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Shine Medical Technologies, Inc. Application for Construction Permit Response to Environmental Requests for Additional Information, Enclosure 2 Attachment 17 - Calculation SL-011348 Rev 2
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Site: SHINE Medical Technologies
Issue date: 10/04/2013
SHINE Medical Technologies
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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ML13303A887 List:
SMT-2013-034 SL-011348 Rev 2
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SL- 011348 Revision 2 Sargent & Lundy "' Project No: 12885-001 Page iii CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 1 2 INPUTS AND ASSUMPTIONS ............................................................................................... 2 2.1 EMERGENCY DIESEL GENERATOR ................................................................................... 2 2.2 NATURAL GAS-FIRED BOILER AND HEATERS ............................................................... 3 3 METHDOLOGY AND EVALUATION ................................................................................... 4 3.1 FULL LOAD HEAT INPUTS ................................................................................................... 4 3.2 EMISSON FACTORS ............................................................................................................... 5 4 RESULTS .................................................................................................................................. 6 4.1 EMISSIONS AND STACK CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................. 6 4.2 GASEOUS EFFLUENT CONTROL SYSTEMS ..................................................................... 7 4.3 PLUME VISIBILITY CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................... 8

SL- 011348 Revision 2 SAt-gem: & Lundy *** Project No: 12885-001 Pageiv ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Acronyms and Abbreviations acfm actual cubic foot per minute AP-42 U.S. EPA Compilation of Air Pollution Emission Factors ASH RAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers CAT Caterpillar Corp.

cfm/~ cubic foot per minute per square foot co Carbon Monoxide C02 Carbon Dioxide bph brake horsepower Btu/gal British Thermal Unit per gallon Btulhr British Thermal Unit per hour Btu/scf British Thermal Unit per standard cubic foot EDG Emergency Diesel Generator EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency OF degrees Fahrenheit ft. feet

~ square foot ftlsec foot per second g/bhp-hr grams per brake horsepower-hour HC hydrocarbons hp horsepower HW High (or Heavy) Weight kW kilowatt Llcyl liters per cylinder displacement lb/ 106 scf pounds per million standard cubic foot lb/MMBtu pounds per million British Thermal Units LNB Low NOx Burner J.lm micrometers MMBtulhr million British Thermal Units per hour MWe Megawatt Electric NESHAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants NOx Nitrogen Oxides NSPS New Source Performance Standards PM Particulate Matter PMw Particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than 1OJ.lm ppm parts per million rpm revolutions per minute (diesel engine)

U-factor heat transmission coefficient (Btulhr per ~ per °F) scf standard cubic foot scf/hr standard cubic foot per hour scfm standard cubic foot _per minute S&L Sargent & Lundy LLC so2 Sulfur Dioxide SUPP Site Utilization Plot Plan voc volatile organic compound

SL- 011348 Revision 2 Sargent & Lundy'" Project No: 12885-001 Page 1 1 INTRODUCTION SHINE Medical Technologies, Inc. ("SHINE") is proposing to construct a medical isotope production facility in Janesville, Wisconsin. To support the assessment of potential air quality impacts from the facility, SHINE engaged the services of Sargent & Lundy LLC ("S&L") to prepare a response to Request for Information ("RFI")

AMEC-2012-0022. Specifically, S&L's scope is to develop the following information for fuel combustion emission sources:

);;> Description of gaseous effluents;

);;> Release point characteristics;

);;> Description of gaseous effluent control systems; and

);;> Plume visibility characteristics.

This report provides information for six fuel combustion emission sources planned for the isotope production facility. Pollution emission estimates and release point characteristics were prepared for the following sources:

);;> One (1) 4,500 kW emergency diesel generator;

);;> One (1) natural gas-fired boiler that will provide heating for the Production Facility Building; and

);;> Four (4) indirect-fired natural gas heaters that will provide building heat for the Support Facility Building, Administration Building, Waste Staging and Shipping Building, and Diesel Generator Building.

Emission estimates and release point characteristics for these sources are based on Production Facility Building layouts prepared by Merrick & Company, the Site Utilization Plot Plan ("SUPP"), Revision 0 prepared by S&L, and diesel generator, natural gas-fired boiler, and natural gas-fired heater technical data sheets available from equipment vendors. Where applicable, S&L used conservative assumptions to calculate bounding combustion source heat inputs, fuel consumption rates, and pollution emissions. In addition, Merrick & Company estimated emission rates for gaseous effluents from the isotope production process, and S&L estimated the exhaust stack parameters for these gaseous effluents. The emission rates provided in this report are intended to represent bounding values of potential emissions from the isotope production facility. Engineering and design analyses prepared during the facility design process are expected to optimize facility efficiencies and layout, and will likely result in lower overall facility emissions.

