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Forwards Application for Amend to License NPF-58,revising Tech Specs to Incorporate Miscellaneous Administrative Changes,Including Changes to Administrative Control Section
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/13/1990
From: Lyster M
Shared Package
ML20064A830 List:
NUDOCS 9009280144
Download: ML20064A829 (11)



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10 CENTER ROAD - P.O. BOX 97 Micheol D. Lyster.

PERRY, OHIO 44081 - PERRY, OHIO 44081- . Vice President Nuclear -

(216)259 3737 r

September 13, 1990 PY-CEI/NRR-1214 L-U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555 Perry Nuclear Power Plant Docket No. 50-440 Technical Specification Change Request:=

1 Miscellaneous Administrative Changes Centlement Enclosed is-a request for amendment to the' Perry Nuclear Power Plant:(PNPP)

Unit 1 Facility' Operating License NPF-58. In accordance with=the requirements of'10CFR50.91(b)(1), a' copy.of this Request for Amendment.has been sent to then State of Ohio as indicated below..

This Amendment Request proposes-revision'of FNPP Technical Specifications to-incorporate miscellaneous administrative changes, including changes to the Administrative Control section, determined not likely to involve significant-

, hazards considerations'in_accordance with previously published Commission-guidance:(51 FR 7751)..' Attachment I and 2 provide =a-summary of the proposed changes.--AttachmentD3;provides a copy of the marked up Technical:

-Specification pages.

!1f you;have any questions, please feel free to call.

Sincer y

.h' -

'9009280144 900913 li PDR ADOCK 05000440?

ws ,

P PNU d Michael D. Lyster

, 'MDL:CJF:njc' J

-Attachment's , , . , ,

! i. }

cc:' NRR Project Manager Sr. Resident Inspector

'USNRC Region III State of-~0hio Opemting Units:

Cleveland Electnc illuminating Toledo Edison (([ .. . ,


4 8 Attachment 1 PY-CEI/NRR-1214 b Page 1 of 7 Summary /Saiety Analyais This Amendment Request proposes numerous administrative changes determined not likely to involve significant hazards considerations in accordance with previously published Commission guidance (51 PR 7751). A Svmmary/ Safety Analysis of each proposed change along with a No Significant Hazards Analysis is provided below.

The reference to " Figure 6.2.1-1 Corporate Organization" and " Figure 6.2.2-1 Unit Organization" on page XXV of PNPP's Technical Specification index are to be deleted. These figures, along with pages 6-3 and 6-4, vere deleted from the PNPP Technical Specifications on June 30, 1988 by Amendment No. 13.

Therefore, the index references for Figures 6.2.1-1 and 6.2.2-1 are no longer applicable and should have been removed as part of Amendment No. 13. Removal of the index references to Figures 6.2.1-1 and 6.2.2-1 is a purely administrative change considered not likely to involve a significant hazards q


Technical Specification 3.3.2, Table 3.3.2-1, Action 20 is being modified to provide the required actions to be taken during core citerations and operations with a potential for draining the reactor vessel (Operational Condition t). Per Table 3.3.2-1, the Primary Containment Isolation Trip Functions for Vessel Level 2 and Vessel Level 1 are applicable in Operational Conditions 1, 2, 3 and i.' Operational Condition t. However, Action 20 provides actions applicable only for Operational Conditions 1, 2 and 3 (be in at least Hot Shutdown within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and Cold Shutdovn within the next 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />), vnile failing to provide actions applicable for Operational Condition W. Action 20 should also provide required actions for Operational Condition

  1. . Therefore, Action 20 is revised to include the proper conservative actions to be taken in Operational Condition # (suspend core alterations and operations with a potential for draining the reactor vessel). This change is conservative and meets previously published Commission guidance on amendments not likely to involve a significant hazards consideration since the change caa. itutes an additional limitation, restriction or control not presently included in PNPP Technical Specifications.

Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement is being changed to clarify that the traversing in-core probe system is required to be demonstrated operable prior to use when required for monitoring core thermal limits (APLHGR, LHGR HCPR), as well as prior to recalibrating the LPRMs.

