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Shine Medical Technologies, Inc., Application for Construction Permit Response to Environmental Requests for Additional Information, Enclosure 2, Attachement 22 - Draft Amec Er Work Plan Rev a
Person / Time
Site: SHINE Medical Technologies
Issue date: 10/13/2011
AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, SHINE Medical Technologies
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML13303A887 List:
3250115519, SMT-2013-034
Download: ML13309B036 (73)





SHINE Medical Nuclear Regulatory Commission Licensing Application atio ER Work Plan in Support upport of the th Dra mental tal Report Environmental Prepared by:


INFRAST 3199 Riverport Tech Center Ce St. Louis, Missouri Missou 63043 Revision A October 13, 2011 Drive William J. Elzinga Stephen R. Carter Project Manager Chief Scientist

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Table of Contents Section Page 1.0 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................

.......... 1

1.2 Scope ....................................................................................................................

... 1

1.3 Key Contacts .........................................................................................................

........................ 1

1.4 Regulatory Basis ...................................................................................................

.................................. 2

1.5 Site and Vicinity Boundaries ..................................................................................

............................... 3

1.6 Schedule ...............................................................................................................

................................... 3

1.7 Daily Check-In/Coordination ..................................................................................

........................................ 3

2.0 Land ..................................................................................................................................

........................................................................ 5

D 2.1 Objectives ..............................................................................................................

....................................................... 5

2.2 Scope ....................................................................................................................

............................................... 5

2.3 Regulatory Basis ...................................................................................................

........................................ 6

2.4 Land Use Study Methods ......................................................................................

ods .........................................................................

................................................ 6

3.0 Surface Water and Groundwater ndwater Resources .................................................................... 7

urces ...............................................

ra 3.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................

........................................ 7

3.2 Scope ....................................................................................................................

........................................................ 7

3.3 Previous Studies ..................................................................

......................................................... 8

3.4 Regulatory ...................................................................................................

atory Basis ..............................................................

...................................................... 8

3.5 Surface ace Water Characterization ............................................................................ 9

aracterization ..................................

3.6 Groundwater roundwater Characterization .............................................................................. 9

racterization .................................

3.7 .................................................................................................................. 10

Report ..................................................................

ft 4.0


Ecology cology ....................................................


4.1 4.2

4.2 4.3

4.3 4.4

4.4 4.5


........................................................................................................................... 16

Purpose ....................................................

Scope ...................................................

4.5.1 Terrestrial Ecology 4.5 4.5.1 Vegetation 4.5.1 Avifauna As

.5.1.3 Faunal A 4.5.2 Aquatic u ua Previous Studies .................................................................................................

Ecology Methods ............

Regulatory Basis ..........................





................................................................................................. 17

Ecolog ..

ation Ass

................................................................................. 17

Assessment ..................................................................... 17

A Assessment ........................................................................ 19

Ass Assessment ........................................................................... 20

As 1.4  Waters of the United States Delineation and Mapping ...................... 21 Important Species/Natural Areas Assessment .................................. 23

5  Impo Ecology ..................................................................................... 23 Adult/Juvenile Fish Community Characterization .............................. 23  Benthic Invertebrate Characterization ............................................... 24

4.5.3 References ............................................................................................. 26

Historic and Cultural Resources ...................................................................................... 27

5.1 Objectives ............................................................................................................ 27

5.2 Scope .................................................................................................................. 27

5.3 Previous Studies ................................................................................................. 28

i Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Table of Contents, continued 5.4 Regulatory Basis ................................................................................................. 28

5.5 Site and Vicinity Boundary .................................................................................. 28

5.6 ...

Historic Properties Assessment........................................................................... 28

5.6.1 Background Research and the Site Location Model ... .................................. 28

5.6.2  Phase I Survey Methods ........................................................................ 28

5.7 ...........................

References .......................................................................................................... 29

List of Appendices Appendix A Chain-of-Custody Procedures Appendix B ets Field and Laboratory Data Sheets D

Appendix C Appendix D ra Ecology Laboratory Sample Log-In Procedure Ecology Laboratory Samplele Sorting Procedure ft ii Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Table of Contents, continued List of Tables Table 3-1 Technical Rationale for Surface Water Sampling Program .............................. 11 Table 3-2 Analytical Program Summary - Surface Water Sampling ng Program ................. 12 Table 3-3 Summary of Proposed Observation Well Installation Details and Monitoring Program ............................................................................................................ 13 Table 3-4 Technical Rationale for Groundwater Sampling Program ........... ............

................................ 14 Table 3-5 Analytical Program Summary - Groundwaterr Sampling Program ... ................... 15 Table 5-1 ............................................

Sample Population Distribution Table .............................................................. 32 List of Figures D

Figure 1-1 Figure 1-2 Figure 3-1 Figure 4-1 ra Site Location Site and Vicinity USGS Topographic opographic Map Proposed Water and Aquatic quatic Ecology p

gy Sampling Locations Proposed Terrestrial Sampling Locations cations ft iii Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Table of Contents, continued Abbreviations and Acronyms AMEC AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Incorporated APE Area of Potential Effect BBS Breeding Bird Survey bgs below ground surface BLM Bureau of Land Management CDF Confined Disposal Facility CFR Code of Federal Regulations COC chain of custody CSM Conceptual Site Model CWA Clean Water Act EPA Environmental Protection Agency cy EPT Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera ER Environmental Report ESP Early Site Permit GIS ation System Geographical Information GPS Global Positioning System HASP Health and Safetyety Plan HPO ervation Office Historic Preservation km kilometer mi mile NEI nal Electric Institute National stitute NEPA ational Environmental National mental Policy Po Act NPDES ational Pollutant Discharge Elimination System National NRC Comm U.S Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service OHWM M Ordinary High Water M Mark CE PACEE Pace Analytical Services, Incorporated OD PODD Plan of the Day PD QAPD Projec Document Quality Assurance Project Docume QA/QC Control Quality Assurance/Quality Contr RCRA Resource Conservation and a Recovery R Act SHINE Shine Medical Technologie Technologies, Technolog Inc.

SHPO Preservation Office State Historic Preserva Preservati SLM Site e Location Model SOP Standard dard Operating Operatin Procedure SSAR Site Safety Analysis Report ety Anal Ana STP Shovel testt p pits pi SWANCC Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County THPO Tribal Historic Preservation Office TNW Traditionally Navigable Waters USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers USEPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service USGS U.S. Geological Survey WDNR Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources iv Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to establish a consistent methodology ogy for AMEC odology AM Environment

& Infrastructure, Inc. and its subcontractors (hereafter referred d to as AMEC) to perform studies in support for the Environmental Report (ER) for the SHINE E Medical Technologies, Technolog Inc ommission (hereafter referred to as SHINE) Nuclear Regulatory Commissionmmission (NRC) Licensing Lice A Application Project located in Janesville, Rock County, Wisconsin n (Figure gure 1-1). This document docume is one on of two project control documents intended to guide field data ata collection ection activities required to support supp the characterization of the environmental baseline ne for the ER.

R. This Work Plan provides techn technical procedures and methodologies needed to direct ect field crews in data collection activities. Its D

companion document, SHINE NRC Licensing Document (QAPD) in Support of the Environmental field data collection activities specified is to establish expectations and procedures the Management Team (see 1.2 Scope The methods presented performed by AMEC MEC Licensing Application ented in this ER C personnel. It provides sing Application ER vironmental Report ocedures sufficient R Quality Assurance Project eport provides management control d in this Workk Plan. The purpose of this second se contro of the cient to ensure data collection accuracy, representativeness, and quality. Any necessaryy revisions to the procedures detailed ra these documents must be made accura acc eview and approval by appropriate members of de with proper review e Section 1.3 for key contacts).

R Work Plan are applicable to all field provide procedures fie sampling activities es that are specific procedures lication Project documentation requirements. Work plication sp to the SHINE NRC document doc detaile in either of Wo to be performed is required to 1.3 ft satisfy regulatory the project phase ulatory x Land Use x Water Resources x Ecology cology x Cultural ural Res Name Resources Key Contacts acts Various personnel are characterizing environmental conditions of latory requirements for documenting and characte ct vicinity and site, and in evaluating potential ect pote construction con phase and operational e effects. Specific work elements addressed in this ER Work Plan include those for the following owing ER subject areas:

re involved in the SHINE NRC Licensing Application Project and will be available to discuss relevant evant issues, The following table provides SHINE Management Personnel Dr. Gregory Piefer, Ph.D.

is clarify applicability of methodology, and resolve problems.

es a list of key program personnel and their contact information.

Title CEO Shine Medical Office/Cell Phone Number 608- 831-0814 /

Email Address 608-345-3779 Operations Support 608-831-0814 Katrina Pitas Director 877-512-6554 1 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Office/Cell Name Title Email Address Phone Number Jim Freels Licensing Lead 865-719-5061 Sargent & Lundy Project Team Project Manager 312-269-3111 y.a.pres Maury Pressburger 224-565-1983 Environmental 312-269-6616 imothy.p.krause@

hy.p.k Tim Krause Supervisor AMEC Personnel 314-209-5957/


7/ wjelzinga@amec.c Bill Elzinga ER Manager 314-520-1506

-1506 06 314-209-5911/

9-5911// Steve Carter Chief Scientist 314-420-9400 4-420-94000 Socioeconomics 696-386-3800 96-386-3800 /

Jon Omvig Task Lead D Wayne Ingram Chris Tedder ra Steve Stumne Kari Krause 1.4 Regulatory environmental ry Basis The National Environmental Water Resources-Surface Water Task Lead Groundwater Lead ask ources -

Water Resources water Task Lead Ecology Task Historic Properties Task Lead erties ead 309-692-4422 314-209-5979 4-209-5979 /

314-21 314-210-7851 314-209-5981/

314-541-4222 612-252-3790 /

612-787-8380 William.Ingram@amec,.com ngram@a Steve.Stumne@am vironmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires federal agencies al values into their decision making tal a

eve.Stumn Kari.Krause@am

.Krause@a to integrate makin processes by considering the environmental ft impacts off their proposed actions and reasonabl Regulatory (CFR) atory Regulatory gulatory Functions) Subpart A (NEPA - Regulati ronmental impacts. In addition the NRC environmental N mental Report) will satisfy the requir (Environmental The NRC is currently re rrently in the process of developing power reactors such uch as that propose d

alternatives to those actions. The U.S Nuclear reasonable alternative tory Commission (NRC) Staff is required by portio R) 51 (Environmental Protection Regulations for Do portions of 10 Code of Federal Regulations Domestic Licensing and Related Regulations Implementing Section) to assess project Regulatio ated that the studies performed in this ER anticipated c

has created many Regulatory Guides. It is E Work Plan and the final written report requirements of NEPA, and the NRC Regulatory Guides.

guidance to support the licensing of non-proposed by SHINE Medical. The Draft Interim STAFF Guidance for NUREG 1537, Part 1, Section 12.12 will be used as guidance in preparation of the ER.

However, NUREG 1555 55 is fully implemented and will also be used as guidance to inform the ER preparation under NUREG G 1537.

