MONTHYEARML20211D1001999-08-20020 August 1999 Notification of 990908 Meeting with Util to Discuss Status of Limerick & Peach Bottom Licensing Issues.Meeting Held in Rockville,Md ML20210G6161999-07-28028 July 1999 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 99-44 with Util on 990812 to Discuss Results of NRC Plant Performance Review of Beach Bottom Atomic Power Station Issued on 990409 ML20212H9491999-06-23023 June 1999 Forwards Draft Request for Addl Info Re PECO Request to Reduce re-insp Frequency of Certain Core Shroud Welds for Pbaps,Unit 3.RAI Transmitted by Facsimile on 990623 to J Hufnagel as follow-up to 990621 Telcon ML20206U2041999-05-19019 May 1999 Informs That Attached Request for Addl Info Transmitted by Facsimile on 990519 to T Loomis of Licensee Staff.Review of RAI Would Allow Licensee to Determine & Agree Upon Schedule to Respond to RAI ML20205J3551999-03-16016 March 1999 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re GL 95-05, Periodic Verification of Motor-Operated Valves ML20155G7751998-11-0404 November 1998 Notification of 981118 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Limerick Generating Station,Units 1 & 2 & Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station,Units 2 & 3 Ampacity Validation Analyses ML20155G5931998-11-0303 November 1998 Notification of 981118 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plant,Units 2 & 3 Design Basis for Pumps Net Positive Suction Head.Agenda Encl ML20153B9721998-09-14014 September 1998 Requests Publication in Biweekly Fr Notice for Notice of Issuance of Amend 9 to License DPR-12 ML20153E3601998-09-0303 September 1998 Forwards Certified License Application for DA Buckley as Stated in Note Section of Memo Sent 980825 ML20248H8201998-06-0404 June 1998 Requests That Attached Copy of Peach Bottom Unit 1 Updated FSAR Be Made Available for Public Review Until Jul 1998 in Lpdr.Nrc Planning to Hold Public Meeting on 980629 in Delta, Pa.W/O Encl ML20248D6351998-05-29029 May 1998 Forwards Signed Original of Fr Notice for Transmittal to Ofc of Fr for Publication ML20216C4271998-04-17017 April 1998 Notification of 980521 Meeting W/Peco Energy Co in King of Prussia,Pennsylvania to Discuss Reactor Feed Pump Trip Operability & Core Spray Pump Foreign Matl Exclusion - Predecisional Enforcement Conference ML20216C9251998-04-0707 April 1998 Forwards Exam Rept W/As Given Written Exam for Test Administered on 970922-26 at Facility ML20236N4201998-01-30030 January 1998 Forwards NMSS Items of Interest for Wk Ending 980130.Items Include Meeting W/Ge on 980121,insp at Amersham on 980122-23,US EPA Meeting on 980122 to Discuss Groundwater C/A Program at Church Rock & Visit to Flawtech on 980122 ML20211A5361997-09-12012 September 1997 Notification of 970915 Meeting W/Util in North Bethesda,Md to Discuss Plant ECCS Pump Suction Strainer Mod Issues ML20210K3001997-08-15015 August 1997 Notification of 970820 Meeting W/Util in North Bethesda,Md to Discuss Plants Project Mgt Issues Including Planned TSs Submittals & Generic Licensing Issue Status ML20151L7771997-08-0101 August 1997 Notification of Meeting W/Peco Energy Co on 970805 in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plans & Schedules for Resolving thermo-lag Fire Barrier Issues at Mentioned Plants IR 05000277/19970991997-07-21021 July 1997 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 97-85 W/Util on 970729 in Delta,Pa to Discuss SALP for Period Covering 951015-970606,as Documented in NRC SALP Repts 50-277/97-99 & 50-278/97-99 ML20148F7201997-05-30030 May 1997 Forwards Semiannual Status Rept on Fire Protection Task Action Plan & plant-specific Thermo-Lag Correction Action Programs ML20138D9521997-04-25025 April 1997 Forwards Background Document Re Station Blackout Issues, Provided by Licensee,In Response to Unresolved Insp Items Noted in Insp Repts 50-277/96-06,50-278/96-06 & 50-277/96-07 & 50-278/96-07 ML20236N0521997-04-0909 April 1997 Forwards TIA Response by NRR Re Scope of Channel Functional Testing Required by Plant TSs ML20137G7241997-03-25025 March 