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Proposed Tech Spec Changes to Sections,,,,6.7.1.c & 6.7.1.d to Reflect Administrative Organizational Change
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 12/05/1985
Shared Package
ML20137W175 List:
TAC-59934, NUDOCS 8512100198
Download: ML20137W204 (3)



' ADMIN!$7RATIVE CONTROLS AUTHORITY ' The station Review Board shall:


Recossend to the Station Superintendent written approval or disapproval of items considered under through (d) above.

A b.

Render determinations in writing with reged to whether or not each item considered under throu e a e constitutes an unreviewed safety question.

gg c.

  • provide written notification within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> thy President. Nuclear and the Company Nuclear Revi of disagreement between the SAS and the Station Superintendents however, the station Superintendent shall have responsibility

- for resolution of such disagreements pursuant to 6.1.1 above.


  • The Station Review Board shall maintain n minutes of 4ach meeting and copies shall be provided to Vice and Chairman of the Comenny Nuclear Review 8 rd sident.4uclear 56 moll 6.5.2 COMPANY NutttAt REVftW ICARD (CN#9)

.unan . The Comeany Nuclear Review Board (CNRB) shall function to provide areas of:independent review and audit of designated activities in the

a. Nuclear power plant operations. '
b. Nuclear engineering. -

. c. Chemistry and radiochemistry,

d. Metallurgy.


Instrumentation and centrol.

f. Radiological safety.


Mechanical and electrical engineering, and -

h. Quality assurance practices.
r. .

051210019e H51205

  • DR ADOCK050g}36 DAVIS-Stsst. UNIT 1 68 Amendment No. 27, 88



" xtf; n rThe Company Nuclear Review Board shall report to and advise the d Si:1 0;; ;ti;; 0""".n.'

specifled in Sections and 6.5. . .those areas of responsibility


RECORos Records of Comoany Nuclear Review Scard activities sna11 he prepared, approved and distributad as indicated below:

a. Minutas of each CNRR meeting shall be precared, accreved and forwarded to the " ziM rf Si:1 Orrtin; OM'.;. 4 and CNR8 memoers within 14 days following each meeting.

- b. Resorts of reviews encommassed by Section above, shall be prepared, approved and forwarned to the "- " - - " " ' ' " -

Orr; 0"r- and CIRS meaners within 14 days following completion of the review. -


c. Audit resorts encompassed by Section above, sna11 he ferwa rded to the ". _ : _... . ,' "'. :; f L. . .:i n ; ^ ^ r 4 and CNRI members and to the management positions resconsible for the areas audited within 30 days after comoletien of tne audit.

4.6 RPGRT*il.E OCCUU?NCI ACTTON E.8.1 The fo11 swing actions shall be taken for REPORTA!LE CCCURRENCIS:

a.. The Cannission shall be notified and/or a report submittad .

, pursuant to the requirements of Specification 8.9. .

h. Each REPORTABLE OCCURRENCI rooviring 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> notification -

to the Comarission snall be reviewed by the SRB and submittad to the CNR8.

e 8 M

I RVIS-8t13E.' tnt!T 1 $=12

.: . v.. ..


r aanfgfsteaTfVt i.w s i m.5 6.7 1AFTTY LfMf7 Vf0LAff04 ,

8.7.1 De following actions shall be taken in the event a Safety Limit is violated: , .

a. The facility shall be placed in at least NOT STAN08Y within one hour.
b. r Limit violation shall be meerted to the Coumission.

1 Vice Yesident. Nuclear and to the CNA8 within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

Esa., I

c. imit Violation Reeset shall be presared. The resort reviewed by the S S . This resort shall descrite (1) applicable circostances preseding the violation. (2) offecta of the violetten asen feet 11ty consenents. systans se structures, and -(3) serrective action taken ta prevent recurrence.
d. The Safety Limit Violation # shall be submitted to the

, Caorission, the CNRI ed ' V1 President. Nuclear within 14 says of the viola .A S)*

f.! W I?1'f1 ..

6.8.1 Writte'n wrecedures shall be esta61tshed.1solamented and main-tainW covering the activities uferenced below:

4. De esplicable precedums recommended in Appendia "A* of Regulatory Guide 1.33. 4evember.1972.
b. Refueling operettees.

. , c. Surveillance ad test activities of eefety related equipment.

d. Security Plan implementeties.
e. Emergency Plan implementotten.
f. Fire Protection Pmgram implementation.'
g. The radielegical environmental sanitoring program.


The Process Centrol M.,,, q ..

. ., 3 ,. .

1. Offsite Osse Calculation ihnuel implementation.

6.4.2 tach pmcoduce of 8.8.1 above, and ehenges therete, shal'1'be reviewed by the 35 and approved by the Stetten Superintendent prior to impimentation and reviamed perledically as set forth in assinistrative procedures.

davis-stsst. UntT 1 6-13 Amendment No. p. 72. 27.84