15 1

The NRC guidance document, NUREG-1555 (Environmental Standard Review Plan, NRC, 1999), provides guidance to Staff when performing environmental reviews for nuclear power plants pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR 51 related to new site/plant applications. It is the intent of the environmental studies described in this ER Work Plan to satisfy all terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem data needs to provide sufficient baseline characterization information to allow for a complete and thorough environmental review as required in NUREG-1555. These 2 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan baseline data will be used at a later date to assess the requirements of NUREG-1537 to evaluate the environmental impacts of construction and operations, respectively. Results of this work will also be considered in the formulation of future monitoring programs in accordance with the requirements of NUREG-1537.

1.5 Site and Vicinity Boundaries NUREG-1555 provides guidance to NRC Staff when performing ming environmental reviews re for nuclear power plants and will be used to supplement the Draft guidance in NU NUREG 1537. The format of NUREG-1555 includes six sections: area of review, ew, acceptance criteria, criteri revie review procedures, evaluation findings, implementation, and d references.

rences. The area of revie review iden identifies wetlands), Ecology (terrestrial and aquatic) data and information needs for Water (hydrology-wetlands), aquatic a

and Socioeconomics (historic properties) in addition dition to other environmental areas. The data and an D

information requirements frequently mention n the need to submitbmit data on a site or vicinity basis.

basis The site and vicinity boundaries defined in n NUREG-1555 are larger boundaries than just the footprint of new construction. NUREG-1555 1555 under Se Section ction 2.2.1 (The Site and Vicinity) dedefines site and vicinity as follows:

x Site - The site is defined d as that area of land owned or controlled by the a ap applicant for the principal purpose off constructing and nd operating op operating g a nuclear power station.

statio As a general ra x Vicinity - For small ft site boundary should rule, the applicants site ntent is to investigate site. The intent e water-body area should be included entire inclu s report, the proposed SHINE property boundary In this low ow natural or political boundaries.

follow will be required off-site in the project vicinity.

radius will be used to gather environmen vici obtaining available mapping, literature re 1.6 Schedule review ould be accepted as defining the site.

mall sites (on the order of two square kilometers), the encompassed within a radius of ten kilometers (six miles). For larger nity is a band or belt ten kilometers (six miles) w sites, the vicinity boundar w uatic reconnaissance investigations. However, some aquatic so crea vicinity The vicinity considered may in the vicinity.

lar th vicinity is the area larg irregularly shaped wide surrounding the plant stigate land use in an area in which the site makes up no more ercent of the area. If a lake or pond is to be created than 10 percent for use by the station, the will primarily direct our field terrestrial and reconnaissance and data collections The project Site is shown in Figure 1-2. A six-mile environmental data in the Vicinity. Data will be gathered by reviews, talking to local experts and consulting with vicin is shown in Figure 1-2.

appropriate agencies. The project vicinity Field data collection and analys analysi activities performed in conjunction with the ER for the SHINE analysis NRC Licensing Applicationon Project P

Pr will be conducted in accordance with the project schedule.

Field data collection programs are designed to meet the requirements of Regulatory Guide 4.2 and NUREG 1555 for monthly and seasonal data to sufficiently characterize the resources at the Site and within the Vicinity.

1.7 Daily Check-In/Coordination Field team leaders are required to be the on-site managers of ER field activities.

Responsibilities will include daily briefings as to Plan of the Day (POD), healthy and safety 3 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan tailgate briefings, completion of sign in/out forms (see Appendix B), and coordination with SHINE staff.

Field team leaders will be obligated to provide coordination with SHINE NE regarding scheduled data collection activities. Information to be conveyed/discussed with th SHINE SHIN staff will include the rform POD entailing composition of support staff, nature of work to be performed, a area in which HINE support regarding activities will occur, potential off-site activities, and need for SHINE rega security/access.

Personnel to be contacted at the start of every field trip include the following:

Office Phone/


SHINE Staff Project Role Email mail Cell Phone 608-831-0814 D

Katrina Pitas Operations Support Directorr 877-512-6554 raft 4 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan 2.0 Land 2.1 Objectives ure to The purpose of this chapter is to establish a consistent procedure o perform la lland use HINE NRC Licensing investigations conducted by AMEC in conjunction with the SHINE Licensin Application Project at Rock County, Janesville, Wisconsin (see Figure e 1-1).

2.2 Scope This ER Work Plan is applicable to all data gathering hering activitiess in support of the land use analyses performed by AMEC personnel. It provides procedures dures that are specific to the SHINE D

NRC Licensing Application documentation requirements. Land elements to be performed are required to satisfy regulatory characterizing environmental conditions ra Information collected from field through map analysis/internet x Maps of the structures, d use data gathering work ulatory requirements for documenting ons of the project d

oject vicinity and site, and in evaluating potential construction phase and operational phase ase effects.

ld reconnaissance ev rnet searches to support the characterization and assessment impacts to land use and visual resources.

Land Use ces. Such information will include th x Land uses, both on and offsite, that could be affected by the proposed e site showing current and proposed site boundaries, res, restricted areas, and current and proposed fa ures, bounda p

ffacilities; a

and suppleme that developed e will be used to supplement the following:

action; of exclusion areas, site ft x Maps ps showing major land uses in the region, aps categories eral facilities, including national wildernessess areas, American Ind proposed site; x Information from e;

m the NRCS if it involves farmland;and and; NR re ategories within 50 mi (80 km) of the facility; scenic rivers, parks, forests, designated coas areas, and U.S. Department of Agriculture (NRCS)-designated prime and im facility; acility; x Federal A

facil x Special land use classifications (e.g., American such as U.S. Geological Survey land use America Indian or military reservations, wild and coastal zone areas, wildlife and wilderness Natural Resources Conservation Service important farmland soils) within 50 mi (80 km) of the importan nationa parks, national forests, national wildlife refuges and natio Indian and/or Bureau of Indian Affairs lands held in trust for Indi American Indians, and Indian tribes lands and distances within 50 mi (80 km) of the on the relative value of the land acquired for the new facility x Principal agricultural products within the area, facilities, agricultural practices, game harvests, or food processing operations; x Mineral resources within the area; x Description of the regional setting, transportation corridors, residential areas, airports, industrial and commercial facilities, and railroads; and, x Land-use plans including current, future, and proposed plans.

5 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Visual Resources x Description of the visual setting (i.e., viewshed) of the area being affected; x Identification and description of the height, color, shape and visibility of the tallest proposed structures, as well as direction and distances from which whic these structures would be visible; x Identification of residents and visitors to the area who might be affected affecte by the aesthetic impact of the proposed new facility, including any associated sociated tourist or scenic sce s areas of interest; and, x Rating of the aesthetic and scenic quality of the sitee in accordance with tthe U.S.

U.S Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Visual Resource e Management agement System.

2.3 Regulatory Basis D

This assessment will be consistent with the effects on these features, determining mitigation options as needed. Land ra x

x Site and Vicinity Region In addition to the requirements for non-safety related 2.4 Land ments of NEPA applicable to this section.

d Use Study Meth Methods e requirements in NUREG-1555 and will include ment, analysiss of plant construction and characterization of the land use environment, g and analyzing d use categories ries to be studied include:

in a operation ng impacts, and identifying and PA and NUREG 1555, several other regulatory on. Land use data ata will be developed in sufficient re r

sufficien detail ed impacts as required by NRC Regulatory Guide 4 d

an evaluating evalu drivers are to provide support 4.2 (Rev. 2).

ft Data will be collected to characterize the nature and impacted pacted a extent of present and planned land use within the Site (property boundaries), Vicinity (six miles),

ected from published reports, reliable internet s lected agencies.


Referencess cal Survey (USGS). 1997. USGS U.S. Geological Resourceses Observation Data C U

miles m

acted or modified as a result of facility constructio collected constructi and other offsite areas that may be construction and operation. This data will be sources, and local and regional planning Land Use and Land Cover Data. USGS Earth Center, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

6 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan 3.0 Surface Water and Groundwater Resources 3.1 Purpose ure to The purpose of this section is to establish a consistent procedure o perform w water resource investigations conducted by AMEC in conjunction with the SHINEHINE NRC Licensing Licensin Application.

Groundwater and surface water samples will be collected ed to characterize the water wa resources res of the site. Both analytical samples and physical measurements ents will be collected to support urements suppor s the development of the conceptual site model (CSM).

D 3.2 Scope completed in support of the ESP and that are specific to the SHINE NRC effects.

Information collected resources. The PA-related water This ER Work Plan is applicable to NEPA-related g and characterizing and site, and in evaluating potential constr ater resource investigations C Licensing Application resource investigation work elements ra requirements for documenting ments to be performed ing environmental construction env investigation that will be d performed by AMEC personnel. It provides procedures nmental conditions e ironmental earches to support the characterization and ass he following information will be presented in the E conditio of the uction phase and operational pha nstruction proce b

requirements. Water pplication documentation requirem requiremen rformed are required to satisfy regulatory regu th project vicinity phase environmental phas ed from field work will be used to supplement that developed through map analysis/internett searches assessment of impacts to water ER:

ER ft Surface Water:

x A water-use diagram for the reactor and proc radwaste and chemical waste sy and source and discharge locatio x For Groundwater o Historic monthly flow inf average, verage, average-min o Historical low flow; w;

locations; st s

processing facility showing flow rates to and process circulating from the various water systems (e.g., circulati circulat water system, sanitary system, service water systems), points of consumption, systems, ser potentially affected or freshwater streams potential o Water quality (monthly sa aff by the proposed action:

sampling, parameters as specified in NUREG 1555) sam information, including maximum, average-maximum, info average-minimum, and minimum flow; and, orical drought stages and discharges by month, and the 7-day once-in-l0-yr x Groundwater characteristics for features that could be affected by the construction, modification, operation, and decommissioning of proposed facilities:

o Monthly trends in groundwater elevation or piezometric levels; o Piezometric contour maps, water table contour maps, and hydraulic gradients (historical, if available, and current)(from SSAR);

o Depth to water table for unconfined aquifer systems(from SSAR);

7 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan o Historical and current data from site wells (e.g., monitoring, background, corrective action, or other uses) (from SSAR);

o Hydrostratigraphy of the site, including cross sections and hydrostratigraphic unit descriptions; (from SSAR) and, o luding d

Qualitative description of groundwater aquifers, including ide identification of U.S.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-designated ated sole-source sole-sourc aquifers.

o Water quality (monthly sampling, parameters as specified in NUR NUREG 1555) x A description of present and reasonably foreseeable eable ble future surface water wate uses (withdrawals, consumption, and returns, including ding but not limited to, domestic, domes mu municipal, agricultural, industrial, mining, recreation, navigation,n, and hydroelectric power);

powe groundwater withdrawals; and nonconsumptive umptive water uses (e.g., recreational, ected by construction, facility navigational, instream, etc.) that may affect or be affected Dra 3.3 x

modifications, operations, and/or decommissioning adversely affected by the facilities; Descriptions of past, present, lities; ecommissioning of the reactor and processing fac including any bodies of water or aquifers at distances nt, and reasonably stances close enough to affect or be nably foreseeable pollutant sources source w discharges to water that may interact with the facility, including locations re Previous Studies udies dies have been completed No previous studies n the area.

groundwater in ompleted at the Site to characteriz characterize surface water and with facility, faci relative to the site and the affected water bodies, and the magnitude and nature of the pollutant discharges, including ng temporal variations.