1997 Corrects Notification of 970414 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda, MD to Discuss Util Plans & Schedules for Resolution of Thermo-Lag Fire Barrier Issues at Plants ML20136G5821997-03-14014 March 1997 Notification of 970410 Meeting W/Util in North Bethesda,Md to Discuss Util Plan to Build Spent Fuel Dry Storage Facility at Plant,Units 1 & 2 ML20136G0391997-03-13013 March 1997 Notification of 970414 Meeting W/Util in North Bethesda,Md to Discuss PECO Plans & Schedules for Resolution of Thermo Lag Fire Barrier Issues at Peach Bottom & Limerick ML20138L8021997-02-19019 February 1997 Forwards Background Documents Re Channel Functional Test Technical Interface Agreement for Plant,Units 1 & 2 ML20236M9831997-02-18018 February 1997 Forwards TIA Response to 961030 Region I Request to Review Issue Related to Scope of Channel Functional Testing Required by Ts.Memo Supersedes Memo ML20236M9241997-01-30030 January 1997 Forwards TIA Response to 961030 Region I Request to Review Issue Re Scope of Channel Functional Testing Required by TS ML20236M0571996-12-0303 December 1996 Responds to 961126 Note Requesting Written Interpretation of TS for Plant,Units 2 & 3.Specifically,under What Plant Conditions,Including Reference to DG Testing Conditions,Sr Must Be Met ML20134N0011996-11-19019 November 1996 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 96-106 W/Util on 961206 to Discuss Interactions That Were Introduced During Prior Modifications,Between Emergency Diesel Generators & Associated Residual Heat Removal Sys Pumps ML20129K2561996-11-0505 November 1996 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 96-109 W/Listed Attendees on 961202-03 in Philadelphia,Pa to Provide Training,Resolve Interagency Exercise Scheduling Conflicts & Discuss Current Issues in Emergency Preparedness ML20129H4641996-10-31031 October 1996 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 96-106 & 96-346 W/Util on 961211 to Discuss Interactions That Were Introduced During Prior Mods,Between Emergency DG & Associated RHR Sys Pumps ML20129H3881996-10-31031 October 1996 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 96-105 W/Util on 961115 to Address Maint Rule Implementation Issues at Peach Bottom as Identified in Maint Rule Team Insp 50-277/96-07 & 50-278/96-07 ML20129H9551996-10-30030 October 1996 Notification of Peach Bottom full-participation Exercise Scheduled for 961119 on Site.Forwards Lodging Arrangements, Roster Assignments & Schedule of Key Events ML20129B5541996-10-18018 October 1996 Notification of 961025 Meeting W/Util in Delta,Pa to Discuss Status of Open & Planned Licensing Actions for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3 & Limerick Generating Station,Units 1 & 2 ML20135A2801996-04-10010 April 1996 Discusses Directors Decision Re Actions Requested by Petitioners W/Regard to Use of Thermo-Lag by Reactor Licensees.Petitioners Requested Immediate Shutdown of Reactors Using Thermo-Lag ML17059A9521995-09-27027 September 1995 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Utils on 951102 to Discuss power-operated Valve Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding Issues W/Region I Licensees W/Special Emphasis on Listed Issues IR 05000227/20030301995-03-0606 March 1995 Discusses Pse&G Intent to Perform Organization Effectiveness Review During 950227-0330.Telcon of 950306 Between T Martin & L Eliason to Discuss Objectives,Scope & Depth,Methodology & Plan Also Discussed ML20024J2221994-09-27027 September 1994 Forwards Table Listing All Docket Files Reviewed by Orise Which Contain Sufficient Info to Determine That Affected Sites Meet Current Unrestricted Release Guidelines ML20029C5751994-03-24024 March 1994 Submits Info Re GL 92-01,rev 1, Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity. Record Copy ML20058E4131993-12-0101 December 1993 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 93-290 W/Util on 931210 Re Enforcement Conference Concerning Licensee Failure to Comply W/Radiation Area Control Procedures ML20059F8771993-10-28028 October 1993 