SL- 011348 Revision 2 Sargern: & Lundy "< Project No: 12885-001 Page2 2 INPUTS AND ASSUMPTIONS Emission estimates for the planned combustion sources are based on the following design inputs and assumptions.

2.1 EMERGENCY DIESEL GENERATOR S&L has assumed that the isotope production facility will be equipped with an emergency diesel generator (EDG) to provide emergency power to critical systems in the event of a power outage. S&L has conservatively estimated that the total electrical load for operation of the isotope production facility will be in the range of 3,500 k W. In order to provide bounding values for potential emissions from the EDG, emissions are calculated for a 4,500 kW gross output diesel-fired generator. Design parameters for the EDG are benchmarked against technical data available for a Caterpillar 4,000 kW diesel generator with a CAT C175-20 diesel engine, with the heat input and fuel consumption scaled up to 4,500 kW. Emissions from the CAT C175-20 diesel engine are considered to be typical of emissions from large diesel-fired generators. Design parameters used to calculate full load heat input to the EDG and fuel consumption are summarized in the Table 1.

Table 1. Emergency Diesel Generator Design Parameters Design Parameter Unit Value Reference Diesel Generator Output kW 4,500 Assumed bounding value Generator Efficiency  % 92.0% Generator efficiency and engine efficiency were adjusted to match fuel consumption rate for the CAT 4,000 kW Generator Set and CAT Cl75-20 diesel engine Diesel Generator Input kW 4,891 Calculated (4,500 kW I 0.92)

Diesel Engine Output bhp 6,559 Calculated (1.341 hp/kW)

Diesel Engine Efficiency  % 38.3% Generator efficiency and engine efficiency were adjusted to match fuel consumption rate for the CAT 3,000 kW Generator Set and CAT C175-16 diesel engine Diesel Engine Input MMBtulhr 43.56 Calculated (6,559 bhp I 0.383) and 2544 Btulhr = 1 hp No.2 Fuel Oil Heating Value Btu/gal 141,000 Maximum Fuel Consumption gallhr 308.9 Benchmarked against Caterpillar 4,000 kW Generator Set and CAT C175-20 diesel engine Maximum Fuel Sulfur Content ppm 50 Maximum fuel sulfur content*

  • Although the EDG may fire ultra-low sulfur dtesel wtth a fuel sulfur content of 15 ppm or less, a fuel sulfur content of 50 ppm was used to provide bounding values for so2 emissions from the engine.

SL- 011348 Revision 2 Sargent: & Lundy "

  • Project No: 12885-001 Page3 2.2 NATURAL GAS-FIRED BOILER AND HEATERS Emission calculations for the natural gas-fired boiler and heaters are based on heating load estimates prepared for each building. Heating requirements for each building are based on preliminary building sizing and assumed materials of construction. The sizes and materials included in this study are not expected to represent the final design, but are intended to serve as the baseline for configuration control and value engineering analyses.

Additional engineering analyses prepared during facility design may reduce the size and heating requirements of the buildings.

The size of the Production Facility Building is based on a Layout Study prepared by Merrick & Company (Merrick, 2012). The Layout Study included three alternative layout options for the Production Facility Building.

Layout l, totaling approximately 85,000 :tt2 in size, is used in this study as it is the largest layout and therefore would have the greatest heating requirements. The Layout Study indicates that the Production Facility Building will be heated with a natural gas-fired boiler.

Heating load requirements for the other on-site buildings are based on building dimensions included in the SUPP prepared by S&L (S&L Drawing No. C-001, Rev 0). The SUPP provides bounding sizes for four additional buildings, including the Support Facility Building (150' x 100'); Administration Building (120' x 80'); Waste Staging and Shipping Building (100' x 50'); and Diesel Generator Building (50 x 30'). Heating load estimates for these four buildings assume typical one-story buildings (maximum height of 24 feet) with metal siding with 4" insulation constructed on a concrete slab. Each building is assumed to be heated with an indirect-fired natural gas heater, as is typical for this type of building construction. In an indirect heater, combustion occurs at the burner located within the combustion chamber. Heat from the burner flame is transferred to the outside surface of the combustion chamber walls by conduction, where air passing the combustion chamber is heated. Duct work and fans are used to transfer the heated air throughout the building as needed, while combustion products from the combustion chamber are vented to the outside. For this evaluation it was assumed that the flue gas vent systems will be vented by convection through the building roofs.

