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Summary of ASME Repairs & Replacement Completed (N1S-2) for Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 2,870401-890426
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/25/1989
Shared Package
ML20247H927 List:
NUDOCS 8907310191
Download: ML20247H943 (61)



             .,3                                                                      ,

I 1 XD. , ..r l:, . l .I 4 q i

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                                                              - (N1S-2)

FOR PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION-b: April 1,'1987 pril 26,1989. 1 8907310191 PDR 890725 O ADOCK 05000277 PDC ,


         ' \

('T 7-11-89' 01 Rebuilt Hydraulic Snubbers to iV - Extend Service Life 7-24-89 01 Replaced Main Steam Relief ' Valves 7-24-89 01 Replaced Main Steam Relief Valves 7-24-89 02 Replaced Reactor Head Out-Board Vent Valve 7-24-09 02 Replaced Reactor Head In-Board Ver.t Valve j 7-11-89 06 Rebuilt Hydrtulic Snubbers to

                                      ,           Extend Serv 3'se Life 7-11-89          10     Rebuilt Hydraulic Snubbers to Extend Service Life 7-24-89 10     Replacement of Dynamic                                              '

Restraints 7-24-89 10 Replaced RHR "A" Loop Relief (]) Valve 7-15-87 10 Replacement of "B" RHR Relief Valva (RV-035B) (8663271) 4-17-89 10 Modification (R-249) to Hanger (2-10GB-H87) Baseplate 3-20-89 10 Modification (R-248) to Hanger 2-10GB-S48 11-14-88 10 Replacement of Welded Relief Valves with Flanged Relief

y. Valves per MOD 4112A g(' (RV 2-10-72D) 11-14-8'8 10 Replacement of Welded Relief Valves with Flanged Relief Valves per MOD 4112A (RV 2-10-72B) 11-14-88 10 Replacement of Walded Relief Valves with Flanged Relief

() valves per MOD 4112A (RV-10-72A)


DATE OF NIS 2 SYSTEM NO DESCRIPTION OF WORK PERFORMED 11 @ 10 Replacement of Welded Relief en valves with Flanged Relief 24-' Valves per MOD 4112A (RV-10-72C) 12-15-88 11 Modification 5033 to Replace Swing Check Valve with Soft Seated Check' 7-11-89 12 Rsbuilt Hydraulic Snubbers to Extend Service Life 7-24-89 12 Replacement of Dynamic Restraints 7-11-89 14 Rebuilt Hydraulic Snubbers to Extend Service Life 7-11-89 23 Rebuilt Hydraulic Snubbers to Extend Service Life 7-24-89 23 Replacement of Dynamic ~' ' Restraints ' 4-17-89 33 Fabrication of RHR Pump Seal Water Cooler Covers 6-12-87 33 Replacement of Section of Inlet Piping to "D" RHR Room Cooler 7-24-89 48 Revelded Lug of Pipe Support 7-24-89 48 Repaired Wald on Pipe Support 7-2-87 64B Replacement of 2-3-21B Excess Flow Check Valve 7 i O

l L FORM NIC-2 CWNER'O REPORT CF REPAIR C3 REPLACEMENT f As Regaired by the Prowlefone of ASIE Code Section XI f

1. Guner: Dates 7/11/89 1 (Name) '

a ] l __ te-L M Boulevard 'h 7.e. PA 19087 Sheet 1 of 2 I (Address)

2. Plants Peach Botton Atomic Power Stetton Units _ 2 (Name) l'
3. Work Perfereed tyy Phitedstahle Electric f M Maintenance Decertment (heme) Repelr Organitetton Rd. 1 Dette. PA 17314 (Adde ns) 4 Identification of Systems Main Steam - treten 01
5. (8) Applicable construct code a31.1 1962 Edition, M/A Addende, Code Cases N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI utilized for Repelre or Replacement, 1980 Edition thru Winter 1981 Addende, Code Cases N 308 _
6. Identification of Componente Repelred or Replaced, and Replacement Componentes .


    -()                                  NAME OF         NAME OF            SERIAL          OTHER            YEAR       OR                PART             STAMPED COMPONENT           MFR              NUNCER     IDENTIFICATION        BUILT  REPLACEMENT     IDENTIFICATION      (TES OR N0)

Hydraulic 3P Lynelr XX177 $$ Al 3/31/87 Replacement W-213014 No Hydroutic 2P Lynelr XX178 58 A3 2/27/85 Reptocement W-298436 No Hydroutic 2-P Lynelr XX179 $$ 31 3/31/87 Replacement W-213014 No Hydraulic 2P Lynelr XX180 ss-B3 2/20/85 Replacement W-298436 No HydroutIc W-237255 2P Lindes XX181 $$ 54 8/20/88 Replacement W 214751 No 3 J HydreutIC .I W 212848  ! 2P XX184 ss C1 4/5/87 Replacement W 212751 No

                                                                      ,                                                                                               i Hydraulic           '

W 383156 I 2P Lynele XX185 $8 C3 2/21/85 Replacement W 298436 No j HydroutIc W 212751 2-P Mitter XX186 SS C4 8/12/88 Replacement W 217856 No ) HydroutIc W 201897 2P Mitter XX187 ss C5 8/12/88 Reptocement W 218906 No J

                  ,                  Hydraulic                                                                                         W-238031                        f 2P           MILter              XX187            ss C5           8/12/88 Reptecoment         W 320730               No Hydroutic                                                                                         W-212848 3P           Lynsir              xX189            55 01           4/6/87  k @tecement         W 383156               No

FORM NIS-2 CWNER'S REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Required by the Provisione cf ASME Code Section XI J Identfffeetten ed System: Nafn tream - Svetem sheet 2 of 2 rh REPAIRED, j ChalER REPLACED, ASME CODE NAM OF NAM OF SERIAL OTHER YEAR OR l PART STAMPED COMPONENT MFR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION j BUILT REPLACEMENT IDENTIFICATION (YES OR NO) 1 Hydraulic BW-212751 3P Lynefr XX189 55-01 4/6/87 Replacement BW 213385 No Hydraulic BW 212751 3P Lynefr XX190 $s c3 4/6/87 Replacement BW-213385 No


i NWreutIc I BW-212648 4 3-P Lynefr XX190 $$ 03 4/6/87 Replacement BW 383156 No

7. Description of Work: 1
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneuestic Nominst Operating Pressure Other Pressure Del Test Temp. *F


9. Remarth: Rebullt and reelecement srubbers are fmetionet ty tested before belno instet ted.

O CERTIFICATE OF Cole *LIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and this MMFA/I conforms to (ropeIr or roptseement} Section XI of the A Code. Signed - M M/dw_b rvL d d 77 , 19 (Owner or Owner's Doelpiee) Title / 6etd CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION I, the undersi holding a volld commission issued by the National Board of Boller and Pressure Vesset n Inspectors and GeMate or Province of huL //w A , esployed by N 5 B E 4 3 b of k k d C.h ' have inspected theb.2. !lednt emeddescribed in this Report on g (Repairs or Replacements) J C -10 . 19 3#t , and state that to the boet of my knowledge and belief, this repelr or reptadement has been constructed in accordance with Section XI of the ASME Coos. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his esployer makes any warranty, expressed or leptied, concerning the repelr to replacement described in the Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his esployer shett be tIabte in any menner for any persone1 injury or property denece or a Loss of any kind erising from or connected with this f Q. Dste a 'J) "6 f A h . . m . ._* ~ Commissioner Att,5 M32 7.s91 ( y "(Inspector) (State or Province, National Board) w_____-_-__ - _ _ _ _ .


                                              ,    As Regstred by the Provlsions of ASME Code Section XI 1


1. Duner: Phfi e tmhfa Electrfe c m Date 7/24/89 J (name) 2301 Market street Phltadalahf a. PA Sheet 1 of 3 (Addrema)
2. Plant Peach tottom Atomic Power Station Unit 2 (name)
3. Work Performed by: Philadninhf a Electrfe cm Maintenance Denartment (Neme) Repsfr Organlaation Rd. 1 Detta. PA 17314 (Address) 4 Identification of $pten: Main steam Sveten 01 5.

(a) Applicable construct Code ANSI R31.1 196ZEdition,,,g/A,Addende,CodeCasee,,g/1, (b) Applicebte Edition of Section XI utilfred for Repairs or Replacement, 1980 Edition thru Winter 1981 Addende, Code Casee .M-306

6. Identif featfon of Components Repelred or Rsplaced, and Replacement Components:

O REPAIRED, MFR REPLACED, ASME CCBE NAME OF NAME OF SERIAi. OTHER YEAR OR PART STAMPED COMPONENT MFR WUMBFR IDENTIFICATION BUILT REPLACEM!NT IDENTIFICATION (YES OR N0) 71E Target Rock 22 ---- - Replaced --- No 71E Terget Rock 18 ---- --- Replacement -- No 71G Target Rock 73 - -- - Replaced ---- No 71G Target Rock TT - - - - Replacement ---- No 71K Target Bect 78 -- - Replaced --- No 71K Target Rock 178 - -- - Replacement -*- No 71J Target Rock 77 - -- -- Replaced - -- No 71J Target Rock 178 -- - Replacement ---- No O

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT OF REPRIR OR REPLACEMENT D b. - As Re @tred by the Provisions of A M Code Section XI

 \v/                                                           M Identif festfon of Dystent. Hein steen tvates 01                                    Sheet       2    of        3 REPA! RED, MPR                                    REPLACED,                     A M CODE NAME OF            H M OF     SERIAL       OTNER         ; YEAR          OR             PART         STAMPED COMPONENT              MFR     EMEER    IDENTIFICATIch      RUILT    REPLACEM NT    IDENTIFICATION  (YES OR MO) 71H           Target Rock     85            --               -

Replaced -- no 71H forget Rock 190 - - -

  • Replacement --

No 71C Target Rock 16 -- - Replaced -- No 71C Target Rock 22 --- - Raptocement -- No 71L Target Rock 20 - -- Replaced -- ' se . l TIL Target Rock 145 - - Replacement - no

 ,e v t,'
7. Description of Works Renteced Main Steen Retlef Velves l i'
8. Test Conducted: WWrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other O Pressure 1000 osi Test Temp. 185 *F-
9. Reserks:

(Applicable Mart A turer's Date Reports to be etteched) l r l E l O l

PtWI 518 2 thaER'S MPERT OF MPAlt tut REPS arsesary

 .                                         As acquired by the Provisions of ASIE Code Section XI
    %.)                         $..

L Identificatf an of Systemt stein steam - System 01 Sheet 3 of 3 CERTIFICATE OF EXBU'LIANCE We certify that the statements ande in this report ero correct and this M conforuus to (repelr or reptecament) Section XI of t Code. , signed- MM C+ M [M *) 9 19 _ (6uner or owner's Designee) \ Title / Detg/ / CERTIFICATE OF 15pECTim I, the undersigned, holding a velfd ccealselon issued ty the National Board of Beller and Pressure Vesset Inspectors and the State or Province of e MwL Vm A , soptoyed by N S 3.hT b. , of fMo n1 ;6- have Inspected the k o h m M - described in this Report on ' (Roodirs or Reptecasents) dd4 F4 , 19 8 9 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this repefr or reptocement hee been constructed in accordence with Section XI of the ASIE Code. By signing this certificate, retther the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, empressed or laptfed, concerning

   '      the repelr ro replacement described in the Report. Furthenopre, neither the Inspector nor his employer

( shall be liable in any omnner for any personel injury or property demose or e toes of any kind arising from or connected with thle inspecsf . Cate: d tAA M -\%'t - - - Commiselone h J 1b3 N3 ML W (Inspector) (State or Province, National Board) l t l l O i i


    .g                                                                  ' y Q ,.       As Required by the Prowlslane of A!ME Code Section XI y                                                                         w.


1. Omer: - fa Rtactrfe P- -

Dates 7/24/89 (Name) 2301 Market Street Phltadelnhfa. PA Sher t 1 of 2 (Addrese)

2. Plant Peach Botton Atomfe Power Station Units _ 2 l (Name)
3. Work Performed by: Phttadninhf a Electric C=w Maintenance Danactment (Name) Repair Orgentzetton Rd. 1 Detta. PA 17314 (Address) 4 Identification of Systems Main Steam - Sveten 01
5. (e) Applicable construct Code ANSI 331.1 196Z Edition, ,,,g/A, Addende, Code Cases ,,lllL, (b) Applicebte Edition of Section XI utilized for Repelre or Replacements, 1980 Edition thru Winter 1981 Addende, Code Cases / d -


6. Identification of Components Reptfred or Reptoced, and Replacement Componards

() (/ REPA! RED, MFR REPLACED, ASIE CM NAME OF NAME OF SERIAL OTHER YEAR OR PART STAprED COMPONENT MFR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION RUILT REPLACEMENT IDENTIFICATION (TES OR NO) RV 2 01-70s Dresser SL1102 --- - Replaced --- No RV 2 01-70s Dresser BL1D95 -- -- Replacement -- No RV 2 01-70A Dresser SL1104 -- - -- Replaced -- No RV 2 70A Dreeser BL1095 - - Reptecoment - No

7. Descripti  : Rentaced Main steen Rollef Valves
8. Test Conducteds M1setatic Pneumatic #celnel Operating Pressure b Other Pressure 1000 nel Test Temp. 185 of
9. Ror .is:


FORE MIS-E OWNER's REPORT OF REPRIR OR REPLACEMENT As Required by the Provisions of ASBE Code Section XI i.x identiffeetfon of Systemt seein steen - sveten 01 Sheet 2 of 2 _,,_,0.__ 4 We certify that the statements endo in thf s report are correct and this r**8 6(#a#Abconforms to (rep 6tr or replacement) Section XX of Code.