Notification of 931103 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Results of Core Shroud Insp at Plant ML20057F8771993-10-14014 October 1993 Notification of 931103 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Certain Cost Beneficial Licensing Actions ML20056G0561993-08-26026 August 1993 Notification of 930902 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Planned Installation of Certain Analog to Digital Retrofit Modifications During Refueling Outage Scheduled to Begin 930918 ML20056E0461993-08-17017 August 1993 Notification of 930824 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Control & Maint Qualifications & License Status for Lsros to Fuel Handling Licensed at Pbaps,Units 2 & 3 & LGS, Units 1 & 2 ML20046D0131993-08-0909 August 1993 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 93-104 on 930810 in Region I to Discuss Peach Bottom Physical Security Plan ML20046B5641993-07-29029 July 1993 Notification of 930809 Meeting W/Util in Wayne,Pa to Discuss Status of Pending & Future Licensing Actions Related to Plants ML20045F2021993-07-0101 July 1993 Notification of Licensee Meeting 93-82 W/Util on 930721 to Discuss Plant Performance Assessment Meeting ML20036A0701993-04-30030 April 1993 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 93-55 W/Util on 930520 to Discuss PECO Presentation on Revised Senior Reactor Operator Limited to Fuel Handling Training Program ML20035G7711993-04-22022 April 1993 Notification of 930430 Meeting W/Util in Wayne,Pa to Determine Util & Industry Experiences W/Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of Various Valves ML20035G9881993-04-21021 April 1993 Forwards Peach Bottom Citizens Radiological Monitoring Network for 920920-930327 1999-08-20
MONTHYEARML20211D1001999-08-20020 August 1999 Notification of 990908 Meeting with Util to Discuss Status of Limerick & Peach Bottom Licensing Issues.Meeting Held in Rockville,Md ML20210G6161999-07-28028 July 1999 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 99-44 with Util on 990812 to Discuss Results of NRC Plant Performance Review of Beach Bottom Atomic Power Station Issued on 990409 ML20212H9491999-06-23023 June 1999 Forwards Draft Request for Addl Info Re PECO Request to Reduce re-insp Frequency of Certain Core Shroud Welds for Pbaps,Unit 3.RAI Transmitted by Facsimile on 990623 to J Hufnagel as follow-up to 990621 Telcon ML20206U2041999-05-19019 May 1999 Informs That Attached Request for Addl Info Transmitted by Facsimile on 990519 to T Loomis of Licensee Staff.Review of RAI Would Allow Licensee to Determine & Agree Upon Schedule to Respond to RAI ML20205J3551999-03-16016 March 1999 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re GL 95-05, Periodic Verification of Motor-Operated Valves ML20155G7751998-11-0404 November 1998 Notification of 981118 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Limerick Generating Station,Units 1 & 2 & Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station,Units 2 & 3 Ampacity Validation Analyses ML20155G5931998-11-0303 November 1998 Notification of 981118 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plant,Units 2 & 3 Design Basis for Pumps Net Positive Suction Head.Agenda Encl ML20153B9721998-09-14014 September 1998 Requests Publication in Biweekly Fr Notice for Notice of Issuance of Amend 9 to License DPR-12 ML20153E3601998-09-0303 September 1998 Forwards Certified License Application for DA Buckley as Stated in Note Section of Memo Sent 980825 ML20248H8201998-06-0404 June 1998 Requests That Attached Copy of Peach Bottom Unit 1 Updated FSAR Be Made Available for Public Review Until Jul 1998 in Lpdr.Nrc Planning to Hold Public Meeting on 980629 in Delta, Pa.W/O Encl ML20248D6351998-05-29029 May 1998 Forwards Signed Original of Fr Notice for Transmittal to Ofc of Fr for Publication ML20216C4271998-04-17017 April 1998 Notification of 980521 Meeting W/Peco Energy Co in King of Prussia,Pennsylvania to Discuss Reactor Feed Pump Trip Operability & Core Spray Pump Foreign Matl Exclusion - Predecisional Enforcement Conference