Heating load requirements for all buildings are based on the following assumptions:

);;> Design outdoor air temperature of -9.6 °F from ASHRAE data from Madison, WI (99.6% value);

);;> Design indoor air temperature of 72 °F (typical);

);;> Below ground temperature for Production Facility Building basement assumed to be 30 °F per ASHRAE Fundamentals 18.31;

);;> Production Facility Building outdoor air requirements are based on 6 air changes per hour using volume of the contaminated areas only;

SL- 011348 Revision 2 S.rgenl: & LLUtdy '" Project No: 12885-001 Page4

~ Outdoor air requirements for the ancillary buildings are based on 0.06 cfinlff per ASHRAE 62.1;

~ Ancillary building heat losses are calculated using U-factors (heat transmission coefficient of the building material measured as Btulhr per ff per op) based on metal siding with 4" insulation constructed on a concrete slab;

~ Building dimensions for the Production Facility Building are based on the General Arrangement drawings prepared by Merrick & Company (Layout Option 1), Drawing No. 7290_ GA_LAYOUT-1 (six drawings).

~ The Production Facility Building is assumed to have concrete walls. U-factors for the contaminated areas within the Production Facility Building are based on 12" and 48" HW concrete as shown in the General Arrangement drawings.

3 METHDOLOGY AND EVALUATION Emissions for the EDG, the natural gas-fired boiler, and the natural gas-fired heaters are estimated using either:

(1) emission rates available from equipment vendors; or (2) representative emission factors published by the U.S.

Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") in a document known as AP-42 (EPA, 1995). Emission rates and emission factors are expressed as weight of the pollutant emitted as a function of the combustion source heat input, fuel consumption, or power output (e.g., lb/MMBtu or glbhp-hr). Emission factors are generally assumed to be representative of long-term averages for similar emission sources in a given source category. Hourly full load emissions from each source are calculated by multiplying the applicable emissions factor by the full load heat input to the emission source.

3.1 FULL LOAD HEAT INPUTS Full load heat inputs to each combustion emission source are calculated based on the design parameters and assumptions outlined in Section 2. To provide bounding values for heat input and fuel consumption, heating loads required for each building were increased by approximately 25% to size the boiler and heaters. As explained in Section 2.1, the size of the EDG also includes a margin of approximately 25%. Full load heat inputs to each combustion emission source are summarized in Table 2.

SL- 011348 Revision 2 Project No: 12885-001 PageS Table 2. Combustion Emission Source Full Load Heat Inputs Calculated Heating Heat Input Used for Emission Building Load Calculations Btulhr Emergency Diesel Generator NA 43.56 MMBtulhr Diesel Engine Production Facility Building 23,603,000 30 MMBtulhr Natural Gas-Fired Boiler Support Facility Building 337,317 420,000 Btulhr Heater Administration Building 233,378 290,000 Btulhr Heater Waste Staging and Shipping Building 141 ,597 180,000 Btu/hr Heater Diesel Generator Building 57,787 72,000 Btu/hr Heater 3.2 EMISSONFACTORS Emission factors used to calculate hourly full load emissions from each combustion source are summarized in Tables 3 through 5.

Table 3. Emergency Diesel Generator- Emission Factors Emission Pollutant Units Source Factor co 0.52 g!bhp-hr CAT C175-20 Diesel Engine Data Sheet*

NOx 5.07 g!bhp-hr CAT C175-20 Diesel Engine Data Sheet*

PM (Total) 0.04 g!bhp-hr CAT C175-20 Diesel Engine Data Sheet*

voc 0.17 g!bhp-hr CAT C175-20 Diesel Engine Data Sheet*

Calculated based on maximum fuel sulfur content of so2 0.005 lb/MMBtu 50 ppm and fuel heating value of 141,000 Btu/gal.

