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Audit 1-82-45 on 820218-19 of Zack Co.Related Info Encl
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle, 05000000
Issue date: 02/26/1982
Shared Package
ML20080E624 List:
FOIA-83-378 1-82-45, NUDOCS 8402100015
Download: ML20080E640 (43)


{{#Wiki_filter:. g , Commonncalth Q g Edl. n Company unIe ,v - Gw U of , .

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        . is                QUALITY AGOURANCE.. M A N.U A L               . .,.                              ,


                                                                                 / Product Inspection Point Type Audit:              /    / Program Audit                /
               /~ 7 Records              ('X/Special To:          -

Project LaSalle Visit Date 2/18-19/82 Report Date 2-26-82 System HVAC Component Identification N/A Material Description N/A Vendor Zack Company Location Cicero, Illinois , Subcontractor N/A Location N/A Cont, acts M. L. Skates - 0.A. Manager J-2590 (' P.O. No. 186466 Spec. No.


Recommended Inspections: 6 mos 3.mos 1 mo Other: As Scheduled Notes:- Please respond to the deficiencies noted in Exhibit A by 3/19/S2. Response must include corrective action taken and action taken to prevent recurrence. I


Lead Auditor i,2Ab e Date L/'Lt.[e L Au6itor $me,0 Date /Q $?lo -8 *?- ~~ Revieve Y w Ah_Date 3/M~ff'L. cc: J'Manuter-et--GA y-I' D Director of QA (Engr-Constr) Eru gy, Site Constr. Supt, creProh

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drrgr.e g .. v; g nanager-on a2' Cons g-Site Quality Assurance Project Manager Manager of Projects Project En51neering M5r.


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AUDIT # 1-82-45 4

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[, - ZACK COMPANY l CONDUCTED BY COMMONWEALTH EDISON QUALITY ASSURANCE s On' February 18th thru 19th, 1982, the Commonwealth Edison Quality Assurance Department conducted a Special Audit of the Zack l Company located in' Cicero Illinois. 4 The intent and purpose of this Special Audit was to investigate quality related concerns that were brought to CECO Q. A.'s attention ' during the second week of February 1982. These concerns were in the areas of: (1) Lead Auditor Qualifications (2) Material Traceability s (3) Zack Procurement (4) NCR Issuance (5) Records Storage'& Filing (6) Doccmentation Alteration By Za'ck Company

 ' ^ {'                              The audit checklist consisted of 7 questions with the checklist
   -                         scope covering the above six areas.

The audit rem 1 *~Lin_2 findings. The first find'ing is in-the W area of Q.A. Manager annual audit'or evaluation and Auditor / Lead Auditor records keeping. The second deficiency involves material traceability for a section of liAC duct. Details concerning these findings are

    - '                      contained in Exhibit A of this report.-

Exhib'it B identifies those individuals who were in attendance at the entrance and exit meetings. Prior to the " exit meeting, the individual who initially raised-- / the quality concerns was contacted and interviewed by che Lead

       ,               e - Auditor.                  He was provided with the opportunity to review the checklis,t and the audit results. Additionally,he was asked if he had any concerns to add to those covered by this audit. He indicated that he had no additional concerns. He was invited to attend the exit by both l

Zack and CECO but chose not to attend. I Based on the results of the audit and the interview conducted during the. course of the audit, it is the opinion of the audit team .

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    . .                               .                          .        -              2-4'              -
              ,'        that no new serious concerns exist with respect to the implementation of the Zack Company Quality Assurance Program within the scope of the audit checklist.           The serious deficiencies that do exist have been i                      adequately identified and are the subject of the 50.55E (#81-08) V i

condition reported to the NRC on September 28, 1981. Zack is actively engaged in resolving this matter by appropriate corrective action. With respect to the 2 deficiencies noted in Exhibit A, Zack Company is r.equested to respond on or before March 19, 1982 indicating the corrective actions taken and actions taken to prevent recurrence. Please direct your response to Mr. T. E. Quaka, Quali.ty Assurance Superintendent, LaSalle County Station. s S 8 e b i e I t

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           ...       ,                                       EX!!IBIT A I       .                                           ZACK COMPANY AUDIT #1-82-45

