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Partially Withheld Investigation Rept 4-84-039 Re Brown & Root,Inc Alleged Improper Instruction to QC Inspector to Make Late Entry sign-offs on Liner Plate Insp Travelers. Related Info Encl
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 08/21/1985
From: Griffin H, Griffins H, Hayes B, Herr R
Shared Package
ML20214Q578 List:
FOIA-86-180, FOIA-86-A-61 4-84-039, 4-84-39, NUDOCS 8609260175
Download: ML20214Q585 (26)


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ALLEGED INTIMIDATION OF QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTOR Licensee: Case Number: 4-84-039 Texas Utilities Generating Company Report Date: 8/21/85 2001 Brian Tower Dallas, Texas 75201 Control Office: 01:RIV Docket No. 050-00445 Status: CLOSED Reported by: Reviewed by:

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H'.' Brooks Griffih // Ricriard K. Herr Investigator, 01:RIV Director 01:RIV Participating Personnel:

Thomas Ippolito, Engineer, HRR Appro by:

Mark E. Emerson, Investigator, OI:RIV 4

B. Hayes,"pir tor Office of Inydsti ations WARNING The attached document / report has not been reviewed pursuant to 10 C.F.R. 9 2.790(a) exemptions nor has any exempt material been deleted.

Do not disseminate or discuss its contents outside NRC. Throat as "0FFICIAL USE ONLY."

8609260175 860722 PDR FOIA .

GARDE 86-A-61 PDR l

SYN 0PSIS This investigation was initiated to determine if Brown & Root, Inc.

(B&R) Quality Control (QC) supervisors at tfe Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (CPSES) 1mproperly ordered a B&R QC inspector to make late entry sign off's on liner plate inspection travelers using QC acceptance recorded on construction documents made years earlier. This investigation into the propriety of the QC supervisors' instructions focused specifically on how the QC supervisors allegedly ordered the QC inspector to interpret what the construction documentation represented.

During 1978 and 1979, liner plate for the spent fuel pools in Unit I.

Unit II, and the transfer canals was under construction. Liner plate inspection travelers were used by QC inspectors to record their QC acceptance at various hold points during construction. During this same period of time, B&R construction procedures required the use of a nondestructive examination (NDE),.which served as a request (chit) by craft employees for a QC inspection at predetermined hold points. The QC inspectors signed off the NDE chits as well as the inspection travelers as a record of their inspections.

In 1983, in anticipation of the resumption of work on the liner plate, a determination was made by site managers that liner plate inspections were to become the responsibility of the non-American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) QC group. When the liner plate inspection travelers were initially transferred from the ASME QC group to the non-ASME QC group, it was determined that some of the inspection travelers had unsigned inspection hold points. In an effort to find a solution to the incomplete documentation, non-ASME personnel discovered the existence of the NDE chits. The non-ASME QC inspectors proceeded to transfer information from the old five-point ASME travelers to the new eight-point non-ASME travelers. Confusion soon arose among some of the non-ASME inspectors when they were told they may have misinterpreted what inspection step the NDE chits represented. Some of the ASME inspectors recovered the eight-point non-ASME travelers which they had completed, and they destroyed them. Consequently, the non-ASME QC group refused to

. accept the incomplete five-point travelers, and these travelers were returned to the ASME group.

Discussions were held among the two QC inspection groups to find a solution to the incomplete documentation. Subsequently, an agreement was reached between the two groups that old NDE chits signed by QC inspectors during their original inspections in the construction of the liner plate could be used to substantiate that the QC inspections had been performed.

In this regard, by using the corresponding NDE chits, the unsigned lines on the liner plate inspection travelers could be signed by a QC inspector referencing a late entry. A QC inspector was assigned to conduct a document review of the travelers and the NDE chits; and sign off the travelers if supporting NDE chits were available.

An allegation was subsequently made that the sign off of the inspection travelers using the NDE chits was improper because the QC inspector had not actually performed the inspections. It was also alleged that some of Case No. 4-84-039 1


r This l the NDE chits might not represent the corresponding hold points.

allegation was investigated in coordination with a representative of the The TRT assumed the Comanche Peak Technical Review Team (TRT).

responsibility for determining the validity of the use of the NDE chits for making the late entry sign offs. During the course of the  !

investigation, it was learned that two QC supervisors in charge of the liner plate inspection traveler review may have improperly ordered the QC inspector to sign off incomplete inspection hold points whether or notIt was furth there were corresponding NDE chits.

the QC supervisors threatened to make the QC inspector stay over aThe focus of this inves weekend if necessary to complete the task.

gation was changed to determine if such improper instructions were given to the QC inspector.