                $fgned N./ /                                                                                               # M. bM                                7              , 19
                                                           ' (thr# or Owner's Designee)                                                  Title j

(/ fate # CERTIFICATE OF Imp tCTi m I, the mderstened, holding a valid comolsefon issued try the national Soord of Bolter and Pressure vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of urJwls a , employed by N 5.h. T *-T- G. of kba l' D. have inspected the d aen e A described in this Report on l (Repelrs or Replacement) dwl3 - 2A "

                                                                                                 ,191, and state that to the boot of my knowledge and belief, this repair or replacement has been constructed in accordance with Section XI of the ASIE Cods. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer askes any warranty, empressed or taptfed, concerning O    the repelr ro replacement described in the Report. .urthenspre, neither the Inspector nor his employer shell be Liebte in any menner for any personst injury or property damage or a toss of any kind arising fromorconnectedwiththisinspect%.

o.teiL4 u -iw MM - - L-- -issions 8A mm N s m t_ w ine,on or, c tete or ,r. .e,.etional. oar. i 1


w O

FORM NIC-2 OWNE3'O REPO~.T CF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Regaired by the Provlefono of ASME Code Section XI

1. Omer PhD " '
  • fe Electric c----e,'

Date: 7/24/89

                                     .                  (N e) 2301 Ibbeket ttrest       phi (edeIch!e. PA                           Shoet       1       of       2 (Address)
2. Plants Peach Botton Atomic Power Stetton unit 2 (Name)
3. Work Performed try: Ph1IedeIchie Etoctrie e m Meintenence Decertaant (Name)
  • h Repefr Organizetton <

I Rd. 1 Dette. PA 17314 1 (Address)

4. Identification of Systems teactor Recircutetfan - Svetem 02
5. (a) Applicable Construct Code Aust a31.1 196ZEditlan, N/A Addende, Code Cases N/A (b) ApptIcable Edftion of Section XI utItfred for Repeire or Replacement, 1980 Edition thru Winter 1981 Addende, code Ceoes N 308
6. Idont1,fIcetion of Componente Aopeired or Reptoced, and Reptocement Componentea REPAIRED, f

NAME OF NAME OF MFR. SERIAL REPLACED, ASME CODE CTNER YEAR OR PART STApFED COMPONENT MFR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION BUILT REPLACEMENT IDENTIFICATION (YES OR 100) HV-2 016 Rockwett CCS?7 2" let.130 -- Reptoced BW92209-118971 No 2" SCN. 160 2" TEE -- - -- TEE - Reptseed B469190 No 2" SCN. 160 2" Pipe -- --- Pfpe -- Replaced OW652889 No 2" SCN. 160 2" CouptIng -- --- CoetIng - Replaced 3669190 No 1" SCN. 160 1" Cowling ---- --- Coupling - Replaced BW369190 No 2" x 1" 2" x la SCN. 160 Reducer ==-- --- Redacer -- Replaced 9669190 No is gCN. 160 1" Pipe ---- --- Pipe -- Reptoced B469190 No

7. Description of Work: Rentseed Rx Need vent Gu+ " ad Need Vent Veive
8. Test Condacted: Hydrostatic Pneuestic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure W ost Toot Toep. eebient +F lit 0
          -               _ -                                                     -                                                 l

FORM NIC-2 CWNE3'S REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As RegJf red by the Provisions of AssE Code Section XI IdentifIcetten a( Systems ^^ iar seeireut atf en svetem 02 Sheet 2 of 2 (] . tc .

9. Remarks:'

( W icable nenufacturer's Date Reports to be etteched) 1 1


9 . l I CRT!FICATE OF IIBFLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and this_ conforms to (repair or replacement) Section XI of Code. ' signed (Ouher or Owner's Destynse) AW[M ~1 / , 19 ,_ Title / / Dete' CERTIFICATE OF IHWECTItu I, the undersigned, holdfra e valid conoiselon issued by the Nationet 50 erd of Boller and Pressure Yeosel Inspectors and the state or Province of enn41helict w

                                                                                               , employed by N . S f*>. .T 8f T 84 of    kMbed Cd                     have inspected the rcDlocerM d                   described in this Report on (Repairs or taptecaments)
                   )Wb - 2.4                      ,19 b        , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this repair

or replacement has been constructed in accordance with Section XI of the ASE Code. By slysin6 this certificate, neither the inspector nor his uployer makes any unrrenty, empressed or imptled, concerning the repelr ro replacement described In the Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer sheil be ifebte in any menner for any personsL injury or property damage or a tces of any kind eria1ne from or connected with thi I . Date d4 *M-h6% w .s commissions M3 T T'E

                                                         ' (Inspector)

(State or Province, Mettenst Scard)

FORM NIC-2 OWIGR'O REPO!.T CF REPAIS CR REWLRCEMENT As Regstred try the Provf elons of ASIE Code section XI

        $         1.      Duners phia ^ ' Ala Rtectric       e-       w                                Date:        7/24/09

(, ph (Name)

                                           .:r-2MR leastet Rtreet      Philadate te. PA                          Sheet        1      of        2 (Addresp)
2. Plant: Peach Botten Atanic Poiser Statf an Unitt 2 l (Name)
3. Work Perforend by: Phfladelnhfe Electric E m Maintenance Decertammt (Name) Repair Organitetton' Rd. 1 Dette. PA 17314 (Address)
4. Identification of System: Reactor Reefreutation - Svetam 02
5. (a) Apptfeebta construct code ANsf $31.1 if(ZEdition, N/A Addende, Code Cases N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI utttfred for Repairs or Replacements, 1900 Edttfon thru Winter 1981 Addende, Code Cases N 3GB
6. Identification of Components Repelred or Replaced, and Replacement Components: i REPA! RED, O NAME OF COMPONENT NAM OF MFR MFR.


                                                              !DENTIFICAflou YEAR SUILT REPLACED, CR REPLACEMEN1 PART IDENTIFICATION ASME CODE STAMED (YE5 QR N0)

HV-2 02-015 Rockwett CC550 2" w.130 -- Reptoced Gt392209 118971 No 2" SCN. 160 2" TEE -- - -- Pipe -- Replaced BW569190 No 2" SCN. 160 2" Pipe -- - - Pipe - Replaced pW652889 No 2" SCN. 160 2" Coupling ---- --- Co@ ting - Replaced BW569190 No 1* SCN. 160 .. 1" Coupling ---- --- Coupling - Reptocod SW369190 No 2" x 1" 2a x 1* SCN. 160 Redacer ---- --- Redseer - Replaced SW569190 No la SCN. 160 1" Pipe ---- --- Pfpe - Replaced BW569190 No

7. Description of W,srk: Rentaced Reactor Head Vent Inhoard Head Vent VeIve
8. Test Conchacted: HydroetetIC Pneuestic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure -40Pt"* nel Test Temp. adfent *F
                                                           ,1, g ,

g FORN NIC-2 OWNE3' S REPORT CF REPAID C3 REPLACEMENT At keptrol by the Provisions of ASIE Code Section XI Identifientiels "- tar tecircutetten - svaten 02 Sheet 2 of .._ 2

9. Remarket
                                                         ^'e seenufacturer's Date Reports to be attached) 1 l

GETIFICATE OF CIEPLIAIIE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and this conforos to (repair or replacement) Section XI of t - 5foned $ A RYA WG-r e~t V*<' ~$ /D ,19 (Omer or Omer's DesfpnoeM Title V ' fate / GRTIFICATE OF IgePECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the Netf arat Doord of Botter and Pressure Veneet inspector's and the State or Province of PA _ emptored by _ld S E. T k1 In of Nan 4hed CE. have Inspected the reelecamente esecribed in this Report on l (Repairs or Replacements) kb4 ' 7.4 ,19 bi , and state that to the best of my knowledes and belief, this repe(r

                     '        or replacement has been constructed in accordance with Section XI of the AgIE Code. By signite this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his empicyer makes any untrenty, empressed or implied, concerning the repelr to replacement described in the Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer shaLt be tiebte in any sonner for any persorst injury or property damage or a ices of any kfrat erising from or connected with this t                  .

Datet t-t4-bdi _ - . - - - - Commissioner 843 A[0 M7-w ans,onor, a tete ., , - ince. tionsi .oor , l A,7 v Og . O t

FORM NIC-2 OWNER'S REPO2T CF REPAIS C3 REPLACEMENT As Rewired ty the Provisions of ASME Coce Section XI

 ,                                                 r-y%
1. Owner: Phi'_ *aata Electric t w .e Date: 7/11/89
                                                --m.                     (Name) 995 d 'terbrook Soulevard              Wsw e. PA 19087             Sheet        1      of        2 (Aadress)
2. Plants Peach Settes Ataste Power station unit 2 (Name)
3. Work Performed ty: Phttadstohfe Electric t e v Maintenance Denartment (Name) Repair Organization J d. 1 Dette. PA 17314 (Address) 4 Identification of System:. Feechster - Svetes 06
5. (a) Applicable Construct Code B31.1 191ZEfftfon, N/A Addende, Code Cases N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI utilized for Repeirs or Replacements, 1980 Edition thru Winter 1981 Addende, Code Cases N-308
6. IdontifIcetion ef Components RopsIred or Roptaced, and Roptacesamt Camponents:
    !                         NAME OF        NAME OF       SERIAL         CTNER
     '                       COMPONENT         MFR         NUMBER   IDENTIFICA110N YEAR DUILT OR               PART             STAMPED REPLACEMENT     IDENTIFICATION     (YES OR WD)

HydrautIc W 3680S7 2P Lynsir XX195 6 DDNL s 5 12/12/85 Raptecament W 213257 no Hydrau(ic BW 201806 2P Lyneir XX196 6-DDNL 5-6 S/11/88 Replacement W-238C31 No Hydraulic 2-P Lynsfr XX197 6-DDNL s 7 2/2/85 Replaceaant W 369246 No Hydraulic - 2P Lynsfr XX194 6 DONL 5 8 2/2/85 Replacement *JW 298436 No Hydraulic BW-217901 2-P Miller XX199 6-DDNL t 9 8/10/86 Replacement SW 218835 No HydrautIc iz '. 2P Lp XX200 6 DDNL t 10 3/1/85 Reptecament W 369246 No l HydrbutIc W'212944 3-1* Lynele XX201 6 DDeL 511 3/30/87 Reptacament W 3831% No Hydroutic 3-La Lynefr XX201 6 DDNL t 11 3/30/87 Replacement W 212751 No Hydrautic W-35964 3 1" Lynelr XX202 6 DDNL 5 12 2/11/85 Reptocament SW 36924 No HydroutIc b) N.- 31" Lynatr XX203 6-DDNL S 13 2/12/85 Replacement W 210674 W 3831% No HycreutIc 3 Ea Miller XX206 6 DDNL $ 14 12/11/85 toplacement W-212751 No

FORM MIC-2 OWNE3'O REPO'.T CF REPRIG CR REPLACEMENT As Required by the Provlefons of A9ME Code Section x1 Identificetlen of $petems_ F- " ter - system 06 Sheet 2 of __ 2 T. Description of Work: Rebuilt tndbers to Extend Service tffe

8. Test CordJeted: Hydrostat!c b P neumatic hominst Operating Pressure Other Pressure osi Test Temp. *F
9. Romerks: sebuttt or rectacement snubbers are ftrettonetty tested before belna instetted.

CERTIFICATE OF (23rLIANCE We certify that the statements made {n this report are correct and this s#b/4M/ conforms to (repe'ir or replacement) Section XI of e ASW Code. Signed M WA (buner or'0wner's Design W

                                                        ![N b W b Cl-                  *7                            , 19 Title                /Dep6 O                                                CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTICut I, the undersigned, holding a vatfd commission issued by the Nationet Board of Boller and Pressure vesset InspectorsandtheStateorProv(nceofhe6JLL-rA.18m                        _, employed by N S. 6. I + T (n.

of btbd I.4 - have inspected the D m d f. Ir. e g d described In this Report on (Repairs of Rodin b .ts) mgu k - 10 ,19 N , and state that to the be=t ei my knowledge and belief, this repelr or replacement has been constructed in accordance with Section XI cf the AgME Code. gy signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the repair to reptocement described {n the kegnrt. Furthenoore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be Liebte in any menner for any personst injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this t . Dete d 1D M39 T1m .-> Connaiseions[OA/O Ak$ 7ID- { L (y (Inspector) ($ tate or Province, Nationet Board) O

1 1 i FORN NIC-2 OWNER'S REPORT CF REPAI3 CR REPLACEMENT As Rogsfred by the Provisions of ASME Code Section XI i

 *, m I i                      1. Owner: Pht' " 'A ls Elaetric P = = V U                                             -%                    (Name)

Deter 7/11/89 1 M - f ' tertr e Soulevard Wayne. PA 19087 Sheet 1 of 3 I (Address)

2. Plant: Peach Enton Atomie Power statlan Unit 2 (Neme)
3. Work Performed by: Philadelchf a Electric Connany Maintenance Decertment I (Neme) Repelr Orpenitation Rd. 1 Detta. PA 17314 (Addrese)
4. Identification of system: Reeldaat Eget Removal 1 tvetes 10 j I


5. (a) Applicable Construct Code a31.1 191ZEdition, M/A Addende, Code Cases N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI utilized for Repairs or Replacement, 1980 Edition thru Winter 1981 Addende, Code Cases N 308
6. Identification of Components Repef red or Replaced, and Replacement Cmponents: i REPAIRED, 5 OWNER REPLACED, ASME CODE

( NAME OF NAME OF SERIAL CTNER YEAR OR PART STAMED COMPONENT MFR IRMBER IDENTIFICATION BUILT REPLACDENT IDENTIFICATION (YES OR NO) HydroutIc W 333246 2P Lynair XX205 10 DCN s 73 6/15/84 Replacement W-323795 No Hydrautic W 352886 2-P Lynelt XX205 10 DCN-s 73 6/15/M asptocement W 353581 No Hydrautic W 333246 2P Lyreir XX206 10-DCN 5 74 6/19/M Replacement W 323795 No Hydraulic W 352886 I 2P Lynsir XX206 10 DCN S 74 6/19/84 Reptocement W-353581 No HydroutIc W 212964 2P Mittes- XX20T 10 G8 8 12 4/4/87 Reptocement W 212751 No Hydroutic 2P L1pu4r XX210 10 08 8 44 8/10/88 Replacement W-201808 No Hydraulic 2P Mitter XX211 10-G8 8 48 10/2/87 Replacement -- No HydreutIc W'383156 2P Mitter XX212 10 G8 8 49 6/1/M Replacement W 352886 No HydrsulIc W 3$3$41 2P Mitter XX212 10 G8 s 49 6/1/M Replacement W-353784 No [' Hydraulic W 212M8 t 2-P Mitter XX213 10 GB-t 50 4/2/87 Replacement W 212751 No Hydraulic W 383156 2P Miller XX214 10 G8 s 51 6/15/M Reptocement W 352886 No

