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Administrative Information for the Exelon Generation Company, LLC Early Site Permit
Person / Time
Site: Clinton, 05200007, PROJ0718  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/25/2003
Exelon Generation Co, Exelon Nuclear
Office of New Reactors
Shared Package
ML032721596 List:
+ReviewedClintonESP, +reviewednvg DEL-096-REV0
Download: ML032721599 (40)


Administrative Information for the Exelon Generation Company, LLC Early Site Permit


1. Introduction ...............................................................................................................................1-1 1.1 Purpose of Early Site Permit Submittal .......................................................................1-2 1.2 Generic Industry Activities ...........................................................................................1-3
2. Application Format and Content ...........................................................................................2-1 2.1 Site Safety Analysis Report ...........................................................................................2-2 2.2 Environmental Report....................................................................................................2-3 2.3 Emergency Plan ..............................................................................................................2-5 2.4 Site Redress Plan.............................................................................................................2-7
3. General Corporate Information .............................................................................................3-1 3.1 Name of Applicant .........................................................................................................3-1 3.2 Address of Applicant .....................................................................................................3-1 3.3 Description of Applicants Business ............................................................................3-1 3.4 Organization and Management....................................................................................3-2 3.4.1 U.S. State of Incorporation..............................................................................3-2 3.4.2 Descriptions of Organization and Management of Applicant .................3-2 3.4.3 Period of Time for Which the License Is Sought .........................................3-2 3.4.4 Local News Publications.................................................................................3-2 3.4.5 Contact Information ........................................................................................3-3 3.4.6 Rights and Control over the Property that is the Subject of this Application .......................................................................................................3-3
4. Application Summary ..............................................................................................................4-1 Appendix A Acronyms and Abbreviations DEL-096-REV0 iii

ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION FOR THE EGC EARLY SITE PERMIT CONTENTS Table 3-1 Officers of Exelon Generation Company ..................................................................... 3.T-1 DEL-096-REV0 v

CHAPTER 1 Introduction The Early Site Permit (ESP) process, offered under Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 52, Subpart A, was promulgated by the United States (U.S.) Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) in 1989 to address industry concerns with the former licensing process under 10 CFR 50. Previously, the licensing process required large expenditures of time and money by utilities well before key environmental, site safety, and emergency planning issues could be resolved. As envisioned, the ESP process is meant to resolve the key environmental, site safety and emergency planning issues well in advance of when a decision is made to build a nuclear power facility and before substantial capital is invested in the construction of a new nuclear facility.

When the decision is made to proceed, having a preapproved site can dramatically shorten the time to bring a new plant to market. When the ESP is used with the USNRCs combined construction and operating license, the time required to build and start up a new plant can be shortened further. The USNRC introduced ESPs and the combined construction and operating license (COL) as part of a more effective licensing process (10 CFR 52) for new nuclear power plants. Congress affirmed and strengthened the new licensing process in the 1992 Energy Policy Act.

Historically, the NRC has reviewed proposed sites and designs in combination and approved the site/design combination simultaneously. Part 52 provides for the option to secure separate early approvals for proposed sites, designs or both. In particular, the Part 52 ESP process reflects the longstanding Commission objective to decouple siting from design and is central to the early resolution of safety and environmental issues, a principal policy objective of Part 52.

Moreover, Part 52 recognizes that it is possible to obtain approval of site for future nuclear power plants as a separate matter from, and well in advance of, decisions on what and when to build. In those instances where the ESP applicant has not selected a particular technology, ESP applications may nonetheless use the Plant Parameter Envelope (PPE) approach as a surrogate for actual facility information to support required safety and environmental reviews. Under the PPE approach, applications would not reference any specific reactor technology with the intent that the resulting ESP would be applicable for a range of reactor designs, including NRC certified designs, designs for which NRC certification is currently in progress or contemplated, and future designs.

Strong policy basis exists for the PPE approach. First, it provides combined operating license (COL) applicants with essential flexibility to select the best technology available at the time the decision to build is made. An ESP that would limit this flexibility would not be in the public interest and would be of severely diminished value to prospective applicants.

Second, it provides the NRC with the information necessary for its review and issuance of ESPs. Third, the PPE approach facilitates the combined license process by clearly identifying the set of parameters on which the acceptability of a specific design for a particular site will be based. The EGC ESP Application is based on the PPE approach.

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CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION FOR THE EGC EARLY SITE PERMIT Reference in this document to a proposed facility, site, or project should not be construed to be restrictive to the reactors discussed, but rather encompasses any design bounded by the PPE developed, or the associated environmental impacts evaluated, through consideration of those reactor designs.

1.1 Purpose of Early Site Permit Submittal The purpose of this Application for an ESP is to set aside the proposed site for future energy generation and sale on the wholesale energy market. This site will be reserved for a nuclear facility to be operated as a merchant generator plant. In addition, a component of the site redress plan supports (limited work) authorization for approval of construction activities in accordance with 10 CFR 50.10(e)(1) and 10 CFR 52.17(c).

Exelon Generation Company (EGC), Limited Liability Company (LLC) is the Applicant for this ESP and will hereafter be referred to as the EGC or Applicant. The Applicant has selected a site located approximately 700 feet (ft) south of the existing Clinton Power Station (CPS) Facility for the proposed location of the EGC ESP Facility. The specific reactor type has not been identified or selected. Technical information from various designs has been used to develop and envelop the facility characterization necessary to evaluate the suitability of the site for the construction and operation of a nuclear power plant.

The CPS is located in Harp Township, DeWitt County, approximately 6 miles (mi) east of the City of Clinton, in central Illinois. It is a single unit nuclear generating plant capable of producing approximately 950 net megawatts electric (MWe). The boiling water reactor (BWR), designed by General Electric (GE) has been producing electricity for customers since 1987. In December of 1999, the CPS was sold by the Illinois Power Company to AmerGen Energy Company, (AmerGen), LLC, a joint venture of EGC (as assignee of PECO Energy Company [PECO]) and British Energy, of Edinburgh, Scotland). AmerGen owns and operates the CPS as well as the contiguous property that would be the EGC ESP Site.

This co-location strategy will prove beneficial because this existing nuclear site is already developed and dedicated to nuclear use. The advantages of co-location are described below.