3.4 ft her er regulatory drivers are applicable to this section.

other Regulato Basis Regulatory ddition dition to the requirements of NEPA and NRC regulations In addition aseline data collected in these stud The baseline tion and operational activities and construction support the ESP,SP, the data collected will x U.S. Army Corps x USACE - Rivers and over, under, or through gh wil be i

permits and/or consultations. These include regu re section sectio and guidance documents, several studies will also be utilized to support potential future an to address the concerns of the many agencies and mpliance with these laws and regulations.

ensure compliance reg Although not required to collect data to b needed to support the required authorizations, the following:

ps of Engineers ((USACE) - Clean Water Act (CWA), Section 404 permit is ctivities within required for fill activities with wetlands and waters of the United States.

nd Harbor Harb Act of 1899, Section 10 permit is required for any activities gh navigable waters.

x Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) - CWA, Section 401 water quality certification for discharges under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and CWA Section 404 permit.

x WDNR - CWA, Section 402 NPDES permits for land disturbance, point discharges and storm water discharges.

8 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan All field activities will be completed in accordance with state laws and analytical requirements and will also meet WDNR (and subsequently U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [USEPA])

requirements so that data are usable to evaluate current conditions with respect to applicable regulations.

3.5 Surface Water Characterization Surface waters at the Site will be characterized for both water ter quality as well as ph physical urces properties. In addition to characterizing these water resourcesrces on the Site and in the mented surrounding areas, water resources will also be documented ted within a six-mile radius rad of the Site.

rmation This documentation will include a geographical information n system (GIS)

(GIS) survey of water resources and wetlands, use of previously recorded ed data, ass well as general vicinity reconnaissance observations. Except for sampling pling performeded to evaluate the existing and D

proposed access roads, AMEC does not propose pose to collect samples or field measurements fro from ations of water resources areas outside of Site boundaries. The locations urces within project vicinity are shown on Figure 3-1.

For surface water resources identified ied on the site, e, as well as appropriate off site areas a

areas, water onthly frequency samples will be collected on a monthly cy from designated locations. Samp Sam Samples will be submitted for laboratory analysis sis to Pace Analytical ytical Services, Inc. (PACE) of Gre Green Bay, ra locations were selected to the proposed locations 3.6 arameters are consistent with those listed in NU Wisconsin. Water quality parameters provided in Table 3-2. Sampling locations are shown on Figure 3-1.

ordance all samples willll be released and transported to the analytical la ft ustody stody procedures outlined in Appendix chain-of-custody Characterizatio Groundwater Characterization otal of 4 groundwater observation well A total ested wells will be installed. The aquifers, nested epresentative groundwater collection of representative Append A.

we will be installed in lab NURE NUREG 1555. These o obtain data from the prominent water bodies on ssite as well as from representative locationss from the surface ns is provided face waters located around the Site.

d in Table 3-1, and a summary of th Site Sampling rationale for the sampling program is 3-1 All samples will be dance with the QAPD and the Health and Safety Plan (HASP). Additionally, collected in accordance laboratory in accordance with to better characterize both the geology ydrogeology. These locations are shown on Figure 3-1 and proposed monitoring activities and hydrogeology.

ented in Table 3-3. If conditions in the are presented th field require the characterization of deeper T screened intervals will be located so as to allow the groundwate samples from both depths.

ples will be collected Groundwater samples collect monthly and submitted for laboratory analysis by PACE collec onsin. Water quality parameters are consistent with those listed in NUREG of Green Bay, Wisconsin.

1555 or that would be required by WDNR. The technical rationale for groundwater samples is nd a summary of the proposed analytical program is presented in presented in Table 3-4 and Table 3-5. All groundwater samples will be collected using the Low Flow (Low Purge)

Groundwater Sampling Methods. Groundwater samples will be collected in accordance with the QAPD. Additionally, all samples will be released and transported to the analytical laboratory in accordance with chain-of-custody procedures outlined in Appendix A.

In addition to collecting data to characterize groundwater quality, depth-to-groundwater measurements will be collected monthly (during the same field event as the monthly surface 9 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan water measurements) from onsite wells and piezometers. These data will be used to evaluate groundwater flow patterns and to better understand the seasonal variances and the hydraulic communication between both surface and groundwater and between the different water bearing rou zones beneath the site. These data will also be used to support the groundwater modeling effort.

3.7 Report Env Environme The hydrology data will be interpreted and presented as a narrative in the Environmental ude a description of the Report. At a minimum, the Environmental Report will include th local and stimated ed velocities, the results of regional geology, groundwater flow directions and estimated o the transport model, groundwater and surface water quality and surface water flow patterns.

patter Draft 10 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Table 3-1 Technical Rationale for Surface Water ater Sampling Program ytical Analytical Location Sample/Field ple/Field Exploration Type Sample ID Water F Flow Rationale Ra Chemistry Frequency Surface Water GIS survey and visual observations will be conducted ucted in the field to verify general surface water wa conditions.

Survey Obtain Ob wat water quality and flow data from Surface Water SM-SW1 and surface surfa waters that may be potentially TBD Monthly hly Monthly Characterization SM-SW2 impacted impa impac by the construction of the proposed pro access road.


TBD - to be determined

1. Data will be supplemented by USGS gauging station data, if available.


NA - Not Applicable tf a

11 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Table 3-2 Analytical Program Summary Surface ce Waterr Sampling Program 6 Silica, Iron, n

n, Sample Type Analytical Rationale Field Fie Phyto-hyto- 2 Total1 Measurents2 Meas Hardness TSS/ TDS TSS BOD/

OD/ C COD XOX3 NOX4 Inorganics norganic 5 Or Organics plankton nkton n CO and HCO CO O3 Dup7 MS MSD Characterize surface water quality for 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 NA 1 1 1 SM-SW1 and the site as well as by the current and SM-SW2 proposed access roads. Samples to be collected from two location(s) monthly with QA/QC samples collectedcted at a frequency of 5 percent with a minimum of one set of QC samples per event.

mples tf TOTAL SURFACE WATER SAMPLES 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 N/A 1 1 1 1

= Total includes duplicates and MS/MSD/MSD MSD samples.


= Field measurements include: temperature, emperature, pH, conductivity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, oxyg color, odor, salinity, and turbidity.


= XOX includes total and orthophosphate ophosphate phospha phosphorus.


= NOX includes nitrate, nitrite, ite, e, ammonia, and organic nitrogen.


= Inorganics included Alkalinity, alinity, linity, chlorides, sulfate, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, lead, mercury, zinc, and cyanide.

6 7

= Organic (wastewater parameters) evaluate data quality.

CO2 = carbon dioxide Dup. = duplicate sample meters

= QA/AC samples (including duplicate uplicate samples, s

a meters)) include total coliform, fecal colif coliform, fecal streptococci.

and MS/MDS)) will be analyzed HCO3 = bicarbonate r

MS = matrix spike anal at the same time as the field sample. Data will be used to validate to MSD = matrix spike duplicate NA A = not applicable TBD = to be determined.

12 Revision A October 13, 2011 D

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Table 3-3 Summary of Proposed Observation Well Installation Details and Monitoring Program Hydrogeologic Data Collection - ER Work Plan In-situ Targetet Water-Level Water Hydraulic Well ID Approx. Proposed uifer Aquifer C Chemical Conductivity Mon Monitoring Northing Easting Total Screen Testing 1




Temperature Turbidity pH Conductivity Dissolved Oxygen Color Odor Salinity TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 1 - Actual screened depth will be determined

  • - B series wells will only be installed if required/necessaryy TBD = to be determined ft bgs = feet below ground surface ra Chemical testing consists of the following parameters:

Field Measurements eters:

Laboratory Testing TBD TBD BD TBD Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

Total Dissolvedd Solids (TDS)

Hardness (TD Biologicall Oxygen Demand Chemical D

cal Oxygen Demand Phosphorus, orus, Total D

Phosphorus, Orthophosphate Ammonia A m mmonia Orthophos (BOD)


TBD TBD TBDD ined based on field conditions TBD TBD TBD onditions and locations location of target Sodium Potassium Calcium Magnesium m

esium Heavy Metals Metal (Hg, Pb)

Total Coliform Colif 2 Fecal Colforms Fecal C 2 Fec Streptococci2 x

x x

target aquifers ifers and/or water w

x x

x bearing zones.

Carbon Dioxide Bicarbonate Alkalinity Chlorides Sulfates x

X x

ft Nitrate Nitrite Organic Nitrogen Nitro Alkalinity A lkalinity Chlorides Chlo Sulfate Tritium T

Silica Iron 13 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Table 3-4 Technical Rationale for Groundwater ater Sampling ampling Program Exploration Type Sample ID Location Analytical ical Groundwater Groundwat Rationale mple Sample Elevatio Elevations Frequency requency Measurement Measureme Observation Well SM-GW1A and GW1B* Wells installed on Monthly Monthly1 Obtain water quality d data to characterize Sampling through SM-GW4A and the Site - TBD er Obta groundwater. Obt Obtain water elevation data to GW4B

  • assess a gradients gradient and the hydraulic communication com communicatio between water bearing zones and surface surfac water bodies.

su Notes:

1. Monthly measurements will be collected manually; required
  • - B series wells will be installed and sampled if necessary/required NA = not applicable; TBD = to be determined.

tf r a 14 Revision A October 13, 2011 D

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Table 3-5 dwater er Sampling Program Analytical Program Summary Groundwater Field Silica, Iron, Sample Type Analytical Rationale CO2 and Total1 T Measuren 2 Measurents Hardness TS TSS/TDS BOD/COD D/COD XOX OX3 NOX4 Inorganics s5, 6 Organics ganics7 Tritium ritium tium8 HCO3 Dup MS MSD Groundwater Samples (low flow)

SM-GW1A, SM-GW2A, SM- Characterize groundwater qualityality 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 GW3A, and SM-GW4A in the surficial aquifer below w the Site. Samples to be collected ected monthly.

SM-GW1B*, SM-GW2B*, SM- Characterize groundwater dwater quality 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 GW3B*, and SM-GW4B* in the aquifer below ow the Site.

Samples to be TOTAL GROUNDWATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS IS e collected monthly.


tf 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 2 2 Notes:

  • = B series wells will be installed, sampled, ed, d, and analyzed if necessary/required.


= Total includes duplicates and MS/MSD MSDSD sample samples.