Fifteen present and former employees were interviewed as part of this investigation. Five employees provided testimony regarding their recollection of how the liner plate inspection travelers and NDE chits had been used during 1978 and 1979.

Although these employees' under-standing was not exactly the same, their recollections indicated that Category 1 on the five-point traveler had been reserved for the fit-up The five employees' and cleanliness inspection on the inside weld.

testimony indicated that the five-point liner plate inspection traveler had not contained a line for sign off on fit-up and cleanliness for the inside weld. These employees believed that the NDE chits in question had been used for fit-up and cleanliness in preparation for the initial tacking of the plates. This general understanding was also repeated by an EBASCO QC supervisor representing the utility during testimony before the CpSES Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB).

A TUGC0 senior engineer testified he was aware that the B&R ASME super-visor in charge of transferring the travelers to the non-ASME group was attam, n ting to use the NDE chits to complete the unsigned inspection steps on the travelers.

Two EBASCO QC specialists testified they were in the millwright shop on the evening the QC inspector received the traveler project instructions.  :


Both QC specialists said the QC inspector expressed concern to them about the ASME supervisors' instructions.

An EBASCO employee working for TUGC0 as a non-ASME supervisor confirmed that his inspection group had refused to accept the incomplete travelers.

This supervisor said he heard portions of the QC inspector's conversations This non-ASME supervisor said he heard the with the ASME supervisors.

ASME supervisors explain to the QC Theinspector non-ASMEthat the chits supervisor saidcould he be used to sign the incomplete hold points. recalled that the QC inspector expressed The non-ASME supervisor saidThe he recommended that the QC inspector reference non-ASME supervisor said that one of a late entry on the travelers.

his non-ASME QC inspectors represented him during the discussions between the ASME supervisors and the QC inspector assigned to complete the travelers.

Case No. 4-84-039 2

This non-ASME QC inspector who was present during the discussion between the ASME supervisors and the QC inspector in the millwright shop


confirmed that he heard one of the ASME supervisors order the QC '

inspector to sign off the incomplete hold points on the travelers whether .

or not there were corresponding NDEThis chits present non-ASME to substantiate that inspector the original inspections had been performed. QC testified that he knew the ASME supervisor's instructions to theHe adde inspector were improper.

not sign off traveler hold points which did not have corresponding f chits.

Additional testimony confirmed that a nonconforman supporting documentation.

The B&R ASME QC supervisor who was identified by the QC inspector as th j t one who ordered the sign off of the travelers The testified th y gave the QC inspector instructions for. completing the travelers. r other B&R ASME QC supervisor responsible for the liner plate inspecticnt ,

travelers said he assigned the QC inspector to conduct a document review and determine which travelers had corresponding NDE This chits that could be used for signing off the travelers by referencing a late entry.

supervisor said he instructed the QC inspector to write an NCR if corres- {g


ponding NDE chits were not found which could substantiate i that theThis s the QC inspector to sign off travelers which did not have correspond ng [j original inspections had been performed.

chits, and denied saying the QC inspector would have to This stay over the n weekend to complete signing off the travelers if it took that long.

supervisor said that to the best of his recollection, no the inspection travelers.


The TRT prepared a Safety Evaluation Report (SER) w  ;

of hold points being signed off improperly; however, no entry sign offs on the travelers.

The weight of the testimony obtained during Further, if the 01 inve was interfered with by at leastThe one of the QC QC supervisors' inspection records would have been falsified.

actions appeared to have been solely based on production demands.

- Case No. 4-84-039 3


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Case No. 4-84-039 4

ACCOUNTABILITY The following portions of this Report of Investiga t Room.

It consists of pages L through _22_.

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I Case No. 4-84-039 5

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l Case No. 4-84-039 6


l SYt;OPSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7 TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................... i l

l 9

APPLICABLE REGULATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 11  !

