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Rev 5 to Offsite Emergency Plan Prompt Alert & Notification Sys Addendum for Cooper Nuclear Station
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/1986
Shared Package
ML20211B451 List:
PROC-860930-01, NUDOCS 8610170250
Download: ML20211B497 (30)


{{#Wiki_filter:g , ...


l l l AN OFF-SITE EMERGENCY PLAN PROMPT ALERT AND NOTIFICATON SYSTEM ~ ADDENDUM FOR THE COOPER NUCLEAR STATION Prepared in Response to FEMA-43 Documentation Criteria Requirements. Dated September, 1983 I Submitted by: Nebraska Public Power District 1414 15th Street Columbus, NE 68601 t Original Submittal: March, 1985 , Revision 1: May, 1986 Revision 2: June, 1986 Revision 3: July, 1986 Revision 4: September, 1986 Revision 5: September, 1986 j . i



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  • 03/85 2.6.4 Tone Activated Radio Testing and Maintenance Program Tone Activated Radio Testing Once per week the primary EBS stations (KFAB-1110 kHz and KFEQ-680 kHZ) test their EBS system which activates the tone activated radios and proceeds with the message. Thus individuals with EBS tone activated radios will have their radios automatically tested once per week. A test button is provided on each radio to verify operability. In addi-tion, the tone activated radios have a battery test button and indicator light to check the battery backup power source.

Maintenance Should the EBS activated radio fail any of the above tests, malfunction, or need maintenance or repair, a telephone number is posted on the radio for the individual to call to initiate corrective actions. Notices to check batteries are issued quarterly through local newspaper and radio media. Appendix F contains the brochure issued with each unit which ( describes the use of the unit and what to do in the unlikely event it should fail to operate. t 4 ( w *  ? r

  • 2-17
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CNS 09/86 2.7 Special Alerting (FEMA-43 Ref. E.6.2.4) 2.7.1 Mobile Alert and Notification Network The special alerting components of the CNS Prompt Alert and Notification System are used for those areas of the CNS Emergency Planning Zone not ' covered by fixed sirens or tone alert radios. These areas consist of the Indian Cave State Park .in Nebraska, the Brickyard Hill State Wildlife Area in Missouri, and the Missouri River - within the 10 mile EPZ. Appendix C delineates those areas of the CNS ~ Emergency Planning Zone which are to be covered by mobile routes. Resources, manpower, and vehicles for the CNS PANS'will be supplied from existing resources and will be supplemented by mutual aid agreements that are on record for the appropriate state, county, and local govern-ment emergency response organizations. Appendix H of this report presents maps of the Mobile Alert and Notification Routes and the route activation procedures applicable for each park. s 2.7.2 Alerting Method Rationale As indicated in Appendix 3 of NUREG-0654/ FEMA-REP-1 (Rev.1), it may be more cost effective in sparsely populated areas to use special alerting methods other than sirens. FEMA-43 also indicates that seasonal and diurnal population variations may also be a factor in selecting alterna-

tive means of notification. It is most cost effective for the States of Missouri and Nebraska to make optimum use of existing available resources. Therefore, the respective M0 NAP and NE RERP plans for j special alerting of the Brickyard Hill State Wildlife Area and the l Indian Cave State Park via Mobile Alert and Notification Routes include -

the use of onsite Department of Conservation and Park Ranger vehicles and aircraft with sirens and public _ address systems. Route dispatching l will be accomplished in Missouri by the Conservation Department and in Nebraska by the Nemaha County Sheriff. Additionally, transients on the Missouri River will be notified via aircraft with public address I capability. i i 2-18 l

CNS 09/86 I


The primary purpose of the Mobile Alert and Notification System is to direct the individuals in the parks indoors. The public will be alerted by the broadcasting of either a steady siren blast or a simple message over the mobile public address systems. Signs are posted at park entrances and river landings, and on the river banks at the 10-mile EPZ informing visitors what to do if they hear an alert signal. This message will inform the visitors of an incident, and will advise them to tune their radios to KFEQ-AM and KFAB-AM, in Missouri and Nebraska respectively, for further instructions. 2.7.3 Participating Organizations The primary and backup responders for each area requiring mobile alert and notification are shown below. Primary Backup


