impact, (2) prediction of future environmental impact, and (3) identification and discussion of alternatives for regulato~~ distribution of consumer products.

For the estimation of present environmental impact, the Contractor shall estimate the population dose from the normal distribution, use, and disposal of already distributed products, the environmental impact and population dose riesulting from possible misuses of products which would cause unintended release of the radioactive material, and the environmental impact and population dose from occurrences whic:h would cause unintended release of the radioactive material. The Contractor shall evaluate and assess the environmental impact in terms of the increment of additional radiation dose to the population above that received from natural background, medical diagnosis and therapy, and other sources* of radiation as a result of both nonnal and abnonnal distribution and use of consumer products

  • For the estimation of future environmental impact, the Contractor shall estimate the types and quantities of consumer products which are predicted to be developed for distribution through 1987. The

same parameters for estimation of the environmental impact for alre~dy distributed consumer products shall be used.

For the investigation of alternatives, the Contractor shall identify alternatives for each class of products containing *radioactive ma teri a1. The al tema tives sha 11 consider use of other radioactive materials and identification of non-radioactive means to perform the function served by the use of radioactive material. The Contractor shall provide a cost/benefit analysis f~r each alternative specif"ied which will estimate the impact on manufacturers and distributors of consumer products and the impact on the public.

The Contractor shall prepare a report on Task 2 and shall submit ten copies to the COAR in the contractor, formaf except that. the title page shall be formated as shown on Exnfbit 1 to this RFP, not mo~ than 15 working days following completion of the task.

3.0 Reporting Requirements 3.1 Monthly Letter Report Each month, the Contractor shall submit 3 copies of a brief letter report which summarizes: (1) the work perfonned during the previous

  • month, (2} personnel time expenditures during the previous month; and (3) costs: (i} current period, and (ii) cumulative to date, and (iii) estimated cost to completion. The report shall be due by the 15th of each month with distribution as follows:


1. .Mr. Bernard Singer, Chief, Radioisotopes Licensing Branch, NMSS
2. Office of the Director, NMSS (ATTN: Program Support)
3. Mr. Dennis Dougherty, Contracting Officer 3.3 Final ReEort Within 18 months after the effective date of this -contract, the Contractor shall furnish to the COAR a draft copy of the final

.report. The report shall be in the contractor format except that the

  • title. pa_g~ sh.all be fonnated as shown on 2 to. thJs *m- and shall contain the noti~e as shown on Exhibit 3 to this RFP *. The Report shal 1 doclJ11ent the work accomplished under this work including:
a. a compilation of data concerning distribution of consumer products (Task 1)
b. a generic environmental impact statement for consumer products (Task 2}

The COAR will furnish comments on the draft report to the ' Contractor within 60 days after receipt of the draft. Based on these coirments, the Contractor shall revise the draft and submit the final report in eleven (11) copies to the CO~R and one {l) to the Division of Contracts, not later than 24 months after the effective date of this contract.

3.4 Meetings The Contractor shall meet with the COAR every 3 months from the effective date of this contract to discuss the results of contractor I-5





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.,. work. These meetings shall be of one day's duration and shall be held at the NRC offices in Silver Spring, Maryland. Upon completion of the-draft final report, the Contractor shal1 brief the final report to the NMSS staff at the NRC offices in Silver Spring, Maryland.

  • It f s anticipated that there wi 11 be a total of 8 meetings.
  • ~-~ ~ "5 4.0 Period of Perfonnance

--~ --

Perfonnance under this contract shall commence on the effective date of this contract and sha 11 continue .. for a period of 24 months; at which tfme _*an work shall have been completed and all reports

  • shal 1 have b~n delivered.

5.0 Level of Effort The NRC es.timates a 5 man-year effort wi 11 be required under this statement of

  • work. This es'timate is furnished for the offerer's 1nfonnation only, and is not to be considered restrictive. Offerer's are advised to use independent judgement in developing their cost estimates.


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