FORM MIO-D CWNER'O REPO'T CF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Aspired by the Provisfone of ASE Code Sectlen XI l Identificettest est haaf&amt West Removat - Svetae 10 Sheet 2 of 3

                                                         .;. : e l
i. F

' REPA1 RED, ObAIER REPLACED, ASME CODE NAME OF NAPE OF SERIAL OTHER YEAR OR PART STAMPED COMPONENT MFR NLMBER IDENTIFICATION BUILT REPLACEMENT LDENTIFICAT!cu (YES OR N0) HydreutIc W 393581 2P Mitter xx214 10-GB 5-51 6/15/84 Replacement W 353784 No l Nydreutic W 237255 2P Mitter xx215 10 Ga 5 52 8/10/88 Replacement W 218906 No Nydroutic 2P Mitter XX216 10-G8 3 53 4/5/87 Reptocement W 213335 No Hydreutic W-383156 2-P Mitter xx217 10 Ga t-54 4/5/87 Raptocement W 212751 No Hydraulic W-383156 2P Mitter XX218 10 G8 8 55 4/5/87 Replacement W 212751 No HydreutIc ' W 212848 2P Miller xx219 10 GB $ 58 4/2/87 Replacement W 212751 No - r

7. Description of Work: Rebuilt Snubbers to Extend Service Life
8. Test conducted: Hydrostatic Pneuestic Wominet Operating Pressure Other Pressure cel Test Temp. *F
9. Rem 6rks: Rebuilt end rootecement shes are functionetty tested before beine instet ted.


r PORM CIG-2 OWNE3'S REPORT CF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Rewired by the Provisions of ASE Code Section XI Identift ,jfaldet Meet a-et . gvataar 10 sheet 3 of 3

                                                                                        ':Tzz.   ^

tatTIFICATE OF CCWLIANCE ne certify that the statemente made in thf e report era correct and thle 2P A*#md conforms te (repsf r or rapiscament) Sectlen XI of the ASIE Code. 8Igned N ' Me b^m. NM / 7 / 3 , 19 (thsher or 4 mer's Designee) Tftte (f date ' CRTIFICATE OF IIIDECTIGI I, the undersigned, holding a vetid cameleelon foemd try the National Board of tolter and Preneure vessel Inspectore end the State or Province of rJeJavl iw i A , engplayed try H.s e . r. 3s G . of M,il c_b have Inopected the b e W l. A e_m t A described in thie Report sa


(aepsfre ce adplacemente) b 20 ,19 db , and state that to the best of my knowledge end belfef, thfe repett or reptbesment hee been constructed in accordance with Sectlen XI of the ASE Cede. By efenfre this cortIf fcate, nelther the Inspector nor hie septover enkee any warranty, empressed er ioptied, sensernIng, the repefr to replacement described in the Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be ,tletpfe in any menner for any personal injury or property dunese or a toes of any kind erfelns ;f from or connected wlth thi I fon. , 4 DatebM to i9 81 ' v- J Consfeelone AN3 ND 759L  ! (Inspector) (State or Province, Motionet Board) l


I 7


O l

FORM NIC-2 OW3fER'O REPORT CF REPRIR OR REPLACEMENT. As Respaired tur the Prowletene of AM Code Section XI

                                                                              ~g 1                       Ouner: ' """ "mMa Elmetrie         e       -

Date: 7/1489

g. (Name)

C #- Reutrr 2 -. . PA inmi Sheet 1 of 3 (Address)

2. Ptant: Pameh mottom Ataafe Power Rtatlan Unitt 2 (ment)
3. Work Performed try: Phttadalahle Etactric em Maintenance Denartment (Name) Repair Organization Rd. 1 Delta. PA 17314 (Aedress) 4 Identification of System: taafdaat Nant Removet - tvaten 10
5. (a) Applicable Construct Code ast.1 IggZEdftien, N/A Addende, Code Cases N/A i

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI utillaed for Repelre or Replacement, 1900 Edition thru Winter 1981 Addende, Code Cases N 308

6. Identification of Componente Repelred or Replaced, and Replacement Camponente REPAIRS ,


    *O                                             NAME OF COMPONENT N M OF MFR SERIAL laseER OTNER IDENTIFICATION YEAR OUILT OR REPLACDENT PART                                STAMPED IDENTIFICATION                         (YES OR N0)

Mechanical PSA 3 PSA 6271 10-08 8 M 6/78 Replaced ---- No P Mechanical PSA 3 PSA 11675 10088 5 A/M Replacement ~~ No Mechanical _ . PSA-3 PSA 6234 10 08 8 76 6/75 Replaced ~~ i No Mechanical PSA-3 PSA 13202 10 05-3-76 3/80 Replacement -~- No Mechanical PSA 3 Pm 68 # 10 a 3 77 6/78 Replaced --- No l Mechanical  % PSA 3 g 172 5 10 0B s 77 2/81 Replacement ~~ No Mechanical PSA 3 PM 4272 10-a 8 78 6/78 Replaced ~~ No l Mechanicet PSA 3 PSA 13205 10 a s 78 3/00 taptacement ~~ No Mechanicet i PSA 3 PSA 6270 10 a t M 6/78 Replaced ~~ No Mechanical PSA 3 PSA 13201 10-GB 8 79 3/00 Reptecament --~ No MechenIce! PSA 3 PSA 6273 10 08 3 80 6/78 Replaced ~~ No

1 1 l FORM NI-2 OWNER'O REPORT CF REPAIR C3 REPLACEMENT As Respsf red by the Prowlefone of AspE Code Section XI ..,- i


Identification of tein: amef aiset Neet Removat - Svetae 10 Sheet 2 of 3 h- , REPAIRED, MPR. REPLACED, ASIE CODE NAME OF NAM OF SERIAL OTHER YEAR OR PART STAfrED ColerACNT MFR IMIBER IDENTIFICATION BUILT REPLACEM NT IDENTIFICATION (YE5 OR NO) Me';henical PSA 3 PsA 13243 10 es-s 80 3/80 Reptecament ---- No Mechanical PSA*3 PsA 1867 10-Gs-s-91 5/77 Replaced ---- No Mechanicet PSA 3 PSA 16905 10 08 8 91 2/81 Replacement ---- No Mechanical PSA-3 PsA 715 10-08 8 92 10/76 Reptoced - -- [ me Mechentce! PSA 3 PSA 7546 10 17d 8P2 11/78 Reptocement ---- No Mechanical PSA 3 PSA 11641 10-MB-5 1 8/79 Replaced -- - No , Mechanice'l PsA 10 PsA 16936 10 Ns s 1 10/83 Replacement --- No O V 7. Description of Work: Rectacement of Dynamic RestreInte

8. Test Condacted: N # oetatic Pneumatic Nominet Operating Pressure Other Pressure nel Test Temp. *F
9. Romerks: e PlactMe^d$ CW howe $t*/$ b5 o n dt- S6R 8 CC -

(Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to M teched) ' O

FORM NIC-2 CWNER'O REPO7.T OF REPAIR CR REPLACRKENT As Regatred by the Frevisions af AalE Code Section XI

        , Identlfleetist Of West tentdant Nant Removat - Svetam 10                                 Sheet     3                                            of        3
                                 'e e,

( W IFICATE OF IIBFLIAN E ble certify that the statements ende in this report are correct and this restacament confoties to (repete or replacement) Sectfan XI e Code. Sfoned d-: M [4- 7 Y , 19 (Ouner or Ouner's Destyles) ' Title 7

                                                                                             ,           D6te 7 CERTIFICATE OF IWWECTIERI I, the widersigned, holding a velld consission issued by the mettonal Board of Botter and Prosaure vesset Inspectors and the State or Province of          f#l S V M ie               , employed by N S b. I k 1 CO.

of h e t M O k . have inspected the retP locemed described in this Report on g (Repairs or Reptocements) Jbl4 - LR ,191, and state that to the best of my kneutedse and belfef, this repair or replacement has been constructed in accordance with Sectlen XI of the ASIE Code. 9y slyting this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any marranty, empressed er implied, concerning the repelr ro replacement described in the Report. Furthensore, neither the Inesector nor his employer-shei1 he tIoble in any menner for any persone1 Injury or property demoge or e tese of any kind erieIng - from or connected with thle i .

  • Date d4 - LM -{%# 1 L --

Commiselone cP& 3 //[)707-g < inspector > < or Province, metienet so.ed> l b,

                              .? 4
                               ..g O

l FORM NIC-2 OWNER'O REPO2T CF REPRIR CR REPLACEMENT As RegJired by the ProwleIone of AspE Code SectIon XI

 , O(     1         Owners T ^ ^^fa Electrfe '" w                                                Deter        7/24/39
    )'                              ;gp -                 (Name) yx- ^

2nat street Phltedelnh1e. PA Sheet i of 2 (Address)

2. Ptents Peach tottem Atamte Peuer Station UnIti 2 (Name)
3. Work Performed by: PhIf adstshIe RloctrIe CM MeIntenence Decertaant (Nees) . Repelr organization Rd. 1 Dette PA 17314 (Address) 4 Identification of Systems Reef h t Meet Removal tvates 10
5. (a) Apptfeebte Construct code a31.1 196ZEdition, M/A Addende, Code Cases N/A 1

(b) ApptIcable Edf tion of SectIon XI utI(f ted for RepeIrs or Replacements, 1900 EdItIen thru Wfnter 1981 Addende, code Cases u 308

6. IdontifIcetion of Componmts Repsf red or Reptsced, and Replacement Components:
                                                                                                                                                           ) (

REPAIRED, MFR. PEPLACED, ASIE CCDE p NAME OF NAME OF SERIAL OTNER YEAR OR PART (j COMPONENT MFR IMGER IDENTIFICATION BUILT REPLACEMENT  !!)dNTIFICATION STAMPED (YES OR N0) RV 2 10-35A crosby 52718 1 -- - Replaced BW210672 No NT. NO. NT . 100. 1" SCN. 80 1" Pipe 09650 09650 316L S.S. --- Replaced sW368726 No 1" SCN. 80 la Pfpe -- -- A106 Ga.5 -- Replaced SW212048 No i S/W 1" Socketweld ^ 1" Cowling -- ---- Cogling A105 -- Replaced BW212048 No l 4

7. Description of Werkt Ramteced U/2 RNR Loco "A" Ralfef Velve *
8. Test C IPydrostatic Nominst Operating Pressure O Other Pneuentic fI Pressure @ / 5 nel Test Teep, esfent *F j l


9. Romerks:

(Applicable Manufacturer's Date Reports to be attached) { j i 1 O 1

_ =_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ . _ FOSIE NIS-2 OWNE3'O REPO3T CF REFAIR C3 REPLACEMENT As togstred by the Provisions of AsIE Code Sectf an K!

                                          ,y-                                             ..
                                                                                          .   ..w Identffleeti                                  ,
                                                                                                  ~ Ranidant Neat Removal - tvates 10                      sheet       2      of       2
                                                                                             .1 CERTIFICATE OF EXpMIANE We certify that the statements made in this report are                                                                   '

correct and this rentacament conforms to (repair or replacement) Section XI of t Cgde. signed Yh Nod 7/ / M " , 19 ' (owner or owner's Dec1enee) ' Title / Dett CERTIFICATE OF IEEPECT!4al I, the widersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the national Board of Better and Pressure Vesset Inspectors and the State or Province of PA , esployed by hartford Sta. Bir O f of Martford. CT havs inspected the ramlacementa descr! bed {n this Reyert en (Repelrs er Replacements) Jwe 10 , 19 87 .andstatethattothebestofmykneutedseandbettef,thlerepalg, or replacement has been constructed in accordance with Settien XI of the AWE Code. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his esployer enkes any warranty, expressed or feptfed, concern!rd the repair ro replacement described in the Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his esployer' shett be if abte in any menner for any personet Injury or property damage or a toss of any kind erIeIng from or connected with this Date b M 81st Commissions PA 2163 / us 7592 Q (Inspector) (State or Province, ustionst Soord) I


O l I

                                                                                                 .w Dato ___7/15/87_____


 ' cop   =o============

(As the: Provisions of ASME Code Section XI)

                                                                     ========================================. =========

Owner - 1phia Electric Company Address ' Market St., Philadelphia, PA 21 Plans - P Sotton Atomic Power Station Unit #2 Delta, PA 17314

3. Werk. Performed by - Philadelphia Electric Company.

2301 Market St., Philadelphia, PA Repair Organization /P.O. No./ Job No./etes Maintenance Dept. 4. Identification of System - Residual Heat Removal, System 10 5. (a) Applicable Const. Code - ANSI B31.1 1980, Ed. W81 Addenda Code' Cases - N/A (b)L Applicable'Ed. of Section XI - 1980, W81 Addenda Code Cases - N-308 L 6. Identification of Components Repaired or Repisced, and Replacement Components - See Sheet #2.

7. Description of Work-- Replaced "B" RHR RV-035B Valve
8. Tests Conducted - Hydrostatic [ X 3 Pneumatic C 3 i

i () Nominal Operating Pres. C Pressure C425 +/-53 Temperature IAmbient] 3 Other [ ]

9. Remarks: Unit #2 Residual Heat Removal "B" Loo 1
  ==================================================p Relief Valve

CERTIFICATE QE COMPLIANCE Wo cortify that the statements made in this report are correct nd thic repair confo as to Section XI of the ASME code. Stoned A// ___________*J'_rf____tfl_*_____________

                                                       'O'wners Designee A Title             ' / Date

CERTIFICATE QE INSPECTION I, the undersig 1 ding a valid commision issued by the Nations 1 oord of Bc11er and ure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province f Ponnoylvania, e by Hartford Steam Boiler Insp. and Ins. Co. of artford, CT'have i ted the repair described in this Report on 1/10/87 and stateithet to the best of my knowledge and belief, this ep31r.has been constructed in accordance with Section XI of the ASME ada. .3y signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his spicyor makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the repair neerib:d in' this Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his eployor shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or opar^*[ damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with

10 L Jpection.

<tO. _%15 _____ Inspectors, _M ________ CommissiendG A 2163 / NB 7592 esonnes================================ ===============================

92g, ____y,,g,gy _ _ Shoot __2__ of __2__ Ii C eNAME c is tsOF

                             . O c 0i 0 0. l O W D O O D D . . O O .1 0 0 0 . . . . . . l . . . . . . . l . . . sir . . . j . . . . . . . . j . . . a s . j . . . . . . .



l t *;I e

                                                                 ,              1           1            l          i             I
                                                                       ....,.................                                               IREPLACEMTlYES/l ICV-0358                          iCROS                                                               ................l.....l.........                        .....
                                                                   +.,          I 52718-1 1N/A           1N/A       IBW2106721             iREPAIRED INO l------------l------y-----l---------l-------l-------l--------l-----l---------l----.