Brickyard' Hill < Atchison County Atchison County Sheriff Conservation Agent [ Cox Aviation Other pilots (3) Indian Cave Park Ranger Assistant Park Ranger Missouri River Cox Aviation Kieth Harmon l It should be noted that in both park areas the Conservation Agent and Park Ranger are on the premises. They can commence notification as soon as they are notified. The Cox Aviation aircraft are located in Tarkio I approximately 10 miles from Brickyard Hill or 15 miles from Indian Cave , State Park. Also, another aircraft is located 1 mile west of Watson, about 5 miles from Brickyard Hill. (The use of Cox Aviation aircraft is documented in a Letter of Agreement with the M0SEMA.) An analysis of the f equipment and routes is presented in Appendix H. It is acknowledged that aircraft notification may not be feasible in inclement weather conditions. However, there is little likelihood of transients on the river in poor weather. As stipulated in Appendix 3 of NUREG-0654 FEMA-REP-1 ~ Rev. 1, the areas where aircraf,t notif,ication is utilized woul.d be reached on a best ef.f. ort ~ basi.s. I 1 1 2-19

   ~ . .                                                                             CNS       .


                                                                                               . 1 i

2.7.4 Equipment Testing and Maintenance Program The CNS Prompt Alert and Notification System design basis requires that special alerting in. both parks shall be by park vehicles, and also by aircraft in Brickyard Hill, Indian Cave, and portions of the Missouri i River. Routine use of these vehicles, independent of their utilization as a part of the CNS Prompt Alert and Notification System, demonstrates those capabilities requi' red for their performance as a part of the Alert and Notification System. Many tests are accomplished through daily usage. Mechanical Tests Standard procedure for vehicle maintenance is usually based upon manu-facturer specifications. Most governmental departments and agencies have additional requirements for their vehicles and thus schedule service on all vehicles to ensure optimum reliability. Additionally, aviation companies must perform regular maintenance to ensure the aircraft operability. Electronic Tests l Routine use of the radio communications attests to their reliability. The siren and public address systems are tested at least monthly as a l part of the monthly siren activation. This establishes that they are adequately tested and maintained. l 2-20 l l l l

CNS 09/86-e. I

1. 0 Overview During the months of December, 1984 and February, ~1985 the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) was surveyed. The survey included an evaluation of the EPZ with ~ respect to demography and topography, an
analysis of the outdoor warning sirens, and an assessment of the tone activated radio distribution. The results of this survey and analysis indicate that the hybrid system consisting of 13 outdoor warning sirens l and over 700 indoor tone activated radios will provide 100% coverage to the population. This coverage exceeds the current requirements of NUREG-0654, Revision 1, by providing prompt 15 minute public warning from 0 to 10 miles.
2. 0 Evaluation of Emergency Planning Zone

( The area within the 10-mile EPZ can best be described as rural farmland with several small towns. The closest population center is Nemaha, which is about 2.5 miles southwest of the station. The total population of the EPZ is 5636. Table B-1 presents the population centers within the 10 mile EPZ and their approximate populations, based primarily on' 1980 census data.

            .The total estimated population in the population centers is 3449, more than half of the total EPZ population. Because of the rural character-istics of the area, the population is relatively stable.

l The Cooper Nuclear Station site is located in Nemaha County, Nebraska, on the west bank of the Missouri River. The area within the 10-mile EPZ consists of a large relatively flat river basin area (mostly farmland) i which extends north and southeast of the site. On both sides of the

            ' basin the terrain is dominated by rolling hills. The transitions between the rolling hills and the river basin are usually very pronounced.

l l B-3 t.

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Table 8-1 Major Population Centers with CNS 10-mile EPZ Community Population Langdon* 32 (est.) . Nishnabotna* 19 (est.) Phelps City 39 Rock Port 1511 Watson 171 Brownville 203 Nemaha 209 Peru 998 Shubert 267

                  *Not incorporated, thus not-included in 1980                                            -

Census data. Population estimated by multi-plying number of homes by 3.2 persons per house. I 736A-X(3/85) B-4

u Table B-2 . Summary of Data for CNS Siren Network - Siren a Siren Rating Mounting Location -

                                                                                              ~a t 100 ft. Height Number                         Location Description                          Siren Type'     [d8(C)]      (ft)