INTERVIEWEES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I' j

DETAILS OF INVESTIGATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l i

.............. 11 Purpose of Investigation . . . . .

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. . 11 11 13 01/NRC Technical neview eam (enee onint investigation . . . . 14 14 53E32A15.swTucchwr6MN'MS'"**P -W . . . . . . .

15 7nterview with Sam BELL, B&R Lead QC Inspector . . . . . . . .

Interview with Billie SNEttGDOVE. Former B&R QC Inspector . . . 15 l n . . , , . .J

- fr 16 Interview with ,

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. . 19 r.W'g. . . m . * "4piJP, ................ 20 20 l Willfulness / Intent ...................... 21 Conclusion .......................... 21

! Status of Investigation . . . . ................

i 21

, LIST OF EXHIBITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I Case No. 4-84-039 i 7

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APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Interference with the Oroanizational Freedom and Independence A11ecation:

B~a Quality Control Inspector 10 CFR 50(b)(1): Notification of Organizational Freedom. "The persons and organizations performing quality assurance functions shall have sufficient authority and organizational freedom to identify quality problems; to initiate, recommend, or provide solutions; and to verify implementation of solutions. Such persons and organizations performing quality assurance functions shall report to a management level such that this required authority and organizational freedom...."

INTERVIEWEES BELL, Sam - Brown & Root, Inc. (B&R) Lead Quality Control (QC) Inspector (EXHIBIT 4)

  • m ao SNELLGR0VE, Billie - Former B&R QC Inspector (EXHIBIT 5)

Y$$UYkN 55$W$$ i V0GT, Don - Former B&R QC Inspector (EXHIBIT 7)

Case No. 4-84-039 9

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Case No. 4-84-039 10 .- .. . _ _ . - - . _ . - _ . _ . _ - . _ . _ -

DETAILS OF INVESTIGATION Purpose of Investigation The purpose of this investigation was to determine the propriety of alleged instructions given by Brown & Root, Inc. (B&R) Quality Control (QC) supervisors to a B&R QC inspector to make late entry sign off's on liner plate QC inspection documentation.


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tincings' are reportea iri e safety e.vasuotion ne art (SER 11)under Q 21ity .",::urar.ce/ Quality Control (QA/QC), category 8, allegations AQ-55 and AQ-78.

This Office of Investigations' investigation focused on the Those propriety of the QC supervisors' instructions to the QC inspector.

pages of SER 11 which report the results of the TRT's findings on this allegation are included with this report as Exhibit (17).

Investigative Findings Relating to Allegations Concerning Inspectors  :

F.eceiving Supervisory Instructions to Improperiy Sign Off Stainless Steel '

Liner Plate insoection Travelers:

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Case No. 4-84-039 11

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This investigation was conducted in conjunction with NRC TRT representa-tive Thomas CURRY, EG&G. The liner plate travelers in question were obtained from B&R QC representatives at the CPSES, and were reviewed.

The results of this review as reported in SER 11 (Exhibit 17) reflect that record anomalies which violated procedures were apparent in the liner plate travelers; and that some travelers appeared to have been improperly signed off. These irregularities were attributed to poor practices, inadequate procedures, and inadequate inspection forms. _

Five former and present B&R employees were interviewed for the purpose of gaining a historical perspective on how liner plate travelers and NDE chits were used in 1978 and 1979. The five interviewees were as follows:

NEFbh dam BELL - B&R QC Lead Inspector j

Billie SNELLGPOVE - B&R OC Insoector r

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Don V0GT - Former B&R QC Inspector InvFTir, ' S NOTE: The above identified employees' understanding and l J

recollection of the use of the travelers and chits was not exactly the same. Four years later when a solution was sought for completing the unsigned inspection steps on the liner plate travelers, there was evidence of confusion among the responsible employees regarding what these documents represented.

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eight liner plate inspection travelers wnicn contained documents bearing his signature for inspections he had perforned in 1978 and 1979. These travelers also contained lata entry sign off's -

) After f j reviewing the travelers a ,said he beli~eved that during 1978 and 1979 a. decision was made by QC supervision (not further identified) to reserve the category I line on the five-point inspection travelers for the inside (water side) weld. M said he recalled that the chits presently atta'ched to the travelers represented an inspection hold point during the construction of the liner plates prior to the plates being lifted into the buildings.

