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Non-proprietary Version of Rev 1 to Calculation MISC-PENG- CALC-064, Verification of ECCS Strainer Pressure Drops for Peach Bottom,Units 2 & 3
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Issue date: 04/27/1998
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. .. - . -. - ~. . - ~ -. . - - - - . . _ _

I Design Analysis Tide Page


Veri 6 cation of ECCS Strainer i ressure Droos for Peach Bottom Units 2 and 3 Document Number: NUSC PENG-CALC-064 Revision Nu:nber 01 Quabty Class:

3 QC l(Saferv-Related) C QC 2 Wot Safety-Related) C QC4 (Not Safety-Related) l

l. Appewalof CW Anatyas i

This Dengn Analvas is mmplete and ven8ed. Managemear authonzes the use ofits results. 1 Pnseed Nanne Sigmanare Date l

Coganzant Eaguacerts) Weiduo Yu QM k2.;7h l

Meser I l Bany Lubin DjQ, &)u/;g

'- t; - - Revwwerts) G orge Kanupka Mgd v 9/2.,/ts )

i t

Ma= & Appewai C. J. Gimbrone _--

E e Y /2.7/ft ,

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00 09/27/97 OngraalIssue A. Ostrov, G. Kogan G. Kanupka C. J. Gimbrone T.P. Jaeger R.E. Schneider 1

01 04/27/98 Page No. revisei Weiduo Yu G. Kanupka C.J. Gimbrone Bo# 3,4,5,6, 8,20,33,34

-Appedev III

-Appenduc IV

-Attachment A

.Attachtnent B i

I l

l i

I ABB Combustion Engineering N ' clear Power i

_ ._ _ _ _ _m._ . .- -, _ _ . _ _ ...__ _ _. - - _ _ _. _ __ _

MISC PENG-CALC-064, R0v. 01 Pag 2 3 of 52 ABSTRACT An analysis is i=foiird to detemune the pressure drops (AP's) through the stramer trains to be installed in the torus on the pump inlets of the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) and Core Spray (CS) systems at Peach Bottom Units 2 and 3. These pressure drops, from the inade the torus, through the strainer train and piping, and to the contamment penetration flange, are calculated for two strainer trains, an RHR train and a CS train, eight cases each. The cases' variables are water flow rate and temperature, and debris loading. The la'ter, which is assumed to consist of various amounts of fiber and corrosion pre ducts, is included in all, but one, cases.

This one case, called ' clean', assumes zero debris loading.

The analysis includes calculations o?taulic resistances due to friction and form changes and development of resistance networks which were input into the Nottingham computer code, along with equations for debris loading resistance vs.

flow rate. The code analysis yielded flow and pressure drop distnbution throughout the entire train for each case, including the total pressure drop.

The analysis demonstrates that in each design case with a maximum allowable pressure drop limit given, that limit is not exceeded. The results of the calculation are contained in Tables 3 and 4.

The purpose of the revision to this calculation is to determine the maximum allowable 6ber loading under revised head loss limit, flow rate, and design temperature for the RHR strainer trains. New head loss is also calculated for several cases of RHR and CS strainers under revised key parameters. Tables 3a and 4a show the revised results with detailed calculation in Appendix III.

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power


MISC-PENG-CALC-064, Rcy. 01 Pago 4 of- 52 l 1

l j i \


f SEC"ON No. Img PAGE No Cover Page 1 Record ofRevisions 2 1 Abstract 3

! Table ofContents 4 l



' 6 l 1.1 Objecnve 6 1.2 Scope 6 .

1.3 A== of Sinnhnt Ddan Channes 9 2.0 - REFERENCES 10 )

3.0 METHOD 12 3.1 Approach 12 3.2 Formul== and Eanadens 12

i. 3.2.1 Tee Spool 12

! 3.2.2 Module Exit Transition Zone 14 4.0 BASIC DATA AND ASSUMPTIONS 17 l 5.0


OF RESULTS 18 5.1 Original Head Loss Calculation With Nottingham Code 18 ,

5.2 Revised Calculation of Debris Loadings and Head Losses 20 l l 6.0 BODY OF CALCULATION 21 l 6.1 Test Module Resistance Coefficients 21 6.1.1 Comparison oftest and Plant Modules 21 6.1.2 Test Configuration Resistance Coefficients 21 6.2 RHR Train Pressure Droos 25 6.2.1 General 25 6.2.2 Resistance Coefficients and Resistances 27 o 2.3 Computer Analysis 33 6.2.4 Results for RHR Train 33 6.3 CS Train Pressure Droos 35 l

6.3.1 General 35 6.3.2 Resistance Coefficients and Resistances 35 Configuration 1 36 Configuration 2 20 Configuration 3 44 6.3.3 Computer Analysis 50 6.3.4 - Justification of Limiting CS Conriguration 51

! 6.3.5 Results for CS Tram 52 l

J l' ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC PENG-CALC-064. Rev. 01 Paga 5 of 52 APPENDIXI, Figures ( 8 pgs.)

APPENDIX II, Computer Input and Output (l 15 pgs.)

APPENDIX III, Revised CMadon of Debris Loadings and Head Losses ( 17 pgs.)

APPENDIX IV, Cnaw=~ fnput and Output for Bed Loss Calculanon ( 50 pgs.)

ATTACHMENT A. E-mail Messages From PECO with the Input of Revised Key Parameters ( 4 pgs.)

ATTACHMENT B, Determmanon ofMaxtmum Allowable Fiber Loadings (6 pgs.)

ATTACHMENT C, QA Documentanon (6 pgs.) l ATTACHMENT D, ABB Inter-OfEce Correspondence, ST-98-240, Rev. 00 (14 pgs.) i l



I Desnition of Cases for RHR Stramer Train 7 I 1

1a Revised Key Parameters for RHR Stramer Train 8 l 2 De6nnion of Cases for CS Stramer Train 7 2a Revised Key Parameters for CS Strairn Train 8 h

3 Pressure Drops Through RHR Stramer Train 19 3a Revised Pressure Drops Through RHR stramer Train 20 l 4 Pressure Drops Through CS Stramer Train 19 Ja Revised Pressure Drops Through CS Stramer Train 20 1 5 RHR Train Resistances, k/A2 34

6. Comparison of CS Train Resistances for One Case 48 i 7 CS Train Resistances, k/A - 49 I

J LIST OF FIGL7ES IN APPESDIX I FIGURE No. I[ILg I-l RHR Train Condguranon I-2 CS Train Con 6gurations I-3 Tee Spool I-4 Remstance Network for RHR Train I-5 Resistance Network for CS Trains 1 and 2 I-6 Resistance Network for CS Train 3 I-7 Test Condguration ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

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WSC-PENG-CALC-064 Rsv. 01 Paga 6 of 52 I

l.0 INTRODUCTION l.1 Obiective This e= lent =* ion venfies the pressure drops (AP's) through the stramer trams to be installed in the torus on the pump inlets of the Rendual Heat Removal (RHR) and Core Spray (CS) systems at Peach Bottom Units 2 and 3 that were determmed in the sizmg calenlation, Reference 2.1. These pressure drops, from inside the torus, through the strainer train and piping, and to the contamment penetration flange, were calculated in Reference 2.1 for two train configurations, eight cases each, using simplified methodology and assumptions. The objective of the subject calculation is to calculate these pressure drops independently of Reference 2.1, using test results, a more sophisticated analytical method, and more representative hydraulic resistance coefficients. In particular, the calculation will account for:

e the results obtained during testing of a representative strainer module by EPRI; e the actual flow distribution among the modules, using the Nottingham computer code; e the pressure losses associated with the tum from radial flow through the perforated screen corrugations to axial flow through the module; and e a specific model for calculating resistance coefficients in a tee with merpng l


f l The calculation is performed in accordance with a request per Reference 2.2. ,


The purpose of the revision to this calculation is to determme the maximum allowable 6ber loadings under revised key parameters, and to calculate the new head losses for strainer cases with revised parameters. This revision is performed with a request from PECO per Attachment A. >


.2 Scope This calculation is applicable to PECO Energy's Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units l 2 and 3. Each unit has four RHR stnuner trams and four CS stramer trams, per the Stramer l Data Sheet, R,Lmce 2.1, pg. 9. All RHR trains are similar; as a result. one RHR j configuration was analyzed in Reference 2.1. The CS trains have three different l configuranons. Reference 2.1 analyzed only one configuration, which was identified therem as a CS configuration with a greatest pressure drop.

The subject calculation analyzes the same RHR con 6guration and cases as in Reference 2.1 (see Table I and Figure I-1). With respect to the CS trains Wigure I-2), however, analysis is first performed for one case for each of the three con 6gurations to identify the con 6guration with a greatest AP. Then this limiting con 6guration is analyzed for all other cases (see Table l 2).

! ~

l ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power l

MISC-PENG-CALC-064, Rcv. 01 Paga 7 of 52 TABLE 1. De6nition of Cases for RHR Strainer Train I Debns laadmg, ibm  !

Condinon now Rate t 'F gpm Fiber Corromon j Design Case A:

Full case lossng, cariv acrvient short 11,100  !!59 517 213  ;

term. fbil Dow hot and cold cmdinons 11.100 1159 537 100 l Desaga Case 5: j Full case lon&ng, long term, re& aced 9.500 1159 537 213  !

Gow, hot ad cold condanons 0.500 1159 537 100 l Clama Case:

Full Gow, mid con &tions, mumnal 11,100 0' 0 100 IJesastas Case:  ;

Base case loadas, long term. reduced 9.500 451 537 213 Ocw. hot and cold constras 9.500 451 537 '00 Scruse Collapse: ,

Full case losame, poman m 10 mmunes. 11.100 510 236 100 fall Cow. cold canainons Note: The table is per Reference 2.1, Section 6.1, except for j the clean case debris loading, which is assund. to be zero. '

TABLE 2. De6nition of Cases for CS Stramer Train Debns I narting, Ibm .

Condinon Flow Rate L 'F I gpm Fiber Corrosion  !

Dasaga Case A:  ! l l Full case Inanma cariv xetdent. mort l J030 l 420 j 195 l

, 213 <

term. dall Dow. tot ana cord condicons 4030 2:0 '05

. 'CO Dasaga Case B:  ;  ; j Full case in=tmg long term, :asuced I L125 l 420 s !95 213 l Gow. hot and cold ccaximons l 1125 I 420 I 195 '00 l

Cleme Case Full Dow, ' cold consnes, mmimal 4.030 0 0 100 dehns IJcessang Case:

Base case icadas, long term. reauced 3.125 165 195 213 flow, hot and cuid comagnons 1125 165 195 100 Scrusa Collapse:

Full came loades, pornan m 10 mmunes. , 4.030 185 86 100 fall Cow. cold common.

Note: The table is per Reference 2.1, Section 6.2, except for the clean case debris loading, which is assumed to be zero.

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

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MISC-PENG-CALC-064 R v. 01 Paga 8 of 52 A

As shown in Attachment A. PECO provided revised key parameters for the Peach Bottom i

stramers, on which the new calculation of maximum allowable debris loading is based. The following two tables list all the strainer cases which are involved with parameter changes.

Ttble la. Revised Key Parameters for RHR Stramer Trams 3

Detms i naden( lbm Condition Flow Rate L 'F gym Fiber Cormnon Desga Case A:

. Full case loades, early accident. short 11,100 (?) 537 205 7 "

j term. Adi Gow, hot and cold condinons 11.100 m 537 100 Desga Case 3:

Fuu case loedsag, long fam, reduced 10.000" (?) 537 205.7 "

2 Gow, hot and cold corxhoons 10.0003 M 537 :00

l. Uceastag Case : i Base case loedag, long tam. redumd 10.000$3 451 537 205.7 " l

, How. bot arr.1 cold cendations !0.000'3 451 537 '. 00  :

i  !

Table 2a. Revised Key Parameters for CS Stramer Trains 1

Detms I anding Ibm Condition Flow Rate t 'F gpm Fiber Conomon l Desaga Case A: i Full case loadms, early accident. short 4030 420 195 205?"

I term. Adl Dow. hot and cold condinons I i Desaga Case 8: 1

Full case Inadme. long term, ered i 420 ;05.-"

2.125 195 ,

Gow. bot and cold ccmainons Ucessang Case :

Base case Inanme :eng term. runrrd 1 .125 , :65 .94

'05 -"

Sow. bot and cold condicons  ! I Note: (1) 213 previously; (2) 9,500 previously;

(?) fiber loading linut needs to be determined based on resised ,

key parameters.  !

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

j MISC-PENG-CALC-064, Rcv. 01 Pag 3 9 of 52

!4 1.3 Assessment of Sioninemm Deaion Channes The analysis documented in this calculation was intended to independently verify the results of Rd ..c. utilmng a more sophisticated method and a number of different assumpoons. The following summanzes the attnbutes of the subject analysis which differ from Reference 2.1:

1. use of a reduced correction factor in calculation of ' bed' hydraulic resistance; jneinceian is provided in Reference 2.5;
2. ' use of the Nos hsT. computer code, which generates actual Bow distribution l throughout the train and calculates pressure drops based on this actual Bow distnbunon,
3. performance of several iterations for each case to achieve How balance, updating kw which is used as a function of Bow rate, and other Scw-dependent resistance coe5cienu for eachiteration:
4. use of more conservauve models to calculate some resistance coerTicients; and
5. accounting for resistance due to Sow tum from radial in the corrugations to axial through the module, that was not included in Reference 2.1. -

Each of these factors either incre. sed or decreased the values calculated in Reference 2.1.

The net etTect, however, turned out to be small, with the exception of the ' clean' case in both RER and CS con 6gurations. The pressure drop in each ' clean' case increased. due to the L factors in items 4 and 5. These factors arrect all other cases as well, but their relative l contnbution is much smaller, because the total resistance is ' bed'-controlled. due to a signi6cantly higher resistance coe5cient.

l The most imponant conclusion is that both the suoiect calculanon and Reference 2.1 produce L results that sausfy the maximum allowaole pressure drop entena.

t l

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I ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power P

MISC-PENG-CALC-064, R;v 01 Pag 310 of 52



2.1 ABB CENO Calculation 499-NOME-CALC-0075, Rev. 02, " Peach Bottom ECCS -

Stramer Sizing for Debris Loading and Pressure Drops, August 18,1997.

2.2 ABB CENO Internal Memo NOME 97-0641, " Scope of Work for Peach Bottom ECCS Stramer Pressure Drop Calculanon", D. Sibiga to C. Cnmbrone, September 26,1997 2.3 Continuum Dynarmca, Inc., Technical Report No. 97-10. Revision 01, " Data Report for ABB 'Ihird Prototype Stramers with Fiber and Corrosion Products", November,1997 2.4 ABB CENO Calculanon MISC-PENG-CALC-062, Rev. 00, " Evaluation of Predictions and Data for Prototype Stramer", September 26,1997.

2.5 ABB CENO Chia 4n MISC-PENG-CALC-063, Rev. 00, " Head Loss Coef5cients for PECO Stramer Modules', September 26,1997. (Table 4 from this reference is included in Attachment A.)

2.6 ABB CENO Intemal Memo NOME-97-499-0607, "ABB ECCS Strainer - EPRI Test Configuration", K.A. Mamn to A. A. Ostrov, September 5,1997.

2.7 ABB CENO Drawing E-STR-908-003, Rev. 01, "Stramer Assy & Details 045" Model",

Sheets 1 thru 4. .

2.8 ABB CENO Drawing E-2007085-908-008. Rev. 03, " Peach Bottom Units 2 & 3 RHR Stramer Module General Arrangement".

2.9 ABB CENO Drawing E-2007085-908-007, Rev. 03, " Peach Bottom Units 2 & 3 RHR Strainer Module Assy", Sheets 1 and 2.

2.10 ABB CENO Drawing E-2007085-908-010. Rev. 04. " Peach Bottom Cruts 2 & 3 CS Strainer Modules General Arrangement' 2.11 ABB CENO Drawing E-2007085-908-009, Rev. 03, " Peach Bottom Units 2 & 3 CS Stramer Module Assy', Sheets 1 and 2.

2.12 ABB CENO Drawing E-2007085-908-006, Rev. 02, " Peach Bottom Units 2 & 3 RHR and CS Stramer Detads", Sheets I thru 3.

2.13 ABB CENO Drawing E-2007085-908-011. Rev. 01," Peach Bottom Unit 3 ECCS Stramer Interconnecung Pipe Spools", Sheets 1 thru 4.

2.14 SWEC Drawing M-4855. Rev. O, "RHR Stramer 3BS769 Anangement Reactor Building Area 15 EL 94"-6" Unit 3", Sheet 1. DGN 8/16/97.

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC PENG-CALC-064, Rcy. 01 Paga 11 of 52 2.15 SWEC Drawing M-4856, Rev. 0, "RHR Strainer 3DS769 Arrangement Reactor Building l Area 15 EL 94"-6" Unit 3", Sheet 1, DGN 8/16/97.

2.16 SWEC Drawing M-4857, Rev. 0, "RHR Stramer 3 AS769 Arrangement Reactor Building Area 15 EL 94"-6" Unit 3", Sheet 1, DGN 8/16/97.

2.17 SWEC Drawing M-4858, Rev. O, "RHR Strainer 3CS769 Arrangement Reactor Buildmg j Area 15 EL 94"-6" Unit 3", Sheet 1, DGN 8/16/97.

2.18 SWEC Drawmg M-4859, Rev. O, " Core Spray Stamer 3DS763 Arrangement Reactor Buildmg Area 16 EL 94"-6" Unit 3", Sheet 1, DGN 8/16/97.

2.19 SWEC Drawmg M-4860, Rev. O, " Core Spray Stramer 3BS763 Arrangement Reactor l Building Area 16 EL 94"-6" Unit 3", Sheet 1, DGN 8/16/97.

2.20 SWEC Drawing M-4861, Rev. O, " Core Spray Stramer 3AS763 & 3CS763 Arrangement Reactor Building Area 16 EL 94"-6" Unit 3", Sheet 1, DGN 8/16/97.

2.21 Flow of Fluids through Valves. Fittings, and Pipe, Crane Technical Paper No. 410,1979.

2.22 Handbook ofHydraulic Resistance, I. E. Idelchik, Second Edition.

2 2.23 ASME Steam Tables, Third Edition.

2.24 NAVCO Piping Datalog, Edition No. I1,1984. I 2.25 Software Verification and Validation Report V&V-CPE-074, Rev. 00, " Computer Program Nottingham, Version 1, Mod.1. March 2,1992. (V&V Report cover page is includedin Attachment A.)