ML20216C9251998-04-0707 April 1998 Forwards Exam Rept W/As Given Written Exam for Test Administered on 970922-26 at Facility ML20236N4201998-01-30030 January 1998 Forwards NMSS Items of Interest for Wk Ending 980130.Items Include Meeting W/Ge on 980121,insp at Amersham on 980122-23,US EPA Meeting on 980122 to Discuss Groundwater C/A Program at Church Rock & Visit to Flawtech on 980122 ML20211A5361997-09-12012 September 1997 Notification of 970915 Meeting W/Util in North Bethesda,Md to Discuss Plant ECCS Pump Suction Strainer Mod Issues ML20210K3001997-08-15015 August 1997 Notification of 970820 Meeting W/Util in North Bethesda,Md to Discuss Plants Project Mgt Issues Including Planned TSs Submittals & Generic Licensing Issue Status ML20151L7771997-08-0101 August 1997 Notification of Meeting W/Peco Energy Co on 970805 in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plans & Schedules for Resolving thermo-lag Fire Barrier Issues at Mentioned Plants IR 05000277/19970991997-07-21021 July 1997 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 97-85 W/Util on 970729 in Delta,Pa to Discuss SALP for Period Covering 951015-970606,as Documented in NRC SALP Repts 50-277/97-99 & 50-278/97-99 ML20148F7201997-05-30030 May 1997 Forwards Semiannual Status Rept on Fire Protection Task Action Plan & plant-specific Thermo-Lag Correction Action Programs ML20138D9521997-04-25025 April 1997 Forwards Background Document Re Station Blackout Issues, Provided by Licensee,In Response to Unresolved Insp Items Noted in Insp Repts 50-277/96-06,50-278/96-06 & 50-277/96-07 & 50-278/96-07 ML20236N0521997-04-0909 April 1997 Forwards TIA Response by NRR Re Scope of Channel Functional Testing Required by Plant TSs ML20137G7241997-03-25025 March 1997 Corrects Notification of 970414 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda, MD to Discuss Util Plans & Schedules for Resolution of Thermo-Lag Fire Barrier Issues at Plants ML20136G5821997-03-14014 March 1997 Notification of 970410 Meeting W/Util in North Bethesda,Md to Discuss Util Plan to Build Spent Fuel Dry Storage Facility at Plant,Units 1 & 2 ML20136G0391997-03-13013 March 1997 Notification of 970414 Meeting W/Util in North Bethesda,Md to Discuss PECO Plans & Schedules for Resolution of Thermo Lag Fire Barrier Issues at Peach Bottom & Limerick ML20138L8021997-02-19019 February 1997 Forwards Background Documents Re Channel Functional Test Technical Interface Agreement for Plant,Units 1 & 2 ML20236M9831997-02-18018 February 1997 Forwards TIA Response to 961030 Region I Request to Review Issue Related to Scope of Channel Functional Testing Required by Ts.Memo Supersedes Memo ML20236M9241997-01-30030 January 1997 Forwards TIA Response to 961030 Region I Request to Review Issue Re Scope of Channel Functional Testing Required by TS ML20236M0571996-12-0303 December 1996 Responds to 961126 Note Requesting Written Interpretation of TS for Plant,Units 2 & 3.Specifically,under What Plant Conditions,Including Reference to DG Testing Conditions,Sr Must Be Met ML20134N0011996-11-19019 November 1996 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 96-106 W/Util on 961206 to Discuss Interactions That Were Introduced During Prior Modifications,Between Emergency Diesel Generators & Associated Residual Heat Removal Sys Pumps ML20129K2561996-11-0505 November 1996 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 96-109 W/Listed Attendees on 961202-03 in Philadelphia,Pa to Provide Training,Resolve Interagency Exercise Scheduling Conflicts & Discuss Current Issues in Emergency Preparedness ML20129H4641996-10-31031 October 1996 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 96-106 & 96-346 W/Util on 961211 to Discuss Interactions That Were Introduced During Prior Mods,Between Emergency DG & Associated RHR Sys Pumps ML20129H3881996-10-31031 October 1996 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 96-105 W/Util on 961115 to Address Maint Rule Implementation Issues at Peach Bottom as Identified in Maint Rule Team Insp 50-277/96-07 & 50-278/96-07 ML20129H9551996-10-30030 