Case No. 4-84-039 14 l -

On September 20, 1984, Sam BELL (Exhibit 4), a B&R QC inspector at the CPSES, was interviewed by the reportingBELL wasinvestigator and stated asked to review he had an inspection worked at the CPSES for 7 years.

traveler for weld number 595 to clarify date changes in category 7 on the BELL concluded that he probably changed the date, eignt-point traveler.following his signature, to an earlier date based on an NDE chl hold point. BELL said his explanation was only a presumption since there was no chit on that date for that inspection step in the traveler. i On October 20, 1984, Billie SNELLGROVE (Exhibit 5), a former B&R QC '

inspector, was interviewed by the reporting investigator and was asked to review stainless steel inspection travelers which contained NDE chits bearing his signature. SNELLGR0VE said his signature on the chits represented inspections he had performed, but said that he could not identify which inspection step he had performed, other than it was a fit-up and cleanliness inspection. SNELLGROVE said that in 1979, the travelers and chits were maintained by the millwrights.

L eporting investigator and was questioned about~his knowledge of how the NDE chits were used in 1978 and 1979. i M lsaid the chits were requests for inspections by the craft emplo)ees. M said that inspectors' signatuJe on the chits represented QC acceptance for that hold point. [ g said he did not believe chits were icsued for each of the five hold ooints >_%eidentified

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the travelers. -

. m_w M g i@ q o based on the QC acceptance recorded earlier by another inspector.

said it was his opinion that the presence of the NDE chit for the first fit-up and cleanliness precluded the necessity for the original inspector to have signed the traveler.

On October 23, 1984, Don V0GT (Exhibit 7), a former B&R QC inspector at the CPSES, was interviewed by the reporting investigator and stated he V0GT was had worked at the CPSES from November 1975 until mid-1980.

asked to review a number of stainless steel liner plate travelers which contained documents bearing his signature. V0GT said he recalled that in 1978 and 1979 the QC inspectors had been instructed by QC supervision (not further identified) to reserveV0GTthe category 1 line fit-up and said the chits represented the cleanliness for the inside weld.

fit-up and cleanliness inspections for the initial weld in the con-struction of the plates. V0GT said these chits had been stapled to the five-point travelers at that time. V0GT said he did not recall chits having been issued for each hold point. V0GT said he also remembered that many of the entries on the inspection travelers were made by clerks on the construction crews. V0GT said that many QC inspectors were terminated in 1978 and 1979, and said he was not surprised to see that many of the travelers were incomplete.


V0GT's report of interview (Exhibit 7) contains numerous comments on specific travelers in which V0GT speculated as to the reason for the inconsistencies in the travelers, based on his recollection of their condition in 1978 and 1979.

Case No. 4-84-039 15

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h31 pNte ing ection trav e lers. reporting investigator concerning their know e g assignment to the pro,)ect. #CJ h.k j 7A QQ.}

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was not involved in the effort to complete the liner plate travelers and had no knowledge of the project.

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from the ASME QC group to the non-ASME QC group. @ said that w the he was involved in the project there were problems in underst;ndinghits._ ~

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relationship between the incomplete travelers and the NDE 'd c said that while he was involved in this project, the f the i millwrights ha $p l

possession qf sa' the,NDE chits and the QC inspectors had possess j travelers. was assigned to take over the project. N about a week p attempted to " mar v un" the travelers and thesaid his involvem U he was aware l_ eft the project.,

chits aft'er he a m 7r W J~a QC 0 the project ended aftEt he arranged said he was not aware of h inspector, to be assioned to ..,.1_had completed work on the project. p 4

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.y., y -~ n ;_a. n -;; g In 1978 and 1979, the NDE chits were uncontrolled documents be used in the possession of theThe millwrights, and these liner plate travelers usedchits at thatwere time hadnotno meant to as permanent records.

sign off category for the inside weld, and the first QC hold point (fit-up and cleanliness) on the traveler was reserved weld. ',

The incomplete travelers could not be accepted by the vault.


Following the project to complete the travelers using the chits, deficient travelers (those without chits) were reported on Nonconformance Report (NCR) M83-00795.