C02 165 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.4-1 (10/96)

EmiSSions from the CAT C 175-20 d1esel engme, a vall able from Caterpillar, are expected to be typ1cal of emiSSIOns from large diesel-fired engines. Caterpillar reports that emissions data measurement procedures are consistent with those described in 40 CFR Part 89, Subparts D & E, and 1808178-1 for measuring CO, PM, NOx, and hydrocarbon emissions.

Emissions data provided above are based on 100% load steady state operating conditions of77 °F, 28.42 in. Hg, and No.2 diesel fuel with 35° API and LHV of 18,390 Btu/lb.

Table 4. Natural Gas-Fired Boiler- Emission Factors Emission Pollutant Units Source Factor AP-42 Table 1.4-1 Small Boiler (<100 MMBtulhr) co 84 lb/10 6 scf Controlled with Low-NOx Burners AP-42 Table 1.4-1 Small Boiler ( <100 MMBtu/hr)

NOx 50 lb/106 scf Controlled with Low-NOx Burners PM (Total) 7.6 lb/106 scf AP-42 Table 1.4-2 voc 5.5 lb/ 10° scf AP-42 Table 1.4-2 so2 0.6 lb/10° scf AP-42 Table 1.4-2 C02 120,000 lb/ 10° scf AP-42 Table 1.4-2

SL- 011348 Revision 2 Project No: 12885-001 Page6 Table 5. Natural Gas-Fired Heaters- Emission Factors Emission Pollutant Units Source Factor AP-42 Table 1.4-1 Residential Furnaces co 40 lb/10 6 scf

(<0.3 MMBtulhr) 6 AP-42 Table 1.4-1 Residential Furnaces NOx 94 lb/10 scf

(<0.3 MMBtulhr)

PM (Total) 7.6 lb/10" scf AP-42 Table 1.4-2 voc 5.5 lb/10" scf AP-42 Table 1.4-2 so2 0.6 lb/10 6 scf AP-42 Table 1.4-2 C02 120,000 lb/10 6 scf AP-42 Table 1.4-2 4 RESULTS 4.1 EMISSIONS AND STACK CHARACTERISTICS Emissions and stack characteristics for each emission source, based on the design parameters, assumptions, and emission factors summarized above, are provided for each combustion source in Tables 6 through 11 (at the end ofthis section).

Exhaust characteristics for the EDG are estimated based on heat input to the source, fuel consumption, and combustion calculations assuming 25% excess combustion air. Exhaust gas temperatures for the EDG are based on data in the CAT C 175-20 Diesel Engine Technical Data Sheet, and the calculated exhaust gas flow rates are benchmarked against exhaust flow data included in the CAT technical data sheet.

Exhaust characteristics for the Production Facility Building natural gas-fired boiler are estimated based on heat input to the source, fuel consumption, and combustion calculations assuming 25% excess combustion air.

Exhaust gas temperatures for the natural gas-fired boiler are based on temperature data provided by boiler vendors for other similar projects. Exhaust from the natural gas-fired boiler will be vented to the atmosphere through a vertical stack approximately 8 feet higher than the highest point of the roof of the Production Facility Building Exhaust characteristics for the indirect-fired heaters are based on information available from equipment vendors for packaged indirect-fired heaters. Vertical convection stack vents equipped with a rain cap are assumed for each natural gas-fired heater. Each stack is assumed to be 5 feet higher than the highest point of the roof of the building. Note that although all of the buildings were conservatively assumed to be 24 feet high in order to provide a bounding estimate of heating requirements, more realistic building-specific stack heights are shown in Tables 8 through 11 for input to air quality modeling. Natural gas heater information sources referenced for this

SL-011348 Revision 2 Project No: 12885-001 Page7 evaluation include: "The Reznor Gas-Fired Space Heating Handbook" published for Reznot HVAC Equipment (Reznor, 2002), and Hastings HVAC Bulletin No. IRHS-1, December 2011.

Exhaust characteristics for gaseous effluents from the isotope production process were provided by Merrick &

Company in its response to RFI S&L-2012-0042, Revision I. Exhaust from the process will be vented to the atmosphere through a vertical stack approximately 8 feet higher than the highest point of the roof of the Production Facility Building. The exhaust characteristics provided by Merrick & Company and stack characteristics estimated by S&L are summarized in Table 12.

4.2 GASEOUS EFFLUENT CONTROL SYSTEMS Emission calculations included in this evaluation are intended to provide bounding values for emissions from combustion sources at the SHINE isotope production facility. As such, emission calculations assume that emissions will be limited using standard combustion controls, but do not assume the installation of post-combustion control systems.