2.25 ABB CENO Calculation MISC-PENG-CALC-059. Rev. 00. Model for Sizing and Evaluaung Performance of BWR Replacement Stramers with Pleated Surfaces'. B. Lucin. l July 25,1997 ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC PENG-CALC-064, R:.v. 01 Pag] 12 of 52 3.0 METHOD 3.1 Anoroach 3

L 3.2 Formul== and Eanadons Below are formulas and equations used to calculate resistance coetEcients for some common elements 3.2.1 Tee Spool This loss is due to two countercurrent streams merging in a tee spool with a sharp 90' turn. ,

This geometry is found in the RHR train tee spools 3BS769-A. 3DS769-A. 3AS769-A.

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

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- MISC-PENG-CALC-064. R;v. 01 Pag 313 of 52


! and 3CS769-A, per References 2,14 thru 2.17, respecuvely, and in the CS train :ee spools 3 AS763-A and 3CS763-B, per Reference 2.20.

1 Diagram 7-23 from Reference 2.22 (pg. 371) is applicable to this case. (This diagram is i l '

included in Attachment A.)In the sketch below:

F - cross-sectional area, Q - flow rate Subscripts: Is - side branch 1, 2s - side branch 2, c - common channel 1 i l


, 1 i Tee Spool '

Branch 2 F,s F'l Branch I h2s his Fc Qe 1

  • Channel 1-Resistance coerficient for branch 1, with respect :o F: ifor branch 2, suosenpt 1 is to be replaced by 2):
to = 1-(b) -3(b)
l(b); h)i Equation i Es I s . Q< Qe .

Equation I can be used for various ratios of the areas. IfF.= Fi, = F_,, Equation 1 becomes:


io = 2 - 31 (b'.) - (b) i Equation Ia

. Qa Qc .

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

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i MISC-PENG-CALC-064, Rcy. 01 Pags 14 of 52 4

Using Equation la, ( 's are calculated for both branches and a range of QsQ. ratios. Note  !

l that Qi,- Q2. = Q . Also note that the resistance coetlicient function is symmetrical around  ;

Q/Q. = 0.5, e. g., Qu @ Qw Q =0.1 is equal to 6 @ QuQ. = 0.9. i Qt/Q. = 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 .

, Q:/Q. = 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 l

6 = 1.73 1.52 1.37 1.28 1.25 1.28 1.37 1.52 1.73 3

6 = 1.73 1.52 1.37 1.28 1.25 1.28 1.37 1.52 1.73

3.2.2 Module Exit Transition Zone l This loss is due to sudden contraction from the module axial Bow area to the Sange  !

! opening and sudden enlargement to (a) the next module axial Bow area or (b) the cross- l sectional area of the adjacent spool. Or it is due to a suddenn contraction from the spool I j

j area to the Sange openmg and sudden enlargement to the next module axial Bow area l 3

(connguration (c)). Due to a small single Bange thickness (1.75 inches max.), friction j losses in the 8anges are neglected even for two adjacent Banges (3.5 inches max.)

f Con 6guration (a) is found in any strainer module followed by another module. 1

! Con 6guration (b) is found in a module followed by a spool. Con 6guration (c) is found in i the CS train per Refsence 2.19 4

This geometry is considered as an ori6ce and is best addressed in Diagram 4 -12 from Reference 2.22 (pg.169). (This diagram is included in Attachment A.)


4 j orifice i

i F1
F: Fo I m,
I  :

I ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC-PENG-CALC-064, Rcy. 01 Pag 315 of 52 The equation below is applicable to a thick-edged onsce (1/D5 > 0.015) installed in a transition section and R. >10'. The applicability of the equation is verified below.


( = 0.5(1 ' !.) + (12.- F- ):r 1- F 2- 1 )+i I (1-F.F Equation 2 F, F: F, D, Note: The actual equation in Diagram 4-12 contains coefficient

'0.05' (vs. '0.5') and subscript '2' (vs l') in the denonunator under the square root. These were veri 6ed to be typo's.

In the equation:

F - cross sectional area Subscripts: 1 - upstream, 0 - ori6ce, 2 - downstream Ds - orifice hydraube diameter in this case, it is the dange ID; for all Gange thicknesses, ID is constant at 14.5 inches, per Reference 2.12

= til/IA)

A. - friction factor (same as 'f'): detemuned from pg. A-25, Reference 2.21, at ID=14.5 inches and applicable R.,

1- orifice thickness: in this case it varies from a single flange thickness of 1.0 inch to a double-flange thickness of 3.5 inches. -

t/Dw= 1.0714.5 to 3.5714.5" 1/Ds= 0.%9 to 0.241 Since 1/D5 > 0.015 for all thicknesses, Diagram 4-12 is applicable.

A range of R. numbers is calculated to deternune the applicability of Equation 2. The following form ofEquation 3-3, Reference 2.21, pg. 3-2, is used:

R = 50.6 Equation 3 du 3

where Q - dow rate, gpm, p - speci6c density, Ibnvft , d - hydraulic diameter, inches. and

- absolute viscosity, centipoise.

As R. numbers will have to be needed throughout this calculation. Equation 3 is further simpli6ed by accountmg for the conditions in assumption 4 4 (the test condition is also included for further reference):

3 82.5*F,

~ R. = 50.6 = 3,934 Q/d Equanon 3a d(0.8) i l

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I ABB Cornbustion Engineering Nuclear Power  !

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MISC-PENG-CALC-064 Rcv. 01 Pag 316 of 52 f


@100*F, A = 50.6 Q(62.0) = 4,573 Q/d Equation 3b l d(0.686)

@213*F, Q(59.79) =

A = 50.6 10.883 Q/d Equation 3c d(0.278)

Renew of the Sow distributions in Appendix [I indicates that axial flow rate through a module (and flange) can be as low as 830 gpm. This value was calculated for the RHR

' clean' case, which showed 7 5% of a total of 11,100 gpm for one of the modules. For the flange ID of14.5 inches, which is assumed as the reference area, A is as follows:

@100*F, A = (4,573) (830) / (14.5) = 2.6 x 10' 8

@213*F, A = (10,883)(830) / (14.5) = 6.2 x 10 8

Since A > 10, Diagram 4-12 and Equation 2 are applicable.

= tTl/Ds), per Diagram 4-12. For 1/Ds= 0.M9 to 0.241. : = 1.305 to 1.195.

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ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC-PENG-CALC-064 Rcv. 01 Paga 17 of 52 40 BASIC DATA AND ASSUMPTIONS 4.1 The stramer module tested during the EPRI testing is essentially similar to the modules comprising the RHR and CS trains at the plant, with some exceptions. Accordingly, the test data documented in Reference 2.3 and reduced in Reference 2.4 provides a basis for

  • bsg reestance coefficients for the plant stramers The original test stramer module was manufactured per Reference 2.7, as indicated in Reference 2.6. The latter also states that the test module was moddied for the latest test series, as indicated in the Purchase Order attached therein. This latest test series is documented in Reference 2.3. The dd!e' rences between the test and plant modules will be taken into account in the application of the test results (see Subsecuon 6.1.1).

4.2 The resistance coedicients for the ' bed"(the layer of debris) are per Reference 2.5, Table 4, where these are expressed as a function of flow rate through the screen for each case under consideration. The table is included in Attachment A. The equations are included directly onto the resistance network and then adjusted through iterations.

4.3 The cases presented in Tables 1 and 2 are analysed. Only t!ean" case in both the RHR and CS trams does not have resistance associated with ' bed", as the calculation assumes there is no debris loadmg.

4.4 Two fluid temperatures are considered dependmg on the case: 100 F and 213*F. D e testing was performed at 82.5'F, as indicated in Reference 2.3. The fluid properties for these temperatures, per Reference 2.23, pgs. 86 and 131, except as indicated, are summanzed below, assummg atmospheric pressure. The actual pressure is below atmospheric and wateris subcooled t, *F v, d'/lbm p, Ibm /d 3 , centipoise temper soecide volume density absolute viscosity 32.5 0.01608 62.19 0.800. per Ref.121. pg. A-3 100 0.01613 62.00 0.686. per Ref. 2.1. pg. 27 213 0.016726 59.79 0.278, per Ref. 2.1, pg. 27 4.5 The maxunum allowable pressure drops are 7.6 ft of water for RHR Tram Design Case B and Licensmg Case, and 6.0 ft of water for CS Train Design Case B and Licensing Case (all at 213*F). These hauts are per the Strainer Data Sheet, Reference 2.1, pg. 9 46 Flow through the flange screened openmgs in the end modules is not credited. due to the small area as compared to the modules' screen area.

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MISC-PENG-CALC-064. Rcy. 01 Pag 318 of 52 5.0


OF RESUI TS 51 Original Head Loss Calculation With Nottingham Code The results of this calculation are presented in Tables 3 and 4. For each case, a total pressure drop through the module train is provided, along with the maximum allowable per the design sp+iMvi, where apphcable Each case is accompanied by a CD-ROM file No., which contains the associated computer code input and output gene:ated by the Nottingham compu:er code. The code was utilized to generate flow distnbution throughout each train and m1ml* branch and total AP's, based upon the appudde hydrauhc resistance network.

The networks are provided in Figures I-4, I-5, and I-6. The train configuranons are provided in Figures I-l and I-2. Appendix II contains complete input and output data for each case.

The pressure drops in Tables 3 and 4 are the total pressure drops, which melude those through the ' bed' (or a layer of debris consastmg of fiber and corrosion products), if epgesie, and through the modules, spools and piping. Due to uneven flow distnbutic,n through the modules, the pressure drops through the ' bed' vary from module to module withm each case. As a result, it was not feasible to present the pressure drops through the

' bed' and the rest of the trams separately, as was presented in Reference 2.1. To determme the ' bed's effect, the ' bed' pmsure drops through each module should be evaluated with respect to the total pressure drop for the train.

Tables 3 and 4 show that the maximum allowable pressure drops are not exceeded all cases where applicable.

The computer files contammg the inputs and outputs for each of 18 cases (eight for the RHR train and ten for the CS train) run are maintained on the Core Analysis computer network according to the following listing:

JOB ID DATE DESCRIPTION es2hv6w2 09-23-97 Thr cases input' es2bxiB4 09 23 97 'rhr cases output' es2bypab 09-23 97 'es cases input' es2bztci 09-23-97 'es cases output' Note : Two additional cases for the CS tram were performed to identify the limiting CS train con 6guration i

Computer input and output are in the following directory: misc _peng/0064r00/out Computer Codes used: NOTTINGHAM Ver.1. Mod.1 (Reference 2.25). The code inputs and outputs are also included with this calculation (see Appendix II) and in the CD-ROM format c

ABS Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC-PENG-CALC-064, R;v. 01 Pag 319 of 52 1

l l

I l

l l

l l

l l


" Note to Tables 3 and 4; l (1) See Table I for the case definition.

l (2) See Table 2 for the case desnition.

2 2 i (3) M (ft) = (144 in /ft XAP, psi) / (p, IbnytY):

M = 144 AP/(62.0) = (2.323XAP) @100F M =144 AP/(59 79)=t2.408 KAP) @213'F l

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power i.

-- . - . - . . .- - - . ~ -..- - ~. - . - . - - , . -

MISC-PENG-CALC-064, R:v. 01 Pcg3 20 of 52


5.2 Revised Calculation of Debris Loadings and Head Losses (Refer to Appendix HI For i l  !

Details) i

! (1) Under the revised head loss limit, flow rate, and design temperature, the maxunum allowable fiber loadmg was found to be 1026 lbm for RHR Design Case B.  !

l l

(2) Tables 3a and 4a list the revised pressure drops for cases listed in Tables la and 2a.

7 t

i l

l l

l l


! Tables 3a and 4a show the maximum allowable pressure drops are not exceeded in all cases I

where applicable.

Table 3a also lists the total head loss from the single-module side to venfv that losses from


I both sides are approxunately equal (typical variations are within 5%).

The results for the other cases listed in Tables 3 and 4, but not listed in Tables 3a and 4a. are not affected since there are no changes in the flow rates, temperatures and debris loadings. ,

I There are nether internal nor external contingencies or assumptions in this design analysis.

l I

i-4 f

i ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

l MISC PENG-CALC 064. R v. 01 Pap 21 of 52 6.0 BODY OF CALCULATION l 6.1 Test Module Resistance Coe6cients f

6.1.1 Comparison of Test and Plant Modules l The following factors are accounted for in the application of the test data (see

! assumption 4.1) - 1

a) Screen cortugation geometries, including the hole diameter and pitch, are identical in the test and plant modules.

l b) Module lengths, without the end flanges, are as.follows:  ;

1 RHRtrain - 52 inches

, CS train - 41 inches l Test module - 48 inches I c) Cruciform thicknesses are 0.75 inches in the plant modules and 0.375 inches in the tested module.


d) Fluid temperatures are

1 82.5 *F in the test module i 100 F and 213*F in the plant modules.

l 6.1.2 Test Condguration Resistance Coe5cients This section calculates the resistance coe5cients for the test condeuration and separates those that are ass"med to be identical for both the test and plant

! condeurations. Note that the bed' coe5cients are not herein considered.

( Reference 2.4 provides a total 'k' factor for the test consguration with zero debris loading. The value, kw = 1.87 has a standard deviation of -0.3 and appears to be l

relatively constant over the entire range of flow rates. The reference area, .b = 1.15 2

ft , is equal to the flow cross-section in axial direction (see An.,, calculated below under item 5). This 'k' factor was calculated in Reference 2.4, based upon ap measurements taken between the inside of the vessel filled with water, in which the test sample was placed, and the blank flange on the tee attached to the module (see Figure I-7). A

nominal value of k. = 1.87 is used in this analysis. This total resistance coedcient is l assumed to be comprised of the following resistances


1. passage through the perforated screen in the module i friction in the screen corrugations in the module
3. turn from radial to axial flow in the module ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

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l MISC-PENG-CALC-064, Rcv. 01 Paga 22 of 52

4. friction in the axial direction in the module
5. module exit transition zone
6. friction in the tee.

Due to close similarity between the perforated screen, corrugations, and turn geometries of the test and plant modules (see Subsection 6.1.1), a combination resistance coescient ofitems 1, 2, and 3 above is assumed to be equal to that in the plant modules, even though the module lengths are different. The reason for this assumption is that the difference in the lengths will be accounted for in the friction

, coefficient in the axial direction (see item 4 above). Due to a complex nature of this l coefficient, it will be calculated indirectly, i.e., by subtracting the calculated values for

! items 4, 5, and 6 from the total value.  ;

i l Calculation ofTrem t for test module - fricnon in axialdirection l

l Axial flow cross-section outer boundary is assumed to be at the inside of the longitudinal screen supports (References 2.8 thru 2.12), which form a circumference of i 15 inches diameter. The inner boundary is formed by the cruciform and two half-

! cruciforms. This resistance coefficient is calculated for a determmed hydraulic diameter, D5 and equivalent UD which accounts for the cutouts in the cruciforms. The method

! for calculating b is consistent with that in Reference 2.1, pgs. 21-24. The following parameters are calculated for use in the calculation of b. '

l- Flow cross-sectional area: An = (x)(15 in)2/ (4) - (0.375 in)(15+15-0.375, in) 0 U l flow area @ area lost due to cruciform

! support's ID (assumed full length without cutouts)

Ano. = 176.71 in - 11.11 in = 165.6 in = 1.15 tY Wetted perimeter: P. = (8)(7 5 inn -i 12)(0.75 int v &

8 sides of 12 longitudinal screen supports i cruciform l P. = 60 in - 9 in = 69 in = 5.75 ft Note
The circumferential ribs are assumed to have negligible area for friction and are, therefore, neglected.

Hydraulic diameter: Dg = (4)(Ano.)/(P.) = (4)(165.6 in ) / (69 in) = 9.6 in = 0.8 f1 Cruciform surface: S., = 2A - 4B - :C. See the sketch below, which is based on

Reference 2.7.

, ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC-PENG-CALC-064, Rev. 01 Paga 23 of 52

! #  % i l

l l l

l l l


- W tan O = (l5.38-2.0, in) / (l 1.66 in) = 1.1475 m O = 48.93* .-

b = (5.88 in) / tan O = 5.12 in c = (0.5)(15.0-6.0, in) / tan O = 3.92 in a = 47 in - (2)(5.12+3.92, in) = 28.92 in d = (0.5)(15.04 0, in) / sin O = (4.5 in) / 0.7539 = 6.0 in s A = (4 in)(4.5 in; = 18 in B = (4 t}0 (6 in) = 24 in C = t0.5)(a - 23.68. in)(3 in) = (0.5)(28.92 - 23.68. inh 3 in) = ~S.9 in 2

S = 2A + 4B + 2C = (2)(l8 in ) -(4X24 in )-(2)(78.9 in )

S = 36 + 96 + 157.8, in = 289.8 in Effective crucifonn length. L.,, and (IJD), are determined using equanons from Reference 2.1 for the plant installation:

Loa = (LXSsSw) = (47 in)[289.8 in /(47 inX15 in)) = 19.32 in l (UD), = L.,Du + (LDisXAa /Ats)2 ,


e l

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

1 MISC-PENG-CALC-064, Rcy. 01 Paga 24 of 52 L,, = 48 in, module length without the tlanges. per Reference 2.7 Du = 15 in, flow area outer diameter Au = (x)(15 in)2 /(4) = 176.71 in = 1.227 ft*, flow area corresponding to Du, with no obstructions.

I (UD), = (19.32 in / 9.6 in) - (48 in / 15 in)(165.6 in /176.71 in/ I (UD), = 2.01 - 2.82 = 4.83 ,

1 R.= 3,934 Q/d , per Equation 3a Determine R. for a range of flow rates between 1500 - 8000 gpm:

@ 1500 gpm. R.= (3934)(1500)/15 = 0.393 x 10'

% 8000 gpm, R.= (3934)(8000)/15 = 2.1 x 10' At the above R.'s and Ds = 9.6 in. -the resulting friction factor is 0.0158 and 0.0138, respectively, per Reference 2.21, pg. A-25. Since T does not change signi6cantly, one T value is assumed: f = 0.015.

Finally, lo = f(UD), = (0.015)(4.83) = 0.0725, with reference area A. = 1.15 fb Calculation ofitem 5 for test module - module ent transinon :one Axial flow through the module is assumed to be bounded on the outside by the longitudinal screen supports, which form a circumference of 15 inches in diameter isee item (4)). In the end flange, the flow goes thru sudden contraction from the above cross-sectional area to the tlange opening and then sudden expansion m the :ee.