  • Existing CPS documents for development of the various parts of this Application for the EGC ESP; e.g., the CPS updated safety analysis report (CPS USAR), environmental report (ER), and emergency plan that includes processes and agreements with local and regional entities that were utilized.
  • The existing CPS exclusion area previously underwent a screening and evaluation process establishing its suitability, including a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) evaluation of alternatives. The proposed EGC ESP Site is located within the CPS exclusion area.

This Application for the EGC ESP does not consider the need for power, as need for power is not required pursuant to 10 CFR 52.17.

In furtherance of the submittal of this Application for the EGC ESP, the Applicant seeks the following from the USNRC:

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  • An ESP issued for a duration of 20 years;
  • USNRC environmental impact statement (EIS) finding of no significant impact on setting aside the EGC ESP Site;
  • USNRC EIS finding of no significant impact from the construction and operation of the EGS ESP Facility;
  • USNRC safety evaluation report (SER) finding of no significant impact on (limited work) authorization for the EGC ESP Site;
  • USNRC finding that there is reasonable assurance that the redress carried out under the plan will achieve an environmentally stable and aesthetically acceptable site suitable for whatever non-nuclear use may conform to local zoning laws;
  • USNRC SER finding that the site characteristics have been appropriately identified;
  • USNRC finding that there are no significant impediments to implementing an emergency plan and that the major features provide reasonable assurance that adequate protective measures can and will be taken, in the event of a radiological emergency at the proposed site; and
  • USNRC finding that the site characteristics are such that adequate security plans and measures can be developed.

1.2 Generic Industry Activities The EGC has been participating in an industry task force (led by the Nuclear Energy Institute [NEI]) with the purpose of developing resolution to several generic items of interest to those currently anticipating applying for an ESP under 10 CFR 52 Subpart A. The NEI and the ESP Task Force have been meeting regularly for over a year with the USNRC Office of New Reactor Licensing to resolve issues that might impede the timely review and disposition of an ESP application. The approaches identified by the ESP Task Force and the comments provided by the USNRC staff on these issues are generally reflected in this application. However, there are some issues still under discussion for which the resolution will continue to be advanced through these generic efforts during the USNRC review of the specific applications, particularly in areas where guidance has only recently been issued by the USNRC, such as in the areas of quality assurance and accident analysis.

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CHAPTER 2 Application Format and Content The Application for the EGC ESP is composed of several documents: the Site Safety Analysis Report (SSAR), the ER, the Emergency Plan, and the Site Redress Plan. The information for this chapter is presented in the following sections:

  • Site Safety Analysis Report (Section 2.1)
  • Environmental Report (Section 2.2)
  • Site Redress Plan (Section 2.4).

This administrative information also includes a description of the reports, general corporate information, and Appendix A. Appendix A contains the list of acronyms and abbreviations used for the Application for the EGC ESP reports and plans.

Multiple sources were consulted in the writing of this Application, and these references are presented in separate reference lists contained in the Application documents. However, the inclusion of references in these lists does not imply adherence to all criteria or guidance stated in each individual reference. The multiple reports and plans required for the EGC ESP, discussed in the sections below, were developed in accordance with the applicable regulatory requirements and with consideration to available USNRC guidance documents.

The Application includes the following documents:

  • A SSAR that focuses on the site-related safety features and includes:

Site description and general location of the EGC ESP Facility; Design parameters postulated for the EGC ESP Facility and the EGC ESP Site characteristics; Population profiles of the area surrounding the site; and An assessment of site features affecting the plant design (e.g., major structures, systems, and components that bear significantly on site acceptability).

  • An ER focusing on the environmental impacts to the site from construction and operation of one or more reactors that have characteristics that fall within the site parameters;
  • A major features Emergency Plan: The major features addressed in the Emergency Plan include the exact sizes of the emergency planning zones (EPZs) and other features as described in Section V of NUREG-0654 Supplement 2.
  • A Site Redress Plan that addresses anticipated site preconstruction activities.

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CHAPTER 2 - APPLICATION FORMAT AND CONTENT ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION FOR THE EGC EARLY SITE PERMIT For a site to be granted an ESP, the USNRC must conclude that the reactor design established by the PPE can be constructed and operated on the site without undue risk to public health and safety. For this reason, 10 CFR 52, Early Site Permits; Standard Design Certifications; and Combined Licenses for Nuclear Power Plants, was used as the regulatory criteria for developing this ESP. Additionally, the recommendations for the ESP format identified by the NEI were followed.

PPE information was prepared based upon the results of previous preliminary ESP Demonstration Program work performed in the early 1990s by EPRI. This information was updated to reflect current data needs in performing safety and environmental impact assessments. During the compilation of PPE data, efforts were coordinated with and input obtained from alternative nuclear reactor manufacturers, EPRI, NEI, and the pilot ESP applicants. Bounding PPE and site characteristic values were developed, taking into consideration EGC's unique siting and business objectives. Discussions of the reactor technologies considered can be found in the SSAR.

The Applicant also prepared extensive site characterization studies and analyses to document the sites suitability for a range of nuclear plant designs. These studies involved data collection and analysis in a number of technical disciplines. Input from these disciplines was used to complete the SSAR and the ER portions of the Application for the EGC ESP.

The SSAR and ER demonstrate that the site is suitable for construction and operation of a plant with design features as specified for major structures, systems, and components within the bounds of the PPE.

2.1 Site Safety Analysis Report The SSAR complies with the applicable portions of 10 CFR 52.17(a)(1) and consists of a description of the site and proposed facilities, an assessment of the site features affecting the facility design(s); and meteorological, hydrologic, geologic, and seismic characteristics of the site. In addition, the SSAR discusses the capability of the facilities to withstand the natural and man-made environmental hazards of the site.

The regulatory bases for the SSAR include consideration of the following:

  • NUREG-0800, Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants.

The following briefly describes the sections of the SSAR:

Chapter 1, Introduction and Description of Proposed Facility, includes an overview of the site and possible reactor types, along with a PPE listing.

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ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION FOR THE EGC EARLY SITE PERMIT CHAPTER 2 - APPLICATION FORMAT AND CONTENT Chapter 2, Site Characteristics, addresses geography and demography; nearby industrial, transportation, and military facilities; meteorology; hydrologic engineering; and geologic and seismic engineering.

Chapter 3, Site Safety Assessment, addresses effluents; thermal discharges; radiological consequences of accidents; and conformance with 10 CFR 100, Reactor Site Criteria. This section provides the anticipated maximum levels of radiological and thermal effluents the facility will produce. These data are used to verify that plant effluents will meet applicable regulatory standards and serve as input for the development of the environmental impacts analyses presented in the ER.