11' CS CUPLNOIN/A IN/A IN/A IN/A !EWO120481 IREPLACEMTINO l------------l------------l---------l-------l-------l--------l-----l---------l----. lia CS PIPE IN/A IN/A IN/A IN/A IBW2119831 g-----_------3. ----------l IREPLACEMTINO l


I i - 1 I I I I

                                                                                                                        .                                        I 1    ------------l------------l---------l-------l-------l--------l-----l---------l----.

I I I I I I I I 'l------------l---------- 1 I


I I l I i 1 i

     ------------g------------g---------l-------g------ g--------g--..--g--_------g----.

1 I i i 1 I i l l l------------l------------l---------l-------8-------l--------l-----l---------l-----

  • 4 a

f i




(%IWN 44 O

                                         -: .. .. .. *.  .                                      ..            t...,..         ..      .                , , .        .   , , , , , . .                .,

9 ATTACEMENT 1 Ni$.1CWWER'S REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT g L As Resusred by sne Provisions of ASME Code Seccan XI Philadelphia Electric Company 4/17/89 ._

1. C aner 1 4 2301 Market St. Philade % in PA. 19101 - of
. pion Peach Bottos AtomicTer Station unis 2 i

Delta. PA. 1731("" . we,a pewe,me,,, Phila8TIThia Electric Co. Mod seetten (construeeton) 4eem> R-2/+9 2301 Market St. Philadf!Ibia. PA. 19101 * **""" ^* "** *" "*" ** 4 leanufication ef Sveis, Resi O " Heme n==nval (nun) ial Asetaseme Canewweven Cass 131.1 .g 2.3. Emden N/A Aaeenes. Cees cases __ N/A

5. N/A (W Assusseee feition et Seeuen XI utillase ter Messve er Assiseenense - tf.EE..H-11 Aseenee.Cece Cases
                           !.      'conutisation of Camsenens Assestos or Asetesse.ans Meeseesenent Cemeenents Name of                                                      Nes't.                                                Assesroe.                 ASMS Caes Nerne of                                                                                  lCHN Ot.msenent              Mfr.

Mirs. Ser. l No. Bd. No. Other .l Year Iconti. Built .l Meoleses. . Itemmed

  • Ne, fiestaea er + (Yes y Nel

[ I messessment  ! l I N/A I Renair i No 2-10GB-H87' N/A l N/A I N/A ! N/A l HT # .-

                            " Item #7 I'                                                   I                 I              I       I97268 I                        I                         I                I I        I                   i           i                         !

I I I O ' I I I I I I I l l l l i I I l l .

7. Diserosion et woric Reosir Manner 2-10GB-H87 L Teers Cenewee: Myeresets O Pnewneus C Namenal Coorstet h.nswa O omer O
                                                                                        /.                      poi Test Teme.              'F
9. F.emerns_
                                                .Assamme -                                     . s Gela neuem e se enames CERTIFICATE OF Coa 4PWANCE We sortify inet tne                                           mass in ek resort era serrect and eis                 Recair                             eenferme e seseen x! et me        ,
                                                                                                                                        .             rm= =

AsMa Cees. sienee M .t U

                                                                                         ?                         CERTIFICATE OF INSFECTION
                               !. the unsers            heldag a vegg essanteden leased by me Nedensi SewW of tager and Frenwe Veneel incesseers and es Suse
                                                   **8 d " d
  • A Nb* M = E M ' of er Provinse e .empioved M bk1 L'T" . n inge,,,g g, O ., aca u & de wmed in one Aeoart an'4 II-
                                                                                                                                                                                           #'                 .ISb s                                                                  ram,m,e :                 _

enal stese that to the best of my legendedge and belief,thh reesir er regissement has tese senareemd in sneerdenes soie Sesties XI the ASME Caes. By eloning mis eersfisees. neseher the inesesser nor his emotsvar molue say suerrency, empressed er imellesL sensom. ine the russir er roeissement essenmed in sis negers. Pweermers.neteer os ineener ser hh emotoyer ened he nemie in ser menner for any personaliniery er A .. - p aese of any kind arising from er eennaeus selet als inesseden. ca '4 h I- c '\ *MA- -_ m e ,,,,,,,,,,,,, A / c, 3 s. -- ese,.

                                           -                                                      m               s see.n News sweeiomeness sneen 6n femi eilles, onesenes, or erewenes mov es wees eroeiros til sees h sa in. X 11 in (D latermemen in amene 1 inreven a en mis see reeert as ineesees en seen sneet. ene (si eeen enses is sesnteeres ene me avsneer et eness is reserose et me see of me form.

--______._m_._._..________ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ ._


  • p ,' l V c-  :-n .

RM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT OF REPAlR OR REPLACEMENT As Required by tne Proeisions of ASME Code Section XI

        ,,   e ,,, Philadelphia Flectric Company                                                                     g,,e      03/20/89 2301 Market St. PhiladNhinPA. 19101                                                                     sn.,        1              og p,,,, Peach Bottom AtomiE P6ser Station                                        unit        2 Delta. PA.                 17314"'

3, [ve$e p,rformec oy Phila8TIY'hia Electric Co. Mod Section (Construction) MOD R-248 2301 Market St. PhiladMThia,PA. 1 9101 ****' *'""'""*" "*"" "* '* 4 Identification et system Residtftf* Teat Removal (RER) B 31 1 1g 73 Edition N/A Acconos. Coce Cases '%

5. (a) Acolicacio Construction Coos (c) Acclicso4e Edition of Section XI utilizea for Peosirs or Peptecomenu - 13,00,,W ' 81 Aeoence. Cooo cases N/A
6. Icontification of Components Aeossroc or Reciaceo.anc Reolocement Components N at'l. Ctest Year A eosired. A$MECoos Name of l CRN NomeMfr.

of li Mits.Ser. N o. B d. No. Icenti- 293

                                                                                                                   !!          Rootsced.                  Stemoed Camoonent                                                                                                                                  i
                          '                 I                          No.                   f; cation I                            or                  (Yes er Non Roolacement          !
                          !                 l                                                              6 2-10GB-S48 ! N/A                         I N/A              I N/A I N/A l HT#                           l N/A l Repair                          ! No
   "- Item 8              i I                   l              l          l107644l                       l                         l                 4 IU4774 l                       l                         l
   " Item 9
    -                     i                 l                  I               i to i                                                                     l'12n*32b                      l                         i O- c                                         i                  i               i l412H143h                      l                         l
   " Item 12 l
     -                                      l                  l               l l                  l               l          l                l             l                         l l

Repair Hanger 2-10GB-S48 Per NCR PB2-89125

7. Cuenotion ef work S. Tests Conoweted: Pivorottatse O Pneumaint O Nominet Coersting Pressure O otner O Presaar*' os! Test Temo_ *F
9. R emarKs
                         ,aeoucasie menwiecturae s asia nosens se se enastwe CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE repair                                 conforms to Section XI of the   ,

We certify thet tg statements moon in this report are correct and this

       ^5"' C*** p M g Mi g m                                          LEAD MECHANICAF b 7                                 ,-, 3 .1 g g Signed        -

IMRTAR I ATinu curh

                                               ,cona,mr c                                                      vee- -                rase                                            ..
                  / a l~/
1. the unoersioned ho6 sang a valid sommission Ismeed try the National Board of Boiler and Presouro Vessel inspectors and the State or Prtryince of hh
  • n ^ .empioved by bD %^ IG'" M "" " '3 ' b of l kNO f- have inspected the '(7 e * "
  • described in this Report on -

O 18 b

                       \                                             iAeoemm er noemeemmassa                                                                                    1 and stets that to the best of my know4 edge end belief; t*t receir or ropteeement has been constructed in scooreence with Section XI of the ASME Cots. By signing this certificate, neithra toe inspector nor nis omsmover makes any warrenty, empressed or imo6ied, concern-                                    {

l ing tne repair of tentacement casenbod in tMis Mrm Furthermore, neither the inacector nor his employer shall be liebis in any manner for any corsonal inivry or property loss of any kind arising from or cony with this inspection. Cateb b ' ? 4 E ' A A -3 Commissions MS43 I l ( () oc -- csime er Pee ince. neusam 6aare l< Non: swoosementes sneets in form et Iles, emetanes, or erewines mov be uses previosa (1) stse is SM in. X 11 in moereo (2) Informstlen in items 1 tnreven a en this esse report is incivees en eacn sneet, one (3) esca sneet le nu sno tne numoer of sness es recerees at tne too of ints form. I l

_ _ , . = . _ %.#,,# a- - - - - l i l FCRM N $R'S REFCRT FOR REPAIRS CR REPLACEMENTS As' hv me :Tastens :t re f.SME C s Sec n XI u.c  ?*tiacentna case ll-ly W 2001 M'rwerSt.. a ,,

  • 3 8 A 19101. .. sn =r )

pan Pese:- Ece:m Ateme .8 ewer Stanen unn 2.

                                    ** atiz. * * * ~~ ~ -'                                                       'tec Sac :n IC nsm.:: ent. '.4cc n                                                   w c.,n             .* :. :    .a ~

wrx A:r =m se :y .: Nacete-a Etem:C : esnv ' 2001 Marxet St.. .*Macmenia. F A 1910t c:rra tes:en er system Residual Heat Removal (RHR) system Inst +11ation M RV21072D j

. (a Aa:ncacie C:nsruc:ca C.:ce B31.I                                         ts 67 ==:een. NA                24 se v a.        NA                             kee case     )
   @ a-=aw dicinon or Sec=en A Unasse for Aeoars or Aeoasemana is 80 v/81                                                             acconca. N-308              te. cas. I
. .c.n dcanon or F.caneo or F.cias e ane %e m.nic:mean.m.

Namecf Name cf Marturac=:rer Nanonal Cmer Year Recairec. ASME I Ccmcenent Manurac::rer Senai No. Scarc Idenuncacen Budt Rectacac. Casi No. or Stamped Replacement (Yes or

          .                                                                                                                                                            No)

N72 385 - blinf Valve lCrosbv 00-0001 NA R721072A 1988 Reelse.~ nr N HT No. 'l" Pica SA106B' Ouanex 220321 NA NA NA Replacement N

                                                         .                    HT No.

'" Pipa SA106B Quanax 208242 NA NA NA Reclacemene N HT No. I" SWRF Flange 'bdih a s 19358 NA RR2R NA Replacement N l

  !" SW Coupling                                            Taylor-BonneyC307       l Loc #    NA           NA                      NA       Reelace-ene              N l                  HT No.
 " S'a~itF Flange                                           Lad                Y3016           NA
  • Recla - N

'" SW Couclin . G o s CF50 NA y NA Reclacemen M 2H .

 " nuts ASTM SA-194                                           &        "So.'   P53             NA            HTfB8105                NA       Replacamane              N
 " studs SA-194 B7                                            Cardinal Ind     H2              NA            NA                      NA       Reclaemane               N

,, e n.,,n m kaolacement of welded relief valves w/flanned 1 X in rate.s valves en sm tion sidit of RER Mod 4112A FSK-M-430 Sh. 122 s 4 M

n;=  :------ +- _ ~ . D FORM ER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS by the Provisions cf the ASME Cece Seccon XI i ownw Phdeomone Comenny case il.t4.Bg 2301 Marxet St. . P*dedeichia. PA 19101 shoeil .e 3 2..mam coacn Bottem Atomic 8cwor Station enn 2.


Oesta. P A 1 31a voo Saccon (Construcconi. Moo

                                      -                                                         w o w n.en w a                           I
. worx renotrneo ey ?hilaemonia Eocmc Comoany w

2301 Marxet St.. Philadeichis. PA 19101

4. gencieenon ov syemmResidual Heat Removal (RHR) System Installation of RV21072 B & D Relief Valve [

g, b aaaa a== Canorussen caos B31.I tg 67 heen. NA ,14eenoa. NA Cace case l

       #) Acousease Edition or season 20 Utmase for Aeoers or Aemenemens Ig 80 vl81                    accenoa. M-1na      coe case
s. iconenesson a comoonene Aeoewoo w Aemesmo ano nemeosmem carnoonena Name of Narne of Manufacturer Nanonal Cther Year Repaired, ASME Component Manufacturer Senal No. Sea.1 Idenuncanon Budt Replaced. Cide No. or Stamped Replacement (Yes or O

(> No) i Carbon Steel Weld Alloy HT No. Aton ARC, Filler Material Rods Corp. 422K1581 NA 3/329 E-7018 NA Replacement N Carbon Steel Weld HT No. 1/8 9 Filler Mater.ial Techalloy F1469 NA ER-70S2 NA Replacement N Cerbon Steel Weld HT No. 1/8 9 Filler Material Techailoy L21860 NA ER-70S2 NA . Replacement N Carbon Steel Weld HT No. 3/32W Filler Material Techalloy 065058 NA ER-70S2 NA Replacement N l Q . l

                                    -s e,                                                                                              i e

7, o,,,n,,,, , w,, Weld Filler Mctarials Mod 4112A i 4 1

                                                .                                                                                      o
                                                                                                                                                                                            ):F J
  .,                                                                                       ,t. .-              FORM NIS-2 (Back)

L T(ses Caneumme: 8'eumaec Normnas C:ersang r%esure I,,,,,,, !_ gg., Cmer n easure NA .a Test remo. NA **

1. See Accenoix-0. ASME Sec:fon XI Recair ane Reciacement P!an for Mod. 342. 'or : ce ivriscicdent! bouncarv
                          !!mits for Presenacs and inserv,ce insoecdons.                                             Open flow cath test - reference IWC-5222 (D)                                          1 J


                                                                                                              -_ _ .= - .- -


i. we eennv en m. ==m.n= mese .n m. r on are .reolac===ne urea no m. =, e,me = me ,uies e me m ue Csee.

season a. . - . - - .