Equation 2. per Subsection 3.2.2 is used:

F C k s= q = 0.5(1 2) + F (1 l) - r I 2' (1 2)- ). I F, F. y F; F: D, where:

Fv7 = [x(de) /4) / [x(di); /4] = 1dddi); = (14 fin /15 inf = 0.9344 Fo/F2 = (ddd2) = (14.5in/23in)2 = 0.3974 1/Ds = 1.25"/14.5" = 0.086 >  : = 1.29 @ 1/Ds = 0.086 i

. where l=1.25". flange thickness, pet deference 2.7.

i ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

- ~ .

i MISC-PENG-CALC-064. Rcv. 01 Pag 3 25 cf 52 A is friction factor (same as T) = 0.015, see above ks = (0.5)(l-0.9344) - (l-0.3974) - (l.29) [1 0.9344]"' (1-0 3974) - (0.015)(0 086) ks = 0.0328 + 0.3631 - 0.1991 - 0.0013 = 0.5963, with respect to a reference area corresponding to flange ID=14.5 inches, or A5

= x(14.5 in / (12 in/ft)2j 4 g, g47 g2 Adjusted to the test reference area, A = 1.15 R2, ks = 0.5963 (A /As)2 = 0.5963 (l.15 /1.147)2 = 0.5994 Calculation ofiter,r 6 for test module - friction in tee k4 = [fL/(D)](A JA4) where: f = 0 015 (see above) i L= 23", per Figure I-7 j D = tee ID = 23", per Figure I-7 2

A4 = (x)(23 in / (12 in/ft)2/4 = 2.885 ft 2

With respect to A = 1.15 R ,

l k4 = [(0.015)(23 in)/(23 in)] (!.15/ 2.885)2 = 0.0024 l

Calculation ofResistance CoefRcient for Screen for Test Module l l

A sum ofitems 4, 5, and 6 is subtracted from km = 1.87 to obtain kx,m. I kx, = 1.87 - i k4 - ks -ke) = 1.37 -40.0725 - 0.5994 - 0 00:4) = ! 1957 k includes the following items from the list provided Subsection 6.1.2.

1. passage through the perforated screen in the module
2. friction in the screen corrugations in the module
3. turn from radial to axial flow in the module This factor will be used in the development of the resistance network. The reference area for k is A = 1.15 fl 2as indicated earlier. Thus for the test module, (k/ Aim 2

= (1.1957)/(1.15 ft )2 = 0.9041 fr' which is fully applicable to the plant modules.

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC-PENG CALC-064, Rcy. 01 Pago 26 of 52 62 RHR Train Pressure Droos 62.1 General This section, first, identifies all the resistances in the RHR train, calculates the resistance coefHeients along with their reference areas, and develops the hydraulic resistance network for Nottingham runs. Then the Nottingham outputs are evaluated to determine whether the resulting flow rates through the branches differ from those assumed in the calculations of the flow-dependent resistance coefficients. If the difference is significant, the 'k' factors are revised for the next Nottmgham run (next iteration), until a good correlation is obtamed. The total train's pressure drop in the last computer run is the final result for the case. Note that the pressure drops in the Nottingham outputs are in ' psi' they are later converted to 'ft of water' for inclusion in Table 3.

The strainer train operates as follows: Water enters each module through a layer of debris, consisting of fiber and corrosion products (for all but ' clean' cases), and the screen, passes through the corrugations, makes a turn. passes through the flanges, enters the next module, where it is combined with the next module's water flow, etc.,

until the total flow enters the tee spool, turns, and passes through the piping run to the pump suction. Water also enters the end flanges' screened opemngs, but this effect is assumed to be zero, because the flow area is negligible as compared with the main screen surface.

In the RHR train, the following resistances are identified for each module:

1. the ' bed', or a layer of debris loading, kw
2. the screen, friction in the radial direction, and turn from radial to axial flow.

- k ,,,,

3. friction in the axial direction. ken.

1 the exit transition zone. which is comprised of sudden contraction from the riow area to the exit tlange opemng and sudden expansion to the next module, or spool, tiow area, k,..

t Note that items I and 2 are in series for a module and are in parallel for all the models in the network. With respect to module losses in the axial direstion, there are acq Mly

two type of losses
friction (see item 3) and form loss due to flow area changes l resulting from the changes in the cruciform configuration. The second term of the axial losses is not specifically accounted for for the following reasons. The friction coetficient used in the calculation of the friction loss (0.018, see (k/Nkn.) was greater than the one that was calculated for the design cases at 213*F (0.014-0.015). Also, the
contribution from the axial losses to the overall module and train pressure drops was determmed to be insignificant. Thus this term represents approximately 4% of the total

'k'-factor for the test configuration, as demonstrated in Subsection 6.1.2 under i Calculanon of Resistance Coer6cient for Screen.

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC-PENG-CALC-064. Rcv. 01 Pag 3 27 of 52 Additionally, friction and form losses and losses due to a sharp 90' turn in the tee spool are included with the resistances in Modules 6 and 4 (the modules surrounding the spool) and the final piping run to the flange at the penetration form a branch with friction and form losses.

The RHR train includes only one type of a connectmg spool assembly, although, as I mdicated in StW. 3.2.1, the RHR tee spools are ider.tdied as 3BS769-A, 3DS769-A, l 3AS769-A, and 3CS769-A. All these four RHR spools are assumed to be identical for the purposes of this

  • leon. A simplified sketch of this spoolis provided in Figure I-3.

6.2.2 Resistance Coefficients and Resistances The resistances below are included in Table 5 either directly or in combination with others. The resistances are also identified in Figure I-4. Both Table 5 and Figure I-4 provide input to the Nottingham code.

(1) ' Bed', (WA')w Resistance coefficient kw is flow-dependent and case specific and is taken from Reference 2.5, Table 4, as kw = f(Q) for the RHR modules, where Q is flow rate 4

through the module, found in the computer output for the case, per Appendix II. The

' 2 reference area is A = 1.079 ft . For the ' clean' case, kw = 0. ' Bed' resistances vary from case to case and from module to module. In Table 5 and Figure I-4, (k/A )w is represented by R2 thru R, for Modules I thru 6, respectively.

(2) Screen, radialfricnon, and turn, (kA'),,,

2 Per Subsection 6.1.2, (k/A 6 = 0 9041 tt-', which is fully applicable to the plant 2

module. Therefore, for the plant module, (k/A 6 = 0.9041 ft" In Table 5 and Figure (-4. itis represented by R thru Rn for Modules 1 thru 6 respectively.

Note that the value for this resistance calculated in the previous iteration and used as input into the last Nottingham run was 0.90445 ft" ((see Appendix II, File rhr.inp, all casesi.

Subsequently, the value was corrected to become 0.9041 ft", i.e., less than the input vdue. l Since the input is more conservative, the code's output remams bounding.

(3) Fricuon m analdirecnon. (kA;)pa

'Ihe Nomngham outputs for the RHR train, Appendix II, show a range of Bow rates through a module between approxunately 830 gpm to 8,500 gpm, dependmg on the case and temperature Using Equations 3b and 3c at the above Q's and Ds = 9 mches, per Reference 2.1, pg. 21, R. numbers are calculated and 'f' factors are detemuned from Reference 2.21, pg. A-25 (for clean commercial steel pipe):

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

I i

t MISC-PENG-CALC-064, R;v. 01 Pag 3 28 of 52

@ 100', A= (4,573X830y(9) = 0.42 x 10' => f = 0.0159 A = (4,573X8500y(9) = 4.3 x 10' => f= 0.0136

@ 213', A= (10,883X830y(9) = 1.0 x 10' => f = 0 0148 A=(10,883X8500y(9) = 1.03 x 10' => f= 0.0137 1

The 'f values are close and all are less than the 0.018 value used in Reference 2.1. The i latter was deternuned for a rough surface that represents the numerous cutouts in the l cruciform. For conservatism, f = 0.018 and resulting k = 0.094, per Reference 2.1 pp. 22 l and 40, are used herem as ko.. At the reference area A = Aa , = 1.0792 ft , (k/A% =

(0.094y(l.079)2 = 0.0807 ft" 2 d l

l (k/A )m, = 0.0807 ft is applicable to Modules I thru 6 and is included in Ru thru Ri, in I l Table 5 and Figure I-4 in combination with other resistances (see below).  !

1 (4) Module Exit Transition Zone, (kA% i In Subsection 3.2.2, this case is idenufied as condguration (a). Equation 2 is used:

l q (or k i) = 0.5(1- F2- )+ (1- F2-). - r 1- F 2.(1_ _F 2.

)+ 2_I F, F, F F: D, l where:

Fo /Fi = Fo /F2 = ((14.5 in) / (l5 in)]2 = 0.9344; l

%= 0.069 to 0.241 and t = 1.305 to 1.195 for %=0.%9 to 0.2f1, per l Subsection 3.2.2 => Assume m = 0.241 and t = 1.195 (assuming the other i extreme such as % = 0.069 and t = 1.305 results in approximately the same i etfect on(); l A = 0.015, an assumed value for a friction factor. based on the values tn i k/A 6 I above. )


(or k i)=

= 0.5(1 - 0.9344) + (1 - 0.9344)2 - 1.19541 - 0.9344(1 - 0.9344) -( 0.015 X 0 24 l)

= 0.0328 + 0.0043 + 0.0201 - 0.0036 = 0.0608 2

The reference area is A i= Fo = :(14.5 in/12 inft)2 / 4 = 1.147 ft . Thus (k/A;b.i=

2 (0.0608y(l.147 ft )2 = 0.0462 ft" It is applicable to Modules 1, 2, 3, and 5, because each 2

module is followed by another module. (k/A 6i si included in Ru thru Rn in Table 5 and 2

l Figure I-4 in combination with (k/A h deternuned above.

0) Resistances Ru ihm Rn t

2 2 l Ra = Ru = Ra = Rn = tk/A h -(k/A 65 = 0.0807 - 0.0462 = 0.1269 ft" 1

ABB Cornbustion Engineering Nuclear Power

, MISC-PENG-CALC-064. Rcv. 01 Pag 3 29 of 52 Note that the value for this resistance calculated in the previous iteration and used as tnput into the last Nottingham run was 0.}323 R" ((see AWix IL File thr.inp, all cases).

SLW%, the value was corrected to become 0.1269 A", i.e., less than the input value.

Since the input is more conservative, the code's output remains bounding.

(6) Module Ent Transstion Zone, (kW) a

' In Subsection 3.2.2, this case is identi6ed as con 6guration (b). Tee spool dimensions are as follows(see Figure I-3):

Pipe ID = 22.624 inches Outlet flange ID = 23.25 inches, per Reference 2.24, pg. 94, for 150 lb (dimension Bi) a = 24"-(2)(1.53') = 20.94" b = (3 :1 taper) = (3)(1.53"-0.69') = 2.52" c = 13.50"- 2.52"= 10.98" 1/lh = 1.75 in /14.5 in = 0,121  ::> :' l.28; A = 0.015

= FoiFi = (14 5 in/15 in) = 0.9344; Fo,F2 = (14.5 in/20.94 in) = 0.4795 Equanon 2 is used to calculate k 2:

( (or k, 2)= '


= 0.5(1 - 0.9344) +(1 - 0.4795)2 - 1.2841 - 0.9344(1 - 0.4795) + (0.015)(0.121)

0.0328 + 0.2709 + 0.1706 + 0.0018 = 0.4761 The reference area is A = Fo = :(l4.5 in/12 in/R)2f4 , 3,i47 g2. Thus (k/A2 6.2

(0.4761)/(1147 d 2)2 = 0.3619 d" It is applicable to Modules < and 4, because each is 2

followed by the tee spool. (k/A b.2 is included in Ris and Ra ia Isle 5 and Figure I-4 in combination with other resistances (see below). .

G) SpoolFncnon. @i)_  !

Assume that the spool outlet dange center line is located in the middle of the spool such that the length of each portion is the same, 46". Also assume that due to a small difference in the (22.624" vs 20.94'), friction loss will be calculated for one diameter.


Revww of Nottigham outputs in Appendix II indicates that dow rate through a branch'of the tee (Branches 18 and 19 in the network) varies between 20% and 80% of total of 11.100 gpm. i.e., bes.w approxunately 2000 and 8900 gpm. Using Equations 3b and 3c

" at the above Q's, T factors in the tee are as follows:

3100*F, A = 4,573 Q/d = (4,573X2200V(22.624) = 0 445 x 10'  ::> f = 0.0142 A= (4,573X8900y(22.624) = 1.8 x'10' => f= 0.0127 l

@ 213*F. A= (10,883X2200V(22.624) = 1.06 x 10' => f= 0.0131 ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

l l MISC-PENG-CALC 064, R v. 01 Pag 3 20 of 52 R = (10,883)(8900y(22.624) = 4 3 x 10' => f = 0.012 Assume a conservative value of f = 0.0142: ,


% = (0.0142)(46 iny(22.624 in) = 0.0289 2

The reference area A= n (22.624 in /12 irvft)2/4 = 2.792 ft i (k/A 2)% = (0.0289y(2.792)2 = 0.0037 f1" l

2 (k/A ) s applicable to Modules 6 and 4 and is included in Rin a nd Ri,in Table 5 and I l

Figure I-4 in combination with other resistances (see below). ,

i I (8) Graaiual Enlargement m Spool. (k/A')w 1

Per Formula 3, Reference 2.21, pg. A-26. l l

2 K: = 2.6 Sine / 2(1 - B )


with reference to a larger diameter, i.e. 22.624 inches. l 2.52" l 0/2 f "


@ 22.624

@20.94" l

l l

I l

l tan (O / 2) = ~~'624 - 20'94 = 033413 > 0 / 2 = 18.48* => sin 0 / 2 = 0 3169 (2)(2.52) 2 S = 20.94/22.624 = 0.9256 $ = 0.8567 Q' = 0.7339 l

= (2.6)(03169)(1 - 0 8567); = 0.02305 k"-" 0.7339


ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC PENG-CALC-064. Rcv. 01 Pag 3 31 of 52 2

! The reterence area A = x (22.624 in il2 irvft) / 4 = 2.79211 and (k/M)w =

I (0.02305y(2.792)2 = 0.0030 ft" It is applicable to Modules 6 and 4 and is included in Rio and Ri,in Table 5 and Figure I-4 in combination with other resistances (see below).

<9) 90* Turn m Spool, W),,. ,

t l Subsection 3.2.1 provides guidance on determuung resistance coefficient for a 90* sharp l tum in a meqpng tee (see Figure I-3). For a typical case with ' bed', flow fraction through a I spool branch can be as low as 20%, and as high as 80% of the total. For such a split, a resistance coefficient of 1. 52 is indicated for both branches, i.e., at both 20% flow and 80%

l flow. For the ' clean' case, this flow split is 60/40, which results in 'k' of 1.28.

At the same an as area as above, A=2.792 2ft , (k/A )w = (1.52y(2.792)2 = 0.1950 t

it" for all cases but the ' clean', and (k/A2 ) = (1.28y(2.792)2 = 0.1642 ft" for the

! ' clean' case.

l (10) Re.n. nances Ris andRio These apply to Modules 6 and 4 only and are comprised of the resistances calcuiated above.

For all cases but the clean':

l (k/A2 )is = (k/A2 )i, = (k/M)rn - (k/M) 2r (k/M),,,,ai,- (k/M),,,,5 4v (k/M),,,,a ,

= 0.0807

  • 0.3619 + 0.0037 + 0.0030+ 0.1950 = 0.6443 ft"

!- For the ' clean' case:

(k/A )is,w = (k/M)iw, = 0.0807 - 0.3619 - 0.0037 - 0.003P 0.1642 = 0.6135 ft" Note that the values for these resistances calculated in the previous iteration were 0 642 ft" for all cases but the ' clean'. and 0.623 d" for the clean case. Due to an application error. We latter value was used as input into the last Nottingham run for all cases with temperature of l 100*F, instead of only for the ' clean' case (see Appendix II. File thr.inp, all casest As a l result of this error and with the newly calculated values for Ris and Ri,(see above), the )

input values for each case differ from the correct values above. The following paragraph shows that with the inputs as indicated, the final results in Table 3 are bounding.

2 2 In all three cases with t=213 F, namely, a213. b213, and licens213, (k/A )t: = (k/A )i, =

l 0.642 ft" was used as input. which is less than the correct value for these cases of 0 6443 d" I by approximately 0.4%. A discrepancy of this magnitude is negligible and has no adverse impact on the final values in Table 3 and Appendix II. In the ' clean' case, (k/M)i = (k/M)i,

= 0.623 A" was used as input. which is greater than the correct value of 0.6135 d" Since i

the input is more conservanve, the code's output remams bounding for this case.

In the four remammg cases. namely, a100, bl00, licens100, and collaps, with t=100*F.

(k/M)is = (k/M)i, = 0.623 d" was used as input. which is less than the correct value of I

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power  !

l MISC PENG-CALC 064, R:v. 01 Pag 3 32 of 52  !

l 0.6443 d" by approximately 3.3%. To demonstrate that this change in a non-conservauve direction does not significandy impact the results for the RHR train. the following table l tabulates an adjusted APw value for each of the four cases. Each value is adjusted up by addition of 3 3% of the associated Ma value..

Case du psi Ma, psi Page 2% psi  % diff ,

In App. II l

a100 5.8347 1.4945 30 5.8840 0.84 bl00 4.9286 1.1214 40 4.% 56 0.75 licens100 1.9965 0,9102 55 2.0265 1.50 I collaps 2.7327 1.2536 60 2.7741 1.50 The table shows a negligible irapact on the total pressure drops for these cases. The impact ,

is further mitigated by margins in Ra thru Rn, as shown in item (5) above, and in R2o, as l shown in item (11) below.

(H) Re.nstance R;o This resistance is in the piping run from the tee exit tlange to the end tlange at the contamment penetration and includes friction losses and losses in the 45' short-radius elbow. The piping is 24-inch Sch.10, per References 2.14 thru 2.17. Dimensions: ID =

l 23.5 inches, per Reference 2.21, pg. B-19, and L = 64.85 inches, per Reference 2.l' cpg.


