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Motion for Increase in Page Limit to 145 Pages for Appeal Brief Re Meaning of Corporate Character.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 06/08/1984
From: Sinkin L
Citizens Concerned About Nuclear Power, INC.
OL, NUDOCS 8406150339
Download: ML20091R916 (3)


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7 Ui J l i Lli b Iteii t$ A!!Lf 1 Lfi

, I l'X L F_ab I + UUi  ! ti ~ , u 'HMi Ln1'iM TED CoaRESPONDENCE 1.tILHL iHL AIOMIC SAFE "

nND L: LE:."i1Nb BOARD 00CKETED USNRC In the Matter of (

) W JUN 11 P3:55 HUUSTUN LIGHFING AND ( Docket tbs . 50-498 OL PUMER CUMPAf W. ET AL. ) 50-Op4P:OLc - . .. _ .

(Cotith T c:: as Project, ( 00Cdfiis373gf Y Unitu 1 and .? ) ( BRANCH Citizeno Concerned About Nuclear Power (CCANP) Motion for

- ._ __ __ _ ._ _ _ . _. . . _. ._ _. _ E_i m EOd e d_ !!c i_ o f. g a O g p_ g g 1._. _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _,. _ _ _

Pursuant to 10 C.F.R. Section 2.762(e) Citizens Concerned About N.clee- Power (CCANP) requests the Appeal Board to grant CCANP an incrcane in the page limit of the Appeal Brief from the current seventy (70) pages. In support of request, CCANP cites the following:

1. The central issue in this case is the character of r ~

the Applicants. Corporate character, either in the nuclear c on t e:: t or nny other, is a relatively undefined ccncept. The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board in this proceeding asked the parties to file briefs on the meaning of corporate character prior to the initiation of the hearings. The Board spent most of the first fifty-one (51) pagcc of the Partial Initial Decision e::p l o'r i ng this issue and i ts application in this proceeding. A m a.i er portion of the appeal CCANP is filitig will of nececsity be devoted to distinguishing the definition, reasure, and standard for r_ t iar a t t r>r clioset. by the ASLB -from tt.ot which CCANP contends ts more cppropriate. This cection would not normally be necessary i n a cace where unique legal its.ues had not arisen and the appeal cot il d be limi ted to an e>:pression of differences simply on the

-f i nd i ng s .

2. At the Appeal Daard is, CCANP intends to 8406150339 840608 gDRADOCK 05000498 i PDR Q o


contend that the proceeding it: 14. was conducted in violation of a

the normal safeguards for du? process in an administrative proceeding. Given the diff4culty of demonstrating this contention, CCANP will provide a separate section'of the appeal ,

tracing in some detail the instances and patterns of Board behavior which CCANP contends coa. prise the vi olation of CCANP's due process rights.

3, The Partial Initial Decision itself is 287 pages in length with 425 findings. There are is very little of the initial discussion or in the hundreds of findings that CCANP can agree with. Citino CCANP's dif f erences is a matter of going into some

. detail on a wide variety of topics.

Given these.above and foregoing circumstances, CCANP moves


the Atomic Saf ety and Licensi-ng Appeal Board to provide CCANP an additional seventy-five (75) pages for its-brief on appeal (a t'tal o of 145 pages). CCANP will do its best to use fewer pages, to bc concise, and to selt-ct the most important points for discussion. Nevertheless, CCANP believes the expansion request may uell be necessary.

Respectf ully submi tted,

$I Lanny Sinkin '

114 W. 7th, Suit'e.220 Austin, Tenas 78701 .-

(512) 478-7197 Representative for Intervenor Citizens Concerned-About

  • Nuclear Power, Inc.

Dated: Juno G, 1984 *


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  • 111 UDE I HE A I U!1;C ErFEl i!1n L1 LilSINL- nPPLAL I'UARD In the Metter of (




! 1.'MER LU!!PANY , El AL. ) Docket Nos. 60-49?50-4N UL $f l7 P3:55

-(South T o::as Pro ject , (

Units 1 and 2) ( ' rgp~ ; .. Eiq i UCCnf7y$$cY";"-

5 GERJIFISATE OF SEfjy1GE I k.r tsb y certify that copies of CITIZENS CONCERNED ABOUT NUCLEAR POWER, INC. (CCANP) MOTION FOR EXPANDED BRIEF ON APPEAL were served by deposit in the U.S. Mail, first class postage paid to the f ollowing individuals and enti. ties on the 8th day of June 1984.

Alan S. !:osent hal , Esquire Christine N. Kohl Cliai rman Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and Lic. Appeal Bd. Atomic Saf. 6 Lic.. App. Ed.

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U. S. Nuclear Reg. Cathm.

Washington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20555 Dr. John H. Buck Brian Berwick, Esquire Administraf.ive Judge ' 1sst. Atty. Gen.

Atomic Safety and Lic. Appeal Dd. State of Tenas U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commi ssion Environmtl. Protection Washington, D.C. 20535 P. O. Bon 12548, Capitol Sta.

Austin, Texes 78711 Charles Dechhoefer. Esquire Chairman , Robert G. Perlin, Esquire Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Office of the Enet. Leg. Dir.

U.S. tiuclear Reaulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm.

Washington, D.C. 20555 Machington, D.C. 20555 Dr. Jamer C. Lamb, Ill . Jack R. Newman, Esquire Adminiatr3tive-Judge 1025 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.

313 tloodhaven Road Washington, D.C. 20036 Chapel Hi11, North Carolina 27514 Melbert Schwar ,-Esquire Ernest F.. Hill Baker and Botts Admi n2 str *Livc Judge 300 One Sht1,1 Ple:a Hill Actaciatos Houston. Tcman 77002 2 J U 11o n i.rcoo Drive Da.nv211 r , tali f orni a (71526 Atomic Cafsty and Licensing Bd.

U.S. Nuclear Regulotcry Comm.

Washington, D.C. 20555 ,

Mr u . Peng/ Duchorn E.secutive Director, C.E.U. Atomic Safety and Licensing Route 1, Box 1684 Appeal Board Dra:cria. Tenas 77422 U.S. Nuclocr Regulatory Comm.

Washington, D.C.. 20555 Hi l l i ant S. Jordan, III, Esc.

Harmon. Ucins 5 Jordan Docketing and Service Section 2001 S Street. N.W., Suite 430 OHice of the. Secretary Machington, D.C. .20009 U.S. Nuclear Regulatcry Comm.

Washington. .D.C. 20555-

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