, FINDING #1 (Question 1) (QAM - Section 19) Cohtrary to Zack procedure PQCP-17, Rev. 0 (7-25-80), Auditor / Lead Auditor Qualification and certification records are not adequately maintained at their Cicero facility. This deficiency manifests itself in several ways as indicated below: Discussion: - ,. Item A - Zack procedure requires annual evaluation of Auditor and Lead Auditor Certification (para. 6.5.1). Review of the current status of Zack auditors / lead auditors indicates that H. Geyer was certified as Lead Auditor on-8-4-80. Paragraph 6.4.4 states thar certification is valid for a period of one year. Evaluation of Mr. Geyer's Lead Auditor i status by the Zack Q.A. Manager should have occurred on or l before 8-4-81 and PQCP-17 requires documentation of this l evaluation on form ZQF-37. No. evidence of this evaluation ' t was available for review. L (- Item B - Zack procedure recuires auditor candidates to perform a minimum of one as an acting auditor under the supervision of a certified lead auditor per paragraph and this i participation is to be documented on form ZQF-37. Additionally, ! auditors candidates are required to demonstrate a minimum of six points based on education, experience, professional

competance, and the rights of Management (para. 6.2.2).

Additionally the auditors training record is required to be documented on form ZQF-22.


Review of Zack's Auditor / Lead Auditor records indicates that E. J. Bodley performed an audit on 2-15-82. No documented evidence was available at the time of the audit to indicate that Mr. Bodley receied his required training and that he will score the six point minimum. It is fully realized that only several days had passed ' between the 2-15-82 audit and audit #1-82-45 but Mr. Bodley's auditor qualification record folder is empty. Zack is therefore requested to submit copies of form ZQF-22, ) ! ZQF-37 and'ZQF-36 for E. J. Bodley after auditor certificatidn I occurs. l Item C - The audit team's overall impression of the Zack Auditor / Lead Auditor Qualification records is that of confusion.- Presentl  ; ( there are but 6 individuals certitied as Auditor or '  ; Lead Auditor. There is a lack of consistancy in maintenance  ; of these documents and the documents themselves are in some  ; j ways redundant in their content. Some information- , unnecessarily appears several times on different forms while f i l j l _ . - _.. _ l

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       , -/.                  Item C - Con't:

otk:r information must be inferred by review of all auditor / lead auditor activities. It would be in Zack Company's best interest that their procedure for Auditor / Lead Auditor qualification be reviewed in an i attempt to streamline the documentation requirements. FINDING #2 - Question #2 Contrary to Zack's Quality ssurance Manual Section 9, Zack's material control program failed to provide sufficient traceability to the material used in the fabrication of HVAC components in all 4 cases. Discussion: , i It was found that in one particular case, Traveler #F-515 identified the fact that fitting No. 4 was voided and replaced by fitting No. 4A on Traveler #F-1904 per Zack's Minor Modification form M/M #104 A review of this traveler #F-1904 showed the section of ductwork but failed to provide any indication of the material used. Upon investigatin this matter further in the field, it was. determin'ed that the fitting was not fabricated. Field verification showed another piece next to it had been changed instead.


'} . Most of the problems which resulted in this case, were the results of some confusion which existed due to numbering errors. The M/M #104 identified the required change to involve piece No. 4 on drawing M-1361-2 by. requested a new piece 4A. In reality, the M/M should have

;                             addressed fitting No. 22 which was eventually changed.                    Zack's                .

drafting department changed piece No. 4 to'4A but should have revised piece No. 22 to 22A. To further confuse'the issue, piece 22A was field fabricated without an apparent traveler to identify the 4 material used. Per Zack's site Project Manager, the fitting in - question was made from all stock material. Fitting No. 4 on traveler #F-515 was verified to be in the field and found acceptable as is. Zack's practice of field fabricating components without the required documentation is unacceptable. Zack should investigate the natter further to determine iflthis was an isolated instance. For a11 cases found, nonconformances should be written to properly cisposition the matter. Finally, Zack's segmented drawings should be


revised to show the following: Drawing # Fitting Involved 1361-2 4A should be changed back=to 4-22 should be changed to 22A with the proper 1361-2 notation concerning M/M 104 placed on the correct l( traveler. . ' Zack's site QC and Project Managers were informed of this finding and. were in agreement with its resuuts. , i 1

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                  ,                                    AUDIT #1-82-45

( ~ ZACK COMPANY l (1) Attendees at Entrance Meeting 18-82

                          .Name                         Company            Title / Position M. L. Skates                        Zack               QA Manager R. J. Basiaga                       Zack               QA Engineer D. R. Malzahn     -

Zack Vice President D. E. Calkins Zack P.M./ Midland Proj.

