ML22034A560 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Catawba |
Issue date: | 01/26/2022 |
From: | Duke Energy Corp |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
TR-NUC-CN-013523 | |
Download: ML22034A560 (98) | |
Date: 1/26/2022 Distribution: Duke Energy Document Transmittal #: TR*NUC-CN-013523
Issue Released By:
- 3. Byers, Kristi S Facility: CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION Duke Energy:
- 4. CNS - WCC/SSA SUBJECT 4800 Conco[!;! Road
' CNSDCRM@duke-eng[
- 13. Edmond, Russell L
- 14. Lowery, Tonya Sullivan
- 15. Mironenko, Artur N
- 17. Owens, Lori
- 18. Pursley, Sandy
Remove and Insert Replace the following page(s) of Catawba Nuclear Station Selected Licensee Commitments (SLC) Manual with the attached revised page(s). The revised page(s) are identified by Section number and contains marginal lines indicating the areas of change.
REMOVE THESE PAGES INSERT THESE PAGES LIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS Pages 1-5 Pages 1-5 Revision 102 Revision i 03 TAB 16.5 16.5-4, Pages 1-2 16.5-4, Pages 1-2 Revision o Revision i TAB 16.6 16.6-3, Pages i -2 16.6-3, Pages 1-2 Revision 1 Revision 2 TAB 16.7 16.7-i0, Pages 1-11 16.7-10, Pages 1-11 Revision 9 Revision 10 16.7-15, Pages 1-3 16.7-15, Pages 1-3 Revision 1 Revision 2 TAB 16.8 16.8-1, Pages 1-49 i 6.8-1, Pages 1-49 Revision 7 Revision 8 TAB 16.11 16.11-2, Pages 1-9 16.11-2, Pages 1-9 Revision 6 Revision 7 16.11-7, Pages i-16 16.11-7, Pages 1-16 Revision 12 Revision 13 If you have any questions concerning the contents of this Catawba Nuclear Station Selected Licensee Commitments (SLC) Manual update, please contact Chris Courtenay (908) 373-1894.
LIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS SECTION REVISION NUMBER REVISION DATE TABLE OF CONTENTS 15 05/10/16 16.1 1 08/27/08 16.2 2 08/21/09 16.3 1 08/21/09 16.5-1 7 03/30/21 16.5-2 Deleted 16.5-3 2 09/19/19 16.5-4 1G 01 +G/0027/Q'?:_2 16.5-5 1 01/28/10 16.5-6 1 08/21/09 16.5-7 2 02/06/15 16.5-8 Deleted 16.5-9 Deleted 03/02/21 16.5-10 Deleted 16.6-1 0 10/09/02 16.6-2 Deleted 16.6-3 '?:.+ og1121a.=1-10022 16.6-4 2 11/21/19 16.6-5 3 07/07/20 16.7-1 1 08/21/09 16.7-2 4 02/03/11 16.7-3 5 11/21/19 16.7-4 2 08/21/09 16.7-5 5 04/20/21 Catawba Units 1 and 2 Page 1 Revision 103
LIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS SECTION REVISION NUMBER REVISION DATE 16.7-6 3 06/10/16 16.7-7 1 08/21/09 16.7-8 2 08/21/09 16.7-9 13 09/14/21 16.7-10 109 014/~27/2Gg 16.7-11 1 08/21/09 16.7-12 1 08/21/09 16.7-13 3 06/10/16 16.7-14 1 08/21/09 16.7-15 g 081/2724/2200 16.7-16 0 06/08/09 16.7-17 0 02/10/15 16.7-18 0 05/10/16 16.8-1 .fl+ 0@j_/G+27/2Gg 16.8-2 3 12/18/19 16.8-3 1 10/24/06 16.8-4 2 11/05/07 16.8-5 3 08/21/09 16.9-1 10 01/29/19 16.9-2 6 08/03/17 16.9-3 5 07/03/18 16.9-4 5 09/11/17 16.9-5 11 10/08/19 16.9-6 12 07/03/18 Catawba Units 1 and 2 Page 2 Revision 103
LIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS SECTION REVISION NUMBER REVISION DATE 16.9-7 4 08/21/09 16.9-8 5 08/21/09 16.9-9 3 08/21/09 16.9-10 5 08/21/09 16.9-11 3 08/21/09 16.9-12 3 02/10/15 16.9-13 4 09/27/16 16.9-14 1 09/25/06 16.9-15 2 08/21/09 16.9-16 2 08/21/09 16.9-17 0 10/09/02 16.9-18 Deleted 16.9-19 3 02/20/12 16.9-20 0 10/09/02 16.9-21 1 10/13/16 16.9-22 1 08/21/09 16.9-23 5 08/03/17 16.9-24 2 10/24/06 16.9-25 2 08/21/09 16.9-26 1 11/15/18 16.10-1 1 08/21/09 16.10-2 1 10/24/06 16.10-3 1 08/21/09 16.10-4 0 08/04/20 Catawba Units 1 and 2 Page3 Revision 103
LIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS SECTION REVISION NUMBER REVISION DATE 16.10-5 1 03/16/21 16.11-1 1 07/27/13 16.11-2 zg 01§/.:t-g27/2g+
16.11-3 0 10/09/02 16.11-4 1 08/21/09 16.11-5 0 10/09/02 16.11-6 3 08/03/15 16.11-7 1g_2 018/271306/2Gg 16.11-8 0 10/09/02 16.11-9 0 10/09/02 16.11-10 1 08/21/09 16.11-11 1 03/20/03 16.11-12 0 10/09/02 16.11-13 1 07/27/13 16.11-14 0 10/09/02 16.11-15 0 10/09/02 16.11-16 1 10/24/11 16.11-17 0 10/09/02 16.11-18 1 08/21/09 16.11-19 0 10/09/02 16.11-20 3 11/21/19 16.11-21 0 10/09/02 16.12-1 0 10/09/02 16.13-1 1 08/03/17 16.13-2 Deleted Catawba Units 1 and 2 Page4 Revision 103
LIST OF EFFECTIVE SECTIONS SECTION REVISION NUMBER REVISION DATE 16.13-3 Deleted 16.13-4 4 10/04/21 Catawba Units 1 and 2 Pages Revision 103
Pressurizer 16.5-4 16.5 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 16.5-4 Pressurizer COMMITMENT The pressurizer temperature shall be limited to:
- a. A maximum heatup of 100°F in any 1-hour period, and
- b. A maximum cooldown of 200°F in any 1-hour period.
APPLICABILITY: At all times.
REMEDIAL ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. ------------NO TE A.1 Restore pressurizer 30 minutes All Required Actions temperature to within limits.
must be completed whenever this Condition AND is entered.
A.2 Perform engineering Pressurizer temperature evaluation to determine 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> not within limits. effects of the out-of-limit condition on the structural integrity of the pressurizer.
AND A.3 Determine that the pressurizer remains 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> acceptable for continued operation.
B. Required Action and B.1 Initiate a Condition Report Immediately associated Completion in accordance with the Time not met. Corrective Action Program.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.5-4-1 Revision 1
Pressurizer 16.5-4 TESTING REQUIREMENTS TEST FREQUENCY TR 16.5-4-1 ------------------------NOTE---------------------
Only required to be performed during system heatup or cooldown operations.
Verify pressurizer temperatures are within limits. 30 minutes BASES The temperature and pressure changes during heatup and cooldown are limited to be consistent with the requirements given in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section 111, Appendix G. Although the pressurizer operates in temperature ranges above those for which there is reason for concern of nonductile failure, operating limits are provided to assure compatibility of operation with the fatigue analysis performed in accordance with the ASME Code requirements.
REFERENCES 1. Letter from NRG to Gary R. Peterson, Duke, Issuance of Improved Technical Specifications Amendments for Catawba, September 30, 1998.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.5-4-2 Revision 1
Inlet Door Position Monitoring System 16.6-3 16.6 ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURES 16.6-3 Inlet Door Position Monitoring System COMMITMENT The Inlet Door Position Monitoring System shall be FUNCTIONAL.
APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4.
REMEDIAL ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Inlet Door Position A.1.1 Verify the Ice Bed Immediately Monitoring System non- Temperature Monitoring functional. System is FUNCTIONAL.
AND A.1.2 Verify ice bed temperature Once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> is~ 27°F.
AND A.1.3 Restore the Inlet Door 14 days Position Monitoring System to FUNCTIONAL status.
OR A.2 Restore the Inlet Door 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> Position Monitoring System to FUNCTIONAL status.
B. Required Action and 8.1 Initiate a Condition Report Immediately associated Completion in accordance with the Time not met. Corrective Action Program.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.6-3-1 Revision 2
Inlet Door Position Monitoring System 16.6-3 TESTING REQUIREMENTS TEST FREQUENCY TR 16.6-3-1 Perform CHANNEL CHECK. 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> TR 16.6-3-2 Perform TADOT. 18 months TR 16.6-3-3 Verify the Inlet Door Position Monitoring System correctly As the door is indicates the status of each inlet door. opened and reclosed during testing per Technical Specification 3.6.13 BASES The FUNCTIONALITY of the Inlet Door Position Monitoring System ensures that the capability is available for monitoring the individual inlet door position.
In the event the system is non-functional, the REMEDIAL ACTION requirements provide assurance that the ice bed heat removal capacity will be maintained.
REFERENCES 1. Letter from NRC to Gary R. Peterson, Duke, Issuance of Improved Technical Specifications Amendments for Catawba, September 30, 1998.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.6-3-2 Revision 2
Radiation Monitoring for Plant Operations 16.7-10 16.7 INSTRUMENTATION 16.7-10 Radiation Monitoring for Plant Operations COMMITMENT The radiation monitoring instrumentation channels for plant operations shown in Table 16.7-10-1 shall be FUNCTIONAL.
APPLICABILITY: As shown in Table 16.7-10-1.
REMEDIAL ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One or more radiation A.1 Adjust the setpoint to within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> monitoring channels the limit.
Alarm/Trip setpoint for plant operations OR exceeding the value shown in Table 16.7 A.2 Declare the channel non- 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />
- 1. functional.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.7-10-1 Revision 10
Radiation Monitoring for Plant Operations 16.7-10 REMEDIAL ACTIONS (continued)
Atmosphere - High ln order to utilize Required Gaseous Radioactivity Action B.1, the following (EMF Low Range) conditions must be channel non-functional. satisfied:
- 1. The affected unit is in MODES 5 or 6.
- 2. EMF-36 is FUNCTIONAL and in service for the affected unit.
- 3. The Reactor Coolant System for the affected unit has been vented.
- 4. Either the reactor vessel head is in place (bolts are not required),
or if it is not in place, the lifting of heavy loads over the reactor vessel and the movement of irradiated fuel assemblies within containment have been suspended.
Restore the non-functional 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> channel to FUNCTIONAL status.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.7-10-2 Revision 10
Radiation Monitoring for Plant Operations 16.7-10 REMEDIAL ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME C. Required Action and C.1 Close the Containment Immediately associated Completion Purge Exhaust System Time of Condition 8 not (CPES) valves.
OR Required Action 8.1 not utilized.
D. One Control Room Air D.1 Initiate action to restore Immediately Intake - Radiation Level non-functional channel(s)
- High Gaseous to FUNCTIONAL status.
Radioactivity (EMF-43A
& 8- Low Range) AND channel non-functional in one or both control 0.2 Ensure that one Control 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> room intakes. Room Area Ventilation System (CRAVS) train is in operation.
E. One Fuel Storage Pool E.1 Provide a portable Immediately Area - Radiation Level continuous monitor with the (1 EMF-15, 2EMF-4) same Alarm Setpoint in the channel non-functional. fuel storage pool area.
AND E.2.1 Restore non-functional 30 days monitor to FUNCTIONAL status.
OR E.2.2 Suspend all operations 30 days involving fuel movement in the fuel building.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.7-10-3 Revision 10
Radiation Monitoring for Plant Operations 16.7-10 REMEDIAL ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME F. One Fuel Storage Pool F.1.1 Initiate action to restore Immediately Area - High Gaseous non-functional channel to Radioactivity (EMF-42) FUNCTIONAL status.
channel non-functional.
AND F.1.2 ----NOTE-------------
Only applicable during fuel handling operations in the fuel building.
Ensure one Fuel Handling Immediately Ventilation Exhaust System (FHVES) train is in operation and all operating FHVES trains are in the filtered mode.
OR F.2 Suspend all operations Immediately involving fuel movement in the fuel building.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.7-10-4 Revision 10
Radiation Monitoring for Plant Operations 16.7-10 REMEDIAL ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME G. One Auxiliary Building G.1.1 Initiate action to restore Immediately Ventilation - High non-functional channel to Gaseous Radioactivity FUNCTIONAL status.
(EMF-41) channel non-functional. AND G.1.2 Verify EMF-36 is Immediately FUNCTIONAL (reference SLC 16.11-7) and in service for any affected unit in MODE 1, 2, 3 or 4.
AND G.1.3 Restore non-functional 30 days channel to FUNCTIONAL status.
OR G.2 Ensure all operating Immediately ABFVES trains are in the filtered mode for any affected unit in Mode 1, 2, 3 or 4.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.7-10-5 Revision 10
Radiation Monitoring for Plant Operations 16.7-10 REMEDIAL ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME H. One Component Cooling H.1 Collect and analyze grab Once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> Water System (EMF- samples for principal 46A & B) channel non- gamma emitters (listed in functional. Table 16.11-1-1, NOTE 3) at a lower limit of detection of no more than 5x1 7 o-
AND H.2 Restore non-functional 30 days channel to FUNCTIONAL status.
I. One or more N-16 1.1 Ensure that the Condenser Immediately Leakage Monitor (EMF- Evacuation System Noble 71, 72, 73, & 74) Gas Activity Monitor (EMF-channels non-functional. 33) is FUNCTIONAL and in operation.
OR 1.2 Ensure that Required Immediately Actions are met per SLC 16.11-7 if the Condenser Evacuation System Noble Gas Activity Monitor (EMF-
- 33) is non-functional or not in operation.
J. One Auxiliary Building J.1 Collect and analyze grab Once per 7 days Cooling Water System samples for principal (EMF-89) channel non- gamma emitters (listed in functional. Table 16.11-1-1, NOTE 3) at a lower limit of detection of no more than 5x10-7
AND J.2 Restore non-functional 30 days channel to FUNCTIONAL status.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.7-10-6 Revision 10
Radiation Monitoring for Plant Operations 16.7-10 TESTING REQUIREMENTS
NO TE----------------------------------------------------
Refer to Table 16.7-10-1 to determine which TRs apply for each Radiation Monitoring for Plant Operations channel.
TEST FREQUENCY TR 16.7-10-1 Perform CHANNEL CHECK. 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> TR 16.7-10-2 Perform CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST. 18 months TR 16.7-10-3 Perform CHANNEL CALIBRATION. 18 months Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.7-10-7 Revision 10
Radiation Monitoring for Plant Operations 16.7-10 Table 16.7-10-1 Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation for Plant Operations MONITOR APPLICABLE REQUIRED ALARM/TRIP TESTING MODES CHANNELS SETPOINT REQUIREMENTS
- 1. Containment Atmosphere - 1,2,3,4, 5,6 Note (a) TR 16.7-10-1 High Gaseous TR 16.7-10-2 Radioactivity TR 16.7-10-3 (EMF Low Range)
- 2. Fuel Storage Pool Areas - With irradiated :, 1.7 X 104 µCi/ml TR 16.7-10-1 High Gaseous fuel in the fuel TR 16.7-10-2 Radioactivity storage pool TR 16.7-10-3 (EMF-42) areas
- 3. Fuel Storage Pool Areas - With fuel in the ~ 15 mR/h TR 16.7-10-1 Radiation Level fuel storage pool Note (d) TR 16.7-10-2 (Fuel Bridge-1EMF-15, areas TR 16.7-10-3 2EMF-4)
- 4. Control Room Air Intake - At all times 2 (1/intake) :;; 1.7 x 104 µCi/ml TR 16.7-10-1 Radiation Level - High* TR 16.7-10-2 Gaseous Radioactivity TR 16.7-10-3 (EMF-43A & B - Low Range)
- 5. Auxiliary Building 1,2, 3,4 :, 1.7 x 104 µCi/ml TR 16.7-10-1 Ventilation - High Gaseous TR 16.7-10-2 Radioactivity TR 16.7-10-3 (EMF-41)
- 6. Component Cooling Water At all times<*> 1(b) ~ 1 x 10-3 µCi/ml TR 16.7-10-1 System TR 16.7-10-2 (EMF-46A & B) TR 16.7-10-3
- 7. N-16 Leakage Monitor 1 (40-100% 4 (1/steamline) Note (c) TR 16.7-10-1 (EMF-71, 72, 73, & 7 4) reactor power) TR 16.7-10-2 TR 16.7-10-3
- 8. Auxiliary Building Cooling At all times :, 1 X 10-3 µCi/ml TR 16.7-10-1 Water System TR 16.7-10-2 (EMF-89) TR 16.7-10-3 Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.7-10-8 Revision 10
Radiation Monitoring for Plant Operations 16.7-10 Table 16.7-10-1 Notes (a) When venting or purging from containment to the atmosphere, the trip setpoint shall not exceed the equivalent limits of SLC 16.11-6 in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM. When not venting or purging in Modes 5 or 6, the alarm setpoint concentration (µCi/ml) shall be such that the actual submersion dose rate would not exceed 5 mR/hr without alarm. When not venting or purging in Modes 1 through 4, the alarm setpoint shall be no more than 3 times the containment atmosphere activity as indicated by the radiation monitor.
(b) For EMF-46A & B: The EMF monitor associated with the operating Component Cooling Water System train shall be FUNCTIONAL. This requirement is based on the existence of an interlock which blocks the EMF loss of flow alarm from being received in the control room when the associated train pump motor(s) are not running.
(c) The setpoint is as required by the primary to secondary leak rate monitoring program.
(d) Catawba's Spent Fuel Pools were originally licensed for compliance with 10 CFR 70.24. The basis for the 15 mR/hr setpoint can be found in 10 CFR 70.24(a)(2) which states, in part," ... The monitoring devices in the system shall have a preset alarm point of not less than 5 millirems per hour (in order to avoid false alarms) nor more than 20 millirems per hour.... " Although Catawba received exemption from 10 CFR 70.24 in 1997, the 15 mR/hr setpoint limit for detection of inadvertent criticality in the Spent Fuel Pool is still appropriate. Catawba is presently committed to compliance with 10 CFR 50.68 which requires, in part, "(6) Radiation monitors are provided in storage and associated handling areas when fuel is present to detect excessive radiation levels and initiate appropriate safety actions."
Therefore, the setpoint may be elevated, using approved plant procedures, above 15 mR/hr during Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Transportable Storage Container (TSC) transfer activities when the loaded TSC may generate dose rates in excess of 15 mR/hr at the detector location. The setpoinl shall be returned to :::. 15 mR/hr upon completion of the TSC transfer.
(e) The Component Cooling Water (CCIN) radiation monitors are not considered to be non-functional just because there is no CCW flow through their respective trains. The EMFs would be considered non-functional if one of the inlet/outlet CCW isolation valves to the EMF were closed, if the EMF itself was not functioning properly, or if preventive maintenance/calibration activities were being performed on the EMF rendering ii out of service. For the situation where the associated train related CCW pumps are not running and a section of the CCW System (e.g., CCW heat exchanger) has been isolated and drained such that the associated radiation monitor has no process fluid to monitor, grab samples are not required.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.7-10-9 Revision 10
Radiation Monitoring for Plant Operations 16.7-10 BASES The FUNCTIONALITY of the radiation monitoring instrumentation for plant operations ensures that: (1) the associated action will be initiated when the radiation level monitored by each channel or combination thereof reaches its setpoint, (2) the specified coincidence logic is maintained, and (3) sufficient redundancy is maintained to permit a channel to be out of service for testing or maintenance. The radiation monitors for plant operations senses radiation levels in selected plant systems and locations and determines whether or not predetermined limits are being exceeded. The radiation monitors send actuation signals to initiate alarms or automatic isolation action and actuation of emergency exhaust or ventilation systems. Some of the final actuations are dependent on plant condition in addition to the actuation signals from the radiation monitors.
Operation of the Component Cooling Water (CCW) System Train A with the Train A Radiation Monitoring System (EMF) monitor non-functional and relying on the Train B EMF monitor for detection of radioactivity is not permissible. Likewise, operation of the CCW System Train B with the Train B EMF monitor non-functional and relying on the Train A EMF monitor for detection of radioactivity is not permissible. This is due to the interlock between the EMF monitor low-flow alarm and the operation of the CCW System pump motors on the same train. The EMF monitor in the operating CCW System pump train must be FUNCTIONAL, or the compensatory measures taken as specified.
In MODES 5 and 6, initiation of the Containment Purge Exhaust System (CPES) with EMF-39 non-functional is not permissible. The basis for Required Action 8.1 is to allow the continued operation of the CPES with EMF-39 initially FUNCTIONAL. Continued operation of the CPES is contingent upon the ability of the affected unit to meet the requirements as noted in Required Action 8.1.
REFERENCES 1. Letter from NRC to Gary R. Peterson, Duke, Issuance of Improved Technical Specifications Amendments for Catawba, September 30, 1998.
- 2. Letter from NRC to M. S. Tuckman, Duke, Issuance of Exemption to 10 CFR 70.24, Criticality Accident Requirements, July 29, 1997.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.7-10-10 Revision 10
Hydrogen Monitors 16.7-15 16.7 INSTRUMENTATION
REMEDIAL ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One Hydrogen Monitor A.1 Restore channel to 30 days channel non-functional. FUNCTIONAL status.
B. ReEJl::liFeEl AetieA aAEl B.1 Pre13are aAEI sl::lsrnit a 14 days asseeiateEl Gern13letieA S13eeial Re13eFt te U=ie Time ef GeAElitieA /\ Aet GernrnissieA e1::1tliAiA§ the met-, 13Fe13laAAeEI altemate rnetheEl ef rneniterin§, the ea1::1se ef the Aen f1::1netieAality, GAEi the 13laAS anEI seheElule fer resteriA§ the ehaAAel te i;:ld~JGTIG~JAb status.
G§.. Two Hydrogen Monitor GB.1 Restore one Hydrogen 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> channels non-functional. Monitor channel to FUNCTIONAL status.
GC. Required Action and GC.1 Be iA MGDE 31nitiate a 6 heurslmmediately associated Completion Condition Re12ort in Time of Condition G-A or accordance with the
§_not met. Corrective Action Program.
12 heurs ANG Q.~ Be iA MQQE 4.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.7-15-1 Revision g Hydrogen Monitors 16.7-15 TESTING REQUIREMENTS TEST FREQUENCY TR 16.7-15-1 Perform CHANNEL CHECK. 31 days TR 16.7-15-2 Perform CHANNEL CALIBRATION. 92 days TR 16.7-15-3 Perform CHANNEL CALIBRATION. 18 months BASES The Hydrogen Monitors are provided to detect high hydrogen concentration conditions that represent a potential for containment breach from a hydrogen explosion during accident conditions. With the elimination of the design basis LOCA hydrogen release (Ref. 5), the Hydrogen Monitors are no longer required to mitigate design basis accidents. The Hydrogen Monitors are now classified as Regulatory Guide 1.97, Category 3 instrumentation. The Hydrogen Monitors are used to assess the degree of core damage during a severe accident and confirm that random or deliberate ignition has taken place.
The FUNCTIONALITY of the Hydrogen Monitors ensures that there is sufficient information available on unit parameters to monitor and assess unit status and behavior following an accident. The availability of the Hydrogen Monitors is important so that responses to corrective actions can be observed and the need for, and the magnitude of, further actions can be determined.
Two FUNCTIONAL channels ensure no single failure prevents operators from getting the information necessary for them to determine the safety status of the unit. If two Hydrogen Monitor channels are non-functional, grab samples of the Containment atmosphere can be obtained and analyzed for hvdrogen concentration (Ref. 6).
A CHANNEL CALIBRATION is performed every 92 days on the Hydrogen Monitor channels. CHANNEL CALIBRATION is a complete check of the instrument loop, including the sensor using hydrogen gas mixtures to obtain calibration points at 1 volume percent (v/o) and 4 v/o hydrogen. The test verifies that the channel responds to measured parameter with the necessary range and accuracy. The Frequency is based on operating experience associated with these monitors.
These SLC requirements were relocated from the Technical Specifications as a result of License Amendments 219 and 214 for Units 1 and 2, respectively.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.7-15-2 Revision g4
Hydrogen Monitors 16.7-15 REFERENCES 1. Letter from NRG to D.M. Jamil, Duke, License Amendments 219 and 214for Units 1 and 2, respectively, dated March 1, 2005.
- 2. Catawba Updated Final Safety Analysis Report Section 1.8.
- 3. Regulatory Guide 1.97, Rev. 2.
- 4. NUREG-0737, Supplement 1, "TMI Action Items."
- 5. 10 CFR 50.44, "Combustible gas control for nuclear power reactors."
- 6. Chemistry Management Procedure 3.4.12 Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.7-15-3 Revision g4
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 16.8 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS 16.8-1 Containment Penetration Conductor Overcurrent Protective Devices (CPCOPDs)
COMMITMENT Primary and backup CPCOPDs shown in Table 16.8-1-1 and 16.8-1-2 shall be FUNCTIONAL.
APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4.
- 1. Separate Condition entry is allowed for each penetration circuit.
- 2. Enter applicable Conditions and Required Actions for systems made inoperable or non-functional by CPCOPDs.
- 3. SLC 16.2-3 is not applicable to CPCOPDs in circuits which have their redundant devices tripped or removed, or their non-functional protective devices racked out or removed from the circuits.
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One or more A.1.1 De-energize the circuit(s) 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> CPCOPD(s) non- by tripping the associated functional. redundant circuit breaker or removing the redundant fuse(s).
AND A.1.2 Verify the associated Once per 7 days redundant protective device(s) to be tripped or removed.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-1 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 REMEDIAL ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. (continued) OR A.2.1 De-energize the circuit(s) 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> by racking out the non-functional circuit breaker or removing the non-functional protective device(s).
AND A.2.2 Verify the non-functional Once per 7 days device(s) are removed or racked out.
B. Required Action and B.1 Initiate a Condition Report Immediately associated Completion in accordance with the Time not met. Corrective Action Program.
TR 16.8-1-1, 16.8-1-2, and 16.8-1-3 are only required to be performed for 10% of the circuit breakers within each voltage level on a rotating basis during each testing interval.
TEST FREQUENCY TR 16.8-1-1 Perform a CHANNEL CALIBRATION of the associated 18 months protective relays for medium voltage circuits (4-15 kV).
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-2 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 TESTING REQUIREMENTS continued TEST FREQUENCY TR 16.8-1-2 -----------------NOTE---
For each circuit breaker found non-functional during these functional tests, an additional representative sample of~ 10% of all the circuit breakers of the non-functional type shall also be functionally tested until no more failures are found or all circuit breakers of that type have been functionally tested.
Perform an integrated protective system functional test 18 months on each medium voltage (4-15 kV) circuit breaker which includes simulated automatic actuation of the system and verify that each relay and associated circuit breakers function as designed.
TR 16.8-1-3 ---------NOTES--------
- 1. Only required to be performed for 10% of each type of lower voltage circuit breakers on a rotating basis during each testing interval.
- 2. Circuit breakers found non-functional during functional testing shall be restored to FUNCTIONAL status prior to resuming operation of the circuit.
- 3. For each circuit breaker found non-functional during these functional tests, an additional representative sample of~ 10% of all the circuit breakers of the non-functional type shall also be functionally tested until no more failures are found or all circuit breakers of that type have been functionally tested.
Inject a current in excess of the breaker's nominal 18 months setpoint, measure the response time, and verify that the measured response time is~ the manufacturer's specified response time.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-3 Revision 8
TEST FREQUENCY TR 16.8-1-4 Perform fuse inspection and maintenance program. 18 months TR 16.8-1-5 Perform inspection and preventive maintenance on each 60 months circuit breaker in accordance with procedures prepared in conjunction with its manufacturer's recommendations.
BASES Containment electrical penetrations and penetration conductors are protected by either deenergizing circuits not required during reactor operation or by demonstrating the FUNCTIONALITY of primary and backup overcurrent protection circuit breakers during periodic testing.
The TESTING REQUIREMENTS applicable to lower voltage circuit breakers provide assurance of breaker reliability by testing at least one representative sample of each manufacturer's brand of circuit breaker. Each manufacturer's molded case circuit breakers are grouped into representative samples which are then tested on a rotating basis to ensure that all breakers are tested. If a wide variety exists within any manufacturer's brand of circuit breakers, it is necessary to divide that manufacturer's breakers into groups and treat each group as a separate type of breaker for testing purposes.
Fuse testing is in accordance with IEEE Standard 242-1975 (Reference 2).
This program will detect any significant degradation of the fuses or improperly sized fuses. Safety is further assured by the fail-safe" nature of fuses; that is, if the fuse fails, the circuit will de-energize.
The lists of components for which this COMMITMENT is applicable exclude those circuits for which credible fault currents would not exceed the electrical penetration design rating; REFERENCES 1. Letter from NRC to Gary R. Peterson, Duke, Issuance of Improved Technical Specifications Amendments for Catawba, September 30, 1998.
- 2. IEEE Standard 242-1975, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems".
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-4 , Revision 8
- 1. 6900VACSwqr Primary Bkr RCP1A Reactor Coolant Pump 1A Backup Bkr 1TA-3 Primary Bkr RCP1B Reactor Coolant Pump 1B Backup Bkr 1TB-3 Primary Bkr RCP1C Reactor Coolant Pump 1C Backup Bkr 1TC-3 Primary Bkr RCP1 D Reactor Coolant Pump 1 D Backup Bkr 1TD-3
- 2. 600VACMCC 1EMXC-F01B Accumulator 1C Discharge lsol Viv Primary Bkr 1Nl76A Backup Fuse 1EMXC-F01C Check Viv Test Header Cont !sol Viv Primary Bkr 1Nl95A Backup Fuse 1EMXC-F02A Train A Alternate Power to ND Letdn Primary Bkr Viv 1ND1B Backup Fuse 1EMXC-F02B Hot Leg lnj Check Viv Test lsol Viv Primary Bkr 1Nl153A Backup Fuse 1EMXC-F03A NC Pump 1C Thermal Barrier Outlet Primary Bkr lsol Viv 1KC345A Backup Fuse 1EMXC-F03B Nitrogen to PRT Cont !sol Inside Viv Primary Bkr 1NC54A ,
Backup Fuse 1EMXC-F03C Pressurizer Power Operated Relief Primary Bkr !sol Viv 1 NC33A Backup Fuse 1EMXC-F05A NCDT Vent Inside Cont lsol Viv Primary Bkr 1Wl450A Backup Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-5 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-1 Unit 1 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 1EMXC-F058 Cont Sump Pumps Discharge Inside Primary Bkr Cont lsol Viv 1WL825A Backup Fuse 1EMXC-F05C Ventilation Unit Cond Drain Tnk Primary Bkr Outside Cont lsol Viv 1WL867A Backup Fuse 1EMXC-F06A NCDT Pumps Discharge Inside Cont Primary Bkr !sol Viv 1WL805A Backup Fuse 1EMXC-F078 Cont Hydrogen Purge Outlet Cont Primary Bkr !sol Viv 1VY17A Backup Fuse 1EMXD-F01A ND Pump 1A Suction from NC Loop Primary Bkr B Viv 1ND18 Backup Fuse 1EMXD-F018 Accumulator 18 Discharge lsol Viv Primary Bkr 1Nl658 Backup Fuse 1EMXD-F01C NI Pump A to Hot Leg Check Viv Primary Bkr Test !sol Viv 1Nl122B Backup Fuse 1EMXD-F02A ND Pump 1B Suction from NC Loop Primary Bkr C Viv 1ND368 Backup Fuse 1EMXD-F02B ND to Hot Legs Chk 1Nl125, 1Nl129 Primary Bkr Test lsol Viv 1Nl154B Backup Fuse 1EMXD-F02C Pressurizer Power Operated Relief Primary Bkr lsol Viv 1NC31 B Backup Fuse 1EMXD-F05A Pressurizer Power Operated Relief Primary Bkr Isol Viv 1NC35B Backup Fuse 1EMXD-F058 Rx Bldg Drain Hdr Inside Cont lsol Primary Bkr Viv 1KC429B Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-6 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-1 Unit 1 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED Backuo Fuse 1EMXD-F05C NCDT Hx Ging Water Return Inside Primary Bkr lsol Viv 1KC332B Backup Fuse 1EMXD-F06A NC Pump 1B Thermal Barrier Outlet Primary Bkr lsol Viv 1KC364B Backup Fuse 1EMXD-F06B NC Pumps Return Hdr Inside Cont Primary Bkr lsol Viv 1KC424B Backup Fuse 1EMXK-F01C Backup Nitrogen to PORV 1NC34A Primary Bkr from Accum Tnk 1A Viv 1 Nl438A Backup Fuse 1EMXK-F02A NC Pump 1A Thermal Barrier Outlet Primary Bkr lsol Viv 1KC394A Backuo Fuse 1EMXK-F02B Lower Cont Ventilation Units Return Primary Bkr Cont lsol Viv 1RN484A Backup Fuse 1EMXK-F02C NV Supply to Pressurizer Viv Primary Bkr 1NV037A Backup Fuse 1EMXK-F03A SIG C Slowdown Line Sample Inside Primary Bkr Cont lsol Viv 1NM21 0A Backup Fuse 1EMXK-F04A SIG A Upper Shell Sample Inside Primary Bkr Cont lsol Viv 1NM 187A Backup Fuse 1EMXK-F04B SIG A Slowdown Line Sample Inside Primary Bkr Cont lsol Viv 1NM190A Backup Fuse 1EMXK-F04C SIG C Upper Shell Sample Inside Primary Bkr Cont lsol Viv 1NM207A Backuo Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-7 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-1 Unit 1 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 1EMXK-F06A Hydrogen Skimmer Fan 1A Inlet Viv Primary Bkr 1VX1A Backup Fuse 1EMXK-F07C Electric Hydrogen Recombiner Power Primary Bkr Supply Panel 1A Backup Fuse 1EMXK-F09A Accum 1A Discharge lsol Viv 1Nl54A Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1EMXK-F09C NC Pump Oil Fill Header Cont lsol Primary Bkr Viv 1NC196A Backup Fuse 1EMXK-F10A Cont Air Return Damper 1ARF-D-2 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1EMXK-F10B VQ Fans Suction from Cont lsol Viv Primary Bkr 1VQ2A Backup Fuse 1EMXK-F10C Cont Air Addition Cont Isol Viv Primary Bkr 1VQ16A Backup Fuse 1EMXK-F11A Cont Air Return Fan Motor 1A
-Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1EMXK-F11B Hydrogen Skimmer Fan Motor 1A Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1EMXL-F01B Trn B Alternate Power to ND Letdn Primary Bkr Viv 1ND37A Backup Fuse 1EMXL-F01C NI Accum D Sample Line Inside Cont Primary Bkr lsol Viv 1NM81 B Backup Fuse 1EMXL-F02A NC Pump 1D Thermal Barrier Outlet Primary Bkr lsol Viv 1KC413B Backup Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-8 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-1 Unit 1 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 1EMXL-F02B Air Handling Units Glycol Return Primary Bkr Cont lsol Viv 1NF233B Backuo Fuse 1EMXL-F02C NI Accum C Sample Line Inside Cont Primary Bkr lsol Viv 1NM78B Backup Fuse 1EMXL-F03A SIG D Slowdown Sample Line Inside Primary Bkr Cont lsol Viv 1NM220B Backup Fuse 1EMXL-F03B NI Accum A Sample Line Inside Cont Primary Bkr lsol Viv 1NM72B Backup Fuse 1EMXL-F03C NI Accum B Sample Line Inside Cont Primary Bkr lsol Viv 1NM75B Backup Fuse 1EMXL-F04A SIG B Upper Shell Sample Inside Primary Bkr Cont lsol Viv 1NM1971;3 Backup Fuse 1EMXL-F04B SIG B Slowdown Sample Line Inside Primary Bkr Cont lsol Viv 1NM200B Backup Fuse 1EMXL-F04C SIG D Upper Shell Sample Inside Primary Bkr Cont lsolVlv 1NM217B Backuo Fuse 1EMXL-F06A Hydrogen Skimmer Fan 1B Inlet Viv Primary Bkr 1VX2B Backup Fuse 1EMXL-F06B Backup Nitrogen to PORV 1 NC32B Primary Bkr from Accum Tnk 1B Viv 1 Nl439B Backup Fuse 1EMXL-F07C Electric Hydrogen Recombiner Power Primary Bkr Supply Panel 1B Backup Fuse 1EMXL-F09A Accum 1D Discharge lsol Viv 1Nl88B Primarv Bkr Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-9 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-1 Unit 1 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBER AND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED Backup Fuse 1EMXL-F10A Cont Air Return Damper 1ARF-D-4 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1EMXL-F10B Reactor Vessel Head Vent Viv Primary Bkr 1NC251B Backup Fuse 1EMXL-F10C Reactor Vessel Head Vent Viv Primary Bkr 1NC252B Backup Fuse 1EMXL-F11A Cont Air Return Fan Motor 1B Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1EMXL-F11B Hydrogen Skimmer Fan Motor 18 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1EMXS-F01 B
- NC Pumps Seal Return Inside Cont Primary Bkr lsol Viv 1NV89A Backup Fuse 1EMXS-F02A ND Pump 18 Suction from NC Loop Primary Bkr C Viv 1ND37A Backup Fuse 1EMXS-F02B Reactor Vessel Head Vent Viv Primary Bkr 1NC250A Backup Fuse 1EMXS-F03D ND Pump 1A Suction from NC Loop Primary Bkr B Viv 1ND2A Backup Fuse 1EMXS-F03E Reactor Vessel Head Vent Viv Primary Bkr 1NC253A Backup Fuse 1EMXS-F04B SIG D Slowdown Inside Cont lsol Viv Primary Bkr 1888A Backup Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-10 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-1 Unit 1 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBER AND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 1EMXS-F04C S/G 8 Slowdown Inside Cont !sol Viv Primary Bkr 18819A Backup Fuse 1EMXS-F05A S/G A Slowdown Inside Cont lsol Viv Primary Bkr 18856A Backup Fuse 1EMXS-F058 SIG C Slowdown Inside Cont lsol Viv Primary Bkr 18860A Backup Fuse 1EMXS-F05C Pressurizer Liquid Sample Line Primary Bkr Inside Cont lsol Viv 1NM3A Backup Fuse 1EMXS-F06A Pressurizer Steam Sample Line Primary Bkr Inside Cont lsol Viv 1NM6A Backup Fuse 1EMXS-F06B NC Hot Leg A Sample Line Inside Primary Bkr Cont lsol Viv 1NM22A Backup Fuse 1EMXS-F06C NC Hot Leg C Sample Line Inside Primary Bkr Cont lsol Viv 1NM25A Backup Fuse 1MXM-F01A Reactor Coolant Pump Motor Drain Primary Bkr Tnk Pump Motor Backup Fuse 1MXM-F02A NC Pump 1B Oil Lift Pump Motor 1 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXM-F02B NC Pump 1C Oil Lift Pump Motor 1 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXM-F03A Ice Condenser Power Transformer Primary Bkr ICT1A Backup Fuse 1MXM-F03B Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 1B6 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & 8 Backup Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-11 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-1 Unit 1 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 1MXM-F03C Ice Condenser Equipment Access Primary Bkr Door Hoist Motor 1A Backup Fuse 1MXM-F04D Lighting Transformer 1 LR1 O Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXM-F04E Lighting Transformer 1 LR 13 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXM-F05A 175 Ton Polar Crane and 25 Ton Aux Primary Bkr Crane No. R013 and R015 Backup Fuse 1MXM-F05C Upper Containment Welding Feeder Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXM-F06A Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 1A7 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 1MXM-F06B Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 188 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 1MXM-F06C Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 1A9 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 1MXM-F06D Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit Primary Bkr 1B10 Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 1MXM-F07B Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit Primary Bkr 1A13 Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 1MXM-F07C Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit Primary Bkr 1814 Fan Motor A & B Backuo Fuse 1MXM-F08D Ice Condenser Refrigeration Floor Primarv Bkr Cool Defrost Heater 1A Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-12 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-1 Unit 1 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED Backup Fuse 1MXM-F09A Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 1A1 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 1MXM-F09B Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 1B2 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 1MXM-F09C Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 1A3 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 1MXM-F09D Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 1B4 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 1MXM-F10A Cont Floor and Equipment Sump Primary Bkr Pump Motor 1A1 Backup Fuse 1MXM-F108 Cont Floor and Equipment Sump Primary Bkr Pump Motor 181 Backuo Fuse 1MXN-F01F Stud Tensioner Hoist 1B Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXN-F02A NC Pump 1B Oil Lift Pump Motor 2 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXN-F028 NC Pump 1C Oil Lift Pump Motor 2 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXN-F02E Stud Tensioner Hoist 1C Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXN-F03A Ice Condenser Power Transformer Primary Bkr ICT1B Backup Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-13 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-1 Unit 1 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 1MXN-F03B Ice Condenser Bridge Crane 1 Crane Primary Bkr No. R011 Backup Fuse 1MXN-F03E Stud Tensioner Hoist 1A Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXN-F04D Lighting Transformer 1 LR5 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXN-F04E Lighting Transformer 1LR6 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXN-F05A Ice Condenser Refrigeration Floor Primary Bkr Cool Defrost Heater 1B Backup Fuse 1MXN-F05B Ice Condenser Refrigeration Floor Primary Bkr Cool Pump Motor 1 B Backup Fuse 1MXN-F05C Ice Condenser Equipment Access Primary Bkr Door Hoist Motor 1B Backup Fuse 1MXN-F06A Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 181 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 1MXN-F06B Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 1A2 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 1MXN-F06C Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 183 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 1MXN-F06D Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 1A4 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 1MXN-F07B Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 185 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-14 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-1 Unit 1 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 1MXN-F07C Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 1A6 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 1MXN-F08A Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 187 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 1MXN-F088 Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 1A8 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 1MXN-F08C Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 189 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 1MXN-F08D Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit Primary Bkr 1A10 Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 1MXN-F09A Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit Primary Bkr 1811 Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 1MXN-F098 Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit Primary Bkr 1A12 Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 1MXN-F09C Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit Primary Bkr 1813 Fan Motor A & B Backuo Fuse 1MXN-F09D Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit Primary Bkr 1A14 Fan Motor A & B Backuo Fuse 1MXN-F10A Cont Floor and Equipment Sump Primary Bkr Pump Motor 1A2 Backup Fuse 1MXN-F108 Cont Floor and Equipment Sump Primary Bkr Pump Motor 1B2 Backup Fuse 1MXN-F10C lncore Instrumentation Sump Pump Primary Bkr Motor 1 Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-15 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-1 Unit 1 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED Backup Fuse 1MXN-F10D Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit Primary Bkr 1815 Fan Motor A & 8 Backup Fuse 1MXO-F01A Upper Cont Air Return Fan Motor 1C Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXO-F02B Control Rod Drive Ventilation Fan Primary Bkr Motor 1A Backup Fuse 1MXO-F03A Lower Cont Ventilation Unit 1C Fan Primary Bkr Motor Backup Fuse 1MXO-F04C Upper Cont Ventilation Unit 1C Fan Primary Bkr Motor Backup Fuse 1MXO-F05C Cont Pipe Tunnel Booster Fan Motor Primary Bkr 1A Backup Fuse 1MXP-F01A Upper Cont Return Air Fan 18 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXP-F028 Control Rod Drive Ventilation Fan Primary Bkr Motor 1B Backup Fuse 1MXP-F03A Lower Cont Ventilation Unit 18 Fan Primary Bkr Motor Backup Fuse 1MXP-F04D Upper Cont Ventilation Unit 1B Fan Primary Bkr Motor Backup Fuse 1MXP-F05C Cont Pipe Tunnel Booster Fan Motor Primary Bkr 18 Backup Fuse 1MXQ-F01A Upper Cont Return Air Fan Motor 1A Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-16 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-1 Unit 1 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXQ-F01B lncore Instrument Room Ventilation Primary Bkr Unit 1A Fan Motor Backup Fuse 1MXQ-F02B Control Rod Drive Ventilation Fan Primary Bkr Motor 1C Backup Fuse 1MXQ-F03A Lower Cont Ventilation Unit 1A Fan Primary Bkr Motor Backup Fuse 1MXQ-F04C Upper Cont Ventilation Unit 1A Fan Primary Bkr Motor Backup Fuse 1MXR-F01A Upper Cont Return Air Fan Motor 1D Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXR-F01B lncore Instrument Room Ventilation Primary Bkr Unit 1B Fan Motor Backup Fuse 1MXR-F02B Control Rod Drive Ventilation Fan Primary Bkr Motor 10 Backup Fuse 1MXR-F03A Lower Cont Ventilation Unit 1D Fan Primary Bkr Motor Backup Fuse 1MXR-F04C Upper Cont Ventilation Unit 1D Fan Primary Bkr Motor Backup Fuse 1MXY-F02A NC Pump 1A Oil Lift Pump Motor 1 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXY-F02B NC Pump 1D Oil Lift Pump Motor 1 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-17 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-1 Unit 1 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 1MXY-F02C Rx Bldg Lower Cont Welding Primary Bkr Machine Receptacle 1RCPL0185 Backup Fuse 1MXY-F02D Upper Cont Rx Bldg Welding Primary Bkr Receptacle 1RCPL0193 Backup Fuse 1MXY-F03A Reactor Coolant Drain Tnk Pump Primary Bkr Motor 1A Backup Fuse 1MXY-F03D Ice Condenser Refrigeration Floor Primary Bkr Cool Pump Motor 1A Backup Fuse 1MXY-F05A Lighting Transformer 1LRS Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXY-F05B Lighting Transformer 1LR 11 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXY-F05C Lighting Transformer 1LR 14 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXY-F06A Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 1A5 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 1MXY-F06B Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit Primary Bkr 1A11 Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 1MXY-F06C Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit Primary Bkr 1B12 Fan Motor A& B Backup Fuse 1MXY-F06D Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit Primary Bkr 1A15 Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 1MXY-F08A lncore Drive Assembly Motor 1A Primary Bkr Backup Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-18 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Tabl'e 16.8-1-1 Unit 1 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 1MXY-F088 lncore Drive Assembly Motor 1C Primary Bkr Backuo Fuse 1MXY-F08C lncore Drive Assembly Motor 1E Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXY-F08D Lower Cont Auxiliary Charcoal Filter Primary Bkr Unit Fan Motor 1A Backup Fuse 1MXZ-F02A NC Pump .1A Oil Lift Pump Motor 2 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXZ-F028 NC Pump 1D Oil Lift Pump Motor 2 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXZ-F03A Reactor Coolant Drain Tnk Pump Primary Bkr Motor 1B Backuo Fuse 1MXZ-F04B Lighting Transformer 1 LR1 Primary Bkr Backuo Fuse 1MXZ-F04C Ughting Transformer 1 LR2 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXZ-F04D Lighting Transformer 1LR3 Primary Bkr Backuo Fuse 1MXZ-F05A Reactor Coolant Pump Jib Hoist No.
Primary Bkr R019 through R022 Backup Fuse 1MXZ-F05C Lower Cont Auxiliary Charcoal Filter Primary Bkr Unit Fan Motor 18 Backuo Fuse 1MXZ-F06A lncore Drive Assembly Motor 18 Primary Bkr Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-19 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-1 Unit 1 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED Backup Fuse 1MXZ-F06B lncore Drive Assembly Motor 1D Primary Bkr Backuo Fuse 1MXZ-F06C lncore Drive Assembly Motor 1F Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXZ-F06D Lower Cont Rx Bldg Welding Primary Bkr Receptacle 1RCPL0194 Backup Fuse 1MXZ-F07B Lighting Transformer 1LR4 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXZ-F07C 5 Ton Jib Crane in Cont Crane No.
Primary Bkr ROOS Backup Fuse 1MXZ-F07D Reactor Cavity Manipulator Crane Primary Bkr No. ROD? and R027 Backup Fuse 1MXZ-F08A SIG Drain Pump Motor 1 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1MXZ-F08C 15 Ton Equipment Access Hatch Primary Bkr Hoist Crane No. R009 Backup Fuse 1MXZ-F08D Control Rod Drive 2 Ton Jib Hoist Primary Bkr Crane No. R017 Backup Fuse 1MXZ-F08E Reactor Side Fuel Handling Control Primary Bkr Console Backup Fuse SMXG-F01C Standby Makeup Pump Drain !sol Viv Primary Bkr 1NV876 Backup Fuse SMXG-F05C Pressurizer Heaters 28, 55, and 56 Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-20 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-1 Unit 1 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED Primary Bkr Backup Fuse SMXG-F06A Standby Makeup Pump to Seal Primary Bkr Water Line !sol Viv 1NV877 Backup Fuse
- 3. 600 VAC Pressurizer Heater Power Panels PHP1A-F01A Pressurizer Heaters 1, 2, and 22 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP1A-F01B Pressurizer Heaters 5, 6, and 27 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP1A-F01C Pressurizer Heaters 9, 10, and 32 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP1A-F02C Pressurizer Heaters 11, 12, and 35 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP1A-F020 Pressurizer Heaters 13, 14, and 37 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP1A-F02E Pressurizer Heaters 17, 18, and 42 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP1B-F01A Pressurizer Heaters 21, 47, and 48 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP1B-F01B Pressurizer Heaters 26, 53, and 54 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP1B-F02C Pressurizer Heaters 36, 65, and 66 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP18-F02D Pressurizer Heaters 41, 71, and 72 Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-21 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-1 Unit 1 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP1B-F02E Pressurizer Heaters 46, 77, and 78 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP1C-F01A Pressurizer Heaters 7, 8, and 30 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP1C-F01B Pressurizer Heaters 19, 20, and 45 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP1C-F01C Pressurizer Heaters 23, 49, and 50 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP1C-F01D Pressurizer Heaters 29, 57, and 58 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP1C-F02C Pressurizer Heaters 34, 61, and 62 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP1C-F02D Pressurizer Heaters 39, 69, and 70 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP1C-F02E Pressurizer Heaters 44, 75, and 76 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP1D-F01A Pressurizer Heaters 3, 4, and 25 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP1D-F01B Pressurizer Heaters 15, 16, and 40 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP1D-F01C Spare Primary Bkr Backup Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-22 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-1 Unit 1 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED PHP1 D-F02C Spare Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP1D-F020 Pressurizer Heaters 38, 67, and 68 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP1D-F02E Pressurizer Heaters 43, 73, and 74 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse
- 4. 250 voe Reactor Building Deadlight Panel board 1DLD-2 Lighting Panelboard No. 1 LR1, 1LR2, Primary Bkr 1LR3, 1LR4 Backup Fuse 1DLD-3 Lighting Panelboard No. 1LR13, Primary Bkr 1LR14 Backup Fuse 1DLD-4 Lighting Panel board No. 1 LRS, 1LR6 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1DLD-5 Lighting Panel board No. 1LR10, Primary Bkr 1LR11 Backup Fuse 1DLD-10 Lighting Panelboard No. 1 LR8 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse
- 5. 120 VAC Panelboards 1ELB-5 Emergency AC Lighting Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1ELB-7 Emergency AC Lighting Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1ELB-13 Emergency AC Lighting Primarv Bkr Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-23 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-1 Unit 1 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED Backup Fuse 1ELB-15 Emergency AC Lighting Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1ELB-17 Emergency AC Lighting Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1KPM-1 NC Pump Motor 1A Space Heater Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1KPM-2 NC Pump Motor 1C Space Heater Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1KPM-7-1 Lower Cont Ventilation Unit 1A Fan Primary Bkr Motor Space Heater Backup Fuse 1KPM-8-1 Lower Cont Ventilation Unit 1C Fan Primary Bkr Motor Space Heater Backup Fuse 1KPM-24 Control Rod Drive Ventilation Fan Primary Bkr Motor 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D Space Heaters Backup Fuse 1KPM-24-10 Control Rod Drive Ventilation Fan Primary Fuse Motor 1A Space Heaters Backup Fuse 1KPM-24-11 Control Rod Drive Ventilation Fan Primary Fuse Motor 1B Space Heaters Backup Fuse 1KPM-24-12 Control Rod Drive Ventilation Fan Primary Fuse Motor 1C Space Heaters Backup Fuse 1KPM-24-13 Control Rod Drive Ventilation Fan Primary Fuse Motor 1D Space Heaters Backup Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-24 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-1 Unit 1 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 1KPM-33 NI Temperature Transmitters Primary Bkr 1NITT5800, 1NITT5810, 1 NITT5820, Backup Fuse 1NITT5830 1KPM-33-04 NI Temperature Transmitter Primarv Fuse 1NITT5800 1KPM-33-05 NI Temperature Transmitter Primary Fuse 1NITT5810 1KPM-33-06 NI Temperature Transmitter Primarv Fuse 1NITT5820 1KPM-33-07 NI Temperature Transmitter Primarv Fuse 1NITT5830 1KPN-1 NC Pump Motor 1B Space Heater Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1KPN-2 NC Pump Motor 1 D Space Heater Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 1KPN-7-1 Lower Cont Ventilation Unit 1B Fan Primary Bkr Motor Space Heater Backup Fuse 1KPN-08 Lower Cont Ventilation Unit 1D Fan Primary Bkr Motor Space Heater, NC Pump Seal Backup Fuse Standpipe Vent and Drain Vlvs 1NV105, 1NV106, 1NV110, 1NV111, 1NV115, 1NV116, 1NV120, 1NV121 1KPN-08-01 Lower Cont Ventilation Unit 1D Fan Primary Fuse Motor Space Heater Backuo Fuse 1KPN-08-02 NC Pump 1A Standpipe Drain and Primary Fuse Overflow Vlvs 1NV105 and 1NV106 Backup Fuse 1KPN-08-03 NC Pump 1B Standpipe Drain and Primary Fuse Overflow Vlvs 1NV110 and 1NV111 Backup Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-25 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-1 Unit 1 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBER AND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 1KPN-08-04 NC Pump 1C Standpipe Drain and Primary Fuse Overflow Vlvs 1NV115 and 1NV116 Backu Fuse 1KPN-08-05 NC Pump 1D Standpipe Drain and Primary Fuse Overflow Vlvs 1NV120 and 1NV121 Backu Fuse 1KPN-11 Misc Control Power for 1ATC24 Primary Bkr Backu Fuse
Backu Bkr-AB 1EQCB0002 Spare Primary Bkr -AA.