At the flow rates of 11,100 gpm and 9,500 gpm thru the RHR train (Table 1), T factors in l- the piping are detemuned from Reference 2.21, pg. A-26, for clean commercial pipe for the l R numbers calculated below, using Equations 3b ar.d 3e:

% 100 F. R = 4.573 Q/d = (4,573)(l1.100V(23 5) = 2.1o x 10* m f = 0 0124 R=(4.573)(9,500V(23.5) = I 35 x 10* m f = 0 0125

@ 213*F R = (10,883)(h,100VC3.5) = 5.14 x 10* = f = 0.0119 l R = (10,883)(9,500)/(23.5) = 4 4 x 10* m i= 0.012 l

Assume a conservanve value of f = 0.0126 that is applicable to all cases:

2 At the reference area A = x (23.5 in/12 in/R) /4 = 3.012 d ,

2 (k/A )%=(fLOVA: = ((0.0126)(64.85 inchV23.5 inch)}/(3.012 R ): = 0.0038 d" For 45' elbow (bend): k.a. = (n -1)(0.25 x fr rid - 0.5 k) - k. per Reference 2.21. pg. A-29, where: n = number of 90* bends; for one 45' eibow tbend), n = 45/90 = 0.5; 1

l ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power i

__ __ . ___ _ _ ._ _. . _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ =_.

MISC PENG-CALC-064, RGv. 01 Paga 33 of 52 k = resistance coetlicient for one 90* bend, I

per Reference 2.1, pg. 29, rid = 1.44 and k = 16.68 fr Thus, 4 = (0.5 -1)[(0.25XxX 0.0126X1.44) + (0.5X16.68X0.0126)] -(16.68X0.01E b = (-0.5)[0.0143 + 0.1051] + 0.2102 = (-0.0597) + 0.2102 = 0.1505 2 2 i

(k/A )w = (0.1505)/(3.012 R )2 = 0.0166 R" 1

Finally, l

2 2 4 Rm = (k/A ), = (k/A2),,,e, + (k/A )g = 0.0038 + 0.0166 = 0.0204 h 4

I Note that the value for this resistance calculated in the previous iteration and used as input d

i into the last Nottingham run was 0.0239 R (see Appendix II, File rhr.inp, all cases).

Subsequently, the value was corrected to become 0.0204 R", i.e., less than the iriput value.

4 Since the input is more conservative, the code's output remams boundmg.  ;

6.2.3 Computer Analysis

, The resistances for the RHR train calculated in Subsection 6.2.2 are summarized in Table 5, which serves as input into the resistance network for the RHR train. The  ;

network is provided in Figure I-4. The values in Table 5 are slightly ditTerent from i those actually used in the Nottingham runs (see Appendix II).

l The Nottingham analysis was performed for all eight cases to yield pressure drops, flow rates, flow fractions etc., for every branch in the network, including the totals for the train. As stated in Subsection 3.1 and justified throughout Subsection 6.2.2 the discrepancies in the resistances insignificantly impact the results for the RHR tram presented in Appe'idix II and summarized in Table 3.

l 6.2.4 Results for RHR Train l l

Appendoc II contams computer input and output for all RHR (and CS. for that maner; cases. De entire input and output are maintamed on CD ROM on the Core Analysis computer network, in directory; mis _pengt0064r00/out. in Ftle Nos. rhr cases input' and

'rhr cases output'. (See the summary of res. sits in Section 5.0.)

The total pressure drop values for each case from the outputs, in psi, are included in Table 3, along with the corresponding values in R. of water. It is demonstrr.ted that the pressure drops are less than the maximum allowable values.

In original calculationdev.00), there was a discrepancy in the Nottingham code output for RHR Licensmg Case at 213 *F where the summation of flow ratio through each branch of l

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

l I l

MISC PENG-CALC-064 Rcv. 01 Pag 3 34 of 52 l l

l 1

! the network was 0.86. Careful inspection into the input file to Nottingham code for that particular case shows that the disagreement was caused by the inappropriate input value for resistance Ri. Previously, Ri was input as 0.00001E-6, which appeared to be too small and

! caused disturbance to the nonnal execution of Nottingham Code. This case was mn agam with an input value of 0.00001E-1 for R , which is identical to the Ri for RHR Licensing Case at 100 *F. The Nottingham Output for this case in Appendix II has been updated with i the new result, winch shows a balanced flow distnbution among modules, total flow ratio of I 1.0, and same head loss as before.

l i

l 2


Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Remstance/ r tr. h. rbr. rtr. rbr. rbr. rbr. rbr. _

l Parameter a213 a100 b213 bl00 cleen hcens213 Licens100 mug-Ra, RS... R, Per Subsecuco 6.2.2, item (1) NA Per Samarm= o 2.2, arm i 1) i Ra , R4.... Ro 0.9041 0.9041 0.9Wl 0.9N1 09Wl 0.9041 0.9041 ! 0.904I i '

I l i Rm Rn,Rw,Ra 0.1269 0.1269 0.1269 0.1269 0.1269 0.1269 0.1269 0 1269 Rio 06443 06443 0 M43 00443 >0443 0 W43 0 943 l00135 g Ri, 4e443 1 > 6413 ) 9 43 > 943 , io135 >6443 > 943 > N43 I

i Rm j 002M l 002M l 0.0204 9 u204 - 10:04 1.02M l 102N l 00;G4 I I l l I i l Flow Rate.

Q, gpm i1,100 11.100 9.500 9.500 11.100 9.500 4.500 11.100 Temperanre, *F 213 100 :13 100 100 213 ;00 00 j

l l

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power i l

MISC-PENG-CALC-064. Rcv. 01 Paga 35 of 52 6.3 CS Train Pressure Droos 6.3.1 General This section, first, identifies all the resistances in the CS trains, calculates the resistance coefEcients along with their reference areas, and develops the hydraulic resistance networks for all three CS configurations. Then the Nottingham runs were performed for these configurations for one selected case (Design Case B at 100 F) to determine the CS configuration with a greatest AP. The results of the runs are contained in File Nos. csl.bl00, es2.bl00, and es3.bl00, for Configurations 1, 2, and 3, respectively (see Figure I-2).

For the limiting CS configuration, the analysis followed the steps described in ,

Subsection 6.2 for the RHR train. To avoid redundancy, that description is ommitted from this subsection.

In the CS trains, the following resistances ace identified for each module:

1. the ' bed', or a layer of debris loading, kw
2. the screert, friction in the radial direction, and turn from radial to axial flow, k,
3. friction in the axial direction, ka  :.
4. the exit transition zone, which is comprised of sudden contraction from the flow area to the exit flange opening and sudden expansion to the next module, or spool, flow area. k..

Note that items I and 2 are in series for a module and are in parallel for all the models in the network. The discussion presented in Subsection 6.2.1 with respect to module losses in the axial direstion applies herein.

Additionally, diction and fomt losses in the spools and losses due to a sharp 90* tum in the tee spool, end tee and the snal piping run to the dange at the penetration are  ;

included, as applicable to the particular condguration. )

i The CS trams includes several connecting spool assemblies. as indicated in References 2.18.

2.19, and 2.20. Each spool assembly is addressed in the CS tram condgurations. as applicable.

6.3.2 Resistance Coedicients and Resistances The resistances calculated below for each CS consguration are included, either directly or in combination with other resistances into Table 6. The resistances are also identified in Figure I-5, which is applicable to both CS Condgurations 1 and 2, and Figure I-6.

applicable to CS Con 6guration 3. These tables and figures provide input to the Nottingham code for the CS cases.

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

. . - . - - . . .- .. - _- - - - . .. . . . _ - . - - = . - . - -

1 MISC PENG-CALC-064. Rev. 01 Pag 2 26 of 52 Condguration i This configuration is per Reference 2.18._ (See also Figure I-2.) It includes CS Modules 3DS763-3 (Module 1), 3DS763-2 (Module 2), and 3DS763-1 (Module 3) in series, followed by Spvol 3DS763-C, Spool 3DS763-B, and Spool 3DS763-A (see l Reference 2.13, Sheets I and 3). Finally, a piping section, which ends at the containment penetration flange is attached to the last tee spool. Spools -C and -B consist of 24-inch Sch. 40 pipe (ID = 22.624 inches); Spool -A consists of 24-inch Sch.

, 60 pipe (ID = 22.062 inches),16-inch Sch 80 pipe (ID=14.312 inches), and 16-inch l Sch to flange (ID=15.5 inches); the piping section is 16-inch Sch 10 (ID= 15.5 inches).

The resistances calculated below are summanzed in Table 6.

(1) ' Bed', (WA')w l


Resistance coefBeient kw is taken from Reference 2.5, as kw = f(Q) for CS Design l Case B at 100*F (see Subsection 6.3.1), where Q is tlow rate through the module,

. found in the computer output for the case, per Appendix II.. The reference area is A =

2 l 1,079 ft'. In Table 6 and Figure I-5, (k/A )w is represented by R2, R3, and R4 for Modules 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

(2) Screen, radialfncnon, and turn, (kiA'),c,,,,,  :

Per Subsection 6.1.2, (k/A2 ) = 0.9041 (ft"), which is fully applicable to the plant modules. Therefore, for the plant module, (k/A2 ) = 0.9041 ft'4. In Table 6 and 2

Figure I-5, (k/A ),c, is represented by Rs, R4, and R, for Modules 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

Note that the value for this resistance calculated in the previous iteration and used as input into the last Nottingham nm was 0.90445 d"((see Appenacc II. File es.tnp, case esi b[00)

Subsequendy, the value was corrected to become 0.9041 d't i.e., less than the input value.

Since the input is more conservative, the code's output remams bounding.

(3) Fricnon in arial direcnon, (WA')p,e l The Noskoyem output for CSI con 6guration. Case bl00 in Appendix II shows a range of flow rates through a module between approximately 1/3 for Module I to full tiow for Module 3, or between 1,343 gpm and 4.030 gpm. Using Equations 3b and 3c at the above Q's and D6 = 9 inches, per Reference 2.1, pg. 21, R, numbers are calculated an T factors l- are determmed from Reference 2.21, pg. A-25 (for clean commercial steel pipe):

l '@ 100 , R.= (4.573X1.343V(9) = 0.68 x 10* => f= 0.0152 l R.= (4,573)(4,030)/(9) = 2.05 x 10' => f= 0.0141 l



ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC-PENG-CALC-064, Rcv. 01 Paga 37 of 52 The T values are are less than the 0.018 value used in Reference 2.1. The latter was for a rough surface that represents the numerous cutouts in the cruciform. For conservatism, f = 0.018 and resulting k = 0.0069, per Reference 2.1 pg. 55, are used herein 2

as km. At the reference area Aw = Aa = 1.079 R , (k/A2 h = (0.069)/(1.079): = 0.0593 2

R" (k/A )m = 0.0593 R"is applicable to Modules 1,2, and 3 and is included in R., L, and Rio in Table 6 and Figure I-5, respectively, in combination with other resistances (see below).

(1) Module Ent Transinon Zone, (WA'), i This resistance is assumed to be identical to that in the RHR case, Subsection 6.2.2, item 2

(4). (k/A ) = 0.0457 ft" and A = 1.147 fiz (k/A2 ) i s applicable

. i to Modules 1 and 2 and is included in Re and b in Table 6 and Figure I-5, respectively, in combination with 2

(k/A )s (see below).

(5) Resistances Re andro L= L = (k/A )w2

-(k/A b.i = 0.0593 - 0.0457 = 0,1050 ft" Note that the value for this resistance calculated in the previous iteration and used as input into the last Nottingham run was 0.11166 ft" (see Appendix II, File es.inp, case csl.bl00).

Subsequently, the value was corrected to become 0.1050 ft", i.e., less than the input value.

Since the input is more conservauve, the code's output remams bounding.

(6) Module Ent Trannnon Zone, (k'A'), 2 This resistance is assumed to be identical to that m the RHR case, Subsection 6.2.2, item (6) Thus (k/A b=2 = 0.3619 ft". (k/A ) 2 is applicable only to Module 3 and is included in Rio in Table 6 and Figure I 5 in combination with other resistances (see belowt a) Spool Fncnon. (kA;)_,

This resistance is calculated for the entire length between the Module 3 exit tlange and the tee spool outlet flange center line, i.e., L = 76 x 2 - 30.25 = 182.25 inches. Although spool ID's change from 20.94"in the flanges (Figure I-3) to 22.624"in the Sch 40 pipe to 22.062"in the Sch 60 pipe, one value is assumed for the entire length, 22.624".

Flow rate through the spools is the total flow rate for the train. i.e., 3,125 gpm. Using Equation 3b, T factorin the spoolis as follows:

@ 100 F. R.= 4,573 Q/d = (4,573)(3,125y(22.624) = 0.63 x 10' => f = 0.0139 Then:

k% = (0.0139)(l82.25 iny(22.624 in) = 0.I12 l

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

, _- _. . . = _ .

MISC-PENG-CALC-064, Rcv. 01 Paga 38 cf 52 l

2 The reference area A= n (22.624 in /12 irvA)2/4 = 2.792 d 2

(WA )% = (0.I12)/(2.792)2 = 0 0144 d

2 (WA )% s applicable i only to Module 3 and is included in Rio in Table 6 and Figure I-5 in combination with other resistances (see below).

l 2

(8) Gradual Enlargement m Spool. (WA )m a This reestance per enlargement is assumed to be identical to that in the RHR train, 2

Suh. 6.2.2, item (8). The reference area A = 2.792 A . Benw of three enlargements, 2

(WAb = (3)(0.024y(2.792)2 = 0.0092 A" (WA )% s applicable i only to Module 3 and is included in Rio in Table 6 and Figure I-5 in combmation with other resistances (see below).

(9) Gradual Coneacnon m Spool, (kA')n Per Formula 1 of Reference 2.21. pg. A-26, and using the same data as for the enlargement in the RHR case, Subsection 6.2.2, item (8), this resistance for two contracnons is as follows:

k"-"" = (2)(0.8)(0.3169)(1-0.7339 0.8567) = 0.099 2

2 At the reference area A = 2.792 R . (WA )


= (0.099y(2.792)2 = 0.0127 R". (WA 2),,, .

. is applicable only to Module 3 and is included in Rio in Table 6 and Figure I-5 in combination with other resistances (see below).

l 2

(10) 90 Turnin Spool. (kA )n._

This spool assembly has a blank tlange at one end. The tlow enters the other end and makes a sharp turn. with an area reducuan from 22.062-inch ID to l4 312 inch ID in tne exit pipe.

It is assumed that Diagram 6-4 of Reference 2.22 (pg. 293) wdl conservatively determme ,

this resistance benw it applies to a rectangular cross-section. IThis diagram is included in l Attachment A.)

x = bo = 22.062 inches ai = bi = 14.312 inches avbo = 1 bish= (14.312 in/22.062 in) = 0.649

@ ash = 1 and biih= 0.649, Diagram 6 4 gives; 6 = 1.617 l

As ISDs= (l82.5 iny(22.062 in) = 82.7 => Assume that ( = 1.05 b, i

! or k = ? = (l.05)(l.617) = 1.6979 i

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power i

MISC PENG-CALC-064, R v. 01 Paga 29 of 52 l At the reference area at section 0 equal A= x (22.062 in /12 irvd);/4 = 2.655 R2 ,

(WA )m= (1.6979y(2.655) = 0.2409 ft" (WA 2) is applicable only to Module 3 and is included in Rio in Table 6 and Figure I-5 in combination with other resistances (see below).

(11) Reastance Rw l

l Rio applies to Module 3 only and is comprised of the resistances calculated above.

i 2 2 2 2 2 2 (WA )io = (WA )v(WA )MWA ) +(WA )mHWA )m-(WA )m 2 d l (WA )io = 0.0593 + 0.3619 + 0.0144 + 0.0092 + 0.0127 + 0.2409 = 0.6984 R l

l Note that the value for thia, reestance +1H in the previous iteration and used as input l.

into the last Nottmgham run was 0.5369 ft" ' (see Appendix II File es.inp, case csl.bl00).

l St'.bsequently, the value was corrected to become 0.6984 ft", i.e., greater by approxunately 30% .This di%ency is addressed in Subsection 6.3.4.

(12) Resistance Rn l This resstance is in the piping run from the tee exit flange to the end flange at the l

contamment penetration and includes friction losses and losses in the 45' short-ratius elbow. The piping is 16-inch Sch.10, per Reference 2.18. Dimensions: ID = 15.5 inches, per Reference 2.21, pg. B-19, and L = 64.83 inches, per Reference 2.1, pg. 53.


Flow rate through this section is the total flow rate for the train, i.e., 3.125 gpm. Using


l Equation 3b, T factoris as follows:

@ 100*F. R.= 4.573 Q/d = (4,573)(3,125y(15.5) = 0 92 x 10' => f = 0 013 8 Then:

'% = t0.0138)(64.83 inV(l5.5 in) = 0.0577 The reference area A= x (l5.5 in /12 inft)2/4 = 1.3104 ft 2

(WA )% = (0.0577y(l.3104 ft )2 = 0.0336 ft" l Resistance for 45' elbow (bend)is calculated similar to that for the RHR case, Subsection

l. 6.2.2, item (11), except that f=0.0138:

L = (0.5 -1)((0.25)(x)( 0.0138XI.44) - (0.5X16.68X0.0138)] -(16.68)(0.0138) b = (-0.5)[0.0156 - 0. I 151] - 0.2302 = 0.1648 4

4 i

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC PENG-CALC-064. Rcv. 01 Pago 40 of 52 2 2 (WA )% = (O.1648)/(l.3104 d )2 = 0.0% R" rnally, 2

Ru = (WA ),,,,, = (WA 2

), - (WA 2)g = 0.0336 - 0.0% = 0.1296 ft

Note that the value for this resistance calculated in the ptivious iteration and used as input into the last Nottingham run was 0.1315 R" (see Append.x II). Subsequently, that value was corrected to become 0.12% R (se e above), i.e., less than the input. Since the input is more conservative, the code's output rer. mins boundmg. Configuration 2  ;

This configuration is per Reference 2.19. (See also Figure I-2.) It includes CS Modules 3BS763-3 (Module 1 in Figure I-2) and 3BS763-2 (Module 2) in series, followed by two identical spool assemblies, 3BS763-B and 3BS763-A. after which a third module is located. 3BS763-1, which is identified as Module 2 in Figure I-2, but will be designated '3' in this calculation. Finally, there is a 90' tee, followed by a piping section, which ends at the containment penetration flange. The spools are made of 24-inch pipe Sch. 40 (ID = 22.624 inches); the tee and piping section are 16-inch Sch.10 (ID = 15.5 inches).

The resistances calculated below are summarized in Table 6.

l (1) ' Bed', (WA')w I

Same as Jtem (1) of Subsection 6.3.11: kw = f(Q) for CS Design Case B at 100*F. l where Q is flow rate through the module, found in the computer output for the case.

per Appendix II. A = 1.079 ft 2. In Table 6 and Figure I-5. tWA-)w is represented by l R2, R3, and L for Modules 1, 2. and 3. respectively.


i2) Screen. radialjncnon. and turn. tk&)u,,,,,

2 Same as in Item (2) of Subsection 6.3.111WA 6 = 0.9041 ft-' In Table 6 and Figure I-5, (WA2 ),,,,,, s represented by R,, L, and R, for Modules 1. 2. and 3.


