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Proposed Tech Specs Revising Section 6.2,Pages 6.2-6 & 6.2-7 Re Maint Procedures
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/30/1991
Shared Package
ML20066K254 List:
NUDOCS 9102050238
Download: ML20066K271 (7)


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4 Exhibit B Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant License Amendment Request Dated January 30, 1991 Proposed Changes Marked-up on Existing Technical Specification Pages Exhibit B consists of the existing Technical Specification pages with the proposed changes written on those pages. The existing pages affected by this License Amendment Request are listed below:

Pages TS.6.2-6 TS.6.2 7 9102050238 910130 PDR ADOCK 05000282 p PDR R ' .. _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ - - _ _ . _ . . - _ _ _ _ __

TS. 6. 2-6, , n . n.

3; $9 f.- Investigations of all Reportable Events and events requiring Speef al Reports to the Commission.

g. Drills on emergency procedures (including plant evacuation) and adequacy of communication with offsite support groups,
h. . All procedures required by these Technical Specifications, including implementing procedures of the Emergency Plan, and the Security Plan (except as exempted in Section 6.5.F) shall be reviewed initially l' and periodically with a frequency commensurate with their safety significance but at an interval of not more than two years. 4
1. - Special reviews and investigations, as requested by the Safety Audit Committee.
j. Review of investigative reports of unplanned releases of radioactive (

material to the environs.

k. All changes to the Process Control Program (PCP) and the Offsite Dose calculation Manual (ODCM).
5. . Authority The OC shall be advisory to the Plant Manager. In the event of a disagreement between the recommendations of the OC and the Plant Manager,


the course determined by the Plant Manager to be the more conservative j will be followed. A written summary of the disagreement will be sent J

to the General Manager Nuclear Plants and the Chairman of the SAC for review.

.6. P.ecords Minutes shall be recorded for all meetings of the OC and shall identify all documentary material reviewed. The minutes shall be distributed to each member of the OC, the Chairman and each member of the Safety Audit Committee, the General Manager Nuclear Plants and others designated by the OC Chairman or Vice Chairman.

'7. : Procedures A'vritten charter for the OC shall be prepared that contains:

a. Responsibility and authority of the group
b. Content and method of submission of presentations to the

-Operations Committee

c. Mechanism for scheduling meetings
d. Provision for meeting agenda


Maintenance work requests and their associated procedures shall be reviewed per the requirements of Section 6.2,C.

1. Thereviewofsafetyevaluations(whensafetyevalNtionsare required by 10 CFR Part 50, Section 50.59) for procedures or procedure changes to verify that such actions do not constitute an,/

unreviewed safety ~w

4 TS.6.2-7

e. Use of subcommittees
f. Review and approval, by members, of OC actions 9 Provision for distribution of minutes l

/ C. Maintenance Procedures

1. Maintenance work requests and their associated procedures required by specification 6.5.C and changes thereto, shall be prepared, reviewed and approved. Each procedure or procedure change shall be reviewed by a qualified individual (s) other than the individual (s) k who prepared the procedure or procedure change. The appropriate

\ superintendent (as previously designated by the Plant Manager) shall approve these procedures.

2. Individuals responsible for reviews performed in accordance with the requirements of specification 6.2.C.1 above shall meet or exceed the qualifications described in section 4.2 or 4,4 of ANSI N18,1 1971 I and shall be previously designated by the Plant Manager. Such reviews shall include a determination of whether or not additional cross disciplinary review is necessary.
3. All reviews shall include a determination of the need for a safety evaluation to establish whether or not an unreviewed safety question is invoh ed.