Technical Specification requires the traversing in-core probe system to be operable when used for recalibration of the LPRH detectors and when monitoring thermal limits. However, Surveillance Requirement currently requires the in-core probe system to be demonstrated operable (by normalizing each of the required detector outputs within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> prior to use) only when required tor the LPRH calibration functions. After revieving the Applicability, the Action Statements, and the Bases, it is aoparent that the intent is to demonstrate TIP system operability prior to monitoring core


, e Attachment 1 PY-CEl/NRR-1214 L n Page 2 of 7 >

thermal limits, as well as prior to recalibrating the LPRMs. Therefore,  !

Surveillance Requirement is being revised to clarify when the TIP j system shall be demonstrate d operable. This change is conservative and meets  :

the previously published guidance on amendments not likely to involve a  !

significant hazards consideration since the change constitutes an additional i limitation, restriction or tontrol not presently included in PNPP 'r chnical Specifications.  !

Technical Specification, item b, Applicability (page 3/4 3-82), lists- .

the Maximum Fraction of Limiting Power Density (MFLPD) as one Of the thermal [

limits, along with APLHGR, LHGR and MCPR. The MFLPD is a thermal limit that i vaa used in part to define the "T factor" in PNPP's low power operating

APRM Setpoints but was eliminated as part of the Maximum Extended Operating Domain (MEOD) changes when PNPP's full power operating license (Facility Operating License NPF-58) Technical Specifications were approved. Deletion of the APRM Setpoints specification (and approval of ME00) is discussed in Perry  ;

Supplemental Safety Evaluation Report (SSER) Number 10, Section 16.2.1, items ,

2 and 3. Since this limit is no longer utilized (as thht method of APRM setpoint monitoring is not applied) it is appropriate to delete MFLPD as one of the thermal limits listed under the Applicability of Specification, item b. In addition, related Technical Specification definitions 1.15, Fraction of Limiting Power Density (FLPD) and 1.16. Fraction of Rated Thermal Pover (FRTP) and their corresponding references within the Technical  :

Specification Index are also to be deleted. These definitions are applicable only to terms used within the previously deleted APRM Setpoints specification 1 3.2.2 described above (FRTP was used to define the T factor). Since this  ;

specification no longer exists, the above definitions are no longer necessary within PNPP's Technical Specifications, and their deletion is considered not likely to involve a significant hazards consideration.

The footnote

  • iurveillance Requirement on page_3/4 3-97 is to be l deleted. This i., e extended the initial surveillance test interval on a one i time basis to the first refueling outage for demonstrating operability of the turbine overspeed protection system. Since PNPP's first refueling outage was  ;

completed on July 23, 1989 (first Operational Condition 4 entry following  ;

refueling), this extension is no longer applicable. This change thereforr ,

constitutes a purely admissistrative change to PNPP Technical Specific;.tions  ;

and is considered not likely to involve a significant hazards consideration. '

The asterisks (*) contained within Technical Specification on page 3/4 4-6 are to be deleted from the 50 degree F temperature differential i limitations of Technical Specifications and The associated footnote rendered the 100 degree F temperature differential limitation of Technical Specifications and the 50 degree F temperature differential limitations of Technical Specification and i not applicable belov 25 psig. Removal of this exemption from the 50 degree P 1 temperature differential limitations of Technical Specification and i is a conservative change that constitutes an additional limitation, l l

I l


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Attachment 1 PY-CEI/NRR-1214 L Page 3 of 7 restriction, or control not presently included in the Technical Specifications and is therefore considered not likely to involve a significant hazards consideration. This change vill in no vay affect the footnote as it applies to the 100 degree F temperature differential limitation of Technical i Specification

The # footnote contained on page 3/4 6-5 applicable to Surveillance  :

Requirements and is to be deleted. This footnote provided a one time test interval extension to the first refueling outage for containment isolation valves listed in Table 3.6.4-1, which are identified in  ;

letter PY-CEI/NRR-0714L (dated September 11, 1987) as needing a plant outage to test. Since the referenced Type C test interval extension has expired with >

the completion of PNPP's first refueling outage, this note is no longer applicable. This change therefore constitutes a purely administrative change determined not likely to involve a significant hazards consideration. >

Technical Specification is to be modified by replacing the limit for {

purge system operation of 3000-hours-per-365-days with a limit of  !

