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COL Docs - Request That Vogtle Construction Schdules Be Immediately Released by NRC to the Public, Feb. 22 Request by SRS Watch, Columbia, Sc
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 02/24/2022
Download: ML22055B072 (4)


From: Santos, Cayetano Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2022 4:33 PM To: Tom Clements; Veil, Andrea; Davis, Bradley Cc: Gasperson, Dave; Kemker, Brian; Gleaves, Billy; Hall, Victor; Bowman, Greg; King, Mike; Gasperson, Dave; Burnell, Scott; Lopez-Santiago, Omar; Bailey, Marissa; Blaney, Stephanie; Gaslevic, James; Vogtle PEmails


RE: Request that Vogtle construction schdules be immediately released by NRC to the public, Feb. 22 request by SRS Watch, Columbia, SC Mr. Clements, In your email below, you requested that information in a February 11, 2022 letter from Southern Nuclear Operating Company (SNC) to the NRC be immediately released to the public. Specifically, the information consists of the following:

1. Combined license operational programs and other license conditions implementation schedule
2. Preoperational test procedure completion schedule
3. Unit 3 inspections, tests, analyses, and acceptance criteria (ITAAC) closure schedule
4. Unit 4 ITAAC closure schedule Per the February 11, 2022 letter, this schedule information was withheld because it was considered confidential commercial information. If you would like to submit this request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), please let me know by responding to this email and I will forward your request to the NRC FOIA officer to begin that process. Additional information regarding the FOIA and how the NRC will process a FOIA request can be found on the NRC public website:
  • NRC Freedom of Information Act Information The NRC does provide information about the status of ITAAC closures for Vogtle Units 3 and 4 on its public website. This information is updated monthly. Links to these reports are provided below.

As you requested your email dated February 22, 2022, has been entered into the Agencys Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) under Accession No. ML22053A177 under Docket Numbers52-025 and 52-026 for Vogtle Units 3 and 4, respectively. Similarly, this email response will also be entered into ADAMS.

Sincerely, Cayetano (Tanny) Santos Vogtle Project Office Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Nuclear Regulatory Commission 301-415-7270 From: Tom Clements <>

Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2022 10:53 AM To: Veil, Andrea <>; Davis, Bradley <>

Cc:; Santos, Cayetano <>; Gasperson, Dave <>; Kemker, Brian <>;; Gleaves, Billy <>


[External_Sender] Request that Vogtle construction schdules be immediately released by NRC to the public, Feb. 22 request by SRS Watch, Columbia, SC Hello Ms. Veil & Mr. Davis, I hereby formally request that the schedules withheld from the public in the Southern Nuclear letter to the NRC of February 11, 2022 be immediately released for public review. There is simply no reason that the request by Southern Nuclear to withhold that information be honored.

The letter, posted in ADAMS on February 22, 2022, indicates that Southern Nuclear wants the following items withheld from public review:

1. COL Operational Programs and Other License Conditions Implementation Schedule {Withhold from Public Disclosure}
2. Preoperational Test Procedure Completion Schedule (Withhold from Public


3. Unit 3 ITAAC Closure Schedule (Withhold from Public Disclosure}
4. Unit 4 ITAAC Closure Schedule (Withhold from Public Disclosure}

The letter containing the above-listed items was posted in ADAMS on February 22, 2022:

Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 3 and 4, Combined License (COL) Operational Programs and Other License Conditions Implementation Schedule, and the Completion Schedule for Inspections, Tests, and Analyses (ITA), is linked here: Given the continued, chronic cost overruns and schedule delays with the Vogtle construction project, it is imperative that the public be informed of the status of ITAAC completion and the overall schedules for testing, fuel loading and operation. To not release this vital information to the public smacks of collusion by the NRC in continued delays and problems with the project.

I note that SNC characterizes the schedule information as dynamic in nature, an understatement underscoring that each subsequent iteration of the schedules must be released so that the public can track future delays or progress with the troubled project.

The NRC must direct SNC that release of the withheld information is mandatory going forward. Past NRC failure to direct mandatory release of the schedules has meant that schedule delays, and thus cost overruns, have been hidden from the public.

Given the failure of the only other AP1000 reactor project in the US, the V.C. Summer project in South Carolina, there are no confidentiality or competitive reasons that the schedules be withheld from the public.

Though it was no shock to those of us who monitor the Vogtle boondoggle, growing troubles with the Vogtle project were highlighted in a February 11, 2022 article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Georgias Vogtle nuclear expansion hit with new delays, costs, posted at: Given the unjustified secrecy by Southern Nuclear and the NRC related to resolution of construction problems and release of the ITAAC schedules it will be no surprise if there are further delays and cost increases.

I request that you respond to this message in writing and that this email and the response to it be placed in ADAMS and in Dockets52-025 and 52-026 Sincerely, Tom Clements Director, Savannah River Site Watch Columbia, SC

(Main public intervenor, for Friends of the Earth, before SC PSC on VC Summer reactor construction debacle, 2007-2018.)

Hearing Identifier: Vogtle_COL_Docs_Public Email Number: 631 Mail Envelope Properties (MN2PR09MB524410C3C609726ACF72B76BE53D9)


RE: Request that Vogtle construction schdules be immediately released by NRC to the public, Feb. 22 request by SRS Watch, Columbia, SC Sent Date: 2/24/2022 4:32:33 PM Received Date: 2/24/2022 4:32:37 PM From: Santos, Cayetano Created By: Recipients:

"Gasperson, Dave" <>

Tracking Status: None "Kemker, Brian" <>

Tracking Status: None "Gleaves, Billy" <>

Tracking Status: None "Hall, Victor" <>

Tracking Status: None "Bowman, Greg" <>

Tracking Status: None "King, Mike" <>

Tracking Status: None "Gasperson, Dave" <>

Tracking Status: None "Burnell, Scott" <>

Tracking Status: None "Lopez-Santiago, Omar" <>

Tracking Status: None "Bailey, Marissa" <>

Tracking Status: None "Blaney, Stephanie" <>

Tracking Status: None "Gaslevic, James" <>

Tracking Status: None "Vogtle PEmails" <>

Tracking Status: None "Tom Clements" <>

Tracking Status: None "Veil, Andrea" <>

Tracking Status: None "Davis, Bradley" <>

Tracking Status: None Post Office: Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 6179 2/24/2022 4:32:37 PM Options Priority: Normal

Return Notification: No Reply Requested: No Sensitivity: Normal Expiration Date: