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NRC-2020-000123 - Resp 5 - Final, Appendix a
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Site: Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/21/2021
Shared Package
ML21035A187 List:
Download: ML21035A207 (23)


FPL Turkey Point Annual Monitoring Report August 2019 Appendix A APPENDIX A:


FPL Turkey Point Annual Monitoring Report August 2019 Appendix A A.1 Groundwater Additional groundwater monitoring wells have been installed in accordance with permit conditions for the L-31E freshening effort/monitoring, the Miami Dade County Consent Agreement (CA) and FDEP Consent Order (CO). Well clusters TPGW-15 and TPGW-16 were installed in 2015 as part of the L-31E monitoring program, and, subsequently, five additional wells were installed as part of the CA (TPGW-17 to TPGW-19) and CO (TPGW-20 and TPGW-

21) monitoring in 2017-2018 (Figure 1.1-2). Each well consisted of three wells stratified by depth and defined as S for shallow depth wells, M for intermediate depth wells, and D for deep depth wells; the only exception was TPGW-20, which consisted of only a deep well.

Automated probes have been installed consistent with 2009 Monitoring Plan and record-specific conductance, salinity, temperature, density, total dissolved solids (TDS), pressure, and water level. Monitoring well clusters TPGW-15 through TPGW-19 are connected to a telemetry unit and the data at each of these sites are currently transmitted nightly to the EDMS by a satellite or cellular-connected telemetry units. TPGW-20 and TPGW-21 are located in public rights of way and have no telemetry; data is manually downloaded. Groundwater-specific conductance and temperature data are presented in Figures A.1-1 through A.1-7, and water level data are presented in Figures A.1-8 through A.1-14. Data are shown since the start of monitoring (varies for each station) through May 2019.

Water quality samples are collected quarterly from these wells in accordance with the QAPP and analyzed for parameters consistent with the 2009 Monitoring Plan and requirements of the CA and CO. The analytical results are provided in the Appendix A data package.

A.2 Surface Water Several additional surface water stations were installed in 2015-2018 as part of the additional L-31E, CA, or CO monitoring and include TPSWC-INTN, TPSWC-INTS, TPSWTESTC-1, TPBBSW-6B, TPBBSW-7T and TPBBSW-7B (Figure 1.1-3). Several of these stations have since been removed permanently based on Agency input (TPSWC-INTN, TPSWC-INTS and TPBBSW-7B) or have been temporarily pulled due to restoration activities (TPBBSW-6B).

After the removal of TPBBSW-7B, a new station, TPBBSW-7T, was subsequently installed at the mouth of the Turtle Point canal (Figure 1.1-3). Another station, TPSWC-9, was also installed in the restored area in the Turtle Point canal in late May 2019, but data is not readily available and could not be included in this appendix. All these automated stations record specific conductance, salinity, temperature, density, and TDS. In the Appendix A data package, automated specific conductance and temperature data are shown since the start of monitoring (varies for each station) to the end of monitoring or through May 2019 as applicable. Surface water-specific conductance and temperature data are presented in Figures A.2-1 through A.2-6.

Water quality samples are also collected monthly to quarterly, depending upon the monitoring requirements, and analyzed for parameters provided in the Appendix A data package. In addition to collecting samples for laboratory analysis at the above stations, samples are also collected at what were previously automated only stations TPBBSW-10 and TPBBSW-14. The analytical results are provided in the Appendix A data package.


FPL Turkey Point Annual Monitoring Report August 2019 Appendix A A.3 Porewater Porewater sampling was conducted monthly at the marsh and mangrove transects (excluding transects F6 and M6), which was in addition to the quarterly monitoring conducted as part of the Monitoring Plan. Several additional transects were added east of the L-31E canal and close to the CCS (Figure 1.5-1). Porewater samples are collected from 60 cm depth outside of but in the same vicinity as the long-term monitoring EPU plots, where applicable. For the reporting year, porewater samples are collected monthly from June-September 2018, and then again starting in January 2019 onwards. Samples were analyzed for sodium, chloride, nitrate-nitrite as nitrogen, unionized ammonia, ammonia as N, TN, TKN, phosphorus, OP, and tritium each event. The analytical results are provided in the Appendix A data package.


FPL Turkey Point Annual Monitoring Report August 2019 Appendix A Table A.1-1. Additional Data Reported in this Appendix Title Dataset:

A-1 Groundwater wells (TPGW-15 to -21)

A-1.1.1 TPGW-15 automated data A-1.1.2 TPGW-16 automated data A-1.1.3 TPGW-17 automated data A-1.1.4 TPGW-18 automated data A-1.1.5 TPGW-19 automated data A-1.1.6 TPGW-20 automated data A-1.1.7 TPGW-21 automated data A-1.2 Qualifier Table A-1.3.1 Analytical Data Table--June 2018 A-1.3.2 Analytical Data Table--Sept 2018 A-1.3.3 Analytical Data Table--Dec 2018 A-1.3.4 Analytical Data Table--Mar 2019 A-1.4.1 Data Usability Summary--June 2018 (TPGW-15 and -16)

A-1.4.2 Data Usability Summary--June 2018 (TPGW-17 to -21)

A-1.4.3 Data Usability Summary--Sept 2018 (TPGW-15 and -16)

A-1.4.4 Data Usability Summary--Sept 2018 (TPGW-17 to -21)

A-1.4.5 Data Usability Summary--Dec 2018 (TPGW-15 and -16)

A-1.4.6 Data Usability Summary--Dec 2018 (TPGW-17 to -21)

A-1.4.7 Data Usability Summary--Mar 2019 (TPGW-15 and -16)

A-1.4.8 Data Usability Summary--Mar 2019 (TPGW-17 to -21)

A-2 Surface water stations A-2.1.1 TESTC1 automated data A-2.1.2 TPSW-INTN automated data A-2.1.3 TPSW-INTS automated data A-2.1.4 TPBBSW-6B automated data A-2.1.5 TPBBSW-7B automated data A-2.1.6 TPBBSW-7T automated data A-2.2 Qualifier Table A-2.3.1 Analytical Data Table--June 2018 A-2.3.2 Analytical Data Table--July 2018 A-2.3.3 Analytical Data Table--Aug 2018 A-2.3.4 Analytical Data Table--Sept 2018 A-2.3.5 Analytical Data Table--Dec 2018 A-2.3.6 Analytical Data Table--Jan 2019 A-2.3.7 Analytical Data Table--Feb 2019 A-2.3.8 Analytical Data Table--Mar 2019 A-3

FPL Turkey Point Annual Monitoring Report August 2019 Appendix A A-2.3.9 Analytical Data Table--Apr 2019 A-2.3.10 Analytical Data Table--May 2019 A-2.4.1 Data Usability Summary--June 2018 A-2.4.2 Data Usability Summary--July 2018 A-2.4.3 Data Usability Summary--Aug 2018 A-2.4.4 Data Usability Summary--Sept 2018 A-2.4.5 Data Usability Summary--Jan/Feb 2019 A-2.4.6 Data Usability Summary--Mar/Apr 2019 A-2.4.7 Data Usability Summary--May 2019 A-3 Monthly PW stations A-3.1.1 Analytical Data Table--June 2018 A-3.1.2 Analytical Data Table--July 2018 A-3.1.3 Analytical Data Table--Aug 2018 A-3.1.4 Analytical Data Table--Sept 2018 A-3.1.5 Analytical Data Table--Jan 2019 A-3.1.6 Analytical Data Table--Feb 2019 A-3.1.7 Analytical Data Table--Mar 2019 A-3.1.8 Analytical Data Table--Apr 2019 A-3.1.9 Analytical Data Table--May 2019 A-3.2.1 Data Usability Summary--June/July 2018 A-3.2.2 Data Usability Summary--Aug/Sept 2018 A-3.2.3 Data Usability Summary--Jan/Feb 2019 A-3.2.4 Data Usability Summary--Mar/April 2019 A-3.2.5 Data Usability Summary--May 2019 A-4 USGS data (6 stations; Specific Conductance and Chloride data)

A-4.1 Specific Conductance and Chloride--June 2018-May 2019 A-5 Floridan Well data A-5.1 Totalizer readings A-5.2.1 Analytical Data Table--June 2018 A-5.2.2 Analytical Data Table--July 2018 A-5.2.3 Analytical Data Table--August 2018 A-5.2.4 Analytical Data Table--September 2018 A-5.2.5 Analytical Data Table--October 2018 A-5.2.6 Analytical Data Table--November 2018 A-5.2.7 Analytical Data Table--December 2018 A-5.2.8 Analytical Data Table--January 2019 A-5.2.9 Analytical Data Table--February 2019 A-4

FPL Turkey Point Annual Monitoring Report August 2019 Appendix A A-5.2.10 Analytical Data Table--March 2019 A-5.2.11 Analytical Data Table-April 2019 A-5.2.12 Analytical Data Table--May 2019 A-5.3.1 Data Usability Summary--June-Aug 2018 A-5.3.2 Data Usability Summary--Sept-Nov 2018 A-5.3.3 Data Usability Summary--Dec 2018-Feb 2019 A-5.3.4 Data Usability Summary--Mar-May 2019 Note: Level 4 and ADaPT files for sampling events are available upon request.


FPL Turkey Point Annual Monitoring Report August 2019 Appendix A 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 33 32 Temperature (°C) 31 30 29 28 10/2015 3/2016 8/2016 2/2017 7/2017 1/2018 7/2018 12/2018 6/2019 TPGW-15S TPGW-15M TPGW-15D Figure A.1-1. TPGW-15 Specific Conductance and Temperature.


FPL Turkey Point Annual Monitoring Report August 2019 Appendix A 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 28 27 Temperature (°C) 26 25 24 23 10/2015 3/2016 8/2016 2/2017 7/2017 1/2018 7/2018 12/2018 6/2019 TPGW-16S TPGW-16M TPGW-16D Figure A.1-2. TPGW-16 Specific Conductance and Temperature.


FPL Turkey Point Annual Monitoring Report August 2019 Appendix A 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 28 27 Temperature (°C) 26 25 24 23 1/2018 3/2018 5/2018 7/2018 9/2018 11/2018 1/2019 3/2019 6/2019 TPGW-17S TPGW-17M TPGW-17D Figure A.1-3. TPGW-17 Specific Conductance and Temperature.


FPL Turkey Point Annual Monitoring Report August 2019 Appendix A 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 28 27 Temperature (°C) 26 25 24 23 1/2018 3/2018 5/2018 7/2018 9/2018 11/2018 1/2019 3/2019 6/2019 TPGW-18S TPGW-18M TPGW-18D Figure A.1-4. TPGW-18 Specific Conductance and Temperature.


FPL Turkey Point Annual Monitoring Report August 2019 Appendix A 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 28 27 Temperature (°C) 26 25 24 23 1/2018 3/2018 5/2018 7/2018 9/2018 11/2018 1/2019 3/2019 6/2019 TPGW-19S TPGW-19M TPGW-19D Figure A.1-5. TPGW-19 Specific Conductance and Temperature.


FPL Turkey Point Annual Monitoring Report August 2019 Appendix A 5000 4500 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 28 27 Temperature (°C) 26 25 24 23 8/2017 11/2017 2/2018 5/2018 8/2018 11/2018 2/2019 6/2019 TPGW-20D Figure A.1-6. TPGW-20 Specific Conductance and Temperature.


FPL Turkey Point Annual Monitoring Report August 2019 Appendix A 5000 4500 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 28 27 Temperature (°C) 26 25 24 23 1/2018 3/2018 5/2018 7/2018 9/2018 11/2018 1/2019 3/2019 6/2019 TPGW-21S TPGW-21M TPGW-21D Figure A.1-7. TPGW-21 Specific Conductance and Temperature.


FPL Turkey Point Annual Monitoring Report August 2019 Appendix A 2

Water Elevation (ft, NAVD 88) 1 0


-2 10/2015 3/2016 8/2016 2/2017 7/2017 1/2018 7/2018 12/2018 6/2019 TPGW-15S TPGW-15M TPGW-15D Figure A.1-8. TPGW-15 Water Elevations.

2 Water Elevation (ft, NAVD 88) 1 0


-2 10/2015 3/2016 8/2016 2/2017 7/2017 1/2018 7/2018 12/2018 6/2019 TPGW-16S TPGW-16M TPGW-16D Figure A.1-9. TPGW-16 Water Elevations.


FPL Turkey Point Annual Monitoring Report August 2019 Appendix A 2

Water Elevation (ft, NAVD 88) 1 0


-2 1/2018 3/2018 5/2018 7/2018 9/2018 11/2018 1/2019 3/2019 6/2019 TPGW-17S TPGW-17M TPGW-17D Figure A.1-10. TPGW-17 Water Elevations.

2 Water Elevation (ft, NAVD 88) 1 0


-2 1/2018 3/2018 5/2018 7/2018 9/2018 11/2018 1/2019 3/2019 6/2019 TPGW-18S TPGW-18M TPGW-18D Figure A.1-11. TPGW-18 Water Elevations.


FPL Turkey Point Annual Monitoring Report August 2019 Appendix A 2

Water Elevation (ft, NAVD 88) 1 0


-2 1/2018 3/2018 5/2018 7/2018 9/2018 11/2018 1/2019 3/2019 6/2019 TPGW-19S TPGW-19M TPGW-19D Figure A.1-12. TPGW-19 Water Elevations.

4 Water Elevation (ft, NAVD 88) 3 2

1 0


-2 8/2017 11/2017 2/2018 5/2018 8/2018 11/2018 2/2019 6/2019 Figure A.1-13. TPGW-20 Water Elevations.


FPL Turkey Point Annual Monitoring Report August 2019 Appendix A 2

Water Elevation (ft, NAVD 88) 1 0


-2 1/2018 3/2018 5/2018 7/2018 9/2018 11/2018 1/2019 3/2019 6/2019 TPGW-21S TPGW-21M TPGW-21D Figure A.1-14. TPGW-21 Water Elevations.


FPL Turkey Point Annual Monitoring Report August 2019 Appendix A 10000 9000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 36 32 Temperature (°C) 28 24 20 16 12 6/2015 11/2015 4/2016 9/2016 3/2017 8/2017 1/2018 7/2018 12/2018 6/2019 TPSWTESTC-1B Figure A.2-1. TPSWTESTC-1 Specific Conductance and Temperature.


FPL Turkey Point Annual Monitoring Report August 2019 Appendix A 10000 9000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 36 32 Temperature (°C) 28 24 20 16 12 6/2015 11/2015 4/2016 9/2016 3/2017 8/2017 1/2018 7/2018 12/2018 6/2019 TPL31E-INTNB Figure A.2-2. TPL31E-INTN Specific Conductance and Temperature.


FPL Turkey Point Annual Monitoring Report August 2019 Appendix A 25000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 36 32 Temperature (°C) 28 24 20 16 12 6/2015 11/2015 4/2016 9/2016 3/2017 8/2017 1/2018 7/2018 12/2018 6/2019 TPL31E-INTSB Figure A.2-3. TPL31E-INTS Specific Conductance and Temperature.


FPL Turkey Point Annual Monitoring Report August 2019 Appendix A 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 36 32 Temperature (°C) 28 24 20 16 12 7/2015 12/2015 6/2016 12/2016 6/2017 12/2017 6/2018 12/2018 6/2019 TPBBSW-6B Figure A.2-4. TPBBSW-6 Specific Conductance and Temperature.


FPL Turkey Point Annual Monitoring Report August 2019 Appendix A 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 36 32 Temperature (°C) 28 24 20 16 12 7/2015 12/2015 6/2016 12/2016 6/2017 12/2017 6/2018 12/2018 6/2019 TPBBSW-7B Figure A.2-5. TPBBSW-7B Specific Conductance and Temperature.


FPL Turkey Point Annual Monitoring Report August 2019 Appendix A 100000 90000 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 36 32 Temperature (°C) 28 24 20 16 12 6/2018 9/2018 1/2019 6/2019 TPBBSW-7T Figure A.2-6. TPBBSW-7T Specific Conductance and Temperature.