  • I
    ;im c:ce svmoa stem.                                                                                                                                                                                 ,


    '                                                          erauswrseen =                                                                                                                           '

se.resen c  ;

         -                                                                              Qu== w Ch==ar: % .ae i
                                     ,,                                                             CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION
    ; f. =o uneersonee. 9osetng a vemt comrmemen issues ey me Namonet Goero o, Sosier ano pseawe vesem visseacts ane me Steus . Province l =r Pennsvivania                                                                                               ans emeevec oy Hartford Steam' Boiler'Tnen & Ins. Co.

of Hartford Conn ,ne .nesamme ms esmoonene seerioes se Ossiersmesonewing eense R5 IT 's_///iLld .ans ame

               = = = es oe= = mv                                                                     noen. = omn. ne, es,,e,mee es.mnemone on. .sen Mmee4m see==e = == o-neri
                %-                                                                                         = = mus sessen m.                                                                         j
                .y                             ,-i - en se                                      .e    e   e.,n  . - ,,.e.e                         . - - - - e - -

se,eseawe measures emenses in elle Omners manert Pwetenne,s nenner ce .iasse.ur nur fee ameover sned to ilelse W any momer w any

                - - - - - .,.                                                                              e.. e         n. - -. e -                                                                    .

Q Comeseemerge A/J3 7h 1 O/N w _. m. - _ - O- n ,. <d

                -FCRM NIS-2 CWNER'S REPCRT FCR REPA!RS OR RE.*LACEMENTS As                                                                    bt Ta FTasic. s :'te ASME C:ce Sec en XI

. og ' ?"itacoorg " ' ca. 2001 Marwer 5th P419101 snm

3 b Fem . osaca actrem .*ewer Staoen un= 2 C ai . 2 4 * ** * /- Mcc Sec=n tC:ns: .:c=nt. ' Ace
                                                                                                                                                      ==                                                        w%ws:                4.%

6werxpm==ec:y .:":larate-a Esc- :Cc esnv 2001 Marvet St.. 86:dacesena. FA 19101

s. ;cenenosten oe se Residual Heat Removal (RER) Syneam Installatten of RV21072B 6 (o Aconcante C:nseus=on C:ce B31.I ts 67 s.,,,m.n, NA h NA " ace Case
    > 4es easie acimen er s esen a unusse ter f eens er Aoman mens is 80 v/81                                                                                                                                             usenca. N-TOR      ",,cce case s.4eneriassen or Ct.cnsonens 7.caseo or haasme one .- - n a Name cf                                                                                                                        Namecf                      Manufaccrer       Nanonal            C:r:er        Year       Recaroc.         ASME Comcenant                                                                                                     Marnasc rer Sanal No.                                             Boarc         Idenallcanon       Budt      Repaced.         Come No.                                          or          Staqued
                                                                                               ,                                                                                                                                Regiacomers       (Yeor Nel
       .                                                                                                                                                             N72 385                             -

301: Valve Crosby 00-0001 NA RV21072A 1988 Rents,.. . N ET No. 11" Pius SA106B

  • Duanex 220321 NA NA NA Replacement N
                                                                          ,                                                                                         HT No.

L" Pips SA106B puanez 208242 NA NA NA Replacement N HT No. Ll" SWRF Flange [Ladish 19358 NA RR2R NA Replacement N Lot i ' Li" SW Coupling raylor-Bonney lCB07 NA NA NA Replacement N l HT No. > " SWRF Flange Ladish Y3016 NA RY2N v1 Roolacemene N l" SW Couclin ove CF50 NA N NA Re lacem 2R .

                                                                                                                                                         ^ Nut

!" nuts ASTM SA-194 "Co. F53 NA PTiB8105 NA R N !" studs SA-194 B7 Cardinal Ind H2 NA NA NA Reolacmaar N p, o ,n .e w.n, Replacement of welded relief valves w/flanned 1 I li ret <.s valves'en , suctten side of RER Mod 4112-A FSK-M-438 Sh. 77 , W e ~

                                                                                                                                                                                             .                       -         .. . ---- . ...      . .        ..~
        .                    FORM                                         'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As             ' tN the Previsiens cf ne ASME Ccce See:cn XI
 ' t. O ,ner               Phdaccoma                                                             cam              H - 14.$ 2 2301 Merwer St. .             ania. PA 19101                               shee          2 ::          3
  • st*t 8*ac*! EcCc"i AtCmic P*:Wer Station gnig 2.
                                            .h Oatta.*&'"3'*                                                                   Moc Sacecn (C nstrue:cnl. Mec
                                                                                            <                   a    cas n. n.r c..w
. werw Ferrormee try P5dacaonia Ese:nc Comoany

2^01 Marxet St.. Phdacelensa. P419101 ~~ m

i. worsnesson oe smResidual Heat Removal (RRR) System Installation of RV210728 & O Relief Valve
5. (3 'a-- Caneoussen Case B31.I ts 67 Emmen. NA ,1asenos. NA CaseCase lb) 2aa-a'a E25cn at Secoon x!Unname for Aeoers or Aemesomene tg 80 w/81 4eeenee. M-30A CaseCase i leenwooemon or Camoonene Aeoeros or Aeoneses ans Aemsomment Campenense Name of Narne of Manufac:u'rer Nanenat Otner Year Mecared.

Componert . Manufacturer Senaf No. Board idenuncanon Bust Replaced. No. or Sindpad Replaci,rnent (Yesor

          -                                                                                                                                                                                 Ne$

Carven Steel Wald Alloy HT No. Aton ARC l Fillor Material Rods Corp. 422K1581 NA 3/329 E-7018 NA Replacement M 4 Carbon Steel Wald HT No. 1/8 9 Fillor Macer.ial Techalloy F1469 NA ER-70S2 NA Replacement N Corben Steel Wald lHT No. 1/8 9 Filler Material Techa11oy i'I.21860 NA ER-70S2 NA Replacement it HT No. 3/32W lCarbonSteelWeldlTechalloy

Fillor Material i 065058 NA ER-70$2 l NA
                                                                                                                     .              Replacement                                            N    )

i TC$,. 7, o e,n,,,, a were Weld Filler Metarials Mod 4112A W 1 i

.m__._.~.%,_.._ __ 5

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ,, r-py            %g 1::

k - T FORM NIS-2 (Bacx) ( t

s. r<ms c.:neue:ea: C -
                                                                                                                   -eumaec   L              wm. c:ereeng %.              ,_

emw b he NA :s en Temo. NA **

t. See Accenctx 0. ASME See:!cn x1 Fecas and Asciacement P'an let Mod. 342. for :::s tunscie:!cnai teunearv
         !!msts fer P*esomes and insemce insoec:fons.                                                              Ocen flow path test - reference TVC-5??? (D)


                                                                                                                   - = - . -


 ! we awm mar me mece in me re en are entrec                                                                                ana == r*olacement :e =e mee or me Asame wa                                                                               ,

4 7 e seem stomo

  !                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I canineem e aumansiosa =                                                                                                        zamrosen ese Sense                                                                                                                                   7,me                              .ts Omsaur r Ousers % .*as CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION j !. es unceregnes. noiemg a vene commmeen issues my me == scare or som ans poseure vesem inee.cors ano me Stees er Pronnes lm Pennsv1vania                                                                                               ans w ay       Hartford Steam'Bo11er 'Tnen & Ins. Co.

of Enrtford Conn nove ineeeems s // A "'s me m2 anmcenems casemos

    ! esttomesemetmy Messasunne sw e.ine    9/58I, todet. me Omner nas eenemme examinosono ano seen M              essenoso W m h a

boort in assereense wout - etfee AS14Caos,Secoon A, M N EM M S senseeve measures enestees k fue Omrters Assert. Aarvteutere, nestter Tie sneesent fler nas empeyer spell be M en any ww any pareens insury er ereseny eemage er a less et any one enang surn er sonneouse west sus ineessmen, Sgk _ es, 4 e. commessene NI4 7671 _ e 4 J /U ce,o  %. n ,, n _ m-----_--._s- - - - - - -- . - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


                            .                                                                             by ttle Provistens cf me ASME Cece See::en XI


  • Owner
    . .                                                       8%acecrus                                                              Oate          ll-14 9 7 q

2201 Market St. . PA 19101 sneet I at 3

. .mam Feacn Scttom A hwer Stanon une 2.

name Catta. ?& 1 31 A voc See::en (Censtruc::cnl. Mcc m a ,cepmann A::. w .a. an., me.

. woru Am:nnec::y 85ilacecnia Eecinc COmcany
                                                                                 "'*                                                                                                                 l 2201 Marxet St.. Philadeionia. PA 19101                      ,
4. icommesson et system Residual Heat Removal (RHR) System Installation of RV2107'L'
5. (s Moncacio Consoucson C.:ee B31.1 is 67 8dison. NA Moenca. NA C,ce Case ,

p uoucacie scinon or secnon .4 unumen for Aeoans or Aeoacamens is 80 w/81 acconca. N-308 c,:ee case

         $. renoncanon of Csmoonoms Aeonarea or Aeoseoso ano Aeonasement Csmoonents Nameof                      Name of                     Manufac:urer    Nanonal        Ctner         Year     Recaroc.               ASME Ccmponent                          Manufac:urer                      Senal No. Board     idenuncanon       Sudt     Replaced.               Code No.                                     or               Stan@ed Replacement             (Y or N72 385 Ra$              naf                             Valve           Crosby                            00-0001         NA         RV21072A          1988 Rentee== ne N

HT No. 1)" Pipe SA106B Quanen 220321 NA NA NA Replacement N HT No. 1" Pip 3 SA106B auanex 208242 NA NA NA Replacement N j HT No. i ll" SWRF Flange Ladish 19358 NA RR2R NA Replacement N lil" SW Coupling t raylor-BonneyCB07. lLoti NA NA NA Replacement N i HT No.

     !1"SWRFFlange                                                         Ladish                            Y3016         i NA         RY2N              MA    Replacement               N
                                                                                            '                                                                    Replacemen                N 1" SW Cou lin                                                                               lo s CF50             NA         N                 NA 2H                            At                                                                                     N i" nuts ASTM SA-194                                                                         Co. P53             NA         HT#B8105          NA    Re N-

{" studs SA-194 B7 Cardinal Ind H2 NA NA NA Reclaement


7, w m Replacement of welded relief valves v/flanned 1 I 14 reifer valves on __ suction side of RER Mod 4112-A FSK-M-438 Sh. 102 m

                          .                                                                                                                                                                        O
                                                                                                                                                       *                 *\ m .pn   \ b $

[') FORM NM hER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As. J by the Provisions cf tr.e ASME Cece Sec::en XI i, cwner  ?**dacmeniai!' Comeenv case H. y .et e 2301 Marxet St . P%elonia. PA 19101 sneet 2 of 3

. Pian: 8eacn i!ctiem Atomic Pewer Station unn 2.

Oetta. Pa ' 3* a 'ioc Secten (Constructent. Mcc a o,.am i.e.e. w

2. wenc penormea ey F5daemonia Esctne Comeany wn.

2301 Marxet St. Phdacaenia. PA 19101

4. tenuticenon et system Residual Heat Removal (RHR) System Support Brackern en A&C Relief Valve
5. (d Acohonote e is 67 c.cson. NA Meenca, NA .,.;ce Case
                           ,w enoucense ceition or secson 4 t.,sitzes for aeonirs or Aeoiacoments to 80 w/81            weenea.       NA    ".,coe Case
             $. Idens$cs.on of Carnoonents Aeoearoo or Aeo64cee ano Rootecorrient Comconentt
'I                              Name of             I Name of          Manufac:urer  Nanonal        Cther        Year       Recaired. AS$E Componeru
  • Manurac:urer Senal No. Board Idenuncanon Built Replaced. Code No. or Stamped Replacement (Yes or g No)

HT No. Hgr. Support 3/8"x2" Flat Bar Ryerson 1-38800 N/A Pg-31A M1021 N/A Replaced No Sht. 8 l HT. No. Hgr. Support 1/4"x2" Flat Bar Dubose Steel 34159 N/A PG-33A M102:, N/A Replaced No Carbon Steet Weld iAlloy Roda HT No. Atom ARC Fillor Material I Corp. 422K1581 N/A 3/32 E-7018 N/A Replacement No Carbon Steel Weld l KI No. Fillor Material 'Techalloy F1469 N/A 1/8 ER-70S2 N/A Replacement No Carbon Steel Weld HT No. Fillor Material T ^ 11oy L21850 N/A 1/8 ER-7052 N/A Replacement No Carbon Steel Weld MT51 HT No. Filler Material lay 065058 N/A 3/32 ER-7052 N/A Replacement No 7, o n n .e w an, RHR Hanger support brackets Drawings FSK-M-438 Sht. 77 and


SK-M-438 Sht. 102 Mod 4112'-A

                                      ,- a . a.       -


                                                                                                                                   ;_ q
                                                                                                                                   -- ~         t'    o I

{ ,  ; FORM NIS-2 (Back)

1. 7*em censustse: ' z. eumans wm Cwenng 7 semure I
                                                                                     !J                                        !_

cmer l swo NA .s

Tee Teme.- NA *
1. See Accencia 0. ASME 5ec:fon XI Fecar and Peoiacement P'an for Mod. 342. .'or :: e runscie:tenas touncarv
               !!msts for Preservice ano taserwee insoec:fons.         Open flott path test - reference Mc-M27 (D)


                                                                -_ = - -           m        ,. _


we away mas me emnemone mese in me reeen are ames ans =. reniacenene es.e,ma = me neen e me me case.

se .e. 4 .- g  ; s  ?