Note that the value for this resistance calculated in the previous iteration and used as input into the las Nottmgham run was 0.90445 d((see Appendix II. File es.inp, case es2.b1001 Subsequently, the value was corrected to become 0.9041 d-'. i.e., less than the input value.

Since the input is more conservative, the code's output remams bounding.

l ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power w

MISC-PENG-CALC-064. R v. 01 Pag 3 41 of 52 (3) Fncnon m analdirecnon. (k/A )p,a The NoEi..,%m output for CS2 configuration. Case bl00 in Appendix II shows a range of flow rates through a module between approximately 1/3 for Module I to full flow for ,

Module 3, or between 1,343 gpm and 4.030 gpm. This is the same range as in i Configuranon 1, item (3). Since the modules in both configurations are identical, (WA b = I 0.0593 ft" applies to Configuration 2.

(WA'h is apphcable to Modules 1, 2, and 3 and is included in N, L, and b in Table 6 and Figure I-5, respeenvely, in combination with other resistances (see below).

(4) Modde Exit Tranation Zone. (WA')mo 1

2 Same as Item (4) of Subsection (WA ) = 0.0457 ft". It is applicable to Module I only (see Figure I-2) and is included in & in Table 6 and Figure I-5, respecovely, in conO don with(WA b (see below).

(5) Resstance Rs 2 2 k= (WA b -(WA )w = 0.0593 - 0.0457 = 0.1050 ft" Note that the value for this resistance calc. lated in the previous iteration and used as input into the last Nottmgham nm was 0.11166 ft" (see Appendix II, File es.inp, case es2.bl00).

Subsequently, the value was corrected to become 0.1050 ft", i.e., less than the input value.

Since the input is more conservative, the code's output remains bounding.

(6) Module Ent Trannnon Zorv, (kA')_2 Same as Item (6) of Subsection (WA 6.2 = 0.3619 d" It is applicable to Module 2 only (see Figure I-2) and is included in L in Table 6 and Figure I-5. respecuvely, in combination with other resistances ( see belowt (7) SpoolFncnon, (kM')w This resistance is calculated for the entire length between the Module 2 exit flange and Module 3, i.e., L = 225.88 inches, per Reference 2.13. Sheet 1. One ID = 22.624 inches is assumed for the entire length. Using the same siction factor as in item (7) of Subsection

W = (0.0139)(225.88 inV(22.624 in) = 0.1388 At A= 2.792 ft2 , (WA2 )% = (0.1388)/(2.792)2 = 0.0178 ft" 2

l (WA 6 is applicable only to Module 2 and is included in L in Table 6 and Figure I-5 in

! combinanon with other resistances (see below).

L ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

l l

i i MISC-PENG-CALC-064, Rcy. 01 Pag 3 42 cf 52  ;

i l (8) Gradual Enlargement m Spool. (k'A )m j 1

l I Same per enlargement as item (8) in Subsection For two enlargements. (k/A )- 1 l = (2)(0.024)/(2.792)2 = 0.0062 R" It is applicable only to Module 2 and is included in L. I L in Table 6 and Figure I-5 in combination with other resistances (see below).

(9) GmbalConanctionin Spool, (WA )w l \

l Same as item (9) in Subsection 6.3.21, because both have two contractions. (K/A )% = l l 0.0127 A". It is applicable only to Module 2 and is inciuded in & in Table 6 and Figure I-5 1 m combinanon with other resistances (see below).  :

! i 2

(10) Spool-to-Mohle TransstionZone (WA), 3 This case is idenufied as configuration (c) in Subsection 3.2.2. Equation 2 is used:

? I

= 0.5(1- 2-F )-(1 F2-). 2- Equation 2 l

. F, F: -r]1-F(1-F,)-2I-F; F: D, t

The inputs into the equation are assumed to be the same as in item (6) of Subsection 6.2.2, except that Fi and F2 are reversed. See also item (6) of Subsection ,

Fo/Fi = (14.5/20.94)2 = 0.4795 j FoiF2 = (14.5/15)2 = 0.9344 l

l l C (or k o)= l

= 0.5(1 - 0.4795) + (1 - 0.9344) - 1.28V1 - 0.4795(1 - 0.9344 ) + (0.015)(0.121) l I

= 0.2603 -0.0043 - 0.0606,0.0018 = 0327 l l

A = Fo = -t 14.5 in/12 imd)2/4 =1.147 R . Thus ik/A ).,.a = i0.3271/(l 147 R ) = 0 2486 d'

' (k/A 1 a is applicable only to Module 2 and is mcluded in R. in Table 6 and Figure I-5 in combination with other resistaxes (see below).

(11) Reastance Ro i k applies to Module 2 only and is comprised of the resistances calculated above. l 1

2 (k/A2 ), = (k/A )m t (k/A ) aMk/A )%1k/A )mMk/A )w(k/A ) a 2 2 2 l

t k/A2 ),= 0.0593 - 0.3619 - 0.0178 - 0.0062 - 0.0127 - 0.2486 = 0.7065 ft" r

i Note that the value for this resistance calculated in the previous iteration and used as input into the last Nottingham run was !.3267 R" (see Appendix IL File cs.inp, case es2.bl00).

Subsequently, the value was corrected to become 0.7065 d", i.e., less by approximately l ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC PENG-CALC-064, Rcv,01 Paga 43 of 52 47% . Although the discrepancy is in a conservative direction. it needs to be evaluated for tmpact on selectmg the limiting CS con 6guration. This discrepancy is addressed in Subsection 6.3.4.

(12) Module-to Tee Tranunon Zone, (kM')w This resistanceis due to fo Tn change from Module 3 (labeled as No. 2 in Figure I 2) to the 16-inch Sch 10 tee ID=15.5 inches. The same equation as in item (10) above with the same inputs are used , except for Fo/F2 = (14.5/15.5)2 = 0.8751.

G (or k )=

= 0.5(1 - 0.9344) + (1 - 0.8751)* - 1.2841 - 0.9344(1 - 0.8751) + (0.015)(0.12 !)

= 0.0328 + 0.0156 + 0.0409 + 0.0018 = 0.0911 2 2 A = Fo = :t(14.5 in/12 irvA)2f4 , g, g47 g2. Thus (k/A ) = (0.091ly(l.147 R )2 = 0.0692 ft" It is applicable only to Module 3 and is included in Rio in Table 6 and Figure I-5 in combmation with other resistances (see below).

(13) Tee, thM').

! Assume mitre bend @ 90* k= 60ft, per Reference 2.21, pg. A-29. For ID=15.5 imhes.


. assume f=0.015. Then k = (60)(0.015) = 0.9 and at A = :t(15.5 in/12 in/ft)2/4 =1.3104 ft ,

(k/A2 ) = (0.9y(l.3104)2 = 0.5241 ft" (k/A ).2 is applicable only to Module 3 and is included in Rio in Table 6 and Figure I-5 in combination with other resistances (see below).

e f14) Resistance Rio

Rio applies to Module 3 only and is comprised of the resistances calculated above.

! t k/A2 )to = t k/A;b-(k/A% - t k/A%= 0.0593 - 0.0692- 0.5241 = 0.6526 (ft")

Note that the value for this resistance calculated in the previous iteration and used as input i into the last Nottmgham run was 0.65341 ft" (see Appendix IL File cs.inp, case es2.b100).

Subsequently, the value was corrected to become 0.6526 (ft"), i.e. less than the input. Since the input is more comervauve, the code's output remams bounding.

(IS) Resxstance Rn Same as item (12) in Subsection

Ru = (k/A2 ), = 0.1296 (ft") ,

Note that the value for this resistance calculated in the previous iteration and used as input

~4 into the last Nottingham run was 0.1315 (ft") ( (see Appendix IL File es.inp, case es2.bl00). Subsequently, that value was corrected to become 0.1296 (ft") (see above), i.e..

k ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC PENG-CALC-064. Rcv. 01 Paga 44 of 52 1

l l less than the input. Since the input is more conservative, the coce's output remains l bounding. Configuration 3 l This configuration is per Reference 2.20. (See also Figure I-2.) The train shown is l actually two trains three modules each, with blank flanges on the end. The modules are
similar, but the tee spool in one train is slightly longer. That train is selected for analysis. It includes CS Modules 3CS763-4 (Module 3 in Figure I-2) and 3CS763-5 l (also Module 3 in Figure I-2, but designated as Module 2 in this calculation) in series, connecting tee spool 3CS763-B (see Reference 2.13, Sheet 3), and Module 3CS763-6 (Module 1). A piping section, which ends at the containment penetration flange is attached to the tee spool.

The tee spool assembly is made of 24-inch rolled pipe, assumed to be Sch 60 (ID=

22.062 inches),14-inch Sch 10 flange (ID= 13.5 inches), and 14-inch Sch 100 (ID =

12.124 inches) pipe. The piping section is 14-inch Sch 10 (ID=13 5 inches).

l The resistances calculated below are summarized in Table 6.

(1) ' Bed', (kM')w s

Same as Item (1) of Subsection kw = f(Q) for CS Design Case B at 100*F where O is flow rate through the module, found in the computer output for the case, per Appendix II. A = 1.079 ft2. In Table 6 and Figure I-6. (WA )wis represented by R2 , R3, and L for Modules 3,2, and I, respectively.

(2) Screen, radialfricnon, and turn. (k'A #)ar ,,,

Same as in Item (2) of Subsection = 0.9041 ft" In Table o and Figure I-6. (k/A )_ is represented by Rs. L, and R, for Modules ' :. and '


Note that the value for this resistance calculated in the previous iteration and used as input into the last Nottingham run was 0.90445 ft"((see Appendix II. File es.inp, case es3.bl001 Subsequendy, the value was corrected to become 0.9041 ft" i.e., less than the input value.

Since the input is more conservative, the code's output remams bounding.

! (3) Fncnon m arialdirecnon. (WA )f,,a Same as in Item (3) of Subsection (k/A h = 0.0593 ft" applies to Comiguration

3. (k/A% is applicable to Modules 3 , 2. and 1. It is included in R., R., and Rm in Table 6 and Figure I-6. respecovely, in combination with other resistances (see below).  :

1 i

l ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

_ _ . ... _ ~ . _ . _ _ _ __ _ _. _.___._ ___. __ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _

I MISC-PENG-CALC-064, R;v. 01 Pago 45 of 52 2

(4)Moduk FMt Transmon Zone, (kA )w Same as Item (4) of Subsection; (k/A2 )w = 0 0457 R". It is applicable to Module 3 only (see Figure I-2) and is included in k in Table 6 and Figure I-6, respectively, in )

2 '

combination with (k/A )s (see below).


($) Reststance Ro j 2 2 d Re= (k/A )w -(k/A )w = 0.0593 + 0.0457 = 0.1050 ft l l

Note that the value for this resistance calculated in the previous iteration and used as input into the last Nottmgham run was 0.11166 A" (see AgMx II, File es.inp, case c3.bl00).

S%_%, the value was corrected to become 0.1050 R", i.e., less than the input value. l Since the input is more conservative, the code's output remams boundmg. '

l 1

2 (6) Module Eat Transmon Zone (WA )w In Subsection 3.2.2, this case is identi6ed as con 6guration (b). This resistance is similar to I item (6) in the RHR con 6guration (Subsection 6.2.2), except that the tee spool ID is I assumed to be 22.%2 inches (see the begmnmg of this subsection), vs. 20.94 inches in the I RHR case, i.e.,

t Fo /F2 = (14.5 in /22.062 in)2 = 0.6572. Equation 2 is used to calculate k 2 I i

(or k 2)=

= 0.5(1 - 0.9344) + (1 - 0.6572)2 - 1.2841 - 0.9344(1 - 0.6572) + (0 015)(0.121)

0.0328 - 0.1175 - 0.1124 - 0.0018 = 0.2645 l 2 2 The reference area is A = Fo = (14 5 iwl2 ind)2/4 = l.147 d . Thus (k/A b.2

2 d i0.2645V(1.147 R )2 = 0.201 d It is applicable to Modules 2 and 1. because each is '

I followed by the tee spool. (k/A2 b.2 is included in R. and Rio in Table o and Figure I 5 in combination with other resistances (see below).

2 (7) SpoolFncnon, (WA )w This resistance is calculated for one half of the spool length to make it applicable to both k and Rio, i.e., L = (0.5)(60.47 inches) = 30.24 inches. Assume f = 0.0139, similar to that in Con 6guranon 1, item (7) of Subsection, because dow rate is identical and a difference in the ID's is insigni6 cant: 22.062 inches vs. 22.624 inches.

ke = (0.0139)(30.24 inV(22.062 in) = 0.0191 2

The reference area A= x (22.062 in /12 ind)2/4 = 2.655 d 2

(k/A ) a = 10.01911/(2.655): = 0.0027 R" ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC-PENG-CALC-064, R v. 01 Pag 3 48 of 52 (WM)% s applicable i to Modules 2 and I and is included in L and Rio in Table o and Figure I-5 in combination with other resistances (see below).

(8) 90

  • Turn m Spool, (kin),n Subsection 3.2.1 provides guidance oa determirung resistance coefficient for a 90* sharp turn in a merging tee. Flow rate is approximately 35% of the total in the branch adjacent to Module I and remaming 65% in the branch adjacent to Module 3 (see Appendix II, File es3.bl00). The flow area ratio is as follows (refer to Diagram 7-3 of Reference 2.22):

F5i, = F#:, = (12.124 in/22.%2 in)2 = 0.302 O O spool outlet pipe spoolinlet pipe Equation 1, per Subsection 3 2.1 is used with the reference area equal F.:

F. = x(12.124 im12 inft y4 =0.7935 d2 F -I 6 = 1 +F, ( F )-i f - u3(

s 9<

-)-l Q.

( Q" ) -( Q" )*l For the tee branch adjacent to Module 3: ,


2 6 = 1-(0302) -3(0302) 0.65 - 0.65' = 1.029 Sinularly, for the branch adjacent to Module 1:

b = 1-(0302) -3(0302) 035 - 035 = 1.029 The coetlicients are idenucal for both branches. ik/M6 = 11.029M0.7935p = i o34:

d". (k/A2) is applicable to Modules 2 and I and is included in L and Rio .n Table o and Figure I-5 in combination with other resistances (see below p.

t9) Resistances RoandRm These apply to Modules 2 and I, respecuvely, and are comprised of the resistances calmi=wd above.

@M), = (WA )io = (k/M)s- (k/M)sWM)%- ( WM)-

M/M),=(k/Mho = 0.0593 - 0.201 - 0 0027 - 1.6342 = 1.8972 ft" Note that the value for this resistance calculated in the previous iteration and used as input into the last Nottingnam run was 2.5585 ft" (see Appendix II, File es.inp, case c3.bl001 ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

- . . ~ . . - - - . - ~ ~. . .- . - - - . - . - .- - . _ - - - .-


!- MISC-PENG-CALC-064, Rsv. 01 Pag 3 47 of 52

Subsequently, the value was corrected to become 1.8972 d", i.e., less than the input value.

Since the input is more conservative, the code's output remams bounding.

(10) Ressstance Ru L

This reestance is in the piping run from the tee exit Bange to the end flange at the contamment penetration and includes friction losses and losses in the 45' short-radius elbow. The piping is 14-inch Sch.10, per Reference 2.18. Dimensions: ID = 13.5 inches, per Reference 2.21, pg. B-19, and L = 64.83 inches, per Reference 2.1, pg. 53.

Flow rate through this section is the total flow rate for the train, i.e., 3,125 gpm. Using Equation 3b, T factoris as follows:

@ 100 F, R.= 4,573 Q/d = (4,573X3,125y(13.5) = 1.06 x 10' => f = 0.013 8 Then:

'% = (0.0138)(64.83 inV(13.5 in) = 0.0663 2

The reference area A= x (13.5 in /12 in/ft)2/4 = 0.994 ft  ;

2 (WA ) = (0.0663y(0.994 ft 2)2 = 0.0671 ft"


Remstance for 45' elbow (bend)is calculated similar to that for the RHR case, Subsection 6.2.2, item (11), except that f=0.0138:

k = (0.5 -1)[(0.25XxX 0.0138X1.44) - (0.5X16.68X0.0138)]-(16.68X0.0138) k = (-0.5)[0.0156 - 0. I 151 } - 0.2302 = 0.1648 2

WA % = 10.1648V(0.994 d ) = 0.1668 ft" Finally, Ru = (WA b = tWA 2 W - (WA 2),,, a, = 0.0671 - 0.1668 = 0.2339 ft" Note that the value for this resstance calculated in the previous iteration and used as input into the last Notungham run was 0.1315 d" (see Appendix IL File cs.inp, case es3.bl00).

Subsequently, that value was corrected to become 0.2339 ft" (see above), i.e.. greater than the input. This discrepancy is addressed in Subsection 6.3.4.

l i

i ABB' Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC-FENG-CALC-064, Rcv. 01 Paga 48 of 52 TABE 6. COMPARISON OF CS TRAIN RESISTANCES FOR ONE CASE Rane=ce/ Configwanen 1 Condguranca 2 Condguranon 3 Parameier Case es.ul00 Case es.bl00 case ca.bl00 NA ),(ft1 3

(k/A3 ),(ft") (k/A3 ),(ft1 Ra,Ru R4 Pcr Subsecuan Per Sucescoon Per Subsecuan tiern ( I) 6.3 2.2. tiern (1) 6 3 2.3, turn t1)

Rs. R4, R, 0.9041 0.9041 0.9041 0.90443 0.90443 0.90443 Ra 0.1050 0.1050 0.1050 0.11166 0.11166 0.11166 R. 0.1050 0.7065 1.8972 2.11166 1.3:67  :.3393 Rio 06984 0.6526 1897 0.33686 0.63341  :.3383 Ru 0.12 % 0.12 % 02339 0.1313 0.1313 0.1313 .

1 Flow Rase, Q, spm 3.125 3,125 3.125 Temperanre, *F 100 100 100 Note: The drst resistance value is the value calculated in Subsecuon 6.3 2.

l The second value (in italics) is the value used in the Nortmgham computer analysis.

i d

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC-PENG-CALC-064, Rcv. 01 Pag 3 49 of 52 2




Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case i Pa== w ca. ca. cs. es. ca. es. cs. ca.