The diesel generator specified for the SHINE production facility will be required to meet all applicable New Source Performance Standards (NSPS, 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart 1111) and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP, 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart ZZZZ). The NSPS and NESHAP standards applicable to the diesel generator will depend upon several design parameters and operating variables which have not yet been established, including the year the engine is manufactured, size of the engine, displacement (Licyl),

speed (rpm), annual hours of operation, and classification of the facility as a major or area source of hazardous air pollutants. Therefore, diesel engine emissions for this evaluation are based on published emissions data for a CAT C175-20 engine, which are expected to be typical of emissions from large diesel-fired engines with no post-combustion emission control systems.

Emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) from the natural gas-fired boiler will be controlled using low NOx burners (LNB), which are standard equipment on most new boilers manufactured in the United States. LNBs limit NOx formation by controlling both the stoichiometric and temperature profiles of the combustion flame in each burner flame envelope. This control is achieved with design features that regulate the aerodynamic distribution and mixing of the fuel and air, yielding reduced oxygen in the primary combustion zone, reduced flame temperature, and reduced residence time at peak combustion temperatures. The combination of these techniques produces lower NOx emissions during the combustion process. Post-combustion air quality control systems are not anticipated for the natural gas-fired boiler, as natural gas is an inherently clean fuel with minimal sulfur dioxide (S0 2) and particulate matter (PM) emissions.

SL- 011348 Revision 2 Project No: 12885-001 PageS Emissions from the natural gas-fired heaters will be controlled using combustion controls and properly designed and tuned burners. Gas burners come in a great variety of shapes, sizes, and designs. Typical gas burners found in indirect-fired heaters are the ribbon-port type, which vary in length and in port sizes, and may employ a single ribbon or many ribbons depending on the volume of gas to be burned (Reznor, 2002). The emission calculations assume properly designed and tuned burners, with a proper balance of primary air and secondary air to ensure complete combustion. Post-combustion air quality control systems are not anticipated for the natural gas-fired heaters, as natural gas is an inherently clean fuel with minimal S02 and PM emissions.

4.3 PLUME VISffiiLITY CHARACTERISTICS Plume visibility, or opacity, from the natural gas-fired boiler and heaters is expected to be minimal. Because natural gas is a gaseous fuel, filterable PM emissions which generally contribute to plume visibility are expected to be very low. PM emissions associated with natural gas combustion are usually larger molecular weight hydrocarbons that are not fully combusted; thus increased PM emissions can result from poor air/fuel mixing or maintenance problems (EPA, 1995, Section 1.4, pg. 1.4). With proper burner maintenance and tuning, opacity associated with the natural gas-fired boiler and heaters is expected to be minimal.

White, blue, and black smoke can be emitted from diesel-fired engines (EPA, 1995, Section 3.4, pg. 3.4-3).

Liquid particles can appear as white smoke in the exhaust during an engine cold start, idling, or low load operation. These emissions are formed in the quench layer adjacent to the engine's cylinder walls, where the temperature is not high enough to ignite the fuel. Blue smoke can be emitted when lubricating oil leaks into the combustion chamber and is partially burned. Proper maintenance is the most effective method of preventing blue smoke emissions from all types of internal combustion engines. The primary constituent of black smoke is agglomerated carbon particles or soot. Proper engine maintenance and combustion controls will minimize particulate matter emissions and limit opacity from the EDG. Opacity is expected to be less than 5% at all times, excluding, potentially, periods of startup.

SL- 011348 Revision 2 Sargent: & Lundy "< Project No: 12885-001 Page9 Table 6. Emergency Diesel Generator - Emissions Equivalent Hourly Heat Input Pollutant Emission Rates Source Emissions Emission Factor (grams/bhp-hr) (lb/hr) (lb/MMBtu)

CAT C 175-20 Diesel co 0.52 Engine Technical Data 7.5 0 .17 Sheet CAT Cl75-20 Diesel NOx: 5.07 Engine Technical Data 73.3 1.68 Sheet CAT C 175-20 Diesel PM 0.04 Engine Technical Data 0.55 0.013 Sheet CAT Cl75-20 Diesel HC(VOC) 0.17 Engine Technical Data 2.51 0.058 Sheet Calculated based on so2 O.Ql5 maximum fuel sulfur 0.22 0.005 content of 50 ppm AP-42 (I 0/96)

C02 497 7,187 165 Table 3.4-1 STACK CHARACTERISTICS Approximate stack height based on vendor data. Stack Elevation feet above grade 22 height can be adjusted.