,                  B. L. Uodd       -

CECO QA Engineer R. A. Braun CECO QA Supervisor i 5, (2) Attendees at Exit Meeting, 19-82 C. Zack DeZutel Zack ' President J. C. DeZutel Zack Exec. V. President -

         ,         D. R. Malzahn                       Zack              -

V. P. ( M. L. Skates Zack QA Manager D. E. Calkins Zack P.M./ Midland Proj. R. A. Braun CECO Q. A. Supervisor O t e

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O'O'CllECKLIST AND ltEC0ftl> SilEle *. LT:rArcE 5(RnT;is v f . I' " "', i  ! AUDTT OF: 1-82-45 AUI)IT No. J-2590

                       ' LEAD AUDITOR

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                                ,.                      Question                                                                           l ACC DEF           i 1-)       Are Zack's auditors approved procedures?pr perly qualified in accordance with                                                '

(Ref. QM4 Section 19 Page 1) N. MwyA~e 6 /74 d M-sd^g da Ee ew,sg

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2) 4 Does Zack's material control program provide traceability to ACC lb:F the material and used in that accepted forthe use?fabrication of HVAC components F (Ref. QM4 Section 9 page 1 & 2) _ sm m.4x cy H~ r e. t X gg e 9 g e ( .

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                      .                                                  QUALITY ASSURANCE                                                                   .



swo* Tientr apemovro cost coNTeos. Nweta A

       *.H. epYtwr; FIN AL INSPE CTION l                                                                                     .


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          ' NO. *                                 -

QOESTION AC '} ail: -

3) Are onl bidder'y s properly qualified list after meeting suppliers the conditions placed on Zack's approved Q identified?

(Ref. QAM Section 5 page 3) ' 44'

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                                                                  ,_-A 4 h Q?>='-              A h=?  d ^-
  • SM h N~t TP. ,

s s r .

4) Does Zack's receiving inspections adequately identify shipments 1 .4C. . r.

for which documentation discrepancies exist?  ; (Ref. QAM Section 5 page 3) i j

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                                             -                 ,,                                                      .                           l. I
          . NO.

QUESTION . AC':' of:^ ; . l ' . 1 - i . l l

3) Are only properly qualified suppliers placed on Zack's. appioved '

bidder's list after meeting the conditions identified? (Ref. QAM Section 5 page 3) s i-t 4 .

                                                                       ..                                                c.

z. Does'Zack's receiving inspections adequately identify shipments

4) ACC jir'8 .' ,
              .        for which documentation discrepancies exist?                                                                              j      .       :

(Ref. QAM Section 5 page 3) j g y g* . . . ggi o 676< rev 4.- 03M uec 'PpJoe p g. : O 4 6st,W * ? '

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QUESTION _ _ . l . . n_ When documentation discrepancies are identified is the material " properly controlled (on Hold) until receipt of all records? pf ~ ~ (Ref. QAM Section 5, page 1 & 2) Sts oeu.-.sL u e-e v. ~ w r,, a *'t. - J. rn-bruns PMys. -

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                 ..AUDIT NO.           1-8 2-LCL'.7 v -- -                    _ _ .
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OUCETION , t 7." Does Zack's record retention system assure adequate storage of ' documents with respect to fire protection and retrievAbility? ,


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50'4'LOF: 1-82-45 AUDIT NO. J-2590 LEAll AUDITOR R. A. w on CilECKLIST APPROVED FOR USEM%js e-(

                             -                                                                                      DA'11

( PAGE 1 0F 4 un, ACC DEF NA

                           .                Question 1-)        Are Zack's auditors approved procedures? (Ref.

properly QAMqualffled Sectionin 19accordance Page 1) with t

2) Does Zack's material control program provide traceability to ACC DEF NA the material used in the fabrication of HVAC. components and that accepted for use? (Ref. QAM Section 9 page 1 & 2) 9 8 e e