      ! 7,, c:ee s,mee same                                NA                                                                                4
                                                              ,                                                                                        i i

eM e, ume,,sesen . _ M/A w ee,, u/A sg,,.s Tr 3A .

                                                                                                        ,       #/        ! ,:. M       -
                                     - ~ .- :__.


' !. ma ncersones. .wome a vues esmmmmen nouse ey me mesens enero et emier ans mesewe veses meseus,s one me som er memnae


r Pennsv1vania ens amesves ey Hartford Steam'Boilar*Tnen & Ins. ca.

of Hartford Conn noe wesesses maawnoonenesoeuses Asses oung mesense k/s/8[ s h//t, /i[ .ans suas mes a me oest er my eedet, wie Gener nas eenemme one mean MM essenoes in vue Omnera w =sese, sense.o. . mecese.soseen n By agnet me eersemeno nester she messeur ner nie emesvar ,neses any warrensy, ses, esses er wnsmes, senenemng me seenunemone one

             - - - . ses % =                                           ,m no,s.       e.e, s,. se    no, . e me,e, s,  .e = =      -- -

perennes insury er e,eeeny esmege W a tese af any inne enang sun er eennesse tual vlie e,massmen,

t. h _ _- 3 M N@ ~]$$ b----- A/(a 3 --

gu --

                                                          ,, d case        9 l


                                                                                           .n                                    -

y FCRM NI WgfES REPORT FOR REPAIRS CR RE?t ACEMENTS A M tv- a : vis: ens ette ASME Cece Sec:en XI , e ., .="dscenenta b can n., 2 01 Marwet Sh. '.' 8419101

  • hee
3 _

8 9acn Ecccm AtCmdhewer Stanen 6 8' ant un,e Z

                                  'aita. 2 4
  • O *- Mcc Sac en :C:nn :ccent. 'Acc a a ,ew. re.e .aa 6 mnc Am:nnec:y FM:facaten:a EM- c C.:: esnv -

w 2001 Marxet St.. Fhdaceicnta. F A 19101 > mecca::en er sw.em Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Svsee'n Installation of RV21072C 6 (n Accacame C.:nswuc=ca C:.cs B31.1 is 67 s.non.

                                                                                                                     ,      NA                ,1acensa. NA                   C.:ce Case (m Aconeanw seinen or sec=en a unazoo for Aeoars or ? -                                                                     ; ts 80 v/81                   4:enca. N-308    ,-a, ca,,

6 ',comert=sson er C. nconenn Ascaron or cosassa ano PeassementC.:moonoms Namecf Namecf Manurac:=rar Nancnal C7.or Year Recatrad. ASME C.:mcenent Manuracc.:rar Senai No. Scare Idenuncacen Budt Rectaced. No. or S ed Rectacament or No)

      -                                                                                                      N72 385                        -

Salief Valve Crosby 00-0001 NA RV21072A 1988 Re.51mee . e N HT No. 1)" Pien SA1063 Ouanex 220321 NA NA NA Replacement N

                                                                                 .                           HT No.

L" Pips SA106B auanax 208242 NA NA NA Reelacemene N HT No. 1" SWRF Flange [I.adish 19358 NA RR2R NA Reelacemene _ N. l Lot i Ll" SW Coupling Taylor-Bonney lC307 NA NA NA Replacement N ET No. L" SWRF Flange N


_ T3016 NA RY29- u Replacement L" SU Coucling NC"A1 Toys CF50 NA NA NA Replacement N 2H ~ ' Bu t N !" nuts ASTM SA-194 & Neit'Co. P53 NA HT#B8105 NA Reelacemane ,,,, !" studs SA-194 B7 Cardinal Ind H2 NA NA NA Reelnemane N


p, e ,n n g w.n, Replacement of velded relief valves w/flanned 1 X in rei<es valves en succion side of RER Mod 4112-A FSK-M-438 Sh. 77 e

                                      , ..w.


  • cwner
.                **daemone                                                 ::ais 2201 Marwet St. .
  • PA 19101 shee 2 at 3

~ Pam =eac:~ Scttem Atemsc Pner Stancn unos 2.


Osc.a. 2a t 311 . Moc Saccon (Censtruccent. Med m== s ,w r.:.w

. woru 7,normee ey Phdaemonia Eocme Comeany w

2001 Marxet St.. Phdadeionia. PA 19101 m ( 4ermficanon at s, Residual Heat Removal (RRR) System Support 'Brackata on A&C Ra H ef Valve Reclac

s. e) Acononce Consowooon case EIn5 -

ts 67 . s ammen. NA Amoenos. NA Case Case

   #  u---~a Edson or Season 4 t.,immes for Aeoers or Aeoiscernona is 80 v/ 81                  Aasensa. NA       Case Case
s. tenenesson or Camoonena Aeoevoo or Aemesso ano Aeoenament Camoonems Name of , Nameet Manufac:urer Nadonal Ctner Year Recaroc.

Component Manufac:urer Senal No. Board Idenuncanon Sudt Rootaced. No. or Regiacement (Yes or

     ,]                    -

No) HT No. Hgr. Suppor1: 3/8"x2" Flat Bar Ryerson 1-38800 N/A Pg-31A M1024 N/A Replaced No Sht. 8 HT. No. Hgr. Suppor1: 1/4"x2" Flat Bar Subose Steel 34159 N/A PG-33A M102:. N/A Replaced No Carbon Steel Wald Alloy Rods HT No. Aton ARC Fillar Material Corp. 422K1581 N/A 3/32 E-7018 N/A No Carbon Steel Weld HT No. Filler Material Techalloy F1469 N/A 1/8 ER-7052 N/A Ren1me.=mne Mn Carbon Steel Wald ET Bo.  : Filler Material Carbon Steel Weld - e BT No. Filler Material l N/A Replacement No ._

                                    . y Amar
7. er wene RHR Raneer sunoort brackets Drawings FSK-M-438 Sht. 77 and

_ -M-438 Sht. 102 Mod 4112-A

3.H . j__, ,,_ CF _3

                                                                         ,,                                                                                                             l
                                                              '            ~                                                                                                            '

f FORM NIS-2 (Back) [ [

5. com c u cumso: wumees wnm c: ang weeure [
                                                              *E                                                                                                                     )
                                                              % esure NA                         :s           rear Temo.       NA                      *
1. See Accendix-0. ASME Section XI Reont and Reoiacement Pian for Mod. 842. for c:ce turtsotettonas bouncarv -

limits for Preserwce and inserwce inspections. Open flow path test - reference IWC-5222 (D) . A5ME XI l 1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE

        ;                                                                                                                             +
        ' we cerWV tnat me statemona mece in me rooort are oorrect anc em replacement                                                   meerme a me naes of me ASME
        , Seccon 4.                                                                                              < = = = . -

7 [ }

        ?7       C:ce Symne Slamo
        !  W                                                                                                                                                                      l-caren                             .raue.,mmeone.                                                          zu,,resenca.


        . sgrwe
ase , ts 3i l ,

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION f !. es une senes, nosome a vese osmmenen asues ey me resens soero or soder ans Poseure vesse neoecora ano me seen er p l: Pennsylvania ane w oy Hartford Steam Boiler 'inun & Ins. Co. i of Hartford Conn A.- nere inneesies , m2 esmooneme Assertaunne me senes 9] 5- . ans sees

                                                                      ' nesse. mo o,                        '
        ! m= = me o                                   my                                          sene,m.0 esem,nesone     en. n e re l. m/eeurn oe-moe. m m o.nors boort in assermanus asse                                                et see ASWE Coen. Seeman XI.

b eigrtirtg WW WrWOEME f6 Wie h ftW fW eg rIWees any WWrerWV. em er Irnegie6. Mnearneg me N an8 ) oorreseve measures semaneet M Wise Omner's Assert. JIurgtennere, resseter me anesesor fuer aus amenever ened ble tiente M eny menn.W eny persons wisury or ereseny esmage er a mas er any one aneng som er eennemse = set Wee anesessen.


Cesenemmens kfd 7N E / _ _A M N . I y es,, yNo_v n. ._

                                                                                 ,,    W

I q FORM ER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS V # by the Provisions of the ASME Ccce Sec::en XI

               , owner                     Phdadeichen         " Comoany                        case    12/15/88 2301 Market St. . Phdadelohim. PA 19101                shee    1     at  two ame==
2. Plant Peacn Bottom Atomic Power Stanon une Two a==.

Delta. PA 1731 A Mod Seenen (Construenon). Mod 5033 l 4.===

  • w w e n me am .m. I l 1. worr Pommneo try Phdadelonia E!octnc Comoany 2301 Market St.. Phdadeichia. FA 19101 4
4. termnoscon ot syemm #(11) Standby Liould Control ANSI i
5. t) Ae* Coneouonon Coos B31. I 19 6],, ,Edmen. N/A h N/A CaosCame M ^--- Edteon of Secoon XIutmase for Rooers or Aeouwemens ts 80 includine socanos. e hrou ch CaosCame Winter 1981 l
s. icononoseon of Comoonenen Aeoerso or Aemenee ene mesenownent Componeme Name of Name of Manufac:urer National Other Year Repasred. ASME Component . Manufacturer Senal No. Board identficanon Butt Rep 6 aced. Code No. or Starnped Replacemers (Ydor .
                   .                                                                                                                         Nc$

HT# 1 1/2" Coupling Sandvik 157 AA N/A N/A N/A Replacement No


HTl 1 1 1/2" SS Pipe Sandvik 464032 N/A N/A N/A Replacement No i Anchor SNf 1 1/2" Check Valve Darling E3265-9-5 N/A N/A 1988 Replacement No i j - J Mf

                                                       .W l


7. oneen,een er veere Replace existing swing check valve with a new soft seated check ialve__ >

_from Anchor Darling per Mod 5033. { l i _j

5H.l CF ') w

     .O                                                                             > +~c                                                                                                                                                                                                       '

FORM NIS-2 (Back) ' 8 ~*se canouemo b l,,I,,, s.aom.e, ._  % e ,,,,,p.,,,,,, _ w 1 Test #ST-ISI-6 Appendix P ,


Seasure 1550  :.m , ree Tomo. Ambient

  • g em w _ _ x m_. a c a m e _ _ , _ _ v_ , n _ _ _ _ _ __i_____ .m . . _ .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  - ' - - ' ~ ' ' = ' ~ ~ ' - - ' ~
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                                                                                - a-.p o CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION
           ' ma unceregneo. tio6ams a vees commmenen asues by me Namens Boero of Sooner anc Pesswo vasem risoes:ers ano me 5:en er Provinos se                   dsiv % a                                                                                     ans ameevoo py k$c3 N_b 3edeA had6 A                                                                                              '

w h dwc.e (n cG M Ly1 (5 . nome meeseene , me componenn Ouner's Assert sunng fue o N OV . I - 1135 *e DCL lb %bdb 8MesEE ret m me oest er my , besier. me > nas sonermee exammasons ano amen amecome meanses oseenees in ves owner's wm- n = == cess. sessan n I

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w __ ) conmusene b 3.L3 td3 ~/W11 p w _._ a ,, d

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FORM NIC-2 OWNE385 REPO~T CF REPRIa C3 REPLACEMENT As Rewired by the Provisions of ASME Code Section XI s ,.

1. Owner Phit " ' d ie Electric f d Deter _ -. 7/11/89

(None) 95$ 65 chantertroek Soutoverd Wevne. Pe 19087 Sheet 1 of 2 (Address)

2. Plant Peach Bottom Atomie Power Station Unitt 2 (Neme)
3. Work Performed by: Philadetohle Electric Ce Meistenance Decerteent (Neme) Repelr Organitetton ad. 1 Dette. en 17314 (Address) 4 Identification of System:. Reactor Water Clean-t6 - Svetes 12
5. (e) Applicable Construct Code a31.1 1961 Edition, N/A Addende, code cases N/a (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI utilized for Repeles or Replacements, 1980 Edition thru Winter 1961 Addende, Code Cases N-308
6. Identification of Components Repelred or Reptoced, and Reptocement Componente:

REPA! RED, O NAME OF NAME OF OWNER SERIAL OTHER YEAR REPLACED, OR PART ASME CODE STAMPED l COMPONENT MFR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION BUILT REPLACEMENT IDENTIFICATION (YES OR NO) HydroutIc BW-323795 2P Lyneir xx222 12 OLN s-5 6/15/84 Reptocement BW 353581 No Hydroutic BW 323795 2P Lynelr XX223 12 OLN 5 7 6/14/84 Reptocement SW-353581 No

7. Description of work: Rebultt Srshbers to Extend service tife
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominst Operating Pressure Other s

Pressure col Test fenp. *F i7. Remarks: Itshdit and y% cement ershbers are fmetionally tested before beine instet ted. N 4 l O I

F0%M CIC-2 OWNER'O REPO;T OF REPRIR CR REPLACEMENT As RegJfred by the Provisione of AssIE Code section 3! e _ Identificetten of System: teactor Water cteen-tno - system 12 sheet 2 of 2 l 1 CERTIFICATE OF CGEPl.IANCE  ! We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and this MAM#/ confores to (repefr or replacement) l Section XI of the y Code. < Signed # ' em E ID [+ 44 - 7 , 19

                                 '(Owner or Owner's Dest'gnee)                                          Istaf T ft te

CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTICRI 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commiselon issued by the National Board of Rotter and Pressure Vesset inspectors and the state or Province of eJ 4 vlNe n , employed try N 4 f3 I .+I . b - of NA4.ka_1 f_k- haveinspectedthekekth b 'A c m eA b described in this Report on (Repeirs or) Replacements) LAL9 -?O , 19 O '1 , and state that to the best of my knowledge ord belief, this repair or reptocement has been constructed in accordance with Section XI of the ASBE Code, gy signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, empressed or l@tled, concerning-the repelr ce replacement described in the Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liebte in any menner for any personal injury or property demoge or a loss of any kind erfsing from or connected with this pec . c os, eau-w = 1\ Am Co issi.,s Pm.3 deer  ! Tnspector) (State or Province, National Board) i (G

l FORM CIC-2 OWNE3'S REPORT CF REPAIR 03 REPLACEMENT As Reedred by the Provis(orte of ASE Code Section XI