Backu Bkr-AB Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-26 Revision 8 I
- 1. 6900 VAC SwQr Primary Bkr RCP2A Reactor Coolant Pump 2A Backup Bkr 2TA-3 Primary Bkr RCP2B Reactor Coolant Pump 28 Backup Bkr 2TB-3 Primary Bkr RCP2C Reactor Coolant Pump 2C Backup Bkr 2TC-3 Primary Bkr RCP2D Reactor Coolant Pump 20 Backup Bkr 2TD-3
- 2. 600VAC MCC 2EMXC-F01B Accumulator 2C Discharge lsol Viv Primary Bkr 2Nl76A Backup Fuse 2EMXC-F01C Check Viv Test Header Cont lsol Viv Primary Bkr 2Nl95A Backuo Fuse 2EMXC-F02A Train A Alternate Power to ND Letdn Primary Bkr Viv 2ND1B Backup Fuse 2EMXC-F02B Hot Leg lnj Check Vlv Test lsol Viv Primary Bkr 2Nl153A Backup Fuse 2EMXC-F03A NC Pump 2C Thermal Barrier Outlet Primary Bkr Isol Viv 2KC345A Backuo Fuse 2EMXC-F03B Nitrogen to PRT Cont lsol Inside Viv Primary Bkr 2NC54A Backuo Fuse 2EMXC-F03C Pressurizer Power Operated Relief Primary Bkr Isol Viv 2NC33A Backuo Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-27 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-2 Unit 2 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 2EMXC-F05A NCDT Vent Inside Cont lsol Viv Primary Bkr 2WL450A Backup Fuse 2EMXC-F05B Cont Sump Pumps Discharge Inside Primary Bkr Cont lsol Viv 2WL825A Backup Fuse 2EMXC-F05C Ventilation Unit Cond Drain Tnk Primary Bkr Outside Cont lsol Viv 2WL867A Backup Fuse 2EMXC-F06A NCDT Pumps Discharge Inside Cont Primary Bkr lsol Viv 2WL805A Backup Fuse 2EMXC-F07B Cont Hydrogen Purge Outlet Cont Primary Bkr lsol Viv 2VY17A.
Backup Fuse 2EMXD-F01A ND Pump 2A Suction from NC Loop Primary Bkr B Viv 2ND18 Backup Fuse 2EMXD-F018 Accumulator 28 Discharge lsol Viv Primary Bkr 2Nl658 Backup Fuse 2EMXD-F01C NI Pump A to Hot Leg Check Viv Primary Bkr Test lsol Viv 2Nl1228 Backup Fuse 2EMXD-F02A ND Pump 28 Suction from NC Loop Primary Bkr C Viv 2ND368 Backup Fuse 2EMXD-F028 ND to Hot Legs Chk 2Nl125, 2Nl129 Primary Bkr Test lsol Viv 2Nl1548 Backup Fuse 2EMXD-F02C Pressurizer Power Operated Relief Primary Bkr lsol Viv 2NC318 Backup Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-28 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-2 Unit 2 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBER AND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 2EMXD-F05A Pressurizer Power Operated Relief Primary Bkr lsol Viv 2NC358 Backup Fuse 2EMXD-F05B Rx Bldg Drain Hdr Inside Cont lsol Primary Bkr Viv 2KC4298 Backup Fuse 2EMXD-F05C NCDT Hx Ging Water Return Inside Primary Bkr lsol Viv 2KC332B Backup Fuse 2EMXD-F06A NC Pump 28 Thermal Barrier Outlet Primary Bkr lsol Viv 2KC3648 Backup Fuse 2EMXD-F068 NC Pumps Return Hdr Inside Cont Primary Bkr lsol Viv 2KC4248 Backup Fuse 2EMXK-F01C Backup Nitrogen to PORV 2NC34A Primary Bkr from Accum Tnk 2A Viv 2Nl438A Backup Fuse 2EMXK-F02A NC Pump 2A Thermal Barrier Outlet Primary Bkr lsol Viv 2KC394A Backup Fuse 2EMXK-F02B Lower Cont Ventilation Units Return Primary Bkr Cont lsol Viv 2RN484A Backup Fuse 2EMXK-F02C NV Supply to Pressurizer Viv Primary Bkr 2NV037A Backup Fuse 2EMXK-F03A S/G C Slowdown Line Sample Inside Primary Bkr Cont lsol Viv 2NM210A Backup Fuse 2EMXK-F04A S/G A Upper Shell Sample Inside Primary Bkr Cont !sol Viv 2NM187A Backup Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-29 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-2 Unit 2 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 2EMXK-F04B SIG A Slowdown Line Sample Inside Primary Bkr Cont lsol Viv 2NM190A Backup Fuse 2EMXK-F04C SIG C Upper Shell Sample Inside Primary Bkr Cont lsol Viv 2NM207A Backup Fuse 2EMXK-F06A Hydrogen Skimmer Fan 2A Inlet Viv Primary Bkr 2VX1A Backup Fuse 2EMXK-F07C Electric Hydrogen Recombiner Power Primary Bkr Supply Panel 2A Backup Fuse 2EMXK-F09A Accum 2A Discharge lsol Viv 2Nl54A Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2EMXK-F09C NC Pump Oil Fill Header Cont lsol Primary Bkr Viv 2NC196A Backup Fuse 2EMXK-F10A Cont Air Return Damper 2ARF-D-2 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2EMXK-F10B VQ Fans Suction from Cont lsol Viv Primary Bkr 2VQ2A Backup Fuse 2EMXK-F10C Cont Air Addition Cont lsol Viv Primary Bkr 2VQ16A Backuo Fuse 2EMXK-F11A Cont Air Return Fan Motor 2A Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2EMXK-F11B Hydrogen Skimmer Fan Motor 2A Primary Bkr Backup Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-30 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-2 Unit 2 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 2EMXL-F01B Trn B Alternate Power to ND Letdn Primary Bkr Viv 2ND37A Backup Fuse 2EMXL-F01C NI Accum D Sample Line Inside Cont Primary Bkr lsol Viv 2NM81 B Backup Fuse 2EMXL-F02A NC Pump 2D Thermal Barrier Outlet Primary Bkr lsol Viv 2KC413B Backup Fuse 2EMXL-F02B Air Handling Units Glycol Return Primary Bkr Cont !sol Viv 2NF233B Backup Fuse 2EMXL-F02C NI Accum C Sample Line Inside Cont Primary Bkr !sol Viv 2NM78B Backup Fuse 2EMXL-F03A SIG D Slowdown Sample Line Inside Primary Bkr Cont !sol Viv 2NM220B Backup Fuse 2EMXL-F03B NI Accum A Sample Line Inside Cont Primary Bkr lsol Viv 2NM72B Backup Fuse 2EMXL-F03C NI Accum B Sample Line Inside Cont Primary Bkr !sol Viv 2NM75B Backup Fuse 2EMXL-F04A SIG B Upper Shell Sample Inside Primary Bkr Cont !sol Viv 2NM1978 Backup Fuse 2EMXL-F04B SIG B Slowdown Sample Line Inside Primary Bkr Cont lsol Viv 2NM2008 Backup Fuse 2EMXL-F04C SIG D Upper Shell Sample Inside Primary Bkr Cont !sol Viv 2NM2178 Backup Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-31 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-2 Unit 2 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 2EMXL-F06A Hydrogen Skimmer Fan 2B Inlet Viv Primary Bkr 2VX28 Backup Fuse 2EMXL-F068 Backup Nitrogen to PORV 2NC32B Primary Bkr from Accum Tnk 2B Viv 2Nl4398 Backup Fuse 2EMXL-F07C Electric Hydrogen Recombiner Power Primary Bkr Supply Panel 2B Backup Fuse 2EMXL-F09A Accum 20 Discharge lsol Viv 2Nl88B Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2EMXL-F10A Cont Air Return Damper 2ARF-D-4 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2EMXL-F108 Reactor Vessel Head Vent Viv Primary Bkr 2NC2518 Backup Fuse 2EMXL-F10C Reactor Vessel Head Vent Viv Primary Bkr 2NC252B Backup Fuse 2EMXL-F11A Cont Air Return Fan Motor 28 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2EMXL-F11B Hydrogen Skimmer Fan Motor 28 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2EMXS-F01B NC Pumps Seal Return Inside Cont Primary Bkr lsol Viv 2NV89A Backup Fuse 2EMXS-F02A ND Pump 28 Suction from NC Loop Primary Bkr C Vlv2ND37A Backup Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-32 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-2 Unit 2 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 2EMXS-F02B Reactor Vessel Head Vent Viv Primary Bkr 2NC250A Backup Fuse 2EMXS-F03D ND Pump 2A Suction from NC Loop Primary Bkr B Viv 2ND2A BackuP Fuse 2EMXS-F03E Reactor Vessel Head Vent Viv Primary Bkr 2NC253A Backup Fuse 2EMXS-F04B SIG D Slowdown Inside Cont lsol Viv Primary Bkr 2888A Backup Fuse 2EMXS-F04C SIG B Slowdown Inside Cont lsol Viv Primary Bkr 28819A Backup Fuse 2EMXS-F05A SIG A Slowdown Inside Cont lsol Viv Primary Skr 2BS56A Backup Fuse 2EMXS-F05S SIG C Slowdown Inside Cont lsol Viv Primary Skr 2BS60A Backup Fuse 2EMXS-F05C Pressurizer Liquid Sample Line Primary Bkr Inside Cont lsol Viv 2NM3A Backup Fuse 2EMXS-F06A Pressurizer Steam Sample Line Primary Bkr Inside Cont lsol Viv 2NM6A Backuo Fuse 2EMXS-F06S NC Hot Leg A Sample Line Inside Primary Skr Cont lsol Viv 2NM22A Backup Fuse 2EMXS-F06C NC Hot Leg C Sample Line Inside Primary Bkr Cont lsol Viv 2NM25A Backup Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-33 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-2 Unit 2 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 2MXM-F01A Reactor Coolant Pump Motor Drain Primary Bkr Tnk Pump Motor Backup Fuse 2MXM-F02A NC Pump 2B Oil Lift Pump Motor 1 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2MXM-F02B NC Pump 2C Oil Lift Pump Motor 1 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse
. 2MXM-F03A Ice Condenser Power Transformer Primary Bkr ICT2A Backup Fuse 2MXM-F03B Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 286 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 2MXM-F03C Ice Condenser Equipment Access Primary Bkr Door Hoist Motor 2A Backup Fuse 2MXM-F04D Lighting Transformer 2LR10 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2MXM-F04E Lighting Transformer 2LR13 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2MXM-F05A 175 Ton Polar Crane and 25 Ton Aux Primary Bkr Crane No. R014 and R016 Backup Fuse 2MXM-F05C Upper Containment Welding Feeder Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2MXM-F06A Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 2A7 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-34 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-2 Unit 2 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 2MXM-F068 Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 288 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 2MXM-F06C Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 2A9 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 2MXM-F06D Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit Primary Bkr 2810 Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 2MXM-F078 Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit Primary Bkr 2A13 Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 2MXM-F07C Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit Primary Bkr 2B14 Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 2MXM-F08D Ice Condenser Refrigeration Floor Primary Bkr Cool Defrost Heater 2A Backup Fuse 2MXM-F09A Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 2A1 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 2MXM-F09B Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 282 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 2MXM-F09C Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 2A3 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 2MXM-F09D Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 284 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 2MXM-F10A Cont Floor and Equipment Sump Primary Bkr Pump Motor 2A1 Backup Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-35 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-2 Unit 2 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 2MXM-F10B Cont Floor and Equipment Sump Primary Bkr Pump Motor 2B1 Backup Fuse 2MXN-F01F Stud Tensioner Hoist 2B Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2MXN-F02A NC Pump 28 Oil Lift Pump Motor 2 Primary 8kr Backup Fuse 2MXN-F02B NC Pump 2C Oil Lift Pump Motor 2 Primary 8kr Backup Fuse 2MXN-F02E Stud Tensioner Hoist 2C Primary 8kr Backup Fuse 2MXN-F03A Ice Condenser Power Transformer Primary 8kr ICT2B Backup Fuse 2MXN-F038 Ice Condenser Bridge Crane 2 Crane Primary 8kr No. R012 Backup Fuse 2MXN-F03E Stud Tensioner Hoist 2A Primary 8kr Backup Fuse 2MXN-F04D Lighting Transformer 2LR5 Primary 8kr Backup Fuse 2MXN-F04E Lighting Transformer 2LR6 Primary 8kr Backup Fuse 2MXN-F05A Ice Condenser Refrigeration Floor Primary 8kr Cool Defrost Heater 28 Backup Fuse*
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-36 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-2 Unit 2 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBER AND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 2MXN-F05B Ice Condenser Refrigeration Floor Primary Bkr Cool Pump Motor 2B Backup Fuse 2MXN-F05C Ice Condenser Equipment Access Primary Bkr Door Hoist Motor 2B Backup Fuse 2MXN-F06A Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 281 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 2MXN-F06B Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 2A2 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 2MXN-F06C Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 2B3 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 2MXN-F06D Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 2A4 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 2MXN-F07B Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 2B5 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 2MXN-F07C Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 2A6 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 2MXN-F08A Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 287 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 2MXN-F08B Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 2A8 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 2MXN-F08C Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 2B9 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-37 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-2 Unit 2 CPC0PDs DEVICE NUMBERAN D LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 2MXN-F08D Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit Primary Bkr 2A10 Fan Motor A & 8 Backu Fuse 2MXN-F09A Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit Primary Bkr 2811 Fan Motor A & 8 Backu Fuse 2MXN-F098 Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit Primary 8kr 2A12 Fan Motor A & 8 8acku Fuse 2MXN-F09C Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit Primary Bkr 2B13 Fan Motor A & 8 Backu Fuse 2MXN-F09D Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit Primary 8kr 2A14 Fan Motor A & 8 8acku Fuse 2MXN-F10A Cont Floor and Equipment Sump Primary 8kr Pump Motor 2A2 Backu Fuse 2MXN-F108 Cont Floor and Equipment Sump Primary 8kr Pump Motor 282 8acku Fuse 2MXN-F10C lncore Instrumentation Sump Pump Primary 8kr Motor 2 8acku Fuse 2MXN-F10D Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit Primary 8kr 2B15 Fan Motor A & 8 8acku Fuse 2MX0-F01A Upper Cont Air Return Fan Motor 2C Primary Bkr Backu Fuse 2MX0-F02B Control Rod Drive Ventilation Fan Primary 8kr Motor 2A Backu Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-38 Revision 8 I
