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Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Page Changes to Procedures IP-1017, IP-1040 & IP-1056 & Table of Initiating Conditions & Emergency Action Levels
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 01/22/1982
Shared Package
ML093450341 List:
PROC-820122-01, NUDOCS 8202100461
Download: ML20040F913 (30)


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IP-3 Emergency Response Organization vii IP-3 Emergency Response Relaticnships On & Off Sites viii Emergency Response Personnel Assignments ix INITIATING ^ CONDITIONS FCR EMERGENCY CIASSIFICATIONS Table of Initiating Conditions ,

& Emergency Action Levels IC-1 NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT Definition NUE-1 I Initiating Conditions NUE-1 Response Actions NUE-3 Control Room NUE-4 4

h i iM cGENCY.g g Definition ,A;l _ f~~"~~_

Initiating Conditions A _- __

~ - __ ~


Response Actions A-3 Control Room (Non-Radiological A-4 .. - - -

. Alert)

A-7 Control Room (Radiological Alert)

Health Physics Technicians A _ _ --.-

Personnel in Area

~~ ~ -

A-16 ._.

" - 2 Security Force A-18 Emergency Director, A A-29 Rad. Assessment Team Leader l SITE EMERGENCY Definition SA-1 l Initiating Conditions SA-1 Response Actions SA-3 f Control Room SA-4 Health Physics Technicians SA-9 l' Personnel in Area SA-13 Security Force SA-15 Emergency Director SA-la l' Rad Assessment Team Leader SA-26 1

I i

1 l


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' 8202100461 820204 '

PDR ADOCK 05000286


4 1





Appendix A Personnel Call-In Rosters 4 Appendix B Support Agencies & Offsite Cem::tunications i

Appendix C PASNY Emergency Facility Telephone Numbers 4




TELapwoMaa 914 739-4200



PROCEDURE NO. IP- Book II pr/. 1 TJ: Book II .-

Initiating Conditions l NUE Alert Site Area General

" This procedure has been extensively revised" l .


'l 1


REVIEWID BY- d  % '8 f ';

PCRC REVIEW b4t(It DATE /4,~ 0.-


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e fable 4-l lesITI ATles; GesplTIted A888 FJtEleGtierT M7toel SDTrJs DEFSpeadC5 PEAert DFEgetJe E AtTauge I M Sites INDICATitesS factsuy7T CIAS$lFtrATltal 93epeGEasCT PRE'3EA898:3 DEEToteasiATioses in OETPA17esis leeITI Af teel CassulfitseS f.ptAtTse Aeol liFACitS HellANT EVS1De A. E s leakage _any ees,of Oalant Accident issuiAl ej 19eerentselled leakage f oem eenksuswee It tification of tpasseensal Event STP-EG-1

1. Enree ling 4 e leas y syst ee leak sete tes tenle*al pse-ss-IA ogner t f le;at teene, e<nesce > l gie teet tedlet m? sean leakage est leakage to closed systeesi SUP-DC5-3 B.) thecuset rolled leakage f ace keesen spiescos

> 10 gre (esciolinsi feCP ocal leakage e a*l leakaige to closed systemal P

Fall a of safety as setlef valve su a safety a) Pressuriser sellet valve clone inlicationes geot tf $ cation of thesseuel Event Per-Es-1

2. rgr-Es-1 selated systese to close folloutng sed =octinse to 1. Walve Seeltion Radicatos gny-acg-S ag1ilreble 4sessesse, ll. Actneestical seamitor til. Temperature Ismilcator sor-pC3-4 81eoe-nCE-3 to, Psemeenstser safettee eqese, tsedicatlessee L. Teatesatuse laiticator
68. Acaxnestical Stunttor
t. pel E les t lose a. Ik=0 g=usition lentitatos e - of f pes =ttlication of teseuoual twent osair-lu:-la nosman PSF-ES-t
b. High awl lacreasing V.C. t eeler at us o, Per-ES-lh

,ree.use .eed - idit ,.