Appendix A, Geotechnical Report for the EGC Early Site Permit, addresses the details of the geotechnical evaluations conducted in support of the Application.

Appendix B, Seismic Hazards Report for the EGC Early Site Permit, addresses the details of the seismic hazards analysis conducted in support of the Application.

2.2 Environmental Report The ER provides information required by 10 CFR 52.17(a)(2), using guidance provided by NUREG-1555. This ER document addresses the environmental impacts associated with the construction and operation of the EGC ESP Facility.

This Application for the EGC ESP is premised on the assumption that, should the Applicant ultimately decide to exercise the permit and seek a construction permit or COL, the actual facility would be constructed and operated as a merchant power plant, co-located with the CPS Facility. The ER discusses the existing environment surrounding the site and vicinity; postulates environmental impacts of construction and operation and considers appropriate mitigation measures; reviews the impacts of design basis severe accidents; and reviews similar alternative sites. This ER does not assess impacts based on a specific facility design, nor does it postulate costs and benefits associated with construction or operation of any one design option; rather, the ER considers the most bounding conditions using the PPE.

For evaluation purposes, the following categories of information regarding interfaces of the proposed site and facilities are reviewed:

  • Comparison of the functional and operational needs of the facility as they relate to the sites natural and environmental resources; and
  • Direct impact of the facilities on the sites natural and environmental resources.

The regulatory bases for the ER include:


  • NUREG-1555, Standard Review Plans for Environmental Reviews of Nuclear Power Plants; and
  • State Environmental Statutes, as applicable.

The following briefly describes sections of the ER:

Chapter 1, Introduction to the Environmental Report, includes a discussion of the Applicants purpose for the permit.

Chapter 2, Environmental Description, examines the existing use of the site for operating the CPS Facility and describes the current (2003) surrounding physical environment along with the existing socioeconomic, demographic, historic, and community characteristics.

Chapter 3, Plant Description, describes reactor technologies considered for this site. A design has not yet been selected from a number of potential new nuclear generating technologies. As a result, the description is based on a number of bounding plant parameters that assist in the assessment of the potential environmental impacts of construction and operation of a nuclear power plant at the EGC ESP Site. The EGC ESP Facility is based on bounding plant parameters and site characteristics described in the SSAR.

Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts of Construction, describes the potential impacts on the surrounding environment of constructing the EGC ESP Facility.

Chapter 5, Environmental Impacts of Station Operation, describes the potential impacts of operating the EGC ESP Facility at this site.

Chapter 6, Environmental Measurements and Monitoring Programs, describes the programs that will be utilized to monitor the environmental impacts of the construction and operation of the EGC ESP Facility.

Chapter 7, Environmental Impacts of Postulated Accidents Involving Radioactive Materials, describes the potential radiological consequences associated with operating a nuclear power facility at the EGC ESP Site due to postulated accidents.

Chapter 8, Need for Power, notes that an assessment of the power needs has been omitted from the Application pursuant to 10 CFR 52.17(a)(2) and 10 CFR 52.18.

Chapter 9, Alternatives to the Proposed Action, reviews the alternatives and supports the reasons for co-locating a merchant power plant at the EGC ESP Site.

Chapter 10, Environmental Consequences of the Proposed Action, analyzes unavoidable adverse environmental impacts, commitments of resources, and relevant costs and benefits, as they support the suitability of the proposed site.

Appendix A, Wells Within 15 Mi of the Site.

Appendix B, Schools Within the Region.

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ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION FOR THE EGC EARLY SITE PERMIT CHAPTER 2 - APPLICATION FORMAT AND CONTENT 2.3 Emergency Plan The emergency planning information consists of a major features Emergency Plan developed to comply with 10 CFR 52.17(b), using guidance provided in NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Revision 1, Supplement 3, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants, and in NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Revision 1, Supplement 2, Criteria for Emergency Planning in an Early Site Permit Application.

This Emergency Plan is also aligned with the Exelon Nuclear Standardized Radiological Emergency Plan so that the emergency response organization (ERO) operations will parallel the other EGC nuclear power stations and corporate response operations. The material contained in the emergency planning information is not intended to be updated until such time as it is necessary to utilize the plan, such as at the COL stage. During this interim period, the Exelon Nuclear Standardized Radiological Emergency Plan will likely be modified and updated. When and if this ESP Emergency Plan is used in the future, it will be reviewed and updated to the extent needed to bring it into conformity with those aspects of the Exelon Nuclear Standardized Radiological Emergency Plan that have formed the basis for this ESP Emergency Plan.

The Emergency Plan for the EGC ESP, in conjunction with future implementing and administrative procedures, documents the methods by which the EGC Emergency Preparedness Program meets the ESP-applicable planning standards set forth in 10 CFR 50.47(b) and requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix E.

The Emergency Plan for the EGC ESP recognizes the State of Illinois, in cooperation with the local emergency planning zone (EPZ) communities, as the overall authority responsible for protective action directives in order to protect the health and safety of the general public.

The plan was developed in coordination with Illinois emergency response plans in support of the EGC nuclear power stations within that state. The Emergency Plan further incorporates by reference The Illinois Plan for Radiological Accidents (IPRA).

The regulatory bases for the emergency planning information include:

  • USNRC/FEMA Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), 58 Federal Register 47996;
  • NUREG-0396, Planning Basis for the Development of State and Local Government Radiological Emergency Response Plans in Support of Light Water Nuclear Power Plants;
  • NUREG-0654, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants;
  • NUREG-0696, Functional Criteria for Emergency Response Facilities; and DEL-096-REV0 2-5


The following briefly describes sections of the Emergency Plan:

Chapter 1, Introduction, contains an overview discussing the approach to the development of the plan along with a description of the standards and criteria that were utilized.

Chapter 2, Identification of Physical Characteristics, includes figures that illustrate the EGC ESP Sites plume exposure EPZ, evacuation routes, relocation centers, and registration centers. This chapter supports the conclusion that there are no major impediments to the development of an emergency plan for the EGC ESP Site.

Chapter 3, Assignment of Responsibility (Organizational Control), describes the primary responsibilities and organizational control of Exelon Corporation, federal, state, county, and other ERO within the EGC ESP Site plume exposure pathway.

Chapter 4, Emergency Classification System, describes in general terms the classification and emergency action level (EAL) scheme that will be used to determine the minimum response to an abnormal event at the EGC ESP Facility.