Horizontal /

Exhaust Orientation Vertical Assumed vertical exhaust with no rain cap.

Vertical Calculated based on exhaust gas flow rate and assumed Inside Diameter inches 27 exhaust velocity Benchmarked against exhaust gas flow for CAT CI75-20 Exhaust Flow actin 34,621 Diesel Engine.

OF Benchmarked against exhaust gas flow for CAT C175-20 Exhaust Temperature 885 Diesel Engine Exhaust Velocity ftlsec 150 Assumed

SL- 011348 Revision 2 Sargent & Lundy "

  • Project No: 12885-001 Page 10 Table 7. Production Facility Building Natural Gas-Fired Boiler- Emissions Estimated based on preliminary Design Firing Rate: 30.0 MMBtulhr building sizing and materials of construction plus 25% design margin Heating Value for Natural Gas: 1,020 Btu/scf AP-42 Table 1.4-1 Maximum Fuel Firing Rate: 29,412 scf7hr Calculated Emission Hourly Emissions Pollutant Units Source Factor (lb/hr) (lb/MMBtu)

AP-42 co 84 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-1 2.47 0.082 (7/98)

AP-42 NOx 50 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-1 1.48 0.049 (7/98)

AP-42 PMIO (filterable) 1.9 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-2 0.06 0.0020 (7/98)

AP-42 PMIO (total) 7.6 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-2 0.22 0.0073 (7/98)

AP-42 voc 5.5 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-2 0.16 0.0053 (7/98)

AP-42 so2 0.6 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-2 O.QJ8 0.0006 (7/98)

AP-42 C02 120,000 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-2 3,529 117.6 (7/98)

STACK CHARACTERISTICS Provided in S&L Building Elevations Drawing SA-22001, Elevation feet above grade 66 Revision B.

Horizontal /

Exhaust Orientation Vertical Assumed vertical exhaust with no rain cap.

Vertical Provided in S&L Building Elevations Drawing SA-22001, Inside Diameter inches 20 Revision B Approximate full load exhaust gas flow based on natural gas Exhaust Flow acfm 14,450 consumption.

Exhaust Temperature OF 585 Based on boiler vendor data Exhaust Velocity ftlsec 110.4 Calculated

SL- 011348 Revision 2 Sargel"'ll: & Lundy "< Project No: 12885-001 Page 11 Table 8. Administration Building Natural Gas-Fired Heater- Emissions Estimated based on preliminary building Estimated Heating Load: 233,278 Btulhr size and materials of construction Heating load plus a design margin of Design Firing Rate; 290,000 Btulhr approximately 25% to provide bounding value Heating Value for Natural Gas: 1,020 Btu/scf AP-42 Table 1.4-1 Firing Rate: 284.3 scflhr Calculated Emission Hourly Emissions Pollutant Units Source Factor (lb/hr) (lb/MMBtu)

AP-42 co 40 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-1 0.011 0.038 (Residential Furnace)


AP-42 NOx 94 lb/ 106 scf Table 1.4-1 0.027 0.093 (Residential Furnace)


AP-42 PMIO (filterable) 1.9 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-2 0.0005 0.002 (7/98)

AP-42 PMIO (total) 7.6 lb/ 106 scf Table 1.4-2 0.0022 0.008 (7/98)

AP-42 voc 5.5 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-2 0.0016 0.006 (7/98)

AP-42 so2 0.6 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-2 0.00017 0.0006 (7/98)

AP-42 C02 120,000 lb/10 6 scf Table 1.4-2 34.1 117.6 (7/98)

STACK CHARACTERISTICS Based on Administration Building height of 16 feet and heater Elevation feet above grade 21 exhaust height of 5 feet above roof Horizontal I Exhaust Orientation Vertical Assumed vertical exhaust with rain cap Vertical Inside Diameter inches 5.0 Typical exhaust vent outlet for 200,000 to 300,000 Btulhr heater*

Approximate full load exhaust gas flow rate based on natural gas Exhaust Fan Flow acfm 180 combustion Exhaust Temperature OF 160 Assumed for indirect-fired natural gas heater Exhaust Velocity ftlsec 22 Calculated

.. for the mdtrect-fired

  • Exhaust charactensttcs heaters were based on mforrnatmn avwlable from equtpment vendors for packaged tndtrect-fired heaters. Information sources include: "The Reznor Gas-Fired Space Heating Handbook" published for Reznor HVAC Equipment (Reznor, 2002), and Hastings HVAC Bulletin No. IRHS-1, December 2011.