Isigh Ctantalement sadlatinen Alasse.

I B -*

takage calculaticano Iwr f'OP-SCS-S Emergency Alest psy-ps-1

4. re toury amolant leak sate gesater than 50 gion, s.

psp-ES-la l=81cate agreater than Set =.see.

b. Escoselve ete.asglet f lesw. SOP-hQl-S
c. Intseaalseg sendings ose consteinement radiatlose emnettose la-ll 6 m-12) .
d. leerseaming contaisuneet lesseldity.

S. s em=se ines of siuslant ecclJeset that enteeds time a. Pressuriser lens psecoure teactor trip -

Site Area Emergency Per-ES-B capancit y of the two espes able changima teense. b. Pressus tser low psesoure saf ety laajectiose PSP-ES-BA I algesel - i

c. Esecseeming cesetalteneset pressure
d. Incsemaing centainment luemidity.
e. Increasing sectaculatinse aemi ermtalemanat seemns levels.
f. telgh centeleonent emittat tese elesse L

to. Any gilant towlltiosos folleeulag a IdICA that

,! m.ske tien s elease of large asument e of ea.llo- p a< a t v l e y S ee a alwis t les Amt of t ime le. ell >Ie. ,

i i Esamqless s

j 8- osa of I went of the Gaceral Emergesecy rgy-as-l 1 s ecaeet toseas y gwarleat inse  !

eas s les s t h a genteestfeatflselues seems gofes=leot t the titled a. 341rA 1. lent i fle.1 aleeve, amt '

'8 leas t les, le. <g . , larA with eutetant 8.31 cla<l 8. 3-2 Offe.: alt oest to S solleo

2. e-7 offec, ele -Elseller emot to 40 elles daewee aeed a luetent ial innen of remotalement int e=ge 4 t yl . 3. R-RO a lnO se/hr , aewt
b. Anticl seted l Inme of cuentalement lategelty e I t-Al DJ

, I i es . -i ; +. e s 4,6, p p e.14 0- b h

l' TApl2 4-1 bht _.tetif.98'T GIesDE (es$ ANip 87EERJ8t'Y At" Fit 90 LBTIS marEDEss E FRAasT teuftgrilVS ALTltes EulSIDiz leastCATifeeS 33_0 Ele:03sCV CIAS$$FICATifo8 KnGasul Ferrlaaeps pnxeostW5aATitles5

_IN.R.T. _I.AT.I_nti .O._si_pi f ts#rs--- -

M MEPAft_seS ,

8, FEACTust Apes strios umstAerr sySTtJ6 40msT *R A. pCS lmake.g an.1 teos of Couleset Accl.leset,(idu Al (Camet'g General Emesgeswy ggy-gg.I -Ps ecast loseas y Evacuat lose tv. somewn small Ida A and intilally ourcessf ul a. Calculation in IP-ROU2 indicates out to 5 elles ears, sed seipeent f allese sif cemetalesment 5. sai a,oe sete > ap/les at site sneentlery

2. I esse sate >Sa/br At Site menselasy pay-as-BA -Ebetter out to 50 miles heat aseoval systme over sevesal twmese rout.1 leaJ tan cose melt ami llhely fallese I.. 880 sea tinge % ti. lalaja 6200 met /hr Is of cosetalement.

O Genesal Emmesgency rar-us-l -l'secaut tamas y rwacuat tom

c. f. mall as=9 lasge tra2*e = th f allwe e of asyl, ronfirmet ton of e. answo out to S miles Ears en ges toso, leadiswa to sevese clad psy-gE-lA -shelter emot to 10 miten degs alat ton as melt in f rom elsentee to louees e , esit tmate f allasse sof e.sinetalameent Ilkely for melt se lisences. 15evesel lause s Ilkely to le available to naq.lete ps e,se.e.t ive act lone semiese comt alement le emit t eol at ed. ) ,

steam cenes atus Tde Imakegef aia twee

n. i H L'a4 ee.llera 3.e leas y/seassulas y leab sete e. >0.5epg= leak It.tificatlose of tenuseest twent oscur-gG-1 g 3. ges' pt e, ' ' generator 1 Teelenical fl*ClflC*tlan- bl 96m tot 83 Be*k*48 tJ par-gs-l Beecremelse s semblesse e s elesse en steam Emergesecy Alert
2. papid grose f allese of see stene geenesatos tulee a.