F1 Brownville, NE: In City Park Fed. Sig. 1003- 122 45 F2 Peru, NE: 150 ft. north of Washington St. between 6th and Fed. Sig. 1003 122 60 7th Streets F3 Watson, MO: On north side of Highway A, 790 ft. west of Fed. Sig. 1003 122 45 ' Highway 0 F4 Phelps City, MO: On east side of Highway U, 1300 ft south Fed. Sig. 1000T 122 45 of Highway 136 F5 Southwest of intersection of Highway 136 and Interstate 29 Fed. Sig. 1003 122 45 , F6 Rock Port, MO: On west side of church parking lot at Fed. Sig. 1003 122 45 southwest corner of Opp and Nebraska Streets F7 Langdon, MO: On north side of Highway E, 1/4 mile west of Fed. Sig. 1000T 122 45 Langdon - F8 Nishnabotna, MO: On west side of Highway 111, 7/10 mile Fed. Sig. 1000T 122 45 north of Highway 2 F9 Shubert, NE: 30 ft. south of Fire Station (north of Fed. Sig. 1003 122 45 ' telephone company building) F10 Nemaha, NE: On east sid( of Highway 67, 60 ft. southeast Fed. Sig. 1003 122 45 of Fire Hall (in old coal bin)

 " Based on anechoic chamber testing data, presented in Appendix E.


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Table B-2 Summary of Data for CNS Siren Network (continued) Siren Siren Rating " Mounting Location at 100 ft. Height Number Location Description Siren Type [dB(C)] (ft) Fil CNS: 1/8 mile east of CNS on south side of access road Fed. Sig. 1000 125 45 F12 CNS Environmental Station No. 6: 1/2 mile south of Fed. Sig. 1000 125 45 sampling station, on east side of road F13 Missouri River: 3/8 mile northwest of milenarker 540 Fed. Sig. 1000 125 45 j a 8ased on anechoic chamber testing data, presented in Appendix E. 4 N 736A.u 6) ,

  #-                                                                                  CNS 09/86

[ APPENDIX C This appendix presents a map which shows the 60 dB(C) and 70 dB(C) siren

            -sound contours in -the EPZ of the' Cooper Nuclear Station and indicates the' areas where Tone Activated Radios are employed.         The map is a composite of individual U. S. Geological Survey quadrangle maps with latitude and longitude indications and reproduced to a scale of 1:31680.

The map shows the population centers, rivers, and lakes. Individual siren locations are identified and numbered to allow correlation with the individual siren site data presented in Appendix B. Shaded areas indicate those areas where tone activated radios are not distributed except upon request. The unshaded area indicates where tone activated radios have been distributed. A register which includes addresses of those residences where an attempt was made to place a tone activated radio is presented in Appendix G. Additionally, the aircraft notifica- l tion route is shown on the map. I l-l l 4 C-1

c. .

CNS 03/85 This page intentionally left blank. F 0 C-2

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CNS 09/86 APPENDIX H SPECIAL ALERTING ROUTES AND PROCEDURE SUMMARIES The special alerting components of the CNS Alert and Notification System are used for those areas of the CNS Emergency Planning Zone not covered l by fixed sirens or tone alert radios. These areas consist of the Brickyard Hill State Wildlife Area in Missouri, the Indian Cave State Park in Nebraska, and the Missouri River. Appendix C delineates these areas of the CNS Emergency Planning Zone which are to be covered by mobile routes. 4 Resources, manpower, and vehicles for the CNS Alert and Notification

             . System will be supplied from existing resc!:rces and will be supplemented by mutual aid agreements that are on record for appropriate state, county, and local government emergency response organizatons.

I ' This appendix presents maps of the two alerting routes and summaries of the procedures to be used to activate these routes. The route maps and procedure summaries for Brickyard Hill, Indian Cave, and the Missouri River are included as Attachments H.1 and H.2. H.1 contains the information for the mobile routes in Brickyard Hill and Indian Cave. H.2 contains the aircraft notification route map and summary for both parks and the river.


6 H-1

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09/86 I ATTACHMENT H.1 This attachment to Appendix H contains the mobile notification route maps and corresponding procedure summaries for the Brickyard Hill State Wildlife Area and the Indian Cave State Park. An analysis of the equipment and routes is also presented in. this attachment. Brickyard-Hill is contained in and Indian cave is con'tained in m i H.1-1

                                          -,                                  ,                                                                                     . Mobile Notification Route Map                                                                                   I i                           _ ,3, " ,.                     .