1000-hours-per-365-days (as provided in footnote ** on page 3/4 6-12) and by i deletion of the footnote. According to the footnote, the ,

3000-hour-per-365-day limit was applicable only from initial fuel load until 3 ,

months following the completion of the first refueling outage. Since PNPP's first refueling outage vas completed July 23, 1989 (first Operational-Condition 2 entry following refueling), the 3000-hours-per-365-day limit on purge system operation contained in Technical Specification has ,

expired and is therefore no longer applicable. The currently applicable i 1000-hour-per-365-day limit contained in the footnote is to be inserted >

directly into Technical Specification This change is for clarification only and does not constitute a change in current Technical .

Specification limits on purge system operation, and therefore this l is a purely administation change determined not likely to involve a  :

significant hazards consideration. Note that consistent with the NRC's July 18, 1989 response to PNPP's " Containment Purge Evaluation and Technical Specification Change Request" letter PY-CEI/NRR-1025L dated June 30, 1989, PNPP has resolved to adhere to the 3000-hour-per-365-days containment purge limit contained in Technical Specification, unless PNPP can establish an adequate basis, based upon subsequent p1; t experience, that the existing limit of 1000-hours of operation per 365 days is inadequate.

However, based upon second cycle containment purge system operating experience, PNPP has determined that, at this time, no current need exists to ,

increase the current 1000-hours-per-365-day Technical Specification limit.

Consequently, PNPP vill not be submitting a second cycle re-evaluation of the purge system's operation as proposed in letter PY-CEI/NRR-1025L. ,

The Bases for Technical Specification 3/4.7.4 is to be corrected by changing the required sample size of additional sr,bbers required to be functionally tested for each functional test failure from 10% to 5% in Functional Test -

Method 1 on page B 3/4 7-3 (first sentence). This change (to 5% sample C ze) is consistent with the sample size requirements of Surveillance Requirement 4.7.4.e.1 which provides that "...for each snubber of a type that does not meet the functional test acceptance criteria of Specification 4.7.4.f, an additional 5% of that type of snubber shall be func'ionally tested until no r

o s Attachment 1 PY-CE1/NRR-1214 L Page 4 of 7 more failures are found or until all snubbers of that type have been Snctionally tested." Note that Surveillance Requirement 4.7.4.e.1 contained in PNPP's low power operating license (Pacility Operating License NPF-45) initially specified a 10% sample size of additional snubbers required to be tested for each functional test failure. This requirement was changed to 5%

in the Technical Specifications issued with PNPP's full power operating license (Facility Operating 1.icense NPF-58). However, Bases 3/4.7.4 vas never updated consistent with the change in sample size in Surveillance Requirement 4.7.4.e.l. This change to Bases 3/4.7.4 is a purely administrative change to correct the above error and to achieve consistency throughout PNPP's Technical Specifications. As such, this change is considered not likely to involve a significant hazards consideration.

Technical Specification, Action a, sentence 1 is to be revised by inserting the words "once per" to read as follows:

"Vith one offsite circuit of the above required A.C. elect;ical power sources inoperable, demonstrate the OPERABILITY of the ;emaining A.C.

sources by performing Surveillance Requiren.ent 4.8 1.1.1.a within I hour and at least once m 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> thereafter."

This change is a purely administrative change to echieve consistency and clarification and is considered not likely to involve a significant hazards consideratior .

Table, note

  • on page 3/4 8-10 is to be corrected by replacing the-reference to Surveillance Requirement vith and by replacing the reference to Surveillance Requirement vith These changes are purely administrative changes to correct existing errors and are determined not. likely to involve a significant hazards consideration.

The following corrections are propow d for page B 3/4 3-5 of the Bases:

(1) In Bases Section 3/, paragraph two, the third "0PERABLE" is changed to "0 PEF.ATIONAL" to read as f 0 lows: "The SRMs are required OPERABLE in OPERATIONAL CONDITION 2 to provide for rod block capability, and are required OPERABLE in OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 3 and 4 to provide monitoring capability which provides diversity of protection to mode switch interlocks." This change maintains consistency with the term "0PERATIONAL CONDITION" as defined in Technical Specification Definition

' 30 (page 1-6).

(2) In Bases Section 3/, paragraph tvo, sentence two, the word "be" is to be inserted between the final two vords of the sentence to read as follovs: " Monitoring core thermal limits muy involve utilizing individual detectors to monitor selected areas of the reactor core, thus all detectors may not be required to be OPERABLE."