9 e e G G ( ( ., [


i.'. ui t iso. 1-82-Q V P/ IGE 2 Or,.,, , f _

   / 80.    - . .                                        -

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3) Are only~ properly qualified suppliers placed on Zack's approved ~

bidder's list after meeting the conditions identified? (Ref. QAM Section 5 page 3-)

  • t 5
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 ' t.                          '
                                                                                                                                 .         e          g    e_
4) Does Zack's receiving inspections adequately' identify shipments ACC 0 8~ . 4!

for which documentation discrepancies exist? i. _ (Ref. QAM Section 5 page 3) - l . g [ 3 . .. . t . _ t i


l I e 1 ( . l ( ' 1 i

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                                                                . QUESTION                                                   ACCl DE                N/


    )            When documentation discrepancies are identified is the material

( properly controlled (on Hold) until receipt of all records? - ' ~ ' - (Ref. QAM Section 5, page 1 & 2) -

      -(                              -
        ~                           -       -
6) Does Zack's QC procedures insure that the quality requirements ACC
                                                                                                                                          ;...~ it!A of the contract have been satisfied? (Ref. QAM Section 2                                                                         t page 1)                                                                                                               c
                                                                                                        .                    l'
                                                                                                                             - _ . . l          I l

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30. OUESTION . ACC '17 t N
                                                                                                                                                                                . . .g
        'l                 Does Zack's record retention system assure adequate storage of                                                                                   ~        ' ' ' ~

documents'with respect to fire protection and retrievability? . l e. 4 s, ,* .

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f Commenwestti) Edis:n

                                   - LaSalle County Nuclear Statirn Ruraf Route C1        Box 220   ,
                                                                                                                                             / [J  .

2601 N.21st Rd. Marseilles, Illinois 61341 C'f ' 815 357 6761 1 April 12, 1982 QAL #5742 . Mr. Martin L. Skates -

The Zack Company 4600 W. 12th Place '

Cicero, IL 60650 ,


. CECO Audit 1-82-45 Response Dated 3-25-82 Mr. Skates. ,, Response to our Audit 1-82-45 was received 3-30-82 and based on review of the information submitted, the following items must b clarified prior to closure of this audit: FINDING #1 The, documents submitted adequately address those items particular to Messrs. Geyer and Bodley but . no indication of action taken to prevent recurrence ~~

                                                   ' was included T6 the Zack response.                                                                ,

Review of the informatfion included in the response




is sufficient to explain the specific case discovered

        -                                              during the course of the audit, but the question of whether this was an isolated case was not addressed.

In addition, no actions taken to prevent, recurrence are indicated in your response.


Please submit the above information and/or clarifications on or before 4/26/82. If you have any questions concerning this matter please contact me (815) 357-6761, extension 573. , 2 A.B ~ ~ +/w/n. y R. A. Braun . Q. A. Supervisor RAB/cc LaSalle County Station c l l cc: G.F.Marcus,[;A. File T. E. Quaka/QL

                                                                      .                                                    .                                                    l
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                      .                                    .                . , _ . . . . .         , . . . . . . . .                 .    ..,.          ,  ...J...    . , - .


3 g// rf W., Commumulatth Edison L[,

  • e

LaSalle Czunty Nuclear Station Rural Route 01 Bax 220

             .                            2601 N. 21st Rd.
           .                              Marseilles, Ittinois 61341                                            .                             /              I 815 357 6761                                       .

June 9, 1982 !(, ,

                                  .                                                                      QAL # 5889                        ,

Mr. Martin L. Skates ' The Zack Company ' 4600 W. 12th Place

  • Cicero, IL 60650 SUBJEC.T: CECO Audit 1-82-45 Mr. Skates:

A review of your proposed " action to prevent recurrence" in regard to .

,                      Findings #1 and #2 resulting from the above referenced audit was performed on June 9, 1982.                    Our analysis is indicated below:
           .           FINDING #1 Contrary to Zack procedure PQCP-17,                                 Rev.       0       (7-25-80), Auditor / Lead Auditor Qualification and icertification records                                             are       not     adequately maintained at their Cicero facility.                                        .

FINDING #2 - ('

   ~T                   Contrary to Zack's Quality Assurance Manual Section 9, Zack's material control program failed to provide sufficient traceability to the material used in the fabrication of HVAC compenents in all cases.