= Field measurements include: temperature, mperature, pH, conducti mperature conductivity, vity, y, dissolved oxygen, color, odor, salinity, sa and turbidity. CO2 = carbon dioxide 3

= XOX includes total and orthophosphate phosphate hosphate phosphorus. HCO3 = bicarbonate 4

= NOX includes nitrate, nitrite, e, ammonia ammonia, and organic nitrogen. Dup. = duplicate sample 5

6 7


= Inorganics included Alkalinity,y, chlorides, chloride sulfate, sodium,

= Additional inorganics include silica,

= Organic/wastewater parameters include

= Tritium samples may be analyzed on nclude total tot coliform, n site.

a sodium, potassium, m, calcium, magnes ilica, iron, carbon dioxide, bicarbonate.

coliform, fecal coliform, r m, fecal magnesium, magne feca streptococci.

strepto lead, and mercury. MS = matrix spike MSD = matrix spike duplicate NA = not applicable 15 Revision A October 13, 2011 D

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan 4.0 Ecology 4.1 Purpose The purpose of this chapter is to establish a consistent methodology ology to perform natural dology resources field and laboratory studies conducted by AMEC in conjunction with the t SHINE NRC Licensing Application Project.

4.2 Scope The methods presented in this ER Work Plan are applicable to all field and laboratory sampling D

analysis by AMEC personnel. It provides procedures rocedures that are re specific to the SHINE NRC tion requirements.

Licensing Application Project documentation ts. Natural resources work elements elemen to gulatory requirements be performed are required to satisfy regulatory uirements for documenting and a ions of the project characterizing environmental conditions oject vicinity and site, and in evaluating eva evaluatin hase effects.

potential construction phase and operational phase ra Information collected from field analysis/internet searchess to support the description of ecology:

x Region x Site and ft x History story y:

x Wetlands and Riparian Areas nd Vicinity reas x Places and Entities of Special Interest ed to supplement that developed eld work will be used x Aquatic Communities and Potentially Affected Water x Terrestrial Te x Invasi Communities Invasive Species x Procedu Procedures and Protocols x Studies udies and Monitoring x Cumulative lative Impacts x Threatened, Im W Bodies deve he characterization and assessment of ecological resources. The following information ned, Endangered, and Protected Species and Essential Fish Habitat through map o impacts to ER to support the nformation will be presented in the E Specific work elements addressed addres in this ER Work Plan include the following:

Terrestrial Ecology Aquatic Ecology x Vegetation community assessment x Adult/juvenile fish assessment x Avifaunal assessment x Benthic invertebrate assessment x Faunal assessment x Waters of the United States delineation x Important species/natural areas 16 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan assessment 4.3 Previous Studies aqua ecology studies To the extent that they exist and are relevant, previous terrestrial and aquatic will be used in conjunction with studies outlined in this ER Work Plan n to identi identify baseline ecologic conditions of the SHINE site and vicinity.

4.4 Regulatory Basis In addition to the requirements of NEPA and NRC regulations ons and guidance documents, docum s several ction. NRC Regulatory Guide 4.11 (Terrestrial other regulatory drivers are applicable to this section. (Terrestri (Terrestr tions) will also be used to guide the development Environmental Studies for Nuclear Power Stations)

D of technical data to support the analysis of potential impacts to terrestrial ecosystems.

Regulatory Guide 4.11 provides technical The responsibility for protection ra local and affected Native will also be utilized to address the concerns regulations. Major x USACE CE al information for mental studies.

used for performing aquatic environmental mentally related assess the many environmentally erns of the many es.

n of the environm or the design and execution of terrestrial wer stations, but where appropriate, this guide environmental studies for nuclear power g ment has also been assigned to m environment import agencies. As a prerequisite to plant licensing and construction, it is important ted authorizations required by federal, ve American tribal ma terre terres a

will also many other be to identify and federa state, regional, ibal agencies. The baseline data collected o support potential operatio ny agencies and insure compliance with ajorr required authorizations, permits or consultations co ential future construction and operational opera in these studies activities and to w these laws and consultation include the following:

E - CWA, Section 404 permit is required for fill activities ac within wetlands and 4.5 ft waters x WDNR ters States.

ers of the United States x U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) - Endangered DNR - CWA, Section 402 NPDES stormwater mwater discharges.

Ecology Methods Objectives ethods di 4.5.1 Terrestrial Ecology ogy Vegetation Assessment per NPD E

Endang consultation is required on project impacts to endangered and operation.

x WDNR WDN - CWA, Section 401 water en Species Act, Section 7 species during construction wate quality certification for discharges under the NPDES permit and CWA Section 404 permit.

permits for land disturbance, point discharges and The specific objectives of this work plan are as follows:

1. Characterize terrestrial vegetative communities in the project vicinity and within the project site;
2. Develop a current land cover map; and
3. Provide a basis for evaluating project effects due to construction and operation.

17 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Methodology Walking surveys will be conducted over the entire Site for the terrestrial vegetation assessment (Figure 4-1). To account for seasonal variability of the vegetation within the site, surveys will be assessed in the growing season during the fall of 2011 and the spring g of 2012.

The project will consist of the following components:

x Photographic documentation; x Qualitative inventory of flora; and x Report presenting the study results.

AMEC will prepare GIS (aerial and topographic) base s. AMEC field crews will be ase maps. b responsible for conducting field surveys and plant nt species identifications project.

entifications for the project D

Incorporation of GIS land cover data, as available, within the project site and vicinity (six-mile established data. Limited qualification to characterize land cover types.

ra surrounding areas will be performed Figure 4-1 includes:

A: Proposed B: Airfield ed Site d area C: Developed eveloped ea veloped Lands erformed to provide characteristics. Specific areas ailable, will be used le radius). This n assessments Qualitative characterizations off current land cover ed to identify land cover types ts will be performed within the e a more accurate tabulation of land reas that will be considered in this characterization la cover characterizatio are shown in query of is work will be done using a GIS que th project vicinity over on the project site and its immediate imm imme ft D: Agricultural Lands E: Riparian/Drainage Corrido A qualitative The qualitative Corridors ctive condition necess require pedestrian surveys w be documented ualitative inventory of the site flora will ualitative inventory will, to the exte Due to the varying arying phenology (life cycle proper reproductive docum during the 2011-12 growing seasons.

practical, record the presence of each plant species extent practi growing on the Site (see data collection form in Appendix B).

cycles) of plant species and the need to observe plants in cycles necessary to permit species identification, spring, summer and fall necessa inventories will be performed to identify iden ide urveys during plant species occurring on the site. This approach will durin the growing season to observe and record plants occurring in various habitats on the site. Particular st P

by future disturbance (construction emphasis will be given to those areas potentially affected sites, drift zones, etc.).

In order to effectively characterize plant communities of the site, the relative abundance of each species occurring along the terrestrial transects (same as those used for faunal inventories) and proposed access road causeway will be assessed. Plant species will be visually scored as follows: A-abundant, C-common, O-occasional, U-uncommon, or R-rare.

18 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Particular attention will be given to identifying any listed (rare, threatened or endangered) species. Data recorded will be maintained by date and location and will be compiled into the final Site flora inventory.

Reporting A separate individual report will not be written. Rather, reporting for the terres terrestrial vegetation assessment will be included in the SHINE NRC Licensing Application plication Project Environmental En E

Report, Section 3.5, Ecology. Avifauna Assessment Objectives The objectives the avifaunal (bird) survey are to:

1. Characterize bird communities in the project vicinity and within the project site; and D 2. Provide a basis for evaluating project Methodology Avifaunal occurrence will be evaluated species that utilize the site and that ra ect effects due to construction ted by multiple of bird population trends and distribution.

39.4 kilometers (24.5 miles) long. With route will be used ass a basis to report used to report relative ative abundances onstruction and operation.

le methods to facilitate an invento e project vicinity.

hat occur in the For the project vicinity, the North American Breeding Breedi ng Bird Survey (BBS) will eeding inventory o on. The typical survey unit is a roadside es of birds along the route.

To documentt seasonal avifaunal use within the project Vicinity, roadsi roads h respect to the SHINE Site, the nearest ne nea of bird w be a primary source route, which is established BBS region. Historical data will be port long term trends within the regio reg Vicinity one roadside survey route has ft been established Figure 4-1).

speed, lished and will be sampled seasonally blished seasonal using a modified

-1). Accordingly, two observers will stop at established ate dates during each season (two different Characterization zation of avifaunal use of th approach. Thishis method will be focused within the site boundary.

ducting a transect as wind intensity (estimate breeze, fresh breeze), temperature mp tran tra differen days).

mo a 0.8 kilometer kilo BBS methodology (see (0.5 mile) intervals along an ished route, and record all birds seen or heard at each stop during a three-minute blished sampling mpling period. Data recorded at each stop will include ed, bird species observed, and sex (see separate


inc Appendix Appen habitat type, weather conditions, wind B). The route will be driven on two the Site will be performed using a qualitative meander focuse on deriving relative abundance information on avifauna oundary. No density determinations Weather: When conducting d will be made.

survey, general climatic conditions will be recorded such ate its sstrength: calm, light air, light breeze, gentle breeze, moderate (Fahrenheit), and estimate percent of cloud cover (e.g.,

50 percent cloud cover). This is important because climatic variables are known to affect bird activity. Bird counts will not be performed during heavy rains or extreme wind.

Reporting A separate individual report will not be written. Rather, reporting for the avifauna assessment will be included in the SHINE NRC Licensing Application Project Environmental Report, Section 3.5, Ecology.

19 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Faunal Assessment Objectives The specific objectives of the mammal surveys are as follows:

1. Characterize mammal communities in the project vicinity and d within withi the project site; and
2. Provide a basis for evaluating project effects due to construction ctio and operation.

ruction Methodology Occurrence of the fauna (mammals, reptiles, amphibians) will be evaluated by multiple mult methods to facilitate an inventory of mammal species that utilize the e site and that occur in the project p


Recorded range and distributional records will be e used to compile mpile a list of species historically known to occur in the project vicinity. Coordination nation will be conducted onducted with regional WDNR staffstaf D

to validate the species included on the project harvest rates from the region to establish Recorded occurrences of uncommon ra In addition, roadside survey vicinity will also be used bases.

ey routes used ect vicinity lists.

Records will be obtained from WDNR for game and ablish general d furbearing species to tabulate tabul ed for characterizing avifauna within th d to record faunal nal presence in the project area. S kills observed along the roadside while conducting Characterization co bird rd surveys will be relative relativ al context information for each species species.

spe mon species will also be obtained through consultation NJDEP or review of state databases.

consul consulta with Specifically, any road Sp tthe project site and b recorded and tabulated.

n off faunal use of the SHINE site will be performed by direct and indirect observationall methods (see Appendix B). Indirect methods will wi include recording species ft presence based ased on signs including tracks, scat, nests, or other kills). Indirect ddition to these indirect methods, seasonal pedestrian using i field notebooks.