October 1996 Notification of Peach Bottom full-participation Exercise Scheduled for 961119 on Site.Forwards Lodging Arrangements, Roster Assignments & Schedule of Key Events ML20129B5541996-10-18018 October 1996 Notification of 961025 Meeting W/Util in Delta,Pa to Discuss Status of Open & Planned Licensing Actions for Pbaps,Units 2 & 3 & Limerick Generating Station,Units 1 & 2 ML20135A2801996-04-10010 April 1996 Discusses Directors Decision Re Actions Requested by Petitioners W/Regard to Use of Thermo-Lag by Reactor Licensees.Petitioners Requested Immediate Shutdown of Reactors Using Thermo-Lag ML17059A9521995-09-27027 September 1995 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Utils on 951102 to Discuss power-operated Valve Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding Issues W/Region I Licensees W/Special Emphasis on Listed Issues IR 05000227/20030301995-03-0606 March 1995 Discusses Pse&G Intent to Perform Organization Effectiveness Review During 950227-0330.Telcon of 950306 Between T Martin & L Eliason to Discuss Objectives,Scope & Depth,Methodology & Plan Also Discussed ML20024J2221994-09-27027 September 1994 Forwards Table Listing All Docket Files Reviewed by Orise Which Contain Sufficient Info to Determine That Affected Sites Meet Current Unrestricted Release Guidelines ML20029C5751994-03-24024 March 1994 Submits Info Re GL 92-01,rev 1, Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity. Record Copy ML20058E4131993-12-0101 December 1993 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 93-290 W/Util on 931210 Re Enforcement Conference Concerning Licensee Failure to Comply W/Radiation Area Control Procedures ML20059F8771993-10-28028 October 1993 Notification of 931103 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Results of Core Shroud Insp at Plant ML20057F8771993-10-14014 October 1993 Notification of 931103 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Certain Cost Beneficial Licensing Actions ML20056G0561993-08-26026 August 1993 Notification of 930902 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Planned Installation of Certain Analog to Digital Retrofit Modifications During Refueling Outage Scheduled to Begin 930918 ML20056E0461993-08-17017 August 1993 Notification of 930824 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Control & Maint Qualifications & License Status for Lsros to Fuel Handling Licensed at Pbaps,Units 2 & 3 & LGS, Units 1 & 2 ML20046D0131993-08-0909 August 1993 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 93-104 on 930810 in Region I to Discuss Peach Bottom Physical Security Plan ML20046B5641993-07-29029 July 1993 Notification of 930809 Meeting W/Util in Wayne,Pa to Discuss Status of Pending & Future Licensing Actions Related to Plants ML20045F2021993-07-0101 July 1993 Notification of Licensee Meeting 93-82 W/Util on 930721 to Discuss Plant Performance Assessment Meeting ML20036A0701993-04-30030 April 1993 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 93-55 W/Util on 930520 to Discuss PECO Presentation on Revised Senior Reactor Operator Limited to Fuel Handling Training Program ML20035G7711993-04-22022 April 1993 Notification of 930430 Meeting W/Util in Wayne,Pa to Determine Util & Industry Experiences W/Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of Various Valves ML20035G9881993-04-21021 April 1993 Forwards Peach Bottom Citizens Radiological Monitoring Network for 920920-930327 1999-08-20
[Table view] |
e 11 AUB 1988 Docket Nos. 50-277 50-278 MEMORANDUM FOR: William F. Kane, Director, Division of Reactor Projects FROM: J. C. Linville, Chief, Reactor Projects Section 2A
PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION STATUS REPORT FOR THE PERIOD JULY 23 - AUGUST 8,1988 Enclosed is the Peach Bottom periodic status report from the NRC Resident Office at Peach Bottom. Three NRC resident inspectors monitored activities at the plant during the report period.
These status reports are intended to provide NRC management and the public with an overview of plant activities and NRC inspection activities.