pgP-gs-la with linue enf s*f f elte lumses, gesnerator blesw. bases sa.tlation erssentor tsF-BL-l In-199 or e ogIOP-SE-l

b. Isocreasing seelings aos alase est steam jet als elector rettatlose amm$tos49-158


c- l4es of ofIeite gwaeer. i e

Same pseeenslaer 3.seseuse safety injectinse fe rgency Alert FEP-ES-3

3. p.ept.l f.elluse of eteam genesatos tubes of e.


! e=888alent seilteele to automatically initiene to. leer seamle=1 seellel er alare een steam Saf ety Inlect ion awe lone 4.sesses t ses preseese. genesatos talow.luene sa.llat ion muitos in-899, l Increaelag seedinc e.t alasm on eteen jet c.

als injectos saillaelese mamitos ge-85). ,

Same as S alsive, witte lose of of feite Site Asee thesgesecy par-gg-l

4. DeplJ f allwas of st eam geanee stos t eeles me daece llaest a.

PtF-ES-le alnewe e witte a Bose of eef f ette acues . la swer .

PEP-EL-l 1i e

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i M e' 4 .- ,, f. ' g , g.s j . e % eq ., l'

, w- a m - --.uu.-a wa, w n. _ _ _ , . . . - _ __. . _ _

e TAptE 4-0 INIT1Af ttU CtesDITiress Anas inEssran7 MTIret B2VEta

  • pertapact FtANT teesta.Tlyg ACTItse POSSID8X lesDlrATBones WasCasa:V rsKirgaa*E DEtte8MJEATI(esS 70 (FfJIATHes5 _mEpGaas:1 CIA 55tFtrATI(We t

INj fl ATIso. M_DITM

8. ptAATMt AMsp Pt.ACTOp CtmatANT ST$TtJe IGWsI' lit
c. steacsos cose 3=ema tation amt ruel p.e=tn r

B. Fenet d.ema se se tentla sted tqe Same me Smitleting cosulitione ghat ification of theue sal Event tesur-st3-4

m. selgh cesslasit actlvity eseg.le le.g.. escoedingt e.

gentai lt the a senstent that caused censlant teelenical el ecit trat for l<=lla the feel damage was f altlete=1

  • t'ikel . ty a peactor Ouolent rungs lea ked sotor, seier section I, Step D.2.
a. pane se initiating caseditione meergency Alest essar-scs-4
3. sewese l<ee of fuel cle691sess
e. Wety high canalent actielty e.eugile le.g. in ess ess of 300 edCS/cc eqiskvaleeit of I-188 9.

H O Plant eeset Semitne ammiter > 300 esc /cc I-lli Beesgancy Alest tte-see-I 1 3. Fuel eleme<pe accident with selease e.f s odtoactietty a.


      1. to contalsament a=3/a.s feel storage t elldtsag. to. utgen ami lacsemelseg V.C. teegesatuse. per-se-2 psessesse eel leiseldity, ossje-gra-4
c. tilgte rentainment of Fenel Isasutilseg Distidtsul pellation Alesen.

sealm steen lasie t. seat, and Site Asea pagesicy rap-as-1 -ccessides restectlee Actionne

4. stein eteem line liseek witas assoases then 50 age e.

rar-gS-le bened ese actual esegenitete 8 s lowne y to mascowtasy leak ami lemlitet laen of tieel b. Pe tess y en secusatasy leak >50 enge Fenet dam.oge me inlicated in step c l rar-Es-lc of deme 9e or engected damarle.

et,es,wpe. c.

OIIur-ss-1 osent-sa- 3 - resca tlassasy bheltes out to 5 miles.