Contractor Response: Finding #1 Zack's Lead Auditor and Auditor Personnel Files has been reviewed' and up-dated as required to meet the . requirement of PQCP-17 para. 6. 4.4. Attached you will find forms 2QF-36, ZQF-37 ror Mr. . Harry Geyer and 2QF-22, 2QF-36 and 2QF-37 for Mr. Edwin Bodley. i Contractor Response: Finding #2 ,

                    . 1. For commerical reasons traveler F-1904 was prepared by the Chicago Drafting Department on 3-8-79 to satisfy the requirements of M4-104.

(Note: All M4's are reviewed by Chicago Drafting Department). i 2. Pc. # 4A was never fabricated. 3. Traveler F-515. was modified as shown on traveler F-1564. (Note: There was no piece number assigned at time of fabrication. A piece number has now been assigned.) The fitting was made from Coil #322 and Angle Iron #772 and welded in Chicago by welder #34. 4. M-1361 drawing shall be changed to reflect PC #22A  : instead of.PC #22. 5.

                       #4 instead of PC #4A. 6.M-1361-2              Travelerdrawing   F515 PC   (shall#22)   bewill changed        to reflect be reinstated          PC and       .

, , traveler F1904 will be voided. . 7. Traveler 1564 will be modified to add -

8. Traveler F515, PC #22 shall be voided. . 9. FOt shall be
                      - PC #22A.

developed to replace M4104 and to reflect above changes. g ,P .9,_ -

                                                                            , . . _ , -  ry   -
                                                                                                     ~       -        ._a , , - -      , 4-      ,        ,

QAL. 5889 Fage 2 ( . QA Review: Finding i 1 The docunents submitted adequately address those items particular to

                 . Messrs. Geyer and Bodley but no indication of action taken to prevent recurrence was included in the Zack response.

Finding #2 Review of the information included in the response is sufficient to explain the spe.cific case discovered during the course of the audit, but the question of whether this was an isolated case was not addressed. In addition, no actions taken to prevent recurrence are indicated in your response. Contractor Response (Second): Finding #1 In order to prevent recurrence of the deficiency noted during the above referenced audit, the Q.A. department is developing a personnel matrix.

  • This matrix will include all pertinent information needed to maintain personnel qualifications and also provide an easy reference of an individual's current qualifications and necessary additional requirements to upgrade qualifications. '

(. Contractor Response (Second): Finding #2 A review of Travelers was conducted in conjunction with preparation of Travelers for turnover documentation. No other evidence of this type of deficiency was found. The likelihood of recurrence of this type- of problem is minimized by the small amount of work remaining at LaSalle. The Zack Company site Q.C. Manager has been instructed to review all Travelers used by field fabrication to verify completeness. h'e feel that under the circumstances this is sufficient to prevent recurrence. QA Review (Second): Finding #1 Mr. Skates was contacted by phone and reques.ted to send a copy of referenced personnel matrix. . Contractor Response (Third): Finding #1 - Picase find attached a copy of Auditor and Q.C.I. Matrix per your request l in response to CECO Audit 1-82-45. Final QA Review (Third): Finding #1 Based on the above action to prevent recurrence, the Auditor and QCI Matrix, and the monthly review comnitted to in said matrix, CECO feels i that Zar.k has adequately addressed this Finding and that recurrences will .' be eliminated if this system is adequately implemented. This finding is cloced.

                               ,               O                              .        g           -

r . . e t - o

         ,                                                          QAL. 5889
          -                                                            Page 3
  • s I .

Final QA keview ('Ihird): Finding #2 . The above corrective action and action to prevent recurrence is 3dequate. We feel that Zack's commitment to view all Travelers used by the field fabrication unit is proper. Thi inding may be closed. This audit is closed. j L S~. nImJ ' J.~Reut/;T;e eu Q.A. Enginfer i

                                                                                     $&S/ W R. A. Braun                   -
                                                          . 5                  - Q.A. Supervisor
                                                                                   .LaSalle County Station y'              SJR/pjb cc:     . E. Quaka/Q.A. File                                                            .

