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COL Docs - Fyi - SNC Notification Received of Vogtle Unit 4 - Completion of Initial Criticality and Low-Power Testing
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 02/15/2024
Download: ML24046A135 (10)


From: Billy Gleaves Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2024 9:05 AM To: Lynnea Wilkins (She/Her); Scott Burnell; Dave Gasperson; David Roth OGC; Michael Spencer; Mike King; Andrea Veil; Laura Dudes; John Lubinski; Mirela Gavrilas; Raymond Lorson; Jack Giessner (He/Him); Robert Lewis; Jason Eargle; Brian Griman; JP Parent; Cayetano Santos; Bradley Davis; Nicole Coovert; John Lamb; Michael Markley; Andrea Johnson; Todd Keene; John Tappert; Scott Morris; Michelle Hayes; Brian Smith - NRR Cc: NRR_VPO Distribution; Vogtle PEmails


FYI - SNC Notification Received of Vogtle Unit 4 - Completion of "Initial Criticality and Low-Power Testing" Attachments: Vogtle Communication Plan for License Condition Milestones 2024 -

Rev2.docx; E240215t081017_ND-23-0693 Letter.pdf

Importance: High

Hi all,

Today, 2.15.2024, SNC notified NRC of the successful completion of initial criticality and low-power tests for Vogtle Unit 4 as required by COL license condition 2.D.(4)(d). Upon this notification, Vogtle Unit 4 is authorized to perform power ascension testing at reactor steady-state core power levels not to exceed 100-percent thermal power. Vogtle Unit 4 is the second AP1000-designed reactor to be built and operated in the US.

If you have responsibilities per the very recently updated (Vogtle Communication Plan for License Condition Milestones 2024 - Rev2) (also attached), please make the appropriate notifications.

If you have any questions, please contact Cayetano Santos, Jr. or Billy Gleaves.

Region II will issue an EDO Daily Note for the Initial Criticality.

{SNC letter attached & available in ADAMS at ML24046A034}


William (Billy) Gleaves Senior Project Manager NRR/DNRL/NLIB Licensing and Infrastructure Branch US Nuclear Regulatory Commission The contents of this message may be sensitive. If this message has been received in error, please delete it without reading it. Your receipt of this message is not intended to waive any applicable privilege. Do not disseminate this message without the permission of the author. Communications by this author do not represent NRC policy or staff positions and are not binding on the Commission.

Hearing Identifier: Vogtle_COL_Docs_Public Email Number: 705

Mail Envelope Properties (DM6PR09MB4839E0EE8A5AFC44F0AC2C5E9F4D2)


FYI - SNC Notification Received of Vogtle Unit 4 - Completion of Initial Criticality and Low-Power Testing Sent Date: 2/15/2024 9:04:37 AM Received Date: 2/15/2024 9:04:42 AM From: Billy Gleaves

Created By:


"Vogtle PEmails" <>

Tracking Status: None GROUP: "NRR_VPO Distribution"


Tracking Status: None


Tracking Status: None


Tracking Status: None


Tracking Status: None


Tracking Status: None


Tracking Status: None


Tracking Status: None


Tracking Status: None


Tracking Status: None

"Lynnea Wilkins (She/Her)" <>

Tracking Status: None "Scott Burnell" <>

Tracking Status: None "Dave Gasperson" <>

Tracking Status: None "David Roth OGC" <>

Tracking Status: None "Michael Spencer" <>

Tracking Status: None "Mike King" <>

Tracking Status: None "Andrea Veil" <>

Tracking Status: None "Laura Dudes" <>

Tracking Status: None "John Lubinski" <>

Tracking Status: None "Mirela Gavrilas" <>

Tracking Status: None "Raymond Lorson" <>

Tracking Status: None "Jack Giessner (He/Him)" <>

Tracking Status: None "Robert Lewis" <>

Tracking Status: None "Jason Eargle" <>

Tracking Status: None "Brian Griman" <>

Tracking Status: None "JP Parent" <>

Tracking Status: None "Cayetano Santos" <>

Tracking Status: None "Bradley Davis" <>

Tracking Status: None "Nicole Coovert" <>

Tracking Status: None "John Lamb" <>

Tracking Status: None "Michael Markley" <>

Tracking Status: None "Andrea Johnson" <>

Tracking Status: None "Todd Keene" <>

Tracking Status: None "John Tappert" <>

Tracking Status: None "Scott Morris" <>

Tracking Status: None "Michelle Hayes" <>

Tracking Status: None "Brian Smith - NRR" <>

Tracking Status: None

Post Office:

Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 1835 2/15/2024 9:04:42 AM Vogtle Communication Plan for License Condition Milestones 2024 - Rev2.docx 239603 E240215t081017_ND-23-0693 Letter.pdf 653823

Options Priority: High Return Notification: No Reply Requested: No Sensitivity: Normal Expiration Date:

Vogtle 3&4 License Conditions Met - Communication Plan

Successful Completion of the Pre-critical Tests (PcT), Initial Criticality, & Lower-Power Tests (ICLPT), and Power Ascension Testing (PAT)

Objective: For VPO to be prepared for the PcT, ICLPT, and PAT milestones in the COL. These communications are significant because this would be the 1st time for criticality for AP1000 in the USA and 1st nuclear heat at Vogtle Units 3 and 4.