Exhibit C

-Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant License Amendment Request Dated January 30, 1991 REVISED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION PAGES Exhibit C consists of revised pages for the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Technical-Specifications with the proposed changes incorporated as listed below:

Pa r.e s TS viii TS.6.2 6 TS.6.2-7

3 9

4 4 i TS viii TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)

TS SECTION IITLE PAGE 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS TS.6.1 1 6,1 Organization TS.6.1-1 6.1 Review and Audit TS.6.2 1 A. Safety Audit Committee (SAC) TS.6.2-1

1. Membership '

TS.6.2 1

2. Qualifications TS.6.2-1
3. Meeting Frequency TS.6.2 2
4. Quorum TS 6.2-2
5. Responsibilities TS.6.2-2
6. Audit TS.6.2 3
7. Authority TS.6.2-4
8. Records TS 6.2-4
9. Procedures TS 6.2 4 B. Operations Committee (OC) TS.6.2 5
1. Membership TS.6.2-5
2. Meeting Frequency TS.6.2 5
3. Quorum TS.6.2 5
4. Responsibilities TS.6.2 5
5. Authority TS.6.2-6
6. Records TS.6.2-6
7. Procedured TS,6.2 6 C. Maintinance Procedures TS.6.2 7 l 6.3- Special Inspections and Audits TS.6.3 1 6.4 Safety Limit Violation TS.6.4 1 6.5 -Plant Operating Procedures TS.6.5-1 A. Plant Operations TS 6.5-1 B. Radiological TS.6.5-1 C. Maintenance and Test TS.6.5-3 D. Process Control Program (PCP) TS.6,5-3 E. Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) TS.6.5-4 F. Securtiy TS.6.5-4 G. Temporary Changes to Procedures TS.6.5-4 6.6 Plant Operating Records TS.6.6 1 A.-Records Retained for Five Years TS.6.6 1 B. Records Detained for the Life of the Plant TS 6.6 1-


'4's )

TS.6.2 6 i

f. Investi6 ations of all Reportable Events and events requiring J Special Reports to the Commission. [
g. . Drille en emergency procedures (including plant evacuation) and adequacy of commitnication with offsite support groups.
h. All procedures-required by these Technical Specifications, including implementing procedures of the Emergency Plan, and the Security Plan (except as exempted in Section 6.5.F), shall be <

reviewed initially and periodically with a frequency commensurate with their safety significance but at an interval of not more than two years. Maintenance work requests and their associated procedures shall be reviewed per the requirements of Section ,

6.2.C. I

1. Special reviews and investigations, as requested by the Safety  ;

Audit Committee. j

j. Review of investigative reports of unplanned releases of radioactive material to the environs,
k. All chan6es to the Process Control Program (PCP) and the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM).

i J1. The review of safety evaluations, when safety evaluations are  :

required by 10 CFR Part 50, Section 50.59, _ for procedures or i procedure changes to verify that such actions do not constitute an unreviewed safety question.

5. Authority The 0C shall be advisory to the Plant Manager. In the event of a disagreement between the recommendations of the OC and the Plant Manager, the course determined by'the Plant Manager to be the more conservative will be followed. A written summary of the-disagreement 7 vill be sent to the:Ceneral Manager Nuclear Plants and the Chairman of the SAC for review.  !
6. Records ,

Minutes shall'be recorded for all meetings of the 0C and shall'

-identify a11; documentary material reviewed. The minutes shall be ..

distributed toleach member of the OC, the Chairman and each member of

the Safety- Audit Committee, the General Manager Nuclear : Plants and
others designated by the 0C Chairman.or'Vice Chairman.
7. _ Procedures A written charter for the 0C shall be prepared that contains: l a.- Responsibility and authority of the group

+-  ;

-: y

. 4 TS.6.2 7-

b. Content and method of submission of presentations to the Operations Committee ,
c. Mechanism for scheduling meetings
d. Provision for meeting agenda C. -Maintenance-Procedures
1. Maintenance work requests and their associated procedures required by_

specification 6.5.0 and changes thereto, shall be prepared, reviewed and-approved. Each procedure or procedure change shall be reviewed by-a qualified-individual (s) other than the' individual (s)-who

_ prepared the procedure or procedure change. The appropriate superintendent (as previously designated by the Plant Manager) shall approve these-procedures.

2. ' Individuals.responsibleLfor reviews performed in accordance with the-requirements of specification 6.2.C.1 above shall meet or exceed the qualifications described in section 4.2 or'4.4 of ANSI N18.1 1971,and shall be previously designated by the Plant Manager. Such reviews shall include a determination of whether or not additional 'eross disciplinary review is-necessary.  ;
13. .All reviews shall-include a determination of-the need for a safety evaluation to establish whether or not an unreviewed safety question


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