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     ,                                                                         09/86 Brickyard Hill Special Alerting Procedure Summary In the event of an emergency .at CNS where notification of visitors to the Brickyard Hill State Wildlife Area is deemed necessary, the following alerting procedures will be followed:

Primary: -

1. State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) will contact the y Conservation Department.
2. Conservation Department will notify the Atchison County Conservation Agent.
                    - 3. The Conservation Agent will drive through .the park with his siren on a steady blast. Signs at all parking areas and all access and egress points inform visitors what to do when this signal is given.                                ,
4. SEMA will notify Cox Aviation of Tarkio to fly over Brickyard Hill using the siren on a steady blast.

Secondary: l

5. The Conservation Agent and the pilot will maintain communications on the Sheriff's frequency.
6. The Conservation Agent and the pilot will have public address capability to notify transients of evacuation information.


CNS 09/86


Special Alerting Analysis An analysis of the notification equipment and time frames for vehicle notification is presented below. Note that the route is for one vehicle. Vehicle Siren model: Trippe ES-4 Rating at 100 ft: 87 dB(C) (based on .the unit size of 25 watts) Fundamental frequency: no data available Range to 70 d8(C): 330 ft Vehicle velocity and observer distance from road to ensure a 70 d8(C) signal is heard for 15 seconds: 18.5 mph, 260 ft Route length: 13.5 miles ( - Time to traverse route: 44 minutes The total elapsed time to perform the vehicle notification is 45 minutes, since the conservation agent and vehicle are on the park premises. e l l

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 ~ 2-E Indian Cave Procedure Summary In the event of an emergency at CNS where notification of visitors to the Indian Cave State Park is deemed necessary, the following procedures will be followed:
1. Nemaha County Sheriff will contact Park Rangers by telephone or radio to inform them of the emergency situation.


2. Park Rangers will drive through the park with mobile sirens and use their PA systems to instruct' visitors to take appropriate emergency actions.
3. Park Rangers will confirm completion of notification and status of emergency actions by radio to the Nemaha County Sheriff.


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09/86 P

( Indian Cave Special Alerting Route Analysis Route: Paved Road A B Length (miles): 16.5 5 6.5 Average speeda (mph): 25 8.6 10.4 Notification time (minutes): 40 35 37 Activation time (minutes): 5 5 5 Elapsed time (minutes): 45 40 42 a Average speed on paved road based on posted speed' limit. Average speed on the ATV routes (A & B) based on preliminary route testing. l t l I


 '.                                                09/86 This page intentionally left blank.

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   * .                                                                                              CNS r

09/86 T~ t (. ATTACHMENT H.2 This attachment to Appendix H contains the aerial notification flight pattern map and corresponding procedure summary for the Missouri River, I Brickyard Hill State Wildlife Area, and the Indian Cave State Park. An analysis of the equipment and routes is also presented in this attachment. I e i I H.2-1

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CNS { 09/86 3 1 Missouri River Special Alerting Procedure Summary In the event of an emergency at CNS where notification of visitors on the Missouri River, outside of the siren coverage area, is deemed neces-sary, the following' alerting procedures will be followed: Primary:

1. For a standard sequence of events, Missouri State Emergency Management Civil Defense Agency (M0 SEMA) will notify Cox Aviation of Tarkio.
2. The pilot will fly over Indian Cave State Park, the Missouri River, and Brickyard Hill State Wildlife Area, using the siren on a steady blast. Signs at all public landings and access points inform visitors what to do when this signal is given.

. . Sec_ondary: (~ The pilot will maintain communications with the Conservation 3. Agent on the State Sheriff's Network Frequency (155.73 MHz), or alternately on the Mutual Aid Frequency - (154.475 MHz).

4. The pilot will have public address capability to notify transients of evacuation information.

t 4 H.2-3

v '_ CNS O 09/86 _Special Alerting Analysis An analysis of the notification equipment and time frame for the air-craft is presented below: Siren model: Whelen 370 (2 sirens) Amplifier: WS-295 Rating at 100 ft: 112 d8(C) (manufacturer's rating) Rating to 70 d8(C): 1890 ft Flight altitude: 500 ft Flight speed for notification: 70 mph Flight speed in transit: 150 mph Length of flight lines for notification: 18.5 mi tength of transit flight lines: 16 mi Time to cover notification flight lines: 16 minutes ' Time to cover transit flight line: 6 minutes Total flight line time: 22 minutes Pilot notification time: 2 minutes - Pilot transit time to aircraft: 5 minutes Aircraft preparation time: 2 minutes Aircraft takeoff time: 2 minutes Flight time to Indian Cave: 6 minutes Total elapsed notification time: 39 minutes It should be noted that all aircraft pilots can respond within these time frames. Also, a faster flight speed for the notification flight lines is possible, but the effective signal duration is reduced. H.2-4

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Indian Cave State Park Aerial Notification Flight Pattern Map e,..