Chapter 5, Notification Methods and Procedures, describes the notification methods for state and county response personnel and the general public.

Chapter 6, Emergency Communications, describes the provisions utilized for prompt communications among principal ERO, communications with the ERO, and communications with the general public.

Chapter 7, Public Education and Information, describes the Exelon Nuclear Public Education and Information Program, outlines the methods for distributing public information materials on an annual basis, and describes how the public is informed in the event of an emergency.

Chapter 8, Emergency Facilities and Equipment, describes the emergency facilities and equipment used by the ERO, and outlines the methods that aid in timely and accurate response actions.

Chapter 9, Accident Assessment, describes methods to discover and assess actual or potential off-site consequences of a radiological emergency condition, and is required to effectively coordinate and direct the response to an emergency situation.

Chapter 10, Protective Response, describes the range of emergency actions to be taken during or after an emergency situation that are intended to minimize or eliminate hazards to the health and safety of the public and/or facility personnel.

Chapter 11, Radiological Exposure Control, describes the means for controlling emergency worker radiological exposures during an emergency, as well as the measures that are used by Exelon Corporation to provide necessary assistance to persons injured or exposed to radiation and/or radioactive materials.

Chapter 12, Medical and Public Health Support, describes the arrangement for medical services for contaminated or injured individuals sent from the EGC ESP Facility.

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ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION FOR THE EGC EARLY SITE PERMIT CHAPTER 2 - APPLICATION FORMAT AND CONTENT Chapter 13, Recovery and Re-Entry, describes in general terms the measures to be taken to re-enter areas of a nuclear facility that has been evacuated as the result of an accident.

Chapter 14, Drills and Exercises, is not required at the ESP stage as part of NUREG-0654, Supplement 2,Section V, and will be developed at a later time.

Chapter 15, Radiological Emergency Response Training, describes the emergency response training that is provided by Exelon Corporation to both its employees and off-site support personnel requiring site access.

Chapter 16, Responsibility for the Planning Effort, describes the responsibilities for development, review, and distribution of the Emergency Plan. In addition, it describes actions that must be performed to maintain the Emergency Preparedness Program.

Appendix A, Contacts and Arrangements, provides a list of non-EGC private companies and government entity contacts and arrangements.

Appendix B, Requirements Matrix, provides a requirements matrix linking regulations through guidance documents to appropriate sections of the Emergency Plan and the state and local plans.

Appendix C, Sources and References.

2.4 Site Redress Plan The Site Redress Plan and specific authorization are required by 10 CFR 52.17(c) if the Applicant intends to perform any of the activities allowed by 10 CFR 50.10(e)(1).

Specifically, the Applicant must determine the scope and extent of any preconstruction site investigation or preparation activities that will be conducted prior to approval of a construction permit or COL. In addition, the Applicant must address such measures that may be necessary to restore the site to the condition suitable for other appropriate use in the event that the project does not proceed to construction.

The need for redress information is dependent on the Applicant's plans for the site.

Specifically, the Applicant must determine the scope and extent of any preconstruction site preparation activity (e.g., grading, establishment of construction support facilities, dredging for intake and discharge structures) that will be conducted prior to the approval of a construction permit or COL. Site redress activities described in the Application for the EGC ESP are appropriate to the level of ecological and land use damage associated with the planned activities. For example, redress for continued maintenance of a meteorological monitoring program will be much smaller in scope than activities required to remediate large-scale clearing, grading, or dredging activities.

While this portion of an Application for an ESP is unique to a given site and an individual Applicants planned preconstruction permit activities, the following issues provide examples of considerations taken into account in formulating the Site Redress Plan:

  • Future site ownership and use (e.g., recreation, residential or industrial development, wildlife preserve);

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  • Use of Applicant-constructed facilities (e.g., roads, structures) for future use;
  • Habitat replacement (e.g., wetlands, threatened and endangered species);
  • Restoration of sensitive water resource features (e.g., river banks) where disturbed for intake or discharge structures;
  • Recontouring, revegetating, and replanting cleared areas;
  • Potential liabilities associated with any facilities or structures that are left following redress; and
  • Potential contamination, which may include radiological or hazardous waste, left on the site, either pre-dating, or as a result of, the Applicant's actions.

The overall objective of this plan is to efficiently and as effectively as possible, reconfigure and redress the site to provide an environmentally stable, self-draining, self-maintaining and aesthetically acceptable site that can be left unattended post-redress. This does not preclude the property owner from using the site as permitted pursuant to the USNRC license granted for the CPS, should the property not be used for new nuclear construction pursuant to the ESP granted through the approval of this application, and the ESP holder has provided the appropriate notice to the USNRC pursuant to 10 CFR 52.35, Use of site for other purposes.

The regulatory bases for the Site Redress Plan include USNRC Regulations, 10 CFR 50 and 10 CFR 52.

The Site Redress Plan is outlined as follows:

Chapter 1, Description of Site Preparation Activities, describes the EGC ESP Site including the present (2003) site condition, site ownership, and planned physical activities.

Chapter 2, Site Redress Plan, provides general information, cites the regulatory requirement criteria for a site redress plan, provides a description of the redress plan, discusses impacts to existing redress and decommissioning plans, and discusses the financial responsibility of the Applicant to perform redress activities, if required.

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CHAPTER 3 General Corporate Information 3.1 Name of Applicant The Applicant for this ESP is Exelon Generation Company (EGC), LLC.

3.2 Address of Applicant 200 Exelon Way, KSA3-E Kennett Square, PA 19348 3.3 Description of Applicants Business The EGC is a limited liability company formed to own, operate, and acquire nuclear and other electric generating stations; to engage in the sale of electrical energy; and to perform other business activities. EGC, one of this nations largest power producers and wholesale marketers, has access to more than 48,000 megawatts (MW) of electricity and employs approximately 7,300 individuals. Exelon Nuclear, a business unit within the EGC is responsible for the operation of EGCs fleet of nuclear power stations. The EGC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Exelon Ventures Company (Exelon Ventures), LLC. Non-regulated activities, such as power generation and marketing, are conducted through entities owned by Exelon Ventures. Exelon Ventures is wholly owned by Exelon Corporation, a corporation formed under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The Exelon Corporation is a public utility holding company created in 2000 through the merger of PECO, and Unicom Corporation. The Exelon Corporation, including its subsidiaries, employs approximately 25,600 people. Through its Exelon Energy Delivery Company (EED), LLC subsidiary, the Exelon Corporation conducts utility operations in northern Illinois and southeastern Pennsylvania. The EED serves 5.1 million electric customers, and 450,000 natural gas customers.