The above changes to Bases page B 3/4 3-5 are purely administrative changes designed to achieve consistency and correct errors and are considered not likely to involve significant hazards considerations.


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Attachment 1 i PY-CEI/NRR-1214 L i Page 5 of 7 )

i For clarification, Bases Figure B3/4 3-1 on page B 3/4 3-8 is to be replaced  ;

vith the figure provided in Attachment 3.

The remainder of the changes to PNPP's Technical Specifications requested by  !

this amendment consist of changes to the Administrative Controls section ]

necessitated by the April 1990 reorganization of CEI and its parent company,. i Centerior Energy Corporation (reference letter PY-CEI/NRR-1189L dated July 17, )

, 1990). While the changes described belov are in addition to those previously-  !

proposed by letter PY-CEI/NRR-1189L in response to the reorganization, the l markctd up pages contained in Attachment 3 have incorporated the previously l proposed changes to the Administrative Controls Section for clarification.

Note that the previously proposed changes consist solely of revision to the t title of the Nuclear Vice President. The additional changes requested herrin are as follows:

(1) " Perry Plant Operations Department (PPOD)" has been retitled " Perry  :

Nuclear Power Plant Department (PNPPD)." This change affects the ,

following Technical Specifications: 6.1.1, 6.2.1.b,,,,,, . and 6.8.2. This change constitutes a change in title designation only.

(2) " Nuclear Engineering Department (NED)" and " Perry Plant Technical Department (PPTD)" have been incorporated into a single department entitled " Perry Nuclear Engineering Department (PNED)" under the management of a single Director. Consequently, all references to

" Nuclear Engineering Department (NED)" and " Perry Plant Technical -

Department (PPTD)" are to be changed to " Perry Nuclear Engineering Department (PNED)". This change affects the following-Technical Specifications:,, and Included within the benefits to be gained by consolidation of the above-departments are the sharing of nuclear operating experience and expertise, and more effective communication. This change has no  ;

effect on the technical qualifications necessary to operate PNPP.  ;

In addition, vell defined lines of authority, responsibility and communication continue to exist for all activities assumed by the Director of the Perry Nuclear Engineering Department that affect the safe operation of the plant. The Director of the Perry Plant Technical Department has assumed the new role of Director of the Perry Nuclear Engineering Department.  ;

(3) Technical Specification is to be changed to reflect the ,

following organizational title changes: "Operatians Section" is retitled " Perry Operations Section", " Technical Section" is retitled

" System Engineering Section" and, "Haintenance Section" is retitled

" Perry Maintenance Section." These changes are organizational title changes only and have no effect on existing lines of authority, responsibility and communications.

L l y 'c j

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" Attachment 1 i i'

PY-CEI/NRR-1214 L ]

Page 6 of 7  !

(4) Technical Specification sentence three is to be' revised r for clarification as follovst " Instructions shall be approved by appropriate management personnel as designated in writing by PORC, and approved by the appropriate section managers." This change is -)

intended for clarification only. l


i: (5) Changes are also proposed to establish the plant manager, entitled i

" General Manager, Perry Nuclear Power Plant Department" as the j single authority which Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC) i advises on matters which come before it, and as the single authority ,

responsible for approval on items addressed under Technical l Specification Section9 6.5.3, " Technical Reviev and Control" and .

6.8, " Procedures / Instructions and Programs." In order to achieve ,

this goal of establishing the General Manger, PNPPD, as single  ;

authority for the above items, the necessary changes, including removal of references to Directors of other Perry Departments, vere j made to the following Technical Specifications:, .