When conducting ducting a survey, general climatic clim (estimate its strength: no wind, slight, gusty, estimate percentnt of cloud cover (e.g., 5 A separate individualal report will not will be included in the SHINE N 3.5, Ecology.

pedes pede ng a qualitative meandering approach (see Figu documented mented in oth indicated evidence (e.g., road direct evidence will be recorded during all field fau ndirect In addition faunal and vegetation inventories.

surveys will be conducted on the site Figure 4-1). Results of pedestrian surveys will be conditions will be recorded such as wind intensity gus strong wind), temperature (Fahrenheit), and g

50 percent cloud cover).

no be written. Rather, reporting for the mammal assessment n

NRC Licensing Application Project Environmental Report, Section 20 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Waters of the United States Delineation and Mapping Objectives The objective of the Clean Water Act (CWA) is to maintain and restore the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the waters of the United States. Section 404 of the CWA authorizes the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, to is permits for the issue pe discharge of dredged or fill material into the waters of the United ed including wetlands.

d States, includ Methodology The USACE issued the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation ineation Manuall in Jan January of o 1987 to provide the methodology to determine whether a given en area ea is a wetland for purposes purpos of CWA Section 404 compliance. The 1987 Manual is the generally accepted guidance docum for document fo making wetland determinations. The State of New Jersey however, owever, has adopted the Federal D

Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional dictional Wetlands ds (Federal Interagency Committee for Wetland Delineation, 1989) (hereafter referred to as the 1989 Manual) anual) for use as the guiding gui guid document in identifying and mapping wetlands etlands withinn the State. Accordingly, the t 1989 Manual Ma will be the guiding document to be used sed on SHINE E NRC Licensing Application Project.

P Wetlands are defined as those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or o ground ra water at a frequency and duration hydrophytic vegetation, wetland.

ft The following Initial the ration sufficient to support, and under normal support, a prevalence of vegetation egetation typically al activities required in support of a defensible wetland e acquisition and review of all available information x National Wetland Inventory maps x U.S.. Geological Survey topograp x Natural x NRCS lists x NRCS Food availabl m maps; mapping, topographic maps; al Resources Conservation wet we norma circumstances circum ically adapted for life in saturated soil Wetlands have general diagnostic characteristics so conditions.

aracteristics with regard to each of three th on, hydric soil and wetland hydrology. According to the 1989 Manual, characteristics of three hree wetland parameters are used in order for the site to be considered a ng represents the approach for the identification id wetlandss using the Routine On-Site Investigation Approach A

and delineation of project area a

of the 1989 Manual.

do parameters:

determination and delineation include g hydrologic, and soils data. Typical apping, mation considered during this initial review process p includes the following:

Conservatio Service (NRCS) soil survey mapping; ts of hydric soils; d Security Act wetland w mapping; x Federal Emergency gency Management Man Ma Agency Flood Insurance Rate Maps; x Detailed topographic phic mapping m (1-2 contour intervals); and x Current aerial photography (1=400, prefer digital).

Stream Identification The field determination of streams as jurisdictional resources will be based upon the presence of an ordinary high water mark, bed and bank, and the presence of documented surface water connections to navigable waters of the United States. According to 33 CFR 328.3, the term ordinary high water mark (OHWM) means the line on the shore established by the fluctuations of water and indicated by physical characteristics such as clear, natural line impressed on the 21 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan bank, shelving, changes in the character of soil, destruction of terrestrial vegetation, the presence of litter and debris, or other appropriate means that consider the characteristics of the surrounding areas. In general, the OHWM for a stream will be determined through an eam channel. Water-examination of the recent physical evidence of surface flow in the stream s

courses that contain bed and bank and exhibit an OHWM will be classified a jurisdictional as ypically waters of the United States. Coordination with the USACE is typicallyally necessary necess for all identified waters of the United States as the USACE will make e final determinations determinatio on jurisdictional waters.

eamss will be distinguished by Potential wetlands associated with the creeks and streams b field etlands (see Wetland Data Sheet, observations to determine the extent of adjacent wetlands Sheet ream channell boundaries will be considered part Appendix B). Vegetated areas located within stream p acent wetlands..

of the stream channel, and therefore, not adjacent D

Streams and stream crossings will be photographed composition of the stream channel, stream will be subsequently quantified using check will be performed to insure ra Wetland Identification Wetlands will be delineated the 1987 Manual within otographed and ream width, and photographic interpretation will be used ated in accordance corridor. Potentiall wetland areas observable indicators x hydrophytic d documented to characterize the nd adjacent vegetation. GPS sed to determine uction footprint of the new unit and the ors that meet all three wetland criteria of:

cators phytic vegetation ophytic GP and aer mine impacted stream lengths. This sing a geographical Th in aerial information phical information system. A final quality ure that the impacted qua qu control ar accurate.

acted stream estimated lengths are ance with the Routine On-Site Investigation hin the construction Inves Approach of th proposed access road wetlands if they have s will be considered jurisdictional we ft x hydric USACE dric soils, and x wetland hydrology In order for a wetland to be considered a jurisdiction Supreme reme Court decision in Solid Waste Agenc Further guidance

v. United States.

hydro uidance has been given subsequent ates. In accordance with the R jurisdiction over:


x Traditionallyally navigable wate x Waters that are not TNWs jurisdictional water of the United States, the 2001 jurisdictiona Agency E requires that a wetland be hydrologically y of Northern Cook County (SWANCC) versus hydrological connected to a jurisdictional water of the U.S.

subsequen to the 2006 Supreme Court decision in Rapanos subseq Rapanos decision, the USACE and USEPA will assert waters (TNW) and wetlands adjacent to TNWs; water TNW provided they are relatively permanent waters (i.e., it flows year-round, orr at least leas seasonally, and includes wetlands adjacent to such water bodies if the wetlands and directly abut the water body); and x Waters that are neither TNWs nor relatively permanent waters provided that a significant nexus exists between the water (including adjacent wetlands) and a TNW.

Wetlands will be photographed, documented (vegetation, hydrology and soils) and classified according to the system of Cowardin et al. (1979). The boundary of the wetlands will be mapped with GPS and impacts quantified by GIS.

22 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan The wetlands within a given study area will be identified and illustrated using appropriate mapping and graphics. Cultivated palustrine emergent wetlands (i.e., farmed wetlands) will also be shown on NRCS wetland inventory.

Reporting A separate individual Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Report eport rt will w be written w to document waters of the United States on the project site. Information from om the PJD will be included in the SHINE NRC Licensing Application Project Environmental Report, Section 3.5, Ecology.

E Eco Important Species/Natural Areas Assessment mentt NUREG-1555 (NRC, 1999) defines important species ies as: (1) species listed or proposed propo for fo listing as threatened, endangered, candidate, orr of concern in n 50 CFR 17.11 and 50 CFR 17.12 17.

(CFR, 2007a), by the USFWS, or the state in which the project ect is located; (2) commercially or D

recreationally valuable species; (3) speciess essential to the maintenance and survival of rare or commercially or recreationally valuable species; (4) species on local terrestrial ecosystems. Important ra Consultation will be conducted identify natural areas and threatened and endangered threatened and endangered portant Species and its vicinity will also be evaluated.


ted with the WDNR pecies critical to the structure DNR (Natural Heritage Program) and d species of concern. Furthermore, field observations ndangered species their locations recorded, st stru of local terrestrial ecosystems; or (5) species that could serve as biological indicators indic an USFWS to observatio of rare, observati and function gered species will be performed in conjunction with other planned field inventories for mammals, mals, birds, herpetofauna, erpetofauna, terrestrial vegetation a fun of effects es potentially occurring within the site boundary and aquatic biota. Any rare, an cies observed as part of the field studies recorded.

ecorded, and the number of individuals will be rec will be photographed, ft A separate Field e individual report will not be written. R Natural Areas Assessment will be included in the SHINE Environmental onmental Report, Section 2.4, Ecology.

ronmental 4.5.2 Aquati Aquatic Ecology Adult/Juvenile Fish Commun Objectives Ec S

reporting for the Important Species and Rather, repor Community Characterization C

NRC N Licensing Application Project The objective off the adult and juvenile fish community is to: characterize typical communities in ponds, small streams, ams, and rivers on the Site and in the Vicinity establish baseline conditions and evaluate project effects.


Fish supporting habitats are expected to be limited or absent on the SHINE Site. However, field surveys for adult and juvenile fish will be collected quarterly at two locations in the small streams that receive drainage from the Site. (see Figure 3-1). These include:

Two locations on the unnamed tributary of the Rock River.

Fish will be collected by seining, (6-foot by 6-foot) seine or dip nets will be used to collect fish.

Fish sampling stations will be marked using a GPS receiver and depths will be recorded.

23 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan All specimens will be identified. Fish will be identified to the lowest practical taxonomic level -

typically species - and the first 20 individuals of each species will be counted, measured (total length or fork length for species with forked tails, in mm) and examined for external abnormalities. Other large aquatic organisms that may be encountered red in i adult/juvenile fish apace surveys (e.g., snapping turtles, etc.) will also be measured by carapace a length.

leng Except for reference specimens, fish will be processed immediately after sampling pling in an e effort to return as many to the system alive as possible. Certain specimens (small mall individuals or those tth of questionable identity) will be preserved in 10 percent formalinalin and returned to the t laboratory la for ountered processing. A reference collection of each species encountered ntered in the study will wi be prepared pr and maintained. The exceptions will be species listed d as threatened or endangered endangere in Wisconsin or in the United States. Field data will be kept separate eparate by gear type, sampling sam date, d

and station.

D Report and Data Analysis A separate individual report will not be written. Rather,, reporting for the aquatic assessment will be included in an annual Benthic Invertebrate Objectives The objectives the benthic

1. Characterize nual report submitted collecting permit and in the SHINE NRC Licensing Section 3.5, Ecology.

ra rate Characterization rization nthic macroinvertebrate vertebrate surveys are to:

ze typical communities establish baseline conditions ons and evaluate project effects.

aqua ecology bmitted to WDNR in support of the scientific sc Environmen Report, ng Application Project Environmental or in the Vicinity to munities in small creeks on the Site o ft Field Procedures edures dures Macroinvertebrate vertebrate ertebrate samples will be collected on two tw occasions occasio (spring and fall) at the following locations ns as illustrated in Figure 3-1:

ons Two locations on the unnamed tributary of the Rock River.

Benthic hic macroinvertebrates will be collec collected by petite pe ponar or Eckman dredge samplers. Two separate te samples will be collected from each station s in each survey period. A sample will consist of a single grab with the dredge. Samples Sa will be sieved through a No. 35 (approximately ely 500 mesh) wash frame fram oro sieve bucket, and will be preserved with 10 percent formalin. Samples ples will be placed in la labeled (interior and exterior) 1 liter plastic jars and lab transported to the AMECs St. Louis laboratory.

Habitat data will also be collected collecte at each sample location. Water depth, temperature, collect conductivity, and substrate characteristics will be recorded. A waypoint designation with a te cch hand-held GPS instrument in latitude/longitude coordinates will be collected for all sample locations.

Laboratory Processing Upon arrival in the laboratory, samples will be assigned a project-specific code and a sample number in accordance with the Sample Log-In Procedures of Appendix C (Ecology Laboratory Sample Log-In Procedure). Processing of samples will follow the procedures provided in Appendix D (Ecology Laboratory Sample Sorting Procedure).