Milestone: Notification of COL Condition 2.D.(3)(e), 2.D.(4)(d) and 2.D.(5)(d) events by SNC.

Internal Stakeholders: NRCs SECY, EDO, NRR, NMSS, NSIR, OPA, OCA, OGC, OCFO, ACRS, and Regions.

External Stakeholders: None for this communications plan.

Communication Team:

Name, Org Phone Position Lauren Nist, NRR/VPO 301-415-2744 Director and VRG Co-Chair

Cayetano (Tanny) Santos, 301-415-7270 Lead Project Manager NRR/VPO

William (Billy) Gleaves, 301-415-5848 Backup Project Manager NRR/VPO c443-756-9019

Scott Burnell, HQ/OPA 301-415-8204 Public Affairs Officer Dave Gasperson, RII/OPA

Linnea Wilkins, Carolyn Wolf, 301-415-1377 Congressional Affairs Officer Jennie Weil, Angel Moreno, OCA

Joylynn Quinones-Navarro, 404-997-4469 Technical Assistant RGN2/DCO

Todd Keene, EDO 301-287-3637 Executive Technical Assistant

Key Messages:

  • Within the combined license for Vogtle Units 3 and 4, there are certain license conditions requiring the notification to the NRC of successful completion of PCTs, ICLPTs, and PATs.
  • COL 2.D.(2)(c) - SNC shall notify the Director of NRO, or the Directors designee, in writing, upon successful completion of the design-specific preoperational tests identified in Section 2.D.(2)(a) of this license; Completed for U/3 and U/4, 2.17.2020 ML20048A055


  • COL 2.D.(3)(e) - SNC shall notify the Director of NRO, or the Directors designee, in writing, upon successful completion of the pre-critical tests [PCT] identified in Section 2.D.(3)(c) of this license. This is important because the very next license condition of the COL, 2.D.(4)(a) which authorizes the facility to go critical and operate at steady-state core power levels up to 5% thermal power under nuclear heating , if 2.D.(3)(e) has been completed. U/3 Completed 3.2.2023. U/4 Completed 2.8.28.
  • COL 2.D.(4)(d) - SNC shall notify the Director of NRO, or the Directors designee, in writing, upon successful completion of initial criticality and low power tests identified in Section 2.D.(4)(b) of this license, including the design-specific tests identified therein.

Upon submission of this notice, the facility is authorized to perform power ascension testing up to full power. U/3 Completed 3.7.2023. U/4 Estimated 2.15.24.

  • COL 2.D.(5)(d) - SNC shall notify the Director of NRO, or the Directors designee, in writing, upon successful completion of power ascension tests identified in Section 2.D.(5)(b) of this license, including the design specific tests identified therein. Upon submission of this notice, the facility is authorized to operate at steady-state power levels up to 100% thermal power (3400 MWt). U/3 Completed 7.29.2023. U/4 Estimated 3.5.24.
  • Vogtle Unit 3 is the first AP1000 certified design to be built in the USA and to begin operations. Vogtle Unit 3 declared Commercial Operation on July 31, 2023.
  • Vogtle Unit 4 is the second AP1000 certified design to be built in the USA and to being operations. Vogtle Unit 4 declared Commercial Operation on (est 2Q24) XX/YYY/2024.
  • Put this document into ADAMS as non-public when completed as proprietary and note ML at bottom of this document .

Estimated Startup Sequence:

Below is Vogtle Unit 3s estimated timeline for initial criticality and post-criticality testing. Note milestone of PcT not mentioned in this particular timeline. The PcT is approximately at Time =0 and the completion of low power testing is approximately at the Low Power Rod Control Test.


Communication Timeline for Various Milestones:

Item Responsibility Time Sequence

Internal Notification of Milestone via email:

OCA, OEDO, and OPA (Lynnea, Dante, Scott) Day of notification by SNC following

  • OGC (Susan, Michael, VPO PM completion of testing for each David) milestone.
  • Vogtle 1,2,3,4 Resident Inspectors EDO Daily Note RII (Bradley Davis) Day of notice for only initial criticality after notification by SNC.