Case No. 4-84-039 16 l


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. assignment to comple.te the stainless steel inspection travelers, his non-ASME QC ~40 was scheduled to receive the travelers from the ASME group.

dures used by the non-ASME group called for the us'e]said the new of eight holdproce-point inspection travelers, so he and the other inspectors were reviewing the

  1. 4v: hdd point travelers to determine what information could be trans-ferred to the new travelers. Msaid that after he had completed


transferrina the information to ine n'ew travelers, he learned from a QC inspector M jthat the attached NDE chits represented only the hold point for fit-up and cleanliness for the tack welds during initial construction of the plates. Njsaid that based on this information, he recovered the travele'7s he had completed and destroyed

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l Case No. 4-84-039 19

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u Willfulness / Intent This in stigation focused on conversations between two ASME Oc super-a visors, Peripheral was assigned to review and complete liner plate documentatic'n.

witnesses were interviewed who heard portions of the conversations between the supervisors and the QC inspector as they gave Q their instr 0ctions.

In evaluating the evidence collected during the course of this case, the weight of testimony of third party witnesses indicates that M voiced concerns about the validity of the traveler review. Turing'this i

same period of time, the immediacy for the need to transfer the travelers from the ASM to the non-ASME OC group was well-known amona the QC of issuing who were accused by inspectors.

Case No. 4-84-039 20

l - .

a tre oIIEgid improper instructions, denied orderingM)to sign of #

the travelers in the absence of mnnnet dnre nntation.

s. w t .'R' r V h - &j - C:5 N %;' "

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+ , %. g x.:.-q,. )h,: }j,,+ :: :. .' 224.

d* Q M.H?-h -:,

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rm%';&(M[W FW M ca'l19 W m M W M S % $$['J N b,$$hPkAdf Yd((.$@Tfhhh!.

N p ;,- h >;7 "7 z : v. --

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-- n p ,j +. ,, pr.(s :,p. . .-+;

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Conclusion Based on the weicht of the testimony of the peripheral witnesses, the statements of and combined with the corroborating testimony of I concluce uiat knowingly interfered with

'ficau organizational treeacm to u. % and to report the results of tncse inspections faithfully and accurately.

Status of Investication This investigation is closed.


EA i J L.

No. Description



  • - !'b Y N f.. b ydra. '


? m.m.x ..; .y s, L..,.., g.z w e, x: . . , .. -


9'?  % hie yt-g.s. c-y.cygfg. a s. m ~. g:.~: . o .. g . y 'a_..

.n ' ..yQgh' y 2 t ?.r_ p%

g~. 2n  :?y54r. fu;. CAW:r. . - . ; !. N.N.[.

. d: ; V C . 9 -c::.,%G- ?: h g. - %.

3. .
4. Report of Interview With Sam BELL, 9-20-84.
5. Report of Interview With Billie SNELLGROVE, 10-25-84.
6. f kMhhhkkk
7. Report of Interview With Don V0GT, 10-23-84.

O' Case No. 4-84-039 21

9. _




13. . ,-





> )

i 16-A.

17. Comanche Peak Safety Evalua' tion Report 11, pages 0-199 through 0-207. .

i I

i Case No. 4-84-039 22

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w v _ U.e. idyCLEA2 CEEULATOftY CoMMl53 son tc PORM 308 ./


. . . , a i y m evi. is no ew, w o-mo 6,.n. e.

strucnoas: % soon = w am ..o - e =t.=v w om-d m ev on.n. -,oa. % cm, in e. .nm. x m. oni,nw e. a. .no no on. om = s.em.

Offws of lav.stigstions.

ist souweta C.TEGomy ca r sct

o. . on .n.,G .e.cro. . . o.viou u.cau. OI FIELD OFFICE 4-84-039 x c -gya . . .u. . .,un REGION IV V -VENDOR a .OTHER 5.G8eED TO sutJECT GRIFFIN COMANCHE PEAK: ALLEGED INTIMIDATION status ts e+ om.,,,,,nE Zj&LIL,f,QNTROL INSPECTOR On August 1,1984, during an interview with the Comanche Peak Steam Electric (CPSES) Technical Review Team (TRT), a fonner Brown & Root, Inc. Quality Control inspector at the CPSES alleged that in the Spring of was ressu Brown & Root Quality Control supervisors to sign off. for Quality Control inspections that occurred prior t o nt at the CPSES.