The site that is the subject of this application is the Clinton Power Station (CPS) property, near the central Illinois town of Clinton. CPS is a single-unit nuclear generating facility capable of producing approximately 950 net MWe. The CPS reactor is a BWR design by GE and has been producing electricity for customers since 1987. The CPS is owned and operated by AmerGen Energy Company (AmerGen), LLC, a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Delaware with its principal place of business in Pennsylvania. AmerGen is a joint venture of EGC (as assignee of PECO) and British Energy, of Edinburgh, Scotland.

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CHAPTER 3 - GENERAL CORPORATE INFORMATION ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION FOR THE EGC ESP 3.4 Organization and Management 3.4.1 U.S. State of Incorporation The EGC is organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, with its principal place of business in Pennsylvania.

3.4.2 Descriptions of Organization and Management of Applicant Exelon Ventures is a limited liability company with its principal place of business in the State of Delaware. The Exelon Corporation is a Pennsylvania corporation with its principal place of business in Chicago, Illinois. The Exelon Corporation is a publicly-traded corporation whose shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Exelon Ventures is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Exelon Corporation. The directors and principal officers of the EGC, Exelon Ventures, and the Exelon Corporation are U.S. citizens. Neither the EGC nor its parent, Exelon Ventures, are owned, controlled, or dominated by an alien, a foreign corporation, or a foreign government. The principal officers of the EGC and their addresses are presented in Table 3-1.

3.4.3 Period of Time for Which the License Is Sought The EGC requests an ESP with a permit duration of 20 years pursuant to 10 CFR 52, Subpart A. Once issued, the permit may be renewed for up to 20 additional years. During the ESP Application review, the EGC did not identify any site data or methodologies used to make future predictions (e.g., time-dependent site characteristics) that would not fully support a 20-yr ESP. Such data would normally involve population growth predictions, geology, meteorology, etc. None of the data provided contains conditions or limitations, beyond those normally expected in such an Application, which would invalidate a 20-yr ESP.

3.4.4 Local News Publications News publications in circulation near the EGC ESP Site that are considered appropriate to give reasonable notice of the application are as follows:

The Clinton Herald 221 6th Avenue Clinton, Iowa 52732 Tel. (800) 729-7101 Fax. (563) 242-7147 The Pantagraph 301 W. Washington St P. O. Box 2907 Bloomington, IL 61702-2907 Tel. (309) 829-9411 Fax. (309) 829-8497 Herald & Review 601 East William Street 3-2 DEL-096-REV0

ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION FOR THE EGC ESP CHAPTER 3 - GENERAL CORPORATE INFORMATION Decatur, IL 62525 Tel. (217) 429-5151 3.4.5 Contact Information Any notices, questions, or correspondence in connection with this application are to be directed to the following individual:

Ms. Marilyn C. Kray Vice President, Project Development Exelon Nuclear 200 Exelon Way, KSA3-E Kennett Square, PA 19348 with copies to:

Mr. Thomas P. Mundy Director, Project Development Exelon Nuclear 200 Exelon Way, KSA3-E Kennett Square, PA 19348 Stephen Frantz, Esquire Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 3.4.6 Rights and Control over the Property that is the Subject of this Application AmerGen owns the real estate on which the EGC ESP Facility will sit, including the exclusion area, with the exception of a right-of-way for the township road, which traverses the exclusion area. The EGC entered an Access and Indemnity Agreement with AmerGen, which provides the EGC rights to conduct preliminary studies and perform other activities necessary to support the EGC ESP Application process. The EGC anticipates entering a similar agreement with AmerGen to cover EGCs required pre-construction activities and EGCs right to the land required by the EGC ESP Facility. The agreement will grant the EGC an exclusive and irrevocable option, exercisable prior to the start of construction, to purchase, enter a long-term lease for, and/or procure other legal right in the land required by the EGC ESP Facility.

In addition to the title EGC acquires in the land required by the EGC ESP Facility, the EGC will enter an Exclusion Area Agreement with AmerGen. For land the EGC acquires, the Exclusion Area Agreement will provide EGC with authority, within those parts of the exclusion area for the EGC ESP Facility owned and controlled by EGC, to determine the activities in the exclusion area, including the exclusion of personnel and property, to the extent necessary to comply with applicable USNRC guidance. For land the EGC leases or otherwise acquires right, the Exclusion Area Agreement will provide the EGC with authority, for the entire exclusion area, to determine the activities in the exclusion area, including the exclusion of personnel and property, to the extent necessary to comply with DEL-096-REV0 3-3

CHAPTER 3 - GENERAL CORPORATE INFORMATION ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION FOR THE EGC ESP applicable USNRC guidance. The aggregate result will provide EGC with full control of the exclusion area for the EGC ESP Facility, to the extent necessary to comply with applicable USNRC guidance.

Finally, the EGC will acquire whatever other rights, control and access necessary to effectuate the objectives of this ESP application, including access to riparian, transmission, and other rights as deemed necessary pursuant to an ESP granted in furtherance of this application.

3-4 DEL-096-REV0

CHAPTER 3 Table TABLE 3-1 Officers of Exelon Generation Company, LLC (as of April 30, 2003)

Name Title Address Oliver D. Kingsley Jr. Chief Executive Officer and President 4300 Winfield Road Exelon Generation Warrenville, IL 60555 Michael Bemis President, Exelon Power 200 Exelon Way Kennett Square, PA 19348 Ian P. McLean President, Exelon Power Team 300 Exelon Way Kennett Square, PA 19348 John L. Skolds President and Chief Nuclear Officer, Exelon 4300 Winfield Road Nuclear Warrenville, IL 60555 John Young Chief Operating Officer, Exelon Power 200 Exelon Way Kennett Square, PA 19348 William Arndt Senior Vice President, Business Operations, 4300 Winfield Road Exelon Generation Warrenville, IL 60555 William H. Bohlke Senior Vice President, Nuclear Services, 4300 Winfield Road Exelon Nuclear Warrenville, IL 60555 Kenneth W. Cornew Senior Vice President, Power Transactions 300 Exelon Way