Core esit thesenceuplee )(dio"F, or Site 2:ea guergency par-gg-l a.

5. sessaili.d cose wille awesell>Be lues el cuutable 30S Temeesatese agteve<litseg estuset tnee per-as-SQ ga==esy. b.

es satus ated need

c. toe gsode.1 case as's inJlcated in Elege C.B aml C.2 atuswe. t se

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TApt2 4'l INITI ATIIsa pastBTIaseS A8EB F2e m;tes1 ACTItas IJVEIS psFEstesCE PRAart PtuPTECTIVS ACTI4505 OtiSSIMSE temolt'ATIt4sE M 88 ERATORS N NEMWI# SB'***"'T l'IuuMm8pE penIMcW3mATIoses IIsITL ATita. Osm>ITlages

1. stAdom AND pfACTtWe (134Assf SV57t3tJ imsT*D)

C. Regos. Case pograJatlose aeol Feiel team.sgKoeot'dl itite Area pagesecy 1 e, p-S tresel Stoss se steelldlemag) b lSest/ter,

6. rea)os damage to opent fesel la ettlees the sweeteleaseest Per-pr-2 e,s tesel storage t=lldles lit will cause Slee plant le. 3-2 tomtatemeest i i FS es/les. par-spe-l sent sediatlose semitos in-14) te leg of f ecelel, c. 3-1 lesetalsesentl > 75 es/hs el. Increasing scadtsage or alarsee ese Cosetalesment
s. Elation esmitose in-SS 6 p-III.

alte Asee smesgesecy (ESIP-SFF- 8 'Chmeldeg ggecat iones y fees of Spent Fuel Ceolaset a. S6 *iet Fuel Font level Aless oleeltes teeg out to 2 F. Nigle pettatlose Alarm ASUI-p S le. elles detenting ese age of feel and engected alee to aeinetiesete ce=>llag, asra identitled in escalon 8. step A.4. enel cenesol imoesgency egy gg.1

n. tones of twas t of stesee fleele= g.a .s.ct Be.ess lose ..

pse-as-la wit h a gutential twee of the thisd taass les. le.g.. I. 3-2 offecole

2. p-7 Offocale lie A wille emisetential clad demiege need a getential Isme of casentaleeseest intogstly 3. 3-80 ) 100 mm/hr. a_nd 6 le. Antical.ated lose of rentainment integrity.

e-4 a O to. Dese t os t'emlant Syg  !

f I

Same ao lettiating casellitosse septificetteen of Essesseman sweet gegyp.ges.3 stli toegesatuse ased/os paeseuse enceedin3 tectuelcal e.


e61 ot t licat iose llet t e l a f ig=es e 2. l-l of t hee t etto

!l sgece os su15 paeseuse 2 7 3 l'alg. l ll l

s. pCP lackednot>s.asb{l,,I Feuergency Alest egg 3y.gcg.g
2. Reactos es=>lant lasmin latted sotas whlete causes gesur-scs-4 fuel fellese, in, rebel',fallwee se .lefleed in Section 1. Stego C. I.' ' ', j I 0- . I i .

ll l 6 i . I. g l ji I!

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k Thats 4-8 INIyATI_NG ttDenITItses Apen t/WIKQ1 ACTB(se IzvtlS gussima.E Iss>grATl0 BAS pergpassi ttA8st PmKHITIVft AsTleedE INITI ATIse; CtestalTIses$ 70 sit e2ATues estrar.FJECT CtA55tFICATIone gest 2GEBICT PRE'tzame enttegent*TRE1Be5 BV. rat >lcysgrAI. tTFIJIt' arf seestfuniss3 AND ,gtJA8ATI(es feoIITyt sts.sej