24 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan In the laboratory, samples will be rinsed through a 500 mesh sieve to remove preservative and fine sediments. Large organic material not removed in the field will be rinsed and visually inspected. Samples will be sorted under a 10x magnifier lamp. Organisms will be separated from debris and placed in vials containing 80 percent isopropyl. One e of the t vials will contain slide-mountable organisms (oligochaetes and Chironomidae), and d the other othe will contain all other organisms. Samples will be sorted to a fixed-number target of 200 identifiable (i.e., not including damaged organisms or very early instars) organisms. ms. If over 250 organisms, organ orga are anticipated to be in the sample, subsampling may be performed.ormed.

rmed. This procedu procedure w will be conducted using a gridded pan from which numbered grids ridss will be randomly selected.

sel However, ample if subsampling is used, the unpicked portion of the sample e will be briefly (10 - 15 mminute minutes) examined for large and/or rare taxa that may not have been subsample.

n encountered in the subsample subs Sorting efficiency will be monitored throughout the project. After debris fter samples are sorted, the debr will be placed back in the sample jar and retained ained until the sorter check.

orter passes a quality control check chec D

Organisms will be identified to the lowestt practical taxon, Cummins, and Berg (2007) and other taxonomic literature and/or Pennak (1989) and other taxonomic mollusks. Oligochaetes will be identified ra collection for the project will be by agency personnel, or interested QA/QC Procedures by the sorter, the he erested parties In accordance with AMECs Ecology hecked for thoroughness.

samples will be checked on, typically genus, using keys in Merritt, terature for insects, Thorp and xonomic literature ature for non-insects such as crustace es designated by SHINE.

SHI ogy QA Procedures, 14 percent of ea oughness. If less than 95 percent o e

crustaceans crust dentified using Kathman and Brinkhurst (1998). A reference e prepared and maintained, and will be available for r

M Me an Covich (2002),

and ffo examination each sorters completed of the organisms were found e samples will be resorted and rechecked until at least 90 percent (overall) efficiency is achieved. Additionally, a project collection shall be made containing project voucher collectio ft specimenss of all identified taxa. Voucher specimens ensure accuracy.

accurac Additional ditional Considerations Macroinvertebrate croinvertebrate data will be summari sample:


x Abundance x Totall richness; richnes x Ephemeroptera, otic index.

Taxa richness will be calculated cula culate sample sa eroptera, Plecoptera, an x Shannon diversity; and x Hilsenhoff biotic specim summarized by ca bundance (Density for ponar samples) shall be b verified by a second taxonomist to calculating the following characteristics for each and Trichoptera (EPT) richness; by counting all taxa, including those only encountered in the large and rare search. Likewise, EPT richness will be calculated by counting each taxon in these three orders, including those only encountered in the large and rare search. Biotic index values will be calculated using the formula:

BI = (XiTi/n) where Xi = number of individuals in taxon i, Ti = tolerance value of taxon i, and n = number of organisms in the sample. Tolerance values used for this calculation will be based on multiple 25 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan information sources. These include Hilsenhoff (1987), Lenat (1993) and Bode et al. (1996).

Tolerance values, and thus the biotic index, range from 0 to 10, with higher values indicating more pollution tolerance by the taxon or community. Finally, Shannon diversity index will be calculated using the formula:

SDI = - (pi)(ln pi) where p = the proportion of the sample belonging to taxon i.. Sample characteristics characteristic characteri will be compared between stations and between seasons. For stream tream samples, the data d will wi be used to establish baseline conditions in and near the study area.


Vulnerable (pollution-intolerant) species that are encountered ed in samples will be noted.

noted Additionally, a literature search of the results off other surveyss conducted in the sampling area D

will be performed. State listed (threatened or endangered) species will likewise be noted.

Reporting A separate individual report will not be written. Rather, ather, reporting for the aquatic ecology e

assessment will be included in an annual report ssubmitted ubmitted to WDNR in support of the scientific collecting permit and in the SHINE NE NRC Licensing Environmental Report, sing Application Project Environmen Environme ra Section 3.5, Ecology.

4.5.3 References Bode, R.W., M.A. Novak, and L.E.

ft stream monitoring Department Hilsenhoff, Entomologist 20:31-39.

Kathman, E. Abele. 1996. Quality assurance w oring in New York state. Unpublished report p ment of Environmental Conservation.

rtment Conse ff, W.L. 1987. An improved biotic index of organic off, work plan for biological prepared for New York State organi stream pollution. Great Lakes hman, R.D. and R.O. Brinkhurst. 1998. Guide to the freshwater oligochaetes of North thman, America. Aquatic Resources Center, Lenat, D.R.

Ce College Grove, TN. 264 pp.

Co R. 1993. A biotic index for the so tolerance Americann Benthological Socie southeastern United States: derivation and list of nce values with criteria for assigning a

Society 12:279-290.

Societ water quality ratings. Journal of the North Merritt, R.W., K.W. Cummins, an and M.L. Berg (eds.). 2007. An introduction to the aquatic America. 4th edition. Kendall/Hunt, Dubuque, IA.

insects of North Americ Ameri Pennak, R.W. 1989. Freshwater invertebrates of the United States - Protozoa to Mollusca, 3rd edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 628 pp.

Thorp, J.H. and A.P. Covich. 2001. Ecology and classification of North American freshwater invertebrates. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.

26 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan 5.0 Historic and Cultural Resources 5.1 Objectives e

The purpose of this chapter is to establish a consistent procedure to perform historical and cultural resources investigations conducted by AMEC in conjunction n with the t SHINE NRC Licensing Application at Rock County, Janesville, Wisconsin (see e Figure gu 1-1).

1-1 5.2 Scope This ER Work Plan is applicable to all historic propertieses investigations nvestigations performe performed by AAMEC personnel. It provides procedures that are specific to o the SHINE NRC Licensing Application Applicat A

Project documentation requirements. Historic properties operties inventory ventory work to be performed perform is required to satisfy regulatory requirements for documenting and characterizing environmental D

conditions of the project vicinity and site, and d in evaluating potential construction phase and operational phase effects.

Information collected from field work will be used to supplement that developed through t map analysis/internet searches and consultation nsultation to support upport the characterization and assessment asse ass of impacts to historic resources. Such information n will include the following:

followi ra x Description of known archaeological and ft the proposed action x Summarized site, including on and provide summaries of historical types of resources urces discovered; ding the following:

luding red; ed results of archaeological chaeolog o Map and description of the physical phy potential effect (APE). If the entir survey is needed; nd cultural resources conducted o Brief description of the survey techniq o Qualifications of the x Description escription of any reconnaissance consultation Tribe(s),), and/or members of the cultural resources esources within the APE; x List of cultural A

ac or historical was entire site wa condu de an overview of the area's cultural h storical and cultural ultural resource surveys conducted in rical surveys conducted historical extent extent off the co c

in i the vicinity of history, including i the area and the at the proposed th survey, and/or the area of not surveyed, the basis for the limited s no techniques used to conduct the survey; technique he surveyors; and, o Survey findings in sufficient impact of the proposed ufficie detail to permit an assessment of the potential ed action on archaeological and historic resources; reconnaissanc or pedestrian surveys of the proposed site, and sultation efforts with the Stat State HHistoric Preservation Office (SHPO), American Indian th public used to assess the presence of historic and al and historic properties located within the proposed site or within the APE (These properties included in State or local registers or inventories of historic and ies are in archaeological resources.

sou sour Guidance can be found on the U.S. National Park Service website at;

x A statement of the significance or importance of each cultural resource potentially affected; and, x Comments from SHPO, Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO), or any organizations and individuals contacted by the applicant/licensee who provided significant information concerning the location of cultural and historic properties.

27 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan 5.3 Previous Studies No information is currently available regarding cultural resources investigations conducted at the SHINE Site location.

5.4 Regulatory Basis In addition to the requirements of NEPA and NUREG 1555, several everal other regulatory regula drivers are applicable to this section. The responsibility for protection of historic properties has also been assigned to the HPO in accordance with Section 106 of the e National Historic Preservation Preserva P Act of 1966. The baseline data collected in these studies will ill also so be utilized to support potential potent future construction and operational activities and too address ss the concerns of the many man agencies age lations.

and insure compliance with these laws and regulations.

D 5.5 Site and Vicinity Boundary In this study element the site boundaryy definition outlined required by NUREG-1555 part 2.5.3 radius of 10 miles of the site.

ra 5.6 AMEC will conduct 5.3 a description ties Assessment Historic Properties 5.6.1 Background Research and ct a background ment utlined in Chapter 1 will be used.

rently owned by SHINE, LLC. However, boundary generally coincides with properties currently d the Site Location Model Mod d literature search prior to any fieldwork.

fieldw u

Ho The site Howev as ion of historic properties will be required requi requ within a Previously identified archaeological sites and National Register historic properties will be identified within a 10 mile ft e plant location. This information will radius of the w be used to pro produce a Site Location Model (SLM). Thehe SLM will be constructed from information inform glean from the background research gleaned ng (but not limited to) cultural resource report including reports on ffile at the HPO, National Register Files, al photographs, and local county histories.

aerial 5.6.22 Phase I Survey Methods ethodol ethodology Field Methodology Phase I survey urvey methodology will be consistent consiste with the methodology established by the con Wisconsin SHPO HPO for conducting Phase I surveys. Specific methodology will be determined following consultation SHPO. However, field investigations are expected to include ltation with the SHPO visual assessmentt and shovel testing testi to identify potential unrecorded sites.

testin Accessible areas on the e site that tha exhibit sufficient surface visibility will be examined by th pedestrian survey. If sitess area identified during the pedestrian survey, horizontal boundaries will be mapped and recorded. Shovel test pits (STPs) will be excavated within the site to determine if the vertical distribution of artifacts extends below the plow zone.

Laboratory Analysis Artifacts will be washed and air dried and placed in archival bags with permanent provenience designation and listed in an artifact inventory. Artifact analysis will focus on attributes that can define site chronology, cultural affiliation and function. Each artifact will be entered into an 28 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan artifact access database with each artifact assemblage described and manipulated by site and presented in tabular format in the draft and final reports.

Reporting A Draft Report will be prepared following the guidelines for Phase I Reports as outlined by the Wisconsin SHPO. The Draft Report will include the results of the background research, a discussion of the culture history of the area, field and laboratory methodology, hodo descriptions of sites, any re-visitation of previously identified sites, the National Register egister g eligibility el recommendation for each site, and an assessment of projects effects fo each site. Site maps, ts for project maps, photographs of each site and an artifact database ase will be included with the Draft Report. The Draft Report will be submitted by the client forr review by the Wisconsin Wisco SHPO.

Agency comments will be included in the Final Reportt thatt will be submitted upon the completion of the Draft Report review process and results will also be incorporated into i the ER.

D 5.7 References U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 1999. NUREG-1555:

EG-1555: Environmental Standard R Review Plan. Standard Review Plans s for Environmental mental Reviews for Nuclear P P Power Plants.

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. Washington, DC. 1137 11 pp.

raft 29 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Figures gures Draft 30 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan 31 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan 32 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan 33 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan 34 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Appendix ndix A Dra Chain-of-Custody dy Procedures ustody ft Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Sample Custody Scope and Applicability The Chain of Custody procedures will be followed whenever samples are transported to a laboratory for processing and analysis.