& Wholesale Delivery, Exelon Power Team Kennett Square, PA 19348 Christopher M. Crane Senior Vice President, MidWest Regional 4300 Winfield Road Operating Group, Exelon Nuclear Warrenville, IL 60555 Richard J. Landy Senior Vice President, Human Resources & 4300 Winfield Road Administration, Exelon Generation Warrenville, IL 60555 Charles G. Pardee Senior Vice President, MidAtlantic Regional 200 Exelon Way Operating Group, Exelon Nuclear Kennett Square, PA 19348 DEL-096-REV0 3.T-1

CHAPTER 3 - TABLE ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION FOR THE EGC ESP TABLE 3-1 Officers of Exelon Generation Company, LLC (as of April 30, 2003)

Name Title Address David W. Woods Senior Vice President, Communications, 300 Exelon Way Governmental & Public Affairs Kennett Square, PA 19348 Carol Anderson Vice President, Information Technology, 300 Exelon Way Exelon Nuclear Kennett Square, PA 19348 Robert S Bement Vice President, MidWest Regional Operating 4300 Winfield Road Group Support, Exelon Nuclear Warrenville, IL 60555 Jeffrey A. Benjamin Vice President, Licensing and Regulatory, 4300 Winfield Road Exelon Nuclear Warrenville, IL 60555 Kevin Cellars Vice President, Business Operations, 200 Exelon Way Exelon Power Kennett Square, PA 19348 Martin Coveney Vice President, Finance, Exelon Nuclear 4300 Winfield Road Warrenville, IL 60555 Edward J. Cullen Jr. Vice President, Legal and Secretary 300 Exelon Way Kennett Square, PA 19348 Ronald J. DeGregorio Vice President, MidAtlantic Regional 200 Exelon Way Operating Group Support, Exelon Nuclear Kennett Square, PA 19348 Joel P. Dimmette Vice President, Nuclear Oversight, Exelon 4300 Winfield Road Nuclear Warrenville, IL 60555 Meg Evangelist Vice President, Human Resources, Exelon 200 Exelon Way Power Kennett Square, PA 19348 Edward Fedorchak Vice President, Fuel Management & 300 Exelon Way Proprietary Trading, Exelon Power Team Kennett Square, PA 19348 Robert J Fisher Vice President, MidWest Regional Operating 4300 Winfield Road Group Support, Exelon Nuclear Warrenville, IL 60555 Jan H. Freeman Vice President, Public Affairs, Exelon 300 Exelon Way Generation Kennett Square, PA 19348 3.T-2 DEL-096-REV0

ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION FOR THE EGC ESP CHAPTER 3 - TABLE TABLE 3-1 Officers of Exelon Generation Company, LLC (as of April 30, 2003)

Name Title Address Dorothy M Hawkins Vice President, Business Operations, 4300 Winfield Road Exelon Nuclear Warrenville, IL 60555 J. Michael Heffley Vice President, Exelon Nuclear 4300 Winfield Road Warrenville, IL 60555 James S. Jablonski Vice President, Portfolio Management, 300 Exelon Way Exelon Power Team Kennett Square, PA 19348 Theodore E. Jennings Vice President, Engineering & Operation 200 Exelon Way Support Kennett Square, PA 19348 Marilyn C. Kray Vice President, Special Projects, Exelon 200 Exelon Way Nuclear Kennett Square, PA 19348 Rod Krich Vice President, Licensing Projects, Exelon 4300 Winfield Road Nuclear Warrenville, IL 60555 Charles P. Lewis Vice President, Strategy and Development, 300 Exelon Way Exelon Generation Kennett Square, PA 19348 James P. Malone Vice President, Fuels Management, Exelon 4300 Winfield Road Nuclear Warrenville, IL 60555 Robert K. McDonald Vice President, Generation Bank One Building 10 South Dearborn Street Chicago, IL 60603 Michael McMahan Vice President, Outage Planning & Services, 4300 Winfield Road Exelon Nuclear Warrenville, IL 60555 James R. Meister Vice President, Nuclear Engineering, Exelon 4300 Winfield Road Nuclear Warrenville, IL 60555 Michael Metzner Vice President, Marketing & Origination, 300 Exelon Way Exelon Power Team Kennett Square, PA 19348 DEL-096-REV0 3.T-3

CHAPTER 3 - TABLE ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION FOR THE EGC ESP TABLE 3-1 Officers of Exelon Generation Company, LLC (as of April 30, 2003)

Name Title Address J. Barry Mitchell Vice President and Treasurer Bank One Building 10 South Dearborn Street Chicago, IL 60603 J. Donald Myhan Vice President, Human Resources and 4300 Winfield Road Administration, Exelon Nuclear Warrenville, IL 60555 Mark A. Schiavoni Vice President, Sithe New England Schrafft Center 529 Main Street Charlestown, MA 02129 John L. Settelen Vice President, Exelon Generation 300 Exelon Way Kennett Square, PA 19348 Preston D. Swafford Vice President, Exelon Power 200 Exelon Way Kennett Square, PA 19348 Thomas D. Terry Jr. Vice President, Taxes Bank One Building 10 South Dearborn Street Chicago, IL 60603I Sue E. Wallace Vice President, Management Projects, 4300 Winfield Road Exelon Generation Warrenville, IL 60555 Thomas H. Weir Vice President, Exelon Generation 300 Exelon Way Kennett Square, PA 19348 David B. Wozniak Vice President, MidWest Regional Operating 4300 Winfield Road Group Support, Exelon Nuclear Warrenville, IL 60555 Kevin Yessian Vice President Supply, Exelon Nuclear 4300 Winfield Road Warrenville, IL 60555 George P. Barnes Jr. Site Vice President - LaSalle County Station 2601 North 21st Road Marseilles, IL 61341 Ernest J. Harkness Site Vice President - Oyster Creek Route 9 South, P.O. Box 388, Forked River, NJ 08731 3.T-4 DEL-096-REV0

ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION FOR THE EGC ESP CHAPTER 3 - TABLE TABLE 3-1 Officers of Exelon Generation Company, LLC (as of April 30, 2003)

