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Contract: Environ Assessment of Low Level Waste Storage at TVA Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant in Limestone County,Ga, Awarded to Science Applications,Inc
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 02/20/1981
From: Findley D, Mattia M
Shared Package
ML20126E969 List:
CON-FIN-B-7319-1, CON-NRC-02-81-050, CON-NRC-2-81-50 NUDOCS 8103050074
Download: ML20126E971 (10)



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CODE b" 3 ISSUED SY ///ad,*#Ame A 8 sf j W um U.S. huCliAR nioutATORi CCM.;'5;IC*i omt: ( 5, i Division of Contracts 05d~> i k'ashington, D.C. 20555

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1 Science n.ppiica uens, 2nc.

1710 Goodridge Drive fe#"',;'

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  • ad UN> McLean, Virginia 22102 10. SufMI INVQ4C11 (4 repits eslass ed&f r% se pac /ed/ to AsDatsS SMOWN IN ILOCK l d is specified in the attached L__ Rillinn Tnstrntfinne


CODE l 8 8. smr to/uAaK tot code l j 12. PAYutNT WILL BE MADE SY U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the Controller Washington, DC 20555 io.

O 10 U S C. 2304 ( X l is. THE reocumD4ENT wAs O Aovutisco. G NeoCrriA'iD. ru'suAN g di un 252 ax10)

14. ACCOUNTING AND APracPRIA!1CH DATA OBLIGATE: $49,913.00 B&R No.: 50-19-01-01 FIN No.: B7319-1 I F. 18. S t. 20.
16. UNif PitC2 AA*OUNT

Environmental Assessment of Low Level Waste Storage At TVA Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant in Limestene County, Georgia This contract is to be performed in accordance with the terms of th'e Statement of Work delineated herein', the requirements of Basic Ordering Agreement NRC-02-80-035, and the SAI Proposal dated February '6, .1981 (1-246-71-810-21) s f



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' - TABLE OF C0hiENT5' ,

- This-Contract Consists of: ,

. 1. Cover Page . .

2. : Table of Contents

' 3. Schedule Article I Statement of Work Article II Period of. Performance .

Article III consideration and Paynent Article IV Overhead / General and Administrative Rates .

Article.V Provisions Applicable to Direct Costs Article VI Key Personnel.  ;

Article VII Project Officer '

Article VIII' Conflict of Interest  !

Article IX General Provisions / Alterations l

4. Attachments- .

Appendix A - General Provisions (Rev.11/80)

Appendix B - Billing Instructions for Cost-Tipe Contracts


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J 1.0 Backoround TVA prepared Environmental Impact The Statements State!h covered

' at Browns Ferry in Limestone County, Alabama.the co


with the operatiu of the reactors.-wasteThis for five yr ars, activity is an activit associated.with che operation of the reactors.

' essentially an e.dditional step _ in the fuel cycle. .

2. 0 Hork Reauired The contractor shall gather data, analyze the data, and perfonn-an environmental assessment based on the analysis, consideration and surrounding characteristics, and the applicant Assessment.

Impact Statements fore>. thetentErowns that they Ferry are not Nuclear.

redundant. Plant and s the following topics to fthe

1. Description of the Site Envircnment  ;
a. Site Location
b. Demography
c. Land Use Geology d.
e. Hydrology (Groundnater and Surface Water)
f. Meteorology and Climatology
g. Sackground F.adiological Characteristics
h. Ecology (Terrestrial and Aquatic Biota)
2. The . Facility l
a. External Appearance .

l Summary of Operations Processes

' b. '


3. Waste Confinemant and Effluent Control
a. Gaseous Efflu~ents
b. Licuid Solid Effluents Wastes (In:1udinc packaging integrity verification)
c. .

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- 4 E.,dranmertal D,ncts of Facility Operations

a. Radiological
b.  ;;cn-radi:legical S. Description of Environmental and Occupational Measurement and .

Monitoring Programs  !

a. Radiological
b. Non-radiological 6.. Impact of. Accidents 4
a. Radiological Accidents
b. Non-radiological Accidents .
c. Evaluation of Potential- Environmental and Occupational Impact of Accidents  !


7. Summary an'd Conclusion of Env'eronmental Impacts of Construction and Operation In addition, the contractor shall provide a discussion of reasonable alternatives available for reducing or avoiding adverse environmental-The discussion of alterna-effects and alternative uses of resources.

tives will include the environmental impacts of each in proportion to its significance and balancing environmental,. economic and technical costs and benefits of the proposed actior, and each alternative considered.