( Par ===r a213 a100 b213 bl00 clean 1xans213 hcercl00 coilspes l

! R ,Rs L Per Sid=cnan 6.32.2, uom(!) NA Per Subsecoon 6.321, nem(!)

Rs L. R, 0.9041 0.9041 0.9041 0.9041 0.9041 0.9041 0.9041 0.904I h 0.1050 0.1050 0.1050 0.1050 0.1050 0.1050 0.1050 0.1050 i I

I L 0.~065 0.7065 0.7%5 0.7065 0.7065 0. 065 0.~065 0.7065 Rio 0.6526 0.6526 0 6526 0 6526 0.6525 0.6526 0.6526 0.6526 l Ru 0.12 % 0.1296 0.1296 0.1296 0.12 % 0.1296 0.12 % 0.12 %

l l Flow Rate. 4.030 4.030 3,125 3.125 4,030 3,125 3.125 4,030 Q, spm  ;

f Tempersm. r 2n im 2a iw tw 2n  := im l

l l l

l l

l l

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC P5NG-CALC-064, Rsv. 01 Paga 50 of 52 6.3.3 Computer Analysis

, The resistances for all three CS configurations are summarized in Table 6, whi:h serves

as input into the resistance networks for Nottingham runs. The networks are provided in Figure I-5 for CS Configurations 1 and 2 and in Figure I-6 for Condguration 3. For

, compatison, Table 6 also provides the resistances that were actually used in the Nottingham runs (see Appendix II, File es.inp). As the table shows, the values differ.

Subsection 6.3.4 addresses those differences and justifies the selected limiting CS configuration..

The Nottingham analysis was performed for the three CS configurations (see Subsection 6.3.2) to determine the limiting configuration with respect to the total j pressure drop. The outputs for cases est.bl00, es2.bl00, and es3.bl00 were examined

to find the following APoi values

Ref. page in Case .iPoi, psi App.II csl.bl00 3.1982 79 cs2.bl00 3.3463 83 cs3.bl00 3.2773 87 i

Although the values do not vary significantly among the configurations, the greatest SPoi is for Con 6guration 2, which is selected as the limiting configuration for full analysis for all CS cases. Note that this condguration was also identified as the most limiting in Reference 2.1.

Table 7 contains input for all CS cases. The Nottingham analysis was performed for the remaining seven cases (case es2.bl00 has already been analyzed) to vield pressure drops, flow rates, flow fractions etc., for every branch in the network. including the totals for the train. As stated m Subsection 31 and justided throughout Subsection 6.3 2, the discrepancies in the resistances insigni6cantly impact the results for the RHR train presented in Appendix II and summarized in Table 4 The results of the analysis are provided in Subsection 6.3.5. As stated before, these results are from the analysis of Condguration 2. After the computer analysis was complete and results generated, discrepancies were noted between the resistances used in the computer nms and the correct values (see Table 6). Those discrepancies are noted in Subsection 6.3.2. The purpose of Subsection 6.3.4 is to demonstrate, tirst, that Con 6guration 2 still remained the limiting con 6guration, and, secondly, : hat the results obtained for all CS cases (see Table 4) remained bounding.

1 ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power


MISC-PENG-CALC-064, Rev. 01 Pago 51 of 52 6.3.4 Justi6 cation of Limiting CS Con 6guration Since pressure drop (AP) is proportional to (k/d'), per Reference 2.21, pg. 3-4, branch AP's I

can be adjusted by ratioing the calculated R values to those used by Nottingham It is

=imM hatt Bow distribution remains unchanged. The following approach will be taken:

a) ' A flow path will be selected that incl ~ia most of the resistoces that differ, such as R., R., Rio, and Ru. The total pressure drop for the path should equal APw for the train, as determmed from the computer output (see the table above).

l b) The pressure drops for the above branches will be adjusted, either up or down, l

as a funcuon of the ratio of the entenimeM R over R used in the computer analysis These R values are per Table 6. I 1

l l c) The current APw will be adjusted accordingly and the values will be compared '

l to determine the liminng connguranon.


i 1

l The tabulations are presented below. '

Consawson 1 Cusient APw for selected path, per AppendixII, pg. ~9 edFigwe 1-5:

! = AP2 m APs +AP -AP, MAPi o +APit

= 2.9292 - 0.0323 - 0.0040 - 0.0160+ 0.1741 e 0.0426 = 3.1982 psi

.7 New APw, with adjustments per Table 6:


= 2.9292 - 0.0323 - t 0.0040X0.1050/0. I 1166) - t 0.0160X0.1050/0. I 1166)

- (0.1741 X0.6984/0.53686) - (0.0426X0.1296/ 0.1315) i

= 2.9292 + 0.0323 + 0.0038 + 0.0150 + 0.2265 - 0 0420 = 3.2488 psi Consiiw&on 2 Current APw for selected path, per AppendixII, pg. 33 edFigwe I-5:

= AP2 - APs +AP: -AP,-APio -APii

= 2.8747 - 0.0310 - 0.0038 + 0. I822 - 0.2119 - 0.0426 = 3.3462 psi New APw, with adjustments per Table 6:

L ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

' MISC PENG-CALC-064. Rev. 01 Pag 3 52 of 52

= 2.8747 - 0.0310 + (0.0038X0.1050/0.1 I 166) + (O. I822X0.7065/1.3267)

+ (0.2119X0.6526/0.65341) + (0.0426X0.1296/0.1315)

= 2.8747 + 0.0310 + 0.0036 - 0.0970 - 0.2116 - 0.0420 = 3.2599 psi Cashmoutiort 3 Current Mw for selected path, per AppendixII, pg. 87andFigureI-6:

= M2 t APs +&s +aP, t&i

= 2.8567 + 0.0302 + 0.0037 + 0.3440+ 0.0426 = 3.2772 psi New Mw, with adjustments per Table 6:

= 2.8567 + 0.0302 + (0 0037X0.1050/0.I1166) + (0.3440X1.8972/2.5585)

-(0.0426X0.2339/0.1315) =

= 2.8567 - 0.0302 + 0.0035 - 0.2551+ 0.0758 = 3.2213 psi Companson of the adjusted Mw for all three con 6guranons indicates that Configuration 2 remams the limiting configuration after all adjustmems are made. The adjusted total pressure drop for case es2.bl00, 3.2599 psi, is less than the value 4h by the Nottmgham code using the imtial inputs,3.346 psi. It is thus concluded that the pressure drop values for all other CS cases in Table 4 are boundmg.

6.3.5 Results for CS Train Appendix II contains computer input and output for all CS cases. The entire input and output are mamtamed on CD ROM on the Core Analysis computer network. in directorv-misJeng/0064r00/out. in File Nos. :s cases input' and 'cs cases cutputL 6See ::.e summary of results in Section 5.0.)

The total pressure drop values for each case from the outputs. in psi. are included in Table 4, along with the corresponding values in it. of water. It is demonstrated that the pressure drops are less than the maximum allowable values.

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

. .. ,. . - - . - = . ... . . . . . . - . . _ = . - .. . - - - -

MISC PENG-CALC-064. Rev. 01 APP *nds I. Pag 3 I 1 d 8 APPENDIXI FIGURES ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

. . . _ = _ _ . - . . . - . - . . - . _ . - . - - - - - . . . . - . . - - - - - . . . . - _ . _

MISC PENG-CALC-064, Rev. 01 Appendix 1. Paga i .2 of 8 4

i i



. . l 28 28 24 @ 4 Y 4 e s s  : i J L. '

--- = s esmu s euen s c - - z e sem i +

"' I L.p ,

wottaf 'tAIN I

1 1

1 Per Reference 2.3 ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

.. - - ... ~ . . - . _ - . - ... _ _ - . - . . _ . - . . . - - . - . . . . . . . .

MISC PENG-CALC-064, Rcy. 01 Aopendix 1. Pags I-3 of 8 FIGURE l-2, CS TRAIN CONFIGURAEONS

-. g g cd g=dc.. I b $ ,i 1 / O

,t \/ ,f1j/

, a .t .

.....iin.s l l! i uoan M ucou : uco u

=* * =w T/;*

.. e, ==,7 .


-:: e 97 -

E' T T /8~* 3i s., ei ~y


a . .: -

C ~,  ;

/ ~e s yrA 1% )  ! /

- s a ucOIAE I

' sooW ; utsuig i

(. . .

nv . . . --. , - I

= .. -


v.u a3 - m w .w..,c % o.u.-)7.'~. g 3 3 -. 9 @ - ,@ v 'e,4,.,g ..


.sE.. e..,a o, h \< \f\ff m<

, j i i

a- l l junau Anouiz Esau . l l ==As : unaw

=~ ,,__-


=- m ; , , . . . ~~  ; m.

TV , y "* l MODULE **J AINS i l

M ad=te 2. 1 , % dc.,tok Cw 94w.h.., s. ) 2. 3)

Per Reference 2.10 ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC PENG-CALC-064, Rcy. 01 App:ndix 1 Pago I-4 of 8

I l



.t 2.w :q l b, , :...a. ,

- (c) I j f

1 \

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v a. -.

L f .

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' 3C, ,,3 4

e .,


/ km d 22 m '

wooa r. i .

l 4  % e

-r l- (*.1 -

w:; 3 ,,

,ms +2- -

5- ET#

Per Reference 2.13 ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power


ha, 5%

p, '.,

, ., , .,s ,

g, J

y .n ./ f.


    • s ,
  1. ' t

,,. f j..,

.. - - ...w, .

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.114 $Q ~

v' V .

.25%p ** * ) ,

i v M M

( .

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. . , .- , ' s! .,r i:! . ;.. '  ;-

f, 4 ..


+  :.t


.s 14 9 . 40
0 $ . !!

11 6 42 12

  • 43 13 8 43 14 9. Le L3 10. Il 14 11 12 17 12. L3

!$ l3 14 19 13 44

0 !40 ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC PENG-CALC-064, Rcy. 01 Appendix 1. Paga I 6 of 8 l i


.f ko, i,

y,,. -

w. W.


a 3


i 12 1 23

,, i  :..

. 2., ,

i 3.. '

., i..

i. ...

Il 90 i

l 1

I i  ;

l l

2 l

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC-PENG-CALC-064, Rcy. 01 Appendix 1, Page I -7 of a l


  • 2

+ A .,

4 5 a. 3 3 .





. w. w. ,

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a.. a. ..

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iams :fase t

I  !.!

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I i  :..

a 2.s s 34 6 47

? s.4 8 47 to 8.e il 90 I


4 l

i l ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power e

VISC FENG-CALC-064. Rev. 01 Appindix 1. Pago 1 -a of a l i


/**a T9M Q ./15 $ hat sgs . / 895 in.C pr W M s,. r s -1s' r -- 2 .,, '- , s, *

    • w g to.e=


/. 2 9 .c gue m es ep I L t *w e <~ J m-<4 1  : -

, - .. m q C= ii2 ,

\  % .

( '"'""'fPIIF"""'I' -

== w , / ,,,,,,,,, 1 l ' ,' f D D" by

-m / l

. .= c  ;

l l


" Tee ID s >$"  !

Per Reference 2.3 ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power J

MISC-PENG-CALC-064, rsv. 01 piga 111-1 of 17

,- Appendix ill j

APPENDIX III Revised Calculation of Debris Loading and Head Losses

( A total of 17 pages, including this cover)

I Diis revision to head loss calculation is performed to determme the maximum j allowable 6ber loadmg under revised head loss limit and design temperature i for the stramer trains to be installed in the torus on the pump inlets of the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) and Core Spray (CS) systems at Peach Bottom Units 2 and 3. Upon deternunanon of 6ber loading limit, the pressure 3

drops (AP's), from insule the torus, through the strainer train and piping, j and to the containment penetration flange, are calculated for the i corresponding strainer cases with changed key parameters. The cases'

variables are water flow rate and temperature, and debris loading. For -

l those cases withnut any parameter changes, the head losses do not change

from those de ...a_aed in Rev. 00 of this calculation.

s l Code Used: BWRS18. bas (Reference 2.26) l ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC-PENG-CALO-064, rcv. 01 piga 111-2 of 17 i

Appendix Ill 1.0 Introduction l In Attachment A PECO provided revised key parameters for the Peach Bottom stramers, on which this new calculation of maximum allowable debris loading is based. The following two table:s list all the new parameters with the corresponding stramer cases j


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MISC PENG-CALC-064, rsy. 01 prgs 111-3 of 17 Appendoc ill 2.0 Summary of Methods Used in This Revised Calculation:

Determmanon of maximum allowable 6ber loading is an iterative process. First, the system head losses (screen, friction, tee spool, etc.) must be calculated (with respect to Design ' Case B of Table III-1). The allowable bed lou limit is then calculated based on the total head loss limit (7.36 ft H2O here). To 6nd the 6ber loadmg limit, several ddrerent amounts of 6ber loadmg (with a fixed value of corrosion loading)

I are emered into the computer algorithm to yield the bed losses. Iteration connnues until the abil=*M bed loss matches the allowable bed loss limit, and the l corrc g---% 6ber loadmg input will be the maximum allowable 6ber loading (imerpolation may be involved during this process).

l Flow distnbunon within each module of RHR strainer train is a key parameter for  ;

the abil=% of both system and bed losses. For the unbalanced RHR l

! con 6guranon, How can not be evenly distnbuted among modules. This flow distribunon was calculated using the Nottingham Computer Code (refemng to l Appendix II for the input and output). Since the updated key parameters fbr the Peach Bottom stramers are only slightly different from previous ones (head loss margm reduced from prior 7 6 ft to current 7.36 ft, and the maximum water i temperature from 213 *F to 205.7 *F), it is assumed that the flow distnbution for each module approximates those determmed from the original Nottmgham calculation. This revised calculation uses the same flow distributions from Appa.A II for all the cases revisited here, which are summanzed in the following tables:

i RHR Strainer Trains. Flow Distributions Amone Modules (% of total flow)

Consoons T(T) Five-module side I one-module side i 1 l 2 l 3 I 5 1 6 '

4  !

L j Design i 205.7 1 14.15 l 14 221 14 53 ! 15.22 i 16.49 25 39 l l Case A  ! 100.0 1 14 79 l 14 84 1 15.05 i 15.52 : 16.40 i 23 44 3 L Design 205.7 14.39 I 14.46 l 14.73 6 15.36 i 16.50 i 24 56  ! )

L case B 100.0 15.00 15.05 l 15.24 l 15.69 1 16 52 l 22.51 l Licensmg 205.7 12.17 12.31 l 12.89 l 14 21 l 16.68 i 31.76 I l Case 100.0 12.73 ' 12.84 1 13.32 l 1443 1 16.52 1 30.19 l l CS Strainer Trains Flow Distributions Amone Modules (% of total flow) conditions i T(T) I module !  !

module 2 i module 3  ! '

Design Case A I 205.7 1 31.75 1 31.85 1 36.59 i l Design Case B I 205.7 I 33.65 1 33.74 1 37 69  !

Licensing Case 1 205.7 I 29 40 ' 29.64 40.96 l

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

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MISC-PENG-CALC-064, r;v. 01 pag 3111-4 of 17 Appendix til In the head loss calculation for the RHR stramer trams, the to:al head loss across the single-module side of the stramer is computed and compared with the value computed for the five-module side to see if they match each other. One of the important issues is to determme how the debris deposits on both sides, or what percentage of total debris loading goes to the single-module side, with the remanung part going to the five-module side. In the bed loss calculation, the input to the computer algonthm includes the amounts of 6ber and sludge loading, which also requires the percentage of debris loading on both sides. This percentage was varied until the total head loss from both sides balance each other (or the difference is )

within 5%). I l




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ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC-PENG-CALC-064, rcv. 01 piga lil-5 of 17 .

I App ndix lil 3.0



i 3.1 Maximum Allowable Fiber Loading i Maxunum allowable 6ber loading for RHR Train is based on Design Case B (at 205.77) ofTable III-1. F) w Mbunon follows the Nottmgham output. Since the total head loss limit is 7.3G ft water, the bed loss limit for both sides is 7.36 ft minus corresponding system losses, which are mos-ized in the table below: .

l five-module side one-module side Total head loss (ft water) 7.36 7.36 Synem headlass AH (A) 3.755 (see Table E-5) 0.877 (see Table B-5)

Bed loss alb(A) = 736 -aH 3.605 6.483 The iterative process to detemune the fiber loading limit involves assummg a percentage of total debris deposition on the smgie module side, calculanng the fiber amount on both sides from the bed loss limit ML, and then comparing the newly obtamed debris deposition percentage with the previous one. Iteration ends when  !

the percentage converges. For this calculation, the amount of sludge is 6xed at 537 l Ibm.

Attachment B lists the detailed iteranve process to determme the debris deposiu^en 1 percentage and the 6ber loadmg limit, which will not be repeated here. The l i

converged debris deposition percentage was found to be 19.98%, and the maxunum allowable 6ber loading = (Md , + (Meh = 1026 lbm.

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MISC-PENG-CALC-064, rsv. 01 piga lil-6 of 17 App:ndtx lli 3.2 Pressure Drops for Cases Listed in Tables I and 2 l The head losses for RHR stramer cases listed in Table M-1 were calculated using .

the allowable fiber loading determined in Section 3.1. The results of this calculation are presented in Table B-3. The pressure drops in Tables E-3 are the total pressure drops, which include those through the ' bed' (or a layer of debris consistmg of fiber and corrosion products), if applicable, and through the modules, spools and piping l (system losses). l As in the determmation of fiber loading limit, the key issue here is also to determme the percentage of total debris deposited on the single-module side for each case. The process was sunilar to those shown in Attachment B, which is, for an assumed percentage, *le the total head loss from both sides and compare them to see if they match each other. The final debris loadmg percentage was established when the head losses from both sides were within 5% of each other. The final percentages of total debris deposited on the single-module side for each case are listed below:

1 t (T) Percentage of total debns deposited on the single-module side (N Design Case A 205.7 20.0 100 19.0 Design Case B 205.7 19.98 _ l l

100 18.0 Licensmg Case 205.7 19.0 100 l 20.0 4

Table B-3 lists the total head loss from both the single-module side and the dve-module side. The head losses determmed for each side are within 5% of each other.

The CS stramer condguration is not so complicated. these resuits are shown m Table 3-4 Tables E-3 and E-4 show that the maximum allowable pressure drops are not exceeded in all cases where applicable.

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

l MISC-PENG-CALC-064, r;v. 01 pig 3111-7 of 17 .

