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Forwards List of Preoperational Tests & Other Items Which Must Be Completed to NRC Satisfaction,Per 860606 Request. Certain Fire Protection Const Activities Have Not Been Completed.Licensee Intends to Station Fire Watch
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook, 05000000
Issue date: 08/27/1986
From: Kane W
To: Novak T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20213F044 List:
FOIA-87-271 NUDOCS 8706080150
Download: ML20214R460 (2)


AUG 2 71986 i

Docket No. 50-443 MEMORANDUM FOR: Thomas M. Novak, Acting Director, Division of PWR Licensing-A, NRR FROM: William F. Kane, Director, Division of Reactor Projects, Region I


ATTACHMENT 1 TO M K STATION UNIT 1 OPERATING LICENSE As requested in your June 6,1986 memorandum, Region I is forwarding Attachment 1, " Work Items to be Completed," for incorporation into the Seabrook Station, Unit  :

1 Operating License, NFF-56. The enclosed attachment identifies preoperational tests and other items which must be completed to the NRC's satisfaction and iden-tifies required timing for their completion.

It should be noted that certain fire protection construction activities have not been completed (e.g., fire doors, sealant, conduit wrap, cable tray cover instal-lation, fire damper testing). The licensee has indicated their intention to sta-tion fire watches to compensate for these uncompleted activities. We understand NRR is considering removing fire protection requirements from the improved techni-cal specifications. In light of thi's, Region I recommends that Section 2.C.4 of the draft license be evaluated to determine the completeness and enforceability of all fire protection requirements.

Ofl8 M sign e g -

William F. Kane, Director Division of Reactor Projects


As Stated bec w/ enc 1:

A. Cerne T. Elsasser E. Wenzinger D. Haverkamp

! RI:D RI: P QI: I' i y W l Waverkamp/meo El{s er 0 Wenz nger d t

8/27/86 (y; g31 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY 8706080150 870602 l PDR FOIA j k


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ENCLOSURE ATTACHMENT 1 TO NPF-56 This attachment identifies preoperational tests and other items which must be com-pleted to NRC's satisfaction and identifies required timing for their completion.

1. Adopt final approved procedures for Modes 2 through 5 one week prior to en-i tering the mode for which they are required.
2. Prior to criticality:


a. Complete preoperational testing and test results review for the following modified systems and components:

(1) Emergency feedwater (ST-51, ST-53, ST-55).

(2) Steam dump and main steam isolation bypass valves (ST-55).

(3) Pressurizer power-operated relief valves (PT 40.1 test exception).

b. Provide satisfactory engineering solutions to outstanding construction deficiencies (10 CFR 50.55(e) reports). <
c. Reinspect for liner detachment problems in selected sections of the ser-vice water system piping which were repaired as part of a reported con-struction deficiency corrective action.

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