3.0 Add'tional Materials to be Furnished by HRC Final Environmental Impact Statemant - TVA Browns Ferry Unit i 1 Final Environmental Impact Statement'- TVA Browns Ferry Unit / 2 Final Environmental Impact Sta .ement - TVA Browns Ferry Unit I 3 TVA Licensing Submittal - LLW Storage Facility 4

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5. 0 Travel Af ter initial review of NRC-furnished ma'erial ir. formation necessary to ;erfor;r. the environmental impact assess-It is expected that several centractor parsonnel will be nent.

required to spend a few days eech at the site on two separate occasions.. At times to be designated by the NRC Troject Officer the contractor will meet with the NRC in Silver Spring. MD to discuss the problems, progress and technical aspects of the Approximately three meetings, not to exceed one day assessment.

each in duration, are anticipated.

- 6. 0 Reports _


Report requirements shall bh as specified in the Basic Orderin

' Agreement, NRC-02-80-035. .

The Draft Final _ Report shall be submitted three months after the effective date *of"=. the contract.


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ARTICLE'II PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The period of performance shall be from the effective date of cc .tr:ct thru October 18, 1981 at which time all work shall be completed and all reports shall have been delivered to the NRC as required by Article I, above.

ARTICLE III - CONSIDERATION AND PAYMENT (Fully Funded CPFF) s A. Estimated C'ost, Fixed Fe,e and Oblication

~1 . It is estimated that the total, to the Government'for full perform-ance of this contract will be $49,913,00 of which the sum of .

represents the estimated reimbursable costs, and of which f45796.004,il7.00 represents Jhe fixed fee.

2. Total funds currently available for payment and allotted to this con-


tract are . ~$49,'913.00 0f which $45 796.00 represents the estimated reimbursable costs, and of which 34,11.7,00 represents the fixed fee.

3. It is estfmated that the amount currently allotted will cover the period of performance which .is scheduled to be completed five (51 months from the effective date of the contract, .

B. Payment The Government shall render payment to the contractor in approximately thirty (30) days after submission of proper and correct invoices and vouchers .

Additional provisions relating to payment are contained in Clause 5.1-3 of ,

the General Provis ~.ons hereto.



A. Pending the establishment of final overhead rates which shall be negotiated based on audit of actual costs, the contractor shall be reimbursed for allowable indirect costs hereunder at a provisional engineering overhead

. rate _of._84_per_ cent _of_. direct _ labor . costs and at a provisional fringe benefit rate of 38.6 percent of direct labor costs. _

Pending the establishment of final general and administrative rates which



shall be negotiated based on audit of actual costs, the contractor shall

~be reimbursed for allowable indirect costs hereunder at the provisional rate of 12.6 percent of total dire,ct cost and overhead.

C. 'Notwithstanding A. and' B. of this drticle, said provisional overhead and '

GM rates may be adjusted as appropriate during the term of the contract upon the acceptance of such revised rates by the Contracting Officer, k

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y PROV!S!0NS Wi1Ct.BLE TO DyiCi C0575 ARIJctE Items Unallowable Unless Ctherwise Proviceq fiotwiths ta r, ding Clause No. 5 -- ALLOWABLE PAYMENT, And Clause

  • SU9 CONT?.ACT, of the General Provisiens of this contract, unless authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer, the costs of the fo11 ewing items or activities shall be unallowable es direct costs:
1. Fees for Consultants Overtime; shift or incentive payments

.L 2.


3. A11 travel outside of Canada and the United States and its territories and possessions.
4. Maintenance agreements, service contracts, or maintenance of .

. Government equipment. -


Pursuant to this ARTICLE (Key Personnel), the following individuals are considered to be essential to the successful performance of the work hereunder In and such shallevent,not be replaced without the prior approva1 of the Contracting Officer.

the contractor agrees to substitute persons possessing substantially equal abilities and qualifications satisfactory to the Contracting Officer.

Dr. JI Frank Wimpey AP.ilCLE VIITOJECT OFFICER is hereby desicr.3 ed as the Contracting Officer's authorir f this c:,r.-ec Peter Loysen ..

representative tract.

(hereinafter called Froject Officer) forsettle i t technical any_

,results in or could result in an increase in contract cost; or term The Project Officer is responsible for: (1) monitoring the Contractor's technical h progress, including surveillance and assessment of performance, and r Contracting Officer changes in requirements; (2) interpreting the scope performing technical evaluation as required; (4) performing technical acceptances required by this contract; and (5) assisting thetion o authority, the Project Officer is authorized to review all costs recuested for bursement by contractors and submit recocmendations forThe approva1, Contracting disapprov Office; '

suspension for supplies, services required under the cited in the contract.

(1) be For guidance from the Project Officer to the Contractor to be valid, it must:

consistent with the description of work set forth in..the contract; (2) not c:nst new assign =ent of work or chnnge to the expressed terms, conditions incorporated into this contract; (?) not c:nstitute a basis for an extension t period of performince or contract delivery schedule; and as stated above, U

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147~:L~ Yiii - C :;7U;7 0F ::;7EAE37 (a) purpose. The pricary purpose of this article is to aid in ensuring that the contractor: (1) Is not placas in a conflicting role because of current or planned interest (financisl, contractual, organizational, or otherwise) which relate to the work undar this contract, and (2) does not obtain an unfair competitive advantage over other parties by virtue of its performance of this contract. .