Name Title Address Robert J. Hovey Site Vice President - Dresden Nuclear 6500 North Dresden Road, Power Station Morris, IL 60450 William Levis Site Vice President - Limerick Generating Evergreen & Sanatoga Roads Station Pottstown, PA 19464 Richard Lopriore Site Vice President - Byron Station 4450 North German Church Road, Byron, IL 61010 Michael Pacilio Site Vice President - Clinton Nuclear Power P.O. Box 678 Station Clinton, IL 61726 th Timothy Tulon Site Vice President - Quad Cities Nuclear 22710 206 Avenue North, Power Station Cordova, IL 61242 James D. von Suskil Site Vice President - Braidwood Station Rural Route 1, Box 84, Braceville, IL 60407 Russell G. West Site Vice President - Peach Bottom Atomic 1848 Lay Road, Power Station Delta, PA 17314 Bruce C. Williams Site Vice President - TMI Route 441 South P.O. Box 480 Middletown, PA 17057 Thomas R. Miller Assistant Treasurer Bank One Building 10 South Dearborn Street Chicago, IL 60603 George R. Shicora Assistant Treasurer Main Office Building 2301 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19101 Charles S. Walls Assistant Treasurer Bank One Building 10 South Dearborn Street Chicago, IL 60603 DEL-096-REV0 3.T-5

CHAPTER 3 - TABLE ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION FOR THE EGC ESP TABLE 3-1 Officers of Exelon Generation Company, LLC (as of April 30, 2003)

Name Title Address Todd D. Cutler Assistant Secretary Main Office Building 2301 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19101 Scott N. Peters Assistant Secretary Bank One Building 10 South Dearborn Street Chicago, IL 60603 Thomas H. Weir Controller 300 Exelon Way Kennett Square, PA 19348 3.T-6 DEL-096-REV0

CHAPTER 4 Application Summary The selection of the site adjacent to the existing CPS provides many advantages for the Applicant and supports this ESP process. The EGC ESP Site is located adjacent to the CPS, an existing licensed nuclear power station, and is therefore likely to have greater support from the local population and governmental entities in the event that a construction permit or COL is pursued. The resources needed to prepare this EGC ESP application have been significantly lessened through the application of existing CPS documents in the development of the SSAR, the ER, the Emergency Plan, and the Site Redress Plan. Actual resources needed to ultimately develop the site as contemplated by the ESP application will be reduced through utilization and sharing of existing infrastructure and site services, if and when the EGC ESP Facility is operational.

DEL-096-REV0 4-1

APPENDIX A Acronyms and Abbreviations ABWR advanced boiling water reactor ACR-700 Advanced Canada Deuterium Uranium (CANDU) Reactor ACSR aluminum-conductor steel-reinforced A-E architect-engineer AEA Atomic Energy Act of 1954 AECL Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd.

ALARA as low as reasonably achievable ALS advanced life support AmerGen AmerGen Energy Company, LLC AMS American Meteorological Society ANI American Nuclear Insurers ANS alert and notification system ANSI American National Standards Institute AP600 advanced pressurized water reactor (smaller version of AP1000)

AP1000 advanced pressurized water reactor AQCR air quality control regions AQI air quality index ARM area radiation monitor ASLB Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (NRC)

AST alternate source term ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials (now ASTM International)

BOD biological oxygen demand BP before present Btu British thermal unit BWR boiling water reactor DEL-096- REV0 A-1


ºC degrees Celsius CANDU Canada Deuterium Uranium CB citizen band CCC Clinton Chamber of Commerce CCSW component cooling service water CDAM Core Damage Assessment Methodology CDE committed dose equivalent CEDE committed effective dose equivalent CFC chlorinated fluorocarbons CFR Code of Federal Regulations cfm cubic feet per minute cfs cubic feet per second CHRMS containment high range monitoring system Ci/yr curies per year CN Canadian National (Railroad)

COD chemical oxygen demand COL combined operating license ComEd Commonwealth Edison CPS Clinton Power Station CPS ER Clinton Power Station Environmental Report CPS USAR Clinton Power Station Updated Safety Analysis Report CPT cone penetrometer testing CR control room CRT cathode-ray tube CSDO communication services duty officer CWA Clean Water Act D2 O deuterium oxide D&D decontamination and decommissioning dB decibel A-2 DEL-096-REV0

ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION FOR THE EGC EEARLY SITE PERMIT APPENDIX A - ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS DB dry bulb dBa decibel adjusted DBA design-basis accident DDE deep dose equivalent DEQ Department of Environmental Quality DF decontamination factor DHFS Department of Health and Family Services DPH Department of Public Health dpm disintegrations per minute DOT Department of Transportation DSM demand-side management EAB exclusion area boundary EAL emergency action level EAS emergency alert system ECC emergency core cooling ECL effluent concentration limit EDTA Ethylenediamine Tetraacetic acid EED Exelon Energy Delivery EEI Edison Electric Institute EGC Exelon Generation Company, LLC EHV extra high voltage EIS environmental impact statement EMF electromagnetic fields EMP environmental monitoring program ENC emergency news center ENS emergency notification system (USNRC)

EOC emergency operations center EOF emergency operations facility EOP emergency operating procedure DEL-096-REV0 A-3

APPENDIX A - ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION FOR THE EGC EARLY SITE PERMIT EPIO Emergency Public Information Organization EPRI Electric Power Research Institute EPZ emergency planning zone ER environmental report ERA Environmental Resource Associates ERDS emergency response data system (USNRC)

ERF emergency response facility ERO emergency response organization ESBWR Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor ESF engineered safety feature ESP early site permit ESRP environmental standard review plan ESW essential service water ETE evacuation time estimate EWG exempt wholesale generator Exelon Ventures Exelon Ventures Company, LLC

ºF degrees Fahrenheit FAA Federal Aviation Administration FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA-REP Federal Emergency Management Agency - Radiological Emergency Preparedness FERA Federal Emergency Response Agency FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission FFCA Federal Facilities Compliance Act FHA fuel handling accident fps feet per second FRERP Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan FRMAP Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Plan FRPCC Federal Radiological Preparedness Coordinating Committee A-4 DEL-096-REV0

ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION FOR THE EGC EEARLY SITE PERMIT APPENDIX A - ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS FSAR final safety analysis report FY fiscal year G gauss GA General Atomics g/d grams per day Ge germanium GE General Electric Company GEIS generic environmental impact statement GIS geographic information system gpd gallons per day gpm gallons per minute GT-MHR gas turbine-modular helium reactor GWH giga-watt hours HEPA high-efficiency particulate adsorber HHV high heating value HPN health physics network (USNRC)

HSWA Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments HVAC heating, ventilation, and air conditioning I&C instrumentation and control IAC Illinois Administrative Code IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency IASS Illinois Agricultural Statistics Service ICG Illinois Central Gulf ICRP International Commission on Radiological Protection IDNR Illinois Department of Natural Resources IDNS Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety IDOA Illinois Department of Agriculture IDOT Illinois Department of Transportation IDPH Illinois Department of Public Health DEL-096-REV0 A-5