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-2 Unit 2 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 2MXO-F03A Lower Cont Ventilation Unit 2C Fan Primary Bkr Motor Backup Fuse 2MXO-F04C Upper Cont Ventilation Unit 2C Fan Primary Bkr Motor Backup Fuse 2MXO-F05C Cont Pipe Tunnel Booster Fan Motor Primary Bkr 2A Backup Fuse 2MXP-F01A Upper Cont Return Air Fan 2B Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2MXP-F02B Control Rod Drive Ventilation Fan Primary Bkr Motor 28 Backup Fuse 2MXP-F03A Lower Cont Ventilation Unit 28 Fan Primary Bkr Motor Backup Fuse 2MXP-F04D Upper Cont Ventilation Unit 28 Fan Primary Bkr Motor Backup Fuse 2MXP-F05C Cont Pipe Tunnel Booster Fan Motor Primary Bkr 28 Backup Fuse 2MXQ-F01A Upper Cont Return Air Fan Motor 2A Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2MXQ-F01B lncore Instrument Room Ventilation Primary Bkr Unit 2A Fan Motor Backup Fuse 2MXQ-F02B Control Rod Drive Ventilation Fan Primary Bkr Motor 2C Backup Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-39 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-2 Unit 2 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 2MXQ-F03A Lower Cont Ventilation Unit 2A Fan Primary Bkr Motor BackuP Fuse 2MXQ-F04C Upper ContVentilation Unit 2A Fan Primary Bkr Motor Backup Fuse 2MXR-F01A Upper Cont Return Air Fan Motor 2D Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2MXR-F01B lncore Instrument Room Ventilation Primary Bkr Unit 28 Fan Motor Backup Fuse 2MXR-F02B Control Rod Drive Ventilation Fan Primary Bkr Motor 2D Backup Fuse 2MXR-F03A Lower Cont Ventilation Unit 2D Fan Primary Bkr Motor Backuo Fuse 2MXR~F04C Upper Cont Ventilation Unit 2D Fan Primary Bkr Motor Backup Fuse 2MXY-F02A NC Pump 2A Oil Lift Pump Motor 1 Primary Bkr BackuP Fuse 2MXY-F02B NC Pump 2D Oil Lift Pump Motor 1 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2MXY-F02C Rx Bldg Lower Cont Welding Primary Bkr Machine Receptacle 2RCPL0185 Backup Fuse 2MXY-F02D Upper Cont Rx. Bldg Welding Primary Bkr Receptacle 2RCPL0193 Backup Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-40 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-2 Unit 2 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBER AND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 2MXY-F03A Reactor Coolant Drain Tnk Pump Primary Bkr Motor 2A Backup Fuse 2MXY-F03D Ice Condenser Refrigeration Floor Primary Bkr Cool Pump Motor 2A Backup Fuse 2MXY-F05A Lighting Transformer 2LR8 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2MXY-F05B Lighting Transformer 2LR 11 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2MXY-F05C Lighting Transformer 2LR 14 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2MXY-F06A Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit 2A5 Primary Bkr Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 2MXY-F068 Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit Primary Bkr 2A11 Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 2MXY-F06C Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit Primary Bkr 2812 Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 2MXY-F06D Ice Condenser Air Handling Unit Primary Bkr 2A15 Fan Motor A & B Backup Fuse 2MXY-F07C Rx Bldg Receptacles 2RCPL0186 Primary Bkr and 2RCPL0187 Backup Fuse 2MXY-F08A lncore Drive Assembly Motor 2A Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2MXY-F088 lncore Drive Assembly Motor 2C Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-41 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-2 Unit 2 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBER AND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2MXY-F08C lncore Drive Assembly Motor 2E Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2MXY-F08D Lower Cont Auxiliary Charcoal Filter Primary Bkr Unit Fan Motor 2A Backup Fuse 2MXZ-F02A NC Pump 2A Oil Lift Pump Motor 2 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2MXZ-F02B NC Pump 2D Oil Lift Pump Motor 2 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2MXZ-F03A Reactor Coolant Drain Tnk Pump Primary Bkr Motor 28 Backup Fuse 2MXZ-F04B Lighting Transformer 2LR1 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2MXZ-F04C Lighting Transformer 2LR2 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2MXZ-F04D Lighting Transformer 2LR3 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2MXZ-F05A Reactor Coolant Pump Jib Hoist No.
Primary Bkr R023 through R026 Backup Fuse 2MXZ-F05C Lower Cont Auxiliary Charcoal Filter Primary Bkr Unit Fan Motor 28 Backup Fuse 2MXZ-F06A lncore Drive Assembly Motor 2B Primarv Bkr Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-42 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-2 Unit 2 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED Backup Fuse 2MXZ-F06B lncore Drive Assembly Motor 20 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2MXZ-F06C lncore Drive Assembly Motor 2F Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2MXZ-F06D Lower Cont Rx Bldg Welding Primary Bkr Receptacle 2RCPL0194 Backup Fuse 2MXZ-F07B Lighting Transformer 2LR4 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2MXZ-F07C 5 Ton Jib Crane in Cont Crane No.
Primary Bkr R006 Backup Fuse 2MXZ-F07D Reactor Cavity Manipulator Crane Primary Bkr No. R008 and R028 Backup Fuse 2MXZ-F08A S/G Drain Pump Motor 2 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2MXZ-F08C 15 Ton Equipment Access Hatch Primary Bkr Hoist Crane No. R010 Backup Fuse 2MXZ-F08D Control Rod Drive 2 Ton Jib Hoist Primary Bkr Crane No. R018 Backup Fuse 2MXZ-F08E Reactor Side Fuel Handling Control Primary Bkr Console Backup Fuse SMXG-F06B Standby Makeup Pump Drain !sol Viv Primary Bkr 2NV876 Backup Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-43 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-2 Unit 2 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED SMXG-R05B Pressurizer Heaters 28, 55, and 56 Primary Bkr Backu Fuse SMXG-F06C Standby Makeup Pump to Seal Primary Bkr Water Line lsol Viv 2NV877 Backu Fuse
- 3. 600 VAC Pressurizer Heater Power Panels PHP2A-F01A Pressurizer Heaters 1, 2, and 22 Primary Bkr Backu Fuse PHP2A-F01B Pressurizer Heaters 5, 6, and 27 Primary Bkr Backu Fuse PHP2A-F01C Pressurizer Heaters 9, 10, and 32 Primary Bkr Backu Fuse PHP2A-F02C Pressurizer Heaters 11, 12, and 35 Primary Bkr Backu Fuse PHP2A-F02D Pressurizer Heaters 13, 14, and 37 Primary Bkr Backu Fuse PHP2A-F02E Pressurizer Heaters 17, 18, and 42 Primary Bkr Backu Fuse PHP2B-F01B Pressurizer Heaters 26, 53, and 54 Primary Bkr Backu Fuse PHP2B-F01C Pressurizer Heaters 31, 59, and 60 Primary Bkr Backu Fuse PHP2B-F02C Pressurizer Heaters 36, 65, and 66 Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-44 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-2 Unit 2 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBER AND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP2B-F02D Pressurizer Heaters 21, 41, and 71 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP2B-F02E Pressurizer Heaters 46, 77, and 78 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP2C-F01A Pressurizer Heaters 7, 8, and 30 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP2C-F01B Pressurizer Heaters 19, 20, and 45 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP2C-F01C Pressurizer Heaters 24, 51, and 52 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP2C-F01D Pressurizer Heaters 29, 57, and 58 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP2C-F02C Pressurizer Heaters 34, 63, and 64 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP2C-F02D Pressurizer Heaters 39, 69, and 70 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP2C-F02E Pressurizer Heaters 44, 7 4, and 76 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP2D-F01A Pressurizer Heaters 3, 4, and 25 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP2D-F01B Pressurizer Heaters 15, 16, and 40 Primary Bkr Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-45 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-2 Unit 2 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED Backup Fuse PHP2D-F01C Pressurizer Heaters 23, 49, and 50 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP2D-F02C Pressurizer Heaters 33, 61, and 62 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP2D-F02D Pressurizer Heaters 38, 67, and 68 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse PHP2D-F02E Spare Primary Bkr Backup Fuse
- 4. 250 VDC Reactor Building Deadlight Panel board 2DLD-2 Lighting Panelboard No. 2LR1, 2LR2, Primary Bkr 2LR3, 2LR4 Backup Fuse 2DLD-3 Lighting Panel board No. 2LR13, Primary Bkr 2LR14 Backup Fuse 2DLD-4 Lighting Panelboard No. 2LR5, 2LR6 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2DLD-5 Lighting Panelboard No. 2LR10, Primary Bkr 2LR11 Backup Fuse 2DLD-10 Lighting Panelboard No. 2LR8 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse
- 5. 120 VAC Panelboards 2ELB-5 Emergency AC Lighting Primary Bkr Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-46 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-2 Unit 2 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBER AND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED Backup Fuse 2ELB-7 Emergency AC Lighting Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2ELB-13 Emergency AC Lighting Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2ELB-15 Emergency AC Lighting Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2ELB-17 Emergency AC Lighting Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2KPM-1 NC Pump Motor 2A Space Heater Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2KPM-2 NC Pump Motor 2C Space Heater Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2KPM-7-1 Lower Cont Ventilation Unit 2A Fan Primary Bkr Motor Space Heater Backup Fuse 2KPM-8-1 Lower Cont Ventilation Unit 2C Fan Primary Bkr Motor Space Heater Backup Fuse 2KPM-24 Control Rod Drive Ventilation Fan Primary Bkr Motor 2A, 28, 2C, 20 Space Heaters Backup Fuse 2KPM-24-10 Control Rod Drive Ventilation Fan Primary Fuse Motor 2A Space Heaters Backup Fuse 2KPM-24-11 Control Rod Drive Ventilation Fan Primary Fuse Motor 2B Space Heaters Backup Fuse Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-47 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-2 Unit 2 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED 2KPM-24-12 Control Rod Drive Ventilation Fan Primary Fuse Motor 2C Space Heaters Backup Fuse 2KPM-24-13 Control Rod Drive Ventilation Fan Primary Fuse Motor 2D Space Heaters Backuo Fuse 2KPM-33 NI Temperature Transmitters Primary Bkr 2NITT5800, 2NITT5810, 2NITT5820, Backup Fuse 2NITT5830 2KPM-33-06 NI Temperature Transmitter Primary Fuse 2NITT5800 2KPM-33-07 NI Temperature Transmitter Primary Fuse 2NITT5810 2KPM-33-08 NI Temperature Transmitter Primary Fuse 2NITT5820 2KPM-33-09 NI Temperature Transmitter Primary Fuse 2NITT5830 2KPN-1 NC Pump Motor 28 Space Heater Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2KPN-2 NC Pump Motor 2D Space Heater Primary Bkr Backup Fuse 2KPN-7-1 Lower Cont Ventilation Unit 28 Fan Primary Bkr Motor Space Heater Backup Fuse 2KPN-08 Lower Cont Ventilation Unit 2D Fan Primary Bkr Motor Space Heater, NC Pump Seal Backup Fuse Standpipe Vent and Drain Vlvs 2NV105, 2NV106, 2NV110, 2NV111, 2NV115, 2NV116, 2NV120, 2NV121 2KPN-08-01 Lower Cont Ventilation Unit 2D Fan Primary Fuse Motor Space Heater Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-48 Revision 8
CPCOPDs 16.8-1 Table 16.8-1-2 Unit 2 CPCOPDs DEVICE NUMBERAND LOCATION SYSTEM POWERED Backup Fuse 2KPN-08-02 NC Pump 2A Standpipe Drain and Primary Fuse Overflow Vlvs 2NV105 and 2NV106 Backup Fuse 2KPN-08-03 NC Pump 28 Standpipe Drain and Primary Fuse Overflow Vlvs 2NV110 and 2NV111 Backup Fuse 2KPN-08-04 NC Pump 2C Standpipe Drain and Primary Fuse Overflow Vlvs 2NV115 and 2NV116 Backup Fuse 2KPN-08-05 NC Pump 2D Standpipe Drain and Primary Fuse Overflow Vlvs 2NV120 and 2NV121 Backup Fuse 2KPN-11 Misc Control Power for 2ATC24 Primary Bkr Backup Fuse
- 6. DC WeldinQ Circuits 2EQCB0001 Spare Primary Bkr -AA Backup Bkr - AB 2EQCB0002 Spare Primary Bkr -AA Backup Bkr - AB Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.8-1-49 Revision 8
Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 16.11-2 16.11 RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENTS CONTROLS 16.11-2 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation COMMITMENT The Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation channels shown in Table 16.11-2-1 shall be FUNCTIONAL with their Alarmffrip Setpoints set to ensure that the limits of SLC 16.11:.1 are not exceeded.