Subsequent inspection reports will address mar.y of these topics in more detail.
l James C. Linville, Chief Reactor Projects Section 2A
As Stated l
8808220059 880811 PDR ADOCK 05000277 R PDC 0FFICIAL RECOR0 COPY PB STATUS RPT 7/23-8/8/88 -
0001.0.0 08/11/88 /
%Y \\
'Wiliiam F. Kane 2 cc w/ enc 1:
C. A. McNeill, Executive Director, Nuclear John S. Kemper, Sr., Senior Vice President-Nuclear Dickinson M. Smith, Vice President, Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station J. F. Franz, Plant Manager J. W. Gallagher, Vice President, Nuclear Services E. C. Kistner, Chairman, Nuclear Review Board Troy B. Conner, Jr. , Esquire Jack Urban, General Manager, Fuels Department, Delmarva Power W. H. Hirst, Director, Joint Generation Projects Department, Atlantic Electric B. W. Gorman, Manager - External Affairs, PSE&G Eugene J. Bradley, Esquire, Assistant General Counsel Raymond L. Hovis, Esquire Thomas Magette, Power Plant Siting, Nuclear Evaluations W. M. Alden, Director, Licensing Section Doris Poulsen, Secretary of Harford County Council l Dane Honan Public Document Room (PDR)
Local Public Document Room (LPDR)
Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)
NRC Resident Inspector Commonwealth of Pennsylvania bec w/encis:
Region I Docket Room (with concurrences)
J. Taylor, EDO T. Murley, NRR l F. Miraglia, NRR !
S. Varga, NRR B. Boger, NRR W. Butler, NRR R. Martin,iiRR -
W. Russell, RI B. Clayton, ED0 W. Johnston, RI T. Martin, RI l l
S. Collins, RI '
R. Gallo, RI K. Abraham, RI M. Miller, RI i J. Williams, RI l C .T hn seo , R I l ook > s /11 -M* P yy R ' RP i j RI:DRPQ Li ville/rhl Werzingerb, I 8/ll/88 8/ll/88 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY PB STATUS RPT 7/23-8/8/88 - l 0002.0.0 '
ENCLGSURE PEACH BOTTOM A10MIC POWER STATION STATUS REPORT FOR THE PERIOD July ;23 - August 8,1988 1.0 Plant Status As of 8:00 a.m. on August 8, 1988, Univ. 2 and 3 are in a cold condition per the March 31, 1987, NRC Order with coolant temperatures less than 212 degrees Fahrenheit. The 'Jnit 3 core is completely off loaded into the spent fuel pool.
2.0 Facility Operations Summary Unit 2 is in day 514 of its seventh refueling outage that began March 13, 1987. Uni; 2 maintenance repair work is currently underway on 35 of 48 systems. (New systems were added for scheduled maintenance rework.)
Maintenance outage work on nine systems has been completed. Unit 3 is in day 313 of its seventh refueling outage that began October 1, 1987. The pipe replacement contractor is in the process of returning control of the Unit 3 drywell to the licensee.
3.0 Items of Special Interest 3.1 On July 27, 1988, Philadelphia Electric Company (PEco) was sued by the co-owners of the Peach Bottom facilities. Public Service Electric and Gas, Atlantic City Electric and Delmarva Power and Light Company claim that PEco's obligations under the ownership contract was to notify the co-owners of the serious operator attentiveness problems and to correct those problems that led to the March 31, 1987 NRC Shutdown Order. The suits allege that the co-owners have been denied the benefits of ownership. Information obtained through the discovery process relevant to NRC regulatory -
interests associated with Peach Bottom restart will be reported to the NRC through the 10 CFR 21 reporting process.
3.2 On July 28, 1988, the licensee made a 10 CFR 21 report concerning copper contamination of the negative plates of 16 cells in the Unit 2, 125 volt Exide station batteries. This condition was initially identified on December 14, 1987, and is documented in NRC inspection reports. The licensee plans to replace the affected battery cells '
and the battery vendor is analyzing the worst ones. NRC residents and specialists will continue to review this area.
3.3 On August 5, 1988, a meeting was held with licensee senior management to discuss the status of the Peach Bottom Restart Plan. !
In particular, questions concerning the licensee's July 22, 1988, !
response to the NRC request for additional information was discussed.