APPENDIX A - ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION FOR THE EGC EARLY SITE PERMIT IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers IEMA Illinois Emergency Management Agency IEPA Illinois Environmental Protection Agency IGPA Institute of Government and Public Affairs IL Illinois INEEL Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory INHS Illinois Natural Heritage Survey INPO Institute of Nuclear Power Operations IPCB Illinois Pollution Control Board IPNSED Illinois Power Nuclear Station Energy Department IPRA Illinois Plan for Radiological Accidents IRIS International Reactor Innovative and Secure ISGS Illinois State Geological Society ISU Illinois State University ISWS Illinois State Water Survey JPIC Joint Public Information Center kcmil kilo circular mils KI potassium iodide LADTAP computer code LED light emitting diodes LHV low heating value LLC Limited Liability Company LLRWPAA Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985 LLW low-level waste LOCA loss-of-coolant accident LOOP loss of off-site power LPZ low-population zone LTD Limited LWA limited work authorization A-6 DEL-096-REV0

ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION FOR THE EGC EEARLY SITE PERMIT APPENDIX A - ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS LWR light-water reactor mA milliamperes MAELU Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters MCL maximum contaminant level MCLG maximum contaminant level goal MDL method detection limit mgd million gallons per day mg/L milligram(s) per liter MMBtu one million British Thermal Unit(s)

MOU memorandum of understanding mph mile(s) per hour mps meter(s) per second MRCC Midwest Regional Climate Control MRI Meteorology Research, Inc.

MSDS material safety data sheet(s) msl mean sea level MSLB main steamline break MSW municipal solid wastes MUX multiplexer MWROG Mid-West Regional Operating Group MW megawatt MWe megawatt electric MWt megawatt thermal NA not available NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards NARS nuclear accident reporting system NCES National Center for Education Statistics NDO nuclear duty officer NEI Nuclear Energy Institute DEL-096-REV0 A-7

APPENDIX A - ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION FOR THE EGC EARLY SITE PERMIT NEPA National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 NESC National Electric Safety Code NETVAC computer code NFPA National Fire Protection Association NGET nuclear general employee training NHS normal heat sink NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOI notice of intent NOT notice of termination NOx nitrogen oxides NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRLPO New Licensing Reactor Project Office NSSFC National Severe Storms Forecast Center NSSS nuclear steam supply system NUMARC Nuclear Utility Management and Resources Council (now NEI)

NWI National Wetlands Inventory NWS National Weather Service ODCM offsite dose calculation manual OLS operating license stage OSC operations support center OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration OTA Office of Technology Assessment OW observation well P&IDs piping and instrumentation drawings PA public address PAG protective action guide PAR protective action recommendation A-8 DEL-096-REV0

ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION FOR THE EGC EEARLY SITE PERMIT APPENDIX A - ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS PASS post accident sampling system PBMR pebble bed modular reactor PBX private branch exchange PCB polychlorinated biphenyls PCCS passive containment cooling system PECO PECO Energy Company PM particulate matter PMF probable maximum flood PMP probable maximum precipitation PPDS plant parameter display system PPE plant parameters envelope ppm parts(s) per million ppmvd part(s) per million, volumetric dry PPWMAP Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimization Awareness Program PPWMP Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimization Program PSAR preliminary safety analysis report PSD prevention of significant deterioration psf pound(s) per square foot PSHA probabilistic seismic hazard analysis psi pound(s) per square inch psig pound(s) per square inch gauge PURPA Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act of 1978 PV photovoltaic PWR pressurized water reactor QA quality assurance RAC Regional Assistance Center (FEMA) rad Roentgen absorbed dose (100 ergs/gm)

RAFT Radiological Assistance Field Team (IL)

RAI request for additional information DEL-096-REV0 A-9

APPENDIX A - ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION FOR THE EGC EARLY SITE PERMIT RAP Radiological Assistance Plan RCC radiation controls coordinator RCE radiation controls engineer RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act REAC Radiological Emergency Assistance Center REAC/TS Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site (USDOE) rem roentgen equivalent man REMP radiological environmental monitoring program REP radiological emergency plan RG regulatory guide RI radio interference RP radiation protection RPM radiation protection manager RR railroad RTO regional transmission operator SAM severe accident management SAMA severe accident mitigation alternatives SAMDA severe accident mitigation design alternative SAMG severe accident management guidelines SBWR Simplified Boiling Water Reactor SD sample data SEC State Environs Communicator sec/m3 second(s) per meter cubed SEOC State Emergency Operations Center SER safety evaluation report SGTR steam generator tube rupture SGTS standby gas treatment system SHPO State Historic Preservation Office SNYPSC State of New York Public Service Commission A-10 DEL-096-REV0

ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION FOR THE EGC EEARLY SITE PERMIT APPENDIX A - ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS SOx sulfur oxides SPDS safety parameter display system SPF standard project flood SPRAT Spillway Routing and Flood Routing (computer program)

SPS standard project storm SRC state radiological coordinator SRP Standard Review Plan SREP Standardized Radiological Emergency Plan SSAR site safety analysis report SSE safe shutdown earthquake STA shift technical advisor STORET STOrage and RETrieval System for Water and Biological Data (computer code)

SWDA Solid Waste Disposal Act SWPPP Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan TDS total dissolved solids TEDE total effective dose equivalent TID Technical Information Document TLD thermoluminescent dosimeter TMDL total maximum daily load TOC total organic carbon TRC The Research Corporation TSC technical support center TSP total suspended particulates TSM technical support manager TSS total suspended solids TVI television interference UHC unburned hydrocarbons UHS ultimate heat sink UO2 Uranium Dioxide DEL-096-REV0 A-11

APPENDIX A - ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION FOR THE EGC EARLY SITE PERMIT USACOE United States Army Corps of Engineers USAEC United States Atomic Energy Commission USAR updated safety analysis report USDOC United States Department of Commerce USDOE United States Department of Energy USDOL United States Department of Labor USDOT United States Department of Transportation USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service USGS United States Geological Survey USNRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission USNWS United States National Weather Service UTM universal transverse mercator VOC volatile organic compounds WASP water surface profiles wb whole body WWTP wastewater treatment plant A-12 DEL-096-REV0