Appendix ill :

TABE III-3. Pressure Droos throuah RHR Strainer Traid" m

o s

.l 1

I 4

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MISC-PENG-CALC-064, r:v. 01 prgo m-8 of 17 Appencix ill 4.0 BODY OF CALCULATION 4.1 RHR Train Pressure Droos 4.1.1 General This section identifies all the resistances in the RHR train and calculates the resistance coefficients along with their reference areas. The strainer arrangements Er.alyzed are based on the general arrangements (modules 1,2,3,5,6 at one side, and module 4 at the other side).

The strainer train operates as follows: Water enters each module " rough a layer of debris, consisting of Sber and corrosion prooucts (for all but ' clean' cases),

and the screen, passes through the corrugations, makes a turn, passes through  ;

the flanges, enters the next module, where it is combined with the next module's water flow, etc., until the total Gow enters the tee spool, turns, and passes through the piping run to the pump suction. Water also enters the end flanges' screened openings, but this etfect is assumed to be zero, because the flow area  ;

is negligible as compared with the main screen surface.

In the RHR train, the following resistances are identified for each module:

1. the ' bed', or a layer of debris loading, kw
2. the screen, friction in the radial direction, and turn from radial to axial flow, k_
3. friction in the axial direction, km -  !

4 the exit transition zone, which is comprised of sudden contraction from the tiow area to the exit flange opening and sudden expansion to the next module, or spool, tiow area, k. .

l 4 1. ', Resistance CoetBeients and Resistances The resistances below are included in Table 5 either directly or m combination with others.

(1) ' Bed', (k/A')s,a Head losses associated with the ' bed' are flow-dependent and case specisc, and will be discussed later.

a) Screen, Fncnon. Exit Transmon andPipe Resistances The screen, friction. exit transition and pipe resistances associated with modules 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. are taken directly from Table 5. RHR train resistances.

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power l

MISC PENG-CALC-064, rev. 01 pig 31119 of 17 Appendix 111 4.1.3 Results for RHR Train Table III-5 provides a listing of head losses associated with each of the resistances identified above. Head loss is calculated using the following equation:

K = 2 g.aH/(Q/Aw)2 AH = K/A2

  • Q2 j (3.g,)


g. = 32.2 ft/s 2 AH= head loss (fest ofwater)

Q = flow rate (ft' / sec) 2 Aw= reference area (ft )

For the flow distnbutions among modules I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in Table B-5, the output from Nottingham code was chosen here, and they are listed in the following table:

RRR Strainer Trai==- flow distributions amons modu!*= (% of total flow) 1 Cordnons T (*F) Five-module side one module side l 1 2 3 5 I 6 4 -

Design 205.7 14.15 14.22 14.53 15.22 16.49 25.39 Case A 100.0 14.79 14.84- 15.05 15.52 16.40 23.44 l

Design 205.7 14.39 14.46 14.73 l 15.36 16.50 24.56' case B 100.0 15.00 15.05 15.24 15.69 16.52 22.51 Licensing 205.7 12.17 12.31 12.89 14.21 16.68 31.76 ,

Case 100.0 1 12.73 1 12.84 l 13.32 l 14.43 16.52 1 30.19 l l

These losses are added to the bed losses associated with each case as determined I later. Total losses are provided in Table G-3 in Secuon 3 of this appenaix.

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i ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

I i MISC PENG-CALC-064, rev. 01 DEg3 Ill 10 at 17 l Appendix ill 4-i 4

i i

i Table 111-5 RHR Design Case A l

t=205.7 F,5-module branch t=100 F,5-module branch l

desegn f now g head loss design flow a head loss case A (gpm) a^2 ft case A (gpm) a^2 ft

' module 1 module 1 screen 1571 0.9041 0.171994 screen 1642 0.9041 0.187892 fnc+trans 1571 0.1269 0.024141 fnc+trans 1642 0.1269 0.026373 module 2 module 2 fnc+trans 3149 0.1269 0.096995 fdc+trans 3289 0.1269 0.105812 module 3 module 3 fnc+trans 4762 0.1269 0.221812 fdc+trans 4960 0.1269 0.240641 module 5 module 5 fnc+trans 6451 0.1269 0.407062 fdc+trans 6663 0.1269 0.436867 '-

module 6 module 6 fnc+ tee + .. 8281 0.6443 3.405636 fnc+ tee +.. 8503 0.6443 3.590682 exd exa pipe +ete 11100 0.0204 0.193741 pipe + ele 11100 0.0204 0.193741 Total 4.521381 Total 4.782007 t=205.7 F. one-module branch t=100 F. one-module branch cesign flow a heaa loss. assign flow 5 neac loss case A Igpm) a^2 ft case A (gpm) a*2 't mocule 4 module 4 screen 2818 0.9041 0.553405 screen 2602 0.9041 0.471819 module 4 module 4 fnc+ tee +. 2818 0.6443 0.39438 fnc+ tee +. . 2602 0.6443 0.336238 exit exst pipe +e1D 11100' O.0204 0.193741 pipe +ete 11100 0.0204 0.193741 Total 1.141525 Total 1.001798 l

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC PENG-CALC-064, rev. 01  ::aga 111-11 of 17 App;ndix Ill 4

Table lll-5 (continued)

RHR Design Case B t=205.7 F,5-module branch t=100 F, 5-module branch

. design flow & head loss desagn flow $ headloss casd S (gpm) a^2 ft case B (gpm) a^2 ft module 1 module 1 I

screen 1439 0.9041 0.144305 screen 1500 0.9041 0.156799 fnc+trans 1439 0.1269 0.020255 fnc+trans 1500 0.1269 0.022008 module 2 module 2 fric+trans 2885 0.1269 0.081414 fnc+trans 3005 .

3.1269 ;0.088327 1 module 3 module 3 fnc+trans 4358 0.1269 0.185772 fnc+trans 4529 0.1269 0 200637 i module 5 module 5 l fnc+trans 5894 0.1269 0.339802 fnc+trans 6098 0.1269 0.363732 module 6 module 6 1 fnc+ tee + . 7544 0.6443 2.826415 fnc+ tee + . 7750- 0.6443 2.982882 exit exit pipe +eib 10000 0.0204 0.157244 pioe+elb 10000 0.0204 0.157244

. Total 3.755208 Total 3.971629 t=205.7 F, one-module branch t=100 F. one-module branch design flow head loss cesign flow 5 nead loss 5

case B Igpm) a^2 't , case 8 rgpm) a^2 1 mocule 4 ' nocule 41 i i screen 2456: 0.9041 0.420356 screen  ! 22511 190411 0 353112

< module 4 module 4 I l fr'c+t ee+. . 2456 0.6443 0.299564 fnc+ tee + . 22511 0.64431 0.251642 exit exit i l l

pipe +elb i0000 0.0204 0.157244 pioe+elb 100001 102041 0.157244 I I l Total 0.877164 ITotal 1 0.761998 ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC PENG-CALC-064. rev. 01 caga 11112 of 17 i App:ndix ill i

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Table 111-5 (continued)  !

RHR Licensing Case t=205.7 F,5-module branch t=100 F, 5-module branch licenang flow a head loss licensing flow n headloss case (gpm) a^2 ft case (gpm) a^2 ft module 1 module 1 screen 1217 0.9041 0.103215 screen 1273' O.9041 0.112932 fric+trans 1217 0.1269 0.014487 fnc+trans 1273' O.1269 0.015851 module 2 module 2 fnc+trans 2448 0.1269 0.058618 fnc+trans 2557 0.1269 0.063954 module 3 module 3 fric+trans 3737 0.1269 0.136601 fnc+trans 3889 0.1269 0.147939 .

module 5 module 5 fnc+trans $158 0.1269 0.260237 fric+trans $332 0.1269 0.278091 l module 6 module 6 fric+ tee +.. 6826 0.6443 2.31401 fnc+ tee +.. 6984 0.6443 2.422373 exit exst pipe +elb 10000 0.0204 0.157244 pipe +elb 10000 0.0204 0.157244

)  ;

Total 3.044411 Total i 3.1983851 t=205.7 F. one-module branch t=100 F. one-module branch licensing flow a headloss licensmg flow 5 headloss case (gpm) a^2 ft case (gpm) a^2 't j module 4 module 4 j screen 3176 0.9041 0.702946 screen 3019 0.9041 0.635166 {

module 4 module 4 )

f nc+ tee +. . 3176 0.6443 0.500949 fnc+ tee + . 3019 0.6443 0.452646 j exit exit pipe +elb 10000 0.0204 0.157244 pipe +ese 10000 0.0204i 0.157244 Total 1.361139 Total 1 245056  !

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i ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

l MISC.PENG-CALC-064. rsv. 01 pag 3111-13 of 17 l Appendix Ill 42 CS Train Pressure Droos I 4.2.1 General The CS strainer con 5guration 2 has been identined as the case with a greatest AP. This calculation is also based on this configuration. This section identifies all the resistances in the CS trains and calculates the resistance-coefficients along with their reference areas. The strainer arrangements analyzed are based on the configuration 2.

l In the CS trains, the following resistances are identified for each module:

1. the ' bed', or a layer of debris loading, kw l 2. the screen, friction in the radial direction, and tunt from radial to axial flow, k
3. friction in the axial direction, km 4 the exit transition zone, which is comprised of sudden contraction from the dow area to the exit tlange opening and sudden expansion to the next module, or spool, flow area, k...


l 4.2.2 Resistance Coetficients and Resistances .

l The resistances below, except for ' Bed' resistance, are included in Table 6 either

directly or in combination with cthers.

H) ' Bed', ikM')w Head losses associated with the strainer bed are determined later for each case I l

and added to the head losses resulting from the other loss components idenniied below.

Q) Screen. Fncnon. Ent Transmon. Pipe Resistances l The screen, friction, exit transition. pipe resistances associated with modules 1. 2, 3

! of Configuration 2 are taken directly from Table 6, CS train resistances.

42.3 CS Train Results:

Table III-6 provides a listing of head losses for all the cases recalculated here.

i ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power


, MISC PENG-CALC-064, rev. 01 paga 111-14 of 17 App;ndix ill Table lll-6 CS SYSTEM LOSSES 205.7 F 205.7 F Desagn flow a head loss i Design flow $ headloss (gpm) a Case A (gpm) a^2 ft Case 8 a2 ft modu 6e 1 module 1 screen 1280 0.9041 0.114178 screen 1052 0.9041 0.077125 fnc+trans 1280 0.105 0.01326 fnc+trans 1052 0.105 0.008957 module 2 modu 6e 2 fric+trans 2564 0.7065 0.358008 fric+trans 2106 0.7065 0 241531 module 3 module 3 fnc+ tee +.. 4030 0.6526 0.816962 a3.,+ tee + . 3125; 3.6526 0.491238 exst evi pape+ete 4030 0.1296 0.162241 3125 0.1296 0.097555 hoe +ein Total 1.464648 Total 0.91640i 205.7 F Licensing flow 5 nead loss Case (gpm) a*2 ft module 1 i screen i 919- 3.90411 0.058856 fetrans 319 0.105l0.006835, module 2 i fnc+trans 1845 0.7065 0.185374 module 3 fnc+ tee +.. 3125 06526 0.491238 exit pipe +ete 3125 0.1296 0.097555 Total 0.839858 ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC-PENG-CALC-064, r v. 01 piga 111-15 of 17 Appenoix ill 43 BED LOSS CALCULATIONS 4.3.1 Debris Lmdinas and Flowrates Debris loadmgs are taken from Table B-1 and Table B-2, except for RHR Design Case A and 5, where the 6ber loading used is the maxunum allowable limit,1026 lbm.

For RHR Train, since flow distnbutions are different from case to case, the debris deposition on both sides also varies. the input of flow rate and debris loading to the computer a! idun is chleM from the Not+ingham output and the formerly desemned percentage of total debns dpH on the single-module side. The 6nal inout datais listed as follows:

P  %

I l


u For the CS stramer, since full flow will be going through the connected to one side of the tee, and the other side of the tee is blanked, then the debris loading

! and flow rates in Table 2 are used as input to the computer algorithm, as shown in the following table:

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MISC-PENG-CALC-064, r v. 01 prga 111-16 of 17 Appenoix lil i

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l 6

43.3 Volume Mulcolier The computer model requires inputting a factor that is applied to the holding volume in the pressure drop calculation. This factor is a function of the cormgation geometrv and is 1.312 for the cormgation geometry of the PBAS RHR and CS strair rs.

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l l APPENDIX IV Computer Input and Output for Bed Loss Calculation (A total of 50 pages, including this pages) l t.

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WSC.PENMALC-064. Rev. 01. ACDenorx ty Df9)IV-29 et 50 P D


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MISC-PENG-CALC-064. R v. 01 - Attactim:nt A. Pags A 1 of 4 l

I l

1 ATTACHMENT A E-Mail Messages From PECO with the Input of Revised Key Parameters ,

(A total of 4 pages, including this page)

ABB Combustion Engineenng Nuclear Power  ;

MISC-PENG-CALC-064. Rev. 01 Attrenm:nt A. Pago A 2 cf 4 1

s i

Barry T. Lubin/CENO/USNUS/ABB i 02/19/98 01:13 PM (Phone: +) l



Containment Parameters for revised debris loading / headloss i

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4 l.

5 ABB Combustion Engineenng Nuclear Power i

MISC-PENG-CALC-064, Rcv. 01 Attscnment A Paga A-3 of 4 This head loss calculation needs to focus on the following two cases:

Max. Temp. Accident Case:

Maximum Containment pressure: 22.11 psia Maximum Torus water temperature: 205.7?F Flows to be analyzed: ( RHR) 11,100 gpm and 10000 gpm

""* ( Core Spray) 4030 gpm and 3125 gpm*

Piping Losses (w/o strainer): RHR"@ 10,000 gpm: 2.68 ft Static head: 13.65 ft Vapor Pressure: 12.77 psia NPSHR (RHR) @ 10.000 gpm: 26 d Available margin for total strainer head loss: 7 36 R Minimum Temp Accident case:

Minimum Containment Pressure: 14.7 psia Minimum Torus water temperature: 1009F Flows to be analyzed:(RHR) I1.100 gpm and 10.000 gpm (Core Spray) 1030 gpm and 3125 gpm i

i ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

MISC PENG-CALC-064. R;v. 01 Attachm:nt A. Pag 3 A-4 of 4 03/02/98 04:26 PM Tm Weiduo Yu/CENO/USNUS/ABB@ABB_USSEV_IMS@ABB_ NOTES CC:



RE: core spray parameters l

Parameters for Core Spray:

at 205.7?F l.

at 3125 gpm: allowable headloss for strainer = 8.98 ft at 100?F l-l st 4030 gpm: allowable headloss for strainer = 14.5 ft.

j .

From: weiduo.yu@USNUS. ,

Sent: Monday, March 02,1998 3:22 PM l To: Hosterman, E.W. (Edwin)


core spray parameters Hi, Ed: This messege is to re-confirm what I sent to you last Tuesday.

Currently I am working on the revised

, calculation of head loss based on the new parameters you sent to Barry before.

We want to know if there is any change to the core spray parameters, especially the allowaole head

( loss l limit (it was 6.0 ft before), etc. l Please return to us at your early convenience. Thanks a lot.

Weiduo Yu l.

1 1

ABB Combustion Engineenng Nuclear Power l

MISC-PENG-CALC-064, Rev. 01 Attacnm:nt ? Ptg3 B-1 of 6 ATTACHMENT B Determmation of Maxunum Allowable .

Fiber Loadings (A total of 6 pages, including this page.) _,

I-1 L


j I

1 ABB Combustion Engineenng Nuclear Power

MISC PENG-CALC-064, Rcv. 01 Att cnm:nt B. Pag 2 8-2 of 6 i

Maximum allowable 6ber loadings for RHR Train is based on Design Case B (at 205.7 'F) ofTable III-1. Flow distnbution follows the Nottingham output. Since the total head loss limit is 7.36 a water, the bed loss limit for both sides is 7.36 ft minus

! correspondmg system losses, which are summanzed in the table below: -

I i

l l

' \

i 1

- Because of the unbalanceo conngurauon of RHR trams ( 5 modules in one side and one in another side), the debns deposition will not be even on both sides. The bed l l loss calmlatat algonthm needs the input of 6ber and sludge amounts to calculate the l bed loss. Thus, an important parameter is the percentage of total debris deposition on  ;

l the smgle-module side, which may not necessanly be the flow split ratio. l l

The iteranve process to determme the 6ber loading limit involves assummg a .

percentage of total debris deposition on the single module side, calculating the 6ber l amount on both sides from the bed loss limit ML, and then companng the newly l l

l h.ed debris deposition percentage with the previous one. Iteranon ends when the  !

I percentage converges. And for this calculation, the amount of sludge is fixed at 537 ,

Ibm. .

i From Nottingham code output, for RHR stramer Design Case B at 213 *F, l l

l approxunately 25% of total flow goes to the single-module side. For the initial trial, j 25% was used as the first guess for the debris deposition percentage on the single-module side.

Iteration One assummg 25% of debris deposition percentage Singie-module side:

Sludge input value = 537 lbm 25% = 134.25 lbm.

Input different values of 6ber loadings into the bed loss algorithm code. 6nd the bed losses and compare them with the bed loss limit, which is 6 483 ft from table above. The following table shows the two results around the bed limit:

i  % i l

ABB Combustion Engineenng Nuclear Power

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MISC.PENG-CALC.064, R;v. 01 Attrcnm:nt 8. Paga 8 3 of 6 F l l

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ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

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MISC PENG-CALC-064, Rtv. 01 AtttenmInt 8, Pago 8 4 of 6

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MISC PENG-CALC-064. R;v. 01 Attienm:nt 8. Paga 8-5 of 6 P m f

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MISC PENG-CALC 064. Rsv. 01 AttschmInt 8. Paga 8-6 of 6 1 i

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ABB Combustion Engineenng Nuc! ear Power

MISC-PENG-CALC-064, Rsv. 01 Attichmsnt C Pags C1 of 6 Contingencies and Assumptions


Venfication of ECCS Strainer Pressure Drops for Peach Bottom Units 2 and 3 Document Number MISC-PENG{ALC-064 Revision Number: 01 Project Manager K. Martm Project Number: 2007831 lasmatanas A copy of this form shall be sent tot he cogmzant Project Manager who shall be re for assunns that Internal Connagencies and Assumpoons are cleand and Emernal ,

Connagenoes and Assumpoons art transnutted tot he customer.

l Type of Contingency / Assumption l Contingency / Assumption

@ None There are neither Intemal nor External Contingencies or l Assumptions in this Design Analysis. )

O Intemal Extemal C Intemal O External

[ Intemal O External !