The NRC is continuing the restart plan review, and will include this information in the restart safety evaluation report.
I l
l i
_ , ~ . =
q a
.- 1 9
I 2
^3.4 General Electric performed ultrasonic examinations of the Unit 3 reactor vessel manway access covers during the period August 5 to 7, 1988. NRC specialists are reviewing the inspection results.
4.0 Other Items of Interest 4.1 On July 24, 1988, a telephone threat was received by the Pennsylvania State Police. The caller stated that "the Philadelphia Electric plant has one hour to close or we will close it down."
Both Peach Bottom and Limerick Stations were informed of the threat.
The_ licensee determined the threat to be nonspecific and noncredible. However, security threat procedures were implemented at both stations. NRC resident inspectors and security specialists are following the licensee's investigation.
4.2 During the period, the licensee made two security Safeguards Event Reports. An inattentive compensatory guard was identified by the licensee on August 3, 1988. A search of the affected area was performed and no abnormalities were noted.
The second event occurred on August 6, 1988, when the licensee identified that a vital area door was incorrectly compensated. A search of the affected area was performed and no abnormalities were noted. NRC regional specialists and the resident inspectors are following these two events.
4.3 During this status report period, the licensee made three NRC emergency notification system reports regarding unexpected automatic actuations of engineered safeguards feature (ESF) systems. On July 27, 1988, the control room ventilation system tripped during blocking permit application for scheduled system maintenance. The g licensee revised the permit and returned the ventilation system to normal. -
On July 29, 1988, the Unit 2 shutdown cooling system isolated when maintenance personnel were working on a relay. The apparent cause was an inadequate blocking sequence. The blocking sequence was corrected and the shutdown cooling system was returned to service.
On July 29, 1988, a potential transformer in the north substation exploded. The resultant electrical surge caused the plant emergency buses to load shed and two diesel generators to start. Both units experienced ESF.actuations, a loss of the GTE= telephone system, and false area radiation monitoring alarms. As a precaution _, health l physics personnel evacuated portions of the plant due to the false - a radiation alarms. The off site fire company was called and i responded to the North Substation. The licensee restored electrical and other plant systems to their pre-event conditions. NRC resident inspectors are following the licensee's investigation of the event.
. ~
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5.0 NRC Activities During the Period 5.1 Three NRC Resident Inspectors and a Projects Section Reactor Engineer were assigned to monitor plant-activities between July 22 and August 8, 1988. These individuals consisted of the following:
Thomas P. Johnson - Senior Resident Inspector Richard J. Urban - Resident Inspector Larry' E. Myers - Resident Inspector Jack Gadzala - Reactor Engineer Areas inspected included operational safety, shutdown order commitments, radiation protection, physical security, control room activities and demeanor, reportable events, surveillance testing, outage activities, maintenance, and outstanding items.
5.2 NRC specialists were on site _as folicws:
Two specialists reviewed security plan implementation duri,1g the period July 25 - 29, 1988.
An emargency preparedness specialist and the responsible regional Branch Chief toured emergency response facilities during the period July 28 - 29, 1988.
Two emergency preparedness specialists reviewed emergency plan implementation during the period August 2 - 4, 1988.
The results of these inspections will be the subject of future NRC inspection reports.
l 5.3 Two specialist and one resident inspecticn reports were received during the period. An inspection report (50-277/88-14; ;
50-278/88-14) concerning nondestructive examination of the new Unit )
3 recirculation pipe, was issued on July 21, 1988. The inspection ,
was conducted May 9 - 20, 1988. No violations were issued.
A routine resident inspection report (50-277/88-18; 50-278/88-18) was issued on July 28, 1988. The inspection was conducted on June 4
- July 15,1988. No violations were issued, i A routine specialist inspection report (50-277/88-20; 50-278/88-18) concerning non-radiological chemistry was issued on July 27, 1988.
The inspection was conducted on June 16 - 17, 1988. No violations were issued.
5.5 NRC management personnel were on site during the period as follows:
Date Name/ Title Jul 28-29 R. R. Bellamy, Chief, Facilities Radiological Safety i and Safeguards Branch, Division of Radiological l Safety and Safeguards Aug 5 NRC Restart Panel