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Application to Amend CPPR-108 & CPPR-109 Extending Completion Dates of Unit 1 to Mar 1986 (Earliest Date) & Mar 1988 (Latest Date) & Unit 2 to Sept 1987 (Earliest Date) & Sept 1989 (Latest Date)
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 04/28/1982
From: Dutton D
NUDOCS 8204300369
Download: ML20052B393 (5)


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12 In the Matter of  : _


OF GEORGIA, and  :


(Vogtle Electric Generating  :

Plant - Units 1 & 2)  :

APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOS. CPPR-108 AND CPPR-109 EXTENDING COMPLETION DATES Pursuant to Section 185 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, 42 U.S.C. S2235, and Section 50.55 of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Regulations, Georgia Power Company, acting on its own behalf and as agent for Oglethorpe Power Corporation, Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, and the City of Dalton, Georgia, requests that the NRC extend the dates for completion of construction of the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit 1, from those dates currently stipulated in Construc-tion Permit No. CPPR-108 of October 1981 (earliest date) and April 1983 (latest date) to the dates of March 1986 (earliest date) and March 1988 (latest date). Georgia Power Company further requests that the NRC extend the dates for completion of construc-tion of the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit 2, from those dates currently stipulated in Construction Permit No. CPPR-109 1

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of October 1982 (earliest date) and April 1984 (latest date) to the dates of September 1987 (earliest date) and September 1989 (latest date) .

The currently stipulated permit dates for completion of construction are set forth in the first amendment to the con-struction permits dated January 24, 1977. That application for amendment of the completion dates was filed on July 15, 1975 and was based on the planned resumption of construction in early 1976.

In the period from early 1976 through mid-1980 various difficulties let to a cumulative delay in the projected construc-tion schedule of approximately 37 months. This delay resulted from the following facto'rs:

(a) Initially, the reactivation of the project, after the 1974 suspension of construction, was delayed from early 1976 by approximately seven months due to the extended nego-tiations required to consummate the sale of interests in Plant Vogtle to Oglethorpe Power Corporation, Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, and the City of Dalton, Georgia.

(b) In 1977 the construction schedule was delayed for an additional twelve months due to reduced projected load growth. Some or all of this delay would have been necessary in any event due to the additional requirements related to physical separation criteria for the cable spreading room and related redesign of the control building, including nece sary ,

design and engineering. .



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(c) During portions of 1978, 1979 and 1980, construction delays of approximately eighteen months resulted from diffi-l culties encountered in concrete production, backfill place .

ment and erosion control. First, concrete production was less than required and placement times were longer than an--

ticipated. Second, in November 1979 an abnormal rainfall occurred at the Vogtle site which caused erosion of some.of the backfill related to structures north of the, auxiliary building. A stop work order was issued so that essentially the-only construction work which could continue-was in the auxiliary building and the nuclear service cooling water towers. This stop work order remained in effect during the develcpment of corrective action plans which required exten-

. sive review and acceptance by the NRC prior to implementation.

Work began again in January 1980, but in selected-areas.only

and it was not until May 19a0 that work could be resumed in all areas of the project.
j. The remaining extension of the completion dates results i from the comprehensive assessment of the construction schedule as of May 1981 by a Task Force reporting to the Vogtle Project Management Board. This new schedule reflects newly projected l

quantities of materials and equipment required to finish. the project, projected versus actual manpower experience at the pro-f ject, and increased regulatory requirements, including those arising out of the lessons learned from Three Mile Island.

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Consequently, the construction schedules for the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2, have been revised, with projected fuel load dates of September 1, 1986 for Unit 1 and t

March 1, 1988 for Unit 2. The NRC was notified of these revised fuel load dates by a letter from R. E. Conway to Darrell G.

Eisenhut, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, on August 10, 1981. (The NRC was previously notified of revised completion dates of November 1984 for Unit 1 and May 1987 for Unit 2 by a letter from W. E. Ehrensperger to Darrell G. Eisenhut on August 4, 1980.)

To meet the new schedules for both units, approximately 8000 construction workers are currently employed on the site in two ten-hour shifts Monday through Thursday and in two twelve-hour shifts Friday through Sunday. They are supported by approxi-mately 750 off-site engineering personnel, 30 project management personnel and over 100 operating personnel. Through March 31, 1982, $1.362 billion have been expended in direct construction costs, in addition to interest-during-construction paid by the various co-owners.

Georgia Power Company submits that good cause has been shown for the extension of the dates for completion in Construc-tion Permit Nos. CPPR-108 and CPPR-109 to those hereinbefore noted, and respectfully requests that the Commission amend the permit to reflect these dates.

Three (3) signed originals and forty (40) copies of the application are provided for your use.

a o The class of this proposed amendment is determined by the provisions of 10 CFR 170. Since this change is deemed not to involve a significant hazards consideration and does involve a single issue, it is considered a Class III change for Unit 1 and a Class I change for Unit 2. A check for $4,400 is enclosed to cover the fees involved.


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t By: - -

D. T. Dutton

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4 Vice President l Generating Plant Projects l Sworn to and subscribed ,

befope me this C8" da'v of d/liel' , 1982.

d u ,,.sg&cQ l Notary Qublic u  ;

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My Commission bp:res March 22,1985 t

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