[ Intemal [ External '

l t

I O Internal External i O Internal O External l I

i I i

l C Internal C Extemal  !

i i t l

  • MG3od 2 coc 111.94

MISC PENG-CALC 064, RIv, 01 Att chmInt C Paga C2 of 6 Design Analysis Verification Checklist j tPage 1 of 4) lastructions: The Independent Reviewer is to complete this checklist for each analysis and it is to be incorporated l into the completed analysts. If a major topic area (p.ncrally unnumbered. bold face type such as Use of Computer Software) is not applicable, then N/A (not applicable) next to the topic may be checked and the check boxes for all items under it may be left blank. Where there is no check box under N/A for a numbered item, such a response is I generally inappropnate. If N/A is checked in such a situation. document the basis at the end of this checklist in the j Comments secuon.


Verification of ECCS Stramer Pressure Drops for Peach Bottom Units 2 and 3 Document Number:

MISC-PENG-CALC-064 Revision Number: 01

, Yes N/A

Overall Assessment
1. Are the results/ conclusions correct and appropriate for their intended use? @ j i
2. Are alllimitations and contingencies on the results/ conclusions documented? @ l i
Asswasse=* of Cognasant Engineers. Independent Reviewers and Mentors l
1. If there are emisupie Cognizant Enemeers, has ther scope been documerged?
2. [f there are muluple 8- - Renewers. has ther scope been documersed?

j 3. Lf there will be mutupie Mannesmars Approvers. has ther scope eeen documensad?

C @

< 4. If an '-


^ Renewer a the supervisor w Protect Manager, has authoruauon as an Independens Renewer been

] Q 4 Use of Computer Software O' Fw sortware weuch has been vahdated unaar QP 3.13:


! l. *sthe software appucante fw stys anaavsis?

. .s the sortware iused oa an ,mrovea oC t sort *are i .st?

2 [

l Fw nottware wouch has not been vahdated unmar QP 3.13: l 2

1. 's the computer tvpe. programs masse and revision idenuficauon documerned?


2. Is the h-~ sutlicisms for the f% Rewswer to concur than the sortware is appropnaas for the anaavsss ?

l [

3. Has the cognizans Ensposer prowded obiecuve endence that the sortware is ovmg correct resurts ?

j l [

4 Were spresenhases used a tems analysis ?


& !s ihmer use ulantdied? I

b. Has the Cossurant Engmeer provided obiective evidence that the sortware a oving correct resurts ? ,


For Cods las Cersruas vehsheed under QP 3 14. 3

1. :s the Code-LAs Consruct appbcable for ttus anaavste ?


2. Was es Cod >las Coruruct used a or cetamed turn the coraroded li-i? I [

l 3. Mas pts augur amared that tee Codsi.las Carurucs performaa as rosared?


4 f.:hanens new euen r.wie to the LAa Caunus. have truv timen accumersea e- as a cart or the anarwm ?


'vo304-2.aoo Mtse

MISC PENG-CALC 064, Asv. 01 AttichmInt C Paga C3 of 6 l

Design Analysis Verification Checklist (Page 2 of 4)

Desip Analysis Contents Yes N/A objecieve et the oesi, Amanysis

1. Has afarmauen ensemanry to define on tant toen metuded or refonneedt g
2. Has the reeman w4uy the anakvem e tmng performed or rensed been documented? @

Has use ,


3. , and maanded use of the resuas been documessed? G Assessment of Sipincast Desip Changes l

Have negudosat chseems ihan nusht ==paa thss analyse been considend?

L. .

2. If any asch changes how been identa6ed, how they been adequasely addressed?

[ 3 AnalyticalTechniques(Methods) t A,. uw ana vocas i.c eu.oes < meomdsi descnoed e suscio deud e jua.e um, g IL Are the analyucal testemques uses or thev appuceu<si gowened by an NRC asued SER7

[ g A. If yes. m the analvsw a conformance wnh the SER? O 3 IIL Haw anskytical *- 1 base preneusly venfied?

incorporated by refannoe to genanc analwes Lead plans anakynes or pronous cycle analyses g

] @

IV. Are any h- or deparnares from pnwounty approwd anakyucap ' or Convenuonna Enguesenns Anasyne Q l Proaishnes (QP 3.19) h==med and justified?

V. L( ,


' approwd anaayucal techniques or Engmeanns Analvsm Procahans are used, a ther une justified and g VI. Does the date ofissue of ruferenced approved proceaures ce Engmeanns Analyss Procesares predase ther use a uus analvsm?

[ g

, Selection of Desip Impets

1. Ve tre dessp irunas ->-7


. ve ihm desi, i,. suis .orrecu, nione. an. nmoie m m, -e i g 3 De references as dunca as possible to the onspnal source or documents contauung coilecuentaculauons or inputs ? lg l 4. b the reference notauca appropnaselv spectfic to the aformauco uulued?

@ j L .43 the bases for seiessaan of all dessp aputs documeused?


6. S the vendicamen saamas of demga epias transmreed tom customers or ABB CENS appropnase and documented?

[ Z

? 3 the use e(cussenemoneroued sources such as Tech Specs. LTS ARs, etc authorned, and does the authoruauon spec

  • 2- lent revuaos number, etc.?

[ ]

Assamptions f l 1. If there are no assumpuans is this documerned?

l@ ]l l l 2. Ve all == ram edentafied and usta6ed? J [ 3l i lL Ve assumpoons wtuch muss be cleared by CENO or tre cumamer luund on a Conungencies and Auumpuans term 1 [ @j l4 3 the Protus Manager responsiste for cleanns the Asmanunsons idenused on the rarm? @ ] '

35A030&2 aoo 10tSe

t MISC-PENG CALC-064, R2v. 01 Attachmsnt C Pag 3 C4 of 6 l

l Design Analysis Verification Checklist (Page 3 of 4) i Rensits/Cha Yes N/A

1. Are ad rumshe cessamed in or referamond a the RaudsConclusion secuan?


2. Art ad lamstatsons on the resultatcenclusions and their - ; " '"i W m this sectson? I
3. Are ad -r on the results that rnuss be cleared lasted a the ResuasConclusion secuan and on a Conungenews and Assusepuses forue?

] g l

4. Is ths Propset Manager . - for cleann6 the Asmusumsons or Conungencies idano6sd on the fann? g ]

l 5. Has a osumpenssa of the resuhs wilin those o(a prenous cycle or sandar analyses boss made and siem6 cant durerences engdened?

] g '

Other n I. Haw appissable Codes (e s ASME Cods) and mandards been appropnmalv referenced and appened?

] g l

l 2. Es the utforussoon fruen relevant triarasure searcassbeckground data h*tv documsmed and referenced?

Q ]! l

3. Are hand calculauens correct and appropnaasty documented? ] ]
4. Is ad appiscable compuest ouspus and input actuded? @
3. !s au compuest sonware used idenu6ed bv nanw and revuion idenu6 canon? @


Raderences -


t. Are au references used to periana em annavam lunad? @
2. Art uw referusons as deras as possdde and appropnau to the sourse? @
3. !s the refeune metaman spende to su afernunonm suAmbag revmon newe or esas cimam assi meure appreenssa. W of @

tw % orthe wiferrammen a du raeuum num as ones, tabk a parayapn mseher?

4 Do references to Tech Specs and FS ARs actude the correct revuien or amendment numoer as authonzed by the customer? ] ]

IR: Document the detads o(venficauon acovities bevond the obvious ones on this Checthat and m parucular I sucn thmgs as the review of new methods, sodware used m accorance mth Parasrapa 3.3 2. enameenns  !

i ;uagements, the use et prevwusiv unvended mputs etc.

i I ,

t 1

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  • V1.98

, . - - . - .. -- - ..-- - . - . - - - _ _ . - . - - . ~ _ - .-

MISC PENG CALC 064, RIv. 01 AttIchmsnt C Paga C5 of 6  ;

l Design Analysis Verification Checklist (Page 4 of 4)

The Form and Format scetion of the Checklist below may be completed by a Checker under the direedom of the Independest Reviewer.

Yes N/A i


Fe 1m&ennst j l. Is she demament legibia. . r ' ' and e a isna smaabie ter Sling and removes as a Quebey Record?  ;

2. Are all pages edemaded wuh the desumme h. ochadsag towsise nuseher? I
3. De all pages how a umspas pass smater? g
4. Have au changes home h by the ensuais and dass o(bom the Cognisass Eagmeer. '- - Revwwer and. J c by F-- _ --1 1

S. Are ad Sles an CD ROM idsman6ed by the past nams? [ @

6. Are ad comenmar disks hnad wius the anaawis nusneer ? ] @

< 7. Are any unwarded aestasses of an cesrwise ven6ed anaaynes clearty subcasse? [ @

For a "Mamisrendum Rensess' to a conspesand Desop Aaaiyse. @'

I 1. Have the tale and documses numeur beso pnenrved wahout change? O

2. Does ties rewnson massa the minna for a "sumple rowsica7 { l
3. . Are the Ausher, te Rewswer and Macag==== Approver and ther roess h'ad? O For a rewsica to a scenpassed analyms a the ** Comp 6ete Revusen* and " Pass Change Packags
  • fannass: Q
L Where pracsacvat haw changes and addnaans beso idensafted by mechamamm mach as vowrucal hnen. etc.?

Il %1wre pracusal, have deleuans been idevan6ed by mechaa- such as strike auta, etc.? ] ,

4 IIL Have mdecauons o(change a prenous revumre esen removas? I[ '

tV, Does tas desenbuuan o(the revision metude usose on the disincuuon of the prenous rension ?

! ]

j For a torneesis Revuion': .

j 1. . Haw the tnie and documem numest been preserved wnhout change!

3 l 2. Has the rowseen nummer base scriansanad by ons ?

8 For a -Page Chames Packags *: 8

1. Are pages numbered a acomeance wna the anginal analnu ? [
. Are sunnmosas prended ter the meanion and drieuce of revume page ? O
3. Has a asw Title Page basa propend?

4 Does the Package Conses Page retlect uw cnance pacmage conseoss? O 3 FornvFormat secuon completed by the Independent Reviewer.

O FornvFormat secuon completed by the Checker identified below:

Checker Name: Signature:

8MG304 2. dos !.11/98

MISC PENG CALC-064, R:v. 01 Attrchm:nt C Paga C6 of 6 l

i Reviewer's Comment Form Page 1 of 1


Veri 6 cation of ECCS etramer Pressure Drops for Peach Bottom Units 2 and 3 Document Number- MISC PENG-CALC-064 Revision Number: O' Comuneet Reviewer's Comment Response Author's Response Response l

Number Required? Accepted?

1 Document in Results section that there Y Results section Yes are no contingencies or assumptions moddied to inacate l

no contingencies or assumptions l

I I l 1 I Il l

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I I I I W3304 2 doc 101,9s

._ . . - . ~ . _ . __ _ _ -

l MISC-PENG-CALC-064. Rcv.01 Attacnment O f

l l

1 1

i i

ATTACHMENT D ABB Inter-Office Correspondence  !

ST-98-240, Rev. 00 l i

(A total of 13 pages, not including this cover page) ,

j l

l l

! ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power

l i


.... ..... ....., ST-98-240. Rev. 00 l Inter-Office Correspondence i

i To: Weiduo Yu Gena Kogan ec: 8. Lubin ST-98-240 Rev. 00 M.A. Krammen QR (2) April 23,1998 l 1



Nottingham Code Input and Output for RHR Licensing Case at 213 'F.

Venfication This document has been prepared in accordance with QP 3.10 of OPM-101 and ,

verified in accordance with QP 3.5.

r Barry Lubin MAtM [ lh 4l

1) k 6 Independent Reviewe amel)1gnature/Date Attached is the Nottingham Code input and output for RHR Licensing Case at 213 'F for insertion into Appendix 11 of ABB CENP Calculation MISC-PENG-CALC-064, Rev.
01. The Hydraulic resistances are caseo on MISC-PENG-CALC-064. Rev. 00.


, ass =a==  !

ST.08 340 Rev. 00 page2 of 13 -

i User: Gena Kogan, EXT. 3665, CEP AD10  ;

Request: w st9-891 from rfe2 I

Printer: w st9

thr.licens213 3

Wed Mar 18 08:28:52 EST 1998 1

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$T.98 240. Rev. 00 l pagt3 0i' l3 3CM 2FCMPR=T,NPRUN=4,2FNCCL=F,NEWPR=1, NEWT =0,NVAA=0,EPS=.00001, DELTA =.1, i LSTLEV=0, PRINT =1 20 00000 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0.2FEDIT=F,2FSTOP=F 5 l 1

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'LFROM( 6 ). 2 i LFROM( 7 )= 2 LFROM( 8 )= 3 ,

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LTO( 1 )= 2 LTO( 2 ). 3 LTO( 3 )= 4 LTO( 4 )= 5 LTo( 5 )= 6 I LTO( 6 )= 1 LTO( 7 )= 9

  • TC( 3 )= 9 LTO( 9 = 10 1701 .0 = 11


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  • TO(

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LTC( 14 )= 10 LTO( 15 )= 11

  • TC( 16 )= 12 LTC( 17 )= 13 LTC( 18 )= 14 LTO( 19 )= 15 LTO( 20 )= 0 XLNGTH(1)=0.

XLNGTH ( 2 ) = 0 .

XLNGTH ( 3 ) = 0 .

XLNGTH ( 4 ) = 0 .

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XLNGTH(14)e0. ST.98 240. Rev. 00 XLNGTH(15)=0. PE*W XLNGTH (16 ) = 0.


l XLNGTH ( 18 ) = 0, i XLNGTH (19 ) = 0.

l XLNGTH ( 2 0 ) = 0.

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DI AM ( 3 ) = 1.

DI AM ( 4 ) =1.


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DIAM (7)=1.

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DIAM (11)=1.

DIAM (12)=1.

L DIAM (13)=1.

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DIAM (15)=1.

DIAM (16)=1.

D I AM ( 17 ) = 1.

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DI AM (19 ) =1.

DIAM (20)=1.

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USER 1( 3 )=0.98152E+01 USER 1( 4 )=0.93577E+01

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l I

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h sT es-zeo. Rev. co pagef'ef /3 i User: Gena Kogan, EXT. 3665, CEP AD10


Request: w st9-890 from rfe2 Printer: w st9


l Filename: thr.licens213.out 4

1 Wed Mar 18 08:28:27 EST 1998 i

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5T 98 240. Rev. 00 PAStlofIj O


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ST 98-340. Rev. 00 pagedof/3 I

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l l

ST-98 240 Rev. 'X) page// of f}

Other Design Document Checklist (Page 1 of 3) j Instructions: 'Ihe f%* Reviewer is to complete this checkhst for each Other Design Document. T1us  ;

Checkhst it is to be made part of the Quality Record package, although it need not be made a part of or distnbuted with the docenent itself. The second secuon of this charirhe lists potenual topics which could be relevant for a parucular "Other Demga Document" If they are applicable, then the relevant secuon of the Design Analysts Ven8 canon Checklia shall be completed and attached to this checklist. (Secuons of the Design Analysts Vert 6 canon Checklist which are not used may be lea blank.)


NosG.. der Code Input and Output for RHR Licensing Case at 213*F l

Document Number: ST-98-240 Revision Number: 00 Section 1: To be completed for all Other Design Docannests Yes N/A  ;

OveraH Assessenent i 1 Are the results/ conclusions correct and appropriate for their intended use? Y 2 Are alllimitations on the results/ conclusions documented? O /

" Requiremanes I. Is the docurnentation legible, reproducible and in a form suitable for filing and retneving as a Quality Record?


2. Is the document idenufied by utle. document number and date? [
3. Are all pages identified with the document number including revision number? O 4 Do all pages have a uruque page number? C
5. Does the content clearly idenufv, as applicable: l i l I
a. objecuve  ! 2 2


b. design inputs (in accordance with QP 3 21 2 s

l c. conclusions C ~[

l6. Is the vert 6 canon status of the document indicated? 7 7 If an r% Reviewer is the supervisor or Project Manager, has the appropnate l]

approvalbeen documented? l e+4 l


1. Art all assumpoon idenufied. Jusufied and documented? U '[
2. Are all assumpoons that must be cleared listed? U E
a. Is a process tn place wiuch assures that those whsch are CENO responsibtlity will be O 3, cleared?  ;

l b. Is a process in place wtuch assures that those wtuch are the customer's responsibthry [ [

l to clear will be indicated on transmittals to the customer?

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l ST 98-240 Rev. 00 page/2 of 13 l

Other Design Document Checklist (Page 2 of 3)

A-====a et signmeans Desip changes Yes N/A

1. Have sip Arman design related changes that nught tmpact this document been considered? 8
2. If any such caanges have beenatensin ed, have they been adequately addressed? W D Selection et Design bspues O O
1. Att the desaga inputs documensed? [
2. Are the design inputs cornetly selected and traceable to their source? O
3. Are references as direct as possible to the original source or documents contauung g collection /enhnlmeinna ofinputs?
4. Is the referena notanon appropnately spectfic to the informanon uulized? 7
5. Are the bases for selecuon of all design inputs documented? 7
6. Is the venficanon status of design inputs transmitted from customers appropnate and 7 docurneasari?

7 Is the venficanon stams of design inputs transmitted from ABB CENS appropnate and documented? 1 O [ I

8. Is the use o(cusemer controlled sources such as Tech Specs. UFSARs, etc. authonzed. and [

does the authonzanon spectfy amendment level. revision number, etc.?


1. Are all references listed? [
2. Do the referena citanons include suiBeient informauon to assure retnevabtlity and [

l unambiguous locanon of the referenced matenal?

l l Section 2: Other Possestauy Applicable Topic Areas - use appropnate secuons of the Design Analysis Vendc:1uon Char +i= (QP 3.4, Exhibit 3.4 - 5) and attach.  !

Yes l N/A l

1. Use of Computer Software 7 C
2. Appucable Codes and Standards C 7
3. Literature Searches and Background Data C Y l 4 Methods C 7
5. Hand C%*ns C 7 6.- List of Computer Software O E
7. List of Microfiche Y
8. List of opacal disks (CD-ROM) O 7, l9. List of compum disks C l


ST48-240 Rev. 00 page/3 of /3 Other Design Document Checklist (Page 3 of 3)

I-i;: '- - Reviewer's Comuments Comument Reywwer's Comument Response Author's Response Response Number Recared? Accepted?

l 1


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, l l 1 l l l l

l l l I I I I i i 1 Checklist completed by: i l I x - I Independent Reviewer 3 "I. LV B, v - N (, kh 4 -27 'i 6 i

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