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BRICKYARD HILL WILDLIFE AREA ATCHISON COUNTY m. u nass C parterest of Conseva'en H.2-6


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Federal Emergency Management Agency Region VII

   %.                                                        911 Walnut Street Kansas City, Missouri 64106 September 26, 1986 MEMORANDUM FOR: Dave McLoughlin Acting Associate Director State and Local Programs and Support FROM:

J. D. Overstreet Regional Director


Exercise Cooper NuclearDeficiencies Station and AENS Negative Finding - On September 24 and 25, 1986, FEMA of the Radiological Emergency Response PlantRegion VII evaluated an exercise and Missouri and the local of the States of Nebraska EP2 of the Cooper Nuclear Station. jurisdictions located within the 10-mile Two deficiencies were observed. in conjunction with the initial public notificatiCounty, o sound on message. the sirens Mi The second was the failure to accomplish timely alert within the 5fromto 10 of transients be sounded anmile areas aircraft the of the EP2. flight The alert signal was to it over the Brickyard Hill State pattern Wildlife Area ofinwhich would carry Missouri, Indian Cave State separating the twoPark in Nebraska, and portions of the Missouri states. River within the required 45 minutes.The aircraft did not complete its route p' g CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: 1 t

1. _Atchison County indicate soc - The county plans-must be When revised to clearly the sounding of sirens will be required, and who will be responsible for giving the order to sound th e sirens.

In addition, a check list of this procedure should be prepared for use by the person who orders the activation of th

2. e sirens.

Timely Aerial Alerting - l FEMA Region VII recommends that the Design Report for the Alert and Notification System for Cooper l Nuclear we A are issuingStation be found unacceptable and, by this memorandum e comprehensive a Negative memo Finding for the Cooper AEN System. i and will be sent forthwith. supporting said finding is being prepared Both states message follow. from thishave office. been notified of the above by means of a telephon A written notification to the states will 1 l l l l


L Thein purpose for GM EX-1.of this memo is to document the "conferral process"ecall d cc: Fran I,aden

                                    'R. D. Ross Region VII RAC                                                                ,

R-VII: NTH: Sum ter:ar:9-26-86 Sumpter _ , Carroll YM C Leonard Begley . Sumpter _


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[ m - _ - - _ - _ - - - - ASSOCIATES UMITED ,. f-( MEMORANDUM ' TO: Craig Wingo FROM: Tom Cart i DATE: September 26,) 1986 SUBJ: Cooper Nuclear Station: An OffsiteAddendum tion system Emergency Plan Prompt Alert and ca-NotifiRevision 3 ' 1 We received Emergency Planboth Revision Prompt Alert and 3 and NotificationofRevision S 4 An Offsite For The Cooper Nuclear Station on Thursday ystem Addendum

                                                                                                                                               , September 18 As        requested, we performed oth In Revision 3 we found on page 2-12 the                                                                                              n a technical cursory review o evels.

backgroundRevision criteria." field survey 4 results were not statement, " Ambient on page 2-12 used for the design background field survey, results were,not ualso stated that ambient criteria, but then continued by discussing ased for the design preliminary ambient background field survey that ETA perf isolated should bearea on the Missouri River clarified. . This inconsistency ormed in one Furthermore . A provide any, documentation regarding field survey as required by FEMA-REP-10 (s c E-9). theo ambient ba kth ground ee pages E-8 and  ! Report is being submittedarters toa FEMA on Design HeadquWe unde next week, l As you know a detailed review of an adequat justification package would take appr e ambient # oximately one month, 35' s 30NYtA$NIA AVENUE.NW WAtreNOTON, D C 20007 30t 348 8700 fees 80 3000 Cahie LEAL WA8MOC stAL e en anc mesmseeme Ce= wear - e _ . - " - ~ ' " ' _ _ . . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - ~ - ^ - '}}