l. testantaneames sa.llological ef flooerset techairal e. See taalmical ogwelf tcellems. Aggeo-Ste p esistification of thousual Svent PEP-Bet-l me eci f icat tan llels e eseceented. Sec t iese 2. 4. 2a
2. Acr84neetal selease of waste liepeld in emees.e a. See techsencel agec8 ticattems. Algendle e setet tf acetten of thnessoal Sweet rgr-est-4 of testes 8 cal egecificatices limite. Sec t ion 2.4. 4.
3. pa.llat inen levels of mistessee cesetee6=44 tose whtste e. Some se lattlet tseg ses=Sittaen immesgency Alert par-see-t iemlicate a sevese de=psentat tem in ll.e siet ral of valloactive eaterlate (e .ep. , increase of a factos of Itum) in desect sedlet tese seadings witteln f acility)
4. u*tlat-gical ef f leseent e ess eater thase 10 t imee e. Same es laittattsup ame=Iltiese immesgesery Alest par-ses-l teelmical egocification instantemenue llette (e.g. sh4 le Gee velease in escoes of,g laa instanteneenes sete which if caet temeeJ over .2 CL/sec. todine solease of 3.0 e la 2 i==ese. ==m84 s esult in elanet 3 mm et the ette Cl/sec, cioeck ette lansemiary shmen fes t====tasy eu. Bee avesage metoprotensical cassalttlosest actemal ebee for actual release and meteorolog8 cal cosmittleme palet to clasettying eneagensyl.

S. tf fluent =mitos e (R 84.11-83 line monitor. II.P. a. (Amy one or usese of the felleasing smasollflosse Site Asee Emergency PLP-fet-l = Psecasettomasy shelter oest g 0..l ., on ,5 et .e.t. 4.teu . ele e, ism, d 4. c.ese. ,- a d-i.e.ii - of . .ite to 2 mii.e.

3 to geseter than 500 est/les for % lumer or gseates thee Asea Feesgency.) = Bf selease will sud le 4 See0 e.5/he tse for 2 minestee for five times fleese teselmateil in a etenst levele to the thyseldt at time alte lanee=I.esy for 1. B-14 of f ocale for % lumer pes temt of s ten, camelder

  • 1'P! ** ,*"! **.e n p.=. gg . Plant sent seading ou en/he se evacuentone sent to 2 elle.

<weitact for 2 einestes. esul monetter out to S allem B-il line sesetter esencate - see IP-!OST fos rootestles-octlose s. "-ttone fos

2. 3-80h lie am/br for % lumer er owe actieel selease ensulattano.

3-101 1800 est/hr for 2 minutes sw more

3. site shmumsary ses ye emetecte ese (f ): 50 mm/br los % hr.

500 an/hr for 3 minuten lentlese = 250 ea/hr tweatleed los %

hr EtweseJ on etese fosojectlon) e4 N

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' !l TAptF. 4-B I

l .f I h l 'I INITI ATIsoi ,OmanIflines A#an F2nEEtwCT ACTI(et IEVERA 6 ,

I PtelatligvE ACTItseS lREFEREgeCE FRAstr f 51FSIftta lealelf' ATItseF - E24tAGFts'T CIASSIFICATlages EntstGt3a'T retin't24At<E IttA1eTW34dTitmeS

.I ta.ll_t A_t _t esi,_. 0._4a.s.i.f _jt s.a_s 10 (etAA111erS e

W. Distriet seem et itsAtTF.55 E H E I.BT W

g. Evanat tam of t5ee Cosotrol pase le ant ic agiate 1 ser a. ' Same as inttf ating senJitices tw tgency Alest yr.y.gec- 2 s ogis t r e.9 wi t te coe.t a el of stout e, wee syst een es t alil l nised a linal statione.

Same se $nitiating scomilk lues Site Aree thsgency FEP-pet.2

2. Ewainoat inn of roost eal puso semi centsol of slaistenne e.

syst eme ee.t estas,t tateel f ase lutal statios.o in 45 ei nest e s .