1. Owner: Phlt e lehta Electric e a Date 7/S489 (Name) 955-d5 chantarbrook Bautevard Wavne. PA 19087 Sheet 1 of 2 (Address)
2. Plant: Peach tottes Atomic Power Station Un!t 2 (Name)
3. Work Perfonned by: Philadelohta Electrie em Melntenance Decertment (Neera) Repelr Orgentzetion Rd. 1 Delta. PA 17314 (Address) 4 Identif{cetion of System: Reactor Water eteen up - Sveten 12
5. (e) Appt(cable Construct Code E1.1 1932 Edition, N/A Addende, Code Cases N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI utilised for Repatre or Replacements, 1980 Edition thru Winter 1961 Addende, Code Cases N 308
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced, and Replacement Components:


       \~                            COMPONENT           MFR      NUMBER    IDENTIFICATION      BUILT   REPLACEMENT     IDENTIFICAfl0N      (YES OR NO)

Mechanical P$A 1 PSA 1909 12 DLN $ 8A 6/77 Replaced --- No Mechanical PSA 1 PSA 19839 12 DLN 5 8A 12/81 Replacement ---- No

7. Description of Work: Rootecament of Dvnemic Restrainte
8. Test Conductsda Hydrostatic Pneuantic 0 No.inet op,,etin, ,, essure Other M Pressure nel Test Temp. *F
9. Remarks: t@ fpf S QAf AIC kb 7

( W icable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be as46ched) b 9('sOR b SCEd' l

FORM NIO-2 CWNER'S REPOCT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As accpired ty the Provlsitans cf ASME Code section XI [] V Identification of System: Reactor Water Clean-Up System 12 Sheet 2 of 2 CERTIFICATE OF (XBPLIANCE We certify that the statements sede in this report are correct and this reelecament confor1ms to (repair or reptocament) Section XI of the Code. Signed e 4 #[ . 7 , 19 (owner or' own'er's Desth) TIy / Derfs CERTIFICATE OF IIISPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a vetid commission issued ty the National Board of Botter and Pressure Vesset Inspectors and the State or Province of m6% Ioc ma , employed by ib S 6. I k I do. of a d kt d '. C h have inspected the eclOCemen fa described in this Report on (Repairs or Replacements) SM - S4 ,19 d3 , enri state that to the beat of my knowledes and belief, this repelr or replacement hoe been constructed in accordance with Section XI of the ASE Code. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the repelr ro replacement described in the Report. Furthermore, neither the Intpector nor his employer shall be Alable in any menner for any personet injury or property demoge or a toes of any kind arising from or connected with thi * . Dateb d -/ -2A - lh9C t commissions Jt1/3 / d M'2_ j

                                                                                                                             \W (Inspector)                             (state or Province, Nationet Board)

N. O

FORM NIC-2 OWafER'O REPORT CF REPAIR CR REPLACEMENT As Remifred by the Prowletons of ASME Code Section XI

           %/   1. Owner: Phl M ishia Electric      P--     -

Date: 7/11/89

                                        ..                  (Name) 955 45 chanterbrook Beutevard        Wevne. PA 19087            Sheet       1       of        2 (Address)
2. Plant Pehch Bottom Atomic Power station Unitt 2 (Name)
3. Work Performed ty: Phltadatahla Electric C m Maintenance Denartment (Name) Repelr Orgentration Rd. 1 Detta. PA 17314 1 (Wress)
4. Identification of System Core soray - System 14
5. (e) Applicable Construct Code a31.1 196ZEdition, N/A Addende, Code Cases N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI utilized for Repelre or Reptocemente, 1980 Edition thru Winter 1981 Addende, Code Cases N 308
6. Identification of Componente Repelred or Replaced, and Reptocement Componente R



Hydraulic 2-%a Lyneir XX229 14 DCN S 23 $/19/84 Reptocement SW-352985 No Hydroutie BW 201808 2-%" Lyneir XX230 14 DCN 5 24 8/10/88 Replacement SW 238031 No Hydreutic SW 237255 2 Yea Lynefr XX231 14 DCN-5 26 8/11/88 Reptocement BW 201808 No Hydraulic 2 %" Lynelr XX232 14-DCN S 27 8/10/88 Replacement BW 201808 No

7. Description of Work: Rahutit truJbbers to Extend service Life
8. Test CondJctedt Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominst Operating Pressure Other Pressure nel Test Temp. *F l

l 9. Romerks: Rebuilt and rectacament om h re are f m ettonetty tested before belns instatted. l-i

FORN NIC-2 CWNE3's REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Required by the Provisions of ASIE Code Section XI Identification of Systems Core sarav svetem 14 Sheet 2 of 2 CERTIFICATE OF (DFLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and this />o27! M N M conforms to (repair or replacement) Section XI of the ASME Code. signed 8 2 80 % /7 A him >&tf4 I [ b+ vi 77 , 19 (Ciuner or Owner's DesTBhee) Tlfte [/ Dlta' MRTIFICATE OF INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid conesission issued by the National Board of Bolter and Pressure Vesset Inspectors and the State or Province of b /t d d . C . , employed by h-5. 3. T 4-1 (o of blYod b. ' have inspected theEc k b fr0 c.m e d described I:4 this Report on g (Repairs or Replacements) ' t J A - M) , 19 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this repair or reptocement has been constructed in accordance with Section XI of the ASIE Code. By signing this certificate, neither the inspector nor his enptcyer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the repelr to replacement described in the Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shalt be liable in any manner for any personet Injury or property demoge or a toss of any kind arising from or connected with this I tion. Date dD hSS ' t %O Commissions 8/O Al/3 3/(c 3 y (Inspector) (State or Province, National Board) O

FORN NIO-2 OWNE"l'c REPO.S.T OF REPRIR OR REPLACEMENT As Ro wired by the Provisions of ASME Code Section xt i


f 1. Owner: Philadatahia Electric comany Date: 7/11/a9 (Neme) 955-65 c'hesterbrook Boutoverd uavne. PA 19087 Sheet 1 of 2 i (Address)

2. Plant: Peach Bottom Atomic Power station Unit: 2 (Name)
3. Work Performed by: Philadelphia Electric Commeny Maintenance Decertment (Name) .

Repeir Organitotton- __ad. 1 Delta. PA 17314 (Address)

4. Identification of system: Nf ah Pressure root ant inf ection - System 23 1
5. (a) Applicable Construct Code B31.1 199ZEdition, N/A Addenda, Code Cases N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI utilized for Repairs or Reptecaments, 1980 Edition thru Winter 1981 Addernia, code Cases N-308
6. Identification of Conpanents Repelred or Replaced, and Replacement Components:

REPAIRED, OWNER REPLACED, ASME CODE O' NAME OF COMPONENT NAME OF MFR SERIAL NUMBER OTHER IDENTIFICATION YEAR BUILT OR REPLACEMENT PART 1 IDENTIFICATION STAMPED (YES OR NO) Hydrsutic BW 323795 2 w" Lynair xx233 23 DBN-$ 1 6/4/84 Reptecament BW-352886 No Hydraulic 2 %" Lynsir xx233 23 08N s 1 6/4/84 Replacement BW 353784 No Hydraulic SW 201808 2-%" Lynsir XX234 23-DBN s 2 8/17/88 Replacement BW-216601 No Hydrautic BW-368291 2 %" Lynsir xx234 23 DBN S 2 8/17/8 Reptocament BW 237255 No HydrautIc BW 238031 2 %" Lynsir xx235 23 DBN s 3 8/15/88 Reptocement BW 218084 No Hydrautic BW-201808 2 n" Lynelr xx235 23 DBN 5 3 8/15/88 Replacement BW 218084 No Hydrautic SW-237255 2 %" Lyneir xx236 23-DBN 5 4 8/18/88 Reptocament BW 201808 No Hydroutic , SW 371965 2 %" tynsir xx239 23 DSN 5 27 4/6/87 Replacement BW 353581 No Hydraulic 2 wa Mitter xx240 23-DBN s 28 6/14/84 Reptocament BW-238031 No Hydrsutic BW 383156

               ,         2 %"                Mitter                 xx241       23-DSN $ 29        4/7/87    Reptocement                        BW 212751                                 No Hydroutic                                                                                                                BW-383156 2 %"                Lyntir                 xx243       23 DBN 5-9         4/4/87    Reptocement                        SW-212751                                 No

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT CF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Retpired by the Provisions of ASME Code section XI

 'of 5

( Identification of Systems _ Minh Pressure Coolant Inlection system 23 Sheet 2 of 2 REPAIRED, OWNER REPLACED, ASME CODE NAME Or NAME OF SERIAL CTHER YEAR _ OR PART STAMPED COMe0 DENT MFR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION BUILT REPLACEMENT  ! IDENTIFICATION (tES OR NO) Hydroutic BW-383156 2 na Lynair xx242 23-DDN*S 25 4/2/87 Reptocement BW 212751 No Hydraulic BW 383156 2- Y," Lynalr xx245 23 MS 5 30 4/1/87 Reptocement BW-212751 No HydrautIC 2 na Miller xx247 23-Ms s 37 4/7/87 Replacement BW 213451 No

7. Description of Worktje'vitt Sn@bers to Extend Service Life
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneunatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure osi Test Temp. *F
9. Remarks: Rebuilt and rectocement snubbers are functionaltv tested before beinn instatted.

O MRTIFICATE OF CD PLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and this e/ AWM conforms to (repair or reptocement) Section x! of th ASy Code. Signed (Difer or Owner's Designee) hat [IkC E M


7 , 19 Title G Defe / ~ ERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid conmission issued by the National Board of Bolter and Pressure vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of MS vl. A Ai S , emptoyed by b b S 1 + 3 ',L I of b A C.t- have inspected thekba - kedAenAdescribed in this Report on 4 (Repairs or Replacements)

                                 .bl 4               D           ,19 M , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this repair                                          ,

or replacement has been constructed in accordance with section x! of the ASME Code. By signing this I certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or inplied, concerning the repef r to replacement described in the Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his ecptcyer be liebte in any menner for any personst injury or property damsge or a loss of any kind arising

  ,Q          from or conrmtted with this in                                   .
  %J                                       s Date:Ma 79 Y                                          _c \ L Aa <                   Commissions [fOMW1 7M                                                               )
                                                                  \ M '(Inspector)                             (State or Province, National Board)                                   I


     -  _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _                                                                                                                                            l

FORM NIC-2 CWNER8 8 REPORT CF REPRIR OR REPLACEMENT i i As Required by the Provisions of ASME Code section x1

     'L/                          1. Owner: Philadetzdtia Electric C m                                          Date:       7/2h89 (Name) f 955-65 Chesterbrook Boulevard         Wayne. PA 19087             $heet       1      of        2 (Address)
2. Plant: Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit: 2 (Name) l 3. Work Performed by: Philadelphia Electric Commany Maintenance Decertment (Name) Repair Organization Rd. 1 Delta. PA 17314 (Adl tress) 4 Identification of System: Minh Pressure coolant inlection - Svetam 23
5. (a) applicebte construct Code B31.1 1962 Edition, N/A Addends, Code Cases N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section x1 utilf red for Repairs or Replacements, 1980 Edition thru Winter 1981 Adderde, Code cases N 308 6 Identification of Components Repelred or Replaced, and Repl6 cement Components:


    'd                               NAME OF         NAME OF MFR.
                                                                $ERIAL         OTHER           YEAR REPLACED, OR               PART ASME CODE STAMPED COMPONENT           MTR      NUMBER    IDENTIFICATION       BUILT    REPLACEMENT     IDENTIFICATION     (YES OR WO)

Mechanical PSA 10 PSA 2329 23 DDN-s 35 8/77 Repisced No Mechanical PSA 10 PSA 16983 23-DON s 35 8/8a Replacement No Mechanical PSA-10 PSA 1086 23 H8 8 16 1/77 Replaced No , 1 Mechanical PSA 10 PsA 16981 23 HB $ 16 8/84 Replacement No

7. Description of Work: Rectacament of Dynagi.p Restraints
8. Test Condseted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure osi fest Temp. 'F
9. Remarks: CPf 0 Cttr1Plihb OW UN C h no ll : Yb $Cd Pitio2 *le Sea;U 5G .

(ApplIcabte Manufacturer 8s Deta Roportt tc be at%ehhod)

FORN NIS-2 OWNER'S REPOST CF REPAIR CR REPLACEMENT As tecpired by the Provisions of ASME Code Section XI ( Identification of System: Nieh Preneure cootent infection svetem 23 sheet 2 of 2


CERTIFICATE OF (%3rLIANE We certify that the statemente mode in this report are correct and this rectacement conforms to (repair or replacement) Section XI of t SME Code. - Signed ~ us #~v 44 4 a/ N , 19

                                                                        "(Owner or 0wner's Designee 7                     Title       y        / De(e                        l ERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION                                             I I, the undersigned, holding a valid consnission issued by the Nationet Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of         eMC\lvowaA              , employed by Ik b b. T k T O ,

of 14Ani b . Of- have inspected the n l ore rvsa -3 k described in this toport on (Repelrs or Reptocements) i

                                                           )ub - 2A                    ,191, and state that to the boet of ury knowledge and belief, this repelr or reptocement has been constructed in accordance with Section XI of the ASME Code. By signing this certificate, neither the inspector nor his employer makes any teerrenty, expressed or implied, concerning the repair to reptocement described in the Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer            i shalt be tiebte in any manner for any personal injury or property demoge or a toes of any kind erfsing            '

from or connected with this ins i . rO (/ Date f-M -lW _ 1 _- Conssissions J8C J A/d 79 L ( A.7(Inspector) (state or Province, National Board) I O 1 t


l _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l




FORM N!S 2 OWNER'S REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Required by the Provisions of ASME Code Section XI M- m PS ome PhtLADELP at ELGic Tus c. corn enee t 9,, 7 ".50 t M A9twEtT $7. PH ELA4aA P A . t*f t C.t Shw $ of 3* Plant P5 A** C#~ TO '" ATUT'

                                                                                                     AE          Unit L
                                           *> T ATic.a C6LTA N \"13d4 Work Performed by]$."ahh, Eti.Ct 4 4. het.4.H -                         MAtMTELML.E
3. **"''**"'"*******

2.h efthaudrT s f. NJcbE.% si6 PA 48t tet


IAmer. asp 4 Ice.itification of Svete vi d 'it e.a c, Sdhca ca.rcM Is) Applicske Construenon Coos ML \ itiN Edition SJ/A Accenes. Cooe Cases ' I 86 5. (0) Applicske Edition of section XI Utilized ior Repairs or Replac.ments - 19M.,d*t'* Accands, Coca Cases 'Jf A

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced, and Repiscenwnt Components CRN Other Yest Repair e d. A5ME Coce Nome of Name of Mirs. 5er. Na t*t.