6. 5.1. 7, 6. 5. 3.1. a . 6. 5. 3.1. b , 6. 5. 3.1. c , 6. 5. 3.1. d . 6. 5. 3.1. f and ,

6.8.2. ,

The above changes to PNPP Technical Specification Administrative Controls section are purely administrative changes designed to provide consistency and clarification and are considered not likely to involve a significant hazards ,


No Significant Hamards Consideration  ;

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has promulgated standards in I 10CFR50.92(c) for determining whether a proposed amendment to a facility ';

operating license involves no significant hazards considerations. A proposed amendment to an operating license involves no significant hazards considerations if operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed amendment vould not (1) Involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated; or (2) Create the i possibility of a new or different kind of accident than previously evaluated; or (3) Involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.  ;

This proposed amendment does not involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated since this  :

Amendment Request proposes changes to PNPP Technical Specifications which  ;

either (1) constitute an additional limitation, restriction or control not presently included in PNPP Technical Specifications, or (2) constitute purely ,

administrative changes designed to achieve consistency throughout PNPP >

Technical Specifications, provide clarification, correct existing errors, i delete material no longer applicable to PNPP Technical Specifications or reflect minor changes in CEI organizational structure or title. The technical qualifications necessary to operate PNPP continue to be provided by the CEI

' Attachment 1 PY-CEI/NRR-1214 L Page 7 of 7 nuclear organization, sad well-defined lines of authority, responsibility and communication continue to exist for all activities affecting the safety of the plant. Each of the proposed changes have been reviewed, and determined to result in no change to plant systems or have any affect on accident conditions or assumptions. They also do not affect possible initiating events for accidents previously evaluated, or any system functional requirements.

The proposed amendment does not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident. As stated above, the proposed changes are either administrative in nature which do not create the possibility of any new or different kind of accident or constitute additional limitations, restrictions or control not presently included in PNPP Technical Specifications. The proposed changes do not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident since they do not affeet the reactor coolant pressure boundary or other plant systems or structures in such a manner that could initiate any new or different kind of accident. In addition, the proposed changes do not adversely affect any system functional requirements nor plant maintenance or operability requirements in such a manner that could initiate any new or different kind of accident.

The proposed amendment does not involve a significant reduction in the margin of safety since it is administrative in nature, and does not affect any USAR design or e cident assumptions. And, except for the correction of errors, the proposed changes do not affeet any Technical Specification Bases.

Environmental Consideration The proposed Operating License amendment and Technical Specification changes have been reviewed against the criteria of 10CFR51.22 for environmental considerations. As shown above, the proposed changes do not involve a significant hazards consideration, nor increase the types and amounts of eff1t.ents that may be released offsite, nor significantly increase individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposures. Based on the foregoing, CEI concludes that the proposed Technical Specification changes meet the criteria given in 10 CFR 51.22(c)(9) for a categorical exclusion from the requirement for an Environ:nental Impact State. ant.

NJC/ CODED /3754 l

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PT.GL145t-1214 L Attadmunt 2 Page 1 of 3 .

'IIDNICAL SPECIFICTJI(N PKE OWE REAS!N 72T Delete refennte to " Figure 6.2.1-1 te lhese refereced f' alorg with psees 6-3 ed 6-4 Oqpmization" auf " Figure 6.2.2-1 thit ' tim" wre deleted from Tednical S June 30,19EE by Amsukunt No.13.pecifications a 3/4 3-15 Ourge Table 3.3.2-1, Action 20 to include actior' Primary Omtairment Isolation Trip Ptnctions for applicable for Operational Candition # Vessel level 2 and 1 are aseli<mble in op om 9, but associated Action 20 falk to prwide action applicable for Op Om 8.

! 3/4 3-82 Revise Surveillance Requinment to require To clarify den TIP System shall be demonstrated l the traversirig in-core probe system to be operable demonstrated operable prior to use dum required l fui: ==mitorirg core thermal limits as well as Men required for recalibration of IBM detectors.

3/4 3-82 Delete "!f U U.* No loriger applicable.

1-3 Delete definitions 1.15 (FUD) and 1.16 (FRPI). No lorqger a;plicable.

i (Index) Delete references to definitims 1.15 (FUD) No longer applicable.

and 1.16 (FRPT) in Index.

3/4 3-97 Delete note extedirg initial surveillarat test No lorqger applicable.

on a one-time basis to the first refuelirg outage for Sutveillmce Requirenent

3/4 4 Remove Asterids front 30PF temperature differstial Pbre restrictive.

limitation of Tedmical Specifications and, thereby removirg "below 25 psig" exception contained in note.