The Alarmffrip Setpoints of these channels shall be determined and adjusted in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM).
APPLICABILITY: Conditions A, B, and G are applicable at all times. Conditions C, D, E, and F are applicable at all times, except when the effluent pathway is mechanically isolated; thus a release to the environment is not possible.
Separate Condition entry is allowed for each Function.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.11-2-1 Revision 7
Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 16.11-2 CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One or more A.1 Suspend the release of Immediately Radioactive Liquid radioactive liquid effluents Effluent Monitoring monitored by the affected Instrumentation channel(s).
channel(s) Alarmn-"rip Setpoint less OR conservative than required. A.2 Declare the channel(s) Immediately non-functional.
B. One or more 8.1 Enter the applicable Immediately Radioactive Liquid Conditions and Required Effluent Monitoring Actions specified in Table Instrumentation 16.11-2-1 for the channel(s) non- charinel(s).
AND 8.2.1 Restore channel to 14 Days (*Note 1)
OR 8.2.2 Restore channel to 30 Days (*Note 1)
- Note 1 - Required Action B.2.1 Applies to Instruments 1.a and 1.c ONLY. (continued)
Required Action 8.2.2 Applies to the remainder of required Instruments listed in Table 16.11-2-1.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.11-2-2 Revision 7
Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 16.11-2 REMEDIAL ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME C. One channel non- C.1.1 Analyze two independent Prior to initiating a functional. samples per Testing release Requirement 16.11-1-1.
C.1.2 Perform independent Prior to initiating a verification of the discharge release line valving.
C.1.3.1 Perform independent Prior to initiating a verification of manual release portion of the computer input for release rate calculations performed by computer.
OR C.1.3.2Perform independent Prior to initiating a verification of entire release calculations for release rate calculations performed manually.
OR C.2 Suspend release of Immediately radioactive effluents via this pathway.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.11-2-3 Revision 7
Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 16.11-2 REMEDIAL ACTIONS (continued)
measurement device Pump performance curves channel non-functional. generated in place may be used to estimate flow.
Estimate the flow rate of Once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> the release. during releases E. One channel non- E.1 Perform an analysis of Once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> functional. grab samples for during releases when radioactivity at a lower limit secondary specific of detection of 1o-7 activity is > 0.01 microCurie/ml. microCurie/gm DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131 AND Once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> during releases when secondary specific activity is.'.: 0.01 microCurie/gm DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131 (continued)
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.11-2-4 Revision 7
Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 16.11-2 REMEDIAL ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME F. One channel non- F.1 Collect and analyze grab Once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> functional. samples for principal gamma emitters (listed in Table 16.11-1-1, NOTE 3) at a lower limit of detection of no more than 5x1 7 o*
G. Required Action and G.1 Explain why the non- In the next scheduled associated Completion functionality was not Radioactive Effluent Time of Condition B not corrected within the Release Report met. specified Completion Time. pursuant to Technical Specification 5.6.3 Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.11-2-5 Revision 7
Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 16.11-2 TESTING REQUIREMENTS
Refer to Table 16.11-2-1 to determine which TRs apply for each Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation channel.
TEST FREQUENCY TR 16.11-2-1 Perform CHANNEL CHECK. 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> TR 16.11-2-2 -------------NOTE--------------------------
The CHANNEL CHECK shall consist of verifying indication of flow.
Perform CHANNEL CHECK. 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> during periods of release TR 16.11-2-3 Perform SOURCE CHECK. Prior to each release TR 16.11-2-4 Perform SOURCE CHECK. 31 days TR 16.11-2-5 Perform COT 182 days TR 16.11-2 - - - -------NOTE--------------------
For Instrument 1, the COT shall also demonstrate that automatic isolation of this pathway and control room alarm annunciation (for EMF-57, alarm annunciation is in the Monitor Tank Building control room and on the Monitor Tank Building control panel remote annunciator panel) occur if any of the following conditions exist:
- a. Instrument indicates measured levels above the Alarm/Trip Setpoint, or
- b. Circuit failure/instrument downscale failure (alarm only)
Perform COT 18 months (continued)
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.11-2-6 Revision 7
Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 16.11-2 TESTING REQUIREMENTS (continued)
TEST FREQUENCY TR 16.11-2-7 ---------------------NOTE------------------------
For Instrument 1, the initial CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall be performed using one or more of the reference standards certified by the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) or using standards that have been obtained from suppliers that participate in measurement assurance activities with NBS. These standards shall permit calibrating the system over its intended range of energy and measurement range. For subsequent CHANNEL CALIBRATION, sources that have been related to the initial calibration shall be used.
Perform CHANNEL CALIBRATION. 18 months Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.11-2-7 Revision 7
Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 16.11-2 Table 16.11-2-1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation INSTRUMENT REQUIRED CONDITIONS TESTING CHANNELS REQUIREMENTS
- 1. Radioactivity Monitors Providing Alarm and Automatic Termination of Release 1.a Waste Liquid Discharge Monitor 1 per station A,B,C,G TR 16.11-2-1 (EMF Low Range) TR 16.11-2-3 TR 16.11-2-6 TR 16.11-2-7 1.b Turbine Building Sump Monitor A,B,E,G TR 16.11-2-1 (EMF-31) TR 16.11-2-4 TR 16.11-2-6 TR 16.11-2-7 1.c Monitor Tank Building Liquid Discharge Monitor 1 per station A,B,C,G TR 16.11-2-1 (EMF Low Range) TR 16.11-2-3 TR 16.11-2-6 TR 16.11-2-7
- 2. Continuous Composite Samplers and Sampler Flow Monitor 2.a Conventional Waste Water Treatment Line 1 per station B,E,G TR 16.11-2-2 (no alarm/trip function) TR 16.11-2-7
- 3. Flow Rate Measurement Devices 3.a Waste Liquid Effluent Line 1 per station B,D,G TR 16.11-2-2 (no alarm/trip function) TR 16.11-2-7 3.b Conventional Waste Water Treatment Line 1 per station B,D,G TR 16.11-2-2 (no alarm/trip function) TR 16.11-2-7 3.c Low Pressure Service Water Minimum Flow Interlock 1 per station B,D,G TR 16.11-2-2 TR 16.11-2-5 TR 16.11-2-7 3.d Monitor Tank Building Waste Liquid Effluent Line 1 per station B,D,G TR 16.11-2-2 (no alarm/trip function) TR 16.11-2-7
- 4. Radioactivity Monitors Providing Alarm 4.a Service Water Monitor on Containment Spray Heat 1 per heat A, B, F, G TR 16.11-2-1 Exchanger exchanger TR 16.11-2-4 (EMF-45 A & B - Low Range) TR 16.11-2-6 TR 16.11-2-7 Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.11-2-8 Revision 7
Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 16.11-2 BASES The Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation is provided to monitor and control, as applicable, the releases of radioactive materials in liquid effluents during actual or potential releases of liquid effluents. The AlarmfTrip Setpoints for these instruments shall be calculated and adjusted in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM to ensure that the AlarmfTrip will occur prior to exceeding the limits of 10 CFR Part 20. The FUNCTIONALITY and use of this instrumentation is consistent with the requirements of General Design Criteria 60, 63, and 64 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50.
Regarding the COMMITMENT APPLICABILITY, isolation of the effluent pathway is to be by mechanical means (e.g., valve closure). Electrical or pneumatic isolation is not required, unless the isolation is designed to receive an automatic signal to open.
REFERENCES 1. Catawba Offsite Dose Calculation Manual.
- 2. 10 CFR Part 20.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.11-2-9 Revision 7
Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 16.11-7 16.11 RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENTS CONTROLS 16.11-7 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation COMMITMENT The Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation channels shown in Table 16.11-7-1 shall be FUNCTIONAL with their Alarmfrrip Setpoints set to ensure that the limits of SLC 16.11-6 are not exceeded.
The Alarmfrrip Setpoints of these channels shall be determined and adjusted in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM).
APPLICABILITY: Conditions B and K are applicable at all times. All other Conditions are applicable as shown in Table 16.11-7-1.
Separate Condition entry is allowed for each Function.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.11-7-1 Revision 13
Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 16.11-7 CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One or more A.1 Suspend the release of Immediately Radioactive Gaseous . radioactive gaseous Effluent Monitoring effluents monitored by the Instrumentation affected channel(s).
channel(s) Alarmfrrip Setpoint less OR conservative than required. A.2 Declare the channel(s) Immediately non-functional.
B. One or more B.1 Enter the applicable Immediately Radioactive Gaseous Conditions and Required Effluent Monitoring Actions specified in Table Instrumentation 16.11-7-1 for the channel(s) non- channel(s).
AND B.2.1 Restore channel to 14 Days (*Note 1)
OR B.2.2 Restore channel to 30 Days (*Note 1)
- Note 1 - Required Action B.2.1 applies to Instrument 1.a ONLY. (continued)
Required Action B.2.2 applies to Instruments 1.b, 2, 3.a, 3.c, 3.d, 3.e, 5, 6.a, and 6.b listed in Table 16.11-7-1.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.11-7-2 Revision 13
Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 16.11-7 REMEDIAL ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME C. One channel non- C.1 Verify that EMF-36 (Low Prior to initiating a functional. Range) is FUNCTIONAL. release OR C.2.1 Analyze two independent Prior to initiating a samples of the tank's release contents.
C.2.2 Perform independent Prior to initiating a verification of the discharge release line valving.
AND C.2.3.1 Perform independent Prior to initiating a verification of manual release portion of the computer input for release rate calculations performed by computer.
OR C.2.3.2Perform independent Prior to initiating a verification of entire release calculations for release rate calculations performed manually.
OR C.3 Suspend release of Immediately radioactive effluents via this pathway.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.11-7-3 Revision 13
Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 16.11-7 REMEDIAL ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME D. One or more f low rate D.1 Estimate the flow rate of Once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> measurement device the release. during releases channel(s) non -
E. One or more Noble Gas ------------------NOTE-------------------
Activity Manito r IF 0EMF41 is NON-FUNCTIONAL channel(s) non - AND either 1EMF36 OR 2EMF36 functional. is NON-FUNCTIONAL, perform SLC 16.7-10, Required Action G.2 E.1 Obtain grab samples from Once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> effluent pathway. during releases AND E.2 Perform an analysis of Within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of grab samples for obtaining the sample radioactivity.
( continued)
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.11-7-4 Revision 13
Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 16.11-7 REMEDIAL ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME F. Noble Gas Activity F.1 -------------NOTE--------------
. Monitor (EMF Low In order to utilize Required Range) providing Action F.1, the following automatic termination of conditions must be release via the satisfied:
Containment Purge 1. The affected unit is in Exhaust System (CPES) MODES 5 or 6.
non-functional. 2. EMF-36 is FUNCTIONAL and in service for the affected unit.
- 3. The Reactor Coolant System for the affected unit has been vented.
- 4. Either the reactor vessel head is in place (bolts are not required),
or if it is not in place, the lifting of heavy loads over the reactor vessel and the movement of irradiated fuel assemblies within containment have been suspended.
Restore the non-functional 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> channel to FUNCTIONAL status.
G. Requjred Action and G.1 Suspend PURGING of Immediately associated Completion radioactive effluents via Time of Condition F not this pathway.
OR Required Action F.1 not utilized.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.11-7-5 Revision 13
Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 16.11-7 REMEDIAL ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME H. One or more sampler H.1 Perform sampling with Continuously channel(s) non- auxiliary sampling functional. equipment as required by Table 16.11-6-1.