(b) Scope. The restrictions described herein shall apply to perfomance or participation by the contractor as defined in 41 CFR 5 20-1.5402(f) in the actitities covered by this clause (c) Work for othert. Notwithstanding any other provision of this contract, during the. ter:n of this contract, the contractor agrees to forego entering into consulting or other contractual arrangemants with any firm or organization, the resuit of which may give rise to a conflict  !

of interest with respect to the work being perfonned under this contract.

The contractor shall ensure that all employees who are employed full '

i time under this contract and employees designated as key personnel, if any, under this contract abide by the provision of this clause. If the contractor believes with respect to itself or any such employee that any proposed consultant or other contractual arrangement with any finn or organization may involve a potential conflict of interest, the contractor shall obtain the writtan app.' oval of the contracting officer prior to execution of such contractual arrangement.

(d) Disclosure after award. (1) The contractor warrants that to the best of its knowledge and belief and except as otherwise set fcrth in this contract, it does not have any orcanizational conflicts of interest, as defined in 41 CFR 520-1.5402(a).

(2) The contractor agrees that if after award it discovers organizational conflicts of interest with aspect to this contract, it shall make an imediate and full dis 21osure in writing to the contracting officer.

This statament shall include a description of the action which the contractor has taken or proposes to take to avoid or mitigate such conflicts. The NRC may, hcwever, tenninate the contract for convenience if it deems such termination to be in the best interests of the government.

l (e) pcoess to and use of information. _(1) If the contractor in  !

the performance of this contract obtains access to information, such as NRC plans, policies, reports, stuoies,' financial plans, internal data protected by the privacy Act of 1974 (pub. L.93-579), or data which has not been released to the puolic, tne contractor agrees not to: (1) Use such informa:icn for any privata ourcose until the information has been released to tne public; (ii) com:ete for work for the Comission based l

. [ , _

on sucn inf?rma tion for a ;eri d of six (6) months af ter either the ccmpletion of this contract or the release of such information to the '

public, .

hf-haver is first, (iii) submic an unsolicited proposal to the

- government basad on such infor ation until one year after the release of.

such information to the public, cr (iv) release the information without prior written approval by the contracting officer unless such information has previously been released to the public by the flRC.

(2) In addition, the contractor agrees that to the extent it' receives or is given access to proprietary data, data protected by the privacy Act of 1974 (pub. t.93-579), or other confidential or prf vileged technical, business, or financial information under this contract, the contractor shall treat such information in accordance with restrictions placed on use of the information.

(3) The contractor shall have, subject to patent and security .

provisions of this coritract, the right to use technical data it produces under this contract .for private purposes provided* 'that all requirements


  • of this contract have been met. -v (f) Subcontracts. 'Except as provided in 41 CFR 5 20-1.5402(h), the contractor shall include this clause, including this paragraph, in subcontracts of any tier. The terms " contract," " contractor," and

" contracting officer," shall be appropriately modified to preserve the government's rights.

(g) Remedies. For brsach of any of the a ove proscriptions or for in entional nondisclosure or misrepresentation of any relevan- in:erest required to be disclosed c:ncerning this contract or for sucn err:neous representations as necessarily imply bad faith, the government may terminate the contract for default, disqualify the contractor from subsequent contractual efforts, and pursue other remediet as may be permitted by law or this contract.

(h) Waiver. A request for waiver under this clause shall be ,

directed in writing through the contracting officer to the Executive Director for Operations (EDO) in accordance with the procedures outlined in i20-1.5411.

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ARTICLE IX - GE NE.e.A!. PROV151GN5/At.if. RAT 10NS' is subject to the attached provisions of Appendix A. Gineral With A. This contract Provisicns, entitled " Cost Ty;e ressarch and Developr.ent Contracts Cor..arcial Organizations," dated 11/80.

hereby added to the general B.' Alteratio'n_ ! The following clause is - -

previsions:= .


It is the policy of the United States Government that women-owned (a) businesses shall have the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts awarded by any Federal agency.

(b) The Contractor agrees to use his best efforts to carry out this policy in the award of subcontracts to the fullest extent consistent with the ef ficient performance of this contract. As used in this contract, a " woman-owned business" concern means a business that is at lease 51% owned by a woman or women who also contro1 and operate it.

" Control" in this context means exercising the power to make -

policy decisions. " Operate

  • in this context "

means being actively Women" mean all women involved in the day-te-day canagement.

business cuners.

(reference Of fice of Federal Frocurement Policy Letter 80/4 dated 4/29/80) d e

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