3/4 6-5 Delete note

  • prwidug for a one-time test No loriger applicable.

interval extmsion to h first refuelirg i outage for tests applicable to -

Surveillance ts' armi

3/4 6-12 Modify Tednical 'fication by For clarificatie only. 3000 hour0.0347 days <br />0.833 hours <br />0.00496 weeks <br />0.00114 months <br /> limitation chargug the time 'tation for purge is no lorquer applicable.

syst tion fram 3000 hours0.0347 days <br />0.833 hours <br />0.00496 weeks <br />0.00114 months <br /> to 1000 hours0.0116 days <br />0.278 hours <br />0.00165 weeks <br />3.805e-4 months <br /> per 365 ed delete note ** prtwidirg for agpli ility of 3000 hour0.0347 days <br />0.833 hours <br />0.00496 weeks <br />0.00114 months <br /> haitation

' frous untial fues. Iced tmtil 3 months follovirg completion of the first refuelirg outage.

l i


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PT-GUIEEL-1214 L -

4ttachamt 2 Page 2 of 3 . .

'IBONICAL SPBHFICKII(N PKE OWG EASN B 3/4 7-3 the repaired suple size of additional Correctim.

First Sentence required to be fmetimally tested for-each functional test failure from IOC to St in-Test Method 1 ansistent with that rapsired by Surwillanca Reynrement 4.7.4.e.l.

3/4 8-1 Insert the words "once per" in the first settece To adiieve ansistency.

of Tedmical Specification Action a as indicated + . Attachment 3.

3/4 S-10 Res_.m Table, note *, - g 2, Correction.

sentence 3, ear the referece to Surveillance I vith vith

B 3/4 3-5 durge third "0FBURE" in Bases 3/ Correction

-. s-4 2 to "0FHUEI(MAL" B 3/4 3-5 Insert the word "be" in Bases 3/ Correctim

-- -A 2, senten 2 iettis *'to" and "Uraval"between the las,t two B 3/4 3-8 Rglace Bases Figure B 3/4 kl. Clarificatim 6-1 C " Perry P]mt Operations t (Pim " Ourge in title mly.

6-8 to 1% clear Pouer Plm t (RFPD "

6-9 in the Tednical Speci catims: 6.1.

6-10 6-14 6.2.1.b,,6.5.1. 6.5.3.,1.b,,,,a,,,

6-15, 6.8.2 6-16 6-7 " Nuclear t(IEF Ourge in title only.

6-14 to Mrlaar (RED)" ('Thrlaar W Department" and " Perry Plant in the o cations:- Tedmical %i-..t hee been inump ted into -, 6.2.3. , " Perry Melaar Bgineerirg bi_..t ).

6-8 lant Tedmical brartment "R!rry Plant Tedmical i_ .t (PFID)" asel 'Maclear


N the tollovug T

ons: Mr , irg h 6-8 Ousse in title only.

Sec "Operatiers in Tedmical Section" to "Perrg. Operations Specification 5.1.2

,._ pr_ w i- y y , s -

w- w-Wd e-r tf e-4 "' ** 9' 4"-* '*'C-'"'---A-'---- - - ^ * - - - - - - - ' - ' - - " ' " - - - - " ' ' ' * ' " ' ' ' " " - " " '-- ~ ^ ~ " " ~ ~ ^ ~ ' ^

FT.GDTEEt-1214 L Attadiment 2 -

.. Page 3 of 3 .-

'IRINICAL SPECIFICATI(N PACE OMME IEAS[N 6-8 OnanSe "rednical Section" to " Systems Engineerirg Ouunge in title sly.

Section" in Tedmical Specificaticn

6-8 Oumrge "Maintmance Section" to " Perry Mainteunce Ourge in title only.

Section" in Technical Specificatim

6-14 Revise Tednical Specification sentence For clarificatim. -

three to read as fo'llows: " Instructions shall be Eigna in ting by by the appropriate section amugers.

6-8 Plant Technical -

as 6-9 Delete refer ece toin Director,l Tednica 'fications To estelidi Wiich GeneralIeriew Plant Operations itsger, MffD,ttee Commu ( e authority t>-10 Deoartment (PPID)k,, .5.3.1.a,, advises on setters Wildi come before it and as the s' 6-14 6 authority responsible for approval on items 6-15 6.8.2 and delete relere.5.3.1.d and cetobirector tmder Technical Specifications Sections 6.5.3.

6-16 N.aclea,r Support Dqmht in Tednical, Specification 6.8.

i tUC/0[IEnr3760 s

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