SL- 011348 Revision 2 Project No: 12885-001 Page 12 Table 9. Support Facility Building Natural Gas-Fired Heater- Emissions Estimated based on preliminary building Estimated Heating Load: 337,317 Btu/hr size and materials of construction Heating load plus a design margin of Design Firing Rate; 420,000 Btu/hr approximately 25% to provide bounding value Heating Value for Natural Gas: 1,020 Btu/scf AP-42 Table 1.4-1 Firing Rate: 411.8 scflhr Calculated Emission Hourly Emissions Pollutant Units Source Factor (lb/hr) (lb/MMBtu)

AP-42 co 40 lb/ 106 scf Table 1.4-1 0.016 0.038 (Residential Furnace)


AP-42 NOx 94 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-l 0.039 0.093 (Residential Furnace)


AP-42 PMIO (filterable) 1.9 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-2 0.0008 0.002 (7198)

AP-42 PMIO (total) 7.6 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-2 0.0031 0.007 (7198)

AP-42 voc 5.5 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-2 0.0023 0.005 (7198)

AP-42 so2 0.6 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-2 0.00025 0.0006 (7198)

AP-42 C02 120,000 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-2 49.4 117.6 (7198)

STACK CHARACTERISTICS Based on Support Facility Building height of2l feet and heater Elevation feet above grade 26 exhaust height of 5 feet above roof Horizontal /

Exhaust Orientation Vertical Assumed vertical exhaust with rain cap Vertical Inside Diameter inches 6.0 Typical exhaust vent outlet for > 300,000 Btu/hr heater*

Approximate full load exhaust gas flow rate based on natural gas Exhaust Fan Flow acfm 260 combustion Exhaust Temperature oF 160 Assumed for indirect-fired natural gas heater Exhaust Velocity ftlsec 22 Calculated

  • Exhaust charactensttcs for the mdtrect-fired heaters were based on mformat10n avrulable from equtpment vendors for packaged mdtrect-fired heaters. Information sources include: "The Reznor Gas-Fired Space Heating Handbook" published for Reznor HV AC Equipment (Reznor, 2002), and Hastings HVAC Bulletin No. IRHS-l, December 20 II.

SL- 011348 Revision 2 Sargent& Lundy *** Project No: 12885-001 Page 13 Table 10. Waste Staging & Shipping Building Natural Gas-Fired Heater- Emissions Estimated based on preliminary building Estimated Heating Load: 141,597 Btu/hr size and materials of construction Heating load plus a design margin of Design Firing Rate; 180,000 Btu/hr approximately 25% to provide bounding value Heating Value for Natural Gas: 1,020 Btu/scf AP-42 Table 1.4-1 Firing Rate: 176.5 scf/hr Calculated Emission Hourly Emissions Pollutant Units Source Factor (lblbr) (lb/MMBtu)

AP-42 co 40 lb/ 106 scf Table 1.4-1 0.007 0.039 (Residential Furnace)


AP-42 NOx 94 lb/ 106 scf Table 1.4-1 0.01 7 0.094 (Residential Furnace)


AP-42 PMIO (filterable) 1.9 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-2 0.0003 0.002 (7/98)

AP-42 PM 10 (total) 7.6 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-2 0,.0013 0.007 (7/98)

AP-42 voc 5.5 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-2 0.0010 0.006 (7/98)

AP-42 so2 0.6 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-2 0.000011 0.0006 (7/98)

AP-42 co2 120,000 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-2 21.2 117.8 (7/98)

STACK CHARACTERISTICS Based on Waste Staging & Shipping Building height of 18 feet and Elevation feet above grade 23 heater exhaust height of 5 feet above roof Horizontal I Exhaust Orientation Vertical Assumed vertical exhaust with rain cap Vertical Inside Diameter inches 4.0 Typical exhaust vent outlet for <200,000 heater*

Approximate full load exhaust gas flow rate based on natural gas Exhaust Fan Flow acfm 120 combustion Exhaust Temperature OF 160 Assumed for indirect-fired natural gas heater Exhaust Velocity ftlsec 23 Calculated

  • Exhaust charactenstlcs for the mdtrect-fired heaters were based on mformatton avatlable from eqmpment vendors for packaged mdtrect-fired heaters. Information sources include: "The Reznor Gas-Fired Space Heating Handbook" published for Reznor HVAC Equipment (Reznor, 2002), and Hastings HVAC Bulletin No. IRHS-1, December 20 II.

