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pt A?iT E. I . dl A T C51 Report of' NPDES Chlorine Limit Violation i
Mr. R. 11 . Bohler
On ita y 12, 1980, IInit T. I circ. water o ve r fl ow exceeded the Np0ES limit of 0.2 ppm average residual c hl o r i ne and 0.5 ppm maximum residual ch l o r ian e .
The cire. water chlorination was a u t om a t ica11. y started at 1230 hours0.0142 days <br />0.342 hours <br />0.00203 weeks <br />4.68015e-4 months <br />. At 12 5 0 ' hou r s , the technician d i s'c o vere d the tower overflow free chlorine r'esidual to be 0.85 ppm. The l e v e l. of chlorine continued to rise reaching a maximum value of5.0 ppm at 1350 hours0.0156 days <br />0.375 hours <br />0.00223 weeks <br />5.13675e-4 months <br />.
The chlorine concentration remained at a p p reti m a t e l y 5.0 ppm unti.1 the overflow was terminated at 1445 hours0.0167 days <br />0.401 hours <br />0.00239 weeks <br />5.498225e-4 months <br />. We estimate the total time the li ni ts were exceeded to he one hour and fifty-five minutes.
T h,e estimated discharge rate was 5000 gpm.
The chlorine limit was exceeded because of the following conditions:
- 1. The chloriue demand.of the circ. wa ter system uns determined while lin i t II was near f u l l. power operation for several days. The violation occurred when the unit h a d. been shut dowr. for 3 days with, no a p p r e c iibl e heat load on the system. Consequently, chlorine at ~
a high feedrats (predicted when the system had a bish chlorine demand) was injected into the relatively low d emrad system producing the
' high chlorine residuals.
.2 . The free chlorine analyzer u s ed to terninnte the chlorination . cycle if chlorine residuals exceed a predet' ermined set point was out of serv i c e due to a clogged line that feeds the analyzer cell.
To prevent a recurrence, the rollowing actionswill be taken:
- 1. The chlorine analyzer will be repired and returned to service.
- 2. Caution notices will be placed in the app ropri a t e procedures to warn the operator / technician as to the possibilities of chlor *ne demand- changing with pwer- changes and the i consequences- of high chlorine f eedr a t e s on lou demand
. systems. .
,- sA No further period of non-compliance i s expected as a result of this violation. If. addition'ai information i s r e q,u i r e d , please conta c t- Mr.
W. 11 . Rogers at extension 120. .
-.M. Manry Plant Manager J D B': t a b w
Xc: R. J. Kelly '
W. A. Widner T. V. Greene
W. H. Rogers C. L. Coggin D. Smith File i.
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