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Proposed Tech Specs,Consisting of Tech Spec Change 88-08, Adding Addl Fire Detection Instrumentation to Table 3.3-11
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 08/10/1988
Shared Package
ML20151S794 List:
NUDOCS 8808160112
Download: ML20151S795 (11)


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, (TVA-SQN-TS-88-08)

LIST OF AFFECTED PAGES These pages also indicate the changes made under TVA-SQN-TS-87-45 Unit 1 3/4 3-61 3/4 3-65 3/4 3-67 Unit 2 3/4 3-65 3/4 3-67 h!k ADOC h7 P

a . d TABLE 3.3-11 (Continued)

FIRE DETECTION INSTRUMENTS Fire Zone Instrument Location Minimum Instruments Ooerable Ionization Photoelectric Themal Infrared 66 Communications Rm. El.

~~ ^ ~ 669,___.__4_ _- --

r ~~~

67'ConunIcationsRm.Ei,609 4 '

68 Mech. Ecuio. Rm. E1. 669 2 69 Mech. Equip. Rm. E1 669 70 2 Aux. Bldg. AS-All, Col. W-X. E1. 669 5 71 Aux. Bldg. A5-A11, Col. W-X, E1. 669 5 72 Aux. FW Pump Turbine 1A-5, El. 669 1 73 Aux. FW Pump Turbine 1A-5, Ei, 669 76 1 S.I. & Charging Pump Rms. E1.'669 77 5 S.I. Pump Rm. lA, E1. 669 1

78 S. I. Pump Rm. 1B, El. 669 1

79 Charging Pump Rm. 1C, E1, 669 1 80 ,

Charging Pump Rm. 1B, E1. 669 1

81 Charging Pump Rm. 1A, E1. 669 1

SS Aux. Bldg. Corridor Al-A8, E1. 669 8 E9 Aux. Bldg. Corridor Al AB,. E1. 669 8 90 Aux. Bldg. Corridor A8-A15. El. 669 8 91 Aux. Bldg. Corridor A8-A15, El. 669 8 i

92 Aux. Bldg. Corridor Col. U-W, E1. 669 4 93 Aux. Bldg. Corrioor Col. U-W, El. 669 4 94 Valve Galley, E1. 669 2

95 Valve Galley, E1. 669 2 -

98 Cntmt Purge Air Fitt., Ei, 690 2 E 99 Cntmt Purge Air Fitt., E1. 690 y ,,,,,g 2 2-102 Pipe Gallery, E1, 690 '

103 Pipe Gallery, El. 690 4 106 Aux. Building, El. 690 8 107 Aux. Building, El. 690 8 103 Radio Chemical Lab. Area, E1. 690 3 (

109 Racio Chemical Lab. Area, E1. 690 3 SEQUOYAH - UNI 7 1 Ryle.- J p' ww 3f 3.g1 gMd 4 ptywd T5 37-45




/ i TABLE 3.3-11 (Continued) \


!. Zone Minimum Instruments Ooerable Instr _ument location _____--_-- Ionization -Photoelectric

" ' ~ , _ . _ . _ _ _ _ - -

E06 Aux. CR Inst. Rm lA E1, 734 '


( 207 1

Aux. CR Inst. Rm. 1A El. 734' 1 203 Aux. CR Inst. Rm. 18 E1. 734 1 209 Aux. CR Inst. Rm. IB E1. 734 1

-1/o Ale. M I,ul R~ .24 ft 7.W I 2// Y 2N kax. CA Imf Am. 2A AL 7J Y l ht g'i'l Aiav.

M .rauf den. 2d 24 7)Y +

2/J Aux.

a I,,1 ,g . an is< 73 y I

Oh j

214 Mech. Eqpt. Rm. E1. 732 215 5 f Hech. Eent Q E1. 732 5 216 CRFitr./El.732 I .

217 CR Fitt.0/ E1. 7S2 I I

218 CRFitt.4/ E1. 732 1 y 7S' M C8 219 CRFitr.4/E1.732 1

? 220 Mai I s

w n cR E1, 732.4-

- ..I .r-ap-r c, 25 221 ed. Stn '!Mt Ei, 732 4- f

. i.m 22., T t.. '.iO.. T,1. f. W.

n . '5.1. . 2 ,i


-2 ": ?:: Oc.;c. She :1. 7 : -


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?:0 :c.;;. ~ha :1. 7:2 225 Reiay Bd. Rm. El. 732 .

j 225 13 Electric Cont. Eds. El. 732 11 227 Oper. Living Area El. 732 22B 7 Oper. Living Area Ei, 732 /

22? Main Cont. Eds. ,

8 230 9 Aux. CR Eds. L-4A, 4C,11A & 10 E1. -M2 73 Y '