SL- 011348 Revision 2 Sargent & Lundy "' Project No: 12885-001 Page 14 Table 11. Diesel Generator Building Natural Gas-Fired Heater- Emissions Estimated based on preliminary building Estimated Heating Load: 57,987 Btulhr size and materials of construction Maximum heat input required plus 25%

Design Firing Rate; 72,000 Btulhr design margin Heating Value for Natural Gas: 1,020 Btu/scf AP-42 Table 1.4-1 Firing Rate: 70.6 scf/hr Calculated Emission Hourly Emissions Pollutant Units Source Factor (lb/hr) (lb/MMBtu)

AP-42 co 40 lb/ 106 scf Table 1.4-1 0.003 0.042 (Residential Furnace)


AP-42 NOx 94 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-1 0.007 0.097 (Residential Furnace)


AP-42 PMIO (filterable) 1.9 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-2 0.0001 0.001 (7/98)

AP-42 PMIO (total) 7.6 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-2 0.0005 0.007 (7/98)

AP-42 voc 5.5 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-2 0.0004 0.006 (7/98)

AP-42 so2 0.6 lb/106 scf Table 1.4-2 0.00004 0.0006 (7/98)

AP-42 C02 120,000 lb/ 106 scf Table 1.4-2 8.5 118.1 (7/98)

STACK CHARACTERISTICS Based on Diesel Generator Building height of 17 feet and heater Elevation feet above grade 22 exhaust height of 5 feet above roof Horizontal /

Exhaust Orientation Vertical Assumed vertical exhaust with rain cap Vertical Inside Diameter inches 4.0 Typical exhaust vent outlet for <200,000 heater*

Approximate full load exhaust gas flow rate based on natural gas Exhaust Fan Flow acfin 60 combustion Exhaust Temperature OF 160 Assumed for indirect-fired natural gas heater Exhaust Velocity ft!sec II Calculated

  • Exhaust charactensttcs for the mdtrect-fired heaters were based on mforrnatton avwlable from equtpment vendors for packaged mdtrect-fired heaters. Information sources include: "The Reznor Gas-Fired Space Heating Handbook" published for Reznor HVAC Equipment (Reznor, 2002), and Hastings HVAC Bulletin No. IRHS-1, December 2011.

SL- 011348 Revision 2 Sergent: & Lund~" " Project No: 12885-001 Page 15 Table 12. Isotope Production Process- Emissions Maximum Emissions*

Pollutant (lb/hr) (lb/year) co None None NOx <3.1 <6,000 PMlO (filterable) None None PMIO (total) None None voc <0.05 < 100 so2 None None H2S04 <0.05 <50

  • EmissiOn estimates provided m Memck & Company response to RFI S&L-2012-0042, Revision 1.

STACK CHARACTERISTICS Provided in S&L Building Elevations Drawing SA-22001, Elevation feet above grade 66 Revision B.

Horizontal /

Exhaust Orientation Vertical Assumed vertical exhaust with no rain cap.

Vertical Provided in S&L Building Elevations Drawing SA-22001, Inside Diameter inches 56 Revision B.

Provided in Merrick & Company Calculation 7290-HC-27-001, Exhaust Flow acfin 53,251 Revision C.

Exhaust Temperature OF 104 Estimated Exhaust Velocity ftlsec 51.9 Calculated

SL- 011348 Revision 2 Project No: 12885-001 Page 16 REFERENCES EPA, 1995. "Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors - Volume 1: Stationary Point and Areas Sources", U.S.EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Fifth Edition, January 1995 ("AP-42").

Hastings, 2011 . "Bulletin IRHS-1 ", Hastings HVAC, August 2011 Merrick & Company, 2012. "SHINE Medical Isotope Production Facility Layout Study", 7290-RP-004 Revision A, Prepared by Merrick & Company for SHINE Medical Technologies, Inc., April27, 2012.

Reznor, 2002. "The Reznor Gas-Fired Space Heating Handbook", Thomas & Betts Corp., 2002.