Same se initiatin 3 tewalitiswa General Essesgesery PEF-pFC-J - flele mey steate etions

3. Ines of 34.yalcal cem t seil of ties g>Iant a.

Snillat tsug amentit lems wealtte may enes taset gie o-tet t ive at t leen s ectus-

' mesmiet6one.

s t

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TApt2 4-8 IN.IT. --I A18.se_. Os.a.>ITIteas .Aae .pt_ergm3. 3.a1_N_T._ite_.s LIVtJS I

DErsaisuecs PtAsst ' reortLTivs ALTttee MinSless test >1 CATI ses -3 $9eRM $8Use#MT)MS T'7 (FEAATveS Ese. seas T CLASSBrBCATI(lesS _.

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a. same es snet tet tog namittlem Ihd lllCat 0 Gee #$ G$neemel Event -

Ig less of of f ette sensee or lane of onette Ar j/ g.uwe a rag =atel e tt y .

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l Sme* es lattlatIsms contltis es alte agea cois,sgency e'

J e g==#es las ewwe tInne R$ ofseest ee. d  : 4

' ,: 3 t P8P-38,- t Same' me.taittati s(es coad&tice Site Assa amesgenery

5. Imme of all vital emente tic poseer fas maae a.

8 4

tisan 15 minutes. ,

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al<es with a total lose of austItasy .sy wessent s'setortlee .

f ee.heates , fue sewesel Inoiss o, eneesto lead to i actloss sece-lettene.

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,3$g nam y T CWWNW g m MGay W M MTlose$

s vi s . OsATURAI, $ IISJe ets. Den esatees el g.hemme une, teeyosms useat lowete taloup a. Same se initiating memlitione sentificat&ose of tenueuet event pgy.g.g

8. n empe s lesered ear 3.- slect ed (e.g. eas tlersake - N.sne 3 ,

sk.tsm teel on stat lon seleolc inetsomeentat is se f aeol/..e detectel within a So elle sellees aus senendlems i alee eiee, has Scasse, tus swube i Ic==ll 1 F.eweee natural gdeoeweesen teing omges teseceJ os a. Saoe es lettleting cosmittione Beasgency Alest pgy.g.g J.

(emip ges.3 s sainted a

m. Esa tirps. eke e oweate r than deetga luete eas tlopeake l


} h. Fisw=l, seems deelge levels

c. Any ets tking f acility
4. giussicane wisode seems design taaels level
3. sewese natus et g4.eeweena telsus espos tesu-ed or a. Same se leeltleting casulltione Site Asee passgenry pgy.g.g Gegne-3 g.solected while plant le sent le wid shut bwse g
a. g;as tleguake gseater than Deelga Sante tavete lo.15.s Iwestsoutal sent 0.809 westicall -
h. rl.=.=3 gecates than deelga levels 132.S feats causing goes of protect!ase of et tal e=psigammt r

at tenses levels.

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' the setease of lasge semamete of sello- casur-Ist 3 initiating cos=Iltioses whicle att6=4ty in a shust pasis=3 of tles may wassamt l>sotecttwo ges ede te. actiose soccesmesulaticese.

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  • Wall. mat 6 MA14 HAZAmteS sh>tifiestlose of theessoal Svent PSP-TG-2
1. Sigolficant inarards being estestenced or a. Alvereft creek onelle PEP-FP-!

lisolected censite ser in close prostelty to b. tincuentrolle.1 tonic or fleemahle PEP-FP-2 the alte.

gas release near os onette.

c. Emploelon near or onette
d. Tusbisse sotating ciugionent fallere caseeln.1 sapid plant sheetJews
e. tesmeewal anserait astletty on ette or smear the f acility.

Essesgency Alest PEP-TG-2

a. Alsssait cuenh on lacility
2. esazasde twisen emperienced or projectwo PIP-PP-L on the f ae llle y. ts. Minelle Isalects f ree whatever PEP-t?- 2 mimsce em f actIity.
c. Esawn esl>Icelose <Lusage to f acility ef fecting plant opeset tose
d. Entry auto f acility environe of hI emecentrolled toute or flaam ble gases i
e. Tushine fall.ere cavalog caelng H

N lesset r at ion.