Built Replaced. Stamped Component Mir. No. Bd. N o. loenti. i I No. fcation ygy or (Yes or No)

                                                                                                                                   *es.       Rtotacement                                                        {

(ItM M % afL9

                      $EA4 ILMERI O A                                I NA              I IJA            I Nk l2RtaltIT                       GE9L E2milr uT           too cxam                            I uA             I wA              I wA             I NA leem I,                       laaxa er i ec l %) Ar          l $) A            lNA INA l2.Cf att Ia                                lSE9LKEht!s.,TlOO CC v dit S Iu               INA               lNA l AM l x                                 lWU4dmMl re o I

l l l l l l


I I I I I I I ,

7. Description of Work Nusc ATv sV W M hp Sf:A1 eu ATER (CCL.E9L. (Dla3R6 E. Terts Conowe:ee: Nyerestatic 3 Pneumenc C NominalOperating Pressure C Otner 3 Pressure' D b .- psi Tes Temp.
  • F AM O t 3 5.d" ,

g %**a T o.>c4. M8Pte_ hen ar To hk 51 ccon Ena (c^ a5R'S

9. Remar k.:

6Aspucas.. ev.anutaciwe. s Da.a h. pons i. o. .iiach.4) A ws Av om v i. i.e. Di**er nTsm L2Fr*18 i Sm 6.cs hPn c.ogos eT488 80% "1 > 'f o o a me w, R.AT E AS.15 c,Clo wT

  • c. 6 84 '2.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We ce Gfy that tne sja: mer.ta mace in this repor. are correct and this e~ e'd rn*m p* b conf orms te Se: tion XI of *.he

  • F.; ass on.peatv6 ASMECoce.  ?
                       'Sbynec /Y                          sm *rt!                             $ $sAr .&
  • m4 I ,19 r m. .: o ,, p. , - . u j u., r . >


3. the uncersioned, holding a valid commissioet Ismeed by the Natiornal Board of BoDer and Pressure Vessel inspecto : and the State of Province of I(rd aidJe n , employed by M O b^^ b L** DI N v"A CT hyve inspected the h t wE. cascribed in this Report on AIlhl iO , ISb-lMeanist.c Aepin.m.auss and state that to the beet of rny knowieope end belief,this reesir or replacement has been constructed in accorcance with Section XI of the ASME Coos. By signing this certifieste, neither the inspector nor his employer makes eny warranty, emprened or implied concern
  • Ins tne repair or replacement cescribed in this Repor. Furthermore.neither the inspector nor his employer shall be fiske in any menner

_f or any personalinjury or property loss of any kinc arising from or connected with this insoectiorL [ te OL-lo H 't 3"l u - s d D 7 N-Comm:sslorn b M 3.....~.n...n.- ywon : soooi.m.nt.i . ts in vormgnois;, . . .un . .r er.-ins. . - = . __ m., p. ... o,ov...e m .is. i. e n in. x 11 ir.. m o*' . 8 (2) Inform.tton in iv . is t tarewe a en snis case rsoort is incive.c on .. n an t. .no ( .n t is aw sac e. nums.r of sa 3 se recoro.o et in. too of tnis form. L ___- - _ -

FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Reaguired try the Proeisions of ASME Code Section XI ...'

1. Che,,,, Philadelphia Electrie Company De 6/12/87 2301 Market St;,' Philade @ a, PA share 1 ==# 1
2. Plant Peach Bottom Atomic P Station Unit 2 Delta, PA 17318"""'
3. Work Performed try Co Maintenance 2301 Market Y . Phila., PA " " ' " "


              ..      4. Idemification of System         Emergency Service Water
3. n) Applicable Construction Code Sect ion !I Iso 80 Editisen W81 Addende, Coos Cases - NIA 1 (bi Applicotsie Edition of Section XI Utiltred for Repeirs or Replacanents -If.2 ,W81 Addende, code Cases N 308 ]
3. Identifiestion of Componene Repelred or Replaced, and Replacement Components j Name of Nome of Mfra. Ser. Net *I. CRN Other Year Repelred. ASME Code Component Mfr. No. Bd. No. Identh Built Rapieced. Stemped No. fication or ,

(Yes or No) Raplemoment 3" ESW Pipe N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Replaced No

7. Description of Work Replaced a section of 3" Class HB carbon steel ESW oipe length
8. Tests Cor.ouered: Hydrostatic G Pneumatic O Nominei opererine Pro.sure D other O Pressu,. 116 pel Test Twr,,, Ambierptp q S. Romerk. 3" inlet !ine to "D" RHR cooler from 6"X6"X3" tee to the counlino above valve ,
                           ,20900 M ErYs T ."/

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certffy that the stetsmems made in this report are correct and this replacement conforms to section XI of me ASME Code.

  • g;gned bpe whoe.iers Mo M rms <
                                                                                                                                       ,19 vsoise CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION 1, the undersigned. hoiding e valid ear'nmission issued try the Netional Soorti of Soller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the Sisme or Prtprince of      Pennnvivnnin                      _ ; _
  • j g,y Hnctford Opam Anifer inen. 4 ine- Pn_

of Hartford. CT k.sigr irspectod es replacement duecribad in els Report en June 12. .

                                                                                                                                                                  , ggg,,

insenwiele naceammanuma and sinus that to me best of my knowledge and belief, this repelr or replacement has been constructed in escordense odth Sectlan XI of me ASME Code. By signing els cordfieste, neither me inspector nor his unployer mehus any momenty. expreened or impiled. soncern-the regelt or ruotacement described in this Report. Furearmore, neither the inspector nor his .J:, ; sheit be lieble in erry menner any personal injury or property er loss of any kind erleing from er sonnected with eis inspection. Dr = 3 u ,J c_ \L_\437 \ %J Commissions b 2^ A J G HM 1 :. . w pas ames aise e n'e ins. a====e N*est Supplemensel sheets la form of lies, skeeches, or strowengs mey ess wood prov6eed (1) sees is SM in. X 11 in (2) Informoden in 1 through 4 en mis does restert is inskuese en each sheet, and (3) each sheet ts numssered and me nummer of shares is racereest et yes see of Wits ferrn. WA'P. 9 - NC



As Required by the Provisions of ASMt Code Section XI 1

1. Ownert Philadatahia Electric CM Dates 7/24/89 (Name)  !

2301 Market street Philadelphia. PA Sheet 1 of 2 (Address)

2. Plant: Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit: 2 (Name)
3. Work Performed by: Philadelphia Electric Comoarv Maintenance Decertment (Name) Repelr Organization Rd. 1 Delta. PA 17314 (Address)
4. Identification of System: Emercency Cootinn Water - system 48
5. (a) Applicable Construct Code ANSI E31.1 19 E Edition, N/A Addende, code Cases N/A (b) 4pplicable Edition of Section XI utilized for Repairs or Replacements, 1980 Edition thru Winter 1961 Addende, code cases N,.;}QL,
6. Identification of Components Repelred or Replaced, and Replacement Components:


7. Description of Work: Roostred Welds on Succort piece on Pies s' - rt #48HB 520
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumstic Nominal Operating Pressure other i

Pressure osi Test Tenp. eF 9 Remarks: 1 O EM 4 b 'TJef bme ab Rd f l (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached) l l 1 \ s j 1 1 \ 1

FORM MIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT As Regaired ty the Provisions of ASME Code Section x! Identification of Systems Emercancy Coolina Water

  • System 48 Sheet 2 of 2 CERTIFICATE OF CGPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and this / # MO e ~ ' conforms to (repel / or replacement)

Section XI of the ASME Codp. Signed Am M fownef or owner's Designee) ' C W nrt4 dw/ 7 Title '

                                                                                                                       , 19 y0ste/ /

CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION I, the undersigned, hotding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Solter and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Paed.x [ > d a , egloyed by }d. $. 2 .f4I . (.m of l d bi. have inspected the b Mr/t i described in this Report on (Repel s or Replacements) J A; - 24 , 29 F, , .nd st.t. th.t to th. be., of my knowi.dge and belief, thi. repsir or replacement ht.s been constructed in accordance with Section XI of the ASME Code. By signing this certificate, neither the inspector nor his egloyer makes any warranty, expressed or felled, concerning r" i the repelr ro replacement described in the Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his egloyer shall be liable in any menner for any personal injury or property damage or a toss of any kind arising from or connected with this ins ion. Date: 12 4 k *A -

                                                                 *-              Ceasefssions /7 cp/G3 d23 K92_

( p tnspector) (State or Province, National Board)


          .(         .

As Reglired try the Provisions of ASME Code rection XI

1. Owner: Philadelphia Electric CM Date: 7/24/B9 (Name) 2301 Market Street Philadelphia. *A Sheet 1 of 2 (Address)
2. Plants Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit 2 (Nameb
3. Work Performed by: Philadelphia Electric C M Maintenance Decertment (Name) Repelr Organization Rd. 1 Delta PA 17314 (Address) 4 Identification of System: Emeroency Cootino Water - System 48
5. (a) Applicable Construct code ANDI R31.1 19 g Edition, N/A Addende, code Cases j[la.,

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI utilf red for Repairs or Replacements, 1980 Edition thru Winter 1961 Addenda, Code cases N 308

6. Identification of Conponents Repaired or Replaced, and Replacement Ccaponents:


7. Description of Work: 9ewetded tuo to succort on P % ?>_ et #48HB-H60
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumstic Nominal Operating Pressure Other l Pressure asi Test Tenp. *F
9. Remarks: tdv Rh n McD Ot* r het m d k NPRIR..

(8.pp u c&ble Manufacturer 86 Data Reports to be attached) l l l O l

FORM NIS-2 OWNERtS REPORT OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT ( As Rewired by the Provisions of AIME Code Section XI Identification of System: Emeraency toolina Water - System 48 Shoot 2 of 2 CERTIFICATE OF EXBPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and this renair _ acnforms to (repair or replacement) Section XI of Code. , Signed YMi $ 4' P*M . 7 , 19 (6wner or owner's' Designee) Title Q getf CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTiou I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission isvuod by the National Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of kuhd.vtk sA , employed by k & d b % L u of b M d (+. A have inspected the _ 2 c_00s t s described in this Report on (Repairk or Replacements)

                              "th.9    ~
                                                           ,1949       , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this repair or replacement has been constructed in accordance with Section XI of the ASME Code. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or inplied, concerning the repair ro replacement described in the Report. Furthermore, neither.the Inspector nor his employer O'                   shall be (fable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this i             fon.

Dates M 14k2% - - Commissions, Zil,3 Nd 7bh Q (Inspector) (State or Province, National Board) 1 l l l 0 4 I

-~~ ~ ~

                                                                     ....   .       o
          .                                                          Shoot __1__ of __2__

EOR 11 NIS-2 OWNER'S_ BfoPJR_T, OE REP AIR @, REPL ACEMENT (AD R;quircs by tha Previcicno cf ACME Code Se ODDDDommamanessassaammasemanassammassammamanamassamman=ction XI) ammassmas===am:

1. Owner - Philadelphia Electric Company y Address - 2301 Market St., Philadelphia, PA
2. Plant -

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit #2 Deltar PA 17314

   ' 3.      Work Performed by - Philadelphia Electric Company                               a 2301 Market St., Philadelphia, PA Ropair Organization /P.O. No./ Job Ho./ete           Maintenance Dept.,

MRF# 8504857 4. Identification of System - Jet Pump & Co e Flow Instrumentation. System 64B (Class I, EXEMPT)

5. (c) Applicable Const. Code - ANSI B31.1 1980, Ed. W81 Addenda Code Cases - N/A (b) Applicable Ed. of Section XI - 1980, W81 Addenda Code Cases - N-308
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced, and Replacement Components - See Sheet # 2. ,

7. DOccription of Work - Replaced 2-3-21B Excess Flow Check Valve

8. Tcsts Conducted - Not Required 9.llhemarks: Unit #2, 3000#, 1", Mode 1# MH9700501 Dragon Excess Flow Check Valve, Equip. No. 2-3-21B, installed on the #6 Jet Pump Instrumentation line.

sssss=a================================================================ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Wo cortify that the statements made in this report are correct 2 thic repair conforms to Section XI of the ASME code. Signed __ _ _ _____ _ ,,,,__h_M_hy,2Y; Owner's Designee / Title / Date r=sses================================================================== CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION I, tho undersigned, holding a valid commision issued by the National .rd of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province @onnaylvania, employed by Hartford Steam Po11er Insp. and Ins. Co. of % ford, CT have inspected the repair described in this Report on 80/87 cnd state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, th15 Oir replacment has been contructed in accordance with Section XI the A6ME Code. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector , hic omployer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning ropeir or replacement described in this Report. Furthermore, thor par the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for a or al injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising nnected with this inspection. ?3 b_1___ __ Inspector: _ m d ________ Commission : 2163 / NB 7 3===ses===============================\ .=============592=================

anew c . - of - 2--

    . ooooocano N A M E ' O F ..limaanaoo   . NAME OF ooooo      1annooanon i annooneI awaanoa i ===o=

1.MFR*o messano l ======eso I seamaan=3 i f I HAT *L i CRN' i COMPONENTIMANUFACTURERISER.I I NO. I BD. # 1NO. I OTHER lYEAR 1 REPAIRED IASME COD IIDENT. I i l IBUILTIREFLACED,1 STAMPED i  ! 2- 8 T IDRAGON. ac00oo===l============l=========l=======l=======l=======l=====3IRE

--- -- IN/A IN/A IN/A =========l========= +



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