The alleger said g subsequently learned that the had signed were not for the material represented by the documentation. Subsequently, during the first week of September 1984, a representative of the TRT infonned the Region IV 3f,/

OI Field Office of the allegation. ECD: Unknown /YT DATE: September 30, 1984 - This investigation has been initiated.

Anticipate completion o f this investigation during October / November 1984 time frame. ECO: Unknown DATE: October 31, 1984 - This investigation is in progress.

Anticipate completion of this investigation during November / December 1984 time frame. ECD: Unknown DATE: November 30, 1984 - Investigation remains in progress. Anticipate completion during December 1984/ February 1985 time frame. ECD: Unknown DATE: December 31, 1984 - Investigation remains in progress. Anticipate completion during January / February 1985 time frame. ECD: Unknown -

cror.= m -

  • INVESTIGATION STATUS RECORD m: venous: .. so,, o to in co,nuneo wasa ar e.ficeni acumy h= acamd i . e-. or a se.n sory 30 eev.. if ae einnes h ca:u,v.d the day reportw*g penod, indats 'Ho Change'* in the astus tNocit. Keep the or6 pass wvth the caos fine and soms one copy to Headouarters, Offerse cf te*vestegstens OFFtCE 54 .eue,1(R CATEGOav

. . O.v,Ou4u Ce=su OI FIELD OFFICE O .On .ri o. .CTO.

REGION IV 4-84-039 x c-g g oja _

V . VENDOR E .OTHE4 SUSJECT SIG.etO TO COMANCHE PEAK: ALLEGED INTIMIDATION GRIFFIN smus u..; re..n,difoe DMOWLcf,,QNTROL INSPECTOR On August 1,1984, during an interview with the Comanche Peak Steam Electric (CPSES) Technical Review Team (TRT), a former Brown & Root, Inc. was Quality pressured Control by inspector at the CPSES alleged that in the Spring of for Brown & Root Quality Control supervisors to sign off S.

Quality The alleger Control saidMinspections subsequently that learnedoccurred that theprior tol@emoloyment .had signed at were the L not for the material represented by the documentation. Subsequently, during the fI first week of September 1984, a representative of the TRT infonned the Region IV  ;

01 Field Office of the allegation. ECD: Unknown DATE: September 30, 1984 - This investigation has been initiated.

Anticipate completion of this investigation during October / November 1984 time frame. ECD: Unknown .

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U.S. NUCLEAR C EEULATORY COM8ill&5loN INVESTIGATION STATUS RECORD INSTRUCTIC'; . in.6 'arn. es so be comp 6eted wheneve< ognefecsat activity has ocevned rel t E ce off oa, i repones of Invest. pe' sod, endicate "No Change" in the status Dioct. Keep the oreginal with the coa ive to e csw or at leset e pat.ons w file end send one copy to Headowa ters, Cast ~vwSEs C.T E Gon y

! Op s tCE o . o,ta.v G i.Cio. .

4-84-039 . .~omov.c t.C ~su I C ggc;g,sa ] . ...T..,.a.,uit 01 FIELD OFFICE REGION IV V VE dom i


{ DATE: Janua ry 31, 1985 -

during January / February 1985 time frame. ECD:

Investigation Anticipateremains completion in progress.

Unknown DATE: February 28, 2985 -

draft ROI during March Investigation 1985 time frame. is complete. Anticipate completion of ECD: April 12, 1985 DATE:

March 31, 1985 - Investigation is complete.

currently in final review process. ROI final is complete and is ECD: 4-30-85 i

l DATE: April 30, 1985 - Investigation is complete.

01:HQ this week. ECD: 5/85 Anticipate forwarding to D.'.T E : May 31, 1985 -

May 7, 1985 for final review.ThisECD: investigation, ROI was forwarded to OI:HQ on DATE: JUNE 28, 1985 - 6/85 THIS INVESTIGATION , ROI WAS FORWARDED ON TO OI:HQ MAY 7, 1985 FOR FINAL REVIEW.

ECD: 7/85 '

_. I DATE: July 31, 1985 -

May 7, 1985 for final review.This investigation, ROI was forwarded  : on to OI HQ ECD: 7/85 3

m _ _ - J