I. One Condenser 1.1 --------------NOTE-------------
Evacuation System Applicable to effluent Noble Gas Activity releases via the Condenser Monitor (EMF-33) Steam Air Ejector (ZJ) channel non-functional. System.
Obtain grab samples from Once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> effluent pathway. during releases AND 1.2 --------------NOTE-------------
Applicable to effluent releases via the Condenser Steam Air Ejector (ZJ)
Perform an analysis of Within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of grab samples for obtaining the sample radioactivity.
AND (continued)
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.11-7-6 Revision 13
Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 16.11-7 REMEDIAL ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME I. (continued) 1.3 --------------NOTE-------------
Applicable to effluent releases via the Steam Generator Slowdown (BB)
System atmospheric vent valve (88-27) in the off-normal mode.
Perform an analysis of Once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> grab samples for during releases when radioactivity at a lower limit secondary specific of detection of 10-7 activity is > 0.01 microCurie/ml. microCurie/gm DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131 AND Once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> during releases when secondary specific activity is .::;_ 0.01 microCurie/gm DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131 J. Noble Gas Activity J.1 Verify that EMF-36 is Prior to initiating a Monitor (EMF Low FUNCTIONAL. release Range) providing automatic termination of OR release via the Containment Air J.2.1 Analyze two independent Prior to initiating a Release and Addition samples of the release System non-functional. containment atmosphere.
( continued)
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.11-7-7 Revision 13
Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 16.11-7 REMEDIAL ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME J. (continued) J.2.2 Perform independent Prior to initiating a verification of the discharge release line valving.
J.2.3.1 Perform independent Prior to initiating a verification of manual release portion of the computer input for release rate calculations performed by computer.
OR J.2.3.2 Perform independent Prior to initiating a verification of entire release calculations for release rate calculations performed manually.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.11-7-8 Revision 13
Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 16.11-7 REMEDIAL ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME K. Required Action and K.1 Explain why the non- In the next scheduled associated Completion functionality was not Radioactive Effluent Time of Condition B or F corrected within the Release Report not met. specified Completion Time. pursuant to Technical Specification 5.6.3 TESTING REQUIREMENTS
Refer to Table 16.11-7-1 to determine which TRs apply for each Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation channel.
TEST FREQUENCY TR 16.11-7-1 Perform CHANNEL CHECK. Prior to each release TR 16.11-7-2 ---------------------------------NOTE---------------------------------
For Instruments 1a, 4, and 5, a SOURCE CHECK for these channels shall be the qualitative assessment of channel response when the channel sensor is exposed to a light-emitting diode.
Perform SOURCE CHECK. Prior to each release TR 16.11-7-3 Perform CHANNEL CHECK. 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> TR 16.11-7-4 Perform CHANNEL . CHECK.
24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> TR 16.11-7-5 Perform CHANNEL CH ECK. 7days
( continued)
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.11-7-9 Revision 13
Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation
. 16.11-7 TESTING REQUIREMENTS (continued)
TEST FREQUENCY TR 16.11-7-6 ---------------------------------NOTE---------------------------------
For Instruments 2 and 3a, a SOURCE CHECK for these channels shall be the qualitative assessment of channel response when the channel sensor is exposed to a light-emitting diode.
Perform SOURCE CHECK. 31 days TR 16.11-7-7 ---------------------------------NOTE-----------------------------. ---
For Instruments 1a, 3a, 3c, 5, and 6a, the COT shall also demonstrate, as applicable, that automatic isolation of this pathway and control room alarm annunciation (for EMF-58, alarm annunciation is in the Monitor Tank Building control room and on the Monitor Tank Building control panel remote annunciator panel) occur if any of the following conditions exist:
- a. Instrument indicates measured levels above the Alarm/f rip Setpoint, or
- b. Circuit failure/instrument downscale failure (alarm only)
Perform COT. 189 months TR 16.11-7-8 ---------------------------------NOTE---------------------------------
For Instruments 2 and 4, the COT shall also demonstrate that automatic isolation of this pathway and control room alarm annunciation occur if any of the following conditions exist:
- a. Instrument indicates measured levels above the Alarm/frip Setpoint, or
- b. Circuit failure/instrument downscale failure (alarm only)
Perform COT. 18 months (continued)
, Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.11-7-10 Revision 13
Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 16.11-7 TESTING REQUIREMENTS (continued)
TEST FREQUENCY TR 16.11-7-9 ---------------------------------NOTE---------------------------------
For Instruments 1a, 2, 3a, 3c, 4, 5, and 6a, the initial CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall be performed using one or more of the reference standards certified by the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) or using standards that have been obtained from suppliers that participate in measurement assurance activities with NBS. These standards shall permit calibrating the system over its intended range of energy and measurement range. For subsequent CHANNEL CALIBRATION, sources that have been related to the initial calibration shall be used.
Perform CHANNEL CALIBRATION. 18 months Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.11-7-11 Revision 13
Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 16.11-7 Table 16.11-7-1 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation (page 1 of 2)
- 1. Waste Gas Holdup System 1.a Noble Gas Activity Monitor - Providing 1 per station A,B,C,K At all times except TR 16.11-7-1 Alarm and Automatic Termination of when the isolation TR 16.11-7-2 Release valve is closed and TR 16.11-7-7 (EMF Low Range) locked TR 16.11-7-9 1.b Effluent System Flow Rate Measuring 1 per station B,D,K At all times except TR 16.11-7-1 Device when the isolation TR 16.11-7-9 valve is closed and locked
- 2. Condenser Evacuation System Noble A, B, I, K When air ejectors TR 16.11-7-3 Gas Activity Monitor are in operation TR 16.11-7-6 (EMF-33) (88-27 is only isolation (Apply Required TR 16.11-7-8 function required) (Note 1) Action 1.3 when air TR 16.11-7-9 ejectors are not in operation)
- 3. Vent System 3.a Noble Gas Activity Monitor A,8, E,K At all times TR 16.11-7-4 (EMF Low Range) TR 16.11-7-6 TR 16.11-7-7 TR 16.11-7-9 3.b Deleted.
3.c Particulate Sampler A,B,H,K At all times TR 16.11-7-4 (EMF-35) (Note 2) TR 16.11-7-6 TR 16.11-7-7 TR 16.11-7-9 3.d Unit Vent Stack Flow Rate Meter B,D,K At all times TR 16.11-7-4 (no alarm/trip function) (Note 2) TR 16.11-7-9 3.e Unit Vent Radiation Monitor Flow Meter B,E,K At all times TR 16.11-7-4 (Note 2) TR 16.11-7-9
- 4. Containment Purge System Noble Gas A,F,G,K 5, 6 TR 16.11-7-2 Activity Monitor - Providing Alarm and TR 16.11-7-3 Automatic Termination of Release TR 16.11-7-8 (EMF Low Range) TR 16.11-7-9 (continued)
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.11-7-12 Revision 13
Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 16.11-7 Table 16.11-7-1 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation (page 2 of 2)
- 5. Containment Air Release and Addition A, B,J, K 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 TR 16.11-7-2 System Noble Gas Activity Monitor - TR 16.11-7-3 Providing Alarm and Automatic TR 16.11-7-7 Termination of Release TR 16.11-7-9 (EMF Low Range)
- 6. Monitor Tank Building HVAC 6.a Noble Gas Activity Monitor - Providing 1 per station A,B,E,K At all times TR 16.11-7-4 Alarm (Note 2) TR 16.11-7-6 (EMF Low Range) TR 16.11-7-7 TR 16.11-7-9 6.b Effluent Flow Rate Measuring Device 1 per station B,D,K At all times TR 16.11-7-4 (Note 2) TR 16.11-7-9 Note 1: The setpoint is as required by the primary to secondary leak rate monitoring program.
Note 2: Except when the effluent pathway is mechanically isolated; thus, a release to the environment is not possible.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.11-7-13 Revision 13
Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 16.11-7 BASES The Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation is provided to monitor and control, as applicable, the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents during actual or potential releases of gaseous effluents. The Alarm/Trip Setpoints for these instruments shall be calculated in accordance with the methodology and parameters in .the ODCM to ensure that the Alarm/Trip will occur prior to exceeding the limits of 10 CFR Part 20. Conservative Alarm/Trip Setpoints may be used during a release provided they are less than or equal to the setpoints determined by the methodology and parameters of the ODCM. The FUNCTIONALITY and use of this instrumentation is consistent with the requirements of General Design Criteria 60, 63, and 64 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50. The sensitivity of any noble gas activity monitor used to show compliance with the gaseous effluent release requirements of SLC 16.11-8 shall be such that concentrations as low as 1 x 10*6 µCi/cc are measurable.
Regarding Note 2 of Table 16.11-7-1, isolation of the effluent pathway is to be by mechanical means (e.g., valve closure). Electrical or pneumatic isolation is not required, unless the isolation is designed to receive an automatic signal to open.
In MODES 5 and 6, initiation of the Containment Purge Exhaust System (CPES) with EMF-39 non-functional is not permissible. The basis for Required Action F.1 is to allow the continued operation of the CPES with EMF-39 initially FUNCTIONAL. Continued operation of the CPES is contingent upon the ability of the affected unit to meet the requirements as noted in Required Action F.1.
TR 16.11-7-7 requires the performance of a COT on the applicable Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Radiation Monitors. The test ensures that a signal from the control room module can generate the appropriate alarm and actuations. The required actuations/isolations for a High Radiation condition (i.e., radiation level above its Trip 2 setpoint) are listed below for each monitor.
0EMF Waste Gas Discharge Monitor 1WG160 closes when EMF-50 detects radiation level above its setpoint.
1/2EMF Unit Vent Noble Gas Monitor The following actuations occur when EMF-36 detects radiation level above its setpoint:
- 1. Containment Air Release and Addition System fans discharge to unit vent valve VO10 closes.
- 2. Auxiliary Building unfiltered ventilation exhaust fans A and B stop.
- 3. Fuel Handling Ventilation Exhaust System (FHVES) exhaust trains align to the filter units.
- 4. (For 1 EMF-36 only) 1WG 160 closes.
1/2EMF Unit Vent Particulate Monitor (Sampler)
The following actuations occur when EMF-35 detects radiation level above its setpoint:
- 1. Containment Air Release and Addition System fans discharge to unit vent valve VO10 closes.
- 2.
- Auxiliary Building unfiltered ventilation exhaust fans A and B stop.
BASES (continued)
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.11-7-14 Revision 13
Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 16.11-7
- 3. Fuel Handling Ventilation Exhaust System (FHVES) exhaust trains align to the filter units.
- 4. ((For 1EMF-35 only) 1WG160 closes.
1/2EMF Containment Noble Gas Monitor The following actuations occur when EMF-39 detects radiation level above its setpoint:
- 1. Signals are provided to both trains of the Solid State Protection System (SSPS) to initiate a CPES isolation. This is verified by observing that Relays K615 in the SSPS A output cabinet and the SSPS B output cabinet are latched.
- 2. EMF-39 isolates the CPES without going through the SSPS by stopping CPES supply fans A and B, CPES exhaust fans A and B, and by closing the appropriate valves and dampers.
- 3. Containment Evacuation Alarm, unless the source range trip is blocked.
0EMF-58 This monitor provides no control function.
TR 16.11-7-8 requires the performance of a COT on the C.ondensate Steam Air Ejector Exhaust Monitor, 1/2EMF-33 and Containment Noble Gas Monitor, 1/2EMF-39. The test ensures that a signal from the control room module can generate the appropriate alarm and actuations. The required actuations/isolations for a High Radiation condition (i.e., radiation level above its Trip 2 setpoint) are listed below.
1/2EMF Condensate Steam Air Ejector Exhaust Monitor The following actuations occur when EMF-33 detects radiation level above its setpoint:
- 1. Closure of 8B27 is required in order to isolate the Slowdown Tank from the environment. Because of plant limitations/restrictions:
- a. Opening the valve (in order to verify it goes closed on a High Radiation signal) is only possible during outages due to the negative effects on the Slowdown System with the unit at power.
- b. Testing during innages will be by verification of relay contacts opening in the valve circuit.
- 2. Closure of 8824, 8865, 8869, and B873 is required to minimize the amount of potentially contaminated material being delivered to the Slowdown Tank.
- 3. Closure of NM269, NM270, NM271, and NM272 is required to minimize the amount of potentially contaminated material being delivered to the
- 4. Conventional Sampling System. Closure of NM267 is required to minimize the amount of potentially contaminated material being delivered to the Condensate Storage Tank by isolating flow through EMF-34.
- 5. Closure of 8B48 is required to minimize the amount of potentially contaminated material being delivered from the Slowdown System discharge to the Turbine Building sump.
1/2EMF Containment Noble Gas Monitor BASES (continued)
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.11-7-15 Revision 13
Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 16.11-7 The following actuations occur when EMF-39 detects radiation level above its setpoint:
- 1. Signals are provided to both trains of the Solid State Protection System (SSPS) to initiate a Containment Air Release and Addition System isolation. This is verified by observing that relays K615 in the SSPS Train A output cabinet and the SSPS Train B output cabinet are latched.
- 2. Containment Evacuation Alarm, unless the source range trip is blocked.
REFERENCES 1. Catawba Offsite Dose Calculation Manual.
- 2. 10 CFR Part 20.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 16.11-7-16 Revision 13