Aircraf t craele af fectieng vit al Site Area Emesgency Pff-TG-2

3. Isasasde tele >3 eules temed os penjerted with e. PEP-FP-!

pleut seut in colJ ehut&swee. stresstuses 19 lagnact or lise. PEP-FP-2 to. Severe damage to safe sleet &nese equilement from steelles or emplosione

c. Entry of uncontrotted flammeble gases into vital assas. Entay of uncoatselled teste

= 9.nees into asees edeese lack of access to <

the asee amenitutes a safety psoblem.

PEP-TG-2 - This may create othes E.une as Inillat tug smentitione General Emergency

4. Any maher tutesmal or estesnel hasasde whlrlo a.

PEP-FP-l Initiating conditiceg comid canoe maeolve comumm damage to plant PEP-FP-2 which may was sant giso-avstems seewit tswg in plant cose611tlems that tactive actiose secame-aute the selease of large amuunte of sa.llo- aseewtat lone as tIwIty les a etwas t pas 14=1 of time gisveiabse.

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1. oeste- Es.- 3 meurtee s emot functiuseat in centsol sr..e to an entent seq ele tows plant ninet4 nsa or otteer algallicant lose et assessment ne comenonicatlose candellity.

meergesecy Alest color-grC-8

e. Same as initiating conditinse
2. Ital as all alarme lanseunciat os el lost celur-BL-3 Same se intilating ceswiltion site Aves amesgency (BEF-EL-3 e.
5. mat ns all eleses lannunciat 4sl lost nemt ogsar-prC-8 glant Isanstant 1settlated es in praissese, .

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Same me lattiating comalttue geesegency Alert 'pgy.pyC-8

l. Faltese of the seactus garotectlan system to . a.

initiate asal cougilete a seactos t s ign whicle l>s temas the seactos outcs ttical.

$lta Area Emesgesecy I't.P- psC- 8

a. S.une as initiat ley cusolltlose J. Tsanelent sergelsing eles ation of shutaese systeme =lth fallese of the r m.tos to telp.

(cont inuma taases gesentatione last ausclad iamme.ltately owldenti .

General smergency pgy. pac.4 - This may relate to Ts angleset sesamlslag egesatlose of shutensen a. s.eme as inttlatter cue.Iltion PEF-ES-8 othes initiating con-I.

systems witte f allese to tsly eleich soeults PEP-RS-4C dit none tAlsie may la clad danaise or e.638tional f allese of wassant protective cose coolleeg meet makesqn systems tient smokes actluso sec " - t l ueu the selease of Pasge ammeente of saJioactivit y le a elwert ges tees of time swot atete.

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APPEC IX INDEX f Appendix B PAGE Medical 1 First Aid Supplies 2 Police 3 Fire Departments 3 .

Seismic 3 Meteorology 3 Federal 4 New York State 4 County 4-5 Orange 4 Putnam 4 Rockland 5 Westchester 5 City of Peekskill 5 l 5 Local

! Consolidated Rail Corporation 6 l INPO 6 New York Office Management 6 Adjacent Business 6 Insurance Carrier 6 Evacuation Transportation 6 Offsite Notification & Communication Telephone Numbers 7 Westinghouse Emergency Numbers 8 l

l l


Appendix Index Page 2 k

_ _, _ , _ _1 _ _

, c 4

e 5


Appendix C Page Accountability Telephone Ntabers 1 .

l Control Roo:n Ccannunications 2-1 Technical Support Center Ccmanunications 3 i

Operations Support Center Ccumnunications 4 -

Emergency Operation Facility Ccannunications 5 I EOF, Upper Gallery Communications 6 Recovery Center Communications 7 4

5 Alternate EOF and Alternate Recovery Center 8 Radio Ccamnunication 9 l

Beeper Holders  ; r . _.. _ 10 e

6 a

a l


f 9

a 4


'1 Appendix Index


k i Page 3 1


_ __ -. - . __ -- - j 4

IP-1040/3 j. !  !