Chain of Custody Form The Chain of Custody (COC) Form (Figure A-1) documents the custody ustody o transfer tra of samples from the sampler to another person, to the courier, or to/from a designated project laboratory.

gnated pro pr The chain of custody form will be filled out in ink, signed or initialed, nitialed, and dated. No erasures should be made. If an incorrect entry is made, the information tion will be crossed o out with w a single strike mark that is signed or initialed and dated by the sampler.


mpler. The chain of custody cus fform will be completed to include date and time of sample, number mber of containers submitted, collectors submitted collec initials, and any comments regarding sample condition. dition. The e chain of custody form requires re appropriate signatures for the sample cooler preparereparer and the e individual relinquishing sample custody to the courier. Information required on the custody form includes the following:

Dra 1.






Project information (reference Project location, Sample information:

b) Sample ation:

ple date and time c) Collection llection method d) Sample contents me ce name and number),

Names of the individuals collecting the ress, and name Client name, address,

/nam a) Sample identification/name sample nts or type of sample collected e)) Number of containers tainers for the sample f) Comments regarding any samples be e samples, Place the office phone number and fax number on the form, e of client project manager, mana ft

7. Page number of total number of pages,
8. Signatures, date, and time of sample custody and sample relinquishment.

samp custod The e signatures of all individuals that retain the custody custod of the samples are required to maintain a continuous ntinuous chain of custody from field collection through thr th laboratory processing. The signatures, dates and times of relinquishment and receiving re are required as follows:

1.. Individual that prepared the ssample samp cooler for sample collection,

2. Individual that collected the sam samples and maintains samples during collection,
3. Individuals dividuals receiving the sa samples from the collectors (any additional individual that sam the collectors have turned the samples over to maintain before arriving at the laboratory),

ory), and

4. Laboratory ry personnel personne that accept the samples upon delivery into the laboratory for processing.

A-1 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Project Reference Project No.

SHINE NRC Licensing Application 3250115519 Project Collectors Signature: Phone:

Project Location (city, county, state) Fax:

Samplee Contents Client Name: Client Proj. Mgr.

Client Address:

Sample Numberr of Containers Submitted Sample ID DATE TIME d Collection Method Comments X


X tf X Sample Cooler Prepared By: Date Relinquished By: (Signature) Date Time Received By: (Signature)

(Sig D Date Time Relinquished By: (Signature) Date Time Received for Laboratory By:


Date Time r a Custody Intact Sample Condition Figure A-1. Chain of Custody Form - Biological Samples Remarks 2 Revision A October 13, 2011 D

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan t

Figure A-2. Chain of Custody Form - Water Quality Samples A-2. Cha 3 Revision A October 13, 2011 D

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan tf r a Figure A-3.. Chain of o Custody Form - Groundwater Quality Samples 4 Revision A October 13, 2011 D

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Sample Packaging and Shipment The following sample packaging and shipment procedures are to ensure that the samples will arrive at the laboratory with the chain-of-custody and sample bags intact.

a. The field sampler will be personally responsible for the care and custody of the samples until they are transferred or properly dispatched.
b. Sample containers will be identified by use of sample labels els with wit sampling sam location (PLANT NAME Plant), AMEC Project Number, collection ction tion method, date and time of collection, the collectors initials, and the number of sample containers.
c. Sample labels will be completed using waterproof of ink unless prohibited by weather wea nformation mation will be crossed o conditions. If an incorrect entry is made, the information out with a single strike mark that is signed or initialed and dated ated by the he sampler.
d. Samples will be accompanied by a properly erly completedd chain-of-custody form that th contains the associated sample information. mation. When transferring the possession of Dra samples, the individuals relinquishing the form.
e. Sample bags will be placed in bags/specimens remain preserved material such as Styrofoam the sampling bags are
f. Sample cooler lids on the front right shut with shipping Laboratory.


s will be securely ng and receiving willll sign, date, and note the time on n a sample cooler rely cclosed closed pping tape to ensure the cool ooler along with enough ice to ensure oam peanuts or additional bubble pack may be used e secure or fill anyy remaining void space in the th sam ed and taped across with custody ht and rear left of the cooler lid). The sample coole cooler er doesnt oesnt open during durin dur cus cu e

reserved and do not get damaged. Additional insulation insu ins that the use to ensure sample cooler.

tape (placed cooler will then be sealed shipment to the AMEC

y. If the cooler has a drain, ensure that it has been closed and taped over for ft
g. Affixx properly completed shipping label to the cooler and an send sample cooler to the appropriate propriate laboratory for analysis.

ppropriate A-5 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Appendix endix B Dra Field and Laboratory atory Data Sheets aboratory Sheet She ft Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Vegetation Monitoring Data Sheet Terrestrial Community: Date:

Transect #: Personnel:


-com T-tree O-occasional occasional S-shrub U-uncommon H-herb R-rare rare Draft Comments:

B-1 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Aviformes Survey Data Sheet - Walking Survey (Transect)

AMEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. Page__ of __


Date: Time: Personnel:

ersonn Sky Code 0 - Few clouds 1 - Partly cloudy - scattered or variable sky 2 - Cloudy - cloudy or overcast 3 - Fog or smoke 4 - Drizzle or light rain (not affecting hearing ability) 5 - Snow 6 - Showers - showers affecting hearing abilityy - do not conduct ct survey D

Wind Speed: Beaufot Scale ra 0 - Calm - (<1 mph) smoke rises vertically 5 - Fresh Breeze - (>19 mph)

Site Name/No.: __________

Wind Code: __________

Species cies ly 1 - Light Air - (1-3 mph) smoke drifts, weather vane inactive Time: __________

Sky Code:

de: __________

Male Female active 2 - Light Breeze - (4-7 mph) leaves rustle, can feel wind on face 3 - Gentle Breeze - (8-12 mph) leaves eaves and twigs move around, small flag extends 4 - Moderate Breeze - (13-18 mph) moves thin branches, raises loose pa h) small trees begin sway n to sw papers Temperature: __________

Juvenile Undifferentiated Total ft B-2 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Aviformes Survey Data Sheet - Roadside oadside SurveySurve AMEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. Page__ of __

Project #: 3250085298 Project ct Name:

me: SHINE NRC Licensing Licensi Application App Location: Date: Time: Personnel::

Personnel Sky Code Wind nd Speed:

peed: Beaufot Scale 0 - Few clouds 0 - Calm - (<1 mph) smoke rises vert vertically 1 - Partly cloudy - scattered or variable sky 1 - Light ight Air - (1-3 mph) smoke drifts, weather w vane inac inactive 2 - Cloudy - cloudy or overcast 2 - Lightt Breeze - (4-7 mph) leaves rustle, can feel wwind on face 3 - Fog or smoke 3 - Gentle Breeze - (8-12 mph) leaves and twigs tw move around, small flag extends m

4 - Drizzle or light rain (not affecting hearing ability) 4 - Moderate Breeze - (13-18 mph) moves thin branches, raises loose papers 5 - Snow 5 - Fresh Breeze - (>19 mph) small trees be begin to sway beg 6 - Showers - showers affecting hearing ability - do not conduct survey Site Name/No.: Temperature:

Temperatu Wind C Code: Sky Code:

Transect Stopping Points (1, 2, )

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Total

% Landcover (grassland, forestland, wetland, tf cropland, bare, etc)

Species r a 3 Revision A October 13, 2011 D

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual)

Project/Site: Date:

Applicant/Owner: County:

y Investigator: State:


Do normal circumstances exist on the site? Yes No Community mm ID ID:

Is the site significantly disturbed (atypical situation)? Yes No Transect ID:

Is the area a potential problem area? Yes No Plot ID:

(If needed, explain on reverse)


VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Indicato D






ra 6.



Percent of Dominant Species cies that are OBL, L, FACW, or FAC (excluding FAC-):

Hydrophytic Vegetation?

n? Yes es N No Remarks:

ft HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators:

Recorded Data (describe in remarks):

remark Primary P Indicators Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Inundated Aerial Photographs Saturated in upper 12 inches Other Water Marks Drift Lines No Recorded Data Available Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Field Observations: Secondary Indicators (2 or more required)

Depth of Surface Water:

ter: (in.) Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches Depth to Free Water in Pit:

it: (in.) Water-Stained Leaves Depth to Saturated Soil: (in.) Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Wetland Hydrology? Yes No Other (Explain in Remarks)


B-4 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Drainage Class:

Field Observations Taxonomy (Subgroup): Confirm Mapped Type?

pe? Yes No Profile Description Texture, Depth Matrix Color Mottle Color ottle Mottle Concretions, (inches) Horizon (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) Abundance/Contrast Structure, Str etc.

D Hydric Soil Indicators ra Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Aquic Moisture Regime Reducing Conditions ons me Gleyed or Low Chroma Colors Is the hydric soilil criterion met? Yes es N No Concretions High Organic Content in Surface Other Surfa La Listed on Local Hydric Soils List Listed d on National Hydric So er (Explain in Remar Soils Soi List Remarks)

Remarks Layer in Sandy Soils ft Remarks:

WETLAND D DETERMINATION DETER Hydrophytic Vegetation etation Pr Present?

Wetland Hydrology Present?

Hydric Soils Present?


Yes Yes Yes Ye N

No No No Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Yes No B-5 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan AMEC FISHERIES FIELD DATA FORM (PAGE AGE 1 OF 2)

Project No.: 3250115519 Date: Investigators: Site:

Creek Designation: Gear: Tide Stage*:

Sta F1 F2 FS E1 E2 ES Other Weather: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Wind: N NE E SE S SW W NW Wave ave Height**:

ght**: 1 2 3 4 5 Start Time: End Time:

Air Temperature: Surface Water Temperature: Surface Salinity:

inity: Surface Di Dis Dissolved Oxygen:

Depth of Water: Min. Max. Depth of Sample: Min. Max. Depth Strata: Water Clarity:

Start Lat: E Start Long: E Stop Lat: E Stop Long:

L E YSI # YSI Calibrated: Yes No Dockside Check List: Yes No Notes Notes:

ndition Condition Batch Ba Batc Batch Vouch Length Weight or -

Abnor Batc Batch Comments/Description Species (Common Name) (Live, Age Weight W

We (mm) (g) malities Count er of Sampling Conditions Dead, etc.) Category (g) tf r a QC Page of Proof 1 by: Date:

Da Proof 2 by: Date: Input by: Date:

6 Revision A October 13, 2011 D

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan AMEC FISHERIES FIELD DATA FORM (PAGE AGE 2 OF 2)

Condition Batch Batch B Vouch Length Weight Abnor - Batch Comments/Description Species (Common Name) (Live, Agee Weight Weig (mm) (g) malities Count er of Sampling Conditions Dead, etc.) Category tegory gory (g) tf QC Page

  • Tide Stage of Proof 1 by:

Pr F1 - Flood 1 - First half of the flood FS - Flood Slack od tide F2 - Flood 2 - Second half of the floodod tide r a Date:

W Weathe Weather 1-C Clear/Sunny Proof 2 by:

2 - Partly Cloudy 3 - Overcast 6 - Fog 7 - Snow Date:

8 - Other Input by:

    • Wave Height 1 - Calm (0 inches)


2 - Slight (0 to 6 inches) 3 - Moderate (6 to 18 inches)

E1 - Ebb 1 - First half of the ebb tide 4 - Light Rain 9 -- Hazy 4 - Rough (18 inches to 4 feet)

E2 - Ebb 2 - Second half of the ebb tide 5 - Heavy Rain 5 - Very Rough (4 to 8 feet)