G. F. Marcus f 0059A

                                                                  \\p'.14 O



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  • 312/242 3C30 0 4401 WEDTERN
  • 313[733 204D *
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thei 724@X :co. C5USTOM METAL FABRICATION March 18,'1982 i / To: Detailing / Drafting Dept. Hourly Non-Manual Personnel From: C.L.Eichstaedt, Jr. Re: Time Cards / Time Clock Effective Monday March 22, 1982 a new time clock will be installed in the main first floor office for use of all hourly, non-manual Zack employees. The time cards will be weekly in lieu of daily. ~ This cloch will be used for initial " Check-In", final i

                                  " Check-Out" as well as Lunch, personal time, school, etc. Company errands will still be'on a sign-in/out sheet of Steve Dr6zdz. This is company policy and there will be no deviations.            .

Each person will be responsible for punching their own *

              . .                 time card. Being caught punching someon'e elses card, -

will be oun for dismissal. GA DUW - Carl L. Eichstaedt, J

                                                                                         /A              -        -
                                                                            , Steve Drozdz [ [

l Concurred: . 1 sth .b2 ^ 1. Jo eph C. DeZutel , i

                                                                              -9 ,
     ..        .p
 - 2,'      4500 V/.12TH PLACE e CHICAGO (CICERO)ILL.60150
  • 312/242 3434
  • 313/736 2040 I
                                       } = s' l                         

ithe t 2/M.?Co. -




April 9, 1982 MD.O TO: Mr. Dennis Albritten . FROM: Christine Zack DeZutal . RE: Policies clarification I

       !             1. The Zack Company generally follows these steps in reprimand I                    procedures:                                           -

A. The situation in question is discusse'd with the employee. f A written memo is generated on the problen. It is signed. by the concerned parties. This documented warning is placed into the indivuduals personnel file with no . further action.

  • B.I If a situation arises again, the discussion documentation procedure discribed in A above is repeated. The employee receives a three day lay off without pay.

C. The third time the situation happens the employee will be terminated. D. The above clarification of course, does not apply to offenses involving thievery, intoxication, blatant insubordination or other unscrupulous acts. The mandate. in these situations is immediate dismissalw' ith loss of bene (its and possible legal recourse.

2. Performance Evaluatios: ,

In most instances the Zack Company hires (and doctiments')

                                 ; new personnel with a 30, 60 or 90 day review. This review                 .
                                 ! is an evaluation of the employee's overall proficiency.                                  .

This evaluation will lead to one of three conditions: A. Continued pmployment , B. Termination of employment C. Compensatibn adjustment q Continued . hl . FOUNDED TO SOLVE THE UN!OUE METAL FABRICASON NEEOS CF INDUSTRY ' $

  • f *
              ..                                                                                                                                                                             o
     .                                                                                            .                                                                                                l y     <

, . .- \ April 9, 1932 l Memo to Dennis Albritten l Page 2  ;

                              - 3.         I believe your questions have been answered. If I can be
         ,                                of further assistance, let me know.

j A ri 5a Christine Zack DeZ'tel Q N President - f e e W e s e d S g . CZDZ/nw


t e E g . ( . e l t N*. .

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  • o 4451WE*GTERN
  • 313/733 2040
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                             .            s.m f                                                    ,

12 April 1982 TO: Chicago Non-Manual / Hourly Personnel Supervisors FROM: J. C. DeZutel/Executh.veVicePresident Re: Regular Working Hours./ Overtime


c ' Effective immediately, the normal working hours are 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, with a 1/2 htSur lunch break. ' Any and all exceptions must be approved by myself i; or Mr. Malzahn. ,

                             -f          Also effective immediately, any and all overtime
      .                          must be requested'and submitted. in writing to myself                     .                                                         .


  • Mr. Malzahn. for approval.

There.'will be no exceptions

                                                                          'eg> k                 .

Q t_

  • j Josep5C',beZutel U -
                                                           ' Executive Vice President 1

JCDZ/nw ^ e Ag . FouNotD To sotvE TwE uN: uE :.iETAL re.aR; CATION NEEDS 0: 1_40U5TRY *

                                                                                         #   y            y  -e +y-         e-    wa               r=w ^      'w w         W*- -

3 ',' 4660 W.12TH PLACE

  • 312/242 3430
  • 6F.57ERN
  • 313/735 204o
                                 ~w                                                       $

the i WA@DO. co. CUSTOM METAL FABRICAT:ON April 16, 1982 To: All Zack Personnel . From: Christine Zack DeZutel Ref: Document Control Records EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY ! It has been brought to Managements attention that certain allegations have been made to Consumers Power Corp. that questions the integrity of The Zack Quality Assurance Records. Let me assure you that nothing is farther from the truth! The Zack Company has now and always will stand behind the integrity of its products; both metal and paper. The Zack Company has notified Consumers Power Corp. that it will cooperate and assist in overyway possible to clear the Zack Company name. In order to provide the greatest assurance to ourselves and to the Investigating Team that nothing changes its present condition in the Document control area, the following special provisions now apply:

1. A. Wanninger has been appointed Overseer of the Records Department until the completion of the investigation.

In this capacity he will be the watchdog of upper management to verify no unauthorized personnel has

                 .       access to the records or that the records are changed from the present condition, except as stated below:

A. NO packages will be taken from the Document Control ce'nter. If copies are needed for reference they will be run by the document control personnel only under < the authorization of Mr. Wanninger. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS! .


Continued /$2. i



  • April 16, 1982 Memo to Zack Personnel Page 2 -

i B) NOTHING will be removed from the existing document packages. New material received will be reviewed and stamped in accordance with present practice. Old material will be left in the folder and stamped void and initialed and dated.

.                   C) All changes to packages are to be verified and author-ized by Mr. Wanninger.

D) All keys to the Document Control Room and cabinets will be turned over to Mr. Wanninger immediately. No other persons will have access to those files. E) The Document Control Department will function only according to the following schedule: 8:00 AM - Mr. Wanninger will unlock room & cabinets. Work may begin. 12:00 Noon - All files will be returned and cabinets locked.


12:30 PM - Mr. Wanninger will unlock files - work may resume. 4:30 PM - All files will be returned and cabinets locked. 2 The above rules will stay in affect until the investi-gation is complete. Your cooperation and adherence to these rules is expected j and any violations could result in dismissal.

                                         /km h37m o
                                         ' Christ;,ne Zac       D Zutel President                  *-  ]
                                                        '                                    s.

CEDE /nw - 4 - w-y

                                                                                                    ~ ,

l ,

  • er T


                          ,        ACCORDANCE WITH THE ZACK COMPANY OUALITY ASSURANCE TRAINING PROGRAM NAM 2                       INITIAL                 -

POstTION g n_ 111hritten b OAE f6L.%UNct

         . A _. M_        Cinn*                                                                         ' Doc. Control CleA
4. ?_ Mnward OCeb
  • Doc. Control Super.
              .                                                                                                                         W % h *w%

i s: r* . t r a n +- , nne. cnntrni "'- '- - f s. A_ Wanninger _ Plant Engineer J' at . .- g .- - *

            ,g                  ,                                                 .


12. TnA nr + vi n = +- 4 mn in +- h a penpse f1 nw nf r4 n ess ma n + m 4- 4 n n (CMTR. C of C. P.O., RIR. Receivina checklist. Hold. NCR)
                                                                                                     /                                          .

and individual responsibilities. l . I . .



                                                                                                                                          ..                     4 CC: RA. MANAGER                ,..                                                       .       ,



ZQF.23 i , em Al0 . .

                                                                                   -                                       4                 .W    .                e

L... UNITE 3 STATES  %- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ je

     $[g%q 5% ( [ gg NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION CE!!ON lil 3 *-        ,f , t                     799 ROOSEVELT ROAD
     $*         4                        OLEN ELLYN, ILLINolS 60137

S, * .V IMAY 11@} . I l MEMORANDUM FOR: R. F. Warnick, Director, Investigation and Enforcement i Staff THRU: h . S. Little, Chief. Engineering Inspection Branch FROM: W. D. Shafer, Chief, Management Programs Section


ZACK COMPANY ALLEGATIONS On May 3, 1982, at 1:05 p.m., I was notified by the RIII Telephone Operator that a persor. wishing to make an allegation was in the lobby. I stated that I would take care of it and proceeded to the lobby where I met Mr. Albert (Terry) Howard who stated he had previously been with the Zack Company who dealt with heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. We proceeded to my office where I was joined by Mr. C. Williams and Mr. J. Peschel. Mr. Howard began to explain what his problems were. With some encouragement he stated that he was recently informed (April 30, 1981) by Zack that his services were no longer required. Prior to this, Mr. Howard was the Supervisor of Documentation for this organization in their Cicero, Illinois office. He stated that approximately three weeks ago he had notified Consumers Power Company (a Mr. Leonard), by telephone, of certain problems that had occurred with the quality records relating to the Midland Nuclear Plant. He presented a document identifying three allegations:

1. Potential tampering with records;
2. QA personnel were being intimidated;
3. Access control of documents.

l Mr. Howard then discussed his employment at the Zack Company. He stated l that he had secrted employment on October 19, 1981, and that he was I responsible for four other personnel whose main assignment was finding l quality records for work accomplished at the Clinton, LaSalle, and l Midland sites. Apparently, documents such as Certificates of Conformance I for safety-related purchases were not in the quality records. This resulted in a search of " massive" piles of records to find these documents and ensure they were properly stored. b\\ f S=7 A j > cary>+ w>n wf - 33 d .O

   ,   . .                         $"                   ~

s e v , g R. F. Wa ick -2 J .g 4 4 At thin' time, Mr. Williams invited Mr. J. foster and Mr. H. Wescott to join'ous group. We then moved to J. Konklin's office to continue the

discussion. ' a ,

Hr. Howard continued his discussions about what-was happening or what he perceived was happening at the Zack Company. At this~ time, his descrip- , tion was-very confusing and certainly disjointed as Mr. Howard jumped from one problem' to another (this was probably due also to the questions s i being asked about -the various . documents he was showing us). x .

To the best of my recollection, Mr. Howard identified two major problems
1. He stated.that documenEs'were beinr;-removed from the quality

_ record files without following the' controls he had imposed on these reiords. Fo'r. example, records were to be reviewed at a reference table and not removed from the file room and that copies would he made for documents that were needed overnight. Mr. Howard did not identify anyone in particular who had taken the' documents, but did state that documents began to appear in the files that had not previously been there. This was apparently noted because a log was main-tained on file entries. The log did not show that entries had been made for'these_ documents; also, Mr. Howard did not identify any documents in particular that were placed in the

                                              . file in this manne's.                                 -

In addition, he stated that records in the file showed indications:of tampering - such as signature whiteout.

2. Mr. Howard stated .that a Ar. R. Perry', a Zack QA representative was also concerned with^the quality of records and had reported this to his manage.nent; For this effort, Mr. Howard stated i

that this person was Verbally threatened (thi shaking of a finger in his face) and told it was not his concern. Further discussions regarding the' allegations Mr.,Howard made to the Consumers Power Company (CPCo) organization revealed that an. investigation was made by CPCo with three CPCo representatives. _A review of approximately 50 documents i was made during this investigation. .- No results were identified by Mr. Howard. t 7 1 ' 4 . I The final' area or problem discussed by Mr. Howard was that a Corrective Action Report -(CAR) #20 was written on his department' recarding the lack of training on quality record keeping. . His response to the CAR was apparently


i l not accepted by management and he was sent what appelhed;to be at least a i severe reprimand. ~ (This was one of documents presented.) '  ! s

                                                                                        , ,                                O
                        ,                           ,                 ,                        e ,

y, g Ng 4



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                                                            . _ , . - - -                          .             - -             -        N                     -a-   -- - -
        .,        o e
           ,                   R. F. Warnick                                                "'             "

As stated previously. Mr. Howard's statements were rather disjointed and it was difficult to determine exactly what all of his concerns were, let alone relaying the exact sequence in which issues were discussed; I would like to list some of the things he said:

1. He felt records were being tampered with but could not prove it.
2. Stated he knew of 9 purchase orders that had changes made to the original records - the original record indicated that material was to be returned to the vendor and then later (after the material was used) the return to vendor statement was cancelled.
3. Stated the QA representative previously threatened had been released without cause.
4. Stated that his clerk had been intimidated until she quit.
5. Stated he had additional records at home and would bring them in.
6. Stated he had been denied a raise in salary even though recommended on paper.

At the end of the interview / interrogation, Mr. Foster gave Ik. Howard his personal card and stated that Mr. Howard should get in touch with him if he had any further questions and he would do likewise. It is my under-standing that further investigation of Mr Howard's statements will be implemented, if deemed appropriate by management. Should you have any questions regarding this memo, please do not hesitate to contact me. W. D. Shaf , Chief Management Programs Section cc: C. Williams J. Peschel H. Wescott J. Foster l l 1 L.

  • __,f.-.__._,, - . _ _ _ . . . - - ,,}}