  • i 3.5 After the initial survey, an H.P. technician may be contacted -

(through the OSC) to discuss andfor set up further monitoring I

equipment. i 1

3.6 The results of the radiation surveys are to be analyzed, and an evaluation of potential radiation hazard is to be made by Radiological

-- - Assessment personnel, Health Physics personnel or the Facility supervisor.

3.7 Upon declaration of a high radiation level or potential, the staffs upon direction of the Plant Operation Manager or Emergency Director,  ;

vould procede immediatly to the Control Room, AEOF or another j designated facility. .

3.8 Check Radiological conditions frequently and record all readings  !

in log book.

3.9 Monitoring for personnel should be in accordance with IP-1041.

3 4.0 KABITABILITY GUIDANCE Various factors and conditions must be considered when deciding on the Habitability of the Operation Facilities and Centers. Whole Body, beta and Iodine doses must be measured and evaluated along with the accident conditions and circumstances.

The basic factor to consider is whether or not the accident is under control:

is the radiological release terminated? or will stop shortly? or, if the release is expected to continue for hours or days. This time of expected release along with advantages and disadvantages of moving must be considered.

Below is offered as general guidance:

4.1 Whole Bodv and Beta Doses Maximum acceptable total dose for a 10 hr. release Fields Considerations WB~ /3 *

! 10 mR/hr move if feasible 100 mR 300 mR move if at all possible 1000mR 3000mR 100 mR/hr 500 mR/hr move 5000 mR 15000 mR

  • 41= 3 x WB rather than 6 x WB because the lens of the eye has been factored into the calculation.

4.2 Iodine Doses From the Iodine sample taken the concentration of I-131 can be determined and from this the dose of I-131 is determined.

6 Dose = Co2 centration x 1.5 x 10 x hr be athed = Rtm thyroid If the dose is 1 R or greater distribution of KI should be considered.

If the dose is > 5 -+ 25R KI should be given.

Page 2 of 3 .

~ -

i I?-1056/1 4


f. Check all Fire Dept. personnel, their clothing and their equip-l ment for contamination before they leave the Controlled Area.
g. Record individuals nace, and film badge /nu=ber upon exiting the fire scene using EP-Form #13.


h. Check the fire truck and outside areas for contamination. ^


1. Assist and supervise the decontamination of any fireman and/or personnel that becomes necessary. Refer to HPI-6.41 for decon-tamination instructions.

j j. Supervise the decentamination of any equipment or protective


gear. Make a list of all items you are not allowing to leave the Controlled Area as well as the items you have checked okay.

k. If CAM was used remove the chart and incorporate with the job REA data. Indicate instrument range, if appropriate, on the chart.

! 4.0 REPORTS i

! 4.1 Health Physics shall log the events of the fire from a radiological

standpoint fer filing with the REA related to the job.

4.2 Record . expo _sures on EP-Torm #13. _

j 4.3 List all confiscated materials and radiation levels.

b ma i

1 i

r 1

s 6


-- - m a . _ m

~ *

.. i


. . IP-1017/2 4'





4.1 Protective Action recommendations made on the basis of plant paramet'ers (no release) should be made if the following are both applicable:

a) Fuel Damage and , j l

b) Anticipated loss of Containment integrity. }


5.1 Pasture

f j a) Removal of lactating dairy anima'Is from contaminated pasture and substitution of uncontaminated stored feed.

b) Substitute source of uncontaminated water. -

5.7 Milk:

a) Withhold milk from market to allow radioactive decay of short lived radionuclides.

b) Prolonged milk storage at reduced temperatures following ultra-high temperature pasturation. i c) Diversion of fluid milk for production of dry whole milk, non-fat dry milk, butter or evaporated milk. .

5.3 Fruits and Vegetables: .

a) Washing, brushing, scrubbing or peeling to cemove surface contamination.

b) Preservation by canning, freering and dehydration or storage to permic radioactive decay of short lived radionuclides.


5.4 Grains

a) Milling p b) Polishing

. 5.5 Meat & Meat Products

Consider on a case by case basis.

L 5.6 Other Food Products:

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- Process to remove surface contamination. ,

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