.2 D 9 23Y CM ded A E,,4 f . El psp

{ CM fod t.h. sy f /m, ad 7.rp it q

i 235 i

Ctri. Rod Dr. Eq;t. Rm. E1. 759 4 236 Ctr1. Rod Dr. Eqpt. Em. Ei, 759 4 237 Meen. Eqpt. Rm. El. 749 238 He:n Eqpt. Rm. Ei, 749 1 - g ofh cb 4)Y g

1, h T1 D ~ S SEQUOYAH - UNIT 1 3/4 3-65 /?,p /u M /df' JN # '


r TABLE 3.3-11 (Continued 1 FIRE DETECTION INSTRUMENTS y17, Minimum Instruments Doerable lene- Instrument - Locati en ~~~~~~~ Ioni:stien Photoelectric ~ Themal . In.frared - ....- ,

273 Computer Rm. Corridor 3 27g te.p e - ,u,. c.,.

r3 coo g gyn e ,c Q EACW i.-me J d. 21. ? U *r a i) 8

  • h...u./ i , l TJ 87-2 9 296 Aux. CR Bds 734 L-48, 40, & 11B E1. 45+ 6 U? Obn &i $4. 9 295 C:=en Main CR Bds. EL 732 9 3M_deasAv B.. ld., 4,,,,,, /,,

3 0 ]I Aras6 05a A'~a/as 352 Lwr. Comet. Coolers , E1. 693 ff 354 ^4 - '

Upr. Comet. Coolers, E1. 778 '

4 356 RCP 2, E1, 693 357 RCP 2, El. 693 2\ l 2

360 RCP 1. El. 693 361 RCP 1. El, 693 2\ l 2

364 RCP 3 El. 693 365 RCP 3, E1. 693 2\ l 2

368 RCP 4, E1. 693 369 RCP 4, E1. 693 , 2\ l 9 -

372 Reactor 51dg. Annulus 373 Reactor Bldg. Annulus )(J2 TS88-00 1

/3 /

357 Turoine Cent. Eidg. Wall, E1. 706 18 .

h ;// e/be c a nyes Mn fo@se' ySWW "5 .-e :rge : ":::< .: _ ;- : ;n 3 2- :<

::::::..g ;_:<.:.g._

fepbumed fa*e -V4' )O SEQUOYAH - UNIT 1 3/A 2'07

0 r I Allt E 3.3-11 (Continued) j g I o '

O FIRE DEI [Cil0fl lilSIRilflf flls l E l flRE filfilfftill INS 1Rl#1[Ill5 OPERABLE Infrared 10flE IriSIRilflElli l0 CATI 0tl lonization PhotoelectFIc Ihermal

n. 196 125-V Ilatt. Bd. Rm. I, El. 734 1 j 197 125-V Ilatt. Ild. Rm. I, El. 734 1  !

198 12's-V llat t. Bd. Rs. II, El. 734 1 I l 199 125-V Ilatt. Bd. Hm. 11. El. 734 I l l 200 125-V Batt. Bd. Re. III, El. 134 1 201 125-V IlaLt. Bd. Rm. III, EI. 734 1


3 '

202 125-V ilatt. Bd. Rm. IV, El. 734 1  :

203 125-V Itatt. Bd. Rm. IV, El. 734 1 {

g,/ g]goS 204 Aux. CR El. 734 2 l f [ l R 210 Aux. CR El. 734 Aux. CR inst. Rs. 2A, El. 734 2

1 i

! y e


    • Aux. CR Inst. Rs. 2A, El. 734 I 211 1

';' 212 Aux. CR Inst. Rs. 28. El. 734 I .

l 714 t 3; 213 Augu !::d R=. 2a ,ri 1 CR Iilter /,0El. 732 Iw / BJ Ifs 217 CR filtpr 8El. 732 I

1 I

[ilI 3 @~d 218 CR filter 8 El. 732 . {s 219 - CR Iiiter 8El.732 1 ls 240 flain CH, L1. /3 fr.4..~../ Afy. # (ab 25 2 221 hi--S tor-Vatel t- E l . 732 7 ,,g,,.,,f 4g f 4 -2 6~  ;

222 .Hnt-MotwVaul@ LI. 732 I 2-123 P50-Engr-SitoprH--732 I 1

-224 P50- E ngn--Shopr El---732 ;l 225 Ilelay tid. Rm. El. 732 13  ;

226 Llec. Cont. Ilits. El. 732 11 j 227 Operator Living Area, El. 732 7 ji l

228 operator Living Area, El. 732 73Y i8 I" "' ' 230 Aux. CR Ilds. L-4A, 4C,11 A & 10, El. -732- 9 l 233 CRDil Eqpt. Hm. El. 759 4 ,

2 Citilf f t yp t. Rm. El. 759 4 1 Id>" [ 31 240 39 fleth. t ilp t . Rm. , E l . 749 liet h. Iqpt. !!m., El. 749 2



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i Description of Change '

Tennessee Valley Authority proposes to modify the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant  ?

Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications to revise table 3.3-11 to include additional fire detectors as a result of plant modifications _and to correct identified deficiencies.

. --. . . - - ~ ~ . - - -

Reason-for Change Table 3.3-11 "Fire Detection Instruments," contained in the SQN technical' specifications is being revised to reflect the current plant configuration l as follows:

1. Fire zones 98 and 99, unit I containment purge air filter, elevation 690, were modified to have two photoelectric and two thermal detectors in each of the two fire zones.
2. Fire zone 331, unit i reactor building annulus, was modified to have four photoelectric detectors.
3. Fire zone 372, unit I reactor building annulus, was modified to have  !

22 photoelectric detectors. I

4. Fire zone 373, unit I reactor building annulits, was modified to have {

21 photoelectric detectors. ,


5. Fire zone 333, unit 2 reactor building annulus, was modified to have '

four photoelect.rie detectors.

6. Fire zone 374, unit 2' reactor building annulus, was modified to have i 20 photoelectric detectors.


7. Fire zene 375, unit 2 reactor building annulus, was modified to have l 19 photoelectric detectors.

S. Fire zones 216 and 217, control room filter, were incorrectly identified as train A and should have been train 3.

9. Fire zones 218 and 219, control room filter, were incorrectly identified as train B and should have been train A.

Justification for Change The addition of twa thermal fire detectors to each fire zone 98 and 99 uni

  • 1 e ntainment purge air filter was made to ensure an effective dete u n methodology. The thermal detectors were added to supplement the smoke detectors in the containment purge filter assembliest which are ,

ineffective when there is no air flow or when the unit is out of service. I i


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The addition of photoelectric detectors to fire zones 331, 372, and 373, unit i reactor building annulus, and fire zones 333, 374, and 375, unit 2 reactor building annulus, was necessary to ensure compliance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix R. As identified in Inspection Report Nos. 50-327/88-24 and 50-328/88-24, the unit 2 reactor building annulus failed to meet the requirements of Appendix R.Section III.G.2. NRC concluded that the fire


protection-improvements being -added -to -the annulus would provide- adequate - - - - - - -

protection. Therefore, this technical specification change is needed to reflect the addition of the Appendix R fire detectors to the units 1 and unit 2 annuluses.

The discrepancy associated with fire zones 216, 217, 218, and 219 is a result of the technical specification not agreeing with the as-constructed condition of the plant. It was determined in reviewing drawing 47W600-246 that the drawing did not reflect the present plank configuration; therefore, the drawing was changed. This drawing change shows that fire zones 216 and 217 are for the control room train B filter and fire zones 218 and 219 are for the control room train A filter. Therefore, this technical specification change is needed to reflect the as-constructed condition of the plant.



r f


Significant Hazards Evaluation TVA bas evaluated the proposed technical specification change and has determined that it does not represent a significant hazards consideration based on criteria established -in--10 CFR 50.92(e). - Operation- of SQN in - - - - ~ ~ - -

accordance with the proposed stendment will nott (1) involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated. The fire detection instruments are elements of the early warning fire detection system whose mission is to notify personnel of a fire, actuate automatic suppression systems, and control auxiliary equipment. The addition of fire detection instrumentation will provide increased coverage of the areas monitored by the fire detection warning system, enabling a potential fire to be located and appropriate responses to bs initiated in a more timely fashion than without the instrumentation. The proposed technical specification change amends table 3.3-11 to add fire detection instruments installed as a result of plant modifications and correct a discrepancy to reflect the as-constructed condition of the plant. Thus, the proposed change improves overall plant safety ,

and does not increase either the probability or consequencas of an accident previously evaluated.

(2) create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any previously analyzed. The additional fire detection instrumentation increases the ability of plant personnel to identify and take appropriate corrective action in the unlikely event that a fire should occur. Thus, the proposed technical specification change improves the plant's ability to respond to previously evaluated accidents and events and does not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.

(3) involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety. The proposed technical specification change amends table 3.3-11 to add instrumentation installed as a result of plant modifications and I corrects a discrepancy to reflect the as-constructed condition of the plant. Addition of recently installed instrumentation provides for increased surveillance capabilities within the plant, thereby again improving plant safety. Thus the preposed technical specification <

change improves overall plant safety and results in no reduction in I margin of safety.

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