Day of notice for each milestone as Email to Congressional Staff OCA Congressional needed. May not send email to Affairs Officer congressional staff for every milestone.

OPA Public Affairs Press release not planned. RGN 2 Public Press Release / Tweet Officer / RGN 2 PA PA may do tweet with photo of Officer Residents in CR for criticality.

OCFO License Fee At end of power ascension testing OCFO for status related to license Policy Team (Tony (specified in COL condition fee exemption (for 2.D.(5)(d) only Rossi, Billy Blaney, 2.D.(5)(d)) the fee billing reverts to for start of 10 CFR 50.171 billing) Jo Jacobs, and annual fees + per hour inspection Christie Galster) and review costs (10 CFR 50.170 &


Reference and Background Information:

The Vogtle Dashboard provided information on the ITAAC Inspection Progress, ITAAC Notification Status, Direct Inspection Hours, Timeline, Focus Areas, Public Meetings, and other information. It has been archived as of October 4, 2023.

The Question and Answers related to Vogtle construction, inspection, the 10 CFR 52.103(g) finding, and VRG activities can be found at the Vogtle 3&4 Construction Q&A Repository Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 - Communication Plan Update, 10.5.2015 (ML15273A120)

Template Emails

1. For Pre-critical Tests: Email addressed to Lynnea Wilkins (OCA); Dante Johnson (OEDO);

Scott Burnell and Dave Gasperson (OPA); OGC; Directors of NMSS, NSIR, RES, and


ACRS; Regional Administrators; Mike King, Laura Dudes and Vogtle Resident Inspectors.

Cc: NRR_VPODistribution, Omar, Bradley, Nicole, VogtlePEmails On [Date], (attached & MLXXXAYYY ) SNC notified NRR of the successful completion of the pre-critical tests for Vogtle Unit X as required by license condition (COL 2.D.(3)(e)).

Upon this notification, Vogtle Unit X is authorized to go critical and operate at steady-state core power levels up to 5% thermal power. Vogtle Unit 3 is the first AP1000 reactor to be built and operated in the US.

No specific response to the subject SNC letter is required and an email acknowledgement of receipt has been sent to SNC and will be added to ADAMS.

If you have responsibilities per the attached Vogtle Communication Plan for License Condition Milestones 202 4 - Rev2.docx, please make the appropriate notifications.

If you have any questions, please contact Cayetano Santos, Jr. or Billy Gleaves.

2. For Initial Criticality and Low Power Tests: Email addressed to Lynnea Wilkins (OCA);

OEDO TA; Scott Burnell and Dave Gasperson (OPA); OGC; Directors of NMSS, NSIR, RES, and ACRS; Regional Administrators; Mike King, Vogtle Resident Inspectors. Cc:

NRR_VPODistribution, Bradley, Nicole, VogtlePEmails On [Date], SNC notified NRR of the successful completion of initial criticality and low power tests for Vogtle Unit X as required by a license condition. Upon this notification, Vogtle Unit X is authorized to perform power ascension testing up to full power. Vogtle Unit X is the first [second] AP1000-designed reactor to be built and operated in the US.

If you have responsibilities per the Vogtle Communication Plan for License Condition Milestones 2024 - Rev2.docx please make the appropriate notifications.

If you have any questions, please contact Cayetano Santos, Jr. or Billy Gleaves.

Region II will issue an EDO Daily Note for the Initial Criticality.

3. For Power Ascension Tests: Email addressed to Tony Rossi, Billy Blaney, Jo Jacobs Christie Galster (OCIO); Lynnea Wilkins (OCA); Scott Burnell and Dave Gasperson (OPA);

OGC; Directors of NMSS, NSIR, RES, and ACRS; Regional Administrators; Mike King, Vogtle Resident Inspectors, Dante Johnson (EDO). Cc: NRR_VPODistribution, Omar, Bradley, Nicole, VogtlePEmails, Rob Taylor, Vic Hall, John Pelchat, Bo Pham On [Date], SNC notified NRR of the successful completion of power ascension tests for Vogtle Unit X as required by a license condition (attached and MLXXXAYYY). Upon this notification, Vogtle Unit X is authorized to operate at steady-state power levels up to 100% thermal power (3400 MWt). As you know, Vogtle Unit X is the first [second]

AP1000-designed reactor to be built and operated in the U.S.

The purpose of this email is to inform all receivers of the unit status as well as inform OCFO of the completion of this license condition which officially starts the collection of 10 CFR Part 171 annual fees. Annual fees are now applicable to Vogtle Unit X.

If you want to review or have questions as to your role per the attached Vogtle Communication Plan for License Condition Milestones 2024 - Rev2.docx, it is attached FYI.


If you have any questions, please contact Cayetano Santos, Jr. or Billy Gleaves.

ADAMS ML24045A320