ES - Ebb Slack notes Other - Extremely high or low tides (provide detaill in not note 7 Revision A October 13, 2011 D

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan AMEC BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES FIELD DATA FORM (PAGE 1 OF O 2)

Project No.: 3250115519 Date: Investigators: Site:

Creek Designation: Gear: Tide Stage*:

Stage F1 F F2 FS E1 E2 ES Other Weather: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Wind: N NE E SE S SW W NW Wave Height**:

ht**: 1 2 3 4 5 Start Time:

Tim End Time:

Air Temperature: Surface Water Temperature: Surface Salinity: Surface Diss Dissolved Oxygen:

Depth of Water: Min. Max. Depth of Sample: Min. Max. Depth Strata:

Str Water Clarity:

Start Lat: E Start Long: E Stop Lat: E Stop Long:

Sto E YSI # YSI Calibrated: Yes No Dockside Check L List: Yes No N No Notes:

Sample Number Site/Station/Replicate Date Metho Method h Number of Jars tf r a QC Page of Proof 1 by: Date:

Date: Proof 2 by: Date: Input by: Date:

8 Revision A October 13, 2011 D

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan AMEC BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES FIELD DATA TA FORM (PAGE 2 OF 2)

Sample Number Site/Station/Replicate Date Metho Method Number of Jars tf QC Page of Proof 1 by:

Pr Date: Proof 2 by: Date: Input by: Date:

  • Tide Stage F1 - Flood 1 - First half of the flood FS - Flood Slack ood tide F2 - Flood 2 - Second half of the flood ood tide E1 - Ebb 1 - First half of the ebb tide W

Weather Clear/Sunny 1 - Cl 2 - Partly Cloudy r

3 - Overcast 4 - Light Rain a 6 - Fog 7 - Snow 8 - Other 9 -- Hazy

    • Wave Height 1 - Calm (0 inches) 2 - Slight (0 to 6 inches) 3 - Moderate (6 to 18 inches) 4 - Rough (18 inches to 4 feet)

E2 - Ebb 2 - Second half of the ebb tide 5 - Heavy Rain 5 - Very Rough (4 to 8 feet)

ES - Ebb Slack Other - Extremely high or low tides (provide detail notes ail in notes ail 9 Revision A October 13, 2011 D

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Project Personnel Identification Sheet Project Name: SHINE NRC Licensing Application Project Number: 3250115519 Printed Initials* Printed Name Signature 1

2 3

4 5

D 6

7 8

9 ra 10 11 12 13 14 ft 15 16 17 18 8

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

  • - If your initials match those of someone else already listed on the sheet then speak with the project manager and together the decision will be made as to the designated initials that you will use for the entire project.

B-10 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Ecology Laboratory Sample Processing Log - Aquatic Ecology Project #3250085298 Collection Data Sorting Identification Sample No. Collection # Jars/ Collection Sorted-Picked d-Pick Total # QA/QC Need I.D. QA/QC Sample ID Collectors Date Containers Method by/Date/Time te/Time Organisms by/Date by Resort by/Date by/Date tf r a 11 Revision A October 13, 2011 D

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Large/Oversized Organism Sheet Project #3250085298 Initials/Date Split Code Sample Sample Container - Voucher (logged in (if ID'ed By Date/Time No ID Vial or Jar Specimen by) applicable)

Draft B-12 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan SORTING AND RESORT QC LOG Project #3250085298 Original Sorting Information Resort Information Sample QC QC Sorter  % Resort Resorter Resort  % Resort No. Checked Date Checked (Initials) Efficiency Y/N Initials Date Efficiency Y/N By By Draft B-13 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan VOUCHER COLLECTION AND VERIFICATION FORM Project Name/Number: SHINE NRC Licensing Application / 3250115519 Page __ of __

Voucher Collection Specimen Location:

Sample ID Verification Corrective Taxonomic CA Voucher (Source of of Pass/ Action Identification Completed No. Voucher Identification Fail (CA)

(C by/Date by/date Specimen) by/Date required Draft B-14 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan SAMPLE DEVIATION - ADDITIONAL PROCESSING INFORMATION FORM Project Name: SHINE NRC Licensing Application Page __ of __

Project Number: 3250115519 Deviation, Informed Corrective C

Issue, or Date CA Sample Lab or Action A

Incident of Initials Completed ID Project ojec (CA)

Occurring Occurrence by/date Manager Manage Required to Sample Draft B-15 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan tf 16 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan t

17 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan DAILY BRIEFING AND SITE SIGN-IN SHINE NRC LICENSING APPLICATION AMEC PROJECT NO. 3250115519 Topics:



D Printed Name Signature re Attendees:

Printed Name Signature gnature Company Time In Time Out raft Page ___ of ___

B-18 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan t

B-19 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan 20 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Appendix ndix C Dra Ecology Laboratory oratory y Sample Log-In edure Procedure ft Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Ecology Laboratory Sample Log-In Procedure Scope and Applicability This SOP is applicable to all aquatic ecological samples being sent to o the Ecology Laboratory for sample processing conducted by AMEC personnel. This SOP governs treatment of samples after they are received by the laboratory via chain of Custody orr direct ttransport by field ect transpo sampling teams.

Procedures Sample Logging Field Team Leader Responsibilities e Field Team Leader will:

When the samples are brought into the lab, the will Dra 9 Put all samples in order according to sampling station and date of collection.

9 Check all samples to make sure they are preserved 9 Make sure all field collection sheets are filled locations, etc.

9 Inventory samples to make 9 Leave all samples and ke sure all field d data sheets in the (This is important, as the lab personnel sample numbering 9 Make sure a log Logging Procedures Fill out sample res e log ng scheme).

og book is available c

served properly and lids are on tight.

ed out properly with date, initials, initia sam d sheets and labels on jars agree.

he order in which they are to be logged ailable for the project.

lo sonnel may not be familiar with the project pr og completely. Appendix B provides an example of logbook data forms.

sample in the lab and station ft Fisheries Sample This ple le Naming Nami Convention iss information should be on the sample jar and on the data sheet. Sampling sites and stations ions are project specific and typically use five sseparate fields to create unique sample identification cation numbers. Prior to any field data co consultationion with the AMEC QA/QC Officer Offic will collection, the AMEC Project Manager, in w devise and agree upon a project specific naming convention which will be used by all field ccrews.

Number of Jar Fill in the number of jars used when whe the sample was collected. The number of jars used should be on the jar label. If more than one jar is used, jar labels should indicate 1 of 2, 2 of 2 for two jars. The data sheets should Collection Method hould also indicate the number of jars used for the sample.

This refers to how the sample was collected and should be indicated on the field data sheet.

Example: 1 = Electrofishing 2 = Gill net 3 = Trawl 4 = Seine 5 = Ichthyoplankton - Sled (bottom)

C-1 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan 6 = Ichthyoplankton - Push nets (top) 7 = Impingement 8 = Entrainment 9 = Hoop Net Collection Date Collection date refers to the date the sample was collected. This information will wil be on the jar w

label and on the field data sheet. All dates will be listed in the order of month, day, d and year.

Collectors This refers to the personnel who collected the sample.

ple. Their eir initials should be on the label th jar la and on the field data sheet.

D Sample Labels A label indicating the sample code will be placed inside and outside of each jar. From this p point on all samples will be referred to by the e sample code.


Outside Label On each jar place a circular tag indicating the sample code the sample was given in the log ra book. If more than one jar was x For ichthyoplankton as used for the sample, n samples use x For fish samples use yellow tags.

ample, place a tag on each jar.

e green tags.


x Write sample code legibly with a waterproof pen.

x Make sure the number on the tag agrees with the number in tthe log book.

Inside Label ft Inside of each ach jar place a label indicating the sample x Use waterproof paper.

Write in pencil (or sa

( waterproof ink) only.


C-2 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Appendix pendix D D Ecology Laboratory ra boratory ory Sample Sort rocedure Procedure Sorting So ft Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Ecology Laboratory Sample Sorting Procedure Scope and Applicability This SOP is applicable to sample sorting conducted by the ESCI laboratory aboratory personnel.

Procedures Sample Sorting Initiation Check log book for project. Projects will have separate parate logbooks.

books. All samples should be sorted so by numerical order. Find the number of the next ext sample to be sorted. This should be apparent apparen D

by a blank in sorted column of the log sheets.s. Place initials in the appropriate sorted/picked columns at the beginning of the sample sorting orting process and place the he completion date in the th column when you have completed sorting ting the sample.


Find the appropriate sample on the he project shelf.

f. Take the next sample in the numerical nume num order of the samples that needs to be e processed (Doo Not Skip Samples).


ra Sample Rinse Rinse contents of sample detritus or light material x Rinse jar and x Use a 35 x Subsampling ft Sorting randomly domly selected and completely picked ndomly instars 5 for rting Preparation Pre ple into the project hly.

ject appropriate size sieve if the sam rial such as siltlt or clay.

nd lid thoroughly.

Get clean vials out of lab supplies for sample sa x Label each vial with the sample code.

x Fillll each vial 1/2 full of 75 percen Sample Starting ng Place a small amount c

clay or all benthic invertebrate sample sorting.

ampling will be performed using a gridded pan. Grids G Gr picke until 200 identifiable nstars and changed damaged specimens) are obt processing.

proce id obtained.

percent (%) alcohol for benthic samples.

sample contains mostly will be numbered and will be (excluding very early mount of sample from the sieve in to a white sorting pan with enough water to cover the material. Usually 1/4 inch inc of water is enough.

x AT LEAST 3/4 of the white whi wh pan should be visible in the bottom of the pan.

Sample Sorting Sort through the white pan completely while looking through the magnifier lamp. Move all detritus and sand around with forceps. The white pan has sections on the bottom of it that can be used as a grid to follow to ensure that the entire pan has been sorted. Once the entire pan has been sorted through then swish the pan contents around and sort through it again. Repeat the swishing and sorting of the pan until the pan has been sorted through twice without finding any animals.

D-1 Revision A October 13, 2011

SHINE NRC Licensing Application AMEC Project #3250115519 Environmental Report Work Plan Sample Sorting Cycle Rinse remaining contents (debris and sand) of the white pan after it has been sorted into a separate sieve. Put a waterproof label in this sieve indicating the sample mple code and that it is the sorted material. Continue steps above until entire unprocessed sample p sieve ample siev contents have been sorted and are in the processed/sorted sieve.

Sample Processing Completion Rinse all debris in the sample processed sieve back into o the he original sample jajar. Put an additional label on the jar indicating the following information rmation dat sorted, on - sorters initials, date sorte and the number of organisms obtained from the sample. e. Placee the jar on the project specific spe shelf s

marked for QA/QC jars. Place jars back on the shelf in numerical erical order.

ord D

Place the sample vials in to vial rack marked no animals were found.

Sorting Documentation ra x Your initials and date.

x Time required for sorting.


x Total number of organisms ordingly indicating:

Fill out appropriate log book accordingly ganisms collected ting:

ected from the sample sample.

slo if ed for the project. Put the empty labeled vial in slot ft D-2 Revision A October 13, 2011